HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 - Final Budget - Dorotha McGeeESTIMATED REVENUE 001 General Govt. GROSS io -tEa'st 0 INCL' ; P; TAXES XXXX Wenatchee PAGE G 1985 1 of 3 ACCOUNT NO. SUB. --E--j N BA EL YR. 1983 YR. 1984 YR, 1984 YR. 1985 YR. !YR- ESTIM AT, -ATE ESTIMATE ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE TIMATE ESTIMATE ESTI 00 100 00 100 !General 1 Gov't., Revenue 001 Taxes Property Taxes 74 092.91 79 200.00 7 310 52 301.39 88 388.00 311 313 D 0 00 Retail Sales & Use Tax 313 10 00 Local Retail Tax I cent 275 158.61 216 000.00 242 416.07 276 000.00 316 )Q .00 Business Taxes 316 0 00 Admission Taxes 23 361-30 5 000-00 2 261-60 -0- 316 3 000 Franchise Fees 2 113.00 2 000.00 ,2 724.00 2 700.00 Sub Total 25 474.30 7 000.00 4 985.60 2 700.00 318 120 00 Leasehold 62.12 -0- -0- -0- 321 00 00 Licenses & Permits 321 00 00 Business Licenses & Permits 18 662.50 17 700.00 13 770.00 14 200.00 321 70 00 Amusement 10 444.64 8 000.00 8 965.31 9 500.00 321 80,00 Penalties on Business License; 39.00 -0- -0-' Sub Total 22 1.4� - -14- -2-5-100. OQ- 22 735.31 23700.00 - i.Bldg. -4- -322 110;00 1 Structures & Equip. i 6 928.04 1 000.00 �8 037.00 8 000.OJO 0,an vnpm ry East Wenatchee Gen. Government ESTIMATED- - L"aCLL'Li':G OEP'.RII1ErT REVENUE TAXES 1985 2 of 3 ACCOUNT NO. D E S C R I P T I O N BA SUB. ELE. YR. 1983 R 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YP,. YR. P - °R. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE I ESTIMATE 334 00 00 State Grants 10 000.00 -0- I 334 01 1 Criminal Justice Training -0- 10 000.00 335 00 00 State Shared Revenue I 335 20 00 P.U.D. Excise 4 570.07 4 600.00 4 655.60 4 600.00 335 60 00 Motor Vehicle 12 741.77 20 239.00 11 326.27 23 346.00 335 62 00 Sales & Use EQZ 117.67 -0- -0- -0- 335 63 00 Motor Vehicle 35% 1 459.14 -0- -0- -0- 335 70 00 Liquor Excise 5 492.68 5 633.00 4 109.51 5 043.00 335 80 00 Liquor Board 14 440.88 14 236.00 6 8-7,13.76 13 877.00 335 91 00 Mobile Home Trailer 214.16 200.00 267.98 300.00 Sub total 39 036.37 44 908.00 27 233.12 47 166.00 340 0 00 Charges for Services 341 0 00 General Government 340.84 340.00 226.68 300.00 341 86 00 Photostating 120.85 160.00 138.15 150.00 341 30 00 Other Gov't., Services -0- -0- Sub Total 461.69 440.00 364.83 450.00 tiIl(1 T(1RM Vr ESTIMATED REVENUE 001 General Gov't. CL East Wenatchee 1985 j 3 of 3 ACcouNT N0. I 0 E S C R I R T i 0 N BA SUB. ELE. YR. 1983 _ ACTUAL YR. 1984 _ _ BUDGET YP.. 1984 YR. 1985 iR. ESTIMATE -- ESTIMATE lYR. Yp I - _- ___ 70 DATE ESTIMATE -- ESTIMATE i ESTIMATE 50 00 General Gov't Cont. Fines & Forfeits 82 668.63 78 000.00 41 946.55 i 351 45 000.00 361 00 00 Interest Earnings 14 302.14 5 000.00 9 002.26 10 000.00 j 361 10 00 Investment Interest 836.95 -0- 7 866.98 -0- 369 90 00 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 51.00 -0- -0- -0- Sub Total 15.190.09 5 000.00 16 869.24 10 000.00 383 00 00 Refunds 132.32 -0- -0- -0- 384 00 00 Proceeds from Sale of Invest. 6 437.78 -0- 70 000.00 -0- Sub Total Revenues 554 789.00 470 248.00 486.889.11 511 404.00 389 00 00 Non -Revenues TSE, MVIP, CVCA & JF 35 813.00 42 000.00 20 168.00 -0- 397 00 00 Operating Transfers In Cumulative City Hall Fund 842.65. 107 000.00 736.12 121,800.00 :Total Revenue ' 91 444.65 61t9 248.00 507 9: .23 33:104.00- - e a;•,.Reserves 9549. 5l 7703 .r 8`81'�70 qQ 000 d0:"Kencumb : `'• .. .;F' �..' 'Foal Revenues &Non -Revenues 82-993.97,. 77 '9 9::00 79 ,'fi74:93 3 '204 -00- d c n n nn n.. r•.. i Y 001 Current Expense 1 East Wenatchee I EXPENDITURES DCf'.RTMr,yT YEAR. All .Funds 1985 PAGE 1 of 9 ACCOLO(T NO. D E S C R I P T I O N YR. 1983 YR' 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 - YR. - YR. -- YR. YR. M SIB. ELE. OBJ. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 511 00 100 Legislative 511 10 100 Salaries & Wages 7 770.00 7 980.00 5 480.54 7 980.00 511 20 00 Personnel Benefits 557.26 637.00 389.39 700.00 _ 511 31 00 Office & Operating Supplies -0- 150.00 145.34 300.00 511 43 100 Travel -0- 511 46 100 1 Insurance 806.86 650.00 908.83 920.00 511 49 00 Miscellaneous 38.80 -0- -0- -0- Total 'Legislative 9 172.92 9 867.00 6 956.69 10 100.00 512 00 100 Judicial 512 10 00 Salaries W 21 148.36 -0-_- 512 20 00 1 Personnel Benefits 4 972.43 5 2 -0- 512 31 00 Office & Operating Supplies 1 058.90 1 500.00 377.95 -0- 512 41 00 Professional Services 11 003.00 11 300.00 6 848.00 -0- 512 42 00 Communications 467.33 550.00 363.05 -0- 512 512 43 45 00 00 Travel Insurance & Bonds -0- 1 471.79 500.00 1 200.00 -0- 163.52 -0- -0- 512 48 00 Repairs & Maintenance _ 66.38 500.00 22.51 -0-_ _ SAO FOrl-I ABC nGT. LEVEL FUND -- - --- CITY CCO Y"— -- CODE ESTIMATED 001 Current Expense PRocRAn---- — --- East Wenatchee TQ EXPENDIRES YEAR PAGE EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT 'Lr�n r LIV� L CODE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ur4; 001 Current Expense PRDcuan Iiri... ' Fast Wenatchee YEAR 198 ,5 PAGE 3 of 9 _ DEPARTMENT All Funds ACCOUKT NO D E S C R I P T I O.N YR. 1983 YR. 