HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/13/2004 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY PRESIDING JULY 13, 2004 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember DeWitt, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken was excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Raab to excuse from this Council Aiken meeting. The motion carried 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Marcia Martz, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Eastmont Metropolitan Park District (MPD) Chairman Jim Jahr asked Council to consider support of the community parks by way of a $50,000.00 loan. He said the loan would keep the district functioning until April 2005 when the Eastmont Metropolitan Park District starts receiving funding. He added the loan would be paid back in two payments in May and November 2005. Mr. Jahr submitted a draft of the MPD projected revenues and expenses for 2005 to City Council. City Treasurer Countryman said the reserves fund has $125,000.00. She added the gambling tax revenue is now $15,000.00 above the projected amount budgeted for 2004 and expects the amount to increase to $50,000.00 by year end. Council discussed interest fees, bank loans, the City's ability to make a loan, and what date the loan would need to be completed. City Attorney Zimmerman said banks are generally unable to loan money as a commercial loan since the MPD has no assets. It was explained that the park property is currently owned by the Eastmont Recreational Service Area (ERSA) and would revert to Douglas County once the ERSA dissolves. Council agreed to bring the item forward to the next meeting as an agenda item giving the MPD a chance to look for other funding sources. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy thanked City Treasurer Countryman for the excellent job in producing the 2004 Budget Summary. He said with the graphs, charts and pictures the document is easy to read. He added for the past several years the city has passed the budget without the need for raising any taxes to the citizens of East Wenatchee. -Z- 1 *CrdVOU INHW21AOHJWI NOIIVV.LHOdSA VHI 21HI CIMV NOIs.�v I'dodsmvld L 30 AHVIHHJHS ELVIS dHI HIM (lallA Hg 01 aWYS dHI 'DN113aHIQ (INV WVHDOHd .LNHWHAO2i M NOL VI'dOdSNVHI HVaA-XIS V '9Kll dOUV NO,LONIHSVM `HaHO,LVNdM J SVH 30 AIM HH.L 30 NOI LMOM V s0-b00Z *OK mollfilosau aIIiI uoilnlosoi aql puau Aou-I .ioAuW 0-9 `pauiuo uoilouu oqj •.iaunuoig .iaquuauuliounoD Xq puooas `.io"ong .iaquuauuliounoo Aq uuuifioad Iuauuanoiduui uoilullodsuu.uZ luo k xiS aqI 8uildopu uoilnlosoi aqI ldopu of apuuu suns uoilouu d :uoll3V llounoa .Slt,Q C iupualuo xis Buinsua aql J03 uuuBo.id luamanolduui uotlul iodsuui L juaA-xiS u 8uildopu uoilnlosw d i 0-LO-b0 Nolifillosau •papioA suns I £Lb i loquunu IumiuM 'ti8'LZ I `L6$ 30 lunouuu Iulol aql lei 8SLbi ggno.igl ZOLt l saaquunu Iuu.uunn anoiddu soop pounoD `tOOZ `£I Alnf alup sigl jo sd •0-9 `paureo uoilouu aqZ -poluasaud su jupualuo luasuoo agI ano.iddu oI qumd loquuauuliounoo Aq puooas `s3IouPWH nquuowpounoo Xq opuuu suns uoilouu d :uollod llaunoa 'IiounoD of alquliunu opuuu uaaq suq Iugl 2upsil u uo popi000i uaaq QA q `060'bZ'Zti Mo-d Aq paiinbai su pogil.zao suuiulo luauuasinquui;)l asuadxa osogl pule `080'tbZ'Zb MDW Xq paiinboi se aaogjo 8uilipnu agI Xq pagiliao pule palipnu siagonoA — sllig3o uoilu.iapisuoo -Z ti00Z `ZZ ounr `uoissas uulnSo-d -- salnuiuu 3o uoilu.iopisuoD - I HVUN:4Iya Imasmoa •s.iullop uoiliiw L' i $ 3o Iunouuu aqI lei sum poxauuu ui Builuoo Iuas Iawls pule sluauuanoiduui puol 3o sluamasinquuiau io3 olmilso uu polliuugns suq AjunoD sulgno(I pius OH •uuQX sigl loiluq agI uo paould aq oI suoiluxauuu Mule lo3 Iusodold siq FuiMulpgliM si owil sigl lu puu uoiluxauuu juuoilippu Inoqu u3l3o wIods suq oq pius Xou-I .ioXuW •nnaiAlalui Iixa aql Iu Xunn jo-Ig2u jo asugoind agI loj 8uipun3 agl3o luAoiddu puu uoissnosip agI glinn solnuiuu