HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/11/2017 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda Packet East Wenatchee City Council Meeting East Wenatchee City Hall 271 9th Street NE, East Wenatchee, WA 98802 July 11, 2017 - 6:30 P.M. AGENDA ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION • Becci Piepel, Countywide Solid Waste Coordinator PUBLIC COMMENTS This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on items either not on the agenda or not listed as a public hearing. The Mayor will ask if anyone wishes to address the Council. When recognized, please step up to the microphone, give your name and mailing address, and state the topic of interest. If your interest is an agenda item, the Mayor may suggest that your comments wait until that item is up for discussion. Persons offering public comment will be limited to three minutes. DEPARTMENT REPORT • Dan White, Events Coordinator – Recap of Parkway Pileup event MAYOR’S REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of the following items: • Minutes – Council Workshop June 22, 2017 and Regular Session June 27, 2017 • Payables ACTION ITEMS 2. Approval of the Grant Agreement with the Transportation Improvement Board for the Relight Washington grant. (Presented by Greg Pezoldt) ORDINANCES 3. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2017-11: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the monthly salary of a City Councilmember and establishing an automatic increase in salary of $18 each year. (Presented by Devin Poulson) 4. First Reading of Ordinance No. 2017-12: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the East Wenatchee Municipal Court to impose a $25.00 monetary penalty for failure to respond to a parking infraction by amending Section 10.08.160 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. (Presented by Devin Poulson) 5. Request to Elevate to Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2017-13: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee updating the City’s business-license regulations by adding sections to Title 5 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code and by amending sections of Title 5 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. (Presented by Devin Poulson) 6. First Reading of Ordinance No. 2017-14: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the fees the City may charge when copying or sending public records by 1 of 99 amending Ordinance 2016-02. (Presented by Devin Poulson) RESOLUTIONS 7. Resolution 2017-05: A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to sign the second amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee, the City of Bridgeport, the City of Rock Island, the Town of Mansfield, the Town of Waterville, and Douglas County relating to the Countywide Solid Waste Program. COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT 2 of 99 3 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 4 of 99 Consent Agenda Items 5 of 99 This page intentionally left blank 6 of 99 Council Workshop Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 22, 2017, 5:30 PM Location: City Hall Council Chambers Attendees included: Mayor Steve Lacy; Councilmembers Jerrilea Crawford, Wayne Barnhart and Harry Raab; and City Staff Lori Barnett, Community Development Director, Ray Coble, Assistant Police Chief, Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer, and Nick Gerde, Finance Director. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM. The agenda was distributed and the discussion followed the order of the agenda, as follows: Agenda #1: Discuss the need for a meeting moderator for Council Workshops. Mayor Lacy stated that conduct and timing of Council Workshops might be more expeditious and on-point if a Councilperson were selected as a meeting moderator. After brief discussion, the Councilmembers present reached an affirmative consensus and Councilmember Barnhart volunteered to moderate tonight’s meeting. Agenda #2: Council Compensation Increase Proposal requested for consideration at the June 27th Council Meeting – potential City-wide consequences that should be discussed and/or considered. Mayor Lacy stated his desire for Councilmembers to be aware that an increase percentage by Council on their own compensation may be viewed by employee groups as a guideline or minimum basis for future employee compensation. Consensus among the three Councilmembers present was that current compensation is adequate and generally higher than their comparative counterparts in other cities that East Wenatchee uses to compare employee compensation. NICK A. GERDE, FINANCE DIRECTOR 271 9TH STREET NE • EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 886-4507 • FAX (509) 886-6109 7 of 99 Agenda #3: Budget Issues: The following three items A, B and C were not discussed because Council has already considered and approved them. A. Increase Transportation Benefit District 2017 residential paving project costs from $114,075 to $184,567 (City Engineer report and proposal approved by Council) B. Add $6,854 GIS spending for Storm Water (existing revenue is adequate) (City Engineer report and proposal) C. Add $4,000 to the Municipal Court Capital Budget for IT components to comply with upgrade requirements of the State wide court operating system (request thru Mayor Lacy) Agenda #3D and #4: Future projects that may/will be considered soon: 1) Security for City Hall and training for emergencies such as an active shooter situation. Mayor Lacy provided some background on some of the history of the court’s experience of security issues and the discussions with staff related to the easy access to enter City Hall without any intervention to help insure that they had a purpose/reason to be there. Councilmember Crawford indicated that there is not plan for where to go to exit an active shooter situation or any other related emergency. After some discussion, the Councilmember consensus was for staff to seek out a security consultant for developing alternatives the City could employ for better physical security, and make a recommendation to the Council for funding. Assistant Chief Coble noted that the camera security project is scheduled to installation in August 2017. Councilmember Barnhart noted that we should talk to our commercial insurance carrier for opportunities for safety training in this regard. 2) Necessity to consider acquisition/installation of a common telephone system for City Hall to replace the failing systems in the administrative and police departments. Assistant Police Chief Coble stated that the phone system in the police department was failing and becoming unreliable, and was no longer supportable by an equipment provider. Mayor Lacy noted that the phone system in City Hall is similar and that finding replacement headsets are not easily available. Councilmember consensus was for staff to acquire the suitability, availability and cost of a replacement phone system, and provide a recommendation to the Council. 8 of 99 Agenda Item #5: Utility Assumption status (East Wenatchee Water District and Douglas County Sewer District) Mayor Lacy restated his position that consolidating the Water and Sewer Districts under the City’s umbrella would provide the best organizational setting for urban development and growth planning. He went on to say that he was not pressing the issue any farther currently since it looked like the Sewer District was taking steps to be more proactive with extensions of service. Councilmember Barnhart wanted status of spending the 2017 professional services budget in the Legislative area, and was informed that no spending had occurred. Discussion followed. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 PM. Respectively submitted: Nick Gerde Finance Director 9 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 10 of 99 Regular Session of the City Council East Wenatchee City Hall 271 9th St. NE, East Wenatchee, WA June 27, 2017 MINUTES (DRAFT) The meeting was brought to order at 6:30 PM by Mayor Lacy. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Tim Detering - Excused Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember John Sterk Councilmember Harry Raab - Excused Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Jerrilea Crawford EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson Finance Director Nick Gerde Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Engineer Greg Pezoldt Assistant Police Chief Ray Coble PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Presentation. Executive Director Shiloh Schauer, addressed the Council and introduced Patrick Norlin, as the new Sports Tourism Outdoor Recreation Coordinator. She gave a brief overview of their new office space and commended Jerri Barkley, Marketing Coordinator, for her contribution to the design of the space. She indicated that new space included the tasting room for wine, beer and hard cider and they would be bringing in some additional retail items. She distributed a postcard that they had made up showing the Miss Veedol. There was a general discussion of the increase in tourism over the 2016 numbers. That data comes from the Smith Travel Resource Report. Jerri Barkley explained that the tourism numbers are generated from hotel/motel occupancy statistics that those businesses provide. It was noted that East Wenatchee’s hotels do not participate in that data gathering effort. It was mentioned that the Grocery Outlet was having a ribbon cutting at 10 AM on Thursday, June 29, 2017 and they hoped some of the City Council members would be able to attend. Shiloh Schauer thanked the Council for their support of the Our Valley, Our Future project and the 4th of July Celebration. PUBLIC COMMENTS Sally Brawley, Eastmont Metropolitan Park District Director addressed the Council to update them on District projects. She explained that they have finished the evaluation phase of their project planning for the park and pool improvements. The Park Board will be meeting on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 to discuss the priorities for the Eastmont 11 of 99 Aquatic Center Project and review the assessment from Pacific Engineering. The issues and repairs that were evaluated came to over $10 million. The Board will need to prioritize the projects to stay within the bonding amount. Some of the bigger projects include updating the dressing rooms, upgrades to the pool liner, and HVAC repairs. She indicated that the pool will be closed next summer after the regular tournament season has ended. The mentioned that the playground improvements are out to bid and they will be trying to complete that project before the Wings and Wheels Festival. There is still no word on their request for RCO funding for the new park on 9th St. NE. The legislature has still not completed the budget. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer, Street Construction Project Update Report. A written report was included in the Council packets. In addition, Greg noted that the state DOT roundabout project at 5th St. and SR 28 had been awarded. The bid was $300,000 over the engineering estimate, however, the state was able to secure additional funding. BUDGET REPORT Nick Gerde, Finance Director, distributed copies of the June 22, 2017 Council Workshop summary minutes. Mr. Gerde recapped the topics that were discussed at the workshop. There was a general discussion regarding the proposal to adopt an automatic annual increase in Council salaries. Mr. Gerde noted that the three Councilmembers in attendance at the workshop were not in favor of the proposal. MAYOR’S REPORT Mayor Lacy referenced a letter received from Mayor Taneichi of Misawa City. Copies of the letter were provided to Council. Mayor Lacy mentioned that the delegation from Wenatchee was preparing for the trip and had already met at David Kelts home for one meeting. Mayor Lacy indicated that he was starting up his regular radio spots on KPQ again to update the community on East Wenatchee activities. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember’s in advance for study and were enacted in one motion Consideration of the following items: • Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 13, 2017 • June 22, 2017 Payables & May Payroll o 2017 Payables – As of this date, June 22, 2017, Council does approve checks 48202, and 48216 thru 48266 in the total amount of $121,015.05. Payables checks 48053 and 48108 were voided. o 2017 May Payroll – As of this date, June 22, 2017, Council does approve check numbers 47976 thru 47991, 48142 thru 48168, and direct deposits on May 16, 2017 and June 2, 2017 in the amount of $407,963.04. No payroll checks were voided. