HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/7/2019 - Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Applarians and welcome Mrs. Lori Reed as the 2020 Applarian Director General - Proclamations(FROCcA911AVON
�WEREAS, the Washington State Apple (Blossom TestivalApplarians are the
Officia0fosts of the City of East Wenatchee; and
I�OfEREAS, the City of East Wenatchee wishes to congratulate and welcome
31rs. Lori Reedas the 2020Applarian Director General, and
TO[EREAS, the City of East Wenatchee also wishes to congratulate and
welcome her hus6and, .Mike Reed.
NOW,, DfERETORE, I, Steven C. Lacy, �Rgyor of East Wenatchee, do here6y
take this opportunity on the City's 6ehalf, to congratulate andwelcome Director
General Lori Reedoffering this token of the City's esteem.