HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/28/2003 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1
OCTOBER 28, 2003
6:30 P.M.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember
Hendricks, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Smet,
Councilmember Bremmer, and Mayor Lacy.
Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Lori Barnett, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison,
and Randy Asplund.
City Treasurer Linda Countryman reported the budget amendment was not necessary for repairs
to the HVAC system as there are sufficient funds available in the Capital Improvements Fund.
Mayor Lacy said the budget committee has met two times and plans to have a preliminary budget
out by the third week of November.
Mayor Lacy said as a result of the Council of Governments Meeting representatives from each
jurisdiction met to discuss a possible joint ordinance related to fireworks. He said the ordinance
would not be a complete ban of fireworks, however it would limit the sale and times of use. City
Attorney Zimmerman will draft the ordinance and it will be circulated to all the jurisdictions for
Mayor Lacy said the next Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 121h due to the
Veterans Holiday on Tuesday.
Mayor Lacy recognized Community Development Director Lori Barnett for completing five
years of service and City Clerk Dana Barnard for completing ten years of service to the City of
East Wenatchee.
Council Action: A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as presented by
Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried, 7-0.
1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, October 14, 2003
2. Consideration of Bills —
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those
expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a
listing that has been made available to Council.
•sue.ialaA suoilelnl agl oI areo glluag
olunbope apinoid of tiuss000u spurg uugj ssal sAumlu si pun salulS paliufl all jo luapisaud agI
put ssauguoD fiq uodn papioap si laSpng suoilnilsiuiuupd suulalaA all lu;)X goua `SvauaHM
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ui Xluudsip agI oI anp Iuaiuuuuan.oq lnuapa,d all Xq uuagl oI pamo areo llleal aniaoai llinn suulalaA
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•uol�?uilsuMjo alulS agI ui slulidsoH
uoilt.zlsiuiuupd sunlalaA 2uisolo pun sooiAns areo gllnag Suionpoi Xq toilauud jo salulS poliu fl
all 3o suulalaA agl uopungn Iou of Clilig!suodsol u snl Iuauuu.OAoO luuapa3 all `SVaN:IHM
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•f%3!unuuuuoo uuMOA agI Jo spaau
auto glluag agI 3o Iiu laauu of Xjpuduo areo gllnag apinoid of �?uinupuoo suuauu sill uojSuigsuM
jo olulS agI ul •uol2uilsla M 3o alulS agI ui aPisai ognn eoi.iauud jo salulS Paliufl agI 3o suuualaA
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puooai agI olui uoilnlosau agI puoi Xourl .uokew
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Xq puooas `IauuS raquuauuliounoD Xq uoiiauid 3o salulS poliufl all 3o slulidsoH puu
areolllnaH suulalaA all Ouilioddns uoilnlosau all Idope of opeuu suns uoilouu d moilav liounoO
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Z6'819`6b£$ 3o Iunouuu Iulol all ui
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NOW THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington do resolve
as follows:
The City of East Wenatchee, Washington supports the obligation to provide health care to the
Veterans of the United States of America. In Washington this means continuing to provide high
quality health care to Washington State Veteran residents/community through the Veterans
Hospitals and Clinics.
The City of East Wenatchee, Washington opposes closure of Veteran Hospitals and Clinics and
the reduction in health care services by the Federal Government and the Veterans Administration
and urges the Federal Government to maintain and improve the existing facilities and operations.
The City of East Wenatchee, Washington opposes spending needed funds for Veterans health
care to countries overseas before funding the Veterans Administration to ensure all Veterans of
the United States receive necessary health care.
PASSED by the City Council of The City of East Wenatchee, Washington, this 28th day of
October, 2003.
03-10-03 First reading of an ordinance amending and repealing certain sections of the East
Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to speed limits.
Mayor Lacy said the speed limits in certain areas have not been adjusted since those areas were
annexed into the City limits. He said proper signage with the speed limits in the annexed areas of
East Wenatchee have been posted.
Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance.
03-10-04 Approval of the Right -of -Way Plans for the Central Business District (CBD)
Road and Drainage Improvements.
Bob Goodman said for two years the City has been working on a design for the Central Business
District Project. Mr. Goodman asked Engineer Randy Asplund and his assistant Angi Waligorski
to describe the right-of-way Plans and answer any questions Council may have.
Mr. Asplund said this is a federally funded project which is categorically exempt from the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). He added the Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT) sent a letter indicating the City has met it's engineering approval
process for the right-of-way plan.
Mr. Asplund said if the City Council approves the right-of-way plans the next step is to meet with
WSDOT and begin acquiring the right-of-way.
