HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/28/2006 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
MARCH 28, 2006,
6:30 P.M.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember
Johnson, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember
Aiken, and Mayor Lacy.
Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken, from this Council Meeting by
Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 6-0.
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Stanton, Commissioner Keane, and Commissioner Hunt.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Teresa
Allen, and Chuck Zimmerman.
The purpose of this meeting is to consider recommendations of the Douglas County Regional Planning
Commission and the East Wenatchee Planning Commission on the following proposals:
A. CPRZ-04-0001, submitted by Northwest Geodimensions Inc. on behalf of Fancher Village LLC
and CPRZ-04-0004, submitted by Vince Stimac for site specific map amendments to the Greater
East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan and Development Code to establish neighborhood
commercial centers on the Fancher Plateau.
B. A proposal to adopt amendments to the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan
proposed to satisfy the requirements for the 2006 GMA review and update of comprehensive
plans pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130.
The Board of. Commissioners and the City Council will take action to accept or reject the
recommendations, or continue the meeting to another date and time.
Mark Kulaas, Douglas County Planning Director reviewed the process that has taken place to date
regarding applications CPRZ-04-0001 and CPRZ-04-0004.
Mayor Lacy asked for clarification on why the East Wenatchee Planning Commission had a vote with
respect to denial or approval in the process since the property in question is located outside the City
Mr. Kulaas explained that the City of East Wenatchee and Douglas County entered into an agreement
regarding annexation which states they would adopt the same comprehensive plan and the same
development regulations for the urban area. He added the City and County came up with a procedure to
get City and County concurrence with proposals. Therefore the two Planning Commissions came up with
a mechanism to allow voting on applications.
•in000 pinom souozaa oql aaglogm jo ssolp.itBoi
uuld aA►suogaadwoo oql jo sluawpuowu oq pinom t000-t0-ZNdD Pun I000-t70-Z- HdD os Mus �Otl-1 JOXuW
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oq pinogs uuld aA[suoq;)ldwoo oql iaglagm aq pinom siouoissiwwoo ,4unoo sul2noCl 3o salon oql pun
papuawu oq pinogs uuld aAlsuayaidwoo aqI aaglagm si qui pinom l!ounoo f4lD aagoluuaM Isug aql aloA
Xluo oql pappu OH •uo'lo'psunf iiogl apislno Xvadold auozal of po lsu oq pinonn filunoD oql lou Xl!o oq1
Jagl►au Ares OH •uoilo►psi.inf liagl u►gl!m fvz)dold 3o auozaa u aq pinom 1! asnuooq o luai of snuo►ssiwwoD
r4unoo sul2noCl oql loj onssi uu si paluuA si auozal n .iaglogm of su anssi oql pies unw.iawwiZ -jW
•luawpuawu uuld aAlsuaga.idwoo aqI s► XEo aqI aiojaq nuutu 0AilnlstS01
aqZ •awil awns oql it, olaq uo SuioS s2upootu oilgnd luaaajip onnl on, wagl os pounoD ,Clip agl jo uoilon
iuug n s► Ion 0A►Iuls1231 Iuq.L 'KI!D oql jo uuld aAlsuoga.idwoo oql si I? pres uuwaawwiZ S;)uaollV 4!3
�Iusodoid iulnoiliud sigl uo BUIJOA oq pinogs pounoD
,c4lD aqI lugl poludioiluu I! si sl!w►l Clio oql apislno poluool wu satl odold osagl aoulS •sosod.ind Suiuuuld
osogl Joj uoiloipstinf ilagl apislno SuiloA saipoq antlulsiOal qloq of loadsaa glin� aouulswnono aqI si goigm
suoiloipstinf luonno .nags apislno sasn puul ioj suoilsoHns to slnsodoid uo aloA 01 suolss►wwoD BUIUUUld