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Crawford to approve the Consent Calendar, second by Councilmember Barnhart. The motion carried, 5-0. ORDINANCES 2. First Reading of Ordinance 2017-11: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the monthly salary of a City Councilmember and establishing an 12 of 99 automatic increase in salary of $18 each year. (Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney) There was a general discussion regarding the proposal. Councilmember Barnhart indicated he would rather wait until there if a full council to discuss this matter. Council Action: The Mayor read the title of the ordinance for first reading. RESOLUTIONS 3. Resolution 2017-04: A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington adopting a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for 2018-2023, directing the City Clerk to file this Resolution with the Secretary of Transportation, and containing an effective date. Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer briefly reviewed the proposed projects. He explained that the Planning Commission had suggested adding 3rd St. NE to the list in the future as that is a major corridor to the schools and park. Councilmember Barnhart asked if sewer improvements could be added to projects. Mr. Pezoldt explained that it would depend upon the grant source. Some grantors do not allow utility costs to be included. There was a general discussion regarding 10th St. NE. The Mayor indicated that 10th St. was a priority but funding requests have not been successful. He suggested this may be a project that will necessitate the City using its councilmanic bonding capabilities. He indicated that they should look at funding options during the five-year financial plan preparation process. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson to approve Resolution 2017-04, second by Councilmember McCourt. The motion carried 5-0. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Johnson mentioned that he sent some information to Devin Poulson and Mayor Lacy regarding an increase in the solid waste host fees. There was a general discussion of the host fees and how the funds are used – what programs are offered. The Council requested that the new Countywide Solid Waste Coordinator be invited to the next meeting to update the Council on solid waste programs and the use of the host fees. Councilmember Johnson requested that he be notified of future meetings regarding the delegation to Japan since he intended to go this year. ADJOURNMENT - 7:31 PM Lorraine C. Barnett Acting City Clerk 13 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 14 of 99 CHECKS : 48269-48271; 48286-48335 VOIDED: 48216 DEPARTMENT/FUND AMOUNT General Fund 001 $64,956.99 Street Fund 101 $4,581.25 Community Dev Grants Funds 102 $329.46 Transportation Benefit District Fund 105 $0.00 Debt Reserve Fund 110 $0.00 Library Fund 112 $416.22 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 $0.00 Drug Fund 114 $1,733.31 Criminal Justice Fund 116 $0.00 Events Board Fund 117 $3,040.76 Bond Redemption Fund 202 $0.00 Street Improvements Fund 301 $16,309.58 Storm Water Improvements Fund 308 $0.00 Capital Improvements Fund 314 $2,017.50 Equipment R&R Fund 501 $2,218.36 Transportation Benefit District 630 $0.00 Grand Total All Funds $95,603.43 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CHECK REGISTER July 11, 2017 Payables 15 of 99 Fund Number Description Amount 001 Current Expense $64,956.99 101 Street Department $4,581.25 102 Community Devel Grants Fund $329.46 112 Library Fund $416.22 114 Drug Fund $1,733.31 117 East Wenatchee Events Brd Fund $3,040.76 301 Street Improvement Fund $16,309.58 314 Capital Improvement Fund $2,017.50 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement $2,218.36 Count: 9 $95,603.43 Fund Transaction Summary Transaction Type: Invoice Fiscal: 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:29:37 PM Page 1 of 1 East Wenatchee - Fund Transaction Summary 16 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Action Medical, Inc. 48271 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting DB60-1869A Medical Supplies 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies $75.96 Total DB60-1869A $75.96 DB60-1870A Medical Supplies 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies $95.97 Total DB60-1870A $95.97 Total 48271 $171.93 Total Action Medical, Inc.$171.93 Al's Auto Repair 48286 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 35,034 Street/Remove and Replace Fuel Pump 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $724.78 Total 35,034 $724.78 Total 48286 $724.78 Total Al's Auto Repair $724.78 American Building Maintenance CO 48287 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 11042746 Building Maintenance 001-000-180-518-30-41-01 Contracted Custodial Services $1,800.28 112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities--Utilities $280.97 Total 11042746 $2,081.25 Total 48287 $2,081.25 Total American Building Maintenance CO $2,081.25 Banner Bank Mastercard 48288 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:11:19 AM Police/Optics Planet Tactical Gear 001-000-210-594-21-60-00 Capital Outlay $188.88 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:11:19 AM $188.88 Voucher Directory Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 24 second(s)Page 1 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory17 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:12:16 AM Police/LA Police Gear 001-000-210-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $348.77 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:12:16 AM $348.77 Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:13:03 AM Police/Fuel for Vehicle Pickup 001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed $161.79 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:13:03 AM $161.79 Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:14:52 AM Police/Car Rental for Vehicle Pickup 001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $70.33 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:14:52 AM $70.33 Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:18:03 AM Criminal History Check 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $12.00 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:18:03 AM $12.00 Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:23:50 AM Police/Vehicle Repairs Supplies 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $23.34 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:23:50 AM $23.34 Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:24:30 AM Police/Amazon for Laptop in car 6 001-000-145-594-14-60-27 Capital - Cmptr Equip Police $53.08 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:24:30 AM $53.08 Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:26:11 AM Council Workshop Meal 001-000-110-511-60-49-00 Miscellaneous $71.40 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:26:11 AM $71.40 Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:29:27 AM Street/Mitchell ASE Break Recertification 101-000-430-544-90-30-00 Supplies $75.00 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:29:27 AM $75.00 Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:30:05 AM Advertising 001-000-140-514-20-44-00 Advertising $269.42 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:30:05 AM $269.42 Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:31:59 AM Advertising 001-000-140-514-20-44-00 Advertising $164.74 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:31:59 AM $164.74 Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:32:30 AM Wellness Netflix 001-000-001-518-91-50-00 Wellness $8.65 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 10:32:30 AM $8.65 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 2 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory18 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Total 48288 $1,447.40 Total Banner Bank Mastercard $1,447.40 Battery Systems Inc 48289 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 4044105 Street/Vehicle Battery 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $348.21 Total 4044105 $348.21 Total 48289 $348.21 Total Battery Systems Inc $348.21 Capital One Commercial/ Costco 48290 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 7/5/2017 9:01:25 AM Misc Supplies 001-000-001-518-91-50-00 Wellness $82.76 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 9:01:25 AM $82.76 Invoice - 7/5/2017 9:02:52 AM Wellness Lunch 001-000-180-518-30-49-00 Miscellaneous $118.15 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 9:02:52 AM $118.15 Invoice - 7/5/2017 9:04:32 AM Wellness Lunch 001-000-001-518-91-50-00 Wellness $216.84 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 9:04:32 AM $216.84 Total 48290 $417.75 Total Capital One Commercial/ Costco $417.75 Cascade Auto Center Inc 48291 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 172995 Planning/Vehicle Repair Part 001-000-590-558-50-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $69.14 Total 172995 $69.14 Total 48291 $69.14 Total Cascade Auto Center Inc $69.14 Cascade Natural Gas Corp 48292 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:57:11 AM Utilities 101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities $10.60 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:57:11 AM $10.60 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 3 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory19 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:57:49 AM Utilities 101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities $11.36 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:57:49 AM $11.36 Total 48292 $21.96 Total Cascade Natural Gas Corp $21.96 Chelan County Treasurer 48293 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:24:21 AM 1st Qtr 2017 Liquor Profits 001-000-001-564-00-52-00 Comm Mental Health (2% Liquor)$927.32 Total Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:24:21 AM $927.32 Total 48293 $927.32 Total Chelan County Treasurer $927.32 Crown Paper & Janitorial Supply Inc 48294 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 227667 Supplies 001-000-180-518-30-31-06 Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies $210.60 Total 227667 $210.60 227764 Supplies 001-000-180-518-30-31-06 Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies $95.41 Total 227764 $95.41 Total 48294 $306.01 Total Crown Paper & Janitorial Supply Inc $306.01 Darin Darnell 48295 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:21:43 PM 2017 Clothing Allowance 001-000-210-521-10-20-01 Clothing Allowance $599.03 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:21:43 PM $599.03 Total 48295 $599.03 Total Darin Darnell $599.03 David Marin DBA Cruzin Magazine 48296 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 06565 Events/Advertising 117-000-300-557-30-44-12 Classy Chassis Advertising $350.00 117-000-400-557-30-44-11 Wings & Wheels Advertising $400.00 117-000-450-557-30-44-12 PkwyPile-up Car Show Advertising $90.00 Total 06565 $840.00 Total 48296 $840.00 Total David Marin DBA Cruzin Magazine $840.