HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/22/2004 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY PRESIDING JUNE 22, 2004 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Hendricks, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken and Councilmember McCourt were excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Buckner to excuse Councilmember McCourt from this Council meeting. The motion carried 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember DeWitt to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting. The motion carried 5-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Jeff Morrison, Marcia Martz, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Director Barnett said Mr. Dennis Warren is in the process of purchasing property located on Alvin Court to relocate his business known as Jimmy's Diner. She said Alvin Court is a substandard street with a domestic water main that is insufficiently sized for fire suppression. An existing fire hydrant on Valley Mall Pkwy can be accessed using a fire truck via the parking lot west of Mr. Warren's property. Mr. Warren has negotiated with the Fire Marshal and the adjacent property owner to provide a fire apparatus access easement through the parking lot. To ensure the easement can not be rescinded without providing the necessary fire flow to Mr. Warren's property, the easement will be a three party document between the two property owners and the City. Ms. Barnett asked Council to approve the easement and authorize the Mayor to sign the documents. Council Action: A motion was made to approve the easement and authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary documents by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Bremmer. The motion carried 5-0. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said the City has had an interest in the old Eastmont Junior High School property across the street from City Hall. He said for the City to purchase the property another party would be needed to lease the school building to offset the debt services. Mayor Lacy said he met with representatives from the Wenatchee Valley Sportsplex. He said they are interested in participating in a partnership with the City for a Sports Complex in East Wenatchee. He said as the City works toward this project he will continue discussions with the Sportsplex representatives. -Z- •Iuno.iddu .uoj uuoD.10nt2l 3o suoiloipsunf ftludmiwd aql IIu of palltwgns uaaq sug luauuxm& aqi ptus quu-d nquuauupounoD •saoiAaaS goludsiG Put' 2utn1030g IIED XOUQSJQUlg Butp.M291 LuoDlaAI-d puu aagolt'uaM Ist'g 30 AID aql u0WApq Iuauuaaz8d antlund000 lt'oolnluI ud t0-90-t0 •IsTI ,(Iuoud loofold agl uo I# utt'uuau ll!m loafoud aql Pappt' aH •lut'u8 108Jul TO .103 SuiAlddu-ai put, glL of luuis aql gutu.mlaj Burpuaunuooau sT gll gltnn Suolu UBWPoo[ jw •goluuu iullop uoTllluu L' I u I Ptnn siulloP uotlltui t It' Isoo loafoid agl aludtotluu puu loofoud alp paZAlt'ut' anuq suaaut$ug •sat'lloP uotllTuu I jo goluuu otlgnd t' gltnn siullop uotlltuu t'Z jo lunom, aqI ut 100Z ut (gIL) pmog Puawanoiduul uotlullodsut'il aqP woa3 Puut3 u pawnsst' Istl loofold aqI uo I# uualt ptus uuuupoo[ jw -pro-d lurig Put' AumNlud NEW AaiIEA Put' 8Z Aumq&H uaaMloq suadduq nnou su owus agl XumN.uud IIPW XaiIEA PUP 8Z Aumq&H uaannloq SinNOt'ls alotgaA gltM ansst ut' aq pinom a.uagl ui Ind si Ig2tl FUSts u 31 Pappt' aH •uualsAs luu$ts u lutwunn IOU op uotloas iolut PEgP Is ouop uaaq anuq IUgj slunoo ogjuil put' satpnis aqI ptus Cot' -I .uo,fuW •uotioasioluT luql Iu Palut'ut'nn aq pinom uualsAs I720ts u 3t pa)Ist' OH •Iaa.ulS y,6 put' AUmNiud lluW AQ1luA IE dols Ktm-.inoj agl Sutpm2oi slluo auogd JUJOAas Pt'g st'q oq ptus nwjong .uaquuauultounoD •$utiaaTZT Itounoo ixau aqP Iu uotlnlosoi Aq poldopu aq ll!m uuld agl ptt's uuuupoo[) -jW 'OIOZ oP SOOZ silaoX Buunsuo oql jo3 urea'Soid uoilullodsut'il no k-xtS pasodoid aqi jo :Uvip t' PaMQIAW uuuupoog IuopuaiuuadnS IaallS •uu•d £t:9 Iu 8uut'aq otlgnd aqi posolo Xoug ioKuW `luouuuuoo otlgnd ou 2uut'aH •urd Zt:g Iu guuuoq otlgnd aql pouado Xou-1 .uoXvW •uzuagoud uotiuilodsuuj L iuoA-xtS aqi 2utp.uu2w guuuaq otlgnd d t0-90-90 9KMV2[H JI'Igfld 't00Z XrW jo gluouu aqP .To3 t00Z `t aunf Ptt'd `ZZ'90Z`6L I $ 3o Punouuu IEIol aql ut `0£OOtZ PUP tOtIZ ggno.ugi tZ£IZ szaquunu luunum IIojXrd anozddu saop ItounoD •paptoA SUM 099tl sioquunu Put'zuuM 'SZ'l99'L0l$3o Iunouuu IE101 aqI ut l0Ltl gSnonlP Zt9ti sloquunu Iuu.ut'nn anoiddu saop Itounoo `t00Z `ZZ aunf olup stgl jo sd '0-S `poL uuo uoTlow aql •poluosaid su .uupuoluo luosuoo aqI anoiddu of lounzuaig .Tagwo u pounoo Xq pu000s `qumd iaqu owpounoD Aq opuuu suns uoTlouu d molpV Itouno3 'ItouroD of algt'jtt'nu opuuu uaaq st'q Pugl guilstl u uo pop.uooau uaaq anuq `060'tZ'Zt MD2i Aq Paitnbol su poUplio suutulo Iuauuasingwlol osuodxo osogl put, `O80'tZ'Zt Mo2I Aq pa.nnboi su uaogjo