HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/24/2006 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 24, 2006 6:30 P.M. OATH OF OFFICE George Buckner was sworn into Council Position No. 4, with the oath of office given by Mayor Steven C. Lacy. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Raab, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Buckner, and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, and Joan Sims. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Raab was excused from the meeting at 6:40 p.m. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy said as he was unable to attend the January 10a' Council meeting he would like to formally welcome Councilmember Johnson to the East Wenatchee City Council. Mayor Lacy said he met with Douglas County Sewer. District Commissioner Wayne Barnhart regarding comments made in the Wenatchee Business Journal relating to economic development in the Greater East Wenatchee Area. Mr. Barnhart explained some of the things the Sewer District has been doing over the last several years to promote economic development in the East Wenatchee area. Mayor Lacy said he took the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Barnhart his personal view on consolidating the utilities in the municipality in the area. Mayor Lacy said he feels there has not been enough communication between the City and the utility districts over the last few years to create continuity with the plans of the City and the Sewer District and Water District when it comes to development in our area. He added they discussed forming a liaison between the City and the Sewer District in the near future to deal with new developments in the area. Mayor Lacy said Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Director Craig Larsen recently gave a presentation regarding a Tourism Promotion Area (TPA). Mayor Lacy said this has gone forward and the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (WVCVB) and the Hotel/Motel Association are moving forward with a petition for the creation of a Tourism Promotion Area (TPA). Mayor Lacy in reviewing the material regarding a PTA and the state statute, in order for a City to form its own TPA the city has to exist in a county with a population of greater than 40,000. Therefore the City of East Wenatchee can not form a TPA of its own but it can participate by Interlocal Agreement with another City that does meet the criteria to form a TPA. He added an Interlocal Agreement will be added to an upcoming agenda for approval to join with the City of Wenatchee for the purposes of joining a TPA which would include all the hotels in the two municipalities and would create a fund estimated to receive soilunoD sle12noCl pun uulogD ui ssaussolawoq aonpal of uleld .ileac-uoj aqI jo s.iouoissiwwoD 3o pivog ,Cluno:) slel2noQ oql Xq uoildopu aqI Suiuoddns uoilnlosaa d 10-10-90 Nollflllos3H '0-9 `pai.tn:o uo►Iow aq1, •ua3ltd iogwowliounoD Xq pu000s `uosugo f lagwawpounoD Xq poluasa.id su lupualuo luasuoo aqI anolddle of aplew sum uoilow d :uollod paunoa •50OZ iogw000a 3o gluow aqI ioj `90OZ `S tiunuu f piud `00'99£`OOZ$3o lunowu lulol oqi u? `8£0£Z g2nolgl 8t,6ZZ saagwnu luutauM lloi,Cud PAoiddu saop liouno:) •salquXud 90OZ Joj `L9'£ I O` I £$ JO lunowu aql ui t,999I g2nOagl ££99I Put, 9099I siagwnu luua.iuM anoiddu saop pounoD •salgle,Cud SOOZ lo3 `££'£8i`09$3o Iunowu lt,lol aqi ui Z£99I gSnO.igl L099I saagwnu luuuum anoiddu saop I!ounoD `90OZ `bZ tiunuu f `olup sigl 3o sd •liounoD of alqul►unu apuw uaaq sleq Iugl Builsil u uo poplooa.i uaaq anleq `060'tZ'Zt MD2I Kq paamba.i su pag!llao swtulo luawas.ingwiaa osuodxa asogl put `080'bZ'Zti MD-d , q paimbaa sr JaoWo Buil!pnle oql ,Cq paggloo pule pol►pnu s.ragonOA slug jo u011uaapisuoD •Z SOOZ `01 tiunuu f `uo►ssoS iuln2o-d -- solnuiw do uotlle.iop!suo3 • I Hd([N:I'Ido INdSNOJ 'IIUH ,14!0 aagoluuaM Isug lu •w•d S of •w•d b wo.ij I goluW `fupsoupoM uo Ploq aq IIIM dogs)I.ioM siq L •sluawo3AV lleoolaalul aql Suiljuip of loiud suoiloipsimf inoj aqI 3o sluiogjo poloolo lo3 polnpagos uaaq suq dogs)lioM u popple aqS •Boloog jo luouwudaQ aql wolj spund IuviS ui 00'000`00£$ aAiaoaa IIIM suopipstinf oldillnw aql plus aqS •II asugd wuBOid (SgCldl) wals,CS uO►Ileutwilg a21ug3siQ luulnllod luuolluM oql uo s.ivaX do oldnoo Isul aqI io3'8ut3liom uaaq anuq aagoluuaM lsug 3o ,A4!D aqI put /Clunoo sul2noCl `Xlunoo uulagD `aagoluuaM 3o C4t3 aql pigs Ilauiug .ioloanQ IuowdolanaQ fa!unwwoD .LHOd" IN3W.Luvdau •alea,( sigl uudu f ` mrs►w oI alr2olop le aq oslle P1noM uosugof aagwowpounoD Iugl popioop suns 11 •luo.0 s►ql olu2olop u su Su►lud►oil.iud w polsololui woo slogwowpounoo (uu J! p01su OH •I0i13 ogtoudsuvj j dolS-uoN ls.i13 aql Jo ,c.iusl0Aiuut! g)$L aqi 2uillelow3wwo3 .ileac sigl uuduf ` musiW of olugalap u aq ll►M oq p!us Xoug lo,C W •s.iono 1331100 pule samp000ld ouilwuaals of s,CuM possnosip oslle ,COgl pappu aH '[It,f luum03-d oql Xq lunowu lugs .io3 pol!pa.io aq ll!m put, 000 `9£$ ,Clalu