HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/2016 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda Packet0 0 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA NOVEMBER 22, 2016 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE PUBLIC COMMENTS VACANT CITY COUNCIL POSITION #4 Applicant introductions DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) Greg Pezoldt, November 2016 Construction Report Lori Barnett, Community Development Director - updates Nick Gerde, Finance Director — Financial Report for the month of October 2016. BUDGET ISSUES Nick Gerde, Finance Director — Budget Committee Report from the November 9, 2016 Budget Committee meeting MAYOR'S REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, November 08, 2016 2. Consideration of Payables and Payroll PUBLIC HEARINGS) 3. 16-11-06 A public Hearing for the purpose of fixing the 2017 Final Budget, which has been filed with the City Clerk. A copy thereof will be furnished to any taxpayer by contacting the City Clerk's Office. Any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against any part of the budget. (Nick Gerde, Finance Director/Treasurer) 4. 16-11-07 First reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, fixing and confirming the salaries and compensation to be paid to certain officials and employees of the City of East Wenatchee during the year 2017. (Nick Gerde, Finance Director/Treasurer) 5. 16-11-08 First reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, adopting the annual budget of the City for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2017. (Nick Gerde, Finance Director/Treasurer) • Continued on next page ........... In compliance iriih rhe.lmericans with Disabilities Act. il'}»u need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Ci7r Clerk at 509-883-9515 Notification of 3 working da3a prior to the meeting will enable the On, to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibiliq, to this meeting. Page 1 of 2 Z3o Z and lupaaw slip of ,4!1!q!ssaoov arnsua of s7uawa2m un algvuosow ayvw oT ,ft!j ayt algvua 11!ni Suuaaw aqt 01 +ouq d s4vp 8uJoai F Jo uopwOpo,N 9156-688-60f Tv P11J ,10 ayp TJa1U0J I* PI Bu!mapu sulp ut alwQppavd of aouvps!mv liwads paau not fl gay sa!Trlrgvs!p yT!M suan!rawv ayt ytyap aouatldwm ul --_ • ,LR31WRHaofu I* SIHOCIHH ziaunoa El CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA NOVEMBER 22, 2016 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE PUBLIC COMMENTS VACANT CITY COUNCIL POSITION #4 Applicant introductions DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) Greg Pezoldt, November 2016 Construction Report Lori Barnett, Community Development Director - updates Nick Gerde, Finance Director — Financial Report for the month of October 2016. Nick Gerde, Finance Director — Budget Committee Report from the November 9, 2016 Budget Committee meeting MAYOR'S REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, November 08, 2016 2. Consideration of Payables and Payroll PUBLIC HEARINGS) 3. 16-11-06 A public Hearing for the purpose of fixing the 2017 Final Budget, which has been filed with the City Clerk. A copy thereof will be furnished to any taxpayer by contacting the City Clerk's Office. Any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against any part of the budget. (Nick Gerde, Finance Director/Treasurer) ORDINANCE(S) 4. 16-11-07 First reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, fixing and confirming the salaries and compensation to be paid to certain officials and employees of the City of East Wenatchee during the year 2017. (Nick Gerde, Finance Director/Treasurer) 5. 16-11-08 First reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, adopting the annual budget of the City for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2017. (Nick Gerde, Finance Director/Treasurer) Continued on next page ........... In compliance a-ith the Americans with Disabilities Act. ifyou need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Ciq, Clerk at 509-884-9515 .No1ication of 3 working days prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangemens to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 1 of 2 Z 3o Z a8sd llgpaw still of nJ?/eq?ssaaao aJnwa of sluawa8uv uo ajgouosoal a M 07 ,QIJ ayt ajgoua jj?ei 9n?la3w ayl 01 •oud slop 89MV0m F fo u011vaOON 6?t6-688-605 1v .VOIJ utJ aql 700MoJ • awajd'Suvaaw s?ql iq alvdfj171od o1 aauvis?sso jo?aads paau naafi'jod sapgtgosfp qf?m suoo?dawV ayl yl?m aouv+jdluna uj • JLNTKNunofu 0 siuoddx IiJunoJ ,. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 2016 • REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING NOVEMBER 8, 2016 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember John Sterk Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Harry Raab EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Detective Christy Patterson Community Development Director Lori Barnett Finance Director Nick Gerde Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Pezoldt Executive Secretary/Accounting Assistant Teresa Allen PRESENTATION Douglas County Chief Deputy Assessor Keri Henson and Douglas County Assessor Jim Ruud submitted • and reviewed an overview of Property Tax to be collected in 2017, which included the different options Council could consider. DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) Community Development Director Lori Barnett submitted and reported on a request for a study to support continued discussion of proposed Minimum Density Standards. The Planning Commission Recommendation was presented to the City Council and the Douglas County Commissioners at a public meeting on August 9, 2016. After several hours of discussion, no action was taken. The major issue related to whether the 4 dwelling units per acre minimum density for low density residential is realistic. To provide context for that number, a proposal for a mapping exercise and analysis was suggested by Mayor Lacy. Staff then met with SJC Alliance to discuss the potential project. Ms. Barnett said the City has an open-ended contract with SJC Alliance for small projects. She added the Scope of the proposal would be to 1) analyze the Briarwood subdivision to determine the net density of the project using the formula and criteria in the proposed Density Standards; and 2) evaluate the density of residential properties within the urban growth area. The results of the analysis would serve to illustrate the density calculation process on a well-known sub -division and provide some perspective relative to the overall residential density within the urban growth area for various zoning districts. She added the total fees for those two projects would be $6,300 which she has available in the 2016 Budget for Professional Services Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Barnhart, for approval to conduct the analysis. The motion carried, 6-0. Community Development Director Lori Barnett gave an update regarding potential amendments to Chapter 17.73 Open Space Standards. She noted that these amendments will be discussed with the City 40 Planning Commission at their November 15, 2016 meeting. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 2016 BUDGET ISSUE(S) Finance Director Nick Gerde reviewed the 2017 Preliminary Budget Summary including two significant changes to capital which included 1) reducing the scope of the Eastmont Avenue Paving Project to engineering costs from complete paving, and 2) reducing the scope of the Public Works Building Project to stage it over more than one year. He added that these two changes reduces to City's 2017 contribution to those projects by a total of nearly $1,176,000. Finance Director Nick Gerde noted that the next Budget Committee meeting will be held November 17, 2016, in which information will be provided for the next City Council Meeting for first reading of the proposed 2017 East Wenatchee Budget. MAYOR'S REPORT(S) Mayor Lacy noted that he has asked Mr. Gerde to consider a budget for hiring a new position for the City that would be in charge of marketing, act as a community liaison for the Hispanic community, education, and social media. He added this position would report to the Mayor. Mayor Lacy reviewed a newspaper article in which the City of Quincy has a High School Student representative to the City Council. Mayor Lacy asked if Council would consider this opportunity. And ask the Eastmont High School Principal or Senior Class select this person. Council agreed that would be a positive step for the Council. Mayor Lacy gave an overview from the Public Facilities District meeting, and gave an overview of the Town Toyota Center's budget and funding. Mayor Lacy discussed the Baker Avenue Project anf funding from the Storm Water Utility He thanked Councilmember Raab for his service on that committee and had appointed Councilmember Barnhart to the position CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. City Clerk Dana Barnard noted an amendment to the minutes regarding the date that Councilmembers will have an opportunity to listen to applicants applying for the vacant Council position will be changed to November 22, 2016. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to approve the Consent Calendar as amended. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, October 25, 2016 2. Consideration of Payables i. 2016 Payables — As of this date, November 8, 2016, Council does approve check numbers 46835, 46836 and 46856 through 46904 in the total amount of $964,682.80. Payables check 46834 was voided. ORDINANCES) Second Reading — Options A and B 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 2016 • 16-10-09 (A) An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy, and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. (B) An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in 2017, an increase of 0.953 percent in the regular property tax levy, and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. Presented by: Nick Gerde, Finance Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to adopt Ordinance 2016-19 option B. The motion carried, 6- 0. Ordinance No. 2016-19 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2017 tax year, an increase of .953% in the regular tax levy, and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. 