HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 - Final Budget - Josh DeLay, Finance DirectorCity of East Wenatchee, Washington
2021 Annual Financial Budget
December 1, 2020
Prepared by, Finance Department
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
TITLE PAGE – 2021 FINANCIAL BUDGET ............................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... 2
Elected Officials ................................................................................................................ 3
Accounting Policy and Fund Structure........................................................................ 4-5
Summary of Significant Budget Changes…………………………………………….6-8
Budget Assumptions and Highlights .......................................................................... 9-11
Cash and Fund Balance Projections ............................................................................. 12
General Fund .............................................................................................................. 13-18
General Government .............................................................................................. 19-20
Legislative ..................................................................................................................... 21
Mayor’s Office ............................................................................................................. 22
Municipal Court .......................................................................................................... 23
Human Resources ........................................................................................................ 24
City Clerk ................................................................................................................ 25-26
Internal Services .......................................................................................................... 27
Finance .......................................................................................................................... 28
Information Technology.............................................................................................. 29
Legal .............................................................................................................................. 30
Public Records ............................................................................................................. 31
Civil Service .................................................................................................................. 32
Central Services ........................................................................................................... 33
Law Enforcement ................................................................................................... 34-35
Jail Services .................................................................................................................. 36
Public Works ................................................................................................................ 37
Planning ........................................................................................................................ 38
Code Compliance ......................................................................................................... 39
Street Fund ................................................................................................................. 40-42
Community Development Grant Fund .................................................................... 43-44
Transportation Benefit District Fund ........................................................................... 45
Library Fund ................................................................................................................... 46
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund ............................................................................................... 47-48
Drug Fund........................................................................................................................ 49
Criminal Justice Fund .................................................................................................... 50
Events Fund ................................................................................................................ 51-53
Bond Fund ....................................................................................................................... 54
Street Improvements Fund ....................................................................................... 55-57
Capital Improvements Fund ..................................................................................... 58-59
Stormwater Fund ....................................................................................................... 60-62
Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund ..................................................................... 63-64
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Elected Officials
Jerrilea Crawford Mayor
John Sterk Council Member Position 1
Harry Raab Council Member Position 2
Rob Tidd Council Member Position 3
Sasha Sleiman Council Member Position 4
Shayne Magdoff Council Member Position 5
Christine Johnson Council Member Position 6
Matthew Hepner Council Member Position 7
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Accounting Policy and Fund Structure
The City of East Wenatchee uses the revenue and expenditure classifications contained in the
Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting System (BARS) manual. The manual is prescribed by the
State Auditor’s Office under the authority of Washington State Law, Chapter 43.09 RCW.
The City of East Wenatchee was incorporated in 1935 and operates under the laws of the State of
Washington applicable to a non-charter code city with a mayor-council form of government. The
City of East Wenatchee is a general-purpose government and provides public safety, street
improvements, community development, municipal court, prosecuting attorney, and general
administrative services. The City of East Wenatchee uses single entry, cash basis accounting,
referred to as “other comprehensive basis of accounting” (OCBOA), which is a departure from
“generally accepted accounting principles” (GAAP).
In 2009, the City Council approved by Resolution No. 2009-06, a “Finance and Budget Policy”
which established the financial framework, approach, requirements and responsibilities for
developing the “Annual Budget and Financial Plan” for the City. This policy significantly
expanded the scope of the City’s annual budget process to include developing a five-year cash
flow plan to help ensure visibility of financial requirements on a longer-term basis. This increased
visibility provides the City Council, as the legislative body of the City, better information as to the
results of current decisions, and the challenges or opportunities that a financial forecast would
provide for future decisions or strategies. Copies of this policy can be obtained at City Hall.
The City’s 2021 budget encompasses the following fund types:
General Fund (Fund Number 001) – Used to account for and report all financial resources not
accounted for and reported in another fund. The City can only have one general fund.
Special Revenue Funds (Fund Numbers 101, 102, 105, 112 – 114, 116 and 117) – Used to
account for and report the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted or committed
to expenditure for specific purposes other than debt service or capital projects. Restricted
revenues are resources externally restricted by creditors, grantors, contributors or laws or
regulations of other governments or restricted by law through constitutional provisions or
enabling legislation. Committed revenues are resources with limitations imposed by the highest
level of the government (e.g., city council) through a formal action (resolution, ordinance) and
where the limitations can be removed only by a similar action of the same governing body.
Capital Projects Funds (Fund Numbers 301 and 314) – Used to account for and report
financial resources that are restricted, committed, or assigned (intended) for expenditure or
capital outlays including the acquisition or construction of capital facilities or other capital
Enterprise Fund (Fund Number 401) – Used to report any activity for which a fee is charged
to external users for goods or services. Enterprise funds are required for any activity whose
principal revenue sources meet any of the following criteria:
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Debt backed solely by a pledge of the net revenue from fees and charges.
Legal requirement to cover cost. An enterprise fund is required to be used if the cost of
providing services for an activity including capital costs (such as depreciation or debt
service) must be legally recovered through fees or charges.
Policy decision to recover cost. It is necessary to use an enterprise fund if the
government’s policy is to establish activity fees or charges designed to recover the cost,
including capital costs (such as depreciation or debt service).
Internal Service Fund (Fund Number 501) – Used to report any activity that provides goods or
services to other funds, departments or agencies of the government, or to other governments, on
a cost-reimbursement basis.
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Summary of Significant Budget Changes for 2021
All Funds:
Step increase of 2.5% for non-union staff, but no COLA
Unknown COLA (currently in negotiations) for Local-846 union, plus a step increase
(additional 2 – 3% depending on the step), per union contract
3.5% salary increase for the Teamsters union, per union contract
General liability insurance is expected to rise 10 – 15% per our insurance broker
4% increase in health insurance costs
No significant budgeted revenue increases due to the still unknown economic impacts of
COVID-19 for 2021
General Fund:
General Government
o $104,000 decrease in the annual cost to RiverCom
o $20,000 decrease in regional contributions because the Futsal field was a one-time
expense in 2020
o $61,000 budgeted for the museum; half out of the General Fund and half out of
the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund
o Many of the prior expenses from this budget are being moved to the Mayor’s
budget, which is new for 2021
o New budget for 2021 to break out the Mayor’s expenses from the Council’s
expenses per best practice and State Auditor’s Office guidelines
City Clerk
o Removed .5 of City Clerk/HR FTE, and moved it into a new HR budget
o Salary and benefit increases are the result of the Deputy Clerk position, which
was new in 2020
Human Resources
o New budget for 2021; added .5 of City Clerk/HR position into this budget as well
as the respective line items needed for running the department (supplies, etc.)
o Decrease in salaries and benefits from 2020 because .5 of the old HR
Generalist/Payroll position used to come out of this budget
o Increase of $12,000 in audit costs because the City will receive a federal audit due
to the receipt of federal CARES Act funds
Information Technology
o $7,500 increase for the annual license for electronic archives
o $7,500 increase for Eagle View Pictometry, which used to come out of various
other budgets
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
o 20% of the salary for the City Attorney moved out of the Legal budget, and into
the new Public Records budget in order to track the cost of public records requests
o $8,500 increase for professional services
Public Records
o New budget for 2021; moved 20% of the City Attorney’s salary into this budget,
and added the necessary respective operating line items (supplies, insurance, etc.)
Municipal Court
o Requesting an additional 1.0 FTE at an approximate cost of $57,000 with salary
and benefits
o Requesting the use of contracted IT services for $2,705
Central Services
o Overall decrease of $11,300 due to a decrease of $11,000 in the landscaping line
item, and $17,000 decrease in the capital outlay line item
Law Enforcement
o $177,000 increase in rental costs for the new ER&R Fund configuration
o $15,500 increase in overtime primarily due to the need to train officers the
appropriate number of hours per year. Overtime is also now broken out in three
categories for better tracking purposes
Jail Services
o $78,500 increase to the Chelan County Regional Justice Center for costs
associated with housing prisoners
Public Works
o $15,000 in salary costs, and $7,500 for benefits moved to the Street
Improvements Fund for the work that the Project Development Manager does on
street projects – the City is legally allowed to charge those costs to some of the
street grants
o 4% salary increase for the Community Development Director to get the position
caught up to its comparable entities per Resolution No. 2019-10
Code Compliance
o $15,000 decrease for property abatement costs
Transportation Benefit District Fund:
2021 could be the final year of this fund’s existence pending the outcome of the I-976
Supreme Court decision
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund:
$61,000 decrease in contributions to the Museum. The other half is budgeted to come out
of the General Fund. This was necessary due to potential cash balance issues in this fund
because of COVID-19 impacts
$45,000 increase to the Chamber for its role in tourism promotion for the City
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Events Fund:
$30,000 decrease because the Events Assistant position will remain vacant
Street Improvements Fund:
Large increases in expenditures and city matching funds due to a few potential large
projects starting (subject to approved grant funding)
$250,000 supplement from the Capital Improvements Fund to assist in paying for the 10th
St. improvement project
Transfer-In of up to $500,000 from the General Fund for potential cash flow issues due to
the size of projects, and the uncertainty of timely reimbursements; the funds transferred
in, if necessary, will all be transferred back to the General Fund by the end of the year
Stormwater Fund:
$728,000 transfer-out to the Street Improvements Fund for 10th St. construction
$100,000 increase for a decant facility fee per Dept. of Ecology regulations
Capital Improvements Fund:
$1,500,000 decrease for the public works remodel due to the projected timing of when
that project may start in 2021
Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund:
Numerous changes due to the implementation of a true equipment rental and revolving
arrangement as per State Auditor’s Office recommendations from the City’s 2019 audit
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Revenue Budget Assumptions and Highlights
The Council, Mayor, and Finance Director develop and communicate the budget assumptions
that the City will use each year. Revenue is primarily the responsibility of the Finance Director.
Primary operating revenue estimates for 2021 include:
Revenue Source Amount
Sales and Use Tax $4,150,000
Property Tax 1,838,200
Utility Tax 749,000
Gambling Tax 317,000
Criminal Justice Sales Tax 296,000
Gas Tax 291,000
Hotel/Motel Tax 225,000
Liquor Taxes & Profits 185,000
Fines and Penalties 175,000
Business Licenses & Permits 100,000
Interest Earnings 90,000
Primary capital revenue estimates for 2021 include:
Revenue Source Amount
Proceeds from LTGO Bond $5,000,000
STBG Funding for 10th St. NE Improvements 1,683,159
TIB Funding for 10th St. NE Improvements 1,126,608
STP 9th/VMP Intersection 825,000
Stormwater – 10th St. NE Improvements 728,000
TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay 675,750
Safe Routes to Schools – 5th Sterling/Kenroy 440,750
Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) 400,000
GWID – 10th St. NE Reimbursement 298,534
REET Transfer for 10th St. NE Improvements 250,000
Each revenue source was evaluated in consideration of a three to five-year receipt history, street
improvements/capital projects and transfers to support them. Additionally, monthly trends over
2020 were studied while considering recent fluctuating COVID-19 economic trends and
experience by other cities, and governmental entities in our region.
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Expenditure Budget Assumptions and Highlights
Departmental costs are the responsibility of each department head while all other costs are the
responsibility of the Finance Director. Primary expenditure budget assumptions for 2021
expenses include the following:
Budget costs conservatively - no increases in operating costs unless they can be
substantiated and approved by the Mayor, Finance Committee and City Council
Department Capital Costs - costs for capital need to be specifically budgeted and
The City currently has forty-nine employees. Compensation for all is premised upon the
City’s long-standing policy of wage parity
The City Attorney and Municipal Court Judge are compensated according to
employment agreements
The collective bargaining agreements with Teamsters covering twenty-two employees in
the police department will expire on December 31, 2021
The collective bargaining unit agreement with Local 846-W covering sixteen employees
in various departments expires on December 31, 2020. Negotiations are ongoing.
