HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 - Final Budget - Josh DeLayCity of East Wenatchee, Washington
2019 Annual Financial Budget
Steven C. Lacy
Jerrilea Crawford
Tim Detering
Matthew Hepner
Chuck Johnson
Shayne Magdoff
Harry Raab
John Sterk
Finance Department
Amber Schulz
Josh DeLay
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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TITLE PAGE –2019 FINANCIAL BUDGET...............................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................................2
Elected Officials ................................................................................................................3
Appointed Officials ...........................................................................................................4
Accounting Policy and Fund Structure...........................................................................5
Budget Assumptions and Highlights ............................................................................6-8
Cash and Fund Balance Projections ...............................................................................9
General Fund..............................................................................................................10-16
General Government ..............................................................................................17-19
Legislative ................................................................................................................20-21
Municipal Court .....................................................................................................22-24
City Clerk ................................................................................................................25-26
Finance .....................................................................................................................27-28
Information Technology.........................................................................................29-30
Internal Services .....................................................................................................31-32
Legal .........................................................................................................................33-35
Public Works ...........................................................................................................36-37
Civil Service.............................................................................................................38-39
Central Services ......................................................................................................40-41
Law Enforcement ...................................................................................................42-43
Planning ...................................................................................................................44-45
Code Compliance ....................................................................................................46-47
Street Fund .................................................................................................................48-53
Community Development Grant Fund ....................................................................54-55
Transportation Benefit District Fund ......................................................................56-57
Debt Reserve Fund .....................................................................................................58-59
Library Fund ..............................................................................................................60-61
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund ...............................................................................................62-63
Drug Fund...................................................................................................................64-65
Criminal Justice Fund ...............................................................................................66-67
Events Fund ................................................................................................................68-71
Bond Fund ..................................................................................................................72-73
Street Improvements Fund .......................................................................................74-77
Storm Water Capital Improvements Fund .............................................................78-80
Capital Improvements Fund .....................................................................................81-82
Equipment Purchase, Maintenance & Replacement Fund ....................................83-84
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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The Council, Mayor, and Finance Director develop and communicate the budget assumptions
that the City will use each year. Revenue is primarily the responsibility of the Finance Director .
Primary revenue estimates for 2019 include:
Percent of
Amount Ops Rev
A.Sales and Use Tax $4,070,000 40.35%
B.Property Tax 1,795,000 17.79%
C.Utility Tax 741,000 7.35%
D.Real Estate Excise Tax 350,000 3.47%
E.Gambling Tax 302,000 2.99%
F.Street Fuel Excise Tax 299,000 2.96%
G.Criminal Justice Sales Tax 277,000 2.75%
H.Transportation Benefit District 241,000 2.39%
I.Storm Water Utility Operation 240,000 2.38%
J.State Portion –Court Revenue 218,000 2.16%
K.Fines & Penalties –Court 211,000 2.09%
L.Hotel/Motel Taxes 183,700 1.82%
M.Liquor Taxes & Profits 181,500 1.80%
N.Multiple Other Sources 963,988 9.70%
Sub-total Operational Revenue $10,087,588 100.0%
1.Revenue for Capital Improvement Projects:Percent of
Amount Cap Rev
A.Street Imp Projects –Grants $1,698,000 59.40%
B.Storm Water Capital Projects 612,500 21.43%
C.Fund Transfers 360,000 12.59%
D.Regional Fund Share –Gateway 188,000 6.58%
Sub-total Capital Revenue $2,858,500 100.0%
Total 2019 Revenue Estimate $12,946,088
2.Each revenue source was evaluated in consideration of a three to five-year receipt
history,street improvements/capital projects and transfers to support them.
3.Monthly trends over 2018 were studied while considering recent fluctuating economic
trends and experience by other cities in our region.
Departmental costs are the responsibility of each department head.All other costs are the
responsibility of the Finance Director.Primary expenditure budget assumptions for 2019 costs
included the following:
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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1.Budget costs conservatively -no increases in operating costs unless they can be
substantiated and approved by the Mayor for presentation to the City Council.
2.Department Capital Costs -costs for capital need to be specifically budgeted and
3.The City currently has forty-seven employees. Compensation for City employees not
covered by either a collective bargaining agreement or an employment agreement is
based upon the City’s long-standing policy of wage parity.This group will consist of
eleven full-time employees in 2019 with the addition of an Events Director/Public
Information Officer and Computer Support Specialist.
4.The City Attorney and Municipal Court Judge are compensated according to
employment agreements, while one contracted person supports the Events Department.
5.The collective bargaining agreements with Teamsters covering twenty-two employees in
the police department will expire on December 31, 2021.
6.The collective bargaining unit agreement with Local 846-W covering fifteen employees
in the Street, Planning, Code, Municipal Court, and Legal Departments expires on
December 31, 2019.
7.Healthcare premiums, commercial insurance, detention costs, RiverCom costs, and any
other significant operating costs are determined through communication, agreements or
quotes from those vendors.
Budgeted operating expenditure categories for 2019 include:
Amount of Total
A.Labor Costs $4,464,778 46.14%
B.Benefit Costs 1,842,384 19.04%
C.Department Capital Expenses 489,100 5.05%
D.RiverCom 9-1-1 340,000 3.51%
E.Jail Services –Detention 321,000 3.32%
F.Storm Water Utility Operations 273,149 2.82%
G.Municipal Fees Court to State 220,000 2.27%
H.Storm Water Utility Charge 165,000 1.71%
I.Balance of Operating Expenses 1,560,842 16.13%
Total Operating Expenses $9,675,893 100%
Budgeted capital expenditure categories for 2019 include:
A.Street Improvements Capital $2,290,150 49.96%
B.Capital Expenditures 1,309,000 28.55%
C.Storm Water Utility Capital 625,000 13.63%
D.Fund Transfers 360,000 7.85%
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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Total Capital Expenses $4,584,150 100%
Total 2019 Budgeted Expenditures $14,260,043
Primary assumptions for capital costs for street improvement projects, storm water utility
projects, and capital expenditures include the following:
1.The principal source for street improvement projects is the 6-year Transportation
Improvement Plan (TIP), which the City is required to provide to the Washington State
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) each year in June.
2.Storm Water Utility Projects were selected by the SWU Coordinating Committee of the
Greater East Wenatchee Storm Water Utility, jointly owned by the City and Douglas
County, and the City’s 6-year Transportation Improvement Plan based upon an
assessment of the highest needs in the City for the 2019 budget year, giving priority for
those grant-funded projects.
3.Projects scheduled for 2019 include:
Non-City City
Project Description Funding Funding Total
10th Street Design $750,000 $750,000
15th Street Overlay 659,000 129,000 788,000
Public Works Remodel 750,000 750,000
Gateway 559,000 559,000
TBD Paving Project 360,000 360,000
19th St NW Design 250,000 250,000
Grant Road/Eastmont Ave 97,000 18,000 115,000
3rd St. SE/Highline Drive 85,000 15,000 100,000
5th St. NE: Sterling 50,000 9,000 59,000
5th St. NE: Kenroy 30,000 5,000 35,000___
Total $2,146,000 $1,836,000 $3,982,000
City funding of the $1,836,000 above will be satisfied with revenue from property taxes, real
estate excise taxes,transportation benefit district revenue,and accumulated funds.
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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Fund & Fund Number
Budgeted 2019
Revenue Resources Available Budgeted 2019
Projected Ending
General - 001 2,823,063$6,858,200$9,681,263$(7,099,087)$2,582,176$
Street & Storm Water - 101 309,464.00 1,481,149.00 1,790,613.00 (1,625,049.00) 165,564.00
Comm. Dev Grants - 102 77,256.00 153,841.00 231,097.00 (153,841.00) 77,256.00
Transportation Benefit District - 105 377,789.00 241,000.00 618,789.00 (360,000.00) 258,789.00
Debt Reserve - 110 495,000.00 165,000.00 660,000.00 - 660,000.00
Library - 112 7,588.00 6,500.00 14,088.00 (5,440.00) 8,648.00
Hotel/Motel Tax - 113 37,100.00 113,700.00 150,800.00 (125,776.00) 25,024.00
Drug - 114 1,117.00 150.00 1,267.00 -1,267.00