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. YR_ YR. YR, BA g, w ElE, pg�, ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 514 00 00 Financial Administration 514 10 00 Salaries & Wages 29,328.00 31,560.00 23,493.79 35,664.00 514 20 00 Personnel Benefits 3,763.33 4,409.00 3,032.76 4,818.00 514 23 00 State Examiner - Audit Costs 2,223.80 3,000.00 2,808.94 2,900.00 514 00 00 s Wa. Finance Officers Assn. 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 514 31 00 Office & Operating Supplies 831.20 1,500.00 644.57 1,500.00 514 32 00 Election Cos-ts 644.51 -0- -0- 1,000.00 514 42 00 Comrpuni.cations 673.08 800.00 574.85 1,000.00 514 44 00 Advertising 133.91 300.00 36.30 200.00 514 46 1 00 1 Insurance & Bonds 859.51 1,400.00 578.67 - 1,400.00 514 47 1 00 Public Utility Services 1,234:13 2,000.00 1,231.50 1,500..00 514 48 00 Repairs & Maintenance 589.29 700.00 499.68 600.00 514 49 00 Miscellaneous 313.42 1,200.00 821.01 21,000.00 Contractual Services -0- 60,000.00 -0- 94,500.00 514 64 00 Capital Outlay Machinery & Equipment -0- 1,000.00 -0- -0- Computer -0- 46,400.00. 70- 50,000.00 514 66 00 Capitalized Rentals & Leases 1,358.40 1,359.00 1,018.80 510.00 l is l l COD, I ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 001_Current Expense PROGRAM DEPARTMENAI I Funds East Wenatchee YEAR PAGE 1985 4 of 9 ACCX1tltT no. DESCRIPTION YR. 1983 YR. 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. YR. YR. - — YR. - BA SW. ELE. OBJ. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 514 00 00 Financial Admin., Continued 519 90 00 Other General Gov't., Servi cE s Assn. of WA. Cities 370.49 368.00 367.06 394.00 519 190 001 Council on Aging -0- 3 065.00 3 069.00 1 737.00 Sub Total 42 363.07 159 101.00 38 216.93 218 763.00 539 30 00 Animal Control 1 800.00 2 100.00 1 575.00 2 300.00 597 30 00 Operating Transfers Out City Hall & Fire Bldg. Fund 842.65 107 000.00 736.12 242 794.00 Sub Total 45 005.72 268 201.00 40 528.05 463 857.00 Contingency Fund -0- -0- -0- 25 000.00 Total Financial Admin. 45 005.72 268 201.00 40 528.05 488 857.00 SAO F0FJ•1 ABC CODE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 001 Current Expense _ PROGRAM - East' Wenatchee YEAR 1985 PAGE 5 of 9 DEPARTMENT All Funds ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION rR' 1983 YR. 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. YR. YR. YR. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE /A SVs. ELL. T08J. 515 00 00 Legal 515 10 00 Legal Retainer 18 000.00 18 960.00 14 220.00 19 920.00 515 20 00 Personnel Benefits 15.96 18.00 7.00 18.00 515 41 100 . Professional Services 1 234.07 4 000.00 1 286.76 3 500.00 515 43 00 4 Travel -0- 250.00 -0- 200.00 515 46 00 Insurance & Bonds 310.86 400.00 144.54 400.00 515 49 100 1 Miscellaneous 141.42 2 500.00 2 417.30 11 427.00 Total'' Legal 19 702.31 26 128.00 18 075.60 35 465.00 517 00 100 1 Planning & Community Develo me t 517 10 00 Salaries & Wages -- 517 20 00 293*.37 320.00 215.65 400.00 517 31 100 6i0T0 --- - 517 42 00 Communications 210.24 250.00 177.11 _ 517 44 00 Advertising 73.21 200. 517 46 00 Insurance & Bonds 1 007.63 950.00 1 590.2 517 49 100 1 Miscellaneous 26.18 2 111 _27 OD__ Total Planning_. 5_822J. 1 r;] L I ': E L CODE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES C 001 Current Expense vaoGRAM- — - ' /X"A1yV East Wenatchee YEAR 1985 PAGE 6 of 9 DEPARTMENT All Funds ACCOLOG NO D E S C R I P T I O N YR. 1983 YR. - 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. YR. YR. YR. &A VA, ELE_ OBJ, ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 5-20 00 00 Security of Persons & Property 521 00 00 Law Enforcement 521 10 00 Salaries & Wages 136,170.80 153,360.00 112,762.83 171,928.00 521 20 00 Personnel Benefits 26,118.89 34,426.00 21,368.93. 36,638.00 521 31 00 Office & Operating Supplies 10,060.26 13,050.00 6,769.60 9,100.00 521 35 00 Small Tools & Equipment 3,744.54 1,740.00 1,476.29 1,000.00 521 40 00 Training ' - 90:25 500.00 88.55 500.00 521 41 00 Professional Services -0- 800.00 -0- -0- 521 42 00 Communications 20,538.15 13,000.00 1.1,551.73 13,020.00 521 43 00 Travel 295.03 1,000.00 394:70- 1,000.00 521 144 00 Advertising 219:41 500.00 -0- 500.00 521 46 00 Insurance & Bonds 8,419.16 9,500.00 4,223.40 9 500.00 521 47 00 Public.Utility Service -0- -0- -0- 1,250.00 521 48 00 Repairs & Maintenance 2,657.23 4,000.00 1,694.54 2,750.00 521 49 00 Miscellaneous 4,305.00 5,300.00 4,190.34 4,500.00 521 50 00 Intergovernmental Services 14,847.00 24,400.00 14,472.40 24,000.00 521 53 00 Interfund Expenditures 2,127.12 7,100.00 1,317.02 3,000.00 521 60 00 Capital Outlaw Maci heyEquipmentn r & 10 800.00 24 000.00 22 045.96 -0- �CODEE4/tLr ESTIMATED �{ EXPENDITURES 001 Current Expense PRocRAn--- --- East Wenatchee YEAR 1985 PAGE 7 of 9 _ DEPARTMENT All Funds AccaxT no. DESCRIPTION YR. 1983 YR. 