HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/9/2004 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MARCH 9, 2004 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Aiken, and. Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Hendricks was excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Hendricks from this Council Meeting by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Buckner. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Bob Goodman, Teresa Allen, Bruce Nash and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation proclaiming the week of March 15-21, 2004 as Washington State School Retirees Appreciation Week. Mayor Lacy said retired teachers volunteer in many organizations in the valley including the Sister City Organization. DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Director Barnett said there would be a joint workshop between the Douglas County Board of Commissioners, East Wenatchee City Council, Douglas County Regional Planning Commission, and the City of East Wenatchee Planning Commission regarding Neighborhood Commercial Criteria Review and Draft Road Standards Review. The workshop was scheduled for March 171h at 6:30 p.m. at Douglas County Transportation and Land Services located at 140 19`h Street NW. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy said the Fancher Heights Area annexation was discussed in his absence at the last Council Meeting. Mayor Lacy said his goal has been no secret and feels growth by annexation is a positive thing. The City worked jointly with Douglas County on an annexation agreement which makes it easier and less contentious to achieve the City's annexation goals. However, the proposed Fancher Heights annexation presents some issues that he would like to have more information on. One issue was the present access road to Fancher Heights and a possible second access road. Mayor Lacy said Douglas County had been working on solutions to this issue and he would not want the City to interfere with the progress made. Additionally, if the City were to go forward with the Fancher Heights annexation, the Boundary Review Board could require the City to take in additional land to square up the boundaries. This could mean taking in land east to the Columbia River and north to possibly 31st Street. •puaJlu of alquun si aq pun allinialuM ui Aup agJ Suunp ploq Din sfutlaauu Dill st aaliiuuuuoD A.rosinPV aisuM ptloS Dip uo joAuW oql sluasoidai .iaunuarg loquiauiliounoD pappt aH •suiSoq aofUW a p 3o uuai nnau a Duutl gouo pololduuoo si goignn 4[liluuuoj u si uoilnlosaa aql pins Aot-I IOXU i •aaJliuuuuOD tiosiApd aisnM ptloS AlunoD sul2noCl agl of joAuW oql Suiluioddu uoilnlosai d I O-£0-tO NoiirnlosaH '09'9 i L`8t$ do lunouut Iulol aql ui `S££ti gSnonll 80£tI s.iagwnu iuuziunn;)Aoiddt saop liounoo `t00Z `6 goitW `aluP sigl3o sd •Iiounoo of Dlgtlinnn optuu uaaq suq Iugi Supsil u uo papi000l uaaq antq `060'tZ'Zt MD2I Aq paiinboi su pogillao suuiulo IuauiasinquuiDl asuadxa osogl puu `080'tZ'Zt MD2I Aq pannbw su 1;)ogjo Suilipnt aql Aq pogilaao puu palipnu saagonoA — silig3o uoiluzapisuo3 •Z t00Z `tZ Ait,nlga3 `uoissaS uuingo-d -- solnuiw 3o uoilu.iapisuoD • I '0-9 `poLuuo uoiloui oqZ •lauuuuDig ioquiouipounoo Aq puooas `ua)Iid jaquuauuliounoD Aq poluosoid sr itpualuo Iuasuoo agI anoiddu of apuuu suns uoilouu d :uollod Ilaunoa ldvaNa'ida .LNHSNOJ Juana oql ui aiudimi.iud of liounoo Pa)Ist puu Suilianun aql Suipualln oq Ilion inns JOXuW pappn aH •uoilonilsuoo sii 2uunp uopiu2 aqI of palnquluoo anuq ognn s.iagio glinn 8u01t unAustWjo suazipo aqi puu pinznS ioXuW iouoq lliM Juana sigl •uu•d 00:9 of OO:S woij uopaug asauuduf digspuouj 3o D2pug oql it 116Z tudd $utlianun uu aq Ipm wall pits Aou-I joAuW •.iau3long nquiouipounoo puu 3lasuiiq aoj AI!D oql Aq pind aq Ipm sisoo uoiluliodsutil pappn aH •211102 aq oslu IIpA aj!m siq puu jz"ong .iaquuuuliouno3 •;)j!m siq puu 3iasuuig 2uipnloui iuoA sigl 2ui02 saln5alop Aiitgi ,Clainuumiddu aq llinn alagj, •unduf `unnusiW of uoiiu2alap u puas of spulop ouiziluug uaaq stq uoiltioossd AiiD iaisiS aqI pappn OH •luAiisa3 uuossolg alddd aql ao3 AailuA DagoluuaA, aqi ui aq Ilion uoiit2alDQ twesiN t00Z aqi puu nlnznS ioAuW pits Aou-I ioAuW •nnaimalui Isul aql Suponpuoo JOIJU saiouuouA aqI Iig IiiM aq pappn OH •AIloa.npui 30 Alloalip ioglia `ut panlonui si AliD aqI sualu iagio ui isa.iolui auuos anuq Atuu Aagl iagl;)gm paaoldxa aq salupipuuo agl $ulMOiAialui Dlignn pins aH oAq Aluo loofas of ping aq Ilion ii puu pogiltnb Alluuoiidaoxa on, saltpipuuo aql Iiu lugl Pius PH •lonpuoo of nnaiA.ialui ltuoilippn Duo pug puu snnaiA.ialui uan.as polonpuoo pnq ag Pius aH •uoissiunuoD 2uiuuuld agJ uo suoilisod JuuotA OMI D.it Dlagl Pius Aot7 J04vW •saoiAlas Paptnotd Alin 3o IDAaI agl uo IoaJ3t sli puu uoiluxauuu slgSiaH lDgouu,d Dill Inogt potmouoo oslu suns aq pits aawIong nquiauupounoo •snonSiluoo Iou Diu slaploq Aliadoud aqi st sonssi lolluq olujudos aq pinom Dsagl pappn OH •oilgnd aqI do aJoA u 10J lolluq Ilu3 aqI uo sonssi uoiluxauuu aqI Suiould polsaggns OH •sliunl Apo luasaid aqI 3o Isua aqi of put glnos oql of tare xauuu of .iDjaid pinonn oq pits Aourl .ioArW t00Z `6 HDdVW S3lfIN W'IIDNnOD 9RHDIVNRM ISda 10 YU13 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 9, 2004 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember DeWitt to appoint the Mayor to the Douglas County Solid Waste Advisory Committee. The motion carried, 6-0. RESOLUTIO 04-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, APPOINTING THE MAYOR TO THE DOUGLAS COUNTY SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Buckner recognized Community Development Director Lori Barnett for the letter of support for the Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee desire to purchase Eastmont School District surplus property. Councilmember Buckner said he attended the Regional Transportation Planning Organization meeting. Minutes and legislative updates were included in Council packets. Councilmember Buckner said he would be attending the R C & D Meeting along with the EDD Meeting tomorrow. There would also be a Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council Meeting tomorrow from 9:00 — 11:00 if anyone wished to attend. The meeting would be held at the Douglas County Transportation and Land Services building on 19`h Street. Councilmember Buckner said the City of East Wenatchee would be hosting the next Council of Governments Meeting on April 15`h at East Wenatchee City Hall from 9:00 to noon. He said Councilmember McCourt would be setting the agenda if anyone had items to be included. Councilmember McCourt said she attended the Emergency Management Planning Workshop presented by the Association of Washington Cities. She said the information was available for review from the City Clerk. Councilmember McCourt said the East Wenatchee Water District was planning a contest to design a mural which would include a picture of the Miss Veedol to be painted on the water tower at Pangborn Airport. This would be seen by passengers arriving and departing the airport. Councilmember McCourt said she attended the Chamber Luncheon at which the Metropolitan Parks District was discussed by Douglas County Commissioner Stanton and Eastmont Recreational Service Area Boardmember Nash. Mayor Lacy said the election date of the special ballot measure for formation of the Metropolitan Parks District was May 18`h. He encouraged Councilmembers to get the word out. Eastmont Recreational Services Area Boardmembers Nash said a booth at the KPQ Home and Garden Show had been donated to the Friends of the Parks. He said donations would be taken to help campaign costs and, also, the group was looking for volunteers to run the booth. ADJ4JJCountryjb1n NMENT — 7:08 P.M. nd City Treasurer