Healthcare premiums, commercial insurance, detention costs, RiverCom costs, and any
other significant operating costs are determined through communication, agreements or
quotes from respective vendors
Budgeted primary operating expenditures for 2021 include:
Expenditure Type Amount
Salaries $4,300,000
Benefits 1,900,000
Chelan Co. Regional Justice Center 485,500
Vehicle Rental Rates 403,000
General Liability Insurance 317,000
Supplies 286,900
RiverCom 911 261,251
Stormwater Utility Charge 165,000
Public Defenders 135,000
Wenatchee Valley Museum 121,488
Budgeted primary capital expenditures for 2021 include:
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Expenditure Type Amount
10th St NE Improvements $3,695,000
New Public Works Area 1,182,000
9th/Valley Mall Parkway Improvements 959,100
N Kentucky Ave Overlay 795,000
Safe Routes to School – 5th Sterling/Kenroy 520,000
The principal source for street improvement projects is the 6-year Transportation Improvement
Plan (TIP), which the City is required to provide to the Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT) each year in June. The principal source for capital improvement
projects is the Capital Facilities Plan, which is required by the Washington State Growth
Management Act.
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Fund & Fund Number
Budgeted 2021
Budgeted 2021
Projected Ending
General - 001 2,623,520$ 7,672,005$ (8,450,197)$ 1,845,328$
Street - 101 161,082 1,281,000 (1,332,450) 109,632
Comm. Dev Grants - 102 37,431 74,764 (74,764) 37,431
Transportation Benefit District - 105 212,610 - (196,000) 16,610
Library - 112 12,807 7,500 (6,500) 13,807
Hotel/Motel Tax - 113 100,145 225,000 (276,000) 49,145
Drug - 114 1,615 100 - 1,715
Criminal Justice - 116 5,096 20,500 (25,000) 596
Events - 117 5,119 156,750 (143,570) 18,299
Bond Redemption - 202 720,458 - (248,500) 471,958
Street Improvements - 301 328,212 6,968,476 (6,916,700) 379,988
Capital Improvements - 314 1,196,458 5,400,000 (1,432,000) 5,164,458
Stormwater - 401 2,013,576 601,875 (1,676,050) 939,401
Equipment Rental & Revolving - 501 101,316 802,000 (512,100) 391,216
Total Cash Balances 7,519,445$ 23,209,970$ (21,289,831)$ 9,439,584$
2021 Budget by Fund Projections - City of East Wenatchee
Revenues, Expenses & Changes in Fund Balances
City of East Wenatchee, WA 2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund
The City’s General Fund is the primary operating fund and is funded by many sources of
revenue. Below are brief explanations of the larger revenue sources.
Sales Tax/First Half-Cent – a sales tax of 0.5% where revenues are unrestricted and
may be used for any lawful governmental purpose. When both the city and county are
levying the first half, the county must credit back the full amount of the city’s first half
sales tax under RCW 82.14.040(1) so that the combined rate does not exceed 0.5%.
However, 15% of the first half-cent collected within the city must then be distributed to
the county. In effect, this drops the City’s first half-cent authority to 0.425% (85% of
0.5%), with the remaining 0.075% (15% of 0.5%) going to Douglas County.
Sales Tax/Second Half-Cent – RCW 82.14.030(2) allows an additional sales tax of
0.5% where revenues are unrestricted and may be used for any lawful governmental
purpose. The revenue-sharing provision for this half-cent is the same as above where the
City receives 0.425% of the 0.5% with the rest going to Douglas County.
Property Tax – a tax on all property located with City limits, unless specifically exempt.
All property can be divided into two major categories – real property and personal
property. Real property includes land, buildings, structures, and affixed improvements
generally classified as immovable, e.g., paving, fencing (RCW 84.04.090). Personal
property (RCW 84.04.080) by its nature is not permanently attached and, therefore, is
movable. Due to the multitude of taxing districts, levy amounts, and rate limits,
Washington’s property tax structure gets very complicated. Please contact the City’s
Finance Department for further clarification on property tax revenue.
Criminal Justice Sales Tax – RCW 82.14.340 authorizes a sales tax of 0.1% where
revenues are restricted and must be used for criminal justice purposes. This sales tax may
only be imposed by the county, but the county must share its revenues with all cities and
towns in the county. The statute defines criminal justice purposes as activities that
substantially assist the criminal justice system.
Utility Taxes – a tax upon the income (as defined by local ordinance) of public and
private utilities providing services within the boundaries of a city, and/or upon the city’s
own municipal utilities. Cities and towns are also authorized by statute to impose utility
taxes upon public utility districts that operate works, plants, or facilities within the city or
town for the sale of electricity. Revenues are unrestricted and may be used for any lawful
governmental purpose. The maximum tax rate may not exceed 6% for electric, gas,
steam, and telephone services unless approved by voters. There is no limitation on the
tax rate for water, sewer, solid waste, or stormwater utilities.
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Gambling Tax – RCW 9.46.110 allows a tax upon the gambling activities located within
City limits where the revenues are restricted and must be used for public safety purposes.
Gambling taxes may be imposed by the legislative body and do not require voter
approval. Maximum tax rates depend upon the type of gambling activity, but do not
exceed 20%
Liquor Distributions – All cities and towns receive a portion of state liquor revenues.
There are two separate liquor distributions – “liquor profits” and “liquor excise.” Both
liquor excise and liquor profits are distributed to all cities on a strictly per capita basis.
At least 2% of liquor excise revenue must be used for an alcohol or drug addiction
program under RCW 71.24.555. The remaining 98% is unrestricted and may be used for
any lawful governmental purpose. At least 2% of liquor profits revenue must be used for
an alcohol or drug addiction program under RCW 71.24.555. In addition, at least 20.23%
must be used for “enhancing public safety programs.” The remaining 77.77% is
unrestricted and may be used for any lawful government purpose.
Marijuana Excise Tax – A portion of the state’s marijuana excise tax is distributed to
cities and counties depending on their marijuana policies. No clear guidance exists on
use of the revenues, but the stated intent of I-502 is that marijuana legalization will
“[allow] law enforcement resources to be focused on violent and property crimes [and
generate] new state and local tax revenue for education, health care, research, and
substance abuse prevention.” Two separate components of marijuana excise tax exist:
o A per capita share that is distributed to all cities and counties that do not prohibit
marijuana businesses; and
o A retail share distributed to cities and counties where marijuana retailers are
located, in proportion to statewide marijuana revenues
Franchise Fees – Franchise agreements are contracts between the city and public or
private utility providers that allow the utility providers to use the city’s rights-of-way to
deliver their services. A franchise agreement allows the utility provider to install,
maintain, and repair utility infrastructure within the right-of-way while minimizing
interference with public use of the right-of-way. Typically, these agreements last for 10
to 20 years or longer. Franchise fees are generally limited to the recovery of
administrative costs with the exception being cable TV, which may be assessed an annual
fee up to 5% of gross revenues, minus certain non-monetary in-kind contributions.
Business Licenses – Any city may require a general business license for any person or
company “engaging in business” within its boundaries. This includes businesses that are
physically located within the city, as well as businesses that are physically located
elsewhere bug engage in business within the city.
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 3,192,391 3,167,461 3,088,187 3,088,244 2,623,520 (464,668)
Real & Personal Property Tax 955,518 1,006,901 1,245,000 1,185,714 1,318,200 73,200
Local Retail Sales & Use Tax 3,310,417 3,309,474 3,500,000 2,803,890 3,306,000 (194,000)
Criminal Justice Sales Tax 308,959 358,008 300,000 260,870 296,000 (4,000)
Electric Utility Tax 347,998 368,861 355,000 338,095 354,000 (1,000)
Natural Gas Utility Tax 40,258 39,473 35,000 33,333 35,000 -
Phone/Cellular Utility Tax 403,294 366,753 350,000 333,333 360,000 10,000
Gambling Tax 262,426 392,104 345,000 276,000 317,000 (28,000)
Taxes Total 5,628,871 5,841,573 6,130,000 5,231,235 5,986,200 (143,800)
Fireworks Permits 500 500 500 500 500 -
Taxicab Licenses & Permits 1,415 1,398 800 500 800 -
Franchise Fees - Cable 98,904 73,581 97,000 97,000 91,000 (6,000)
Business Licenses & Permits 93,244 104,500 107,100 100,000 100,000 (7,100)
Other Business Lic & Permits - 660 650 660 660 10
Building & Structure Permits 61,804 40,957 50,000 65,000 60,000 10,000
Gun Permits 6,592 6,647 6,500 3,965 5,700 (800)
Sign Permits 355 73 100 - 125 25
Licenses & Permits Total 262,814 228,316 262,650 267,625 258,785 (3,865)
TSC - Seatbelt Emphasis Patrols 370 1,481 1,000 1,000 900 (100)
X-52 TSC-Speed Limit Emphasis 3,035 - 2,000 2,000 1,900 (100)
Distracted Driving Enforcement Patrol 1,962 3,136 2,000 2,000 2,500 500
TSC - DUI Emphasis Patrol 3,147 1,148 2,750 2,750 2,500 (250)
WA ST Office of Public Defense - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 -
PUD Privilege Tax 44,926 44,490 42,000 42,000 43,000 1,000
Marijuana Excise Tax Distribution 36,935 30,555 21,000 19,409 23,000 2,000
DUI - Cities Allocation 2,010 1,905 2,000 2,159 2,000 -
Liquor Excise Tax 68,752 74,740 75,000 94,391 77,000 2,000
Liquor Board Profits 112,689 111,434 107,500 107,500 108,000 500
Intergovernmental Total 337,125 350,521 336,470 979,143 280,800 (55,670)
Background Check Fees 132 - 60 60 90 30
Duplicating Services - Court & Police - - 500 500 100 (400)
Copy and Duplication Fees - Admin 104 51 200 50 70 (130)
Recording and Filing Fees - 5 75 20 60 (15)
Annual Admin Reimb Fees 5,038 5,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 (1,000)
Adult Probation Services 71,460 60,570 70,000 53,820 63,000 (7,000)
Housing of Prisoners 31,790 17,979 25,000 9,784 20,000 (5,000)
Fire Marshall Inspection Services 3,995 3,389 5,000 7,265 5,000 -
Plan Checking Fees 31,931 21,941 25,000 36,361 30,000 5,000
Engineering Review Fees 516 - 800 1,440 750 (50)
Sepa Permits 1,151 715 500 1,171 1,000 500
Planning & Development Fees 8,366 11,698 7,500 5,210 8,000 500
Charges for Services Total 160,400 126,805 140,635 120,681 133,070 (7,565)
Fines And Penalties 199,480 171,577 190,000 144,945 175,000 (15,000)
Public Defender Costs 27,653 23,782 25,000 14,186 23,000 (2,000)
Restitution 175 360 150 1,200 400 250
Fines & Penalties Total 227,308 195,719 215,150 160,331 198,400 (16,750)
Interest Earnings 106,836 128,768 100,000 82,367 90,000 (10,000)
Sales Tax Interest 5,524 7,624 5,000 6,857 5,700 700
Rental Income - 311 9th St NE - 10,824 10,000 13,859 12,000 2,000
Miscellaneous Revenue 8,582 6,970 7,500 330 7,000 (500)
Miscellaneous Total 120,943 154,186 122,500 103,413 114,700 (7,800)
Sub-Total Current Revenues 6,737,462 6,897,121 7,207,405 6,862,428 6,971,955 (235,450)
Charges for Services
Fines & Penalties
City of East Wenatchee
General Fund Revenues
Licenses & Permits
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
City of East Wenatchee
General Fund Revenues
Fireworks - Cleaning Deposit 2,500 2,500 2,200 2,200 2,350 150
Fireworks - Dcfd Remittance - - 250 250 200 (50)
Crime Victim Assessment 3,715 3,140 3,500 2,582 3,200 (300)
State Surcharge 577 1,054 500 842 700 200
State Share Weapons Permit Fee 10,720 7,932 9,500 6,755 8,700 (800)
Court Remittance - State 196,958 168,791 200,000 147,021 175,000 (25,000)
Proceeds - Disposition of Assets 14,798 572 100 20,000 9,800 9,700
Insurance Recoveries - Capital Assets - 473 1,000 - 100 (900)
Insurance Recoveries - - - 60,000 - -
Transfer-In - Street Improvements Fund - - - - 500,000 500,000
Total Current Non- Revenues 229,266 184,461 217,050 239,650 700,050 483,000
Total General Fund Revenues 6,966,728 7,081,582 7,424,455 7,102,078 7,672,005 247,550
Total Available Resources 10,159,119 10,249,043 10,512,642 10,190,322 10,295,525 (217,118)
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
The General Fund supports expenditures for each of the following departments and non-
departmental cost centers within the City’s scope:
General Government
Municipal Court
Human Resources
City Clerk
Internal Services
Information Technology
Public Records
Civil Service
Law Enforcement
Jail Services
Public Works
Code Compliance
A brief explanation of each department and/or cost center will follow throughout this budget
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
General Government 814,866 715,480 660,191 1,056,517 473,666 (186,525)
Legislative 407,915 444,447 512,450 509,219 268,229 (244,221)
Mayor - - - - 176,050 176,050
Municipal Court 349,454 394,851 414,360 406,909 501,065 86,705
Human Resources - - - - 69,500 69,500
City Clerk 133,362 140,038 148,600 137,585 178,000 29,400
Internal Services 35,973 31,941 38,000 35,814 36,500 (1,500)
Finance 282,292 286,749 342,380 312,830 289,382 (52,998)
Information Technology 246,727 290,314 316,895 276,716 334,650 17,755
Legal Department 212,398 221,530 330,900 293,464 284,210 (46,690)
Public Records - - - - 45,145 45,145
Civil Service 6,571 7,568 10,364 10,346 11,400 1,036
Central Services 265,627 152,590 197,300 173,582 186,000 (11,300)
Law Enforcement 3,213,331 3,416,019 3,490,350 3,259,245 3,788,375 298,025
Jail Services 284,033 308,521 394,500 316,500 473,000 78,500
Public Works 76,958 144,174 172,500 153,792 153,500 (19,000)
Planning 210,817 255,658 291,840 287,889 302,165 10,325
Code Compliance 173,608 183,215 231,025 219,832 212,660 (18,365)
Sub-Total Routine Expenditures 6,713,932 6,993,097 7,551,655 7,450,240 7,783,497 231,842
Fireworks-Cleaning Deposit Ref 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,300 (200)
Fireworks - Diced Remittance - 750 500 500 250 (250)
County Share of Crime Victims 3,013 3,192 4,000 3,606 3,500 (500)
State Surcharge (Building Code)132 971 500 785 650 150
State Share of Permits & Licenses 12,481 9,322 11,500 5,699 10,000 (1,500)
Court Remittances 207,721 168,731 211,000 103,472 150,000 (61,000)
Transfer-Out - Street Improvements Fund - - - - 500,000 500,000
Grand Total - General Fund Expenditures 6,939,779 7,180,329 7,781,655 7,566,802 8,450,197 668,542
Ending Fund Balance 3,219,339 3,068,714 2,730,987 2,623,520 1,845,328 (885,660)
City of East Wenatchee
General Fund Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
General Government
General government expenses are a major class of activities of the legislative, judicial and
executive branches of the City for the benefit of the public or government. These expenses do not
include administrative services provided by a specific department in support of services properly
includable in other major City functions.
