HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/6/2021 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda Packet - Jerrilea Crawford, MayorIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
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East Wenatchee City Council Meeting
Tuesday, July 6, 20 21
East Wenatchee City Hall
271 9th Street NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
This meeting will be in person or via zoom:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84176309764. Phone-in option for the
meeting: 253 215 8782, Meeting ID: 841 7630 9764
6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting
Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Consent Items:
a. ARC Supplement agreement No. 1. Pg. 3
b. Date: 7/6/2021, Checks: 55293-55297; 55301-55345, in the amount of
$4,915,574.26, and voided checks: 55088; 55196. Pg. 8
c. 6/15/2021 Council Meeting Minutes. Pg. 30
d. 6/17/2021 Council Special Meeting Minutes. Pg. 33
Motion by City Council to approve agenda, vouchers, and minutes from previous
2. Citizen Requests/Comments.
The “Citizen Comments” period is to provide the opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on items not listed on
the agenda. The Mayor will ask if there are any citizens wishing to address the Council. When recognized, please step up to the
microphone, give your name and mailing address, and state the matter of your interest. If your interest is an agenda item, the Mayor
may suggest that your comments wait until that time. Citizen comments will be limited to three minutes.
3. Public Hearings.
The Mayor will call the Public Hearing to order and state the ground rules, the purpose of the hearing, the action that the hearing
body may take on the matter, will address the appearance of fairness doctrine, and will state the manner in which the hearing will
proceed. Staff will first give a report, followed by testimony of experts and/or the applicant, followed then by public testimony. All
speakers must speak into the microphone and clearly state their names and addresses. All comments should be addressed to the
hearing body, should be relevant to the application, and should not be of a personal nature. Public testimony may be limited to
three minutes, unless further time is granted by the Mayor. If there are a large number of speakers, a representative may be
appointed to speak on behalf of the group.
i. Public hearing for consideration of the use of Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) funds to be included in the 2020-2024 Community
Development & Housing Consolidated Plan, the 2020 and 2021 Annual Action
Plans; and the Draft Regional Assessment of Fair Housing – Lori Barnett,
Community Development Director. Pg. 34
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
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4. Presentations.
5. Department Report.
a. 2021 Classy Chassis Events Department Report – Trina Elmes, Events Director/PIO.
Pg. 40
b. May 2021 Finance Department Report – Josh DeLay, Finance Director. Pg. 41
c. Public Works Report – Garren Melton, Natural Resource Specialist. Pg. 68
6. Mayor’s Report.
a. 2021 WellCity Award Achievement for the City of East Wenatchee. Pg. 75
7. Action Items.
a. Resolution 2021-11 an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of East
Wenatchee and the East Wenatchee Sewer District for utility work and pavement
overlay associated with the district’s Kentucky View lift station Phase 2 project –
Garren Melton, Natural Resource Specialist. Pg. 76
Motion by City Council to approve Resolution 2021-11 and authorize the Mayor to
sign the Interlocal Agreement between the City and East Wenatchee Water District
associated with the 2021 Residential Street Preservation Program.
b. Professional Services Agreement for Project Management of the City of East
Wenatchee Public Works Building – Mayor Crawford and Devin Poulson, City
Attorney. Pg. 86
Motion by City Council to authorize the Mayor to execute the Professional Services
Agreement as presented.
8. Council Reports & Announcements.
a. Reports/New Business of Council Committees.
9. Adjournment.
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CHECKS: 55293-55297; 55301-55345
VOIDED CHECKS: 55088; 55196
General Fund 001 $114,808.12
Street Fund 101 $5,935.18
Community Dev Grants Funds 102 $0.00
Transportation Benefit District Fund 105 $0.00
Debt Reserve Fund 110 $0.00
Library Fund 112 $212.68
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 $20,000.00
Drug Fund 114 $0.00
Criminal Justice Fund 116 $0.00
Events Board Fund 117 $52.18
Bond Redemption Fund 202 $0.00
Street Improvements Fund 301 $734,057.77
Storm Water Improvements 308 $0.00
Capital Improvements Fund 314 $4,037,432.17
Stormwater Fund 401 $692.18
Equipment R&R Fund 501 $2,059.98
Cafeteria Plan 634 $0.00
Custodial Activities 635 $324.00
Grand Total All Funds $4,915,574.26
July 6, 2021 PAYABLES
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Fund Number Description Amount
001 General Fund $114,808.12
101 Street Fund $5,935.18
112 Library Fund $212.68
113 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund $20,000.00
117 Events Board Fund $52.18
301 Street Improvements Fund $734,057.77
314 Capital Improvements Fund $4,037,432.17
401 Stormwater Fund $692.18
501 Equipment Purchase, Repair & Replacement Fund $2,059.98
635 Custodial Activities Fund $324.00
Count: 10 $4,915,574.26
Fund Transaction Summary
Transaction Type: Invoice
Fiscal: 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
911 Supply Inc
55308 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Police/Body Armor
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $107.22
Total INV-2-11305 $107.22
Total 55308 $107.22
Total 911 Supply Inc $107.22
Amber Schulz
55309 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:33:39 PM
April-June 2021 Bank Deposit Mileage
001-000-142-514-20-43-00 Travel $43.77
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:33:39 PM $43.77
Total 55309 $43.77
Total Amber Schulz $43.77
Aps Inc
55310 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
FP Mailing System
001-000-141-514-20-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $427.79
Total 80751 $427.79
Total 55310 $427.79
Total Aps Inc $427.79
Aramark Uniform & Career Apparel dba: Western First Aid
55311 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
First Aid Supplies
001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous $163.88
Total geg3-001010 $163.88
Total 55311 $163.88
Total Aramark Uniform & Career Apparel dba: Western First Aid $163.88
Voucher Directory
Fiscal: : 2021 - July 2021
Council Date: : 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
ARC Architects, Inc.
55312 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
PD Space
314-000-000-594-22-60-50 Maintenance Facilities Design $26,031.31
Total 0000000012 $26,031.31
Total 55312 $26,031.31
Total ARC Architects, Inc.$26,031.31
Cascade Natural Gas Corp
55313 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/30/2021 11:31:52 AM
101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities - Facilities $13.83
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 11:31:52 AM $13.83
Invoice - 6/30/2021 11:32:10 AM
101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities - Facilities $13.83
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 11:32:10 AM $13.83
Total 55313 $27.66
Total Cascade Natural Gas Corp $27.66
Cdw Government, Inc
55314 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
IT/Computer Software
001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - PC Hardware Admin $2,037.10
Total F115394 $2,037.10
Total 55314 $2,037.10
Total Cdw Government, Inc $2,037.10
Central Washington Title
55306 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/25/2021 9:27:37 AM
Purchase of 50 Simon St, East Wenatchee, WA 98802
314-000-000-594-14-60-00 50 Simon St. Purchase $4,006,900.86
Total Invoice - 6/25/2021 9:27:37 AM $4,006,900.86
Total 55306 $4,006,900.86
Total Central Washington Title $4,006,900.86
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Chelan County Treasurer
55294 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Apri 2021l Housing of Inmates
001-000-230-523-21-10-00 Housing & Monitoring Prisoners $38,024.02
Total 150001-01476 $38,024.02
Total 55294 $38,024.02
55315 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Housing of Inmates
001-000-230-523-21-10-00 Housing & Monitoring Prisoners $38,024.02
Total 150001-01527 $38,024.02
Total 55315 $38,024.02
Total Chelan County Treasurer $76,048.04
Ci Support LLC, dba: Ci Information Management
55316 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Court/Onsite Record Destruction
001-000-120-594-12-60-00 Capital Outlay $29.81
Total 0118884 $29.81
Total 55316 $29.81
Total Ci Support LLC, dba: Ci Information Management $29.81
CIAW Clear Risk Solutions
55296 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
001-000-210-521-10-46-00 Insurance $4,879.77
Total 2021-34531A $4,879.77
Total 55296 $4,879.77
Total CIAW Clear Risk Solutions $4,879.77
Cities Digital
55317 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Laserfiche Fee
001-000-145-514-20-40-55 Annual Support & Maintenance - Laserfiche $1,644.65
Total 51512A $1,644.65
Total 55317 $1,644.65
Total Cities Digital $1,644.65
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Colliers International Valuation & Advisory Services
55318 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Appraisal of 50 Simon Street
314-000-000-594-14-60-01 50 Simon St. - Appraisal $4,500.00
Total SEA210452 $4,500.00
Total 55318 $4,500.00
Total Colliers International Valuation & Advisory Services $4,500.00
Compunet, Inc
55319 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
IT/Computer Software
001-000-145-594-14-60-20 Capital - PC Software Admin $1,531.85
Total 172959 $1,531.85
Total 55319 $1,531.85
Total Compunet, Inc $1,531.85
Douglas County PUD
55320 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/30/2021 10:38:54 AM
101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $1,550.00
101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities - Traffic Control Devices $147.00
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 10:38:54 AM $1,697.00
Invoice - 6/30/2021 10:55:32 AM
001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $941.64
101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $213.00
101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities - Traffic Control Devices $55.00
101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities - City Parks $56.00
101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities - Facilities $76.00
112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities - Utilities $126.36
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 10:55:32 AM $1,468.00
Invoice - 6/30/2021 11:19:39 AM
Metered Lighting
001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $18.00
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 11:19:39 AM $18.00
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:15:07 PM
Traffic Signal
101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $30.00
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:15:07 PM $30.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:15:36 PM
Metered Street Lighting
101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $68.00
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:15:36 PM $68.00
Total 55320 $3,281.00
Total Douglas County PUD $3,281.00
Douglas County Treasurer
55302 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/17/2021 10:19:46 AM
Stormwater Utility
401-000-000-582-30-00-00 Non-Fiduciary Remittance $135.00
Total Invoice - 6/17/2021 10:19:46 AM $135.00
Total 55302 $135.00
Total Douglas County Treasurer $135.00
East Wenatchee Water Dist
55321 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:13:36 PM
101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities - City Parks $354.13
112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities - Utilities $55.27
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:13:36 PM $409.40
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:14:10 PM
101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities - City Parks $104.00
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:14:10 PM $104.00
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:14:27 PM
101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities - City Parks $191.25
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:14:27 PM $191.25
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:14:42 PM
101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities - City Parks $2.55
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:14:42 PM $2.55
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:18:31 PM
101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities - City Parks $48.45
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:18:31 PM $48.45
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:18:49 PM
001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $83.00
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:18:49 PM $83.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:19:44 PM
401-000-008-531-00-40-06 Utilities $153.00
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:19:44 PM $153.00
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:20:20 PM
101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities - City Parks $15.30
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:20:20 PM $15.30
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:20:37 PM
101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities - Facilities $83.00
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:20:37 PM $83.00
Total 55321 $1,089.95
Total East Wenatchee Water Dist $1,089.95
Fastenal Company
55322 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $45.55
Total WAWEN230629 $45.55
Street/Roadway Supplies
101-000-420-542-30-30-00 Supplies - Roadway $177.74
Total WAWEN231264 $177.74
Street/Flags and Banners
101-000-420-542-69-30-00 Supplies - Flags/Banners $19.94
Total WAWEN231285 $19.94
Total 55322 $243.23
Total Fastenal Company $243.23
Federal Eastern International LLC
55323 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Police/uniform supplies
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $87.98
Total 52904300 $87.98
Total 55323 $87.98
Total Federal Eastern International LLC $87.98
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
GO Usa/Hamilton & Assoc
55324 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Police/Uniform Supplies
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $565.49
Total 52584-1 $565.49
Police/Uniform Supplies
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $129.68
Total 53059-1 $129.68
Total 55324 $695.17
Total GO Usa/Hamilton & Assoc $695.17
Greater Wenatchee Girls Softball Association
55325 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/30/2021 1:00:30 PM
LTAC Funds
113-000-000-557-30-41-10 Contributions to Other Entities $5,000.00
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 1:00:30 PM $5,000.00
Total 55325 $5,000.00
Total Greater Wenatchee Girls Softball Association $5,000.00
Harold Mitchell
55295 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/14/2021 10:29:05 AM
Clothing Allowance Reimbursement
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $101.43
Total Invoice - 6/14/2021 10:29:05 AM $101.43
Total 55295 $101.43
Total Harold Mitchell $101.43
Hurst Construction/dba
55301 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/17/2021 10:16:00 AM
Project Mgmt/10th St Improvement Project
301-000-000-595-30-60-05 Construction - 10th St. NE Improvements $694,021.13
Total Invoice - 6/17/2021 10:16:00 AM $694,021.13
Total 55301 $694,021.13
Total Hurst Construction/dba $694,021.13
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
55326 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Police/Business Cards
001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous $150.54
Total 3411 $150.54
Total 55326 $150.54
Total In-Print $150.54
Interwest Communications
55327 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Phone Services
001-000-141-514-20-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $121.05
Total 18698 $121.05
Total 55327 $121.05
Total Interwest Communications $121.05
Ivy Jacobson
55305 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/25/2021 8:14:23 AM
Police/Training Per Diem
001-000-210-521-40-25-00 Training - Officers $589.79
Total Invoice - 6/25/2021 8:14:23 AM $589.79
Total 55305 $589.79
Total Ivy Jacobson $589.79
John Broers
55328 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/30/2021 11:18:00 AM
Street/2021 Boot Allowance
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $119.88
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 11:18:00 AM $119.88
Total 55328 $119.88
Total John Broers $119.88
John Phillips
55304 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Phillips' Law Enforcement Exam
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $517.24
Phillips' Law Enforcement Exam
Total Phillips' Law Enforcement Exam $517.24
Total 55304 $517.24
Total John Phillips $517.24
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Kelley Connect
55297 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Copier Fees
001-000-141-514-20-31-01 Office Machine Costs $534.30
Total 29419240 $534.30
Total 55297 $534.30
Total Kelley Connect $534.30
Les Schwab Tire Center Inc
55307 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Police/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $749.02
Total 34301189447 $749.02
Total 55307 $749.02
Total Les Schwab Tire Center Inc $749.02
Localtel Communications
55329 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/14/2021 11:25:37 AM
Wi-fi and Phone Charges
001-000-141-514-20-42-01 Telephone Line Charges $337.57
Total Invoice - 6/14/2021 11:25:37 AM $337.57
Total 55329 $337.57
Total Localtel Communications $337.57
Maul Foster Alongi
55330 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Phase 2 Strategic Plan
001-000-111-513-00-40-02 Professional Services $5,082.19
Total 43073 $5,082.19
Total 55330 $5,082.19
Total Maul Foster Alongi $5,082.19
Miguel Valdez
55331 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/30/2021 9:31:19 AM
Clothing Reimbursement
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $120.00
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 9:31:19 AM $120.00
Total 55331 $120.00
Total Miguel Valdez $120.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Moon Security
55332 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Security Services
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $39.06
Total 1088601 $39.06
Security Services
001-000-180-518-30-41-00 Professional Services $71.43
Total 1089984 $71.43
Total 55332 $110.49
Total Moon Security $110.49
Motorola Solutions
55333 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Police/Annul Spillman
001-000-145-514-20-40-20 Annual License - Spillman, NetMotion & Ragnasoft $15,237.14
Total 8230326 $15,237.14
Total 55333 $15,237.14
Total Motorola Solutions $15,237.14
Numerica Credit Union
55293 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:01:06 PM
Police/Training Travel
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $291.34
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:01:06 PM $291.34
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:01:34 PM
Police/Travel Meals
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $26.12
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:01:34 PM $26.12
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:01:59 PM
Police/Travel Meals
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $40.49
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:01:59 PM $40.49
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:03:24 PM
Police/Travel Meals
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $7.82
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:03:24 PM $7.82
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:03:49 PM
Police/Travel Meals
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $13.96
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:03:49 PM $13.96
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:04:12 PM
Police/Travel Meals
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $50.16
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:04:12 PM $50.16
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:07:16 PM
Police/Travel Meals
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $48.30
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:07:16 PM $48.30
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:07:45 PM
Police/Travel Fuel
001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed $39.15
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:07:45 PM $39.15
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:09:02 PM
Police/Travel Fuel
001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed $43.10
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:09:02 PM $43.10
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:09:30 PM
Finance/Office Supplies
001-000-142-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies $51.13
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:09:30 PM $51.13
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:11:34 PM
Amazon Prime Accidental Charge
001-000-110-511-60-49-00 Miscellaneous $14.07
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:11:34 PM $14.07
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:19:24 PM
IT/Computer Software Supplies
001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - PC Hardware Admin $19.40
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:19:24 PM $19.40
Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:38:11 PM
001-000-110-511-60-49-00 Miscellaneous ($584.57)
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 1:38:11 PM ($584.57)
Invoice - 6/11/2021 10:24:12 AM
Police/Office Supplies
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $10.61
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 10:24:12 AM $10.61
Invoice - 6/11/2021 10:24:40 AM
Project Mgmt/APWA Registration Workshop Fee
001-000-315-542-10-49-00 Training $50.00
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 10:24:40 AM $50.00
Invoice - 6/11/2021 10:25:20 AM
Court/Date Stamp
001-000-120-512-50-31-00 Office Supplies $65.63
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 10:25:20 AM $65.63
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:22:33 PM
IT/Computer Software Supplies
001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - PC Hardware Admin $174.22
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:22:33 PM $174.22
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:23:01 PM
001-000-111-513-00-40-06 Miscellaneous $25.00
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:23:01 PM $25.00
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:23:37 PM
HR/MRSC Training
001-000-140-514-20-40-00 Training $35.00
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:23:37 PM $35.00
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:24:01 PM
Central Stores
001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $56.37
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:24:01 PM $56.37
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:24:26 PM
Street/Uniform Supplies
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $346.85
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:24:26 PM $346.85
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:25:11 PM
101-000-430-544-90-49-01 Training $103.92
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:25:11 PM $103.92
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:29:05 PM
Council Meeting Supplies
001-000-110-511-60-31-00 Office Supplies $15.43
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:29:05 PM $15.43
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:30:38 PM
Council Meeting Supplies
001-000-110-511-60-31-00 Office Supplies $65.36
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:30:38 PM $65.36
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:31:05 PM
IT/Computer Software Supplies
001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - PC Hardware Admin $95.29
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:31:05 PM $95.29
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:31:36 PM
IT/Computer Software Supplies
001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - PC Hardware Admin $37.65
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:31:36 PM $37.65
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:32:06 PM
City Vehicle Registration
501-000-000-594-42-60-20 Capital Outlay - Street Vehicles $64.00
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:32:06 PM $64.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:32:55 PM
001-000-140-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies $62.00
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:32:55 PM $62.00
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:33:20 PM
City Vehicle Registration
001-000-210-521-50-49-00 Other Services $58.75
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:33:20 PM $58.75
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:35:03 PM
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $59.51
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:35:03 PM $59.51
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:35:40 PM
Central Stores
001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $15.14
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:35:40 PM $15.14
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:36:08 PM
City Hall/Office Supplies
001-000-140-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies $6.49
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:36:08 PM $6.49
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:41:45 PM
Central Stores
001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $31.46
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:41:45 PM $31.46
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:42:10 PM
IT/Computer Software Supplies
001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - PC Hardware Admin $35.00
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:42:10 PM $35.00
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:57:48 PM
Police/Training Travel
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $3.26
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:57:48 PM $3.26
Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:58:47 PM
Police/Training Travel
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $291.34
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 12:58:47 PM $291.34
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:28:33 AM
001-000-180-594-18-60-00 Capital Outlay ($389.85)
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:28:33 AM ($389.85)
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:29:31 AM
Deputy Clerk/WMCA Renewal Fee
001-000-140-514-20-41-00 Membership Dues & Publications $75.00
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:29:31 AM $75.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:30:02 AM
Hinkle's Retirement Celebration Supplies
001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous $44.35
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:30:02 AM $44.35
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:30:47 AM
Central Stores
001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $12.56
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:30:47 AM $12.56
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:31:51 AM
Police/Office Supplies
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $7.35
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:31:51 AM $7.35
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:32:32 AM
Street/Traffic Supplies
101-000-420-542-64-30-00 Supplies - Traffic Control Devices $37.53
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:32:32 AM $37.53
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:33:47 AM
101-000-420-542-64-30-00 Supplies - Traffic Control Devices ($37.53)
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:33:47 AM ($37.53)
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:35:48 AM
HR/Annual Subscription
001-000-139-518-10-40-01 Membership Dues & Publications $219.00
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:35:48 AM $219.00
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:48:18 AM
001-000-001-518-91-30-00 Wellness $108.25
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:48:18 AM $108.25
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:48:39 AM
Street/Landscape Supplies
101-000-420-542-62-30-00 Supplies - Special Purpose Paths $85.00
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:48:39 AM $85.00
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:59:08 AM
Street/Traffic Supplies
101-000-420-542-64-30-00 Supplies - Traffic Control Devices $56.61
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:59:08 AM $56.61
Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:59:44 AM
IT/Computer Software Supplies
001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - PC Hardware Admin $25.98
Total Invoice - 6/11/2021 9:59:44 AM $25.98
Total 55293 $2,013.00
Total Numerica Credit Union $2,013.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
55334 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Police/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $161.50
Total 2521-220651 $161.50
Street/Asphalt Machine
101-000-420-542-30-30-00 Supplies - Roadway $21.64
Total 2521-222120 $21.64
101-000-420-542-61-30-00 Supplies - Sidewalks $9.74
Total 2521-223512 $9.74
Street/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $12.99
Total 2521-223655 $12.99
Street/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-542-90-48-30 Street Equipment Repairs $96.05
Total 2521-223860 $96.05
Police/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $43.11
Total 2521-223944 $43.11
Street/Vehilce Repairs
501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $125.22
Total 2521-224984 $125.22
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $27.06
Total 2521-225415 $27.06
Street/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-542-90-48-30 Street Equipment Repairs $223.08
Total 2521-226307 $223.08
Street/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-542-90-48-30 Street Equipment Repairs $75.44
Total 2521-226380 $75.44
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $72.41
Total 2521-226515 $72.41
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Street/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $11.92
Total 2521-226741 $11.92
Total 55334 $880.16
Total O'Reilly $880.16
Pacific Engineering & Design, PLLC
55335 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Project Mgmt/Civil Engineer Services
401-000-012-594-31-60-05 Small Improvements Projects $352.00
Total 31294 $352.00
Total 55335 $352.00
Total Pacific Engineering & Design, PLLC $352.00
Public Safety Testing
55336 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Police/Officer Testing
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $415.00
Total 2021-76 $415.00
Total 55336 $415.00
Total Public Safety Testing $415.00
Randy's Auto Parts & Towing
55337 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Police/Vehicle Tow
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $121.84
Total 30028092 $121.84
Police/Vehicle Tow
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $162.45
Total 30028106 $162.45
Total 55337 $284.29
Total Randy's Auto Parts & Towing $284.29
Rh2 Engineering, Inc.
