HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/19/2021 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda Packet - Jerrilea CrawfordIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.) 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Page 1 of 2 East Wenatchee City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 19, 2021 East Wenatchee City Hall 271 9th Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 This meeting will be in person or via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86765166818 Phone-in option for the meeting: 253 215 8782, Meeting ID: 867 6516 6818 AGENDA 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Consent Items: Vouchers: a. Date: 10/19/2021, Checks: 55733 - 55735; 55741 - 55794, in the amount of $623,456.58 and voided checks: 55713. Pg. 3 b. September 2021 Payroll Certification. Pg. 24 Minutes: c. 10/5/2021 Council Meeting Minutes. Pg. 39 d. 10/12/2021 Council Workshop Minutes. Pg. 42 Motion by City Council to approve agenda, vouchers, and minutes from previous meetings. 2. Citizen Requests/Comments. The “Citizen Comments” period is to provide the opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on items not listed on the agenda. The Mayor will ask if there are any citizens wishing to address the Council. When recognized, please step up to the microphone, give your name and mailing address, and state the matter of your interest. If your interest is an agenda item, the Mayor may suggest that your comments wait until that time. Citizen comments will be limited to three minutes. 3. Public Hearings. The Mayor will call the Public Hearing to order and state the ground rules, the purpose of the hearing, the action that the hearing body may take on the matter, will address the appearance of fairness doctrine, and will state the manner in which the hearing will proceed. Staff will first give a report, followed by testimony of experts and/or the applicant, followed then by public testimony. All speakers must speak into the microphone and clearly state their names and addresses. All comments should be addressed to the hearing body, should be relevant to the application, and should not be of a personal nature. Public testimony may be limited to three minutes, unless further time is granted by the Mayor. If there are a large number of speakers, a representative may be appointed to speak on behalf of the group. a. First public hearing for consideration of adopting a resolution to establish proposed zoning regulations for areas outside the City of East Wenatchee and within the city’s urban growth area – Lori Barnett, Community Development Director. Pg. 44 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 1 of 84 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.) 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 4. Presentations. 5. Department Report. 6. Mayor’s Report. a. Police Officer John Phillips Retirement 5/1/2005 to 10/15/2021. Pg. 52 b. Building Official/Code Compliance Officer Jeff Morrison Retirement 2/15/2000 to 11/30/2021. Pg. 53 7. Action Items. a. Ordinance 2021-26, amending Section 5 of Ordinance 2021-05 relating to Amendment 5 in Exhibit A for revisions to Chapter 17.34 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code regarding the Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix to correct a scrivener’s error relating to residential land uses in the North End Wenatchi Landing (NEWL) Overlay District – Lori Barnett, Community Development Director. Pg. 54 Motion by City Council to adopt Ordinance 2021-26 as presented. b. Resolution 2021-23, establishing guidelines and procedures (financial management policy) intended to serve as a blueprint to maintain fiscal stability, and provide guidance to all stakeholders whether they be directly involved in financial processes, internal control oversight, or any financial transaction – Josh DeLay, Finance Director. Pg. 64 Motion by City Council to approve Resolution 2021-23 as presented establishing a financial management policy. c. Reconsideration of Resolution 2021-26, an Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee for the purpose of authorizing Wenatchee to act as lead entity in administration and use of Affordable Housing Sales and Use Tax Funds (HB 1590) in accordance with RCW 82.14.530 – Lori Barnett, Community Development Director. Pg. 72 Motion by City Council to reconsider Resolution 2021-26 regarding an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Wenatchee for Affordable Housing Sales Tax funds. Motion to approve Resolution 2021-26 to authorize the Mayor’s signature on the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee for the purpose of authorizing Wenatchee to act as lead entity in the administration and use of Affordable Housing Sales and Use Tax Funds (HB 1590) in accordance with RCW 82.14.530. 8. Council Reports & Announcements. a. Reports/New Business of Council Committees 9. Adjournment. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 2 of 84 CHECKS: 55733 - 55735; 55741 - 55794 VOIDED CHECKS: 55713 DEPARTMENT/FUND AMOUNT General Fund 001 $66,612.16 Street Fund 101 $14,709.05 Community Dev Grants Funds 102 $0.00 Transportation Benefit District Fund 105 $0.00 Debt Reserve Fund 110 $0.00 Library Fund 112 $0.00 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 $0.00 Drug Fund 114 $0.00 Criminal Justice Fund 116 $0.00 Events Board Fund 117 $0.00 Bond Redemption Fund 202 $0.00 Street Improvements Fund 301 $520,800.48 Storm Water Improvements 308 $0.00 Capital Improvements Fund 314 $0.00 Stormwater Fund 401 $7,865.09 Equipment R&R Fund 501 $894.02 Cafeteria Plan 634 $50.00 Custodial Activities 635 $12,525.78 Grand Total All Funds $623,456.58 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CHECK REGISTER October 19, 2021 PAYABLES 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 3 of 84 Fund Number Description Amount 001 General Fund $66,612.16 101 Street Fund $14,709.05 301 Street Improvements Fund $520,800.48 401 Stormwater Fund $7,865.09 501 Equipment Purchase, Repair & Replacement Fund $894.02 634 Cafeteria Plan $50.00 635 Custodial Activities Fund $12,525.78 Count: 7 $623,456.58 Fund Transaction Summary Transaction Type: Invoice Fiscal: 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:36:46 AM Page 1 of 1 East Wenatchee - Fund Transaction Summary 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 4 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 911 Supply Inc 55744 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council INV-2-13456 Police/Uniform Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $34.97 Total INV-2-13456 $34.97 INV-2-13458 Police/Uniform Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $68.27 Total INV-2-13458 $68.27 INV-2-13459 Police/Uniform Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $136.56 Total INV-2-13459 $136.56 Total 55744 $239.80 Total 911 Supply Inc $239.80 AG Supply Company INC 55745 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 480187 Street/Roadway Mortar Mix 101-000-420-542-30-30-00 Supplies - Roadway $12.99 Total 480187 $12.99 480422 Street/Supplies Caulken 101-000-420-542-62-30-00 Supplies - Special Purpose Paths $76.43 Total 480422 $76.43 480792 Street/Gloves 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies - City Parks $19.50 Total 480792 $19.50 480941 Street/Contractor Bags 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies - City Parks $14.33 Total 480941 $14.33 Voucher Directory Fiscal: : 2021 - October 2021 Council Date: : 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 1 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 5 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 481051 Street/Parks Supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies - City Parks $7.14 Total 481051 $7.14 481088 Street/Parks Supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies - City Parks $15.17 Total 481088 $15.17 481138 Street/Concrete Mix 101-000-420-542-61-30-00 Supplies - Sidewalks $310.50 Total 481138 $310.50 Invoice - 10/13/2021 1:56:34 PM Code/Fuel 001-000-590-558-50-32-00 Fuel Consumed $91.53 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 1:56:34 PM $91.53 Invoice - 10/13/2021 2:08:57 PM Stormwater/Fuel 401-000-008-531-00-30-07 Fuel $670.64 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 2:08:57 PM $670.64 Invoice - 10/14/2021 8:07:17 AM Police/Fuel 001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed $4,770.56 Total Invoice - 10/14/2021 8:07:17 AM $4,770.56 Invoice - 10/14/2021 8:08:28 AM Street/Fuel 101-000-420-542-70-30-00 Supplies - Roadside $479.14 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies - City Parks $131.46 Total Invoice - 10/14/2021 8:08:28 AM $610.60 Total 55745 $6,599.39 Total AG Supply Company INC $6,599.39 Amber Schulz 55746 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/13/2021 12:39:54 PM Finance/Bank Deposit Mileage Reimbursements 001-000-142-514-20-43-00 Travel $53.76 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 12:39:54 PM $53.76 Total 55746 $53.76 Total Amber Schulz $53.76 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 2 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 6 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount American Building Maintenance CO 55747 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 16494008 City Hall/October 2021 Janitorial Services 001-000-180-518-30-41-01 Contracted Custodial Services $2,426.74 Total 16494008 $2,426.74 Total 55747 $2,426.74 Total American Building Maintenance CO $2,426.74 Andrea M Sharp 55742 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/11/2021 3:17:58 PM Police/Per Diem Travel 001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $35.00 Total Invoice - 10/11/2021 3:17:58 PM $35.00 Total 55742 $35.00 Total Andrea M Sharp $35.00 Aps Inc 55748 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 81944 Postage Machine Sealing Solution 001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $75.81 Total 81944 $75.81 Total 55748 $75.81 Total Aps Inc $75.81 Aramark Uniform & Career Apparel dba: Western First Aid 55749 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council GEG3-001249 City Hall/First Aid Medical Cabinets 001-000-180-518-30-41-00 Professional Services $145.33 Total GEG3-001249 $145.33 Total 55749 $145.33 Total Aramark Uniform & Career Apparel dba: Western First Aid $145.33 Banner Bank Mastercard 55750 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/14/2021 8:02:16 AM Netflix 001-000-001-518-91-30-00 Wellness $12.95 Total Invoice - 10/14/2021 8:02:16 AM $12.95 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 3 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 7 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Invoice - 10/14/2021 8:02:58 AM Adobe Subscription 001-000-145-594-14-60-20 Capital - PC Software Admin $197.22 Total Invoice - 10/14/2021 8:02:58 AM $197.22 Total 55750 $210.17 Total Banner Bank Mastercard $210.17 Brain Kraus 55733 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/1/2021 1:40:58 PM Police/Sergeant Testing Per Diem 001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous $59.00 Total Invoice - 10/1/2021 1:40:58 PM $59.00 Total 55733 $59.00 Total Brain Kraus $59.00 Chelan County Treasurer 55751 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 010085-02114 Juvenile Housing of Inmates 3Rd Qtr 2021 001-000-230-527-60-30-00 Juvenile Detention $960.00 Total 010085-02114 $960.00 150001-01568 Housing of Inmates October 2021 001-000-230-523-21-10-00 Housing & Monitoring Prisoners $38,024.02 Total 150001-01568 $38,024.02 Total 55751 $38,984.02 Total Chelan County Treasurer $38,984.02 Ci Support LLC, dba: Ci Information Management 55752 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 38047 Court/OnSite Record Destruction 001-000-120-594-12-60-00 Capital Outlay $28.69 Total 38047 $28.69 Total 55752 $28.69 Total Ci Support LLC, dba: Ci Information Management $28.69 Cinta's Corporation 607 55753 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 4095005003 Street/Safewasher Mobile Service 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $36.90 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $45.84 Total 4095005003 $82.74 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 4 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 8 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 4095629474 Street/Blue Mat Services 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $162.53 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $102.74 Total 4095629474 $265.27 4096292408 Street/Safewasher Mobile Service 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $36.90 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $45.84 Total 4096292408 $82.74 4096959241 Street/Safewasher Mobile Service 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $36.90 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $134.37 Total 4096959241 $171.27 4096959274 Street/Blue Mat Services 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $160.27 Total 4096959274 $160.27 Total 55753 $762.29 Total Cinta's Corporation 607 $762.29 Classic One East 55754 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 89769 Police/Dry Cleaning 001-000-210-521-10-49-02 Dry Cleaning Services $12.47 Total 89769 $12.47 90190 Police/Dry Cleaning 001-000-210-521-10-49-02 Dry Cleaning Services $5.42 Total 90190 $5.42 90478 Police/Dry Cleaning 001-000-210-521-10-49-02 Dry Cleaning Services $10.30 Total 90478 $10.30 Total 55754 $28.19 Total Classic One East $28.19 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 5 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 9 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Columbia River Steel dba: Moses Lake Steel Supply, Inc 55755 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 22106705 Street/Snow and Ice 101-000-420-542-66-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Snow & Ice Control $21.37 Total 22106705 $21.37 Total 55755 $21.37 Total Columbia River Steel dba: Moses Lake Steel Supply, Inc $21.37 Compunet, Inc 55756 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 179579 IT/Computer Software Supplies 001-000-145-594-14-60-20 Capital - PC Software Admin $826.91 Total 179579 $826.91 180200 IT/Computer Software Supplies 001-000-145-594-14-60-20 Capital - PC Software Admin $552.84 Total 180200 $552.84 Total 55756 $1,379.75 Total Compunet, Inc $1,379.75 Confluence Health 55757 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/13/2021 3:34:28 PM Street/CDL Exam 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $118.00 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 3:34:28 PM $118.00 Total 55757 $118.00 Total Confluence Health $118.00 Consolidated Electrical Distributors Inc 55758 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 9360-1017019 Street/General Repairs and Maintenance 001-000-180-518-30-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $211.01 Total 9360-1017019 $211.01 Total 55758 $211.01 Total Consolidated Electrical Distributors Inc $211.01 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 6 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 10 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Craig Caulk 55734 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/1/2021 1:39:30 PM Police/Sergeant Testing Per Diem 001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous $59.00 Total Invoice - 10/1/2021 1:39:30 PM $59.00 Total 55734 $59.00 Total Craig Caulk $59.00 DeVries Business Records Management Inc 55759 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 0139177 On-Site Record Destruction 001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $70.99 Total 0139177 $70.99 Total 55759 $70.99 Total DeVries Business Records Management Inc $70.99 Douglas County Fire District #2 55760 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/13/2021 1:58:45 PM Fire Marshal Services 001-000-590-558-50-41-01 Fire Marshal Services $5,502.98 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 1:58:45 PM $5,502.98 Total 55760 $5,502.98 Total Douglas County Fire District #2 $5,502.98 Douglas County PUD 55761 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/13/2021 1:04:48 PM Utilities 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $813.00 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $1,546.00 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities - Traffic Control Devices $172.00 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 1:04:48 PM $2,531.00 Total 55761 $2,531.00 Total Douglas County PUD $2,531.