HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/11/2017 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes - Steven C LacyCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
6:30 P.M.
Mayor Steven C. Lacy
Councilmember Tim Detering
Councilmember Sandra McCourt (Excused —Motion Detering, 2nd Raab, 6-0)
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart
Councilmember John Sterk
Councilmember Harry Raab
Councilmember Chuck Johnson
Councilmember Jerrilea Crawford
Finance Director Nick Gerde
Community Development Director Lori Barnett
Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Pezoldt
Police Chief Randy Harrison
Events Coordinator Dan White
Jack Cates with Freedom Foundation explained the general purpose of the organization was to
promote open negotiations with labor unions. He indicated that an open process benefits the
taxpayers, employers and employees. When the process is open, the public and employees are
able to witness the process and be more informed. There were several questions from Council.
Mr. Cates indicated that there have been no court rulings either prohibiting or permitting the
open negotiation process. He mentioned there had been an appeal to the Public Employment
Relations Commission (PERC) that ended up not being pursued. He mentioned that PERC
supports the open process. If there is a court action, the Freedom Commission will take care of
the expenses. Lincoln County, Pullman School District, and Grays Harbor County have adopted
the process. Mr. Cates provided Mayor Lacy a packet of information including a draft resolution.
Following discussion, the Council recommended providing copies of the materials brought by
Mr. Cates to the Council and putting it on the agenda for the April 20, 2017 Council Workshop.
Nick Gerde, Finance Director addressed the Council regarding a concern that the state legislature
is considering a bill that would push the state contribution to law enforcement pensions to the
cities. The state currently pays 3.5% of the pension and cities pay 5%. The proposed change
would have the state eliminating their contribution and thereby requiring the cities to pay 8.5%.
The City contribution currently is roughly $95,000. The change would increase the dollar
amount by approximately $65,000. Mr. Gerde urged Council to contact their state senators and
representatives regarding the proposed bill. Mr. Detering asked Mr. Gerde to provide the Council
with the bill number so they could communicate with state legislators regarding the issue.
Mr. Gerde indicated that at the April 20, 2017 Council Workshop, he would be discussing
several budget amendments that he believes should be considered early on to ensure that no fund
balances become critically low.
Mayor Lacy reminded the Council that if they have any items for the Workshop, they need to
contact Mr. Gerde by April 17, 2017. Council asked staff to invite the Union representatives to
the meeting since they will be discussing the Freedom Foundation's information.
Events Coordinator Dan White briefed the Council on the successful Easter Egg Hunt. He
provided a photo montage showing some of the attendees, the mascots, and the number of people
in attendance. Mr. White indicated that the volunteers did a terrific job organizing, setting up for
the event and working the event. He mentioned the hard work of Kathy Kurpuis to put together
60 special baskets. Mike Machado and his wife, and Reserve Officer Jose Torres helped
immensely. He mentioned that his wife helped with distributing tickets. He estimated there were
over 700 kids and they sold 1500-1600 tickets. He praised Fred Meyer for the great prizes that
they provided and for their staff who turned out to help with the event. Councilmember Johnson
suggested that the Council send thank you notes to the volunteers and Fred Meyer. Mr. White
explained that he sends thank you notes and they do have a City sponsored dinner at the Olive
Garden for all volunteers. Mayor Lacy mentioned that he would like the City to provide plaques
for the major sponsors of the events. That would be something they could display in their
n businesses. The Council supported that suggestion.
Mayor Lacy mentioned that there was an item relating to Events that needed to be taken up for
action as it was inadvertently left out of the agenda and packet. All members of the Council were
provided with a copy of a proposed contract with Davis Shows Northwest for the carnival at the
Wings and Wheels Festival. He asked for Council approval to sign the Contract. It was noted that
it is the same Contract that is used every year and the City Attorney was familiar with it.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by
Councilmember Johnson, to approve the Mayor's signature on the 2017 Contract with Davis
Shows Northwest for the Wings and Wheels Carnival. The motion carried, 6-0
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Mayor Lacy updated the Council on the Gateway Project Team Meeting that was held on
Thursday, March 30, 2017. Councilmembers Sterk, Johnson, and Raab attended. The consultant
provided two site plans. Neither of the designs included retaining the existing buildings. The
design that was most appealing to the group was a trail head style of project. He indicated that
the consultant would be refining the sketches. Lori Barnett explained that there were some
changes that would be made to each sketch and there would be a public meeting that is
tentatively scheduled for May 15, 2017. Mayor Lacy asked staff to forward copies of the
sketches to Councilmembers as soon as they are available.
