HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/23/2004 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MARCH 23, 2004 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Raab, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Buckner was excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Buckner from this Council Meeting by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Bob Goodman, Teresa Allen, Marcia Martz and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The colors were presented and the Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Girl Scout Troop #34. Mayor Lacy thanked Girl Scout Troop #34 for presenting the colors and leading the Pledge of Allegiance. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Lacy read a proclamation supporting the 2004 Region 10 Soo Bahk Do Championships which was held on Saturday, March 20, 2004. Mayor Lacy read a proclamation proclaiming the Month of April, 2004 as Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month. CITIZEN COMMENTS Mayor Lacy said he wanted to clarify a legal issue with respect to agenda item number 04-03-02. He said options available to Council are limited in terms of the information that can be considered. He added there will not be any citizen comments pertaining to the Fairview Ridge Major Subdivision. He added the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing to hear comments on the issue and at this time the process would be invalid if any public comment is heard on the issue. Mayor Lacy said that before consideration on action item number 04-03-02 is taken there are specific questions that are legally required. 1. Is there anyone in attendance tonight that objects to the participation of any member of the City Council in the hearing of the proposal that we going to hear in respect to the Fairview Ridge Major Subdivision? There were no objections •Ioafoad Pqj ao3 soiliumpoddo Suipunj Suplaas jo ss000id alit ui Nils si aq Pappu PH •loafold lulnoplud sill lod NIOM Iou pinom li puno3 Inq uuol pund Isrul sNioM oilgnd E lE pa)lool pule Suipuii3 2uigolum uO pa)loago suq aq Mus PH TOM aagoluuPM Isug aqI ui xaldmoD sllodS u spluMol spuig SuigOIUW se spuii3 Iuauianoiduil lEliduo s,,l[liD oq� 3o autos Suisn jo Eapi aqI Suiulaouoo goluosal amos pip puu uoissnosip autos pEq sEq ail plus Aou-1 loAuW •Isol Iou Plu salliunlloddo guipun3 aqI puu auop olu sluamanoldmi asogl oouo onssi agI Iisina.l uEo ,Clio aqI pappE PH •.iUQX sigl slggiaH aag3uu3 ui lolluq uoilExauuE uE of Ioadsal glint 2�uiglAuu guiop lsuiuSE puauumooal of popioop suq ag `Xltlumud uosuaa lEgl lo3 pies Xou-1 loXUW -Xulap to Nsu IL, Ioafoad all Ind of slq2?iaH aagouu3 3o suazilio all to Clunoo `AID aqI OI asuas Ou SONVui Ii pappE PH •slggiPH lagouuA uo Injssaoons SUM IEgI lusodoid uoiluxauuu uE w3m alagl 3i alnpogos uo puaqu 05 pinoM Ioafoid aqI aaluulung Iou pinoo Clio aql suoilu.lapisuoo asogl uan15 Pius AOU-1 JOAUW •spun3 BuigolUtu aqI lo3 olgisuodsol oq uogl pinoM Clio otU -Aumu oi? pinom goluul AlunoD aqI `Iugl of uoilippu ul QI'I we pauuo3 I[I!D aqI oligM ss000ld all Arlop pinom goigM Rio oql g2nolgl ((II'I) IoillsiQ luauzano.iduil luoog E Aq pooEldol oq OI