HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/22/2016 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes - Steven LacyREGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MARCH 22, 2016 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Wayne Barnhart - Excused Councilmember Sterk Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember George Buckner - Excused Councilmember Harry Raab EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE Police Chief Randy Harrison City Clerk Dana Barnard City Attorney Devin Poulson Community Development Director Lori Barnett Finance Director Nick Gerde Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Pezoldt Executive Secretary/Accounting Assistant Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PUBLIC COMMENT(S) The following citizens spoke in favor of the proposed Valley Mall Parkway Bicycle Lane Striping; • Craig Still, 944 Washington St., Wenatchee • Deb Miller, 1455 N Devon Ave., East Wenatchee • Pat Tracy, 1613 Central Ave., speaking on behalf of the Chelan/Douglas Bicycle Committee • Mark Casparsic, 221 N Miller St., Wenatchee • Paul Furmanczyk, 1044 Surry Rd., Wenatchee The following citizens spoke against the proposed Valley Mall Parkway Bicycle Lane Striping; • Bill Whitlow, 748 Highline Dr., East Wenatchee • Randy Hein, 2420 NW Alan Ave., East Wenatchee, business owner at 100 Valley Mall Parkway • Brian Addleman, East Wenatchee, owner of Addleman Chiropractic at 100 Valley Mall Parkway Councilmember Detering noted that members from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and RH2 Engineering were here, and he would like to hear from them as to the background information they utilized in coming up with the design for bike lanes. Dan Sarles, WSDOT Region Administrator, said bicycles are a form of transportation and there are a lot of health aspects associated with it. He noted that this is a local decision, and added that the Greater Wenatchee Bicycle Plan encourages bicycles throughout the community. Erick Howe, Project Manager for RH2 Engineering, said they conducted a traffic analysis of Valley Mall Parkway and graded the road in its current state and how it would fare with one northbound lane, two southbound lanes, a center turn lane and two bicycle lanes. The analysis found that three of the four intersections in the proposed area are currently rated as A's, while the fourth is a B. If the bike lanes were added, traffic would slow a bit at some points, but overall the intersections were graded the same. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES March 22, 2016 Councilmember Johnson said his concern is the ability to get in and out of businesses onto the street, between 3rd Street and Grant Road heading north, as well as turning onto Grant Road. ACTION ITEM 16-03-04 Valley Mall Parkway Bicycle Lane Striping Presented by: Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering to approve the re -striping of Valley Mall Parkway to include bike lanes. The motion failed for lack of a second. Councilmember Johnson asked if an alternate option would work; to leave four lanes, and add a bike symbols to the outerflanes for cyclists; and then use the three lane option from between Grant Road and 3rd Street. Craig Still noted his concerns with the compromise and said, as a cyclist in town, the bicycle lanes should be kept one way or the other, because the change between shared roads and bike lanes may cause confusion, and may be more dangerous. Brian Addleman said he is not going to speak for or against the changed shared road proposal. He encourages Council to vote this down and have reasonable data of the impact to businesses to consider it again in the future. He noted that it is wrong to change the proposal at the last minute, and as a citizen, slipping this in and changing it at the last minute irritates and angers a community, and people are frustrated with this type of process. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Detering, to leave the lanes the way they are from Grant Road to 3rd Street with the addition of the bicycle insignia on the outside lanes, and from 3rd Street to 6d' Street add a bike lane and eliminate one of the northbound lanes. The motion failed 2-3. (Raab, McCourt, Sterk) Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab to re -stripe Valley Mall Parkway as it currently and add the bicycle insignia to the outside lanes. The motion failed for lack of a second. Mayor Lacy noted that this project is funded by a Grant through the Transportation Council, which is Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds from the Federal Government that distributes money to the States, and then gets distributed on a local level through our Transportation Council, which is our Metropolitan Planning Organization for this area. He said the City cannot do these types of projects unless we get State or Federal Funds to help pay the predominant share of those projects. He noted that the City is not using property taxes for this project, other than possibly for matching funds. Erick Howe, Project Manager for RH2 Engineering, noted that the current plans are to stripe bike lanes, so the shared road proposal would need a change order to the Contract. Councilmember Detering said he would rather wait until we have costs for the change order before we formalize it. At 7:48 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a three minute break. At 7:51 p.m. Mayor Lacy called the Council meeting back to order. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES March 22, 2016 PUBLIC COMMENT(S) Rick Edwards — Improving City Code for secure animal enclosures Rick Edwards, 1116 Parkroy Place, East Wenatchee, said he was speaking for a number of City residents that live on Dale Street and Parkroy Place regarding the history of a barking dog that has been documented by the East Wenatchee Police Department. He distributed a report for Council to consider a more clearly defined improvement to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code regarding Potentially Dangerous Dogs, and providing animal control with a broader range of confinement options. He explained an incident that occurred, and the steps taken by animal control afterwards. City Attorney Devin Poulson noted that the owners have been cited for a barking dog in the past, have always paid the fines, and have recently been cited again. Rick Edwards said that the barking issue is a noise issue handled by the East Wenatchee Police Department, and they have been outstanding especially in this last situation. He said Animal Control has been great up until a change of guard, and the people in the neighborhood are concerned about this. Mayor Lacy said he appreciates the fact that Mr. Edwards has identified the issue correctly in terms of what our authority is, in order to do anything. He said the definition in our current Code designates a secure enclosure to constitute either a chain run or secure enclosure, and the possibility exists to redefine that definition to provide animal control more ability than just leaving a dog in a fenced backyard. Mayor Lacy said he would like Council determination as to whether or not, as a staff, we should bring it up in a future Council meeting to think about revising our Code. Council agreed to take the matter to Q Staff, come back with alternatives to consider, and continue working with our Police Department regarding barking issues. Mayor Lacy said he will talk to City Attorney Devin Poulson about what the options are in that regard. Brent Knight, 1108 SE Dale Street, and Lindy Peterson, 1112 SE Dale Street, also expressed their concerns and suggestions regarding this potentially dangerous dog issue. BUDGET ISSUES) Finance Director Nick Gerde distributed and reviewed the Report from the March 17, 2016 Budget Committee Meeting. Mr. Gerde said he was not aware of a Resolution that was passed at the end of 2012 that included Financial Policies, and those policies were not followed when the City ordered 3 vehicles, which are over the limit of being able to purchase without Council approval, so he needs approval from Council of expenditures for three vehicles in the amount of $89,020.42. He said he will bring this in front of the Budget Committee for discussion at the next meeting to determine how Council wants to proceed. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Raab, to approve three automobile expenditures in the amount of $89,020.42. The motion carried, 5-0. Nick noted that the next Budget Committee meeting will be held on April 21, 2016. DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director, said it was discussed at the Budget Committee meeting that grant matching funds for the 9a' Street NE roundabout project would need to increase. He said would like to apply for a grant and asked Council for approval of an expenditure of matching funds in an amount of up to $196,491. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES March 22, 2016 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Johnson, to increase the City match from $54,000 up to $196,491 in the event that this project is funded. The motion carried, 5-0. Greg invited Dan Sarles, WSDOT Region Administrator, who was present, to come back and discuss the proposed roundabout at 5d' Street and Highway 28. MAYOR'S REPORT(S) Douglas County property at 110 2nd St NE, East Wenatchee — separating the parcel to allow the shop portion to be sold alone Mayor Lacy said Douglas County contacted him after they learned of our decision not to negotiate for purchase of the 2nd Street property. They indicated that they had considered, and were willing to enter into the idea of separating the parcel, and asked if the City would be interested in buying just the shop. Mayor Lacy informed Council of this communication, and said if anyone is interested in that to let him know. Councilmember