55338 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Project Mgmt/10th St Reconstruction
301-000-000-595-30-40-42 SDC - 10th St. NE Improvements $31,441.48
Total 82571 $31,441.48
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Project Mgmt/10th St Reconstruction
301-000-000-595-10-40-26 Design - PWTFL - 10th St $8,595.16
Total 82572 $8,595.16
Total 55338 $40,036.64
Total Rh2 Engineering, Inc.$40,036.64
Star Rentals
55339 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Street/Machine Repairs
101-000-420-542-30-30-00 Supplies - Roadway $1,085.00
Total 556597-14 $1,085.00
Total 55339 $1,085.00
Total Star Rentals $1,085.00
State Auditor's Office
55340 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Financial Audit
001-000-142-514-23-20-00 State Audit $870.87
Total L142639 $870.87
Total 55340 $870.87
Total State Auditor's Office $870.87
Valley Tractor and Rentals
55341 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Street/Pole Saw Chain
101-000-420-542-70-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Roadside $55.33
Total C903667 $55.33
Street/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $85.22
Total C904230 $85.22
Street/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $390.29
Total C904311 $390.29
Street/Vehicle Repairs
501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $22.14
Total C904342 $22.14
Total 55341 $552.98
Total Valley Tractor and Rentals $552.98
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Verizon Wireless
55342 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
City Hall Cell Phones
001-000-110-511-60-42-01 Cell Phone $41.99
001-000-145-514-20-42-00 Cell Phone $62.18
001-000-315-542-10-40-00 Cell Phone $52.18
101-000-430-543-50-42-01 Cell Phone $52.18
101-000-430-543-50-42-01 Cell Phone $36.67
117-000-100-557-30-42-00 Cell Phone $52.18
401-000-001-531-00-40-00 Cell Phone $52.18
Total 9881144011 $349.56
Total 55342 $349.56
Total Verizon Wireless $349.56
Wash ST Dept of Licensing
55343 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
EWP002245 Lutz
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002245 Lutz $18.00
EWP002246 Alvarado Perez
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002246 Alvarado Perez $18.00
EWP002246 Barajas
Gun Permi
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002246 Barajas $18.00
EWP002247 Strop
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002247 Strop $18.00
EWP002249 Eakins
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002249 Eakins $18.00
EWP002250 Rodriguez Morales
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002250 Rodriguez Morales $18.00
EWP002251 Orange
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002251 Orange $18.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
EWP002253 Everett
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002253 Everett $18.00
EWP002254 Smith
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002254 Smith $18.00
EWP002255 McKenzie
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002255 McKenzie $18.00
EWP002257 Waulters
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002257 Waulters $18.00
EWP002259 Hawkins
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002259 Hawkins $18.00
EWP002260 Scalero
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002260 Scalero $18.00
EWP002261 Church
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002261 Church $18.00
EWP002262 Cunningham
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002262 Cunningham $18.00
EWP002263 Sparman
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002263 Sparman $18.00
EWP002264 Hutchins
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002264 Hutchins $18.00
EWP002269 Kaufer
Gun Permit
635-000-000-589-30-00-03 Gun Permit State Remittance $18.00
Total EWP002269 Kaufer $18.00
Total 55343 $324.00
Total Wash ST Dept of Licensing $324.00
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Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount
Wenatchee Valley Chamber
55303 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Qtr 1 2021 Tourism and Recreation Promotion
113-000-000-557-30-41-05 Wenatchee Valley Chamber $15,000.00
Total 12925 $15,000.00
Total 55303 $15,000.00
Total Wenatchee Valley Chamber $15,000.00
Wilbur-Ellis Company
55344 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Street/Park Supplies
101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies - City Parks $374.28
Total 14361218 $374.28
Total 55344 $374.28
Total Wilbur-Ellis Company $374.28
Ziply Fiber
55345 2021 - July 2021 - July 2021 1st Council
Invoice - 6/30/2021 10:47:11 AM
Street Modem
101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities - Traffic Control Devices $65.01
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 10:47:11 AM $65.01
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:17:31 PM
Phone and Internet
001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $198.97
112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities - Utilities $31.05
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:17:31 PM $230.02
Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:22:12 PM
Street Modem
101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities - Traffic Control Devices $43.64
Total Invoice - 6/30/2021 12:22:12 PM $43.64
Total 55345 $338.67
Total Ziply Fiber $338.67
Grand Total Vendor Count 49 $4,915,574.26
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
6/15/2021 Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3
East Wenatchee City Council Meeting
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
East Wenatchee City Hall
271 9th Street NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
In attendance: Staff in attendance:
Mayor Jerrilea Crawford Devin Poulson, City Attorney
Councilmember John Sterk Rick Johnson, Police Chief
Councilmember Harry Raab Lori Barnett, Community Development Director
Councilmember Robert Tidd Josh DeLay, Finance Director
Councilmember Sasha Sleiman Tom Wachholder, Project Development Manager
Councilmember Shayne Magdoff Garren Melton, Natural Resource Specialist
Councilmember Christine Johnson Mary Beth Phillips, Court Administrator
Councilmember Matthew Hepner Trina Elmes, Events Director/PIO
Maria Holman, City Clerk
6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting
Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Consent Items:
a. Date: June 15, 2021, Checks: 55225 - 55230; 55236 - 55292, in the amount of
b. May 2021 Payroll Certification.
c. 6/1/2021 Council Meeting Minutes.
d. 6/10/2021 Council Workshop Meeting Minutes.
Motion by Councilmember Johnson to approve consent items as presented.
Councilmember Sleiman seconded the motion. Motion carried (7-0).
2. Citizen Requests/Comments. None.
3. Presentations.
a. Wenatchee Valley Museum Executive Director Keni Sturgeon presented a
Wenatchee Valley Museum Report to the Council.
Comments provided by Councilmember Tidd, Councilmember Magdoff,
Councilmember Hepner, and Councilmember Sleiman.
4. Department Report. None.
7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet
Page 30 of 108
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
6/15/2021 Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3
5. Mayor’s Report.
a. Mayor Crawford shared with the Council that she has received an official word from
Misawa, Japan, and they will not be able to come this fall due to COVID-19.
6. Action Items.
a. Finance Director Josh DeLay presented Ordinance 2021-12, relating to contracting
indebtedness; providing for the issuance, sale and delivery of a limited tax general
obligation bond to provide funds to construct a new public works maintenance
facility and acquire a building for the City’s police headquarters and to pay the costs
of issuance and sale of the bond; fixing certain terms and covenants of the bond;
approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bond to Banner Bank, and
providing for related matters.
Mayor Crawford suspended the second reading.
Comments provided by Councilmember Tidd, and Councilmember Magdoff. Lee
Marchisio, Bond Counsel with Foster Garvey and Kevin Vatulli with Banner Bank were
present and answered questions from the Council.
Motion by Councilmember Tidd to approve Ordinance 2021-12, for the issuance of
a Limited Tax General Obligation Bond 2021, in the maximum principal amount of
$10,000,000 as presented authorizing the Mayor to sign any documents necessary
to execute the bond. Councilmember Raab seconded the motion. Motion carried
b. Finance Director Josh DeLay presented Ordinance 2021-13, repealing Ordinance No.
2021-07, and fixing and confirming the salaries and compensation to be paid to
certain officials and employees of the City of East Wenatchee during the year 2021.
Mayor Crawford suspended the second reading.
Motion by Councilmember Tidd to approve Ordinance 2021-13 fixing and
confirming salaries as presented. Councilmember Hepner seconded the motion.
Motion carried (7-0).
c. Finance Director Josh DeLay presented Resolution 2021-10, establishing procedures
and guidelines under which City funds can be utilized for the purpose of employee
Comments provided by Councilmember Tidd and Councilmember Johnson.
Motion by Councilmember Sleiman to approve Resolution 2021-10 defining the
parameters within which City funds can be used for employee recognition awards
and events. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried (7-0).
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Page 31 of 108
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
6/15/2021 Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3
d. Community Development Director Lori Barnett presented Ordinance 2021-14,
amending Chapters 1-9 and Appendix H of the East Wenatchee Shoreline Master
Program in accordance with the Periodic Review and Update Cycle mandated by
RCW 90.58.080, amending Ordinance 2008-09 and Ordinance 2009-18, declaring the
periodic review and update process as complete.
Mayor Crawford suspended the second reading.
Motion by Councilmember Sterk to approve Ordinance 2021-14, amending the
Shoreline Master Program as presented. Councilmember Tidd seconded the
motion. Motion carried (7-0).
e. Natural Resource Specialist Garren Melton presented a 10th Street Improvements
Project Change Order No. 2, to install a dry well for the 16” irrigation drain line on
the southwest corner of 10th St. NE and N. Iowa Ave.
Comments provided by Mayor Crawford, Councilmember Raab, and Councilmember
Sleiman. Councilmember Sleiman seconded the motion. Motion carried (7-0).
Motion by Councilmember Sterk to authorize the Mayor to execute Change Order
No. 2 for the 10ᵗʰ St. NE reconstruction project in the amount of $17,211.78.
7. Executive Session.
Mayor Crawford opened a 15-minute Executive Session at 6:45 pm for consideration
of site selection or acquisition of real state purchase or lease if the likelihood that
disclosure will increase the price. At 7:00 pm the Executive Session was extended
until 7:10 pm.
Motion by Councilmember Tidd to authorize the Mayor to negotiate the purchase
of the property at 50 Simon St. in an amount not to exceed $3.9 Million.
Councilmember Raab seconded the motion. Motion carried (7-0).
8. Council Reports & Announcements.
a. Mayor Crawford reported on the Classy Chassis event. The Mayor shared that it was
a great and fun day and that the public enjoyed the parade. There were 174 entries
this year.
Comments provided by Mayor Crawford, Councilmember Sterk, Councilmember
Johnson, and Councilmember Tidd.
9. Adjournment. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:17 p.m.
Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
Maria E. Holman, City Clerk
7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet
Page 32 of 108
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
6/17/2021 Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 1
East Wenatchee City Council Meeting
Zoom and in person meeting
Thursday, June 17, 2021
East Wenatchee City Hall
271 9th Street NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
In attendance: Staff in attendance:
Mayor Jerrilea Crawford Devin Poulson, City Attorney
Councilmember John Sterk Rick Johnson, Police Chief
Councilmember Harry Raab Erik Hampton, Assistant Police Chief
Councilmember Robert Tidd Ike Lasswell, Information Systems Manager
Councilmember Sasha Sleiman Maria Holman, City Clerk
Councilmember Shayne Magdoff Anna Graef, Deputy City Clerk
Councilmember Christine Johnson
Councilmember Matthew Hepner
5:00 p.m. Special Meeting of the Council
Call to Order and Roll Call.
1. Mayor Crawford opened the meeting to discuss the purchase of the property at 50
Simon Street. The Mayor has negotiated and is requesting authorization to execute an
amendment to the purchase and Sale Agreement for an amount not to exceed
Comments provided by Councilmember Sterk, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember
Tidd, Councilmember Magdoff, City Attorney Devin Poulson and Councilmember Hepner.
Motion by Councilmember Sleiman to amend and approve the contract for purchase of
the property at 50 Simon St. for the amount of $4,023,000. Councilmember Johnson
seconded the motion. Motion carried (7-0).
2. Adjournment. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
Maria E. Holman, City Clerk
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To: Mayor Crawford and Council.
From/Presenter: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director
Subject: First public hearing for consideration of the use of Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) funds to be included in the 2020-2024 Community
Development & Housing Consolidated Plan, the 2020 and 2021 Annual Action
Plans; and the Draft Regional Assessment of Fair Housing.
Date: July 6, 2021
I. Summary Title: public hearing for consideration of the use of Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to be included in the 2020-2024
Community Development & Housing Consolidated Plan, the 2020 and 2021
Annual Action Plans; and the Draft Regional Assessment of Fair Housing.
II. Background/History: East Wenatchee annually receives CDBG funds from the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The Consolidated Plan provides a strategy for the use of CDBG funds for a five-
year period. It describes housing and community development needs of the city,
with special emphasis on the needs of low- and moderate-income households
including goals, objectives, and strategies to meet those needs.
The Annual Action Plan describes the proposed use of the funds during each
Program Year. Program Years start October 1 and run through September 30.
• The City’s 2020 CDBG funding allocation is $142,647.
• The City’s 2021 CDBG funding allocation is $147,220.
The Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans were originally due to HUD by
August 16, 2020. However, HUD granted an extension to August 16, 2021, as a
result the pandemic.
Over the past 10 years, the City has used the funds for the following projects and
• Curb, gutter, and sidewalks on 11th St. NE between Valley Mall Parkway
and N. Baker Ave.
• Curb, gutter, and sidewalk (one-side only) on French Ave. between the
Standerfer St. and 9th St. NE.
• Curb, gutter, and sidewalks on 5th St. NE between N. Baker Ave. and
Eastmont Ave. (used 3-years of funding)
• Rehabilitation work inside City Hall and in the parking lot to remove
barriers to accessibility
• Down payment assistance to four first-time home buyers
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The 2019 CDBG Program Year funds and Cares Act funds (CDBG CV $83,927
and CDBG CV3 $114,862) were allocated for:
o $27,000 city administrative expenses,
o $58,695 first-time home buyer program,
o $133,927 microenterprise business grants,
o $5,000 to city administration,
o $15,000 for the Chelan & Douglas Co. Food Assistance Program,
o $94,862 for emergency income payments for rent and utilities
CDBG funds received between 2010 and 2018 totaled $1,055,091. The projects
and programs funded during that period had a total cost of $2,907,301. The other
funds were provided by the City, the Stormwater Utility, the water and sewer
districts, a federal grant, and the home buyers. For every $1 of CDBG funding
used, $2.75 of other funding was leveraged (private and public funds).
Hamilton Street improvement project:
Last July, the Council approved using the
2020 CDBG Funds for Hamilton Street. Staff
proposes that the 2021 Funds also be used
for that project. The City received an award
of $228,000 in Douglas County Sales & Use
Tax funds for the project. The original
estimated project cost is $585,102 for the
street improvement part of the project. Work
is also proposed along Standerfer Street to
complete the sidewalk gap along the north
side of the street. The cost estimate will be
increased to cover that work.
Additionally, the East Wenatchee Water
District and Douglas County Sewer District
will be upgrading their infrastructure.
The Draft Regional Assessment of Fair Housing was developed by the City of
Wenatchee for both cities and the Housing Authority of the City of Wenatchee
and Chelan County. Wenatchee went through an extensive public and agency
outreach program in developing the document. Wenatchee completed adoption
of the document in June
III. Recommended Action: Hold the first public hearing. Provide guidance to staff
regarding the use of the next 5 years of funding.
IV. Exhibits:
• Affidavits of publication Wenatchee World legal advertisements, June 24,
2021 in English and in Spanish
• Hamilton Street Project Map
• Suggestions for CDBG funds
Financial Data:
Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required
Hamilton Street
Estimated Cost 585,102.00$
Water Systems 250,000.00$
Sewer Systems 25,000.00$
Total Cost 860,102.00$
Funding Sources
Water District 250,000.00$
Sewer District 25,000.00$
SW Utility 10,000.00$
CDBG-2020 135,000.00$
CDBG-2021 134,774.00$
DC S&U Tax 228,000.00$
Total Funding 860,102.00$
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Suggestions for CDBG funds
With few exceptions, CDBG funds must be used for projects and programs located in
the City. As mentioned above, the City spent CDBG funds for several street
improvement projects. The list that was developed in 2012 has been updated below. It
should be noted that if the annexation of the South Kentucky Area is completed, other
projects could be added to the list to address deficiencies in that area.
Street/Sidewalk Capital Improvement Project Worksheet
Up to 15% of the annual allocation can also be used for public services.
Graffiti Removal Program. Several jurisdictions have set up graffiti removal as a public
service program. The funds could be used to pay for city resources to remove graffiti or
for the city to contract with a private company to remove the graffiti. The service can be
used on public and private property. Graffiti is not only a blighting influence on the
physical environment, but if it is not promptly abated, it tends to lead to more serious
crimes. Graffiti removal is an important part of fostering community pride.
Tenant/Landlord Counseling and Related Legal Services The Women’s Resource
Center (WRC) manages the Landlord/Tenant Liaison program. When the counties
assumed administration of the local homeless funds, the program was mostly defunded.
This program works with private landlords to encourage them to rent to tenants that may
not have the best record for renting (homeless, previously evicted, etc.) The program is
an intermediary between the landlord and the tenant. If the landlord has a problem with
the tenant, they contact WRC staff to work out the problem with the tenant. There is
also access to funds for repairs or other mitigation if there is a problem. The program
includes classes for tenants to help them be better tenants. Of the 21 landlords currently
on their program, 11 of them have properties in East Wenatchee.
Volunteer Attorney Services is a non-profit organization that provides legal services to
low-income people. One of their programs is the eviction prevention and tenant
education program
Sidewalk Projects in Priority Order:
(Ft)Est.CDBG $City or Other Safety Issues
4 Hamilton - 9th to Standerfer 700 585,102$ 269,774$ 315,328$
5 13th St. - (N side) Clements to Devon 756 395,388$ 100,000$ 295,388$
8 N. Devon Ave. - 11th to 15th 2120 1,108,760$ 100,000$ 1,008,760$
9 1st SE - Rock Island Rd to Highline 1610 842,030$ 100,000$ 742,030$
Total 2,931,280$ 569,774$ 2,361,506$
Projects Completed
1 11th St. - Valley Mall Pkwy to Baker 786 341,788$ 174,792$ 166,996$
2 French Ave - 9th to Standerfer St.757 548,044$ 149,210$ 398,834$
7B 5th -Baker to Eastmont 920 1,022,678$ 290,000$ 732,678$
Total 1,912,510$ 614,002$ 1,298,508$
CDBG as percent of total project cost 32%
3 Sidewalk project - Highline 333 174,159$ 174,159
Completed with
Highline redevelopment
6 3rd St. NE (N side) Eastmont to Georgia 761 398,003$ 398,003$
Completed with
Complete Streets Grant
Hamilton high priority due to condition of neighborhood, low-income housing & potential private sector partner.
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Best of Show
P A G E 1
June 11, 2021
221 vehicles registered
15 dignitaries in 11 vehicles
5 fire trucks
3 bands on flatbed trucks
2 Sheriff's vehicles
1 Weinstein Beverage Truck
Assistant Chief ended the parade
244 total vehicles registered
204 total vehicles participated
142 Online registrations
79 Paper registrations
30 Registered the day of the event
8 Commercial registrations
174 Actually participated
28 Different cities were represented
8% were more than 50 miles
37 people associate with a car club
18 different clubs represented
3 different awards
2 different groups handing out
American Flags.
Spectator crowd was only slightly
down from normal
Town ToyotaEmployee's Choice Les SchwabEmployee's Choice
1923 Ford T RoadsterJim Hall, East Wenatchee
1937 Ford Wild Rod RoadsterBruce Dickinson, East Wenatchee 1955 Ford F100Martin Alvarez, East Wenatchee
17 Volunteers | 3 Staff | 1 Mayor | 5 Street Crew | 22 Police Officers
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City of East Wenatchee
July 6, 2021, City Council Meeting
May 2021 Financial Report
Date: July 6, 2021
To: Councilmembers, Mayor Crawford & Department Heads
From: Josh DeLay, Finance Director
Subject: May 2021 Financial Report
This report provides a summary of the City’s overall financial operations through May 31, 2021. It
offers a comparison of total overall revenues and expenditures between the current fiscal year and
the same point in time as the last fiscal year.
For the purposes of this report, operating funds are funds that receive general local tax support
and/or expend wages and other steady expenses to support the day-to-day operations of the City.
Non-operating funds are funds that are supported through special revenues and/or include non-wage
and varying expenses (i.e., capital, grant projects, etc.).
Table 1 below shows the City’s revenue collections through May 31, 2021, compared to revenue
collections through May 31, 2020, along with the respective dollar and percentage variances for its
operating funds.
Table 1
May 31, 2021 May 31, 2020
Variance -
General Fund - 001 4,122,316 2,438,945 1,683,372 69.02%
Street Fund - 101 1,084,157 698,351 385,807 55.25%
Events Board Fund - 117 62,608 38,266 24,342 63.61%
Equipment R&R Fund - 501 541,628 350,000 191,628 54.75%
Total Revenues - Operating Funds 5,810,710 3,525,561 2,285,149 64.82%
Revenues - Operating Funds
Finance Department
271 9th Street NE * East Wenatchee, WA 98802
P: (509) 886-6101 * F: (509) 884-6233
Email: jdelay@eastwenatcheewa.gov
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City of East Wenatchee
July 6, 2021, City Council Meeting
May 2021 Financial Report
Chart 1 is a graphical representation of year over year revenue comparisons for the City’s operating
Chart 1
Table 2 below shows the City’s revenue collections through May 31, 2021, compared to revenue
collections through May 31, 2020, along with the respective dollar and percentage variances for its
non-operating funds.