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 4 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory20 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Department of Ecology 48297 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 2017-WAR305300 Baker Ave Roadway Improvements 301-000-000-595-10-50-22 Engr Baker Ave 15th to 20th Project $84.58 Total 2017-WAR305300 $84.58 Total 48297 $84.58 Total Department of Ecology $84.58 Devin Poulson 48298 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:15:55 PM Per Diem 001-000-151-515-30-43-00 Travel $570.03 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:15:55 PM $570.03 Total 48298 $570.03 Total Devin Poulson $570.03 Douglas County Fire District #2 48299 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:50:45 PM 2nd Qtr 2017 001-000-590-558-50-41-01 Fire Marshal Services $4,942.22 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:50:45 PM $4,942.22 Total 48299 $4,942.22 Total Douglas County Fire District #2 $4,942.22 Douglas County Treasurer 48300 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 7/5/2017 9:26:06 AM 2nd Qtr Victim/Witness 001-001-000-589-30-00-05 County Share of Crime Victims $898.24 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 9:26:06 AM $898.24 Total 48300 $898.24 Total Douglas County Treasurer $898.24 East Wenatchee Water Dist 48301 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:44:56 AM Utilities 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $84.64 112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities--Utilities $13.21 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:44:56 AM $97.85 Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:47:19 AM Utilities 101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities $89.80 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:47:19 AM $89.80 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 5 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory21 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:47:42 AM Utilities 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $1.85 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:47:42 AM $1.85 Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:48:32 AM Utilities 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $66.00 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:48:32 AM $66.00 Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:48:53 AM Utilities 101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities $60.00 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:48:53 AM $60.00 Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:49:12 AM Utilities 101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities $199.80 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:49:12 AM $199.80 Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:49:40 AM Utilities 101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities $53.65 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:49:40 AM $53.65 Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:50:00 AM Utilities 101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities $120.00 Total Invoice - 7/5/2017 8:50:00 AM $120.00 Total 48301 $688.95 Total East Wenatchee Water Dist $688.95 Eastmont Metropolitan Park District 48302 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 2017-013 Classy Chassis Car Show and Parade/Park Use 117-000-300-557-30-43-12 CC EMPD Facility Fee $1,000.00 Total 2017-013 $1,000.00 Total 48302 $1,000.00 Total Eastmont Metropolitan Park District $1,000.00 Forsgren Associates Inc 48303 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 14845 5th Street Sidewalk Project 301-000-000-595-10-50-28 Design - 5th St Sidewalks & SWU $16,225.00 Total 14845 $16,225.00 Total 48303 $16,225.00 Total Forsgren Associates Inc $16,225.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 6 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory22 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Frontier 48304 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:26:44 PM Street Modems 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities $55.77 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:26:44 PM $55.77 Total 48304 $55.77 Total Frontier $55.77 Galls, LLC-DBA Blumenthal Uniform 48305 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 007745287 LED Lightbar 501-000-000-542-90-48-30 Street Equipment R&M $766.86 Total 007745287 $766.86 Total 48305 $766.86 Total Galls, LLC-DBA Blumenthal Uniform $766.86 Green River Community College/WETRC 48270 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 165401 Lovold/Training 101-000-430-544-90-30-00 Supplies $680.00 Total 165401 $680.00 Total 48270 $680.00 Total Green River Community College/WETRC $680.00 Haglund's Trophies 48306 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 47156 Events/Parkway Pile-Up 117-000-450-557-30-49-01 PkwyPile-up Car Show Miscellaneous $207.80 Total 47156 $207.80 Total 48306 $207.80 Total Haglund's Trophies $207.80 In-Print Printing Inc DBA Congdon Mailing Service 48307 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 6/6 Mail Address Labels 117-000-450-557-30-44-12 PkwyPile-up Car Show Advertising $269.35 Total 6/6 Mail $269.35 Total 48307 $269.35 Total In-Print Printing Inc DBA Congdon Mailing Service $269.35 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 7 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory23 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Kenneth Britt dba Britt Polygraph 48308 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:45:01 PM Police/Polygraph 001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous $285.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:45:01 PM $285.00 Total 48308 $285.00 Total Kenneth Britt dba Britt Polygraph $285.00 Keyhole Security Center Inc 48309 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 282064 Temp keys for front door 001-000-180-518-30-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $15.42 Total 282064 $15.42 Total 48309 $15.42 Total Keyhole Security Center Inc $15.42 Kottkamp & Yedinak, Pllc 48310 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:28:23 AM June 2017 Public Defender 001-000-110-511-60-21-50 Public Defender $3,772.00 Total Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:28:23 AM $3,772.00 Total 48310 $3,772.00 Total Kottkamp & Yedinak, Pllc $3,772.00 Moon Security 48311 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 879473 Police/Security 001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services $33.00 Total 879473 $33.00 Total 48311 $33.00 Total Moon Security $33.00 Notary Public Program D.O.L. 48269 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting LSM0965151 Martz/Notary of Public Fee 001-000-110-511-60-46-00 Insurance $30.00 Total LSM0965151 $30.00 Total 48269 $30.00 Total Notary Public Program D.O.L.$30.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 8 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory24 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Noyd & Noyd Inc 48312 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 7572 Public Bond/Allen 001-000-142-514-20-46-00 Insurance $140.00 Total 7572 $140.00 7574 Public Bond/Lacy 001-000-110-511-60-46-00 Insurance $175.00 Total 7574 $175.00 7575 Public Bond/Harrison 001-000-210-521-10-46-00 Insurance $100.00 Total 7575 $100.00 7576 Public Bond/Gerde 001-000-142-514-20-46-00 Insurance $158.00 Total 7576 $158.00 7577 Public Bond/Crowell 001-000-120-512-50-46-00 Insurance $100.00 Total 7577 $100.00 Total 48312 $673.00 Total Noyd & Noyd Inc $673.00 NW Silk Screen Printers & Embroidery LLC 48313 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 52215 Events/Parkway Pileup 117-000-450-557-30-49-01 PkwyPile-up Car Show Miscellaneous $344.17 Total 52215 $344.17 52245 Events/Parkway Pileup 117-000-450-557-30-49-01 PkwyPile-up Car Show Miscellaneous $44.44 Total 52245 $44.44 Total 48313 $388.61 Total NW Silk Screen Printers & Embroidery LLC $388.61 Office Depot 48314 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 931411969001 Central Stores/Batteries 001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $95.40 Total 931411969001 $95.40 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 9 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory25 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 931626385001 Police/Office Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies $96.37 Total 931626385001 $96.37 931626470001 Police/Office Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies $27.86 Total 931626470001 $27.86 932105653001 Central Stores/Storage Boxes and Expanding Packets 001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $23.23 001-000-142-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies $27.65 Total 932105653001 $50.88 932105745001 Central Stores/Tabs 001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores $10.58 Total 932105745001 $10.58 934732066001 Police/Office Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies $68.14 Total 934732066001 $68.14 936134778001 Credit 001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies ($68.14) Total 936134778001 ($68.14) Total 48314 $281.09 Total Office Depot $281.09 Professional Law Enforcement Training, LLC 48315 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Q-2582 Police/Training 001-000-210-521-40-25-00 Training--Officers $139.00 Total Q-2582 $139.00 Total 48315 $139.00 Total Professional Law Enforcement Training, LLC $139.00 Pud #1 of Douglas County 48316 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:28:27 PM Power to Pump 101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities $18.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:28:27 PM $18.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 10 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory26 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:29:02 PM Residence Power 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $66.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:29:02 PM $66.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:29:32 PM Street Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $15.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:29:32 PM $15.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:29:58 PM Traffic Signal Lighting 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities $54.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:29:58 PM $54.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:30:20 PM Traffic Signal Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $41.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:30:20 PM $41.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:30:43 PM Traffic Signal Lighting 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $14.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:30:43 PM $14.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:31:05 PM Metered Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $63.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:31:05 PM $63.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:31:24 PM Japanese Garden Lighting 101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities $32.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:31:24 PM $32.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:31:50 PM Sign Lighting 101-000-420-542-75-47-00 Utilities $15.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:31:50 PM $15.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:32:09 PM Street Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $48.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:32:09 PM $48.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:32:31 PM Traffic Signal Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $16.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:32:31 PM $16.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:32:52 PM Traffic Signal Lighting 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities $14.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:32:52 PM $14.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 11 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory27 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:33:13 PM Illumination Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $30.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:33:13 PM $30.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:33:34 PM Traffic Signal Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $17.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:33:34 PM $17.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:33:54 PM Traffic Signal Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $20.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:33:54 PM $20.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:34:14 PM Street Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $20.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:34:14 PM $20.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:34:36 PM Traffic Signal Lighting 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities $52.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:34:36 PM $52.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:34:58 PM Traffic Signal Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $17.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:34:58 PM $17.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:35:25 PM Bus Garage Lighting 101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities $75.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:35:25 PM $75.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:35:48 PM Shop Lighting 101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities $15.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:35:48 PM $15.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:37:38 PM Traffic Signal Lighting 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $36.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:37:38 PM $36.00 Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:38:11 PM City Hall Lighting 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $781.96 112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities--Utilities $122.04 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:38:11 PM $904.00 Total 48316 $1,582.00 Total Pud #1 of Douglas County $1,582.