HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-08 - Joint Stormwater management - Interlocal Agreements General{{111 {{1if ��{{ill{I{� fill 1i11111 11111111 fail{ 11111111 30* 2 70 ::35F COMMISSIONERS RGR 0.60 Douglas County AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: Douglas County Board of Commissioners Da na Prewitt PO Box 747 Waterville WA 98858 COVER SHEET REQUIRED BY RCW 36.18 AND 64.04 (For Recording Purposes Only) DOCUMENT TITLES) (or transactions contained therein): 1. Interlocal Agreement for Development and Implementation of Projects 2. Related to Regional Stormwater Management and Planning REFERENCE NUMBER(s) of documents assigned or released AF3092253 Additional numbers of page of document GRANTOR/BORROWER (Last name first, the first name and initials): 1. Chelan County, City of Wenatchee, Douglas County, and City of East Wenatchee 2. 3. 4. Additional names on page of document GRANTEE/ASSIGNEEBENEFICIARY (Last name fast, the first name and initials): 1. Chelan County, City of Wenatchee, Douglas County, and City of East Wenatchee 2. 3. 4. Additional numbers of page of document ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION as follows (i.e. lot/block/plat or section/township/range/quarter/quarter): See attachment ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL/ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): P- � .©Je-c+s L ub� I�tl�IINIII�I��VI�BNIWllllllln =a'°' �'COMMISSIONERS AGR 0.00 Douglas County INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECTS RELATED TO REGIONAL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING This agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered between Douglas County, Chelan County, the City of Wenatchee ("Wenatchee") and the City of East Wenatchee ("East Wenatchee"), collectively the "Parties". WHEREAS, Chapter 39.34 RCW provides for the formation of interlocal agreements that enable local governments to effectively cooperate with each other to the benefit of local communities; WHEREAS, the Federal Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq. and the Phase II Stormwater Final Rule promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA') require the operators of certain small municipal separate stormwater sewage systems ("MS4s") to obtain National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") permit coverage; WHEREAS, in Washington state, the EPA has delegated authority for the Federal Clean Water Act, including development and administration of the Phase II municipal stormwater management program, to the Washington State Department of Ecology ("Ecology"); WHEREAS, Ecology expects to issue the final NPDES Phase II stormwater Permit for Eastern Washington ("Phase II Stormwater Permit") in June 2006; WHEREAS, Ecology has determined Douglas County, Chelan County, Wenatchee and East Wenatchee must apply for coverage under the Phase II Stormwater Permit; WHEREAS, the Douglas County, Chelan County, Wenatchee and East Wenatchee applied to Ecology for coverage under the Phase II Stormwater Permit on March 10, 2003; WHEREAS, the Douglas County, Chelan County, Wenatchee and East Wenatchee entered into a MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLANNING in January 2004, under which. Douglas County, Chelan County, Wenatchee and East Wenatchee have been participating in the public process related to development and issuance of the Phase II NPDES Stormwater Permit. WHEREAS, the Phase II Stormwater Permit requires municipalities subject to its terms to have a stormwater management program that contains the following minimum elements: public education and outreach, public involvement and participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site stormwater control, post -construction stormwater management, Stormwater Grant interlocal Agreement Version: 11/3105 BOOK 1?8 PAGE726 3098741 Page: 3 of 11 pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations , Total Maximum Daily Loads ("TDMLs") requirements, and program compliance evaluation; WHEREAS, Ecology has established the Fiscal Year 2006 Phase II Municipal Stormwater Grants Program ("Stormwater Grants Program") to provide funds to help local communities meet the Phase Il Stormwater requirements; WHEREAS, under the Stormwater Grants Program, Ecology will fund selected municipalities' eligible stormwater projects, including projects related to public education, information and communication; review of existing and model stormwater programs; establishing and refining stormwater utilities; conducting stormwater inventories; mapping stormwater sources; source control activities; development and adoption of stormwater ordinances and completing detailed stormwater plans; WHEREAS, under the Stormwater Grants Program, there are special partnership set -aside grant provisions under which Ecology may make a special grant to a group of municipalities who enter into a partnership through an interlocal agreement ("Special Partnership Grant"); and WHEREAS, the Parties wish to continue their cooperative approach to complying with state and federal standards for handling stormwater by securing a Special Partnership Grant for their regional stormwater projects. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the Parties' responsibilities for the development and implementation of regional stormwater management planning projects that receive funding under a Special Partnership Grant (The "Projects"). 2. Douglas County shall be the lead agency for the purposes of this Agreement. 3. The Parties will cooperate with each other and Ecology to negotiate the terms of the financial assistance agreement required by the Stormwater Grants Program. Douglas County will execute and administer the financial assistance agreement with Ecology when approved by the Parties. 4. The Parties will work together to accomplish the regional activities: a. The Parties will cooperatively develop a scope of work for each Project and will cooperatively select any consultant chosen to accomplish the regional activities. b. The consultant will contract with the Parties for the accomplishment of the regional activities when approved by the Parties. Stormwater Grant Interlocal Agreement -2— Version: 11/3/05 ICOMMIMV��,i6111��I1i�'Iil�'�il�'' =9:°',;. 5. The Projects shall be funded by the Special Partnership Grant only. Each Party shall otherwise bear its own costs in carrying out this Agreement. b. This Agreement does not create any separate legal or administrative entity. 7. This Agreement is effective upon signature by all the Parties and shall remain in effect through the first permit cycle unless terminated earlier pursuant to its terms. 8. Any Party may withdraw from the Agreement upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other Parties. 9. This Agreement shall terminate if Ecology fails to make a Special Partnership Grant to the Parties and upon the withdrawal of a least three (3) of the Parties, or by mutual written agreement of all Parties. Stonnwater Grant Interlocal Agreement -3— Version: 1113105 Ifllll �III� Ifl� Illllll III IIII(II (IIII III l�lll IIII IIII 3098741 0336F SIGNATURE PAGES COMMISSIONERS RGR 0.00 Douglas Cau ty Approved by Council; I I • D,S- CFFY OF EAST WEENATCHEE teve C. Lacy, r J, OS Date ATTEST: 44�lt—•�' City Jerk IIIyp5' Date APPROVED AS TO FORM; gj� — 7 Ci mey 10 �0 5 Date Stormwater Grant lnterlocal Agreement -4— Version: 1113105 r11111�NI�IIiNllf�lllll 11111111IIII=e�9m:°';- Adopted: Mo';- ATTEST: I a--b Clerk e Board nit Date APPROVED AS TO FORM; i ecuting Attorney (Adp-�- Data RV Stormwater Grant Intcrlocal Agreement -5— Version: 1113105 DOUGLASCOUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ken St hair Dane Keane, M r er Date Ij1 I` 1111 11II{I`{11j 1{ 1 PIL3098741 t��1����III II��ItI�I���I iI II���II �II�I Il�1lI�l I��I II I� B/906�ti8 COMISSIGNERS RGR Do Ay _ Adopted: �� S CITY OF WENATCHEE ATTEST: City Clerk // Zy� Date APPROVED AS TO FORM; 1 Ci otney n / Date' Stonnwater Grant Intericcal Agreement -6— Version: 11/3/05 Dennis Jo Mayor Date { (I IIII 04IIII ����� III I�III IIII I II Page: 8 of 309874 i3 06; CONCII�I F IIIIIII AGR 0.00 Douglas County MMI ISSIONON Adopted: $ s„ SEAL VA tr t.5t� 0 ATTEST: JANET K. MERZ dhjt4�"'Mw"// Clerk o I the Boaz APPROVED AS TO FORM, UI N. C AK Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Date Stormwater Grant Interlocal Agreement -7— Version: 1 1/3/05 CHELAN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 4ROW4TER, Chairman —&—ULO 1�v� BUELL HAWKINS, Commissioner 7�C7ot�<a,G-- KEITH W. GOEHNER, Commissioner ECOLOGY USE Fiscal Year 2006 Phase IT Municipal Stormwater Application no. Grants Program Financial Assistance Application /AiMll AI1/ illlt EICA0 LI0 GIY 1, PROJECT TITLE: (five words or less) WENATCHEE VALLEY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROJECT 2, PHASE H STORMWATER NPDES PERMIT NO., OR ANTICIPATED DATE OF ISSUANCE: June 2006 3. APPLICANT NAME: (city, town, or county) Douglas County 4. FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NO: 95-1315450 5, PARTNERING AGENCIES: (from whom interagency agreement(slare appended) Douglas County,City of East Wenatchee Chelan County, City of Wenatchee 6. APPLICANT SIGNATORY: (the person whose name is listed here must sign section 12 of this application) Ken Stanton Name: Title: Douglas County Commissioner, District #1 Telephone Number: 509-745-8537 Address: PO BOX 747, Waterville, WA 98858-0747 7. APPLICANT STAFF CONTACT: Name: Jim Barker Title: Administrator Telephone Number: 509-884-7173 E-Mail Address: jbarker@co.douglas.wa.us Address: Douglas County Transportation and Land Services, 140 19 St NW, Suite A, East Wenatchee, WA 98802 S. PROJECT INFORMATION: What is the population in the PROJECT area? 55.000 The total of each separate designation (County, Legislative District, Congressional District, and WRIA) must equal 100%. Please list in descending order and break ties by at least one percent. County(ies) for the Project: State Legislative District(s) for the Project: u Douglas County o ° Chelan County 0 Congressional District(s) for the Project: Water Resource Inventory Area(s) - WRIAs - for the Project ,. 