HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/25/2005 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
JANUARY 25, 2005
6:30 P.M.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember
McCourt, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Buckner, and
Mayor Lacy.
Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting
by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Buckner. The motion carried, 6-0.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, and Chuck
Mayor Lacy read a proclamation proclaiming the City of East Wenatchee's support for the 2005
Washington State Special Olympics Winter Games.
Mayor Lacy encouraged anyone who was available, to attend the opening ceremonies of the
Special Olympics Winter Games. He said he has found it to be very heart warming to watch the
enthusiasm and joy of the athletes.
Mayor Lacy said the East Wenatchee Events Board (EWEB) voted to select Dawn Collings as the
director of EWEB on a part-time basis beginning February 1, 2005. Mayor Lacy said EWEB will
be housed at City Hall and invited Councilmembers to stop by and view the new office space in
the basement.
Mayor Lacy asked Councilmember DeWitt to review his report regarding the Public Educational
and Government (PEG) Channel. Councilmember DeWitt said Charter Communications
explained that the City of East Wenatchee is the authority for requests of pre-recorded video to be
shown on the PEG Channel. He added an example of that would be if the School District
recorded a sporting event that they wished to be played back on the PEG Channel. He added if
that occurs, the City Council or authority would review the pre-recorded video and accept or
reject it being televised.
Mayor Lacy said he attended the Council of Governments meeting in which they discussed
Animal Control. He said there was a consensus of the jurisdictions in Chelan and Douglas
Counties to review the combined contract dollar amounts. He added a meeting will be held at
East Wenatchee City Hall to discuss the "feasibility" of creating a bi-county animal control
program and to establish a Task Force to study the financial issues surrounding the creation of an
alternative option for animal control on February 11, 2005, at 9:00 a.m.
0-9 `pauluo uoiloul ag,L 'IIIMaQ laquuouuliounoD Xq puooas `lounualg laquiouillounoD Xq SOOZ
10j wc)l-old 1oKuW sic gtu-d zaquuauullounoo luioddu of opuuu suns uoilow d :uo►;ad t►aunoj
(90-t,0 'oN uoilnlosa-l) 's)loilpuaH 1aqul wpounoD alEulalld
`1auolong 1aqulauultounoo aAilEluosaldag — pounoD uoilultodsuvil XC IluA aagoluuaM .
(LO-ti0 'oN uoilnlosa-d) 'sloupuaH laquuaugiounoD alt'u.zalid `1auNong
lagwowlrounoD aAiluluaswdo-d — uoiluziuu2jo uoiluliodsuElZ luumOMd It'JluOD glioN .
:uoilnlosal Aq paluioddu uaaq AlsnolAald aAoq Suinnollo3 ag.L
'quuZj laquiowpounoD aluulally `lauuuualg laquuauultouno:)
aAilEluosaldag — aalliuuuuoD XJOSiApd luoiu�X)j / aalltuuuuoD ,IostApd alsuM pitoS •
:Suinnollo3 agl._paluioddu
ulnl ui sEg puu `£0-t0 'oN uoilnloso-d lad oolliuuuuoD s►gl of paluioddu sung Aou-1 1o,CuW
laquuauupounoD aluuuolIVV `XMI-I IOXUW aAtluluasaldag — pluog sluan.g aagoluuaM Isug
'quu-d iaquuaulliounoD
alEulaljd `Xot'Z JOXUW aAilEluasoida-d — luounoD IEuoiSa-d fClunoD suli?noQ
ioXuW aluulalid `quug uaquuauuliouno3 aAiluluasaldo-d — loulsiQ gllt'aH sul2noQ uElagD
'XoE'I IOXU ill aAululuasaldag — nuwng s,loltsiA V uoiluanuoD XQUEA aagoluuaM
'launualg nquuouipounoo oApuluosolda-d — filultlfl 1alEM uzzolS
'Xou-I1oXuW aluulalid `1amlong
laqutauutiounoD aAlluluosaldag — laluao lulnllnD T uunasnW Xz)lluA aagoluuaM
wunuolg 1aqulauupounoD
oluunlIV `1au:long nquuauullounoD 3AIluluasaldag — loulsiQ luouldolanaQ oiulouoog