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 12 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory28 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Raymond Coble 48317 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:16:30 PM 2017 Clothing Reimbursement 001-000-210-521-10-20-01 Clothing Allowance $190.25 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:16:30 PM $190.25 Total 48317 $190.25 Total Raymond Coble $190.25 Richard Mott 48318 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:42:54 PM Travel Reimbursement 001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed $25.00 Total Invoice - 6/29/2017 1:42:54 PM $25.00 Total 48318 $25.00 Total Richard Mott $25.00 Rivercom 48319 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:27:53 AM June 2017 Dispatch Services 001-000-001-528-70-51-00 River Com $26,083.41 Total Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:27:53 AM $26,083.41 Total 48319 $26,083.41 Total Rivercom $26,083.41 Robert M Trask Agency Inc 48320 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 2215 Martz/New Bond and Notary Stamp Journal 001-000-110-511-60-46-00 Insurance $120.00 Total 2215 $120.00 Total 48320 $120.00 Total Robert M Trask Agency Inc $120.00 S & W Irrigation Supply 48321 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 358312 Street/Latching Solenoid 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $141.53 Total 358312 $141.53 358492 Street/Marlex Street 90 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $5.01 Total 358492 $5.01 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 13 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory29 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 358838 Street/Ballard Park Supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $47.63 Total 358838 $47.63 359819 Street/PVC for parks 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $5.63 Total 359819 $5.63 360011 Street/Charity Carwash Supplies 101-000-313-542-42-30-00 Supplies - SWA $10.54 Total 360011 $10.54 360114 Street/Parks Supplies 101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $42.38 Total 360114 $42.38 360168 Street/Supplies 101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $17.05 Total 360168 $17.05 361656 Street/Arc Nozzle 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $73.93 Total 361656 $73.93 361706 Street/Irritrol Station Battery 101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $77.01 Total 361706 $77.01 Total 48321 $420.71 Total S & W Irrigation Supply $420.71 Shea Car & Jewell Inc DBA Alliance Consulting Group Inc 48322 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 51400 Professional Services/Gateway Project 314-000-000-594-22-60-40 Purchase-Improve Gateway Property $2,017.50 Total 51400 $2,017.50 Total 48322 $2,017.50 Total Shea Car & Jewell Inc DBA Alliance Consulting Group Inc $2,017.50 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 14 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory30 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Star Rentals 48323 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 229657-14 Weed Mower Rental 101-000-420-542-70-30-00 Supplies $119.24 Total 229657-14 $119.24 Total 48323 $119.24 Total Star Rentals $119.24 Surplus Ammo & Arms, L.L.C. 48324 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 1637 Police/Drug Fund Supplies 114-000-000-521-10-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $1,733.31 Total 1637 $1,733.31 Total 48324 $1,733.31 Total Surplus Ammo & Arms, L.L.C.$1,733.31 The Wenatchee World 48325 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 34929 Notice of Funding Availability 001-000-580-558-60-44-00 Advertising $190.74 Total 34929 $190.74 36692 Public Workshop Notice 001-000-140-514-20-44-00 Advertising $43.35 Total 36692 $43.35 37070 Summary of Ordinance 2017-07 001-000-140-514-20-44-00 Advertising $216.75 Total 37070 $216.75 37537 2017 Plan of Action/Spanish 102-000-000-558-70-44-00 CDBG Advertising $173.40 Total 37537 $173.40 37538 CDBG Annual Action Plan 102-000-000-558-70-44-00 CDBG Advertising $156.06 Total 37538 $156.06 Total 48325 $780.30 Total The Wenatchee World $780.30 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 15 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory31 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Tony Ditommaso PS 48326 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:28:58 AM June 2017 Public Defender 001-000-110-511-60-21-50 Public Defender $3,772.00 Total Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:28:58 AM $3,772.00 Total 48326 $3,772.00 Total Tony Ditommaso PS $3,772.00 Troy Lucas DBa T-Bone Entertainment 48327 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 308791 Events/Sound System 117-000-450-557-30-49-01 PkwyPile-up Car Show Miscellaneous $335.00 Total 308791 $335.00 Total 48327 $335.00 Total Troy Lucas DBa T-Bone Entertainment $335.00 Uline 48328 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 88066043 Police/Repairs 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $46.27 Total 88066043 $46.27 Total 48328 $46.27 Total Uline $46.27 Valley Tractor And 48329 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 9242001 Street/Supplies 101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $42.39 Total 9242001 $42.39 W929782 Street/Removed and Replaced Driveline 101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $864.78 Total W929782 $864.78 Total 48329 $907.17 Total Valley Tractor And $907.17 Wash ST Dept of Licensing 48330 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting EWP000620 Sinko Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $18.00 Total EWP000620 Sinko $18.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 16 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory32 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount EWP000621 West Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $18.00 Total EWP000621 West $18.00 EWP000622 Beltz Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $18.00 Total EWP000622 Beltz $18.00 EWP000623 Halstenrud Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $18.00 Total EWP000623 Halstenrud $18.00 EWP000624 Halstenrud Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $18.00 Total EWP000624 Halstenrud $18.00 EWP000625 Nealy Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $18.00 Total EWP000625 Nealy $18.00 EWP000626 Mendez-Torres Late Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $21.00 Total EWP000626 Mendez-Torres $21.00 EWP000627 Darling Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $18.00 Total EWP000627 Darling $18.00 EWP000628 Vanleuven Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $18.00 Total EWP000628 Vanleuven $18.00 EWP000630 Trefry Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $18.00 Total EWP000630 Trefry $18.00 EWP000632 Roloff Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $18.00 Total EWP000632 Roloff $18.00 EWP000635 Ballard Late Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $21.00 Total EWP000635 Ballard $21.00 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 17 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory33 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount EWP000638 Slette Late Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $21.00 Total EWP000638 Slette $21.00 EWP000639 Slette Late Gun Permit 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $21.00 Total EWP000639 Slette $21.00 Total 48330 $264.00 Total Wash ST Dept of Licensing $264.00 Washington State Patrol 48331 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 00063860 Access User Fee 001-001-000-589-30-00-15 State Share of Gun Permits $600.00 Total 00063860 $600.00 Total 48331 $600.00 Total Washington State Patrol $600.00 Wenatchee Valley Humane Society 48332 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:25:04 AM June 2017 Animal Control 001-000-001-539-30-51-00 Animal Control $5,850.00 Total Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:25:04 AM $5,850.00 Total 48332 $5,850.00 Total Wenatchee Valley Humane Society $5,850.00 Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center 48333 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:26:01 AM July 2017 001-000-001-558-70-41-15 Wenatchee Valley Museum & CC $9,273.00 Total Invoice - 6/30/2017 9:26:01 AM $9,273.00 Total 48333 $9,273.00 Total Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center $9,273.00 Wilbur-Ellis Company 48334 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 10984801 Landscaping Supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $519.16 Total 10984801 $519.16 10990213 Seed Mix 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $77.36 Total 10990213 $77.36 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 18 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory34 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 10999170 Landscaping Supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $348.40 Total 10999170 $348.40 Total 48334 $944.92 Total Wilbur-Ellis Company $944.92 Workland Auto Parts, Inc. 48335 2017 - July 2017 - July 2017 1st Council Meeting 189886 Police/Vehicle Brake Pads 001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (interfund vehicle maintenance)$58.62 Total 189886 $58.62 189907 Police/Vehicle Brake Rotor 001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (interfund vehicle maintenance)$134.64 Total 189907 $134.64 189968 Street/Gloves 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $16.24 Total 189968 $16.24 190020 Street/Thinwall Set 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies $47.06 Total 190020 $47.06 190287 Police/Vehicle Air Filter 001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (interfund vehicle maintenance)$13.19 Total 190287 $13.19 190409 Police/Air Filter 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $26.39 Total 190409 $26.39 190471 Street/Dexcool 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle R&M Supplies $25.98 Total 190471 $25.98 190473 Street/Peak Washer 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle R&M Supplies $48.24 Total 190473 $48.24 190634 Street/FL Tube 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $31.79 Total 190634 $31.79 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 19 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory35 of 99 Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 191223 Street/Brake Rotor, Brake Pads 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $96.44 Total 191223 $96.44 191351 Street/Starter with Solenoid 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $49.26 Total 191351 $49.26 191681 Street/Wheel Seal, Bearing Packer 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $15.00 Total 191681 $15.00 192508 Street/Retainer Rod Clip 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $8.77 Total 192508 $8.77 192578 Police/Battery 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $7.03 Total 192578 $7.03 Total 48335 $578.65 Total Workland Auto Parts, Inc.$578.65 Grand Total Vendor Count 53 $95,603.43 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 7/5/2017 12:28:19 PMExecution Time: 25 second(s)Page 20 of 20 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory36 of 99 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # #2 PRESENTER: Greg Pezoldt AGENDA DATE: July 11, 2017 POSITION: City Engineer DEPARTMENT: Public Works TITLE: Relight Washington – TIB Grant Agreement BACKGROUND/HISTORY: The Transportation Improvement Board created an initiative to help local agencies replace existing street illumination to new, efficient, cheaper LED lights. The initiative is called Relight Washington. They will pay the entire cost of replacing old technology sodium lights with the new LED lights, but require the local electrical provider to provide a cost savings to the agency. Recently, the Douglas PUD has restructured their rates to lower the kW-hr rate for LED lights used within the city. With the lowered rates from the PUD, the city became eligible for the Relight Washington Grant through the TIB. The PUD applied for the grant and was successful in receiving it, but the actual grant agreement will be with the City of East Wenatchee. The PUD estimated the cost of the procurement for LED lights for both the PUD owned and the City and the installation of the PUD owned lights to be around $125,000. The estimated that the cost of installing the LED lights on the city owned lights to be approximately $58,000. The grant from the TIB is in two parts which cover the entire cost of the retrofit to the city. EXHIBITS: TIB Relight Washington Grant Agreements S-E-161(002)-1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the Grant Agreement with the TIB for the Relight Washington Grant and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 189,400 $ 0 $ 189,400 (Revenue neutral) (Corresponding Revenue) ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Second By: Councilmember Sterk Councilmember Raab Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Crawford Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Detering Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) 37 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 38 of 99 39 of 99 40 of 99 41 of 99 42 of 99 43 of 99 44 of 99 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # #3 PRESENTER: Devin Poulson AGENDA DATE: July 11, 2017 POSITION: City Attorney DEPARTMENT: Legal Title: Second Reading - Ordinance 2017-11: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the monthly salary of a City Councilmember and establishing an automatic increase in salary of $18 each year. History: See attached memo. Exhibits: See attached memo Recommended Action: Submitted with recommendation. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Second By: Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Crawford Councilmember Raab Councilmember Detering Councilmember Sterk Councilmember Johnson Passed: Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) 45 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 46 of 99 To: Councilmembers Wayne Barnhart, Jerrilea Crawford, Tim Detering, Chuck Johnson, Sandra McCourt, Harry Raab, and John Sterk. From: City Attorney Devin Poulson Date: June 19, 2017 Subject: Increase in City Councilmembers’ salaries In 2011, the City Council designated the following public entities as comparable, for salary purposes to the City of East Wenatchee. Excluding the designated counties, these entities are: Cheney, College Place, Ellensburg, Ephrata, Grandview, Liberty Lake, Moses Lake, Quincy, Selah, Sunnyside, Toppenish, Wenatchee, and West Richland. Assuming that a methodology for comparing living wages can be used to compare City Council salaries, according to the AWC Salary Survey, the salaries for city councilmembers in comparable cities are as follows: Cheney 1500 College Place 375 Ellensburg 250 Ephrata 500 Grandview 550 Liberty Lake 400 Moses Lake 500 Quincy 500 Selah 325 Sunnyside 400 Toppenish 500 Wenatchee 655 West Richland 550 Because the City of Cheney is more than three standard deviations above the average, it is a statistically invalid comparison and should be excluded as an outlier. Excluding Cheney as a comparable, the average salary for a City Councilmember in the comparable cities is: $458.75. If MEMORANDUM 47 of 99 this was placed on the City’s 17 step wage scale for administrative employees, the scale would look like this. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 375 384 394 404 415 425 436 448 459 470 482 494 507 519 532 546 559 Including Cheney as a comparable, the average salary for a City Councilmember in the comparable cities is: $539. If this was placed on the City’s 17 step wage scale for administrative employees, the scale would look like this. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 440 451 463 475 487 500 512 526 539 552 566 580 595 610 625 641 657 Via Ordinance 2016-26, the City Council increased the salary of newly elected City Councilmembers from $550 to $600, a 9.1% increase. The proposed increase to $618 represents another 3% increase, which is a 12.1% increase within a 12-month time span. Under the proposed Ordinance, salaries for City Councilmembers will be: 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Position 1 600 600 654 672 690 708 726 744 Position 2 600 600 654 672 690 708 726 744 Position 3 618 636 654 672 690 708 726 744 Position 4 618 636 654 672 690 708 726 744 Position 5 600 600 654 672 690 708 726 744 Position 6 600 600 654 672 690 708 726 744 Position 7 618 636 654 672 690 708 726 744 48 of 99 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2017-11 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the monthly salary of a City Councilmember and establishing an automatic increase in salary of $18 each year. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee que establece el salario mensual de un Concejal de la Ciudad y establece un aumento automático en el salario de $ 18 cada año. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (español, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), póngase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Recitals. 2.1. The City of East Wenatchee (“City”) is a non-charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington. 2.2. Effective January 1, 2017, the City Council increased the salary for newly elected members of the City Council from $550 per month to $600 per month (a 9.1% increase)(Ordinance 2016- 26). 2.3. On June, 13, 2017, City Councilmember Chuck Johnson proposed that the monthly salaries for City Councilmembers automatically increase by $18 each year, which is a 3% increase on the current monthly salary of newly elected members. 2.4. The City Council passed a motion directing legal counsel to draft an Ordinance that increased the monthly salary by $18 each year. 49 of 99 3. Authority. 3.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to put a mechanism in place that automatically increases a City Councilmember’s salary each year. 5. Salary. Effective January 1, 2018, the monthly salary for a City Councilmember elected after July 1, 2017 is $618. On January 1 of each subsequent year, this amount shall be increased by $18.00. 6. Publication. The City Council directs the acting City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The City Council also directs the acting City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the City’s website. 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this __________ day of ______________________________, 2017. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By _________________________________ Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Authenticated: _____________________________________ ________________________, Acting City Clerk 50 of 99 Approved as to form only: _____________________________________ Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: __________ Passed by the City Council: __________ Published: __________ Effective Date: __________ 51 of 99 Summary of City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2017-11 On the _____ day of _______________________________, 2017, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2017-11, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the monthly salary of a City Councilmember and establishing an automatic increase in salary of $18 each year. The full text of this Ordinance is available at www.east-wenatchee.com. Dated this ______ day of ___________________________, 2017. _____________________________ ___________________, Acting City Clerk 52 of 99 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # #4 PRESENTER: Devin Poulson AGENDA DATE: July 11, 2017 POSITION: City Attorney DEPARTMENT: Legal Title: Ordinance No. 2017-12: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the East Wenatchee Municipal Court to impose a $25.00 monetary penalty for failure to respond to a parking infraction by amending Section 10.08.160 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. History: To charge the $25.00 fee, RCW 46.62.110(4) requires a municipality to authorize the penalty by local ordinance. Exhibits: Ordinance No. 2017-12 Recommended Action: First Reading. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Second By: Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Crawford Councilmember Raab Councilmember Detering Councilmember Sterk Councilmember Johnson Passed: Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) 53 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 54 of 99 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2017-12 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the East Wenatchee Municipal Court to impose a $25.00 monetary penalty for failure to respond to a parking infraction by amending Section 10.08.160 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Una ordenanza de la ciudad de Wenatchee del este que autoriza a la corte municipal del este de Wenatchee para imponer una pena monetaria de $ 25.00 para la falta de responder a una infracción de estacionamiento modificando la sección 10.08.160 del código municipal de Wenatchee del este. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (español, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), póngase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Recitals. 2.1. The City of East Wenatchee (“City”) is a non-charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington. 3. Authority. 3.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. 3.2. RCA 46.63.110(4) authorizes a city to impose a penalty of twenty-five dollars for failure to respond to a notice of traffic infraction related to parking. 55 of 99 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4. Amendment. The City Council amends Section 10.08.160 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to read: 10.08.160 Violation – Penalty. Any person who violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to have committed an infraction and shall be punished by a fine in any sum not to exceed $100.00; provided, however, that the penalty for overtime parking shall be $15.00 if paid within the next 48-hour period from the time the violation occurred; $30.00 if paid thereafter. The East Wenatchee Municipal Court shall impose a penalty of twenty-five dollars for failure to respond to a notice of traffic infraction relating to parking as defined by local law, ordinance, regulation, or resolution. 5. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. 6. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the City’s website. 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this __________ day of ______________________________, 2017. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By _________________________________ Steven C. Lacy, Mayor 56 of 99 Authenticated: _____________________________________ ____________________, Acting City Clerk Approved as to form only: _____________________________________ Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: __________ Passed by the City Council: __________ Published: __________ Effective Date: __________ 57 of 99 Summary of City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2017-12 On the _____ day of _______________________________, 2017, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2017-12, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the East Wenatchee Municipal Court to impose a $25.00 monetary penalty for failure to respond to a parking infraction by amending Section 10.08.160 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The full text of this Ordinance is available at www.east-wenatchee.com. Dated this ______ day of ___________________________, 2017. _____________________________ 58 of 99 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # #5 PRESENTER: Devin Poulson AGENDA DATE: July 11, 2017 POSITION: City Attorney DEPARTMENT: Legal Title: Ordinance No. 2017-13: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee updating the City’s business-license regulations by adding sections to Title 5 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code and by amending sections of Title 5 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. History: EHB 2005 requires all cities, with limited exceptions, to partner with the Department of Revenue for business licensing service by 2022. Staff has been working with Business Licensing Services (“BLS”) over the past few months to make this transition. The following amendments to the City’s code are required to accomplish the City’s partnership with BLS: Summary of Comments and Suggested Revisions for East Wenatchee Municipal Code: 5.04.020 Added a definition for ‘BLS’ 5.04.025 Added a new section stating basic facts regarding the license requirement and certain provisions and restrictions. 5.04.060 Modifications to list of exemptions to allow provision of a no-fee nonprofit business license. (cf: EWMC 5.04.120) 5.04.080 A. & C. Clarifications about counting employees when determining the basic license fee. 5.04.100 Conforming language and provisions with the BLS late renewal penalty requirement (removing the city basic late fee while retaining possibility of other penalties); and provision for cancellation due to non- renewal. 5.04.110 Clarifying applicability of section to only the city- assessed fees. 5.04.120 Changed wording of the section heading. Revisions 59 of 99 suggested to clarify provision of a no-fee nonprofit business license. 5.04.130 Clarified distinction between the peddler’s license and the general business license. 5.06.070 F. Stating Adult Entertainment licenses required in that chapter are separate from, and in addition to the general city business license that may also be required. 