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 7 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 11 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Douglas County Treasurer 55741 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/6/2021 1:18:58 PM Stormwater Utility 401-000-001-582-30-00-00 Non-Fiduciary Remittance $135.00 Total Invoice - 10/6/2021 1:18:58 PM $135.00 Total 55741 $135.00 Total Douglas County Treasurer $135.00 Fastenal Company 55762 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council WAWEN235548 Project Mgmt/Stormwater N. Jennifer 401-000-012-594-31-60-05 Small Improvements Projects $29.45 Total WAWEN235548 $29.45 WAWEN235849 Street/Snow and Ice Supplies 101-000-420-542-66-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Snow & Ice Control $145.80 Total WAWEN235849 $145.80 WAWEN235881 Street/Snow and Ice Supplies 101-000-420-542-66-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Snow & Ice Control $31.27 Total WAWEN235881 $31.27 Total 55762 $206.52 Total Fastenal Company $206.52 Fisher's Landscape and Construction LLC 55763 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 2619 Landscape for September 2021 001-000-180-518-30-49-01 Landscaping $260.16 Total 2619 $260.16 Total 55763 $260.16 Total Fisher's Landscape and Construction LLC $260.16 Haglund's Trophies 55764 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 64593 Police/Uniform Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $15.27 Total 64593 $15.27 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 8 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 12 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 66952 Police/Uniform Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $61.85 Total 66952 $61.85 Total 55764 $77.12 Total Haglund's Trophies $77.12 Hurst Construction/dba 55765 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/13/2021 1:03:24 PM Project Mgmt/10th St NE Roadway Improvement Project 301-000-000-595-30-60-05 Construction - 10th St. NE Improvements $451,977.28 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 1:03:24 PM $451,977.28 Total 55765 $451,977.28 Total Hurst Construction/dba $451,977.28 Intoximeters 55766 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 690451 Police/DUI Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $1,934.95 Total 690451 $1,934.95 Total 55766 $1,934.95 Total Intoximeters $1,934.95 Ising Inc.-dba Cascade Quality Water 55767 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/13/2021 2:24:09 PM City Hall/Drinking Water 001-000-001-518-91-30-00 Wellness $76.97 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 2:24:09 PM $76.97 Invoice - 10/13/2021 3:15:06 PM City Hall/Drinking Water 001-000-001-518-91-30-00 Wellness $29.87 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 3:15:06 PM $29.87 Total 55767 $106.84 Total Ising Inc.-dba Cascade Quality Water $106.84 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 9 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 13 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount JDSA Law Firm 55768 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 2021.0359.0001 City Hall/Professional Services 001-000-151-515-41-40-00 Legal Services $2,970.00 Total 2021.0359.0001 $2,970.00 Total 55768 $2,970.00 Total JDSA Law Firm $2,970.00 Jeanette S Bryant 55743 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/11/2021 3:18:30 PM Police/Per Diem Travel 001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $35.00 Total Invoice - 10/11/2021 3:18:30 PM $35.00 Total 55743 $35.00 Total Jeanette S Bryant $35.00 Jerry's Auto Supply 55769 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 957860 Street/Roadside Supplies 101-000-420-542-70-30-00 Supplies - Roadside $47.18 Total 957860 $47.18 Total 55769 $47.18 Total Jerry's Auto Supply $47.18 Kelly Gregory 55770 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/13/2021 12:05:37 PM Police/Travel Reimbursement 001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed $143.17 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 12:05:37 PM $143.17 Total 55770 $143.17 Total Kelly Gregory $143.17 KPG, P.S. 55771 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 9-18821 Kenroy Elementary Safe Routes 301-000-000-595-10-40-24 Design - SRTS - 5th St NE: Kenroy $8,347.41 Total 9-18821 $8,347.41 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 10 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 14 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 9-18921 Sterling Intermediate Safe Routes 301-000-000-595-10-40-23 Design - SRTS - 5th St NE: Sterling $8,304.41 Total 9-18921 $8,304.41 Total 55771 $16,651.82 Total KPG, P.S.$16,651.82 Language Line Services, Inc 55772 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 10341937 Police/Winter Uniform Tops 001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $117.69 Total 10341937 $117.69 Total 55772 $117.69 Total Language Line Services, Inc $117.69 LB# 1086 Lakeside Industries Inc 55773 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 175977 Street/Roadway Supplies 101-000-420-542-30-30-00 Supplies - Roadway $1,000.69 Total 175977 $1,000.69 Total 55773 $1,000.69 Total LB# 1086 Lakeside Industries Inc $1,000.69 Moon Security 55774 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 1102171 Police/Security 001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $39.10 Total 1102171 $39.10 Total 55774 $39.10 Total Moon Security $39.10 North Cascades Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc 55775 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 28373 City Hall/3rd Qtr HVAC System 001-000-180-518-30-41-00 Professional Services $2,642.25 Total 28373 $2,642.25 Total 55775 $2,642.25 Total North Cascades Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc $2,642.25 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 11 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 15 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Office Depot Credit Plan 55776 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 189612190001 Credit 001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores ($43.35) Total 189612190001 ($43.35) 195699465001 Central Stores/Planning Office Supplies 001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $46.93 001-000-590-558-50-31-00 Office Supplies $69.58 Total 195699465001 $116.51 195719483001 Police/Office Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies $139.85 Total 195719483001 $139.85 195720637001 Police/Office Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies $31.60 Total 195720637001 $31.60 Total 55776 $244.61 Total Office Depot Credit Plan $244.61 Office of Minority And 55777 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 30313802 Political Subdivision Fee 001-000-110-511-60-49-00 Miscellaneous $100.00 Total 30313802 $100.00 Total 55777 $100.00 Total Office of Minority And $100.00 One Call Concepts, Inc 55778 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 1099071 Excavation Notices/ 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $20.86 Total 1099071 $20.86 1099071A Excavation Notices/ 401-000-008-531-00-40-06 Utilities $20.87 Total 1099071A $20.87 Total 55778 $41.73 Total One Call Concepts, Inc $41.73 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 12 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 16 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount OneBridge Benefits 55779 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 672 Finance/FSA Admin Services 634-000-000-589-40-00-01 Cafe Plan Bank Maintenance Fee $50.00 Total 672 $50.00 Total 55779 $50.00 Total OneBridge Benefits $50.00 On-Target Solutions Group, Inc. 55780 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 2814 Police/Officer Training 001-000-210-521-40-25-00 Training - Officers $175.00 Total 2814 $175.00 Total 55780 $175.00 Total On-Target Solutions Group, Inc.$175.00 O'Reilly 55781 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 2521-247493 Street/Vehicle Repairs 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle Repair Supplies $41.12 Total 2521-247493 $41.12 2521-247605 Street/Vehicle Repairs 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $54.14 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle Repair Supplies $766.72 Total 2521-247605 $820.86 2521-247616 Street/Vehicle Repairs 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $21.51 Total 2521-247616 $21.51 2521-247714 Credit 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance ($19.48) Total 2521-247714 ($19.48) 2521-247716 Police/Ancillary Interfund 001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (Interfund Vehicle Maintenance)$30.01 Total 2521-247716 $30.01 2521-247786 Street/Vehicle Repairs 101-000-420-542-66-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Snow & Ice Control $17.08 Total 2521-247786 $17.08 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 13 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 17 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 2521-247787 Police/Ancillary Interfund 001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (Interfund Vehicle Maintenance)$284.28 Total 2521-247787 $284.28 2521-247846 Police/Ancillary Interfund 001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (Interfund Vehicle Maintenance)$97.82 Total 2521-247846 $97.82 2521-247870 Police/Ancillary Interfund 001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (Interfund Vehicle Maintenance)$3.84 Total 2521-247870 $3.84 2521-248688 Police/Ancillary Interfund 001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (Interfund Vehicle Maintenance)$73.67 Total 2521-248688 $73.67 2521-248689 Credit 001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (Interfund Vehicle Maintenance)($31.00) Total 2521-248689 ($31.00) 2521-249063 Street/Vehicle Repairs 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle Repair Supplies $14.19 Total 2521-249063 $14.19 2521-249292 Street/Vehicle Repairs 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle Repair Supplies $28.37 Total 2521-249292 $28.37 2521-249351 Street/Vehicle Repairs 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle Repair Supplies $41.59 Total 2521-249351 $41.59 Total 55781 $1,423.86 Total O'Reilly $1,423.86 Pacific Engineering & Design, PLLC 55782 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 3732 19th and Cascade Ave Retrofit/LID Stormwater 401-000-011-594-31-60-04 19th Stormwater Facility Design $6,931.81 Total 3732 $6,931.81 Total 55782 $6,931.81 Total Pacific Engineering & Design, PLLC $6,931.81 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 14 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 18 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Parker Corporation Services, INC DBA Merchant Patrol Security 55783 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 38047A Court/September 2021 Armed Guard Services 001-000-120-512-50-49-09 Security $262.50 Total 38047A $262.50 Total 55783 $262.50 Total Parker Corporation Services, INC DBA Merchant Patrol Security $262.50 Rh2 Engineering, Inc. 55784 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 83622 Project Mgmt/10th St NE Reconstruction 301-000-000-595-30-40-42 SDC - 10th St. NE Improvements $52,171.38 Total 83622 $52,171.38 Total 55784 $52,171.38 Total Rh2 Engineering, Inc.$52,171.38 Roadwise, Inc 55785 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 21-3655 Street/Snow and Ice Supplies 101-000-420-542-66-30-00 Supplies - Snow & Ice Control $4,486.96 Total 21-3655 $4,486.96 21-3657 Street/Snow and Ice Supplies 101-000-420-542-66-30-00 Supplies - Snow & Ice Control $4,484.06 Total 21-3657 $4,484.06 Total 55785 $8,971.02 Total Roadwise, Inc $8,971.02 S&W Irrigation Supply 55786 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 512098 Stormwater/Parks Supplies 401-000-008-531-00-30-06 Irrigation Supplies $77.32 Total 512098 $77.32 Total 55786 $77.32 Total S&W Irrigation Supply $77.32 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 15 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 19 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Sean Moore 55735 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/1/2021 1:40:29 PM Police/Sergeant Testing Per Diem 001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous $59.00 Total Invoice - 10/1/2021 1:40:29 PM $59.00 Total 55735 $59.00 Total Sean Moore $59.00 Tammy M Patterson 55787 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 0005 Civil Service October 2021 001-000-160-521-10-10-00 Salaries $425.00 Total 0005 $425.00 Total 55787 $425.00 Total Tammy M Patterson $425.00 The Wenatchee World 55788 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council AD# 107696 Advertising 001-000-139-518-10-40-03 Advertising $147.73 Total AD# 107696 $147.73 AD# 108121 Advertising 001-000-139-518-10-40-03 Advertising $277.87 Total AD# 108121 $277.87 AD# 108311 Advertising 001-000-580-558-60-44-00 Advertising $147.73 Total AD# 108311 $147.73 Total 55788 $573.33 Total The Wenatchee World $573.33 Wash ST Dept of Licensing 55789 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council EWP002343 Mejia Marquez Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002343 Mejia Marquez $18.00 EWP002380 Smith Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002380 Smith $18.