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. YR. YR. YR. aA S16. ELE. 085- ACTUAL BUDGET TO.DATE ESTIH4TE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 520 00 00 Security of Persons & Property_ Continued 521 66 00 Capitalized Rentals & Leases -0- -0- -0- 510.00 521 90 00 Other Municipal Services Firing Range -0- 300.00 200.00 200.00 522 00 00 Firs Protection 15,500.00 32,000.00 12,705.00 24,633.00 524 00 00 Building Inspector 4,814.22 5,000.00 .3,491.88 5,100.00 525 00 00 Emergency Services 1,845.96 2,000.00 367.81 1,000.00 589 00 00 Other Non -Expenditures Grants -0- 10,000.00 -0- 10,000.00 Total Law Enforcement 263,153.02 341,976.00 219,120.98 320,T29.00 I v,.. E STIM AT 1 001 Current Expense jEast Wenatchee EXPENDITURES I DEi',"�. I4E All Funds ..- ----------- --- PAGE 8 of 9 ACCOWT NO. D E S C R I PT I ON YR. 1983 YR. 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. VR. _ YR. YR. BA SUB. ELE. OBJ. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE MA ESTITE ESTIMkiE ESTI MATE ESTIMATE 530 00 00 Physical Environment Parks - -� 533 10 00 and Recreation Salaries & Wages 11 720.04 12 840.00 9 558.30 _ 14 448.00 533 20 00 Personnel Benefits 1 723.87 2 316.00 1 394.52 2 450.00 533 31 00 Office & Operating Supplies -0- 400.00 170.25 300.00 533 �5 00 Small Tools & Equipment 204.74 500.00 -0- 200.00 Professional Services 180.00 600.00 180.00 400.00 _ Nsurance & Bonds 221.74 500.00 289.08 500.00 __-_- Public Utilities 432.69 500.00 168.90 300.00 Repairs & i 241.67 800.00 364.55 800.00 1 Capital Outlay _4, n 609.26 200.00-0- 700.00 -0- -0---- 2 000.00 -- -t-- Total Expenditures Physical Environnment 15 338.41 19 356.00 12 125.60 21 398.00 L 5 T i M A T QED j 001 Current Expense )GR;+r. EXPENDITURES pco1R?MENT All Funds East Wenatchee YEFR PAGE 1985 9 YR. SAO FOFV ABC XXX ESTIMATED 101 Street Of East Wenatche G RO �O P,'( FFp� REVENUE 1985 1 1 of 2 ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION YR. 1983— YR. YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. yp, YR. BA SUB. TE ------1984-- ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 310 311 00 11 101 Street 49 395.26 52 800.00 34 867.59 00 0 Taxes Property Taxes 58 926-00 313 10 DO Sales Tax 183 439.06 144 000.00 161 610.72 184 000.00 322 00 0 Non Business Licenses & Permits 322 40 0 Street & Curb Permits 66.00 100.00 -o- -o- 3 19 IQ_J)O �Latp �harp_d Pp\/Pnijp 335 :-) 1 () 0 Street Vehicle Fuel 6.92% 14 308.93 16 063.00 10 019.16 17 000.00 335 -)2 ()0 Sales & Use EQZ 78.45 -0- -0- -0- 335 5 (0 Motor Vehicle Overloads-0- 340 00100 lCharges for Services 131.68 300.00 2 012.20 300.00 361 oninn kntprpst. Earnings 9 592.06 9 000.00 918.72 8 500.00 -5 361 00 100 lInvestment Interest 10 277.02 -0- 10 425.16 -0- -369 1106 [Sale of Junk or Salvage 1 2 000.00 1 -0- -0- -0-. Q An T,1n DER T- Ail &A ESTIM101 Street X(I L ATED of East Wenatchee --------- ---- - 0 NC L[ t�f T REVENUE 1985 1 2 of 2 ACCOUNT NO. I I DESCRI P T 1 0 N YR. 1983 YR. 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 19 R5 YR. ------ YR. YR. !YR. i - BA.SUB. ELE. LIE --I ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 101 Street continued Interfund Revenues 2 035.62 370 00 00 3 500.00 1 381.37 5 000.00 Refunds 383 00 00 -0- -0- 25.42 -0- Sub-total Street 271,331.49 225,768.00 226,263.82 273,726.00 397 00 00 Operating Transfers In 9 391.04 120 000.00 124 932.82 129 320.00 Unencumbered Reserve 172 554.90 200 000.00 278 233.99 286 881.00 271 no -ho I Tntal RPUPmu- A Non gaventips- 453 277-43 545 76R.00 WQ 4.�n_6i tiAn Pnpm Pr IV. CC YfL CODE _ _ ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES .iN �I 101 Street ______ _ PROGRAH i.,I� y1�D.Yi A.74 East Wenatchee YEAR 1985 PAGE 1 of 2 DEPARTMENT AST MO. DESCRIPTION YR. 1983 YR. 984 YR' 1984 YR 1985 YR. YR. YR. YR. -BA Sly. ELE. OBJ. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 101 Street 541 00 00 Road & Street Construction 541 20 00 Right of Way 903.57 -0- -0- 10,000.00 541 30 00 Roadway 7,400.00 204 69 953.94 258 107.00 541 60 00 Traffic & Pedestrian Service 2,380.71 -0- -0- 50 000.00 Sub Total Construction 10 684.28 204 200.00 69 953.94 318 107.00 542 00 00 Road & Street Maintenance 542 30 00 Roadway 8,410.60 8,000.00 4,675.42 7,000.00 542 40 00 1 Storm Drains 3,653.75 5,000.00 .1,998.87 5,000.00 542 61 00 Sidewalks 696.87 3,000.00 2,754.'13- 4,000.00 542 63 00 Street Lighting 9,471.00 13,500.00 6,360.00 12,000.00 542 64 00 1 Traffic Control Devises 13,163.75 16,500.00 16,610.24 19,000.00 542 65 00 Parking Facilities 244.56 1,000.00 515.27 1,000.00 542 66 00 Snow & Ice 13,443.02 16,000.00 3,517.61 i 16,000.00 542 67 00 Street Cleaning 9,552.43 14,000.00 7,783.45 14 000.00 542 70 00 Roadside 4 874.3l 6,000.00 4,897.75 8,000.00 542 80 00 Ancillary Operations 469.11 1,000.00 716.54 2,000.00 " 542 90 00 Maintenance 5,355.40 8,000.00 3,550.09 7,000.00 _ _ Sub Total Maintenance 69,334.80 92,000.00 53 369.37 95 000.00 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES xXX-'x 101 Street PRocaAM -JEast Wenatchee YEAR PAGE DEPARTMENT _ 1985 2 of 2 ACCOUCT M0. D E S C R I P T I O N YR. 1983 YR. 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. YR. YR. YR. 8A SiB. ELE. OBJ. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 101 Street Continued 542 60 00 Capital Outlay Equipment 34,944.43 85,000.00 50,288.50 120 500.00 Shop Building 50,000.00 20,000.00 -0- -0- 543 20 00 Undisbributed E ngineering 2,915.94 2,000.00 -0- 6,000.00 543 30 00 General Services 5,398.38 7,000.00 1,353.57 5,000.00 543 70 100 Undistributed Labor 8,541.91 10,000.00 5,950.53 11 000.00 544 20 00 Maintenance of Stations & Buildings 13,471.55 5,568.00 2,351.51 5,000.00 Sub Total Street 195 291.29 425.768.00 183,267.42 560,607.00 597 00 00 Operating Transfers Out #320 Storm Drain Fund 1,699.30 41,600.00 -0- 44,150.00 #321 Vehicle Fund 7,691.74 12,000.00 -0- 13,000.00 #322 Street Improvement Fund -0- 66,400.00 -0- 72,170.00 Sub Total Expenditures 91391_04 120 000.00 545, 8.00 -0- 183 267.42 129,320.00 689,927.00 _ Total Expenditures _04.L682.33 335 153 1001Urban i..e.- _ East Wenatchee 102 Arterial St. YEAR 7(of EXPENDITURES DEPAPTNENT - ___ --- Street 1985 1 ACCOUKr DESCRIPTION YR. 1983 YR. 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. _ YR. _ YR. YR. BA SM. ELE: I OBJ ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE Arterial Street #102 541 00 00 Construction -0- 118 434.00 -0 148 271_00- _-__-_.___-�__ 1 Urban Arterial Board I _ ! SAO FOR-1 ABC ESTIMATED REVENUE Federal Shared Revenue 0 . GROSS DEPT . A�E(EXCLTS INCLUDING 09E ARTtBIENI TAXES East Wenatchee —PJAIEof 1 f 1985 0 1 ACCOUNT NO. D E S C R I P T 1 0 N YR. 1983 YR. 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. YR. YR. -- JYR. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ------- ----TST ESTIMATE ESTIMATE BA SUB. ELE. —ESTIMATE---------ESTIMATE 322 ---- 330 ----F99 361 90 00 Federal Shared Revenue #199 38 909.00 516.19 9 847.06 34 000.00 200.00 -o-, 29 463.00 206.85 -0- - 10 —--- 00 00 Entitlement Payment Interest Earnings 41 700-00 300.00 5 600.00 Unencumbered Reserve Total Federal Shared Rev. 49 272.25 34 200.00 29 669.85 47 600.00 Stadium Fund #312 313- 30 00 Hotel Motel Tax 18 661.38 12 000.00 9 239.24 12 000.00 361 10 kO I Investment Interest -0- -0- 998.63 1 400.00 Unencumbered Reserve 9 940.43 13 658.00 10 760.76 21 300.00 Total Hotel Motel Tax 28 601.81 25 34 700.00 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES _Federal Shared Revenue --- PROGRAM ------ --- - DEPARTMENT East Wenatchee YEAR ' 1985 PAGE 1 of 1 ACCOUKT NO. DESCRIPTION YR. 1983 YR. 1984 YR. 1984 YR. 1985 YR. YR. YR. YR. &A SUB. ELE. OBJ. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE Federal Shared Revenue #199 522 00 00 Fire Control 49,000.00 34,200.00 19,600.00 47,600.00 1 1 Stadium Fund #312 Hotel Motel Tax 11,050.00 25,658.00 3,500.00 34,700.00 i i 'N A R R A T I V E S H E E T c a e 4J W cn a oo w a G a R E M A R K S 1985 BUDGET MESSAGE - ANTICIPATED REVENUES PRELIMINARY BUDGET CURRENT EXPENSE 310 00 00 TAXES .Property Taxes - Taxes have been split between current expense and street for this preliminary budget. 60% current expense, 40% street. 313 00 00 Sales Tax - Split 60 % current expense , 40% street for preliminary budget. Revenue was increased 60,000.00 due to under -estimating in 1984. 313 00 00 Hotel/Motel Tax (Stadium Fund) Increased by 9,000.00 due to reserves and anticipated interest earnings. 316 20 00 Admission Tax - deleted - City Council determined the City did not generate sufficient income to continue collecting this tax. By Ordinance dated February, 22, 1984. 316 30 00 Franchise Fees - Revenue based on 1984 fees collected from Group W Cable. 321 00 00 Business Licenses & Permits - Decreased by 3,500.00 due to deletion of rental licenses. City Council determined the rental license fees did not generate sufficient income to continue collection of this tax. By Ordinance dated February 22, 1984. 321 70 00 Amusement - Increased by 1,500.00 based on revenue received to date. This revenue item includes percentages on amusement devices, Pull tabs, punchboards and card room receipts. 