HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/8/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MAY 8, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present:, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab to excuse Councilmember DeWitt from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Linda Countryman, Brandon Mauseth, Catalina Garibay, Lori Barnett, Devin Poulson and Randy Harrison. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Lacy welcomed delegates Noriaki Hori and Sumako Tsukidate from our Sister City, Misawa, Japan. PRESENTATION Jay Kehne, Resource Conservation and Development, and Jennifer Korfiatis, North Central Washington Economic Development District, updated Council on current and upcoming projects in the area. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he received a letter from the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society (WVHS) proposing a change to the section 6.04.050 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to pet kennel licensing. According to the current code, in order to issue a pet kennel license, it must be determined that the proposed use is consistent with the city zoning code as it now exists. Under the current code there is no place in the city that a pet kennel license could be issued. Council discussed reviewing the ordinance and bringing the matter back as an action item at a later date to clarify the issue. Mayor Lacy reported that there said he has received information from two bond agencies with respect to the Eastmont Junior High School building across the street regarding what the annual payments would be if the City went ahead with the project. He said he has submitted this information to City Treasurer Countryman to get an idea as to whether it is possible for the City to engage in such an endeavor without financial risk. He added he had a discussion with Councilmember Raab today regarding other potential options such as purchasing property adjacent to City Hall. Mayor Lacy reported that Classy Chassis parade was deemed by many to be a huge success this year. Mayor Lacy said with the passing of Misawa, Japan, Mayor Suzuki, he would like to recommend the City rename the Japanese Garden to commemorate the acts and the life of Mayor Suzuki. He said Mayor Suzuki was instrumental in the establishment of a Sister City relationship between East Wenatchee and (sIoi.ipuaH) ' I -S `pawuo uoilow aq,L •Suissaooid liwaad put, uoilt,oilddu Iuawdolanap .ioj alnpagas ,t.Tanooaa Isoo t, Idopu of linoDoW aagwowpounoD Xq puooas `uosugof ngwawpounoo Xq apt,w sum uoilow d :uoilad liaunoa •Suissaooad Iiuuad put, uoilt,oilddu luawdolanap JOJ alnpagos ,C]aAooad Isoo t, Suildopt, uoilnlosal d b0-b0-LO NOI.Lf1'IOSau '31V(l 3AII33AA3 NIV 9NIHSI'IEIVIS3 (INV `3Sfld'I0 A,LI'IIUV-daAHS V ONINIV LNO:) `3403 'IddIJINfIW 33HO.LVN3M .LSda alll 30 61 311I1 30 QNV `8I 311I1 `91 TI,LI.L 30 SNOI.LHOd 9NIQN3Wd `aaHJ,LVN3M .LSda 30 AID allL 30 d3NdNIQ2I0 Nv ii - LOOZ 'ON ajNvmcrdO :smolloj su spt,a.T ollp aout,uiplo aq j (s3l3i.ipuaH) ' I-9 Pat.ut,o uoilow ag,L •saaJ Suilg of 2uilt,la.i apoD ludioiunW aagolt,uaM Ist,g 041 JO 61 aIIi.L PuU `81 alli.L 9I alli.I, jo suoiliod puawu oI la"ong aagwawliounoD Xq puooas `uosugof lagw3wliouno3 Xq opuw sum uoilow d :uoilad l►aunoD •saaj 5uilg of Builula.i apoo It,dioiunW aagoluuoM Isug agl 30 61 allU Puu `8I alli.L `9I all!l jo suoiliod Suipuawu aouuuiplo uu jo ftpuw puooaS £0-b0-LO 33NVNIQ2IO •0-9 `paiino uoilow all •paluasaid st, IUpualt,a luasuoo aqI anoiddu of linoDoW lagwatupounoo Xq puooas `uosugof ngtumpounoD Xq apt,w sung uoilow d :uoilaV IiaunoD •papioA 010M OL98I Put, 6081 siagwnu luu.iluM •S i'6Lb`SL$ 30 lunowu Iulol aql ui 89j781 g2nomp 80t781 siogwnu Iuu.UUM anoaddu soop Iiouno:) `LOOZ `8 golLW `alt,p sigl jo sd -pounoo of olqupPAV apt,w uaaq suq goigm Tuilsil u ui paplooaa uaaq ant,q 060'bZ-Zt, MD2I Xq pa.nnbal su pogpiao swit,lo luawas.ingwiol asuodxo asogl puu 080•tZ'Zb MDd,(q pa.iinboi su .iaoiWo 2uilipnu aql Xq pogpioo put, polipnu siagonoA •nt,aing s,aolisiA W uoiluanuoD ,C3IIUA aagoluuaM agl .ioj s.iagonoA JO It,no.iddd £ sli!g3o uoiltlopisuoD z HVGN31v0 .LN3SNOJ -HN IaailS w,6 puu onuaAV luowlst,g Jo aauioo agl uo uaptuS asouuduf agl ioj ollp aql awt,oaq osu.igd ,digspuoi _q jo aSpiag„ agl put, d►gsuoilulai ,Clt0 aalsiS .ino