HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/11/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember McCourt, and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Joan Sims, Catalina Garibay, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation designating the month of October I" through October 31", 2007, as United Way Month in Chelan and Douglas Counties. CITIZEN COMMENTS Alan Smith, 481 15t' Street NE, expressed concerns for potential flooding to his property as a result of structural changes to the right-of-way in front of his driveway resulting from the recent road construction. Mr. Smith asked Council to consider his request for a review of the facts and circumstances concerning replacing (or partial funding) the retaining wall and completing improvements to the right-of-way, and acknowledging his concerns about other features of the project. He invited Council to come to his home and view these concerns. Mayor Lacy said he has looked at the concerns identified by Mr. Smith along with City Attorney Poulson, and had spoken with Mr. Goodman prior to his retirement. He said his concern with these types of projects is that people understand that what happens on City right-of-way. People often utilize the City right-of-way as they choose and generally the City says nothing about it as it does not do the City any harm until they need the right-of-ways to build on, or make changes to it. However, that does not create any rights of the citizenry in the right-of-ways and it is not the City's obligation to provide citizens with surface material in the right-of-way that allows them to landscape. He added the other issue is whether or not the City has created a situation in which we have either diverted, or further diverted runoff that could cause damage, or further damage to an individual's property. If that is the case it would be a concern on all our parts because diverting an existing water course regardless of how the water source was created in the first place could make it worse, or cause damage to an individual's property which could create a liability situation to a municipality. Mayor Lacy and Council discussed options of creating a berm along the right-of-way to help ease Mr. Smiths concerns. Community Development Director Barnett suggested having the Engineer look at the construction plans and evaluate the property to see if there is a problem and if there is, have the Engineer come up with a solution. z oq X-ew oluwtlso Ioofold oql Iugl u.iaouoo si a.iagl pres aH '00'tLL`59Z`Z$ suns loofoid aqI ololdwoo of Isoo poluwilso aqI `500Z IsnSnd uI '00'Z£L`589$ oq Itpm uoiingt.iluoo s,/ItO oql `gons sd •f%4tO aqI of 114unoo aqI wog loofold luawaousqua aqI do digs.iaumo aqJ 8uiBuugo aopuioo anuand fCxonlua)J aqI Bulpnlout sltwil AI►D u.ialsuo aqI pagsilqulsm uoiluxouuu 900Z oqL •anuand Xjonlua)J uo loofo.id Juawanoidwi Iaasls u luawaldwi of (d`dfl) wul2oid Juilalid uugafl (ql L) p.reog luawan,o.idwJ uoijapodsutu L aqI g2noigl fuipund ioj pailddu Xjunoo sslgnoCl `SOOZ Isn$nd ui plus glasniaW Juopualuilodns IaajjS wualuj •uuo3 uoiluziaoglny 31ss J, oql ais of loXLW aqJ oziioglnu puu loofol(I anuand fjOMua)J aqJ jo sisXluuu Isoo u lonpuoo of 8uinoui2ug ZH-d ioj uoiluzi.ioglnd I0-60-LO shall NOIIJV '0-L `poi.uuo uoilow oq L •poluosaid su upuafu luasuoo aqI Idopu of gsu-J aagwougiounoD Xq puooas `uosugo f .iagwowliounoD Xq apuw suns uoiloui d :uoilaV punoa •papion alarm S895Z g2inojgl Z89SZ puu `0895Z `8L9SZ g2nolgl 9L95Z `bL95Z `£L95Z `0995Z `9S95Z `£595Z g2no.igl 8t795Z `8£9SZ slogwnu luui um Jlo.zfCud 'LOOZ AInf jo gluow aqI .ioj `LOOZ `£ lsnBnd piud `09'9ZS`8LZ$JO Iunowu lulol oql ut `I 1000 g2nolgl 10000 sngwnu Ius.uunn IIoiXtd Jisodop lowip puu S89SZ g2noigl 085SZ s.iaquinu Iurilunn IloiXud an,o.iddu saop Itounoo •papion alarm I£J6I gOnolgl 0£I61 Puu `61I61 `0116I `L9061 saagwnu IuuuuM 'IL'L£0`£OZ$ 3o Iunowu Iulol aql ui L916I g2no-iql 96061 s.iagwnu Juu.i.iunn an,oidds saop pounoo `LOOZ `I I -iagwaldaS `alup sigl jo sd •ItounoD of alqultunu apuw uaaq suq goignn tuilsiI u ui pop.i000i uaaq anuq 060'bZ'Zb MO2I Xq paainba.i su pog!:pQo swiulo luowasingwioi osuadxo asogl puu 080'tbZ'Zb MO?I Xq paunba.i su iaogjo Ouilipnu aqI Xq pogtliao puu poltpns s.iatlonon sllig3o uoiluiapisuo0 Z LOOZ `8Z Isn2nd `uoissaS iujn&-d — salnuiWjo uoilu.iopisuoD • J 2IdQNd'IVD .LN21SN03 '0-L `Painuo uoilow oql •,,f4iodoid luag uodfl .ialug o L Ituuad„ aqI olnooxa of loxvw aqI ozi ioglnu of :pnoDoW .iogwawliounoo Xq puooas `liugwug iagwawliounoD Xq apuw suns uoilow d :uoilad Itounoa -A4jodoid oqljo luawdolanap aqI 2ui.inp 2ui.ids oql ui uiuw pai.inq luouuuuad u llulsui uagl lPm /�4tO aqI pappu OH •loafoid aduospuul s,,cItO aqI alu21.111 of aulJ pusl.zano Xiu.iodwal u llulsui of sn nnollu Ipm Iiw.iad oql JugJ paluls OH -800Z 30 Ouilds aqJ ui �fuijnjs Xpadoid lugl 2uidolanap oq of fto2 si wojj soiugs uoildini .ino lag of 2uloB On ann goignn w iaumo fgiodo.id aqI Ares OJT •anuand luowlsug pus EN IaailS y,6Is loofoid aduospuul aql .ioj ,Xljodoid lua-J uodfl .ialug oZ Itw.iad« u uo a.zn4uu2ls s,ao,CL'W oql oziloglnu of Itounoo paNsu glasnuW luopualuizadnS hails wiloluJ ,L2IOdau .LN2[W LHvdaQ •aalliwwoD Ja2png 800Z aqI of .ioulong .iagwowltounoD puu `:pnoD3W .iagwawltounog `sNoi.ipuOH .iagwawliounoD paluioddu AouJ .iokeW LUOdHH S42IOAVW LOOZ `i 12IggWgLdgS SMANIW 'IIDNMOO E19HOIVNaAc ISV9 AO ALIO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 out of date and staff believes it would be in the best interest of the city to authorize RH2 Engineering to conduct an analysis of the project and revise the 2005 cost estimate. He added the estimated cost to complete the analysis is $8,000.00. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart to authorize the Mayor to sign the Task Authorization Form. The motion carried, 7-0. RESOLUTION 07-09-02 A resolution establishing a petty cash fund for the East Wenatchee Events Department. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember McCourt to adopt the resolution establishing a petty cash fund for the East Wenatchee Events Department. The motion carried, 7-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO. 2007-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A PETTY CASH FUND FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE EVENTS DEPARTMENT 07-09-03 A resolution establishing a petty cash fund for the Events Department to be used during City events and festivals. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember DeWitt to adopt the resolution establishing a petty cash fund for the East Wenatchee Events Department to be used during City Events and Festivals. The motion carried, 7-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO. 2007-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A PETTY CASH FUND FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE EVENTS DEPARTMENT TO USE DURING CITY EVENTS AND FESTIVALS. DISCUSSION ITEMS 07-09-04 A discussion regarding a potential amendment to the sign standards in the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, Chapter 17.74 relating to "changing message