The CBD Road and Drainage Improvements right-of-way plans include:
Baker Avenue Reconstruction
Plans show right-of-way needed to construct 34' wide corridor with driving lanes, bike lanes and
sidewalks. Just past Standerfer the driving lanes will be narrowed and a parking lane will be
-vofl agi jo suon, luaaa33ip ui suoiit,u2isap osn purl pun saililiin possnosip pounoo
•uoiiulndod paloafold agl aiupouzui000u of alqulit,nu puul Iuaioujns
suq yrJn Suilsixo Qq L glnnois uoiiulndod poloofoid aqi olupounu000u of ua.id ilinnoiiD uugi fl
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•slsAluuu SI'J agi3o sllnsoi
aqi SuilualsnIp alqul u pannaina.z agS TQTV 0040ILUOM lst,g ails .io3 gjiAojB uoiiulndod
non-Aluoml poloofoid aqi olupounu000t, of AUupunoq yrJfl i?uilsixo ails of suoilt,ogipoui ioj
paau ails aiunlrna oI osiajaxo Buidduui SID u pololdwoo jjuls XiunoD put, XI!D pies Ilau.Irg •sW
•paainba.i aq
pinonn splogasnou luuoillPPu 6£i`9 aiupounu000u of puul `plogasnog sad suosiod 9SL'Z Jo Jolou3
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AjunoD agI io3 suoiloafoid uoiiulndod oqj, •uul�l anisuagaidiuoD rPid aagolt,uaM Isug njuojo
agl JO nnainP.I pa inboi ag13o iiud su suoissos dogslionn ui sgluoui nna3 Isud agi 2upPaui uaaq anug
suoissiuiiuoo Buiuuuld X4unoo puu AliD agl pius llaulug uorl .iolo;)jiCl luauidolanaQ fliununuOD
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'0-L `pPuaro uoiloui ags, ll!MaQ aagivawpounoo
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ssauisng IuiluoD agi ioj suuld Munn 3o-jgBu aqi anoiddu of opuui suns uoiloui d :uoilaV IlaunoD
•aialduioo of sgluoul uaaigiia of anlanni a)Iul Ipm ss000id 4unn 3o-lg2ii agI pius punldsV -1W
-uo si spluuoCloW lugl fpQdoid agl ssoio
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•iumosug a t,uiriQ V uo urD
•sluauianoiduii osagl loiulsuoo
of ssouisnq auo puu sasnog onnl 2uipnloui sloond an3 uiojj posugoind oq of paau Ilion AvPdoid
•XI!D agi of paluuop uaaq Xpuazlu sug lugl Xpodo.id uo loogS pjtq L of popuolxo oq oslu
Ipm onuaAV .iaNug •looilS piig,L uo ors-Pp-Ino u 2uiould put, loollS gilnog of opmoloo ?uiloouuoo
opnloui Ilion puu apron tbi7 oq lliM luauiuSilu a.iiluo agy •luouilsug of do loNug gitnn uoiloosiolui
luonno sli uiog onuand g7pno,3 pualxa of pannbai oq llinn Iugl Xum jo-lggu agI nnogs suuld oq L
uoisuoixg onuany gl ino3
•ivauiu2?iluPl .iajjaput,iS agl .io3 osnog auo 2uipnloui
sluaulan.o3dtui .Ia3iaput,iS put, ja)lug Pill io3 pasugoind aq llim sloond uaaljg jo suoii.iod
•algisuaj st, gonui su opu.iS Pgl uallug of put, kvPdo.id goingo agI pionu of poui?iluol
puu gouoi j irau glpinn ftlsixo agl goluui of gouoi3 of .Ia3Iug uioi3 pouapinn aq Ilion JPjlopuulS
glulN it, Purl uinl lJol t, olupounu000r of 'iro of pauapinn
oq Ili^' .ia3Iug put pua Ilion Purl 2ui:I.ird aqi `gluiN .ivaN • .iopuuoo �0t, r ui guillnsol poppu
Council Action: A motion was made to direct the City Planning Commission to consider
equivalent land deleted from the Urban Growth Area boundary on the North and to add an
equivalent amount of land to the Urban Growth Boundary on the East, and consider re-
determination of commercial property in the process by Councilmember Aiken, second by
Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 7-0.
03-10-06 A discussion regarding a lease agreement with the City of Wenatchee / Rivercom
for a portion of the Third Floor of the Wenatchee Police Station for a multi -
jurisdictional public safety answering point.
Mayor Lacy said he has concerns regarding the lease, especially the term of the lease. He said he
talked to Douglas County Commissioner Ken Stanton and Douglas County Fire Chief Wayne
Barnhart and they share the same concerns.
Councilmember Raab said he sent out 100 questionnaires regarding a ban on the sale and
discharge of fireworks. To date he has received 18 in favor of a ban, 9 opposed the ban, 4 would
like to limit use to 1 day, and 12 would like to limit the sites available to discharge the fireworks.
He said there are several that have not been returned and he will give an update when a majority
have been received.
Mayor Lacy said he received a quote for the flag poles at the Japanese Garden in the amount of
Dana Barnard
City Clerk