HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/22/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MAY 22, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Buckner and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Brandon Mauseth, Catalina Garibay, Lori Barnett, Devin Poulson, Linda Countryman, and Joan Sims. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Dave Schwab of the Eastmont Metropolitan Park District (EMPD) said the EMPD is required to have a Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan on file with various agencies to assist in planning and with State agencies to qualify for Grants for new Capital Construction. He said the Board of Commissioners of the EMPD are asking constituents to provide input into programs, program costs, facilities, and potential new facilities by completing a survey. Mr. Schwab showed a sketch of a potential new park which will be located near 4`h Street SE and SE Mary Avenue. He said Tina and Elliott Skull have donated seven and a half acres to the EMPD to build and maintain the park. He said based on the conditions of the donation the EMPD are asking the constituents of the Eastmont Metropolitan Park District to approve a twenty year bond in the amount of approximately two million dollars for the development of the park. CITIZEN COMMENTS Jennifer and Sam Thacker of 1108 10`h Street NE, expressed their concerns regarding the "No Parking" on 10`h Street NE. Ms. Thacker said she lives between James Avenue and Iowa Avenue which is included in the proposed ordinance listed on the agenda. She said this would restrict her from parking in front of her home, and there is no other parking available. Ms. Thacker recommended no parking on 10`h Street NE, between Grover Avenue and Iowa Avenue. Mayor Lacy said he would like to limit parking to solve the problem, not to create further problems. DEPARTMENT REPORT Interim Street Superintendent Brandon Mauseth updated Council on the Street Improvement Projects which include; the Central Business District Project, Eastmont Avenue Project, Rock Island Road Project, Kenroy School — Safe Routes to School, and Highline Drive and Pace Drive Overlay. z 'pauuaug xlaio )�4l0 Iouluoo of `oouoiajuoo aqI 2uipuallu ui polsaaalui saagw3wjt3uno3 aaglo ,Cuu pa)jsu puu `gI aunf gOno.igl ZI aunf uwoouL ui aouaaajuoD junuud saiiT3 u0l2uigsuM jo uolluioossd aqi Buipualiu aq Ipm lanoDoW .iagwawjiounoD puu uosugof aagwawjiounoplus ,Cou-I ao,<UW ',Ciaadoad aqI papnjoui golgnn saujjop uoijjiw 6•9 sung Isoo aqI pappu aH 'aiiugopui aq jjim laaals agi ssoaou XI!unlaoddo agi su s,Cup 09-0£ ixau agi uiglinn suoildo asogl Suipm2aa uolsioop u a3juw pjnogs XID agl Iugl pappu aH 'awls Slgl lu Sulgl,Cuu op of Iuunn Iou Xuw am ao jjuH A4lD oI Iuaoufpu Svodoad Suisugoand Xnq uoiloaaip Iuaaajjip u ui 2uio2 su gons suoildo .iaglo aaojdxo of paau lilts am plus aH •Wjuw oI luum am uolsloap aqI ,Cjlaussaoau Si iT uuaw lou soop iT sigi op of ,Cilouduo posodo.id aqI anuq am gOnogl uang 'anuanaa poloafo.id uo pasuq oouujuq aano Xiluo ano moaO lips puu os op of ajqu oq of uoiiisod u ui aq jjils pjnom am lugl salaujus puu asuodxo luaaano of loodsaa gilts suoildwnssu uiulaao 2ulNuw Buiwnssu uana Ia�pnq julol ut awu2 aql jo puaqu