aqI gloq pomollu lugl Iuotuoolfn un sung aaagl lugl lonj aqI Inoqu paNlul annq ann Ares Xonrl lofmw
Jolluag `aoulluM a►wur
lollua2l `plagooS Ind
:auozal u Buimollu jo .ioAuj ui o3lods suazil!o 2uimollo3 aql
aagoluuaM Isug `•pnlg SIVIOH iag3uu,4 SZZZ `apoZl aAaIS
aagoluuaM Isug "ICI slilH eoICuuD bL£Z `wnjIrD3W IJag1aQ
aagoluuaM Isug `•pAlg slgSIQH iagaun3 L09Z `uuw.iaIod ua01103
puulSI food `opulD ouuo-A 15S9 `uosdwogZ No►2H
aagolnuaM Isng "'Cl m3'A Puul4SlH LLbZ `aBuu-I aof
aagoluuaM Isug `•'(J aOpi.iIEN/A 8tZI `XaPAN ssOld
ouoza.i oqj Ouimollu lsutuOu a3lods suozilio Sulnnollo3 aqI,
•pooq.ioggBiou Irtolowwoo su pauoz sic SIJ
iiagl oluo Ii apuw 1! ss000id Clunoo snli?noCl aqI ui mogawos lnq kpl do.id s►ql luasaldoj Iou3 ui Iou p!p
oounuiplo Iug1 jo I,ud suns lugl duw 2uiuoz iniogjo aql puu paaalua oouuuipio un sung aiagl lugl slsaiiOns
goauasaa aqI w►q of pouiuldxo sunlnN '. W Ares aH •,ClunoD aqI wo.g sduw puu sluawnoop Iuiogjo ul
poogaogq2iou lu►ojawwoo pauoz Iou3 ui sum kpodo.id aqI Iugl ouwilS -1W of puu o►lgnd aqI of poluosa.idol
suq ClunoD aql Mus OH •paaapisuoo aq of paau lugl b000-b0 ZWdD loj sluawn5lu oml pozintutuns
aq pins b000-b0 ZXdo uoiluoilddu aql of panSa.i ql!m `ouwiIS aoulA 5uiluosoidol `uosiolod )IjL l X;)Wolld
•auozal luionwwoo poogloggl?►au
pauuuld u .io3 u►.ial►lo aql Ilu sloaw 1000-b0 ZXdo Iug1 paluls puu sluawolo utnllao swinbal uuld
Inioaawwoo pooglogql3iau aqI Iugl pauiuldxo pus niaaluo aqI lit, pouiwnxo aq go►gnn ut uoiluluasa.id u ann0
1000-b0 Zddo loj uoiluoilddu aqI of pau23i gjlm `DZ-I 32n11!A a3gouu3 iWiluoswdaa `aun-I IIooS XC )UlouV
•unld aAisuagaadwoD aagoluuaM Isug
.iolna.ig oql of sluawpuowu aqI pasodoid annq oqm sluuoilddu woa3 suoiluluasaad loj palsn Xou-I loXtW
Mr. Zimmerman said that would be up to the City on the comprehensive plan and if there is any
inconsistency between the comprehensive plan as adopted by the City and the County then we would
have to sort that out through discussions and further public hearings. If there is a decision other than to
simply accept and adopt the position of the planning commission because this is a public meeting if the
City Council were to without having had the benefit of looking at the entire record they may be inclined
to make a different decision than the planning commission then it would be suggested that the City
Council hold their own public hearing on the issue before making that determination allowing those for
and against the opportunity to comment as this meeting is a public meeting not a public hearing.
Mr. Zimmerman said the City Council action would be a legislative act to make the amendment.
Mr. Kulaas said each of the applicants is requesting two actions. They are both requesting that the
comprehensive plan be amended for the current neighborhood commercial designation in which the
current comprehensive plan designates land on the eastside of Gun Club Road as suitable for commercial
development not the sites proposed in these applications. Both of the applicants are requesting that the
designation be moved from that location to their prospective properties and the second part of each
application is the actual rezone or quasi judicial action of applying the zoning district to those properties.
The City will not vote for the rezone portion of the application should it come to that. Actions available to
you tonight are for you to accept the recommendations as is or to continue this public meeting or you can
reject the recommendation of the planning commission and in doing so identify why, and then set a date,
time and place for a public hearing, should you consider changes to the recommendation either in
substance or in their findings.