center" signs. Mayor Lacy said he is sympathetic to solve the problem of the Eastmont School District regarding their purchase of a message center sign which is not an allowable use in the City of East Wenatchee. He said the City does not want to hold up the project, however, the sign purchased by the School District has the capabilities to do what it needs to without violating the City code. b IjQlD ,(I!D p.iuu.ing uuu(I -pwjy7 Mq 'w'd SS:L—.LNHWKHfl0fQb 'LOOZ `6 XInf Ptaq SuilaaW piuog Ou!uiano[) (QC[) f4!l!qusiQ luluowdolanaQ aqI pus (NS?IQo) j1omlaN lioddnS luuoisa-d suiSnoQ uulago oql Tuoij solnui u pall!Tugns II!MaQ .Taquiauil!ouno3 'LOOZ `ZI Xlnf uo plaq Ouijoo I (DLAM) I!ounoo uo!IuliodsuujL XaIIuA aagoluuaM oql Tuo.g solnui a palltuigns oslu OH 'LOOZ `8 Isn2nd uo plaq �iuilaoW (QaBog MON) I!ounoD IuauidolanaQ uoiluAnsuoD puu ooanosa-j uol2ucgsuM luguao gjjoN aqI puu 2ui oow (Q(jg) lolxlsiQ luauidolanaQ olTuouooH u012u!gsnM luiluaD glioN aqI iuoaj salnului poll!uigns jo"ong .Taquiauq!ounoZ) •2uipuoliu oq ll!m oq go!gm ZI bolt ialdaS uo sloofoid uaan agp!ig .inllaS AloaD .ioluuaS aql ioj osnoq undo uu 2uiploq s! uo!IulioXusiZ 3o luauil.iudaQ 31721S uol2u!gsuM plus ,Cost aoAW S.L2IOd32I IIIaNf100 •L•t, — g•}, sa.inp000id put, satoilod I3uuos.i3d3o lunuuW aqi oI io `8Z•Z ialdugD apoD lud!o!unW aagoluuaM Isug aqj of so2uugo ql!m poaooid of lou snsuosuoo Xq pap!oap puu Xollod puu apoo luauno aqI pamalAoi pounoD mollad I!aunoD -food .ioloTu aqI ummuui of o!uugoauz u oiiq Xlq!ssod of puu salolgaA poumo Xj!o jo aaquinu oql &Tssa.ioui `food .ioloul u anuq of XI!D aqI olquuo of pun3 (-ja8gg) luom3ouldo-d ag Iulua-d luaazdlnbg aqI 2ulpunj lu Tool pinoo ,CI!D oql poppu OH •salolgaA Jo aouuualuluui put, asn aoj olqul!sns salolgaA ,Clio Jo )foul aqI possnoslp 3Juls plus OH 'a0uuuIP10 luauno aqI ma!Aaa pus suoildo luaaag!p ssnoslp of jjuis of onssi aql ig2noiq oq 2upoz)w Iugl lu plaq uolssnosip pounoD uo posuq plus OH 'salotgaA aluAIld jo asn oql .To3 sluauias.inqui!a.i of posoddo su salo!gaA f4!o aql jo asn 2utNiaw Xq aallaq Ia5pnq oql 32uuuui of All of sum oouuuip.To agI3o osodind aql plus off •2ullaam I!ouno:) `LOOZ `8Z IsnOnd oql lu plaq sum Iuauiasingw!a.T a2ual!Tu of 2upula.i apoo ludiolunW aagoluuaM Isug aql of salupdn 2ulplOol oouuuipio uu jo 2uipuai ls.ig plus Xou7 ao,f W 'lann.Tl gulpau201 L'I7 -g•{, `sainpaoo.id puu sa!ollod lauuos.iod jo lsnuuIN oql puu «Iuawas.inqui!a.i o2uopw, 8Z'Z loidugD apoo ludlo!unW aagoluuaM Isug of alupdn luiluolod u �iuipiv�?w uoissnosip d 50-60-LO 'O-L `Pai.uuo uoiloTu aqZ •uoilupuauiui000i u aaudoid uoissiwwoo Buiuuuld oqi isonbai pup t7L'LI nidugo apoD Iud!o!unW aagoluuaM Isug aqI of alupdn uu alu!Iiu! of uosugo f .TaquiowpounoD Xq pu000s `tiauNong Taq uowl!ounoD Xq opuTu sum uoilow d :uo!IaV 1!aunoa •uoilspuauiuiooa.i u aaudaid uoissiwwoD 2u!uuuld oql lugs Isonba.i puu bL'LI nidutlo apoD ludlolunW aagoluuaM Isug agI oI alupdn un alutliui of uoilou o lui uuo pounoD Iugl plus puu suoiluln2w luauidolanap Xuu .io apoo 2uiuoZ aqI Sulpuotuv loj ssaoold aql ui sdais aqI pamaTAaa liau.Tug •sW •pololduioo .Tana sum 2uiglou puu IoafOid lugl poluulddns uuld aA!suaga.iduzoo aqI of salupdn aqi of ftlula.i ,Cl!D aqI puu ,ClunoZ) aqI Iu spuol )I.iom lugl plus aqS •apoo aqI of sluauipuauiu uo Niom of pouuo3 sum oall!wwoo X10SIApu LIB Iugl pauiuldxa aqS -apoD aql u! spiupusls U21S aqI of aniluloi do auioo anuq sonssi aaglo uagl aoulS 'OOOZ ul apoo u2is mau u paidopu CITZ) aqI piss uc)wug aoloojiC[ luauidolanaQ fq!unwwoo LOOZ `I 12I3gW3.Ld3S S3.Lf1N W 'IIDNnOD 33H3J VN3M ISH3 10 AID