HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/14/2006 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING NOVEMBER 14, 2006 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Hendricks was excused. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Teresa Allen, Joan Sims, Brandon Mauseth, and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation declaring November 18, 2006, as Adoption Day. CITIZEN COMMENTS Bill Walton, 1828 Methow Street, Wenatchee representing the Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 204 of Wenatchee. He said the Eagle's sold their building to the Wenatchee Valley College and are now looking for a new site to relocate. They have several sites in East Wenatchee that are will be considered and would like to ensure that the Eagle's will be welcomed in East Wenatchee. Community Development Director Barnett said she has been in contact with Mr. Walton which they discussed allowable zoning locations and gambling restrictions within the city limits. Mayor Lacy said he is changing the order of the agenda to hold this public hearing prior to other city business. PUBLIC HEARING 06-11-02 A public hearing to obtain public comment to determine if the City should request that the Boundary Review Board invoke jurisdiction and hold a public hearing relative to a proposal by the East Wenatchee Water District to annex 4,056 acres into their service area which would increase the service boundary from 13,600 acres to 17,656 acres. Councilmember McCourt recused herself from discussion and/or voting on this issue. Community Development Director Barnett gave an outline of the process stating that the East Wenatchee Water District submitted a notice of intent to annex to the Boundary Review Board, the Boundary Review Board operates under Statute RCW 36.93.100 which describes the process for annexations whether it is for a city, or a special purpose. She added the Boundary Review Board has no power other than to receive puulsl �oo H `aptJO auaa)I I S59 `uosduiogZ '2I aallituuioZ) 8uuaalS iolvM `u2tluW `auuq Jagganrl I t, I b — alo0 got2I aagoluuaM Isug `IaaJIS y,8 gS 00617`auu)I II03S •aagoluuaM Isug `Z£I# fm3Id IIEW XaIIuA I ££ `goluoog laugoiW 900Z `t,I 1agwQAOM paltp Jallal Xq palliuigns aagoluuaM Istg `puoX puulsl xoo2i 009b `sauof auiplunaO -loulsiCl JaltM aagoluuaM Iseg oql Aq lusodoid uoiltxauut uu Suip.iusaJ Sul moq oilgnd R ploq put uoiloipsunf gonui of pJuog Matna-1 kmpunog oql lugl 2uilsonbal jo JOAtJ ut a3lods Buimolloj aq j •urd ZS:q It SuiJuag oilqnd oql pouado Sm-I JoSuW 'OZOZ put, OIOZ uaamlaq auiilaulos saJugs Jalum alqultuAt paooxo ll!m uoiltlndod aql Itgl saluotput gIMOB -SA saJtgs JaIuM olqupunu agl Jo apuuJ sts,Cluuu ud •santlrunallu oomosaJ JaIuM It lool Ol pauuOJ sum aaMunuOD JaIuM IMO'20-d u plus Ilauntg noloaniQ luauidolanaQ CliunLuwoo -taJd loiJlsi(I 2uilsixo agl ui %L£ JO asuanoul ut uoiltxauut pasodond agl glim %bb of utgnn st loulsip ogI3o %09 uionj o2uug3 u sloidop goiqm spuu-I ltnn-d put spurn oonnosm"rnnllnoiJ2d of (VDfl) taJy gvAonO uugJrl jo uosuudwoo - 2uiuoZ Ioulsi(I 8uimogs alqul u put soilnadond loafgns aql jo Suiuoz put sologd luinat `sduui an, aowos annlrg aql SuiJrdtuoo uOiltluasand lutod namod jaiJq pamogs oslt Ilaunug -sW -uuld aql ql!m paldopu Jaglnnj IoiJlsiQ JaIuM aagoluuaM lstg agl ann�g agl si lugl put want aotnJas aql popuudxa qotqm sannOg aql jo auo pogipoiu puq IoiJlsi(I JaIuM aagoltuaM Isug aql lugl pananoosip aqs `uuld oql Xjilnao of uoilot SuT3ltl f4i0 agl of luonbosgns pits aqS 'UUId anisuaganduioD uaJd aagoluuaM Isrg JalraJO aql glim lualsisuoo sum uuld anisuaganduion IoinlsiCjJaIuM aagoluuaM Isug lugl Ars of `900Z XuW ui uoilou lool f4t0 aq j -uuld Jiagl jo lunonddu of noud MainaJ JO3 `SOOZ JagoloO ui Xji0 aql of