HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/14/2006 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MARCH 14, 2006, 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Aiken, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember DeWitt and Councilmember Raab were excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Buckner, from this Council Meeting by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Aiken. The motion carried, 4-0. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember DeWitt, from this Council Meeting by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 4-0. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Raab, from this Council Meeting by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Aiken. The motion carried, 4-0. Councilmember Raab arrived at 7:05 p.m. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Lacy read a proclamation designating the month of May as "Paint the Valley Purple Month". Mayor Lacy read a joint Resolution/Proclamation between Chelan County Board of Commissioners, City of Wenatchee, Douglas County Board of Commissioners, and the City of East Wenatchee designating the week of May 14-21, 2006, as Police week and May 15, 2006, as Peace Officers' Memorial Day. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said the East Wenatchee Events Board (EWEB) have asked if the East Wenatchee City Council would consider allowing them to use the East Wenatchee city logo for wearables and promotional items for resale. He added the city logo is not trademarked and he asked Ms. Allen to look into the process for registering the City logo. It was approved by consensus to allow the East Wenatchee Events Board use of the city logo. Mayor Lacy said the East Wenatchee Events Board is interested in assuming the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Event held in December each year. He said he has inquired as to whether the City would be allowed to fund the event if the EWEB were to take over. We received a response from Municipal Research stating that we would be able to continue to fund the event. He added he will bring this forward for formal action after the EWEB takes a final decision on taking over the event. •p-t `pailluo uoilow aqZ •IlnoDoW logwowiiounoo Cq puooas `uosugof lagwowJiounoD Xq loilisiQ laluM aagolnuaM Isng oql qlim IuawaZ.IBV saoinlaS Jnooilalut aqI u2IS of loXuW aqI aziloglnu of apuw snm uoilow d :uoilad Jiaunoa •Ioafold oql jo uo►lonllsuoo aqI Suilnp saxoq anJnn luawlsnfpu pun sooiAns utnw lalunn 3o uoilonllsuoo aqI ui alulad000 of gsim Ioilisio laluM aagoluuaM Isug oql pun c4iD oql loafoad cures aql 2uilnp pins luapualuindnS laallS •saxoq anion luowisnfpn pun `saoinlas wow lalunn jo uoilonllsuoo l03 loillstQ laluM aagoluuaM lsug aql gliM Iuawaa.2V saoln13S inooJlalul uu ugis of Xou7 lo,C W l03 uoilnziaoglnd ZO-£0-90 •p-J, `pailano uoTlow aq j •uosugo f lagwawJiounoD Xq puooas `s)ioilpuaH lagwowiiounoD Xq loilisiQ lannaS ,ClunoD suJ2noQ oql qj!m 1113wa012y saotnlaS JnooJlaluJ aql u�is of lofwW oql aziloglnn of apuw suns uoilow d :iioi;aV 1J3unoj •wali upuafu Jiounoo SuinnoJJoj aql of ,CIddu osiu Ipm sigl pappu OH •oluwilso snouiBua oql uo posuq sailand gloq Xq of paa12?n Iunowu un uo wals,Cs lamas oql of 2uilniai ponnoui sisoo loj posingwial aq jpm ,CIi3 aqI luawaoAu oql olui Suilaluo fq pius OH •loafoad aqi jo uoilonlisuoo aqI Suilnp soippin jo luowlsnfpn pun wals,Cs uoiloaJJoo lamas fauliuns nnau n jo uoiluJiuisui aql ui oluaad000 of