Mayor Lacy suggested that we divide the two submissions and deal with them. individually at this point.
The first one CPRZ-04-0001 submitted by NW Geodimensions Inc. on behalf of Fancher Village LLC
and specifically to amend the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan with respect to include
site number 0001 as an area for a neighborhood commercial center on the Fancher Plateau.
Councilmember Stanton stated that it is the official policy of Douglas County that limited scale
commercial development to support the approximate 500 homes in the Fancher Plateau be developed. He
said from the record before the planning commissions and from comments tonight it appears that the
greatest objection of either or the sites is appearance, lighting, signs, building design and landscaping are
all important to making commercial development fit especially up in Fancher Heights. Fancher Heights is
relatively new it is unique and unique solutions are appropriate to help determine what development
standards are best for the area.
Action by Douglas County Commissioners:
Commissioner Stanton moved that the recommendation of the planning commission be rejected for both
of the applications before us. Staff be authorized to initiate a process that will lead to the preparation of
commercial design and development standards for the Fancher Heights area. The process needs to be of
limited duration with invitations to participate for both the property owners and for area residents. This
motion envisions the use of graphics and photographs to define policies and standards for neighborhood
commercial development, and the evaluation of both of the proposed sites for the suitability. The final
project report is due in six months. Also part of this motion, a joint public hearing to consider the matter
will be set for Tuesday, September 26, 2006 beginning at 6:30 PM in the East Wenatchee City Council
Chambers. If the project is completed in advance, an earlier hearing date could be set by the Board and
Council. Commissioner Hunt second for discussion. There was a point of clarification that this would
not go back to the Planning Commission. Motion carried 3-0.
s► ologl •aaagl luowdolanap 2utnt,q aoJ aanlonilstijui aoft,w agI sloaluoo augl Iotalsip aqI ql!M uotlt,aad000
,Cut, uo►s►Aua IOU saop uuld antsuogaadwoo s►qI `aanannoH •uaau o2ptag uutsuqupo aqI lu luawdolanap
It,toaawwoo awos Ou►At,q 3o Rapt aqI ql!m aapual ,,4!unwwo u su ao uaz►Ito u su luawaaast,s►p
aulnotlat,d Cuu anuq Iou saop OH •t,aau oSptag uuisuqupo aqI w spuul luiolauiwoo jo uotluuBisop 3o onssi
agI st auo •Inoqu sulaouoo suq aq Ml uuld antsuagaadwoD aql of sloodsu oml alu oiogl pius Xourl io,(lLW
-90OZ aagwaoaQ
Xq auop anuq put, ssaooad Isnw am lugl sluouipuouiu aqI puu suoiluln5oi ,Caolnluls agI gloq Iaaw
ut,o am kem ou si olagl It,gl op of joquioldoS Itlun Itum any 3l •uuld 0nisuagaadwo3 oql aoj uotluluawoldw►
aqI oq ll!m suotlulnBaa Iuowdolanap agI asnt,00q suoiluln2ol luowdolanap aqI opim Iouuuo no,(
luawpuawt, aA►suagaadwoo agI Sutnuq InogliM -90OZ aagw000G Xq palupdn suotlt,ln2w luouidolanap ano
puu palupdn uuld antsuagaadwo:) ano anuq am Iugl pannbai suq aanlulst2al aqI Iugl pomgdxa Ilauiug •sW
uuld auo Suiluoio
,Cq Rind antsuogaadwoD aagoluuaM Isug jo ,cl!D oql puu ,ClunoD agI aoj uuld antsuagaaduzoD aagoluuaM
