HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/2006 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING DECEMBER 12, 2006 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Johnson to excuse Councilmember Raab from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Teresa Allen, and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he has requested information regarding the possibility of broadcasting the East Wenatchee City Council meetings on a local television station. Mayor Lacy said he has asked City Attorney Poulson to draft a letter to the legislators urging them to take action this year regarding the hotel/motel tax issue. Mayor Lacy said he has continued to work with Ted Woodard, Waste Management regarding the Waste Management contract and should have a contract available at the first meeting in January for Council review. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, November 28, 2006 2. Consideration of Bills 3. Approval of vouchers for the Wenatchee Valley Convention & Visitor's Bureau Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, December 12, 2006, Council does approve warrant numbers 18059 through 18131 in the total amount of $313,100.90. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 24702 to 24795 in the total amount of $239,105.30, paid November 3, 2006, for the month of October 2006. z •0-9 `pat.uua uoiloui ag,L •could oluo su umoux luaiudolanaQ liun pauuuld n sO IunoJddu Inug puu uOISIAlpgns Jofuw u so Iunoaddu ,auuiunlaid Jos uoissiuiuuoD 8uiuunld aagoluuaM Isug aqi so uoilupuauiuiooaJ agl anoJddu of uosugof iogwowj!3uno3 (q puooas `lJuquJng Jaquiauuliounoo Xq opuuu suns uoilow y :uoilaV liaunoj •soililiou3 Jalunnuuols alis-uo sopnloui uoiscnipgns sigl pappu agS •sluauiaJinbaJ ssaoou ao.iosua of ,4i1iqu agi snq Clio aql Janannoq aagoluuaM isug jo X4!Z) aqi Xq powulumw lou si puu glp!m ui laas gZ lu spJnpunls Ciio ql!m saildcuoo glp!m IaaJls agi plus agS •luauiasua loos St, pannbaJ aql so nail ui slol mou posodoJd agi of ssaoou su lonJl/luauuasuo loo3 t£ u uiglinn ,Clio opis-auo uO glnnnapis glinn could alug N gllnn Suiloosialui IaaJls podool `aluniid nnau u apinoid of spJupuuis IaaJls agi WOJ3 aouuiJun u $uilsonbaJ si lunoilddu aqi plus agS s2ulllomp Xliures-ojSuis pagoulap Jos slol aaJgl puu sBuillomp XIiuuus-ojSuis pagoullu `ouil lol-onz su padolanap aq llim slol IAIOMI •sIOI uaaisg Olui salon 56'Z apinip of luauidolanap Iiun pauunld puu uoisinipgns JOfUW u JO lnnoiddu XJuunuilaid sisanbaJ IusodoJd agi pus liauJug JoloaJi(I luauidolanaQ ,CliunLuwoD •uOisinipgnS (Md aould oluD su unnou3I slol 91 OR saJou 697 apinip oI ivawdolanap Iiun pauuuld u 3o Innoiddu Iuug puu uOisinipgns Jofuui u so IunoJddu fauuiunlaid Jos uoissiuuuuoo ftuuuld aagoluuaM isug agi 3o uoilupuauiui000l d ZO-Z 1-90 •0-9 `popiuo uoiloui acts, •loiJlsi(I ssauisng IuJluao of /4!sua(I mo-Ji Iuiluapisa-a uioJ3 anuany Opu10100 pun gN IaaJIS qj, sO uoiioasJalut agI sO JauJOo IsannglJOu agi lu paluool �41adold so OuiuOz aSuuga OI uoissiWWOD 2uiuuuld aagoiuuaM Isng aqi so uoilnpuauluiooaJ agi anoiddu of uosugof Jaqu owpounoD ,Cq puooas `s)IoupuaH Jagmauuliounoo Xq opum suns uoiloui d mot .13V Iiaunoj 'URId anisuagaJduioD roiV aagoluuaM isng JaluaiD agi ui sigl Jos uotiuuSisop asn puul aqi sluauialdu l puu gl!m luolsisuon si z2uugo auoz pasodoid aqi pappu aqS •puul luuonn Jiagi uo sSutllamp xliuuu3-iilnui lonJlsuoo of suuld puq sJaumo f4lodoJd autos pun luiluopisol alarm slooJud aqI uO sluauianoidun Builsixa agl jo Xuuui aouis oSuugo auoz posodoJd oql of paloafgo poogJoggBiau aqi ui sioumo filiodoJd IOA;)mOH 'uuid 8661 oql ui asn puul lui313uiuuOO (IgD sn palnu2isap alarm iCliuloin aql ui sJagiO IuJanas puu )CliodoJd sigL '8661 ui poldopu uuld anisuagaiduioD aagoiuuaM Isug so f4iD aqi ui popnloui suns jugj ((IgD) loiJlsicl ssauisng luJluaD of W-d) �Ciisuoa umipaW luiiuopisag uuoij uoiluu8isap asn puul aqi a�3uugo of IusodoJd JailJuo uu ui SuiuiuuuaJ laoJud Isul oql si )(UadoJd loafgns aql pius nouJug JolooitCl luauudolanaQ f4!unuuuioD •,ClJadoid aqi Jos uouiuu2isop uuld anisuagaiduuoo agi glint lualsisuoo oq of loiilsi(I ssauisng IuJluao oI ,CllsuaQ nno11 Iuiivaptsa� uuoJs anuand opurolo� pun gN laaJiS �}, so