HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/24/2007 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING APRIL 24, 2007 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember DeWitt to excuse Councilmember Hendricks from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Linda Countryman, Joan Sims, and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation proclaiming Thursday, May 10, 2007, as "Goodwill Community Appreciation Day". CITIZEN COMMENTS Edna Maguire, 390 NE 13T14 Street, East Wenatchee, addressed the City Council regarding mandatory garbage collection services. She said she would like Council to consider allowing some flexibility in the frequency of garbage collection services or a variable can rate. Council discussed the inconsistency between the Ordinance and the Exhibit relating to senior citizens. Mayor Lacy asked Ms. Maguire to schedule an appointment to meet with the City Attorney and himself to clarify the issue. Dave Bremmer of Bremmer Construction expressed his desire for Council to reconsider passage of an ordinance and resolution on this agenda regarding cost recovery and increasing filing fees for developers. He said as a contractor and developer he feels one of the biggest issues in the valley is affordable housing and does not feel that by increasing these rates it will help towards allowing for affordable housing. He also does not believe the City should move towards hiring a Hearings Examiner which would replace the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment. Mayor Lacy said a lot of consideration has gone into moving toward this direction, and by changing the fee schedule it will offset actual costs of processing applications. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he received a letter with signatures from homeowners on Jackie Lane and 10`h Street NE regarding the parking issue. He said this item will be brought forward to the next Council meeting for discussion. •saa3 Bullg of 8uqulai apoD IudloiunW aagoluuaM Isug 3gI30 61 all!JL Pau `81 atl!.L `91 311!Z3o suorpod 8u!puowu aouuuipzo uu3o 8ulpuaa Isii,d CO-b0-LO 33NVNIQ2I0 -0-9 `poimuo uoilow oqs •paluasaid su iupualto luasuoo agl anoiddu of I1!M3CI iaqu 3wpounoo Xq puooas `uosugol iagwawpounoo Xq opuui suns uoilow d :uotlad I!aunoa 'LOOZ `gO-MW JO gluoW aql JOJ `LOOZ `S IIIdd p!ud `I8'£ZL`99Z$JO lunowu Iulol aql u! `£LZSZ ggnolgl 8LI9Z siaqumu Iuunum lloiXud ano.iddt, saop pounoo •pap!on 013M S£981 Puu ` MI `99981 `L£58I `0£S8l gOnolgl bZ58l 109Z81 saagmnu Iut.uuM 'S6'6LZ`619$30 lunouzu lulol oql ui S£981 gBnojgl 81 S8I slaqumu JUL1JLM anoaddu saop pounoD `LOOZ `tiZ I!1dV `altp Slgl jo sd •IlounoD of alqul!t,nu aptux uaaq suq lugl Suilsil u uo papaooai uaaq anuq 060'bZ'Zb MO2I Xq paimbw su pag!liao sut!ulo luawasinqunai asuodxo asogl put 080'bZ'Zb M02i Xq pa.nnbai su nogjo Oull!pnt, aqI Xq pajjpno put, pol!pnu s.iagonoA nuamg s,aol!s!A 79 uolluanuoD ,CalluA aagoluuaM aql loj siagonon Jo It,noiddd £ sll!g jo uorltlap!suOD z LOOZ `0I I!ldV `uoissos juln8ag — salnuiW jo uoijwap!suoO • I Hv(IN3'IdO IN3SNOO •luauilndaQ IuawdolanaQ X4!uncuuzoD aql lapun oltiodo so ,4!D aql jo Iuauzlredap u st, ui pnog sluang aagoltuaM Isug aqI 2utjq of oq pinonn f4!I!q!ssod laglout, pappu OH •,Cmouolnt, nagl �uldaaj nuamg siol!s!A puu uo!Iuanuo3 X3IIVA aagoltuaM aql iapun alwado p.reog sluang aagoltuaM IS aql anuq of s! ,Cl!l!q!ssod iagloud •(9) (o) i0S u io `(£) (o) i05 u npun aluiodo of,Clrl!qu aql anslnd uto pnog sluang aagaluuaM Isug agl pits OH •sasn mou aagoluuaM Isug 3o ,CI!D agl uuod aql u! 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RESOLUTION 07-04-04 A resolution adopting a cost recovery schedule for development application and permit processing. Mayor Lacy said this item is associated with the ordinance and will be brought forward to the next agenda for approval upon adoption of the ordinance. ACTION / DISCUSSION ITEMS 07-04-05 Authorization for the Mayor to sign a consultant agreement and the necessary documents for the Safe Routes to Schools Project. Community Development Director Barnett submitted a draft of a project budget. She added that if all schools are included in the project the project total would be $8,008.00. The grant funds received from Steps to a Healthier Washington total $5000.00. She added Street Superintendent Goodman indicated the Street Department has money budgeted for sidewalks that can be used for this project. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Johnson to authorize the Mayor to sign the consultant agreement and the necessary documents for the Safe Routes to Schools Projects. The motion carried, 6-0. ADJOURNMENT — 7:15 P.M.