liounoo paniaoaz slolipnu agl su lowlS y,b pule anuaAV ION108 uo sluauuanoiduui .io3 asugolnd Munn 3o-lg2u u uo siullop uoiiliw fi'Z$ 8uipuods panoiddu IiounoD (4i0 aql aouapina ou sum aaagl poluls Itpnu agI paluioddusip suns aq pius Aou-I JOAUW •SuiuileJI uilxa paniaoaa suq 33u1s puu AlivIn2w sliodw Ileiouuug saniaoa.i IiounoD �!D aqI pius aH -siolipnu agI Xq palsa3Sns saguugo Ilu apuuu suq Clio agI papple aH -sSuipug isud Inoglinn siva,C (uuw ioj saunpaoo.id puu spoglauu 2uilun000u auuus agI posn suq A4iD aqI pits aH -s2uipug lipnu agl jo uoilisod aqI A3iiulo aq anilu.iaduui si li pius Aou-I aoxuw b00Z `£ I A'Iflf SH.LAMW ' DI MOO HRHD LVNHM ,LSd3 ,40 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 13, 2004 ORDINANCE 04-06-06 First reading of an ordinance amending Section 17.40.020 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code — Zoning — pertaining to permitted uses in the Central Business District (CBD). Community Development Director Barnett said the amendment to the ordinance would include car wash facilities and small scale wholesale/warehouse facilities as permitted uses in the Central Business District. Council Action: A motion was made to elevate the ordinance amending Section 17.40.020 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code — Zoning — pertaining to permitted uses in the Central Business District to second reading by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance amending Section 17.40.020 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code — Zoning — pertaining to permitted uses in the Central Business District by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO. 2004-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 17.40.020 OF EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE - ZONING - PERTAINING TO PERMITTED USES IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) ZONING DISTRICT; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RECOMMENDATION 06-07-03 A recommendation for preliminary approval of a major subdivision submitted by Jay Bollinger to divide 2.84 acres into 10 lots. Community Development Director Barnett said the Planning Commission is recommending preliminary approval by the City Council for a major subdivision submitted by Jay Bollinger to divide 2.84 acres into 10 lots including a variance from the minimum lot width for lots surrounding the cul-de-sac and minimum right of way reduction for the new street. She added the subject property is located in the Residential Low Density Zoning District at 1001 1 O'h Street NE. Council Action: A motion was made to approve the recommendation for preliminary approval of a major subdivision submitted by Jay Bollinger to divide 2.84 acres into 10 lots by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried 5-1. (Bremmer abstained) COUNCIL REPORTS Community Development Director Barnett explained that Douglas County is asking representatives from the City of East Wenatchee, the East Wenatchee Planning Commission and the Douglas County Planning Commission to attend a meeting as a start up for a neighborhood planning project on August 23, 2004. Councilmember Buckner said for budgeting purposes, the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council does not expect an increase in fees for 2005. -3- -IV- 1 )tiai0 40 piEuxes EUEQ a row W'd OZ:L — lN2MNHflOtQV •ioloa.nQ mualul sE Suimos oq Ilpm gl!tuS AouEN `lQ funds Iiif loloazTQ nuaing saolisTA puu uoTluanuo� .CaIIEA aagoluuaM jo Suisnd oql gl!m pius An -I ioArW •IIuH 4TD aagoluuaM Isug lu q,SI Xlnf `XupsingjL uo Su►laam sluaunuanoD 3o pounoo u oq Ipm a.xagl pappE OH 'm'd 00: £ of •m•u 00:6 mo.z3 41b I Xjn f uo uulogD ui Supo m loulsiQ luamdolanaQ oTmouoog uu puE `Builaam IuamdolanaQ puu UOIIEn19SUOD IuuoiSa-d u `Sutlaam uopuziuuSjo 2uTuuuld uoiluliodsuuj L IEuoigaZi u aq Ipm magi pies lauNong laqwamliounoD toot `£ I A Iflf SRIfMW 'IIDN OD adHO LVNaM J Sdd JO AID