uoiioas[alui agI so Jawoo isamtlijou aqi lu paluool kpodoid loafgns so 8uiuoz afuugo of luauipuauiu duui 8uiuoz n anoiddu oI uousstcuuiOD Ouiuuuld aagoluuaM Isug agi so uoilupuauiui000i d IO-ZI-90 Sb all AIOI.Lav 0-9 `poiJJno uoilocu aqs, •poluasa.id su Jnpualno luasuoo agl anoJddn of Jau3I3ng Jaqu owpouno3 Xq puooas `uosugof Jaqu owpounoD .Cq apuuu suns uoilouu d :uoilaV Iiaunoa 900Z `zl llgg gDgcl SglflNIW "IIONflOD 99HDIVN3M ISdd dO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 2006 ORDINANCES 06-12-03 First reading of an ordinance amending the official zoning map of the City to change the zoning designations on property located at the northwest comer of the intersection of 41' Street NE and Colorado Avenue. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.06-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF 4TH ST. NE AND COLORADO AVENUE, WITHIN SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 22 N., RANGE 20 E.W.M. DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON, FROM RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY (R-M) TO CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD), AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Dewitt to elevate the ordinance amending the official zoning map to change the zoning designation on property located at the northwest corner of the intersection of 4`h Street NE and Colorado Avenue to second reading. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Hendricks to adopt the ordinance amending the official zoning ma to change the zoning designation on property located at the northwest corner of the intersection of 4 Street NE and Colorado Avenue. The motion carried, 6-0. 06-12-04 First reading of an ordinance amending the zoning designation on property located on N Gale Place from Residential Low Density to Planned Unit Development. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.06-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 910 N. GALE PLACE, FROM RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY (R-L) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD), AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Buckner to elevate the ordinance amending the zoning designation on property located on N Gale Place from Residential Low Density to Planned Unit Development to second reading. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Hendricks to adopt the ordinance amending the zoning designation on property located on N Gale Place from Residential Low Density to Planned Unit Development. The motion carried, 6-0. b '0-9 `Patuuo uotlow oql •ItounoD uo►IupodsueiZ ,CajjuA aagoluuaM aql oI aluuwaliu uu puu antluluaswdaj a suiluaisop uoilnjosai aqI Idopu of ljuquleg aagwawjtounoD Xq puooas `n"ong iogwawjtounoo Xq apuw suns uotlow d :uollad paunoa 'LOOZ UvaAl 'dVQNH'IdJ HOA 'IIJNfIOJ NOI.LVI'dOdSNVUI ATYIVA adHDIVNHM dHI 01 HIVK Id.L'Id Nd QAIV dAI VlN9S3IdaI ONI.LOA d JN IVNOISdQ `NO.LONIHSVM `3aHJ.LdN3M .LSd9 dO A.LIJ all L 90 'IIJNflOJ ADD dH.L 30 NOI.Lfl'IOSHU V 01-90 'ON Nollfl'IOSdu 'ajltl uotlnjosai aqI puai ,Coe'I loXtW 'jtounoJ uoilullodsuuj L XOIIUA aagoluuaM 0141 of 0119LUalje ue puu antleluasoidw u !3uiluuj?tsop uollniosai V 90-Z1-90 SNOI1fI'IOSaI -0-9 `Pai.uua uotlow aql 'LOOZ `I ,Ciunuuf ftouawwoo aagoluuaM Isug jo f4!3 aqI jo la2pnq jeug aql Suildopu aouuutpio aqI Idopu of IinoJoW logwawpounoD Xq puooas `uosugo f iagwawjtouno3 Xq apuw seen uotlow d :uotlad Itaunoa 'Loot `I AH Vf1NVf ONlJNHWWOJ H dA 'IVJSI3 3HI 1109 A.LIJ 3HI 30 139Qflg 'IVNI3 3HI ONIIJOGV `NO.LONIHSVM `33HJIVN3M ISVU 30 A.LIJ dHI 30 '1I3NflOJ AIIJ 3HI 30 HJNdNIQ?IO Nd 9Z-90 *ON 3JNvmcrIO ,,UL,wwns aouuuipio aql peai Xoe7 io,C W '900Z `j Xjunuu f Sutouounuoo aagoluuaM Isug jo A!D aql jo laSpnq Iuug aqI gutldopu aouuutpio ue jo Sutpuai puooas bj-j 1-90 •0-9 `paLuuo uotlow aql 'fqiitlll ialeM uuolS ioluai0 agl jo lai?pnq jeug agl Sutldopu aouuutpio oql Idopu of laiqong lagwawpounoD Xq puooas `IttMaQ lagwawjtounoo Xq apuw suns uotlow d :uoilad IlaunoJ •0-9 `patueo uotlow olu '2utpuai puooas of Xltitlfl JaluM uuols jaleaaO oql jo IaSpnq jeug oql Buildope aoueutp.zo aqI 31LAaia of lltMaQ .iogwawjtouno3 Xq puooas `.iou3jong i3gwawpouno3 Xq apuw suns uotlow