Sutltpnu aqP Xq pagpiao puu paltpnt' siagonoA — sllig3o uotlu.uaptsuOD •Z t00Z `8 aunf `uotssaS JUInSO-d -- salnutuu 3o uotlt'.uaptsuoD • I HV(IN3'IVJ .LNaSAIOD t00Z `ZZ aNx S31fmW 11DD OD HaMILVNam J SVH d0 AILID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NNE 22, 2004 Council Action: A motion was made to approve the Interlocal Agreement with RiverCom for emergency call receiving and dispatch services and authorize the Mayor to sign the document by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried 5-0. ORDINANCE 04-06-06 First reading of an ordinance amending portions of Title 15 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code adopting the International Building Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fire Code, and adding the International Residential Code. Community Development Director Barnett said portions of Chapter 19.27 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) requires a consistent state building code to be in effect in all counties and cities and the ordinance amends portions of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code (EWMC) for consistency with Chapter 19.27 RCW. Code Compliance Officer Morrison said the new codes are enforcement friendly and will be in effect statewide on July 1, 2004. Council Action: A motion was made to elevate the ordinance amending portions of Title 15 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code adopting the International Building Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fire Code, and adding the International Residential Code to second reading by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance amending portions of Title 15 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code adopting the International Building Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fire Code, and adding the International Residential Code by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.2004-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 15 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE ADOPTING THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE, INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE; ADDING THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RESOLUTION 04-06-07 A Resolution setting permit fees related to the adoption of the International Building Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fire Code, and adding the International Residential Code. Code Compliance Officer Morrison said the fees were taken from a published code table which keeps the costs close to the current fees. Mr. Morrison submitted a fee comparison chart of local jurisdictions. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the resolution setting fees for building permits by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 5-0 -3- -t- 1 1 3I1010 ,�Iio NI'd s£:L — IN3NNT HfIOr(IV •ludd Ixau Suipunj SUTAlaOal slluls QdW aqI uogm xouq piud aq pinoM Ingl uuol oSpllq u glim Suidlag 3o uapi oql possnosip Inq AouoLu sli puods f4!D aqI Suilsa0fns lou si OH •ILIdy Ixau plun Iauluins sigl Luol3 QdW aqI joS of 2uidlag plBmol alnllano uB su lualxa autos OI u0ilisuell Iugl ui panlonui Ali3 agl IoS OI alisaP u aAuq saop aq Pius OH 'S3Ilud aql Ia3SuBl1 OI Iuauzaal?E uu lad of plu08 VS-Ig aqI grim 2uDIIOm olu puu UOISSILULUOD a AIluioujo MOu alB PUB ?loam ISul Ui MOMS Sum UOISSILLILUOD (adw) IoiIISI(I s3IIB(I uulilodolpW ;)ill pius Aou-I IoArW -Aluno;) sulsnocl PUB uBlogo ql!m lurdpiped u oq lou Auul X3gl pappB aH *goul dnojD aouuilld oql Suipunj 3o asnuooq Xlunoo urSouujo gltm swalgold autos aq Amu alagl pius lau)long •III `(Q(lg) IoulsiQ IuauidolanaQ oiuiouoog agl 3o uoilualo agl uo SupIlom 3o ss000ld agl uI •sloofold 3o isil B SOAl2 PUB `saop li IugM `Si li IugM azuBununs Iiounoo uoilBllodsuBlZ Xallun aagoluuaM aqI ulo13 slnopuuq aqI pius lau3long IagwowjiounoD •Ii saniaoal aq uagM uO►IuuzioJUI oql alBgs IHM oq pius OH •AuQ Iogld glim uoilounfuoo ui fIiD aal,I, u guiui000q aagoluuaM Isug jo 4Ii0 oql Inoqu uoiluuuojui lo3 wrigold falsalo3 uBgln aqI 3o soomoso-d lBlnluN 3o IuawllBdaQ oql palouluoo aq pius lau tualg Iaquiatupounoo •slaalunlon3O xngui uu spaau pnog Iuma3gumW sluang aagoluuaM ISBg agl pappB aH 'Iuana lunuuu puooas agl SuiziuuSIo glint 3IOUll uO Si IBAilsaj slaagM ?p sSuiM aql pius Xou'I IoX-cW •pam Ixau uoilisod mau siq uI lluls IIIM uin103 JW pappB off •)Ilot lgoN lloddnS IBuot2o-d agl jo Ioloom(l su ponq uaaq sug uinlOD wi f plus IIIMaQ IagwowjiounoD •sonssi lualajjip uo olup of do jjulS puu IiounoD SuidooN l03 loot pooh B uaaq suq SIM piBs aH •sllodol ualluM Suilliuigns Io3 slaqu owpounoo poNuBgl Aou-I IoArw sluodau 'IIaNfloa 'S.I HATHad ONIQ IIfig HOA saa 4 9NII15is `NO.LONIHS'VM `H5lH3ZVNaM .LSV:g AO A.LI3 5FH.L AO NOI.Lfl'IOS3H V b0-b00Z 'ON NOLLfYIOSau allp uoilnlosal aqI puol Aourl Iofl?W b00Z `ZZ gNflf SglfINIW 'IIDNnOD HdHD.L` NFIM ISdd JO ADD