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1978 - Final Budget - Dorotha McGee
NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on December 19, 1977 the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington adopted the Final Budget for the year 1978 as follows Estimated Revenue - Current Expense $222,236.00,- Reserve Fund Current Expense 100 044.00 2 2 0(�- Estimated Disbursements Current Expense 322,2$0,00 Fund Estimated Revenue - Street Fund 176,922,00 Construction Reserve Fund 69 900,00 246822.00 Estimated Disbursements Street Fund 611 $22.00 Estimated Revenue Arterial Street Fund 10,560.00 Reserve Fund �pi0000�Ow Estimated Disbursements Arterial Street fund 402560.00 Estimated Federal Shared Revenue 20,500.00 Reserve Fund $ 000,00 28500.00 Estimated Disbursements Federal Shared 28,500.00 Revenue Estimated Revenue U.A.B. Fund 573,300.00 Estimated Disbursements U.A.B. Fund 573,300.00 Total Estimated Revenue all Funds 13,211,462,00 Total Estimated Disbursements all Funds 1,211,462.00 Approved and passed this 19th day of December, 1977. Dorotha McGee, City Clerk t ESTIM1ATED RETIE�UEAND DISBURSEAIETS ALL `U11',,1DS Tear - 1978 NARRATIVE (1) Budget estimate reflects a. monthly pay increase for all employees, and added costs of fringe benefits and other employer contributions. (2) Increased costs shown are estimated on past experience which recorded an increase in costs for supplies and equipment. Costs of services have also been increased. (3) Revenues and disbursements reflect costs of a proposed U.A.B. project. An application for said project has been made to the Urban Art- erial Board. (4) Funds. are budgeted for acquisition of a site for a future City Hall and future City Park,. Also included. are .funds for at least one additional traffic signal. light.. (5) Inflation and spiraling costs of all supplies and services may make it very difficult for us to maintain a balanced budget for 1978. (6) Accumulative Library Funds are not included in,, the budget. Past publicity regarding this fund has made it necessary for City Officials to make detailed explanations to employees and to the Public as to the reason the City has reserve funds and is not using same. Ct W E "CS �s (D a a Ct �• 'T. clt O' • !V � a V Cry O rt (D n (D 5 cr (D I 3 1 _11 I='i q', r L2y " :. J L n Cr! =1 L tTJ D O co (n ro (DUl (n D U7 cn O (n U) kD M -r ct ct rt Ct (n It ct 1 ct rt c-t ct (n ct H. (D F.D. U• � F'• 1-J• U] iJ• �' � r.J. cr ct Ct � c"r Ct (D ct Ct Ct Ct (D 4 t D (D 0 (D (D (D t ct C)Q Q "r ,a ct a a '� a N• � rW C� �rJ C � 1 CJ O `:0 t7 ::)j D �3) (D ¢ (D j. D F (D p. (D Ct ct co C U) {2 cn ti (n .4 Cn �11 (D CD C ' (D 0, (D 0, (D C:V �O (D Q' Q (D P- P, `$ (D Cf) rn (D (n (D (D (n " S (D }J. (D (D (D (D (D °'i (D (D z ct � li : � i ct . ct Ct (D ct `mJ (D ct 11 M (D (n W U) (D U) j U2 � D CN ,GD M :v G" • ri ¢ r' YU in 0 (D Ct CD N z] m ri N < .n �:5 N C f.1. (D ct i ' i (n ct C (D C ^ (D ' S (D >C D a � (D ' tz; N