HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/10/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JULY 10, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Raab and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Johnson to excuse Councilmember Barnhart, from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Brandon Mauseth, Catalina Garibay, Lori Barnett, Devin Poulson, Linda Countryman, and Ralph Aiken. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS James Mitchell, 455 91h Street NE #54, addressed council regarding the annoyance of construction noise during early hours of the morning, including weekends. He said the noise ordinance for the City of East Wenatchee does not address construction noise and he would like the City to consider adopting an ordinance specifying the hours in which construction noise may occur. Scott Kane, Lacy & Kane PS, updated Council on the status of the building they have which is located on City property SE of 4`h Street NE. Mr. Kane apologized to Council for the delay in getting the building moved and said he is working diligently to ensure the building gets moved as soon as possible. Councilmember Johnson and Councilmember Hendricks expressed their frustration regarding the length of time it is taking to move the building. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy advised Council that staff has been delayed in obtaining information regarding the expansion of City Hall. He added Blodgett Construction has invited Councilmembers to tour the interior of the building across from City Hall. He said he is also aware of Councilmembers obtaining information for property adjacent to City Hall. He added once this information is gathered he would like to hold a workshop to assimilate the information prior to making any decisions. Mayor Lacy said he has explored the possibility of the City entering into a partnership to develop some type of recreational facilities in the East Wenatchee area. He said he has had ongoing discussions with a group looking for a place to build and relocate in the East Wenatchee area that operates the Wenatchee Valley Sportsplex. He said a proposal for a location has been presented to the Sportsplex and they have indicated they have help with financing and that grant funds may also be available. Mayor Lacy said he will be working with this group to secure a location and will keep Council informed of the progress. (s iOUPuaH) • 1-5 `poiino uoilow aq j •sooiA.tas lioddns nindwoo aoj pxiiom sinoq loj uoiiusuodwoo of Switlaa `III uq!V gdluH puu aagoluuaM isug jo X4iD aql uoaAgaq iuowaat$u papuawt aqi anoiddt of vnoD3W .tagwawliounoD Aq puooas `uosugo f .tagwowliounoD Xq apuw stm uoilow d :uoilaV Iiaunoa •s.toitaistuiwpu NlOA44au IOJ aOuaan,t apinnaluls uagl .tamol iunowt uu it las st Iou.iiuoo popuawt aqI ui ,Cud jo iunowt aql pits OH -XoAlnS igouag ?g XjuluS satlio uol2uigsuM Jo uoiluioossd aql uo posuq ua)I!V •.iW glinn iunowu ioulluoo u paiugo2ou suq oq pius ,Court loXuW •saotnaas l,oddns .taindwoo .tot pa)llotA sinoq loj uotitsuadwoo of Suilulal `III uo liH gdlL,W puu aagoluuaM Isng 3o XIiD oql uaannlaq ivawowft, popuawt uu to Iun,oiddd 10-LO-LO •0-9 `Pai.uuo uoilow oqL •poluasatd st .ttpualuo ivasuoo aql anoiddu of quug aaqutatupounoD Xq puooas `uosugof .tagwawliounoD Xq apuw suns uoilow d :uoilaV Iiaunoa •papioA suns 6ZL8I ioqutnu IuuaauM-66•LLZ`5£1$JO lunowu lulol aqI ui £968I g2nojgl 11681 s.tagwnu iututnn 3Aoiddu soop IiounoD `LOOZ `0I Xlnf `oltp sigl to sd •Iiounoo of algtlitnu apuw uaaq suq goigm `Builsil u ut paptooat uaaq anuq 060•bZ•Zb MD2I Xq p3iinb3a su pogil oo swttlo iuowasingwiat asuadxa asogi puu 080•tZ•Zt, IADH Xq pwinbol sr .taogjo Suiiipnt aqI Xq pagiltao puu paiipnt stagonon sllig3o uoiiu.tapisuOD Z LOOZ `9Z oun f `uoissoS tuln2o-d — solnuiW jo uoiiuiopisuoo • I uvuNalivj .LNaSNOi •,CupuoW uo �?uiuunt puu do oq pinonn walsXs aqI puu pu0130nn aqi .tano palltisui oq pinom souogdalol oql pits OH •,Ctpilj uo wolsXs ouogdalal oql osn of 2uiuival oq pinom saaXojdwo Xlto pius OH •waisSs ouogdolol oql uo alupdn uu aet13 XotZ .tokew •igoiauul• tstunn)l ioXuW laaw of uoildaoaa awoolom u ui oludtorpud of `uosugo f stuuaQ ioXvW aagoluuaM pa)Isu suq aq puu Iuniisa,q slaagM V sOutM oql aoj aagoiuuaM isug of uoiit�?alap u 2utuiof oq pinonn tstwnzu}I ao.CuW iugi aoilou paniaoaz pug ag `pappu OH •luniisa3 slaagM � Out Iunuud ,,S oql Ouilnp aagoiuuaM isug itstn, of `uudtf ` musiW wo.g uonvOolop t 0ulitnui puu uotioala siq uo wig Builulniut$uoo `uudu f ` muss ^i 3o tgoiauu L tsuunzu)I 1oStW paloala Xlmau of nual u ivas oq pius Xou-I .to,CuW •asuadxa iuoB u of BuioS Inoglinn Slluoipopad po2uugo aq pinoo nuuuq oql puu Iutnw t jo lugl of lunbo oq pinom Xinuoq aqI pits all •Iol OuiNjud Clio aqi of luaaufpu umoiumop llum aql Builuitd puu 2uioujinsa1 of antluuaallu ivaA u oq pinom ii ilaJ puu Ilunn t Sw.IaAoo iauutq a�?ng t Mus aq U01lt39A ivaoa.t u 2uunp pius OH •juinw t loj ii .Cpual of umolumop lltnn aqI Outotjinsat of an.iiuuaailu ut OutPIL1201 uotlsoOBns t apuw Cot -I aoXLW LOOZ `O I A'Iflf S3J fIAI W 'IIOI MOD ggHD.LdM9 A ISVE1 JO A LID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 10, 2007 ORDINANCES 07-06-06 Second reading of an ordinance amending chapter 17.96 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code and adding Chapter 2.