Criminal Justice - 116 27,506.00 17,100.00 44,606.00 - 44,606.00
Events - 117 105,695.00 103,270.00 208,965.00 (192,600.00) 16,365.00
Bond Redemption - 202 9,089.00 30,000.00 39,089.00 (30,600.00) 8,489.00
Street Improvements - 301 724,333.00 2,075,678.00 2,800,011.00 (2,290,150.00) 509,861.00
Storm Water Improvements - 308 256,064.00 612,500.00 868,564.00 (625,000.00) 243,564.00
Capital Improvements - 314 1,015,218.00 638,000.00 1,653,218.00 (1,309,000.00) 344,218.00
Equipment Purchase, Maintenance & Replacement - 501 122,481.00 450,000.00 572,481.00 (443,500.00) 128,981.00
Total Cash Balances 6,388,763$12,946,088$19,334,851$(14,260,043)$5,074,808$
2019 Budget by Fund Projections - City of East Wenatchee
Revenues, Expenses & Changes in Fund Balances
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-000-308-00-00-00 Beginning NC&I 2,856,810 3,307,823 3,354,831 1,676,297 3,192,391 3,192,391 2,823,063 (369,327)
Totals 2,856,810 3,307,823 3,354,831 1,676,297 3,192,391 3,192,391 2,823,063 (369,327)
001-000-000-311-10-00-00 Real & Personal Property Tax 962,834 860,815 215,838 972,000 241,490 972,000 1,000,000 28,000
001-000-000-313-11-00-00 Local Retail Sales & Use Tax 2,848,482 2,787,103 3,129,634 2,930,000 1,736,478 2,976,820 3,270,000 293,180
001-000-000-313-71-00-00 1/10 Sales Tax-Criminal Just 259,968 285,840 258,648 270,000 178,514 306,023 277,000 (29,023)
001-000-000-316-40-00-00 Electric Utility Tax 332,540 330,500 361,332 345,800 223,898 383,824 352,000 (31,824)
001-000-000-316-45-00-00 Natural Gas Utility Tax 39,450 32,574 30,404 38,000 29,369 35,000 34,000 (1,000)
001-000-000-316-49-00-00 Phone/cellular Utility Tax 389,949 356,104 336,918 340,000 252,513 340,000 355,000 15,000
001-000-000-316-55-01-00 Recyling --------
001-000-000-316-84-00-00 Gambling Tax 303,463 348,540 339,444 340,000 114,684 220,000 302,000 82,000
001-000-000-316-84-00-01 Gambling Tax Penalties -690 1,259 3,500 --1,500 1,500
Totals 5,136,686 5,002,166 4,673,478 5,239,300 2,776,946 5,233,668 5,591,500 357,832
001-000-000-321-30-01-00 Fireworks Permits 450 355 850 800 500 500 500 -
001-000-000-321-60-00-00 Taxicab Licenses & Permits 1,170 200 1,023 200 722 900 800 (100)
001-000-000-321-70-00-00 Amusements 1,260 680 ------
001-000-000-321-70-01-00 Panorams 630 -------
001-000-000-321-90-00-00 Other Licenses --------
001-000-000-321-91-00-50 Franchise Fees - Cable 98,955 97,896 96,381 95,900 49,276 95,900 97,000 1,100
001-000-000-321-91-00-60 Franchise Fees - Fiber Optics ----4,000 4,000 -(4,000)
001-000-000-321-99-00-00 Business Licenses & Permits 64,234 78,115 93,904 86,290 52,017 89,172 81,000 (8,172)
001-000-000-321-99-01-00 Penalties ON Business Licenses 3,714 3,184 74 -----
001-000-000-321-99-05-00 Other Business Lic & Permits ---100 ----
001-000-000-322-10-00-00 Building & Structure Permits 86,824 59,271 75,417 52,000 37,937 65,035 63,000 (2,035)
001-000-000-322-90-00-00 Other Non-Business Lic & Per ----18 31 -(31)
001-000-000-322-90-01-00 Gun Permits 5,267 6,602 5,923 5,000 4,280 7,337 6,200 (1,137)
001-000-000-322-90-02-00 Sign Permits --100 -355 355 100 (255)
Totals 262,504 246,303 273,672 240,290 149,105 263,231 248,600 (14,631)
001-000-000-331-16-60-00 Bulletproof Vest Grant --------
001-000-000-331-16-70-00 Cops Grant --------
001-000-000-334-04-20-05 Dept of Commerce Grant --------
001-000-000-331-16-78-00 DC Regional Share-Downtown --------
001-000-000-331-16-80-00 DOJ Video Surveillance Grant --------
001-000-000-333-04-21-05 WASPC Safety Grant ----2,000 2,000 -(2,000)
001-000-000-334-01-20-00 WaState Court Equip Reimb ----5 5 -(5)
001-000-000-334-03-50-01 DOJ - USMS Task Force ----2,006 2,006 -(2,006)
001-000-000-333-16-50-00 Columbia River Drug Task Force 18,238 5,000 -5,000 5,000 -
001-000-000-334-03-50-00 Traffic Safety Commission --------
001-000-000-334-03-51-03 Tsc - Seatbelt Emphasis Patrols 1,209 2,073 772 1,000 370 1,000 1,200 200
001-000-000-334-03-51-04 X-52 Tsc-Speed Limit Emphasis 1,525 9,730 2,931 2,000 -2,000 2,100 100
001-000-000-334-03-51-06 Boosterseat OT Cfda#20.614 -------
001-000-000-334-03-51-10 Distracted Driving Enforcement Patrol 2,383 3,052 3,001 2,000 1,962 1,962 2,500 538
001-000-000-334-03-51-12 Tsc - DUI Emphasis Patrol 9,153 2,840 3,329 2,000 1,109 1,500 2,500 1,000
001-000-000-334-04-20-10 Comm Dev Block Grant Reimb 83,892 -------
001-000-000-334-06-91-00 WA ST Office of Public Defense 10,000 10,000 400 -----
001-000-000-334-06-91-10 Washington State Archives Grant ---45,000 ----
001-000-000-334-06-95-00 RIVERCOM 911 Funding Assistance 6,191 -8,903 -4,805 4,805 6,600 1,795
001-000-000-335-00-91-00 Pud Privilege Tax 42,561 41,035 41,049 42,000 -42,000 41,000 (1,000)
001-000-000-336-00-71-00 Multimodal Transportation ----4,785 4,785 -(4,785)
001-000-000-336-06-41-00 Marijuana Enforcement 10,113 14,170 4,058 -----
001-000-000-336-06-42-00 Marijuana Excise Tax Distribution --5,661 8,116 22,569 25,000 30,000 5,000
001-000-000-336-06-51-00 DUI - Cities Allocation 2,300 2,088 2,046 2,100 1,508 2,100 2,100 -
001-000-000-336-06-94-00 Liquor Excise Tax 36,400 62,473 65,072 63,000 50,105 85,894 70,000 (15,894)
001-000-000-336-06-95-00 Liquor Board Profits 117,152 115,345 113,979 114,000 56,350 96,599 111,500 14,901
Totals 322,879 262,806 269,437 286,216 147,572 276,656 274,500 (2,156)
001-000-000-341-33-05-00 Records Services --------
001-000-000-341-33-10-00 Background Check Fees 192 84 --132 132 100 (32)
001-000-000-341-33-20-00 Passport Application Fees --------
001-000-000-341-35-30-00 Duplicating Services - Court & Police 1,208 1,342 721 600 -600 900 300
001-000-000-341-35-31-00 Copy and Duplication Fees - Admin 107 595 84 -58 58 200 142
001-000-000-341-35-33-00 Recording and Filing Fees 91 178 --100 100 -
001-000-000-341-96-10-00 Civil Svc Application Fee --------
001-000-000-341-35-35-00 Annual Admin Reimb Fees 5,000 5,000 10,500 10,500 5,000 10,500 7,700 (2,800)
001-000-000-341-45-00-00 Filing Fee Reimb - DC 3,479 -------
001-000-000-341-96-00-00 Personnel Services ----1,807 2,500 -(2,500)
001-000-000-342-33-00-00 Adult Probation Services 84,700 89,799 68,586 70,000 45,226 77,530 80,000 2,470
001-000-000-342-36-00-00 Housing of Prisoners 40,850 31,948 21,012 23,000 16,452 28,203 27,000 (1,203)
001-000-000-342-40-00-01 Fire Marshall Inspection Ser 7,587 4,360 9,368 3,500 3,172 5,438 5,500 62
001-000-000-345-83-00-00 Plan Checking Fees 26,250 24,615 44,185 25,551 19,305 33,094 32,000 (1,094)
001-000-000-345-83-41-00 Engineering Review Fees 2,229 984 1,224 1,000 286 490 1,200 710
001-000-000-345-86-00-00 Sepa Permits 1,129 618 1,129 800 --1,000 1,000
001-000-000-345-89-00-00 Planning & Development Fees 5,927 2,795 6,653 3,000 3,208 5,499 4,500 (999)
Totals 178,658 162,231 163,640 137,951 94,646 164,145 160,200 (3,945)
Charges for Services
2019 Budget Worksheet
Licenses & Permits
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
2019 Budget Worksheet
001-000-000-356-50-00-00 Fines And Penalties 211,289 220,107 194,934 190,000 128,297 219,937 211,000 (8,937)
001-000-000-357-33-00-00 Public Defender Costs 25,713 29,222 29,862 29,500 18,976 32,530 29,000 (3,530)
001-000-000-357-35-00-00 Restitution 26 ---35 60 -
Totals 237,028 249,329 224,796 219,500 147,307 252,527 240,000 (12,467)
001-000-000-361-11-00-00 Interest Earnings 7,731 21,709 47,679 41,961 54,895 94,105 85,000 (9,105)
001-000-000-361-40-00-00 Sales Tax Interest 1,550 2,221 3,114 2,600 2,595 4,448 2,800 (1,648)
001-000-000-362-00-00-00 Rental Income - 311 9th St NE 4,800 9,650 ----14,400 14,400
001-000-000-369-20-00-00 Unclaimed Property 22 817 -174 299 100 (199)
001-000-000-369-91-50-00 Miscellaneous Revenue 2,282 4,355 12,650 5,000 4,341 7,442 6,000 (1,442)
Totals 16,385 37,936 64,259 49,561 62,004 106,293 108,300 2,007
Sub-Total Current Revenues 6,154,140 5,960,771 5,669,282 6,172,818 3,377,580 6,296,519 6,623,100 326,641
001-000-000-389-30-00-03 Fireworks - Cleaning Deposit 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,200 (300)
001-000-000-389-30-00-04 Fireworks - Dcfd Remittance 250 200 250 250 -250 200 (50)
001-000-000-389-30-00-05 Crime Victim Assessment 3,913 4,150 3,446 3,850 2,474 4,241 3,900 (341)
001-000-000-389-30-00-10 ST WA Surcharge/bld Code Fee 492 454 333 300 41 300 800 500
001-000-000-389-30-00-15 State Share Weapons Permit Fee 9,380 11,332 9,574 9,000 6,911 11,847 10,000 (1,847)
001-000-000-389-30-00-20 Court Remittance--State 224,563 245,135 188,180 200,000 126,601 217,030 218,000 970
001-000-000-389-90-00-00 Other Non-Revenues 1,077 809 9,898 -----
001-000-000-389-30-40-00 Engineering Reimbursements ----117 201 -(201)
001-000-000-389-10-00-07 Rent Deposit 88 9th St. NE 1,600 (1,600)------
001-000-000-386-00-15-00 Auditor Recording Fees
001-000-000-398-20-00-00 Insurance Recoveries 4,268 -------
001-000-000-395-10-00-00 Proceeds-Disposition of Assets - 32,114 4,140 -14,000 14,000 -(14,000)
001-000-000-397-21-01-00 Payroll/claims Corrections ----25 25 -
001-000-000-397-95-00-25 Transfer In - Street Imp Fund --------
001-000-000-397-95-00-30 Transfer In - SWU Capital -- 125,000 -----
Total Current Non- Revenues 248,043 294,594 342,821 215,400 152,668 250,394 235,100 (15,269)
Total General Fund Revenues 6,402,183 6,255,365 6,012,102 6,388,218 3,530,248 6,546,913 6,858,200 311,372
Allocation of Property Tax:2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019
General Fund 962,834 860,815 222,000 972,000 241,490 972,000 982,322 10,322
Street Fund 350,000 475,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 -
Bond Redemption Fund 185,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 -
Debt Reserve Fund 165,000 165,000 165,000 135,000 165,000 165,000 -
Street Improvements Fund 116,042 4,500 575,000 100,000 --17,678 17,678
Capital Improvements Fund 75,000 150,000 -100,000 100,000 100,000 -
Total 1,613,876 1,600,315 1,632,000 1,767,000 1,006,490 1,767,000 1,795,000 28,000
Allocation of Sales & Use Tax:2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019
General Fund 2,848,482 2,787,103 2,845,000 2,930,000 1,736,478 2,976,820 3,270,000 293,180
Street Fund 294,000 290,000 310,000 320,000 175,000 320,000 350,000 30,000
Library Fund 3,500 ------
Criminal Justice Fund ------
Events Fund ---
E,P,M&R Fund 203,000 434,300 301,000 350,000 325,000 350,000 450,000 100,000
Street Improvements Fund ---
Capital Improvements Fund ---
Total 3,348,982 3,511,403 3,456,000 3,600,000 2,236,478 3,646,820 4,070,000 423,180
Fines & Penalties
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
Various General Government 526,121 448,888 567,174 528,019 351,017 821,296 500,490 (320,806)
Various Legislative 340,395 352,689 445,092 496,563 224,723 404,109 455,843 51,734
Various Municipal Court 329,621 353,778 364,300 352,600 197,283 338,199 398,100 59,901
Various City Clerk 147,258 152,372 127,350 131,650 72,168 129,196 142,050 12,854
Various Internal Services 28,783 33,754 34,000 37,250 20,569 39,024 37,000 (2,024)
Various Finance 225,429 213,775 257,200 266,900 149,892 261,250 292,700 31,450
Various Information Technoloy 122,531 150,455 155,631 234,500 165,759 251,671 284,045 32,374