322 10 00 Building Structures & Equipment - Increased by 4,000.00 based on 1984 revenue to date. 334 00 00 State Grants - Reimbursement by Criminal Justice Training Center should a police officer attend a training academy or the purchase of equipment through a State Grant. 335 20 00 P.U.D. Excise - Paid in lieu of taxes. Do not anticipate an increase for 1985. 335 60 00 Motor Vehicle (Automobile Excise Tax) - Based on population of 1670 x 13.98. Figures are estimated from Budget Suggestions for 1985 - Munici-pal Research and Service Center - Assoc. of Washington Cities. 335 70 00 Liquor Excise - Based on population of 16.70 x 3.68 (source same as above. 335 80 00 Liquor Board Profits - Based on population of 16.70 x 8.46. Source same 'as above) 335 91 00 Mobile Home Trailer - Increased slightly based on revenue received to date. 340 00 00 Charges for Services - These revenue figures are generated from permits applications, photo copies, Misc. 351 50 00 Fines & Forfeitures - Decreased due to consolidation of the Court with District Court. This figure was based on 3,750 per month. 361 00 00 Interest Earnings - Interest from investments increased by 5,000.00. SW MRM R9 N A R R A T I V E S H E E T 4J c a, �e cn v a d a R E M A R K S Current Expense Revenue Cont. 361 10 00 Investment Interest - No budget figure. Interest added to cumulative Funds and cannot be expended. Said interest has been included in City Hall Accumulative revenue. 389 00 00 Non -Revenue - TSE-MVIP-JIS-CVCA-JE - Deleted from 1985 budget. Will be received and dispursed by District Court lerk and will not be reflected in our budget. 397 00 00 Operating Transfers In - City Hall Accumulative Fund - Revenue is received in this fund when expenditures are made by the departments, under the direction of the City Council. Estimated Revenues increased by 20.794% over 1984 budget SAO FORM R9 N A R R A T I V E S H E E T Lj c E L 4S cn o0 P+ G a PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1985 R E M A R K S CURRENT EXPENSE EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 511 00 00 LEGISLATIVE - Mayor & Council 511 10 00 Salaries & Wages - Remains the same. 511 20 00 Personnel Beneffts - Will have to be incressed in Final Budget to reflect social security increase. 511 31 00 Office & Operating Supplies - Increased by 100%. 511 43 00 Travel - Decreased by 55.5% 511 46 00 Insurance & Bonds - Increased based on last years premiums by 41.5% Total budget increased by 1.348% over 1984 512 00 00 JUDICIAL 512 49 99 Miscellaneous This item was in Professional Services in 1984. Contractual Services - includes District Court based on 1984 Contract of $2,092.75, per month. Public Defender increased 33.33% - from 300.00 per month to 450.00 per month. Total budget decreased by 69.218% over 1984 514 00 00 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - City Clerk's Office 514 10 00 Salaries & Wages - Reflects a 13% increase for City Clerk & Deputy. 1984 Actural 1985 Request City Clerk 1,600.00 1,808.00 x 12 = 21,696.00 Deputy Clerk 1,030.00 1,164.00 x 12 = 13,968.00 514 20 r00 Personnel Benefits - Increased due to salary request, medical ins. and social security, etc. 514 31 00 Office & Operating Supplies - Remains the same. 514 42 00 Communications - Increased 25% 514 44 00 Advertising - Decreased 33.33% 514 46 00 Insurance & Bonds - Remains the same. 514 47 00 Public Utility Services - Decreased 25% - Police Department will be paying portion of this expenditure. 514 48 00 Repairs & Maintenance - Decreased 14.28% 514 49 00 Miscellaneous - Decreased 16.66% Contractual Services - Contract to remove school. This item decreased by 50..833%. 514 64 00 Capital Outlay_- No Budget item for preliminary 514 66 00 Capitalized Rentals & Leases - Decreased - split cost of copier with police dept. 519 90 00 Other General Government Services: Assn. of Wa. Cities - a per capital item based on population of 1670. Election Cost. - Election cost for 3 Council positions & City Clerk State Examiner - 1984 Audit Wa. Finance Officers Assn. - Based on 1984 fees SAO FORM R9 N A R R A T I V E S H E E T 1J a E a L at a oo a C R E M A R K S Financial Administration Continued. 519 00 00 Council on Aging - This figure may be removed or increased. No formal request at this date. 1539 30 00 Animal Control - Anticipated increase for 1985 of 200.00 or 9.50%. 597 00 00 Operating Transfers Out - increased $14,800.00. Funds to date, plus anticipated 1985 interest. I Total Budget decreased by 22% from 1984 s i t i i EW MRM R9 N A R R A T I V E S H E E T L C (U e W � cn a �s a d a R E M A R K S POLICE EXPENDITURES 1985 Preliminary Budget 521 00 00 P 0 L I C E 521 00 00 Salaries and Wages_- Reflects 3,060.00 or 2% increase over last years budget. Salaries include provisions for Chief of Police 5 officers and 1 record clerk. Salaries based on 4% increase. 