HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 - Final Budget - Josh DeLay, Finance DirectorCity of East Wenatchee, Washington
2020 Annual Financial Budget
December 3, 2019
Prepared by, Finance Department
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TITLE PAGE – 2019 FINANCIAL BUDGET ............................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... 2
Elected Officials ................................................................................................................ 3
Accounting Policy and Fund Structure........................................................................... 4
Summary of Significant Budget Changes…………………………………………….5-7
Budget Assumptions and Highlights .......................................................................... 8-10
Cash and Fund Balance Projections ............................................................................. 11
General Fund .............................................................................................................. 12-14
General Government .............................................................................................. 15-16
Legislative ................................................................................................................ 17-18
Municipal Court ..................................................................................................... 19-20
City Clerk ................................................................................................................ 21-22
Finance ..................................................................................................................... 23-24
Information Technology......................................................................................... 25-26
Internal Services ..................................................................................................... 27-28
Legal ......................................................................................................................... 29-31
Public Works ........................................................................................................... 32-33
Civil Service............................................................................................................. 34-35
Central Services ...................................................................................................... 36-37
Law Enforcement ................................................................................................... 38-39
Planning ................................................................................................................... 40-41
Code Compliance .................................................................................................... 42-43
Street Fund ................................................................................................................. 44-47
Community Development Grant Fund .................................................................... 48-49
Transportation Benefit District Fund ...................................................................... 50-51
Debt Reserve Fund ..................................................................................................... 52-53
Library Fund .............................................................................................................. 54-55
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund ............................................................................................... 56-57
Drug Fund................................................................................................................... 58-59
Criminal Justice Fund ............................................................................................... 60-61
Events Fund ................................................................................................................ 62-64
Bond Fund .................................................................................................................. 65-66
Street Improvements Fund ....................................................................................... 67-69
Storm Water Capital Improvements Fund ............................................................. 70-71
Capital Improvements Fund ..................................................................................... 72-73
Stormwater Fund ....................................................................................................... 74-76
Equipment Purchase, Maintenance & Replacement Fund .................................... 77-78
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Elected Officials
Steve Lacy Mayor
John Sterk Council Member Position 1
Harry Raab Council Member Position 2
Rob Tidd Council Member Position 3
Jerrilea Crawford Council Member Position 4
Shayne Magdoff Council Member Position 5
Tim Detering Council Member Position 6
Matthew Hepner Council Member Position 7
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Accounting Policy and Fund Structure
The City of East Wenatchee uses the revenue and expenditure classifications contained in the
Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting System (BARS) manual. The manual is prescribed by the
State Auditor’s Office under the authority of Washington State Law, Chapter 43.09 RCW.
The City of East Wenatchee was incorporated in 1935 and operates under the laws of the State of
Washington applicable to a non-charter code city with a mayor-council form of government. The
City of East Wenatchee is a general-purpose government and provides public safety, street
improvements, community development, municipal court, prosecuting attorney, and general
administrative services. The City of East Wenatchee uses single entry, cash basis accounting,
referred to as “other comprehensive basis of accounting” (OCBOA), which is a departure from
“generally accepted accounting principles” (GAAP).
In 2009, the City Council approved by Resolution No. 2009-06, a “Finance and Budget Policy”
which established the financial framework, approach, requirements and responsibilities for
developing the “Annual Budget and Financial Plan” for the City. This policy significantly
expanded the scope of the City’s annual budget process to include developing a five-year cash
flow plan to help ensure visibility of financial requirements on a longer-term basis. This increased
visibility provides the City Council, as the legislative body of the City, better information as to the
results of current decisions, and the challenges or opportunities that a financial forecast would
provide for future decisions or strategies. Copies of this policy can be obtained at City Hall.
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Summary of Significant Budget Changes for 2020
All Funds:
2.5% COLA for exempt staff and the HR Generalist/Mayor Assistant, plus a step increase
(additional 2.5%) per the Mayor’s recommendation
3% COLA for Local-846 union, plus a step increase (additional 2 – 3% depending on the
step), per union contract
3.5% salary increase for the Teamsters union, per union contract
General liability insurance is expected to rise 10% per our insurance broker
General Fund:
General Government
o $12,000 increase from last year for the Wenatchee Valley Museum. The full
$120,000 is now planned to come out of the General Fund (the Museum may still
apply for and receive Hotel-Motel taxes, which could shift some of the cost to the
Hotel-Motel Tax Fund)
o Futsal field - $20,000
o Additional $5,000 to “Our Valley, Our Future”
o Increase in public defense contract of roughly $40,000 (We received $40,000 in
grant funding for this split over the next biennium)
o $20,000 increase for the Prothman Company for the recruitment of a new Police
Information Technology
o $25,000 for a disaster recovery backup system
o $4,000 increase for training
o $4,000 increase for travel
o The addition of a full-time Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in the Legal budget with
an estimated cost of $105,000 for salary, benefits, training and travel (Legal
Assistant moves from Legal into Finance full-time, which accounts for a $30,000
savings in the Legal budget resulting in a net increase of $75,000 in the Legal
o $9,500 increase for litigation expenses
Municipal Court
o $8,500 increase in the Court Administrator’s salary to catch that position up to the
average of our comparable entities per the City’s comparable entities policy
Public Works
o $7,000 increase in salary for the Project Development Manager position after a re-
analysis of that position per the Mayor’s recommendation
o $5,000 increase in engineering support services
Central Services
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o $12,000 increase in Capital Outlay for heater improvements/repairs for City Hall
o $5,000 increase for external scanning services
Law Enforcement
o $25,000 increase in Overtime Salaries
o $7,000 increase in Fuel
o $13,000 increase in Professional Services
Transportation Benefit District Fund:
$15,000 increase in funds transferred to the Street Improvements Fund for overlay
The potential loss of all revenue associated with this fund due to Initiative 976
Debt Reserve Fund:
The transfer out of the entire fund balance ($660,000) to the Bond Fund to start paying
off bond debt out of the Bond Fund
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund:
All Hotel/Motel tax revenues will now go into this fund. Transfers will be made to the
Events Fund, as needed and approved
Events Fund:
$8,500 increase for Christmas decorations for replacement light pole snowflakes
Bond Fund:
$505,000 increase to begin paying off bond debt, and the increased payment for the 10th
Street Public Works Trust Fund Loan
Street Improvements Fund:
Large increases in expenditures and city matching funds due to a few potential large
projects starting (subject to approved grant funding)
It will be necessary to supplement this fund from the Capital Improvements Fund in order
to keep it out of a negative fund balance
Storm Water Capital Improvements Fund:
This fund is no longer needed due to the termination of the Interlocal Agreement with
Douglas County for storm water related services. The State Auditor’s Office requires
capital projects for utilities be reported in an enterprise fund. The monies remaining in
this fund at 2019 year-end will be transferred over to our new Stormwater Fund (401)
Stormwater Fund:
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Brand new fund for 2020 to account for revenues and expenditures related to stormwater
fee collection. We are expected to receive roughly $2,500,000 from Douglas County in
addition to whatever is left over from the Storm Water Capital Improvements Fund
Capital Improvements Fund:
$150,000 transfer to Street Improvements Fund to keep that fund from going negative
Equipment Purchase, Repair & Replacement Fund:
$14,000 increase in street vehicles due to cost increases based on inflation for a new
snow plow, and the need to purchase a new walk behind lane striper
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2020 Revenue Budget Assumptions and Highlights
The Council, Mayor, and Finance Director develop and communicate the budget assumptions
that the City will use each year. Revenue is primarily the responsibility of the Finance Director.
Primary operating revenue estimates for 2020 include:
Revenue Source Amount
Sales and Use Tax $4,100,000
Property Tax 1,820,000
Utility Tax 740,000
Gambling Tax 345,000
Criminal Justice Sales Tax 300,000
Street Fuel Excise Tax 275,000
Hotel/Motel Tax 250,000
Fines and Penalties 190,000
Liquor Taxes & Profits 182,500
Business Licenses & Permits 107,100
Interest Earnings 100,000
Primary capital revenue estimates for 2020 include:
Revenue Source Amount
Proceeds from LTGO Bond $5,000,000
Transfer-In from Douglas Co. for Stormwater 2,500,000
STP Funding for 9th/Valley Mall Pkwy 901,700
TIB Funding for 3rd St/Highline Roundabout 663,000
TIB Funding for N Kentucky Ave Overlay 637,500
Stormwater Utility Fees 518,000
Safe Routes to Schools 446,002
Transfer-In from Car Tab Fee Fund 105 375,000
Real Estate Excise Tax 350,000
Public Works Trust Fund Loan – 10th Street 315,000
Each revenue source was evaluated in consideration of a three to five-year receipt history, street
improvements/capital projects and transfers to support them. Additionally, monthly trends over
2019 were studied while considering recent fluctuating economic trends and experience by other
cities in our region.
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2020 Expenditure Budget Assumptions and Highlights
Departmental costs are the responsibility of each department head. All other costs are the
responsibility of the Finance Director. Primary expenditure budget assumptions for 2020 costs
include the following:
Budget costs conservatively - no increases in operating costs unless they can be
substantiated and approved by the Mayor and City Council
Department Capital Costs - costs for capital need to be specifically budgeted and
The City currently has fifty employees. Compensation for all is premised upon the City’s
long-standing policy of wage parity.
The City Attorney and Municipal Court Judge are compensated according to
employment agreements
An additional employee – a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney – is included in the 2020
budget. It is currently unclear whether this position will be exempt or a member of the
Local 846-W union
The collective bargaining agreements with Teamsters covering twenty-two employees in
the police department will expire on December 31, 2021
The collective bargaining unit agreement with Local 846-W covering sixteen employees
in various departments expires on December 31, 2019. Negotiations are ongoing.
Healthcare premiums, commercial insurance, detention costs, RiverCom costs, and any
other significant operating costs are determined through communication, agreements or
quotes from respective vendors
Budgeted primary operating expenditures for 2020 include:
Expenditure Type Amount
Salaries $4,080,000
Benefits 1,800,000
Departmental Capital Expenses 446,500
Chelan Co. Regional Justice Center 378,000
RiverCom 911 365,000
General Liability Insurance 279,380
Supplies 274,350
Public Defenders 135,000
Wenatchee Valley Museum 121,488
Budgeted primary capital expenditures for 2020 include:
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Expenditure Type Amount
New Public Works Area Construction $2,500,000
9th/Valley Mall Parkway Improvements 1,044,500
3rd St/Highline Drive Roundabout 780,000
N Kentucky Ave Overlay 750,000
Safe Routes to School – 5th Sterling/Kenroy 524,408
Complete Streets – Pedestrian Crossings 400,000
LTGO Debt & Principal Payment 337,300
The principal source for street improvement projects is the 6-year Transportation Improvement
Plan (TIP), which the City is required to provide to the Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT) each year in June. The principal source for capital improvement
projects is the Capital Facilities Plan, which is required by the Washington State Growth
Management Act.