anEq pinom QRI aqI AIiD aqI Aq paxauuu si X11odoid ogl3I •QI2I aqI uEgl aaglo Ioafoad aqI glim polEioossE sl Imp 2uipun3 lulopol aqI BuiuiElgo of Ioodsol ql!m golum liogl su Ioafoad Iugl piumol 00 000`009$ iaglouu gsEo puu pupl-ui `pa2?pald sEq Alunoo all uoilippu ul •slEllop uoiltim t Z• i 3o IunomE all ui EalE slgSiaH aagouu3 aqI ui Apadold passossu suq lugs ((IRI) loillsiQ Iuamanoldml puoZl u apnloui iiiM Ioafoad aql •90OZ uugl lalEl ou to luaX Ixau uiSaq of uoponllsuoo loj pauuEld si Ioafoad aqZ •slEllop uoilliw 9•b XlaluwixoaddE jo Isoo u Iv pool IEgI anoidun of f4unoD aql g2noagl popunj Aiin3 Alluiluosso Ioafoad u si Paagl Iugl puno3 oq lasunoD lu2P-1 s,f4!0 aqI puu .louoissiunuoD )S4unoo ouo glint onssi aqI Buissnosip ui Pius PH •slg$iaH aagouuJ sWumOl puo2l uiulunoW lo2pug do luoullsug uO IaaIIS u,61 InogE uuol3 loafold Iuaulanoldmi puoi aqI glint polmoossE sluowliunuoo luiouuug aqI of plu2al glint oq pinom suoiluoildmi aqI lugm of su palinbui pEq aq pres PH •slggiaH aag3uu3 lu sluaplsal PIP Jo autos moad paniaoal sum lugl uoippod aqI OuipluBw uoijupuauimoow puu uoillsod E glim ?louq Puioo pinOM oq SuipPm Isul Pill IE piEs XoEZ JOAUW lHod3w SHOAVIV sluPmmoo uOZillo ou olom olagy uoilsonb aqI of asuodsol Pnllumlg3u ou SUM alagZ LlgBiuol pluaq 2ulaq lalluuz XuE i?uiplE2al uoilualununuoo Xuu paniaoal ltounoo agl jo laqulau' AuE suH •{, •iiounoD mol3 asuodsaa ou SUM alagZ Zaauuum aniloafgo puu liu3 u ui iouum sill laptsuoo puu luaq of olqu slaquuauiliounoD Pad •£ •uuugBuiuun3 •alb SuiloEluoo ui liidss000nsun SUM aq plus launuolg lagmamliounoD •uuElguiuuno -1W loEluoo of poldmallu ail uoisinipgns luu15110 aqI panoiddu XI!D aqI uagm plus mauumaag aagmamliounoo ZpounoD Pill alojaq pluaq 3uiaq lusodoad to Xpodold aqI ui Isaaalui uE anuq (llounoD )4!0) fpoq Ruuuaq sig13O slagmam AUE OQ •Z 1700Z `£Z H02Ib'W ShcnXIW 'II3I MOD RdHD. VNE[M ISdg 30 ,UI0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 23, 2004 CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as presented by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, March 9, 2004 2. Consideration of Bills — Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, March 23, 2004, Council does approve warrant numbers 14336 through 14391, in the total amount of $104,049.41. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 21081 through 21160, and 240002, in the total amount of $175,371.63, paid March 5, 2004 for the month of February 2004. ACTION ITEM 04-03-02 A Public Meeting to Consider the East Wenatchee Planning Commission Recommendations Regarding an Amendment to the Preliminary Approval of the Fairview Ridge Major Subdivision. Mayor Lacy said this recommendation is a revision to the site plan. Mayor Lacy said Council can take action on one of three options based on the documentation received in packets and the comments made from staff. 