Isug aaluaao agI astnaa of si mou no,C aaojaq lusodold aqZ •ssaooad Iuawpuawt, lunuuu uu jo l.►ud
alarm gltM Iluap Isnf no,C suoiluoilddu oql -90OZ aagwaoaQ of aotad suuld an►suagaadwoo oql ,Guss000u
st, as►Aaa puu MOIAaa of mul alulS 3o luouiojinboi agI si mou noX aaojaq anssi aqI ptus suulnN •ayq
'0£i'H0L'9£ AkDX of luunsand sut,ld
aA►suayaadwoo 3o alupdn puu Matnaa VWD 90OZ aqI ao3 sluawalinbai aql ,CJsilus of pasodoad
uuld anisuagaidwoD uald oagolt,uaM Isug aaluaio aqI of sluawpuawu Idopu of lusodoad d •g
smolloj se s► lourtu puooas aqI ptus Xot,-1 io,CL'W
0-9 `Pataauo uo►low 041 uosugo f
aagwowliounoD Xq puooas `quu-d aagwawpounoo Xq saauotss►wwoD ,ClunoD suftoQ aqI Xq passud
puu uoluulS aauotss►wwoD Xq glio3 lqi?noaq uo►low aqI l.ioddns of apuw sung uo►low d :uo►IaV lwuno3
*uuld antsuagaadwoo agI of luawpuawu
agl si go►gnu aalluw 0ntluls123i agI uo 211110A ,Cluo st fI!D aqZ •p►p ,Clunoo agI su aalluw lutoipnf
►sunb t, uo uo►Iot, 2u►lul IOU si fItD oql Iugl pouiuldxa uuwaaww►Z •alN •luawpuowt, ut,ld anTsuagaidwoo
NJ Sutop ,ciuo sl ,C1i0 aqI uotlow awes aqI ui sonss► gloq ql!m Iluap uotlow s,,ClunoD oql alogm
aalluw 0ntlt,is1031 u qj!m 2uquop wu noX Iugl aq pinom uotlul!wtl ,Cluo agI ptus uuwaawwtZ ,Cauionv Xj!3
Bu►uuuld oql g0nolgl Nouq oS lsnw auo `sa►laadoad laglo opnlout of put, Nouq o5 of aapao ul •uolsstwwoo
Su►uuuld aqI of uaaq Xpuaalu suq Il •,Cpoq sigl of Nouq awoo uagl puu uoissiwwoD Suiuuuld aqI of )Iouq
oS IOU ll!m soiliodoad asoq L •suotluoilddu Ouipuod gltm slooaud oml agI aau ssaooad MOIAaa aql ut panlonut
oq ll!m It,gl slaaaud oml Xluo agI uagl paluosaad su passud si uo►low ogl3t ptus uuwaaww►Z XauiouV ,CltD
•ssaooad oluaudas s►gl Xq poldopt, lag pinom lugl ut,ld antsuogaadwoo It,gl ui suoiluu2lsop Iutoaawwoo
luuoilippu uaaq anuq pinom , oql panoaddt, uaaq ,cagl pt,H -uuld antsuagaadwoo oql jo uoisinaa puu
alt,pdn aalsuw stgl w glim Iluop IOU ant, Xoq L •sioumo Kpodoad lt,npiAtput agI Xq palg suotluotlddu ogtoads
aau asogZ •suotluotlddu oml osogl of olulaa IOU saop upuagu aqI uo g wall -uuld an►su3g3ldwoo ano alupdn
Put' Ma►AOI of posoddns wim am aw►I owus aqI It, an000 of pauodduq lugs, •owtl awus aqI It, pannalAaa
aau Xogl put, pola)Ioop IaS swab asogZ -mou ql!m gu►luap are noX uo►luo►lddu aqI st goigm )(Podold
jo aoatd wupoo u puawu of uotluotlddu a�It,w puu ,clunoD aqI ao "41D aqI of awoo uuo auo aaagAx ssaooad
u anuq of aluls aqI Xq polupuuw luawaa►nbaa mzmaa u s► Ixau ql!m Outluop aq ll!m noX Iugm st goigm auo
aaglo aqI puu satlilua luawua3no2 aqI Jo auo ao uo►ss►wwoo Su►uuuld oql Xq ao kurd alt,ntad u Xq palug!w
,Clluaaua,3 aau ,Cagl auop aau Iuowpuowu uuld antsuogaadwoo aql sXum luaanas aau aaagl pros llauat,g 'SW
900Z `8Z HDNVW S91f1AIIW 'llDN IOD 9HHD1` NHtA LSV9 d0 A.LID
no sewer out to that area. In discussions with a Sewer District Commissioner he stated that if requested
and a need is shown they will utilize the resources of the sewer district to provide sewer service to a
particular area. Mayor Lacy stated that most developers generally look to develop in areas where
infrastructure already exists not where they have to provide the infrastructure in order to make their
development. He reiterated that he has concerns about that portion of the plan.