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Fund & Fund Number
Budgeted 2020
Budgeted 2020
Projected Ending
General - 001 2,956,013$ 7,424,455$ (7,784,655)$ 2,595,813$
Street - 101 298,609 1,012,000 (1,175,872) 134,737
Comm. Dev Grants - 102 77,954 219,619 (219,619) 77,954
Transportation Benefit District - 105 350,597 40,000 (375,000) 15,597
Debt Reserve - 110 660,000 - (660,000) -
Library - 112 11,372 7,000 (6,040) 12,332
Hotel/Motel Tax - 113 45,283 250,000 (205,000) 90,283
Drug - 114 1,516 100 - 1,616
Criminal Justice - 116 47,104 17,700 - 64,804
Events - 117 56,609 173,650 (173,810) 56,449
Bond Redemption - 202 8,669 815,000 (535,811) 287,858
Street Improvements - 301 903,671 3,584,702 (4,361,908) 126,465
Storm Water Improvements - 308 103,090 - (103,090) -
Capital Improvements - 314 1,032,032 5,350,000 (2,795,000) 3,587,032
Stormwater - 401 - 3,386,090 (1,306,200) 2,079,890
Equipment Purchase, Maintenance & Replacement - 501 143,100 350,000 (426,700) 66,400
Total Cash Balances 6,695,619$ 22,630,316$ (20,128,705)$ 9,197,230$
2020 Budget by Fund Projections - City of East Wenatchee
Revenues, Expenses & Changes in Fund Balances
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2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 3,307,823 3,354,831 3,192,391 2,823,063 3,224,638 2,956,013 132,950
Real & Personal Property Tax 860,815 215,838 955,518 1,000,000 985,000 1,245,000 245,000
Local Retail Sales & Use Tax 2,787,103 3,129,634 3,310,417 3,270,000 3,100,000 3,500,000 230,000
1/10 Sales Tax-Criminal Just 285,840 258,648 308,959 277,000 340,000 300,000 23,000
Electric Utility Tax 330,500 361,332 347,998 352,000 390,000 355,000 3,000
Natural Gas Utility Tax 32,574 30,404 40,258 34,000 40,000 35,000 1,000
Phone/cellular Utility Tax 356,104 336,918 403,294 355,000 350,000 350,000 (5,000)
Gambling Tax 348,540 339,444 262,426 302,000 430,000 345,000 43,000
Gambling Tax Penalties 690 1,259 - 1,500 - - (1,500)
Taxes Total 5,002,166 4,673,478 5,628,871 5,591,500 5,635,000 6,130,000 538,500
Fireworks Permits 355 850 500 500 500 500 -
Taxicab Licenses & Permits 200 1,023 1,415 800 800 800 -
Franchise Fees - Cable 97,896 96,381 98,904 97,000 97,000 97,000 -
Franchise Fees - Fiber Optics - - 4,000 - - - -
Business Licenses & Permits 78,115 93,904 93,244 81,000 105,000 107,100 26,100
Other Business Lic & Permits - - - - 660 650 650
Building & Structure Permits 59,271 75,417 61,804 63,000 39,000 50,000 (13,000)
Other Non-Business Lic & Per - - 998 - - - -
Gun Permits 6,602 5,923 6,592 6,200 7,400 6,500 300
Sign Permits - 100 355 100 100 100 -
Licenses & Permits Total 242,439 273,598 267,812 248,600 250,460 262,650 14,050
WASPC Safety Grant - - 2,000 - - - -
Secretary of State Local Records Grant - - - 3,300 3,300 - (3,300)
WaState Court Equip Reimb - - 3,789 3,494 3,494 - (3,494)
DOJ - USMS Task Force - - 2,922 - - - -
Columbia River Drug Task Force - 18,238 - 5,000 7,000 7,500 2,500
Dept. of Ecology SMP Grant - - - - - 16,800 16,800
Tsc - Seatbelt Emphasis Patrols 2,073 772 370 1,200 1,480 1,000 (200)
X-52 Tsc-Speed Limit Emphasis 9,730 2,931 3,035 2,100 2,100 2,000 (100)
Distracted Driving Enforcement Patrol 3,052 3,001 1,962 2,500 2,015 2,000 (500)
Tsc - DUI Emphasis Patrol 2,840 3,329 3,147 2,500 2,500 2,750 250
Dept. of Commerce Grant - - - - - 15,920 15,920
WA ST Office of Public Defense 10,000 400 - - - 20,000 20,000
Washington State Archives Grant - - 45,000 - - - -
RIVERCOM 911 Funding Assistance - 8,903 4,805 48,600 48,600 21,000 (27,600)
Pud Privilege Tax 41,035 41,049 44,926 41,000 44,000 42,000 1,000
Multimodal Transportation - - 4,785 - - - -
Marijuana Enforcement 14,170 4,058 - - - - -
Marijuana Excise Tax Distribution - 5,661 36,935 30,000 21,500 21,000 (9,000)
DUI - Cities Allocation 2,088 2,046 2,010 2,100 2,100 2,000 (100)
Liquor Excise Tax 62,473 65,072 68,752 70,000 80,000 75,000 5,000
Liquor Board Profits 115,345 113,979 112,689 111,500 83,000 107,500 (4,000)
Intergovernmental Total 262,806 269,437 337,125 323,294 301,089 336,470 13,176
Background Check Fees 84 - 132 100 40 60 (40)
Duplicating Services - Court & Police 1,342 721 - 900 - 500 (400)
Copy and Duplication Fees - Admin 595 84 104 200 75 200 -
Recording and Filing Fees 91 178 - 100 - 75 (25)
Annual Admin Reimb Fees 5,000 10,500 5,038 7,700 5,000 6,000 (1,700)
Personnel Services - - 5,917 - 2,250 - -
Adult Probation Services 89,799 68,586 71,460 80,000 62,000 70,000 (10,000)
Housing of Prisoners 31,948 21,012 31,790 27,000 20,000 25,000 (2,000)
Fire Marshall Inspection Ser 4,360 9,368 3,995 5,500 5,500 5,000 (500)
Plan Checking Fees 24,615 44,185 31,931 32,000 20,000 25,000 (7,000)
Engineering Review Fees 984 1,224 516 1,200 500 800 (400)
Charges for Services
City of East Wenatchee
General Fund Revenues
2020 Budget Worksheet, Prepared by Finance
Licenses & Permits
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2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
City of East Wenatchee
General Fund Revenues
2020 Budget Worksheet, Prepared by Finance
Sepa Permits 618 1,129 1,151 1,000 500 500 (500)
Planning & Development Fees 2,795 6,653 8,366 4,500 12,000 7,500 3,000
Charges for Services Total 162,231 163,640 160,400 160,200 127,865 140,635 (19,565)
Fines And Penalties 220,107 194,934 199,480 211,000 178,000 190,000 (21,000)
Public Defender Costs 29,222 29,862 27,653 29,000 23,000 25,000 (4,000)
Restitution - - 175 - 350 150 150
Fines & Penalties Total 249,329 224,796 227,308 240,000 201,350 215,150 (24,850)
Interest Earnings 21,709 47,679 106,836 85,000 135,000 100,000 15,000
Sales Tax Interest 2,221 3,114 5,524 2,800 7,500 5,000 2,200
Rental Income - 311 9th St NE 9,650 - - 14,400 10,000 10,000 (4,400)
Miscellaneous Revenue 4,355 12,650 8,582 6,000 6,000 7,500 1,500
Miscellaneous Total 37,936 64,259 121,122 108,300 158,500 122,500 14,200
Sub-Total Current Revenues 5,956,907 5,669,208 6,742,639 6,671,894 6,674,264 7,207,405 535,511
Fireworks - Cleaning Deposit 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,200 2,500 2,200 -
Fireworks - Dcfd Remittance 200 250 - 200 - 250 50
Crime Victim Assessment 4,150 3,446 3,715 3,900 3,200 3,500 (400)
State Surcharge 454 333 577 800 800 500 (300)
State Share Weapons Permit Fee 11,332 9,574 10,720 10,000 8,000 9,500 (500)
Court Remittance--State 245,135 188,180 196,958 218,000 174,000 200,000 (18,000)
Other Non-Revenues 809 9,898 - - 375 - -
Insurance Recoveries - - - - 500 1,000 1,000
Proceeds-Disposition of Assets 32,114 4,140 14,798 - 50 100 100
Total Current Non- Revenues 296,194 217,821 229,383 235,100 189,425 217,050 (18,050)
Total General Fund Revenues 6,253,101 5,887,028 6,972,022 6,906,994 6,863,689 7,424,455 517,461
Total Available Resources 9,560,924 9,241,859 10,164,413 9,730,057 10,088,327 10,380,468 650,411
Fines & Penalties
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2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
General Government 448,888 567,174 814,866 734,177 734,843 660,191 (73,986)
Legislative 352,689 445,092 407,915 468,343 445,598 512,450 44,107
Municipal Court 353,778 364,300 349,454 401,595 393,850 414,360 12,765
City Clerk 152,372 127,350 133,362 144,934 136,100 148,600 3,666
Internal Services 33,754 34,000 35,973 37,000 36,000 38,000 1,000
Finance 213,775 257,200 282,292 292,700 291,360 342,380 49,680
Information Technoloy 150,455 155,631 246,727 284,045 111,748 316,895 32,850
Legal Department 189,054 196,800 212,398 227,300 222,350 330,900 103,600
Civil Service 3,353 3,800 6,571 9,720 9,620 10,364 644
Central Services 180,161 192,500 265,627 184,000 154,531 197,300 13,300
Law Enforcement 2,903,494 3,037,300 3,213,331 3,448,450 3,434,700 3,493,350 44,900
Jail Services 306,494 282,000 284,033 321,000 321,000 394,500 73,500
Public Works 125,168 149,800 76,958 152,050 143,350 172,500 20,450
Planning 146,442 198,650 210,817 266,950 262,350 291,840 24,890
Code Compliance 165,070 171,083 173,608 217,289 216,264 231,025 13,736
Sub-Total Routine Expenditures 5,724,947 6,182,680 6,713,932 7,189,553 6,913,664 7,554,655 365,102
Fireworks-Cleaning Deposit Ref 800 1,000 2,500 900 2,500 2,500 1,600
Fireworks - Dcfd Remittance 200 - - 200 750 500 300
County Share of Crime Victims 5,108 3,651 3,013 4,200 4,000 4,000 (200)
State Surcharge (bldg Code)379 315 132 400 900 500 100
State Share of Permits & Licenses 10,591 11,183 12,481 12,000 10,500 11,500 (500)
Court Remittances 245,220 188,262 207,721 220,000 200,000 211,000 (9,000)
Other Non-Revenues 225,000 - - - - - -
Grand Total - General Fund Expenditures 6,212,244 6,387,091 6,939,779 7,427,253 7,132,314 7,784,655 357,402
Ending Fund Balance 3,348,680 2,854,768 3,224,634 2,302,804 2,956,013 2,595,813 293,009
City of East Wenatchee
General Fund Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet, Prepared by Finance
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2020 General Fund Expenditures
General Government
Wellness Program: The Wellness Program is an employee incentive program that started in 1999.
Expenditures have included gym equipment, refreshments for blood drives, and registration fees
for employees to attend the AWC Wellness Program training. In 2013, the City decided to advance
its wellness program, which could potentially result in a reduction of its health insurance
premiums. The HR Generalist/Executive Assistant to the Mayor is the coordinator of this effort,
and a wellness committee has been established that represents every department in the City. The
qualification process began with wellness activities regularly scheduled throughout the year. The
City completed the AWC qualification in 2014, which resulted in certification. The resulting 2%
reduction of medical premiums began in 2015, and the City has re-certified every year since,
resulting in a tremendous amount of savings for the City.
LEOFF 1 Insurance Premiums: This line item pays the insurance premiums for LEOFF 1 retired
officers as well as the City’s portion of medical expenses for LEOFF 1 active and retired officers.
These medical expenses are typically unreimbursed medical expenses (that is, deductibles and the
patient share of medical expenses). Non-routine reimbursements are approved in advance by the
Douglas County Disability Board. Premiums have been reduced substantially due to a decrease in
the number of individuals still in the LEOFF 1 program.
RiverCom: RiverCom annual costs are estimated at $365,000 for 2020, an increase of 7.7% due
to projected higher call volumes in the prior annual period. Past monthly payments are as follows:
Year Monthly Amount Percent of Change
2016 $23,509.50 2.72%
2017 $26,083.42 10.95%
2018 $26,835.50 2.88%
2019 $28,242.67 5.24%
2020 (projected) $30,416.67 7.7%
Animal Control: The Wenatchee Valley Humane Society annual cost is budgeted at $73,515 per
year, based upon a Services Agreement with the City for the period January 1, 2018 through
December 31, 2021.
Chelan/Douglas Transportation Council: The membership dues amount will be $13,928 in
2020, which is a 5% increase from 2019.
Community Mental Health: Quarterly, state-mandated payments in the amount of 2% of the
City’s quarterly liquor board profits receipts are remitted to the Chelan County Treasurer for
community mental health (serving Chelan and Douglas Counties). $3,600 is budgeted for 2020,
based upon current trends.
