HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/8/2006 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING AUGUST 8, 2006 6:30 P.M. Mayor Lacy said Councilmember Aiken has been the victim of a very unfortunate circumstance. Therefore, we are going to dispense from calling his name during roll call this evening. At this time we will take a moment of silence for Councilmember Ralph Aiken. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken did not receive an excused absence. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Johnson to excuse Councilmember DeWitt from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 5-0. Councilmember Hendricks asked if because of the uniqueness of missing Councilmember Aiken, and the laws on the unexcused absences we could make the absence an unexcused absence. He said the vacancy could then be filled after three unexcused absences. City Attorney Poulson said it is completely at the discretion of the Council on whether they consider the absence excused or unexcused by a vote of the majority. Mayor Lacy said he can not imagine a circumstance, where after the memorial service there would be any challenge to replace Ralph on the Council. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Devin Poulson, Bob Goodman, Teresa Allen, and Joan Sims. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES Mayor Lacy presented the following list of Student delegates going to Misawa, Japan with Student Ambassador Certificates: Apple Blossom Princess Julie Rice, Matt Shurtz, Lauren Ballinger, Audrey Bastian, Andrew Detering, Josh Heinicke, Joshua Martin, and Landyn Rookard. President Steve Currit, Misawa Sister City Association, said he appreciates the support the Mayor and his family has given for the last few years. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he is looking forward to representing the Wenatchee Valley while in Misawa, Japan. He said he would like to recognize the importance of remembering that their group represents all of the Wenatchee Valley, not just East Wenatchee. He said the Delegation will be taking with them, the greetings of Mayor Johnson and the City of Wenatchee. He added it has been a great five years for the 'gS halls P,£3o lawoo gm aqI uo palpool loond u jo uoillod u lo3 3luug ,Cliunwwoo MDI1 aqI pup aagoluuaM lsug jo Xlio aql uaanmlaq luituooAd aluS pup asugolnd alulsg luag u anoidde pup snldlns ,Cllodold loafgns oql onloaQ 10-80-90 Sb all Noll:)d '0-S `poinuo uoilow aqL •poluasoid lupuoluo luosuoo aql anolddu of s)IoilpuaH lagwowliounoo ,Cq pu000s `uosugo f lagwowliounoo ,Cq apuw suns uoilow d :uoilad Iiaunoa 99'6£8`8Ib$JO lunowu lulol aql ul l L9L I ggno.nll 6Z9L I `•Lt7I L i slogwnu hit, IUM anolddu soop liounoD `90OZ `8 IsnSnd `alup slgl 3o sd •Iiounoo of algpliunp apuw uaaq suq lugl Suilsil u uo paplooal uaaq anuq 060't�Z'Zb MD2i Xq pa.nnbol su pogq= swiplo luowosingwlai asuodxo asogl pup 080'17Z'Zt, Mo2I ,Cq palinbal sp loogoo 2uilipnt, oql ,Cq pogploo pup polipnu slagonOA sipajo uoilplopisuoD Z 90OZ `SZ ,CIn f `uoissoS luln83-1 — solnuiW jo uoilulapisuoD • I HV(IN3'Iva IN3SNOD •loofoid oql jo uoiloldwroo lagu could ui dols v m lnoj oql Ouidaa�l of spluSal ui luawwoo paniaoal spq OH •loaCoid uoilonllsuoo anuand luowlspg aql 2uilnp could ui lnd seen lugl anuan.y IXirg put, a.X laallS y,6 i lu dols ,Cpnm-lno3 aql SuiplpSal sluawwoo antlisod pOAT0001 seq oq pit,s lo"ong iagwowliounoD WEB 00'000`06$ oqi Iuawalddns of lueB ,Claws luuoilippu up loj ,Clddv loogoS oql polsoHns suq laaui2ug WIS agl pup 00'000`ILI$ si loofoid oql ioj olpwilso polppdn ud •anuand susuux pup anuand