Mayor Lacy said his other concern is something he has voiced many times. Which is on the east side of
the City up Grant Road where infrastructure does exist both in terms of street and sewer development.
There is no vision under this comprehensive plan to allow development and in fact the areas that he is
talking about, generally east of the City limits and out toward the airport have been and remain designated
under this comprehensive plan as resource lands for agriculture which basically limits anyone in that area
to agriculture or nothing and they cannot develop their properties. They are in a position to where
basically without the lifting of that designation under the comprehensive plan there would not be a basis
for rezone of any of their property so they could develop them into subdivisions or anything other than
agriculture. This comprehensive plan does not deal with that, yet it does use up the allocation for
commercial designation at the Odabasian Bridge area without an adequate improvements plan that would
allow us to move forward in the next reasonable period of time to see that occur. For those two reasons he
has real concerns about this comprehensive plan generally.
Commissioner Hunt stated that one of the places that Douglas County is looking towards commercial
development is at the Odabasian Bridge area. She said that particular area has always been designated as
the next commercial area and that is where the citizens of the County have told past Commissioners that
is where they wanted it to go. Therefore they have continued on in that direction and have been working
diligently with the sewer district to extend sewer to that area. She added the County just received a letter
from the sewer district stating their intent to extend sewer as far as 27th Street this year. She added there
has been a lot of interest in development at the Odabasian Bridge area.
Council Action: A motion was made to remand the proposed amendments to the Greater East Wenatchee
Area Comprehensive Plan back to the Planning Commission and ask them to review and reconsider
where to put the commercial designations by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember
DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0.
Commissioner Keane asked for clarification on whether that means to reduce the commercial zoning in
the Odabasian Bridge area and offset it in some other place.
Mayor Lacy said that would depend on whether we could provide within a reasonable period of time a
plan that would ensure we could have infrastructure to develop in the Odabasian Bridge area. Which
would include sewer and transportation issues that would be impacted by that kind of development.
Ms. Barnett also had a question to the motion. The area that the Mayor is alluding to is outside the Urban
Growth Boundary. The Odabasian Bridge area is in the Urban Growth Boundary. Therefore is the
directive to review the entire Urban Growth Boundary? Ms Barnett said this could not be completed by
the end of this year and by not meeting the State mandated deadline we would be facing a motion from
the state that we would be out of compliance with Growth Management if we cannot get the development
regulations and the comprehensive plan adopted by the December 2006. She added this could also take
away our ability to get Public Works Trust Fund Loans.
Ms. Barnett said what can be done is add a paragraph to the adopting ordinance indicating that for the
2007 process review of the Comprehensive Plan that the UGA Boundary be included in that.