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2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Wellness 1,880 2,029 2,859 2,500 2,500 3,000 500
City Theme 600 820 7,122 1,000 500 750 (250)
Leoff 1 Ins Premiums/misc 33,176 31,850 31,048 27,500 27,500 27,500 -
River Com 282,710 313,558 322,026 340,000 340,000 365,000 25,000
Animal Control 69,756 70,200 73,515 73,515 73,515 73,515 -
Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council 12,500 12,750 13,005 13,265 13,265 13,928 663
Ncw Economic Development Dist 1,000 1,250 1,188 1,250 1,250 1,250 -
NCWEDD Chelan/Douglas Trends 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 -
Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce - 360 - 360 360 360 -
Spirit of Wenatchee Miss Veedol 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 -
Wenatchee Valley Museum & CC 27,819 111,276 46,365 - - 121,488 121,488
Contributions - Region 10,500 15,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 45,000 20,000
Comm Mental Health (2% Liquor)4,448 3,582 2,693 3,600 3,600 3,600 -
311 9th St NE Purchase - - 280,546 - - - -
Property Management - 311 9th St NE - - - 1,200 600 - (1,200)
GWATA Membership - - - 300 300 300 -
City Land Purchase - 1002 Colorado Ave - - - 240,187 240,187 - (240,187)
Totals 448,889 567,174 814,866 734,177 734,843 660,191 (73,986)
City of East Wenatchee
General Government Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Prepared by Finance
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2020 General Fund Expenditures
Salaries: Half of the Executive Secretary (to the Mayor)/HR Generalist salary is budgeted under
the Legislative Department, as well as the Mayor and City Council positions and one third of the
Public Information Officer/Events Director.
Benefits: The benefits line item includes basic benefits for each of the positions discussed above.
Newsletter: During 2012, the Mayor implemented the process of developing a periodic City
newsletter for distribution by mail, by e-mail from a developed listing, and posting on the City
website. The Public Information Officer manages the collection of written materials provided
mostly by Department Heads and staff. Two issues are planned for each year.
Other Expenses: Other expenses are self-explanatory according to their titles and nature. The
level and changes in these expenditures reflect specific analysis by the department head.
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2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Salaries 147,319 157,073 157,750 165,000 184,000 197,000 32,000
Benefits 34,816 37,426 42,132 95,000 62,000 60,000 (35,000)
Public Defender 93,528 91,089 97,700 96,000 96,000 135,000 39,000
Public Defender Conflicts 5,018 5,633 4,580 6,000 5,000 5,500 (500)
Office Supplies 152 42 695 400 125 300 (100)
Newsletter Printing & Mailing 8,577 10,283 13,388 11,000 9,200 10,500 (500)
Public Records Expenses - 96 383 90 75 200 110
Training 2,643 8,429 2,372 4,000 4,000 3,000 (1,000)
Professional Services 7,890 26,272 22,925 28,500 28,500 42,000 13,500
Awc Annual Membership Fee 8,444 8,567 8,828 9,703 9,703 10,000 297
Telephone - - 1,123 1,800 1,700 500 (1,300)
Travel 1,850 1,275 2,471 2,100 1,500 1,500 (600)
Travel - Misawa 4,762 4,340 4,718 5,000 4,620 4,750 (250)
Advertising - 1,433 8,142 6,500 1,000 2,000 (4,500)
Election Costs - Registered Voters 21,594 16,705 23,597 21,000 20,000 22,000 1,000
Insurance 6,233 7,653 11,660 11,000 13,000 13,000 2,000
Background Check Costs 818 - 120 250 175 200 (50)
Miscellaneous 4,237 5,292 5,330 5,000 5,000 5,000 -
Totals 347,881 381,608 407,915 468,343 445,598 512,450 44,107
City of East Wenatchee
Legislative Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Josh DeLay, Finance Director
18 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Municipal Court
Salaries: The Court Administrator, Probation officer and Court Clerk/Bailiff are currently paid
through the Municipal Court, as well as the Judge who is on contract.
Benefits: This line item is payroll taxes; medical, dental and vision premiums; and retirement
contributions for the Court staff listed above.
Municipal Court Judge: The Municipal Court Judge is under contract for 2020 at $6,000 per
month with COLA each year thereafter, with associated payroll taxes, but without medical
benefits, under a contract extending through December 31, 2021. Compensation for the Judge is
included above in Salaries.
Travel: The Municipal Court is asking for an additional $1,500 for travel in 2020 for various
additional planned conference travel.
19 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Salaries 182,510 181,292 171,686 182,000 182,000 199,000 17,000
Salaries - Probation Svcs 45,014 46,120 49,110 53,000 53,000 55,000 2,000
Benefits 56,715 62,131 61,235 66,000 66,000 74,000 8,000
Benefits - Probation Svcs 31,321 30,303 33,835 36,000 36,000 41,000 5,000
Office Supplies 3,740 2,582 2,766 3,300 1,500 1,500 (1,800)
Training 1,305 880 1,005 1,500 1,500 1,500 -
Travel 3,232 1,561 3,005 4,000 6,000 6,000 2,000
Insurance 7,715 9,057 11,462 12,600 12,600 13,860 1,260
Miscellaneous 675 249 411 1,200 300 - (1,200)
Interpreting 11,245 5,245 1,245 5,000 750 5,000 -
Judge Protems 863 2,775 2,250 4,000 3,500 4,000 -
Witness Fees 227 118 18 500 200 500 -
Juror Fees 1,215 1,344 2,084 2,000 2,000 2,000 -
Security 5,667 4,670 4,731 6,000 4,500 6,000 -
Capital Outlay 2,334 4,560 4,482 24,495 24,000 5,000 (19,495)
Totals 353,778 352,886 349,325 401,595 393,850 414,360 12,765
City of East Wenatchee
Municipal Court Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Chancey Crowell, Judge
20 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
City Clerk
The Office of the City Clerk is a service department that provides services to the City Council, all
City Departments, and the General Public. The Clerk serves as the liaison between the public and
City Council and provides related municipal services.
A key staff member for City Council meetings, the City Clerk prepares the Legislative Agenda,
verifies legal notices have been posted or published and completes the necessary arrangements to
ensure an effective meeting. The City Clerk is entrusted with the responsibility of recording the
decisions of our representative government.
As a Records Manager, the City Clerk oversees the preservation and protection of the public
record. The City Clerk maintains and indexes the Minutes, Ordinances, and Resolutions adopted
by the legislative body. The City Clerk also ensures that other municipal records are readily
accessible to the public.
The City Clerk is the local official who administers all legislative actions ensuring transparency
to the public. The City Clerk also serves as a compliance officer for federal, state and local statutes.
21 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Salaries 95,878 56,762 71,644 76,000 76,000 78,000 2,000
Benefits 38,716 27,538 38,659 39,000 39,000 42,000 3,000
Office Supplies 2,723 2,091 1,783 3,000 500 3,000 -
Central Stores 5,176 5,166 5,919 4,000 5,000 5,000 1,000
Training - - 944 2,000 750 2,000 -
Membership Dues & Publications - 100 959 1,200 600 1,200 -
Travel 1,245 814 1,171 2,500 2,500 2,500 -
Advertising 2,074 3,609 2,957 2,000 1,200 2,000 -
Insurance 3,958 4,628 5,905 8,000 8,000 8,800 800
Repairs & Maintenance - 350 - 500 100 250 (250)
Miscellaneous 563 449 560 750 400 750 -
Records Services 238 90 845 1,000 550 1,000 -
Codification 1,226 2,273 2,016 2,100 1,500 2,100 -
Totals 151,797 103,870 133,362 142,050 136,100 148,600 6,550
City of East Wenatchee
City Clerk Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - City Clerk, Maria Holman
22 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Salaries: Half of the Executive Secretary (to the Mayor)/HR Generalist salary is budgeted under
the Finance Department, as well as the Finance Director and Accounting Technician who is full-
time in Finance in 2020 for the first time.
Benefits: The benefits line item is payroll taxes, medical, dental, and vision premiums and
retirement contributions.
Budgeting, Accounting, and Auditing: Represents costs for audits and annual reports required
by the Washington State Auditor’s Office.
Other Expense Line Items: Other expenses are self-explanatory according to their titles and
23 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Salaries 143,073 182,452 183,568 174,000 174,000 210,000 36,000
Benefits 59,253 73,692 85,683 80,000 80,000 95,000 15,000
Office Supplies 2,470 1,099 1,843 1,700 1,000 1,700 -
Travel 193 244 398 600 300 1,000 400
Insurance 3,847 4,426 5,453 8,000 8,800 9,680 1,680
Miscellaneous - 10 25 400 10 - (400)
Budgeting, Accounting, Auditing 1,633 19,691 624 22,000 20,000 18,000 (4,000)
Bank Charges & Fees 3,164 4,016 3,531 4,000 4,500 5,000 1,000
Training 140 - 1,114 2,000 750 2,000 -
Capital Outlay - - - - 2,000 - -
Totals 213,773 285,630 282,240 292,700 291,360 342,380 49,680
City of East Wenatchee
Finance Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Josh DeLay, Finance Director
24 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Information Technology
Salaries/Benefits: This line item represents the salary and benefits for the Information Systems
Manager, which became an employee of the City for the first time in 2019. Previously, these
services were contracted out.
Annual Maintenance/License Fees for Software: During staff budget discussions in 2013, the
costs for software maintenance and licenses that had previously been charged to the departments
which had purchased or are the primary user of the software, were determined to be more
appropriately paid by the Information Technology Department.
Capital Expenditures: Computers, supplies, licenses, software and hardware are considered
capital and all of those related expenses come out of these budgeted line items.
25 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
IT Salaries - - - 92,000 85,000 96,000 4,000
IT Benefits - - - 36,000 42,000 50,000 14,000
Memberships - - - - - 100 100
IT Professional Services - - - - - 5,000 5,000
Supplies - - - - - 1,000 1,000
Cell Phone - - - - - 750 750
Network Services 48,405 50,503 88,307 - 22,000 - -
Training - - - - - 4,000 4,000
Travel - - - - - 4,000 4,000
Disaster Backup System Support 8,622 8,976 8,622 9,000 9,000 25,000 16,000
Annual Fee - ESRI GIS System License - 1,082 2,617 1,100 1,100 1,100 -
Annual License - Spillman, NetMotion & Ragnasoft 13,565 14,319 17,541 20,645 20,645 20,645 -
Annual Fee - Vision Financial Software 3,063 3,063 5,463 6,000 5,627 6,000 -
Annual License Fee - Evidence.com 3,249 3,249 3,219 7,000 3,500 7,000 -
Annual Subscription - Granicus 6,365 6,556 6,753 7,000 7,526 7,000 -
Annual License - FTR Recording System - - 1,132 1,500 1,500 1,500 -
Annual Support & Maintenance - Laserfiche - - - 8,500 8,300 9,800 1,300
Service Package - Laserfiche (Legal, Police, & Planning) - - - 8,000 8,300 8,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance - 3,705 - 1,000 300 - (1,000)
Miscellaneous 349 32 227 300 450 - (300)
Capital - Cmptr Software Admin 1,302 16,136 68,530 28,000 1,000 20,000 (8,000)
Capital - Cmptr Hdwe Admin 36,627 16,815 17,806 25,000 7,500 50,000 25,000
Capital - Cmptr Equip Police 26,310 25,911 21,786 25,000 10,000 - (25,000)
Capital - Cmptr Equip Admin 600 5,226 3,752 6,500 2,000 - (6,500)
Capital - Cmptr Sftwr Police - - 973 1,500 3,000 - (1,500)
Totals 148,457 155,574 246,727 284,045 238,748 316,895 32,850
City of East Wenatchee
IT Department Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Information Systems Manager, Ike Lasswell
26 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Internal Services
Office Machine Costs: This account is used to record the rental payments of the copier and other
associated costs.
Telephone Line Charges: Charges for telephone service to City Hall.
Postage Meter: This line item is used to reimburse the postage meter for city-wide department
Repairs & Maintenance: Repairs and maintenance of internal services equipment includes the
postage meter.