Below are descriptions of some of the major expenses included in this budget:
LEOFF 1 Insurance Premiums - This line item pays the insurance premiums for LEOFF
1 retired police officers as well as the City’s portion of medical expenses for LEOFF 1
active and retired officers. These medical expenses are typically unreimbursed medical
expenses. Non-routine reimbursements are approved in advance by the Douglas County
Disability Board. Premiums have been reduced substantially due to a decrease in the
number of individuals still in the LEOFF 1 program.
RiverCom - RiverCom annual costs are estimated at $261,251 for 2021, a decrease of
14.2%, due to projected lower billed incidents in the prior annual period. Past monthly
payments are as follows:
Year Monthly Amount Percent of Change
2017 $26,083 10.95
2018 $26,836 2.88
2019 $28,243 5.24
2020 $25,380 (10.13)
2021 (projected) $21,771 (14.22)
Animal Control - The Wenatchee Valley Humane Society annual cost is budgeted at
$73,515 per year, based upon a Services Agreement with the City for the period January 1,
2018 through December 31, 2020.
Chelan/Douglas Transportation Council - The membership dues amount will be $13,928
in 2020, which is a 5% increase from 2019.
Wenatchee Valley Museum – The City has contracted with the Museum through 2024 to
contribute to the operation of the Museum for support services at $121,488 per year. Half
of those funds come out of this budget while the other half are budgeted to come out of the
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund pending approval by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Property Management - 311 9th St NE - 463 - - - -
GWATA Membership - - 300 300 300 -
Wellness 2,859 2,927 3,000 1,500 1,000 (2,000)
City Theme 7,122 283 750 375 750 -
LEOFF 1 Insurance Premiums 31,048 27,880 27,500 26,730 26,500 (1,000)
River Com 322,026 338,912 365,000 304,564 261,251 (103,749)
Animal Control 73,515 67,389 73,515 73,515 73,515 -
Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council 13,005 13,265 13,928 13,928 14,500 572
Contributions - Region 30,000 15,000 45,000 45,000 25,000 (20,000)
NCW Economic Development District 1,188 1,188 1,250 1,250 1,250 -
NCWEDD Chelan/Douglas Trends 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 -
Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce - - 360 360 500 140
Spirit of Wenatchee Miss Veedol 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 -
Wenatchee Valley Museum 46,365 - 121,488 - 61,000 (60,488)
Comm Mental Health (2% Liquor)2,693 3,489 3,600 4,495 3,600 -
311 9th St NE Purchase 280,546 - - - - -
City Land Purchase - 1002 Colorado Ave - 240,187 - - - -
Totals 814,866 715,480 660,191 476,517 473,666 (186,525)
City of East Wenatchee
General Government Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
The Legislative budget includes expenditures related only to the legislative activities of the City
Council. There are no FTE associated with this budget, but it does pay for the monthly earnings
of each Councilmember.
Prior to 2021, the Mayor’s monthly earnings, 1/3rd of the Events Director/Public Information
Officer salary, and various other supply, training and service expenses were included in this
budget. Those expenses have been moved out to a new and separate budget for the Mayor’s office.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2021 to 2021
Salaries 157,750 185,868 197,000 190,000 55,440 (141,560)
Benefits 42,132 59,690 60,000 55,000 4,500 (55,500)
Public Defender 97,700 97,700 135,000 132,436 135,000 -
Public Defender Conflicts 4,580 5,708 5,500 4,806 5,200 (300)
Office Supplies 695 787 300 1,000 650 350
Training 2,372 2,637 3,000 200 1,500 (1,500)
Professional Services 22,925 24,252 42,000 65,000 10,000 (32,000)
AWC Annual Membership Fee 8,828 9,703 10,000 9,967 9,989 (11)
Travel 2,471 1,091 1,500 450 1,250 (250)
Travel - Misawa 4,718 4,620 4,750 - 5,000 250
Advertising 8,142 762 2,000 1,208 1,000 (1,000)
Election Costs - Registered Voters 23,597 19,902 22,000 26,000 25,000 3,000
Insurance 11,660 12,753 13,000 14,000 8,500 (4,500)
Background Check Costs 120 174 200 185 200 -
Miscellaneous 5,330 7,463 5,000 4,406 5,000 -
Totals 407,915 444,447 512,450 509,219 268,229 (176,218)
City of East Wenatchee
Legislative Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Mayor’s Office
The Mayor’s budget includes the cost of providing executive management and administration to
the entire government. The Mayor’s monthly earnings, and 1/3rd of the salary for the Events
Director/Public Information Officer come out of this budget.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2021 to 2021
Salaries - - - - 97,000 97,000
Benefits - - - - 26,000 26,000
Office Supplies - - - - 250 250
Newsletter Printing & Mailing - - - - 10,000 10,000
Training - - - - 2,500 2,500
Professional Services - - - - 30,000 30,000
Cell Phone - - - - 550 550
Travel - - - - 1,000 1,000
Insurance - - - - 8,500 8,500
Miscellaneous - - - - 250 250
Totals - - - - 176,050 176,050
City of East Wenatchee
Mayor's Office Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Municipal Court
The budget for the Municipal Court includes the costs of providing a court system for civil,
criminal and juvenile cases including the costs for jury and expert witness fees.
This budget funds the monthly salary of the judge who is under contract with the City for his
services, as well as the following 3.0 FTE:
1.0 Court Administrator;
1.0 Probation Counselor; and
1.0 Clerk/Bailiff
The Court is requesting an additional 1.0 FTE due to an increase in its workload, and the cost of
that FTE is reflected in the salary and benefit line items below.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Bu dg et Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries 171,686 182,053 199,000 214,000 262,000 63,000
Salaries - Probation Services 49,110 53,331 55,000 56,077 58,500 3,500
Benefits 61,235 64,996 74,000 66,651 89,000 15,000
Benefits - Probation Services 33,835 35,725 41,000 35,602 39,000 (2,000)
Office Supplies 2,766 1,586 1,500 710 3,500 2,000
Training 1,005 1,535 1,500 1,000 1,500 -
Travel 3,005 6,306 6,000 4,000 6,000 -
Insurance 11,462 13,505 13,860 14,860 15,860 2,000
Miscellaneous 411 2,954 - 365 500 500
Interpreting 1,245 580 5,000 624 5,000 -
Judge Protems 2,250 2,475 4,000 1,620 4,000 -
Witness Fees 18 206 500 144 500 -
Juror Fees 2,084 1,898 2,000 2,880 2,000 -
IT Contractor - - - - 2,705 2,705
Security 4,731 5,256 6,000 5,000 6,000 -
Capital Outlay 4,482 22,447 5,000 3,377 5,000 -
Totals 349,325 394,851 414,360 406,910 501,065 86,705
City of East Wenatchee
Municipal Court Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Human Resources
The Human Resources (HR) budget is new for 2021; prior to 2021, these expenses were minimal
and were mainly part of the Legislative budget. City staff determined that these expenditures
should belong in a separate budget in order to track the cost of the City’s human resource function.
HR is responsible for:
Recruiting and staffing,
Compensation and benefits,
Training and learning, and
Labor and employee relations
This budget funds .5 FTE of the City Clerk/HR position.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries - - - - 42,500 42,500
Benefits - - - - 19,000 19,000
Office Supplies - - - - 500 500
Training - - - - 1,000 1,000
Membership Dues & Publications - - - - 500 500
Travel - - - - 1,000 1,000
Advertising - - - - 1,000 1,000
Insurance - - - - 3,500 3,500
Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 250 250
Miscellaneous - - - - 250 250
Totals - - - - 69,500 69,500
City of East Wenatchee
Human Resources Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
City Clerk
The Office of the City Clerk is a service department that provides services to the City Council, all
City departments, and the general public. The Clerk serves as the liaison between the public and
City Council and provides related municipal services.
A key staff member for City Council meetings, the City Clerk prepares the legislative agenda,
verifies legal notices have been posted or published and completes the necessary arrangements to
ensure an effective meeting. The City Clerk is entrusted with the responsibility of recording the
decisions of our representative government.
As a records manager, the City Clerk oversees the preservation and protection of the public record.
The City Clerk maintains and indexes the Minutes, Ordinances, and Resolutions adopted by the
legislative body. The City Clerk also ensures that other municipal records are readily accessible
to the public.
Finally, the City Clerk is the local official who administers all legislative actions ensuring
transparency to the public. The City Clerk also serves as a compliance officer for federal, state
and local statutes.
The City Clerk budget funds 1.5 FTE broken down as follows:
1.0 Deputy Clerk
.5 City Clerk (the other .5 is in the Human Resources budget)
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Descriptio n Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries 71,644 76,000 78,000 77,762 97,500 19,500
Benefits 38,659 39,000 42,000 34,908 50,800 8,800
Office Supplies 1,783 3,000 3,000 2,500 3,000 -
Central Stores 5,919 4,000 5,000 5,655 5,500 500
Training 944 2,000 2,000 1,000 3,000 1,000
Membership Dues & Publications 959 1,200 1,200 588 1,000 (200)
Postage - 427 - - - -
Travel 1,171 2,500 2,500 500 1,500 (1,000)
Advertising 2,957 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 -
Insurance 5,905 8,000 8,800 9,800 7,300 (1,500)
Repairs & Maintenance - 500 250 - 250 -
Fireworks - DCFD Remittance - - 250 250 250 -
Miscellaneous 560 750 750 500 500 (250)
Records Services 845 1,000 1,000 272 1,000 -
Codification 2,016 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 -
Fireworks - Deposit Refund 2,500 2,500 2,200 2,200 2,300 100
Totals 135,862 144,977 151,050 140,035 178,000 26,950
City of East Wenatchee
City Clerk Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Internal Services
Internal services expenditures are those responsibilities that the City provides to support its own
internal operation that benefit multiple departments within the City’s organizational structure.