•0-£ p31.uu3 uo►IOW •aagoluuaM Isu93o "4l0 aqI
,Cq nnaiAa- ,(iupunog VDfl LOOZ aqI ut alud►oiInd ipm ,ClunoD aqI Iugl apuw suns luawpuawu , Ipua►lj
•puooas uoluulS lauo►sSIwwoD •uuld anisuagaldwoD uazd aagoluuaM Isug joluaig aql oI sluawpuawd
Suildopd g11-90 S'I.L uoclnlosag anoiddu oI panow IunH aauoiss►wWOD :,ClunoD sel2no(i ,Cq uoilad
•uuld anisuagaidwoo uald aagoluuaM Isug jowwo aqI of sluawpuawd
Ouildopd siauo►sstwwoo 3o pirog ,ClunoD sulSnoQ aqI jo uoilnlosa-d d :gI I-90 S lj, 'olq uoilnlosz-d
i` 0llfl'I0S9H A.LunOD
'0-9 `pa►uuo uorlow
aqZ -n!AkoQ lagwowliounoD ,Cq puooas `uosugof lagwawi►ounoD ,Cq posodoid su uuld'aA►suogojdwo:)
uOiV aagoluuaM Isug laluaio aqI oI sluawpuawu aql Idopu of apuw suns uorlow d :uoilad llaunoD
'0£I'VOL'9£ AkDX of luunsind sueld
aAlsuagaidwoo 3o alupdn puu MOIAad VWD 900Z aqI loj sluawalinbal aqI , jstlus of pasodoid
uuld aAisuagajdwoD uajd aagoluuaM Isug ialuoiD aql oI sluawpuawu Idopu oI Iusodold d •g
'0-9 `Pal.uuo uorlow aqL •sIolIpuaH
lagwawllounoD ,Cq puooas `uosugof ngwowpounoo ,Cq pa000i oql olu► puaa suns goignn oouuu►plo
aqI oI £ uo►loos nnau u 2u►ppu `aBuugo posodoid aql Id000u oI apuw suns uorlow d :uoilaV Ilaunoa
'0-9 `PW.uuo uorlow aq,L •sIoiapuaH iagwowitounoD
,Cq puooas `uosugo f aagwowl!ounoD ,Cq uuld aAtsuagaidwo' uald aagoluuaM Isug aaluOJD
aqI of sluawpuawu posodoid aqI puuwal oI uorlow aqI oprsu las of apuw suns uorlow d :uollad Ipunoa
'«L00Z .rua,C aql ut Iuowl.ruda(I Suiuuuld Clio aqI .ro3 sail►io►id aq of popuolui On pounoD'�I!D
aql Jo saA►Ioa.rrp asagZ TOM a2pug uulsuqupp aqI jo juawdolanap Iuiolowwoo Iurluolod ql►m poluioossu
sonssi aanlonilsuajui .rannas agl aluniun,a oI paloa.np sr 3Juls i4!D aqI uotl►ppu uI TOlV aagoluuaM Isug
13luall) ag13o luawdolan,ap ag13o Ig211 ul aluudoiddu aq of anuiluoo suoiluu2is3p plus .raglagm alunluna of
a3uu3giu2ls oinllnoi&u uijol Suol jo suon, su uaad glmoiD uugan ilu►ls►xo oql of IuaouCpu puo-I IuulD uo
sacra jo uolIuuSlsap aqI puu ,C.rupunog ua.rd glmolD uugjn aagoluuaM Isug loluoig agl3o m IAaa u ursaq
of jjulS 2uiuuuld f4!3 sloa.np iiounoD ,CIt0 aqZ„ `puai pinom lugl `aouuuipap aqI oI £ uorlooS mou u ppd
:pi000l aqI olui o2uugo pasodold aqI p of OH •oounuipio pasodold oql aoj uo►Ioas
Mau u pajJVlP suq aq pagou01 OAuq 3juls puu ao,(uW aqI Ilnsw aql glim plus uuwzawwiZ ,Cauiolltl 4!0
-pounoD fl!o oql fgsrlus oI Iuawnoop srgl of ouop aq ,Cuw Iugm llawug •sW pa)lsu uoluulS iouo►ssrwwoD
•Ir uuuj ,Cluo ,Cuw ,Cagl plol i?u►oq On ,Cagl osnuooq Ilu Iu puul
iiagl dolanap louuuo ,Cagl mou Ig2►-d •IIu Iu puul aql dolanap oI paMollu On ,Gail Iou3 ui 3t wagl oI do si
puul alqudolanap su l► Ilas puu I! apiA►pgns ao ,CI_radoid Iuiorawwoo olur I! dolanap ,Cagl iaglogm ,Cl.radoad
iiagl dolanap of ,Ciro agl jo Isug puul uo oldood jo ,Cltliqu ail sl!wil Iugl unld aAtsuoga.rdwoo u anuq any Iugl
sr 5uigl aaglo oqZ -could ui uuld sluawanoadwi Iuliduo a.rnlonilsugu► aqI anuq IOU op any Iugl Iou3 ag13o
Ig2il ui SUOIIuu21sap lulolawwoo aqI MOIA31 oI Inq ua.ru o2p►.ig uuisuqupp aql jo Ino iuioaawwoo aql avow
oI SuIXvs IOU sr oq pappu OH •ualu o2pug uuisuqupp aql Iu ,Claadoid Ivioiowwoo dolanap of .raplo ui could
ur sr uuld a.rnlonilsu.gui in, oins a)iuw oI oNq pinonn OH •uuld anisuaga.rdwoo sigl Idopu of Iou pounoD
,Clip aql oI puawwooa.r of wiq aAllp Iugl swab onnl On a.ragl aualo Il a)iuw oI sluum aq plus Coin Jo,C w
MARCH 28, 2006
06-03-06 First reading of an ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee adopting the Greater East
Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan and amendments thereto to satisfy the requirements for
the 2006 GMA review and update of comprehensive plans pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130.