521 20 00 Personnel Benefits: 1 % increase. Reflects salary increase benefits, uniforms 3,500.00, cleaning of uniforms 500.00 and 35.00 civil service secretary pay per month. 521 31 00 Office and Operating Supplies: Reflects 30.2 % decrease. Anticipate less gasoline due to new gasoline efficient patrol cars. Appears over estimated in past years. Includes Gasoline @ 7,500.00, film & processing @ 400.00, stationery'@ 1,200.00. 521 35 00 Small Tools & Equipment Reduced to 1,000.00 - reflects a 42.5% decrease over 1984 - ammunition needs only. 521 40 00 Training: Remains same as 1984 - offi.cers training schools not reimbursed by State Grants. 521 41 00 Professional Services - Deleted - appears to be an emergency expenditure only. 521 42 00 Communications: Decreased 19.07%. Includes dispatching 8,670.00 Telephone 1,500.00, Postage 350.00. 521 42 00 Travel: Reflects recent averages. 70%,decrease. 521 44 00 Advertising: Decreased by 80% - reflects realistic expenditures. 521 46 00 Insurance & Bonds: No change from 1984. i547 47 00 Public Utility Service - New budget item. Was included in City Clerks budget in past years. 547 48 00 Repairs & Maintenance - Reflects 31% decrease. Reflects year to date expenditures due to newer vehicles. 521 49 00 Miscellaneous - Reflects 25% decrease - includes Hahn's medical Ins. 2,000.00. Printing & binding, dues & subscriptions 1,500.00. Car washes 500.00. 521 50 00 Intergovernmental Services: Remains same - Prisoner care contract. unlimited use of jail at�24,000.00, Otherwise, 34.70 per day each prisoner. �521 53 00 In.terfund E)Venditures - decreased by 71.83% - Reflects less maintenance due to newer cars.. �521 50 00 Capital Outlay - (deleted) 521 90 00 Firing Range - Decreased by 33.33% - reflects actual costs. 521 66 00 Capitalized Rentals & Leases - New item - one/half copier payment. 522 00 00 Fire Protection - Decreased 6.25% No actual figure at this time. May be increased or decreased in final budget. $47,600.00 budgeted from Federal Shared Revenue monies for preliminary budget. SW MRM R9 N A R R A T I V E S H E E T c v E v L W cn � � w � C a R E M A R K S Police continued 542 00 00 Building Inspector - Increased by 100.00 for increase in Social Security benefits. 525 00 00 Emergency Services-- decreased by 50% due to year to date expenditures. 589 00 00 Other Non -Expenditures: Remains same as 1984. This expenditure is for possible grants for equipment or training that will be reimbursed from the State if expended. 1985 Preliminary Budget reflects 11.429% decrease over 1984 budget. 1984 Monthly Salary 1985 @ 4% increase Chief Brooks 2,200.00 2,288.00 x 12 = 27,456.00 Officer Kibry 2,050.00 2,132.00 x 12 = 25,584.00 Officer Cattin 1,850.00 1,924.00 x 12 = 23,088.00 Officer Thomas 1,850.00 1,924.00 x 12 = 23,088.00 Officer Vernig 1,850.00 1,924.00 x 12 = 23,088.00 Officer Harrison 1,750.00 1,924.00 x 12 = 23,088.00 will go to first class Jan. 1, 1985 8 Kelli Keefe 880.00 919.00 x 12 = 11,028.00 SAO FORM R9 NARRATIVE OF LEGAL DEPARTMENT FOR BUDGET This year's legal budget is a sum total of $26,535. The monthly retainer shows an approximate increase of 5%. That figure was used in this matter since it reflects a general increase of cost of living and the cost of doing business here in the community. At that rate our monthly average will be at roughly $50 per hour. That is below our normal billing rate, but is adequate when we have this retainer each month. Personal benefits reflect changes as per the Clerk's Office. The amount for professional services represents money used for office expenses for the City such as long distance telephone cost, xeroxing of ordinances, preparation of cases for court and for attorney's fees if necessary. The miscellaneous account in the amount of $2,500 is primarily used by the Clerk for those legal fees. We left that figure the same this year in anticipation that we will not have any suits against the County which will require extraordinary expense of time or court action in the Superior Court. That figure may be low, however, provided the city continues to run on its present basis there should be no need for expend- ing all of that budget item. The two items for travel and insurance and bonds are roughly the same. The insurance and bonds are set by the Clerk by information given to her from our insuring companies. The figure for travel represents money needed for participa- tion in the Association of Washington Cities events relative to continued representation of the city. The hourly rate for 1985 for extraordinary expenses will be billed at $55 per hour. That figure is as set forth in the salary ordinance -each year. The items included in that salary ordinance which are covered by the hourly rate will not change for 1985. At the time of this narrative there were no extraordinary suits involving the city pending although our municipal court, now runs at the district court is seeing considerable more action. N A R R A T I V E S H E E T G (U E w v, on a a a R E M A R K S PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - George Sperline Planning Budget 517 10 00 Salaries & Wages - Remains the same 350.00 per month 517 20 00 Personnel Benefits - May have to increased slightly in final budget due to social security increase. 