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City of East Wenatchee
July 6, 2021, City Council Meeting
May 2021 Financial Report
Table 2
May 31, 2021 May 31, 2020
Variance -
Comm Dev Grants Fund - 102 35,000 - 35,000 -
Affordable Housing Tax Fund - 103 16,374 - 16,374 -
Trans Benefit District Fund - 105 105,194 98,545 6,650 6.75%
Library Fund - 112 - - - -
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund - 113 103,611 104,687 (1,077) (1.03%)
Drug Fund - 114 8 7 1 16.01%
Criminal Justice Fund - 116 9,989 9,538 451 4.73%
Bond Redemption Fund - 202 - 100,000 (100,000) (100.00%)
Street Improvements Fund - 301 109,395 117,325 (7,930) (6.76%)
Capital Improvements Fund - 314 205,259 251,523 (46,264) (18.39%)
Storm Water Fund - 401 301,261 3,059,473 (2,758,212) (90.15%)
Total Revenues - Non-Operating Funds 886,090 3,741,097 (2,855,007) (76.31%)
Revenues - Non-Operating Funds
Chart 2 is a graphical representation of year over year revenue comparisons for the City’s non-
operating funds.
Chart 2
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City of East Wenatchee
July 6, 2021, City Council Meeting
May 2021 Financial Report
Revenue Highlights:
General Fund revenues are up $1,683,372, or 69.02%, year over year due to:
$1,528,693 received from the federal government as part of the American Rescue Plan Act for
economic recovery due to the COVID-19 lockdowns; and a
$114,450 increase in retail sales and use tax due to a 19.4% overall increase in collections
year over year; and a
$112,453 increase in gambling tax due to less restrictive COVID lockdown orders in 2021
versus 2020
The above increases are offset by the following decreases year over year:
$39,589 decrease in phone/cellular utility tax – Finance has identified and contacted the
companies that stopped paying this tax and will continue to follow-up as needed; and a
$30,867 decrease in interest earnings due to historically low interest rates. This variance
should decrease throughout the year as the new investment interest earnings accrue.
Street Fund revenues are up $385,807, or 55.25%, year over year due to a $170,000 increase in
sales tax allocated to the fund and a $100,000 increase in property tax allocated to the fund. Both
budgeted increases are out of necessity to keep the fund with a healthy year-end fund balance.
Events Fund revenues are up $24,342, or 63.61%, year over year due to a larger transfer-in from the
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund. The City was limited in the volume of funds it could transfer last year
because events were cancelled, and the Events Director was not working on tourism related
Equipment R&R Fund revenues are up $191,628, or 54.75%, year over year due to the increased
revenue needs of this fund per the new revolving fund format as recommended by the State Auditor’s
Community Development Grants Fund revenues are up $35,000 year over year due to the timing
of reimbursements.
Affordable Housing Tax Fund revenues are up $16,374 year over year because the City did not
start receiving this tax until August of 2020.
Street Improvements Fund revenues are down $7,930, or 6.76%, year over year due to the normal
timing differences of projects associated with this fund.
Capital Improvements Fund revenues are down $46,264, or 18.39%, year over year due to the
decreased collection of real estate excise tax presumably due to less or smaller real estate sales
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City of East Wenatchee
July 6, 2021, City Council Meeting
May 2021 Financial Report
Storm Water Fund revenues are down $2,758,212, or 90.15%, year over year because last year the
City received a large influx of its share of revenue from Douglas County due to a terminated interlocal
agreement with them for storm water services.
Table 3 below shows the City’s expenditures through May 31, 2021, compared to expenditures
through May 31, 2020, along with respective dollar and percentage variances for its operating funds.
Table 3
May 31, 2021 May 31, 2020
Variance -
General Fund - 001 3,100,840 2,906,697 194,143 6.68%
Street Fund - 101 512,533 404,674 107,859 26.65%
Events Board Fund - 117 43,162 39,950 3,213 8.04%
Equipment R&R Fund - 501 256,894 243,944 12,950 5.31%
Total Expenditures - Operating Funds 3,913,429 3,595,266 318,163 8.85%
Expenditures - Operating Funds
Chart 3 is a graphical representation of year over year expenditure comparisons for the City’s
operating funds.
Chart 3
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City of East Wenatchee
July 6, 2021, City Council Meeting
May 2021 Financial Report
Table 4 below shows the City’s expenditures through May 31, 2021, compared to expenditures
through May 31, 2020, along with respective dollar and percentage variances for its non-operating
Table 4
May 31, 2021 May 31, 2020
Variance -
Comm Dev Grants Fund - 102 25,267 - 25,267 -
Trans Benefit District Fund - 105 - - - -
Library Fund - 112 1,198 2,613 (1,416) (54.17%)
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund - 113 85,310 98,566 (13,256) (13.45%)
Criminal Justice Fund - 116 - - - -
Bond Redemption Fund - 202 170,975 30,010 140,965 469.73%
Street Improvements Fund - 301 210,808 250,431 (39,623) (15.82%)
Capital Improvements Fund - 314 47,933 3,980 43,953 1104.35%
Storm Water Fund - 401 315,134 242,263 72,871 30.08%
Total Expenditures - Non-Operating Funds 856,625 627,863 228,762 36.43%
Expenditures - Non-Operating Funds
Chart 4 is a graphical representation of year over year expenditure comparisons for the City’s non-
operating funds.
Chart 4
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City of East Wenatchee
July 6, 2021, City Council Meeting
May 2021 Financial Report
Expenditure Highlights:
General Fund expenditures are up $194,143, or 6.68%, year over year due to:
General overall salary and benefit increases; and a
$73,677 increase in fleet rental costs for the Police Department related to the new format of
the City’s equipment rental fund.
The above increases are offset by the following decreases:
$25,296 decrease in capital outlay costs for the Police Department due to the timing of
purchases related to that line item.
Street Fund expenditures are up $107,859, or 26.65%, year over year due to salary and benefit
increases, and a $70,246 increase in fleet rental costs related to the new format of the City’s
equipment rental fund.
Equipment R&R Fund expenditures are up $12,950, or 5.31%, year over year due to the timing of
the purchase of three new police vehicles compared to when they were purchased last year.
Additionally, the new vehicles are hybrids, which are more expensive than non-hybrid models.
Community Development Grants Fund expenditures are up $25,267 due to payments related to
the micro enterprise grant, and food assistance programs.
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund expenditures are down $13,256, or 13.45%, year over year due to less
contributions to the Wenatchee Valley Museum. Half of that contracted cost is now coming out of the
General Fund.
Street Improvements Fund expenditures are down $39,623, or 15.82%, year over year due typical
timing variances associated with the capital projects in this fund.
Capital Improvements Fund expenditures are up $43,953, or 1,104.35%, year over year primarily
due to earnest money for the Simon St. building.
Storm Water Fund expenditures are up $72,871, or 30.08%, year over year primarily due to the
timing payment difference to Douglas County for outstanding debt when we were a joint utility.
The reports presented in the following pages represent accounting system generated line-item details
of revenues, expenditures, budgets, and cash balances for each fund through May 31, 2021.
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Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
General Fund
001-000-000-311-10-00-00 Real & Personal Property Tax $355,316.81 $486,678.23 $1,318,200.00 36.92 %$831,521.77
001-000-000-313-11-00-00 Local Retail Sales & Use Tax $421,920.33 $1,054,800.37 $3,306,000.00 31.91 %$2,251,199.63
001-000-000-313-71-00-00 Criminal Justice Sales Tax $36,221.37 $171,764.46 $296,000.00 58.03 %$124,235.54
001-000-000-316-40-00-00 Electric Utility Tax $28,777.23 $177,268.08 $354,000.00 50.08 %$176,731.92
001-000-000-316-45-00-00 Natural Gas Utility Tax $3,583.83 $24,535.88 $35,000.00 70.10 %$10,464.12
001-000-000-316-47-00-00 Recycling $60.00 $60.00 $0.00 ($60.00)
001-000-000-316-49-00-00 Phone/Cellular Utility Tax $5,879.15 $59,778.01 $360,000.00 16.61 %$300,221.99
001-000-000-316-84-00-00 Gambling Tax $60,180.68 $220,732.97 $317,000.00 69.63 %$96,267.03
Total Taxes $911,939.40 $2,195,618.00 $5,986,200.00 36.68 %$3,790,582.00
Licenses and Permits
001-000-000-321-30-01-00 Fireworks Permits $350.00 $350.00 $500.00 70.00 %$150.00
001-000-000-321-60-00-00 Taxicab Licenses & Permits $0.00 $499.00 $800.00 62.38 %$301.00
001-000-000-321-91-00-50 Franchise Fees - Cable $21,046.03 $48,540.11 $91,000.00 53.34 %$42,459.89
001-000-000-321-99-00-00 Business Licenses & Permits $9,774.25 $53,199.16 $100,000.00 53.20 %$46,800.84
001-000-000-321-99-05-00 Other Business Lic & Permits $0.00 $57.00 $660.00 8.64 %$603.00
001-000-000-322-10-00-00 Building & Structure Permits $2,208.35 $9,883.31 $60,000.00 16.47 %$50,116.69
001-000-000-322-90-01-00 Gun Permits $440.25 $3,246.25 $5,700.00 56.95 %$2,453.75
001-000-000-322-90-02-00 Sign Permits $0.00 $0.00 $125.00 0.00 %$125.00
Total Licenses and Permits $33,818.88 $115,774.83 $258,785.00 44.74 %$143,010.17
Intergovernmental Revenues
001-000-000-331-21-00-00 American Rescue Plan Funds $1,528,692.50 $1,528,692.50 $0.00 ($1,528,692.50)
001-000-000-334-01-20-01 Washington Courts Funding $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 ($20,000.00)
001-000-000-334-03-51-03 TSC - Seatbelt Emphasis Patrols $0.00 $0.00 $900.00 0.00 %$900.00
001-000-000-334-03-51-04 X-52 TSC-Speed Limit Emphasis $0.00 $0.00 $1,900.00 0.00 %$1,900.00
001-000-000-334-03-51-10 Distracted Driving Enforcement Patrol $950.56 $950.56 $2,500.00 38.02 %$1,549.44
001-000-000-334-03-51-12 TSC - DUI Emphasis Patrol $0.00 $428.82 $2,500.00 17.15 %$2,071.18
001-000-000-334-04-20-05 Dept. of Commerce Grant $0.00 $10,530.00 $0.00 ($10,530.00)
001-000-000-334-06-91-00 WA ST Office of Public Defense $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 0.00 %$20,000.00
001-000-000-335-00-91-00 PUD Privilege Tax $0.00 $0.00 $43,000.00 0.00 %$43,000.00
001-000-000-336-00-98-03 City Assistance $0.00 $7,948.84 $0.00 ($7,948.84)
001-000-000-336-06-42-00 Marijuana Excise Tax Distribution $0.00 $8,401.35 $23,000.00 36.53 %$14,598.65
001-000-000-336-06-51-00 DUI - Cities Allocation $0.00 $1,078.80 $2,000.00 53.94 %$921.20
001-000-000-336-06-94-00 Liquor Excise Tax $0.00 $47,295.03 $77,000.00 61.42 %$29,704.97
001-000-000-336-06-95-00 Liquor Board Profits $0.00 $27,146.29 $108,000.00 25.14 %$80,853.71
Starting Account Number: 001-000-000-308-00-00-00 Beginning Net Cash & Invest
Ending Account Number: 501-000-000-397-00-00-02 Transfer-In - Criminal Justice Fund
Period: 2021 - May 2021
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Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
Total Intergovernmental Revenues $1,529,643.06 $1,652,472.19 $280,800.00 588.49 %($1,371,672.19)
Charges for Goods and Services
001-000-000-341-33-10-00 Background Check Fees $0.00 $0.00 $90.00 0.00 %$90.00
001-000-000-341-35-30-00 Duplicating Services - Court & Police $2.85 $2.85 $100.00 2.85 %$97.15
001-000-000-341-35-31-00 Copy and Duplication Fees - Admin $0.00 $0.00 $70.00 0.00 %$70.00
001-000-000-341-35-33-00 Recording and Filing Fees $47.25 $47.25 $60.00 78.75 %$12.75
001-000-000-341-35-35-00 Waste Management Annual Fee $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 100.00 %$0.00
001-000-000-342-10-00-00 Vaccine Patrol Reimbursement $3,120.95 $8,181.95 $0.00 ($8,181.95)
001-000-000-342-33-00-00 Adult Probation Services $5,039.69 $22,699.99 $63,000.00 36.03 %$40,300.01
001-000-000-342-36-00-00 Housing of Prisoners $859.57 $3,591.08 $20,000.00 17.96 %$16,408.92
001-000-000-342-40-00-01 Fire Marshall Inspection Services $196.00 $392.00 $5,000.00 7.84 %$4,608.00
001-000-000-345-83-00-00 Plan Checking Fees $1,237.75 $5,503.51 $30,000.00 18.35 %$24,496.49
001-000-000-345-83-41-00 Engineering Review Fees $559.00 $802.00 $750.00 106.93 %($52.00)
001-000-000-345-86-00-00 Sepa Permits $248.00 $736.00 $1,000.00 73.60 %$264.00
001-000-000-345-89-00-00 Planning & Development Fees $1,428.00 $2,641.00 $8,000.00 33.01 %$5,359.00
Total Charges for Goods and Services $17,739.06 $49,597.63 $133,070.00 37.27 %$83,472.37
Fines and Penalties
001-000-000-356-50-00-00 Fines And Penalties $16,756.61 $70,663.43 $175,000.00 40.38 %$104,336.57
001-000-000-357-33-00-00 Public Defender Costs $1,260.27 $5,709.45 $23,000.00 24.82 %$17,290.55
001-000-000-357-35-00-00 Restitution $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 0.00 %$400.00
Total Fines and Penalties $18,016.88 $76,372.88 $198,400.00 38.49 %$122,027.12
Miscellaneous Revenues
001-000-000-361-11-00-00 Interest Earnings $322.74 $3,452.80 $90,000.00 3.84 %$86,547.20
001-000-000-361-40-00-00 Sales Tax Interest $277.72 $1,577.46 $5,700.00 27.67 %$4,122.54
001-000-000-362-00-00-00 Rental Income - 311 9th St NE $1,295.00 $5,460.79 $12,000.00 45.51 %$6,539.21
001-000-000-369-90-00-00 Other Misc Revenue $2.00 $2.00 $0.00 ($2.00)
001-000-000-369-91-50-00 Miscellaneous Revenue $3,816.03 $4,482.30 $7,000.00 64.03 %$2,517.70
Total Miscellaneous Revenues $5,713.49 $14,975.35 $114,700.00 13.06 %$99,724.65
Other Increases in Fund Resources
001-000-000-382-10-00-00 Fireworks - Cleaning Deposit $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,350.00 85.11 %$350.00
001-000-000-382-10-00-01 Fireworks - Dcfd Remittance $50.00 $50.00 $200.00 25.00 %$150.00
001-000-000-389-00-00-01 Crime Victim Assessment $0.00 $0.00 $3,200.00 0.00 %$3,200.00
001-000-000-389-00-00-02 State Surcharge $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 0.00 %$700.00
001-000-000-389-00-00-03 State Share Weapons Permit Fee $0.00 $0.00 $8,700.00 0.00 %$8,700.00
001-000-000-389-00-00-04 Court Remittance - State $0.00 $0.00 $175,000.00 0.00 %$175,000.00
Total Other Increases in Fund Resources $2,050.00 $2,050.00 $190,150.00 1.08 %$188,100.00
Other Financing Sources
001-000-000-395-10-00-00 Proceeds - Disposition of Assets $0.00 $0.00 $9,800.00 0.00 %$9,800.00
001-000-000-395-20-00-00 Insurance Recoveries - Capital Assets $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00 %$100.00
001-000-000-397-95-00-25 Transfer In - Street Imp Fund $0.00 $0.00 $500,000.00 0.00 %$500,000.00
001-000-000-398-10-00-00 Insurance Recoveries $0.00 $15,455.45 $0.00 ($15,455.45)
Total Other Financing Sources $0.00 $15,455.45 $509,900.00 3.03 %$494,444.55
Total General Fund $2,518,920.77 $4,122,316.33 $7,672,005.00 53.73 %$3,549,688.67
Street Fund 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 49 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
101-000-000-311-10-00-00 Property Taxes - Street Dept $400,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 100.00 %$0.00
101-000-000-313-11-00-00 Sales & Use Tax $0.00 $470,000.00 $470,000.00 100.00 %$0.00
101-000-000-322-40-00-00 Street Permits $12,065.00 $14,435.00 $2,000.00 721.75 %($12,435.00)
101-000-000-336-00-71-00 Multi-Modal Distribution $0.00 $4,610.12 $18,000.00 25.61 %$13,389.88
101-000-000-336-00-87-00 Gas Tax $19,883.45 $90,761.38 $275,000.00 33.00 %$184,238.62
101-000-000-336-00-87-05 Increased Gas Tax $0.00 $4,033.90 $16,000.00 25.21 %$11,966.10
101-000-000-369-91-01-05 Miscellaneous Revenue $2.16 $316.81 $0.00 ($316.81)
Total Street Fund $431,950.61 $1,084,157.21 $1,281,000.00 84.63 %$196,842.79
Community Development Grants Fund
102-000-000-331-14-00-00 HUD CD Block Grant $0.00 $35,000.00 $74,764.00 46.81 %$39,764.00
Total Community Development Grants Fund $0.00 $35,000.00 $74,764.00 46.81 %$39,764.00
Affordable Housing Sales Tax Fund
103-000-000-313-27-00-00 Affordable & Supportive Housing
Sales/Use Tax
$3,664.73 $16,373.50 $0.00 ($16,373.50)
Total Affordable Housing Sales Tax Fund $3,664.73 $16,373.50 $0.00 ($16,373.50)
Transportation Benefit District Fund
105-000-000-317-60-00-00 Car Tab Fees $25,977.60 $105,194.10 $0.00 ($105,194.10)
Total Transportation Benefit District Fund $25,977.60 $105,194.10 $0.00 ($105,194.10)
Library Fund
112-000-000-347-20-00-00 Library Services $0.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 0.00 %$7,500.00
Total Library Fund $0.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 0.00 %$7,500.00
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund
113-000-000-313-31-02-00 Hotel/Motel Tax $24,001.55 $103,610.74 $225,000.00 46.05 %$121,389.26
Total Hotel/Motel Tax Fund $24,001.55 $103,610.74 $225,000.00 46.05 %$121,389.26
Drug Fund
114-000-000-356-50-03-00 Drug Investigation $0.00 $7.97 $100.00 7.97 %$92.03
Total Drug Fund $0.00 $7.97 $100.00 7.97 %$92.03
Criminal Justice Fund
116-000-000-336-06-21-00 Criminal Justice - Population $0.00 $2,185.97 $4,500.00 48.58 %$2,314.03
116-000-000-336-06-26-00 Criminal Justice - Special Programs $0.00 $7,803.28 $16,000.00 48.77 %$8,196.72
Total Criminal Justice Fund $0.00 $9,989.25 $20,500.00 48.73 %$10,510.75
Events Board Fund
117-000-100-397-00-00-00 Transfer-In from Fund 113 $0.00 $60,000.00 $120,000.00 50.00 %$60,000.00
117-000-300-347-40-12-02 Classy Chassis Parade/Car Show $60.00 $108.00 $9,000.00 1.20 %$8,892.00
117-000-300-347-40-12-03 Classy Chassis Vendor Fees $0.00 $0.00 $150.00 0.00 %$150.00
117-000-300-347-90-00-12 Classy Chassis Sponsorships $0.00 $2,500.00 $8,000.00 31.25 %$5,500.00
117-000-300-347-90-12-00 Classy Chassis Merchandise Sales $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
117-000-400-347-40-11-03 Wings & Wheels Car Show Registration $0.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 0.00 %$4,500.00
117-000-400-347-40-11-07 Wings & Wheels Vendor Fees $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00 %$100.00
117-000-400-347-90-00-11 Wings & Wheels Sponsorships $0.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 0.00 %$12,000.00
117-000-400-347-90-11-00 Wings & Wheels Merchandise Sales $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
117-000-500-367-19-00-01 Christmas Sponsorships $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00 %$2,000.00
Total Events Board Fund $60.00 $62,608.00 $156,750.00 39.94 %$94,142.00 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 50 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
Street Improvements Fund
301-000-000-330-00-00-00 GWID - 10th St. NE Improvements $0.00 $0.00 $298,534.00 0.00 %$298,534.00
301-000-000-333-20-00-13 STP 9th/VMP Intersection $0.00 $39,028.26 $825,000.00 4.73 %$785,971.74
301-000-000-333-20-00-21 STBG - 10th St. NE Improvements $0.00 $0.00 $1,683,159.00 0.00 %$1,683,159.00
301-000-000-333-20-00-22 SRTS - 5th St NE: Sterling $0.00 $34,267.46 $207,500.00 16.51 %$173,232.54
301-000-000-333-20-00-23 SRTS - 5th St NE: Kenroy $0.00 $36,003.33 $233,250.00 15.44 %$197,246.67
301-000-000-334-03-80-13 TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay $0.00 $0.00 $675,750.00 0.00 %$675,750.00