'iaunuoig nquzaulliounoo alt'unlIV
`ia"ong iaquuauullounoD aAlluluasaldag — luauudolanaQ put' u011VA10suoD aolnosag
'11no7oW loquuauuliounoD aluulalIV
`uiMaCT laquu3uultouno3 aAlluluosaldo-d — NioA oN l.uoddnS lt'uotSag sEl9noQ-uulag3
zaquuauuliounoD oluuually `llnoDoW nquuauuliounoD aAiluluasalda-d — Iisuull NNI'I
'sltoupuaH nquiauullounoo aluuwlld `I-Tn000W
aAlluluosaldag — aagoluuaM jo X4!D agl put, [lunoo uulagD jo fluuoglny SuisnoH
'lliMaQ lagTuowj!ouno3 oluwolld `qur-d iaquzauzllounoD aAi_lt'luasoida-d — uuooJOATIl
'�oE'I .IOiCEj�
aluuuall`d `1au)tong laquuaulliounoD uostEi"I - aolaunuoo 30 1aqulug� �CalluA aagoluuaM
'1au)long .ioquuauuttouno3
olumolld `pn000W .uaqu owpounoD aAtlEluasa1d4)21 - sluauuuuan.OD Jo pounoD
:.iu;)x iupuoluo SOOZ agl .uoj sluauuluioddt' Suinnolloj agl opuuu Xor-I zoArW 'saalliunuoD
puu spluog snouuA luosaldal of sluauzluioddt' iagcuauullounoo pannatAai .ioEZ
'lit'l,l, luo.uJzaAtg agl jo uoiluzado
oout'ualuiuuu guipuugai 'uu'd 0£:9 lu `SOOZ `91 tiuruga,d uo HUH AID aagoluuaM lsug lu 2uuuag
oilgnd u 2uiplog oq ll!m (Cl lWg) IoulslQ 3I1Ed uuIllodolloW luouulsEg agl pins Xou7 1oXtw
SOOZ `Sz A-dvnNdf SH.Lf1MW 'IIDNaOD 9aHO.LVN9M ISd9 40 A.LIO
JANUARY 25, 2005
Council Action: A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as presented by
Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 6-0.
1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, January 11, 2005
2. Consideration of Bills —
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those
expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a
listing that has been made available to Council.
2004 Payables:
As of this date, January 25, 2005, Council does approve warrant numbers 15331 through 15332;
and 15342 through 15399 in the total amount of $53,203.94. Warrant numbers 15344, 15365,
15366, and 15379 were voided.
Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 21917 through 22008 in the total amount of
$194,715.21, paid January 5, 2005, for the month of December. Payroll warrant number 21947
was voided.
2005 Payables:
As of this date, January 25, 2005, Council does approve warrant numbers 15333 through 15341;
and 15400 through 15406 in the total amount of $119,016.82.
Council Agenda Item Number 05-01-05 has been removed from this Council Agenda.
05-01-06 Approval of an agreement with the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors
Bureau (WVCVB) for promotion of East Wenatchee and authorization for the
Mayor to negotiate said document with the City of Wenatchee.
Mayor Lacy referred to the January 11, 2005 Council meeting, when a motion made to approve
the language in an Agreement for Services did not pass. Mayor Lacy perceived that
Councilmembers were concerned by the State Law provision relating to elected officials serving
as Chairperson. Mayor Lacy said City Attorney Zimmerman consulted Municipal Research
Services Center and agrees with their determination that the WVCVB Board is not legally
required to have an elected official as its chair. However, in the event the City decides to make a
"change in the use of revenue" the City receives pursuant to RCW 67.28.1817, the City would
need to convene the statutory lodging tax advisory committee (with an elected official serving as
its chair) and seek review and comment of the committee as required by the statute. Mayor Lacy
explained that he is now seeking approval to execute the agreement, which as a result of
negotiations with Wenatchee Mayor Johnson, seems to be acceptable by both Mayors.
Mayor Lacy said he has sent a copy of the revised contract to Mayor Johnson and Wenatchee
City Council for consideration and at this time has not received a reply.