ixoiddu jo lunowu oql ui Xli:) aql cq Iuow,Cvdl.IAO ule si owoolno luug aql put f4!0 aqI of paiingo IOU 01QM lt,gl s033 lu13Aas OSIu c)iQm alagl P01OA03SIP SUM ll paMOIA0.1 Buioq oxim suoglelnolleo oligM Ares aH •soluwu► puf of loodsa.i ql►M ,CIi3 oql Xq sluow4udlQAO JO onssi aqI 3AIOS01 of Ilt,f juuoiSa2l ,c4unoD ulelago agI3o uuiM NoiQ aqI ql!M law jlaswig put swiS uuof aolu.ilsiuiwpd lanoo prus Xou7 lokeW •Iuawooav lleaol.iolul aqI ui paquosop su aagoluuaM lsug jo lno owoo p1noM Iugl spun] aqI lo.iluoo pinoM aagoluuaM Isug Jo ,CJID aqZ •I! Sulwao3 oq p1noM ,Cagl aouis ddl aqI ul , ouaft, pleal oqi oq P1noM aagoluuaM jo 14lD aql aagoluuaM 3o ,Clio aqI Hum Ioviluoo Xq 9ADAM aql Xq pazipin aq PInoM lugl s.iullop wsimol oql of pple oI slaloq aql u1 ,cols oqM aldoad ,Cq piled aq pinoM saaj aqI pres aH •.iva,C le 000`00£ Put, 000`OLI uaomloq 900Z `bZ AdVfINVf SlIf1NIW 1I3NnOD dFlHD. VN3M ISV9 30 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 2006 Community Development Director Lori Barnett said the Homeless Housing Assistance Act was passed by the legislature in April 2005, signed by the governor in May and was effective on August 1, 2005. The fees are collected on all documents recorded by the county auditor with the exception of documents recording a birth, marriage, divorce or death or other documents exempt from recording fees. The surcharge does not apply to assignments or substitutions of previously recorded documents. She added the surcharge that will be kept by the county is estimated to be $40,000 to $60,000. She added if a city elects to take on the responsibility for homeless programs, it must adopt a plan and it will be eligible for a share of the county's portion of the surcharge funds. Ms. Barnett said that 40% of the funds sent to the state are used for administration and a grant program. The state is able to keep 12.5% of the amount for administration and the remainder goes in to a fund that will be used for homeless housing programs. The act envisions that local governments will apply for those funds through a grant program. Councilmember Aiken said he had concerns of how the homeless are counted. Councilmember Hendricks said the County could have opted out of the program in July 2005. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO. 06-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, SUPPORTING THE ADOPTION BY THE DOUGLAS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TEN-YEAR PLAN TO REDUCE HOMELESSNESS IN CHELAN AND DOUGLAS COUNTIES. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the resolution supporting the Douglas County Commissioners of the 10 year plan to reduce homelessness in Chelan and Douglas by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 4-2. (Aiken, Hendricks) COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Johnson said LINK voted to increase transit fares at the last Board Meeting. LINK then received a grant for its operating and capital budget. Therefore a special meeting was held to rescind the increase in transit fares that would have become effective March 2006. Councilmember McCourt said at the Council of Governments (COG) meeting held January 19`h, the members decided to revisit the animal control contract issue again and asked all jurisdictions to bring ten copies of their current contract to the April 20`h COG meeting. Councilmember McCourt said she attended the Board of Health meeting in which they were given a presentation on the bird flu pandemic. She added she would like to see if the presentation could be shown at a future Council meeting to see what our involvement as a City would be. Councilmember Hendricks asked the status of the Kentucky Avenue area annexation census. He also asked the status of street projects. Community Development Director Barnett said her department is finalizing the total count and hopes to have it completed by Thursday. She added the initial count is approximately 3,000. 11313 '14!D PIL'Wug uuuQ n r/YI7- W'd SZ:L—INIHWKHfl0fad 'aall!wwoD tioslAPV alsuM p!loS aql puu `f4!l!Ifl 13JUM wJolS `woDlaA!Zl papnloui ga!gm popuouu aq sSu!laaw Suipm2oi ;sodai u palltwgns quu-d iagwowpounoD -p2png lul!duD 7y Su!Iuaado 900Z posodoid jo fuuwwnS I!suLll Flu!-1 agl jo Simms u papnloui oslu golgm `SOOZ `S 1 1agwano fq play 2u!Iaaw sioloaatQ 3o PIuog Itsuul,l., NNI-I aqI woaj salnu!w pall!wgns oslu linoDoW 'sW 'SOOZ `91 .ragwanoN plaq $u!Iaaw aagoluuaM jo fa!o aqI ay XlunoD uulagD jo �4!.ioglnd Ou!snoH aqI woi3 solnulw pall!wgns linoDoW lagwawl!ounoD 'SOOZ `y,8 iagwooaQ ploq �'uilaaw pounoD uo!Iulaodsuu1,L ,Callus aagolu Ak aqI woaj solnu!w pall!wgns .1a"ong iagwawl!ounoo •loofold aqI as!I.►anpu uuo f4!D oql uo!luliodsuriljo IumpudaQ olulS uoiSu!gsuM Xq pa► gloo 3m, suoil!s!nbou aqI su uoos su puu Noull uo s! loafoid (QgD) Iouls!Q ssau!sng ltuluao oql pappu aH 'palaldwoo Isowlu alu su2is3p Infold IamS P, i aqI plus uuwpooD luapualu!aadnS IaoilS 900Z `bZ ANVfIKVf S3 LfIKIW '11DI IOD HaHD.LVK3M ISVH d0 AID