HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/9/2004 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING NOVEMBER 9, 2004 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember DeWitt, and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Eastmont Junior High School Vice Principal Greg Loomis said the East Wenatchee Police Department was unsuccessful in obtaining a grant for an additional School Resource Officer (SRO) and asked Council to consider hiring a police officer to serve as an additional SRO in the Eastmont School District. Mayor Lacy asked Mr. Loomis if the Eastmont School District was willing to help fund the additional SRO. Mr. Loomis said he could not guarantee any funds and would like the City to fund the SRO position 100%. Council discussed different options of proactive responses to situations rather than the necessity to hire an additional officer. Mayor Lacy said he would meet with Chief Harrison to discuss resources of providing additional service to the Eastmont School District. DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Director Barnett said several Neighborhood Planning meetings have been scheduled to talk about the planning process in several neighborhood study areas. She said this is part of the planning process to update the comprehensive plan. She added the first meeting will be held Tuesday, November 16, 2004 at the Douglas County Public Services Building located at 140 19`h Street NW, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Ms. Barnett said the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council will be holding a Metropolitan Planning Project open house Monday, November 29`h from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Douglas County Administrative Building and Monday, December 6`h from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Chelan County PUD. Ms. Barnett encouraged Council to attend the meeting to review the modeling that has been done and some of the projects that have flushed out as a result of the planning. -pounoD of olquliunu opuuu uaaq sul Iugl 2upsil u uo popuooau uaaq anuq `060'VZ'Zti MD2I Xq pauinbau su poUppoo suuiulo Iuauiasjnqunai asuodxo asogl puu `080'tbZ'Zb MD2I Aq paiinbau su uaog o' guilipnu all Xq pogiluao puu palupnu siagonon — Siiig3o uoiluuapisuOD •Z t,OOZ `9Z uagolop `uoissaS uulnSa-d -- solnuiul jo uoiluuapisuoD • I '0-L `Pauiuo uoiloui ags •quug iaquuauultounoD Aq puooas `lltMaQ uaquiauiliounoD ,Cq poluosoid su uupuoluo luosuoo agl anouddu of apuuu suns uoiloul y :uoipV 1touno3 HYCINN Iva I N 3SNOD • sluapnls ouildiosip of nnog uo suapt paSuugoxa puu uoiluanaud guu5 uo sdil pauugs dnoiS olu -pool sSurS agl fuiluosaidau suiuSisui ql!m pxIuuul suds og3uzl puu saxoq AIiiiln poluiud Maids `sluouiuBissu 3luonnauiog `s)loogalou unnogs auanN Aagl pies OH •/Cliununuoo all ui Alinilou Suu2 of palulau goignn loogoS g2lH luouilsug lu $uilaaui u papuallu uau31ong uaquiauiliounoo puu al ptus Aou7 uo,CuW 'y,6I uaqulanoN alquliunu aq ll!m pus poouuluq si joSpnq Cuuuiwilaud aql poppu OH •saxul SuilgmS ui asuauoui %tb u sapnloui joSpnq fuuuiunlaud agI pius aH Utma sigl uiusu soxul fluadoud asiuu of Iou poloolo aalliuuuuoo joSpnq agI pius aH •aalliui uioo laSpnq all uo guiA.ias l03 llnoDOW uaquiauiliounoo puu `sNoupuaH uaquiauupounoD `IIuMa(j iaquuauuliounoZ) po luull Xou'I zoAuyg 'aagoluuaM aQ ui.u2ald agI puu OIIoD NOON IuaPMS IoogoS gSlH luouulsug su llom su slouuo suullsugD SuiSuis oq pinotA sloogos Iuool uiouJ suiogo agI pius OH uj'd 0£:9 It'b00Z `6 uaquiaoaQ PIaq oq iitm luan.a futll8il sail, suuilsugD agI pius Xou-I ioXleW .L2IOdau SIHOAVW '0-L `Pauiuo uoiloui ags •uounuaug uaquiauiliounoO Aq puooas `uau)Iong uaqu owpounoD Aq aunluu ui oildoulsuluo Iugl ssol sluana wou3 suiudau puu do uualo .io3 pasn oq of moll ouil lun000d .iolsusiQ )�Iililfl ioltM uuolS u 2uigsilqulsa ZS-00 S'I,L 'oN uoilnloso-d of luauupuauuu all uo3 luoddns jo uallol u ltuugns of ioXuW oql ozuoglnu of opuuu suns uoiloui d :uollad liaunoa •uuoll ouil