HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/8/2005 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1
FEBRUARY 8, 2005
6:30 P.M.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Buckner,
Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember
McCourt, Councilmember Aiken, and Mayor Lacy.
Staff Present: Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, Marcia Martz, Mike Martz, Erin
Martindale and Chuck Zimmerman.
Mayor Lacy said the East Wenatchee Events Board (EWEB) voted to select Dawn Collings as the
director of EWEB on a part-time basis beginning February 1, 2005. Construction of the office has
been completed and is located downstairs in City Hall. He added there are additional offices
being completed downstairs as well.
Mayor Lacy said the first formal evaluation process for City employees has been completed and
the process worked well.
Mayor Lacy gave an update with respect to activities involving the Eastmont Junior High School
property across the street from City Hall to clear up any concerns or misunderstanding as to what
is going on there. He reviewed past Council minutes regarding conversations during Council
meetings. Mayor Lacy said he has met with the developers, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Lorenz, to
conceptualize possibilities and to answer questions as to what, if any, legal requirements existed
for potential City involvement. He said this was basically to see what possibility existed for the
City as far as financing in the event the City decides to do anything further. Mayor Lacy said he
was invited to go look at the property and discuss some further possibilities of development of the
property. He added, in his role of Mayor he is examining the possibilities and collecting facts to
decide on what recommendation he may ultimately make to the City Council so that ultimately
the Council can make informed choices and decisions. He said at this time we are short of having
sufficient information available to do that as there has not been any numbers or costs discussed.
Mayor Lacy said he has discussed general ideas with Community Development Director Barnett
such as developing meeting space, the possibility of a cultural facility such as a theatre, a
recreational opportunity with the existing gym, with someone else developing it; it would be a
benefit to the community. There is also the possibility of providing additional space for the City
that would accommodate our growing pains here at City Hall. He added these are general ideas
being discussed and there has not been any applications submitted for funding.
Mayor Lacy explained that the Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Team
(WACERT) list is not a funding source but a regional organization that establishes priorities for
potential projects in the community to which potential funding sources may look at. He said if
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agencies ask is, is this project on your County's WACERT list. If your project is not on the list
they do not consider you to have high priority or that you have not gone through a process with
your County where the County says, yes this is a good project and we would like to see the
project go through.
With that said the Junior High School Project came up and the City had been working with
Eastmont School District by trying to find tenants for that facility that would benefit the
community. She said she was not able to put together a package that would pan out. Head Start
then said they would really like to take over the classroom structure. After finding that Al Lorenz
and Richard Sullivan had actually been talking to the School District and were in the process of
purchasing the property she gave them her contacts and potential tenants to see what they could
do with it.
Ms. Barnett said she was interested in the parking lot and it is a good project but not really ready
to go. She said each of the three Counties in the Economic Development District (EDD) have
been going through their own priority funding process and Douglas County started ours a couple
of weeks ago. She said they talked about potential projects in the community and what they
(EDD) really want to do is push projects up that are really going to happen. With a private
company having a purchase option on the Junior High School, Head Start is really interested as
are a couple other tenants and it looks like it might be something that could be done in a year.
Unfortunately the timeline on this is really short which is why she wanted to talk to Council about
it tonight. She clarified that staff does not apply for grants or loans without council approval. She
said at the last meeting Council instructed Councilmember Buckner to put the parking lot on the
EDD list, and if it works out she would like to see the Junior High School Project instead. She
said Mayor Lacy indicated to her that while we are at such a level of just trying to work out the
feasibility it is hard to fill out a grant application process when you do not have any numbers.
Councilmember Buckner said he knew about the priority meeting being held and asked about any
projects being added to the prioritized list. He said it is important that we try to gather any
potential projects to put on the County process, then the EDD will pick the ones for nominations
for funding. This is still far from the funding application process. He said the EDD will be
meeting in early March for the sifting process and applications are due by February 18`h. Ms.
Barnett said she would like the Junior High School project to be included as it looks like a really
good possibility of this project going forward.
Richard Sullivan and Al Lorenz introduced themselves as the party's who had purchased the
option on the Junior High School property. They indicated their excitement in working with the
City on the project. They briefly mentioned some residential properties they have developed in
the Everett area.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember
McCourt to authorize Ms. Barnett to submit an application for consideration of the Junior High
School project to the EDD by February 18`h to be considered for the project list. The motion
carried, 7-0.
Council Action: A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as presented by
Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Bremmer. The motion carried, 7-0.
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