301-000-000-334-03-80-15 TIB 3rd/Rock Island Rd. Traffic Signal $0.00 $0.00 $81,800.00 0.00 %$81,800.00
301-000-000-334-03-80-17 TIB - 10th St. NE Improvements $0.00 $0.00 $1,126,608.00 0.00 %$1,126,608.00
301-000-000-334-03-80-19 TIB - Grant/Highline Intersection
$0.00 $0.00 $48,875.00 0.00 %$48,875.00
301-000-000-369-90-00-00 Miscellaneous Revenue $0.00 $96.00 $0.00 ($96.00)
301-000-000-391-80-00-00 PWTFL - 10th Street Design $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 0.00 %$50,000.00
301-000-000-397-00-00-00 Transfer-In - Fund 401 $0.00 $0.00 $728,000.00 0.00 %$728,000.00
301-000-000-397-00-00-01 Transfer-In - Fund 102 $0.00 $0.00 $70,000.00 0.00 %$70,000.00
301-000-000-397-41-10-05 Transfer-In from Fund 105 $0.00 $0.00 $190,000.00 0.00 %$190,000.00
301-000-000-397-95-00-20 Transfer-In from Fund 314 $0.00 $0.00 $250,000.00 0.00 %$250,000.00
301-000-000-397-95-00-25 Transfer In From General Fund $0.00 $0.00 $500,000.00 0.00 %$500,000.00
Total Street Improvements Fund $0.00 $109,395.05 $6,968,476.00 1.57 %$6,859,080.95
Capital Improvements Fund
314-000-000-318-34-00-00 Real Estate Excise Tax $59,352.30 $205,258.94 $400,000.00 51.31 %$194,741.06
314-000-000-391-10-00-00 LTGO Bond Proceeds $0.00 $0.00 $5,000,000.00 0.00 %$5,000,000.00
Total Capital Improvements Fund $59,352.30 $205,258.94 $5,400,000.00 3.80 %$5,194,741.06
Stormwater Fund
401-000-000-334-03-10-01 19th St. Ecology Grant $4,578.23 $11,062.09 $50,000.00 22.12 %$38,937.91
401-000-000-334-03-10-02 Stormwater Comp Plan Ecology Grant $0.00 $0.00 $31,875.00 0.00 %$31,875.00
401-000-000-343-10-00-00 SWU Fee $186,448.50 $287,995.50 $520,000.00 55.38 %$232,004.50
401-000-000-361-40-00-00 Interest Earnings $0.00 $2.10 $0.00 ($2.10)
401-000-000-382-30-00-00 Non-Fiduciary Collections $0.00 $2,201.06 $0.00 ($2,201.06)
Total Stormwater Fund $191,026.73 $301,260.75 $601,875.00 50.05 %$300,614.25
Equipment Purchase, Repair & Replacement Fund
501-000-000-313-11-00-10 Sales & Use Tax - Police $0.00 $151,000.00 $151,000.00 100.00 %$0.00
501-000-000-313-11-00-20 Sales & Use Tax - Streets $0.00 $223,000.00 $223,000.00 100.00 %$0.00
501-000-000-348-00-00-01 Police - Fleet Maintenance Rentals $14,735.42 $73,677.10 $177,000.00 41.63 %$103,322.90
501-000-000-348-00-00-02 Street - Fleet Maintenance Rentals $14,049.23 $70,246.15 $169,000.00 41.57 %$98,753.85
501-000-000-348-00-00-03 Stormwater - Fleet Maintenance Rentals $4,741.01 $23,705.05 $57,000.00 41.59 %$33,294.95
501-000-000-397-00-00-02 Transfer-In - Criminal Justice Fund $0.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 0.00 %$25,000.00
Total Equipment Purchase, Repair & Replacement Fund $33,525.66 $541,628.30 $802,000.00 67.53 %$260,371.70
Grand Totals $3,288,479.95 $6,696,800.14 $23,209,970.00 28.85 %$16,513,169.86 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 51 of 108
Totals By Fund
Fund Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
001-000-000-000-00-00-00 General Fund $2,518,920.77 $4,122,316.33 $7,672,005.00 53.73 %$3,549,688.67
101-000-000-000-00-00-00 Street Fund $431,950.61 $1,084,157.21 $1,281,000.00 84.63 %$196,842.79
102-000-000-000-00-00-00 Community Development Grants Fund $0.00 $35,000.00 $74,764.00 46.81 %$39,764.00
103-000-000-000-00-00-00 Affordable Housing Sales Tax Fund $3,664.73 $16,373.50 $0.00 ($16,373.50)
105-000-000-000-00-00-00 Transportation Benefit District Fund $25,977.60 $105,194.10 $0.00 ($105,194.10)
112-000-000-000-00-00-00 Library Fund $0.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 0.00 %$7,500.00
113-000-000-000-00-00-00 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund $24,001.55 $103,610.74 $225,000.00 46.05 %$121,389.26
114-000-000-000-00-00-00 Drug Fund $0.00 $7.97 $100.00 7.97 %$92.03
116-000-000-000-00-00-00 Criminal Justice Fund $0.00 $9,989.25 $20,500.00 48.73 %$10,510.75
117-000-000-000-00-00-00 Events Board Fund $60.00 $62,608.00 $156,750.00 39.94 %$94,142.00
301-000-000-000-00-00-00 Street Improvements Fund $0.00 $109,395.05 $6,968,476.00 1.57 %$6,859,080.95
314-000-000-000-00-00-00 Capital Improvements Fund $59,352.30 $205,258.94 $5,400,000.00 3.80 %$5,194,741.06
401-000-000-000-00-00-00 Stormwater Fund $191,026.73 $301,260.75 $601,875.00 50.05 %$300,614.25
501-000-000-000-00-00-00 Equipment Purchase, Repair &
Replacement Fund
$33,525.66 $541,628.30 $802,000.00 67.53 %$260,371.70
Grand Totals $3,288,479.95 $6,696,800.14 $23,209,970.00 28.85 %$16,513,169.86
7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 52 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
General Fund
General Government
001-000-001-518-90-40-00 GWATA Membership $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 0.00 %$300.00
001-000-001-518-91-30-00 Wellness $149.05 $497.82 $1,000.00 49.78 %$502.18
001-000-001-518-93-49-00 City Theme $0.00 $0.00 $750.00 0.00 %$750.00
001-000-001-521-10-29-00 LEOFF 1 Insurance Premiums $2,227.50 $11,137.50 $26,500.00 42.03 %$15,362.50
001-000-001-528-70-40-00 River Com $21,770.90 $108,854.50 $261,251.00 41.67 %$152,396.50
001-000-001-531-00-40-00 Annual SWU Charge $1,665.00 $1,665.00 $0.00 ($1,665.00)
001-000-001-539-30-40-00 Animal Control $6,248.76 $37,370.04 $73,515.00 50.83 %$36,144.96
001-000-001-558-60-41-00 Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council $0.00 $15,918.00 $14,500.00 109.78 %($1,418.00)
001-000-001-558-70-40-00 Contributions - Region $0.00 $20,000.00 $25,000.00 80.00 %$5,000.00
001-000-001-558-70-41-00 NCW Economic Development District $0.00 $500.00 $1,250.00 40.00 %$750.00
001-000-001-558-70-41-05 NCWEDD Chelan/Douglas Trends $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 100.00 %$0.00
001-000-001-558-70-41-07 Wenatchee Valley Chamber of
$0.00 $900.00 $500.00 180.00 %($400.00)
001-000-001-558-70-41-10 Spirit of Wenatchee Miss Veedol $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 100.00 %$0.00
001-000-001-558-70-41-15 Wenatchee Valley Museum $5,062.00 $25,310.00 $61,000.00 41.49 %$35,690.00
001-000-001-564-00-40-00 Comm Mental Health (2% Liquor)$0.00 $1,032.74 $3,600.00 28.69 %$2,567.26
001-000-001-597-95-00-25 Transfer Out to Street Impv Fund 301 $0.00 $0.00 $500,000.00 0.00 %$500,000.00
Total General Government $37,123.21 $227,685.60 $973,666.00 23.38 %$745,980.40
001-000-110-511-60-10-00 Salaries $4,608.31 $34,908.03 $55,440.00 62.97 %$20,531.97
001-000-110-511-60-20-00 Benefits $353.43 $6,417.33 $4,500.00 142.61 %($1,917.33)
001-000-110-511-60-21-50 Public Defender $11,350.00 $57,250.00 $135,000.00 42.41 %$77,750.00
001-000-110-511-60-30-00 Public Defender Conflicts $0.00 $180.00 $5,200.00 3.46 %$5,020.00
001-000-110-511-60-31-00 Office Supplies $0.00 $50.00 $650.00 7.69 %$600.00
001-000-110-511-60-31-10 Public Records Expenses $0.00 ($3.00)$0.00 $3.00
001-000-110-511-60-40-00 Training $0.00 $35.00 $1,500.00 2.33 %$1,465.00
001-000-110-511-60-41-00 Professional Services $0.00 $11,216.00 $10,000.00 112.16 %($1,216.00)
001-000-110-511-60-41-20 AWC Annual Membership Fee $0.00 $10,089.00 $9,989.00 101.00 %($100.00)
001-000-110-511-60-42-01 Cell Phone $41.99 $125.95 $0.00 ($125.95)
001-000-110-511-60-43-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $1,250.00 0.00 %$1,250.00
001-000-110-511-60-43-01 Travel - Misawa $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 0.00 %$5,000.00
001-000-110-511-60-44-00 Advertising $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
001-000-110-511-60-45-00 Election Costs - Registered Voters $0.00 $12,426.90 $25,000.00 49.71 %$12,573.10
001-000-110-511-60-46-00 Insurance $16.95 $32.57 $8,500.00 0.38 %$8,467.43
001-000-110-511-60-47-00 Background Check Costs $0.00 $66.00 $200.00 33.00 %$134.00
001-000-110-511-60-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $148.23 $5,000.00 2.96 %$4,851.77
Starting Account Number: 001-000-001-518-20-40-00 Property Management - 311 9th St NE
Ending Account Number: 501-001-000-508-91-00-00 Unassigned Cash and Investments - Ending
Period: 2021 - May 2021
7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 53 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
Total Legislative $16,370.68 $132,942.01 $268,229.00 49.56 %$135,286.99
Mayor's Office
001-000-111-513-00-10-00 Salaries $8,044.54 $28,428.25 $97,000.00 29.31 %$68,571.75
001-000-111-513-00-20-00 Benefits $3,425.84 $12,538.03 $26,000.00 48.22 %$13,461.97
001-000-111-513-00-30-00 Office Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00 %$250.00
001-000-111-513-00-40-00 Newsletter Printing & Mailing $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 0.00 %$10,000.00
001-000-111-513-00-40-01 Training $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 0.00 %$2,500.00
001-000-111-513-00-40-02 Professional Services $0.00 $10,501.00 $30,000.00 35.00 %$19,499.00
001-000-111-513-00-40-03 Cell Phone $0.00 $0.00 $550.00 0.00 %$550.00
001-000-111-513-00-40-04 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
001-000-111-513-00-40-05 Insurance $16.95 $32.57 $8,500.00 0.38 %$8,467.43
001-000-111-513-00-40-06 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00 %$250.00
Total Mayor's Office $11,487.33 $51,499.85 $176,050.00 29.25 %$124,550.15
Municipal Court
001-000-120-512-50-10-00 Salaries $22,744.36 $106,400.93 $262,000.00 40.61 %$155,599.07
001-000-120-512-50-12-00 Salaries - Probation Services $4,986.26 $24,831.02 $58,500.00 42.45 %$33,668.98
001-000-120-512-50-20-00 Benefits $8,347.46 $37,574.45 $89,000.00 42.22 %$51,425.55
001-000-120-512-50-22-00 Benefits - Probation Services $3,110.21 $15,864.41 $39,000.00 40.68 %$23,135.59
001-000-120-512-50-31-00 Office Supplies $508.41 $780.47 $3,500.00 22.30 %$2,719.53
001-000-120-512-50-31-01 Central Stores $0.00 $1,184.96 $0.00 ($1,184.96)
001-000-120-512-50-40-00 Training $0.00 $780.00 $1,500.00 52.00 %$720.00
001-000-120-512-50-40-01 IT Services $0.00 $2,759.92 $2,705.00 102.03 %($54.92)
001-000-120-512-50-43-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 0.00 %$6,000.00
001-000-120-512-50-46-00 Insurance $67.82 $130.31 $15,860.00 0.82 %$15,729.69
001-000-120-512-50-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
001-000-120-512-50-49-01 Interpreting $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 0.00 %$5,000.00
001-000-120-512-50-49-02 Judge Protems $375.00 $750.00 $4,000.00 18.75 %$3,250.00
001-000-120-512-50-49-03 Witness Fees $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
001-000-120-512-50-49-04 Juror Fees $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00 %$2,000.00
001-000-120-512-50-49-09 Security $447.25 $1,066.00 $6,000.00 17.77 %$4,934.00
001-000-120-594-12-60-00 Capital Outlay $56.24 $2,179.29 $5,000.00 43.59 %$2,820.71
Total Municipal Court $40,643.01 $194,301.76 $501,065.00 38.78 %$306,763.24
Human Resources
001-000-139-518-10-10-00 Salaries $3,566.12 $10,745.42 $42,500.00 25.28 %$31,754.58
001-000-139-518-10-20-00 Benefits $1,603.55 $4,871.03 $19,000.00 25.64 %$14,128.97
001-000-139-518-10-30-00 Office Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
001-000-139-518-10-40-00 Training $200.00 $200.00 $1,000.00 20.00 %$800.00
001-000-139-518-10-40-01 Membership Dues & Publications $499.00 $914.60 $500.00 182.92 %($414.60)
001-000-139-518-10-40-02 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
001-000-139-518-10-40-03 Advertising $0.00 $602.42 $1,000.00 60.24 %$397.58
001-000-139-518-10-40-04 Insurance $11.30 $21.72 $3,500.00 0.62 %$3,478.28
001-000-139-518-10-40-05 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00 %$250.00
001-000-139-518-10-40-06 Miscellaneous $9.31 $27.93 $250.00 11.17 %$222.07
001-000-139-518-10-40-07 Pre-Employment Services $0.00 $343.00 $0.00 ($343.00)
Total Human Resources $5,889.28 $17,726.12 $69,500.00 25.51 %$51,773.88 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 54 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
City Clerk
001-000-140-514-20-10-00 Salaries $7,987.46 $46,692.85 $97,500.00 47.89 %$50,807.15
001-000-140-514-20-20-00 Benefits $4,224.82 $24,767.90 $50,800.00 48.76 %$26,032.10
001-000-140-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies $20.54 $322.12 $3,000.00 10.74 %$2,677.88
001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $119.06 $1,157.40 $5,500.00 21.04 %$4,342.60
001-000-140-514-20-40-00 Training $615.00 $664.00 $3,000.00 22.13 %$2,336.00
001-000-140-514-20-41-00 Membership Dues & Publications $0.00 $350.00 $1,000.00 35.00 %$650.00
001-000-140-514-20-43-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 %$1,500.00
001-000-140-514-20-44-00 Advertising $380.78 $494.47 $2,000.00 24.72 %$1,505.53
001-000-140-514-20-46-00 Insurance $11.30 $21.72 $7,300.00 0.30 %$7,278.28
001-000-140-514-20-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00 %$250.00
001-000-140-514-20-48-01 Fireworks - DCFD Remittance $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00 %$250.00
001-000-140-514-20-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
001-000-140-514-30-20-00 Records Services $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
001-000-140-514-30-25-00 Codification $0.00 $819.02 $2,100.00 39.00 %$1,280.98
001-000-140-582-10-40-00 Fireworks - Deposit Refund $0.00 $0.00 $2,300.00 0.00 %$2,300.00
001-000-140-594-00-60-00 Code Publishing $610.07 $610.07 $0.00 ($610.07)
Total City Clerk $13,969.03 $75,899.55 $178,000.00 42.64 %$102,100.45
Internal Services
001-000-141-514-20-31-01 Office Machine Costs $860.19 $1,680.77 $12,500.00 13.45 %$10,819.23
001-000-141-514-20-42-01 Telephone Line Charges $1,052.33 $6,603.05 $14,000.00 47.16 %$7,396.95
001-000-141-514-20-42-03 Postage $0.00 $2,802.96 $6,000.00 46.72 %$3,197.04
001-000-141-514-20-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $449.45 $1,397.73 $4,000.00 34.94 %$2,602.27
Total Internal Services $2,361.97 $12,484.51 $36,500.00 34.20 %$24,015.49
001-000-142-514-20-10-00 Salaries $14,272.76 $71,507.16 $169,000.00 42.31 %$97,492.84
001-000-142-514-20-20-00 Benefits $5,928.22 $30,213.12 $70,000.00 43.16 %$39,786.88
001-000-142-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies $0.00 $547.66 $1,600.00 34.23 %$1,052.34
001-000-142-514-20-43-00 Travel $572.00 $620.38 $500.00 124.08 %($120.38)
001-000-142-514-20-46-00 Insurance $33.91 $65.16 $12,282.00 0.53 %$12,216.84
001-000-142-514-23-20-00 State Audit $0.00 $1,085.76 $30,000.00 3.62 %$28,914.24
001-000-142-514-25-30-00 Bank Charges & Fees $667.02 $4,074.84 $4,500.00 90.55 %$425.16
001-000-142-514-40-20-00 Training $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 %$1,500.00
Total Finance $21,473.91 $108,114.08 $289,382.00 37.36 %$181,267.92
Information Technology
001-000-145-514-20-10-00 Salaries $8,311.58 $41,202.15 $98,100.00 42.00 %$56,897.85
001-000-145-514-20-20-00 Benefits $3,812.79 $19,282.73 $45,500.00 42.38 %$26,217.27
001-000-145-514-20-31-00 Supplies $196.62 $424.18 $1,000.00 42.42 %$575.82
001-000-145-514-20-40-01 Memberships $0.00 $105.00 $100.00 105.00 %($5.00)
001-000-145-514-20-40-05 Disaster Backup System Support $7,803.39 $9,063.39 $16,000.00 56.65 %$6,936.61
001-000-145-514-20-40-10 Annual Fee - GIS Systems $0.00 $2,057.70 $10,100.00 20.37 %$8,042.30
001-000-145-514-20-40-20 Annual License - Spillman, NetMotion &
$777.58 $777.58 $23,000.00 3.38 %$22,222.42
001-000-145-514-20-40-25 Annual License - Municipal Court $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00 %$3,000.00
001-000-145-514-20-40-30 Annual Fee - Vision Financial Software $0.00 $6,085.00 $7,000.00 86.93 %$915.00 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 55 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
001-000-145-514-20-40-35 Annual License Fee - Evidence.com $11,531.36 $11,531.36 $20,000.00 57.66 %$8,468.64
001-000-145-514-20-40-40 Annual Subscription - Website $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 0.00 %$5,000.00
001-000-145-514-20-40-50 Annual License - FTR Recording
$0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 %$1,500.00
001-000-145-514-20-40-51 Annual License - Electronic Archive
(Smarsh & Archive Social)
$0.00 $7,249.90 $7,500.00 96.67 %$250.10
001-000-145-514-20-40-55 Annual Support & Maintenance -
$0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 0.00 %$10,000.00
001-000-145-514-20-40-60 Service Package - Laserfiche (Legal,
Police, & Planning)
$0.00 $13,849.60 $8,000.00 173.12 %($5,849.60)
001-000-145-514-20-41-00 Professional Services $1,644.36 $1,644.36 $5,000.00 32.89 %$3,355.64
001-000-145-514-20-42-00 Cell Phone $62.18 $218.93 $850.00 25.76 %$631.07
001-000-145-514-20-43-00 Training $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00 %$3,000.00
001-000-145-514-20-44-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00 %$2,000.00
001-000-145-514-20-45-00 Insurance $22.61 $43.44 $3,000.00 1.45 %$2,956.56
001-000-145-594-14-60-20 Capital - PC Software Admin $2,835.08 $11,955.57 $33,000.00 36.23 %$21,044.43
001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - PC Hardware Admin $2,860.40 $17,866.38 $32,000.00 55.83 %$14,133.62
Total Information Technology $39,857.95 $143,357.27 $334,650.00 42.84 %$191,292.73
001-000-151-515-31-10-00 Salaries $14,647.91 $73,107.69 $175,000.00 41.78 %$101,892.31
001-000-151-515-31-20-00 Benefits $6,031.53 $30,686.87 $72,000.00 42.62 %$41,313.13
001-000-151-515-31-20-10 Training $102.96 $102.96 $2,000.00 5.15 %$1,897.04
001-000-151-515-31-25-00 Professional Services $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 0.00 %$10,000.00
001-000-151-515-31-25-10 Licensing $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
001-000-151-515-31-31-00 Office Supplies $0.00 $71.85 $200.00 35.93 %$128.15
001-000-151-515-31-40-01 Legal Research $0.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 0.00 %$1,200.00
001-000-151-515-31-40-02 Membership Dues $0.00 $30.00 $30.00 100.00 %$0.00
001-000-151-515-31-43-00 Travel $0.00 $601.58 $500.00 120.32 %($101.58)
001-000-151-515-31-46-00 Insurance $16.95 $32.57 $11,280.00 0.29 %$11,247.43
001-000-151-515-31-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
001-000-151-515-35-25-05 Litigation Expenses $0.00 $1,000.00 $10,000.00 10.00 %$9,000.00
001-000-151-596-00-60-00 Capital Outlay $0.00 $30.00 $0.00 ($30.00)
Total Legal $20,799.35 $105,663.52 $284,210.00 37.18 %$178,546.48
Legal - Public Records
001-000-152-515-31-10-00 Salaries $2,028.25 $10,159.29 $25,000.00 40.64 %$14,840.71
001-000-152-515-31-20-00 Benefits $840.94 $4,221.99 $11,000.00 38.38 %$6,778.01
001-000-152-515-31-40-00 Training $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 0.00 %$300.00
001-000-152-515-31-40-01 Postage $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 0.00 %$25.00
001-000-152-515-31-40-02 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
001-000-152-515-31-40-03 Insurance $5.65 $10.86 $2,820.00 0.39 %$2,809.14
001-000-152-515-31-40-04 Self-Insurance $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 0.00 %$5,000.00
Total Legal - Public Records $2,874.84 $14,392.14 $45,145.00 31.88 %$30,752.86
Civil Service
001-000-160-521-10-10-00 Salaries $260.00 $1,300.00 $3,300.00 39.39 %$2,000.00
001-000-160-521-10-46-00 Insurance $22.61 $43.44 $8,100.00 0.54 %$8,056.56 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 56 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
