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2020-01-06 - AFSCME, Local 846 Union, Memorandum of Agreement - Memorandum of Understanding
MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT City of East Wenatchee, Washington and The Washington State Council of County and City Employees Council 2, AFSCME, Local 846-W WHEREAS the City of East Wenatchee and the Washington State Council of County and City Employees, Council 2, AFSCME representing Local 846-W City of East Wenatchee Municipal Employees are currently working under the 2017-2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and; WHEREAS the above referenced Collective Bargaining Agreement will expire on December 31, 2019 and, WHEREAS the current City of East Wenatchee Mayor will not be seeking re-election and; WHEREAS the parties have met and agreed that rather than attempt to re -negotiate a multi -year CBA it would be in both party's interest to "roll" the provisions outline in the 2017-2019 CBA for contract year 2020. THEREFORE BE IT AGREED the provision contained in the 2017-2019 CBA shall remain in effect through December 31, 2020. BE IT FURTHER AGREED Wages referenced in Appendix A in the above referenced Agreement shall on January 1, 2020 be increased by three (3%) percent. BE IT FURTHER AGREED The City will not seek repayment of any VEBA contributions that it made prior to November 1, 2019. BE IT FINALLY AGREED for contract year 2020 the City of East Wenatchee agrees to continue to pay the full premium (employee and employer portion) of the Washington State Paid Family and Medical Leave. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties indicate their agreement to abide by the terms and conditions set forth above by their signatures set forth below. FOR THE EMPLOYER: ......... J e-a--. Mayor-cAwfur-r-- M. FOR THE UNION: i ii L,�2020i'l 16,1010 I Date J r y ovold Date tres dent Local 846-W � z© Devin Poulson Date City Attorney apt Tom Cash D t Council 2 Staff Representative T5 2. o-FZ