daq pjnonn am Iugl sung uoildo isaq aqI lugl saiuudwoo 2?uipuoq agl gl►nn puq anuq am solauuaas aqi 3o golgnn uodn iiuipuodap lugl It of glBuaj 3o pui i lugs glim onssi puoq u op plp am jT sau;)X OZ jo polaad u 13AO lugs sauaddu ii laoda.i .iaq 2ulMalAaa aalJu Pius OH 'laaais aql sso.iou uoilonaisuoo 3o iojjo aqi uo do Suijui ,Cjjuguolod 3o osodind aql aoj spuoq judioiunw 2uinssi 3o uapl pazijunidaouoo u of Ioadsaa glinn l.ioda.i u iiwgns of uuw,Ciluno0 aa.insua.is A4lD pa)jsu puq ag plus ,Cou-I ao,CuW 'digsuoilujoi .ino gsijquisow puu aoXvW aqI laaw of `uuduf `unnusiW of uoilOola(I ,4i0 aalsiS 80OZ aqI ui oludioilaud of o jij pjnom. aq pappu OH 'isnSnd ui junuau suoliu2310(j ,cii0 lalsiS umusiW aql of ioild oogjo ui oq pjnogs ioXPW nnau u plus aH 'aagoluuaM Isug woaJ Was 35ussow aqI aoj uoiluioaaddu 2uissaadxo `uudu f `unnusiW woaj jluwa uu POATOOaa aq Pius aH 'juaaunj agi lu pua.i aq of 32ussaw u Iuas puu s.iamojl posugoand aq plus aH 'uudu f tmusiW jo pinznS Tgso,Ca2igS jo/,LW ao3 �oom isuj pjaq sum oolAaaS julaowaW u plus ,Court aoXUW HodHH SIHOAVW 'suoilu.iodp puu ,Ciijiouq Iuawl.ludaCI IaaalS aqI anol of pounoZ) .ioj uoilulln.ut uu papuaixa giasnvW -iW '3uouipudaQ paaiS aql io3 33tj jioj juialsnpui uu asugoand aqI piunnol spun3 asogl Suiloawipaa si oq `Iuawdinbo 3o aoaid sigi asugoand puu gwauasaa of awu.i3 awil iaogs u puu `sluawaainbaa uoliuoljddu juoiwago `,C�ojougoal jo Xlixajdwoo aql of anp `pappu aH 'luawaOuuuw uollu3a�aA ao3 aaXuads uoilunljddu juoiwago u asugoand of spun] sapnjoui IaSpnq LOOZ agi plus giasnuw .1w '3uawiaudaCI paalS aqi gllM paluioossu xaonn aadud 3o uoiluziuuSao puu uoiluluawnoop lualogja wow Suilowoad `saoilouad luauno ui ai?uugo u puu `uoiloauuoo �jaoAAlau s,,C4t0 aqi of ssaoou loaalp aoj ssaoou lauaalui giinn saaindwoo jo luawaoujd nnojju jjlnn goignn dogS 4TD aqI of jjuH XID woaJ SWIM S JVD 2uijjulsui aq osju Ipm Iuawinda(I poijS oqZ 'dogs aqi of jjuH ,CID woaj sjjuo ouogd jo aajsuuai lowip aoj mojju Ilim goignn apuBdn waisXs suoiluoiunwwooajal agi uo pounoo palupdn giasnuW 'ryg '0-L `paTIM uoliow OU 'l.lodaa oql ui poislj lou swan iallutus of loodsaa qj!m jjuo Xnuoilaaosip ,Cuu o juw of IoxuW aqi nnojju of osju puu glosnrW -iW ,Cq palliwgns Iaoda-I IuawlaudaQ laaaiS agl ui palsij swalT jo snjdans aqI oziaoglnu of aau)jong aagwawjiounoo ,Cq pu000s `uosugo f aagwowjtounoD ,Cq opuw suns uoilow d :uojiad paunoD '3uouWrdaQ IaaaiS aqi Xq posn Suioq nBuoj ou swan snjdans of jun.oaddu ajij pjnom oq `LOOZ `0£ aunf uo do fwwoo uoilond luowdinbg snjdanS iunuud agi gllnn pappu aH 'suoiluaado slT puu 3uouwud3Q laaalS aqi giinn paluioossu luawdinbo puu saiiljlouj agi jo ,CaoluanuT uu 5u111caao puu fwziuuft Tuiuuajo palauls suq moiD laaalS agl plus glasnrW 'ryW LOOZ `ZZ AVW Sglf1AI W 1IDNfIOD 99HO.LVREDA ISd9 AO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 22, 2007 Mayor Lacy said at a previous meeting we discussed contributing funds toward a mural on the building adjacent to the city parking lot on Valley Mall Parkway. He said in order to move forward with the project he would like to recommend a budget amendment to increase the city theme budget by $3,000 to potentially participate in this project. He added the Downtown Association would share in the expense