HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/25/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 25, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Buckner, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson to excuse Councilmember Hendricks from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Linda Countryman, Brandon Mauseth and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he had contacted the property owners adjacent to City Hall regarding the City's interest in possibly purchasing their property for expansion of City Hall. He indicated the property owners were interested to know when and if the City would have a decision regarding the purchase. Mayor Lacy said he had talked to staff regarding the status of an analysis that will give us an idea of costs for the expansion of City Hall on the adjacent property. He said staff would have the analysis completed prior to the next Council Meeting. Mayor Lacy encouraged Council to make their presence known during the 5`h Annual Wings & Wheels Festival being held the first weekend in October. He said there will be a Welcome Reception for the Misawa, Japan Delegates which will be held at City Hall on Thursday, October 0, at 12:00 P.M. He also invited Council to attend a send off dinner for the Delegation at his home on Sunday evening. Mayor Lacy said he attended the Washington State Transportation Commission meeting held on Tuesday, September 18`h. He said Dennis Johnson, Mayor, City of Wenatchee; Russell Clark, Mayor, City of Rock Island, and he gave a joint presentation regarding local transportation challenges and needs. He added on September 19`h, he attended a breakfast meeting with the Douglas County Commissioners and the Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT), and Washington State Transportation Commission regarding the process they anticipate going through for divesting themselves of the riverfront properties. He said they described a process that could take five years or longer to do and if the City has an interest in some of that property for development of public use which will take a lot of money to make it happen, the City should start looking into funding sources. DEPARTMENT REPORT Interim Street Superintendent Mauseth said the Columbia River Hog Chapter #2262 will be holding a Toy Parade, on Saturday, October 13, 2007. He said the west southbound lane of Valley Mall Parkway in front of the Clearwater Steakhouse will be closed for staging of approximately 140-200 motorcycles from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00. The parade will start promptly at 10:00 a.m. and the East Wenatchee Police will be on hand for traffic control at 91h Street and Valley Mall Parkway, and also at 19`h Street and SR 28. z aqi papuauiu suq oiniuisiSo-I aqi `SOOZ ooulS •sluawano.idwi uoillalaodsuwj punj of sluawu13no2 Ilaooi loj uoildo uu su (Qgi,) lo!.iislQ Igouag uoillal.iodsupil, v paiva.io aanluisl2ag p!las Jou3iong .iogwowi!ounoD S,LHOd3N liliNfIOJ 0-9 `Paia.reo uogow aqZ 'ZO-LOOZ # uuid ails 2u!pulq poomai2uu jL aqi of ivaoufpu fl.iodoad loj luawa312u iulai!woouoo u uo ainipu2is s,loStW oql ort.ioglnu pup sivawano.idwi 3o ip.i.iajap aqi anolddu of uosugo f .iogwowi!ounoo Xq puooas `.tauxong iagwawi!ounoD Xq aplaw sum uoilow d :uollaV i!aunoj •siuoX SI loj oopid u! oq IT!m goigm luowooiSu luul!woouoo la u2is Isnw f%j!o aqi pup iuumiddu aqi `luauuaJap aqi sano.iddu pounoo A pappu aqS •loofoid uoilonilsuoo ppol mau u spuls XI!D oql uagm wagl opol of anpq uagl puu `mou auop sluawanoidwi oql anpq of osuas z)luw iou pinom i! plus aqS •(dIZ) wu'20'd Iuawano.idwj uo►lui_todsuujl JUZA-9 s,fi1!0 aqI uo s! go!gM 3N Iaa.ilS 4,61 of sivawanoidwi loj si isonba.i iva.ta3ap aqI p!ps aqS •situn uai jo Iuiol p ioj swniuiwopuoo 31,14s asnoqumol antis juiluop!sai I!un-oml Mg ioniisuoo of pup `ssaooid uuid ails 2uipu!q agIu!sn ,tliadoid aql ap!n!p of uotlpotiddp up pall!wgns anpq pup swn!utwopuoo 2u!Is!xa aqi jo lspa loi aqi pasugoind `Dgg spu32a-I uo,tuuo puuS plus liauiug lopwi(j IuawdoianaQ ,tltunwwoD •luowooj2t, luuitwoouoo u u2is of .io,CuW oql ao3 uo!Iuziloginp pup uuid ol!s 2ulpulq poom3l2uuZ oql aoj gN Iaa.ilS y16I of sluawano.idwi loj Isonboi JUM;)Jap la Jo Iuno.zddd 90-60-LO •0-9 `PoInuo uoliow oq,L •sluauinoop faussaoou oql ainooxo of .ioXvW aqI oz!ioglnu pup luawaai27a uoisualxa aqi anoaddu of:pnoDoW .iagwawilounoo Xq puooas !li!MaQ .tagwawitounoo Xq opuui slam uoilow d :uolloV I!aunoa •luowooau mau p aoj swaai olu!io2au of suollpolunwwoD .iol.tugo pup �tliO aql Molip I[iM gotgm `nnX ipuo!l!ppu up ioj uo!suaixa up si sigi plus uosinod �Cauiollfi �!� suoilpo!unwwoO .talipgD ql!M luawaaISV uotsualxg aslLloula.i3 U Jo Ilanoiddd VO-60-LO SL all NOI.LOd '0-9 `poinuo uoilow oql •poluosa.id sp upu32u luasuoo oql anoiddu of quu-tj ngwawitounoD Xq puooas `uosugor .iaquiawi!ounoD Xq apuui sum uoilow d :uollaV i!aunoD •pap!oA a.iam LOLSZ gOno-igl bOLSZ s.iogwnu luuuum IloiXud 'LOOZ isn5nV jo gluow agi ao3 `LOOZ `S-iogwoldaS p!pd `Lt'i7Z8`08Z$ 30 lunowu Iulol aql u! `i£000 g2no-igl Z1000 s.iagwnu luu.uum Ilo.iXud I!sodop loolip pup LZ85Z ggnolgl 989SZ slogwnu IuuiluM IloiXud ano.iddu saop i!ounoD 'pap!oA aaaM ZIZ61 Pup `i6i6I `06I61 saagwnu IupireM 'Z8'Zi£`ZiZ$30lunowla iuiol agl u! 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He added the TBD exists solely for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, providing, and funding "transportation improvements" within the district. Mayor Lacy said during his recent meetings with the Washington State Transportation Commission it was stated that when it comes to allocating dollars in the State, they would not look favorably on an area that had not done everything it could to take advantage of its local options. If the City plans to apply for any future funding and have not taken advantage of the local options that the Legislature has provided us to do, funding for local projects may be in a deficit position every time the City makes an application. The City also needs to consider how many unfunded projects they have on their Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that they have not been able to proceed with. Councilmember Buckner discussed some of the frequently asked questions regarding a Transportation Benefit District, and submitted a calculation of estimated annual revenue by jurisdiction for various fee increments. Councilmember Buckner said he would not be available to attend the Economic Development District (EDD) meeting, the North Central Washington Resource and Conservation Development Council (NCW RC&D) meeting, and the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council (WVTC) meeting in October and asked if the alternate representatives would be available to attend those meetings during his absence. Councilmember Buckner submitted committee meeting minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Board meeting held on July 31, 2007. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District Board of Health meeting held on August 20, 2007. ADJOURNMENT — 7:23 p.m. Dana Barnard'