HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/11/2006 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING APRIL 11, 2006 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember DeWitt, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken was excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council Meeting by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Dawn Collings, Executive Director, East Wenatchee Events Board, gave an update on Classy Chassis and Wings & Wheels. Ms. Collings high lighted some of the changes for Classy Chassis this year. She also said Wing & Wheels has some special events going on this year as it will commemorate the 75`h anniversary of the famous Pangborn Herndon Flight. MAYOR"S REPORT Mayor Lacy said a meeting of public officials is scheduled for Thursday regarding the future plans to go forward with the Regional Events Center. Mayor Lacy said there is a Lions Luncheon being held Thursday at 11:30 am at the Red Lion honoring police from around the area including Chief Harrison. CONSENT CALENDAR 1Eensider-atien of Fninutes Regular- Session MaMh 28 2006 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, April 11, 2006, Council does approve warrant numbers 16909 through 16967 in the total amount of $135,398.53. Warrant numbers 16309, 16648, 16863, and 16828 were voided. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 23127 through 23214, in the total amount of $215,841.74, paid March 3, 2006, for the month of February 2006. Payroll warrant number 23158 was voided. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember DeWitt to approve the consent calendars presented. The motion carried, 6-0. •uotl!sod zauuuld oluioossu oql loj apuw Smoci si Iuawpuawu aqI p vs ,Coin io,CuW •aagoluuaM Isug jo ,CIt0 aqI jo saa,Coldwa pup sluiog3o mulno of piud aq of uoilusuodwoo Pup sai.ruius Suip.ru2aa 10-900Z 'ON anuum, 10 ouipuawu aouuwplo up jo 2uipua1 IsJt3 ZO-b0-90 3Z)NdNIcrdo •aAtluluasoldw u j03 uotssiwwOD 2uiuuuld aqI Iopluoo pinoo aqs so dno.u2 aql ui aludioipud oI a)[il pinom wagl jo ouo 3i liounoD paNsu aqS •wwBoid aalsuW auiialogS oql ioj sa)Iul Rare oql puu .10ni2I uigwnloo oql Suolu suoiluln8al puu suoiluu2isop `suoiloulsw Igsiaq `sasn puul loj suoilupuawwonai miuw of 33u1s gltm liom oI gluow p s2upow xts of aAg puallu of aldoad lgBp jo pasudwoo oq ll!M aalliwwoO ,Ciosinpd ,CliunwwoD oql plus Ilaureg ioloaatQ IuowdolanaQ ,Cliunwwoo aall!wwo3 ,C.ios!npd uaz!Iia uuea2o id .ialsvW augaaogS Iuac11.18aQ Iuaw olanaQ !untuwo3 '0-9 `Paiuuo uollow aql •sal "PuaH iociwowpounoD ,Cq puooas `jamlong jagwawliounoD ,(q Z06`8£L`I$ Jo lunowu aql ui •3•g•g uoilonilsuoo suoS pup oloS oI loofoad sluawanoidwl gN Iaa.gS y,S I pup onuaAV Iuowlsug aql joj piq aql piumu of opm sum uollow d :uoilaV i!aunoD 'P!q aql jo uoiliod lugs loj fop aqI osincimw llim pup Ioafold aqI Ouunp Nlom 2uponpuoo aq llim slotilsiP X3i1iln oql pappu aH '000`ZL9`I$ sr loofoad aql jo uoillod s,4D aqI pips aH 'Z06`8£L`I$ 3o Iunowu aqI ui 0•-I•-I uoilon.rlsuoD suoS pup oloS `joppiq mol oql oI piq oql fuipaumu 2uipuawwo0ai auolsSuini'I apuM aatlloD puowwuH wo.IJ iallal u palliwgns aH •loafoid aqI io3 sptq aalgl POA10031 ,Clip aqI plus uuwpoo[) luopuoluincInS laaiIS IaafOld luow;sCH Pug HN IaaalS ,,,Si — PJvm'V P!g '0-9 `Pai.uuo uollow aqZ •WupuaH ngwowpounoo ,Cq puooas `uosugo f iagwawliounoZ) ,Cq loafoid louls!Q ssauisng lualu33 aql jo Ind su sawoq paumo ,Clio jo luawaluqu io3 joSpnq ,Cum jo-Ig2ii aqI woi3 sooi,vaS Iuluawu011Aug saulsnpul luumloanoo of luawaluqu aoj piq of oql pipmu oI apuw SUM uollow d :uoilad I!aunoD •la8pnq aql ui popnioui si Ison sigl Pappp OH •luawaluqu oql op of piq u Iiwgns of jolouiluoo aqI molip osiu no om plus OH •£Z8`tz$ aoj )IaoM aqI op of Saoln13S Ipluawuo.nnug saiusnpul IpuoiloauoD aql wo13 piq u panianN spq aq Pius aH •luawaluqu uu op Isnw Xogl uoppwop u op of lapzo ut pup wagl ui solsagsu anuq pasugoind sawoq oql plus aH 'ola solsagsu `nivasiu `pual jo aouasaid oql loj palunluna sawoq aql anuq of sum loofoid sigl jo pud aaglouu plus uuwp000 •ayq '0-9 `paimuo uollow aq,L •. mjong aagwawliouno:) ,Cq puooas `quud ngwowpounoo ,Cq IiounoD of papinoid laagspuaads aql uo poziiuwwns sluawaillas aniluJIsiuiwpu aql IIu 3o Iunoiddu wiguoo of apuw suM uollow d :uo!laV paunoa •loofoad aql io3 pasugoind f4!D aqI shored aql lip jo Supiowl lipnu ioj sT sluawalllas anilpIIsiuiwpu aql Jo Iunolddu plus aH •lua,C Isud aql loj Ioafold IoillsiQ ssouisng lualuao oql ao3 suoilopsuvil ,Cum jo-Iop agl do lip jo ,Crewwns u pounoD OAUS uuwpoo[) IuapualuiladnS Ia31IS laafo.id (IUD — suo!lgau!ag13 ,CgM 3o-Ig2!g Iuaiullu au Iaa.c;s SIdodau INgb1Iinva3Q 900Z `I I IRIdd S9lflNJW'IIDNn0D 99HDIVN3M IS`dd AO AID 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11, 2006 Council Action: A motion was made to elevate the ordinance amending the salary for the associate planner to second reading by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance amending the salary for the associate planner by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO. 2006-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO 2006-01 AND FIXING AND CONFIRMING THE SALARIES AND COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO CERTAIN OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DURING THE YEAR 2006. ACTION ITEMS 06-04-02 MS 2006-01, V 2006-02, V 2006-03, and V 2006-04: an application submitted by Hank Lewis on behalf of Cascade Property Ventures, LLC requesting preliminary approval of a major subdivision application to divide 18.51 acres of land into 86 residential lots with an average lot size of 7,579 sq ft. The project includes the extension of Kansas Avenue to connect 3rd St SE to 4th St SE and the construction of a new east -west looped road system intersecting with the new Kansas Avenue. The applicant is requesting variances to permit 16 lots to have less than 70 feet of frontage on the public street due to the curvature of the street, use of the rear yard setback instead of front yard setback for lots backing up to 4th St SE since they will not access that street, and use of the Douglas County Comprehensive Street Standards. Community Development Direct Barnett said the applicant is requesting preliminary approval of a major subdivision application to divide 18.51 acres of land into 86 residential lots with an avera�e lot size of 7,579 square feet. The project includes the extension of the Kansas Avenue to connect to 3` Street SE to 4`h Street SE and the construction of a new east -west looped road system intersecting with the new Kansas Avenue. The applicant is requesting variances to permit 16 lots to have less than 70 feet of frontage on the public street due to the curvature of the street, use of the rear yard setback instead of a front yard setback for lots backing up to 4`h street SE since they will not access that street, and use of the Douglas County Comprehensive Street Standards. Council Action: A motion was made to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission for preliminary approval a major subdivision from an application submitted on behalf of Cascade Property Ventures LLC by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0. 06-04-03 Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee, the City of Wenatchee, Douglas County, and Chelan County for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II work with Department of Ecology (DOE) Grant. Council Action: A motion was made to authorize the acquisition of right of way along the 8`h Street NE and Grover Avenue frontage in the amount of $11,000 by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Aiken. The motion carried, 6-0. J I �alnsuail, 114!0 ati;uno uput 0t,:8 — IN2[ KuflofQd -moilowol uulago u► s2upow aqI 2uipuauu aq pinom aq pus iouxong jagwotuliounoD s.Lldodau 1II3AIIlOO 900Z `I I 'II2Idv SglfIAIIW 'IIDI1f1O0 IIIIHD. VNgM ISNII 10 AID