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, establishing a Hearing Examiner system to replace the exiting Board of Adjustment System. Community Development Director Barnett said the fees have been raised to cover the cost of having a Hearing Examiner. She added at this time we do not know the cost until we are able to go out for Request for Proposals for the Hearing Examiner position. She added that other jurisdictions pay a Hearing Examiner approximately $100.00 to $130.00 an hour and each item may take 3 to 4 hours for the hearing, estimating the cost of approximately $400.00 per item. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember DeWitt to adopt the ordinance amending Chapter 17.96 and adding Chapter 2.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The motion carried, 6-0. The ordinance title reads as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2007 -12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON AMENDING CHAPTER 17.96 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 2.42 TO THE EAST WENTCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING A HEARING EXAMINER SYSTEM TO REPLACE THE EXISTING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SYSTEM, CONTAINING A SEVERIBILITY PROVISION, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 07-07-02 First reading of an ordinance amending portions of Chapter 10.08 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to no parking zones. Councilmember McCourt asked if an inventory could be taken of all City streets to add all of the other areas and include them in the ordinance. Mayor Lacy said he would like to address the issue of Jackie Lane at this time and allow the Street Department ample time to complete a compiled list of other no parking areas needing added to the ordinance. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Buckner to elevate a motion to second reading. The motion carried 5-0. (Hendricks abstained). Councilmember Hendricks said he would rather complete a compiled list of no parking areas and add those to the ordinance before passage. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Raab to adopt the ordinance relating to no parking zones. The motion carried 5-1. (Hendricks) b lJOID AltD pauuiug uuu(j 'w'd 0£:L-.LNlaWNHfl0 v 'LOOZ `61 aunf `Apson j uo plaq Ouilaaui s.ioloalla jo preog Itsuu.l jut-1 uioi3 solnutui palltuigns uosugof iaqu owpounoo LOOZ `I I aunf `XupuOW put? `LOOZ `L SPW `XupuoW uo plag sSutlaQW pit?og BututaAOD QQ put, �jionnlaN I.ioddnS luuoiSnd sul2noCI uulogD uioi3 solnuiut palltutgns IItMaQ ngtuowpounoo 'LOOZ `L aunf `Xupson j uo ploq Suilaatu pounoD uoilupodsuuil XQUA aagoluuaM utoij solnutut palltuigns iou)long ioquiaugiouno3 'LOOZ `£ I aunf `ApsaupaM uo ploq 2uiloow liounoD luauidolanaQ UOIILA10SUOD puu aoinoso-H uojButgsuM luiluoD gliofq oql puu $uilaau[ lot-tlstQ luamdolanaQ oiuiouoog u0l2utgsuM luiluaD gl.ioN uto.g solnutui palltutgns nuNong iaquiaugtounoD S.Luodau'IIONfIOJ 'w'd SZ:L lu pauOAuooa.i itounoo •uotlu2tlti luilualod 2uipjL,2oj uotssas aAilnooxo olnuiui uol u polluo Xou-I ioXuW •urd g 1:L Id u01101IN Iutlualod — NOISSdS dAI LfIOdXd •apnlout ll!m loafold oql lugnn /4!ogtoods NOW gltnn ItstAaz of,iltunitoddo aql snug OM uuld luautanoiduil laaalS agl uo loafotd u Suiluauialdun of .loud lugl pros Xourl .ioXuW 'gM IaoilS mZI of IaailS oouuaj uugl .iaglui gN looilS 41ZI of Owl usst.iulo uioij anuaAV TOAO.TD Suiuoptnn apnlout of L iagwnN loofold o ltl pinonn ag ptus qu�- .iaquiauiltounoD NO LONIHSdM 30 AIMS HHl HOA GHVOR lN3W21AOHJJ/%Il NOI.LV LHOdSNd2LL dH.L QNd NOI.Ld.LHOdSNVH L 30 AHV L2[2I3dS dH.L HUM NOI.Lfl'IOSd2I SIH,L 31I3 Ol X-dT13 A.LIO dH,L 0NI LO UM QNd WVH9OHd ,LNHWaAOlIclWl NOI.LV L'dOdSNVH L 7HV3A -XIS ONI.LdOQd NO.LONIHSVM `ddHO.LVNaM ,LSdd AO A.LIO dH.L 30 NOI. X10SHN V 90 - LOOZ 'ON NOLLfl IOSd2I ollp uoilnlosol oql peal Sou-1 loAloW •0-9 pat.uuo uoilout oqZ •s.tuoX iupualuo xis $uinsua oql ioj ui1211?01d luauiano.iduq uotlul.todsuutl, nox xis u Idopu of uosugo f .iaquiaugtounoD Xq pu000s `MoupWH aaquiaugtounoo Xq opuw suns uoiloui d moilaV Iiauno0 •slt,OX .mpualuo xts 2utnsua agl JOJ utuBord luauiano.iduq uoilu:podsuual, iva.A xiS u 2uildopu uoilnlosoi d £O-LO-LO Nollf1'IOS21H LOOZ `0I .I'Iflf Sd LIIN W 'II3Nfl00 adHO LdM3Ak LS`d3 90 A.LIO