5.16.020 A. & B. COMMENT: The licensing requirements for the city For Hire (taxicab) licenses is stated as being in lieu of the city general business license. It should be noted that even though there is a local regulation of taxi companies/drivers, the For Hire businesses will still be registered through the state Department of Licensing, and that registration is administered through BLS. Such businesses will have a business location account established and may also have other registrations and licenses held at that business location record. The city’s licensing requirements making the city For Hire and city business licensing requirements mutually exclusive may need some review and possible revision to conform to how those businesses are handled through BLS. Exhibits: None. Recommended Action: Elevate to second reading. Motion to approve Ordinance 2017-13 as presented. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Second By: Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Crawford Councilmember Raab Councilmember Detering Councilmember Sterk Councilmember Johnson Passed: Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) 60 of 99 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2017-13 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee updating the City’s business-license regulations by adding sections to Title 5 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code and by amending sections of Title 5 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Una ordenanza de la ciudad de East Wenatchee que actualiza las regulaciones de la licencia de negocio de la ciudad agregando secciones al título 5 del código municipal de East Wenatchee y modificando secciones del título 5 del código municipal de East Wenatchee. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (español, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), póngase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Recitals. 2.1. The City of East Wenatchee (“City”) is a non-charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington. 2.2. The Washington Legislation recently enacted Engrossed House Bill 2005, which was then signed by the Governor. This law requires that all cities that require a general business license are required to partner with the Department of Revenue to issue and renew licenses through Business Licensing Services (“BLS”). The Department must partner with all partnering cities by December 31, 2022, if specific funding is appropriated for that purpose. 61 of 99 3. Authority. 3.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to update the City’s business- license regulations so that the City’s licensing procedures are compatible with BLS’s licensing system 5. Amendment. The City Council amends the following sections of Title 5 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to read: 5.04.020 Definitions. In construing the provisions of this chapter, the following definitions apply: A. “Business” means all activities, occupations, trades, pursuits or professions located and/or engaged in within the city, with the object of gain, benefit or advantage to the taxpayer, or to another person or class of persons, directly or indirectly. Each business location is a separate business. B. “Business Licensing Service” or “BLS” both mean the service within the Washington State Department of Revenue that administers the East Wenatchee general business licensing requirements on behalf of the city. C. “City” means the city of East Wenatchee, its officers, its employees, and its agents. C.D. “Engaging in business” means commencing, conducting or continuing in any business, and also the exercise of corporate or franchise powers, as well as liquidating a business when the liquidators hold themselves out to the public as conducting such business. D.E. “Person” means any individual, firm, partnership, company, corporation, association, receiver, assignee, trustee in bankruptcy, trust, estate, joint venture, club, joint stock company, business trust, society or any group of individuals acting as a unit. 62 of 99 E.F. “Taxpayer” means any person who engages in business or who is required to have a business license hereunder, or who performs any act, for which a license fee or tax is imposed by this chapter. 5.04.050 Business located outside city limits. Unless otherwise exempt, all requirements of this chapter covers and applyies to any business located outside the city that engages in some business activity inside the city limits, except that only employees working within the city limits are to be counted. 5.04.060 Exemptions. The license and license fee provisions of this chapter do not apply to the following persons, sales, or services, unless otherwise indicated: A. A governmental entity including public and private elementary, secondary, high schools, and universities; B. A person who delivers newspapers or periodicals; C. A person soliciting orders from retail establishments for the delivery and sale of goods, wares and merchandise to retailers for resale unless located within the city; D. A person or organization conducting a nonprofit enterprise when the enterprise is operated without private profit, for a public, charitable, educational, literary, fraternal or religious purpose is exempt only from the city license fee required by this chapter, but must comply with the business licensing requirement as outlined in EWMC 5.04.120; E. A person under the age of 18 engaged in babysitting; F. A person selling his or her own produce; G. A person that the city is forbidden to tax by law; H. A person engaged in the casual sale of items of personal property where the person conducting such sale is not regularly engaged in the business of selling items of personal property (for example, garage sales and bake sales); and I. A landlord. who owns five or fewer units. 63 of 99 5.04.080 Basic license fee. A. Unless it is otherwise provided by provision in a section providing for the licensing of a special, named, enumerated or specific business or activity, the annual basic license fee is measured byassessed according to the number of employees persons employed, whether full time or part time and including business owners,of each business at the time it a business applies for or renews a license. This license fee is a basic fee for doing and conducting business within the city limits. Any other section of this chapter or any ordinance of the city requiring a license or tax for conducting a specific and named activity is in addition to this basic license fee. There is no set-off or credit given for this basic license fee unless such ordinance or section of ordinance so allows. The basic license fee rates are as follows: Number of Persons employedEmployees 2015 2016 2017 0 – 2 $30 $40 $50 3 – 5 $35 $55 $70 6 – 12 $75 $90 $110 13 – 25 $135 $145 $155 26 – 50 $235 $245 $260 51 and over $350 $375 $400 B. Beginning January 1, 2018, on January 1st of each year, the city will increase the basic license fee by 100 percent of the U.S. Consumer Price Index of Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) August September to August September statistics for the West Urban Region for the preceding 12 months, rounded up to the nearest whole dollar. 64 of 99 C. An applicant must pay the fee for a business license in full at the time the application is submitted, and annually thereafter on or before its anniversary expiration date. 5.04.090 Term. A. Effective until December 31, 2016. A business license expires one year from the date it is issued by the clerk and must be renewed annually. B. Effective January 1, 2017. A business license issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter is renewed annually and has an expirationexpires on the date as determined by the State of Washington Business Licensing Service (“BLS”), and must be renewed by that expiration date in order to continue in business within the city. Renewal of a license is accomplished through BLS and must include all fees due for the licenses held as well as the handling fee authorized by RCW 19.02.075. The city license term or and expiration date will be coordinated with the terms or expiration dates of all other licenses required by the state established for a business by BLS . Fees and the license term and fees may be prorated depending onto synchronize with the BLS expiration date. License renewals shall be issued are administered by the State Business Licensing ServiceBLS in cooperation with the city. upon receipt from the business of a request for renewal of business license in the form prescribed by the State Business Licensing Service, providing that no If a business indicates a change in ownership, or character of business or location is indicated. If such change is indicated, a new application shall must be submitted and all respective fees paid. A change of physical location within the city must be reviewed and approved by the city and may also require submitting a new application and payment of all fees due for licensure at the new location. 5.04.100 Failure to pay – Penalty. A. The penalty for failing to pay the business license fee when due is 20 percent of the basic license feeFailure to complete a renewal on or before the expiration date incurs a late renewal penalty authorized by 65 of 99 RCW 19.02.085. Failure to renew the license within 120 days after the license expiration date will result in the cancellation of the license and require reapplication and payment of all fee due in order to continue business within the city. B. The penalty for failing to pay the business license fee within 60 days of its due date is 40 percent of the basic license fee. C. The penalty for failing to pay the business license fee within 90 days of its due date is 60 percent of the basic license fee. D. The penalty for failing to pay the business license fee within 120 days of its due date is 100 percent of the basic license fee. E. The penalty for failing to pay the business license fee within 150 days of its due date is revocation of the business license. B. The city may also impose the penalties set forth in EWMC 5.04.160. 5.04.110 License constitutes debt to city. A license fee due or unpaid under this chapter, and all city-assessed penalties thereon, constitutes a debt to the city, and may be collected by court proceeding in the same manner as any other debt in like amount. This remedy is in addition to all other existing remedies. 5.04.120 Review of nonprofit exempt organization business. A person claiming an exemption from the basic license fee must apply to the city clerk for an applicationfor a nonprofit city business license to carry on a business activity within the city limits. This requirement is specifically made to include all charitable and fundraising organizations and activities. Any fee for carrying on such activity by an An exempt organization is also exempt from any fee for carrying on such activity, except as specified in other ordinances or sections of ordinances of the city or as required by the state or any of its political subdivisions. A. Prior to commencing a business activity, including fundraising activities, such organization or person shall must make application apply for a business license to the city through the city clerkas provided 66 of 99 for in this chapter. Such application shall be on a similar form or the same form as for all other business organizations specifying the same information as required thereon. A Such a nonprofit organization shall must provide a copy of the 501(c) certification letter issued to the business by the federal Internal Revenue Service.include a copy of its last filed annual report with Washington’s Secretary of State. B. If the city clerk deems it in the best interest and welfare of the city to have such license applications reviewed by the city council, he or she shall will not issue such license without referring it to the city council for review. Such matter shall will be brought on at the next regularly scheduled city council meeting for review and either accepted or denied by the city council. Such review by the city council shall beis binding upon all parties, subject to the right of appeal to the superior court of Douglas County for the state, having jurisdiction over these matters. 