1. Council can deny the amendment to the preliminary approval, based simply on the documentation reviewed and comments from staff. Council can approve the amendment to the preliminary approval based on the documentation reviewed and accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the staff comments. If Council determines there was some undeveloped issue, or some other reason to do so, they can remand the issue back to the Planning Commission for further review and consideration. Community Development Director Barnett said the amendment would increase the number of lots from 14 to 17, and additional property to the subdivision, and change the point of access from N. Devon Avenue to Stoneridge Drive. The project includes the extension of Stoneridge Drive onto the property, the construction of a new cul-de-sac street that will connect to Stoneridge Drive and a private street to access some of the lots that will intersect with the new cul-de-sac. An on -site storm drainage system will be constructed as part of the project. Ms. Barnett reviewed the Action Sheet, Planning Commissioner Minutes, Staff Report and Exhibits, Memo to Planning Commission, Letter from Charles Martin, and Map Excerpts from Stoneridge Subdivision Div 2. She added the Planning Commission approved the amendment to b 3ITajo 43 PlUujt'g UUt'Q 17M ? 1� Wd Sb:L — IN131 NHflorUV •uoiiuSijgo Iugl paiunssn Xogl `XlunoD st'lgnoCI uroiJ asual aqi iano xool VSda uagnn lugl pouiuldxa Aou"I ioxrw •Iiu.zZ doo-I juiiduD alddd oqj Suolu do joid iaiiil Suipluft IuauilludaQ (VS-Ig) uoiluaioag Put' S)JILd Iuouzisug aql uzo13 p3ni0331 lajlaj aql Inoqu pXlsu MoupuaH nqu owpounoo •onssi Bution iuuogiu$is sigl uo Ino pions Suilla23o loodsu uoiluuuojui oiqnd oqj Sutlouioid spit'nnoi 00'000`Z$ Paiuuop pug I'nJJ uiagIoN PaPPu aH 'JI AuW suns IoulsiQ Tilud ut'iilodoll;)W agl jo uoiiuuuo3 lo3 ainnmw iolluq Iuioads agl jo aiup uoiioaja agl ptus Aou7 ioAuW •SuilooW Iiounoo Ixou aqI lu uzooIaAI d uo l iodw u SuIAIS aq pjnom kuagwoq L kuo L `loinjiQ uzooJanig ptus XOU-1 IOXLI v siuodau liiaunoa •oluon Iou pip oq It'gl uiajgojd u lo3 kpadoid unno pogj Suidolanap poivap aq iou pinogs jaumo puul ayl pappu aH •uoilouz aqi 30 Jonu3 ui os auop anug pjnonn ag `aion ail aqI )Iuaiq of uziu io3 �jussaoou paiapisuoo sung Ii 3i Pius XOWI 10ALIW •(iaunuuoig) pauiulsqu I `(s)loupuoH `IIiMaCI) pasoddo Z `(quu-d `linoDoW `ua)jty) JOAU3 ui £ `pat.uuo uotiouz aqZ :uoilouz aqi 3o alon-31 u JOJ polluo Aou-I ioXuW `pounoD Xq uoissnosip logljn3 lai3N •uoissnosip io3 do Nnq onssi oqj pauodo put, Xiessaoau 3i ail oqj )ju;)jq pjnonn aq pit's XouZ ioXuW (iaurwojg `qugd) pauiulsqu Z `(s)IoupuaH `IIiAA oG) pasoddo Z `(Iin000w `ua)Iiy) Jonu3 Ui Z `poliu3 uoilow oqj •uoistAipgnS joft'y�j a�Pi2I nnainitt'� agi �o junoiddd x1vultullold aqI puauzu oI uoissiunuoO Suiuuuld oqj Aq uoilupuowwooal aqi anoiddu of linoDow laqu owpounoD Xq puooas `uaNid x)gw;)tujiounoD Xq apuw suns uoilow d :uollad jpunoa 'aPuIS %0 i u iu ,(Umq2?iH IasunS puu anuan,d IaNug uaamiaq IaauS glgl oq pjnonn uosuudwoo osolo u pius uuuip000 IuapualuuadnS iaaalS 'aPuis %ZI u Iu st OAU(I 3Spu0uoiS pius Iiauaug •sW -oq pinom apui� oqj aguluoolod lugnn pa)jsu puu anug oSpuauolS uo apui3 duals aqi uoiluauz sionol Itgigxa aql 3o awos pius quad iaquuauijiounoD pounoo AjiD aqj Aq uoisinipgnS tiuulwllaid papuauiu agl JO lunoiddu SUIPUQURU0001 Sl UOISSIuzuIoD Suiuuujd aqZ •aion Z-£ t' tjj!M It'jd Xnuimtlold a$pra matniit'3 oqj tr00Z `£Z HDNVW Sg Lf1NIW TDIS 100 93HO.LNNdM ISd3 30 AID D