Various Legal Department 172,906 189,054 196,800 206,100 118,305 211,254 227,300 16,046
Various Civil Service 3,432 3,353 3,800 5,600 1,182 5,273 9,720 4,447
Various Central Services 268,221 180,161 192,500 237,800 85,507 244,050 184,000 (60,050)
Various Law Enforcement 2,851,348 2,903,494 3,037,300 3,267,600 1,820,571 3,217,546 3,372,850 155,304
Various Jail Services 275,369 306,494 282,000 317,000 178,786 306,490 321,000 14,510
Various Public Works 121,061 125,168 149,800 141,100 16,202 92,371 152,050 59,679
Various Planning 139,907 146,442 198,650 236,525 102,864 199,246 266,950 67,704
Various Code Compliance 157,782 165,070 171,083 174,164 96,898 170,958 217,289 46,331
Sub-Total Routine Expenditures 5,710,164 5,724,947 6,182,680 6,633,371 3,601,724 6,691,933 6,861,387 169,454
001-001-000-589-30-00-03 Fireworks-Cleaning Deposit Ref 1,000 800 1,000 800 -800 900 100
001-001-000-589-30-00-04 Fireworks - Dcfd Remittance 250 200 -200 -200 200 -
001-001-000-589-30-00-05 County Share of Crime Victims 4,065 5,108 3,651 3,000 2,140 3,669 4,200 531
001-001-000-589-30-00-10 State Surcharge (bldg Code)530 379 315 350 (190)350 400 50
001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Permits & Licenses 9,878 10,591 11,183 10,000 7,791 13,356 12,000 (1,356)
001-001-000-589-30-00-20 Court Remittances 224,283 245,220 188,262 195,000 120,127 205,932 220,000 14,068
001-001-000-589-90-00-00 Other Non-Revenues 1,000 225,000 ------
001-001-000-597-00-00-00 Operating Transfers Out --------
001-001-000-597-21-00-20 Transfer Out to SWA Impv Fund --------
001-001-000-597-21-01-00 Clearing Fund Corrections --------
001-001-000-597-95-00-25 Transer Out to St Imp Fund --------
Sub-Total Non -Routine Expenditures 241,006 487,297 204,411 209,350 129,869 224,307 237,700 13,393
Grand Total - General Fund Expenditures 6,894,437 6,212,244 6,387,091 6,842,721 3,731,593 6,916,240 7,099,087 182,847
Total Available Resources - Revenue 9,258,993 9,563,188 9,366,933 8,064,515 6,722,638 9,739,303 9,681,263 (58,040)
Fund Balance , End of Budget Year 2,364,556 3,350,944 2,979,842 1,221,794 2,991,045 2,823,063 2,582,176 (240,887)
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-001-515-10-40-00 Professional Services - Legal ---
001-000-001-518-91-50-00 Wellness 1,711 1,880 2,029 2,500 1,532 2,626 2,500 (126)
001-000-001-518-93-49-00 City Theme 1,436 600 820 1,000 7,122 7,122 1,000 (6,122)
001-000-001-521-10-29-00 Leoff 1 Ins Premiums/misc 38,618 33,176 31,850 35,000 19,758 33,870 34,000 130
001-000-001-528-70-51-00 River Com 275,205 282,710 313,558 322,026 187,849 322,026 340,000 17,974
001-000-001-539-30-51-00 Animal Control 69,546 69,756 70,200 73,515 42,884 73,515 73,515 -
001-000-001-557-20-35-00 Okanogan County Trans and Nutrition --------
001-000-001-558-60-41-00 Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council 12,500 12,500 12,750 13,003 13,005 13,003 13,265 262
001-000-001-558-70-41-00 Ncw Economic Development Dist 1,000 1,000 1,250 1,250 1,188 1,250 1,250 -
001-000-001-558-70-41-05 NCWEDD Chelan/Douglas Trends 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 -
001-000-001-558-70-41-07 Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce 360 360 -360 360 -
001-000-001-558-70-41-10 Spirit of Wenatchee Miss Veedol 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 -
001-000-001-558-70-41-15 Wenatchee Valley Museum & CC 111,276 27,819 111,276 46,365 46,365 46,365 -(46,365)
001-000-001-558-70-55-00 Contributions - Region 7,426 10,500 15,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 (5,000)
001-000-001-564-00-52-00 Comm Mental Health (2% Liquor)2,903 4,448 3,582 3,500 1,815 3,112 3,600 488
001-000-001-559-50-53-00 Rental Utilities --------
001-000-001-594-58-60-00 311 9th St NE Purchase -----283,546 -(283,546)
001-000-001-518-20-40-00 Property Management - 311 9th St NE 1,200
001-000-001-518-90-40-00 GWATA Membership 300
Totals 526,121 448,889 567,174 528,019 351,017 821,296 500,490 (322,306)
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Finance
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-110-511-60-10-00 Salaries 141,517 147,319 157,073 210,500 92,240 158,127 165,000 6,873
001-000-110-511-60-20-00 Benefits 33,727 34,816 37,426 87,000 22,764 39,024 95,000 55,976
001-000-110-511-60-21-50 Public Defender 98,900 93,528 91,089 97,200 57,200 98,057 96,000 (2,057)
001-000-110-511-60-30-00 Public Defender Conflicts 6,645 5,018 5,633 6,000 2,720 4,662 6,000 1,338
001-000-110-511-60-31-00 Office Supplies 130 152 42 235 540 926 400 (526)
001-000-110-511-60-31-05 Newsletter Printing & Mailing 8,965 8,577 10,283 13,500 6,692 11,471 11,000 (471)
001-000-110-511-60-31-10 Public Records Expenses 96 -44 76 90
001-000-110-511-60-40-00 Training 1,243 2,643 8,429 8,000 1,713 2,936 4,000 1,064
001-000-110-511-60-41-00 Professional Services 10,146 7,890 26,272 25,000 10,537 18,064 16,000 (2,064)
001-000-110-511-60-41-20 Awc Annual Membership Fee 8,348 8,444 8,567 8,828 8,828 8,828 9,703 875
001-000-110-511-60-42-01 Telephone - -1,022 1,753 1,800
001-000-110-511-60-43-00 Travel 1,124 1,850 1,275 2,500 2,318 3,974 2,100 (1,874)
001-000-110-511-60-43-01 Travel - Misawa 2,595 4,762 4,340 7,500 625 4,000 5,000 1,000
001-000-110-511-60-44-00 Advertising -1,433 1,000 6,576 11,273 6,500 (4,773)
001-000-110-511-60-45-00 Election Costs - Registered Voters 16,014 21,594 16,705 17,000 5,533 27,000 21,000 (6,000)
001-000-110-511-60-45-05 Election Costs - Officials - ----
001-000-110-511-60-46-00 Insurance 6,403 6,233 7,653 7,900 1,849 7,900 11,000 3,100
001-000-110-511-60-46-20 Insurance Deductibles 4,808 - ----
001-000-110-511-60-47-00 Background Check Costs 76 818 - -72 123 250 127
001-000-110-511-60-49-00 Miscellaneous 4,562 4,237 5,292 4,400 3,450 5,915 5,000 (915)
Totals 340,395 352,689 381,608 496,563 224,723 404,109 455,843 51,673
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Finance
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-120-512-50-10-00 Salaries 179,449 182,510 181,292 174,100 100,280 171,908 182,000 10,092
001-000-120-512-50-12-00 Salaries - Probation Svcs 38,536 45,014 46,120 48,900 28,923 49,583 53,000 3,417
001-000-120-512-50-20-00 Benefits 47,273 56,715 62,131 57,000 35,851 61,460 66,000 4,540
001-000-120-512-50-22-00 Benefits - Probation Svcs 229,392 31,321 30,303 32,500 19,798 33,940 36,000 2,060
001-000-120-512-50-31-00 Office Supplies 2,250 3,740 2,582 2,800 1,328 2,277 3,300 1,023
001-000-120-512-50-40-00 Training 490 1,305 880 1,500 1,005 1,723 1,500 (223)
001-000-120-512-50-41-03 Municipal Court Judge - - - -----
001-000-120-512-50-41-05 Do Not Use 360 - 120 -150 257 -(257)
001-000-120-512-50-43-00 Travel 3,416 3,232 1,561 4,000 2,335 4,003 4,000 (3)
001-000-120-512-50-46-00 Insurance 7,166 7,715 9,057 9,600 125 214 12,600 12,386
001-000-120-512-50-49-00 Miscellaneous 1,114 675 249 1,200 --1,200 1,200
001-000-120-512-50-49-01 Interpreting 8,445 11,245 5,245 5,000 500 857 5,000 4,143
001-000-120-512-50-49-02 Judge Protems 825 863 2,775 4,000 1,350 2,314 4,000 1,686
001-000-120-512-50-49-03 Witness Fees 1,140 227 118 500 --500 500
001-000-120-512-50-49-04 Juror Fees 1,104 1,215 1,344 1,500 1,224 2,098 2,000 (98)
001-000-120-512-50-49-09 Security 4,774 5,667 4,670 5,000 2,319 3,975 6,000 2,025
001-000-120-594-12-60-00 Capital Outlay 3,886 2,334 4,560 5,000 2,094 3,590 21,000 17,410
Totals 529,620 353,778 353,006 352,600 197,283 338,199 398,100 59,901
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Chancey Crowell, Judge
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The Office of the City Clerk is a service department which provides services to the City Council,
all City Departments, and the General Public. The Clerk serves as the liaison between the public
and City Council and provides related municipal services.
A key staff member for City Council meetings, the City Clerk prepares the Legislative Agenda,
verifies legal notices have been posted or published and completes the necessary arrangements to
ensure an effective meeting. The City Clerk is entrusted with the responsibility of recording the
decisions of our representative government.
As a Records Manager, the City Clerk oversees the preservation and protection of the public
record. The City Clerk maintains and indexes the Minutes, Ordinances, and Resolutions adopted
by the legislative body. The City Clerk also ensures that other municipal records are readily
accessible to the public.
The City Clerk is the local official who administers all legislative actions ensuring transparency
to the public. The City Clerk also serves as a compliance officer for federal, state and local statutes
including the Public Records Act.
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-140-514-20-10-00 Salaries 92,566 95,878 56,762 71,000 41,135 70,518 76,000 5,482
001-000-140-514-20-20-00 Benefits 37,832 38,716 27,538 40,000 22,980 39,394 39,000 (394)
001-000-140-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies 4,334 2,723 2,091 3,000 987 1,692 3,000 1,308
001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores 3,813 5,176 5,166 4,000 2,359 4,044 4,000 (44)
001-000-140-514-20-41-00 Membership Dues & Publications -- 100 -850 1,456 1,200 (256)
001-000-140-514-20-43-00 Travel 55 1,245 814 1,200 707 1,212 2,500 1,288
001-000-140-514-20-44-00 Advertising 2,028 2,074 3,609 2,000 854 1,463 2,000 537
001-000-140-514-20-46-00 Insurance 3,633 3,958 4,628 4,900 63 4,900 8,000 3,100
001-000-140-514-20-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance -- 350 500 --500 500
001-000-140-514-20-49-00 Miscellaneous 1,044 563 449 750 8 700 750 50
001-000-140-514-20-50-00 Training - 575 686 2,000 270 463 2,000 1,537
001-000-140-514-30-20-00 Records Services 714 238 90 200 638 1,094 1,000 (94)
001-000-140-514-30-25-00 Codification 1,240 1,226 2,273 2,100 1,319 2,260 2,100 (160)
001-000-140-594-19-60-00 Capital Outlay --------
Totals 147,259 152,372 104,557 131,650 72,168 129,196 142,050 12,854
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-142-514-20-10-00 Salaries 141,182 143,073 182,452 177,000 102,505 175,724 174,000 (1,724)
001-000-142-514-20-20-00 Benefits 54,991 59,253 73,692 77,000 43,352 74,317 80,000 5,683
001-000-142-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies 1,677 2,470 1,099 2,000 799 1,371 1,700 329
001-000-142-514-20-42-03 Postage 2 2 ------
001-000-142-514-20-43-00 Travel 318 193 244 300 199 341 600 259
001-000-142-514-20-46-00 Insurance 3,751 3,847 4,426 4,400 63 4,400 8,000 3,600
001-000-142-514-20-49-00 Miscellaneous 575 -10 500 25 43 400 357
001-000-142-514-23-20-00 Budgeting, Accounting, Auditing 19,324 1,633 19,691 2,000 624 1,069 22,000 20,931
001-000-142-514-25-30-00 Bank Charges & Fees 3,295 3,164 4,016 3,200 2,325 3,986 4,000 14
001-000-142-514-40-20-00 Training 313 140 - 500 --2,000 2,000
001-000-142-594-14-60-00 Capital Outlay --------
Totals 225,428 213,775 285,630 266,900 149,892 261,250 292,700 31,450
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Finance Director, Josh DeLay
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-145-514-00-10-00 IT Salaries - - - ---92,000
001-000-145-514-00-20-00 IT Benefits - - - ---36,000
001-000-145-514-10-10-00 IT Contractor - - - -----
001-000-145-514-20-40-00 Network Services 52,625 48,405 50,503 75,000 43,241 91,000 -(91,000)
001-000-145-514-20-40-05 Disaster Backup System Support 8,622 8,976 8,000 -8,622 9,000 378
001-000-145-514-20-40-10 Annual Fee - ESRI GIS System License 2,618 - 1,082 2,150 649 649 1,100 451
001-000-145-514-20-40-15 Annual Fee - Business License Software 765 785 - -----
001-000-145-514-20-40-20 Annual License - Spillman, NetMotion & Ragnasoft 13,160 13,565 14,319 18,500 13,966 16,000 20,645 4,645
001-000-145-514-20-40-25 Annual License - Municipal Court 862 862 - 1,000 ----
001-000-145-514-20-40-30 Annual Fee - Vision Financial Software 2,917 3,063 3,063 5,000 5,463 5,463 6,000 537
001-000-145-514-20-40-35 Annual License Fee - Evidence.com 3,628 3,249 3,249 3,300 3,219 3,219 7,000 3,781
001-000-145-514-20-40-40 Annual Subscription - Vision Website 6,365 6,556 7,000 6,753 6,753 7,000 247
001-000-145-514-20-40-50 Annual License - FTR Recording System 600 -1,500 1,500 -
001-000-145-514-20-40-55 Annual Support & Maintenance - Laserfiche --8,500
001-000-145-514-20-40-60 Service Package - Laserfiche (Legal, Police, & Planning)--8,000
001-000-145-514-20-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - - 3,705 1,000 --1,000 1,000
001-000-145-514-20-49-00 Miscellaneous 199 349 32 1,000 129 265 300 35
001-000-145-514-41-60-10 Website Modernization 7,697 350 - -----
001-000-145-514-41-60-12 Distaster Backup Capital Device - -----
001-000-145-594-14-60-15 Capital - Cmptr Licenses Admin - -----
001-000-145-594-14-60-20 Capital - Cmptr Software Admin 3,023 1,302 16,136 65,000 61,699 75,000 28,000 (47,000)
001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - Cmptr Hdwe Admin 13,433 36,627 16,815 20,000 4,865 8,500 25,000 16,500
001-000-145-594-14-60-27 Capital - Cmptr Equip Police 20,283 26,310 25,911 20,000 21,049 28,000 25,000 (3,000)
001-000-145-594-14-60-30 Capital - Cmptr Licenses Police - - - -----
001-000-145-594-14-60-35 Capital - Cmptr Equip Admin 1,319 600 5,226 6,950 3,752 5,200 6,500 1,300
001-000-145-594-14-60-40 Capital - Cmptr Sftwr Police - - - -973 1,500 1,500 -
Totals 122,529 150,454 155,574 234,500 165,759 251,671 284,045 32,374
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Mayor Lacy
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-151-515-30-10-00 Salaries 123,112 127,160 132,187 134,000 79,887 136,949 139,000 2,051
001-000-151-515-30-20-00 Benefits 45,572 51,597 59,731 62,000 37,444 64,190 65,000 810
001-000-151-515-30-20-10 Training - 253 65 100 245 420 1,000 580
001-000-151-515-30-25-00 Professional Services - 2,345 - ---2,500 2,500
001-000-151-515-30-25-05 Litigation Expenses - - - 500 --500 500
001-000-151-515-30-25-10 Licensing 487 409 479 500 -500 500 -
001-000-151-515-30-31-00 Office Supplies 50 60 333 300 --300 300
001-000-151-515-30-43-00 Travel 324 595 631 600 698 1,196 2,000 804
001-000-151-515-30-46-00 Insurance 2,167 5,979 7,364 8,000 31 8,000 11,000 3,000
001-000-151-515-30-42-03 Postage - - - ----
001-000-151-515-30-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - - - ----
001-000-151-515-30-49-00 Miscellaneous 254 520 - 100 --5,000 5,000
001-000-151-596-00-60-00 Capital Outlay 940 135 - ---500 500
Totals 172,906 189,053 200,790 206,100 118,305 211,254 227,300 16,046
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - City Attorney, Devin Poulson
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-315-542-10-10-00 Salaries 89,846 92,092 93,547 90,000 3,284 39,409 83,000 43,591
001-000-315-542-10-20-00 Benefits 25,948 27,697 27,842 29,000 2,580 30,962 42,000 11,038
001-000-315-542-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment - - - 100 --500 500
001-000-315-542-10-41-00 Professional Services - - - -----
001-000-315-542-10-46-00 Insurance 5,267 5,379 6,464 7,000 31 7,000 10,500 3,500
001-000-315-542-10-31-00 Office Supplies - - - --750
001-000-315-542-10-43-00 Travel - - - ---1,000 1,000
001-000-315-542-10-49-00 Training - - - ---2,000 2,000
001-000-315-542-10-49-01 Miscellaneous - - ---1,000 1,000
001-000-315-542-10-49-05 Registrations - - - ---1,000 1,000
001-000-315-542-10-49-10 Memberships - - - ---300 300
001-000-315-544-20-40-00 Engineering Support -Traffic - - - -----
001-000-315-544-20-45-00 Engineering Support Services - - - 15,000 10,306 15,000 10,000 (5,000)
Totals 121,061 125,168 127,853 141,100 16,202 92,371 152,050 58,929
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Project Development Manager, Tom Wachholder
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-160-521-10-10-00 Salaries 965 875 1,287 2,300 1,151 1,973 3,120 1,969
001-000-160-521-10-20-00 Benefits - - - -----
001-000-160-521-10-46-00 Insurance 2,467 2,479 2,964 3,200 31 3,200 6,500 6,469
001-000-160-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous - - - 100 -100 100 100
Totals 3,432 3,354 4,251 5,600 1,182 5,273 9,720 8,538
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Finance
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-180-518-30-31-00 Office Supplies 150 209 - -----
001-000-180-518-30-31-01 Central Stores - - - -----
001-000-180-518-30-31-06 Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies 1,327 1,700 2,016 1,800 1,007 1,727 2,000 273
001-000-180-518-30-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment - 18,528 4,660 10,000 6,614 11,338 10,000 (1,338)
001-000-180-518-30-41-00 Professional Services 12,733 9,762 16,190 15,000 4,840 15,000 20,000 5,000
001-000-180-518-30-41-01 Contracted Custodial Services 18,760 21,378 21,916 20,000 13,252 22,718 24,000 1,282
001-000-180-518-30-41-05 Security Services - - - -2,578 2,578 2,000
001-000-180-518-30-46-00 Insurance 24,000 26,800 32,200 35,500 10 35,500 41,000 5,500
001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities 19,882 19,628 22,889 22,500 15,119 25,918 25,000 (918)
001-000-180-518-30-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance 5,648 12,668 13,651 12,000 2,488 4,266 12,000 7,734
001-000-180-518-30-49-00 Miscellaneous 1,766 1,049 1,225 2,000 361 619 2,000 1,381
001-000-180-518-30-49-01 Landscaping - 10,421 3,442 14,000 717 1,229 12,000 10,771
001-000-180-518-61-41-00 Judgements & Settlements 37,579 4,317 -28,439 28,439 18,000 (10,439)
001-000-180-518-92-20-00 Ancillary (interfund maintenance)6,766 4,611 5,494 5,000 5,670 9,720 6,000 (3,720)
001-000-180-594-18-60-00 Capital Outlay 110,847 15,830 87,716 100,000 4,412 85,000 10,000 (75,000)
001-000-180-594-18-60-10 City Hall Sidewalk Project 66,341 - - -----
Totals 268,220 180,163 215,717 237,800 85,507 244,050 184,000 (59,472)
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Public Works
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Police Department Operations
The Law Enforcement Department reflects the costs of running the City’s Police Department. The
Police Department is the largest City department with a total of 24 employees, including the Chief,
Assistant Chief,4 Sergeants,3 Detectives, 12 Patrol Officers and 3 Records Personnel.This is the
only Department in the City that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Chief and Assistant
Chief are management employees and the remainder of the department is covered by collective
bargaining agreements affiliated with the Teamsters Union.
In addition to the normal operating expenses of most departments in the City, the Police
Department incurs costs for clothing allowance and for dry cleaning expenses because all officers
are required to wear uniforms. The fleet of police vehicles requires significant fuel costs. Purchase
and maintenance of the fleet is funded in the Equipment Purchase, Maintenance and Replacement
Fund, and the Criminal Justice Fund.Training costs are a requirement for maintaining
proficiencies that require certification, as well as obtaining new skills for the continual
advancement of technologies in patrolling strategies and investigation analysis.
The needs for incurring overtime costs in the Police Department are a result of minimum staffing
requirements for all three shifts, satisfying emergency situations and special patrol programs.
Special patrol programs such as seatbelt emphasis (click it or ticket and juvenile safety seat
requirements) and DUI patrols may be partially funded thru the Washington State Traffic Safety
Jail Services –Detention
Housing of prisoners is provided by the Chelan County Regional Justice Center (“CCRJC”)and
the Okanagan County Jail (“OCJ”)under inter-local agreements.CCRJC per-day charges are
currently $96.00 in addition to a $25.00 fee per booking.OCJ charges are currently $58.50 per
day.Utilization is expected to be similar in 2019 in comparison to 2018, except that the Municipal
Court has re-established the community service process which could reduce per day stays at the
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-210-521-10-10-00 Salaries 1,853,104 1,854,230 1,832,256 2,074,000 1,173,481 2,011,681 2,100,000 88,319
001-000-210-521-10-10-01 Cops Grants Salaries --------
001-000-210-521-10-10-02 Overtime Salaries 75,765 110,915 109,707 100,000 85,390 146,382 150,000 3,618
001-000-210-521-10-10-03 Overtime Salaries-Traf Control 6,412 11,392 6,578 8,000 3,900 6,685 8,000 1,315
001-000-210-521-10-20-00 Benefits 708,600 723,154 738,195 795,000 443,868 760,917 800,000 39,083
001-000-210-521-10-20-01 Clothing Allowance 14,276 11,571 14,592 14,400 7,159 12,273 15,600 3,327
001-000-210-521-10-20-02 Cops Grants Benefits --------
001-000-210-521-10-25-00 Tuition Reimbursement -- 4,200 --2,600 -(2,600)
001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies 5,323 8,028 6,852 6,000 5,023 8,610 8,000 (610)
001-000-210-521-10-31-05 Office Machine Costs 3,483 2,404 3,951 4,000 1,943 3,330 5,000 1,670
001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed 53,581 40,856 42,162 40,000 21,629 37,078 45,000 7,922
001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment 7,562 6,551 8,576 13,000 12,728 21,819 13,000 (8,819)
001-000-210-521-10-35-02 Waspc Traffic Safety Grant 1,828 -- 3,000 --3,000 3,000
001-000-210-521-10-35-05 Bulletproof Vests - 3,305 5,734 4,000 828 4,000 4,000 -
001-000-210-521-10-35-06 US Marshall Fugitive Task Force --- 1,500 --1,500 1,500
001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services 8,181 8,773 9,758 14,000 8,402 14,403 14,000 (403)
001-000-210-521-10-42-00 Communications--Dispatch --250 -----
001-000-210-521-10-42-01 Telephone 18,646 19,701 26,718 33,000 13,027 22,333 28,000 5,667
001-000-210-521-10-42-03 Postage 1,093 1,346 873 850 667 1,143 1,200 57
001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel 10,245 13,393 6,296 15,000 15,880 27,222 22,000 (5,222)
001-000-210-521-10-44-00 Advertising --- 2,500 ----
001-000-210-521-10-46-00 Insurance 51,444 56,459 69,808 68,200 3,292 68,200 72,000 3,800
001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance 9,139 7,187 8,426 8,000 1,849 8,000 8,000 -
001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous 3,708 4,547 2,937 4,500 1,598 2,739 5,500 2,761
001-000-210-521-10-49-01 Reserves 130 1,680 1,183 1,500 --1,500 1,500