d :uoilav punoa NOI LdJI Ig11d HO3 AH WWf1S HONVN (MO Nd ONIAOHJJ ' (INV `LOOZ `I AUVfINdf NO JNIJNaWWOJ HVaA 'IVOSI3 allL UOA A.LI'II.Lfl 'dalVM MMOIS 33HJIVNHM .LSVd HaZddHJ dH.L 30 IaD(Mg 'IVNI3 dHI ONI.LdOQd `NO.LONIHSVM `ddHO.LVKaM .LSVd 30 A.LIJ all L 30 dJNdNICrdO AId SZ-90 'ON 2[JNVN [Crdo -buwwns aouuuipio aqI pua.t ,Coerj loxuw LOOZ `I Xjunue f Sutouowwoo .iva,C Ieosg oql io3 Xujtlfl ialuM uuolS aagoluuaM Isug lowwo aqI jo Ia2pnq jeug oql 2utldopu aouuutpio uu jo ftpuw Isitd 90-Zl-90 900Z `Z I liFlgwgOgQ S9lflNIW 'IIONf1OO g3H0.LVNRM LS`d3 30 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 2006 06-12-07 A resolution designating a representative and an alternate to the North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO. 06-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, DESIGNATING A VOTING REPRESENTATIVE AND AN ALTERNATE TO THE NORTH CENTRAL REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2007. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Buckner to adopt the resolution designating a representative and an alternate to the North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization. The motion carried, 6-0. 06-11-12 A resolution establishing a schedule for the Planning Commission completion and Council review of the Development Standards review and revision process and update of the Capital Facilities Plan required by the Growth Management Act. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO. 06-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION COMPLETION AND COUNCIL REVIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS REVIEW AND REVISION PROCESS AND UPDATE TO THE CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN REQUIRED BY THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT. Community Development Director Barnett said the there was a statutory deadline of December 1, 2006 to take final legislative action to review and, if necessary, revise the comprehensive plan and development regulations. The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed, revised and adopted in March of this year. However, the review and revision of the development regulations and the capital facilities plan has taken more time than expected. He added the State has suggested that jurisdictions adopt a resolution that has a work plan in it so that they recognize where you have been how much you have completed and when the process will be concluded. She said the Planning Commission held a public hearing last night and through a unanimous approval of both parties they adopted the recommendations from staff with regards to those development regulations. She added that the Council Meetings for review and adoption will be joint meetings with the Douglas County Commissioners. She said she is proposing this joint meeting be held during the regular scheduled Council Meeting scheduled for January 23, 2007 or February 13, 2007. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember DeWitt to adopt the resolution establishing a schedule for the Planning Commission completion and Council review of the Development Standards review and revision process and update of the Capital Facilities Plan required by the Growth Management Act. The motion carried, 7-0. p.iuulug uuuQ W'd 01:L — INIHWNIUfl0f(IV 'pailanuuo aq Ipm `900Z `9Z laquiaoaQ .io3 las 2upoow poinpagos auingai agl pus Xowj ioXtW '900Z `8 .iaquianoN piaq Suilaaui p.iuog aagolEuaM jo ,14iD oql ay f4unoD uuiagD jo Xj! ioglnd SuisnoH aqI uio.g solnuiui palliuigns lanoDow joquiawliounoo 900Z `8 iaquianoN plaq uoiluziunS10 Suiuuuld uoilullodsuuil, luuoiSag luiluoD gpolq oql uiog solnuiui puu 1900Z `8 aaquianoN plag Suilaaui IuauidolanaQ puu uoilunaasuoD oomosa-a uojOuigsuM lu.iluaD gljoN oql wog samurai polliuigns aamlong .iaquiauiliounoD •uoagouni uoilupa.iddu aa,Colduia oql io3 gouni aql Suuudwd ui paludioilaud oqm Ilu puu lanoDoW .iaqu owpounoD pa3iuugl uosugor ioquzauiliounoo puu iatgong .iaqu owpounoD 'LOOZ ui luasa.idw of gsim ,Cagl sluauiu2issd Iiounoo lugm iopisuoo of sluaum2issd IiounoD iiagl MOIA01 of sioquiauiiiounoO popuiuiaa XouZ ioXtW sixoddxl 1113unoz) 900Z `Z i Ida9 HDHQ SF1IfIMIW IIDNflO3 HHHD I.dAIHA ISVH dO AID D