gsim louisiCl lannaS /qunoD sujSnoQ aqI pun "4D aqI laallS y,61 oI I0311S y,S I wolf gN of anuand luowlsng Jo uoilonlisuooal aqI Suilnp pius uuwpoog luapualuiladnS laallS •loafoad uoilon.usuoo gN laallS y,S I `anuand luowlsug oql Suilnp sluawanoldwi lamas jo uoilonllsuoo loj J •oN IoilisiQ lamoS Sjunoo suJOnoQ aql glint IuawoojSV somAnS JnooJioluJ un uSis of bug loXuW loj uoiluziloglnd IO-£0-90 •017 `pai.uuo uo►low QU •sVIlpuaH lagwowiiounoD ,Cq puooas `uosugo f lagwowiiounoD , q poluosald sn anpuaJno luasuoo aqI anolddn oI apuw suns uoilow d :uoilad 1iaunoj '00'S99`SS$3o lunowu Julol aqi ui J,989I g2nolgl 6189I lagwnu lun.uunn anolddu soop pounoo `900Z `t,I g3.iL i `alup sigl jo sd -pounoD of aiquJiunu apuw uaaq suq lugl guilsiJ u uo popl000l uaaq an,nq `060'bZ'Zi, MO2I Xq palinbal su pogillao swiuJo luawasingwial osuodxo osogl pun `080't7Z'Zi, MD-d Xq palinbal su laoWo Suilipnu aqI Xq poggj3o puu polipnu slagonon sJJig jo uoilnlapisuOD •Z `900Z `8Z ,Clunlga3 `uoissoS aninOo-d -- solnuiw 3o uoilulopisuoD • J HV(IN211Id3 INHSNOO •uoissnosip lagvn3 ioj 2uilaaw laglouu of piLAuoj waft sigl 2utOuilq pals382ns aH 'muJ alnls aqI puo,CN alnin2al goigm anssi oql of Suiluial goluasmd iudioiunW woij soilio loglo ui pasn saouuu►plo aJdwus inlanas paniaoal snq aq pins ,Con-J lo.CuW •o2u uiulno u lopun asogi ,(q uoissassod puu digslaumo 2uiligrgold sung atu jo asn injmuiun aql of Ouiluial aouuwplo luonno aqi fwsw)l laptsuoo of JtounoZ) pa)isu aagoluuaM Isug `gM laallS y,I 18Z830 130131H lo2oZJ puu iioureQ ,CJJLS 8uilaaw JiounoD `900Z `i,I fjuniga3 aqI In pius XouZ loXuW 900Z `bl HDIIVW SaIf1NIW "IIDNfIOD RaHD I VNaM LS` H 90 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 14, 2006 Councilmember Raab arrived at 7:05 p.m. 06-03-03 Approval of a deferment of right of way improvements pursuant to East Wenatchee Municipal Code 15.47.130 for the S & S Short Plat on 61h Street NE. Mayor Lacy said he would excuse himself during this portion of the meeting and asked Councilmember Hendricks to lead the discussion of this agenda item as it involves property owned in part by him. Community Development Director Barnett said the process for the deferral is in place for those instances where if the improvements were put in by the developer they may actually have an adverse impact on the roadway system. She said at this time there are no curbs gutters or sidewalks along that street and in this case if they were installed it would send the water down to a neighboring property and they would be adversely impacted. Community Development Director Barnett said what the deferral process does is allow us to defer the improvements and we enter into a concomitant agreement with the developer. The agreement would stay in place for fifteen years and will include an inflation factor of 3.1%. She said the engineers estimate for this project is under $16,000.00. She added the agreement would be filed of record with Douglas County and is on notice for that particular parcel. Councilmember Hendricks said he feels it is necessary to have curb, gutter, and sidewalks completed at the time of development as he has seen agreements lost due to annexations and other reasons. Council Action: A motion was made to approve the execution of a deferral of improvements and authorize the Mayor Pro-Tem to sign a concomitant agreement for street improvements on 61h Street NE adjacent to the S & S Short Plat by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 4-1. (Hendricks) Mayor Lacy