of the mural. Community Development Director Barnett said a bank in town has offered to donate additional funds towards the mural. The Downtown Association has asked if the City could accelerate the process so that this donation can be accepted and used towards this project. She said she should have a cost estimate for the mural by the next Council meeting. She added the Downtown Association has discussed changing the image of the downtown and have discussed adding street furniture and streetscapes. CONSENT CALENDAR Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, April 24, 2007 Regular Session, May 8, 2007 Consideration of Bills Approval of vouchers for the Wenatchee Valley Convention & Visitor's Bureau. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. As of this date, May 22, 2007, Council does approve warrant numbers 18710 through 18762 in the total amount of $602,959.40. Warrant number 18729 was voided. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the consent calendar with one correction to the April 24, 2007, Council Minutes. The motion carried, 7-0. DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEMS 07-05-07 A discussion regarding no parking in front of certain addresses along Jackie Lane. The City Attorney Devin Poulson said he had received a letter from the Jackie Lane Home Owners Association which included a map of addresses where they would like the yellow striping painted on the curb. Council discussed the proposal and whether all the curbs should be painted for no parking rather than a selected portion. They also discussed whether placing the no parking signs on 10`h Street will take care of the problem on Jackie Lane. Council decided to table the issue until we see what the repercussions of the no parking on 10t" Street will be. 07-05-08 A discussion regarding amending the Contract for Professional Services with Ralph Aiken III, allowing for compensation of additional hours worked. Mayor Lacy said Ralph Aiken III, has been spending twice the amount of time working on the City Computers and network system than was originally anticipated. He said Mr. Aiken has requested an b snnollo3 su spuai ollp aouuuTpao 0141 'O-L pai.uto uollow oqL •suoiloialsa.i guilird of Ouilula.i 80.01 laldug3 jo suoillod Buipuawu oouuuipio agI Idopu of .iomlong .iagwawliounoD ,Cq puooas `IIiMaQ ngwowpounoo ,Cq apuw suns uollow d :uoilad liauno3 '0-L Pai.UU3 uollow OU •2uipua.i puooas oI aoutuip.io agI 31LA313 of IIiAkaQ .iagwowpounoo ,Cq puooas `uosugor .iagwawliounoD ,Cq apuw suns uollow d :uoilaV liaunoa 'O-L pau.iuo uollow aq l •anuan.d unnoi of anuand .ianoaE) woi3 3N loollS 4,0 I uo awil,Cut Iu p Ind aq oI aloigan ,Cut Iiuuad do Moll, of Injmulun Il 2uiVw aouuwp.ip pasodoid agI jo (g) 010.80.01 OSIA01 of U MaQ aagwawpounoo ,Cq puooas `jo"ong lagwowpounoD ,Cq apuw suns uollow d :uoilad Iiauno:) •siallal Itoilogtgdlu uugl iaglul sowuu locals aoj slagwnu ltoi.iawnu Ouisn ,Cq lualsisuoo aouuuiplo aqI o luw of 031i1 oslu pinonn aqs pins Ilaung iolowiQ IuowdolanaQ ,Cliunwwoo •saSuugo polsa22ns agI oluw oI aouuuip.io agI asina.i oI 01i1 pinonn oq Suivana sigl sluawwoo uazilio aqI 3o Iq&I ui pits ,Con-i .io,C w •suoiloillsai 2utliud alnuiw-uaagg put souoz 2ui Lind ou of Suiltlaa