517 31 00 Office & Operating Supplies - Increased by 150% due to under- estimating in 1984. 517 42 00 Communications - Remains the same 517 44 00 Advertising - Increased by 50% due to anticipated advertising. 517 46 00 Insurance & Bonds - Increase 68% due to year to date expenditures. This expenditure includes Public Liability Ins. Planner and Board under the direction of the Planner. 517 49 00 Miscellaneous - Remains the same. Total Budget increased by 13.6% over 1984 530 00 00 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT - Parks 533 10 00 Salaries & Wages - Increased by 12% 1/3 street salaries for two employees included in this budget item. 533 20 00 Personnel Benefits - Increased due to salaries, medical insurance and social security increases. 533 31 00 Office & Operating Supplies - Decreased 25% 533 35 00 Small. Tools & Equipment - decreased 60% 533 41 00 Professional Services - Decreased by 33.33% . Expenditure is for spraying trees in park. 533 46 00 Insurance & Bonds - remains the same, as it appears 1984 figure • is adequate. 533 47 00 Public Utilities - decreased 40% because of year to date expenditure 1533 48 00 Repairs & Maintenance - remains the same. 533 49 00 Miscellaneous - deleted 533 64 00 Capital Outlay - Increased 1,85.5% for new lawnmower if authorized Total Budget increased by 10.5% over 1984 562 00 00 Mental & Physical Health - Increased by 10.7%. May show a decrease by final -budget. �567 00 00 Alcoholism - Increased 7.00 or 1.75% This expenditure is based on 2% of revenue derived from Liquor profits. SW FORM R9 N A R R A T I V E S H E E T L m L 41 L v, W on RS w G v-I a R E M A R K S 1985 BUDGET MESSAGE - ANTICIPATED REVENUES STREET DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET 310 00 00 TAXES 310 00 00 Property Taxes - Taxes have been split between street & current expense. 40% street, 60% current expense. Increased by 8 800.00. 312 00 00 Sales Tax - Taxes split 40% street, 60% current expense for pre- liminary budget. Revenue was increased by $40 000.00, due to under estimating in 1984. 322 00 00 Street & Curb Permits - Deleted - generates very little revenue. 335 51 00 Street Vehicle Fuel (Gas Tax 6.92% share) Based on population of 1670 X 10.03 per capita. Figures are estimated from Budget Suggestions for 1985 - Municipal Research and Service Center of WA. This budget item will be increased by $1 887.00, in the final budget. 33E 62 00 Sales & Use EQZ - Not a budgeted item - revenue received in 1982 and 1983. 34C 00 00 Charges for Services - Unanticipated revenue for fees, charges, and costs for services rendered. 361 00 00 Interest Earnings - Interest Revenue received from Investments. However, this item was reduced by $500.00, due to over estimat- ing in 1984 and interest received to date. 361 10 00 Investment Interest - No budget figure. Interest added to cumulative funds cannot be expended by street. These monies must be added to fund earning the interest. 37C 00 00 Interfund Revenue - For reimbursement labor performed by Street Department for Current Expense. Such as labor on police cars etc. 39 00 00 Operating Transfers In - Has been increased due to investment interest anticipated. This revenue figure includes, accumulative vehicle fund, storm drain fund and street improvement or matching funds ARTERIAL STREET #102. 3512 52 00 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (Gas Tax 4.61%) - Based on population 1670 T $7.54 per capita. Figures are estimated from Budget Suggestions for 1985 - Municipal Research & Service Center of WA. 33E 00 00 Interest Earnings - Interest earned on investments and deposited ((( into general fund. Increased by $3 000.00. 361 00 00 Investment Interest - Interest added directly to investments. Increased $1 000.00. Arterial Street unemcumbered reserves on hand at time of Prelimin.ary'budget not ear marked for any specific project. Estimated Revenues for street increased by 26.9% over 1984 Budget SAO FORM R9 N A R R A T I V E S H E E T c a� 0 w a a Preliminary 1985 R E M A R K S Budget STREET DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES 541 00 00 Right of Way No right of way acquisition or work anticipated at time of Prelim- inary Budget. 