urld anisuagandwoo niagl palltuigns loinlsiQ naluM aagoluuaM Isug aql pits aqS -tanu uoiluxauuu pasodond oql uiglim purl aql jo autos of spJuSoi glim 3losli uoiltxauuu aql put uoiluxauuu noj uoililad aql jo 2uissamid agl of OAiltJOI SUJOOUO3 srq aqs noloaJiQ luauidolanaQ f4!untuTuoD sr pits IlauJrg sw -uoilou oql SuisodoJd uoiloipsunf oql uiglim lou Inq uoilou pasodond agl jo aliui n imb-auo uiglim apisoi put uoilou agl Xq poloagu sanlasuiagl ulaap oqM snaloA panalstSaJ agl3o luaonad aniU Xq palg si MainaJ agl SuilsonbaJ uoililad t uagM MainaJ IOJ lsanbaJ u glim nnouoo spJuoq MainaJ bupunog3o snaquiatu a p jo f4lioftui agZ (t,) `ranu qons uiglim uoilunitA passassu aql jo luaonad ang JO Suilsisuoo X41adoid jo snaumo To Jaumo ud (q) Jo `.(lJnoo ioinadns oql of i.renoilnao jo liJm Aq MainaJ altipauJun of loafgns uoilo nsip sli ui pmoq MainaJ kmpunoq aql Xq paumuolop su) uoilou pasodond aql Jo3 paJapisuoo 2uiaq si goiqm Rant aql uigliM 8uipisan snaloA panalsiSaJ agl3o luaonad ani3 (r) :.Cq pouSis si put palg si MainaJ 2uilsanban uoililad d (£) `uoilou ogioads agljo MainaJ 103 lsanbaJ t salg paluool si uoilou pasodond agl jo Rare agl goiqm uiglim ,r4unoo oql no `posodoJd si aoiAJas Jamos Jo Jalum luautuuad jo uoisuolxa no aguugo fnpunoq aql goiqm noj ltun ILJUOUlWan02 agl Suipnloui `poloagu Iiun luluauiuJanoS Cud (Z) :sImilsip asodnnd lmoods Jo soilto Xq suoiltxaum Jo MainaJ Joj lsanbaJ u alg of pazuoglnu aq lou lluqs pJuoq MainaJ kJupunoq agljo snaquiaui agl IRq.L `QgCIIAONdd :MainaJ noj lsanbaJ u salg aaow Jo uoilltui auo jo uoilulndod u glim c4unm u ui pnuoq MainaJ faupunoq u 3o snaquiaui ang no pJuoq MainaJ kmpunoq JaquiauT-ang u Jo snaquiaw oaJgs (I) `.pJRog Maina21 kmpunog agl of palliuigns aq Isnw spoglaui Suimolloj aql jo auo uoilc)ipsilnf 3310AUI of pJEOg MOTAa21 kmpunog aql Joj iopio ul -uoiluoilddu oql 900Z `17i 'dH9 9AON S3lflNIW'IIONMO3 3ElHDIVNaM ISd'9 -40 AIIO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 14, 2006 The following spoke against requesting that the Boundary Review Board to invoke jurisdiction to allow the annexation proposed by the East Wenatchee Water District. Charles Zimmerman, representing CDL Developments LLC Calvin White, 4000 Hwy 28, Rock Island Stephen Skylstad, 1280 Wheatridge Dr., East Wenatchee Dan Feil, 2115 N Ashland, East Wenatchee Greg Brizendine, East Wenatchee Water District, Manager, gave an overview of services and water system improvements that have been completed over the last few years. He also discussed the partnership of the Regional Water System. Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:52 p.m. Council discussed public notice advertising options, area of annexation as related to the Comprehensive Plan, development of other water sources and whether the Boundary Review Board can deny the petition. Councilmember Raab asked East Wenatchee Water District Manager Greg Brizendine if there was a problem with having the Boundary Review Board review the proposal. Mr. Brizendine indicated there was not. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember DeWitt to invoke jurisdiction relative to a proposal by the East Wenatchee Water District to annex 4,056 acres into the current service area. The motion carried, 5-0. (Councilmember McCourt recused herself prior to the public hearing). MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy said there will be a budget meeting following the Council Meeting tonight. Mayor Lacy reminded Council of the Joint Hearing with Douglas County regarding the Fancher Neighborhood Commercial Plan and Code Amendments which will be held November 21, 2006, at the Douglas County Public Services Building, 140 19`b Street NW, at 7:00 pm. Mayor Lacy asked Council if they wished to host an employee Christmas luncheon this year. Council agreed to host the luncheon. Councilmember McCourt said she would organize the preparations of the luncheon and let Councilmembers know the date. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, October 24, 2006 2. Consideration of Bills 3. Approval of vouchers for the Wenatchee Valley Convention & Visitor's Bureau Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, November 14, 2006, Council does approve warrant numbers 17944 through 17985 in the total amount of $187,413.54. Warrant number 17912 was voided. b 0-9 `pwnuo uotlout oq,L Buipuuisnpu f13o tunputmotuoW oql ats of ioXvW aqI 2utzuotilnu ulMaQ .tagtuouipounoo , q puooas `uosugof jagtuatulpounoo .Cq oputu suns uotlotu d moilad 11aunoj -wolsxs ialunn luuoiSol aql ioj Xlddns iollom oininj wnsuo of saAlluu.tallu 10J 1001 puu slo!l aaluM gosuasai of aailituutoo u ortlututoj of si luotunoop sigl jo asodind oql plus llatuug JoloojiCl IuatudolOAO(l Altuntutuoo •tuals, S njvAk luuolga21 oql of Suiluloi loulsi(I �4!1!lfl otlgnd A4unoo uulogo puu `Ioi.tisi(I aaluM u8uluW `Ioulsi(l IMAM aagoluuaM Isug `puulsI VON 30 )�4!J `aaatugsuD jo �4!D `aagoluuaM Ing jo Clt3 `aagoluuaM jo A4iD `,ClunoD suiSnoCl `,Clunoo uulogo u;)omlaq Suipuulsaapuf13o tunpuuiotuaY11 u uSis of loXvw oql ioj uoiluziloginy b0-I1-90 (iauqutug) •I-S `pat.uuo uollotu mU •luatunoop plus uSis of aoXuW otp aztaoglnu put, sa2uutlo pauotluatu oql qi!m ioulluoo aqI anoiddu of uosugo f aagtuatupounoo Xci puooas `.tatnlong iogtuatullounoJ Xq oputu suns uotlotu d motlod 11aunoJ •p.mpooM 'lbli ql!m saiol oSLq.tuB ui paould oq aBuq.tuS lit, Imp luautattnbw oql tuot3 dnuuoloyual Ilu3 Suipnloxo ssnostp pinom aq poluotpu! Xou7 lofmw •alol a$ugiu2 u ui paould aq of paainboi uuql iogiu.i pzgSLq uiutual pinoo do uuolo jual Ilu3 aaglotim possnostp ltounoD •Iusodsip aaij mood loj giuotu goua3o ,CupsaupaM Isn3 aqI uo `mu OO:L lu f4l1i31g3 uoiluls lajsuu.tl aqI of ssaoou anug ll!M sluaplsa.t A4!o puu `alui paonpaa u lu paplAoid salol ullxo tlp!m olol aSugau8 u ui paould aq aBuq.tuS llu a.tinbal pinom Iusodsip pol!unjun `alu.t puu azis uuo olquiauA Jo Islsuoo JOUJIU03 aql ut saSuugo plus OH •noX wojaq louiluoo aql ui pollnsaa suq goigm luatua5uuuW aisuM jo plupooM pa,L gl!m Iota suq aq plus AouZ toSuW •saotmas Sutlo,Coat puu uoiloalloo oSuq uS loj aagoluuaM .taluw[)jo iuowo2uuuW alsuM gl!m lounuoo u alnoaxo of ioAuW oqlioj uotluzuotllnu puu luno.tddd co- i 1-90 SL 311 AIOIIJV 'wd ZS:8 lu 8uireaq oilgnd aql posolo Xou-I toXuW Iuaunuoo otlgnd ou 8uim;)q `aid £Z:8 lu Smluoq otlgnd aql pouado X:)u-I loxuw •Ilounoo f4!D aql Xq kmssaoau potuaap si l! lugl Iuana aql u! `aanittj aqI ui lunoum lugl w1ul of lg2li oql aA.tasa.t of polllluo si fq!o oql nnui oluls uo posuq lutil aluotpui P!p OH •asuoloui xul fvocload %I Iuiluolod oql w1ul lou oI paloala suq oou! woZ) iaD2png oql plus ,CouZ loxuw •laSpng aagoluuaM lsug LOOZ posodoid aql ui mul XVzdotd gutpm2oi ftmaq otlgnd d I0-I 1-90 OAIIH VHH JI'Iglld '0-9 `pouno uotiotu oq,L •poluosoid lupuoluo luasuoo aqI aAoaddu of quu-d .tagtuauillouno3 Xq puooas `uosugo f .tagtuatuliounoo Xq aputu suns uotlotu d motlaV Ilaunoa 900Z `bi 2IggWaAOM SalflMW'IIDIMOJ HaHDIVNgM ISVa 90 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 14, 2006 06-11-05 Approval of a deferment of public improvements and signature of the Mayor on a concomitant agreement for street improvements including curb, gutter and sidewalks, and stormwater drainage on 10`h Street NE and N Gale Avenue adjacent to Hale's Short Plat. Community Development Director said the applicant is requesting the deferment since there are currently no curbs, gutters and sidewalks in the vicinity of this property. She said the deferral process requires a concomitant agreement which specifies that the applicant will reimburse the city for construction of the deferred improvements as directed by the city. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Johnson approving the deferment of public improvements and authorizing the Mayor to sign the required documents. The motion carried, 6-0. ORDINANCES 06-11-06 First reading of an ordinance regarding property taxes in the proposed 2007 East Wenatchee Budget. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember McCourt to elevate the ordinance regarding property taxes to second reading. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember DeWitt to adopt the ordinance regarding property taxes in the proposed 2007 East Wenatchee Budget. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.2006-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND ANY INCREASE WHICH MAY BE ALLOWED IN THE AMOUNT UNDER THE NEW CONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENTS TO PROPERTY AND STATE ASSESSED PROPERTY PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW LEVYING THE GENERAL TAXES FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2007, ON ALL PROPERTY, BOTH REAL, PERSONAL AND UTILITY, IN SAID CITY WHICH IS SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING SUFFICIENT REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AS REQUIRED BY LAW; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 06-11-07 First reading of an ordinance adding Chapter 5.40 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code regulating special events in the City of East Wenatchee. City Attorney Poulson explained the cost recovery and processing fees required of the applicant. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt to elevate the ordinance regarding regulating special events to second reading. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Johnson to adopt the ordinance regulating special events in the City of East Wenatchee. The motion carried, 6-0. �I�aIO �i0 p.iuuiug uuuQ 'W'd 09:L — lNgWNMflOf([V '900Z `9Z aagolop plaq Suiloaui aagoluuaM jo 4!D aql W 14unoo uulogD jo f4!loglny 2uisnoH aql uzog solnuiw palliwgns linoDoW iagwawltounoD •900Z `I I aagolop ploq Suilaaw wo:)dani"dl aql wo.q solnuiw palliwgns liuqu.iug lagwawliounoo •900Z `Z .iogwanoN plaq alarm goigm 3o gloq Suilaaw aalliwwoO tiosTnpd alseM piloS AunoD su12noCI oql ButpirSw podaa 3auq u oslu puu Suilaaw luawafuutW Aililfl ialuM uuolS aql woi3 salnutw palliwgns quug aagwowpounoo '900Z `ZI lagolop plaq Sutlaaw liounoD uoilullodsuuiZ XQUEA aagoluuaM aqI woij salnuiw palliwgns oslu iou3jong iogwowliounoD uoiSo-d uojSutgsuM lulluao glloK oql ioj Iuawdolana(j oiwouoog luuoi2ag agl Sutpiusa.i liodo.i u palliwgns Oslo OH '900Z `i I aagolop plaq sguilaaw IuawdolanaQ puu uotluAlasuoZ) oolnosa-a luiluaD gpoM aql puu loiusiCl IuowdolanaQ oiwouoog oql wo.ij salnutw palliwgns lamlong JagwawltounoD '900Z `Z logolo0 ploq Suilaaw 3liom4oM IloddnS luuoiSa-d sul2noQ-uulagD aql wot3 solnuiw palliwgns lliMaQ iogwowpounoo •oouasqu siq ui f4i0 oql Iuasaidoi of iagwowltounoD aluu.iallu agl pgsu puu sSuilaaw pouSissu siq puallu of olqulrenu oq Iou ll!m oq ptus iou3jonq iogwawltounoD -pofoid sigl olut Ind of spunj oql anuq lou op Xbgl owil sigl Id •olup of do amlowlsuijui aqI Butiq of papaau oq pinom sJullop uoilliw ual soquosop goigm podai iaauiSuo aqI poldaoou woDianig Iugl poliodai I.iuqung aagwouq!ounoo SIHOdaI IIIONf100 *aIVG 3AI.LOad3a MV JNIHSI'IgVISa (INV `aSfld'IO A.LI'IIGW9A9S V 9MMl dlXOD `S.LM9A9 'IHIOgdS Sd.LH'IflDau HOIHM 21000 'IVcIIOINfWi adHO.LVMa M LSVH gH.L Ol OV5 'dgJ dVHO JNIGGV `NO.LDNIHSVM `3dHO.LVX9M LSV9 d0 KLIO all L 30 9DNVNI(IHO NV 6I-90OZ •Old 30MVNICrdO -kmwwns oouuuipio aqI puai kou7 ioXuW 900Z `Vl 2I39WHAON SglflNIW'IIONflOO gaHOLVR9M ,LSd9 40 ADD