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 16 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 20 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount EWP002381 Murillo Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002381 Murillo $18.00 EWP002382 Silva Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002382 Silva $18.00 EWP002383 Danielson Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002383 Danielson $18.00 EWP002384 Ramirez-Aguilar Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002384 Ramirez-Aguilar $18.00 EWP002385 Douglas Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002385 Douglas $18.00 EWP002386 Martinez Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002386 Martinez $18.00 EWP002387 Martinez Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002387 Martinez $18.00 EWP002388 Rudd Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002388 Rudd $18.00 EWP002389 Parks Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002389 Parks $18.00 EWP002391 Johnson Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002391 Johnson $18.00 EWP002392 Flores Esparza Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002392 Flores Esparza $18.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 17 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 21 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount EWP002394 Sutton Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002394 Sutton $18.00 EWP002395 Lortie Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002395 Lortie $18.00 EWP002396 Griffin Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002396 Griffin $18.00 EWP002397 Griffin Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002397 Griffin $18.00 EWP002398 Darwood Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002398 Darwood $18.00 EWP002400 Hardie Gun Permit 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00 Total EWP002400 Hardie $18.00 Total 55789 $342.00 Total Wash ST Dept of Licensing $342.00 Wash State Dept of Trans 55790 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council RE 42 JB2234 L192 Traffic Signal Maintenance 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $936.89 Total RE 42 JB2234 L192 $936.89 Total 55790 $936.89 Total Wash State Dept of Trans $936.89 Wash State Treasurer 55791 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/13/2021 3:32:14 PM Court Remittance September 2021 635-000-000-586-00-00-01 Court Remittance $11,995.03 635-000-000-589-30-00-02 Building Code Remittance $69.50 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 3:32:14 PM $12,064.53 Total 55791 $12,064.53 Total Wash State Treasurer $12,064.53 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 18 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 22 of 84 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Washington State Patrol 55792 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council I22001416 Gun Permit/Background Checks 635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $119.25 Total I22001416 $119.25 Total 55792 $119.25 Total Washington State Patrol $119.25 Xerox Corporation 55793 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council 014520746 Police/Copier 001-000-210-521-10-31-05 Office Machine Costs $368.99 Total 014520746 $368.99 Total 55793 $368.99 Total Xerox Corporation $368.99 Ziply Fiber 55794 2021 - October 2021 - October 2021 2nd Council Invoice - 10/13/2021 10:44:39 AM Street Modems 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities - Traffic Control Devices $57.80 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 10:44:39 AM $57.80 Invoice - 10/13/2021 10:45:12 AM Street Modems 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities - Traffic Control Devices $57.80 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 10:45:12 AM $57.80 Invoice - 10/13/2021 10:47:02 AM Street Modems 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities - Traffic Control Devices $57.90 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 10:47:02 AM $57.90 Invoice - 10/13/2021 10:47:32 AM Street Modems 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities - Traffic Control Devices $57.80 Total Invoice - 10/13/2021 10:47:32 AM $57.80 Total 55794 $231.30 Total Ziply Fiber $231.30 Grand Total Vendor Count 57 $623,456.58 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 10/14/2021 8:35:16 AM Page 19 of 19 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 23 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 24 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 25 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 26 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 27 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 28 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 29 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 30 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 31 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 32 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 33 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 34 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 35 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 36 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 37 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 38 of 84 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.) 10/5/2021 Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 East Wenatchee City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 5, 2021 East Wenatchee City Hall 271 9th Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Minutes In attendance: Staff in attendance: Mayor Jerrilea Crawford Rick Johnson, Police Chief Councilmember John Sterk Erik Hampton, Assistant Police Chief Councilmember Harry Raab Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Councilmember Robert Tidd Josh DeLay, Finance Director Councilmember Sasha Sleiman Curtis Lillquist, Planning Manager Councilmember Christine Johnson Robert Siderius, City Attorney Councilmember Shayne Magdoff Sean Lewis, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Maria Holman, City Clerk 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance. a. Motion by Councilmember Tidd to excuse Councilmember Hepner from the meeting. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0). 1. Consent Items: Mayor Crawford requested to move Action Item 6b to Presentations for this agenda, no action will be taken. a. 7/21/2021 Department of Enterprise Services, Department of Social and Health Services Rental Agreement Amendment No. 1. Vouchers: b. Date: 10/5/2021, Checks: 55675; 55679 - 55731, in the amount of $1,517,767.71, and voided checks: 55572; 55617; 55641; 55684. Minutes: c. 9/21/2021 Council Meeting Minutes. Motion by Councilmember Tidd to approve consent items as presented and to amend the agenda moving Action Item b to Presentations. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0). 2. Citizen Requests/Comments. None. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 39 of 84 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.) 10/5/2021 Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 3. Presentations. a. Wenatchee Valley Misawa Sister City Association President David Kelts presented a Sister City Association report. The planning for the 2022 Sister City Misawa visit has begun and delegate applications may now be submitted on their website. Comments provided by Councilmember Tidd, Councilmember Magdoff and Mayor Crawford. b. Rick Johnson, Police Chief presented information regarding a Regional SWAT Interlocal Agreement to establish and maintain a multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team. The Regional SWAT Team would include the City of East Wenatchee, Douglas County, Chelan County, and the City of Wenatchee. He explained that the agreement was not finished with final reviews from agencies and would be presented at a future Council meeting. Comments provided by Councilmember Tidd, Councilmember Magdoff, Councilmember Sterk, Councilmember Johnson, Sheriff Burnett and Sheriff Morris. 4. Department Report. None. 5. Mayor’s Report. a. Mayor Crawford introduced City Attorney Bob Siderius from Jeffers, Danielson, Sonn and Aylward (JDSA). Bob Siderius has accepted the City Attorney role for the City of East Wenatchee. Comments provided by Councilmember Tidd, Councilmember Magdoff and Mayor Crawford. b. Mayor Crawford shared that she attended the 90th anniversary celebration of the Miss Veedol flight at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center last weekend, October 3, 2021. She also noted that today was the actual anniversary. 6. Action Items. a. Planning Manager Curtis Lillquist presented Ordinance 2021-21, amending chapter 15.02 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code changing the title of the code compliance officer and clarifying duties. Mayor Crawford suspended the second reading. Motion by Councilmember Sterk to approve Ordinance 2021-21 amending chapter 15.02 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code as presented. Councilmember Tidd seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0). b. Community Development Director Lori Barnett presented Resolution 2021-26, Interlocal Agreement with Wenatchee for administration of the HB 1590 Affordable Housing Sales Tax. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 40 of 84 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.) 10/5/2021 Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 Comments provided by Mayor Crawford, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Sleiman, Councilmember Magdoff and Councilmember Sterk. Motion by Councilmember Magdoff to approve Resolution 2021-26 and authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement for the administration of the HB 1590 Affordable Housing Sales Tax. Councilmember Raab seconded the motion. Motion carried (3-2 Sterk and Johnson, 1 abstention Sleiman) and Mayor Crawford voted to break the tie vote with the advice of the city attorney. [This vote will be reconsidered at the 10/19/2021 regularly scheduled Council meeting to correct an incorrect vote]. 7. Council Reports & Announcements. a. Councilmember Tidd provided an update on the American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds committee. The ARP committee has allocated $120,000 of the funds amongst the community as of today. Comments provided by Mayor Crawford. b. Councilmember Magdoff provided an update regarding the Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee Board. c. Mayor Crawford shared that Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center Executive Director Keni Sturgeon has resigned. The Museum’s Board Executive Committee will begin their search for a new director in the coming months. 8. Adjournment. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor Attest: Maria E. Holman, City Clerk 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 41 of 84 10/12/2021 Council Workshop Minutes Page 1 of 2 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 271 9th Street NE * East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Phone (509) 884-9515 * Fax (509) 886-6233 City Council Workshop East Wenatchee City Hall 271 9th St. NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Minutes Tuesday, October 12, 2021 In attendance: Mayor Crawford Josh DeLay, Finance Director Councilmember Sterk Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Councilmember Raab Mary Beth Phillips, Court Administrator Councilmember Tidd Garren Melton, Public Works Manager Councilmember Magdoff Curtis Lillquist, Planning Manager Councilmember Johnson Ike Lasswell, Information Systems Councilmember Hepner (Remote) Garren Melton, Public Works Manager Councilmember Sleiman Maria Holman, City Clerk 5:30 p.m. Council Workshop. Councilmember Magdoff opened the meeting. 1.Finance Director Josh DeLay presented the City of East Wenatchee 2022Preliminary Financial Budget, significant changes, and what the next steps in thebudget process will be. Mr. DeLay asked the Council for comments or any suggested changes. Multiple Ordinances will be presented to the Council inNovember during a Council meeting. The goal is that the budget will be adoptedat the first Council meeting in December 2021. Mr. DeLay suggested that Councilnot take the 1% property tax increase for 2022. Council provided a consensus inagreement with that proposal. Mr. DeLay explained that the City can still “bank” the increase to be available for the future. Councilmembers were encouraged to communicate with the Finance Director ifthey have any questions or concerns before the next Council meeting. A tentativeCouncil workshop was scheduled on October 22, 2021, but it was determinedthat it wasn’t needed. Comments provided by Mayor Crawford and all Councilmembers. No action was taken by the Council. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 42 of 84 10/12/2021 Council Workshop Minutes Page 2 of 2 Adjournment. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. ____________________________ Attest: Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor _______________________________ Maria E. Holman, City Clerk 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 43 of 84 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL AGENDA BILL To: Mayor and Council. From/Presenter: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Subject: First public hearing for proposed zoning of annexation areas within the city’s urban growth area Date: October 19, 2021 I. Summary Title: First public hearing for consideration of adopting a resolution to establish proposed zoning regulations for areas outside the City of East Wenatchee and within the city’s urban growth area. II. Background/History: State law allows cities to adopt zoning district designations for areas that could potentially be annexed into the city (see excerpt below). Prior to adoption, the City Council must hold two or more public hearings at least 30 days apart. RCW 35A.14.330 Proposed zoning regulation—Purposes of regulations and restrictions. (Excerpt) The legislative body of any code city acting through a planning agency created pursuant to chapter 35A.63 RCW, or pursuant to its granted powers, may prepare a proposed zoning regulation to become effective upon the annexation of any area which might reasonably be expected to be annexed by the code city at any future time. Such proposed zoning regulation, to the extent deemed reasonably necessary by the legislative body to be in the interest of health, safety, morals and the general welfare… RCW 35A.14.340 Notice and hearing—Filings and recordings. The legislative body of the code city shall hold two or more public hearings, to be held at least thirty days apart, upon the proposed zoning regulation, giving notice of the time and place thereof by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the annexing city and the area to be annexed. A copy of the ordinance or resolution adopting or embodying such proposed zoning regulation or any part thereof or any amendment thereto, duly certified as a true copy by the clerk of the annexing city, shall be filed with the county auditor. A like certified copy of any map or plat referred to or adopted by the ordinance or resolution shall likewise be filed with the county auditor. The auditor shall record the ordinance or resolution and keep on file the map or plat. The legislature has never reconciled this provision with the requirements of the Growth Management Act. The City Council initially adopted a proposed zoning resolution for 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 44 of 84 potential annexation areas in 1994. Those designations were updated with the passage of Resolution 2001-09 on October 22, 2001. Since there have been several amendments to the zoning designations since that time, it is necessary to update those designations with the passage of a resolution. Douglas County has adopted the City’s Zoning Code for application within the urban growth area, so no actual zoning regulations need to be changed. The designations are consistent with the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission will review the proposed zoning designations at their October 26, 2021 meeting and their recommendation will be forwarded to Council for consideration at the December 7, 2021 City Council public hearing. III. Recommended Action: No action is necessary at this meeting. This is the first public hearing for the proposed zoning designations to solicit public comment. IV. Exhibits: Wenatchee World - Affidavit of Publication-Notice of Public Hearings Maps showing the proposed zoning designations (4 maps and index) Financial Data: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 0 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 45 of 84 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 46 of 84 R-L I-GR-L I-G G-CWMU R-M MU G-C C-L MU R-O R-O R-M R-L R-H R-M R-M R-L R-M R-M R-M G-C R-L R-M R-L WMU WMU R-H WMU R-M R-M C-LC-N C-N S R 2 8 S R 2 8 R d S S WR d S S W S R 2 8 5 S R 2 8 5 E a s t m o n t A v eE a s t m o n t A v e 8 t h S t S E 8 t h S t S E 4 t h S t S E4 t h S t S E 8 t h S t N E 8 t h S t N E R d T S WR d T S WU S H w y 9 7 A LTU S H w y 9 7 A LT R d 8 S W R d 8 S W G r a n t R d G r a n t R dR d V S WR d V S WR d U S WR d U S WN J a m e s A v eN J a m e s A v e 8 t h S t S E 8 t h S t S E F02,300 4,6001,150 Feet City of East Wenatchee This map is intended for general purposes only. The City of East Wenatchee makes no representation as to the accuracy or current condition of the data shown on this map.9/14/2021 Proposed Zoning for Annexation Areas Map Index Legend Parcel Boundaries City Limits Urban Growth BoundaryEW UGA ZoningEast Wenatchee UGB Zoning Light Commercial (C-L) - East Wenatchee Neighborhood Commercial (C-N) General Industrial (I-G) General Commercial (G-C) Mixed Use (MU) Office High Residential (R-H) Low Residential (R-L) Medium Residential (R-M) Waterfront Mixed Use (WMU) Recreation Overlay (R-O) Map #1 Map #2 Map #3 Map #4 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 47 of 84 I-G R-L WMU G-C U S H w y 2 / 9 7U S H w y 2 / 9 7U S H w y 9 7 A LTU S H w y 9 7 A LTN W C a s c a d e A v eN W C a s c a d e A v e F01,000 2,000500 Feet City of East Wenatchee This map is intended for general purposes only. The City of East Wenatchee makes no representation as to the accuracy or current condition of the data shown on this map.9/14/2021 Proposed Zoning for Annexation Areas Map #1 Legend Parcel Boundaries City Limits Urban Growth BoundaryEW UGA ZoningEast Wenatchee UGB Zoning Light Commercial (C-L) - East Wenatchee Neighborhood Commercial (C-N) General Industrial (I-G) General Commercial (G-C) Mixed Use (MU) Office High Residential (R-H) Low Residential (R-L) Medium Residential (R-M) Waterfront Mixed Use (WMU) Recreation Overlay (R-O) 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 48 of 84 R-L WMU G-C R-L R-O R-M R-M R-L R-M WMU WMU R-H I-G R-M R-M C-N C-N C-N E a s t m o n t A v e E a s t m o n t A v eN W C a s c a d e A v eN W C a s c a d e A v e 1 5 t h S t N E 1 5 t h S t N EN W F i r A v eN W F i r A v e D a n i e l s D r D a n i e l s D r H o l l y L nH o l l y L n F01,000 2,000500 Feet City of East Wenatchee This map is intended for general purposes only. The City of East Wenatchee makes no representation as to the accuracy or current condition of the data shown on this map.9/14/2021 Proposed Zoning for Annexation Areas Map #2 Legend Parcel Boundaries City Limits Urban Growth BoundaryEW UGA ZoningEast Wenatchee UGB Zoning Light Commercial (C-L) - East Wenatchee Neighborhood Commercial (C-N) General Industrial (I-G) General Commercial (G-C) Mixed Use (MU) Office High Residential (R-H) Low Residential (R-L) Medium Residential (R-M) Waterfront Mixed Use (WMU) Recreation Overlay (R-O) 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 49 of 84 R-L R-L G-C MU MU R-M R-H R-M R-M G-C R-L R-O WMU R-H WMU R-M R-M C-N S R 2 8 S R 2 8 S R 2 8 5 S R 2 8 5 G r a n t R dG r a n t R d 3 r d S t N E 3 r d S t N E 5 t h S t N E 5 t h S t N EN B a k e r A v eN B a k e r A v eE a s t m o n t A v eE a s t m o n t A v e 4 t h S t S E 4 t h S t S E 1 1 t h S t N E 1 1 t h S t N E 8 t h S t N E8 t h S t N EV a l l e y M a l l P k w yV a l l e y M a l l P k w y 1 0 t h S t N E1 0 t h S t N E S J a r v i s A v eS J a r v i s A v e 1 s t S t S E 1 s t S t S EH o l l y L nH o l l y L nN D e v o n A v eN D e v o n A v e F01,000 2,000500 Feet City of East Wenatchee This map is intended for general purposes only. The City of East Wenatchee makes no representation as to the accuracy or current condition of the data shown on this map.9/14/2021 Proposed Zoning for Annexation Areas Map #3 Legend Parcel Boundaries City Limits Urban Growth BoundaryEW UGA ZoningEast Wenatchee UGB Zoning Light Commercial (C-L) - East Wenatchee Neighborhood Commercial (C-N) General Industrial (I-G) General Commercial (G-C) Mixed Use (MU) Office High Residential (R-H) Low Residential (R-L) Medium Residential (R-M) Waterfront Mixed Use (WMU) Recreation Overlay (R-O) 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 50 of 84 R-L I-G R-M MU C-L MU R-O R-M R-M R-M R-M G-C R-L R-LR-H C-LC-N S R 2 8 S R 2 8 4 t h S t S E 4 t h S t S E 8 t h S t N E 8 t h S t N E R o c k I s l a n d R dR o c k I s l a n d R d 8 t h S t S E 8 t h S t S E 2 n d S t S E 2 n d S t S E 1 0 t h S t S E 1 0 t h S t S E 3 r d S t N E 3 r d S t N E 6 t h S t S E 6 t h S t S EN N i l e A v eN N i l e A v e A i r p o r t W a y A i r p o r t W a y 1 0 t h S t N E 1 0 t h S t N E 5 t h S t N E 5 t h S t N E S J a r v i s A v eS J a r v i s A v eS I o w a A v eS I o w a A v eS L y l e A v eS L y l e A v e 1 0 t h S t N E 1 0 t h S t N E 8 t h S t S E 8 t h S t S E 6 t h S t S E 6 t h S t S E 5 t h S t N E 5 t h S t N E 5 t h S t N E 5 t h S t N E F01,000 2,000500 Feet City of East Wenatchee This map is intended for general purposes only. The City of East Wenatchee makes no representation as to the accuracy or current condition of the data shown on this map.9/14/2021 Proposed Zoning for Annexation Areas Map #4 Legend Parcel Boundaries City Limits Urban Growth BoundaryEW UGA ZoningEast Wenatchee UGB Zoning Light Commercial (C-L) - East Wenatchee Neighborhood Commercial (C-N) General Industrial (I-G) General Commercial (G-C) Mixed Use (MU) Office High Residential (R-H) Low Residential (R-L) Medium Residential (R-M) Waterfront Mixed Use (WMU) Recreation Overlay (R-O) 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 51 of 84 Presented to: JJJooohhhnnn PPPhhhiiilllllliiipppsss IN RECOGNITION OF 16 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE _______________________________________ Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor 5/1/2000 to 10/15/2021 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 52 of 84 Presented to: JJJeeeffffff MMMooorrrrrriiisssooonnn IN RECOGNITION OF 21 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE _______________________________________ Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor 2/15/2000 to 11/30/2021 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 53 of 84 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL AGENDA BILL To: Mayor and Council. From/Presenter: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Subject: Ordinance 2021-26 amending EWMC Chapter 17.34 Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix and Ordinance 2021-05 to correct a scrivener’s error. Date: October 19, 2021 I. Summary Title: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending Section 5 of Ordinance 2021-05 relating to Amendment 5 in Exhibit A for revisions to Chapter 17.34 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code regarding the Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix to correct a scrivener’s error relating to residential land uses in the North End Wenatchi Landing (NEWL) Overlay District, containing a severability clause, and establishing an effective date. II. Background/History: On September 15, 2020 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2020-13 establishing the North End Wenatchi Landing (NEWL) Overlay District as Chapter 17.54 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code (EWMC). Section 4 of the ordinance amended Chapter 17.34 EWMC the Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix to add a 5th column to the matrix listing the uses that would be permitted in the NEWL Zoning District. The pertinent text section has been included with this agenda bill as Exhibit 1. On March 16, 2021 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2021-05 amending several EWMC sections as part of a project to increase residential density in the East Wenatchee Urban Area. Section 5 of that ordinance amended Chapter 17.34 EWMC the Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix with regards to the residential types of land uses allowed in Commercial Zoning Districts. The template that staff and the consultant used for the amendments was based upon the published code when the project was initiated which was prior to codification of Ordinance 2020-13. The pertinent text section has been included with this agenda bill as Exhibit 2. The NEWL Overlay Column was inadvertently left off of the table used for changes to Chapter 17.34 EWMC the Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix and the P7 note created by Ordinance 2020- 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 54 of 84 13 was inadvertently replaced by a new note proposed under Ordinance 2021-05. This created a scrivener’s error once both ordinances were codified. Since both ordinances have been codified the recommendation of Municipal Research Service Center (MRSC) is to use the formal ordinance method to correct the error. The proposed amendments preserve the purpose and intent of both ordinances. III. Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance 2021-26. IV. Exhibits 1. Excerpt from Exhibit A of Ordinance 2020-13 2. Exhibit A Ordinance 2021-05 and 3. Ordinance 2021 with Exhibit A Financial Data: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $0 $ 0 $ 0 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 55 of 84 Exhibit 1 Excerpt from Exhibit A – Ordinance 2020-13 Chapter 17.34 COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT LAND USE MATRIX Code 2002 NAISCS Land Use Description EW Urban Area 72 Accommodation and Food Services G-C MU WMU CBD NEWL Overlay Residential (Single-Family Dwelling Units) P P Residential (Multifamily Dwelling Units) A/C P P A/C P7 Residential (Existing) P4 P P P4 P Notes: See specific zoning district and use chapters for dimensional standards and other design standards that may be applicable to specific districts and uses. P – Permitted use in that district. P1 – All storage must comply with the requirements of EWMC 17.72.150 and the gross floor area of the building cannot exceed 5,000 sq. ft. (excluding general office space). P2 – All storage must comply with the requirements of EWMC 17.72.150. P3 – Subject to the requirements of EWMC 17.72.180. P4 – Existing residential structures. It is recognized that existing residential structures, legally established before the effective date of this zoning district, are permitted to continue as a place of habitation; provided, if the structure housing the residential use obtains an occupancy permit for any other use established in this section, the residential status protected under this provision is revoked. P5 – Large satellite dish, amateur radio tower, attached wireless or broadcast and relay tower communication facility subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.70 EWMC, as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended. P6 – Automobile, boat, recreational vehicle sales or leasing, new or used, must comply with the following requirements: 1. The business must be located on an arterial or collector; 2. Any repairing, painting or body work must be conducted inside of a building and no parts storage or inoperable vehicles may be stored outside of a building; 3. If abutting a residential zone, Type 1 landscape screening must be installed along all property lines abutting a residential zoning district in compliance with the requirements of EWMC 17.72.080(A); 4. A minimum of a 25-foot setback shall be required of any building abutting any residential zone; 5. Vehicle storage may not occupy more than 60 percent of the site that is not covered by structures, landscaping, required customer and staff parking, and unimproved portions of the property; 6. The applicant must submit a parking plan showing the arrangement of motor vehicles within the proposed motor vehicle outdoor display and storage areas. The plan must delineate parking spaces for customers and employees. All outdoor vehicle display areas must be paved and striped according to the parking plan. P7 Must be part of a mixed-use development per 17.54.030 A – Accessory use. Must have a principal use established on the property. A1 – Must be directly associated with the principal use of the property and shall comply with RCW 70.105.210 and WAC 173-303-282. A2 – Large satellite dish, amateur radio tower, attached wireless or broadcast and relay tower communication facility subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.70 EWMC, as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended. Requirements for R-H district applicable to the mixed use districts. C – Conditional use permit required. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 56 of 84 Exhibit 2 Amendment 5 Ordinance 2021-05 Chapter 17.34 Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix Code 2002 NAICS Land Use Description EW Urban Area G-C MU WMU CBD Residential (Single-Family Dwelling Units) P P Residential (Townhome) P7 P P P7 Residential (Duplex) Residential (Triplex) A A Residential (Multifamily Dwelling Units) A/C P P A/C Residential (Existing) P4 P P P4 Notes: See specific zoning district and use chapters for dimensional standards and other design standards that may be applicable to specific districts and uses. P – Permitted use in that district. P1 – All storage must comply with the requirements of EWMC 17.72.150 and the gross floor area of the building cannot exceed 5,000 sq. ft. (excluding general office space). P2 – All storage must comply with the requirements of EWMC 17.72.150. P3 – Subject to the requirements of EWMC 17.72.180. P4 – Existing residential structures. It is recognized that existing residential structures, legally established before the effective date of this zoning district, are permitted to continue as a place of habitation; provided, if the structure housing the residential use obtains an occupancy permit for any other use established in this section, the residential status protected under this provision is revoked. P5 – Large satellite dish, amateur radio tower, attached wireless or broadcast and relay tower communication facility subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.70 EWMC, as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended. P6 – Automobile, boat, recreational vehicle sales or leasing, new or used, must comply with the following requirements: 1. The business must be located on an arterial or collector; 2. Any repairing, painting or body work must be conducted inside of a building and no parts storage or inoperable vehicles may be stored outside of a building; 3. If abutting a residential zone, Type 1 landscape screening must be installed along all property lines abutting a residential zoning district in compliance with the requirements of EWMC 17.72.080(A); 4. A minimum of a 25-foot setback shall be required of any building abutting any residential zone; 5. Vehicle storage may not occupy more than 60 percent of the site that is not covered by structures, landscaping, required customer and staff parking, and unimproved portions of the property; 6. The applicant must submit a parking plan showing the arrangement of motor vehicles within the proposed motor vehicle outdoor display and storage areas. The plan must delineate parking spaces for customers and employees. All outdoor vehicle display areas must be paved and striped according to the parking plan. P7 -– Residential uses are prohibited on the ground floor of buildings (or portions thereof) facing the street. Buildings facing the street (or portions thereof) must reserve ground level space at least 60-feet deep for other permitted uses. Exception: Residential lobbies may be located on the ground floor of buildings facing the street. A – Accessory use. Must have a principal use established on the property. A1 – Must be directly associated with the principal use of the property and shall comply with RCW 70.105.210 and WAC 173-303-282. A2 – Large satellite dish, amateur radio tower, attached wireless or broadcast and relay tower communication facility subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.70 EWMC, as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended. Requirements for R-H district applicable to the mixed use districts. C – Conditional use permit required. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 57 of 84 City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2021-26 and Exhibit A Page 1 of 4 Retain Ordinance until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1) 1.Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (español, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), póngase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east- wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2.Authority. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City 3.Recitals. 3.1. The City of East Wenatchee (“City”) is a non-charter code city, duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington. 3.2. On September 15, 2020 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2020-13 establishing the North End Wenatchi Landing (NEWL) Overlay District as Chapter 17.54 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code (EWMC). Section 4 of the ordinance amended Chapter 17.34 EWMC the Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix to add a 5th column to the matrix listing the uses that would be permitted in the NEWL Zoning District (Exhibit A to the ordinance). In the NEWL District, the following residential amendments were included: 3.2.1. Single-family Dwelling Units were prohibited. 3.2.2. Multifamily Dwelling Units were permitted under provision P7. 3.2.3. Existing residential structures were outright permitted (P). Exhibit 3 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2021-26 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending Section 5 of Ordinance 2021-05 relating to Amendment 5 in Exhibit A for revisions to Chapter 17.34 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code regarding the Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix to correct a scrivener’s error relating to residential land uses in the North End Wenatchi Landing (NEWL) Overlay District, containing a severability clause, and establishing an effective date. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee que enmienda la Sección 5 de la Ordenanza 2021-05 relacionada con la Enmienda 5 en el Anexo A para revisiones al Capítulo 17.34 del Código Municipal de East Wenatchee con respecto a la Matriz de Uso de Terrenos del Distrito de Zonificación Comercial para corregir un error de escribano relacionado con residencial usos de la tierra en el distrito de superposición de North End Wenatchi Landing (NEWL), que contiene una cláusula de divisibilidad y establece una fecha de vigencia. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 58 of 84 City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2021-26 and Exhibit A Page 2 of 4 Retain Ordinance until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1) 3.2.4. P7 was added in the Notes section stating: “Must be part of a mixed-use development per 17.54.030.” 3.3. On March 16, 2021 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2021-05 amending several EWMC sections as part of a project to increase residential density in the East Wenatchee Urban Area. Section 5 of that ordinance amended Chapter 17.34 EWMC the Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix with regards to the residential types of land uses allowed in Commercial Zoning Districts. The template for the amendments was based upon the published code when the project was initiated which was prior to codification of Ordinance 2020-13. The NEWL Overlay Column was inadvertently left off of the table in Amendment 5 of Exhibit A to the ordinance. This created a scrivener’s error once both ordinances were codified. 3.3.1. The NEWL District Column did not receive the amendments that were targeted to the mixed-use zoning districts. The NEWL District is an overlay district applicable in the North End Waterfront Mixed-Use District. 3.3.2. P7 was added which inadvertently deleted the P7 text from Ordinance 2020-13. The new P7 note stated: Residential uses are prohibited on the ground floor of buildings (or portions thereof) facing the street. Buildings facing the street (or portions thereof) must reserve ground level space at least 60-feet deep for other permitted uses. Exception: Residential lobbies may be located on the ground floor of buildings facing the street. 3.4. The proposed amendments to Chapter 17.34 EWMC preserve the purpose and intent of the amendments enacted in Ordinance 2020-13 and Ordinance 2021- 05 relating to residential land uses in Commercial Zoning Districts. 3.5. RCW 35A.21.010 indicates that deficiencies in the form of an ordinance do not affect the validity the ordinance. Corrections may be made to an amending ordinance if the issue is minor in nature such as a typographical error or the correction of a link or reference to another code section prior to codification. Since both Ordinance 2020-13 and Ordinance 2021-05 have been codified, an ordinance is necessary to affect the correction. Legislative action is necessary to adopt an ordinance to correct a deficiency at an authorized public meeting. 4. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to correct certain scrivener’s errors contained in Ordinance 2021-05 to preserve the intent of Ordinance 2020-13 and Ordinance 2021-05. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 5. Amendment. The City Council amends the East Wenatchee Municipal Code as set forth in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. 6. Findings of Fact. The City Council adopts the Recitals stated above as the findings of fact supporting the adoption of this ordinance. 7. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 59 of 84 City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2021-26 and Exhibit A Page 3 of 4 Retain Ordinance until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1) 8. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the City’s website. 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this __________ day of ___________________, 2021 The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By _________________________________ Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor Authenticated: _____________________________________ Maria Holman, City Clerk Approved as to form only: _____________________________________ Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: __________ Passed by the City Council: __________ Published: __________ Effective Date: __________ 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 60 of 84 City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2021-26 and Exhibit A Page 4 of 4 Retain Ordinance until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1) Summary of City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2021-26 On the __________ day of ___________________________, 2021, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2021-26, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending Section 5 of Ordinance 2021-05 relating to Amendment 5 in Exhibit A for revisions to Chapter 17.34 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code regarding the Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix to correct a scrivener’s error relating to residential land uses in the North End Wenatchi Landing (NEWL) Overlay District, containing a severability clause, and establishing an effective date. The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. Dated this __________ day of ____________________________, 2021. _____________________________ Maria Holman, City Clerk 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 61 of 84 Exhibit A to Ord 2021-26 Amendments to: Chapter 17.34 Commercial Zoning District Land Use Matrix Code 2002 NAISCS Land Use Description EW Urban Area 72 Accommodation and Food Services G-C MU WMU CBD NEWL Overlay Residential (Single-Family Dwelling) Residential (Townhome) P7P8 P P P7P8 P7 Residential (Duplex) Residential (Triplex) A A Residential (Multifamily Dwelling) A/C P P A/C P7 Residential (Existing) P4 P P P4 P Notes: See specific zoning district and use chapters for dimensional standards and other design standards that may be applicable to specific districts and uses. P – Permitted use in that district. P1 – All storage must comply with the requirements of EWMC 17.72.150 and the gross floor area of the building cannot exceed 5,000 sq. ft. (excluding general office space). P2 – All storage must comply with the requirements of EWMC 17.72.150. P3 – Subject to the requirements of EWMC 17.72.180. P4 – Existing residential structures. It is recognized that existing residential structures, legally established before the effective date of this zoning district, are permitted to continue as a place of habitation; provided, if the structure housing the residential use obtains an occupancy permit for any other use established in this section, the residential status protected under this provision is revoked. P5 – Large satellite dish, amateur radio tower, attached wireless or broadcast and relay tower communication facility subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.70 EWMC, as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended. P6 – Automobile, boat, recreational vehicle sales or leasing, new or used, must comply with the following requirements: 1. The business must be located on an arterial or collector; 2. Any repairing, painting or body work must be conducted inside of a building and no parts storageor inoperable vehicles may be stored outside of a building; 3. If abutting a residential zone, Type 1 landscape screening must be installed along all property linesabutting a residential zoning district in compliance with the requirements of EWMC 17.72.080(A); 4. A minimum of a 25-foot setback shall be required of any building abutting any residential zone; 5. Vehicle storage may not occupy more than 60 percent of the site that is not covered by structures,landscaping, required customer and staff parking, and unimproved portions of the property; 6. The applicant must submit a parking plan showing the arrangement of motor vehicles within theproposed motor vehicle outdoor display and storage areas. The plan must delineate parking spaces for customers and employees. All outdoor vehicle display areas must be paved and striped according to the parking plan. P7 Must be part of a mixed-use development per EWMC 17.54.030. P7 P8 - Residential uses are prohibited on the ground floor of buildings (or portions thereof) facing the street. Buildings facing the street (or portions thereof) must reserve ground level space at least 60-feet 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 62 of 84 deep for other permitted uses. Exception: Residential lobbies may be located on the ground floor of buildings facing the street A – Accessory use. Must have a principal use established on the property. A1 – Must be directly associated with the principal use of the property and shall comply with RCW 70.105.210 and WAC 173-303-282. A2 – Large satellite dish, amateur radio tower, attached wireless or broadcast and relay tower communication facility subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.70 EWMC, as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended. Requirements for R-H district applicable to the mixed use districts. C – Conditional use permit required. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 63 of 84 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL AGENDA BILL To: Councilmembers From: Josh DeLay, Finance Director Subject: Resolution 2021-23 – Financial Management Policy Date: October 19, 2021 I. Summary Title: A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, establishing guidelines and procedures intended to serve as a blueprint to maintain fiscal stability, and provide guidance to all stakeholders whether they be directly involved in financial processes, internal control oversight, or any financial transaction. II. Background/History: The City’s finance and budget policy established in 2009 through Resolution No. 2009-06 is lacking and not entirely aligned with current municipal government financial best practices. Resolution 2021-23 modernizes the City’s financial policies and aligns them with current governmental financial management best practices. This policy was vetted and is recommended by the Finance Committee. III. Recommended Action: Approve Resolution No. 2021-23 IV. Exhibits: Resolution No. 2021-23 Financial Data: Expenditure Estimated Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $0 $0 $0 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 64 of 84 City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2021-23 Page 1 of 2 Retain Resolution until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1) City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2021-23 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, establishing guidelines and procedures intended to serve as a blueprint to maintain fiscal stability, and provide guidance to all stakeholders whether they be directly involved in financial processes, internal control oversight, or any financial transaction. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (español, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), póngase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternateformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Authority. 2.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to organize and regulate its internal affairs and to define the powers, functions and duties of its officers and employees. 3. Recitals. 3.1. The City Council of the City of East Wenatchee desires to develop a financial management policy that modernizes the City’s financial policies and aligns them with current government financial management best practices. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 4. Authorization. The City Council adopts the Financial Management Policy attached as the official policy relating to the management of its financial resources. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 65 of 84 City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2021-23 Page 2 of 2 Retain Resolution until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1) 5. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this resolution to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Resolution. 6. Effective date. This Resolution becomes effective immediately. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this _____ day of _______________, 2021. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By _________________________________ Jerrilea A. Crawford, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Maria Holman, City Clerk Approved as to form only: ___________________________ Bob Siderius, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: __________ Passed by the City Council: __________ Effective Date: __________ 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 66 of 84 City of East Wenatchee Financial Management Policy The financial management policy of the City of East Wenatchee (City) is established by the City Council. The policy is designed to provide guidance to all stakeholders whether they be directly involved in financial processes, internal control oversight, or any financial transaction. The financial management policy is intended to serve as a blueprint to achieve fiscal stability required to accomplish the City’s Strategic Plan, all other comprehensive and master plans, and City Council goals. The City Council sets forth the authorities, responsibilities, and accountability requirements of those participating in the operations of East Wenatchee City government at all levels of the organization and endeavors to:  Set forth financial standards.  Reduce financial risks to withstand the ups and downs of local and regional economic environments.  Maintain appropriate financial capacity for present and future levels of service.  Ensure the legal use of financial resources through an effective system of internal controls.  Provide financial transparency to the public. General Financial Goals  Ensure the financial integrity of the City.  Manage the financial assets in a sound and prudent manner.  Improve detailed financial information for decision makers at all levels: o Policy makers as they contemplate decisions that affect the City on a long-term basis. o Managers as they implement policy on a day-to-day basis.  Maintain and further develop programs to ensure the long-term ability to pay all operational and capital costs necessary to provide the level and quality of service required by the citizens.  Maintain a spirit of openness and transparency while being fully accountable to the public for the City’s fiscal activities. Finance Committee A standing Finance Committee exists that will meet as needed on the same day as normally scheduled City Council meetings. The Committee exists of the Finance Director, Mayor and 3 Councilmembers appointed by the mayor annually. Other Department Heads attend the committee, as needed. The Finance Committee reviews the budget, reviews unbudgeted financial requests, assists with financial policy development, and discusses many other City- wide financial related items. Primary Budget Responsibility The City Council has final responsibility for approving the annual Operating Budget and appropriating funding for the capital needs of the City of East Wenatchee. The City’s budget is adopted at the Fund level and monitored on the department level in the General Fund. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 67 of 84 The Mayor and the Finance Department have the primary responsibility for bringing the budget forward for Council consideration. Department Heads will have the primary responsibility for proposing programs, recommending funding levels, analyzing position expense distributions and formulating budget proposals for implementing service programs in accordance with established City Council goals and directives. The Mayor and Department Heads are responsible for the overall management of their respective budgets through monitoring, identifying and correcting any budgetary problems as they arise. The Finance Department will assist the Department Heads as needed. At the direction of the Mayor, the Finance Department coordinates the overall preparation and administration of the City’s budget in compliance with applicable State of Washington statutes. The Finance Department provides the budget calendar and revenue budget estimates, assists department staff in identifying budget problems and formulating alternative solutions, and prepares and distributes the final budget documents. Operating Budget Policies The objective of the operating budget is to pay for all current expenditures with current revenues. The City will endeavor to avoid budgetary allocations that balance current year expenditures at the expense of meeting future years’ expenses. Beginning fund balance sources may be used to fund capital improvement projects or other one-time, non-recurring expenditures if the fund reserve targets are met. The City of East Wenatchee defines a balanced budget as current annual revenues (including fund balances) are equal to or greater than current annual budgeted expenditures. The City of East Wenatchee further defines a structurally balanced budget as current on-going revenues (without including fund balances) as equal to or greater than current on-going operational expenses. The City will not use easily identifiable one-time revenues for operations. Revenue Policies The City will strive to maintain as diversified and stable a revenue system as permitted by state law to shelter it from short-run fluctuations in any one revenue source. The revenue mix should combine flexible and inflexible revenue sources to minimize the effect of an economic downturn. Because revenues, especially those of the General Fund and Street Fund, are sensitive to both local and regional economic activities, revenue estimates provided to the City Council shall be conservative. Conservative can be described as not exceeding the prior 3-year average growth unless its known that the City is receiving large revenue influxes (i.e., annexation, construction projects, etc.). The City will estimate its annual revenues by an objective, analytical process using best practices as defined by the Government Finance Officers Association or other reliable professional organizations. Economic assumptions will be based on reliable and relevant sources such as the Washington State Office of Forecast Council. The City will establish all utility and user fees at a level related to the cost of providing the service and within policy parameters established by the City Council. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 68 of 84 Retail sales and use tax revenue will be reviewed for projects within City limits that are projected to exceed $2 million. The revenue from these projects will be considered one-time revenues and should not be used to support recurring operations. The Finance Department may opt to place these one-time revenues into a separate accounting reporting line to differentiate them from normally occurring sales and use tax revenues. To adequately deal with short-term (anticipated duration of less than one year) economic downturns and temporary gaps in cash flow, expenditure reductions or restrictions may be imposed by the Mayor and/or the City Council. Alternatively, the Council may approve a one- time drawdown of the Rainy-Day Fund to address temporary downturns in City revenues. Interfund loans authorized by the Council may be utilized to cover temporary gaps in cash flow. To address long-term (greater than one year) revenue downturns, revenue forecasts will be revised, and expenses will be reduced to conform to the revised long-term revenue forecast, and new sources of revenue or revenue increases will be considered. Deficit financing and borrowing to support ongoing operations will not be considered as an acceptable policy of the City as a response to long-term revenue shortfalls. All potential grants shall be carefully examined for matching requirements. Some grants may not be accepted if the local matching funds cannot be readily identified or justified. Grants may also be rejected if the financial obligation of the programs must be continued with local resources after grant funds are exhausted. Responsibility for the administration of grants is the joint responsibility of the applying department and Finance Department. All grants, regardless of the amount, must be reviewed by the Finance Department prior to pursuit of the funding to ensure that financial statement preparation and grant reporting requirements are met. Expenditure Policies Operating expenditures, within funds, must be supported by the operating revenues generated by that fund. Expenditures will not expand beyond the City’s ability to pay for them with current revenues. The City will take immediate corrective actions if at any time during the fiscal year expenditure and revenue re-estimates are such that an operating deficit is projected at year-end. Corrective actions can include a hiring freeze, expenditure reductions, fee increases or use of reserves. Long-term debt or bond financing shall not be used to finance current operating expenditures. Emphasis will be placed on improving individual and work group productivity rather than adding to the work force. The City will invest in technology and other efficiency tools to maximize productivity. The City will hire additional staff only after the need for such positions has been demonstrated and documented. The City will make every effort to maximize any discounts offered by creditors/vendors. Staff will also use competitive bidding per established rules to attain the best possible price on goods and services. Minimum Fund Balance (Reserves) Fund balance is an approximate measure of liquidity. Reserves are a cornerstone of financial flexibility and provide the City of East Wenatchee with options to respond to unexpected issues and provide a buffer against minor fiscal challenges. This section defines thresholds and 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 69 of 84 descriptions for fund balances, reserves, and retained earnings of all funds of the City of East Wenatchee. It is the intent of the City to provide a stable financial environment for which its citizens can depend on a consistent and quality level of service and for planned future expenditures. The Finance Director is responsible for monitoring reserve levels and reporting current and projected reserves during each budget development cycle. The City’s minimum fund balance goal for each fund is as follows - Operating Funds:  The General Fund (001) will maintain a minimum unassigned/unrestricted/uncommitted fund balance of 15% of recurring expenditures to ensure adequate cash flow. o The General Fund will also maintain a minimum of $750,000 Rainy Day restricted fund balance to be used only with Council approval through already established approval processes. The reserve will be established and replenished from one-time revenues not committed for other purposes, excess operating reserves or by budgetary action. Yearly additions of $50,000 will be made to the Rainy-Day Fund until it reaches a maximum of $1,000,000.  