001-000-210-521-10-49-02 Dry Cleaning Services 1,690 1,237 593 1,500 706 1,210 1,500 290
001-000-210-521-30-40-00 Crime Prevention 432 510 143 750 491 842 750 (92)
001-000-210-521-40-20-00 Training -310 ------
001-000-210-521-40-22-00 Training-Police Chief -920 - 1,000 450 771 1,000 229
001-000-210-521-40-25-00 Training--Officers 2,091 3,537 2,623 4,000 4,637 7,948 8,000 52
001-000-210-521-40-27-00 Training--Office Staff 120 -150 800 --800 800
001-000-210-521-40-30-00 Training - Recruits-Academy -- 3,187 9,600 4,713 8,079 9,600 1,521
001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (interfund vehicle maintenance)910 407 1,634 2,000 605 1,037 2,400 1,363
001-000-210-521-50-49-00 Other Services --445 1,500 --1,500 1,500
001-000-210-594-21-60-00 Capital Outlay 13,586 11,078 6,717 36,000 8,307 38,240 42,000 3,760
Totals 2,851,349 2,903,491 2,914,544 3,267,600 1,820,571 3,217,546 3,372,850 155,304
Jail Services
BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-230-523-21-10-00 Housing & Monitoring Prisoners 258,511 299,381 289,084 300,000 162,246 278,135 302,000 23,865
001-000-230-523-60-20-00 Medical Care For Prisoners 11,098 7,113 13,700 12,000 5,860 10,046 11,000 954
001-000-230-527-60-30-00 Juvenile Detention 5,760 - 4,920 5,000 10,680 18,309 8,000 (10,309)
Totals 275,369 306,494 307,704 317,000 178,786 306,490 321,000 14,510
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Randy Harrison, Police Chief
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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Adopted November 27, 2018
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City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-580-558-60-10-00 Salaries 95,814 98,616 101,747 157,100 73,733 140,000 172,000 32,000
001-000-580-558-60-20-00 Benefits 31,592 33,514 34,040 51,200 25,658 46,000 62,000 16,000
001-000-580-558-60-31-00 Office Supplies 1,105 657 585 650 491 842 900 58
001-000-580-558-60-32-00 Fuel Consumed 24 98 289 125 94 161 200 39
001-000-580-558-60-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment -46 - 100 43 74 100 26
001-000-580-558-60-40-00 Training 1,261 -80 1,500 --1,500 1,500
001-000-580-558-60-41-00 Professional Services - 4,745 214 12,000 --12,000 12,000
001-000-580-558-60-41-01 Hearings Examiner --- 450 --450 450
001-000-580-558-60-41-02 Engineer/architect Services 1,164 363 735 1,200 717 1,229 1,400 171
001-000-580-558-60-43-00 Travel 1,416 - 394 1,500 --1,500 1,500
001-000-580-558-60-44-00 Advertising 1,404 1,887 2,798 1,800 1,110 1,902 2,400 498
001-000-580-558-60-46-00 Insurance 5,433 5,665 6,828 7,400 63 7,400 10,400 3,000
001-000-580-558-60-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance --- 100 43 74 100 26
001-000-580-558-60-49-00 Miscellaneous 693 852 1,168 1,400 912 1,564 2,000 436
Totals 139,906 146,443 148,879 236,525 102,864 199,246 266,950 67,704
BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-000-345-89-00-00 Planning & Development Fees 5,927 2,795 6,653 3,000 3,208 5,499 4,500 (999)
001-000-000-345-86-00-00 Sepa Permits 1,129 618 1,129 800 -800 1,000 200
001-000-000-334-04-20-05 Dept of Commerce Grant --------
001-000-000-331-16-78-00 DC Regional Share-Downtown --------
Totals 7,056 3,413 7,782 3,800 3,208 6,299 5,500 (799)
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Community Development Director, Lori Barnett
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-590-558-50-10-00 Salaries 89,781 93,270 95,614 100,900 57,175 98,015 104,000 5,985
001-000-590-558-50-20-00 Benefits 44,138 46,133 46,148 46,700 29,246 50,136 53,000 2,864
001-000-590-558-50-31-00 Office Supplies 193 1,755 474 400 70 119 200 81
001-000-590-558-50-32-00 Fuel Consumed 313 284 205 300 189 324 350 26
001-000-590-558-50-40-00 Training 213 -- 500 --300 300
001-000-590-558-50-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment ------100 100
001-000-590-558-50-41-01 Fire Marshal Services 19,361 19,438 14,827 20,064 10,092 17,301 20,664 3,363
001-000-590-558-50-43-00 Travel ------475 475
001-000-590-558-50-44-00 Advertising --------
001-000-590-558-50-46-00 Insurance 3,467 3,779 4,464 4,900 31 4,900 7,900 3,000
001-000-590-558-50-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance --69 100 ----
001-000-590-558-50-49-00 Miscellaneous 317 380 130 300 95 163 300 137
001-000-590-558-50-42-00 Abatement ------30,000
Totals 157,783 165,039 161,931 174,164 96,898 170,958 217,289 16,331
BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
001-000-000-322-10-00-00 Building & Structure Permits 86,824 59,271 75,417 52,000 37,937 65,035 63,000 (2,035)
001-000-000-345-83-00-00 Plan Checking Fees 26,250 24,615 44,185 25,551 19,305 33,094 32,000 (1,094)
001-000-000-342-40-00-01 Fire Marshall Inspection Ser 7,587 4,360 9,368 3,500 3,172 5,438 5,500 62
001-000-000-389-30-00-10 ST WA Surcharge/bld Code Fee 492 492 333 300 41 69 800 731
Totals 121,153 88,738 129,303 81,351 60,455 103,637 101,300 (2,337)
2018 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head / Community Development Director, Lori Barnett
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
Total Available Resources 1,257,437 1,348,625 1,450,373 1,600,274 1,193,552 1,607,283 1,790,613 183,330
101-000-311-542-42-10-00 Salaries-SWA Admin 11,308 8,575 7,786 8,500 2,358 4,042 15,000 12,642
101-000-311-542-42-20-00 Benefits - SWA Admin 4,480 4,293 4,235 4,200 1,204 2,064 5,000 3,796
101-000-311-542-42-31-00 SWA Annual Billing Fee - DC 6,120 6,334 6,486 7,000 6,705 11,494 7,500 795
Total SWA Administration 21,908 19,202 18,507 19,700 10,267 17,600 27,500 17,233
101-000-313-542-42-10-00 Salaries - SWA Maintenance 67,281 56,005 69,224 65,000 51,225 87,815 75,000 23,775
101-000-313-542-42-10-10 Salaries - SWA Sweeping 12,894 9,631 10,520 15,000 8,301 14,230 16,000 7,699
101-000-313-542-42-20-00 Benefits - SWA Maintenance 32,719 28,161 38,707 35,000 30,553 52,377 45,000 14,447
101-000-313-542-42-20-10 Benefits - SWA Sweeping 6,963 5,547 5,718 7,400 4,337 7,435 8,000 3,663
101-000-313-542-42-30-00 Supplies - SWA 30,772 37,919 29,044 42,000 16,919 29,005 63,149 46,230
101-000-313-542-42-31-10 SWA ESRI GIS System License 1,483 -920 1,000 1,082 1,855 1,100 18
101-000-313-542-42-31-15 GIS Analytical Services - SWA -- 9,313 -----
101-000-313-542-42-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment -272 102 -41 70 500 459
101-000-313-542-42-40-00 Training --957 1,000 7,538 12,923 9,400 1,862
101-000-313-542-42-45-00 Travel -- 1,063 1,500 1,747 2,995 1,500 (247)
101-000-313-542-42-47-00 Utilities 345 745 540 1,000 1,160 1,989 1,500 340
101-000-313-542-42-48-00 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - 7,387 7,046 10,000 3,708 6,357 2,500 (1,208)
101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Miscellaneous Expense - SWA 401 2,155 866 3,500 344 590 1,000 656
101-000-313-542-42-51-01 DOE Annual Permit 1,888 6,089 4,374 5,000 2,273 3,897 5,000 2,727
101-000-313-542-42-53-01 Equipment Rental - SWA 3,217 4,295 3,246 15,000 2,321 3,979 5,000 2,679
101-000-313-542-42-41-00 Effectiveness Studies ------8,500 8,500
101-000-313-542-42-53-11 InterGovt Services ------30,000 30,000
Total NPDES Expenditures 157,963 158,206 181,639 202,400 131,551 225,515 273,149 141,598
101-000-315-542-41-47-00 Annual GEWSWU Utility Charge 146,700 146,700 146,700 164,347 146,655 146,655 165,000 18,345
101-000-315-594-31-60-00 Equipment - SWA Spraying 2,322 -- 5,000 ----
Grand Total SWA Expenditures 328,893 324,108 346,846 391,447 288,472 389,770 465,649 177,177
101-000-420-542-30-10-00 Salaries -Roadway 14,633 18,779 21,008 35,000 27,410 46,989 60,000 32,590
101-000-420-542-30-20-00 Benefits 6,895 7,090 9,641 19,000 14,228 24,390 33,000 18,772
101-000-420-542-30-30-00 Supplies 11,103 12,314 14,865 25,000 17,405 29,838 50,000 32,595
101-000-420-542-30-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance 221 50,444 5,897 7,500 162 278 6,000 5,838
101-000-420-542-30-49-00 Miscellaneous -------
Total Roadway Maintenance 32,852 88,627 51,411 86,500 59,205 101,495 149,000 89,795
101-000-420-542-61-10-00 Salaries - Sidewalks 1,813 397 861 2,500 1,244 2,133 4,500 3,256
101-000-420-542-61-20-00 Benefits 947 202 550 1,300 756 1,296 2,400 1,644
101-000-420-542-61-30-00 Supplies 515 7 242 2,000 265 455 2,000 1,735
101-000-420-542-61-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance 105 - 6,293 2,500 --3,000 3,000
Total Sidewalks 3,380 606 7,946 8,300 2,266 3,885 11,900 6,634
101-000-420-542-62-10-00 Salaries - Special Purpose Paths 2,078 211 102 1,500 38 65 500 462
101-000-420-542-62-20-00 Benefits 1,255 149 30 800 43 74 250 207
101-000-420-542-62-30-00 Supplies 1,638 289 319 2,000 861 1,476 2,500 1,639
101-000-420-542-62-45-00 Annual Fee - Loop Trail Services 8,000 6,000 6,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 -
Total Special Purpose Paths 12,971 6,649 6,450 17,300 13,942 14,615 16,250 2,308
101-000-420-542-63-10-00 Salaries - Street Lighting 2,105 2,117 1,064 2,000 1,038 1,779 2,000 962
101-000-420-542-63-20-00 Benefits 1,145 870 352 1,100 761 1,304 1,200 439
101-000-420-542-63-30-00 Supplies 262 190 468 500 176 302 500 324
101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities 42,868 43,120 42,308 39,000 17,942 30,758 60,000 42,058
101-000-420-542-63-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance 4,268 66 3,005 1,000 188 323 5,000 4,812
Total Street Lighting 50,648 46,363 47,197 43,600 20,105 34,466 68,700 48,595
101-000-420-542-64-10-00 Salaries - Traffic Control Devices 43,073 33,761 23,718 40,000 20,056 34,382 40,000 19,944
101-000-420-542-64-20-00 Benefits 26,262 22,886 16,099 23,000 13,083 22,429 23,000 9,917
101-000-420-542-64-30-00 Supplies 58,388 39,411 31,082 55,000 24,865 42,626 48,000 23,135
101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities 7,301 7,801 7,954 9,000 4,375 7,500 9,000 4,625
101-000-420-542-64-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance 28,954 3,853 7,552 20,000 727 1,246 14,000 13,273
101-000-420-542-64-49-00 Miscellaneous -290 - 1,000 ----
Total Traffic Control Devices 163,978 108,002 86,406 148,000 63,106 108,182 134,000 70,894
101-000-420-542-65-10-00 Salaries - Parking Facilities 3,232 2,484 397 2,000 204 350 1,000 796
2019 Budget Worksheet - Department Head - Streets Manager, Josh Toftness
SWU Administration
SWU NPDES Expenditures
Roadway Maintenance
Special Purpose Paths
Street Lighting
Traffic Control Devices
Parking Facilities
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
2019 Budget Worksheet - Department Head - Streets Manager, Josh Toftness
101-000-420-542-65-20-00 Benefits 1,029 1,042 315 1,200 95 163 500 405
101-000-420-542-65-30-00 Supplies 83 65 -300 145 248 300 155
101-000-420-542-65-47-00 Utilities 270 388 270 500 225 386 500 275
Parking Facilities 4,614 3,979 983 4,000 669 1,148 2,300 1,631
101-000-420-542-66-10-00 Salaries - Snow & Ice Control 25,748 38,200 31,152 65,000 11,112 19,049 50,000 38,888
101-000-420-542-66-20-00 Benefits 17,187 17,041 14,242 34,000 4,321 7,407 27,000 22,679
101-000-420-542-66-30-00 Supplies 53,861 90,539 103,186 100,000 50,658 86,843 100,000 49,342