27 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Office Machine Costs 12,490 12,598 17,614 14,000 10,000 14,000 -
Telephone Line Charges 12,315 15,035 10,952 13,000 14,000 14,000 1,000
Postage 6,516 8,469 5,499 8,000 5,000 7,000 (1,000)
Repairs & Maintenance 1,373 1,287 1,907 1,500 7,000 3,000 1,500
Miscellaneous 880 - - 500 - - (500)
Totals 33,574 37,389 35,973 37,000 36,000 38,000 1,000
City of East Wenatchee
Internal Services Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Prepared by Finance
28 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Salaries: The City Attorney position reports to the Mayor and will receive an increase per his
employment agreement, effective January 1, 2020. The City Attorney anticipates that the number
of criminal cases in 2019 will be about 700. Based on this anticipated caseload, and the
additional duties of Public Records Officer assigned to the City Attorney, the City Attorney is
asking for an increase in his compensation and to hire a full-time Deputy Prosecutor. The current
Legal Assistant will begin working full-time for the Finance Department. Thus, the legal
department will increase from 1.5 FTE to 2.0 FTE.
Benefits: The benefits line item is payroll benefits, insurance premiums, and retirement
contributions for the City Attorney and Deputy Prosecutor.
Training: This amount reflects the registration fee for the City Attorney’s CLE five-day
workshop and for a three-day conference with the Washington State Association of Municipal
Attorneys. The City will have to provide 15-hours of training each year for the Deputy
Prosecutor to maintain her or his license to practice law.
Professional Services: The City Attorney does not anticipate needing to contract out for
professional services during 2019, however, conflicts do arise, so a request for $2,500 allows for
this contingency.
Litigation Expenses: This request covers expenses for out-of-county subpoenas and expenses
for order records from the Secretary of State or the State Toxicologist. The City is currently in
Interest Arbitration will one of its law enforcement officers. Another officer is on administrative
leave because he was charged with the crime of theft. For budgeting purposes, the City should
set aside funds for the costs of another Interest Arbitration. A typical arbitrator charges because
$2,000-$3,000 a day.
Office Supplies: The major expense in this category is replacing the ink in the City Attorney’s
desktop printer.
Travel: The City is contractually obligated to pay for the City Attorney’s Continuing-Legal-
Education credits. The City Attorney intends to attend a five-day workshop to earn the required
credits. The City Attorney intends to attend a three-day conference with the Washington State
Association of Municipal Attorneys. Also, the City Attorney intends to attend training
specifically dedicated to public records. Likewise, the Deputy Prosecutor will need to travel to
attend training to accrue 15 hours of approved continuing legal education credits. Most of the
requested amount is based on the per diem rates for food and lodging. The amount also includes
a $100 for mileage reimbursement for the occasional trips the Deputy Prosecutor must make to
Waterville to argue cases on appeal with the Douglas County Superior Court.
29 of 78
Licensing: The City i s contractually obligated to pay the City Attorney’s licensing fees with the
Washington State Bar Association. The City should pay for the Deputy Prosecutor’s licensing
Miscellaneous: The City Attorney subscribes to an online service for legal research. Also, the
legal department would like to purchase reference materials as they become available. For
instance, an updated Public Records Deskbook may be published in 2020.
Capital Outlay: A new Deputy Prosecutor will need to be supplied with tools of the trade, like
a computer, office equipment, and office furniture.
30 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Salaries 127,160 132,187 135,940 139,000 140,000 195,000 56,000
Benefits 51,597 59,731 63,889 65,000 64,000 104,000 39,000
Training 253 65 245 1,000 700 2,000 1,000
Professional Services 2,345 - - 2,500 1,500 1,500 (1,000)
Litigation Expenses - - - 500 500 10,000 9,500
Licensing 409 479 495 500 500 1,000 500
Office Supplies 60 333 115 300 150 300 -
Travel 595 631 1,767 2,000 1,000 2,000 -
In surance 5,979 7,364 9,448 11,000 11,000 12,100 1,100
Postage - - - - - - -
Repairs & Maintenance - - - - - - -
Miscellaneous 520 - 499 5,000 3,000 3,000 (2,000)
Capital Outlay 135 - - 500 - - (500)
Totals 189,053 200,790 212,398 227,300 222,350 330,900 103,600
City of East Wenatchee
Legal Department Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - City Attorney, Devin Poulson
31 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Public Works
The Project Development Manager is the Public Works department head position reporting to the
Mayor, with responsibilities including supervision of the Stormwater Utility, Street Improvement
and Capital Projects. The Project Development Manager also participates in the Chelan/Douglas
Transportation Council Technical Advisory Committee.
Expenditures: Most of the Department costs are self-explanatory according to their title and
nature. The level and change in these expenditures reflect specific analysis by the department
32 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Salaries 92,092 93,547 35,515 83,000 83,000 94,000 11,000
Benefits 27,697 27,842 18,421 42,000 42,000 46,000 4,000
Office Supplies - - 242 750 250 750 -
Small Tools & Equipment - - 74 500 300 500 -
Cell Phone - - - - - 750 750
Professional Services - - - - 250 - -
Insurance 5,379 6,464 8,213 10,500 10,500 11,000 500
Travel - - 59 1,000 250 1,000 -
Training - - 849 2,000 300 2,000 -
Miscellaneous - - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 -
Registrations - - - 1,000 200 - (1,000)
Memberships - - - 300 300 500 200
Engineering Support Services - - 13,585 10,000 5,000 15,000 5,000
Totals 125,168 127,853 76,958 152,050 143,350 172,500 20,450
City of East Wenatchee
Public Works Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Project Development Manager, Tom Wachholder
33 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Civil Service
Salaries: This line item is the salary for the Civil Service Secretary who is scheduled when a civil
service position is open and being recruited, generally in the Police Department.
Insurance: This line item is for civil service liability and property insurance, including claims
34 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Salaries 875 1,287 2,451 3,120 3,120 3,214 94
Insurance 2,479 2,964 3,767 6,500 6,500 7,150 650
Miscellaneous - - 353 100 - - (100)
Totals 3,354 4,251 6,571 9,720 9,620 10,364 644
City of East Wenatchee
Civil Service Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet- Prepared by Finance
35 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Central Services
Central Services represents the costs of maintaining the City Hall building and surrounding
property. Line item expenses are generally self explanatory according to their titles and nature.
The level and changes in these expenditures reflect specific analysis by the finance and street
department heads.
36 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Office Supplies - - - - 31 -
Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies 1,700 2,016 2,160 2,000 1,500 2,000 -
Small Tools & Equipment 18,528 4,660 6,790 10,000 2,000 10,000 -
Professional Services 9,762 16,190 15,763 20,000 25,000 25,000 5,000
Contracted Custodial Services 21,378 21,916 26,489 24,000 27,000 24,000 -
Security Services - - 2,845 2,000 - (2,000)
Insurance 26,800 32,200 41,383 41,000 43,000 47,300 6,300
Utilities 19,628 22,889 23,266 25,000 25,000 25,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance 12,668 13,651 8,037 12,000 9,000 12,000 -
Miscellaneous 1,049 1,225 749 2,000 500 2,000 -
Landscaping 10,421 3,442 1,209 12,000 2,000 12,000 -
Judgements & Settlements 37,579 4,317 28,439 18,000 - 10,000 (8,000)
Ancillary (interfund maintenance)4,611 5,494 12,910 6,000 7,500 6,000 -
Capital Outlay 15,830 87,716 95,587 10,000 12,000 22,000 12,000
Totals 179,954 215,717 265,627 184,000 154,531 197,300 13,300
City of East Wenatchee
Central Services Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Streets Manager, Josh Toftness
37 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Law Enforcement
Police Department Operations: The Law Enforcement Department reflects the costs of running
the City’s Police Department. The Police Department is the largest City department with a total
of 24 employees, including the Chief, Assistant Chief, 4 Sergeants, 3 Detectives, 12 Patrol Officers
and 3 Records Personnel. This is the only department in the City that operates 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. The Chief and Assistant Chief are management employees, and the remainder of the
department is covered by collective bargaining agreements affiliated with the Teamsters Union.
In addition to the normal operating expenses of most departments in the City, the Police
Department incurs costs for clothing allowance and for dry cleaning expenses because all officers
are required to wear uniforms. The fleet of police vehicles requires significant fuel costs. Purchase
and maintenance of the fleet is funded in the Equipment Purchase, Maintenance and Replacement
Fund, and the Criminal Justice Fund. Training costs are a requirement for maintaining
proficiencies that require certification, as well as obtaining new skills for the continual
advancement of technologies in patrolling strategies and investigation analysis.
The needs for incurring overtime costs in the Police Department are a result of minimum staffing
requirements for all three shifts, satisfying emergency situations and special patrol programs.
Special patrol programs such as seatbelt emphasis (click it or ticket and juvenile safety seat
requirements) and DUI patrols may be partially funded thru the Washington State Traffic Safety
Jail Services – Detention: Housing of prisoners is provided by the Chelan County Regional
Justice Center (CCRJC) and the Okanagan County Jail (OCJ) under inter-local agreements.
CCRJC daily bed rates are increasing from $96.00 to $120.50. OCJ charges are currently $58.50
per day. Utilization is expected to be similar in 2020 in comparison to 2019.
38 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Salaries 1,854,230 1,832,256 2,022,088 2,120,000 2,120,000 2,100,000 (20,000)
Overtime Salaries 110,915 109,707 134,640 150,000 175,000 175,000 25,000
Overtime Salaries-Traf Control 11,392 6,578 6,299 8,000 6,000 8,000 -
Benefits 723,154 738,195 755,889 810,000 810,000 900,000 90,000
Clothing Allowance 11,571 14,592 13,922 15,600 9,000 14,400 (1,200)
Office Supplies 8,028 6,852 6,102 8,000 7,500 8,500 500
Office Machine Costs 2,404 3,951 3,191 5,000 1,500 5,000 -
Fuel Consumed 40,856 42,162 51,462 45,000 45,000 52,000 7,000
Small Tools & Equipment 6,551 8,576 13,143 13,000 15,000 13,000 -
Waspc Traffic Safety Grant - - - 3,000 3,000 3,000 -
Bulletproof Vests 3,305 5,734 2,712 4,000 4,000 4,000 -
US Marshall Fugitive Task Force - - - 1,500 1,500 1,500 -
Professional Services 8,773 9,758 13,923 14,000 14,000 15,000 1,000
Telephone 19,701 26,718 25,020 28,000 20,000 28,000 -
Postage 1,346 873 1,268 1,200 1,000 1,200 -
Travel 13,393 6,296 19,787 22,000 22,000 22,000 -
Insurance 56,459 69,808 83,806 75,600 72,000 69,000 (6,600)
Repairs & Maintenance 7,187 8,426 4,414 8,000 4,000 8,000 -
Miscellaneous 4,547 2,937 2,722 5,500 3,500 5,500 -
Reserves 1,680 1,183 - 1,500 - 500 (1,000)
Dry Cleaning Services 1,237 593 944 1,500 750 1,500 -
Crime Prevention 510 143 491 750 500 850 100
Training-Police Chief 920 - 450 1,000 750 1,000 -
Training--Officers 3,537 2,623 4,812 8,000 6,500 9,000 1,000
Training--Office Staff - 150 365 800 800 900 100
Training - Recruits-Academy - 3,187 5,267 9,600 5,000 9,600 -
Ancillary (interfund vehicle maintenance)407 1,634 1,749 2,400 2,400 2,400 -
Other Services - 445 - 1,500 - 1,500 -
Capital Outlay 11,078 6,717 36,264 84,000 84,000 33,000 (51,000)
Totals 2,903,181 2,910,094 3,210,731 3,448,450 3,434,700 3,493,350 44,900
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Housing & Monitoring Prisoners 299,381 289,084 262,816 302,000 302,000 378,000 76,000
Medical Care For Prisoners 7,113 13,700 8,137 11,000 11,000 10,000 (1,000)
Juvenile Detention - 4,920 13,080 8,000 8,000 6,500 (1,500)
Totals 306,494 307,704 284,033 321,000 321,000 394,500 73,500
City of East Wenatchee
Law Enforcement Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Police Chief, Randy Harrison
39 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Salaries: This line item includes salaries for the Community Development Director, the Associate
Planner and 25% of the Permit Technician. The Permit Technician also supports the Code
Compliance Department and the Street Department.
Benefits: The benefits line item is payroll benefits; medical, dental, and vision premiums and
retirement contributions for the Community Development Director, Associate Planner, and 25%
of the Permit Technician.
