HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/28/2004 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
SEPTEMBER 28, 2004
6:30 P.M.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Buckner,
Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember
McCourt, Councilmember Aiken and Mayor Lacy.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Teresa Allen, and Chuck
Mayor Lacy said he has reviewed who served on past budget committees. He said
Councilmember McCourt and Councilmember Hendricks are due to serve on the 2005 Budget
committee. He added a third member needs to be decided between Councilmember Bremmer,
Councilmember DeWitt and Councilmember Aiken. Councilmember Aiken volunteered to serve
on the Budget committee this year. First meeting will be next Monday night for an orientation
meeting. 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Lacy said he wanted to review the East Wenatchee Municipal Code (EWMC) relating to
Council attendance and excused absences. He said this was not a reflection on any particular
Councilmember but a review of the policy and state law in respect to attendance. Mayor Lacy
read EWMC 2.01.040 which is a paraphrase of RCW. 34A.12.060. He added, legally you do not
need to put forth a motion.
Mayor Lacy said the Wings & Wheels festivities will be taking place this weekend and asked
Council to participate in different events and make themselves noticeable.
Mayor Lacy said he will be adding an Executive Session to the Council agenda this evening
regarding potential litigation.
Council Action: A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as presented by
Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 7-0.
1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, September 14, 2004
2. Consideration of Bills —
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those
expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a
listing that has been made available to Council.
Ing ma.ip jugm Xjit,a.l sum soiliD gloq wo.ij uoiluluosaidoi junba 2Uinuq jO uopi 116,ui2uo aqI Ilaj ag
pies osju aH 'sauljop auius asogj ialsluluzpu Aoigl su `ost,o sigl ui soil!D oMj agl Xq so saalliunUoo
omI asogj Aq pouuo3 si jugl p.leoq Cut, of lano kuuo pjnogs jugs auo oq of swoos eapi Iugl jBgj
Ino poluiod aH 'juloljjo poloaja uu Xq paliugo aq of suq aalliunuoo jugj uagl `s.lujjop asogrTuads---
puu `ant,q of SuioS wu noA 3i ooualsixo ui aq jsnui puu palualo Xplolnluls si lugl aaliiunuoo u ulo.lj
aoinpt, jnoX SuiliaS wu noX put, `gADAM agl gliM XUS `Iou.zluoo u anuq I,uop noX 3i `aiojzjogjL
aqI jo .nugo su oAjas jjugs oqM o4!ludi3iunw aqi 3o IuioUjo paloalo ut, aq jjegs s.zagwotu
aqI 3o auo jugl put, `dnojO tiosinpu xuj t, anuq Isnui noX 'pasodoid si xt,l aql spun paAiaoal .
onuana.l aql do asn aqi ui aguugo u .lo posodun si xul u uagm jugl Ino poluiod OH 'siuljop asogl
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aqj smollu jugl oinjulS Suilquo aqi sl goigM L18 18Z'L9 Mo2I paMalA03 Suq aq Pius X3ug lOAUW
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of Japro ui saajilunUoo flostnpe aAilt,ja.i Jiagl jo uuuuiugo le 3o Cum Xq Ajolupuuw a.lu goiqm
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olom pounoD aagojuuaM Isug 'EIADAM ail of s.lujjop xuj Ialow/joloq ino 3o slunoulu ajquzis
liunuoo pule juauiaw2t, lugl ui panjonui aulooaq of sn ao3 Xwouolnu do SUTA12 oq pjnom ji jugl
pauiaouoo aaaM am IBM sum aUiil aqI lu uapi OU 'gADAM aqI ul .laullud u aulooaq of papioap
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Wenatchee into the agreement and should continue as such. He does not think the board make-up
of Wenatchee's proposed contract accomplishes that purpose. It simply requires that two of the
representatives from each City be members of the hotel/motel industry. That leaves it open as to
where those members come from, meaning they can all come from East Wenatchee. or all from
Wenatchee. Given the nature of our tourism industry there is more likelihood that they could all
come from Wenatchee but it is not stated as such. The idea that it would not be equal
representation on the board is fostered by the current proposed contract from Wenatchee.
The outcome of that discussion at the board level was, that rather than make a decision that night
they would like to see a counter proposal from the City of East Wenatchee. East Wenatchee had
not submitted an agreement because of the reciprocal contract. When East Wenatchee entered
into the agreement the idea was to have reciprocal contracts. Mayor Johnson said he was not
aware that there had been an agreement or even a custom for reciprocal contracts and what he
expected, was for East Wenatchee to propose a contract of their own and if there were conflicts in
the two proposed contracts that could not be reconciled without one City Council or the other
modifying its position then that would need be worked out through negotiations back and forth
between the WVCVB and both Cities.
Mayor Lacy said it is for that reason that this contract is before you tonight with the prospect of
approving an agreement for services which will set forth a recommendation for our agreement
with the WVCVB.
He added, the changes in East Wenatchee's contract compared to Wenatchee's contract are, the
term of the agreement, and it would not provide that an elected official could not chair the board,
and East Wenatchee's agreement would require there be equal representation on the board from
each City.
Council Action: A motion was made to approve the proposed agreement with the Wenatchee
Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau for promotion of East Wenatchee and authorize the
Mayor to sign said documents upon approval of the WVCVB, by Councilmember Bremmer,
second by Councilmember Aiken.
Councilmember Hendricks said he would like to reduce the term of the contract as he is not
comfortable with a five year contract.
Council Action: A motion was made to amend the proposed agreement with the Wenatchee
Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau revising the term from July 8, 2003, and terminating on
July 13, 2008, to July 8, 2003 and terminating December 31, 2005 by Councilmember Hendricks,
second by Councilmember McCourt. The motion failed, 2-5.
Mayor Lacy asked for a vote on the original motion. The motion carried, 6-1 (McCourt)
04-09-04 A discussion regarding an amendment to the 2004 budget for Christmas
Mayor Lacy said Council amended the budget in 2003 to purchase lights and electricity for the
Christmas lighting event. He said this year he plans to have an even bigger celebration at
Christmas time and would again like to amend the 2004 budget to allow for Christmas
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At 7:42 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a fifteen minute executive session regarding potential litigation.
Council reconvened at 7:57 p.m.
Dana Barnard
City Clerk