y D ct �j } �:L � �7 ~ m N co � L ' c+ � tr1 (D ¢ ct (B n (D D cn t (fi¢ (D (D '=7 (D C ¢ tv tv N I- s v, �7 N iV iv p- tv . H w H tV 0 tV N� �WOa �O 0000 Q� a \0(T PO O� {w W Ln n 0 m \D \0 ry 0 ry tTO� 00 0000 rJ � r�,tv 00 0000 00000 iV O 0 � ON 00 00 0000 0000 O- O O 0000 00 00 0000 0000 O q OO 0000 V MGCEVEL LITY/COt�ll'Y ESTIMATEDFUND 001 East Wenatchee 0 GM$ 0 BY BELT (1KCL_j iraUDING, DEM1CTl Y ACi �z REVENUE TAXES 1 5I/1044 19 VR. YA. Ylt. ! x . 1977 A 1978 r: ACCOUNT W. D E S C R I P T I O N YR. 1976 YR. 1g77 BA SUB. ELE. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE ESTIM Y-E ?ImfE 10 {axes 11 Property TLax 2�515. 44 35,256.00 181993.26 353ggit M Sales 1a 2,074.6o 80,00r.00 51j076.37 OOo4113 56.,Q\ :aye 115 256.00 7006g.63,3 19Cota1 { �(a �. 21 a usl.. � � � 3_ _...---i1StU _ 6 ,390.00 6,000.�Q � ' 5,097.00 r .z_• �?y,}t.�i.utlo -- 21 _ e. '"ms 7 3 9. 50 1, 500. 00 6 g 09 7 � 00 000. 00 t _ .-_--- ^5" 4 __^G v ;.rae ... f00 ��114/ }RA�i1� 100 -- 7.600.00 11,261.501 11 600„00 °TiAltez.i. r.evermp _ �Ng_-1 e �.i�.d. ant ._ _ 7 610 6 4 V 3 �� .53 53. 36- Sta e Shared ievenue _ "tadim Tax T_ _. — — -- -- � , 000, 00 --- X,] uor Excise p _T�_. 256.3g 508. — .�. —�� 3,�295.1.6 ... 4,528.00 (,Lia&jor Profits 12.i44.76 12 682.•00 886.8 12 060,00 E y 7 1L �� q ^ .41a 0V (� p} r} } .—.._7_,g_li.E,G.L•1. ry �y 12 00 1476a - aa _Fines_ �c Forfeitures 9,2�6.003 25,E)0�3.OE� �.gs��1.00 30: ,00 6 [ giscellaiieous Revenue _ 6� interest "Earn' s 3, 865. } 8 5, ©00, 00 , 0] 6, 99 7, oaf. ap 7 1 � - 1 . FAACCOwr No. 0ESCRIPTI0N SA SUS. ELE. 69 Other Misc., Revenue E60 Total Misc. Revenue 01 Estimat Reserve 10 MGT. LEVEL FUND CITY/CQIJ y CODE ESTIMATED 001East r'enatchee a ams SY KPOE7CIsoftwa k �Y TAW REVENUE —530 to ra. YR. rat. rrt. YR. 1976 1977 — 19 ~ -- ACTUAL BUDGET - TO DATE EST IFMTE ESTBW ESTI#MT[ fffl 2.700_nn 5200Q,00, -- 222,236,00 t " P. LEVEL cooE ESTIMATED FLOG -_._ ;rr},:icy PROBRAN �. ` ��s -- YEAR z� ; G ►+�E EXPENDITURES ei e al u ove e YR. YR. TR. ♦R. YR. YR. YR. INC, 0, O E S C R i P T i Q N 1976 147 ACTM t T ME ESTIMTE _ ESTIIMTE ESTi1MTE ESTIIMTE EST MATE �• ELE 510 General Govt. Services [personaele — 10 11 Salaries S ffa es 16,918.75 20 0.00 11 981.6 28 '60.0 n ce SunDlies 1 L I 00 - t 3 Pub. & Adv. 279.31 500.00 38 Repairs. & Main,� j 1 500.00 521,14 1 500.00— 0 .did to other Gove, i 1 Stadium Tax 5.000.00 c Fire Protection 13,0 1 2 0 Q. i 4�1 kid, to other Govt. 21549. la 000,003,665.03 90.00. I 42 , iscellaneous 2,3039» 3 6,475.00 1,336.33 00IX00 ram. 60 Capital Outlay (FrM acq Fund) 50,000.00 63 . Capital Outlay 1,51?.95 500.00 -»0�- ,L'0 .00 Total Gen. Govt. Services 43,574.27 62 0 r ' id W" Ak UT S?�1 East Wenatchee PW A04� D E S C R I't T I Q N Tit. 1976 n. 1977 1977 1978 ' sr, aE. arm.WAWT r 12 Judicial 10 Salaries & Wages 5,400.00 6,000.00 3:500.00 7 800.00. 13 Personnel E tefits 647.04 800.00 388.80 1 0 0.00 1 Judicial Services. 