ut,gluuo f uo UN laa1lS y,g pup gN laallS P8 uaa,tm aq S�luMapls lIuIsul oI sum 00'000`06$ lunowu lugl jo pup 00'000`Ot,1$ ,Claluwixolddu JO3 Iuua u paniaoal put, loj pailddu loogoS agl plus OH •s3Ilunm3piS IoogaS ,Colua}l OT uo alppdn up anu2 uuwpoog -1W •piq oql p1umu Ol uoijupuowwooal u 103 8unaaw liounoD 190OZ `ZZ lsnBntl oql of iluivado piq aqI jo sllnsal aqI Supq pinonm aq pips OH '900Z `bI Isn2nd jo alpp Buiuodo piq u gl! m piq of lno auog sug Ioafoad 2uiluiud IPH ,cliff oql pius uuwpoo[) •ll^I •.ivoX srgl jo pua aql si olup uoilaldwoo pola2lul agl lugl pappp OH •loafOld uO'sualxg IaaIIS 4jI7 agl pup `laallS la3Ipg loillsi(I ssouisng Ipllu- D aqI pup `loafold I001IS 9M 13311S q,6I of gN laallS s,S I anuand luowlspg oql uo pounoo polppdn uuwp000 luopualupadnS luowlludaQ laallS lHOd32I IK3wlHvd3(l •Iia3 put,gS pup `,(pulg ,Calip}I VoIN uolq :alarm Iuasold IoN •,Copg loXvW pup `uosugof )Iongo lagwowliouno:) `IlnoDow ,CpuES lagwawpounoo `salsg oag SuTN loivaS pup uoing 3i2ud uaano lotuaS `splou,Cag uionw `alloiuiaH snq '(a3Mm s,,Cop-I loXuW) Aoug u1gaQ `a,Cug auud `(lagloW ,Cliff lals►S) uluKul`I aislg `(aJinm s,uosugof lagwawliounoD) uosugof ololu:) `lia3 allagood `pa3 uusnS `aoi-d ,(glpD put, IIooS `8ur1313Q wiL :sanlaswagl paonpollui saluSalaQ unmusiW f4!D lalsiS Buinmollo3 aq L •slum( SZ palspl AIlpal suq lugl digsuoilulal ,CI►o lalsis p ui uoiludioillud lUI'3WO s,aagolt,uaM Ispg 30 ,C1t,S1aAluup �S aqI )Iluw llinm I[sI^ s►ql pup digsuoilulal A4io lalsiS luiog3o oql ui panlonui oq of aagoluuoM lsu3 3o c4i0 900Z `8 Lsflofly S31flNIW 'IIOAI 00 33HD LVM9/A ISV9 40 AIID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 8, 2006 Community Development Director Barnett said it very difficult to come up with an appraised value on a piece of property that is a very odd shape, it is 3900 square feet but it is only 15 feet wide at one point and 65 feet wide at another point. Therefore, looking at it as a piece of property that might have a value to someone was very difficult for the appraiser to determine so it was looked at as having more value for one of the adjacent property owners and it was determined the value to be $1.02 per square foot. Ms. Barnett said the City has incurred costs which include; the appraisal, title insurance, transactions fees, real estate excise tax, and obtaining a legal description and map. She said she recommends the City add the incurred costs into the appraised value as it is not in the public benefit for us to incur costs to sell public property to a private entity. The City will sell the property and then give the money back to the Transportation Improvement Board as they paid for the property purchase as part of the grant program when Douglas County did the 3`d Street NEAth Street NE realignment. City Attorney Poulson said there were a number of questions regarding what to do with real estate surplus property. He said the options for declaring surplus is to do so by ordinance, resolution or by motion and since this is a small piece of property it makes sense to do it by motion and then declare that it is surplus property and that we are going to dispose of it for the common benefit. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Buckner to declare the subject property as surplus and approve a Real Estate transaction to sell the property with the inclusion of appraisal costs and all incurred transaction fees. The motion carried, 5-0. 