Total Civil Service $282.61 $1,343.44 $11,400.00 11.78 %$10,056.56
Central Services
001-000-180-518-30-31-06 Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies $121.92 $540.44 $5,000.00 10.81 %$4,459.56
001-000-180-518-30-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $38.66 $351.83 $10,000.00 3.52 %$9,648.17
001-000-180-518-30-41-00 Professional Services $396.73 $3,895.31 $25,000.00 15.58 %$21,104.69
001-000-180-518-30-41-01 Contracted Custodial Services $2,426.74 $9,706.96 $32,000.00 30.33 %$22,293.04
001-000-180-518-30-46-00 Insurance $45.21 $86.87 $52,000.00 0.17 %$51,913.13
001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $3,405.15 $9,680.00 $30,000.00 32.27 %$20,320.00
001-000-180-518-30-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $1,312.79 $15,000.00 8.75 %$13,687.21
001-000-180-518-30-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $185.21 $2,000.00 9.26 %$1,814.79
001-000-180-518-30-49-01 Landscaping $0.00 $1,061.28 $1,000.00 106.13 %($61.28)
001-000-180-518-92-20-00 Ancillary (Interfund Maintenance)$2,403.39 $8,086.70 $9,000.00 89.85 %$913.30
001-000-180-594-18-60-00 Capital Outlay $389.85 $1,498.89 $5,000.00 29.98 %$3,501.11
Total Central Services $9,227.65 $36,406.28 $186,000.00 19.57 %$149,593.72
Law Enforcement
001-000-210-521-10-10-00 Salaries $201,712.38 $923,433.74 $2,230,000.00 41.41 %$1,306,566.26
001-000-210-521-10-10-02 Overtime - Shift Coverage $21,167.15 $109,259.73 $140,000.00 78.04 %$30,740.27
001-000-210-521-10-10-03 Overtime Salaries - Traffic Safety $0.00 $0.00 $8,000.00 0.00 %$8,000.00
001-000-210-521-10-10-06 Overtime - Training $0.00 $0.00 $35,000.00 0.00 %$35,000.00
001-000-210-521-10-10-07 Overtime - Other $0.00 $0.00 $15,500.00 0.00 %$15,500.00
001-000-210-521-10-20-00 Benefits $63,077.13 $349,537.96 $841,000.00 41.56 %$491,462.04
001-000-210-521-10-20-01 Clothing Allowance $1,074.01 $6,392.92 $14,400.00 44.40 %$8,007.08
001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies $203.85 $2,003.82 $8,500.00 23.57 %$6,496.18
001-000-210-521-10-31-05 Office Machine Costs $377.58 $1,771.64 $5,000.00 35.43 %$3,228.36
001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed $3,977.47 $14,862.26 $55,000.00 27.02 %$40,137.74
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $19,962.29 $41,721.04 $23,250.00 179.45 %($18,471.04)
001-000-210-521-10-35-05 Bulletproof Vests $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 0.00 %$4,000.00
001-000-210-521-10-35-06 US Marshall Fugitive Task Force $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 %$1,500.00
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $1,710.08 $9,162.13 $15,000.00 61.08 %$5,837.87
001-000-210-521-10-41-01 Emergency Management Contract $10,865.62 $21,308.02 $44,000.00 48.43 %$22,691.98
001-000-210-521-10-41-02 Membership Dues $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 0.00 %$600.00
001-000-210-521-10-42-01 Telephone $1,819.05 $8,619.25 $30,000.00 28.73 %$21,380.75
001-000-210-521-10-42-03 Postage $0.00 $224.95 $1,175.00 19.14 %$950.05
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $274.50 $2,166.50 $10,000.00 21.67 %$7,833.50
001-000-210-521-10-46-00 Insurance $497.33 $1,257.00 $71,000.00 1.77 %$69,743.00
001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $87.46 $1,830.55 $9,500.00 19.27 %$7,669.45
001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous $1,054.20 $2,364.84 $1,000.00 236.48 %($1,364.84)
001-000-210-521-10-49-02 Dry Cleaning Services $75.25 $431.09 $1,000.00 43.11 %$568.91
001-000-210-521-30-40-00 Crime Prevention $0.00 $0.00 $850.00 0.00 %$850.00
001-000-210-521-40-22-00 Training - Police Chief $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
001-000-210-521-40-25-00 Training - Officers $0.00 $700.00 $4,500.00 15.56 %$3,800.00
001-000-210-521-40-27-00 Training - Office Staff $0.00 $25.00 $500.00 5.00 %$475.00
001-000-210-521-40-30-00 Training - Academy $0.00 $3,347.00 $3,200.00 104.59 %($147.00)
001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (Interfund Vehicle
$0.00 $0.00 $2,400.00 0.00 %$2,400.00 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 57 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
001-000-210-521-50-49-00 Other Services $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 %$1,500.00
001-000-210-548-60-40-00 Fleet Rentals - Police $14,735.42 $73,677.10 $177,000.00 41.63 %$103,322.90
001-000-210-594-21-60-00 Capital Outlay $0.00 $7,875.48 $33,000.00 23.87 %$25,124.52
Total Law Enforcement $342,670.77 $1,581,972.02 $3,788,375.00 41.76 %$2,206,402.98
Jail Services
001-000-230-523-21-10-00 Housing & Monitoring Prisoners $38,024.02 $152,476.33 $456,500.00 33.40 %$304,023.67
001-000-230-523-60-20-00 Medical Care - Prisoners $6.44 $3,615.17 $9,000.00 40.17 %$5,384.83
001-000-230-527-60-30-00 Juvenile Detention $1,920.00 $1,920.00 $7,500.00 25.60 %$5,580.00
Total Jail Services $39,950.46 $158,011.50 $473,000.00 33.41 %$314,988.50
Public Works
001-000-315-542-10-10-00 Salaries $8,165.50 $40,478.05 $81,500.00 49.67 %$41,021.95
001-000-315-542-10-20-00 Benefits $3,787.78 $19,130.61 $37,500.00 51.01 %$18,369.39
001-000-315-542-10-31-00 Office Supplies $34.00 $34.00 $750.00 4.53 %$716.00
001-000-315-542-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $0.00 $34.54 $500.00 6.91 %$465.46
001-000-315-542-10-40-00 Cell Phone $52.18 $156.48 $750.00 20.86 %$593.52
001-000-315-542-10-43-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
001-000-315-542-10-46-00 Insurance $22.61 $43.44 $13,000.00 0.33 %$12,956.56
001-000-315-542-10-49-00 Training $70.00 $268.82 $2,000.00 13.44 %$1,731.18
001-000-315-542-10-49-01 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
001-000-315-542-10-49-10 Memberships $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
001-000-315-544-20-45-00 Engineering Support Services $115.83 $1,460.47 $15,000.00 9.74 %$13,539.53
Total Public Works $12,247.90 $61,606.41 $153,500.00 40.13 %$91,893.59
001-000-580-558-60-10-00 Salaries $10,365.31 $73,910.05 $190,000.00 38.90 %$116,089.95
001-000-580-558-60-20-00 Benefits $3,548.84 $24,224.97 $62,000.00 39.07 %$37,775.03
001-000-580-558-60-31-00 Office Supplies $107.43 $156.26 $1,500.00 10.42 %$1,343.74
001-000-580-558-60-32-00 Fuel Consumed $0.00 $0.00 $175.00 0.00 %$175.00
001-000-580-558-60-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00 %$100.00
001-000-580-558-60-40-00 Training $314.00 $384.00 $1,000.00 38.40 %$616.00
001-000-580-558-60-40-01 Dues & Subscriptions $0.00 $787.00 $1,250.00 62.96 %$463.00
001-000-580-558-60-41-00 Professional Services $0.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 0.00 %$25,000.00
001-000-580-558-60-41-01 Hearings Examiner $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 0.00 %$600.00
001-000-580-558-60-41-02 Engineer/Architect Services $0.00 $1,455.00 $1,000.00 145.50 %($455.00)
001-000-580-558-60-43-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00 %$2,000.00
001-000-580-558-60-44-00 Advertising $1,522.43 $2,001.70 $3,000.00 66.72 %$998.30
001-000-580-558-60-46-00 Insurance $45.21 $86.87 $13,440.00 0.65 %$13,353.13
001-000-580-558-60-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $401.18 $100.00 401.18 %($301.18)
001-000-580-558-60-49-00 Miscellaneous $52.18 $1,502.63 $1,000.00 150.26 %($502.63)
Total Planning $15,955.40 $104,909.66 $302,165.00 34.72 %$197,255.34
Code Compliance
001-000-590-558-50-10-00 Salaries $8,477.90 $42,691.75 $109,000.00 39.17 %$66,308.25
001-000-590-558-50-20-00 Benefits $4,699.47 $23,037.60 $53,000.00 43.47 %$29,962.40
001-000-590-558-50-31-00 Office Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 0.00 %$300.00
001-000-590-558-50-32-00 Fuel Consumed $0.00 $137.53 $400.00 34.38 %$262.47
001-000-590-558-50-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00 %$100.00 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 58 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
001-000-590-558-50-40-00 Training $70.00 $215.00 $300.00 71.67 %$85.00
001-000-590-558-50-40-01 Dues & Subscriptions $0.00 $95.00 $275.00 34.55 %$180.00
001-000-590-558-50-41-01 Fire Marshal Services ($98.00)$5,404.98 $22,145.00 24.41 %$16,740.02
001-000-590-558-50-42-00 Abatement $0.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 0.00 %$15,000.00
001-000-590-558-50-43-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 0.00 %$300.00
001-000-590-558-50-46-00 Insurance $22.61 $43.44 $10,690.00 0.41 %$10,646.56
001-000-590-558-50-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $1,042.49 $1,000.00 104.25 %($42.49)
001-000-590-558-50-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $150.00 0.00 %$150.00
Total Code Compliance $13,171.98 $72,667.79 $212,660.00 34.17 %$139,992.21
Other Expenditures
001-001-000-589-00-00-01 Fireworks - Deposit Refund $0.00 $0.00 $2,300.00 0.00 %$2,300.00
001-001-000-589-00-00-02 Fireworks - DCFD Remittance $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00 %$250.00
001-001-000-589-00-00-03 County Share of Crime Victims ($607.83)$0.00 $3,500.00 0.00 %$3,500.00
001-001-000-589-00-00-04 Remittance: State Building Code
($215.00)$0.00 $650.00 0.00 %$650.00
001-001-000-589-00-00-05 State Share of Permits & Licenses ($3,914.75)($144.00)$10,000.00 -1.44 %$10,144.00
001-001-000-589-00-00-06 Court Remittances ($40,050.82)$0.00 $150,000.00 0.00 %$150,000.00
Total Other Expenditures ($44,788.40)($144.00)$166,700.00 -0.09 %$166,844.00
Total General Fund $601,568.93 $3,100,839.51 $8,450,197.00 36.70 %$5,349,357.49
Street Fund
Storm Water Utility Charge
101-000-315-531-00-40-00 Annual SWU Charge $82,215.00 $82,215.00 $0.00 ($82,215.00)
Total Storm Water Utility Charge $82,215.00 $82,215.00 $0.00 ($82,215.00)
101-000-420-542-30-10-00 Salaries - Roadway $441.16 $3,200.32 $64,500.00 4.96 %$61,299.68
101-000-420-542-30-20-00 Benefits - Roadway $233.35 $218.48 $34,000.00 0.64 %$33,781.52
101-000-420-542-30-30-00 Supplies - Roadway $184.27 $1,705.32 $50,000.00 3.41 %$48,294.68
101-000-420-542-61-10-00 Salaries - Sidewalks $0.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 0.00 %$4,500.00
101-000-420-542-61-20-00 Benefits - Sidewalks $0.00 $3.15 $2,400.00 0.13 %$2,396.85
101-000-420-542-61-30-00 Supplies - Sidewalks $0.00 $14.58 $2,000.00 0.73 %$1,985.42
101-000-420-542-61-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Sidewalks $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00 %$3,000.00
101-000-420-542-62-10-00 Salaries - Special Purpose Paths $478.73 $1,164.38 $2,000.00 58.22 %$835.62
101-000-420-542-62-20-00 Benefits - Special Purpose Paths $390.07 $621.89 $1,000.00 62.19 %$378.11
101-000-420-542-62-30-00 Supplies - Special Purpose Paths $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
101-000-420-542-63-10-00 Salaries - Street Lighting $24.15 $1,201.02 $2,000.00 60.05 %$798.98
101-000-420-542-63-20-00 Benefits - Street Lighting $4.97 $847.45 $1,200.00 70.62 %$352.55
101-000-420-542-63-30-00 Supplies - Street Lighting $0.00 $49.01 $500.00 9.80 %$450.99
101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities - Street Lighting $1,847.00 $9,222.52 $60,000.00 15.37 %$50,777.48
101-000-420-542-63-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Street Lighting $783.26 $783.26 $5,000.00 15.67 %$4,216.74
101-000-420-542-64-10-00 Salaries - Traffic Control Devices $9,520.22 $31,077.77 $35,000.00 88.79 %$3,922.23
101-000-420-542-64-20-00 Benefits - Traffic Control Devices $3,865.25 $17,150.74 $18,600.00 92.21 %$1,449.26
101-000-420-542-64-30-00 Supplies - Traffic Control Devices $3,626.69 $36,274.72 $48,000.00 75.57 %$11,725.28
101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities - Traffic Control Devices $594.02 $2,345.77 $9,000.00 26.06 %$6,654.23
101-000-420-542-64-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Traffic Control
$6.06 $76.76 $14,000.00 0.55 %$13,923.24
101-000-420-542-65-10-00 Salaries - Parking Facilities $0.00 $358.01 $1,000.00 35.80 %$641.99 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 59 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
101-000-420-542-65-20-00 Benefits - Parking Facilities $0.00 $293.37 $500.00 58.67 %$206.63
101-000-420-542-65-30-00 Supplies - Parking Facilities $0.00 $4.72 $0.00 ($4.72)
101-000-420-542-65-47-00 Utilities - Parking Facilities $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 0.00 %$700.00
101-000-420-542-66-10-00 Salaries - Snow & Ice Control $0.00 $8,945.83 $60,000.00 14.91 %$51,054.17
101-000-420-542-66-20-00 Benefits - Snow & Ice Control $0.00 $6,383.16 $35,000.00 18.24 %$28,616.84
101-000-420-542-66-30-00 Supplies - Snow & Ice Control $0.00 $13,314.29 $100,000.00 13.31 %$86,685.71
101-000-420-542-66-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Snow & Ice
$480.27 $1,793.25 $5,000.00 35.87 %$3,206.75
101-000-420-542-69-10-00 Salaries - Flags/Banners $0.00 $657.23 $20,000.00 3.29 %$19,342.77
101-000-420-542-69-20-00 Benefits - Flags/Banners $0.00 $263.06 $12,000.00 2.19 %$11,736.94
101-000-420-542-69-30-00 Supplies - Flags/Banners $0.00 $62.38 $2,000.00 3.12 %$1,937.62
101-000-420-542-70-10-00 Salaries - Roadside $18,372.43 $92,411.70 $240,000.00 38.50 %$147,588.30
101-000-420-542-70-20-00 Benefits - Roadside $9,611.17 $53,694.97 $130,000.00 41.30 %$76,305.03
101-000-420-542-70-30-00 Supplies - Roadside $0.00 $757.11 $5,000.00 15.14 %$4,242.89
101-000-420-542-70-41-00 Professional Services - Roadside $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00 %$3,000.00
101-000-420-542-70-47-00 Utilities - Roadside $540.60 $540.60 $1,000.00 54.06 %$459.40
101-000-420-542-70-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Roadside $78.72 $83.04 $1,000.00 8.30 %$916.96
101-000-420-542-75-10-00 Salaries - City Parks $4,375.45 $18,179.17 $45,000.00 40.40 %$26,820.83
101-000-420-542-75-20-00 Benefits - City Parks $2,351.26 $10,209.33 $23,000.00 44.39 %$12,790.67
101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies - City Parks $616.52 $3,744.03 $15,000.00 24.96 %$11,255.97
101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities - City Parks $565.40 $2,171.61 $5,000.00 43.43 %$2,828.39
101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - City Parks $393.52 $595.25 $4,000.00 14.88 %$3,404.75
101-000-420-542-90-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 ($119.48)$0.00 $119.48
101-000-430-543-30-10-00 Salaries - General Services $2,367.06 $11,863.80 $0.00 ($11,863.80)
101-000-430-543-30-20-00 Benefits - General Services $1,347.33 $5,871.92 $0.00 ($5,871.92)
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies - General Services $702.76 $3,430.08 $6,000.00 57.17 %$2,569.92
101-000-430-543-30-46-00 Insurance $180.85 $451.84 $55,000.00 0.82 %$54,548.16
101-000-430-543-30-49-00 Miscellaneous - General Services $0.00 $728.99 $3,000.00 24.30 %$2,271.01
101-000-430-543-50-10-00 Salaries - Facilities $120.77 $232.36 $4,000.00 5.81 %$3,767.64
101-000-430-543-50-20-00 Benefits - Facilities $123.68 $219.92 $1,800.00 12.22 %$1,580.08
101-000-430-543-50-30-00 Supplies - Facilities $0.00 $93.11 $2,000.00 4.66 %$1,906.89
101-000-430-543-50-42-01 Cell Phone $70.51 $229.62 $750.00 30.62 %$520.38
101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities - Facilities $528.89 $2,876.49 $6,500.00 44.25 %$3,623.51
101-000-430-543-50-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - Facilities $0.00 $300.00 $2,500.00 12.00 %$2,200.00
101-000-430-544-90-10-00 Salaries - Training $2,113.21 $4,089.53 $7,000.00 58.42 %$2,910.47
101-000-430-544-90-20-00 Benefits - Training $926.61 $2,844.70 $3,500.00 81.28 %$655.30
101-000-430-544-90-30-00 Supplies - Training $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
101-000-430-544-90-35-00 Travel $4,250.00 $6,275.00 $4,000.00 156.88 %($2,275.00)
101-000-430-544-90-49-01 Training $33.99 $264.64 $1,000.00 26.46 %$735.36
101-000-430-548-60-40-00 Fleet Rentals - Streets $14,049.23 $70,246.15 $169,000.00 41.57 %$98,753.85
Total Street Fund $168,414.43 $512,532.92 $1,332,450.00 38.47 %$819,917.08
Community Development Grants Fund
102-000-000-518-63-40-00 CDBG Micro Enterprise Grant $0.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 ($15,000.00)
102-000-000-518-63-40-01 CDBG Food Assistance Program $3,735.07 $9,471.07 $0.00 ($9,471.07)
102-000-000-558-70-40-00 CDBG Housing Program Costs $0.00 $0.00 $72,164.00 0.00 %$72,164.00
102-000-000-558-70-44-00 CDBG Advertising $0.00 $795.89 $1,800.00 44.22 %$1,004.11 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 60 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
102-000-000-558-70-45-00 CDBG Travel $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 0.00 %$700.00
102-000-000-558-70-49-00 CDBG Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00 %$100.00
Total Community Development Grants Fund $3,735.07 $25,266.96 $74,764.00 33.80 %$49,497.04
Transportation Benefit District Fund
105-000-000-595-90-61-00 Pavement Ratings $0.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 0.00 %$6,000.00
105-000-000-597-91-00-00 Transfer-Out to Fund 301 $0.00 $0.00 $190,000.00 0.00 %$190,000.00
Total Transportation Benefit District Fund $0.00 $0.00 $196,000.00 0.00 %$196,000.00
Library Fund
112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities - Utilities $261.37 $1,197.79 $6,500.00 18.43 %$5,302.21
Total Library Fund $261.37 $1,197.79 $6,500.00 18.43 %$5,302.21
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund
113-000-000-557-30-41-05 Wenatchee Valley Chamber $0.00 $0.00 $45,000.00 0.00 %$45,000.00
113-000-000-557-30-41-10 Contributions to Other Entities $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 0.00 %$50,000.00
113-000-000-557-30-41-15 Wenatchee Valley Museum & CC $5,062.00 $25,310.00 $61,000.00 41.49 %$35,690.00
113-001-000-597-00-00-01 Transfer-Out to Fund 117 $0.00 $60,000.00 $120,000.00 50.00 %$60,000.00
Total Hotel/Motel Tax Fund $5,062.00 $85,310.00 $276,000.00 30.91 %$190,690.00
Criminal Justice Fund
116-000-000-597-21-00-20 Transfer Out - ER&R Fund $0.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 0.00 %$25,000.00
Total Criminal Justice Fund $0.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 0.00 %$25,000.00
Events Board Fund
117-000-050-557-30-10-00 Salaries $4,382.80 $24,445.16 $60,000.00 40.74 %$35,554.84
117-000-050-557-30-20-00 Benefits $2,170.04 $16,456.85 $29,000.00 56.75 %$12,543.15
117-000-100-557-30-25-00 Marketing - Regional Tourism $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00 %$3,000.00
117-000-100-557-30-32-00 Fuel $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 0.00 %$200.00
117-000-100-557-30-40-00 Training $0.00 $324.00 $2,000.00 16.20 %$1,676.00
117-000-100-557-30-41-00 Professional Services $156.95 $182.85 $600.00 30.48 %$417.15
117-000-100-557-30-42-00 Cell Phone $52.18 $156.48 $760.00 20.59 %$603.52
117-000-100-557-30-43-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
117-000-100-557-30-44-00 Advertising $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
117-000-105-557-30-40-00 Insurance $45.21 $86.87 $10,360.00 0.84 %$10,273.13
117-000-110-557-30-31-14 Classy Chassis Central Stores $499.88 $499.88 $0.00 ($499.88)
117-000-115-557-30-31-05 Office Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