aluuudos agI .uoj lioddns3o uallal u puos of uoArW all 2uizuollnu Aq uoilnlosa2l oql luoddns of IiounoD poilsu aqS •uuuaZ Iuauua8uuUw fIllilfl ualuM uuolS all 3o uoulupuounmoau snouiiuuun Xq panouddu oq of paou pinom spun] asagl jo asn Cud •aunluu ui oigdoulsuluo uugl ssol sluana uuoij uiudau puu do uualo oql uo3 pasn oq of Iun000u lugl uiglinn uualt ouil aluuudas u ui poould oq of lun000V ualsusiQ AIiiilfl zaluM uuoIS u gsilqulso pinoM sigl pius aqS 'luaAa lanai oigdozlsuluo u lsnf uugl iaglui sosodind ualsusip uo3 aunlipuadxa jo slanal onNI uo3 Moiiu oI ZS-00 S-11 'otq uoilnloso-d of luauipuauuu uu Suuopisuoo aq iiiM suauoissiuiuioD AlunoD sulOnoCI all pius Ilauuug uoloaui(I luauudolanaQ )(liununuoD •ssaooud olupdn iiagl jo Ind su uu;)A Ixou glinN Suiluap aq Illm uoissiuuuuoD Ouiuuuld oagoluuaM Isug oql Suiglauuos si sigl su puallu of pounoo pa2uunoouo aqS 'i?uipling QAiluJISiuiuipV Alunoo sul2?noQ oql lu 'tu'd 00:8 of •urd O£:g uuoij ,Ll uaquianoN `XupsauPaM PIag oq Illm guilaaui sill, •salupdn apoo UBIs puu aouuuipuo 2uiuOz `uuld anisuagauduioD 2uiofuo all duipuuSau aogjp saoiAuaS puuZ puu uoiluliodsuuil Clunoo sg2noQ oql Xq pauosuods dogsNuom u ll!m alagl piles llauuug •sW b00Z `6 'UaEKaAON Sg,Lf1N W ' DI MOD F[aHDIVNHM IS` 9 40 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 2004 As of this date, November 9, 2004, Council does approve warrant numbers 15115 through 15154, in the total amount of $91,276.15. Warrant number 15079 was voided. PUBLIC HEARING 04-11-01 A public hearing regarding property taxes in the proposed 2005 East Wenatchee Budget. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. Hearing no public comment Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:18 p.m. ORDINANCE 04-11-02 First reading of an ordinance regarding property taxes in the proposed 2005 East Wenatchee Budget. Council Action: A motion was made to elevate the ordinance regarding property taxes in the proposed 2005 East Wenatchee Budget to second reading by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 7-0. Councilmember Raab expressed concern of a vote in favor of passing the ordinance when he has not yet reviewed the preliminary budget document. City Attorney Zimmerman said the budget schedule timeline is relatively tight from the time the City receives necessary budget information from Douglas County to when public hearings need to be advertised and when the preliminary budget is required to be available. Councilmember Aiken said the Budget Committee made the recommendation not to increase the property tax based on the information available to them and feels Council should be in concurrence with the Budget Committee. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance regarding property taxes in the proposed 2005 East Wenatchee Budget by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Aiken. The motion carried, 7-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE 2004-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND ANY INCREASE WHICH MAY BE ALLOWED IN THE AMOUNT UNDER THE NEW CONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENTS TO PROPERTY AND STATE ASSESSED PROPERTY PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW LEVYING THE GENERAL TAXES FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2005, ON ALL PROPERTY BOTH REAL, PERSONAL AND UTILITY, IN SAID CITY WHICH IS SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING SUFFICIENT REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AS REQUIRED BY LAW; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. b Xq padoianap suns goigm 31zomloN ssaood uodp psanngpioN agp uiof oI puuj3 Iuiapaj u ao3 3uiAlddu ui oludiolilud of WODJaniH lo3 Aliunp.ioddo oip Sumnouoo uoiluluosazd IoNuoN u op pauapsii Aags 3utpaaul pluog uloDIani2i iuioods u papualiu quu� aaqulauliiouno� `�OOZ `b zagmanoN up •papualiu ag Suipaaul uloDlanig u ulolj modal u palliulgns quug Iaqulauziiounoo •nnonouzol •uI•d £ op •uI•u 6 WOJJ uulagD ui s3uilaaul GWD-d agl puu