541 30 00 Roadway (Construction & Surfacing) 10% U.A.B. & FAUS matching monies for Rock Island Road and 9th St. N. E., Valley Mall Parkway, Grant Road - SR 28 to City Limits. Surfacing of N. Aurora Ave., Anne Ave., llth. 541 60 00 Traffic & Pedestrian Services - No budget figure anticipated at time of Preliminary Budget. STREET MAINTENANCE NOTE - Salaries are a factor included in all maintenance items listed below. 12 percent - $200.00 per month, increase each employee, has been included for salaries. 542 30 00 ROADWAY - Cost of preserving and keeping as nearly as possible roadways in their original condition. Decreased by 12.5%. 542 40 00 STORM DRAINS - Maintenance and repair of storm drain systems. 542 61 00 SIDEWALKS - Self explanatory.' Increased by 33-33% 542 63 00 STREET LIGHTING - Operating, painting, replacing and repairing street lighting systems. Decreased by 11%. 542 64 00 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES - Cost of signs, pavement marking, pavement stripes, traffic signals and control problems. Increased by 15.15%. Underestimated in 1984. 542 65 00 PARKING FACILITIES - Maintaining parking facilities. Remains the same. 542 66 00 SNOW & ICE CONTROL - Costs of all operations to reduce traffic hazards resulting from snow and ice. Remains the same. 542 67 00 STREET CLEANING - The cost of cleaning the road/street surface by flushing, washing or sweeping by machine or by hand. The collection and disposal of sweeping and debris. Remains the same. 542 70 00 ROADSIDE - Cost of maintaining that portion of right-of-way beyond the outside edge of the shoulder. Increased ,33'.33% 542 80 00 ANCILLARY OPERATIONS - Maintenance and operations performed by Street Department for other organizations such as sweeping for.the Dept. of Transportation or plowing P.U.D. lots. Unknown expenditure and difficult to forcast. 100% increase. 542 90 00 MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Supervisory operations, such as filling out time cards, reports, etc. Decreased by 12.5%. 54 20 00 UNDISTRIBUTED ENGINEERING - Expenditures such as planning and engin- eering for projects. Increased due to engineering on 9th street. 542 60 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY - (Machinery & Equipment) Councils descretion. SAO FORM R9 N A R R A T I V E S H E E T c a, E a� a3 u 00 co G r1 R E M A R K S STREET DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES CONTINUED 543 30 00 GENERAL SERVICES - Cost of services, Mailing, Communications, Liabilit Insurance, etc. Decreased 28%, due to Liability Insurance which is difficult to forcast. 543 70 00 UNDISTRIBUTED INDIRECT LABOR - Costs of employee benefits paid by employer, medical insurance, social security, unemployment compensation and industrial insurance. Employee's portion to be distributed to subsidiary accounts. Increased lO% due to an- ticipated salary increases. 544 20 00 MAINTENANCE OF STATIONS & BUILDINGS - Maintenance and operations of Garage and Shop Buildings. 597 00 00 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Cumulative street funds. Storm drain fund, vehicle fund and street matching and improvement funds. Increases include anticipated Investment Interest. 1984 Salaries Bob Goodman 1.735.00 x 12 = 20 820.00 Ron Lannoye 1 635.00 x 12 = 19 620.00 Len Breckenridge 1 575.00 x 12 = 18 900.00 1985 yearly request Bob Goodman 1 935.00 x 12 = 23 220.00 Ron Lannoye 1 835.00 x 12 = 22 020.00 Len Breckenridge 1 775.00 x 12 = 21 300.00 Estimated Revenues increased by 26.9% over 1984 budget. Estimated Expenditures Decreased by 35.995% over 1984 Budget W FORM R9 N A R R A T I V E S H E E T U C 4J v L � R E M A R K S Preliminary 1985 Expenditures - Arterial Street Arterial Street Fund 102 Construction - 25% increase due to no expenditures made in 1984. Revenues increased by gas tax and investment interest anticipated. These monies can only be expended by permission of the State - through the local State Aid Engineer - Department of Transportation. Revenue - Federal Shared Revenue #199 Preliminary estimate of 41,700.00 plus carryover and Interest to date and anticipated for 1985. - Ex enditure - Federal Shared Revenue Expenditure gure same as revenue . In the past years, these monies have been used for the City's Fire Contract. The balance of the Contract is shown in the Police Budget. Revenue Stadium Fund 1313 Revenues include reserve revenue'plus investment interested and anticipated Hotel/Motel tax for 1985. Expenditures - Stadium Fund #313 Expenditures same as revenue figure, Can be expended only a 1 E `1 f 1 E i for stadiums or to promote tourism. SAO FORM R9