The Street Fund (101) will maintain a minimum unassigned/unrestricted/uncommitted fund balance of 15% of recurring expenditures to ensure adequate cash flow.  The Events Board Fund (117) will maintain a minimum fund balance of 15% of the average of the prior 3 full years’ expenditures plus 3%.  The Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund (501) will maintain a reserve balance adequate to replace equipment based on the schedule developed by Public Works. Non-Operating Funds:  The Community Development Grants Fund (102) is a grant fund that is reliant on federal reimbursement for expenses related to the CDBG program. It is not practical or necessary to have a minimum fund balance for this fund.  The Transportation Benefit District Fund (105) will maintain a minimum fund balance of 15% of the average of the prior 3 full years’ expenditures plus 3%.  The Library Fund (112) will maintain a minimum fund balance of 50% of recurring expenditures to ensure adequate cash flow.  The Hotel/Motel Tax Fund (113) will maintain a minimum fund balance of 15% of the average of the prior 3 full years’ expenditures.  The Criminal Justice Fund (116) does not have a minimum fund balance. The monies in this fund get transferred to the Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund to help with the annual replacement of police vehicles.  The Bond Redemption Fund (202) does not have a minimum fund balance. This fund just needs enough resources in it annually to pay the City’s current debt obligations.  The Street Improvements Fund (301) tends to be volatile due to its reliance on grant funding, unknown/various matching costs, cost overruns and the size and scope of street projects. $200,000 is a reasonable starting point for an ending fund balance with 3% annual increases after that.  The Capital Improvements Fund (314) will maintain a minimum fund balance of 15% of the average of the prior 3 full years’ expenditures plus 3%. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 70 of 84  The Stormwater Fund (401) will maintain a minimum fund balance of 15% of recurring expenditures plus $200,000 with 3% annual increases for emergency capital improvements. The Finance Director will revise this policy as often as needed when new funds are added to the City’s financials. Replenishment of Reserves: Reserve balance requirements are evaluated at the end of the fiscal year. If the reserve balances of any fund fall below the requirements of this policy, remedial action will be taken to resolve the variance during the next budget cycle. Excess Reserves: Reserves above the targeted reserve levels may be used for new expenditures, with emphasis on one-time uses that achieve future operating cost reductions, capital asset investments with a long-term benefit or prepaying existing debt. Use of excess reserves will be determined by the City Council through the next available budget cycle or budget amendment. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 71 of 84 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL AGENDA BILL To: Mayor and Council. From/Presenter: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Subject: Reconsideration of Resolution 2021-26 regarding an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Wenatchee for administration of the HB 1590 Affordable Housing Sales Tax funds. Date: October 19, 2021 I. Summary Title: A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee for the purpose of authorizing Wenatchee to act as lead entity in administration and use of Affordable Housing Sales and Use Tax Funds (HB 1590) in accordance with RCW 82.14.530, containing a severability clause, and establishing an effective date. II. Background/History: The Council considered this Resolution at the October 5, 2021 meeting. The initial vote was 3 in favor (Magdoff, Tidd and Raab), 1 abstention (Sleiman) and 2 opposed (Johnson and Sterk). There was some discussion regarding voting procedures and the Mayor exercised the option of voting to break a tie. Although the vote was a 3 to 2 vote, under some rules of procedure, an abstention is considered a “no” vote. It was subsequently determined that the resolution must be reconsidered based upon the voting provisions in Chapter 35A.12 RCW and the City Council Rules of Procedures (Resolution 2011-13). Council rules do not consider an abstention as a “no” vote. Due to the provisions in the interlocal agreement regarding the payment of funds to Wenatchee, it was determined that the proper voting stipulation requires a majority vote of the full membership of the council and the Mayor is not able to exercise the option of breaking a tie vote. • RCW 35A.12.120 indicates that the passage of any ordinance, grant or revocation of franchise or license, and any resolution for the payment of money shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the whole membership of the council. • RCW 35A.12.100 explains that the mayor has a vote only in the case of a tie in the votes of the councilmembers with respect to matters other than the passage of any ordinance, grant, or revocation of franchise or license, or any resolution for the payment of money. History of the Proposal: The Legislature amended RCW 82.14.530 with HB 1590 allowing a local sales and use tax up to 1/10th of 1% for affordable housing to be imposed by councilmanic authority by cities and counties. The bill became effective June 11, 2020. • August 18, 2020, Council Meeting - Staff report highlighting homeless housing efforts and projects being funded using the existing local homeless 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 72 of 84 housing funds including a memo and discussion explaining the HB 1590 sales tax option. • February 25, 2021, Council Workshop – Presentation of in-depth discussion of the HB 1590 funding and low-barrier shelter needs including a White Paper and PowerPoint Presentation. The workshop included Wenatchee Community Development staff, their Police Chief, and a councilmember. • March 16, 2021, City Council held a public hearing and subsequently approved Ordinance 2021-04 to authorized collection of the tax provided in RCW 82.14.530. The proposed interlocal agreement anticipates pooling the sales tax revenues for a coordinated homeless response and housing across both cities. The City of Wenatchee’s Community Development Department will serve as the program administrator. Staff will provide updates and reports as specified by both councils. Section 3 of the Interlocal Agreement describes the administrative activities in more detail. East Wenatchee will transfer the funds received under RCW 82.14.530 twice annually, on July 1 and December 31, and other times if necessary. The City of Wenatchee may use up to 7% of the funds for administration of the program. It is estimated that revenue under this program may exceed $400,000 per year in East Wenatchee. III. Recommended Action: (2 separate actions are necessary) • Motion to reconsider Resolution 2021-26 regarding an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Wenatchee for Affordable Housing Sales Tax funds. • Motion to approve Resolution 2021-26 to authorize the Mayor’s signature on the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee for the purpose of authorizing Wenatchee to act as lead entity in the administration and use of Affordable Housing Sales and Use Tax Funds (HB 1590) in accordance with RCW 82.14.530. IV. Exhibits: Resolution 2021-26 and Exhibit A Financial Data: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 73 of 84 City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2021-26 with Exhibit A Retain Resolution until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1) Page 1 of 2 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2021-26 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee for the purpose of authorizing Wenatchee to act as lead entity in administration and use of Affordable Housing Sales and Use Tax Funds (HB 1590) in accordance with RCW 82.14.530, containing a severability clause, and establishing an effective date. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (español, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), póngase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Authority. 2.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to organize and regulate its internal affairs and to define the powers, functions and duties of its officers and employees. 2.2. RCW 39.34.030 authorizes the City to enter into an agreement with another public agency for joint or cooperative action. For an Interlocal Agreement to enter into force, the participating public agencies must take action by ordinance, resolution or otherwise pursuant to law of the governing bodies of the participating public agencies. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 3. Authorization. The City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement that conforms to the language set forth in Exhibit A. 4. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this resolution to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Resolution. 5. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of the Interlocal Agreement on the City’s website once it is signed by all parties. 6. Recording. The City Council directs the City Clerk to record the original, fully executed Interlocal Agreement with the Douglas County Auditor. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 74 of 84 City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2021-26 with Exhibit A Retain Resolution until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1) Page 2 of 2 7. Effective date. This Resolution becomes effective immediately. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this _____ day of _______________, 2021. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By ________________________ Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Maria Holman, City Clerk Approved as to form only: ___________________________ Robert R. Siderius, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: __________ Passed by the City Council: __________ Effective Date: __________ 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 75 of 84 Interlocal Agreement Page 1 Return Address: Glen A. DeVries Community Development Department City of Wenatchee P.O. Box 519 Wenatchee, WA 98807-0519 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND HOUSING RELATED SERVICES Reference numbers of related documents: N/A Grantors: 1.CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 2.CITY OF WENATCHEEGrantees: 1.Same as Grantors. Legal Description: 1.N/A 2.Additional legal description is on page N/A of document Assessor’s Property Tax Parcel Number(s): N/A Filed with the Auditor pursuant to RCW 39.34.040 Parties THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee, municipal corporations organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, for the purpose of compliance with RCW 43.185C.080 and RCW 82.14.530 and coordination and administration of affordable housing and housing related services between the cities of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee. The City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee may be referred to herein individually as a “Party” or collectively as the “Parties.” Recitals WHEREAS, RCW 43.185C.050 directed each local homeless housing task force to prepare and recommend to its local government legislative authority a five-year local homeless housing plan for its jurisdictional area which is aimed at eliminating homelessness. The Parties have adopted a five-year local homeless housing plan applicable to each jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to work collaboratively to establish a task force to maintain and update the Five-Year Local Homeless Housing Plan and to administer the applicable homeless surcharges that are being collected by the Chelan County Auditor’s Office for the City of Wenatchee under RCW 43.185C.080, RCW 36.22.179 and RCW 36.22.1791, funds collected for the Parties under RCW 82.14.530 and any additional funds the Parties allocate to the task force to implement the Five-Year Local Homeless Housing Plan; and Exhibit A 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 76 of 84 Interlocal Agreement Page 2 WHEREAS, as authorized by RCW 82.14.530, each Party has imposed a sales and use tax for housing and related services. As authorized by RCW 43.185C.080(2), the Parties may contract with each other to execute programs contributing to the overall goal of ending homelessness within a defined service area; and WHEREAS, according to RCW 43.185C.050, eligible activities under a local plan include: rental and furnishing of dwelling units for the use of homeless persons; costs of developing affordable housing for homeless persons, and services for formerly homeless individuals and families residing in transitional housing or permanent housing and still at risk of homelessness; operating subsidies for transitional housing or permanent housing serving formerly homeless families or individuals; services to prevent homelessness, such as emergency eviction prevention programs including temporary rental subsidies to prevent homelessness; temporary services to assist persons leaving state institutions and other state programs to prevent them from becoming or remaining homeless; outreach services for homeless individuals and families; development and management of local homeless plans including homeless census data collection; identification of goals, performance measures, strategies, and costs and evaluation of progress towards established goals; rental vouchers payable to landlords for persons who are homeless or below thirty percent of the median income or in immediate danger of becoming homeless; and their activities to reduce and prevent homelessness as identified for funding in the local plan; and WHEREAS, RCW 39.34.010 permits local governments to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with other municipalities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities in a manner that will be most beneficial in meeting the needs of the participating communities; and WHEREAS, the Parties wish to continue to work collaboratively and combine all above-referenced funds to be administered by one entity to serve the residents of the cities of East Wenatchee and Wenatchee consistent with the Local Homeless Housing Plan adopted by the Parties as now or hereafter may be updated. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is for the Parties to collaboratively establish a task force to maintain and update the Five-Year Local Homeless Housing Plan and to administer the applicable homeless surcharges that are being collected by the Chelan County Auditor’s Office for the City of Wenatchee under RCW 43.185C.080, 36.22.179 and 36.22.1791, funds collected for the Parties under RCW 82.14.530 and any additional funds the Parties allocate to the task force to implement the Five-Year Local Homeless Housing Plan. 2. Duration and Termination. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon approval of the Parties. This Agreement will be recorded with the Chelan County Auditor’s Office by the City of Wenatchee and may be posted to the websites of the Parties hereto at their discretion. This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by any Party upon not less than one hundred eighty (180) days prior written notice to the other Parties. Any contractual agreements made 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 77 of 84 Interlocal Agreement Page 3 by the Parties shall be binding upon the Parties for the duration identified in the applicable contracts. The withdrawal or termination by any one Party shall terminate the Agreement. 3. Administration. 3.1.No separate legal or administrative entity is created by this Agreement. 3.2.The Parties hereby create the Columbia River Homeless Housing Task Force (“Task Force”), a voluntary local advisory committee that will advise the Parties on updating, maintaining and implementing the local homeless housing plan and will participate in a local homeless housing program. The Task Force will consist of seven voting members appointed as follows: • The East Wenatchee City Council will appoint one member who resides within the City of East Wenatchee. • The Wenatchee City Council will appoint one member who resides within the City of Wenatchee. • The East Wenatchee City Council will appoint one member who is a representative of a non-profit organization with experience in low income housing. • The Wenatchee City Council will appoint one member who is a representative of a non-profit organization with experience in low income housing. • The East Wenatchee City Council will appoint one member who resides within Douglas County. • The Wenatchee City Council will appoint one member who resides within Chelan County. • The Mayor of East Wenatchee and the Mayor of Wenatchee will jointly appoint one member who is homeless or formerly homeless. • At the discretion of the Parties, additional non-voting members may be appointed. The Bylaws of the Task Force shall be approved by the Parties. 3.3.The City of Wenatchee shall be the lead entity for the administration of the local homeless housing programs and funds serving Wenatchee and East Wenatchee funded under this Agreement. 3.4.The City of Wenatchee, in its lead entity role, shall be responsible for the day-to-day operational management of the homeless funds and implementation of the Five-Year Local Homeless Housing Plan. Specific lead entity duties include: • Administration: o Applying for grant funding where directed by the Parties. o Managing and maintaining homeless/housing provider contracts including grant development, fiscal reimbursement, and performance monitoring. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 78 of 84 Interlocal Agreement Page 4 o Mediating disputes between program participants and homeless service providers. o Maintaining staff to fulfill all lead entity duties. o Developing policies and procedures for contracted service providers that ensure compliance with contract requirements. o Monitoring performance and compliance with contractual requirements. o Coordinating all Task Force meetings and events. o Participate in the Chelan Douglas Homeless Housing Advisory Group for ongoing coordination. o Coordinate with and seek partnerships with service providers to implement the direction and goals of the Parties. • Planning: o Coordinate with the Parties and the Task Force to develop plan updates and amendments to prioritize program development and implementation. o Conducting gap analyses of needs and services available to the homeless population as it relates to the priorities of the Parties. o Developing performance measures that ensure programs are meeting the needs of homeless persons in the jurisdictions of the Parties, and community expectations expressed by the Parties. o Implementing planned goals and priorities adopted or directed by the Parties. o During new program development conduct joint and/or individual workshop(s) with the city councils to gather feedback and direction. • Data Collection and Reporting: o Serving as the Homeless Management Information Data System lead for the Parties. o Participating in an annual Point-in-Time count of homeless individuals per HUD specifications. o Compiling and reporting on performance metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of programs developed by the Parties. Ensure that the metrics over time are effective in monitoring the priorities of the Parties. o Reporting duties specified by RCW 43.185C.045(3) and any other funding sources committed to this program. o Meet with and provide annual reports to a joint meeting of the Parties and the Task Force on program performance and development. • System Coordination: o Coordinate with the regional coordinated entry system and service providers in the continuum of care. o Developing community partnerships with funders and organizations that serve homeless sub-populations (i.e. veterans, individuals exiting systems 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 79 of 84 Interlocal Agreement Page 5 of care, unaccompanied youth, chronically homeless individuals), and service providers within the continuum of care. o Programs shall be limited to meeting the needs of the homeless in the incorporated cities of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee and shall not be offered regionally. • Fiscal Oversight: o Accounting for and managing all resources received from federal, state, and local sources to assure there is no waste, fraud, or abuse of funds. o Processing all requests for reimbursements from funding recipients. o Identifying and applying for new sources of funding as applicable. 3.5.The City of Wenatchee, as the contracted administrator of the program, shall work with the Task Force to develop funding decisions in conformance with all applicable statutes. The Wenatchee City Council will review and approve funding/contracting recommendations from the Task Force. In the event that a funding recommendation is declined by the Wenatchee City Council, representatives from each Party may request the Wenatchee City Council reconsider the decision in a public meeting. 3.6.The following shall be the Parties’ contact persons for the daily administration of this Agreement: Community Development Director City of Wenatchee P.O. Box 519 Wenatchee, WA 98807-0519 Community Development Director City of East Wenatchee 271 Ninth Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 3.7.Official contract correspondence/notices should be addressed to the official clerk of each Parties’ respective legislative entity. 4. Funds, Reporting, Outreach and Administrative Costs. 4.1. The City of East Wenatchee shall transfer the balance of funds collected under RCW 82.14.530, twice annually on July 1 and December 31 to the City of Wenatchee. The City of Wenatchee may request interim transfers to facilitate the funding of specific projects or programs. The City of Wenatchee shall be entitled to retain 7% of the funds to cover administrative costs. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 80 of 84 Interlocal Agreement Page 6 4.2. The City of Wenatchee shall develop a public outreach program which may include but not be limited to interaction with the press, public events, web postings public surveys and other means to gather feedback and provide information on homeless programs and priorities. All outreach efforts will be targeted to both cities. 4.3. The Task Force may not issue funding commitments in excess of two years without the express written approval of each Party’s governing board. Any capital funding commitment beyond one calendar year shall require separate approval of the legislative authority of each Party. A withdrawal by a Party or termination of this Agreement shall not affect contractual commitments. 4.4. By January 31 of each year the City of Wenatchee will submit a written report to the other Parties to this Agreement providing a summary of the agencies and/or projects funded in the preceding year with funds referenced in this Agreement. 4.5. The Parties contemplate and approve the purchase of land or shelters, and as an alternative to a land purchase a land lease, for the purposes of siting and operating a low barrier shelter(s). 5. Local Homeless Housing Plan. Each Party shall adopt by resolution the Five Year Local Homeless Housing Plan prepared in conformance with the requirements of RCW 43.185C and all amendments. 6. No Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any Party’s rights or duties under this Agreement may be assigned without the prior written agreement of the other Parties. 7. Disposition of Assets and Liabilities Upon Termination. Termination shall be in accordance with those procedures set forth in Section 2. Upon termination of this Agreement by one or both Parties, equipment and other personal or real property purchased for the low barrier shelter(s) and/or the net proceeds from the sale of such assets, shall be distributed to the Parties proportionately to their contributions to the purchase of the asset. In lieu of distribution, the Parties may agree for a Parties’ purchase of equipment or other personal or real property and payment to the other Party. Each Party shall assume and pay the obligations remaining due for the facilities, equipment and personal or real property it receives on dissolution and thereafter indemnify and hold the other Party harmless therefrom. 8. Conflict Resolution. In the event that a dispute between the Parties occurs, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to RCW Chapter 7.04, et. Seq., except as hereafter modified. Such arbitration shall be before one disinterested arbitrator, if one can be agreed upon by the Parties. If one arbitrator cannot be agreed upon, then each Party shall appoint one arbitrator, and a third arbitrator shall be appointed by both Parties. The Arbitrator may be any person not employed by the jurisdictions that desire the property. 8.1. During a meeting with the Arbitrator, each jurisdiction interested in the property shall be permitted to make an oral and/or written presentation to the Arbitrator in support of its position. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 81 of 84 Interlocal Agreement Page 7 8.2. At the conclusion of the presentation, the Arbitrator shall determine which jurisdiction will receive the property. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding and shall not be the subject of appeal or review. 8.3. If all arbitrators have not been appointed within ten (10) days after a written notice of for arbitration is served by one Party to the other, then either Party may apply to the Chelan County Superior Court, upon not less than five (5) days written notice to the other, for appointment of the necessary arbitrators remaining to be appointed. The judicial appointment(s) shall be final, conclusive and binding. The controversy shall be resolved and determined in accordance with the laws of Washington as applied to the facts found. Remedies, both equitable and legal, including injunctive relief, may be granted. The decision shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Parties and a judgment confirming the decisions may be entered in the Chelan County Superior Court. 9. Maintenance and Audit of Records 9.1. Each Party shall maintain books, records, documents and other materials relevant to its performance under this Agreement. 9.2. These records shall be subject to inspection, review and audit by any Party or its designee, and the Washington State Auditor’s Office. 9.3. Each Party shall retain all such books, records, documents and other materials for the longest applicable retention period under federal and Washington law. 10. Indemnification. Each Party to this Agreement shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other Parties, their agents, officers, employees, insurers, and elected officials, from and against any and all liability, loss or damage incurred as a result of claims, demands, suits, or actions resulting from any action or failure to act undertaken or existing under this Agreement to the extent of their sole, concurrent or comparative negligence, reckless or intentionally wrongful acts. No Party shall be responsible for the negligent acts, reckless or intentionally wrongful acts of another. 11. Independent Contractor. The Parties agree that the City of Wenatchee shall be at all times under this Agreement an independent contractor. Employees of the City of Wenatchee are and will remain employees of the City of Wenatchee. 12. Mutual Cooperation. All Parties agree to mutual cooperation and will make a good faith effort to assist one another in fulfilling the terms of this Agreement. 13. Venue/Attorney’s Fees. 13.1. The venue for any and all suits brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement shall be Chelan County. 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 82 of 84 Interlocal Agreement Page 8 13.2. In the event of any legal action or other proceeding to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement, each Party shall bear its own attorney’s fees and costs incurred in that action or proceeding. 14. Recitals. The recitals in the preamble to this Agreement are incorporated by reference and are part of this Agreement. 15. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties. This Agreement shall not be amended unless in writing signed by each of the Parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereby have executed this Agreement on the dates set forth below. DATED this ____ day of ________________, 2021 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, a municipal corporation By JERRILEA CRAWFORD, Mayor ATTEST: By MARIA HOLMAN, City Clerk [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 83 of 84 Interlocal Agreement Page 9 DATED this _____ day of ________________, 2021 CITY OF WENATCHEE, a municipal corporation By FRANK KUNTZ, Mayor ATTEST: By TAMMY STANGER, City Clerk 10/19/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 84 of 84