HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/27/2004 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 27, 2004 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Buckner, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Teresa Allen, Bruce Nash and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development -- NPDES Community Development Director Barnett said the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requires local governments or special districts to apply for a permit to discharge stormwater runoff from a municipal separate storm sewer system. East Wenatchee, Wenatchee, Douglas County, and Chelan County have been working together on the requirements of the program. The NPSED staff have been working on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that would more formally recognize this joint effort between the cities and counties. Staff requests authorization for the Mayor to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. Council Action: A motion was made to authorize the Mayor to sign the Memorandum of Understanding by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 6-0. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy clarified the remarks made on the radio stating that the City of East Wenatchee's role on the Eastmont Recreation Service Area (ERSA) is a board position held by an elected official of the City and a citizen at large representative (Bruce Nash). The City of East Wenatchee has no obligation to parks and recreation based on state law. He added the City does have an opportunity to make changes in the way funding sources occur by requesting a joint resolution to call a special election to put the formation of a Metropolitan Parks District (MPD) to the voters. Mayor Lacy said funds paid to ERSA by the City of East Wenatchee were from the Reserve Fund and designated for pool repairs. City Attorney Zimmerman said the MPD would not possess any assets until agreements with jurisdictions requiring services are completed. -0-9 `Paistto uopow agZ •.tau3jong aagwawpounoo Xq puooas `lmoDoW 1agwowp3unoD Xq S3910A aqI of IoulsiQ xind uulpdoiloW luowistg agl 3o uoiluuuo3 aqI Ind of uotloaja jutoads t jjto of sjauoisstwwoD 3o p.reog A3unoD sulBno(I agl Suilsanbal umInjosol oql Idopu of apuw slum uoilow d :uotpV IiounoD 'SOOZ ui 2upliols saiigple3 pun s3jiud taau aagoluuaM Isug uni pinom loulsip sNttd agi `uotloaja juioads agl ui f4uoftw aldwis u Xq panoiddu 31 •4181 XuW uo stalon aql of ind aq pinom loulsiQ ojzud uulgodoxlaW luowlsug oql jo uoiltwao3 agl puulsl �pmd jo �i0 agi puu aagoluuaM Isug 3o A41D aql `AjunoD sul2?noCl glim uoiinjosai Iuio f u jo a8usstd aql grim pits Xotrl io)(ioW •stalon agi of louisiCI Mira uultjodoilaW luowlsug oql 3o uoiluuuo3 oql Ind of uotloaja juioads u Ijuo of saauoisstwwoo 3o p.ttog ,(4unoo sul9no(I agl 8utlsanbat uoilnjosw d £O-IO-tIO NOIJU IOS3H ' £OOZ ngwaoaQ .toj {,OOZ `S fCrenuu f pied ` j Z' S£0`08 j $ 3o lunowu lulol agl ui 0900£Z Puu L66ZO-VI60Z sluu.uum IloiXud anoiddu saop jpunoD •salquXud 170OZ jo3 9£'b96`8L$ 30 lunowu Idol agl ut `bOZbI g8noigl 8LItI s.tagwnu Iuu.UUM anoiddu saop punoD `tOOZ `LZ Atunuuf `aitp stg13o sd •salquXud £OOZ io3 99' j 06`LL$ 30 lunowu julol agi ui `LL I b I gSnonll £ S I b I s iogwnu luurttM anoiddu saop pounoo `VOOZ `LZ AJLnuu f `olup sigl 3o sy •jpunoD of ajqujtunu optw uaaq sug lugs 8upsil u uo popioow uaaq anug `060'bZ'Zti MD-d Aq Panmbai su pogillao sLumlo luawosingwmj asuadxa asogl Puu `080'tbZ'Ztb MD-d Xq pwinbai st iaogjo guilipnu agi Xq pagil.zao puu polipnu stagonon — Shia 3o uoilu.tapisuoD •Z b00Z `£ l XjL,nuu f `uoissoS iulnSo-d -- salnuiw 3o uoilu.tapisuoD • I '0-9 `Pai.uuo uopow agZ •quu211ogwawjtounoD Xq puooas `.iaunuatg tagwawliounoo Xq paluasaid st itpuQjuo luasuoo agl anoiddu of apuw sum uoilow d :uop:)v jlounoa IIt'QNa'Id:) IN3SNOO •p,£ titruga3 `Aiopsonj, uo I?PnV ZOOZ-IOOZ agl io3 mainnlui Iixa ut plog Ipm 3og3O s,aolipnd aIuIS agi pps Aourl ioxiew 'SOOZ ui pitog luawa21ButW sivang s,aagoluuaM Isug 30 AI!D ag1 oI Iuana sissu140 CssUJD agl njsuaii of jusodoid s,fvlio agl of powgie Aogl goigm ut aoaaunuoD 30 .tagwug3 Xajjun aagoluuaM aqj woi3 iallol t paniaoaa pug oq ptus XouZ loxiew •popuollu kDgj s2upom agi wo.g pailiwgns spodai agi .toj sjogwawjpunoD p;)Nuugl Aou-I ioxuw 'SOOZ tiunuuf ui soxul 8upoajjoo viols of iopio ui tOOZ `I aunt Aq sagtllao oq of paau pinom uotloaja agl pits ,cou7 IOAUW s.talon agi of 8uquaddt a.tow li sa�luw of sluao OS lu duo agi las pjuoq VS-dU agl .tanamog sluao SL of do a�jui pjnoo li mtl oluls iapun poppu aH •anjtn �padwd passasst 3o 000` j $ lad sluao OS of do loalloo pjnom IoulsiCI sNjud utlilodo.tl;)W luowisug pasodoid oql ptus XOu-j loxuw b00Z `LZ ANVfINVf S3J f1N W 'IIDNf100 dgHO. VNE M ISV9 40 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2004 1 1 1 Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION 2004-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, REQUESTING THE DOUGLAS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION TO PUT THE FORMATION OF THE EASTMONT METROPOLITAN DISTRICT TO THE VOTERS. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Raab said the main issue at the January 141h RIVERCOM board meeting was security of police computers. Councilmember DeWitt said LINK received a 1.3 million dollar grant which will allow LINK to return Saturday service. Councilmember Bremmer said he had received a concern from a citizen regarding garbage along Valley Mall Parkway. Mayor Lacy explained that with the snow just now melting the Street Department had not been out to sweep the streets. Councilmember Raab said he would like Council to revisit the issue of the number of vehicles that can be parked on personal property. ADJOURNMENT — 7:25 P.M. Laaa Dana Barnard City Clerk