HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/28/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING AUGUST 28, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Joan Sims, Catalina Garibay, Brandon Mauseth, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION General Manager Richard DeRock of Link Transit reviewed a summary of current conditions and services. Mr. DeRock also discussed future desires of Link Transit which included bus replacement needs, technology updates, and additional bus stops. Mr. DeRock reviewed processes used in other cities that would be essential to service in this area, such as Bus Rapid Transit, he said if this process was used in this area it would probably include all day service and by-passes at major choke points which could be lessened by using queue jumps, shared use of rail right-of-way and the use of the Reclamation District Bridge. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy welcomed Councilmember McCourt back from Misawa, Japan. He added the Wenatchee Valley Misawa Sister City Association will be holding a Welcome Back from Misawa Summer Festival for the 2007 Wenatchee Delegation. He said this event will include a dessert potluck will be held on Thursday, August 30, 2007, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mayor Lacy said an opportunity for the Wenatchee Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau (WVCVB) is being explored. He said the Washington State Apple Commission has contacted WVCVB Executive Director Roger Clute, with an offer to run a satellite visitors center at the Apple Commission building located at Olds Station. He said this would be an opportunity for the WVCVB to share an employee with the Apple Commission and take over the function of visitor services. Mayor Lacy said the East Wenatchee Events Department is in need of a cash box and is requesting authorization for $100.00. He added a resolution would be brought forth at the next Council Meeting for the Events Department cash box as well as additional cash boxes for the upcoming Wings & Wheels Festival. DEPARTMENT REPORT Interim Street Superintendent Brandon Mauseth invited City Council to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion of the Eastmont Avenue and Badger Mountain Road reconstruction project on October 24, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. fat,uiuins aouuuipio oql puaa XouZ ioxuw anuanaa put, suoilt►.idoiddu punj asuadxg ivanno aql osua.ioap of put, `onuana.i put, suotiui.idoiddu punt xUl IaioW/IaioH agl asuaioap of `onuana.i puu suoiju►adoiddu punj sluang aqI astaaoui of IoSpng aagojuwAM Isug 3o ftlio aqI SuIpuawu 80-LOOZ 'ON aouuuip.ip 2u►puauiu aoutuipio ut, �o �utpuai Iszi3 t,0-80-LO sHONdNIQ2I0 '0-L ` l-uuo uotlou.[ ag.L •ivauinoop p►us u2is oI joAW aqI azuoglnu puu ivauiaa.i2V Itool.ialul agi oI uinpuoppd aqI anoaddu oI uosugof aaqui3uq►ouno3 Xq puooas `I.itgiutg .iagwzwl!ounoD Xq apuuz suns uoiiow y :uo►lad paunoa •saiou32uiiuo0 uaasaaojun .io3 5uipun3 Iuuoilippu aiuoollu put, soaj Iuuoil►ppu a p Bids of poafi?u oslu ant,q sa►liud qloq poluls aH •ioafoid aql ioj spun3 luuo►l!ppu apnioui of luauiaai2V luoolaalul oql puauiu of xluss000u Il 2utNuui aluuulso luu12110 aql uugl aiout Isoo llinn SNIu opis aql 2uilon_ilsuoo jo Isoo aqI oludio►luu sorpud qloq It,gl pappu OH •anuand utgit,uof put, anuand susuu}I uo s)Ilunnap!s jo uoilonlisuoo puu u2isop `iu►pun3 aqI JOJ ap!no.id of 90Z# loilIsIQ loogaS Iuou.