These costs include the following:
Office Machine Costs - This account is used to record the rental payments of the copier
and other associated costs
Telephone Line Charges - Charges for telephone service to City Hall
Postage Meter - This line item is used to reimburse the postage meter for city-wide
department usage
Repairs & Maintenance - Repairs and maintenance of internal services equipment
including the copier and postage meter
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Office Machine Costs 17,614 3,794 14,000 14,000 12,500 (1,500)
Telephone Line Charges 10,952 16,404 14,000 11,777 14,000 -
Postage 5,499 2,526 7,000 6,038 6,000 (1,000)
Repairs & Maintenance 1,907 9,217 3,000 4,000 4,000 1,000
Miscellaneous - - - - - -
Totals 35,973 31,941 38,000 35,815 36,500 (1,500)
City of East Wenatchee
Internal Services Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
The Finance budget includes expenditures related to the general accounting, independent audit
(payments to the State Auditor), budgeting, tax administration, assessment and evaluation
(assessor and board of equalization), internal audit, bank charges, debt administration, treasury
and other fiduciary services. This budget funds 2.0 FTE, which includes:
1.0 Finance Director
1.0 Accounting Technician
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Fo recast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries 183,568 171,890 210,000 207,000 169,000 (41,000)
Benefits 85,683 78,912 95,000 80,000 70,000 (25,000)
Office Supplies 1,843 1,632 1,700 1,220 1,600 (100)
Travel 398 253 1,000 124 500 (500)
Insurance 5,453 7,027 9,680 10,680 12,282 2,602
Miscellaneous 25 12 - - - -
State Audit 624 21,992 18,000 10,000 30,000 12,000
Bank Charges & Fees 3,531 4,782 5,000 3,506 4,500 (500)
Training 1,114 250 2,000 300 1,500 (500)
Totals 282,240 286,749 342,380 312,830 289,382 (52,998)
City of East Wenatchee
Finance Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Information Technology
The Information Technology (IT) budget includes all expenses related to the City’s technology
needs including computers, hardware, software, servers, and centralized systems management.
This budget funds 1.0 FTE – an Information Systems Manager.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries - 83,273 96,000 95,959 98,100 2,100
Benefits - 40,408 50,000 43,535 45,500 (4,500)
Supplies - 308 1,000 400 1,000 -
Memberships - 75 100 75 100 -
Disaster Backup System Support 8,622 8,622 25,000 25,000 16,000 (9,000)
Annual Fee - GIS Systems 2,617 - 1,100 2,058 10,100 9,000
Annual License - Spillman, NetMotion & Ragnasoft 17,541 16,515 20,645 20,645 23,000 2,355
Annual License - Municipal Court - 1,200 - 5,908 3,000 3,000
Annual Fee - Vision Financial Software 5,463 5,627 6,000 6,325 7,000 1,000
Annual License Fee - Evidence.com 3,219 6,927 7,000 7,000 20,000 13,000
Annual Subscription - Website 6,753 14,690 7,000 1,500 5,000 (2,000)
Annual License - FTR Recording System 1,132 756 1,500 1,200 1,500 -
Annual License - Electronic Archive (Smarsh & Archive Soc - - - - 7,500 7,500
Annual Support & Maintenance - Laserfiche - 8,288 9,800 10,431 10,000 200
Service Package - Laserfiche (Legal, Police, & Planning) - 8,245 8,000 6,000 8,000 -
Professional Services - - 5,000 7,500 5,000 -
Cell Phone - - 750 815 850 100
Training - - 4,000 1,000 3,000 (1,000)
Travel - - 4,000 - 2,000 (2,000)
Insurance - - - 2,000 3,000 3,000
Capital - PC Software Admin 68,530 24,163 20,000 34,000 33,000 13,000
Capital - PC Hardware Admin 17,806 23,869 50,000 48,000 32,000 (18,000)
Totals 246,727 290,314 316,895 320,146 334,650 17,755
City of East Wenatchee
IT Department Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
The Legal Department budget includes the costs related to consultation, such as drafting or
reviewing legal documents (such as ordinances, resolutions, contracts, etc.), or providing legal
advice to the governing body or other departments, and costs related to actual or potential
litigation or alternative dispute resolution (such as arbitration or mediation).This budget funds
1.8 FTE, which includes:
1.0 Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
.8 City Attorney (the other .2 is funded in the Public Records budget)
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries 135,940 140,729 195,000 182,000 175,000 (20,000)
Benefits 63,889 65,549 104,000 80,000 72,000 (32,000)
Training 245 70 2,000 1,320 2,000 -
Professional Services - 278 1,500 7,645 10,000 8,500
Licensing 495 500 1,000 - 1,000 -
Office Supplies 115 93 300 200 200 (100)
Legal Research - - - - 1,200 1,200
Membership Dues - - - - 30 30
Postage - - - 69 - -
Travel 1,767 - 2,000 - 500 (1,500)
Insurance 9,448 11,178 12,100 13,100 11,280 (820)
Miscellaneous 499 3,133 3,000 1,630 1,000 (2,000)
Litigation Expenses - - 10,000 7,500 10,000 -
Totals 212,398 221,530 330,900 293,464 284,210 (46,690)
City of East Wenatchee
Legal Department Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Public Records
At the recommendation of the City Attorney, this budget was created for 2021 in order to
properly track and account for the cost of public records requests that the City receives as part of
the Public Records Act. It includes .2 FTE of the City Attorney, and the usual operating
expenses needed to operate a cost center (supplies, insurance, etc.)
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries - - - - 25,000 25,000
Benefits - - - - 11,000 11,000
Training - - - - 300 300
Postage - - - - 25 25
Travel - - - - 1,000 1,000
Insurance - - - - 2,820 2,820
Self-Insurance - - - - 5,000 5,000
Totals - - - - 45,145 45,145
City of East Wenatchee
Public Records Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Civil Service
The Civil Service budget includes the monthly earnings for the Civil Service Secretary who is
scheduled when a civil service position is open and being recruited, generally in the Police
Department. The Civil Service Secretary is a contractor for the City; not an employee.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries 2,451 3,120 3,214 2,496 3,300 86
Insurance 3,767 4,448 7,150 7,850 8,100 950
Miscellaneous 353 - - - - -
Totals 6,571 7,568 10,364 10,346 11,400 1,036
City of East Wenatchee
Civil Service Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Central Services
Central Services represents the costs of maintaining the City Hall building and surrounding
property. This budget also includes the cost of other items that benefit multiple departments, and
don’t necessarily belong in one single budget center.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Descriptio n Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies 2,160 2,190 2,000 4,004 5,000 3,000
Small Tools & Equipment 6,790 1,063 10,000 8,500 10,000 -
Professional Services 15,763 24,355 25,000 18,000 25,000 -
Contracted Custodial Services 26,489 24,400 24,000 25,976 32,000 8,000
Insurance 41,383 49,008 47,300 48,300 52,000 4,700
Utilities 23,266 24,056 25,000 29,019 30,000 5,000
Repairs & Maintenance 8,037 9,628 12,000 10,689 15,000 3,000
Miscellaneous 749 881 2,000 1,100 2,000 -
Landscaping 1,209 839 12,000 4,000 1,000 (11,000)
Ancillary (Interfund Maintenance)12,910 6,080 6,000 11,443 9,000 3,000
Capital Outlay 95,587 10,060 22,000 2,519 5,000 (17,000)
Totals 265,627 152,590 197,300 173,582 186,000 (11,300)
City of East Wenatchee
Central Services Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Law Enforcement
The Law Enforcement budget includes expenditures of a general nature incurred in administration
of various law enforcement activities. This budget funds 24.0 FTE broken out as follows:
13.0 Police Officer 1st Class Patrol
4.0 Sergeant
2.0 Police Officer 1st Class Detective
2.0 Records Specialist
1.0 Executive Secretary
1.0 Police Chief
1.0 Captain
New to the Law Enforcement budget for 2021 is an expense related to emergency management.
The City is required to have an emergency management plan, and the City plans on contracting
these services with Douglas County because they already have the framework and expertise related
to emergency management services.
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries 2,022,088 2,088,388 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,230,000 130,000
Overtime - Shift Coverage - - - - 140,000 140,000
Overtime Salaries 134,640 178,453 175,000 148,777 - (175,000)
Overtime - Traffic Safety 6,299 5,014 8,000 1,333 8,000 -
Overtime - Training - - - - 35,000 35,000
Overtime - Other - - - - 15,500 15,500
Benefits 755,889 779,701 900,000 755,250 841,000 (59,000)
Clothing Allowance 13,922 14,221 14,400 9,965 14,400 -
Office Supplies 6,102 7,955 8,500 8,500 8,500 -
Office Machine Costs 3,191 3,611 5,000 3,690 5,000 -
Fuel Consumed 51,462 52,367 52,000 34,357 55,000 3,000
Small Tools & Equipment 13,143 13,971 13,000 21,711 23,250 10,250
Bulletproof Vests 2,712 998 4,000 4,000 4,000 -
US Marshall Fugitive Task Force - - 1,500 - 1,500 -
Professional Services 13,923 13,555 15,000 12,000 15,000 -
Emergency Management - - - - 44,000 44,000
Membership Dues - - - - 600 600
Telephone 25,020 23,296 28,000 30,008 30,000 2,000
Postage 1,268 1,421 1,200 746 1,175 (25)
Travel 19,787 17,548 22,000 4,205 10,000 (12,000)
Insurance 83,806 99,547 69,000 70,000 71,000 2,000
Repairs & Maintenance 4,414 4,620 8,000 6,000 9,500 1,500
Miscellaneous 2,722 4,441 5,500 3,500 1,000 (4,500)
Reserves - - 500 - - (500)
Dry Cleaning Services 944 773 1,500 1,000 1,000 (500)
Crime Prevention 491 801 850 850 850 -
Training - Police Chief 450 630 1,000 - 1,000 -
Training - Officers 4,812 7,627 9,000 3,780 4,500 (4,500)
Training - Office Staff 365 500 900 - 500 (400)
Training - Academy 5,267 10,833 9,600 1,273 3,200 (6,400)
Ancillary (Interfund Vehicle Maintenance)1,749 1,808 2,400 1,600 2,400 -
Other Services - 340 1,500 125 1,500 -
Fleet Maintenance Rentals - - - - 177,000 177,000
Capital Outlay 36,264 83,600 33,000 33,000 33,000 -
Totals 3,210,731 3,416,019 3,490,350 3,255,670 3,788,375 298,025
City of East Wenatchee
Law Enforcement Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Jail Services
The Jail Services budget includes the costs owed to the Chelan County Regional Justice Center for
temporarily incarcerated individuals arrested by the City’s Police Departments, or individuals
arrested by another agency with a pending City warrant. Additional costs include medical care for
arrested individuals, and juveniles arrested by our jurisdiction that require detainment.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 C hange from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Housing & Monitoring Prisoners 262,816 300,762 378,000 300,000 456,500 78,500
Medical Care - Prisoners 8,137 2,840 10,000 10,000 9,000 (1,000)
Juvenile Detention 13,080 4,920 6,500 6,500 7,500 1,000
Totals 284,033 308,521 394,500 316,500 473,000 78,500
Jail Services Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Public Works
The Project Development Manager is the Public Works department head position reporting to the
Mayor, with responsibilities including supervision of the Stormwater Utility, Street Improvement
and Capital Projects. The Project Development Manager also participates in the Chelan/Douglas
Transportation Council Technical Advisory Committee.