117-000-300-557-30-31-12 Classy Chassis Office Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00 %$2,000.00
117-000-300-557-30-34-11 Classy Chassis Event Merch For Resale $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 0.00 %$2,500.00
117-000-300-557-30-41-12 CC - Professional Services $0.00 $0.00 $2,300.00 0.00 %$2,300.00
117-000-300-557-30-42-14 CC - Postage $0.00 $0.00 $800.00 0.00 %$800.00
117-000-300-557-30-43-12 CC - EMPD Facility Fee $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 %$1,500.00
117-000-300-557-30-44-12 CC - Advertising $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00 %$3,000.00
117-000-300-557-30-49-12 CC - Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
117-000-400-557-30-31-11 Wings & Wheels Office Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 0.00 %$700.00
117-000-400-557-30-34-11 W&W Event Merch For Resale $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 %$1,500.00
117-000-400-557-30-41-00 W&W - Professional Services $0.00 $0.00 $5,200.00 0.00 %$5,200.00
117-000-400-557-30-42-13 W&W - Postage $0.00 $0.00 $800.00 0.00 %$800.00
117-000-400-557-30-43-12 W&W - EMPD Facility Fee $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 61 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
117-000-400-557-30-44-11 W&W - Advertising $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 0.00 %$5,000.00
117-000-400-557-30-44-15 W&W Prizes $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00 %$250.00
117-000-400-557-30-49-11 W&W - Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00 %$100.00
117-000-400-557-30-49-13 W&W - Schedule of Events Brochure $0.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 0.00 %$1,600.00
117-000-500-557-00-31-01 Christmas Office Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
117-000-500-557-30-35-01 Christmas - Small Tools & Equipment $0.00 $8.64 $150.00 5.76 %$141.36
117-000-500-557-30-40-05 Christmas - Events & Decorations $0.00 $997.72 $5,000.00 19.95 %$4,002.28
117-000-500-557-30-41-01 Christmas - Professional Services $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 0.00 %$400.00
117-000-500-557-30-44-01 Christmas - Advertising $0.00 $3.99 $750.00 0.53 %$746.01
117-000-500-557-30-49-01 Christmas - Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00 %$100.00
Total Events Board Fund $7,307.06 $43,162.44 $143,570.00 30.06 %$100,407.56
Bond Redemption Fund
202-000-000-591-95-70-00 Principal - PWTFL 10th St. NE $165,000.00 $165,000.00 $165,000.00 100.00 %$0.00
202-000-000-592-48-80-00 Interest - 2021 LTGO Bond (Public
Works Area)
$0.00 $0.00 $75,000.00 0.00 %$75,000.00
202-000-000-592-95-80-00 Interest - PWTFL 10th St. NE $5,974.55 $5,974.55 $8,500.00 70.29 %$2,525.45
Total Bond Redemption Fund $170,974.55 $170,974.55 $248,500.00 68.80 %$77,525.45
Street Improvements Fund
301-000-000-595-10-40-02 Design - TIB N. Kentucky Overlay $0.00 $0.00 $79,500.00 0.00 %$79,500.00
301-000-000-595-10-40-03 Design - TIB 3rd/Rock Island Rd. Traffic
$0.00 $0.00 $96,300.00 0.00 %$96,300.00
301-000-000-595-10-40-04 Design - Grant Rd/Highline Dr
Intersection Improvements
$0.00 $0.00 $58,000.00 0.00 %$58,000.00
301-000-000-595-10-40-05 Design - Hamilton Ave Reconstruction $0.00 $0.00 $70,000.00 0.00 %$70,000.00
301-000-000-595-10-40-23 Design - SRTS - 5th St NE: Sterling $0.00 $19,816.77 $155,000.00 12.79 %$135,183.23
301-000-000-595-10-40-24 Design - SRTS - 5th St NE: Kenroy $0.00 $20,286.95 $170,000.00 11.93 %$149,713.05
301-000-000-595-10-40-26 Design - PWTFL - 10th St $26,742.19 $123,595.88 $55,000.00 224.72 %($68,595.88)
301-000-000-595-20-60-01 ROW - PWTFL -10th St. Design $535.22 $8,770.47 $0.00 ($8,770.47)
301-000-000-595-20-60-02 ROW - SRTS - 5th St. Kenroy $0.00 $0.00 $105,000.00 0.00 %$105,000.00
301-000-000-595-20-60-03 ROW - SRTS - 5th St. Sterling $0.00 $0.00 $90,000.00 0.00 %$90,000.00
301-000-000-595-30-40-42 SDC - 10th St. NE Improvements $0.00 $0.00 $300,000.00 0.00 %$300,000.00
301-000-000-595-30-60-03 SDC - TIB N. Kentucky Overlay $0.00 $0.00 $53,000.00 0.00 %$53,000.00
301-000-000-595-30-60-04 Construction - TIB N. Kentucky Overlay $0.00 $0.00 $662,500.00 0.00 %$662,500.00
301-000-000-595-30-60-05 Construction - 10th St. NE
$0.00 $0.00 $3,340,000.00 0.00 %$3,340,000.00
301-000-000-595-30-60-06 2021 Residential Overlay $0.00 $0.00 $190,000.00 0.00 %$190,000.00
301-000-000-595-61-60-00 TIB Complete Streets - Grant/Georgia
$332.50 $767.56 $0.00 ($767.56)
301-000-000-595-61-60-01 TIB Complete Streets - Grant/June
$332.50 $5,876.78 $0.00 ($5,876.78)
301-000-000-595-61-60-02 TIB Complete Streets - 3rd St. Sidewalk $332.50 $2,774.79 $0.00 ($2,774.79)
301-000-000-595-64-40-01 Design - 9th/VMP Intersection $14,364.11 $28,918.69 $71,000.00 40.73 %$42,081.31
301-000-000-595-64-60-00 SDC - 9th/VMP Intersection $0.00 $0.00 $93,100.00 0.00 %$93,100.00
301-000-000-595-64-60-01 Construction - 9th/VMP Intersection $0.00 $0.00 $795,000.00 0.00 %$795,000.00
301-000-000-595-90-10-00 Street Improvements Staff Salaries $0.00 $0.00 $22,300.00 0.00 %$22,300.00
301-000-000-595-90-20-00 Street Improvements Staff Benefits $0.00 $0.00 $11,000.00 0.00 %$11,000.00 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 62 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
301-000-000-597-95-00-25 Transfer Out to General Fund $0.00 $0.00 $500,000.00 0.00 %$500,000.00
Total Street Improvements Fund $42,639.02 $210,807.89 $6,916,700.00 3.05 %$6,705,892.11
Capital Improvements Fund
314-000-000-594-14-60-00 50 Simon St. - Earnest Money $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 ($25,000.00)
314-000-000-594-22-60-50 Maintenance Facilities Design $0.00 $22,933.32 $182,000.00 12.60 %$159,066.68
314-000-000-594-48-60-00 Maintenance Facilities Construction $0.00 $0.00 $1,000,000.00 0.00 %$1,000,000.00
314-001-000-597-00-00-01 Transfer-Out to 301 Fund $0.00 $0.00 $250,000.00 0.00 %$250,000.00
Total Capital Improvements Fund $25,000.00 $47,933.32 $1,432,000.00 3.35 %$1,384,066.68
Stormwater Fund
401-000-000-582-30-00-00 Non-Fiduciary Remittance $540.00 $1,485.00 $0.00 ($1,485.00)
401-000-000-597-00-00-00 Transfer-Out - Fund 301 $0.00 $0.00 $728,000.00 0.00 %$728,000.00
Stormwater Utility Admin
401-000-001-531-00-10-00 Salaries - Stormwater Admin $1,871.42 $8,351.86 $30,000.00 27.84 %$21,648.14
401-000-001-531-00-20-00 Benefits - Stormwater Admin $889.89 $3,039.57 $13,200.00 23.03 %$10,160.43
401-000-001-531-00-30-00 Supplies - Stormwater Admin $34.01 $34.01 $500.00 6.80 %$465.99
401-000-001-531-00-30-01 Small Tools & Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
401-000-001-531-00-40-00 Cell Phone $70.52 $193.09 $750.00 25.75 %$556.91
401-000-001-531-00-40-01 Fee Collection - Douglas Co.$7,233.84 $7,233.84 $8,500.00 85.10 %$1,266.16
401-000-001-531-00-40-02 Insurance $45.21 $86.87 $6,500.00 1.34 %$6,413.13
401-000-001-531-00-40-03 City Stormwater Utility Charge $83,902.50 $83,902.50 $165,000.00 50.85 %$81,097.50
401-000-001-531-00-40-04 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
401-000-001-531-00-40-05 Training - Stormwater Admin $0.00 $408.00 $1,000.00 40.80 %$592.00
401-000-001-531-00-40-06 Travel - Stormwater Admin $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
401-000-001-548-60-40-00 Fleet Rentals - Stormwater $4,741.01 $23,705.05 $70,000.00 33.86 %$46,294.95
Total Stormwater Utility Admin $98,788.40 $126,954.79 $297,450.00 42.68 %$170,495.21
401-000-002-531-00-10-01 Salaries - NPDES Admin $799.75 $8,583.91 $25,000.00 34.34 %$16,416.09
401-000-002-531-00-20-01 Benefits - NPDES Admin $524.97 $3,379.96 $11,000.00 30.73 %$7,620.04
401-000-002-531-00-40-00 Training - NPDES Admin $0.00 $85.00 $500.00 17.00 %$415.00
401-000-002-531-00-40-02 Repairs & Maint. - NPDES Admin $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
401-000-002-531-00-40-03 Aerial Pictometry - NPDES Admin $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 0.00 %$4,000.00
401-000-002-531-00-40-04 Municipal Stormwater Permit Fee $0.00 $2,676.38 $8,000.00 33.45 %$5,323.62
Total NPDES Admin $1,324.72 $14,725.25 $49,500.00 29.75 %$34,774.75
NPDES Outreach
401-000-003-531-00-10-02 Salaries - NPDES Outreach $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 %$1,500.00
401-000-003-531-00-20-02 Benefits - NPDES Outreach $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 0.00 %$600.00
401-000-003-531-00-30-02 Supplies - NPDES Outreach $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
Total NPDES Outreach $0.00 $0.00 $3,100.00 0.00 %$3,100.00
NPDES Public Involvement
401-000-004-531-00-10-03 Salaries - NPDES Public Involvement $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00 %$500.00
401-000-004-531-00-20-03 Benefits - NPDES Public Involvement $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 0.00 %$200.00
401-000-004-531-00-30-03 Supplies - NPDES Public Involvement $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
Total NPDES Public Involvement $0.00 $0.00 $1,700.00 0.00 %$1,700.00
NPDES IDDE 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 63 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
401-000-005-531-00-10-04 Salaries - NPDES IDDE $0.00 $95.96 $3,000.00 3.20 %$2,904.04
401-000-005-531-00-20-04 Benefits - NPDES IDDE $0.00 $49.25 $1,000.00 4.93 %$950.75
401-000-005-531-00-30-04 Supplies - NPDES IDDE $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00 %$3,000.00
Total NPDES IDDE $0.00 $145.21 $7,000.00 2.07 %$6,854.79
NPDES Construction
401-000-006-531-00-10-05 Salaries - NPDES Construction $95.97 $95.97 $1,500.00 6.40 %$1,404.03
401-000-006-531-00-20-05 Benefits - NPDES Construction $19.79 $33.69 $600.00 5.62 %$566.31
Total NPDES Construction $115.76 $129.66 $2,100.00 6.17 %$1,970.34
NPDES Post Construction
401-000-007-531-00-10-06 Salaries - NPDES Post Construction $0.00 $280.07 $1,500.00 18.67 %$1,219.93
401-000-007-531-00-20-06 Benefits - NPDES Post Construction $0.00 $80.85 $600.00 13.48 %$519.15
Total NPDES Post Construction $0.00 $360.92 $2,100.00 17.19 %$1,739.08
401-000-008-531-00-10-07 Salaries - NPDES PPGH $3,176.68 $19,508.28 $73,000.00 26.72 %$53,491.72
401-000-008-531-00-10-08 Salaries - Sweeping $1,265.05 $11,408.79 $22,000.00 51.86 %$10,591.21
401-000-008-531-00-20-07 Benefits - NPDES PPGH $1,722.83 $10,252.76 $29,200.00 35.11 %$18,947.24
401-000-008-531-00-20-08 Benefits - Sweeping $1,201.74 $5,949.92 $11,000.00 54.09 %$5,050.08
401-000-008-531-00-30-05 Supplies - NPDES PPGH $0.00 $723.33 $20,000.00 3.62 %$19,276.67
401-000-008-531-00-30-06 Irrigation Supplies $0.00 $594.56 $3,000.00 19.82 %$2,405.44
401-000-008-531-00-30-07 Fuel $123.48 $1,448.99 $7,000.00 20.70 %$5,551.01
401-000-008-531-00-40-02 Training - NPDES PPGH $2,143.81 $2,443.81 $0.00 ($2,443.81)
401-000-008-531-00-40-04 Repairs & Maint. - NPDES PPGH $1,622.20 $2,863.93 $5,000.00 57.28 %$2,136.07
401-000-008-531-00-40-05 Rental Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 0.00 %$25,000.00
401-000-008-531-00-40-06 Utilities $1,451.23 $1,740.60 $5,000.00 34.81 %$3,259.40
401-000-008-531-00-40-07 Decant Facility Tipping Fee $0.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 0.00 %$100,000.00
401-000-008-531-00-40-08 Decant Facility Admin. Charge $0.00 $0.00 $2,400.00 0.00 %$2,400.00
Total NPDES PPGH $12,707.02 $56,934.97 $302,600.00 18.82 %$245,665.03
NPDES Monitoring
401-000-009-531-00-10-09 Salaries - NPDES Monitoring $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
401-000-009-531-00-20-09 Benefits - NPDES Monitoring $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 0.00 %$400.00
401-000-009-531-00-30-06 Supplies - NPDES Monitoring $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00 %$100.00
Total NPDES Monitoring $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 %$1,500.00
Capital Outlay
401-000-010-594-31-60-03 Devon Pond $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 0.00 %$10,000.00
Total Capital Outlay $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 0.00 %$10,000.00
401-000-011-594-31-60-04 19th Stormwater Facility Design $3,129.15 $9,995.38 $100,000.00 10.00 %$90,004.62
401-000-012-594-31-60-05 Small Improvements Projects $0.00 $3,054.82 $25,000.00 12.22 %$21,945.18
401-000-013-531-00-40-08 Payment to Douglas Co. for PWTFL $75,400.79 $75,400.79 $76,000.00 99.21 %$599.21
401-000-014-531-00-40-07 Stormwater Comp Plan Update $4,390.09 $25,947.34 $70,000.00 37.07 %$44,052.66
Total Stormwater Fund $196,395.93 $315,134.13 $1,676,050.00 18.80 %$1,360,915.87
Equipment Purchase, Repair & Replacement Fund
501-000-000-521-10-10-00 Police Vehicle Repair Labor $960.06 $5,065.85 $5,300.00 95.58 %$234.15
501-000-000-521-10-20-00 Police Vehicle Repair Benefits $220.07 $3,128.06 $2,800.00 111.72 %($328.06)
501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $2,703.32 $19,953.70 $35,000.00 57.01 %$15,046.30 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 64 of 108
Account Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
501-000-000-542-90-10-00 Street Vehicle Repair Labor $2,632.43 $12,962.06 $24,000.00 54.01 %$11,037.94
501-000-000-542-90-20-00 Street Vehicle Repair Benefits $1,927.57 $7,730.93 $12,000.00 64.42 %$4,269.07
501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $1,029.13 $6,382.67 $23,000.00 27.75 %$16,617.33
501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle Repair Supplies $111.50 $305.89 $5,000.00 6.12 %$4,694.11
501-000-000-542-90-48-30 Street Equipment Repairs $169.03 $202.18 $1,500.00 13.48 %$1,297.82
501-000-000-548-60-10-00 Stormwater Vehicle R & M Labor $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00 %$2,000.00
501-000-000-548-60-20-00 Stormwater Vehicle R & M Benefits $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00 %$1,000.00
501-000-000-548-60-30-00 Stormwater Vehicle R & M $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 %$1,500.00
501-000-000-594-21-60-00 Capital - Police Vehicles $0.00 $190,291.89 $176,000.00 108.12 %($14,291.89)
501-000-000-594-42-60-20 Capital Outlay - Street Vehicles $0.00 $0.00 $208,000.00 0.00 %$208,000.00
501-000-000-594-42-60-30 Capital - Street Equipment $0.00 $10,870.88 $15,000.00 72.47 %$4,129.12
Total Equipment Purchase, Repair & Replacement Fund $9,753.11 $256,894.11 $512,100.00 50.16 %$255,205.89
Grand Totals $1,231,111.47 $4,770,053.62 $21,289,831.00 22.41 %$16,519,777.38
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Totals By Fund
Fund Number Title Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance
001-000-000-000-00-00-00 General Fund $601,568.93 $3,100,839.51 $8,450,197.00 36.70 %$5,349,357.49
101-000-000-000-00-00-00 Street Fund $168,414.43 $512,532.92 $1,332,450.00 38.47 %$819,917.08
102-000-000-000-00-00-00 Community Development Grants Fund $3,735.07 $25,266.96 $74,764.00 33.80 %$49,497.04
105-000-000-000-00-00-00 Transportation Benefit District Fund $0.00 $0.00 $196,000.00 0.00 %$196,000.00
112-000-000-000-00-00-00 Library Fund $261.37 $1,197.79 $6,500.00 18.43 %$5,302.21
113-000-000-000-00-00-00 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund $5,062.00 $85,310.00 $276,000.00 30.91 %$190,690.00
116-000-000-000-00-00-00 Criminal Justice Fund $0.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 0.00 %$25,000.00
117-000-000-000-00-00-00 Events Board Fund $7,307.06 $43,162.44 $143,570.00 30.06 %$100,407.56
202-000-000-000-00-00-00 Bond Redemption Fund $170,974.55 $170,974.55 $248,500.00 68.80 %$77,525.45
301-000-000-000-00-00-00 Street Improvements Fund $42,639.02 $210,807.89 $6,916,700.00 3.05 %$6,705,892.11
314-000-000-000-00-00-00 Capital Improvements Fund $25,000.00 $47,933.32 $1,432,000.00 3.35 %$1,384,066.68
401-000-000-000-00-00-00 Stormwater Fund $196,395.93 $315,134.13 $1,676,050.00 18.80 %$1,360,915.87
501-000-000-000-00-00-00 Equipment Purchase, Repair &
Replacement Fund
$9,753.11 $256,894.11 $512,100.00 50.16 %$255,205.89
Grand Totals $1,231,111.47 $4,770,053.62 $21,289,831.00 22.41 %$16,519,777.38
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Beginning Activity Activity Ending May 2020 Variance
Cash In Out Cash Ending Cash (Decrease)/Increase
001 $3,338,907.76 $4,127,290.58 $3,105,813.76 $4,360,384.58 $2,589,954.41 $1,770,430.17
101 $248,197.36 $1,085,687.21 $514,062.92 $819,821.65 $519,647.25 $300,174.40
102 $40,324.38 $35,000.00 $25,266.96 $50,057.42 $77,431.47 ($27,374.05)
103 $13,494.91 $16,373.50 $0.00 $29,868.41 $0.00 $29,868.41
105 $433,896.56 $105,194.10 $0.00 $539,090.66 $433,114.58 $105,976.08
110 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $660,000.00 ($660,000.00)
112 $14,744.33 $0.00 $1,197.79 $13,546.54 $9,465.94 $4,080.60
113 $162,733.87 $103,610.74 $85,310.00 $181,034.61 $126,320.33 $54,714.28
114 $1,537.63 $7.97 $0.00 $1,545.60 $1,521.64 $23.96
116 $2,870.61 $9,989.25 $0.00 $12,859.86 $56,742.55 ($43,882.69)
117 $18,767.92 $62,608.00 $43,162.44 $38,213.48 $63,342.29 ($25,128.81)
202 $775,826.60 $0.00 $170,974.55 $604,852.05 $78,659.09 $526,192.96
301 $262,409.25 $109,395.05 $210,807.89 $160,996.41 $806,913.36 ($645,916.95)
308 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $66,049.25 ($66,049.25)
314 $1,362,383.49 $205,258.94 $47,933.32 $1,519,709.11 $1,324,405.88 $195,303.23
401 $2,166,740.88 $301,306.99 $315,180.37 $2,152,867.50 $2,817,209.92 ($664,342.42)
501 $39,111.03 $541,628.30 $256,894.11 $323,845.22 $273,132.01 $50,713.21
$8,881,946.58 $6,703,350.63 $4,776,604.11 $10,808,693.10 $9,903,909.97 $904,783.13
Equipment Purchase, Repair &
Replacement Fund
Capital Improvements Fund
Stormwater Fund
Street Improvements Fund
Storm Water Improvements Fund
Events Board Fund
Bond Redemption Fund
Drug Fund
Criminal Justice Fund
Library Fund
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund
Transportation Benefit District Fund
Financing Reserves Fund
Community Development Grants Fund
Affordable Housing Sales Tax Fund
Street Fund
General Fund
Cash and Investment Activity
Period: 2021 - May 2021
Fiscal Totals
Fund 7/6/2021 Council Meeting Agenda Packet Page 67 of 108
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July 1, 2021
City Councilmembers and Mayor Crawford
Garren Melton, Natural Resource Specialist
Subject: Monthly Public Works Department Report
This report summarizes Public Works Department related projects and activities through
May 26, 2021. Projects/activities include the following:
1. 10th Street NE Improvements – Eastmont Ave to Kansas Ave
2. 19th Street Regional Stormwater Facility
3. 2021 Residential Overlay Program
4. Pavement Management Program
5. Stormwater Utility
6. 9th Street NE and Valley Mall Parkway Traffic Signal
7. 5th Street NE Safe Routes to School Project
8. City Hall Campus Improvements
9. Grant Road Emergency Repair
10. NHS Asset Management Award
11. General Discussion
PHONE (509) 884-1829 • FAX (509) 886-6113
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1. 10th Street NE Improvements – Eastmont Ave to Kansas Ave
The 10th Street NE corridor from Eastmont Ave to Kansas Ave is noted for several
deficiencies pertaining to both motorized and non-motorized transportation. For
example, the roadway lacks adequate subgrade surfacing, multi-modal access (e.g.,
limited sidewalks, poor pedestrian crossings, non-existent bicycle lanes), an adequate
storm sewer system, and illumination.
