HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/26/2004 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING OCTOBER 26, 2004 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Hendricks, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken was excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember DeWitt to excuse Council Aiken from this meeting. The motion carved 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Danny Reierson, James Ashenbrenner, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Mayor Lacy presented a plaque to Police Officer James Ashenbrenner which read: "For Heroism and Valor Above and Beyond the Line of Duty, the City of East Wenatchee Honors Officer James Ashenbrenner". Mayor Lacy said Officer Ashenbrenner was in the pursuit of a man who jumped from the Columbia River pedestrian bridge, the man struck his head on the bridge during his fall and appeared to be in trouble of drowning. Officer Ashenbrenner pulled the man from the river to safety. Richard DeRock LINK Transit gave an update of the proposed LINK Transit service improvements for East Wenatchee. He also distributed a proposed trolley route for East Wenatchee which would circle the business core during the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.. The purchase of a used trolley is approximately $160,000.00 and East Wenatchee service would be based upon whether LINK receives a grant for the purchase of the trolley. Council adjourned to look at a trolley which was brought to the meeting for viewing. Council reconvened and discussed a proposed trolley route for East Wenatchee. Mr. DeRock said if the grant is approved and a Trolley is available for purchase the East Wenatchee service would start in March 2005. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said Councilmember Aiken has not been able to attend the Budget Committee Meetings due to his work schedule and has asked Councilmember DeWitt to serve on the Committee. Mayor Lacy said he received two letters from Misawa, Japan, he read the following letter into the record: •OagoluuaM Isng ui aldoad agI IT pun uoTluToossd 4TD JOISTS XOjjnA aagoluuaM ag13o sJaquiaui `XI!wn3 inoA `noX Jo3 glluaq poog pun swoons JaglJn3 gsim puu ilIjjvpdsoq uuunn JnoX Joj gonui AlOA noA )lungl Pius of IuuA,, I `uiuOV •gduinul ui IuATlsa3 agl of uJnloi puu aJnln3 oql ui lggil; uoTluaJoal sli ui swoons luoB Xofuo jopaaA SS'W DOS uuo om Iugl adoq oslu I •auioo of sJuoK Xuuui io3 onuiluoo puu JaglJnj MOB jjTnn Iuana sigl adoq I •soilio Jno poloauuoo snq goigm `IopaaA ssTW 30 luauianaigou agI $uTluJouiOuiuioo 103 sT Iuana sTgl lugs puulsJapun I •1voX Isnj SUIMolloJ „IUAIISOJ slaagM puu sfuTM„ of uTu& uoilu2ojap Jno puss of sn Joj oinsuold IuoB u sum II •sluTds g2ig ui 3Iouq Suiuioo wagl jo Ilu aas of pulg AIDA UM I •sAup IrglTru3 puu In31gSTIap luods puu ainllm uuouauid 3o aouauadxa pung lsJg pouiu2 sJaquiaui IId •aagoluuaM Isug ui oldood agI puu AlTiuu3 JnoX `noA uioJ3 sauioolann f4Juag alnTooiddu AlomuTs I •uoilugajaQ XlTo JOISTS unnusiW Jno of papualxa AjjjulTdsog puu ssoupupi JnoA Joj gonu.i AJaA noA 3Iuuq,I, JagluanA uuinlnn guigsQijol sTgl ui Mann A10A air noX adoq I Aou-I •2) anal$ JoAUW Jua(j :pJ000i agI oluT Jallal 2uimolloj Oql pros osju Sou-1 JoAuW uoilusalaQ STD JOISTS uMt'S1 i 3o JapuaZ JofCnW aoTA `npigsoA nsloo)I `XlaJaouTS •XIT0 aagoluuaM Isug 3o suazilTo puu uoilnToossd AI13 JalsiS unnusiW KajluA OOgolnuaM jo sJaquioui `AOu-1 •SiW `nox Joj gljnaq pooS puu swoons JaglJnj gsim I .,o4TD aagoluuaM Isug ui Aj!jnlidsoq juTpJoo JnoA io3 gonui AIDA noA 3jiiugl uTnsd •«IopaaA SS'W„ 3o IgSiU Isud agI ql!M pa11 JOAOJoj sanuTluoo dTgspuauj Jno Xjoiaouis adoq I -Ow glinn uiuuxaJ sAunnlu Ipm soumow pogsuago asagl •noX gl!m 31o5 Ouixuld paxofuo Put' «IVATlsad slaagM puu s2uTM„ ui poludioiliud `OJiiljno uuoTJauiy poouaiJadxa I •noX of osolo lla,I puu rmustlnl ui aiojaq SOWII Iu.ianas noA low puq I osnnooq could aql gjim Juipwuj Iloj I Mogauios `aagoluuaM 01 ltstA lsJg Aw suns IT q2?noq,L •sluTds pooh ui jouq amuo Onn Inq `amoq Apm Jno uo uoogd�Ci poloodxoun uu paJalunooua `sJOquiaui uoiluSOlop `aM •sn of papualxa K4!juj!dsoq fptoq puu uuum inoX Joj noA 3luugl Aus of a3It1 pinom I •Jaglrom uuinlnu Inj!lnuaq Inq AllTgo sTgl ui jlaM fJOA OJu AlTurej JnoX puu no,( adoq I :,Coug •D OAa1$ JoAUW JEaQ b00Z `9Z 2iag0,L00 SA LI1N1W 'II0Ma00 ddHO, VNEIM ISVH d0 AM CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 26, 2004 Sincerely, Shigeyoshi Suzuki, Mayor City of Misawa CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as presented by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, October 12, 2004 2. Consideration of Bills — Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. )5 ►lq As of this date, October 26, 2004, Council does approve warrant numbers 15060 through 14*�4, in the total amount of $245,641.62. Warrant number 15028, 15076, 15084, 15094, and 15096 were voided. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 21660 through 21743 in the total amount of $177,539.20, paid October 5, 2004 for the month of September 2004. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 04-10-05 An Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the Douglas County Sewer District for a title transfer of a Sewer Jet Cleaner Truck to the City in exchange for services. (Bob Goodman, Street Superintendent) Street Superintendent Goodman said the Sewer District surplused a 1998 International Sewer Jet Cleaner Truck valued at $10,000.00. The City would like to obtain the title of the Truck in exchange for providing services to the Sewer District. He said the term of the agreement would be from the date of approval of the agreement, extending until services valuing $10,000.00 have been provided by the City to the Sewer District or ten (10) years from the effective date of the agreement, regardless of whether $10,000.00 of services have been provided. Council Action: A motion was made to approve the Interlocal Agreement for a title transfer of a Sewer Cleaner Jet Truck to the City in exchange for services by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember McCourt. The motion carried, 6-0. ACTION ITEM 04-10-06 Authorization for the City to surplus the Direct Digital Control (DDC) equipment from the old Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. (Bob Goodman, Street Superintendent) Street Superintendent Goodman said the HVAC technician we now have knows of a School District in Yakima that may be interested in purchasing the old DDC equipment for $1000.00. 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