uo sluaw=Bu p3sin31 aqI uSis oI 100Z UT IisiA siq'Bui.inp ,digspuiilj jo 32p!lg„ ast,.igd aqI pauioo xllt,nlou 13InznS IOXUW lugl pappu aH •digs.Tapt,al siq 2uilnp `ut,du f `umiesiW put, ,Callan aagoluuaM aql uoomj3q a2uugox3 Iuinllno u jo uapi aql wsuisnglua snopuawaal ql!m palioddns oslt, ijnznS lo,CuW -umusiW jo X4!:) aql LOOZ `8 AHW Sd,LfIX1W 'II3ND00 3HHDIVRdM ISVa d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 2007 RESOLUTION NO.2007 - 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE ADOPTING A COST RECOVERY SCHEDULE FOR DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION AND PERMIT PROCESSING. ACTION ITEMS 07-05-01 A recommendation to award the bid for a Telecommunication System. City Attorney Devin Poulson described some of the features of the new telephone system. He added an original estimate to replace the system was estimated at approximately $35,000.00. He said the total cost of the system being recommended is $13,647.53. He added that by switching the telephones from analog to digital will save the City approximately $420.00 a month on the telephone bill. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Raab to award the bid for a Telecommunication System to Interwest Communications and authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. The motion carried, 6-0. 07-05-02 Approval of an amendment to Article IV (4.02 Ex-Officio Members), adding a representative of EMS User Transport Agencies to the Interlocal Agreement regarding the creation and administration of a multi jurisdictional public safety answering point. Councilmember Barnhart said the transport users; Chelan Hospital, Ballard, Lifeline, Leavenworth, and Waterville would like an ex-officio representative to the Administrative Board. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Johnson to approve an amendment to Article IV, adding a representative of EMS User Transport Agencies to the Interlocal Agreement. The motion carried, 6-0 07-05-03 A discussion regarding parking along Jackie Lane and 10`h Street NE around the area of the Eastmont Junior High School Baseball Field. Mayor Lacy said Council recently heard from citizens on Jackie lane expressing their desire to create a no parking zone on Jackie Land and 10`h Street NE around the area of the Eastmont Junior High School baseball field. City Attorney Poulson the Jackie Lane Homeowner's Association submitted a letter with three proposals to solve the parking problem that the Association claims to exist on Jackie Lane which include posting a sign on Jackie Lane stating, "No Eastmont Junior High Athletic Field Parking"; require parking permits for vehicles parking on Jackie Lane; or paint yellow curbing on select sections of Jackie Lane. Mr. Poulson submitted his opinion of the three proposals and feels the only one that does not violate the Equal Protection Clause as long as it applied to residents who live adjacent to Jackie Lane and those who do not. Mayor Lacy said after looking at the areas in question, and upon the opinion of the City Attorney he is recommending parking be prohibited along 10`h Street NE from Grover Avenue to Kansas Avenue. b '0-9 Pai.una uoilow aql •slot S olui sa.toe 66' apinip of uoisinlpgns 10fuw a Jo Iunoiddu /jumwilaad aoj uotsstwwoD Suiuuuld aql Jo uoilupuawwooal aql anoiddu of IJLquiug .lagwowpounoo ,Cq puooas `lou-png lagwawliounoo ,Cq apnw sumo uoilow d :uollad IlaunoD '(9)090'bZ'LI opoD IudioiunW aagolnuaM Isug ui luawwinbw glpinn 0141 woa3 aouellUA u pun I0011S alnnild mnau u jo ,Cluo apis auo uo s)Ilumnapis apinold of splupuuls locals 041 woaJ uoiluinap sopnloui lesodoid agl pappe aqS •Iunoiddu Xnuiwipid .toj SuiXIddu wu s,uosugof aq1 pins aqS •,CJos.mu ITulaa pue osnoguaa.l2ls3.tol poomiagS agl,Claaw.toj sumo 4aclold oqL •uosugof Xlud puu ITooD ,Cq ao3 pailddu sung Iegl uotstnipgns u si stgl plus Ilaung loloajiQ IuawdolanaQ ,CliunwwoD '(9)090't,Z'L I DWMg ui luawalinbal glpimn 1ol aql woa3 oouuuuA u pun 13311S alunild m;)u u jo ,Cluo apis auo uo slIumnapis ap►nold of spirpuuls 13311s aql woij uotletnap u sapnloui Iusodoid sigL •laa3 a.tunbs 06S`83o azis 101 aSuaanu uu glimn slot S Olul salon 66' apinlp 01 uotstnipgns aofuw u Jo luno.ldde ,Ctuutwtlaad aoj uotlupuawwooaa d 90-90-LO '0-9 patuno uoilow aqL 'anuand Iuowlsug 90L 11e `aouQJ a Ilulsul 01 `uuwls'JgD 13.1t'21U I