HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/24/2003 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEMPORE DAVE BREMMER, PRESIDING FEBRUARY 24, 2003 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Bremmer, and Mayor Pro Tempore Bremmer. Councilmember Buckner and Mayor Lacy were excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Buckner from this Council meeting by Councilmember Smet, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, Bruce Nash, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Carl Meyers, 1016 N. Colorado Ave., expressed concern of traffic which has become accustomed to using North Colorado Ave. as a short cut between 9`b Street NE and 11`s Street NE. He asked if the City could barricade the access on City Hall property to alleviate use of the access. Community Development Director Barnett said Street Superintendent Goodman and she had discussed placing a "not a thru access" sign as a resolution to the additional traffic using the access. Matt Warner, NCW Take Pride in America, said the Mayor of Misawa will be here for a ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for May 1, 2003 at 4:00 p.m., at the Bridge of Friendship Japanese Garden. He asked Council to consider making May 1, 2003 "Misawa, Japan Day" in the City of East Wenatchee. Mr. Warner thanked Councilmembers Bremmer and Hendricks for their donations to the Bridge of Friendship Japanese Garden. He added the pavilion in the garden will be dedicated to Councilmember Jan Nash. Council Action: A motion was made to prepare a resolution declaring May 1, 2003, as "Misawa, Japan Day" in the City of East Wenatchee by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 6-0. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Pro Tempore Bremmer asked Council to contact the Mayor if they wished to attend the Misawa Delegation to Japan. •oouuurpio aouusmu u uugl laglo alis u uo l3al si silgoP3t oslnooal ou suq XIiD aql sliuuod oql lnoLlIlm lugl plus aqS •Mainal (Vd9S) lob' �Corlod IuluauuuoliAug alu1S ag1 aluuiLuilo pinom ££ laldug3 of xipuaddu oql SuIquodal pappu aqS auuil sigl 1u li luodol lou puu xipuaddu aql of apuuu aq suoiluogrpouu 1ajald pinom aqs plus 11aulug ioloaziQ 1uauldolanaQ fliunuuuuoo xipuaddu aql aAOLua1 of uapr pooS u aq pino.» it Xqm 3o salduuuxa awos palsil aH •xipuaddu aql Panoulal Xlluaoal suq XlunoD sulDnoQ pies off •flio aql 10j auuil jo alsum u puu siodolanap of 3loolgpuol u `siolou.zluoo of alssuq u uaaq suq puu lsud s1uaA ur aagoluuaM lsug 30 Xj!3 oq1 puu CIunoo sulSnoCl .Cq poldopu suns xipuaddu aql pies aH •(Dgn) apoD 2uiplmg uuo3rurl aql 30 ££ laldugD of xipuaddu aql anoulal of lsanbol u slojoud upuafu pounoo ui papnloui iaunua.ig laquuauultounoD IN1311 ,\OISSf1OSIQ •papioA suns L80£ I laquunu luu.uuM ' Ib'8Zb`6b$ 30 lunouuu lulol oql ui `£0I £ I g5nolgl LSO£I `8I0£I slagwnu 1uu11uM aAolddu saop pounoD `£OOZ `SZ tiuruga3 `alup sigl JO sb. ,pounoD of alquliunu apuuu uaaq suq lugl 2uilsil u uo poplooai uaaq a,-,uq `060'bZ'Zt7 MD-d Xq Palinbal Sul pallillao suuiulo luaruasingtuial asuadxo asogl puu 1080'bZ'Zb MJ2I Xq Palinbal su 1aogjo Suilipnu aql Xq pa>31uao puu polipnu slagonoA —sllrg3o uoilulapisuoJ •Z £OOZ ` I I ,C1unlgad `uoissaS 1uinga-1 -- solnuiuu jo uoilulap►suoJ • I 0-9 `Pai.uuo uoilouu aql •lliMaQ ngmauuliounoD ,Cq puooas `goilpuaH laquiau.rliouno3 (q paluasald su lupualuo luasuoo oql anolddu of opuuu suns uopouu d :uoilod llouno3 liva igliV3IINIHS,NOD '£OOZ `I lsnEnV jo olup uoiloldwoo paludioiluu uu glim £OOZ `ZI XuW si alup lluls paludioiluu aq L •loafold aq1 10j noui�ua aq1 si ZHN pappu aqS -X'2mylud HEN A;)lluA 01 puo21 1uu19 u1o1j auul ulru ulou u puu `XBAvllud IIuN �alluA Puu 13311S 4,b lu lgoii luuois u `,CBm� L'd RUN A311BA uo auul u-im laluao u apnloui ll!m goigm loafold lullop 00'000`099$ oql pun3 dloq pinom 1uuB lullop 00'000`89,v$ u Pius aqS •loafold sNionn Iluurs u sr palalduuoo sung Xum llud IiuN XalluA uo )Ilunnapis puu 30ua3 u 3o uoilullulsui `laallS y,b 01 HEW XQUEA uuo13 �l1ud auroq olrgoru aql JO XEM anup aql JO aouullua oql 2UTAOuu popnloui goignn loafold luui5po aql jo uoiluod d •aluunlsa s,laauri?ua aql papaaoxa gorgnn IIuj lsul piq auo paniaoal loafold oql prus aqS •prg311o3 1no ouoF suq loafold nuruapiM Xunn)Ilud 111LW XaIIBA/auu7 u1ni puo-d luuig aql Pius 11aulug •sw •loafold og11o31aauiSua aql si auols2ulnu-1 apuM lagloD PUOLUW19H pappu aqS •loafold lullop uoilliUl 6'I$ aqi Puna MA' loi11si(I loogoS luouulsug oql uuo13 lunouuu pouiuulalapun uu puu `XiunoD sulgnoCI uuo13 00'000`OOI$ `P1uog luauuanolduul uoilullodsuull aql uuo13 luB1n lullop uo►ItiLu Z'i$ V '1oi11siCl loogoS luouulsug oql puu C1unoD suftoQ `aagoluua,AA lsu330 kiiD aql uaaA,laq loafold lurof u si srgl prus aqS '£OOZ 30 ngolop 10 laquuoldaS q uo►1alduuoo paludioiluu grim Iudy 10 go.ruW ui piq 103 lno oO pinonn loafold XCjonluaN of 1a.-,o1g `gNT 1a311S y,8 oq1 Pius llaulug loloaliQ luauudolanaQ XjiunuuuuoD `uuuupooE) luapualuu;)dnS 13a1lS 10j guillodo-d luauulludaQ laallS lHod32I IN3wjLddd3Q £OOZ `bZ A'dVf12Ig33 SglflNIW 33HDIVN3A1 ISd3 3O AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2003 1 Council Action: A motion was made to place the issue regarding possible removal and further discussion of the appendix to Chapter 33 on the next agenda as an action item by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0. City Counsel Zimmerman said there have been three filling and grading permits issued in East Wenatchee which included the Wenatchee Valley Mall, Fred Meyer, and Eastmont Junior High School. He said there could potentially be a mess if debris if not cleaned up. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Aiken said he had attended the Association of Washington Cities Legislative Conference in Olympia last week. He said the State of the State address is not in good shape. He added he attended a very informational budget work session. Councilmember Raab said he had attended an Economic Development meeting sponsored by the Wenatchee Valley College in which they discussed how to maintain the offices at the College, the downtown location and soon, at the Port of Chelan County to better serve the community. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:25 p.m. Mayor Pro tempore Bremmer called a fifteen minute executive session regarding pending litigation. RECONVENED -- 7:40 p.m. ADJOURNMENT — 7:40 P.M. Dana Barnard City Clerk