QQg all 3uipuallu oq Ipm oq pius aau3iong nqu owpounoD (sIoupuaH) • 1-9 `pau.reo uotloul DU •aauluuoig joqulauiliounoo Xq puooas `quu- IagtuauliiounoD Kq QQg aql l.ioddns of i7aox Quo iO3 00'0001$ 3o punouzu aql ui uoiluoollu sanp agl anoiddu op opal suns uolloul d :uo[Iad i►ounoa •sioulsip Ialum puu nmos Allsoul 3uili3auoq su sigp sass ag pius aH 'JQlunn Put' JOmOs anuq satlia asogl Jo Isom Put' aznponilsuJJui of alulaa sloofoid all jo Isoul osnuooq Suifud si aagoluuaAk Ing a.Iugs all glint Xddug lou sung sNoupuaH iaqulaulitounoD •pololdwoo aq Ipm sloofold lugnn uo sopioop uoiluzluu3io aqI nnoq puu `soilunoo £ agp inogSnoagl sanp oql Suiluinaluo ui posn Xi?olopoglaul aql possnosip iiounoo •QQg aql alujado puu pun3 KIiuiliui of posodoad uaaq suq Iugl luua3 3uiplinq ,,plouduo aqI glint Alduloo oI jopio uI -Ii jo uoillod .nags anoiddu Isuol It, so Isanbai iugl of a.zagpu Ipm Aogl Iugl sjoqulaul oql Aq uoiluotpui autos Pau sanp lioilos of loulstQ agl jo sjagwotu aqI puu IoulsiQ agI �o Itouno� agi �q Isanbal u puu poulsiQ luauldolanaQ olulouoog uop3uigsuM IulluaD IlpjoN aqI ao3 sanp aqI 3uipju&)j uoiluuuojui llIm IiounoD polumoid i3mlong Iogwowj!ounoD S.LHOJHH IllaNif100 'QNt13 Sa1HHS3H aII.L WOHA `Q3Zdoo'IgVNf1 A'ISfIOIA3Hd `SIId'I'IOQ aNVSfIOH.L AJAIA QN3dXH O.L .L39CUIR b00Z 2[3H3.LVNaM .LSd3 30 AZI3 31I.L WCLK3WV '60-170 -dam N j3wNIIQHO Oman v `No LOAIIHS,vM ` aHaj v mam .LSd3 30 A.LIa all L 30 3jmvNIIQHO my II-170OZ aDNNAIIQHO Airununs aouuuipio agl puai Aou-I loAuW '0-L `Pauiuo uoiloul oq1 Aq puooas `ppiMaQ ioquzauliiounoD Xq IoulsiQ Kid uuliiodoilaw luoullsug alp of uuol u opnloui oI 60-b0 iaqulnN oouuuipip 3uipuauzu oouuuipio alp Idopu oI opuul suns uoiloul d :uo►pod Ilounoa 0-L `pauluo uoTloul oqZ •uxiid joquwuliiouno0 Xq puooas `s)ioupuaH IagwouzliounoD Aq 3uipuai puooas op IoupsiQ 31nd uuliiodojlaW Iuoulisug oql of uuol u opnioui of 60 -t,0 iaqulnN oouuuipzp 3uipuauzu aouuuip.Io alp alunaia op apuul suns uoipoul d :uoipaV 1i3unoa •punj saA.Iasa.I aqp uloJJ paluooliuun Xlsnoina.id spun] aqp puadxo of pa3pnq aql spuaulu aouuuipio scq L •louisi(I )Iiud uulilodoll3w Iuoullsug aql of uuol u panoiddu Iiounoo 13uipaaul iiounoD tOOZ `LZ Xinf aqI it, pius Xou-I ioxuw •poillstQ 3I.Iud uuptiodozpaW luouzpsug agl of uuol u opnloui of Ia3Pnq SOOZ all 3uIpuauzu oouuuipio uu 3o 3utpuai Is.n3 C0-I I-b0 b00Z `6-dggW3AON S3.LnXIW 'IIDI nOD 33HD.LVMUA LSd3 30 ,UID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 2004 C different Public Utility Districts for the purpose of providing high speed telecommunications throughout the state. NoaNet has leased 1200 miles of fiber optic cable in Washington State from Bonneville Power. RiverCom could use these lines and NoaNet to provide fast communications throughout our service area. There would be advantages in case of disasters or something like wildfires. Obviously there would be added costs. The grant would take care of most of the start up costs and the 25% match could be in -kind service, i.e. meetings, administrative time, etc. He asked what the added costs would be after the grant and how many additional employees would be needed. He said the answers would be forthcoming and the board instructed staff to research all the costs and report back. RicerCom also reviewed a preliminary budget for 2005. This was just a study session and many suggestions were made as to cuts that could be made. After the study session they went into an Executive Session to discuss a Personnel Issue. He also attached a RiverCom newsletter submitted by RiverCom Director Terry Thomberry. Councilmember Raab also attended a Health Board meeting where they discussed an issue which revolves around the way the Health District handles cases where citizens want to use a septic system and not connect to a nearby sewer system. Health District board members and staff are currently drafting a new policy which would clear up this matter. They are also reviewing the proposed 2005 budget. ADJOURNMENT — 7:55 P.M. Dana Barnard City Clerk