Professional Services: The requested amount for this line item anticipates expenses necessary to
complete some of the long-range planning projects in 2020. The Shoreline Master Program must
be updated by June 30, 2021. It is anticipated that most of the work will need to be completed in
2020. The City is eligible for a $16,800 grant from the Department of Ecology to help with the
update. The City may also receive a grant from the Department of Commerce.
Hearing Examiner: The requested amount for this line item anticipates hearing examiner services
for processing certain quasi-judicial applications. The City contracts for the hearing examiner
position. The hearing examiner has requested that the rate be increased from $450 to $600 per
hearing including up to 4 hours of his time, and the rate increased from $115 to $150 per hour for
projects that take more time. It should be noted that the rates have not increased since 2008. The
City has infrequent need for hearing examiner services. As the budget shows, there were no
hearings between 2016 and 2018. In 2019, three conditional use permits were processed. The
budget anticipates one hearing at the requested increased rate.
Revenue: Revenue for this department is generated from permit processing fees, grants and
environmental review fees. The fees are increased annually based upon the increase in the
Consumer Price Index (CPI) for West Urban Region. Calculation of the annual adjustment is based
upon the CPI from September to September of the preceding twelve months.
40 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Salaries 98,616 101,747 140,016 172,000 172,000 179,500 7,500
Benefits 33,514 34,040 49,319 62,000 62,000 62,000 -
Office Supplies 657 585 1,866 900 900 1,000 100
Fuel Consumed 98 289 176 200 175 200 -
Small Tools & Equipment 46 - 43 100 50 100 -
Training - 80 699 1,500 1,000 2,000 500
Professional Services 4,745 214 5,150 12,000 5,000 25,000 13,000
Hearings Examiner - - - 450 2,800 600 150
Engineer/architect Services 363 735 917 1,400 1,400 1,200 (200)
Travel - 394 773 1,500 1,800 3,000 1,500
Advertising 1,887 2,798 2,100 2,400 3,000 3,500 1,100
Insurance 5,665 6,828 8,769 10,400 10,400 11,440 1,040
Repairs & Maintenance - - 43 100 75 100 -
Miscellaneous 852 1,168 947 2,000 1,750 2,200 200
Totals 146,443 148,879 210,817 266,950 262,350 291,840 24,890
City of East Wenatchee
Planning Department Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Community Development Director, Lori Barnett
41 of 78
2020 General Fund Expenditures
Code Compliance
Salaries: This line item includes the salaries for the Code Compliance Officer/Building Official
and 50% of the Permit Technician.
Benefits: The benefits line item is payroll benefits; medical, dental, and vision premiums, and
retirement contributions for the Code Compliance Officer/Building Official and 50% of the Permit
Office Supplies: This line item has been inflated substantially over the previous year since it
includes purchasing of the new international code books for the Building Official. The books are
updated every two years.
Fire Marshal Services: The City is required to administer and enforce the International Fire
Code. Douglas County Fire District No. 2 provides Fire Marshal services for the City in
accordance with an Interlocal Agreement that was executed in 2014. The Agreement stipulates the
annual fee for services and provides an inflation factor that would automatically adjust the annual
fee based upon the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the West Urban Region.
Calculation of the annual adjustment is based upon the CPI from September to September of the
preceding twelve months.
Revenue: Revenue for this department is collected on the issuance of building permits and other
structural permits (signs, plumbing, mechanical, etc.). Building permit activity has been
significantly reduced over the past few years. Due to an unfavorable bidding climate in 2019, the
Eastmont School District postponed planned major remodels for 3 schools. It is anticipated that
the District projects will be completed in 2020.
Building permits and sign permits also include a plan review fee that is calculated at 65% of the
permit fee.
Non-Revenue: State building code surcharges are charged on all building permits and sign
permits. The surcharge is $6.50 per residential permit, and $25 per commercial permit. This fee
is not a revenue source for the City since 100% of the funds are remitted to the State of Washington.
42 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Salaries 93,270 95,614 97,015 104,000 104,000 111,000 7,000
Benefits 46,133 46,148 49,700 53,000 53,000 56,000 3,000
Office Supplies 1,755 474 296 200 75 2,200 2,000
Fuel Consumed 284 205 486 350 400 460 110
Small Tools & Equipment - - - 100 50 100 -
Training - - - 300 - 300 -
Fire Marshal Services 19,438 14,827 20,273 20,664 20,664 21,500 836
Abatement - - - 30,000 30,000 30,000 -
Travel - - - 475 - 475 -
Insurance 3,779 4,464 5,743 7,900 7,900 8,690 790
Miscellaneous 380 130 95 300 175 300 -
Totals 165,039 161,862 173,608 217,289 216,264 231,025 13,736
City of East Wenatchee
Code Compliance Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Community Development Director, Lori Barnett
43 of 78
2020 Street Fund
Property Tax: The Street Fund is allocated a portion of property tax receipts. For 2020, $400,000
is budgeted for this fund.
Sales & Use Tax: The Street Fund is also allocated a portion of sales tax receipts. For 2020,
$300,000 is budgeted for this fund.
Intergovernmental Revenue: Street Fuel Excise Tax (SFET) is paid to the State by retailers from
the sale of gasoline and diesel in the City at the current rate of 49.4 cents per gallon, and
subsequently remitted to the City. SFET is limited in use by the City for street maintenance.
$275,000 is budgeted for 2020, which is the same amount forecasted for 2019.
Maintenance: Street Department expenses are budgeted according to the nature of the activity,
supported by time sheets from employees for labor costs, and by vendor invoices for supplies and
materials. Maintenance expenditures are expected to mostly continue at current levels except for
salary and benefit increases.
Administration: Costs in these categories include all other costs of the Street Department,
including 25% of the cost of the Permit Technician for administrative support.
44 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 89,638 121,370 241,994 309,464 324,859 298,609 (10,854)
Property Taxes - Street Dept 475,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 400,000 (100,000)
Sales And Use Tax 290,000 310,000 320,000 350,000 350,000 300,000 (50,000)
Total Taxes 765,000 810,000 820,000 850,000 850,000 700,000 (150,000)
Street Permits 6,360 3,900 960 3,700 2,000 3,000 (700)
Total Licenses & Permits 6,360 3,900 960 3,700 2,000 3,000 (700)
Multimodal Transpo City 13,701 14,193 14,352 18,000 15,000 18,000 -
Street Fuel Excise Tax 281,066 279,952 281,001 299,000 275,000 275,000 (24,000)
MVA Transport Cities 7,999 12,419 16,745 9,700 14,000 16,000 6,300
Total Intergovernmental Revenues 302,766 306,564 312,099 326,700 304,000 309,000 (17,700)
Grand Total Current Revenue 1,074,126 1,120,464 1,133,059 1,180,400 1,156,000 1,012,000 (168,400)
Total Available Resources 1,163,764 1,241,834 1,375,053 1,489,864 1,480,859 1,310,609 (179,254)
Intergovernmental Revenue
City of East Wenatchee
Street Fund 101 Revenues
2020 Budget Worksheet - Streets Manager, Josh Toftness
Licenses & Permits
45 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Total Available Resources 1,163,764 1,241,834 1,375,053 1,489,864 1,480,859 1,310,609 (179,254)
Salaries -Roadway 18,779 21,008 35,000 60,000 50,000 80,000 20,000
Benefits 7,090 9,641 19,000 33,000 27,000 53,000 20,000
Supplies 12,314 14,865 25,000 50,000 55,000 50,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance 50,444 5,897 7,500 6,000 1,000 6,000 -
Salaries - Sidewalks 397 861 2,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 -
Benefits 202 550 1,300 2,400 2,400 2,400 -
Supplies 7 242 2,000 2,000 750 2,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance - 6,293 2,500 3,000 150 3,000 -
Salaries - Special Purpose Paths 211 102 1,500 500 400 500 -
Benefits 149 30 800 250 200 250 -
Supplies 289 319 2,000 2,500 2,000 2,500 -
Annual Fee - Loop Trail Services 6,000 6,000 13,000 13,000 153,000 - (13,000)
Salaries - Street Lighting 2,117 1,064 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 -
Benefits 870 352 1,100 1,200 1,200 1,200 -
Supplies 190 468 500 500 350 500 -
Utilities 43,120 42,308 39,000 60,000 80,000 60,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance 66 3,005 1,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 -
Salaries - Traffic Control Devices 33,761 23,718 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 -
Benefits 22,886 16,099 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 -
Supplies 39,411 31,082 55,000 48,000 48,000 48,000 -
Utilities 7,801 7,954 9,000 9,000 7,500 9,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance 3,853 7,552 20,000 14,000 5,000 14,000 -
Miscellaneous 290 - 1,000 - - - -
Salaries - Parking Facilities 2,484 397 2,000 1,000 300 1,000 -
Benefits 1,042 315 1,200 500 100 500 -
Supplies 65 - 300 300 100 300 -
Utilities 388 270 500 500 500 500 -
Salaries - Snow & Ice Control 38,200 31,152 65,000 50,000 50,000 70,000 20,000
Benefits 17,041 14,242 34,000 27,000 27,000 47,000 20,000
Supplies 90,539 103,186 100,000 100,000 95,000 100,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance 4,962 2,241 6,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 -
Salaries - Flags/Banners 12,106 8,674 18,000 10,000 6,000 30,000 20,000
Benefits 6,264 3,344 10,000 5,000 3,500 25,000 20,000
Supplies 2,291 1,966 2,500 2,000 1,000 2,000 -
Salaries - Roadside 157,171 160,435 125,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 -
Benefits 76,827 84,686 68,000 94,000 94,000 94,000 -
Supplies 742 4,889 5,000 5,000 3,500 5,000 -
City of East Wenatchee
Street Fund 101 Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Streets Manager, Josh Toftness
Roadway Maintenance
Special Purpose Paths
Street Lighting
Traffic Control Devices
Parking Facilities
Snow & Ice Control
46 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
City of East Wenatchee
Street Fund 101 Expenditures
2020 Budget Worksheet - Streets Manager, Josh Toftness
Professional Services - - - 3,000 2,800 3,000 -
Utilities 663 663 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance 10 4,076 1,000 1,000 150 1,000 -
Miscellaneous 135 34 1,000 - - - -
Salaries - City Parks 49,714 40,825 60,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 -
Benefits 26,606 22,547 37,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 -
Supplies 11,198 13,162 20,000 15,000 7,500 15,000 -
Utilities 3,710 4,445 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance 1,656 7,044 3,000 4,000 2,000 4,000 -
Maint Agmt - Japanese Gdn 16,000 18,633 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 -
Miscellaneous - - - - - - -
Salaries - Maintenance Admin 9,520 2,786 13,000 73,158 2,000 - (73,158)
Benefits 4,015 1,468 7,500 23,520 2,000 - (23,520)
Salaries 31,633 34,040 50,000 - 15,000 - -
Benefits 17,512 17,378 13,500 - 7,000 - -
Supplies 10,210 7,822 6,000 6,000 7,000 6,000 -
Cell Phone - - - - - 750 750
Insurance 37,222 42,365 45,600 48,600 48,600 54,000 5,400
Miscellaneous 3,331 4,603 3,000 3,000 1,500 3,000 -
Salaries - Facilities 2,955 668 6,000 3,000 750 3,000 -
Benefits 1,453 221 3,500 1,600 350 1,600 -
Supplies 1,177 2,014 2,000 2,000 150 2,000 -
Utilities 4,246 6,314 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 -
Repairs & Maintenance 1,582 13,654 2,500 2,500 1,500 2,500 -
Miscellaneous 1,358 138 500 - - - -
Salaries - Training 3,371 3,535 2,000 6,500 4,500 6,500 -
Benefits 1,603 1,448 1,100 3,872 3,000 3,872 -
Supplies - 243 1,000 500 250 500 -
Travel - Training 260 589 1,000 4,000 2,500 4,000 -
Training Miscellaneous 1,608 1,960 1,000 1,000 250 1,000 -
Grand Total Street Expenditures 903,125 867,883 1,050,400 1,159,400 1,182,250 1,175,872 16,472
Ending Fund Balance 260,639 373,951 324,653 330,464 298,609 134,737 (195,727)
General Services
City Parks
Maintenance Administration
47 of 78
2020 Community Development Grant Fund
The City of East Wenatchee is an entitlement jurisdiction and receives annual Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocations from the US Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD). The funds must be used for housing, community development, and
economic development activities, and must benefit low and moderate-income residents and must
be spent on projects located within the City.