Most of the Department costs are self-explanatory according to their title and nature. The level
and change in these expenditures reflect specific analysis by the department head. This budget
funds 1.0 FTE.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries 35,515 82,840 94,000 93,606 81,500 (12,500)
Benefits 18,421 40,381 46,000 41,354 37,500 (8,500)
Office Supplies 242 471 750 250 750 -
Small Tools & Equipment 74 350 500 250 500 -
Cell Phone - - 750 566 750 -
Travel 59 - 1,000 - 1,000 -
Insurance 8,213 9,715 11,000 12,000 13,000 2,000
Training 849 310 2,000 545 2,000 -
Miscellaneous - 607 1,000 1,000 1,000 -
Memberships - 124 500 - 500 -
Engineering Support Services 13,585 9,378 15,000 4,221 15,000 -
Totals 76,958 144,174 172,500 153,792 153,500 (19,000)
City of East Wenatchee
Public Works Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
The Planning Department budget includes expenditures related to all types of community planning
(e.g., feasibility and demographic studies, surveys, zoning regulations, land use administration,
transportation, etc.) as well as expenditures related to fostering economic growth in the
government’s jurisdiction area. This budget funds 2.25 FTE as follows:
1.0 Community Development Director
1.0 Associate Planner
.25 Building Permit Technician
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries 140,016 170,918 179,500 179,500 190,000 10,500
Benefits 49,319 60,745 62,000 62,000 62,000 -
Office Supplies 1,866 1,789 1,000 8,000 1,500 500
Fuel Consumed 176 154 200 175 175 (25)
Small Tools & Equipment 43 - 100 35 100 -
Training 699 560 2,000 500 1,000 (1,000)
Professional Services 5,150 - 25,000 20,000 25,000 -
Hearings Examiner - 1,800 600 1,200 600 -
Engineer/Architect Services 917 1,776 1,200 750 1,000 (200)
Travel 773 2,329 3,000 1,000 2,000 (1,000)
Advertising 2,100 3,965 3,500 1,269 3,000 (500)
Insurance 8,769 10,360 11,440 12,440 13,440 2,000
Repairs & Maintenance 43 43 100 20 100 -
Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 1,250 1,250
Miscellaneous 947 1,218 2,200 1,000 1,000 (1,200)
Totals 210,817 255,658 291,840 287,889 302,165 10,325
City of East Wenatchee
Planning Department Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 General Fund Expenditures
Code Compliance
The Code Compliance budget includes expenditures related to protective inspections, issuance of
permits and certificates except for those related to health, law enforcement and fire. This budget
funds 1.50 FTE, which includes:
1.0 Building Inspector
.5 Building Permit Technician
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Descriptio n Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Salaries 97,015 102,865 111,000 104,992 109,000 (2,000)
Benefits 49,700 51,825 56,000 50,803 53,000 (3,000)
Office Supplies 296 32 2,200 2,150 300 (1,900)
Fuel Consumed 486 505 460 350 400 (60)
Small Tools & Equipment - 19 100 75 100 -
Training - - 300 - 300 -
Fire Marshal Services 20,273 21,075 21,500 21,500 22,145 645
Abatement - - 30,000 30,000 15,000 (15,000)
Travel - - 475 - 300 (175)
Insurance 5,743 6,789 8,690 9,690 10,690 2,000
Repairs & Maintenance - - 77 1,000 1,000
Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 275 275
Miscellaneous 95 105 300 195 150 (150)
Totals 173,608 183,215 231,025 219,832 212,660 (18,365)
City of East Wenatchee
Code Compliance Expenditures
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Street Fund
The Street Fund is allocated portions of the overall sales/use, and property tax receipts.
Additionally, another big source of revenue for this fund is gas tax, also known as motor vehicle
fuel tax (MVFT). The MVFT is distributed to all cities and town on a per capita basis where
revenues are restricted and must be used for streets, roads and highways. Total distributions
depend on amount of gas taxes collected statewide.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 241,994 324,859 298,609 225,971 161,082 (137,527)
Property Taxes - Street Dept 500,000 500,000 400,000 380,952 500,000 100,000
Sales And Use Tax 320,000 350,000 300,000 300,000 470,000 170,000
Total Taxes 820,000 850,000 700,000 680,952 970,000 270,000
Street Permits 960 2,715 3,000 2,000 2,000 (1,000)
Total Licenses & Permits 960 2,715 3,000 2,000 2,000 (1,000)
Multi-Modal Distribution 14,352 18,924 18,000 15,000 18,000 -
Gas Tax 281,001 271,641 275,000 239,130 275,000 -
Increased Gas Tax 16,745 16,559 16,000 13,913 16,000 -
Miscellaneous Revenue - - - 725 - -
Insurance Recoveries - Capital Assets - - - 4,421 - -
Total Intergovernmental Revenues 312,099 307,124 309,000 273,189 309,000 -
Grand Total Current Revenue 1,133,059 1,159,839 1,012,000 956,141 1,281,000 269,000
Total Available Resources 1,392,435 1,826,610 1,310,609 1,182,112 1,442,082 131,473
Intergovernmental Revenue
City of East Wenatchee
Street Fund 101 Revenues
Licenses & Permits
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Total Available Resources 1,392,435 1,826,610 1,310,609 1,182,112 1,442,082 131,473
Salaries - Roadway 35,000 36,599 80,000 13,557 64,500 (15,500)
Benefits - Roadway 19,000 19,575 53,000 9,346 34,000 (19,000)
Supplies - Roadway 25,000 47,913 50,000 40,000 50,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance - Roadway 7,500 258 6,000 30,000 - (6,000)
City of East Wenatchee
Street Fund 101 Expenditures
Roadway Maintenance
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Salaries - Sidewalks 2,500 7,312 4,500 118 4,500 -
Benefits - Sidewalks 1,300 4,530 2,400 105 2,400 -
Supplies - Sidewalks 2,000 1,074 2,000 750 2,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance - Sidewalks 2,500 24 3,000 3,000 3,000 -
Salaries - Special Purpose Paths 1,500 139 500 665 2,000 1,500
Benefits - Special Purpose Paths 800 120 250 161 1,000 750
Supplies - Special Purpose Paths 2,000 1,068 2,500 1,000 1,000 (1,500)
Annual Fee - Loop Trail Services 13,000 153,000 - - - -
Special Purpose Paths
Salaries - Street Lighting 2,000 2,757 2,000 852 2,000 -
Benefits - Street Lighting 1,100 1,138 1,200 325 1,200 -
Supplies - Street Lighting 500 104 500 400 500 -
Utilities - Street Lighting 39,000 90,604 60,000 50,000 60,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance - Street Lighting 1,000 8,277 5,000 1,500 5,000 -
Salaries - Traffic Control Devices 40,000 25,500 40,000 105,609 35,000 (5,000)
Benefits - Traffic Control Devices 23,000 15,130 23,000 56,380 18,600 (4,400)
Supplies - Traffic Control Devices 55,000 33,936 48,000 44,000 48,000 -
Utilities - Traffic Control Devices 9,000 6,955 9,000 8,000 9,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance - Traffic Control Devices 20,000 20,191 14,000 9,000 14,000 -
Miscellaneous - Traffic Control Devices 1,000 - - - - -
Street Lighting
Traffic Control Devices
Salaries - Parking Facilities 2,000 301 1,000 891 1,000 -
Benefits - Parking Facilities 1,200 231 500 833 500 -
Supplies - Parking Facilities 300 - 300 - - (300)
Utilities - Parking Facilities 500 270 500 648 700 200
Salaries - Snow & Ice Control 65,000 37,533 70,000 22,352 60,000 (10,000)
Benefits - Snow & Ice Control 34,000 17,089 47,000 14,399 35,000 (12,000)
Supplies - Snow & Ice Control 100,000 75,621 100,000 45,000 100,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance - Snow & Ice Control 6,000 10,782 5,000 4,999 5,000 -
Parking Facilities
Snow & Ice Control
Salaries - Flags/Banners 18,000 9,632 30,000 3,879 20,000 (10,000)
Benefits - Flags/Banners 10,000 5,065 25,000 1,485 12,000 (13,000)
Supplies - Flags/Banners 2,500 1,014 2,000 1,915 2,000 -
Salaries - Roadside 125,000 191,049 180,000 180,896 240,000 60,000
Benefits - Roadside 68,000 109,116 94,000 94,993 130,000 36,000
Supplies - Roadside 5,000 2,273 5,000 4,000 5,000 -
Professional Services - Roadside - 4,306 3,000 - 3,000 -
Utilities - Roadside 1,000 791 1,000 850 1,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance - Roadside 1,000 48 1,000 1,000 1,000 -
Miscellaneous - Roadside 1,000 - - - - -
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Salaries - City Parks 60,000 49,643 45,000 76,424 45,000 -
Benefits - City Parks 37,000 26,182 23,000 37,563 23,000 -
Supplies - City Parks 20,000 6,851 15,000 13,000 15,000 -
Utilities - City Parks 3,000 6,477 4,000 3,800 5,000 1,000
Repairs & Maintenance - City Parks 3,000 1,204 4,000 3,500 4,000 -
Japanese Garden Agreement 18,000 16,000 18,000 6,000 - (18,000)
Miscellaneous - - - - - -
Salaries - Maintenance Admin 13,000 446 - 2,815 - -
Benefits - Maintenance Admin 7,500 686 - 856 - -
City Parks
Maintenance Administration
Salaries - General Services 50,000 20,127 - 23,929 - -
Benefits - General Services 13,500 10,972 - 9,452 - -
Supplies - General Services 6,000 11,657 6,000 8,000 6,000 -
Insurance - General Services 45,600 65,505 54,000 55,000 55,000 1,000
Miscellaneous - General Services 3,000 865 3,000 3,100 3,000 -
E,R&R - General Services - - - - 169,000 169,000
Cell Phone - General Services - - 750 565 750 -
General Services
Salaries - Facilities 6,000 2,383 3,000 4,183 4,000 1,000
Benefits - Facilities 3,500 517 1,600 1,636 1,800 200
Supplies - Facilities 2,000 34 2,000 1,300 2,000 -
Utilities - Facilities 6,000 5,139 6,000 5,700 6,500 500
Repairs & Maintenance - Facilities 2,500 814 2,500 5,000 2,500 -
Miscellaneous - Facilities 500 - - - - -
Salaries - Training 2,000 3,098 6,500 1,699 7,000 500
Benefits - Training 1,100 1,491 3,872 796 3,500 (372)
Supplies - Training 1,000 54 500 500 500 -
Travel - Training 1,000 1,839 4,000 65 4,000 -
Miscellaneous - Training 1,000 85 1,000 3,238 1,000 -
Grand Total Street Expenditures 1,050,400 1,600,639 1,175,872 1,021,030 1,332,450 156,578
Ending Fund Balance 324,859 225,972 134,737 161,082 109,632 (25,105)
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Community Development Grant Fund
The City of East Wenatchee is an entitlement jurisdiction and receives annual Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) formula grant allocations from the US Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD). The funds must be used for housing, community development,
and economic development activities, and must benefit low and moderate-income residents. The
funds must be spent on projects located within the City.
The revenue and expenditures listed in the Community Development Grant Fund budget are only
those funds provided by HUD. The Program Year for the CDBG Program is from October 1
through September 30 each year.
The City of East Wenatchee Community Development & Housing Consolidated Plan
(Consolidated Plan) describes how the City will spend the CDBG funds over a five-year period.
We are in the first year of the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. Typically, the Consolidated Plan is
adopted before the end of the first program year. Due to COVID-19, jurisdictions were granted an
extension to August 2021. An annual action plan is adopted every year describing the projects or
programs that will be funded during that program year. Again, that deadline has been extended to
2021. The 2020 Program Year formula grant allocation is $142,699. The use of the funds has not
been determined. A placeholder project to improve Hamilton Ave. has been included in the budget
since this street has been on our CDBG capital project list for several years. We may have an
opportunity to partner with a private developer and the utility providers for this project. If the funds
are expended for the street project, that will be reflected in the Street Department Budget.
The City received additional funds in 2020 for COVID-19-related projects ($83,927). We also
reprogrammed $50,000 of the 2019 Columbia Valley Housing Association funds to establish a
Microenterprise Business Grant Program. It is anticipated that those funds will be spent in 2020.