06-08-02 Recommendation to change street names resulting in a more consistent addressing scheme in the Central Business District. Community Development Director Barnett said the proposed changes will result in a more consistent addressing scheme since the extended 4 h Street NE will intersect with 3rd Street NE. and Eastmont Avenue and there is an existing 4`h Street NE just north of this street. She said the remaining 3`d Street NE will be in alignment with the existing 2"d Street NE that is located east of Eastmont Avenue and will actually be more consistent considering the existing addresses south of 3`d Street NE that are all currently in the 100 block range. Ms. Barnett said she has notified all the businesses in the area where the change would take effect. She said she had received a call from District Court to find out when the name change would take place so they could be prepared in ordering forms and stationary. She said she would recommend the change be effective January 2007. She added the reason the address change makes sense is that when 4"' Street NE was relocated, addressing for the Mall was done to coincide with the addressing across Valley Mall Parkway and therefore, by changing the street names we are more consistent with the addressing on Valley Mall Parkway. She said the recommendation is to change 4`h Street NE to be named 3`d Street NE, and to change 3`d Street NE to be named 2"d Street NE. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Johnson to authorize the City Attorney to draft an ordinance to change the street names. The motion carried, 5-0. COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Lacy reported the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitor's Bureau (WVCVB) is moving forward with several activities. At this time they are primarily supporting the activities related to hotel - motel taxes collected by cities. Mayor Lacy added the WVCVB has hired a new sales and marketing director. 1 'W'd 95:L—.LN3WN2Ifl0f(IV •uujogZ) u► xaam sigl Suiloaw uoiluziuuSio uoijujpodsuuj L juuocsa-d uolBu►gsuM juajuaD gjlojq aqj put, Bupaaw Iuawdojan,aQ V uo►It,nlasuOD aoinosag aqj `2u►jaaw jol asiQ juawdojaAQCj oiwouoog aqj Sulpualjt, oq pjnonn ag p►t,s lau3jong lagwowj!ounoD '900Z `6 jsnSnd plaq `Su►laaw juowdojanaQ 78 uollun. 0SUOD oolnosa21 uojSujgsuM juiluoD gj1ofq aqj wojj sajnuiw pou!wgns oSlt, OH '900Z `6 IsnSnd pjaq Bullaaw ((IQg) jo[ijs[Q juowdojanaa oiwouoog aqj woij solnuiw pou!wgns iotgong jogwawiiounoD •si;)gwawj!ouno3 ,44!O aqI of slo3joud upuzSV ui papnjoui suns 1041 uo►It,uuo3ut awoH QSRUOD aqI 3o M3IA Tano 3aiiq u oAuS noung loloanQ juawdolMaQ f4!unwwoD •lolouiluoo ouo gl►m joO uuo no,C Iugnn paaoxa pjnom Isoo aqI os Sumop ,Cq puu `jusodstp loj ,Cuudwoo aaglouu gjtnn jouiluoo luopuodopu► ut, ant,q of paau osjt, pjnom no,C .Ian,amoH •,Cuudwoo uoiloajjoo ,Cut, gj!m ssouisnq op uuo no,C os Suiop ,Cq puu jusodsip puu uoiloajjoo oluiudos uuo ,4l0 oqj •ss000id jusodsip aqI umo ,Cagl jt,gj Iot,J aqI uaniS juawaSuuujnl alsuM qj!M aladwoo uuo jugl Xuudwoo u jou si wagj Iugl pa.unouoo oq suo►ssnmip osogj Suilnp puu jusodoid u Su[Il!wgns ui polsonjui soiuudwoo laglo qj!m jaw puq oq jugj pcus OH •Iouiluoo juanno aqI jo uoijt,jtdxo aql oI aoild Iunoiddt, ioj pounoo f4!3 aqj olojaq owoo jpm put, pa�3t,ap Suiaq si joulluoo posoaoid u 113111 2ulluls IuawaSt,UPW MEAN 3o plt,pooM paZ Wm pt,g aq BUIIaaw u uo j►ounOD polupdn ,Cot,? io, TsW '031n.13S juuowaW aqj puallu of aiquun are oqm johw puu slagwawj!ounoD X4IO agj jo jjugaq uo saoualopuoo DA12 of aaujong lagwowjtounoD pgsu ,Cou7 io,Cuw •uaxid gdjt,g iogwawj►ounoo jo ,(ltwuj aqj loj j►ounoD ,CltZ) aagojuuaM Isug aqj 3o 3lugaq uo posugomd uaaq o uq siomog pius ,Coin lo,CuW 900Z `8 J SflJfly S3.LMIK "IIOSMOO 3llHO. 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