[Isug gl!nn IUaui33.2V Itool.ialul ut oiui paialuo puu Ioafoid aqI pol!joqui CIi3 aqI uotluxauuu Iuaoai aqI gllm plus aH •t,ait aqI ui sloogos uioiij puu of s)IILmopts Ilulsu► of (4!un:poddo aqI Ioi.ilsiQ loogoS aqI sane goignn luu12 loogoS oI saino-d ajtS u ioj patlddu puq Ioi.iisi(I loogoS luowlsug oql puu ,ClunoD sul2no(I p►us glasnvW luapuaiuuadnS loollS uii.iaiul •anuand uugluuof puu anuany st,sut)I uo sxlumopis uo uoiloniisuoo put, uSisop `Suipunj ao3 Sutpinoid `90Z# loiais►(I loogoS iuouilsug puu aagoiuuaM Isug jo XI!D oql womlaq luauiaol2V luoolaalul aqI of uinpuappd uu jo Iunoaddd CO-80-LO swall Noil3v '0-L `poi.uuo uoiloui oq L •poluosaid st, tpuo2u luasuoo oql Idopt, s>joiapuaH .iogwowl!ounoD Xq puooas `.uosugof ngwowpounoo Xq opuui suns uoiloui d :uoila'V liaunoD LOOZ `t,I Isn$nd `uoissoS auln2nd — solnuiW jo uoilunpisuoD HWINa'Id0 INaSN00 'LOOZ `I£.IaquiaoaQ Ouipua nnX ogl.ioj `00'000`Z$ Xq SL£IOWD Iuauuaa.i&u aoj lun000u olqus inquita i aql osua.ioui of uollt,l lodsuu i j, jo luounjudaQ alulS ❑ol$u►gstM aql Suizinglnu spun3 It,uoilippt aqI anoiddu of snsuosuoo Xq pow t s.iaquzamliounoo :uoilaV Ii3uno0 •sluu2is oggil oqi jo iludoi puu aoutualu►uui lit, .ianoo of uiali ouil aql asuaioui oI pagu.ip aq ll►nn luot uaa.igt, nnau u ss000ad la2pnq 80OZ aqI Bui.inp plus OH •.ivaX ag13o .iapuiuuiai aqI io3 `00'000`Z$ Ituo►lippu agl punj Ipm la2png loiluoD o!jju.il oql p►us glosnLW -1W •sluais ogjull oql jo oouuuaiuitui aqI onulluoo of LOQSM aql moilu lllm spun] Iuuoillppu .io3 uoiluz►.ioglnu aql plus aH •solu.i luauidinbo puu logtl posuwoui apnioui l► pip lou `XI!3 aqI Xq paxauuu suns Iugi anuand kjonlua)I put, puo21 luu.iD lu luu2is aql opnioui lou pip `ZOOZ `Z Gunigaj polup Iuauuow t luu► hio oql pits OH •,tliD aql Xq pounno sluu2is ogjull jo aouuualu►uui aoj lun000u olqus.ingwioj aqI osua.ioui of spun] luuoilippu .ioj l3uixsu (.LO(ISM) uoilu:podsuui L jo Iuauzl.iudaQ alulS uol2uigstM aqI uioij isonbai u panlaoai puq aq pits giasntyg luapuoluiladnS loads uii.ialul LOOZ `8Z .LSnond S3.Lf1NIW II3Nfl03 H9H3.LVM9AA LSdg 30 AJAD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 28, 2007 ORDINANCE NO. 2007-18 AN ORDINDANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 2007-08; AMENDING THE CTY OF EAST WENATCHEE 2007 BUDGET TO INCREASE THE EVENTS FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND REVENUE BY $50,000, TO DECREASE THE HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND REVENUE BY $26,400, TO INCREASE THE EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND REVENUE BY $7,800, AND TO DECREASE THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND REVENUE BY $7,800. City Treasurer Countryman said the increase of $7,800.00 to the Equipment Rental Fund is to cover the increase in the contract for the Network Administrator. She said the other amounts listed are to set up the budget for the Events Department. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember McCourt to elevate the ordinance amending the 2007 Budget for the City of East Wenatchee to second reading. The motion carried, 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Johnson to adopt the ordinance amending the 2007 Budget for the City of East Wenatchee. The motion carried, 7-0. 