Funds remain from 2014, 2017, 2018, and 2019. The Housing Authority of Chelan County and the
City of Wenatchee did not use all the funds allocated for their apartment rehabilitation project,
leaving an $9,373 that has not been allocated to another project or program. The Columbia Valley
Housing Association has not been able to spend down their allocated funds for the homeowner
down payment assistance program. The market for homes in East Wenatchee affordable to low-
income families has been a limiting factor for their program. They hope to spend down some of
the funds before the end of 2020. The table below shows the allocations and potential spending
timeframe for the funds.
Remaining Funds
2020 2020 2021 Admin Hamilton
Not programmed 2014 10,000$
Not programmed 2017 11,082$
Not spend by Wen HA 2018 9,373$
Col Valley Hsg 2018 53,469$
Col Valley Hsg 2019 58,695$ 112,164$ 40,000$ 72,164$
Admin not spent 2019 2,769$
Microenterprise Grants 2019 50,000$
CDBG-CV Funds 2019 83,927$ 133,927$
CDBG Formula Grant 2020 142,699$ 2,600$ 173,323$
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Descrip tion Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 76,285 77,954 77,954 77,431 37,431 (40,523)
HUD CD Block Grant 3,470 65,250 219,619 158,201 74,764 (144,855)
Total Resources Available 79,755 143,204 297,573 235,632 112,195 (185,378)
CDBG Salaries - - - 2,851 - -
CDBG Benefits - - - 941 - -
CDBG Micro-Business Loan Program - - - 133,970 - -
CDBG Housing Program Costs - 59,927 192,619 40,000 72,164 (120,455)
CDBG Professional Services - 4,994 25,300 18,105 - (25,300)
CDBG Advertising 1,268 329 1,600 1,811 1,800 200
CDBG Travel - - - - 700 700
CDBG Miscellaneous 533 523 100 523 100 -
Total Expenditures 1,801 65,773 219,619 198,201 74,764 (144,855)
Ending Fund Balance 77,954 77,431 77,954 37,431 37,431 (40,523)
City of East Wenatchee
Community Development Grant Fund 102
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Transportation Benefit District Fund
Any city or town may form a transportation benefit district (TBD) under chapter 36.73 RCW to
raise revenues for transportation purposes. Any TBD (or city, if the city has “assumed” the TBD
under chapter 36.74 RCW) may impose a vehicle license fee up to $50 without voter approval, or
up to $100 with voter approval (RCW 82.80.140, RCW 36.73.040(3)(b)), in addition to any vehicle
license fees charged by the state. The City of East Wenatchee imposes a non-voted vehicle license
fee of $20.
The revenues may be used for eligible “transportation improvements” listed in a local, regional, or
state transportation plan in accordance with chapter 36.73 RCW. Improvements can range from
roads and transit service to sidewalks and transportation demand management. Construction,
maintenance, and operation costs are eligible.
Initiative 976, approved by state voters in November 2019, repeals the authority of TBDs to impose
vehicle license fees, which is currently under review at the state Supreme Court. The City currently
continues to receive TBD revenues but has no plans to spend them if the Supreme Court upholds
the will of the voters.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 323,201 379,979 350,597 334,570 212,610 (137,987)
Car Tab Fee Revenue 254,112 257,043 40,000 35,165 - (40,000)
Resources Available 577,314 637,022 390,597 369,735 212,610 (177,987)
StreetSaver Program - 21,112 - 7,125 - -
Pavement Ratings - - - - 6,000 6,000
Transfer Out 197,335 281,340 375,000 150,000 190,000 (185,000)
Total Expenditures 197,335 302,452 375,000 157,125 196,000 (179,000)
Ending Fund Balance 379,979 334,570 15,597 212,610 16,610 1,013
City of East Wenatchee
Transportation Benefit District Fund 105
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Library Fund
In 2006, the City of East Wenatchee signed a new Building Use and Maintenance Agreement with
the North Central Regional Library District (NCRLD). The agreement has renewed many times,
but most recently renewed for the years 2021 through 2023. The City reimbursement rate and
history are as follows:
January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2014 $3,000 per year
January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2017 $6,500 per year
January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2020 $7,000 per year
January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2023 $7,500 per year
This revenue is paid to the City for contracted building use and maintenance reimbursement from
the NCRLD. Reimbursement payments are received in June and November of each year. As
noted above, the City will receive $7,500 per year for 2021 through 2023, at which time the City
will review the contract again.
The City allocates a proportionate share of the cost of contracted janitorial services, and utilities
to the Library.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budg e t Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 6,938 10,372 11,372 12,079 12,807 1,436
Library Services 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,500 500
Resources Available 13,938 17,372 18,372 19,079 20,307 1,936
Facilities - Professional Services 1,027 - 2,000 - - (2,000)
Facilities - Utilities 2,503 5,292 4,000 6,272 6,500 2,500
Facilities - Repairs & Maintenance 36 - - - - -
Facilities - Miscellaneous - - 40 - - (40)
Total Expenditures 3,566 5,292 6,040 6,272 6,500 460
Ending Fund Balance 10,372 12,079 12,332 12,807 13,807 1,476
City of East Wenatchee
Library Fund 112
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund
Any city or town has the authority to levy lodging taxes, also known as “hotel/motel taxes,” on all
charges for furnishing lodging at hotels, motels, and short-term rentals (STR), including such
activities as Airbnb, bed and breakfasts (B&Bs), RV parks, and other housing and lodging
accommodations for periods of time less than 30 days. The tax is collected as a sales tax and paid
by the customer at the time of the transaction. These taxes may be imposed by the legislative body
and do not require voter approval. All lodging tax revenues must be used for tourism promotion,
acquisition of tourism-related facilities, or operation of tourism-related facilities.
There are two lodging tax options:
A “basic” or “state-shared” lodging tax up to 2% that is taken as a credit against the 6.5%
state sales tax rate, so that the lodging patron does not see any tax increase
An “additional” or “special” lodging tax up to 2% on top of the state sales tax rate that
results in a higher tax bill for the patron
Cities that imposed a combined lodging tax rate of 6% before January 1, 1998 are grandfathered
in under RCW 67.28.181(2)(d). This occurred due to a unique set of circumstances and only
applies to the cities of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee.
In 2019, the City contracted with the Chamber for tourism support services for $60,000. This
included special funding of $15,000 for a documentary of the first non-stop Trans-Pacific flight
and the Wenatchee Valley sister city relationship with Misawa, Japan. The additional funds
supported tourism marketing materials, economic impact reporting, visitor services, and sports
tourism coordination.
Due to COVID, and the lack of tourism activity and decreased hotel/motel tax revenues, the City
and the Chamber did not extend the contract for 2020. However, the Chamber continued to provide
marketing and visitor services, and has regularly participated in the East Wenatchee Events Board
(EWEB) meetings to provide updates. The Mayor would like to renew the contract with the
Chamber and has allocated $45,000 as a placeholder in the budget for 2021. The request will need
to be approved by EWEB for recommendation to the Council.
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 2,811 76,559 45,283 81,633 100,145 54,862
HM Tax - Allocated 75,580 92,595 125,000 200,000 225,000 100,000
H/M Tax Allocated 75,579 92,595 125,000 - - (125,000)
Total Resources Available 153,970 261,749 295,283 281,633 325,145 29,862
Wenatchee Valley Chamber - - - - 45,000 45,000
Contributions to Other Entities 12,500 68,840 70,000 10,000 50,000 (20,000)
Wenatchee Valley Museum 64,911 111,276 - 121,488 61,000 61,000
Transfer-Out to Fund 117 - - 135,000 50,000 120,000 (15,000)
Total Expenditures 77,411 180,116 205,000 181,488 276,000 71,000
Ending Fund Balance 76,559 81,633 90,283 100,145 49,145 (41,138)
City of East Wenatchee
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Drug Fund
The City allocates a portion of Municipal Court receipts to this fund. Periodically, the City also
removes forfeited property (cash), and the proceeds of forfeited property from drug related
offenses, from its police repository and deposits these resources to be used for purposes allowable
by law.
When the fund accumulates enough resources, the City spends a portion of these funds in support
of drug related programs under the direction of the Police Chief.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 915 1,064 1,516 1,515 1,615 99
Drug Investigation 148 24 100 100 100 -
Restitution - - - - - -
Forfeited Property - 427 - - - -
Total Resources Available 1,064 1,515 1,616 1,615 1,715 99
Small Tools & Equip - - - - - -
Total Expenditures - - - - - -
Ending Fund Balance 1,064 1,515 1,616 1,615 1,715 99
City of East Wenatchee
Drug Fund 114
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Criminal Justice Fund
Any county may impose a non-voted 0.1% sales tax for criminal justice purposes (RCW
82.14.340), which Douglas County does. This sales tax may only be imposed by the county, but
the county must share its revenues with all cities and towns in the county. 10% of the revenues
are distributed to the county, while the remaining 90% is split between the county and its cities on
a per capita (population) basis.
The revenues must be used on activities that substantially assist the criminal justice system, which
may include circumstances where ancillary benefit to the civil justice system occurs, and which
includes domestic violence services such as those provided by domestic violence programs,
community advocates, and legal advocates, as defined in RCW 70.123.020.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 10,166 28,364 47,104 47,204 5,096 (42,007)
Population 3,944 4,098 3,700 4,988 4,500 800
Special Programs 14,254 14,743 14,000 17,904 16,000 2,000
Total Resources Available 28,364 47,204 64,804 70,096 25,596 (39,207)
Transfer Out - ER&R Fund - - - 65,000 25,000 25,000
Total Expenditures - - - 65,000 25,000 25,000
Ending NC&I 28,364 47,204 64,804 5,096 596 (64,207)
City of East Wenatchee
Criminal Justice Fund 116
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Events Fund
The Events Fund contains the revenues and expenditures for the Events Department. Classy
Chassis, Wings & Wheels, and Wings & Wishes are currently the main events hosted by the Events
Department. Expenses have been allocated to the various events based upon the historical and
planned levels of each event during the upcoming year.
Citizen based committees assist in the planning and support of each of these activities, along with
the Events staff. Support is also provided by the Police Department for public safety and traffic
control, as well as the Street Department for parade route barricades and facility support. An
additional role for this department is marketing for the City through participation on local, regional
and state-wide recreation and tourism boards and committees.