Mayor Lacy announced that two new police officers had been hired. Chief Harrison gave a brief
background for each officer. John Clary was most recently a lieutenant in the Federal Way Police
Department. He has over 24 years of experience. Miguel Valdez lives in Wenatchee and has
been working as an officer in Quincy for the past year and a half. Both officers will be patrol
officers. He indicated that there is still one opening and they will be filling that with an entry
level officer who will have to go through the police academy. The Chief mentioned that Eldon
Chowning and Christy Patterson are both planning to retire in 2017 so they will likely be hiring
additional officers later this year.
Mayor Lacy mentioned that there was a study recently issued listing the Best Cities to Raise a
Family in Washington State. He indicated that 111 cities were listed and East Wenatchee was
ranked 28 while our neighbor Wenatchee was ranked 45.
Mayor Lacy indicated that there were continuing discussions with Douglas County regarding the
Open Space provisions and proposed amendments. He explained that he was able to talk to the
County Prosecuting Attorney after receiving the last letter from the County. He also met with
Commissioner Sutton and Lori Barnett on Monday morning. He mentioned that the County has
softened their stance somewhat and have expressed an intention to accept the funds. They are
also considering an interim regulation that would immediately change the Open Space
requirements including reducing the set -aside to 5%. He explained that he still thinks it is a good
idea to have the Council, Park District Board, County Commissioners, and perhaps the City
Planning Commission, along with legal staff, sit down and discuss the issues and come to some
agreement. He indicated that Lori Barnett would be working on setting the meeting and will
contact the Councilmembers.
Lori Barnett explained that the County staff are generally basing the interim open space
regulation on the latest City version of the proposed amendments. She noted that the City
Attorney is recommending some additional changes. She mentioned that the interim regulation
proposed by Douglas County would only apply to projects filed after the date of adoption. Any
projects already in process would need to reapply under the interim regulations.
Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in
one motion. Mayor Lacy mentioned that on page 4 of the March 28 Minutes the last item did not
have a record of the vote taken. He also noted that the Council Workshop had been held on March
23, not March 30.
Councilmember Johnson requested clarification of Teresa Allen's March salary. Mayor Lacy
explained that there was a reclassification of her job and there has been quite a bit of overtime with
Teresa and Marcia Martz filling in for an employee who has been out. Councilmember Detering
asked why there were two different vendors for the polygraph tests. Chief Harrison explained that
it was easier for one of the new officers to have the test take in Federal Way.
1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, March 28, 2017
2. Consideration of Minutes — Council Workshop, March 23, 2017
3. Consideration of April 11, 2017 Payables and Payroll
2017 Pa a� — As of this date, April 11, 2017, Council does approve check numbers
47720 and 47737 thru 47793 in the total amount of $128,464.17. No payables checks were
2017 February Payroll — As of this date, April 11, 2017, Council does approve check
numbers 47475 thru 47495, 47549 thru 47550, 47558 thru 47574, 47650 thru 47661 and
direct deposits on February 16th and March I" in the total amount of $396,876.65. No
payroll checks were voided.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Sterk, second by Councilmember
Johnson, to approve the Consent Calendar, as amended. The motion carried, 6 - 0.
4. 17-04-04 Resolution 2017-02 - Consideration of a Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee,
Washington, amending Resolution 2015-06 by approving and adopting the Salary
Step Plan for City Officials and Non-Bargaining/Non-Contract Employees.
Presented by Nick Gerde, Finance Director.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart to approve Resolution
2017-02, second by Councilmember Detering. The motion carried, 6 — 0.
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5. 17-03-06 2017 Equipment Purchase Request for a Two Ton Pickup.
Presented by Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by
Councilmember Johnson, to approve the Mayor's signature on a contract to purchase a 2017
2 ton Crew Cab Pickup with a snow plow, sander, dump body and other options in the
amount of $95,720. The motion carried, 6 - 0.
Councilmember Detering expressed appreciation to Councilmember Barnhart for his previous
recommendation to reevaluate the size of the vehicle proposed to be purchased.
Councilmember Johnson reminded the Council that they need to file with the Public Disclosure
Commission. The deadline is April 17, 2017.
Councilmember Detering mentioned that Councilmember Johnson had asked him to fill in on the
Link Transit Board Meeting — it was clarified that the next meeting is April 18, 2017 starting at
3:00 PM.
Councilmember Sterk explained that he is not Councilmember Barnhart's alternative for the
RiverCom Board, according to the list the alternate is Councilmember Johnson.
7:32 PM
j ,,Lori Barnett
VCommunity Development Director