HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/12/2006 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 12, 2006 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Raab, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Buckner, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken did not receive an excused absence. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Bob Goodman, Linda Countryman, Joan Sims, and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation, proclaiming the week of September 17 — 23, 2006, as Constitution Week. CITY COUNCIL POSITION NO. 7 Mayor Lacy said the City received three applications for the City Council position. The candidates are Tim Detering, Steve Still, and Wayne Barnhart. Each candidate was given a few minutes to introduce themselves. The City Council then asked questions of each of the candidates relating to city management, growth, utilities, and Council committees. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:10 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a twenty minute executive session to review the qualifications of candidates for appointment to the vacant Council position. Council reconvened at 7:30 p.m. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Johnson to vacate the seat of Council Position No. 7. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab to appoint Wayne Barnhart to the vacant Council position. The motion carried 6-0. Mayor Lacy thanked all the candidates for their interest in serving on the East Wenatchee City Council and encouraged Tim Detering and Steve Still to continue with their interest and involvement in city government. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy said when we discussed the consideration of street name changes at the August 22, 2006, Council meeting we had received a letter from Douglas County asking the Council to consider the financial impact of changing 3`d Street NE road name to 2"d Street. He said we have received additional comments from an individual at Northern Fruit. `paiut,o uoilow 3q1, •Iuownoop p!us ais of joSuIN aqI aztioglnu pus OAijuladooD lsool.ialul aqI Moiddu of linoDoW .ragwowl!ounoD Xq puooas `uosugof jogwawliounoD �q apuw sung uoilow d :uo►lad liaunoD sailunoD sujSnoQ put, uslagD ui ssoussalowoq oonpai of uuld iva,C-ual aql jo siouo►ssiwwoD jo pit,og CIunoz) st,l�inoQ oql Xq uotldopt, aqI Sui:poddns `90OZ `t Z tiunuu f uo pounoo ,l!D aagolt,uoM Isug agI Xq passud `ZO-90 •oN uoilnlosa-1 gl►nn sop►ouioo IuawaaiSd aqI p►us I owtg joloaiiCl luawdolana(j 4!unwwo:) 'ut,ld ssaussalawoH Iu►of aqI glinn aouupi000t, ui £9IZ gH Xq palEalo ,spunj ssaussalawOH,, 2ugnq!.4sip puu 2wizlsiuiwpt, jo asodlnd agI ao3 aagoluuaM put, `aagoluuaM Ist,g 3o satl!o aqI put, sa[Iunoo sul2noCl puu uulogo uaannlaq luowooj2V anilt,lad000 luoolialul us 30 lt,noaddd I0-60-90 SL ali Noll:)v '0-9 `Pai.uuo uoilow oqs •paluasald jupuait,o Iuasuoo aqI anoiddu of II►MaQ iogwawltounoD Xq puooas `uosugof iogwawltouno:) Xq apuw suns uoilow d :uoilad paunoa •paplon alarm £bLLI Puu L£LLI lagwnu luuusM 'b6'01 I`b6t7$3o lunowu lulol agl ui Z6LL I gSnojgl ttLL I slagwnu Iuuuunn anolddu soop pounoD `90OZ `Z I logwoldaS `olup sigl jo sd -pounoo of olqulrsns apses uaaq suq at,gl 8uilsil u uo popiooa.i uaaq anuq 060'bZ'Zb MD2I Xq pwinbai su pagllloo swiulo Iuawasingwial osuadxo asogl puu 080't�Z'Zt, M:)2I Xq pa.nnbw su laogjo Suil►pnu agI Xq pogi:pao puu pappnu slagonon slligjo uoilt,lap►suoD •Z 900Z `ZZ Isn$nFI `uo►ssas luln�a2l 90OZ `8 asnSnd `uotssoS lulnila21 — solnuiW jo uotlulopisuoo • I livaNa'Id0 IN3SNOO •w•d 00:£ lu ,,g jagolop `Xupsingl plaq aq ipm uoildooai aqI Pius aq UOIIU2013Q ►0 aals,S unnt,siW OUII!SIA agI io3 lluH (I!o aagoluuaM Ist,g It, uoildooMd awoolaM aq) JOJ aSuugo awil t, popodai ,(Owl jo4uw (u!MaQ `iaujong) •Z-t, paiut,o uoilow agZ •Suilaaw pounoo `90OZ `ZZ IsnSnd aql Iu puai su oout,uiplo aql jo aout,ls aqI uiulu►sw of linoDoW iagwawl►ounoD Xq puooas `qut,-1 logwowpounoo Xq apt,w suns uoilow d :uotlad liaunoj •paluosoid su saout,uipio aqI ql!m onuiluoo of o l!l pinom puu aSuugo awuu loads agl3o JOAUJ u► sum aq Pius sloupuOH lagwawl►ouno3 •anuand luowlsug jo opts Isua aqI uo gN loads P,£ olu► uinl I► 8ulAUq pus gN IaallS y,V uo Ist,a SUIIansil 3o uoisnjuoo aqI oluuiwila pinom sigl gN laallS s,I, uugl logluj aslo Bu►glawos of anuand Iuowlsug put, XunnNlt,d lluW Xallun uaannlaq `gN laailS s,b 3o awuu aqI aSuugo of oq pinom uo►ldo �aglouu plus Ilaujug •sW •uois!oap s,,C4l3 aqI lioddns pinonn , oql aSuugo awuu aqI glim onuiluoo of poptoap XjID agl j! pins lunpcntpu► sigl pappt, aqS •saillsiSai )Clunoas puulawoq puu sasuooil luuoilsuialu► of saBut,go aNt,w of wagl almbal pinonn Il su oSuugo awuu laoi4s aqI jo stu33uo3 possojdxa oqm Ilni j wagvoN wojj Iunpinipui uu wo.g iiuo u Pan►aoai puq aqs ptus Ilowug loloaliQ IuawdolanaQ f4!unwwoo 900Z `ZI dggwgj dgs S91flNIW 'IIONnOD 33HDIVMUM ISV3 40 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 2006 RESOLUTION 06-09-02 A resolution adopting a Prevention of Waste Policy. City Attorney Poulson said the Policy is a strong encouragement to City employees to reduce the amount of waste and to increase the amount of recycled products used by the City. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember DeWitt to adopt the resolution adopting a Prevention of Waste Policy. The motion carried, 6-0. COUNCIL REPORTS Council discussed a letter received from Dick Olton, 1707 Eastmont Avenue, regarding his request to place an exit from his property onto 17t' Street NE. Street Superintendent Goodman said he would like to wait for completion of the project as he feels Eastmont Avenue will be a safer exit for Mr. Olton. Councilmember Buckner said he attended the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Regional Events Center. Councilmember Buckner submitted minutes from the Economic Development District meeting held August 9, 2006. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee meeting held July 27, 2006. ADJOURNMENT — 8:20 P.M. Akk LAA" Dana Barnard City Clerk 3