HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/8/2017 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes - Steven C LacyO U N
East Wenatchee City Council Douglas County Board of Commissioners
Special Joint Public Hearing
East Wenatchee City Hall
271 9th St. NE, East Wenatchee, WA
August 8, 2017
Summary Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Mayor Steve Lacy.
City Council
Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember John Sterk
Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Harry Raab
Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Chuck Johnson
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Jerrilea Crawford
Douglas County Board of County Commissioners
Steve Jenkins, Chair
Dan Sutton, Vice -Chair
Kyle Steinburg, Member
Lori Barnett, East Wenatchee Community Development Director
Devin Poulson, East Wenatchee City Attorney
Greg Pezoldt, East Wenatchee City Engineer
Tiana Rowland, Douglas County Clerk of the Board
Dayna Prewitt, Douglas County
Mark Kulaas, Douglas County Land Services Director
A joint public hearing to consider East Wenatchee Municipal Code amendments
adding a new section to chapter 17.72 establishing a residential development
minimum density standard, and amendments to chapters 17.08, 17.24, 17.28,
17.32, 17.38, and 17.72 regarding lot dimensions and sizes, setbacks, livestock
and poultry provisions, accessory dwelling units, lot frontage, off-street parking,
and correcting inconsistencies and typographical errors.
Staff Presentation:
Lori Barnett, East Wenatchee Community Development Director provided background
information regarding the proposed text amendments including a PowerPoint
presentation. Using a map, she explained that the proposed amendments were only
applicable within the City and the East Wenatchee urban growth area. She explained
Summary Minutes
East Wenatchee City Council & Douglas County Commissioners Special Joint Public Hearing and
Regular East Wenatchee Council Meeting
August 8, 2017
that the proposals had been tabled at the joint City Council/County Commissioner public
meeting on August 9, 2016 pending additional analysis of the proposed minimum
density provision. She explained that the City hired SCJ Alliance to analyze the
Briarwood subdivision as it related to the minimum density provision and to look at
overall densities in the community. She summarized the density calculation that was
performed on the Briarwood Subdivision determining that the project met the proposed
density standards with a net density of 4.86 dwelling units per acre. She explained that
the Parcel Density in UGA Boundary map illustrated the parcel density analysis within
the urban growth area. The analysis was based upon the number of dwelling units per
parcel and was not a net density exercise.
She summarized the proposed amendments to lot dimensional standards in the
residential zoning districts and used an aerial photo map of an existing lot to illustrate
the proposed lot size reductions for the Residential Low Density (R-L) Zoning District
compared to an existing lot in the Briarwood subdivision.
There was a discussion regarding the vote for the recommendation of the planning
commissions. It was clarified that at the July 13, 2016 joint City/County Planning
Commission public hearing, the City Planning Commission voted 4 to 2 (Nelson and
Nikolas) to recommend approval of all of the proposed text amendments. They then
took action to amend the minimum lot size in the R-L Zoning District reducing it further
from 5,400 sq. ft. to 5,000 sq. ft. That motion passed with a 6 to 0 vote. The Douglas
County Planning Commission then voted to approve the proposed amendments
including the amendment to the minimum lot size in the R-L District with a vote of 5 to 1
Mark Kulaas, Douglas County Land Services Director explained that the County
ordinance is formatted to incorporate the City's ordinances. It could be amended to
conform to whatever decision is made by the City Council with regards to the proposed
Mayor Lacy opened the public testimony portion of the hearing at 5:50 PM.
The following individuals spoke in opposition to adding a new Section 17.72.270 to the
East Wenatchee Municipal Code establishing Minimum Density Standards:
Paul Mares, 1037 Westmoreland Drive, Wenatchee
Dan Beardslee, 325 32dn St NW, East Wenatchee
Greg Wright, 580 7th St. NE, East Wenatchee
Bryan Campbell, 183 Jefferson St., Wenatchee
Mark DeChenne, 461 S. Nevada Ave., East Wenatchee
Jamie Wallace, 3110 4th St. SE, East Wenatchee
Adam Brizendine, 31 Sageland East Wenatchee
John Compton, 1437 SE Tedford, East Wenatchee spoke in favor of the amendments to
the residential lot dimensional standards and expressed concern regarding the
minimum density proposal.
