HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/12/2005 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING APRIL 12, 2005 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Bremmer, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken was excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Teresa Allen, Erin Martindale, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Director Barnett said she had been contacted by Douglas County regarding a request to submit applications for grants, for work in Sand Canyon. She said there are two grant applications. One would be for design and engineer work at an estimated cost of $10,500 with an in -kind match of $500. The second application is for a $3,500 grant with a 50% match this would be used for a project to remove debris from the channel and install a fence along the mobile home park. Council Action: A motion was made to approve the pursuit of grant applications for project design and work in Sand Canyon by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he had recently had dinner at the new Morgan's Restaurant and was told that the owners have made preparations to operate the hotel. Mayor Lacy said Councilmember Buckner, Community Development Director Barnett and himself had met with the East Wenatchee Community Center Developers. He said they are still in the planning stages and that one major tenant had withdrawn from the project. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as presented by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, March 22, 2005 2. Consideration of Bills — 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 12, 2005 05-04-01 3. Lease Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the East Wenatchee Events Board. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, April 12, 2005, Council does approve warrant numbers 15626 through 15676; in the total amount of $57,463.25. Warrant number 15647 was voided. ACTION ITEMS 05-04-02 A recommendation for preliminary approval of a major subdivision proposed in two phases. Division I will divide 5.58 acres into 15 lots and will construct a temporary cul-de-sac for 19`h Street NE intersecting with the Stoneridge Drive to the south, constructing 19`h Street west of Eastmont Avenue and includes a new cul-de-sac — Peach Haven Drive. Community Development Director Barnett said the applicant is requesting preliminary approval of a major subdivision proposed in 2 phases. Division I will divide 5.58 acres into 15 lots and will construct a temporary cul-de-sac street for 19`h Street NE intersecting with the east side of Eastmont Avenue. Division II will divide 8.52 acres into 26 lots extending Stoneridge Drive to the south, constructing 19`h Street west of Eastmont Avenue and include a new cul-de-sac street — Peach Haven Drive. Both divisions will include on -site stormwater retention facilities. The application includes requests to vary the required street paved width and right of way width; lot width at the street and access to a public street by providing access easements. Ms. Barnett said the Planning Commission requests consideration of this application and their recommendation, for final action. Council Action: A motion was made to approve the Planning Commission recommendation for preliminary approval of a major subdivision by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember McCourt. The motion carried 6-0. 05-04-03 Approval of an irrigation Easement and Maintenance Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the Eastmont School District to insure maintenance of the irrigation system. Community Development Director Barnett said the Eastmont School District is in the process of selling the old track facility property, on the north side of 9`h Street NE, to a church group. The City's irrigation is served from both the track property and from the old junior high school site. The pump that provides irrigation water from the canal for the City properties and the School District properties is located on the City property that was purchased a few years ago from the School District and developed into a City stormwater retention facility. She explained that to insure continued maintenance of the irrigation system, an Irrigation Easement and Maintenance Agreement has been drafted by the City attorney for approval by the Church Group, the School District and the City of East Wenatchee, Council Action: A motion was made to approve the Irrigation Easement and Maintenance Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign the document by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried 6-0. 