On August 14, 2018, City Council approved and authorized Mayor Lacy to execute a
Public Works Board Contract for a $750,000 pre -construction loan. This was initially a
5-year loan and was later converted to a 20-year loan with an interest rate of 1.56%.
RH2 Engineering was selected for designing this project. Subsequently, in 2019, the
City secured both federal construction funding ($1,683,189) through t he Chelan-
Douglas Transportation Council and state construction funding ($1,126,608) through the
Transportation Improvement Board.
Status: Construction
Phase Phase Completion 2021 Budget 2021 Expenditures To-Date
Final Design 100% $55,000.00 $143,356.00*
SDC** 10% $300,000 $31,441.48
Construction 10% $4,571,890.12 $694,021.13
* RH2 Engineering expended less than anticipated in 2020 **SDC = Services During Construction
- Hurst Construction was awarded the construction bid on April 6, 2021;
- Construction started May 3, 2021;
- Greater Wenatchee Irrigation District main replacement complete;
- Stormwater line completed from Eastmont to Grover, and from 10th St NE to 8th
St NE along Grover
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- East Wenatchee Water Districts new water main started East of Kansas . Hurst has
installed approximately 200 ft to N Iowa Ave thus far.
2. 19th Street Regional Stormwater Facility
A Washington State Department of Ecology grant has been secured to fund a regional
stormwater facility design project. This project addresses Phase One of the overall 19 th
Street corridor project area, including 1,000 feet of Douglas County’s Cascade Avenue.
Stormwater in the project area currently flows through a series of roadside ditches, short
segments of piping, and paved shoulders. The goal is to design a regional stormwater
facility to accommodate runoff from the entire 19th Street corridor.
Status: Design Phase
Phase Phase Completion 2021 Budget 2021 Expenditures To-Date
Design 50% $100,000.00 $10,347.38
- Received direction from Ecology to move forward with a more in-depth cultural
resources survey; and
- Additional cultural resource survey work is currently in progress.
3. 2021 Residential Overlay
Similar to previous years, the 2021 Transportation Benefit District funded residential
overlay program will be coordinated with East Wenatchee Water District’s (District)
2021 capital project construction. This cooperation will reduce City expenditures due to
the District administering and managing the project.
Status: Bid Award
- This year’s project will overlay Clements Circle and 4th St SE from N Colorado to
Johnson Pl NE.
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- Construction is scheduled to begin on July 6, 2021;
- The City is negotiating an ILA to authorize the City to pay the District.
4. Pavement Management Program
The City’s pavement management program was developed in 2011 and is currently in
need of an update. The updated pavement management program will be based on a
proactive preventative maintenance approach. M2 Consulting, PLLC (M2) was under
contract to develop a City Pavement Management Program. This contract has expired.
After consulting with the contracted City Engineer, staff decided to move forward with
an in-house plan. With assistance from the City Engineer, staff will prepare a decision
tree, budget scenarios, and gather further data (ie, pavement cores) to allow the City to
pursue the best (most cost-effective, and long lasting) pavement preservation options for
a given road.
Status: Development
5. Stormwater Utility
2021 Stormwater Utility Projects
1. Stormwater Comprehensive Plan Update
a. RH2 Engineering contract executed May 20, 2020.
Phase Phase Completion 2021 Budget 2021 Expenditures To-Date
Development 40% $70,000 $41,344.56
2. Small Improvement Projects and Routine Maintenance
a. Pace Drive storm pipe upsize;
b. Iowa Ave ditch and culvert;
c. Street sweeping; and
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d. Storm sewer camera inspections.
6. 9th Street NE and Valley Mall Parkway Traffic Signal
In 2013, the City successfully acquired a federal grant through the Wenatchee Valley
Transportation Council, now known as the Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council, for
constructing a traffic signal at 9th Street NE and Valley Mall Parkway. Subsequently, the
Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) considered constructing a
roundabout at SR28 and 9th Street NE and needed time to evaluate both intersections.
Additional federal funding was secured in 2016 for dual roundabout s; however, a traffic
signal was ultimately deemed the best option for the 9th Street NE and Valley Mall
intersection. The traffic signal project is now moving forward.
Status: Design Phase
Phase Phase Completion 2021 Budget 2021 Expenditures To-Date
Design 89% $71,000.00 $53,903.84
- RH2 Engineering is finalizing the 90% plan set; and
- Coordinating signal design with WSDOT.
- Utility work is expected to be completed in the Fall, with final signal installation
in the Spring.
7. 5th Street NE Safe Routes to School Projects
In June 2019, the City was awarded two Safe Routes to School grants (Sterling
Intermediate and Kenroy Elementary), totaling $3,936,466 in federal grant funds. The
anticipated City match is approximately $694,670. This project will enhance 5th Street
NE from N Grover Place to N James Ave and N Jonathan Ave to Kentucky Avenue.
Proposed improvements include curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm sewer system, enhanced
pedestrian crossings, intersection improvements, and street illumination.
Status: Design Phase
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Sterling Phase Complete 2021 Budget 2021 Expenditures To-Date
Design 35% $155,000.00 $62,009.52
- Preliminary design is underway;
- Geotechnical work complete; and
- Cultural resource investigations, in addition to NEPA work, are in progress.
8. City Hall Campus Improvements
The City has secured a bond to begin a phased approach to making improvements to the
City Hall Campus. Improvements include constructing a new Public Works facility,
evaluating East Wenatchee Police Department current and future space needs (Phase 1),
constructing a future police department (Phase 2), upgrading court facilities (Phase 3),
and constructing a library (Phase 4). ARC Architects (ARC) were selected for designing
Phase 1.
Status: Design Phase
Phase Phase Completion 2021 Budget 2021 Expenditures To-Date
Design 50% $182,000.00 $54,636.63
- Design Development is 50% complete;
- ARC is proceeding with the modified design following the April 14, 2021,
Project Team Meeting.
9. Grant Road Emergency Repair
Following a report of a sinkhole in Grant Road near the entrance to Hobby Lobby staff
discovered a 230-foot section of galvanized metal storm line had corroded and needed
Kenroy Phase Complete 2021 Budget 2021 Expenditures To-Date
Design 35% $170,000.00 $65,644.28
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immediate replacement. The estimated cost for this repair has not been completely
calculated but is expected to be around $140,000.
Preliminary inspections in nearby storm lines with the City’s push camera have not
found any other significant signs of corrosion, but the infrastructure is at an age that
warrants a more comprehensive inspection. The City will be partnering with the
Douglas County Sewer District to use their pipeline inspection camera and in return will
provide traffic control. Both the sewer and stormwater lines will be inspected from the
SR 28 bypass, to at least N Georgia Ave. An ILA for this work is being drafted.
City Staff expect these lines to be in acceptable condition but will likely need
maintenance soon to meaningfully extend their useful lives.
10. NHS Asset Management Award
In February the City applied to the National Highway System (NHS) Asset
Management Program asking for $1,303,000 to construct a concrete intersection at
Eastmont Ave and Grant Road, and $1,543,000 to overlay Grant Road from N Georgia
Ave to N Kentucky Ave, and upgrade curb ramps. The City was notified on June 30 that
it received both Grants, which have no local match tied to the funds. The tentative
construction date for these projects is 2023.
11. General Discussion
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To: Mayor Crawford and Council
From/Presenter : Garren Melton, Natural Resource Specialist
Subject: Resolution 2021-11: Interlocal Agreement Between the City
and the East Wenatchee Sewer District
Date: July 6, 2021
I. Summary Title: Resolution 2021-11: Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between the
City of East Wenatchee (City) and the East Wenatchee Sewer District (District) for
Utility Work and Pavement Overlay associated with the Districts Kentucky View Lift
Station Phase 2 project.
II. Background/History: In 2016 the District completed Phase 1 of the Kentucky View Lift
Station (KVLS) project which installed over a mile of 18-inch sanitary sewer pipe along
the City’s southern limit between S Kentucky Ave, and S Iowa Ave. This line was
installed to accommodate future growth as development continues to the south and
east of the City.
Following the completion of Phase 1 approximately 4,000 feet of 8” sewer pipe
remained between S Iowa Ave, and the 200 block of 1st St SE creating a bottleneck in
the system. KVLS Phase 2 is the planned continuation of this project to upsize the
remaining 8-inch sewer main to allow the system to operate at maximum capacity and
enable further development.
During the design phase the City was engaged by the District due to the projects
impact to City streets and traffic flow. This presented an opportunity for the City to
partner with the District to complete maintenance to its streets and stormwater
system. Proposed additions to the Districts project included upsizing a stormwater line
that runs across Pace Drive, upgrading curb returns to meet ADA requirement s, and
extending the paving limits in 3rd St SE to address pavement that is nearing the end of
its useful life. A separate bid schedule was prepared for work the City requested and
is structured in a way that allows the City to strike any item(s) it no l onger wishes to
The Districts 2021 KVLS Phase 2 bid opening was held on March 25th at 10:00am. Hurst
Construction was the apparent low bidder and was later verified as responsive. The
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costs associated with Schedule B (the City’s portion of the project) totaled $64,992.45,
approximately 15% over the engineers estimate of $56,230.52. Construction is planned
to begin June 7th and will reach substantial completion by November 12th.
Due to bids on the overlay portion of the project coming in higher than expected, staff
recommends only proceeding with the stormwater work associated with this project.
This will require the City to appropriate $21,840 from the stormwater fund.
III. Recommended Action: Approve Resolution 2021-11 and authorize Mayor Crawford to
execute the Interlocal Agreement between the City and East Wenatchee Water District
associated with the City of East Wenatchee’s 2021 Residential Street Preservation
IV. Exhibits: 1. Resolution 2021-11
Financial Data:
Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required
Construction = $21,840
Engineering (est*) = $8,000
TOTAL = $28,340
TOTAL = $25,000 Yes
*est = Estimate
Contractor Schedule A (Sewer
District Funds)
Schedule B (City
Total Bid Amount
Hurst Construction $1,500,450.53 $64,992.45 $1,565,442.98
POW Contracting $1,686,343.63 $61,409.00 $1,747,752.63
KRCI LLC $1,753,438.73 $95,262.00 $1,848,700.73
Pipkin Construction $1,799,323.28 $70,285.00 $1,869,608.28
Selland Construction $1,859,308.48 $56,603.00 $1,915,911.48
J&K Earthworks $2,090,117.44 $70,931.50 $2,161,048.94
Engineer’s Estimate $1,801,683.45 $56,230.52 $1,857,913.96
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City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2021-11
Retain Resolution until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State
Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1)
Page 1 of 2
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Resolution No. 2021-11
A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing
the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of East
Wenatchee and the East Wenatchee Sewer District for Utility Work on
Pace Drive.
1. Alternate format.
1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (español, Braille,
leer en voz alta, etc.), póngase en contacto con el vendedor de la
ciudad al alternateformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, al (509) 884-
9515 o al 711 (TTY).
1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish,
Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at
alternateformat@eastwenatcheewa.gov, at (509) 884-9515, or at
711 (TTY).
2. Authority.
2.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City
Council to organize and regulate its internal affairs and to define
the powers, functions and duties of its officers and employees.
3. Authorization . The City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute
an Interlocal Agreement that conforms to the language set forth in
Exhibit A.
4. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any
provision in this resolution to be contrary to law, such declaration
shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Resolution.
5. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a
copy of the Interlocal Agreement on the City’s website once it is
signed by all parties.
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City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2021-11
Retain Resolution until no longer needed for City-business, then transfer to Washington State
Archives (GS50-05A-16 Rev. 1)
Page 2 of 2
6. Recording. The City Council directs the City Clerk to record the
original, fully executed Interlocal Agreement with the Douglas
County Auditor.
7. Effective date. This Resolution becomes effective immediately.
Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting
thereof on this _____ day of _______________, 2021.
The City of East Wenatchee,
By ________________________
Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor
Maria Holman, City Clerk
Approved as to form only:
Devin Poulson, City Attorney
Filed with the City Clerk: __________
Passed by the City Council: __________
Effective Date: __________
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N Baker AveSunset HwyEastmont AveSR 283rd St NE
5th St NE
8th St NE
Grant Rd
19th St NE
10th St NE
4th St SE
15th St NE
9th St N
r N Kentucky Ave3rd St SE
S Kentucky AveSR 285
.East Wenatchee Sewer District
Kentucky View Lift Station Phase 2 Legend
Project Limits
City Limits
0 0.5 10.25 Miles
This map is intended for general purposes only. The City of East Wenatchee makes
no representation as to the accuracy or current condition of the data shown on this map
Map Created 5/26/2021
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To: City Council and Mayor Crawford
From: City Attorney Devin Poulson
Date: Friday, July 2, 2021
Subject: Public Works Building
Summary Title: Professional Services Agreement for Project Management of the City of
East Wenatchee Public Works Building (“Agreement”)
Background/History: The City is in the process of reviewing Design Development
documents for a Public Works Facility. The City needs a consultant who can provide
professional project management experience to review the submitted design package
and to act as an owner’s representative for the remaining phases of the project. It will
be Forte’s role, as the consultant, to oversee this Public Works Facility project as it
relates to the accuracy of the drawing set’s program, schedule, budget, building/demo
phases and specifications.
The Agreement breaks the services provided by Forte into multiple consulting phases.
These reflect the provided project phases. Given that the City is currently looking for a
replacement for its previous in-house plan reviewer who will ultimately relieve the
need for Forte’s consulting services. Once the role has been filled, Forte will finish out
the consultant phase in which it is currently engaged alongside the new hire, to create a
smooth transition for everyone on the project.
Recommended Action: Motion to authorize Mayor Crawford to execute the
Professional Services Agreement as presented.
Financial Data:
Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation
$61,220 $ 0 $ 61,220
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Professional Services Agreement for
Project Management of the City of East Wenatchee Public Works Building
1. Governing Law. The laws of the state of Washington govern how to interpret,
construe, and enforce the Agreement.
2. Parties. The parties to this Agreement are the City of East Wenatchee (“City”) and
Forte Architects, Inc. (“Contractor”), a Washington Corporation. The City and
Contractor (together “Parties”) are located at the below addresses and are valid for
any notice required under this Agreement:
Lenka Slapnicka
240 N. Wenatchee Ave.
Wenatchee, WA 98801
The City of East Wenatchee
Garren Melton, Project Manager
271 9th St. NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98801
(509) 884-9515
3. Term. The term of this Agreement begins on July 1, 2021 and continues until
Contractor completes the Services described in Exhibit A, but no later than February
14, 2022. The parties may extend the term of this Agreement by mutual, written
4. Termination.
4.1. 30-day Notice. The City may terminate this Agreement, without or
without cause, upon providing Contractor with a 30-day, written notice.
4.2. Immediate. The City may terminate this Agreement immediately if
Contractor fails to maintain the required insurance policies, breaches
confidentiality, or materially violates Section 12 of this Agreement. If the City
immediately terminates this Agreement, Contractor will be ineligible for further
agreements with the City.
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4.3. Non-appropriation of funds. The current fiscal period is January 1,
2020 to December 31, 2020. If the East Wenatchee City Council does not
appropriate sufficient funds for any future fiscal period: the City will not be
obligated to pay for services or amounts incurred after the end of the current
fiscal period; this Agreement will terminate after Contractor completes all
remaining Exhibit A services for which funds are allocated, and the City will not
incur any penalty or expense if this provision applies.
5. Contractor’s Services. Exhibit A is attached and incorporated into this
Agreement. Contractor must perform Services specifically described in Exhibit A,
under the direction of the Mayor or her designee, in a manner consistent with the
accepted professional practices for other similar services within the North Central
Washington region, to the City’s satisfaction, and within the time period prescribed
in this Agreement. Acceptance of the Services are subject, at all times, to the City’s
inspection and approval. Contractor must cooperate with and freely participate in
any monitoring or evaluation activities conducted by the City that are pertinent to
the intent of this Agreement. If the City fails to inspect or approve, however,
Contractor must continue to perform services, notwithstanding the City’s knowledge
of defective or non-complying performance, its substantiality, or the ease of its
6. Warranties. Contractor warrants that:
6.1. It has the requisite training, skills, and experience necessary to complete the
6.2. It is accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and government
entities, including a City of East Wenatchee business license.
7. Compensation.
7.1. Amount. In return for Contractor performing the Services set forth in Section 5,
the City will pay Contractor an amount not to exceed $60,000.
7.2. Rates. Exhibit B is attached and incorporated into this Agreement. The
City will pay Contactor according to the rates set forth in Exhibit B. Contractor
agrees that any rates set forth in Exhibit B will remain locked and are the
negotiated rates for the Term of this Agreement.
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7.3. Method. Contractor will submit a monthly invoice to the City in a form
specified by the City. The monthly invoice must detail the services performed
during the month, detail the number of hours spent performing such services,
and detail any reimbursable costs and expenses incurred with performing such
services. Contractor must also submit a final invoice upon completing all
services. The City will pay only after Contractor has performed the services and
within 30 days after the appropriate City representative has approved the
7.4. Disputed services. If the City believes in good faith that Contractor has
not satisfactorily performed a service, the City may request that Contractor
correct the service before the City pays for such service. In such event, the City
must reasonably explain to Contractor its concerns over the service and the
remedy that the City expects from Contractor. The City may withhold from any
payment otherwise due an amount that the City believes is under dispute. If
Contractor does not provide a sufficient remedy, the City may retain the amount
equal to the cost to the City for otherwise correcting or remedying the service not
satisfactorily completed.
7.5. Taxes. Contractor is solely responsible to pay any tax imposed by any
lawful jurisdiction on any compensation received under this Agreement.
7.6. Advance Payment Prohibited. The City does not accept requests for
early payment, down payment, or partial payment.
8. Indemnification.
8.1. Contractor Indemnification. Contractor agrees to release, indemnify,
defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents,
representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers harmless from any and all
claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations,
proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, taxes, losses,
fines, fees, penalties expenses, attorney’s fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses
to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their
respective agents, subcontractors, employees, licensees, or representatives;
arising from, resulting from, or in connection with this Agreement or the acts,
errors or omissions of Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for
that portion of the claims caused by the City's sole negligence. Should a court of
competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW
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4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to
persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent
negligence of Contractor and the City, Contractor's liability, including the duty
and cost to defend, hereunder is only to the extent of Contractor's negligence.
Contractor must ensure that each sub-contractor agrees to defend and indemnify
the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives,
insurers, attorneys, and volunteers to the extent and on the same terms and
conditions as Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. The City's inspection or
acceptance of any of Contractor’s work when completed is grounds to avoid any
of these covenants of indemnification.
8.2. Industrial Insurance Act Waiver. Contractor specifically and
expressly waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington
State industrial insurance act, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this
indemnification. Contractor's indemnification is not be limited in any way by any
limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by
any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any
other benefits acts or programs. The Parties acknowledge that they have
mutually negotiated this waiver.
8.3. Intellectual Property. Contractor releases and will defend, indemnify
and hold harmless the City from and against all claims, cost, liabilities, damages,
expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees) and royalties
based upon any actual or alleged infringement or misappropriate of any patent,
copyright, trade secret, trademark, or other intellectual property right by any
work. Further, if any work infringes or misappropriates any patent, copyright,
trade secret, trademark or other intellectual property right, Contractor must
either (a) procure for the City the right to use such work; or (b) modify work so
that it no longer infringes or misappropriates any such right.
8.3.1. Copyrights and use of Materials. Contractor hereby assigns to
the City all right, title, and interest, including, but not limited to, copyright
and all copyright rights, in all Materials created by Contractor in its
performance under this Agreement and/or delivered to the City hereunder
and must execute any documents necessary to effectuate such assignment. If
Contractor uses any individual who is not a full-time employee of Contractor
or entity to perform any work required of it pursuant to this Agreement,
Contractor must require said individual or entity to sign an agreement
containing identical wording as the foregoing with the exception that word
“Contractor” is to be replaced with the individual’s or entity’s name.
Materials constitute all written and other tangible expressions, including, but
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not limited to, drawings, documents, reports, surveys, renderings, exhibits,
models, prints, photographs, etc. All Materials furnished by the Contractor
hereunder are the property of the City. If either party terminates this
Agreement for any reason, the City has the right to receive, and Contractor
must promptly provide to the City, all drawings, documents, reports, surveys,
renderings, exhibits, models, prints, photographs, and other materials
prepared by the City for the Services. In the event of termination, and
notwithstanding any dispute regarding the amount to be paid under this
Agreement, the City retains the right to receive and use any such documents
or materials.
8.4. City Indemnification. The City agrees to release, indemnify, defend and
hold Contractor, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees,
agents, representatives, and sub-contractors harmless from any and all claims,
demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings,
judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, fines, fees, penalties
expenses, attorney’s fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses to or by any and all
persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents,
licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this
Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions
of the City.