Council Action: A motion was made to elevate the ordinance adopting the Greater East Wenatchee
Comprehensive Plan and amendments thereto to satisfy the requirements for the 2006 GMA review and
update of comprehensive plans pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130 with the inclusion of the amendment read
into the record to second reading by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McCourt.
The motion carried, 6-0.
Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance adopting the Greater East Wenatchee
Comprehensive Plan and amendments thereto to satisfy the requirements for the 2006 GMA review and
update of comprehensive plans pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130, as amended, by Councilmember Buckner,
second by Councilmember Johnson. The motion carried, 6-0.
Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary.
Douglas County Commissioners Board adjourned at 9:15 pm.
At 9:15 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a five minute recess. Council reconvened at 9:20 p.m.
Mayor Lacy read a proclamation designating the month of April as "Donate Life Month".
DEPARTMENT REPORT — Community Development
Discussion of Regional Water Resource Steering Committee
Community Development Director Barnett said she recently attended a meeting of the Regional Water
Resource Steering Committee. She said the fish hatchery, the East Wenatchee Water District, Chelan
County P.U.D., and the City of Wenatchee are all on the same Regional Water System. The Regional
Water System wells are located in Douglas County above Orondo. The water comes down and goes
across the river and into various reservoirs and then down here. Two years ago the East Wenatchee Water
District got on that water source. Now what has happened is Monitor and Cashmere have had some water
problems. The District boundary for the P.U.D. actually goes all the way out to Monitor and because they
are part of the P.U.D. service area they are also part of the service area for the Regional Water System so
they are trying to figure out how to provide Monitor with water. So far what they have come up with is a
6 million dollar project to serve about 235 homes. Tthey were unsuccessful in their grants applcations. As
a result of a discussion about extending the water out there, they started looking at what the current water
source, the direction of growth, and how reliable is that water source. They thought there would be plenty
of water for the next twenty to thirty years. As a result of the studies they have shown there is actually
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MARCH 28, 2006
06-03-07 First reading of an ordinance establishing speed limits on certain streets in the newly
annexed areas of the City, amending section 10.32.025 and adding sections 10.32.080
and 10.32.085 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code.
Council Action: A motion was made to elevate the ordinance establishing speed limits on certain streets
in the newly annexed areas of the City and amending section 10.32.025 and adding section 10.32.080 and
10.32.085 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to second reading by Councilmember Hendricks,
second by Councilmember McCourt. The motion carried, 6-0.
Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance establishing speed limits on certain streets in
the newly annexed areas of the City and amending section 10.32.025 and adding section 10.32.080 and
10.32.085 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code by Councilmember Buckner, second by
Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0.
Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary.
06-03-08 First reading of an ordinance creating a Community Development Grants Fund adopting
restrictions and regulations related thereto.
Council Action: A motion was made to elevate the ordinance adding a new section 4.20.110 to the East
Wenatchee Municipal Code to be known as the Community Development Grants Fund, adopting
restrictions and regulations thereto to second reading by Councilmember Hendricks, second by
Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 6-0.
Council Action.: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance adding a new section 4.20.110 to the East
Wenatchee Municipal Code to be known as the Community Development Grants Fund, adopting
restrictions and regulations thereto by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Raab. The
motion carried, 6-0.
Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance.
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