4 5 ° ° 4 ° ECY 070-188 (08/15) I II�BI Il I IIII ICI! 1I �i�l IIII�II IIIIf III Ill l Illl IIII P 309874B01 aes COMMISSIONERS RGR 0.00 Douglas County y. F LIGIBJ LE PROJECT COST (that portion oj(he project cost that is grant eligible) S 750 000 10. ECOLOGY GRANT REQUEST (the amount up to which the applicant is eligible to receive, accordin to the 006 Guidelines or the Phase II Municr 1 Stormwater Grants Pro ram S 300,000 11. PROJECT DURATION: 5 year permit cycle Anticipated Start Date: January 2006 Project Length: Permit timeline 60 months Anticipated Project Completion Date: Janes 201 I 12, PROJECT OUTLINE AND IN 250 WORDS OR LESS POSSIBLE SUMMARY: OUTLINE - Check as many as pertain ® Public education, information, and communication; ® Establishing OR refining stormwater utilities (underline one), including stable rate structures, and other capacity building activities to facilitate ongoing stormwater management needs); please specify in the SUMMARY ® Conducting inventories of stormwater sources; ® Mapping stormwater sources ® Geographic information system of stormwater sources; ❑ Source control activities, such as erosion control projects involving plantings, drain stenciling, etc.; please specify in the SUMMARY ® Review existing local stormwater regulations; your own or others (underline one or both), ® Completing general stormwater management plans, and facilities plans (underline one or both), including financing options and choices, to meet the Phase A Stormwater Management NPDES Permit, etc. ® Other (Please Specify below in the SUMMARY) SUMMARY - Please briefly summarize the project below and include how you will monitor success. fie: F1'ttt��-H�p 13. APPLICATION CERTIFICATION: I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT THE INFORMATION IN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT, THAT THIS JURISDICTION HAS NOT RECEIVED WATER QUALITY PROGRAM ADMINISTERED FUNDS FOR THE SAME PURPOSE, AND THAT I AM THE LEGALLY AUTHORU ED SIGNATORY OR DESIGNEE FOR THE SUBMITTAL OF THIS INFORMATION ON BEHALF OF THE APPLICANT. Ken Stanton, Douglas County Coi+nlnissioner November 8, 2W5 ..:.:.::...... . luti 14. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL INFORMATION: THE APPLICATION IS TO BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 2005 at 5.00 p.m. at: U.S Postal Mailine Address: (hcrnipht Mail or Hand Delivery Address: Department of Ecology Department of Ecology Water Quality Program Water Quality Program Financial Management Section Financial Management Section P.O. Box 47600 300 Desmond Drive Olympia, WA 98504-7600 Lacey, WA 98503 3095741 Page: 10 Of 11 IiI�NINiVI��lllll@fll��lldlllllll�l' �•'a' �'�GR 0.00 Douglas County Fiscal Year 2006 Phase II Municipal Stormwater Grants Program Financial Assistance Application 12. PROJECT OUTLINE AND IN 260 WORDS OR LESS (IF POSSIBLE) SUMMARY: For the past three years, Douglas County, Chelan County, the City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee have been working together to develop and implement a regional stormwater management program in order to meet the anticipated requirements of the NPDES Phase II General Permit. The partnership was formalized in February 2004 when a Memorandum of. Understanding was entered Into by the four jurisdictions. Under this agreement the jurisdictions have been working together for the development and implementation of a regional stormwater management program that addresses the six plus two NPDES Phase II minimum measures and develops funding strategies, This application for funding under the Special Partnership provision of the Ecology Grant Program will include but not be limited to the following: o Conduct inventories and mapping of existing storm drainage systems o Develop a public education and involvement program o Review existing local stormwater regulations and work toward more regional regulations o Develop and adopt ordinances/resolutions for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control and Post -Construction Stormwater Management. The Wenatchee Valley Stormwater Management Project respectfully requests $300,000 in assistance to be used to address stormwater requirements for compliance with the NPDES Phase II Permit. Filename: WVShfP - ]rem 12) Fiscal Year 2006 Phase ll.>rlunicipal Srormwarer.doc