HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/13/2017 - City Council - City Council Meeting AgendasCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE ') 1�1 Ct REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JUNE 13,2017 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENTS PRESENTATION Dan Ireland, SCJ Alliance presenting the concept drawing and cost estimate for the preferred alternative for the Gateway Project. DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) Lori Barnett, Director - Community Development Department update report regarding the East Wenatchee Municipal Code amendments for Density and other related miscellaneous text amendments. BUDGET ISSUES MAYOR'S REPORT Expectation for City Council Workshops Appointment of Commissioner to the Housing Authority od Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, May 23, 2017 2. Consideration of Payables and Payroll PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. l 7-06-01 The East Wenatchee City Council will conduct a public hearing at their June 13, 2017 meeting, beginning at 6:30 P.M. in the East Wenatchee City Hall Council Chambers, at 271 9th St. NE, East Wenatchee. WA regarding the following ordinance: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee extending the moratorium on the issuance of any permits or licenses for the establishment of medical marijuana cooperatives for an additional six-month period. 4. 17-06-02 A public hearing regarding the 2017 CDBG program will be held by the East Wenatchee City Council on June 13, 2017 after 6:30 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 271 9th St. NE, East Wenatchee WA. Continreed on next page ....................... In com.phance with the .9nterican.s it ith Disabihi es Act. ifyou need specter! assistance to P< ticipute in this rneetiitg. please contact the City Clerk at 509-884-9515. Itiotificrtion 48 hours pl-ior to the meeting it id ewbfe the City to make tvosonvble arrangemenis to eY1SX1 w accessihih4- fo this nieefing. Page l of 2 Pagel of 276 ACTION ITEMS) 5. 17-06-03 Authorization to move forward with Video Surveillance System project with CompuNet, bic. (Ray Coble Assistant Police Chief) 6. 17-06-04 Discussion regarding purchase of Colorado Avenue property adjacent to City Hall. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney) 7. 17-06-05 Agreement to help fund a City of East Wenatchee Goathead Eradication Program. (Devitt Poulson, City Attorney) 8. 17-06-06 Requesting authorization from Council to extend the SCJ Alliance contract for the Gateway Project through June 30, 2017 — no additional cost, just an extension of the deadline. (Lori Barnett. Community Development Director) ORDINANCE(S) 9. 17-06-07 Ordinance No. 2017-07 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee Amending Chapters 1, 3, 8. and 10 of the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan and Chapters 18.12. 1& 12C and 16 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to satisfy the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA) in RCW 36.70A. 130 for the 2017 GMA Review and Update Cycle. (Lori Barnett, Community Development Director.) 10, 17-06-08 Ordinance No. 2017-08 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee updating its Open Space Standards by amending Chapter 17,73 ) of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. (Lori Barnett, Community Development Director) 11. 17-06-09 Ordinance No. 2017-09 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending the purpose and dimensional standards in Chapter 17.48 Mixed Use Zoning District of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code (Lori Barnett. Community Development Director} 12. 17-06-10 Ordinance No. 2017-10 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee extending for a period of six months the moratorium on the issuance of any permits or licenses for the establishment of medical marijuana cooperatives. (Lori Barnett, Community Development Director) RESOLUTIQN-OS 13, 17-06-11 Resolution No. 2017-0-2 A resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington updating the City's residential street overlay program. (Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer) 14.17-06-12 Resolution No. 2017-03 A resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington updating the City's residential overlay program's material change policy. (Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer) COUNCIL REPORTS il Ll c3 ADJOURN-AIENT hl col"pliallce it' ith 01C .-I in eri( ans ,t ah Disarblifties -Ict. -ed V7 C;(71 P01*C4-X1fC in fhhv wetl;79- Plcftye ravroc-1 the 011- C/twh of votifwation ds hour. prior to the meeting %vill enable the Ch-viet make reavonahh, , OT011j,"MOYA "q cmure occv.vaInho. Ili this mermig. Page 2 of 2 Page 2 of 276