3Izalo '14iD
pieulug EUEQ
'W'd SZ:L — IN:IIVN 2iflOf(IV
•s$utlaaUi IolalsiQ llluaH sel2noCl uelagD
PUB tuoDianTg �uiptE�ai gEE21 �agtuauTllounOD puE lauuugo Dgd Pill puE suolluoluntutuoD
.i ini D glinn $uilaatu u SuipzuSoi lllMa(l zogw;)wl!ounoD `Suilaatu tuuaZ luatua$Euvw
,CJlillfl JaluM UuoIS aql Sulp.zE2?Pi JOURUaig .iaquiatuliouno3 `s5uilaatu Ilsuuis XNI'I put fuilootu
sluatUtuano[) Io IpounoD all guip.z 2w l.inoDoW jogtuauzllounoD Tuilaatu pounoo uoiluliodsuEil
XOIIEA aaloluuaM oql i?uip.TuS;)J s3l3upuaH iagtuatuliouno3 `Aq pollTtugns a.Tann sliodoi uollilM
ISIH loiunf Iuotulsug all IE uT d 00 8 0l 000l3 SOOZ `9Z `AienuEf `�CEpsaupaM ToI palnpagos
sT lesodold all uo luatutuoo puu loofo.id all Inoqu aiotu wrol of Allunl.Toddo uE apinoid of Sui.ival
oilgnd d 'tbOOZ `LI faEtugod Iilun undo si SIdQ all ioj pouad luatutuoo oql pappu aqS -fauigig
all ui puE `luiwjiEdaQ luauzdolanaQ XlluntutuoD aqI `luatultudaQ jQQjjS aqI `oogjo sNiolo
aqI lu nnaln31.To3 algElieAE a.Tu SIgQ agl jo soidoo pies aqS •loafoid (gZ-dS) .iopiuoo apislsug
aqI •To3 (SIg(j) luatualulS Ioudtul IEluatuuo.ITAug IIujQ all panssi (IOCISM) uoilElzodsuuj L
jo luotulirdaQ alElS uojFuilsuA, all plus llatueg joloa.nQ luatudolanaQ Allunuzuioo
'0-9 `poLuuo uoilotu oqZ •.uamlong aagtuau pounoo Xq
puooas `IIiMaQ laquzauipounoD Xq ss000ld uoiluziluoud all ui spund IuEao QQg loI pP.iopisuoo
oq Iol 2mijud IlVW XQIIVA aagoluuaM aqI lsanbai of aptw slum uoilotu d moilav llaunoa
os op of snsuasuoo E st =qj ssolun sloafoid Xuu jogo lou pinonn oq .ianannoq Suilaatu all le
oq pinonn aq plus PH •spun j luuiD QQg all .iol popnloui loafojd lugl Pas of axil pinonn oq puu nnou
SJUD i Ie.IQAas JOJ ISii (,L2Igo-dM) tuuaZ uotlezTlellna-1 oltuouoog /ClTununuoD uoliiuigsEM OT
uo uaaq suq loofoid 2?u'N.TEd unnolumO(I aql plus PH •ss000ad uotluziluoud all ui pa.zaplsuoo oq
of Suigsinn sloofoTd Isonba.i puu spun3 IuE.ti] loulsiQ IuotudolanaQ oltuouoog MOIA33 of palnpagos
Suilaau.T u Si P.iPll uoluElS nuolsslunuoD Utoa3 oTuow u ui plus .To"ong .iaqumtu iounoD
•.ioloo Uaa.t2 aqI A;)Ilo.TZ
aqI dooN NNI-I Isonba.i of snsuasuoo Aq paazgu Ipounoo •aagoluuaM Isug jo /Clio aql ui Aolloil
lull asn puu .Toloo all a2uugo lou Aogl Isanbai of lunoiddu milt pinonn linoDow •sw •azalnnasla
.io uulogD ui Aollo iL uoojg all Suillnd palsaggns NNI'I puE Aallo.i,L oql luiud of olquliuAE
spurn ou oir ongl plus alS •s,XollojjL zallo xis all lolEtu lou soop puE uaaif? sT ioloo aql zanannoH
•aagoluuaM Isug jo XiID all .io3 Aolloll E posEgoind suq ?INI'I plus linoDoW .iagtuauiliounoD
Sildodau 'IIOAIfIOD
'0-9 `poiuEo uoilow oqj, •.iau3long iogtuaUTllounoD Aq
puooas `.iounuoig iogwowjlounoD Xq luatuzmSL, all alnoaxo of jo.Crw all ozuoglnu puu nuaing
s.zolistA Put' uolluanuo3 XPIIuA PagoluuaM all Aq papuatuu aq of smulXq all io3 aural luuollippE
Sutnnollu 9 uolloos Suipua m puE aagoluuaM jo XiID aqI Xq IenoiddE uodn luo2uiluoo saotAJOS
ioj Iuatu3oj.S I posodoid all gSnotgl jojjo oql ano.tddu of Pputu sung uoilouz d :uollaV Ilauno3