The Events Department is funded with a combination of Hotel/Motel taxes, sponsorships, sales of
promotional goods and event registrations. The receipt of hotel/motel taxes is pending approval by
the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. If denied, the City will have to support this fund with sales
tax or property tax. The fund pays for the salaries and benefits for .67 FTE of an Events
Director/Public Information Officer in addition to the operational costs of hosting each of the
respective events mentioned above.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 166,474 109,899 56,609 52,972 5,119 (51,490)
Transfer-in from Fund 113 - - 135,000 50,000 120,000 (15,000)
Easter Egg Hunt Admission Fees 1,735 1,428 1,400 - - (1,400)
Classy Chassis Parade/Car Show 9,962 9,105 9,000 - 9,000 -
Classy Chassis Vendor Fees - 250 150 - 150 -
Classy Chassis Donations - 900 - - - -
Classy Chassis Sponsorships 8,100 6,500 8,000 - 8,000 -
Classy Chassis Merchandise Sales 1,845 2,202 500 - 500 -
W&W Car Show Registration 5,260 4,620 4,500 - 4,500 -
W&W Vendor Fees 110 150 100 - 100 -
W&W Donations - - - - - -
W&W Sponsorships 9,450 12,400 12,000 - 12,000 -
Schedule of Events Brochure 3,950 300 - - - -
W&W Merchandise Sales 1,292 - 500 - 500 -
W&W Miscellaneous Revenue - 500 - --
PPile-up Car Show Sponsorships - 500 500 - -(500)
PPile-up Car Show Misc Revenue 270 - - - --
Christmas Sponsorships 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 -
Total Revenue 111,052 110,498 173,650 52,000 156,750 (16,900)
Total Resources Available 277,526 220,397 230,259 104,972 161,869 (68,390)
City of East Wenatchee
Events Fund 117
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
EWEB Salaries 14,750 67,861 78,000 50,000 60,000 (18,000)
EWEB Benefits 5,485 37,529 41,000 20,000 29,000 (12,000)
Contracted Services 85,807 9,750 - - - -
Total EWEB Salaries and Benefits 106,042 115,140 119,000 70,000 89,000 (30,000)
Marketing-Regional Tourism 1,050 1,407 3,000 598 3,000 -
Fuel - 32 200 - 200 -
Events Smalls Tools & Equipment 19 13 - - - -
Training - - 2,000 500 2,000 -
Professional Services - 382 600 127 600 -
Cell Phone - 25 600 758 760 160
Travel - -500 250 500 -
Advertising - 574 500 500 500 -
Miscellaneous 225 45 - - - -
Insurance 2,575 6,902 8,360 9,360 10,360 2,000
Office Supplies 1,234 1,293 1,000 600 1,000 -
EWEB General Expenditures 3,869 10,672 16,760 12,693 18,920 2,160
Easter - Small Tools & Equipment 152 195 200 - - (200)
Easter - Advertising 88 449 100 428 - (100)
Easter - Office Supplies 152 - 500 - - (500)
Easter - Miscellaneous 982 579 600 1,805 - (600)
Easter Event Expenses 1,373 1,223 1,400 2,233 - (1,400)
City of East Wenatchee
Events Fund 117
CC Office Supplies - - - - 2,000 2,000
CC Fuel Consumed - - - - - -
CC Merch for Resale 4,956 4,349 - - 2,500 2,500
CC Professional Services 4,248 3,281 2,300 260 2,300 -
CC Postage 1,466 - 500 758 800 300
CC EMPD Facility Fee - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 500
CC Advertising 4,234 4,886 3,000 1,438 3,000 -
CC Misc 716 1,955 2,000 - 500 (1,500)
Classy Chassis Event Expenses 15,621 15,472 8,800 2,456 12,600 3,800
W&W Supplies 807 740 500 - 700 200
W&W Event Merch for Resale 2,670 402 - - 1,500 1,500
W&W Professional Services 1,924 5,817 5,200 - 5,200 -
W&W Postage - 471 550 - 800 250
W&W EMPD Facility Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 -
W&W Advertising 8,742 5,361 5,000 749 5,000 -
W&W Prizes 3,021 - - - 250 250
W&W Miscellaneous 2,307 994 300 - 100 (200)
W&W Events Brochure 4,157 1,602 1,600 - 1,600 -
Wings & Wheels Event Expenses 24,627 16,386 14,150 749 16,150 2,000
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Parkway Pile-Up - Professional Services 738 597 600 - - (600)
P arkway Pile-Up - Advertising 2,265 387 500 10 - (500)
Parkway Pile-Up - Miscellaneous 384 425 300 - - (300)
Parkway Pileup Expenses 3,387 1,409 1,400 10 - (1,400)
Ch ristmas - Supplies - - - - 500 500
Christmas - Small Tools & Equipment 342 2,434 150 62 150 -
Christmas - Events & Decorations 1,822 2,417 10,000 10,000 5,000 (5,000)
Christmas - Professional Services - 1,151 400 400 400 -
Christmas - Advertising 1,413 550 750 750 750 -
Christmas - Miscellaneous 1,339 94 500 500 100 (400)
Christmas Event Expenses 4,916 6,647 11,800 11,712 6,900 (4,900)
Total Expenditures 159,835 166,948 173,310 99,853 143,570 (29,740)
Ending Fund Balance 117,691 53,449 56,949 5,119 18,299 (38,650)
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Bond Fund
The Bond Fund is used to account for payment of debt where payments are made from property
tax allocations, and a 2020 transfer-in from the Debt Reserve Fund. The City is currently paying
off a Public Works Trust Fund loan for 10th Street. Additionally, the City is planning on taking on
a Limited Tax General Obligation (LTGO) bond in the amount of $5,000,000. Interest payments
for the LTGO are scheduled to begin in 2021.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecas t Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 9,693 9,089 8,669 8,669 720,458 711,789
Property Tax 30,000 30,000 155,000 100,000 - (155,000)
Transfer-In - Fund 110 - - 660,000 660,000 - (660,000)
Resources Available 39,693 39,089 823,669 768,669 720,458 (103,211)
Principal - 2021 LTGO Bond - - 150,000 - - (150,000)
Principal - PWTFL 10th St. NE - - 125,000 15,000 165,000 40,000
Redemption - PWTF Debt 11th St.29,712 29,712 29,713 29,713 - (29,713)
Interest - 2021 LTGO Bond - - 223,300 - 75,000 (148,300)
Interest - PWTFL 10th St. NE - 113 7,500 3,200 8,500 1,000
Interest - PWTF Loan 11th St.891 594 298 298 - (298)
Total Expenditures 30,604 30,420 535,811 48,211 248,500 (287,311)
Ending Fund Balance 9,089 8,670 287,858 720,458 471,958 184,100
City of East Wenatchee
Bond Redemption Fund 202
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Street Improvements Fund
The Street Improvements Fund was established and used by the City to fund and manage capital
projects related to streets – streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, underground utilities, etc. These
projects involve pre-project engineering, construction engineering, purchase of right of ways, road
building/paving, curb/gutter/sidewalks and storm drains. Projects are bid and performed by
outside engineering and construction companies and involve coordination with other utility and
governmental entity partners. Funding is generally received from either Federal or State sources
that involve a variable funding contribution support by the City. Funding through bonded debt has
also been a source of funds for the City for these projects in the past.
Projects budgeted for 2021 have been selected from the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
provided to the Washington State Department of Transportation each June and other projects
approved by Council.
Projects scheduled for 2021 include:
Project Description Grant
Other City
Total Cost
10th St NE Design Project –
$2,809,767 $978,000 $3,787,767
TBD – 2021 Residential Overlay Project
$190,000 $190,000
TIB 3rd St SE/Rock Island Rd Traffic
Signal – Design
$81,855 $14,445 $96,300
TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay
$675,750 $119,250 $795,000
SRTS: 5th Street NE (Kenroy) – Design
$225,778 $39,843 $265,621
SRTS: 5th Street NE (Sterling) – Design $220,224 $38,863 $259,087
Grant Rd/Highline Dr Concrete
Approach Lanes – Design
9th Street/Valley Mall Pkwy Intersection
Improvements– Design & Construction
Totals $4,963,349 $190,000 $1,339,826 $6,493,755
The 10th St NE Design Project is funded by a Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) pre-construction
loan. It is anticipated to complete the design in 2020 with the $390,000 remaining in the PWTF
pre-construction loan. Federal construction funding was secured in 2019 through the Chelan-
Douglas Transportation Council for the eastern phase of the project. The western phase of the
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
project is funded through a Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant. Construction is
scheduled for 2021.
“Other” planned project funding sources are the Transportation Benefit District funds collected
from a $20 car tab fee that has been collected for many years.
The 3rd St SE/Rock Island Road Traffic Signal Project is associated with a TIB grant. If the grant
is funded, it is anticipated to start the design in 2021 and complete the construction in 2022.
The N Kentucky Ave Overlay Project is also associated with a TIB grant. If the grant is funded, it
is anticipated to complete the design and construction in 2021.
The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) 5th Street NE (Kenroy & Sterling) Projects are associated with
a federal SRTS grant. Grant funds were secured in 2019, and the design started in 2020 with
construction tentatively scheduled for 2022.
The Grant Rd/Highline Dr Concrete Approach Lanes Project is contingent on securing grant from
the Transportation Improvement Board. If funded, it is anticipated to begin the design phase in
2021 and construct the project in 2022.
The 9th Street/Valley Mall Pkwy Intersection Improvements Project is associated with a federal
Surface Transportation Program (STP) grant through the Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council.
It is anticipated to complete the design and construction in 2020.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 819,666 617,143 903,671 940,020 328,212 (575,459)
Property Tax 20,000 17,678 20,000 20,000 - (20,000)
GWID - 10 St. NE Improvements - - - - 298,534 298,534
STP 9th/VMP Intersection - - 901,700 121,100 825,000 (76,700)
STBG - 10th St. Ne Improvements - - - - 1,683,159 1,683,159
TIB Relight WA Mtls Grant 68,183 - - - - -
SRT S - 5th St NE: Sterling - - 220,224 85,000 207,500 (12,724)
SRTS - 5th St NE: Kenroy - - 225,778 81,000 233,250 7,472
TIB 3rd St SE/Highline Drive Roundabout - 67,581 663,000 652,000 - (663,000)
TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay - - 637,500 - 675,750 38,250
TIB 3rd/Rock Island Rd. Traffic Signal - - 76,500 - 81,800 5,300
TIB - 10th St. NE Improvements - - - - 1,126,608 1,126,608
TIB - Grant Rd./Highline Dr. Intersection Improvemen - - - - 48,875 48,875
PWTFL - 10th Street Design - 202,130 315,000 385,000 50,000 (265,000)
Transfer-In - From General Fund - - - - 500,000 500,000
Transfer-In - TBD Fund 105 197,335 281,340 375,000 150,000 190,000 (185,000)
Transfer-In - CDBG Fund 102 - - - - 70,000 70,000
Transfer-In - From Fund 314 - - 150,000 - 250,000 100,000
Transfer-In Fund 401 - SWU 10th St. NE Improvemen - - - - 728,000 728,000
Total Current Revenue 1,164,564 1,030,896 3,584,702 1,494,100 6,968,476 3,383,774
Total Resources Available 1,984,230 1,648,039 4,488,373 2,434,120 7,296,688 2,808,315
City of East Wenatchee
Street Improvements Fund 301
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Design 2020 TBD Paving - - 30,000 22,500 - (30,000)
Design - TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay - - 80,000 - 79,500 (500)
Design - TIB 3rd St SE/Rock Island Rd Traffic Signal - - 90,000 - 96,300 6,300
Design - Grant Rd./Highline Dr. Intersection Improvem - - - - 58,000 58,000
Design - TIB 3rd St SE/Highline Drive Roundabout - 97,789 5,000 5,200 - (5,000)
Design - SRT S - 5th St NE: Sterling - 372 259,087 105,000 155,000 (104,087)
Design - SRT S - 5th St NE: Kenroy - 372 265,321 96,000 170,000 (95,321)
Design - PWTFL - 10th Street Design - 234,373 320,000 307,708 55,000 (265,000)
ROW - PWTFL - 10th Street Design - -78,000 78,000 - (78,000)
ROW - SRT S - 5th St. Kenroy - -- - 105,000 105,000
ROW - SRT S - 5th St. Sterling - -- - 90,000 90,000
SDC - TIB 3rd St SE/Highline Drive Roundabout - -75,000 75,000 - (75,000)
SDC - 10th St. NE Improvements - -- - 300,000 300,000
Construction - TIB 3rd St SE/Highline Drive Roundabou - -700,000 700,000 - (700,000)
SDC 2020 TBD Paving - -20,000 12,500 - (20,000)
Construction 2020 TBD Paving - -325,000 125,000 - (325,000)
SDC - TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay - -45,000 - 53,000 8,000
Construction - TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay - -625,000 - 662,500 37,500
Construction - 10th St. NE Improvements - -- - 3,340,000 3,340,000
2021 Residential Overlay - -- - 190,000 190,000
TIB Complete Streets - Grant Rd/Georgia Ped Crossing - -75,000 65,000 - (75,000)
TIB Complete Streets - Grant Rd/June Ped Crossing - -100,000 203,000 - (100,000)
TIB Complete Streets - 3rd St NE Sidewalk Gap - -225,000 225,000 - (225,000)
Design - 9th Street/VMP Intersection Improvements - -156,400 86,000 71,000 (85,400)
SDC - 9th Street/VMP Intersection Improvements - -93,100 - 93,100 -
Construction - 9th St./VMP Intersection Improvements - -795,000 - 795,000 -
Design - Hamilton Ave Reconstruction - -- - 70,000 70,000
Street Improvements Staff Salaries - -- - 22,300 22,300
Street Improvements Staff Benefits - -- - 11,000 11,000
Transfer-Out - General Fund - -- - 500,000 500,000
Total Expenditures 1,253,222 708,019 4,361,908 2,105,908 6,916,700 2,554,792
Ending Fund Balance 731,008 940,020 126,465 328,212 379,988 253,523
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Capital Improvements Fund
Capital Improvements for this fund are specifically provided by receipts of Real Estate Excise Tax
(REET) paid by the seller in real estate sales within City boundaries. The State of Washington
levies REET upon all sales of real estate under chapter 82.45 RCW. The tax rate used to be a flat
1.28%, but effective January 1, 2020 the state implemented a graduated tax scale based on the
selling price of the property, with the sale price thresholds adjusted on a four-year schedule (see
RCW 82.45.060). The sale of real property classified as timberland or agricultural land remains
taxed at a flat 1.28% regardless of the sale price.