8.5. Survival. Each provision of Section 8 survives the expiration or
termination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such
expiration or termination.
9. Insurance. Contractor must carry insurance for liability which may arise from or in
connection with the performance of the Services or work by Contractor, its agents,
representatives, employees or subcontractors for the duration of the Agreement and
thereafter with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination
as follows:
9.1. Minimum Limits. Contractor agrees to carry as a minimum, the
following insurance, in such forms and with such carriers who have a rating that
is satisfactory to the City:
9.1.1. Commercial general liability insurance covering liability arising from
premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed
operations, stop gap liability, personal injury, bodily injury, death, property
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damage, products liability, advertising injury, and liability assumed under
an insured contract with limits no less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence
and $1,000,000 general aggregate.
9.1.2. Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts
sufficient pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington.
9.1.3. Automobile liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and
leased vehicles with a minimum-combined-single limit in the minimum
amounts required to drive under Washington State law per accident for
bodily injury, including personal injury or death, and property damage.
9.1.4. Professional liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 per
claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate for damages sustained by reason of
or in the course of operation under this Agreement, whether occurring by
reason of acts, errors or omissions of Contractor.
9.2. No Limit of Liability. Contractor’s maintenance of insurance as
required by the agreement does not limit the liability of Contractor to the
coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City’s recourse to
any remedy available at law or in equity. Contractor’s insurance coverage is the
primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or
insurance pool coverage maintained by the City is in excess of Contractor’s
insurance and does not contribute with it.
9.3. Additional Insured, Verification. The City must be named as
additional insured on all commercial general liability insurance policies.
Concurrent with the execution of this Agreement, Contractor must provide
certificates of insurance for all commercial general liability policies attached
hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated by this reference. At the City's request,
Contractor must furnish the City with copies of all insurance policies and with
evidence of payment of premiums or fees of such policies. If Contractor's
insurance policies are "claims made," Contractor is required to maintain tail
coverage for a minimum period of three years from the date this Agreement is
actually terminated or upon project completion and acceptance by the City.
9.4. Survival. Each provision of Section 9 survives the expiration or
termination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such
expiration or termination.
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10. Independent Contractor. Contractor is an independent contractor. No
employee relationship with the City and Contractor, its agents, employees,
subcontractors is implied or created through this Agreement or performance of the
Services. Contractor is responsible for the performance of any work performed by its
subcontractors and agents as if it had performed the work itself.
10.1. Control. Contractor has the ability to control and direct the performance
and details of its work and is solely responsible for the results obtained through
performance of the services. And the City is interested only in the results
obtained under this Agreement.
10.2. Benefits. The City is neither liable, nor obligated to pay Contractor,
Contractor’s employees, or Contractor’s agents sick leave, vacation pay, or
holiday pay. The City is neither liable, nor obligated to pay Contractor,
Contractor’s employees, or Contractor’s agents any social security or other tax or
any other benefit of employment which may arise as an incident of employment.
10.3. Safety. Contractor must take all necessary precautions and is responsible
for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of
the contract work and must utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All
work is done at Contractor’s own risk, and Contractor is responsible for any loss
of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in
connection with the work.
10.4. Taxes. Contractor must pay all income and other taxes due except as
specifically set forth in this Agreement.
10.5. Insurance. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the
benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or
incidental benefit to Contractor, does not convert this Agreement into an
employment contract.
10.6. Notice. If Contractor is a sole proprietorship or if this Agreement is with
an individual, Contractor agrees to notify the City and complete any required
form if Contractor is retired under a State of Washington retirement system and
agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through Contractor’s failure
to do so.
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11. Property and Confidential Information. Without the prior, written consent of
the City, Contractor may not disclose to third parties information that is not
otherwise subject to public disclosure unless: (1) The information is lawfully known
to Contractor prior to the effective date of this Agreement; (2) The information is in
the public domain prior to the time of disclosure by Contractor other than through a
breach of this Agreement or through other acts or omissions of Contractor; or (3)
The information is received by Contractor from a third party who does not have an
obligation to keep the same confidential.
12. Work Product. All work product, including records, files, documents, plans,
computer disks, magnetic media or material which may be produced or modified by
Contractor while performing services pursuant to this Agreement belongs to the City.
At the termination of this Agreement, Contractor must deliver copies of files
containing the written record of Contractor's work. Until at least 12 months
following final payment, Contractor must provide the City prompt access to (and the
City has the right to examine, audit and copy) all of Contractor's books, documents,
papers and records related to the work.
13. Conflict of Interest. The Parties recognize that Contractor may perform
professional services during the Term for other entities. Contractor agrees, however,
that it may not perform other professional services during the Term that conflict
with or interfere with Contractor’s ability to perform Services. Contractor agrees to
resolve any conflict of interest that may arise in the City’s favor. Contractor confirms
that it does not have and will not enter into a business interest or a family
relationship with any elected official or employee of the City or has already disclosed
such business interest or family relationship to City. Should such a business interest
or family relationship become evident after the Agreement is formed, contractor
must disclose that business interest or family relationship to City in a timely manner.
14. Books and Records. Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and
documents which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs related
to the performance of the Services and maintain such accounting procedures and
practices as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting of all
funds paid pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor records shall include but not be
limited to accounting records (hard copy, as well as computer readable data if it can be
made available); contracts; payroll records; subconsultant agreements; vendor
agreements; purchase orders; leases; original estimates; estimating work sheets;
correspondence; receipts; memoranda; and any other supporting evidence deemed
necessary to substantiate charges under this agreement. These records are subject, at
all reasonable times, to inspection, review or audit by the City, its authorized
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representative, the State Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law
to monitor this Agreement.
15. Public Records Act.
15.1. Contractor understands and agrees that the records it obtains or produces
under this Agreement are public records under chapter the Public Records Act
(42.56 RCW).
15.2. Contractor agrees to keep and maintain the records it obtains or produces
under this Agreement for 6 years after the termination of this Agreement.
15.3. Contractor must cooperate in a timely manner with the City in responding
to a public records request for records obtained or produced under this
Agreement or the services provided under this Agreement. Such cooperation
includes searching all records regarding the Services described in Section 5 and
Exhibit A of this Agreement and producing all records that are potentially
responsive to a public records request to the City.
15.4. Contractor may not charge the City for the time spent gathering and
producing records pursuant to a public records request.
15.5. Contractor agrees to pay the City for any damages, attorney’s fees, or costs
that the City incurs if Contractor fails to produce a timely, responsive record to a
public records request.
15.6. Survival. Each provision of Section 15 survives the expiration or
termination of this Agreement.
16. Equal Opportunity Employer. In all services, programs, activities, hiring, and
employment made possible by or resulting from this Agreement or any subcontract,
there must be no discrimination by Contractor or its subcontractors of any level, or
any of those entities’ employees, agents, subcontractors, or representatives against
any person because of sex, sexual orientation, age (except minimum age and
retirement provisions), race, color, religion, creed, color, national origin, marital
status, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any
disability, including sensory, mental or physical handicaps, unless based upon a
bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment. This
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requirement applies, but not be limited to the following: employment, advertising,
layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for
training, including apprenticeship. Contractor must comply with and must not
violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, the Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, 49 CFR Part 21, 21.5 and 26, or any other applicable federal, state, or local law
or regulation regarding non-discrimination.
17. Social Equity Requirements. During the performance of this Agreement,
Contractor, for itself, its assigns and successors in interest agree as follows:
17.1. Compliance with Regulations. Contractor must comply with the
Regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the
United States Department of Transportation (“USDOT”), Title 49, Code of
Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time.
17.2. Nondiscrimination. With regard to the work performed by Contractor,
Contractor must not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, age, sex, marital
status, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, religion, ancestry, national
origin, honorably discharge veteran or military status, or the presence of or any
sensory, mental, or physical handicap, unless based upon a bone fide
occupational qualification, in the selection and retention of subcontractors,
including procurement of materials and leases of equipment. Contractor must
not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by
Section 21.5 of Title 49 of the Federal Regulations.
17.3. Courtesy. Contractor will ensure that its respective employees,
agents, and subcontractors conduct themselves in a courteous and expeditious
manner. The use of abusive, indecent, offensive, coarse, or insulting language, or
any form of harassment is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Contractor’s
employees, agents, and subcontractors will be competent and hold appropriate
licenses and endorsements. The City may require the removal of any employee
or subcontractor of Contractor for misconduct or incompetent or negligent
performance. Such persons will not be allowed to perform services under this
Contract without the written consent of the City.
17.4. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of
Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding,
or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a
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subcontract, including procurements of materials, or leases of equipment, each
potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified by the contractor of the
contractor's obligations under this contract and the Acts and the Regulations
relative to Non-discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin.
17.5. Information and Reports. Contractor must provide all information
reports required by the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto, and
must permit access to his books, records, counts, or other sources of information
and its facilities as may be determined by the contracting agency or the
appropriate Federal agency to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such
Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of
Contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to
furnish this information, Contractor must so certify to WSDOT or the USDOT as
appropriate, and must set forth what efforts were made to obtain the
17.6. Sanctions for noncompliance. In the event of the Contractor's
noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this contract, the
contracting agencies will impose such contract sanctions as it or the USDOT may
determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to:
17.6.1. Withholding of payments to Contractor under the Agreement until
Contractor complies, and/or;
17.6.2. Cancellation, termination, or suspension of contract, in whole or in part.
17.7. Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor will include the
provisions of paragraphs one through six in every subcontract, including
procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Acts,
the Regulations and directives issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will act
with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Recipient or the
Washington State Department of Transportation may direct as a means of
enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance. Provided, that
if the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with litigation by a
subcontractor, or supplier because of such direction, the contractor may request
the Recipient to enter into any litigation to protect the interests of the Recipient.
In addition, the contractor may request the United States to enter into the
litigation to protect the interests of the United States.
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18. Venue. The venue for any legal dispute regarding this Agreement is Douglas
County Superior Court.
19. Dispute Resolution. The parties mutually intend to establish procedures to
facilitate the informal and inexpensive resolution of all disputes arising under this
Agreement, by mutual cooperation and without resort to litigation. Accordingly, all
disputes involving this transaction, or between the parties hereto with respect to the
subject matter hereof, must be resolved in a final and binding manner in accordance
with the following procedures. Whether or not mediation/arbitration is under way,
any party may have full access to the courts to compel compliance with the
provisions of this Article and to enforce or confirm an arbitration award.
19.1. Negotiation. The parties agree to first attempt to negotiate a mutually
satisfactory resolution to the dispute as follows:
19.1.1. The complaining party must notify (in the manner required in this
Agreement) the other parties of the alleged dispute, controversy, claim or
breach of contract (hereinafter “Dispute’) by explaining in writing the nature
of the Dispute, and referring to the relevant paragraphs of this Agreement
upon which it bases its position regarding the Dispute. The complaining
party must also set forth in such notice a proposed solution to the Dispute;
19.1.2. The parties receiving such notice must respond by notice individually to
the complaining party within twenty days of the effective date of the
complaining party’s notice, with an explanation of its defensive position, if
any, including references to the relevant paragraphs of the Agreement and a
response to the proposed solution; and
19.1.3. Within twenty days following notice of this defensive response, the parties
must meet and discuss options for resolving the Dispute; the complaining
party must initiate the scheduling of this resolution meeting. In the event a
party fails to cooperate in scheduling the resolution meeting, then the
complaining party may elect to skip the negotiation and mediation
procedures and immediately proceed with arbitration.
19.1.4. Mediation. If the parties are unable to satisfactorily resolve the Dispute
through such negotiation, mediation must be held within thirty days of an
unsuccessful resolution meeting. The mediation will be governed by and
under the then-applicable rules of JAMS/Endispute (“JAMS”) in Chelan
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County. The complaining party must contact JAMS to schedule the
mediation. The parties may agree on a mediator from the JAMS panel. If
they are unable to agree, the parties will request JAMS to designate a
mediator for the Parties.
20. General Provisions.
20.1. Interpretation and Modification. This Agreement, together with any
attached Exhibits, contains all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to
any matter covered or mentioned in this Agreement. No prior statements or
agreements, whether oral or written, are effective for any purpose. Should any
language in any Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language in this
Agreement, the terms of this Agreement prevail. The respective captions
contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and
do not modify or otherwise affect any of the provisions of this Agreement. If a
provision of this Agreement is declared invalid, inoperative, null and void, or
illegal, all other provisions of this Agreement remain in full force and effect. Any
act done by either Party prior to the effective date of the Agreement that is
known by the other party and is consistent with the authority of the Agreement
and compliant with the terms of the Agreement, is hereby ratified as having been
performed under the Agreement. Neither party may amend, waive, or modify a
provision of this Agreement, except by written agreement signed by duly
authorized representatives of the Parties.
20.2. Assignment and Beneficiaries. Neither Contractor nor the City has
the right to transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and
rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party. If the non-
assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement
continue in full force and effect and no further assignment may be made without
additional written consent. Subject to the foregoing, the rights and obligations of
the Parties inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective
successors in interest, heirs and assigns. This Agreement is made and entered
into for the sole protection and benefit of the Parties hereto. No other person or
entity has any right of action or interest in this Agreement based on any
provision set forth herein.
20.3. Compliance with Laws. Contractor must comply with and perform the
Services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, local, and city laws
including, without limitation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, regulations,
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rules, standards and policies, as now existing or hereafter amended, adopted, or
made effective.
20.4. Enforcement. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and all
of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates
set forth in Exhibit A is essential to Contractor's performance of this Agreement.
Any notices required to be given by the Parties must be delivered at the
addresses set forth at the beginning of this Agreement. Any notices must be
deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth
above and must be emailed to the address set forth above. Any notice so posted
in the United States mail is deemed received three days after the date of mailing.
Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Agreement are not intended
to be exclusive but are cumulative with all other remedies available to the City at
law, in equity or by statute. The failure of the City to insist upon strict
performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this
Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more
instances is not a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or
options, and the same remain in full force and effect. Failure or delay of the City
to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence does not waive
such breach or default. Failure of the City to declare one breach or default does
not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or default.
20.5. No Gifts and Gratuities. Contractor may not offer, nor may a City
employee or official accept gifts, gratuities, loans, trips, favors, special discounts,
work, or anything of economic value in conjunction with the City business
practices. Contractor and City employees and City officials must strictly adhere
to the statutes and ordinances for ethics in contracting and purchasing,
including the City Ethics Code, RCW 42.23 (Code of Ethics for Municipal
Officers) and RCW 42.52 (Ethics in Public Service). This is applicable to any
business practice, whether a contract condition, bid practice, or at any activity
related to the City business.
20.6. Personal Liability. The parties agree that no official, officer, employee,
or agent of the City is in any way liable or responsible for any covenant or
Contract herein contained whether express or implied, nor for any statement of
representation made herein or in any connection with this Contract.
20.7. Attorney’s Fees. If either Party brings any claim or lawsuit arising from
this Agreement, each Party must pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees and
expenses incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all
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appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided,
however, nothing in this paragraph limits the Parties’ rights to indemnification
under Section 8 of this Agreement.
20.8. Execution. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the
City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individual is duly
authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement. This Agreement may be
executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed an
original and with the same effect as if all Parties hereto had signed the same
document. All such counterparts will be construed together and constitute one
instrument, but in making proof hereof it is only be necessary to produce one
such counterpart. The signature and acknowledgment pages from such
counterparts may be assembled together to form a single instrument comprised
of all pages of this Agreement and a complete set of all signature and
acknowledgment pages. The date upon which the last of all of the Parties have
executed a counterpart of this Agreement is the “date of mutual execution”
20.9. Survivability. The obligation of Contractor under all provisions of this
Agreement, which may reasonably be interpreted or construed as surviving the
completion, termination, or cancellation of this Contract, survives the
completion, termination, or cancellation of this Contract.
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City of East Wenatchee
Mayor Jerrilea Crawford
City Clerk Maria Holman
Forte Architects, Inc.
Lenka Slapnicka
Date: __________________________________
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Exhibit A
The City is in the process of reviewing Design Development documents for a Public Works Facility. The City
needs a consultant who can provide professional project management experience to review the submitted
design package and to act as an owner’s representative for the remaining phases of the project. It will be
Forte’s role, as the consultant, to oversee this Public Works Facility project as it relates to the accuracy of the
drawing set’s program, schedule, budget, building/demo phases and specifications.
The following proposal is broken into multiple consulting phases. These reflect the provided project phases.
Given that you are currently looking for a replacement for your previous in-house plan reviewer who will
ultimately relieve the need for our consulting services. Once the role has been filled, Forte will finish out the
consultant phase in which we are currently engaged alongside the new hire, to create a smooth transition for
everyone one the project.
Please see below for an outlined list of Consultant Phases and proposed tasks and timeline within each
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Forte Architects, Inc. will provide Consultant Phase Services as follows:
Consultant Phases:
Design Development: July 1 – 9, 2021
- Design Development Plan review and familiarization with overall project program, phasing, and scope.
- Review the submitted design documents from ARC and engineering teams and provide feedback.
- Review design/engineering team contract to ensure that all services are being provided accurately and
on time.
- Schedule and conduct a meeting with City of East Wenatchee team to discuss Forte’s review findings.
- Provide ARC with results of Forte review and team meeting.
- Provide coordination assistance with ARC and consulting firms as needed pending review results.
- Provide assistance in “Owner Meetings” with ARC as listed in DD project phase as needed.
Construction Documents: July 12 – November 17, 2021
- Review 50% Construction Documents (CD)
- Attend and assist with meeting for Pre-Submittal Permitting (7/23/21).
- Review 50% Consultant Documents.
- Provide assistance with Division 00-01 Specifications, Round 1.
- Review 65%-90% CD set.
- Review 90% Consultant Documents.
- Provide assistance with owner review of CD Cost Estimates.
- Provide assistance in “Owner Meetings” with ARC as listed in CD project phase as needed.
Bidding: November 22, 2021 – February 15, 2022
- Assist City of East Wenatchee team with Bidding process as needed.
- Provide contract review assistance with General Contractor.
Based upon our understanding of the size and complexity of the project as described above we propose
to be compensated for our services as follow:
Design Development Phase $7,620
Construction Documents Phase $27,228
Bidding $25,152
This fee shall be equitably adjusted if there is a significant change in the scope of work.
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Exhibit B
Clerical or Apprentice Draftsman 1 67.00/hr.
Draftsman/Designer/Technician 2 92.00/hr.
Staff Architect/Designer/Planner 3 106.00/hr.
Project Architect or Planner 4 127.00/hr.
Principal 5 150.00/hr.
Any of the above personnel rates may involve several and diverse activities, such as Design, Field Inspection,
Research, Conferences, etc. Rates are based on a multiple of the average salaries of personnel classifications, and
an operational structure that endeavors to utilize each person at his optimum effectiveness.
OUTSIDE CONSULTANT’S TIME (Structural, Mechanical, or Electrical Engineers, etc.) is charged at Consultant’s cost
to Forte Architects, plus a multiple of 1.10 times the expense incurred for taxes and overhead factor.
TRAVEL TIME is charged at the reduced rate(s) of Code 4 for Principals, Code 3 for Project Architects, Code 2 for
Staff Architects and Code 1 for all other personnel.
REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES: The following expenses, when incurred by the Architect or his consultant in service to
the client, are charged to the client:
.1 Transportation and authorized out-of-town travel and subsistence beyond a 25mile radius from
Architect’s office;
.2 Fees paid for securing approval of authorities having jurisdiction over the Project;
.3 Printing, reproductions, plots, standard form documents;
.4 Postage, handling and delivery;
.5 Renderings, models, mock-ups, professional photography, and presentation materials requested by the
.6 Architect’s or Architect’s Consultant’s expense of professional liability insurance dedicated exclusively
to this Project, or the expense of additional insurance coverage or limits if the Owner requests such
insurance in excess of that normally carried by the Architect or Architect’s consultants;
.7 All taxes levied on professional services and on reimbursable expenses;
.8 Site office expenses; and
.9 Other similar Project-related expenditures.
Reimbursable expenses, except Item 1, travel and Item 3, in-house reproductions, compensation shall be
computed as a multiple of 1.10 times the expense incurred for taxes and overhead factor.
Full payment is due within 30 days from date of invoice.
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From:LouAnn Pierce
To:Maria Holman
Subject:Put this on City Council Agenda
Date:Tuesday, June 22, 2021 10:57:53 AM
Dear City Council,
We have a infestation of Boxelder bugs on Fifteen St./Avon Ct NW. Down by the river It is so bad it is
hard to enjoy the summer weather outdoors! They stink they are invasive something needs to be
done about it! My husband has sprayed and sprayed with no avail! This has been going on for 5
years I have finally had enough! Please, Please do something about our problem help us fight this
infestation of boxelder bugs! I am at my wits end our neighbors home at 1500 Avon Ct NW is
covered with them other neighbors as well, my husband can’t spray their home!
Thank you LouAnn Pierce 1502 Avon Ct NW East Wenatchee WA.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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From:Trautmann, Cara
Subject:Spectrum Pacific West, LLC ("SPECTRUM") Programming Update 07.01.2021
Date:Thursday, July 1, 2021 2:29:39 PM
Spectrum Pacific West, LLC (“Spectrum”), locally known as Spectrum, is noticing its customers that
on or around August 2, 2021, Own HD located on Spectrum Channel 733 will swap the East coast
programming feed to the West coast programming feed on the channel lineup serving your
To view a current Spectrum channel lineup visit www.spectrum.com/channels.
If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to contact me at 360.936.0522 or via
email at stafford.strong@charter.com.
Stafford Strong | Senior Manager, State Government Affairs - Washington | C: 360-936-0522
222 NE Park Plaza Drive, #231| Vancouver, WA 98684
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