101-000-420-542-66-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance - 4,962 2,241 6,000 208 356 5,000 4,792
Total Snow & Ice Control 96,796 150,742 150,822 205,000 66,299 113,655 182,000 115,701
101-000-420-542-69-10-00 Salaries - Flags/Banners 12,116 12,106 8,674 18,000 4,377 7,503 10,000 5,623
101-000-420-542-69-20-00 Benefits 4,356 6,264 3,344 10,000 1,551 2,659 5,000 3,449
101-000-420-542-69-30-00 Supplies 826 2,291 1,966 2,500 379 649 2,000 1,621
101-000-420-542-70-10-00 Salaries - Roadside 114,167 157,171 160,435 125,000 102,723 176,096 180,000 77,277
101-000-420-542-70-20-00 Benefits 67,145 76,827 84,686 68,000 55,191 94,613 94,000 38,809
101-000-420-542-70-30-00 Supplies 3,769 742 4,889 5,000 1,506 2,582 5,000 3,494
101-000-420-542-70-41-00 Professional Services ------3,000 3,000
101-000-420-542-70-47-00 Utilities 849 663 663 1,000 866 1,484 1,000 134
101-000-420-542-70-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance -10 4,076 1,000 69 118 1,000 931
101-000-420-542-70-49-00 Miscellaneous -135 34 1,000 33 57 -(33)
Total Roadside 203,228 256,209 268,768 231,500 166,693 285,760 301,000 134,307
101-000-420-542-75-10-00 Salaries - City Parks 45,804 49,714 40,825 60,000 19,875 34,072 45,000 25,125
101-000-420-542-75-20-00 Benefits 25,080 26,606 22,547 37,000 10,931 18,739 23,000 12,069
101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies 21,620 11,198 13,162 20,000 2,629 4,507 15,000 12,371
101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities 3,079 3,710 4,445 3,000 2,118 3,631 4,000 1,882
101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance 2,575 1,656 7,044 3,000 1,897 3,253 4,000 2,103
101-000-420-542-80-48-00 Maint Agmt - Japanese Gdn 16,000 16,000 18,633 18,000 6,000 10,286 18,000 12,000
101-000-420-542-75-49-00 Miscellaneous --------
Total City Parks 114,158 108,884 106,656 141,000 43,450 74,486 109,000 65,550
101-000-420-542-90-10-00 Salaries - Maintenance Admin 19,438 9,520 2,786 13,000 109 186 73,158 73,049
101-000-420-542-90-20-00 Benefits 8,331 4,015 1,468 7,500 476 816 23,520 23,044
101-000-420-542-90-30-00 Shop Supplies -------
101-000-420-542-90-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance 104 27 -----
Total Maintenance Admin 27,873 13,562 4,255 20,500 585 1,002 96,678 96,093
Grand Total Maintenance 710,498 783,623 730,892 905,700 436,321 738,693 1,070,828 631,507
101-000-430-543-30-10-00 Salaries 25,545 31,633 34,040 50,000 37,887 64,949 -(37,887)
101-000-430-543-30-20-00 Benefits 12,182 17,512 17,378 13,500 17,798 30,511 -(17,798)
101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies 8,153 10,210 7,822 6,000 4,051 6,944 6,000 1,949
101-000-430-543-30-46-00 Insurance 39,622 37,222 42,365 45,600 302 45,600 48,600 48,299
101-000-430-543-30-49-00 Miscellaneous 3,280 3,331 4,603 3,000 1,045 1,792 3,000 1,955
Total General Services 88,782 99,908 106,208 118,100 61,083 149,796 57,600 52,202
101-000-430-543-50-10-00 Salaries - Facilities 10,014 2,955 668 6,000 416 713 3,000 2,584
101-000-430-543-50-20-00 Benefits 6,166 1,453 221 3,500 414 709 1,600 1,186
101-000-430-543-50-30-00 Supplies 1,784 1,177 2,014 2,000 1,649 2,826 2,000 351
101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities 4,964 4,246 6,314 6,000 3,301 5,659 6,000 2,699
101-000-430-543-50-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance 645 1,582 13,654 2,500 461 791 2,500 2,039
101-000-430-543-50-49-00 Miscellaneous - 1,358 138 500 113 193 -(113)
Total Facilities 23,573 12,771 23,008 20,500 6,354 10,892 15,100 8,746
101-000-430-544-90-10-00 Salaries - Training 1,738 3,371 3,535 2,000 2,286 3,918 6,500 4,214
101-000-430-544-90-20-00 Benefits 870 1,603 1,448 1,100 1,061 1,819 3,872 2,811
101-000-430-544-90-30-00 Supplies 590 -243 1,000 --500 500
101-000-430-544-90-35-00 Travel - Training 1,031 260 589 1,000 447 767 4,000 3,553
101-000-430-544-90-49-01 Training Miscellaneous 920 1,608 1,960 1,000 1,262 2,163 1,000 (262)
Total Training 5,149 6,842 7,775 6,100 5,056 8,667 15,872 10,816
101-000-430-544-90-49-30 Admin Miscellaneous 8 8 -----
101-000-430-594-42-60-00 Capital Outlay 10,921 -------
Total Miscellaneous 10,929 8 ------
General Services
Snow & Ice Control
City Parks
Maintenance Administration
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
2019 Budget Worksheet - Department Head - Streets Manager, Josh Toftness
Grand Total Administration Total 128,433 119,529 136,991 144,700 72,492 169,355 88,572 71,765
Grand Total Street Expenditures 838,931 903,152 867,883 1,050,400 508,813 908,049 1,159,400 650,587
Grand Totals All Expenditures 1,167,824 1,227,260 1,214,729 1,441,847 797,285 1,297,819 1,625,049 880,448
Ending NC & I 89,613 121,365 235,644 158,427 396,267 309,464 165,564 (697,118)
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BARS 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 $
Numbers Description Actual Budget Actual 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
110-000-000-308-80-00-00 Beginning NC&I - 165,000 165,000 330,000 330,000 495,000
Totals - 165,000 165,000 330,000 330,000 495,000
110-000-000-311-10-00-00 Property Tax 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 -
110-000-000-369-50-00-00 Disposition Proceeds ---
Total Revenue 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 -
Resources Available 165,000 330,000 330,000 495,000 495,000 660,000
110-000-000-569-00-60-49 Miscellaneous - - ---
110-000-000-597-00-00-00 Transfer Out - - ---
Total Expenditures - - ---
110-000-000-508-80-00-00 Ending NC&I 165,000 330,000 330,000 495,000 495,000 660,000
2019 BUDGET - Finance
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The City allocates a portion of Municipal Court Receipts to this fund.Periodically,the City also
removes forfeited property (cash)from its Police repository and the proceeds of forfeited property
from drug related offenses and deposit these funds to be used for purposes consistent with this
When the fund accumulated enough resources, the City spends a portion of these funds in support
of drug related programs under the direction of the Police Chief.
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget Change
114-000-000-308-00-00-00 Beginning NC&I 5,868 3,219 4,181 2,574 915 915 1,117
Total 5,868 3,219 4,181 2,574 915 915 1,117 202
114-000-000-356-50-03-00 Drug Buy 1,768 828 205 120 118 202 150 (52)
114-000-000-357-30-01-00 Restitution - 13 - ----
114-000-000-360-00-00-00 Miscellaneous - - - ----
114-000-000-361-00-00-00 Interest Earnings - - - -----
114-000-000-367-00-00-00 Contributions ----
114-000-000-369-30-00-00 Forfeited Property - 121 5,902 ----
Transfer in From D-A-R-E- Fund - - - ----
Total Revenue 1,768 962 6,107 120 118 202 150 (52)
Total Resources Available 7,636 4,181 10,288 2,694 1,033 1,117 1,267 150
114-000-000-566-00-49-00 Miscellaneous - - - -----
114-000-000-566-00-49-05 Stare Share - Prop ---
114-000-000-521-10-35-00 Small ToolsEquip 4,417 - 9,372 2,000 ---
Total Exp 4,417 - 9,372 2,000 ----
115-000-000-508-00-00-00 Ending NC&I 3,219 4,181 916 694 1,033 1,117 1,267 150
2019 Budget
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Adopted November 27, 2018
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Adopted November 27, 2018
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This will be the eleventh full year with the East Wenatchee Events Board (EWEB)as a City
department. Expenses have been allocated to the various events based upon the historical and
planned levels of each event during the upcoming year.Citizen based committees assist in the
planning and support of each of these activities, along with the Events staff, and City employees.
Support is also provided by the Police Department for public safety and traffic control, as well as
the Street Department for parade route barricades and facility support. Classy Chassis, Wings &
Wheels, Easter Egg Hunt,and Christmas Tree Lighting are currently the main events.A new event
called the “Parkway Pile-up” Car Show has been held for the last three years in early summer
around 9th Street and Valley Mall Parkway, sponsored by businesses in that area of the City and
local car clubs.Revenues are generated at each of these events in the form merchandise sales, fees
for exhibit space and sponsorship of various related activities by local and regional businesses.An
additional role for this department is marketing for the City through participation on local, regional
and state-wide recreation and tourism boards and committees.
The Events Department is funded with a combination of Hotel/Motel taxes,sponsorships,sales of
promotional goods, and event registrations.For 2019, the City is planning on replacing the
contracted Events Coordinator position with a full-time City employee classified as an Events
Director/Public Information Officer. Revenues are budgeted at $103,270 while expenditures are
budgeted for $192,600. The current 2018 Events Fund projected year-end balance of $105,695
will help offset the variance in 2019 expenditures and revenues.
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Adopted November 27, 2018
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Adopted November 27, 2018
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Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget $$ Change
Available Resources 189,441 240,197 232,096 189,441 244,336 264,696 208,965 264,696
117-000-000-557-30-10-00 EWEB Salaries 10,527 13,636 12,000 12,000 -12,000 72,000 12,000
Street Dept Support --------
Police Dept Support --------
117-000-050-557-30-20-00 EWEB Benefits 4,841 6,524 5,600 5,600 1,879 3,221 32,000 3,221
117-000-050-557-30-30-00 Contracted Services 78,510 81,293 80,410 85,900 50,054 85,807 23,500 85,807
Total EWEB Salaries and Benefits 93,878 101,453 98,010 103,500 51,933 101,028 127,500 101,028
117-000-100-557-30-25-00 EWEB Marketing-Regional Tourism 2,752 1,050 2,000 2,000 1,050 1,800 2,000 1,800
117-000-100-557-30-27-00 City Theme ------
117-000-100-557-30-32-00 EWEB Fuel Consumed 89 -100 100 --200 -
117-000-100-557-30-35-00 EWEB Smalls Tools & Equipment -208 -100 --100 -
117-000-100-557-30-42-00 EWEB Training 500 -----
117-000-100-557-30-41-00 EWEB Professional Services 300 -----
117-000-100-557-00-42-00 EWEB Telephone ------
117-000-100-557-00-42-03 EWEB Postage ------
117-000-100-557-00-43-00 EWEB Travel 42 30 ------
117-000-100-557-00-44-00 EWEB Advertising --------
117-000-100-557-30-48-00 EWEB Repairs --------
117-000-100-557-30-49-00 EWEB Misc 806 222 100 100 61 105 100 105
117-000-100-596-79-60-00 EWEB Capital Outlay -- 1,000 200 --200 -
117-000-105-557-30-50-00 EWEB Insurance 3,267 3,379 3,600 4,600 2,559 4,387 7,600 4,387
117-000-110-557-00-31-03 EWEB Central Stores 47 -------
117-000-115-557-30-31-05 EWEB Office Supplies 745 169 250 1,000 991 1,699 1,000 1,699
EWEB General Expenditures 7,748 5,057 7,850 8,100 4,662 7,992 11,200 7,992
117-000-200-557-30-35-02 EEH Small Tools 17 413 200 200 152 260 200 260
117-000-200-557-00-41-02 EEH Professional Services ------
117-000-200-557-30-46-00 Easter Office Supplies ------