07-08-05 First reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 2.28 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to mileage reimbursement. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. Council offered suggestions and discussed changes they would like made to the ordinance prior to passage. Mayor Lacy said he would have staff review the ordinance prior to bringing it back for Council approval. DISCUSSION ITEMS 07-08-06 A discussion regarding a possible change to the sign code to allow Light Emitting Diode (LED) reader boards. Eastmont School District Athletic Director Dan White said during the January wind storm the sign at the Eastmont High School was severely damaged. He said while in the process of replacing the sign they discovered that the City Code does not allow LED display signs. He requested Council approve a variance from the ordinance. He said the sign would have 3 columns of 9 inch letters which will be easier to read from a greater distance. Mayor Lacy said he would like to discuss different options with Community Development Director Barnett to see if we can propose a solution prior to bringing this back in ordinance form. Community Development Director Barnett said the process for an amendment to the zoning code requires processing through the East Wenatchee Planning Commission. She said this is not something the City Council has the authority to change without going through the development regulation process. b r )[1at0 SO p.tuuaug uuucl 'IT " 'tu'd OZ:8—,LNawN2IfIOP(jv 'LOOZ `Z lsn�?nd uo plaq 2?ui133W aalliu WOW) OSIApd alsuM ptioS aqI uto.tj solnuiut pall!utgns gnu2l Tagwowpounoo 'LOOZ `Z Isn$nd uo ploq 2u► ow aalltu WOW ,irostnpd Itsuu.tZ xut-I aqI urog solnutut polltuzgns uosugof iogwawl!ounoD 'LOOZ `bZ Xlnf uo plaq �?uijooW aagoluuaM 30 c4!0 oql a8 Xjunoo uulogD 30 f%jpoglnd 2uisnoIl oql wolj solnum palltwgns oslu aqS 'LOOZ `91 (Inf uo ploq tut ooW glluaH Jo p.tuog aqI uto.g solnuiut pall!utgns I1noDoW iagwowpounoo 00:I Iu y,0£ Isn2nd `,CupsingZ ploq aq llinn aotA.tas lowlS aauuoj jo asnods aql uuutpoo[) fauw p •goango IsipoglaW oai3 aagoluuaM oql Iu 'w'd lu►.touuam u pres OH •uuwpooD qog luopuolut.tadns Outssud oql uo pounoo pawnju► Sou-1 joXtW •laa.tls agl ssojou oouds tuntututopuoo jo osupind aqI sns.taA uotlon.tlsuoo nnau JOJ saAilundwoo aoud uo opuut uaaq sug ssoiSotd ou pappu OH •uotlontlsuoo luat.tno Joj uotluool u su Iugl gltnn piuAuoj oi? of appop any Iou .to ioglagnn jo ssolp.re231 f4aadoid oql ut Isololui aAtlulual u anuq am nnoul w;)ql jai puu aaunno f4iodotd luaoufpu aqI of �[lul 1pm oq pps Amll IoXLw •It 2uisugoind ul polsatalut suns 14t0 aql jt nnoul of paluum puu `,4[Iladotd itagl uo Iustu.tddu uu joS of guco2 atann Xogl Iugl `loumo X:podotd Iuaoufpu aqI Xq polouluoo uaaq suq aq pres OH 'IIuH AID 3o uolsuudxo olut Tool uuo ann lugl os pannatnat saouuug Xi!Z) aql 2uiAuq jo snluls aqI lnoqu pa)lsu quu-d aaqutau pounoo Sluodau 1II3Nf1O0 •w-d 0 i :8 Iu pauanuooa.t pounoo •uoilLSticl lutluolod 2u►piugal uotssas antlnoaxa olnutuz filuannl u palluo Xou'I aoXPW •tu-d OS:L Id NOISS3S HAIlf1O3X3 LOOZ `8Z.LSflDf1N SalfMW 'IIONf100 33H3lVX3M ISd3 30 A.LIO