The revenue and expenditures listed in the Community Development Grant Fund budget are only
those funds provided by HUD. Allowable time and materials by the Community Development
Department and professional service support are segregated in this fund and billed for
reimbursement under this entitlement allocation. The Program Year for these funds is from
October 1 through September 30 each year.
The City of East Wenatchee Community Development & Housing Consolidated Plan describes
how the City will spend the CDBG funds over a five-year period. We are in the last year of the
2015-2019 Consolidated Plan. An annual action plan is adopted every year describing the projects
or programs that will be funded during that program year. The 2019 Program Year allocation is
$135,695. The adopted 2019 Annual Action Plan designates the funds for the following projects:
• $27,000 for City CDBG planning and administrative activities - principally to draft and
adopt a new five-year Community Development & Housing Consolidated Plan.
• $108,695 to the Columbia Valley Housing Association (CVHA) for their down payment
assistance program.
Additionally, funds remain from 2014, 2017, and 2018. The 2014 and 2017 funds have been
allocated for the CVHA down payment assistance program. The Housing Authority of Chelan
County and the City of Wenatchee did not use all the funds allocated for their apartment
rehabilitation project, leaving an additional $9,373 that has not been allocated to another project
or program. The budget anticipates that most of the funds will be spent in calendar year 2020.
Funds Available for 2019 Program Year
Remaining Funds 2014 10,000.00$
Remaining Funds 2017 11,082.00$
2018 Program Year-CVHA Down Payment Assistance 53,469.00$
Total Allocated for the CVHA 74,551.00$
Remaining Funds 2018 - Not used by the Wen Housing Authority 9,373.00$
2019 Program Year Funds 135,695.00$
Funds Available 219,619.00$
48 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 68,462 71,724 76,285 77,256 77,954 77,954 698
HUD CD Block Grant 6,000 7,492 3,470 153,841 153,841 219,619 65,778
Total Resources Available 74,462 79,216 79,755 231,097 231,795 297,573 66,476
CDBG Salaries - - - 2,000 2,000 - (2,000)
CDBG Benefits - - - 642 642 - (642)
CDBG Office Supplies/copies - 25 - - - - -
CDBG Housing Program Costs - - - 142,769 142,769 192,619 49,850
CDBG Professional Services - - - 6,000 6,000 25,300 19,300
CDBG Telephone - - - - - - -
CDBG Postage - 35 - 30 30 - (30)
CDBG Advertising 846 1,439 1,268 1,700 1,700 1,600 (100)
CDBG Miscellaneous 1,892 1,433 533 700 700 100 (600)
Total Expenditures 2,738 2,932 1,801 153,841 153,841 219,619 65,778
Ending Fund Balance 71,724 76,285 77,954 77,256 77,954 77,954 698
City of East Wenatchee
Community Development Grant Fund 102
2020 Budget Worksheet - Community Development Director, Lori Barnett
49 of 78
2020 Transportation Benefit District Fund
Revenue: The revenue from this fund is accumulated through the $20 car tab fee and is
specifically designated for support of residential street improvement projects. If passed, Initiative-
976 (I-976) will eliminate the City’s ability to collect this fee, which is why the budget is $201,000
less than 2019.
Expenditures: $375,000 is budgeted for various paving projects in 2020. If I-976 passes, this
fund will nearly be depleted of resources because the car tab fee is its only source of revenue. The
City will have to re-evaluate how to maintain adequately paved streets.
50 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 359,230 209,419 323,201 377,789 379,979 350,597 (27,192)
Car Tab Fee Revenue 243,558 250,270 254,112 241,000 255,000 40,000 (201,000)
Resources Available 602,788 459,690 577,314 618,789 634,979 390,597 (228,192)
TBD Project Costs 393,369 - - - - - -
StreetSaver Program - - - - 7,240 - -
Transfer Out - 136,488 197,335 360,000 277,142 375,000 15,000
Total Expenditures 393,369 136,488 197,335 360,000 284,382 375,000 15,000
Ending Fund Balance 209,419 323,201 379,979 258,789 350,597 15,597 (243,192)
City of East Wenatchee
Transportation Benefit District Fund 105
2020 Budget - Prepared by Finance
51 of 78
2020 Debt Reserve Fund
Beginning in 2016, an annual allocation of $165,000 was placed into this fund in order to
accumulate resources to pay off debt that the City deemed necessary to support the upcoming
and planned growth of the City and its facilities. By the end of 2019, the fund will have
accumulated $660,000, which will all be transferred to the Bond Fund where the City will begin
paying off a $5,000,000 Limited Tax General Obligation bond planned for a new maintenance
facility and police station. Other City Hall improvements are planned after 2020.
52 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance - 165,000 330,000 495,000 495,000 660,000 165,000
Property Tax 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 - (165,000)
Resources Available 165,000 330,000 495,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 -
Transfer Out - - - - - 660,000 660,000
Total Expenditures - - - - - 660,000 660,000
Ending Fund Balance 165,000 330,000 495,000 660,000 660,000 - (660,000)
City of East Wenatchee
Debt Reserve Fund 110
2020 Budget Worksheet - Prepared by Finance
53 of 78
2020 Library Fund
In 2006, the City of East Wenatchee signed a new Building Use and Maintenance Agreement with
the North Central Regional Library District (NCRLD). The agreement has renewed many times,
but most recently renewed for the years 2018 through 2020. The City reimbursement rate and
history are as follows:
January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2014 $3,000 per year
January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2017 $6,500 per year
January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2020 $7,000 per year
Library Services:
This revenue is paid to the City for contracted building use and maintenance reimbursement from
the NCRLD. Reimbursement payments are received in June and November of each year. The
City renewed its agreement with the NCRLD to include an additional 1,000 square feet in the
calculation. As noted above, the City will receive $7,000 per year for 2018 through 2020, at which
time the City will review the contract again.
Professional Services: The City allocates a proportionate share of the cost of contracted janitorial
services to the Library.
Utilities: The City allocates a proportionate share of the cost of utilities to the Library.
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous expenditures associated with the library are charged accordingly.
54 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 4,419 5,703 6,938 7,588 10,372 11,372 3,784
Library Services 6,500 6,500 7,000 6,500 7,000 7,000 500
Resources Available 10,919 12,203 13,938 14,088 17,372 18,372 4,284
Professional Services 2,800 3,510 1,027 3,200 - 2,000 (1,200)
Utilities 2,331 1,741 2,503 2,200 6,000 4,000 1,800
Repairs & Maintenance - 36 - - - -
Miscellaneous 85 15 - 40 - 40 -
Total Expenditures 5,216 5,265 3,566 5,440 6,000 6,040 600
Ending Fund Balance 5,703 6,938 10,372 8,648 11,372 12,332 3,684
City of East Wenatchee
Library Fund 112
2020 Budget, Prepared by Finance
55 of 78
2020 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund
Hotel/Motel Taxes are collected by the hoteliers located in the City, remitted to the State, and
subsequently remitted to the City. Prior to 2020, a portion of the hotel/motel tax was allocated to
the Events Fund to support its events that result in tourism and recreational activities – primarily
Classy Chassis and Wings & Wheels. Moving forward, all hotel/motel taxes received by the City
will be deposited into this fund and transferred to the Events Fund, as necessary and approved by
the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC). The LTAC for the City has the responsibility for
considering the City’s use of Hotel/Motel Taxes in its Events Fund, as well as considering other
uses in the community which would qualify for tourism and promotional purposes. If the LTAC
votes favorably upon an expenditure of these funds, it makes a recommendation to the City Council
for its deliberation and approval. If approved, the expenditure is made.
56 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 87,718 3,311 2,811 37,100 76,559 45,283 8,183
HM Tax - Allocated 6,000 8,000 75,580 56,850 75,000 125,000 68,150
H/M Tax Allocated - - 75,579 56,850 75,000 125,000 68,150
Total Resources Available 93,718 11,311 153,970 150,800 226,559 295,283 144,483
Transfer-Out to Fund 117 - - - - - 135,000 135,000
Contributions to Other Entities 12,500 14,500 12,500 14,500 70,000 70,000 55,500
Wenatchee Valley Museum 83,907 - 64,911 111,276 111,276 - (111,276)
Total Expenditures 96,407 14,500 77,411 125,776 181,276 205,000 79,224
Ending Fund Balance (2,689) (3,189) 76,559 25,024 45,283 90,283 65,259
City of East Wenatchee
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113
2020 Budget Worksheet, Prepared by Finance
57 of 78
2020 Drug Fund
Revenue: The City allocates a portion of Municipal Court receipts to this fund. Periodically, the
City also removes forfeited property (cash), and the proceeds of forfeited property from drug
related offenses, from its police repository and deposits these resources to be used for purposes
allowable by law.
Expenditures: When the fund accumulates enough resources, the City spends a portion of these
funds in support of drug related programs under the direction of the Police Chief.
58 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 3,219 4,181 915 1,117 1,064 1,516 399
Drug Investigation 828 205 148 150 25 100 (50)
Restitution 13 - - - - - -
Forfeited Property 121 5,902 - - 427 - -
Total Resources Available 4,181 10,288 1,064 1,267 1,516 1,616 349
Small ToolsEquip - 9,372 - - - - -
Total Expenditures - 9,372 - - - - -
Ending Fund Balance 4,181 916 1,064 1,267 1,516 1,616 349
City of East Wenatchee
Drug Fund 114
2020 Budget, Prepared by Finance
59 of 78
2020 Criminal Justice Fund
Revenue: Revenue sources for the Criminal Justice Fund are quarterly allocations received from
the State of Washington to be used for law enforcement purposes. These revenues are shared with
all cities in the state and are allocated on a per capita basis.
Expenditures: If revenues stay steady, this fund should have enough resources accumulated to
purchase a police vehicle by the end of 2020. It takes roughly three years to accumulate funds for
a new police vehicle depending on receipts and vehicle costs.
60 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning NC&I 18,361 35,496 10,166 27,506 28,364 47,104 19,597
Population 3,688 3,817 3,944 3,700 3,740 3,700 -
Special Programs 13,447 13,853 14,254 13,400 15,000 14,000 600
Total Resources Available 35,496 53,166 28,364 44,606 47,104 64,804 20,197
Transfer Out - EPM&R Fund - 43,000 - - - -
Total Expenditures - 43,000 - - - - -
Ending NC&I 35,496 10,166 28,364 44,606 47,104 64,804 20,197
City of East Wenatchee
Criminal Justice Fund 116
2020 Budget Worksheet, Prepared by Finance
61 of 78
2020 Events Fund
The Events Fund contains the revenues and expenditures for the Events Department. Classy
Chassis, Wings & Wheels, Wings & Wishes, Parkway Pile-up and an annual Easter egg hunt are
currently the main events hosted by the Events Department. Expenses have been allocated to the
various events based upon the historical and planned levels of each event during the upcoming
Citizen based committees assist in the planning and support of each of these activities, along with
the Events staff. Support is also provided by the Police Department for public safety and traffic
control, as well as the Street Department for parade route barricades and facility support. An
additional role for this department is marketing for the City through participation on local, regional
and state-wide recreation and tourism boards and committees.
Revenues/Expenditures: The Events Department is funded with a combination of Hotel/Motel
taxes, sponsorships, sales of promotional goods and event registrations. The receipt of hotel/motel
taxes is pending approval by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. If denied, the City will have
to support this fund with sales tax or property tax. The fund pays for the salaries and benefits for
67% of an Events Director/Public Information Officer, and all an Events Assistant in addition to
the operational costs of hosting each of the respective events mentioned above.
