HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/27/2017 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes - Steven C LacyCity of East Wenatchee Council Minutes June 27, 2017
Regular Session of the City Council
East Wenatchee City Hall
271 9th St. NE, East Wenatchee, WA
June 27, 2017
The meeting was brought to order at 6:30 PM by Mayor Lacy.
Mayor Steven C. Lacy
Councilmember Tim Detering - Excused
Councilmember Sandra McCourt
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart
Councilmember John Sterk
Councilmember Harry Raab - Excused
Councilmember Chuck Johnson
Councilmember Jerrilea Crawford
City Attorney Devin Poulson
Finance Director Nick Gerde
Community Development Director Lori Barnett
City Engineer Greg Pezoldt
Assistant Police Chief Ray Coble
Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Presentation. Executive Director Shiloh
Schauer, addressed the Council and introduced Patrick Norlin, as the new Sports
Tourism Outdoor Recreation Coordinator. She gave a brief overview of their new office
space and commended Jerri Barkley, Marketing Coordinator, for her contribution to the
design of the space. She indicated that new space included the tasting room for wine,
beer and hard cider and they would be bringing in some additional retail items. She
distributed a postcard that they had made up showing the Miss Veedol. There was a
general discussion of the increase in tourism over the 2016 numbers. That data comes
from the Smith Travel Resource Report. Jerri Barkley explained that the tourism
numbers are generated from hotel/motel occupancy statistics that those businesses
provide. It was noted that East Wenatchee's hotels do not participate in that data
gathering effort. It was mentioned that the Grocery Outlet was having a ribbon cutting at
10 AM on Thursday, June 29, 2017 and they hoped some of the City Council members
would be able to attend. Shiloh Schauer thanked the Council for their support of the Our
Valley, Our Future project and the 4th of July Celebration.
Sally Brawley, Eastmont Metropolitan Park District Director addressed the Council to
update them on District projects. She explained that they have finished the evaluation
phase of their project planning for the park and pool improvements. The Park Board will
be meeting on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 to discuss the priorities for the Eastmont
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City of East Wenatchee Council Minutes June 27, 2017
Aquatic Center Project and review the assessment from Pacific Engineering. The issues
and repairs that were evaluated came to over $10 million. The Board will need to
prioritize the projects to stay within the bonding amount. Some of the bigger projects
include updating the dressing rooms, upgrades to the pool liner, and HVAC repairs. She
indicated that the pool will be closed next summer after the regular tournament season
has ended. The mentioned that the playground improvements are out to bid and they
will be trying to complete that project before the Wings and Wheels Festival. There is
still no word on their request for RCO funding for the new park on 9th St. NE. The
legislature has still not completed the budget.
Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer, Street Construction Project Update Report. A written
report was included in the Council packets. In addition, Greg noted that the state DOT
roundabout project at 5th St. and SR 28 had been awarded. The bid was $300,000 over
the engineering estimate, however, the state was able to secure additional funding.
Nick Gerde, Finance Director, distributed copies of the June 22, 2017 Council
Workshop summary minutes. Mr. Gerde recapped the topics that were discussed at the
workshop. There was a general discussion regarding the proposal to adopt an
automatic annual increase in Council salaries. Mr. Gerde noted that the three
Councilmembers in attendance at the workshop were not in favor of the proposal.
Mayor Lacy referenced a letter received from Mayor Taneichi of Misawa City. Copies of
the letter were provided to Council. Mayor Lacy mentioned that the delegation from
Wenatchee was preparing for the trip and had already met at David Kelts home for one
meeting. Mayor Lacy indicated that he was starting up his regular radio spots on KPQ
again to update the community on East Wenatchee activities.
Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and
were enacted in one motion Consideration of the following items:
• Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 13, 2017
• June 22, 2017 Payables & May Payroll
0 2017 Payables — As of this date, June 22, 2017, Council does approve
checks 48202, and 48216 thru 48266 in the total amount of $121,015.05.
Payables checks 48053 and 48108 were voided.
0 2017 May Payroll —As of this date, June 22, 2017, Council does approve
check numbers 47976 thru 47991, 48142 thru 48168, and direct deposits
on May 16, 2017 and June 2, 2017 in the amount of $407,963.04. No
payroll checks were voided.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Crawford to approve the
Consent Calendar, second by Councilmember Barnhart. The motion
carried, 5-0.
2. First Reading of Ordinance 2017-11: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee
establishing the monthly salary of a City Councilmember and establishing an
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City of East Wenatchee Council Minutes June 27, 2017
automatic increase in salary of $18 each year. (Presented by Devin Poulson, City
There was a general discussion regarding the proposal. Councilmember Barnhart
indicated he would rather wait until there if a full council to discuss this matter.
Council Action: The Mayor read the title of the ordinance for first reading.
3. Resolution 2017-04: A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington
adopting a Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program for 2018-2023, directing
the City Clerk to file this Resolution with the Secretary of Transportation, and
containing an effective date.
Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer briefly reviewed the proposed projects. He explained that
the Planning Commission had suggested adding 3rd St. NE to the list in the future as
that is a major corridor to the schools and park. Councilmember Barnhart asked if sewer
improvements could be added to projects. Mr. Pezoldt explained that it would depend
upon the grant source. Some grantors do not allow utility costs to be included. There
was a general discussion regarding loth St. NE. The Mayor indicated that loth St. was a
priority but funding requests have not been successful. He suggested this may be a
project that will necessitate the City using its councilmanic bonding capabilities. He
indicated that they should look at funding options during the five-year financial plan
preparation process.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson to approve Resolution
2017-04, second by Councilmember McCourt. The motion carried 5-0.
Councilmember Johnson mentioned that he sent some information to Devin Poulson
and Mayor Lacy regarding an increase in the solid waste host fees. There was a
general discussion of the host fees and how the funds are used — what programs are
offered. The Council requested that the new Countywide Solid Waste Coordinator be
invited to the next meeting to update the Council on solid waste programs and the use
of the host fees.
Councilmember Johnson requested that he be notified of future meetings regarding the
delegation to Japan since he intended to go this year.
o raine C. Barnett
Acting City Clerk
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