Concern was expressed that additional public notices of the public hearing should have
been provided to the people who attended or testified at the meeting last year.
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Summary Minutes
East Wenatchee City Council & Douglas County Commissioners Special Joint Public Hearing and
Regular East Wenatchee Council Meeting
August 8, 2017
With no one else expressing a desire to comment on the proposals, the public
testimony portion of the hearing was closed at 6:30 PM.
There was a general discussion regarding whether the ordinances could be considered
separately or if the Council needed to combine them in a single action. Staff explained
the ordinances could be acted on separately or voted on in one motion.
Mayor Lacy suggested that the Council first take action on Ordinance No. 2016-08
dealing with minimum density standard. He stated his intention to elevate to second
reading. Hearing no objection, Mayor Lacy elevated the ordinance to second reading.
1. Ordinance No. 2016-08: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending the
East Wenatchee Municipal Code and adding a new Section 17.72.270 to establish
minimum Density Standards.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Crawford to approve
Ordinance No. 2016-08. Hearing no second to the motion, Mayor Lacy
announced that the motion failed for lack of a second and as such the ordinance
did not pass.
Mayor Lacy suggested that the Council take action on Ordinances 2016-09 through
2016-14 in a single action. He stated his intention to elevate to second reading. Hearing
no objection, Mayor Lacy elevated the ordinances to second reading.
2. Ordinance No. 2016-09: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending
the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 17.24 Residential Low Density
District to reduce minimum lot area, lot dimensions, and setbacks; and increase lot
3. Ordinance No. 2016-10: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending
the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 17.28 Residential Medium Density
District to clarify land uses, reduce minimum lot area, lot dimensions, and setbacks;
and increase lot coverage.
4. Ordinance No. 2016-11: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending
the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 17.32 Residential High Density/Office
District to clarify land uses; and reduce minimum lot area, lot dimensions, and
5. Ordinance No. 2016-12: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending
the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 17.72 General Provisions pertaining
to off-street parking; structures and setbacks; lot size averaging; accessory dwelling
units; and lot frontage.
6. Ordinance No. 2016-13: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending
the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 17.08 Definitions sections regarding
lot lines, lot width, and lot types and adding new definitions and diagrams
illustrating certain defined terms.
7. Ordinance No. 2016-14: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending the
East Wenatchee Municipal Code Section 17.38.070 Neighborhood Commercial to
increase the district size limitation and correct text errors.
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Summary Minutes
East Wenatchee City Council & Douglas County Commissioners Special Joint Public Hearing and
Regular East Wenatchee Council Meeting
August 8, 2017
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson to approve
Ordinances No. 2016-09 through 2016-14, second by Councilmember Detering.
The motion carried 7-0.
Douglas County Ordinance TLS 17-10-35B
Mark Kulaas, Douglas County Land Services Director explained that to be consistent
with the City, the motion on County Ordinance No. TLS 17.10.35B should be to adopt
the City Code Amendments with the exception of section 17.72.270.
County Commissioner Action: A motion was made by Commissioner Sutton to
approve Ordinance TLS 17-10-35B with the exception of 17.72.270, second by
Commissioner Steinburg. The motion carried 3-0.
Mayor Lacy announced a 4 minute recess before convening the regular Council meeting
to allow those who wished to leave the Council Chambers to do so.
East Wenatchee City Council Regular Meeting
Summary Minutes
PUBLIC COMMENTS — No one offered any public comment.
• Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer, reviewed the status of the various street projects
underway in the City.