62 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 35,888 58,121 166,474 105,695 109,899 56,609 (49,086)
Transfer-in from Fund 113 - - - - - 135,000 135,000
H/M Tax - Events Fund 151,020 126,500 67,078 60,000 60,000 - (60,000)
Total 151,020 126,500 67,078 60,000 60,000 135,000 75,000
Vendor Fees 25 - - - - - -
EEH Admission Fees 1,545 1,600 1,735 1,600 1,427 1,400 (200)
CC Parade/Car Show 10,755 10,750 9,962 10,000 9,105 9,000 (1,000)
CC Vendor Fees 324 325 - - 250 150 150
CC Sponsorships 9,450 9,500 8,100 9,000 8,000 8,000 (1,000)
CC Merchandise Sales 1,969 2,000 1,845 1,650 2,202 500 (1,150)
W&W Car Show 6,570 4,500 5,260 5,500 5,000 4,500 (1,000)
W&W Vendor Fees 300 500 110 300 300 100 (200)
W&W Donations 1,500 - - 1,000 750 - (1,000)
W&W Sponsorships 6,700 5,000 9,450 6,500 6,000 12,000 5,500
Sched of Events Brochure 7,550 5,000 3,950 5,000 4,500 - (5,000)
W&W Merch Sales 1,118 1,200 1,292 - 900 500 500
PPile-up Car Show Sponsorship - 1,000 - 450 500 500 50
PPile-up Car Show Misc Revenue 550 600 270 270 - - (270)
Sponsorship-Wings&Wishes - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 -
Total Revenue 199,376 170,475 111,052 103,270 100,934 173,650 70,380
Total Resources Available 235,264 228,596 277,526 208,965 210,833 230,259 21,294
City of East Wenatchee
Events Fund 117
2020 Revenue Budget - Events Director/PIO, Trina Elmes
63 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
EWEB Salaries 13,636 12,000 14,750 72,000 65,000 78,000 6,000
EWEB Benefits 6,524 5,600 5,485 32,000 32,000 41,000 9,000
Total EWEB Salaries and Benefits 101,453 98,010 106,042 127,500 106,750 119,000 (8,500)
EWEB Marketing-Regional Tourism 1,050 2,000 1,050 2,000 500 3,000 1,000
EWEB Fuel Consumed - 100 - 200 50 200 -
EWEB Smalls Tools & Equipment 208 - 19 100 50 - (100)
EWEB Training - 500 - - - 2,000 2,000
Professional Svcs - - - - - 600 600
Telephone - - - - - 600 600
EWEB Travel 30 - - - - 500 500
EWEB Advertising - - - - - 500 500
EWEB Misc 222 100 225 100 100 - (100)
EWEB Capital Outlay - 1,000 - 200 - - (200)
EWEB Insurance 3,379 3,600 2,575 7,600 7,600 8,360 760
EWEB Office Supplies 169 250 1,234 1,000 750 1,000 -
EWEB General Expenditures 5,057 7,850 5,103 11,200 9,050 16,760 5,560
EEH Small Tools 413 200 152 200 190 200 -
Easter Office Supplies - - 88 - - 100 100
EEH Advertising 94 350 152 350 449 500 150
EEH Misc 1,192 1,500 982 1,500 579 600 (900)
Easter Capital Outlay - - - - 5 - -
Easter Event Expenses 1,700 2,050 1,373 2,050 1,223 1,400 (650)
CC Fuel Consumed - - - 100 - - (100)
CC Merch for Resale 4,482 4,500 4,956 4,800 4,349 - (4,800)
CC Small Tools & Equipment 1,118 1,000 583 1,000 477 500 (500)
CC Professional Services 2,341 2,400 4,248 5,500 1,939 2,300 (3,200)
CC Postage 1,151 1,200 1,466 1,500 - 500 (1,000)
CC EMPD Facility Fee 1,000 1,075 - 1,100 1,000 1,000 (100)
CC Advertising 3,593 4,000 4,234 4,500 3,661 3,000 (1,500)
CC Misc 2,050 2,000 716 1,000 1,955 2,000 1,000
Classy Chassis Event Expenses 15,736 16,175 16,204 19,500 13,381 9,300 (10,200)
W&W Event Merch for Resale 3,857 3,000 2,670 3,500 3,000 - (3,500)
W&W Small Tools 4,568 3,000 807 3,000 2,500 500 (2,500)
W&W Professional Services 1,184 750 1,924 2,750 2,250 5,200 2,450
W&W Postage - 1,000 - 1,000 500 550 (450)
W&W EMPD Facility Fee 1,000 1,075 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,000 (100)
W&W Advertising 11,812 7,800 8,742 8,000 7,500 5,000 (3,000)
W&W Sponsor Prizes - 1,000 3,021 1,000 500 - (1,000)
W&W Miscellaneous 180 2,000 2,307 1,100 550 300 (800)
W&W Events Brochure 3,265 3,000 4,157 3,500 1,750 1,600 (1,900)
Wings & Wheels Event Expenses 25,866 22,625 24,627 24,950 19,650 14,150 (10,800)
Professional Svcs - - 738 1,000 597 600 (400)
PPU Advertising 1,641 1,000 2,265 1,000 348 500 (500)
PPU Miscellaneous 1,109 1,000 384 1,200 425 300 (900)
Parkway Pileup Expenses 2,750 2,000 3,387 3,200 1,370 1,400 (1,800)
Christmas Small Tools 21 400 342 400 300 150 (250)
Christmas Events & Decs 1,180 1,500 1,822 1,500 1,000 10,000 8,500
Christmas Professional Services - - - - - 400 400
Christmas Advertising 500 1,500 1,413 1,500 1,000 750 (750)
Christmas Misc 503 600 1,339 800 500 500 (300)
Christmas Event Expenses 2,204 4,000 4,916 4,200 2,800 11,800 7,600
Total Expenditures 154,765 152,710 161,652 192,600 154,224 173,810 (18,790)
Ending Fund Balance 80,499 75,886 115,874 16,365 56,609 56,449 40,084
City of East Wenatchee
Events Fund 117
2020 Expenditure Budget - Events Director/PIO, Trina Elmes
64 of 78
2020 Bond Fund
The Bond Fund is used to account for payment of debt where payments are made from property
tax allocations, and a transfer-in from the Debt Reserve Fund. The City is currently paying off
two different Public Works Trust Fund loans; one of which will be fully paid off in 2020.
Additionally, the City is planning on taking on a Limited Tax General Obligation (LTGO) bond
in the amount of $5,000,000. Principal and interest payments for the LTGO bond will begin in
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2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 9,746 10,723 9,693 9,089 9,088 8,669 (420)
Property Tax 20,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 155,000 125,000
SWU PWTFL Reimb 12,175 9,870 - - - - -
Transfer-In from Fund 110 - - - - - 660,000 660,000
Resources Available 41,921 40,593 39,693 39,089 39,088 823,669 784,580
Principal - LTGO Bond - - - - - 150,000 150,000
Principal - PWTFL 10th St. NE - - - - - 125,000 125,000
Redemption - PWTF Debt 29,712 29,712 29,712 30,000 29,712 29,713 (287)
Interest - LTGO Bond - - - - - 223,300 223,300
Interest - PWTFL 10th St. NE - - - - 113 7,500 7,500
Interest - PWTF Loan 1,486 1,189 891 600 594 298 (302)
Total Expenditures 31,198 30,901 30,604 30,600 30,419 535,811 505,211
Ending Fund Balance 10,723 9,693 9,089 8,489 8,669 287,858 279,369
City of East Wenatchee
Bond Redemption Fund 202
2020 Budget Worksheet, Prepared by Finance
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The Street Improvements Fund was established and used by the City to fund and manage capital
projects related to streets – streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, underground utilities, etc. These
projects involve pre-project engineering, construction engineering, purchase of right of ways, road
building/paving, curb/gutter/sidewalks and storm drains. Projects are bid and performed by
outside engineering and construction companies and involve coordination with other utility and
governmental entity partners. Funding is generally received from either Federal or State sources
that involve a variable funding contribution support by the City. Funding through bonded debt has
also been a source of funds for the City for these projects in the past.
Projects budgeted for 2020 have been selected from the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
provided to the Washington State Department of Transportation each June and other projects
approved by Council.
Projects scheduled for 2020 include:
Project Description Grant
Other City
Total Cost
10th St NE Design Project
$315,000 $315,000
TBD – 2020 Residential Overlay Project
$375,000 $375,000
TIB 3rd St SE and Highline Drive RAB
– Construction
$663,000 $117,000 $780,000
TIB 3rd St SE/Rock Island Rd Traffic
Signal – Design
$76,500 $13,500 $90,000
TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay
$637,500 $112,500 $750,000
SRTS: 5th Street NE (Kenroy) – Design
$225,778 $39,843 $265,621
SRTS: 5th Street NE (Sterling) – Design $220,224 $38,863 $259,087
TIB Complete Streets – Design &
9th Street/Valley Mall Pkwy Intersection
Improvements– Design & Construction
Totals $3,124,702 $690,000 $462,506 $4,277,208
The 10th St NE Design Project is funded by a Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) pre-construction
loan. It is anticipated to complete the design in 2020 with the $390,000 remaining in the PWTF
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pre-construction loan. Federal construction funding was secured in 2019 through the Chelan-
Douglas Transportation Council for the eastern phase of the project. A grant application was
submitted to the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for construction funding associated
with the western phase of the 10th Street Improvements Project.
“Other” planned project funding sources are the Transportation Benefit District funds collected
from a $20 car tab fee that has been collected for many years.
The 3rd St SE and Highline Drive Roundabout (RAB) Project is associated with a TIB grant. This
grant was awarded in the fall of 2018 and the design was completed in 2019. It is anticipated to
complete the construction in 2020.
The 3rd St SE/Rock Island Road Traffic Signal Project is associated with a TIB grant. If the grant
is funded, it is anticipated to start the design in 2020 and complete the construction in 2021.
The N Kentucky Ave Overlay Project is also associated with a TIB grant. If the grant is funded, it
is anticipated to complete the design and construction in 2020.
The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) 5th Street NE (Kenroy & Sterling) Projects are associated with
a federal SRTS grant. Grant funds were secured in 2019, and the design will start in 2020 with
construction tentatively scheduled for 2021.
The TIB Complete Streets Projects are associated with a $400,000 TIB grant that will construct
pedestrian enhancement projects.
The 9th Street/Valley Mall Pkwy Intersection Improvements Project is associated with a federal
Surface Transportation Program (STP) grant through the Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council.
It is anticipated to complete the design and construction in 2020.