2 2,utpua.t puooas of lluuad asn luuotllpuoo Xq sotltitou3 lsujajuajq put, paq puu asn tioss000u uu su spun Sutllimp joss000u `loljlslp guluoz juto. owwoo u of luaot,fpt, sl Apodoid agl uognn soxaldnp :2uipnjout loulslQ 2utuoZ ivilsuaQ morj jt,tluoptso d aqI ui sasn nnau Ituuod of ButuoZ — L j .taldugD DWAka aqI Futpuautu aouuutp.zo aqI alunala of apUW Sum uotlouz d :uollaV jlaunoa aouuutpao 01l3o gulpt,ai Isig puaz Cou-j loxtw •sataladoid osogl osugoind of sj;)Xnq lulluolod put, sogiadozd oql of sluauzanoidwi ioj fulouuug urelgo of sal7tadold asagl jo snunno agl3o Xllllgu aqI uo Iouduit jt,luau illop u pug snluls juq,j, •«sasn i?uutuojuoouou jr2ol„ salltadoid jutluaptsai 2ullstxo agI Suplutu XgolQgl sloulstp 2utuoz Iulonunuoo of sasn put,] jutonuzuzoo put, jutluaptsoi jo oinlxnu t, gllnn spoogiogg2lau jo Suluozai ut pollnsw ut,ld anlsuagaidwoo all ul suotlt,uBtsop asn puul aqI jo uotlt,luauwldutl oql plus Ilauit,g ioloanQ IuautdojanaQ Altununuoo •Ituuod asn luuolllpuoo Xq satltltouj Isuj�juatq puu paq puu asn kjoss000t, ut, sr sllun Sutllannp .Wss000u `loulstp Outuoz jutonunuoo u of Iuaoufpt, st f4iadotd agl uagm soxaldnp :Sutpnjout IoulstQ futuoZ (Z-21) CllsuQ(j nno-I jt,tluaptso-d agl ul sasn nnau Ituuod of SuluoZ — L I aaldugo (DWAA g) opoD IudtotunW aagoluuaM Ist,g ag1 Sutpuautu aouuutpio ut, jo Futpuai Isatd SO-bO-SO HIVQ IIAIZ39d3II NIV ON I13S C[NV «`(IV02I Q'IM3 2IaH3KV3 01 'II'NI .LMMIS H16I L OHA QV02I NIIVZNDOW Ha9GVg-IIfIN aAV .LNIOWLSVII `.L33fOHd .LN 3H AOUaM .LHHHJ S AID GKV QVOH AZNM00» (la IIII AIND03 SV'IOfIO(I QNIV g EDIVNNaM ISVII 30 A.LIO HHI KHaAkLgg IN3UaH I0V NiOLLV2Igd000 'IV30'M511 II IIIIS. 0NIIAOHddV `NIO.LONIIHSVM `HaHD LVN Ta ZSV3 30 AID HM 30 IIONIVNa(MO NV SO-SOOz 'ONI aDNVNIIGHO Xnununs aouuutpto aqI puai Aoug i0xu I '0-9 `polztuo uollow otlZ •geug .tagtuau pounoD Xq puooas `aauttuaig ngtuau pounoo Aq ,puo-d plaid Iogout,d of RN IaaIIS T61 uuoij anuand luoutlst,g `Ioafo.zd Iuautanoidwl Iaa.tlS X110 puu puo-d XIunoD„ pollll Iuautaa.ISV Iuoolzalul aqI 2ulnoiddt, oout,utpio aqI Idopt, of opuw suns uotlout d :uoilav IiounoD -0-9 `pautuo uotlow aqZ •I.m000W aaquzauijlounoD Xq puooas `iou)Iong joqut wpounoD Xq Outpuai puooas of ,puoZj plaid iagouud of gN 100JIS g161 utoij onuaAV luoutlst,g `Ioafo.zd Iuautan.oidutl IaailS fglo put, puo21 4Iunoo„ pallll Iuautaaa$d It,00l.taluj aql gulnotddt, oouuutpio agl alunala oI apt,uz suns uotlouz d :uolla'V Ilaunoa 'aouuutp.io Xq Iuauzaa.i2V luoolioluj aqI anoiddt, oI XI13 oql sajtnbw olnluls aluls pan;oiddt, uaaq pt,q luouuaa.tBu aqI gBnogllu plus uuuuauzunZ Xawolld fItD '« Pt,o2I Plaid Tagout,d of FIN Iaa.tlS ,,,6I utoij anuand Iuoutlst,g `Ioafotd Iuautanoldwl laazlS filiD put, puo21 fQunoD„ pajltl Clunoo sul5no(I puu aagoluuaAA, Isng jo Ajt3 0141 uaamIaq Iuautaat V It,00l.taluj aql Sulnotddu aout,utpto ut, 3o Sutpt,az Isitd b0-b0-SO IIONIVNIICrdO SOOZ `zl Il-ddv SRIfMW 1I01,f10D ggHDJ VNIgM .ISV9 dO AJAD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 12, 2005 by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion failed for lack of a unanimous vote. 5-1 (Hendricks) 05-04-06 First reading of an ordinance amending the East Wenatchee Municipal Code (EWMC) Chapter 17 — Zoning to include existing residential uses as permitted uses in the Central Business District (CBD) and Recreation Tourist Commercial District (T-C) Zoning Districts. Community Development Director Barnett said the ordinance is a text amendment to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 17 — Zoning to include existing residential uses as permitted uses in the Central Business District and recreation Tourist Commercial District Zoning Districts. Council Action: A motion was made to elevate the ordinance amending the EWMC Chapter 17 — Zoning to include existing residential uses as permitted uses in the Central Business District (CBD) and Recreation Tourist Commercial District (T-C) Zoning Districts to second reading by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance amending the EWMC Chapter 17 — Zoning to include existing residential uses as permitted uses in the Central Business District (CBD) and Recreation Tourist Commercial District (T-C) Zoning Districts by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.2005-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE - ZONING - PROVIDING FOR EXISTING RESIDENTIAL USES IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AND RECREATION TOURIST COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; ADDING NEW SUBSECTION 17.24.020(DD); ADDING A NEW SECTION 17.46.020(H); CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE RELATING TO FLOOD HAZARD AREAS IN THE CITY, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COUNCIL REPORTS Community Development Director Barnett said she received a call from Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Director Roger Clute inviting Councilmembers to participate in a fact finding trip to Yakima and Tri-Cities Convention Centers to evaluate the meeting facilities in neighboring cities. This trip is scheduled for Wednesday, April 27`h. Councilmember Buckner distributed copies of a Draft Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Plan to City Councilmembers. He added he would be attending meetings in Chelan tomorrow. Mayor Lacy thanked Street Superintendent Goodman and the Street Crew for there hard work and dedication in getting the banners hung for Classy Chassis and other events in the City. Community Development Director asked if three Councilmembers would be available for meeting with three County Commissioners regarding an open space application for golf course. 4 7 L pmuileg uuuQ W'd OS:L — .LAIaWIIKUaOfQd 'SOOZ `IZ `gojuW plan 2uilaauz louls►Q glluaH sujSnoQ-uujogD aql uzozj salnuiw ljuip polliuzgns oslu aH -SON `6 gojleW uo plaq ftlaaW pzuog antlutlsiutw uto�ianc� uioi3 salnuiw palliuzgns quu� joqu�auzpouno0 SOOZ `L goiuW uo plaq OuTPOW piuog ipomloN lioddnS Iuuoi2od sul2noQ uuiago oql woi3 solnuiw pz)ulwgns ll?MaQ ngw3w1punoo 900Z `Z I 'IRIdd SR,LMIIW 'IIDNMOD RaHD LVNUM J SVH d0 A110