pun wVtIITM nnollu 01 luaw3312P uu anolddu of `uosugo f ngwawpounoD ,Cg puooas `sjoppuaH lagwaw11ounoD ,Cq apnw suns uoilow d :uollad ITounoj •Suluop m locals alnlnj .1o3 popaau aq Iou pinonn )Ilunnapts aql puigaq rare ag1 `sluawanoadwt laails aql jo uoilaldwoo aql glinn pappu aqS •,Clio agl ,Cq polorulsuoo uaaq anuq pinonn Iugl aouaj �Iuil uiugo u su uoiluool awns aql ui aq Plnonn aouaj posodold oql ptus aqS •uo►sinlpgns poomnaulag aql Ouilixo saloigaA Jo slgsil aql pun anuand Iuowlsug wolf 2uTwoo astou otWe.11 woa3 wagl iognq of .t iinq punos puu IgSis u su oouaj u plinq 01 wagl 2uinn0lle 33UUI.IUA a palue12 olamn s,uuwlsiigD aql pins llau.tug .toloa.tiQ IuawdolanaQ ,ClTunwwoD '0-9 `painuo uoilow oqL •aouaj u Ilulsui oI,Gunn jo-Iq�?tl oilgnd asn of anuand Iuowlsug 90L I `uewlsT n10 1aiu0.zLIW pun wellliM nno1lu of luawaaaSu uu Jo lun.o.tddd SO-SO-LO •0-9 `paTnuo uoilow oql •IuawljudaQ IuawdolanaQ ,ClTunwwoo aql jo uoiloolip aq1 aapun pauog sluana aql But.tq of `pnoDoW ngwowpounoo ,Cq puooas `alugwug ngwowpounoo ,Cq apnw sumo uoilow d :uoipad pauno3 oql jo aa,Coldwo uu awooaq pinonn p.tuog sluana agl jo aoloa.nQ agl pun `pauaaouoo sl 2utIuw uoistoap se Mj se p.reog ,Ciosinpd ue awooaq pinonn pluog luanno otll pappu OH •sanssi luawdolanaQ ,CljunwwoD aau sluana pun slentlsaj agl llu su luawlaudaQ luawdolanaQ ,CllunwwoD aql iopun ui lg2nolq pluog sluana aagoluuaM lsua aql aas of mill pinonn aq suoildo lua.tajjip aql OutMatA03 .rage plus aH 'spun3 xul lalow/I010g glinn p.reog sluana aagoleuaM Isng aql 2uipun3 w Istsse of alqu Iou st ,CITD atll xul lalow/laloq SutptuSa.l uollulsi2al Iuaoa.i aql ql!m Iugl ptus ,Coed .to,(UW •luougaudop Iuawdolana(l ,Cltunwwoo oql .spun 2uTwoo ptuog sluana aagoluuaM Isua oql 2uipm2ai uotssnostp d VO-90-LO '0-9 `Polnuo uoilow oql •anuand susue}I pun anuand .taro. D uaannlaq aN laaalS ,Ol 3o sapis gloq Suo1e 2uillud ou aoeld of 1inoDoW .iogwowpunoD ,Cq puooas `l.tegwug iogwaw11ouno3 ,Cq apnw suns uoilow d :uollad Iiaunoa •sanssi alu.redas omnl su gN laa.tlS y,OI 2uolu 2ut)Iied oql pun auu-I anion f Suole 2uppud ag1 glinn leap of papioap puu suoildo ioglo passnosip ITounoo LOOZ `8 AVW SFIIfIMW "IIO�MOD 3HHD.Lt RRAI IS`d9 d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 2007 Sister City Association Delegate Noriaki Hori thanked Council for the sympathy and warm consideration for Mayor Suzuki and his family. He said he would relay to Mrs. Suzuki about the discussion regarding the Japanese Garden discussed earlier in this meeting. He added the people of Misawa will continue to work hard to continue the relationship as Sister City with the City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:16 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a ten minute executive session regarding potential litigation. Council reconvened at 8:26 p.m. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Raab said he has spoken with the property owners adjacent to City Hall regarding the possibility of the City purchasing their property. He said he has spoken to one of the property owners and they would be willing to sell at the value which it was appraised. He added he has a call into the owner of the adjacent football field that was purchased by the church to discuss any options with them. Councilmember Buckner invited Council to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony which will be Saturday, May 12, 2007, at the newly remodeled East Wenatchee Motor Inn. Councilmember Buckner said most of the entities in the area are not ready to move toward this the purchase of the MetroQuest program. He added the cost of the program is approximately $200,000.00. Council agreed by consensus to have Councilmember Buckner relay that the City may be interested in this program in the future when other entities are more interested in the involvement as a whole. Councilmember John Dewitt submitted minutes from Chelan -Douglas Regional (CRSN) and Developmental Disabilities (DD) Governing Board meeting held April 2, 2007. Councilmember George Buckner submitted minutes from the North Central Washington Economic Development District meeting held April 11, 2007. Councilmember Harry Raab submitted a report regarding the Solid Waste Advisory Committee Executive meeting he attended on Tuesday, May 1, 2007. ADJOURNMENT — 8:42 P.M. Dana Barnard City Clerk 11