opoD ludloiunw aagoluuaM Isug agl jo 80'01 ialdugD jo suoupod ftpuowu ooutuipao uu jo ftpuai Isa13 01-90-LO 33NdNIQNO 'O-L Pai.iiuo uollow aq1, •Iu3w32uuuW olsuM glinn Iouiluoo aqI of wnpuappu aql u2is of io,CuW aqI ozi.ioglnu put wnpuappu aqI anoIddu of lanoDoW .iagwawpouno3 ,Cq puooas `uosugor .i3gwawlTouno3 ,Cq apuw suns uollow d :uoilad Iiaunoa •s.iva,C It.ianas Isul agI 13Ao paniaoal stg ,CI!D agI sonuanali Ougo,Coaa jo Iunowu iunuut 02uaant agI spaaoxa Iunowu sigl poluls OH •s.iva,C ang Ixau agI .io3 `ita,C .lad 00'000`ZZ$ si Iuow,Cud wns dwnl sigl aoj poluiloSou Iunowu aql pappu OH •palo,Coaa aaann Iugl spnioluw jo Iunowu agI uo pasuq sluaw,Ctd ,Clgluow uuill .iaglu.i Iuaw,Ctd wns dwnl u OAiaoaa pinonn XI!D aql pTus OH •2uilo,Cow .ioj sanuanaa san,iaoad ,CIio aqI ,Gunn aqI safuugo wnpuappu aqI plus ,Cot•1 lo,Ctw •sanuanal suilo,Coa.i of fuilulaa Iu3w32uuuw alsuM put aagoluuaM Isug 3o ,CIiD aqI uaannlaq Iou iluoo aqI of wnpuappu uu 3o Iunoiddd 60-90-LO 'O-L PaT.uuo uollow aq1, •saoiA13S IuuoissaJoad 10J `III uaNid gdlu21 glTnn Ioualuoo mou u aluilo23u of .ioXvW aqI aziloglnu of :niMaQ aagwawliounoo ,Cq puooas `Iltqulug aagwowliounoo ,Cq apuw suns uollow d :uoilaV iiaunoD •,Ciosaluo sigl olui Iluj Iugl swoli .iaglo ,Cut pun `sauigotw olTwisou3 `siauuuos `s.ialuud `sauigouw Adoo `souogdalal su gons `uipawillnw aaglo Ilu 3o a�liugo ui aq oslu pinonn uoilisod sigl pappu aH uoilisod sigl ui uos.iad awls lln3 t anuq oI awoo suq awil agI slaaj aq su ssaooid IaSpnq Ixau agI fuunp uoilisod ioluilsiuiwpd �jlonnlaN u Buippu puawwooa.i of 331T1 pinonn ag pTus aH •iunoiddu 3o uoilunpisuoo ioj liounoo of jouq It 2uT.iq puu uaNid -jW glinn Ioulluoo u 2uiluTloOouaa 2uipuawwoni si aq owp sigl lu ,CouZ .iofL'W •2uTj.ionn uaaq suq oq s.inoq luuoilippu aqI alupoww000u of lopao ui piud aq of uopusuodwoo agI afuugo of Ioulluoo aql of Iuawpuawu LOOZ `ZZ ANW Sd,Lf1NIW "IIONMOO allHDIVKgAk ISVFI d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 22, 2007 ORDINANCE NO. 2007 —12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 10.08 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RESOLUTION 07-05-11 A resolution amending Resolution No. 9 1 -1 increasing the amount of the Advanced Travel Expense Revolving Fund. City Treasurer Countryman said the current resolution setting the amount of the travel fund was adopted in 1991. She said with the growth of the City and additional employees the fund has had a low balance the last couple of months and feels it is necessary to increase the amount. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt to adopt the resolution increasing the amount of the Advanced Travel Expense Revolving Fund. The motion carried, 7-0. RESOLUTION NO. 2007 — 04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINTON, AMENDING RESOLUTION 91-1 BY INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF THE ADVANCED TRAVEL EXPENSE REVOLVING FUND. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McCourt submitted meeting minutes from the Board of Health Meeting Chelan — Douglas Health District held on April 16, 2007. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee meetings held on April 5"', May 3rd and May 18`h 2007. ADJOURNMENT — 8:15 P.M. Dana Barnard City Clerk