Nick Gerde, Finance Director, provided an overview of 2017 Budget
amendments that will be necessary before the end of the year. He updated the
Council on a proposal to reduce vehicle license fees that may potentially impact
city revenues.
• Lori Barnett, Community Development Director, provided an overview of the
application to the Washington State Department of Commerce for designation of
the North Central Washington Technology Zone as an Innovation Partnership
Mayor Lacy introduced Maria Holman and indicated that he had hired her as City
Clerk and she would be starting work on September 5, 2017.
Mayor Lacy mentioned that in the 2017 Budget, $20,000 was allocated for a
study to look at options and to analyze the potential assumption of the Douglas
County Sewer District. He explained that he had not pursued the matter since the
Sewer District was actively expanding their system to serve more of the City and
the urban area which is consistent with the City's goals. There was a general
consensus of Councilmembers not to pursue the study at this time.
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Summary Minutes
East Wenatchee City Council & Douglas County Commissioners Special Joint Public Hearing and
Regular East Wenatchee Council Meeting
August 8, 2017
1. Items listed below were distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and
were enacted in one motion:
• Minutes of the Council Workshop on July 20, 2017 and the Minutes of the
Regular Council Meeting on July 25, 2017.
• 2017 Payables. As of this date, August 8, 2017, Council does approve check
numbers 48430 thru 48431 and 48444 thru 48512 in the total amount of
$1,039,455.74. No payables checks were voided
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Sterk to approve the
Consent Calendar, second by Councilmember Barnhart. The motion carried 7-0.
2. Thad Duvall, Douglas County Auditor addressed the Council with a proposal to
install a ballot box at East Wenatchee City Hall where members of the
community could deposit their ballots. He explained that he met with Josh
Toftness to look at sites that might work. Although he would have preferred a
drive -up style orientation, they did find a spot that would work well. There was a
general consensus of the Council to install a ballot box on the City Hall Campus
as a convenience to residents.
3. Request for construction bid award for the 5th Street NE Improvement Project.
Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer made a presentation to Council. He explained that
the engineering estimate for the project was $854,167.70. The low bid was
submitted by Moreno and Nelson at $841,994.51. The design engineer reviewed
all bids and has recommended Moreno and Nelson as the responsive low bidder.
Greg mentioned that Moreno and Nelson were the contractors on the Valley Mall
Parkway parking lot project and he was very satisfied with the work.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering to award the
construction contract for the 5th Street Improvement Project to Moreno and
Nelson as the lowest responsive bidder, second by Councilmember Johnson.
The motion carried 7-0.
4. 5th Street NE Improvement Project — Request for Consultant Supplemental
Agreement with Forsgren Associates, Inc. to increase the Design Phase and add
engineering services during construction.
Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer made a presentation to Council explaining that the
proposed Supplemental included an increase of $23,000 in the Design Phase
from $66,890 to $89,890 as well as extending the contract to include engineering
services during construction in the amount of $72,300 for a total amount of
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering to approve the
supplement to the contract with Forsgren Associates, Inc. in the amount of
$95,300 for design and services during construction for the 5th Street NE Street
Improvement project, second by Councilmember Raab. The motion carried 7-0.
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Summary Minutes
East Wenatchee City Council & Douglas County Commissioners Special Joint Public Hearing and
Regular East Wenatchee Council Meeting
August 8, 2017
5. Resolution 2017-08: A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington
adopting a Manual of Personnel Procedures and Policies by repealing Resolution
Devin Poulson, City Attorney made a presentation to the City Council explaining
the proposed changes to the Personnel Manual. Councilmember Johnson asked
if marijuana should be added in section 8.10 on page 39. There was a general
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson to approve
Resolution 2017-08 amending the Manual of Personnel Procedures and Policies
with the addition of cannabis to section 8.10, second by Councilmember Sterk.
The motion carried 7-0.
Councilmember Johnson reminded everyone that he and the Mayor would be in Misawa
from August 18 through August 27.
o raine C. Barnett
Acting City Clerk
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