2 56 .73 3 500.00 1,160.00 2.200.00 Total 'a "er4; es : 612 10 00.00 0 $.80 11,050,00 ` E E i F "P. LEVEL CODE MTIMATID NO 001 C East Wenatchee Physical Environment Jw Ow 1978 5 Park QESCKI►TIQN 1976 TR1977. .1977 it1978 r . Vt. Vt. M $0. ELE. OAI, ACYUFL MT MINATT ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 530 Physical Environment ll Salaries & 'gages. 55368.5Q 6.50Q.00- 3,522.85 10,320.00. 13 Personnel Benefits 777092, 900 00 481.34 1,350.00 20 1 Supplies 22 22erating Supplies 262.2 0.00 , 19 2 23, 750oOO a' s 2x Mai 675,00 l 2 00 00 ;tther CQats 3r' e 60 f I h2d ' Miscellaneous narital Outlay f z , 9 ..v,_..',� a,a..�.. 61 Eauipment a. 2,000.00 Total. Parks Dept. 7,133.72' 10,025.00 5,200.11 45,620.00 r n • I t f is MP. LEVEL CME uT ATED Expemonualm F' 001 Ct T East Wenatche MItiBIMW ecT it 'ers on & P o e t ► - Police rYEAR 1978 PAGE 6 Mow N0. DE SCRIPT10N TR. TR. YR. fR. TR. TR. 9R. YR. ELE. 061 ACTUALESTIVATE E jil TE EST107E EST ESTIIMTE 20 Security Persons & Property a Police De t ll Salaries Wages 2 6 1 Personnel enef t 00,00 L.,.26 7. 01 -110209,00 14 Uniforms 1 033.13 1,9 288.57 2 OQQ>fla 20 Su. lies & Services Q ` ; c . 1i r l D — ---�-_ - 22 Our. 3uuDlZL & aerlices 0,342.67 61,550.00 LA601,60 2 pe airs & Main. � 2 2L2 Q2,000.00 T 301 1 Other Services } ' t Communications a _-- y 33- a. b Insurance &Ponds 2 2 1.850.00 826 fl aflq Qfl Tll s el a eo e se t 2 M1,scella. Ems' Tl.a fiLay- 13 4.Q.45 600*0Q 343.27 2Q,600.00 i Buildi } ETotal Est. E enditures 92 835.72-100,770.00 56,752.75 134,545.00 f ,. 'jor. w!GT. EVFI CC�uf ESTIMATED REVENUE =uku GG2 FI"v.'C)July las;. ��� �� uc�: ee has ( GEKi$` i.f INCLUDIlK TAXES a BY DEPT.(EXCC. TAx€5 DEPARTMENT Street PAGE .1,978 � � ACCOUNT [,1. —.— _ D E S C R I P T I D N YR. __.��. ACTUAL YR ... -1 7-- ___-_ ._ BUDGET YR. 1 +!— YR. � vESTIMATE- YR. YR. YR. YR. RA SUB. €LE. TO DATE - ESTIMMATE ESTIMATE . ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 10 Taxes 24,515.46 35j256.G w-` - --- — - 11 Property Tax 18.993.25 35,3990*6a 30 State Shared Revenue 34 State Grant CETA 2 -0- 35 Gas Tax 1 4 60° i Sales Tax T otalGCs2-J7_L.ti�:Gd — - � L 1, 5, ���� - C y:s , n2 i ----- — — -- 150 Fine & Forfeits County Fires -0-- 10(:.-�)C� 200, f ;l _— Total -- 100.00 ___-- 8 200.00 -- ---- --._ 61 Mi Inture t_Earnings ---- - Y 0ther Misc Re enue ' t 713 500.00 ..-.�ZQ.00.._- _ 3,:b� 69 5 000GG -- total Misc. Revenge - --� . ` •0 ry Fiingi 59,629.00 69 90G.GG 310 Total. Est. Pevenie r- r-R-m FF Wl, LEVEL cm ESTIMATED EXPK - fkxc 002 yy. ee f��Mf Roads Street rEAt► 9`i 8 8 P AFtONi IfD. OESCA i PTf Qk - TR, i ^6 rR. 1 '(Twi. 1977 1918 YR. YR. 1IR. iA ELE. Ow. R E M TflMTE ESTIVATE ESTIMTE ESTIMTfSI. �1-L2 Road & Street Maintenance 30 Roadwa 2,044.24 5 000.00 4,616.60 8,500.0 40 Storm Drains 333.99 8,000.00 771.53 9,000.00 60 63 Street Lights 5 69i1.00 7,000.00 2 837.00 7,000,00 alo ro 2 `�8. 5,000.00 2 6 0. d 00.00 snow & Ice Control 1 628.69 3,200.00 529.69 6,000.00 67 treet Cleaning 11 4. v00.00 3 636. 