The two main REET options for cities and towns are:
REET 1 (“first quarter percent”) – Any city or town may levy a 0.25% real estate excise
tax primarily for capital projects and limited maintenance
REET 2 (“second quarter percent”) – Additional 0.25% real estate excise tax primarily for
capital projects and limited maintenance, but may only be imposed by cities that are fully
planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA)
In 2021, this fund will receive an influx of $5,000,000 from the proceeds of a Limited Tax General
Obligation for the purpose of various City Hall improvements, which is broken down into four
phases. Phase one began in 2020, will continue in early 2021, and includes the design of a new
Public Works/Street Department facility to replace the current outdated facilities that house these
City functions. Phase two includes construction of the facility, which is currently planned for the
late summer/early fall of 2021.
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 475,878 1,071,531 1,032,032 1,076,863 1,196,458 164,426
Real Estate Excise Tax 512,649 362,055 350,000 450,000 400,000 50,000
Bond Proceeds - - 5,000,000 - 5,000,000 -
Regional Fund Share - Gateway 57,613 188,186 - - - -
Property Tax 100,000 100,000 - - - -
Total Resources Available 1,146,140 1,721,773 6,382,032 1,526,863 6,596,458 214,426
REET to Fund 301 -- - 150,000 - 250,000 100,000
Gateway Property Purchase & Design 4,356 - - - - -
Gateway Property Design & Engr 50,705 - - - - -
Gateway Property Improvements 1,385 - - - - -
Public Works Remodel - 277 2,500,000 - 1,000,000 (1,500,000)
Gateway Property Construction - 566,836 - 2,405 - -
Gateway Property SDC - 41,896 - - - -
Public Works Area Design 16,463 - 145,000 328,000 182,000 37,000
City Land Purchase - 311 9th St NE 1,700 - - - - -
City Gazebo Rebuild - 35,901 - - - -
Totals Expenditures 74,609 644,909 2,795,000 330,405 1,432,000 (1,363,000)
Ending Fund Balance 1,071,531 1,076,863 3,587,032 1,196,458 5,164,458 1,577,426
City of East Wenatchee
Capital Improvements Fund 314
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Stormwater Fund
Any city or town may impose a business and occupation tax upon the income (as defined by
local ordinance) of public and private utilities providing services within the boundaries of a
city, and/or upon the city’s own municipal utilities (referred to as a “utility tax”). There is no
limitation on the tax rate for stormwater utilities. Ideally, all utility rates, system charges, and
service fees should be set to recover the cost of operating the systems, in addition to charging
for replacing equipment and adding or expanding facilities to meet regulations, future service
demands, and setting aside for unforeseen events such as natural disasters. The stormwater
utility is considered a “proprietary” activity, which is to say that it functions as a business
activity separate from the general government activities.
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance - - - - 2,013,576 2,013,576
SWU Fee - - 518,000 518,000 520,000 2,000
Capacity Grant - - 95,000 95,000 - (95,000)
19th St Ecology Grant - - 170,000 100,000 50,000 (120,000)
Transfer-In From Douglas County - - 2,500,000 2,567,671 - (2,500,000)
Transfer-In From Fund 308 - -103,090 66,049 - (103,090)
Stormwater Comp Plan Ecology Grant - - - - 31,875 31,875
Total Resources Available - - 3,386,090 3,346,720 2,615,451 (770,639)
Salaries - Stormwater Admin - - 15,750 26,988 30,000 14,250
Benefits - Stormwater Admin - - 6,300 11,835 13,200 6,900
Supplies - Stormwater Admin - - 500 - 500 -
Small Equipment & Tools - - 1,000 - 1,000 -
Cell Phone - - 750 566 750 -
Fee Collection - Douglas Co.- - 8,500 8,500 8,500 -
Insurance - - 5,000 6,000 6,500 1,500
City Stormwater Utility Charge - - 165,000 164,430 165,000 -
Miscellaneous - - - 162 500 500
ER&R Payments - - - - 70,000 70,000
Training - Stormwater Admin - - - - 1,000 1,000
Travel - Stormwater Admin - - - 26 500 500
Total Stormwater Utility Admin - - 202,800 218,507 297,450 94,650
City of East Wenatchee
Stormwater Fund 401
2021 Budget Worksheet - Prepared by Public Works
Stormwater Utility Admin
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Salaries - NPDES Admin - - 9,000 18,921 25,000 16,000
Benefits - - 3,600 6,743 11,000 7,400
Repairs & Maint. - NPDES Admin - - - 348 1,000 1,000
Training - NPDES Admin - - - - 500 500
Aerial Pictometry - - - - 4,000 4,000
Municipal Stormwater Permit Fee - - 8,000 8,000 8,000 -
Total NPDES Admin - - 20,600 34,012 49,500 28,900
Salaries - NPDES Public Education & Outreach - - 1,500 - 1,500 -
Benefits - - 600 - 600 -
Supplies - - 1,000 - 1,000 -
Total NPDES Public Ed & Outreach - - 3,100 - 3,100 -
Salaries - NPDES Public Involvement - - 500 250 500 -
Benefits - - 200 100 200 -
Supplies - - 1,000 100 1,000 -
Total NPDES Public Involvement - - 1,700 450 1,700 -
Salaries - NPDES IDDE - - 6,500 1,000 3,000 (3,500)
Benefits - - 2,600 500 1,000 (1,600)
Supplies - - 1,000 500 3,000 2,000
Total NPDES IDDE - - 10,100 2,000 7,000 (3,100)
NPDES Public Ed & Outreach
NPDES Public Involvement
Salaries - NPDES Construction - - 1,500 803 1,500 -
Benefits - - 600 172 600 -
Total NPDES Construction - - 2,100 975 2,100 -
Salaries - Post Construction - - 1,500 183 1,500 -
Benefits - - 600 37 600 -
Total NPDES Post Construction - - 2,100 220 2,100 -
Salaries - NPDES PPGH - - 73,000 17,267 73,000 -
Salaries - Sweeping - - 12,000 17,066 22,000 10,000
Benefits - NPDES PPGH - - 29,200 10,183 29,200 -
Benefits - Sweeping - - 4,800 9,449 11,000 6,200
Supplies - - 30,000 30,000 20,000 (10,000)
Repairs & Maint. - NPDES PPGH - - - 1,136 5,000 5,000
Rental Equipment - - 35,000 22,000 25,000 (10,000)
Utilities - - 2,200 3,879 5,000 2,800
Supplies - Irrigation - - - - 3,000 3,000
Decant Facility Tipping Fee - - - - 100,000 100,000
Decant Facility Administrative Charge - - - - 2,400 2,400
Fuel - - - - 7,000 7,000
Total NPDES PPGH - - 186,200 110,980 302,600 116,400
NPDES Construction
NPDES Post Construction
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
Salaries - NPDES Monitoring - - 1,000 - 1,000 -
Benefits - - 400 - 400 -
Supplies - - 100 - 100 -
Total NPDES Monitoring - - 1,500 - 1,500 -
Mechanical Sweeper - - 355,000 338,000 - (355,000)
Storm Sewer Camera - - 15,000 12,000 - (15,000)
Devon Pond - - 15,000 - 10,000 (5,000)
VMP Parking Lot Enhancement - - 20,000 - -(20,000)
19th St Design - - 130,000 90,000 100,000 (30,000)
Comp Plan Update - - 150,000 120,000 70,000 (80,000)
Contech Filter Design - -50,000 - - (50,000)
Transfer to 301 - 10th Street - - - - 728,000 728,000
Total Capital Outlay - - 735,000 560,000 908,000 173,000
Small Improvement Projects - - 100,000 330,000 25,000 (75,000)
Total Small Improvement Projects - - 100,000 330,000 25,000 (75,000)
Debt Redemption - - 76,000 76,000 76,000 -
Total Debt Redemption - - 76,000 76,000 76,000 -
Grand Total Stormwater Expenditures - - 1,341,200 1,333,144 1,676,050 334,850
Ending Fund Balance - - 2,044,890 2,013,576 939,401 (1,105,489)
Capital Outlay
Small Improvement Projects
Douglas County PWTFL Debt Redemption
NPDES Monitoring (Effectiveness Studies)
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2021 Rental and Revolving Fund (ER&R)
Equipment Rental and Revolving funds, also known as ER&R funds, are established to provide
equipment rental services within a local government. They increase government efficiency by
giving the government a way to allow expensive equipment and supplies to be rented to the
government’s various departments. ER&R funds are internal service funds and should operate on
a cost reimbursement basis (without generating a profit). Cities with population over 8,000 (RCW
35.21.088) are legally required to have an ER&R fund for operating city street departments. The
City has elected to also include the Police Department, and its vehicles, in the ER&R fund.
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020
2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2020 to 2021
Beginning Fund Balance 52,450 131,631 143,100 121,659 101,316 (41,784)
Sales & Use Tax - Police 150,000 150,000 50,000 50,000 151,000 101,000
Sales & Use Tax - Street Dept 200,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 223,000 (77,000)
Police - Fleet Maintenance Rentals - - - - 177,000 177,000
Street - Fleet Maintenance Rentals - - - - 169,000 169,000
Stormwater - Fleet Maintenance Rentals - - - - 57,000 57,000
Surplus Vehicle Sales - Police - - - 20,000 - -
Surplus Vehicle Sales - Street - - - - - -
Surplus Vehicle Sales - Stormwater - - - - - -
Insurance Recoveries - Police - - - 22,073 - -
Insurance Recoveries - Street - - - - - -
Insurance Recoveries - Stormwater - - - - - -
Transfer-In - Criminal Justice Fund - - - 65,000 25,000 25,000
Resources Available 402,450 581,631 493,100 578,731 903,316 410,216
Police Vehicles R&M Labor 2,759 5,925 5,000 7,483 5,300 300
Police Vehicle R&M Benefits 1,669 3,352 2,600 3,348 2,800 200
Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance 30,628 34,047 30,000 43,938 35,000 5,000
Total Police Vehicle Maintenance 35,055 43,324 37,600 54,769 43,100 5,500
Street Vehicle R&M Labor 30,363 23,220 23,000 18,093 24,000 1,000
Street Vehicle R&M Benefits 14,633 11,263 12,000 7,785 12,000 -
Street Vehicle Repairs & Maint 19,565 19,683 31,000 21,205 23,000 (8,000)
Street Vehicle Repair & Maint Supplies 4,178 5,363 5,000 4,141 5,000 -
Street Equipment Repairs & Maint 1,582 1,571 1,600 1,221 1,500 (100)
Total Street Vehicle Maintenance 70,322 61,100 72,600 52,446 65,500 (7,100)
Stormwater Vehicle R & M Labor - - - - 2,000 2,000
Stormwater Vehicle R & M Benefits - - - - 1,000 1,000
Stormwater Vehicle R & M - - - - 1,500 1,500
Total Stormwater Vehicle Maintenance - - - - 4,500 4,500
Capital - Police Vehicles 97,350 111,663 58,500 120,200 176,000 117,500
Capital - Storwmater Vehicles - - - - - -
Capital - Street Vehicles - 47,118 8,000 - 208,000 200,000
Capital - Street Equipment 37,702 196,767 250,000 250,000 15,000 (235,000)
Capital - Admin Vehicles 30,390 - - - - -
Total Expenditures 270,819 459,972 426,700 477,415 512,100 85,400
Ending Fund Balance 131,631 121,659 66,400 101,316 391,216 324,816
City of East Wenatchee
Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund 501
City of East Wenatchee, WA
2021 Annual Financial Budget
Adopted December 1, 2020