Detering said it was worthy of having Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt look at it, and see how it fits with current and future City needs. Mayor Lacy said this could be considered at Staff level. Mayor Lacy said, as part of the Agreement to provide annual/partial funding for the Museum, we appointed Councilmember Buckner, and Stuart Smith to serve on the Museum Board. Mr. Smith has indicated to the Museum Board that he can no longer continue in that role, so we are in a position of having a Museum Board vacancy that needs to be filled by act of the City Council. He said Councilmember Buckner will continue to serve at large, and asked City Attorney Devin Poulson to look at the Contract to see if a Councilmember could be appointed. City Attorney Devin Poulson said the Museum Contract says the Mayor of East Wenatchee shall nominate one Board member annually to represent the City on the Board as a full voting member in accordance with the Museum, and it does not say anything that suggests it cannot be a Councilmember. Mayor Lacy asked if anyone on the Council was interested in serving on the Museum Board. Councilmember Johnson stated that he was interested in serving on the Board, and Councilmember McCourt indicated that she would like to be his alternate. Mayor Lacy appointed Councilmember Johnson to the Museum Board, and Councilmember McCourt as an alternate. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. l . Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, March 8, 2016 2. Consideration of Payables i. 2016 Payables — As of this date, March 22, 2016, Council does approve check numbers 45393 through 45452 in the total amount of $241,400.02. Payables check 45362 was voided. 4 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES March 22, 2016 ACTION ITEMS) 16-03-05 Professional Services Contract with Gray and Osborne to complete design services for two Greater East Wenatchee Stormwater Utility (GEWSWU) small improvement projects. Presented by: Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Sterk, to approve the Contract, and authorize the Mayor to sign the Professional Services Contract between the City and Gray & Osborne for design services in an amount not to exceed $10,400. The motion carried, 5-0. RESOLUTIONS) 16-03-07 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement for Janitorial Services. Presented by: Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve the Agreement with ABM Janitorial Services in the amount of $2,081.25 per month. The motion carried, 5-0. Resolution No. 2016-03 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement for Janitorial Services. COUNCIL REPORT(S) Councilmember Johnson said he will be attending an Association of Washington Cities (AWC) annual convention in Everett, June 21-23, 2016, and if anyone else wants to attend let Finance Director Nick Gerde, and City Clerk Dana Barnard know. He noted that if you sign up early you can get a discounted price. The following reports/minutes were submitted in writing prior to the City Council meeting. • Councilmember Tim Detering — Minutes from the Link Transit Board of Directors meeting held on February 16, 2016. • Councilmember John Sterk — Minutes from the Board of Health Chelan -Douglas Health District meeting held on February 22, 2016. • Councilmember Sandy McCourt — Minutes from the Housing Authority of Chelan County & the r 1 City of Wenatchee meeting held on February 25, 2016. �J • Councilmember Barnhart — A list of reasons why he thinks the Council should reject the Bike Lane Proposal on Valley Mall Parkway. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES March 22, 2016 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A letter from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, February 16, 2016, regarding Jurisdiction Fiscal Year 2016 allocations for the Office of Community Planning and Development's formula Programs in the amount of $103,293.00 A letter from Mayor Lacy to Lisa Parks, Port District of Douglas County, March 11, 2016, regarding a discussion with City Council clarifying East Wenatchee's views regarding the letter that was sent to our Legislators, and others seeking a revision of the scope of the Highway 28 Corridor work. An email from Municipal Research & Services Center (MRSC) Executive Director Tracy Burrows, March 16, 2016, stating that funding for MRSC that had been zeroed -out as part of the Senate's Proposed Supplemental Budget was restored when the Senate released its new proposed budget last Friday. She noted it is clear that our efforts are making a difference. An email from Jeffrey Sutton, 245 5 h St, East Wenatchee, March 18, 2016, regarding the City Janitorial Contract being renewed each year without seeking any bids for this service. At 8:46 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a ten minute executive session regarding potential litigation. Council reconvened at 8:56 p.m. ADJOURNMENT 8:56 p.m. 7