rejoined the meeting. Ms. Barnett reminded Council of a Shoreline Master Plan Open House being held tomorrow from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. DISCUSSION ITEMS 06-03-04 A discussion regarding a 2% stipend for bilingual Police Officers. Mayor Lacy said he had been approached by Representative Fred Minor on behalf of the Police Union regarding the issue. He said at this point we have one police officer that is bilingual that provides bilingual services in the field when the issue comes up. Mayor Lacy said he has discussed hiring bilingual officers. However there are not a lot of bilingual officers that apply for the position. Councilmember Hendricks said he does not feel we should vote on the issue until we are in negotiations for a new contract. He added if a stipend is given it should be given to all bilingual employees and should be part of a hiring or promotion incentive. He said he would rather see it as part of job qualifications for new hires or added to base pay rather than a stipend. Councilmember Aiken asked if the 2% stipend would apply to existing officers or anyone who is bilingual. Mayor Lacy said at this time the City has one bilingual officer so at this time it would only 11313 "4!D Iuulug BULQ W'd St?:L—.LN13WNNfl0fQd •90OZ `8 .Clunjgo j uo popuallu ay Ouijoo I lo!1Is!Q IuawdolanaQ oiwouoog aql wo13 salnu!w pall!wgns uosugof lagwawl!ounoD 900Z fZnn1g33 uI ploq Bu!Ia W �1ompM lloddnS IuuotSa-d sul2noQ uulagD salnulw pall!wgns ll!MaQ iagwowpounoD •32p!1q agljo apls gllou agl ap!slno 3I1um3p!s looj ual u lonllsu000l of 331!1 pinom XogZ •sjluM3p!s aql fulAowa1 ICq a5p!1g lullas a21ooD loluuas aql of sauul om4 10 auo ppu of sluum uotlullodsuulZ 3o luawlledaQ oql p!us sIoupuaH lagwawl!ounoZ) •uo8alo ulaglnoS ui uo!lo!psunf jo adX4 awns oql 2ullundo Xlluauno lunp!Alpu! uu of uo!I!sod loloal!Q aqI palaj3o suq woD13Al-a plus quu-d lagwawl!ounoD •suopu luiolpnf !sung llu puu uuld anlsuagaldwoo aql sapnloui go!gm lrud aA!IulslSal aql 10J aall!wwoo ,(Ioslnpd suoz!l!D u su Iou Ipm I! su uo►sslwwOD 2uluuuld aql olnu!w!lo lou pinom sigl poppu aqS •apoo aqI jo uolllod saaj oql as!na1 01 spaau Xl!:) agl lanaMO*q uolloa.np IEgI uI SUTAOw sI �J!:) aql p!US llaulug loloallQ IuawdolanaQ 114!unwwoD slgl palap!suoo suq 1(I!0 oql j! pa)Isu puu 1au!wuxg s2u!1u3H u OUTAuq ,cI!o oql uo uolssnosip 13gl.Inj anuq 01 ;)N!l pinom aq p!us PH •uolsslwwOD 2uluuuld -SA lautwuxg s2uuuaH u Inoqu pa1!nbui aq p!us aH •313ann Isul galomuanua-j Ul oslnoD I.IogS'Bu!uuuld aqI papuallu puq aq plus uosugof lagwowl!ounoo S.L,dod2lu 'II0Nf100 •gl`duol uuol 1a1logs u olu!Io0au of iNq pinom Xagl 13A;)MoH •f1u1q!-1 luuotsag Iu1luao gpoH aqI Xq poli!wgns alul luut2uo oql of Sulaal.2u loulluoo mou u Nouq 2ul1q of snsuasuoo Xq paalfu pounoD im( lad 00'OSZ$ si aoualapp aqI plus uuwfijunoD 13lnstoj L Xj!o •,Gu1q!-I Iuuo!Sag IulluoD gl1oK aql ql!m luow;)oi2V oouuualumW puu asn Suipl!ng oql 8u!p1uila1 uollou Su!paoold aql pannalnal ,COV-1 J0 UW •,C1u1q!7 luuo!Sa-d lulluoD gl1ofq oql ql!M luawoal2V oouuualuivW puu asn Sulppg u ftplu2ia1 uoissnoslp d 90-£0-90 •uoilou 1o3 upuai?u Butlaaw pounoo alnlnj u uo could of snsuasuoo Xq paalfu pounoD paau u sl a1agl su guol su paluullum sI puodlls u slam llnoDoW lagwawlrouno3 puodlls oql 1oj Xj!Iunb of oSvnBuul laglouu ui lualogja palap!suoo si 3u0aw0s lanai llogm Iu poNsu pounoD •paau aql uo pasuq puoppom posuwoui uu anuq Xogl al!gm lunfu!I!q si oqm auoXw of l! 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