117-000-200-557-30-44-02 EEH Advertising 427 94 350 350 152 261 350 261
117-000-200-557-30-49-02 EEH Misc 915 1,192 1,500 1,500 982 1,683 1,500 1,683
117-000-200-594-00-60-02 Easter Capital Outlay ------
Easter Event Expenses 1,359 1,700 2,050 2,050 1,286 2,204 2,050 2,204
117-000-300-557-30-32-12 CC Fuel Consumed 100 --100 -
117-000-300-557-30-34-11 CC Merch for Resale 4,199 4,482 4,500 4,800 4,956 4,956 4,800 4,956
117-000-300-557-30-35-12 CC Small Tools & Equipment 2,499 1,118 1,000 1,000 559 559 1,000 559
117-000-300-557-30-41-12 CC Professional Services 920 2,341 2,400 4,500 4,248 4,248 5,500 4,248
117-000-300-557-30-42-14 CC Postage 1,009 1,151 1,200 1,500 1,466 1,466 1,500 1,466
117-000-300-557-30-43-12 CC EMPD Facility Fee 1,000 1,000 1,075 1,100 --1,100 -
117-000-300-557-30-44-12 CC Advertising 5,121 3,593 4,000 4,500 4,234 4,234 4,500 4,234
117-000-300-557-30-49-12 CC Misc 0 2,050 2,000 1,000 686 716 1,000 716
117-000-300-594-30-60-12 CC Capital Outlay ------
Classy Chassis Event Expenses 14,748 15,736 16,175 18,500 16,150 16,180 19,500 16,180
117-000-400-557-30-49-11 W&W Misc -100 -100 -100
117-000-400-557-30-32-11 W&W Fuel consumed 37 -------
117-000-400-557-30-34-11 W&W Event Merch for Resale 2,157 3,857 3,000 3,500 -3,500 3,500 3,500
117-000-400-557-30-35-11 W&W Small Tools 2,665 4,568 3,000 3,000 -3,000 3,000 3,000
117-000-400-557-30-41-00 W&W Professional Services 750 1,184 750 1,750 174 1,750 2,750 1,750
117-000-400-557-30-42-13 W&W Postage 1,091 - 1,000 1,000 -1,000 1,000 1,000
117-000-400-557-30-43-12 W&W EMPD Facility Fee 1,000 1,000 1,075 1,100 -1,100 1,100 1,100
117-000-400-557-30-44-11 W&W Advertising 7,403 11,812 7,800 8,000 492 8,000 8,000 8,000
117-000-400-557-30-44-15 W&W Sponsor Prizes 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 -1,000 1,000 1,000
117-000-400-557-30-49-11 W&W Miscellaneous 1,442 180 2,000 1,000 -1,000 1,100 1,000
117-000-400-557-30-49-13 W&W Events Brochure 2,703 3,265 3,000 3,500 682 3,500 3,500 3,500
117-000-400-594-30-60-11 W&W Capital Outlay ----
Wings & Wheels Event Expenses 20,248 25,866 22,625 23,950 1,347 23,950 24,950 23,950
117-000-450-557-30-41-00 Professional Svcs --- 1,000 738 738 1,000 738
117-000-450-557-30-44-12 PPU Advertising 946 1,641 1,000 1,000 2,265 2,265 1,000 2,265
117-000-450-557-30-49-01 PPU Miscellaneous 985 1,109 1,000 1,200 444 444 1,200 444
1,931 2,750 2,000 3,200 3,447 3,447 3,200 3,447
117-000-500-557-30-35-01 Christmas Small Tools 362 21 400 400 181 400 400 400
117-000-500-557-30-40-05 Christmas Events & Decs 1,063 1,180 1,500 1,500 -1,500 1,500 1,500
117-000-500-557-30-41-01 Christmas Professional Services ------
2019 BUDGET - EXPENDITURES - Dan White, Events Director
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City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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Adopted November 27, 2018
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117-000-500-557-30-42-04 Christmas Postage ------
117-000-500-557-30-44-01 Christmas Advertising 1,245 500 1,500 1,500 98 1,500 1,500 1,500
117-000-500-557-30-49-01 Christmas Misc 737 503 600 800 225 800 800 800
117-000-500-594-30-60-01 Christmas Capital 10,254 -------
Christmas Event Expenses 13,661 2,204 4,000 4,200 504 4,200 4,200 4,200
Total Expenditures 153,573 154,765 152,710 163,500 79,329 159,001 192,600 155,554
Ending NC&I 35,868 85,432 79,386 25,941 165,007 105,695 16,365 105,695
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2017 2018 2018 2018 2019
Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget
Beginning NC&I 510,544 819,666 819,666 819,666 724,333
301-000-000-311-10-00-00 Property Tax 575,000 100,000 -100,000 17,678
301-000-000-397-95-00-20 Transfer In - From Fund 314 500,000 ----
301-000-000-397-95-00-25 Transfer In From General Fund -----
301-000-000-397-41-10-05 Transfer In-TBD Fund 105 Proj Funding 136,489 197,335 -197,335 360,000
301-000-000-333-20-00-19 EWWD VMP Grant to 9th Overlay ----
301-000-000-333-20-00-17 DCSD VMP Grant to 9th Overlay ----
301-000-000-333-20-00-18 STP VMP Grant to 9th Overlay 56,975 ---
301-000-000-344-10-95-40 DC Regional Share -French Ave Construction ----
301-000-000-334-03-80-06 TIB Baker Ave 15th to 20th Project 2,438,612 13,531 -13,531
301-000-000-344-10-95-16 GEWSWU Baker Ave 15th to 20th 599,159 18,212 18,213 18,213
301-000-000-344-10-96-00 EWWD - Baker Ave 15th to 20th 223,888 108,881 -108,881
301-000-000-344-10-96-02 DCSD - Baker Ave - 15th to 20th 93,939 20,620 -20,620
301-000-000-344-10-95-17 Baker - CCrk SW Pond Reimb 2,246 ---
301-000-000-344-10-96-08 GEWSWU Highline Drive 13,200 ---
301-000-000-334-03-80-22 TIB - Highline Drive 1,848,989 75,049 65,500 75,049
301-000-000-344-10-96-04 EWWD - Highline Drive Rebuild 464,337 ---
301-000-000-344-10-96-06 DCSD - Highline Drive Rebuild 295,703 ---
301-000-000-338-95-00-12 CDBG 5th St. Sidewalks & SWU 268,511 ---
301-000-000-344-10-95-12 GEWSWU - 5th St. Sidewalks & SWU 109,565 15,000 15,435 15,435
301-000-000-344-10-96-10 5th St Sidewalks & SWU - EWWD 131,867 -3,895 3,895
301-000-000-344-10-96-12 5th Sidewalks & SWU - DCSD 142,564 ---
301-000-000-334-03-80-07 TIB - S. Kentucky & 5th ST. NE 557,440 -530,440 27,000
301-000-000-334-03-80-02 TIB - 11th and 19th ST NE 16,452 ---
301-000-000-344-10-95-19 SRTS - 5th St NE Pedestrian Facility ----
301-000-000-344-10-96-16 DC Rgnl Council -VMP Tfc Controller -46,447 -
301-000-000-334-03-27-30 TIB Relight WA Install Grant 58,150 57,095 57,095
301-000-000-334-03-27-32 TIB Relight WA Mtls Grant 131,250 -131,250
301-000-000-334-03-80-05 TIB Grant Road/Eastmont Ave Intersection Repair 97,000
301-000-000-334-03-80-08 TIB 3rd St SE/Highline Drive Roundabout 85,000
301-000-000-334-03-80-11 TIB VMP/15th St Overlay 659,000
301-000-000-334-03-60-01 SRTS - 5th St NE: Sterling 50,000
301-000-000-334-03-60-02 SRTS - 5th St NE: Kenroy 30,000
301-000-000-334-04-20-02 PWTFL - 10th Street Design 750,000
Total Current Revenue 7,917,496 1,295,468 206,585 1,271,744 2,075,678
Total Resources Available 8,428,040 2,115,134 1,026,251 2,091,410 2,800,011
301-000-000-595-30-50-27 TBD Residential Project 136,488 197,335 -197,335
301-000-000-597-95-00-25 Transfer Out to General Fund ----
301-000-000-595-10-50-22 Engr Baker Ave 15th to 20th Project 87,067 ---
301-000-000-595-20-50-16 ROW - Baker Ave 15th to 20th Project 194,977 35,000 33,872 33,872
301-000-000-595-30-40-05 Roadway- Baker 15th- 20th TIB 2,959,835 -34,899 34,899
301-000-000-595-30-52-12 SDC - Baker Ave 15th to 20th TIB 371,225 10,000 2,782 10,000
301-000-000-595-30-40-10 Rdway-Baker 15th to 20th EWWD 224,812 ---
301-000-000-595-30-40-15 Roadway- Baker 15th- 20th-DCSD 93,939 ---
5th St NE Sidewalks and Storm Sewer ---
301-000-000-595-10-50-28 Design - 5th St Sidewalks & SWU 60,070 --
301-000-000-595-30-51-04 5th Street Sidewalks & SWU 329,008 272,680 220,463 272,680
301-000-000-595-50-30-38 SDC - 5th St Sidewalks & SWU 39,828 35,000 30,804 37,000
301-000-000-595-30-40-32 5th Str Sidewalks & SWU- EWWD 180,820 -541 541
301-000-000-595-30-40-34 5th Str Sidewalks & SWU - DCSD 146,065 2,000 1,407 2,000
301-000-000-595-10-50-10 Engr-Design Highline Drive 104,348 ---
301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive 82,272 ---
301-000-000-595-30-40-20 Roadway - Highline Drive TIB 1,649,571 40,000 41,000 41,000
301-000-000-595-30-52-18 SDC - Highline Drive - TIB 166,166 12,000 9,901 12,000
301-000-000-595-30-40-25 Roadway - Highline Drive EWWD 464,337 ---
301-000-000-595-30-40-30 Roadway - Highline Drive - DCSD 295,703 ---
301-000-000-595-30-40-35 5th St NE Pedestrian Facilities - SRTS ----
2019 Budget
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2017 2018 2018 2018 2019
Actual Budget 7 months Forecast Budget
2019 Budget
301-000-000-595-30-40-40 VMP Tfc Signal Controller 21,766 25,000 24,681 25,000
301-000-000-595-10-51-12 Design - Relight WA Install - 5,000 3,769 5,000
301-000-000-595-40-45-00 Materials - Relight WA Project 76 53,150 --53,150
301-000-000-595-50-49-10 Installation - Relight WA Project - 131,250 116,979 131,250
301-000-000-595-30-51-07 Roadway-S. Kentucky & 5th St NE - 564,500 -564,500
301-000-000-595-10-40-13 Design - TIB Grant Road/Eastmont Ave Intersection Repair 115,000
301-000-000-595-10-40-19 Design - TIB 3rd St SE/Highline Drive Roundabout 100,000
301-000-000-595-10-40-21 Design - TIB VMP/15th St Overlay 95,000
301-000-000-595-30-40-33 SDC - TIB VMP/15th St Overlay 63,000
301-000-000-595-30-40-36 Construction - TIB VMP/15th St Overlay 630,000
301-000-000-595-10-40-23 Design - SRTS - 5th St NE: Sterling 59,000
301-000-000-595-10-40-24 Design - SRTS - 5th St NE: Kenroy 35,000
301-000-000-595-10-40-26 Design - PWTFL - 10th Street Design 750,000
301-000-000-595-10-40-27 Design 2019 TBD Paving 30,000
301-000-000-595-30-40-38 SDC 2019 TBD Paving 15,000
301-000-000-595-30-40-39 Construction 2019 TBD Paving 345,000
Total Expenditures 7,608,374 1,382,915 521,098 1,367,077 2,290,150
Ending NC&I 819,666 732,219 505,153 724,333 509,861
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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Adopted November 27, 2018
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The City of East Wenatchee has the responsibility to provide maintenance and manage
construction projects for storm water activities utilizing street department labor and equipment
resources, or in some cases with capital projects, use of outside vendors.This work is reimbursed
at cost under terms of an interlocal agreement between the City and the Greater Eas t Wenatchee
Storm Water Utility (GEWSWU), whereby the GEWSWU charges an annual fee of $45.00 to City
and County residents in the local service area for each impervious unit of space, generally a
residential lot.The GEWSWU fund is used to comply with the Federal National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)regulations related to storm water discharge and
treatment,and to fund both small storm water improvement projects and large capital improvement
projects identified in the GEWSWU Comprehensive Plan
The GEWSWU annually establishes the need and amount for maintenance and capital projects and
provides the resources on a reimbursement basis for the City’s costs in providing those
maintenance and capital services as described above. The City and the County have also applied
for and received individual and joint grants, primarily from the State Department of Ecology,to
assist in compliance with the NPDES regulations.
The City and Douglas County each select a three-member management team. Douglas County is
represented by a County Commissioner, County Engineer and the TLS Administrator.The City
is represented by the City Project Manager,the Natural Resource Specialist,and a City
Councilmember. This management team administers day-to-day operations and makes
recommendations for policies, procedures and budgets. This framework was developed through
an inter-local agreement to provide the necessary collaboration and coordination to successfully
manage, maintain and extend the storm water system throughout its service area.