5.04.130 Peddlers and solicitors. A. In lieu of the general city business license, Aa person selling or soliciting orders for any commodity or merchandise from house to house or from address to address must apply to the city for a license to conduct such activity, and pay an annual license fee of $25.00 per annum, or the sum of $5.00 per day. B. In lieu of the general city business license, Aa person selling any commodity or merchandise from a vehicle, trailer, stand or temporary structure or place must apply to the city for a license to conduct such activity, and pay an annual license fee of $25.00 per annum, or the sum of $5.00 per day. C. The city will not issue such a peddler or solicitor license to any person desiring to sell his wares from a permanent position or location unless the police chief and the community development director approve, in writing, the position or location. Such business intended to be conducted from the same permanent position or location continuously for more than three consecutive months may be referred to instead apply for a general business license as otherwise provided for in this chapter. 67 of 99 5.06.070 License required. E. It is unlawful for any person to operate an adult entertainment facility utilizing adult arcade devices unless that person is the holder of a valid adult arcade device license for each such device. F. The licenses required by this chapter are in addition to a general business license that may be required under Chapter 5.04 EWMC. 5.16.030 Taxicab license fees. Each applicant for a taxicab license shall pay a license fee of $50.00 for the first taxicab to be licensed and an additional $25.00 for each additional taxicab to be licensed. Taxicab licenses shall not be transferable from one taxicab to another or from one owner to another, except following the sale of the business and then only after the city has been notified by the new owner of such sale and all provisions of this chapter are otherwise met. Beginning January 1, 2018, on January 1st of each year, the city will increase the taxicab license fee by 100 percent of the U.S. Consumer Price Index of Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) August September to August September statistics for the West Urban Region for the preceding 12 months, rounded up to the nearest whole dollar. 5.16.200 Driver’s license fees. The license fee for a driver’s license shall be $37.0025.00 for the first year for the initial license and any renewals thereof. Driver’s licenses shall not be transferable. The fee for reissuance of damaged or lost licenses shall be $5.00. 6. Addition. The City Council adds Section 5.04.025 to Title 5 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code: 5.04.025 License required. A. No person may engage in business within the city without first obtaining a business license from the city to do so. Application for the business license is made through the Business Licensing Service. The application must be accompanied by all fees due for the licenses 68 of 99 requested on the application including the handling fee authorized by RCW 19.02.075. B. If a person operates a business at multiple locations within the city, each business location must be licensed separately. C. A change of business location within the city requires review and approval by the city of the new location, and may require reapplication for the appropriate licenses to operate at the new location. D. A city business license is not transferrable. A change in ownership of a business requires the new owner to make application for a separate license. 7. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. 8. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the City’s website. 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this __________ day of ______________________________, 2017. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By _________________________________ Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Authenticated: _____________________________________ Marcia Martz, Interim City Clerk 69 of 99 Approved as to form only: _____________________________________ Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: __________ Passed by the City Council: __________ Published: __________ Effective Date: __________ 70 of 99 Summary of City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2017-13 On the _____ day of _______________________________, 2017, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2017-13, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee updating the City’s business-license regulations by adding sections to Title 5 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code and by amending sections of Title 5 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The full text of this Ordinance is available at www.east-wenatchee.com. Dated this ______ day of ___________________________, 2017. _____________________________ Marcia Martz, Interim City Clerk 71 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 72 of 99 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # #6 PRESENTER: Devin Poulson AGENDA DATE: July 11, 2017 POSITION: City Attorney DEPARTMENT: Legal Title: Ordinance No. 2017-14: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the fees the City may charge when copying or sending public records by amending Ordinance 2016-02. History: The Washington Legislature recently passed HB 1595. This law authorizes a city to charge for the copying of electronic records. The proposed Ordinance updates the City’s Public Records Policy by adopting the fees authorized by the new law. Exhibits: Ordinance 2017-14 Recommended Action: First Reading. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Second By: Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Crawford Councilmember Raab Councilmember Detering Councilmember Sterk Councilmember Johnson Passed: Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) 73 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 74 of 99 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2017-1 4 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the fees the City may charge when copying or sending public records by amending Ordinance 2016-02. Una ordenanza de la ciudad de East Wenatchee que establece los honorarios que la ciudad puede cargar al copiar o enviar expedientes públicos modificando la ordenanza 2016-02. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (español, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), póngase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Recitals. 2.1. The City of East Wenatchee (“City”) is a non-charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington; and 2.2. The City Council of East Wenatchee (“City Council”) finds that it is in the best interests of the City and its citizens to ****. 3. Authority. 3.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. 3.2. HB 1595 - 2017-18 (Concerning costs associated with responding to public records requests). 75 of 99 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4. Amendment. The City Council amends Section PRA-070 of Ordinance 2016-02 to read: PRA-070 Costs of providing copies of public records. A. Costs for inspecting a public record. paper copies. There is no fee for inspecting public records. B. Costs for paper copies. Fifteen cents per page for photocopies of public records or for printed copies of electronic public records or for the use of the City’s equipment to photocopy public records.A requestor may obtain a standard photocopy of a record for fifteen cents per page. Before beginning to copy a record, the public records officer may require a deposit of up to ten percent of the estimated costs of copying a record selected by a requestor. The public records officer may also require the payment of the remainder of the copying costs before providing all the records, or the payment of the costs of copying an installment before providing that installment. The City will not charge sales tax for copying a public record. CB. Costs for scanned copies. Ten cents per page for public records scanned into an electronic format or for the use of the City’s equipment to scan the records. D. Costs for electronic records. Five cents per each four electronic files or attachment uploaded to email, cloud-based data storage service, or other means of electronic delivery. E. Costs for transmission of electronic records. Ten cents per gigabyte for the transmission of public records in an electronic format or for the use of the City’s equipment to send the records electronically. F. Costs of digital storage media. The actual cost of any digital storage media or device provided by the City. G. Costs of mailing. The actual cost of any container or envelope used to mail the copies to the requestor, and the actual postage or delivery. 76 of 99 H. Costs are cumulative. The charges set forth in PRA-070 may be combined to the extent that more than one type of charge applies to copies produced in response to a particular request. The City will charge the actual cost of making an electronic copy of a record to a DVD or to a flash drive. The cost of scanning a paper record or a nonelectronic record is one cent per page. The City will not charge a fee for e-mailing electronic records to a requestor, unless another cost applies such as a scanning fee. I. Costs for records on the City’s website. The City may not impose copying charges for access to or downloading of records that the City routinely posts on its web site prior to receipt of a request unless the requestor has specifically requested that the City provide copies of such records through other means. J. Deposit. Before beginning to copy a record, the public records officer may require a deposit of up to ten percent of the estimated costs of copying a record selected by a requestor. The public records officer may also require the payment of the remainder of the copying costs before providing all the records, or the payment of the costs of copying an installment before providing that installment. The City will not charge sales tax for copying a public record. C. Costs of mailing. The City may also charge actual costs of mailing, including the cost of the shipping contain. KD. Payment. Payment may be made by cash, check, or money order to the City. 5. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. 6. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the City’s website. 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. 77 of 99 Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this __________ day of ______________________________, 2017. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By _________________________________ Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Authenticated: _____________________________________ Marcia Martz, Interim City Clerk Approved as to form only: _____________________________________ Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: __________ Passed by the City Council: __________ Published: __________ Effective Date: __________ 78 of 99 Summary of City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2017-1 4 On the _____ day of _______________________________, 2017, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2017-14, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the fees the City may charge when copying or sending public records by amending Ordinance 2016-02. The full text of this Ordinance is available at www.east-wenatchee.com. Dated this ______ day of ___________________________, 2017. _____________________________ Marcia Martz, Interim City Clerk 79 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 80 of 99 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # #7 PRESENTER: Devin Poulson AGENDA DATE: July 11, 2017 POSITION: City Attorney DEPARTMENT: Legal TITLE: Resolution 2017-05: A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to sign the second amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee, the City of Bridgeport, the City of Rock Island, the Town of Mansfield, the Town of Waterville, and Douglas County relating to the Countywide Solid Waste Program. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: On May 27, 2008, the City Council adopted Res. 2008-08 approving the Countywide Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement between the Cities of East Wenatchee, Bridgeport, and Rock Island; the Towns of Mansfield and Waterville; and Douglas County to cooperatively develop and implement a comprehensive solid waste management program. Douglas County is the Lead Agency for the program. A copy of that resolution is attached. One of the provisions of that Interlocal Agreement included a stipulation that Douglas County would contribute 36 cents per ton of acceptable waste actually disposed of at the Regional Landfill and Recycling Facility to pay the cities’ and town’s fair share of the budget for the Solid Waste Program. The funds are collected from Waste Management under the Host Agreement to mitigate the environmental and infrastructure impacts to Douglas County caused by the operation and expansion of the landfill. The Douglas County Solid Waste Management Plan developed under the Agreement was adopted by the City on August 10, 2010 (Res. 2010-08). The first amendment to the Interlocal Agreement was approved by the City Council on May 25, 2010 amending the DURATION section to extend the effective date from December 31, 2015 for an additional year to December 31, 2016. That Agreement has now expired. There are three sections proposed to be amended. The proposed amendment to the GREATER WENATCHEE REGIONAL LANDFILL AND RECYCLING FACILITY SOLID WASTE FEE section increases the contribution from 32 cents per ton to 42 cents per ton to pay the towns and city’s fair share portion of the annual Countywide Solid Waste Program budget. The other two amendments are shown in redlined-version below: DURATION: This Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2009 and will continue in effect until terminated by the written agreement of the 81 of 99 Participating Jurisdictions December 31, 2016, so as to correspond to the effective date of the most currently adopted Douglas County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan six year implementation budget. TERMINATIONWITHDRAWAL: This Agreement may be terminated by any Participating Jurisdiction, by written notice to the SWPO no less than three hundred sixty five days immediately preceding the implementation date of the next Countywide Solid Waste Program Budget. A Participating Jurisdiction may withdraw as a party to this Agreement by providing not less than one year’s prior written notice to the other Participating Jurisdictions. The effective date of withdrawal shall be December 31 of the budget year following the date the notice of withdrawal is provided to the other Participating Jurisdictions. The Participating Jurisdictions agree: (1) that terminationwithdrawal will not absolve a terminatingwithdrawing party of any financial responsibility to the extent a financial responsibility continues to exist pursuant to the Contractual Commitment provision of this Agreement and (2) that prior to terminationthe effective date of withdrawal, a withdrawing jurisdiction shall submit to the SWAC how it intends on meeting its planning under RCW 70.95.080. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution 2017-05 with Exhibit A 2. Resolution 2008-08 with Exhibit A RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve Resolution 2017-05 and authorize the Mayor to sign the Amendment to Interlocal Agreement RE: Countywide Solid Waste Program. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Second By: Councilmember Sterk Councilmember Raab Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Crawford Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Detering Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) 82 of 99 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2017-05 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to sign the second amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee, the City of Bridgeport, the City of Rock Island, the Town of Mansfield, the Town of Waterville, and Douglas County relating to the Countywide Solid Waste Program. 1.Alternate Format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (español, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), póngase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2.Recitals. 2.1. The City of East Wenatchee (“City”) is a non-charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington. 2.2. On May 27, 2008, the City Council of East Wenatchee (“City Council”) approved Resolution No. 2008-08 authorizing the Mayor to sign the Countywide Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement between the Cities of East Wenatchee, Bridgeport, Rock Island, the Towns of Mansfield and Waterville and Douglas County to cooperatively develop and implement a comprehensive solid waste management plan and program. 2.3. The first amendment to the Interlocal Agreement was approved by the City Council on May 25, 2010. That amendment changed the DURATION section to extend the effective date from December 31st 2015 for an additional year to December 31st, 2016. 2.4. This second Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement will: 2.4.1. Amend the DURATION section to extend the effective date indefinitely until terminated by the written agreement of the Participating Jurisdictions as provided for in the amended WITHDRAWAL section. 2.4.2. Amend the GREATER WENATCHEE REGIONAL LANDFILL AND RECYCLING FACILITY SOLID WASTE FEE section to increase Res 2017-05 Agenda Bill Exhibit 1 83 of 99 contribution from 32 cents per ton to 42 cents per ton to pay the towns and city’s fair share portion of the annual Countywide Solid Waste Management Program budget. 2.4.3. Replace the TERMINATION section with a revised WITHDRAWAL section. 2.5. The City Council finds that it is in the best interests of the City and its citizens to amend the existing Interlocal Agreement. 3.Authority. 3.1. RCW 35A.17.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the East Wenatchee City Council (City Council) to organize and regulate its internal affairs and to define the powers, functions and duties of its officers and employees. 3.2. RCW 39.34.030 authorizes the City to enter into an agreement with another public agency joint or cooperative action. For an Interlocal Agreement to enter into force, the participating public agencies must take action by ordinance, resolution or otherwise pursuant to law of the governing bodies of the participating public agencies. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 4.Interlocal Agreement. A true and correct copy of the Amendment to Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee, the City of Bridgeport, the City of Rock Island, the Town of Mansfield, the Town of Waterville, and Douglas County relating to the Countywide Solid Waste Program is attached as Exhibit A. 5.Authorization. The City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute the Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement that conforms to the language set forth in Exhibit A. 6.Recording. 6.1. The City Council directs the City Clerk to immediately post a copy of the Interlocal Agreement on the City’s website (see RCW 39.34.040). 6.2. Once the Interlocal Agreement is signed by all necessary parties, the City Council directs the City Clerk to file the signed original Interlocal Agreement with the Douglas County Auditor. 6.3. Once the City Clerk receives the recorded Interlocal Agreement back from the Douglas County Auditor, he or she must record on the face of the Interlocal Agreement where it will be physically located in the City’s files. 84 of 99 6.4. Once the City Clerk has recorded on the face of the Interlocal Agreement, he or she must replace the copy of the Interlocal Agreement on the City’s website with a copy that contains all the necessary signatures, the Douglas County Auditor’s recording information, and the information about where it is physically located in the City’s files. 7.Effective Date. This Resolution becomes effective once the City Clerk has posted it on the City’s website. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this _____ day of _______________, 2017. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON By _________________________________ Steven C. Lacy, Mayor AUTHENTICATED: ___________________________ Acting City Clerk Approved as to form only: ___________________________ Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: __________ Passed by the City Council: __________ Effective Date: __________ 85 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 86 of 99 Return Document to: Douglas County Solid Waste Program 1 Document Title: Amendment to Interlocal Cooperative Agreement 2 Related Documents: N/A 3 Grantor: Douglas County, City of Bridgeport, City of East Wenatchee, City of Rock Island, 4 Town of Mansfield, Town of Waterville 5 Grantee: Douglas County, City of Bridgeport, City of East Wenatchee, City of Rock Island, 6 Town of Mansfield, Town of Waterville 7 Legal Description: N/A 8 Parcel Number(s): N/A 9 10 11 AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT 12 RE: COUNTYWIDE SOLID WASTE PROGRAM 13 14 This Agreement is made by and between Douglas County, Washington, a 15 political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the City of Bridgeport, the City of 16 East Wenatchee, the City of Rock Island, the Town of Mansfield and the Town of 17 Waterville, each municipal corporations within Douglas County. 18 19 WHEREAS, the parties entered into the Countywide Solid Waste Interlocal 20 Agreement in 2008 and an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement in 2010; and 21 22 WHEREAS, the parties wish to enter into a further amendment to the 23 Countywide Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement. 24 25 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and promises, terms and 26 conditions set forth below, it is hereby agreed as follows: 27 28 The parties hereby amend the Countywide Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement as 29 follows, effective January 1, 2017: 30 31 DURATION: 32 This Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2009 and will continue in effect until 33 terminated by the written agreement of the Participating Jurisdictions. 34 35 GREATER WENATCHEE REGIONAL LANDFILL AND RECYCLING FACILITY SOLID 36 WASTE FEE: 37 Waste Management of Washington Inc. voluntarily entered into a Solid Waste Disposal 38 Host Agreement with Douglas County to contribute financially to mitigate environmental 39 and infrastructure impacts to Douglas County caused by the operation and expansion 40 of the Greater Wenatchee Regional Landfill and Recycling Facility. Douglas County 41 agrees to contribute forty-two cents ($0.42) per ton of acceptable waste actually 42 disposed of at the Greater Wenatchee Regional Landfill and Recycling Facility to pay 43 the incorporated jurisdictions of Bridgeport, East Wenatchee, Mansfield, Rock Island 44 and Waterville Fair Share portion of the annual Countywide Solid Waste Program 45 Budget as recommended by the SWAC, approved by the Participating Jurisdictions and 46 adopted by the Lead Agency. 47 Exhibit A 87 of 99 1 WITHDRAWAL: 2 A Participating Jurisdiction may withdraw as a party to this Agreement by providing not 3 less than one year’s prior written notice to the other Participating Jurisdictions. The 4 effective date of withdrawal shall be December 31 of the budget year following the date 5 the notice of withdrawal is provided to the other Participating Jurisdictions. The 6 Participating Jurisdictions agree: (1) that withdrawal will not absolve a withdrawing party 7 of any financial responsibility to the extent a financial responsibility continues to exist 8 pursuant to the Contractual Commitment provision of this Agreement and (2) that prior 9 to the effective date of withdrawal, a withdrawing jurisdiction shall submit to the SWAC 10 how it intends on meeting its planning obligation under RCW 70.95.080. 11 12 All other terms and conditions of the Countywide Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement not 13 amended by this Agreement are hereby confirmed and shall and remain in full force 14 and effect. 15 16 DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON 17 Adopted: _______________ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 18 19 20 ____________________________ 21 Chair 22 23 24 ____________________________ 25 Vice Chair 26 27 28 ___________________________ 29 Commissioner 30 ATTEST: 31 32 33 ____________________________ 34 Clerk of the Board 35 36 APPROVED BY: 37 38 39 ____________________________ 40 Prosecuting Attorney 41 42 43 _______________________ 44 Administrator 45 Countywide Solid Waste Program Office 46 88 of 99 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 2 3 4 _______________________ 5 Prosecuting Attorney 6 7 8 Adopted: _____________ CITY OF BRIDGEPORT 9 10 11 ___________________________________ 12 ATTEST: Mayor 13 14 15 _______________________ 16 City Clerk 17 18 19 Adopted: _____________ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 20 21 22 ___________________________________ 23 ATTEST: Mayor 24 25 26 _______________________ 27 City Clerk 28 29 30 Adopted: _____________ CITY OF ROCK ISLAND 31 32 33 ___________________________________ 34 ATTEST: Mayor 35 36 37 _______________________ 38 City Clerk 39 40 41 Adopted: _____________ TOWN OF MANSFIELD 42 43 44 ___________________________________ 45 ATTEST: Mayor 46 89 of 99 1 2 _______________________ 3 Town Clerk 4 5 6 Adopted: _____________ TOWN OF WATERVILLE 7 8 9 ___________________________________ 10 Mayor 11 ATTEST: 12 13 14 ________________________________ 15 Town Clerk 16 90 of 99 Res. 2017-05 Agenda Bill Exhibit 2 91 of 99 This page intentionally left blank. 92 of 99 93 of 99 94 of 99 95 of 99 96 of 99 97 of 99 98 of 99 99 of 99