7 500.00 'Road - ., ..._.-_. ...__. ..e...#tiG7 6,660.37 f r .__.._ -.� ., 0 :. 4400. 00 [p[ .,. r.._... 686 .[.1.. 3 115, I 0 .... —2 100* 00 7 700.00 f 1 i Boui ment Main. R "treet Facilities 20 Bldq, Maintenance*-700.07 600 1.23 1,200.00 64 1 Capital Outlay _ E zzixOment 3,000.00 39 122.00 5111 -T _QDnaixiati m 502 00 63.700.00 _ t 00 3,000.00 I a 1 t Total Est Z end't es 2 128 800.00 34,548.96 246,822.00 �_, - - �i>"5338:t'. +S4"r�i"� .-. ..�:.i.3 a�-:y ,.-a: �`w.'y�.kj'�x•' .�a,.. .. rr . T y INMIqp OW- LEVEL COK tFltr/tQiMfr st Wenatchee s ` tR if (ENCL. TAXES) vAiE IE1fiNIE![R+F aerial Street 1 $ O. D E 5 C R I v T t D N ELL wim To DRTE ESTM E EST ESTINwrf i1NT -3-5 Atata Shared Revenue r$A:o 0 Gas Tax 7 213.Z2 7,151.00 4,154.80 8,560.00 Total State Shared Revenue 72151.00 4,15l�.$0 8,560.0a 0 miscellaneous Revenue Tnt. -rust E+arn-i ngs ' 1,155,691,000.00 995 . $3 2,000.00 _ 335 _ I �— _$gserve _fund -'otal Est. Revenue --- --- 0 000 00 �. $ 36$.91 > 33 151.00 > 5> .06063 0 r"60.00 ,� - ..._..__ -T._ WNW#;". _ Aw .1J Yl eet East 4enatchee 1976 10 1 "1 [3Tt now 0. 0 F S C A 1►1104 1976 1 M 1r. IOU. ON 10 Construction 5,500.00 33,151.00 -0- 40 560.00 Expenditures a-0.00 33,151.00 z 1 � f � t -_ Is -.Qf ftw.+M`L' i��: i'1.i �r :'{. .`�.'��kC']�2Y% 'if �`ii�i ..�ryV.:-.¢ - .' ,+ - ,.€`"-ate - .-.. " -i.-,2"4.:.Y W. LEVEL ct�oE ='.;r.- .z_ CITY/cowy ESTiMA East Wenatchee • iROiS BY QEFT.(E➢6L. a : lacumm TAXES) vimCAGE REVfNUFl ; _ rr »: j FwJAral Revenue 1978 11 rR. fR. I�R.,.,.; lit. YIR. rR. 1977 1 8 ACcom NO. OESCA/nT 1 OR YA. 1976 1 BA Si. ELE. ACTUAL BUDGET TO DATE ESTIMATE E;TITRTE EST E EST( E _Feae a! dared Revenue 1 ''61.00 2,172.00 16 000.00 -0- 12 8.00 1,735.00 17.9-000,OQ 3,000.00 _ Anti Recession Funds _ Interest Earnings _ P --- 1,327.63 1,000.00 1,332.01 500.00 -- --- , &: S h o._ -,and ----- — 3 5 , 000. 00 8 000 loo f �-St. ;evenue G1 2h0.63 52,1-00.00 ,v05.0 28 '00 00 i t 1 i ! i i i NP. LEVEL CODE ISTIM a .Fade al Shaked Reyeaw c ITV/Covwrf East Asnatchee TEM 1978 No 12 Rcawrr la. YR. 1976 TRIM 1977 rR197 Er. Elywyt Effl-INATE ESTINUE ESTIOTE EST IMIrr c!Uita outlay P 5,567- 21.,2QQ-QO Construction __ 8,926,83--.30.0QO.OQ .__21,500,00 111d.g. Dnp. 327.96 BQ0,00 -0- T of , ires 1L_822-58 _92-000-00 ,500, 00 7 _T_ �'.• q-W WWI `^F s Last iienatCYlee BY D(PT "Muel AxfSi if" PAGE REVENUE �- cAl<Es a9ARTlERT :+,. A Street 1978 13 ACCOUNT W. --- 0 E S C A I a 10 M rR, i �7� rR. , : y �� 7 r 7 �97! rR 197c rR. rR. YR, rR B Sid. ELE. ACTUAI E000ET E�TIM�tTE E'STINAtf ESTt�MTE t EST IMTE TO �1TE ESTINRTE 334 - Y State Grant - -- — - ---- - - - 4C) GCO.00 -0-- 573,300.00 gz. -0- treat Funds50,000.00 I Iota s t f i i , f { w I � s , EEE 4 4 � f MEN IMMEN F � IRR. LE COK East Werwtch.ee s _ ;�. Street 1978 14 D E 4 C R I T.1 QN ACTWL` ; . E5 tIMTE totwo rant -0- ls05 - Funds ' -. - �:AYei.MMMifyl6�f wn.�_maw.•wnrwrrw.-we+�w..+w.rv.ryw.�..an...... .....�.ria�. .. ... .. _. _ ..._..,. ...-4.'r.. -_. .. _ �•tn' t.__