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2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 510,544 819,666 724,333 617,143 903,671 179,338
Property Tax 575,000 20,000 17,678 17,678 20,000 2,322
Transfer In - From Fund 314 500,000 - - - 150,000 150,000
Transfer In-TBD Fund 105 Proj Funding 136,489 197,335 360,000 275,000 375,000 15,000
TIB - S. Kentucky & 5th ST. NE - 529,382 27,000 27,000 - (27,000)
TIB Grant Road/Eastmont Ave Intersection Repair - - 97,000 - - (97,000)
TIB 3rd St SE/Highline Drive Roundabout - - 85,000 80,000 663,000 578,000
Complete Streets Award - - - 400,000 - -
SRTS - 5th St NE: Sterling - - 50,000 - 220,224 170,224
SRTS - 5th St NE: Kenroy - - 30,000 - 225,778 195,778
PWTFL - 10th Street Design - - 750,000 225,000 315,000 (435,000)
STP 9th Street/VMP Intersection Improvements - - - - 901,700 901,700
TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay - - - - 637,500 637,500
TIB 3rd St SE/Rock Island Rd Traffic Signal - - - - 76,500 76,500
Total Resources Available 8,428,040 1,984,230 2,141,011 1,641,821 4,488,373 2,347,362
Materials - Relight WA Project 76 - 53,150 58,150 - (53,150)
Design - TIB Grant Road/Eastmont Ave Intersection Repair - - 115,000 - - (115,000)
Design - TIB 3rd St SE/Highline Drive Roundabout - - 100,000 95,000 5,000 (95,000)
SDC - TIB 3rd St SE/Highline Drive Roundabout - - - - 75,000 75,000
Construction - TIB 3rd St SE/Highline Drive Roundabout - - - - 700,000 700,000
Design - SRTS - 5th St NE: Sterling - - 59,000 5,000 259,087 200,087
Design - SRTS - 5th St NE: Kenroy - - 35,000 5,000 265,321 230,321
Design - PWTFL - 10th Street Design - - 750,000 300,000 320,000 (430,000)
ROW - PWTFL - 10th Street Design - - - - 78,000 78,000
Design 2019 TBD Paving - - 30,000 20,000 - (30,000)
SDC 2019 TBD Paving - - 15,000 10,000 - (15,000)
Construction 2019 TBD Paving - - 345,000 245,000 - (345,000)
Design 2020 TBD Paving - - - - 30,000 30,000
SDC 2020 TBD Paving - - - - 20,000 20,000
Construction 2020 TBD Paving - - - - 325,000 325,000
Design - 9th Street/VMP Intersection Improvements - - - - 156,400 156,400
SDC - 9th Street/VMP Intersection Improvements - - - - 93,100 93,100
Costruction - 9th Street/VMP Intersection Improvements - - - - 795,000 795,000
Design - TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay - - - - 80,000 80,000
SDC - TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay - - - - 45,000 45,000
Construction - TIB N Kentucky Ave Overlay - - - - 625,000 625,000
Design - TIB 3rd St SE/Rock Island Rd Traffic Signal - - - - 90,000 90,000
TIB Complete Streets - Grant Rd/Georgia Ped Crossing - - - - 75,000 75,000
TIB Complete Streets - Grant Rd/June Ped Crossing - - - - 100,000 100,000
TIB Complete Streets - 3rd St NE Sidewalk Gap - - - - 225,000 225,000
Total Expenditures 7,608,374 1,253,222 1,502,150 738,150 4,361,908 2,859,758
Ending Fund Balance 819,666 731,008 638,861 903,671 126,465 (512,396)
City of East Wenatchee
Street Improvement Fund 301
2020 Budget - Project Development Manager, Tom Wachholder
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2020 Stormwater Capital Improvements Fund
The monies left in this fund after 2019 will be transferred over to the new Storm Water Fund,
which is a 400 series enterprise fund. The reason for the change is due to the termination of an
interlocal agreement with Douglas County wherein storm water work was jointly managed by both
entities, but the City received its funds from the County on a reimbursement basis. Starting in
2020, the City will operate its storm water functions apart from the County, which requires the
establishment of an enterprise fund; thus, making this fund obsolete.
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2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 99,605 106,478 256,064 115,590 103,090 (152,974)
SWA Small Improvement Projects - - 100,000 100,000 - (100,000)
State Ecology Grant - - 37,500 37,500 - (37,500)
DOE Grant 19th St. NW Design - - 250,000 250,000 - (250,000)
GEWSWU Denis Court Project 51,203 - - - - -
GEWSWU 7th St. NE Project 83,952 - - - - -
GEWSWU Astor Court 10,729 59,123 - - - -
GEWSWU Ashland Avenue 10,729 59,123 - - - -
GEWSWU 10th Street Design - - 225,000 225,000 - (225,000)
Total Current Revenue 210,444 127,610 612,500 612,500 - (612,500)
Total Resources Available 310,049 234,088 868,564 728,090 103,090 (765,474)
Transfer-Out to Fund 401 - - - - 103,090
SWA Small Improvement Projects - 5,000 100,000 100,000 - (100,000)
19th St. NW Design SWU DOE - - 250,000 250,000 - (250,000)
State Ecology Robotic Grant - - 50,000 50,000 - (50,000)
10th Street Design - - 225,000 225,000 - (225,000)
Total Expenditures 78,572 118,497 625,000 625,000 103,090 (521,910)
Ending Fund Balance 231,478 115,590 243,564 103,090 0 (243,564)
City of East Wenatchee
Stormwater Capital Improvements Fund 308
2020 Budget Worksheet, Prepared by Finance
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2020 Capital Improvements Fund
Capital Improvements for this fund are specifically provided by receipts of Real Estate Excise Tax
(REET) paid by the seller in real estate transactions within City boundaries. These taxes are
generally limited to expenditures for capital improvements of streets and roadways, and other uses
when the City provides for authorization in a capital facilities plan.
In 2020, this fund will receive an influx of $5,000,000 from the proceeds of a Limited Tax General
Obligation for the purpose of various City Hall improvements, which is broken down into four
phases. Phase one will happen in 2020 and includes the design and build of a new Public
Works/Street Department facility to replace the current outdated facilities that house these City
72 of 78
2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 773,751 613,698 475,878 1,015,218 1,071,531 1,032,032 16,814
Real Estate Excise Tax 324,672 371,017 512,649 350,000 335,000 350,000 -
Bond Proceeds - - - - - 5,000,000 5,000,000
Regional Fund Share - Gateway - - 57,613 188,000 188,000 - (188,000)
Property Tax 75,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 - (100,000)
Total Resources Available 1,173,423 1,134,715 1,146,140 1,653,218 1,694,531 6,382,032 4,728,814
REET to Fund 301 -300,000 500,000 - - - 150,000 150,000
City Hall Readerboard - - - - - - -
Gateway Property Purchase & Design - 36,247 4,356 - - - -
Gateway Property Design & Engr - 44,978 50,705 - - - -
Gateway Property Improvements - - 1,385 - - - -
Public Works Remodel - - - 250,000 2,500,000 2,250,000
Gateway Property Construction - - - 517,000 565,300 - (517,000)
Gateway Property SDC - - - 42,000 36,299 - (42,000)
Public Works Area Design - 77,612 16,463 - 25,000 145,000 145,000
City Land Purchase - 311 9th St NE - - 1,700 - - - -
City Gazebo Rebuild - - - - 35,901 - -
Totals Expenditures 300,000 658,837 74,609 809,000 662,499 2,795,000 1,986,000
Ending Fund Balance 873,423 475,878 1,071,531 844,218 1,032,032 3,587,032 2,742,814
City of East Wenatchee
Capital Improvements Fund 314
2020 Budget Worksheet, Prepared by Finance
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2020 Stormwater Fund
The Stormwater Fund is new for 2020 resulting from the termination of an interlocal agreement
with Douglas County where the County administered the stormwater functions of the City and
County, while the City received reimbursement from the County for its stormwater related work.
Both parties agreed that it served each other’s best interest to terminate the agreement and
administer their stormwater activities individually.
The City expects to receive approximately $2,500,000 from the County for its share of funds that
have accumulated over prior years. Other revenues budgeted for 2020 include:
$518,000 in stormwater fees paid by City residents
$170,000 Department of Ecology grant
$103,900 transfer from the Stormwater Capital Improvements Fund
$95,000 Stormwater Capacity grant
The expenditures for this fund are varied due to the numerous functions within stormwater
activities. Highlighting a few of the larger expenditures, they include:
$320,000 for a new mechanical sweeper that is necessary for basic stormwater work
$150,000 comp plan update
$130,000 for a 19th Street stormwater facility design
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2020 Change from
Description Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance - -
SWU Fee 518,000 518,000
Capacity Grant 95,000 95,000
19th St Ecology Grant 170,000 170,000
Transfer-In From Douglas County 2,500,000 2,500,000
Transfer-In From Fund 308 103,090 103,090
Water Quaility Grant - -
Total Resources Available 3,386,090 3,386,090
Salaries - Stormwater Admin 15,750 15,750
Benefits 6,300 6,300
Supplies 500 500
Small Equipment/Tools 1,000 1,000
Cell Phone 750 750
Fee Collection Payment 8,500 8,500
Insurance 5,000 5,000
City Stormwater Uitility Charge 165,000 165,000
Salaries - NPDES Admin 9,000 9,000
Benefits 3,600 3,600
Municipal Stormwater Permit Fee 8,000 8,000
Salaries - NPDES Public Education & Outreach 1,500 1,500
Benefits 600 600
Supplies 1,000 1,000
Salaries - NPDES Public Involvement 500 500
Benefits 200 200
Supplies 1,000 1,000
Salaries - NPDES IDDE 6,500 6,500
Benefits 2,600 2,600
Supplies 1,000 1,000
Salaries - NPDES Construction 1,500 1,500
Benefits 600 600
Salaries - Post Construction 1,500 1,500
Benefits 600 600
Salaries - NPDES PPGH 73,000 73,000
Benefits - NPDES PPGH 29,200 29,200
Salaries - Sweeping 12,000 12,000
Benefits - Sweeping 4,800 4,800
Stormwater Utility Admin
NPDES Public Ed & Outreach
NPDES Public Involvement
NPDES Construction
NPDES Post Construction
City of East Wenatchee
Stormwater Fund 401
2020 Budget Worksheet - Prepared by Public Works
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Supplies 30,000 30,000
Rental Equipment 35,000 35,000
Utilities 2,200 2,200
Salaries - NPDES Monitoring 1,000 1,000
Benefits 400 400
Supplies 100 100
Mechanical Sweeper 355,000 355,000
Storm Sewer Camera 15,000 15,000
Devon Pond 15,000 15,000
19th St Design 130,000 130,000
Small Improvement Projects 100,000 100,000
Debt Redemption 76,000 76,000
Comp Plan Update 150,000 150,000
Filter Design 50,000 50,000
Landscape Project 20,000 20,000
Grand Total Stormwater Expenditures 1,341,200 1,341,200
Ending Fund Balance 2,044,890 2,044,890
Capital - Valley Mall Parkway LID Landscape
Capital - ConTech Water Quality Filter Design
NPDES Monitoring (Effectiveness Studies)
Capital Outlay
Capital - 19th Stormwater Facility Design
Small Improvement Projects
Stormwater Comp Plan Update
Douglas County PWTFL Debt Redemption
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2020 Equipment Purchase, Maintenance & Replacement
Fund (EPM&R)
The City Council established this Fund in 2011 as the Street Fund ER&R Fund. Because the
City does not have or need the traditional rental environment of larger entities, this fund’s
purpose is for the purchase, maintenance and replacement of vehicles and equipment primarily
for both the Streets Department and the Police Department. Sales taxes will be the primary
revenue allocation for funding, as well as the Criminal Justice Fund for funding assistance for the
purchase of police vehicles.
Expenditures: The budgeted plan for 2020 is to purchase one additional police vehicle, one
additional Street Department vehicle, a snow plow and a walk behind line striper. These purchases
will allow the City to surplus outdated equipment whose repair costs are reaching a point where
they exceed the value of the vehicle.
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2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Change from
Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Forecast Budget 2019 to 2020
Beginning Fund Balance 38,861 47,778 52,450 202,056 131,631 143,100 (58,955)
Sales & Use Tax - Police 200,000 127,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 50,000 (100,000)
Sales & Use Tax - Street Dept 207,000 174,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 -
Resources Available 474,479 391,778 402,450 652,056 581,631 493,100 (158,955)
Police Vehicles R&M Labor 4,735 4,139 2,759 7,000 7,500 5,000 (2,000)
Police Vehicle R&M Benefits 2,364 2,661 1,669 2,300 3,500 2,600 300
Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance 29,649 30,648 30,628 35,000 25,000 30,000 (5,000)
Street Vehicle R&M Labor 16,634 22,651 30,363 19,000 19,000 23,000 4,000
Street Vehicle R&M Benefits 8,190 13,523 14,633 10,000 8,000 12,000 2,000
Street Vehicle Repairs & Maint 37,653 30,167 19,565 31,000 15,000 31,000 -
Street Vehicle Repair & Maint Supplies 5,578 5,253 4,178 5,000 4,500 5,000 -
Street Equipment Repairs & Maint 1,016 1,581 1,582 1,600 1,250 1,600 -
Admin Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 100 6 - - - - -
Capital Outlay - Police Vehicles 167,097 133,419 97,350 111,700 111,663 58,500 (53,200)
Capital - Street Vehicles 89,457 95,280 - 48,000 47,118 8,000 (40,000)
Capital- Street Equipment 39,634 - 37,702 196,000 196,000 250,000 54,000
Capital - Admin Vehicles 24,594 - 30,390 - - - -
Capital Outlay - Vehicles & Equip 320,782 228,699 165,442 355,700 354,781 316,500 (39,200)
TotalExpenditures 426,701 339,328 270,819 466,600 438,531 426,700 (39,900)
Ending Fund Balance 47,778 52,450 131,631 185,456 143,100 66,400 (119,055)
City of East Wenatchee
Equipment Purchase, Maintenance and Replacement Fund 501
2020 Budget - Prepared by Finance, Streets, and Police
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