HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/13/2006 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JUNE 13, 2006 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Johnson, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken was excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council Meeting by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember McCourt. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Teresa Allen, Joan Sims, and Devin Poulson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy welcomed the new Director of RiverCom Millie Tirapelle. Mayor Lacy introduced City Attorney Devin Poulson, he received a warm welcome from Councilmembers and Staff. Mayor Lacy said we are in the process from a staffing standpoint of interviewing and selecting for the position created for a half time position which would be split between the City Clerk and Municipal Court. He added a candidate has been selected pending background information. DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Community Development Director Barnett said the Community Development Department will be working on several major projects and responsibilities with regard to the development regulations this year. She said the City is also in the process of updating the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) that will go into effect in 2007. Lisa Parks of Alliance Consulting has been working with the other jurisdictions in Douglas County on the Shoreline Master Program update. Alliance Consulting has recently hired Chuck Jones from Douglas County. Mr. Jones is a habitat biologist and has the expertise and experience to handle the mapping of the different soils and the land use characteristics. Ms. Barnett is proposing the City enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Alliance Consulting on an as needed basis which will be monitored to ensure the cost does not exceed $5,000 per year. She added that the SMP-related work will be paid for from Grant Funds. Any consulting work performed that is not related to grant activities would be paid from the Planning professional services line item. Council Action: A motion was made to execute a professional Services Agreement with Alliance Consulting, by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Johnson. The motion carried, 7-0. 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The motion carried, 6-0. 06-06-06 Authorization for Staff to pursue the potential sale of a parcel of property to North Central Washington Community Bank. Community Development Director Barnett said North Central Washington (NCW) Bank has purchased two pieces of property at the corner of Rock Island Road and 3`d Street SE to build a new branch office. Its design is constrained by the proximity to that intersection which limits its options for ingress and egress. She said there is a parcel of property east of NCW Bank parcel that is currently owned by Douglas County. That parcel is part of a larger piece that was purchased by Douglas County for the 3`d Street / 4`h Street improvement project that resulted in the present alignment of those streets. She said the property ended up being split by the street. Ms. Barnett added that when the City annexes land they are required to annex the entire public right of way for all streets and other associated improvements. Over the years, many of the parcels owned by Douglas County that were purchased for various projects were not transferred to the city, and in researching the issue 27 parcels were found that had not been transferred. She added City Attorney Devin Poulson is researching the legalities and process for sale of the property. Councilmember Johnson asked to receive a list of the parcels transferred to the City by Douglas County. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember DeWitt to authorize staff to pursue the potential sale of public property to North Central Washington Bank. The motion carried, 6-0. 06-06-07 Authorization to surplus items through Northwest Auction Services at an auction to be held at the Chelan County shop on Saturday, June 24, 2006. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Hendricks to authorize the surplus of items through Northwest Auction Services at an auction to be held at the Chelan County Shop on Saturday, June 24, 2006. The motion carried, 6-0. 06-06-08 Approval of an Agreement for Services with Cascade Computer Maintenance, Inc. for computer support services for the City; authorization for the Mayor to sign the necessary documents. Mayor Lacy noted that computer services were included in the 2006 budget. A new contract with Cascade Computer Maintenance, Inc. is required to replace the contract with the previous Computer Technician who moved out of the area. He added this company will service all city departments. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Raab to approve the Agreement for Services with Cascade Computer Maintenance, Inc. for computer support services for the city. The motion carried, 6-0. 06-06-09 Selection and appointment of a member to serve on the Greater Wenatchee Regional Events Center Public Facilities District (PFD) Board of Directors for a four-year term. Mayor Lacy said we have received several applications and two are citizens living in the City limits of East Wenatchee. •0-9 `poinvo uoilow aqZ •uosugof iagwowl►ounoD Xq puooas `yinoDoW iagwawi!ounoD asugoind ,Cq `uaad a2uuiul(I uo,CuuD puuS oql ui luawasug uu 3o asugoind ioj luowo;)j2u uu u5is of aoXrW aqI azt.ioglnu of apuw suns uoilow d :uollod punoD •uoXuuD puuS 3o uoiytod u jo 2uilsisuoo afuump .io3 iuolo uwu aqI daa3l of paau om ssaoou oql sn opinold of puu ytanlno oql ut olmonilsu.ijui put' llanlno u pualxo of ,GuSsaoau st stgl pins aH •onuaAtl Iuowlsug Put' laa.ilS ,t,613o aatuoo aqI uo ouop 5utoq Ioafoad uotlon.ilsuoo aql jo pud su posugoind 2utaq luawasua uu si sigl p!us Xoug aoxuw 'w•d 0£:L lu pauaAuooa.i pounoo •suoilupo2au lou.iluoo ssnosip of uotssas anilnoaxa alnuiw uaaljg u palluo Xou-f ao,CuW •w•d OZ:L Its NOISSgS 3AIlflD9X3 •0-9 `pat. no uotlow oql •quug iagwowpounoo Xq puooas `linoDoygiagwawl►ounoD ,Cq `spiooa.i oilgnd jo oinsolosip 0upsonboi oggnd aqI jo s.iogwaw aoj louluoo jo lu►od u su aA.ias of 103g3O spaooad o►ignd u Bul,Cjtoads aouuuipao aqI ldopu of apuw suns uoilow d :uol;ad IlaunoD •0-9 `patuuo uoilow oql •quug aagwowllounoD Xq puooas `imlong iogwowpounoo Xq `Bu►puoi puooas of sp.t000i o►lgnd jo a.insolosip 2upsanbai oilgnd aqI jo siagwow ioj louluoo 3o luiod u su aA.ias of iaogjp spion-d oilgnd u Sui,tjtoads aouuuipio aqI alunala of apuw suns uotlow y :uoilad lwunoD 'MOH LI'ZV 2I91ddH3 3O SlNdWHIllabaH MWISO'IOSIQ SQHOO�H OI'Ifllld 3H.L HLIM �ONdI'IdW00 S,ALIIddI0INf1W alll aaSHaAO 01 QNV SQHOOdH OI'Igfld 30 HWISO'IOSIQ ONI.LSafl63H NI OI'I8fld all L 30 SH3gW3W H03 ZOd.LN00 30 INIOd d Sd 3AHdS O.L SI A.LI'IIgISNOdSgH 9SOHM H3OI3,IO SQHOOaH OI'Igfld 2lH.L `SdI.LfIQ 113H.LO O.L NOI.LIGGV NI `HO 7lVHS XH313 A.LIO 33HO.LVNgM .LSd3 3H.L .LVH.L ONIA oaas Ham 'IVWH03 d ONIIISSI `3000 IddIOINfIW 3dH3.LVN3M .LSd3 dH.L O.L OZO'SZ'i NIOI.L33S M3N V ONIQQd `NO.LONIHSVM `33H3.LVN3M .LSd3 d0 A.LIO dHI 30 dONVNIQHO NV 11-90'ON a3NVNIQHO :,kiuwwns aouuuiplo aqI puol bu7 ioAuW AD-d L i •Zb ialdugD 3o sluotuoitnboi oinsolosiCl spiooag oilgnd aql glint aouu►idwoo s,,CI►ludio►unW aqI aas.iaAo of puu splooa-d ailgnd io ainsolosiCl iwlsonbal oilgnd oqljo s.iagwow .ioj louluoo jo lu►od u su anaas oI 133WO sp.iooag oilgnd aql `soilnp .iaglo of uo►l►ppu u► `oq llugs llalD f4!0 aagoluuaM Isug aqI lugl OuiXjpads lopio luuuo3 u 2umssi aouuuip.io uu 3o 2utpua.i Is.ii3 01-90-90 a3NdNIQHO '0-9 `paiuuo uoilow oql 'u!/AoCl iagwowltounoD Xq puooas `uosugof aagwawliounoD `Xq wial aua,C-.ino3 a .io3 siolooim 3o piuog (add) Ioi.tlsla satlmou3 oilgnd .ialu3D sluaAH luuo►ia-d aagoluuaM .taluai[) s2uilloD umu(I luioddu of apuw sung uoilow d :uollad liounoa •w•d 8 FL IV pauanuooa.i pounoD •Q3d of aA►luluosoidw u jo luawlu►oddu aoj suoiluogddu MWAaa of uo►ssas anilnoaxa alnuiw uaI u polluo Xou-j .ioXuW •w•d 80:L Id NOISS21S 3AIlfI32[XH 900Z `EI 9Nflf S91flRlW'IIONfl00 99HO. VNgM ISHH 30 A.LIO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 13, 2006 COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Raab submitted a Capital Project Request from the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) which they will be seeking a vote for approval. The 2006 budget included $30,000 for Rock Island to expand their Community Recycling Center. The Project went out to bid, however the contractor failed to obtain the required bond. The 2007 budget included the addition of two recycling trailers. The recommendation is to reverse the order of the projects and add $5,000 to the 2007 budget for projected construction cost increase. Council Action: A motion was made to authorize Councilmember Raab to cast a yes vote on the proposed modification to the Capital Project Request for the 2006 and 2007 SWAC Budget, by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember McCourt. The motion carried, 6-0. Councilmember Johnson inquired again about the status of painting City Hall. Mayor Lacy asked that we send the applications we have received for the appointment of a member to serve on the Greater Wenatchee Regional Events Center Public Facilities District (PFD) Board of Directors to the City of Wenatchee for their selection for four members. Councilmember DeWitt submitted minutes from the Chelan Douglas Regional Service Network (CDRSN) Governing Board meeting held May 1, 2006. Councilmember Raab submitted minutes from the Storm Water Utility (SWU) Management Team meeting held April 20, 2006. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee Regular meeting held May 25, 2006. ADJOURNMENT — 7:40 P.M. Dana Barnard City Clerk r