Projects scheduled for 2019 include:
Project Description Grant
Other Total
Small Improvement Projects $100,000 $100,000
10th Street Design $225,000 $225,000
19th St NW Design $250,000 $250,000
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
308-000-000-397-21-00-20 Transfer In - General Fund - 102,155 - ----
Beginning Fund Balance 106,478 106,478 256,064
308-000-000-343-13-00-30 SWA Small Improvement Projects 38,766 37,810 - 5,000 -5,000 100,000 95,000
308-000-000-334-03-10-00 State Ecology Grant 37,500
Transfer in - General Fund 225,000
308-000-000-343-13-00-33 WVSWP Decant Facility - - - ----
308-000-000-343-13-00-61 DOE G1100219 3rd St SWA Retro Project 84,912 - - ----
308-000-000-343-13-00-63 GEWSWU 3rd St Retrofit Project 26,206 - - ----
050-000-000-343-13-00-67 GR Storm Pipe Rehab 79,355 - - ----
308-000-000-343-13-00-85 DOE Grant G1400323 LID Proj Design 33,578 - - ----
308-000-000-343-13-00-86 DOE Grant SWA VMP LID Project 334 393,664 - -9,365 16,054 (16,054)
308-000-000-343-13-00-88 GEWSWU VMP LID Project 2,132 129,269 4,502 ----
308-000-000-343-13-00-90 GEWSWU French Ave Project - - - ----
308-000-000-343-13-00-92 DC Regional Share-VMPLID SWA Project - - 49,328 ----
308-000-000-343-13-00-83 DOE Grant 19th St. NW Design - - - 125,000 -125,000 250,000 125,000
308-000-000-343-13-00-69 GEWSWU Dolfay Lane Project - 149,231 - ----
308-000-000-343-13-00-65 GEWSWU Denis Court Project - 4,647 51,203 ----
308-000-000-343-13-00-68 GEWSWU 7th St. NE Project - 6,338 83,952 ----
308-000-000-343-13-00-50 GEWSWU Astor Court - - 10,729 58,000 4,329 58,000 (58,000)
308-000-000-343-13-00-55 GEWSWU Ashland Avenue - - 10,729 58,000 4,329 58,000 (58,000)
308-000-000-343-13-00-00 GEWSWU 10th Street Design 225,000
226,517 683,150 210,444 241,000 18,022 257,054 475,000 217,946
TOTAL STORM WATER UTILITY REVENUES 265,283 720,959 210,444 246,000 18,022 262,054 612,500 312,946
TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 265,283 823,114 210,444 246,000 124,500 368,532 868,564 312,946
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Project Development Manager, Tom Wachholder
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
FUNDS AVAILABLE 265,283 823,114 210,444 246,000 124,500 368,532 868,564
SWU Capital/Construction
308-000-000-595-40-63-00 SWA Small Improvement Projects 9,038 18,152 - 5,000 --100,000 100,000
308-000-312-595-41-63-07 3rd St SWU Retrofit Constr 89,831 ------
308-000-312-595-41-63-09 3rd St SWU Retrofit SDC 11,274 ------
308-000-312-595-42-10-00 Salaries - Impv Prioj - 2,553 -----
308-000-312-595-42-20-00 Benefits - Impv Proj - 787 -----
308-000-312-595-43-63-05 WVSWP Decant Facility ------
050-000-312-595-43-63-10 VMP LID Project Design 51,332 13,070 -----
308-000-313-595-40-63-35 SWA VMP LID Project Construction - 567,982 -----
308-000-313-595-40-63-33 SWA VMP LID Project SDC - 49,698 -----
308-000-313-595-40-63-37 VMP LID Parking Lot Landscaping -- 49,840 ----
308-000-314-595-40-10-00 Salaries - Dolfay Lane Project - 927 -----
308-000-314-595-40-20-00 Benefits - Dolfay Lane Project - 560 -----
308-000-314-595-40-63-00 ROW - Dolfay Lane Project - 376 -----
308-000-314-595-40-63-10 SDC - Dolfay Lane Project - 16,087 -----
308-000-314-595-40-63-15 Construction - Dolfay Lane Prj - 129,835 -----
308-000-315-595-40-10-00 Salaries - Denis Court Project - 470 -----
308-000-315-595-40-20-00 Benefits - Denis Court Project - 246 -----
308-000-315-595-40-63-29 Engineering - Denis Court Project - 4,160 -----
308-000-315-595-40-63-33 SDC - Denis Court Project - 5,586 464 ----
308-000-315-595-40-63-35 Construction - Denis Court Prj - 46,066 -----
308-000-000-595-40-63-39 19th NW SW Design --- 125,000 --250,000 250,000
308-000-316-595-40-10-00 Salaries - 7th St NE Project - 497 -----
308-000-316-595-40-20-00 Benefits - 7th St NE Project - 270 -----
308-000-316-595-40-63-29 Engineering - 7th St NE Project - 6,240 -----
308-000-316-595-40-63-33 SDC - 7th St NE Project - 6,670 80 ----
308-000-316-595-40-63-35 Construction - 7th St. NE. Project - 78,275 -----
308-000-314-595-40-12-00 Salaries - Astor Court Project -- 157 500 30 52 (52)
308-000-314-595-40-22-00 Benefits - Astor Court Project -- 31 250 15 26 (26)
308-000-314-595-40-30-00 Engineering - Astor Court Project -- 13,906 -794 1,362 (1,362)
308-000-314-595-40-30-05 SDC - Astor Court Project --- 4,500 ---
308-000-314-595-40-30-10 Construction - Astor Court Project --- 52,000 54,794 54,794 (54,794)
308-000-314-595-40-13-00 Salaries - Ashland Court Project -- 157 500 30 52 (52)
308-000-314-595-40-23-00 Benefits - Ashland Avenue Project -- 31 250 15 26 (26)
308-000-314-595-40-30-15 Engineering - Ashland Avenue Project -- 13,906 -794 1,362 (1,362)
308-000-314-595-40-30-20 SDC - Ashland Avenue Project --- 4,500 ---
308-000-314-595-40-30-25 Construction - Ashland Avenue Project --- 52,000 54,794 54,794 (54,794)
308-000-000-541-40-50-00 State Ecology Grant - Robotic Grant 50,000
308-000-000-595-40-60-01 10th Street Design 225,000
Total Construction Expenditures 161,475 948,509 78,572 244,500 111,268 112,468 625,000 237,532
ENDING FUND BALANCE 103,808 (125,395) 131,872 1,500 13,232 256,064 243,564 (12,500)
2019 BUDGET WORKSHEET - Department Head - Project Development Manager
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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Capital Improvements for this fund are specifically provided by receipts of Real Estate Excise Tax
(REET)paid by the seller in real estate transactions within City boundaries.These taxes are
generally limited to expenditures for capital improvements of streets and roadways, and other uses
when the City provides for authorization in a capital facilities plan.
Real Estate Excise Tax
REET from real estate transactions for 2018, as well as accumulated REET from prior years will
be used to satisfy the City matching responsibilities for Federal and State Grants for qualified
capital improvement projects or purchases without grant funding.
Property Tax
$100,000 in property tax has been budgeted to supplement the Capital Improvements Fund in 2019
to maintain a healthy fund balance at year-end for future planned capital improvements.
Gateway Project -In 2015, the City budgeted $450,000 for the purchase and subsequent initial
design of business property at the corner of 9th and Valley Mall Parkway.The property purchase
was consummated on September 30, 2015.Subsequently, the City embarked upon an extensive
public outreach program to determine the eventual “best use”of the property. That outreach
program was completed in 2017 resulting in a conceptual design.$520,000 is budgeted for the
final construction of Gateway in 2019.
Public Works Facilities Remodel -After a facilities study undertaken in 2016, the City has
determined that an upgrade to the public works area of the City Hall property is necessa ry,
including replacing certain buildings and providing for additional new facilities. The City expects
to consider funding resources and the periods of construction when the design aspects and
adequacy have been studied and vetted. The City estimates that this remodel will cost $750,000,
which is the budgeted expenditure for this project in 2019.
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
314-000-000-308-80-00-00 Beginning NC&I 844,865 789,606 613,698 391,123 475,878 475,878 1,015,218 539,340
Totals 844,865 789,606 613,698 391,123 475,878 475,878 1,015,218
314-000-000-318-34-00-00 Real Estate Excise Tax 351,899 324,672 371,017 337,100 314,249 450,000 350,000 (100,000)
314-000-000-333-10-00-00 Regional Fund Share - Gateway - 57,614 57,613 57,613 188,000 130,387
314-000-000-311-10-00-00 Property Tax 75,000 150,000 -100,000 100,000 100,000 -
314-000-000-361-11-00-00 Interest Earnings -9 ---
Totals Revenue 351,899 399,681 521,017 394,714 471,862 607,613 638,000 30,387
Total Resources Available 1,196,764 1,189,287 1,134,715 785,837 947,740 1,083,491 1,653,218 569,727
314-000-000-597-95-00-20 REET to Fund 301 -300,000 500,000 ----
Gateway Property Purchase &
Design 407,158 - 36,247 -259 259 (259)
314-000-000-594-22-60-42 Gateway Property Design & Engr 44,978 55,000 50,166 50,166
314-000-000-594-59-60-01 Gateway Property Construction - 2,000 1,385 1,385 517,000
314-000-000-594-59-60-00 Gateway Property SDC 42,000
314-000-000-594-48-60-00 Public Works Remodel 77,612 22,000 13,463 16,463 750,000
Totals Expenditures 407,158 300,000 658,837 79,000 65,273 68,273 1,309,000
314-000-000-508-80-00-00 Ending NC&I 789,606 889,287 475,878 683,837 882,467 1,015,218 344,218 (671,000)
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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The City Council established this Fund in 2011 as the Street Fund ER&R Fund. Because the
City does not have or need the traditional rental environment of larger entities, this fund’s
purpose is for the purchase, maintenance and replacement of vehicles and equipment primarily
for both the Streets Department and the Police Department. Sales taxes will be the primar y
revenue allocation for funding, as well as the Criminal Justice Fund for funding assistance for the
purchase of police vehicles.
The Budget Committee has recommended the transfer of funds and related expenditures to
accomplish the purchase of two police vehicles in 2019.In addition, this fund will receive funding
to allow for the estimated maintenance costs for the police department fleet of vehicles.
The Streets Manager assessed the Street Department equipment and rolling stock to determine the
current and future needs for additional and/or replacement equipment or vehi cles, and the
associated annual maintenance costs.Upon completion of that analysis, a multi-year funding
strategy will be developed and considered for funding approval by the Budget Committee and the
City Council.One new snow plow is scheduled for purchase in 2019 in addition to a new vehicle
that was originally budgeted for 2018 that can’t be purchased until 2019 due to backlogged
inventory at the dealership.
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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BARS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 $$
Numbers Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 7 Months Forecast Budget Change
501-000-000-308-00-00-00 Beginning NC&I 7,331 38,861 47,778 40,872 52,450 52,450 122,481 70,031
Totals 7,331 38,861 47,778 40,872 52,450 52,450 122,481 70,031
501-000-000-313-11-00-10 Sales & Use Tax - Police 120,000 200,000 127,000 150,000 125,000 150,000 150,000 -
501-000-000-313-11-00-20 Sales & Use Tax - Street Dept 191,000 207,000 174,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 100,000
501-000-000-313-11-00-30 Sales & Use Tax - Admin 27,300 - ----
501-000-000-397-21-00-20 Transfer in - Criminal Justice 40,000 - 43,000 -----
501-000-000-369-91-00-50 Miscellaneous Revenue - 1,318 - ----
Total Revenue 351,000 435,618 344,000 350,000 325,000 350,000 450,000 100,000
Resources Available 358,331 474,479 391,778 390,872 377,450 402,450 572,481 170,031
501-000-000-521-10-10-00 Police Vehicles R&M Labor 14,505 4,735 4,139 6,000 2,367 4,058 7,000 2,942
501-000-000-521-10-20-00 Police Vehicle R&M Benefits 1,679 2,364 2,661 3,000 1,226 2,102 2,300 198
501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance 16,332 29,649 30,648 32,000 20,640 35,383 35,000 (383)
Police Vehicle Maintenance 32,516 36,748 37,448 41,000 24,233 41,543 44,300 2,757
501-000-000-542-90-10-00 Street Vehicle R&M Labor 10,603 16,634 22,651 25,000 13,112 22,478 19,000 (3,478)
501-000-000-542-90-20-00 Street Vehicle R&M Benefits 5,796 8,190 13,523 15,000 5,815 9,969 10,000 31
501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maint 19,233 37,653 30,167 35,000 9,743 35,000 31,000 (4,000)
501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle Repair & Maint Supplies 4,430 5,578 5,253 4,000 2,078 3,563 5,000 1,437
501-000-000-542-90-48-30 Street Equipment Repairs & Maint 1,016 1,581 2,000 1,179 2,021 1,600 (421)
501-000-000-558-58-48-00 Admin Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 100 6 1,000 ----
Street Vehicle/EquipMaint 40,062 69,171 73,182 82,000 31,928 73,031 66,600 (6,431)
501-000-000-594-21-60-00 Capital Outlay - Police Vehicles 120,000 167,097 133,419 98,000 97,350 97,350 104,600 7,250
501-000-000-594-42-60-20 Capital - Street Vehicles 124,900 89,457 95,280 80,000 48,000 48,000
501-000-000-594-42-60-30 Capital- Street Equipment 1,993 39,634 - 40,000 37,702 37,702 180,000 142298
501-000-000-594-44-60-20 Capital - Admin Vehicles 24,594 - --30,342 -
Capital Outlay - Vehicles & Equip 246,893 320,782 228,699 218,000 135,052 165,394 332,600 197,548
TotalExpenditures 319,470 426,701 339,328 341,000 191,213 279,969 443,500 193,874
Ending NC&I 38,861 47,778 52,450 49,872 186,237 122,481 128,981 (23,842)
E,P,M&R Fund #501
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
2019 Final Budget
City of East Wenatchee
Adopted November 27, 2018
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