HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/3/2020 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes - Jerrilea Crawford, MayorIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
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03/03/2020 Council Meeting Agenda Page 1 of 4
East Wenatchee City Council Meeting
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
East Wenatchee City Hall
271 9th Street NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
In attendance: Staff in attendance:
Mayor Jerrilea Crawford Devin Poulson, City Attorney
Councilmember John Sterk Lori Barnett, Community Development Director
Councilmember Harry Raab Tom Wachholder, Project Development Manager
Councilmember Shayne Magdoff Josh DeLay, Finance Director
Councilmember Christine Johnson Ray Coble, Asst. Police Chief
Councilmember Sasha Sleiman Trina Elmes, Events Director / PIO
Mary Beth Phillips, Court Administrator
Josh Toftness, Street Manager
Sean Lewis, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Maria Holman, City Clerk
6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting
Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance.
a. Motion by Councilmember Magdoff to excuse Councilmember Hepner.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried (4-0)
b. Motion by Councilmember Jonson to excuse Councilmember Tidd. Councilmember
Magdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried (4-0).
1. Oath of Office
a. Mayor Crawford administered the Oath of Office to Sasha Sleiman, appointed
Councilmember, Position 4.
2. Consent Items:
a. Date: 03/03/2020, Checks: 53462; 53471 - 53523, and Voided Check: 53523 in the
amount of $184,015.77.
b. 02/18/2020 Council Meeting Minutes.
Motion by Councilmember Raab to approve consent items. Councilmember Sterk
seconded the motion. Motion carried. (5-0)
3. Citizen Requests/Comments.
a. Claudia Nilson, 305 S. Houston Ave., Thanked the Council for support with the 208 S.
Houston Ave. situation. She was seeking an update on where everything stands
regarding the City and 208 S. Houston Ave.
Comments provided by Mayor Crawford.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
03/03/2020 Council Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4
4. Presentations. None
5. Department Report.
a. Community Development Director Lori Barnett shared that the City completed an
inspection at the 208 S Houston Ave. property on February 20, 2020. The City issued
a notice of violation to the property owners on February 24, 2020 explaining the use
as a paid per bed rental, this use is not in compliance with the zoning district.
Additionally, Jeff Morrison, Code Compliance Officer also cited that some of the
work already underway requires permits and none had been obtained.
A letter was mailed to Teresa Carlson, with the Department of Corrections (DOC),
that the City found 208 S. Houston Ave. does not meet local building code and
zoning requirements and requested this location be removed from the list of the
“DOCs Earned Release Voucher Program”. The DOC confirmed that they have
removed this location from their vendor list.
Comments provided by Councilmember Raab.
b. Community Development Director Lori Barnett provided an annual building permit
activity report for 2019.
Comments provided by Councilmember Magdoff.
6. Mayor’s Report.
a. City Attorney Devin Poulson introduced Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Sean Lewis
who had joined the City of East Wenatchee.
b. Mayor Crawford shared that she attended the Special Olympic Ceremony and
provided positive feedback about the program and participants.
c. Mayor Crawford provided a COVID19, coronavirus update and shared what the
Mayor and City Administration is doing to stay informed and how communications
are being shared with the community.
7. Action Items.
a. Project Development Manager Tom Wachholder presented Resolution 2020-08,
authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Contract for Cooperative Purchasing
with the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC Buy).
Comments provided by Mayor Crawford, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember
Sterk, and Councilmember Magdoff.
Motion by Councilmember Sterk to approve Resolution 2020-08, authorizing the
Mayor to execute an Interlocal Contract for Cooperative Purchasing between the
City and the Houston-Galveston Area Council as presented. Councilmember
Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried (5-0).
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk
at (509) 886-6103 (TTY 711). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1.)
03/03/2020 Council Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4
b. Project Development Manager Tom Wachholder presented Resolution 2020-09,
authorizing the Mayor to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Armada
Corp for providing collection services associated with past due Stormwater Utility
Comments provided by Councilmember Sterk.
Motion by Councilmember Sterk to approve Resolution 2020-09: A Resolution
authorizing the Mayor to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Armada
Corp for providing collection services associated with past due Stormwater Utility
Fees. Councilmember Magdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried (5-0).
c. Street Manager Josh Toftness presented Resolution 2020-10, authorizing the Mayor
to execute a Standard Service Agreement with Cintas.
Comments provided by Councilmember Sterk, Councilmember Magdoff, and Mayor
Motion by Councilmember Sterk to approve Resolution 2020-10, authorizing the
Mayor to execute a Standard Service Agreement between the City and Cintas as
presented. Councilmember Sleiman seconded the motion. Motion carried (5-0).
8. Council Reports & Announcements.
a. Councilmember Magdoff shared that during their last Housing Authority Meeting
they toured the new Catholic Charities facilities and she provided positive feedback
about the facility.
b. Councilmember Sterk shared that during the last Chelan-Douglas Health District
Meeting they covered the Coronavirus and that there is currently one individual that
meets the criteria for testing in Leavenworth. Also shared that the Wenatchee Valley
College had cleaned their campus due to this individual.
9. Council Closed Session.
a. A closed session was announced by the Mayor at 6:36 p.m., anticipated six minutes.
The meeting resumed at 6:43 p.m.
Motion by Councilmember Magdoff to authorizing the Mayor to sign a
Memorandum of Understanding for a lead worker position, Street Department
(AFSCME, Local 846 union). Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Motion
carried (5-0).