16-11-01 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance 2016-17 which established a Loop Trail Overlay District. 0 Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Mayor Lacy elevated Ordinance No. 2016-20 to a second reading, without objection. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Detering, to repeal Ordinance No. 2016-17 which established a Loop Trail Overlay District. The motion carried, 6-0. Ordinance No. 2016-20 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee repealing Ordinance No 2016-17 in its entirety. 16-11-02 An Ordinance amending the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Section 12.53.030 and adding a new Chapter 17.50 to establish a Loop Trail Overlay District. Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Mayor Lacy elevated Ordinance No. 2016-21 to a second reading, without objection. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Johnson, to adopt Ordinance 2016-21 amending Municipal Code Section 12.53.030 and adding a new Chapter 17.50 to establish a Loop Trail Overlay District. The motion carried, 5-0. 40 Ordinance No. 2016-21 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 2016 • An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Section 12.53.030 and adding a new Chapter 17.50 to establish a Loop Trail Overlay District. RESOLUTION(S) 16-11-03 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to approve the new 2016 Right of Way Procedures. Presented by: Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Sterk, to approve Resolution No. 2016-13 authorizing the Mayor to approve the new 2016 Right of Way Procedures. The motion carried, 6-0. Resolution No. 2016-14 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to approve the new 2016 Right of Way Procedures. ACTION ITEMS(S) 16-11-04 Approve the selection of Universal Field Services as the Right of Way negotiator for the Baker Avenue Project and develop a scope and fee for these services. Presented by: Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve the selection of Universal Field Services as the Right of Way negotiator for the Baker Avenue Project and develop a scope of work. The motion carried 6-0. 16-11-05 Approve the selection of DOH Associates as the most qualified architect for the East Wenatchee Street Department Facilities Project and to develop a scope and fee for these services. Presented by: Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Sterkt, to approve the selection of DOH Associates as the most qualified architect for the East Wenatchee Street Department Facilities Project and to develop a scope and fee for these services. The motion carried 6-0. COUNCIL REPORT(S) The following reports/minutes were submitted in writing prior to the City Council meeting. • Mayor Lacy — Minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Transportation Council meeting held on October 13, 2016. 0 ADDITIONAL ITEM(S) 4 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 2016 • Wenatchee Valley Animal Care & Control — 2016 3`d Quarter Report ADJOURNMENT 7:35 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk • is • • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CHECK REGISTER November 22, 2016 PAYABLES CHECKS: 46918 thru 46989 VOIDED CHECKS: 46867 DEPARTMENT/FUND AMOUNT - --------------- General Fund 001 Street Fund 101 Community Dev Grants Funds 102 $74,117.51 $17,517.00 $0.00 Transportation Benefit District Fund 105 $0.00 Debt Reserve Fund 110 $0.00 Library Fund 112 $110.97 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 $0.00 Drug Fund 114 $0.00 Criminal Justice Fund 116 $0.00 Events Board Fund 117 $8,042.78 Bond Redemption Fund 202 $0.00 Street Improvements Fund 301 $34,973.90 - Storm Water Improvements Fund 308 $0.00 Capital Improvements Fund 314 $0.00 Equipment R&R Fund 501 $5,664.15 Transportation Benefit District 630 $0.00 -------------- Grand Total All Funds $140,426.31 0 nj Fund Transaction Summary IPFIscalransaction Type: Invoice :2016 - November 2016 - November 2nd Council Meeting 001 x Current Expense $74,117.51 101 Street Department $17,517.00 112 Library Fund $110.97 117 East Wenatchee Events Bird Fund $8,042.78 301 Street Improvement Fund $34,973.90 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement $5,664.15 Count: 6 $140,426.31 • Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\ASchulz on 11/16/2016 10:53:11 AM Page 1 of 1 0 East Wenatchee - Fund Transaction Summary • lr� u r, �J CO fD CO CD N N Il- n V 'Q N N f-- f` O 0) O O M M (O CD ITV Cl)M N N r- f` V '7 M M .- co co co co In LO Cl)N t.0 M LO ) LO O O fA fR EA fR - EA to fA 49 N N (fi is N N ER IA EA u> E9 45 09 4a a Q 0 cn v) o 0 N En U) U N C a) a) C Q m LD Q 0-m Q Q _m CL - - a a a) D a a a) Q CL 7 U U � a a 0 C to U) U)v7 In cb �U cn N 3 C S = U Q G >' N C) 0o yo UO o 0 0 CO Yo 00 0 o _ o 0 0 0 0 1 - o o =a �o Qo o a) o Uo ism M co m M Cl) N Cl) Cl) M m V X �(j O V V LO lMO O a r d� (00 v y T my =v �v y0; �jv rnv c� �Ln LO dL �� min can a)� do cn xco (3M (D amo �0 �o to co tV 4)M dM fd� 0 V 0 - CV j V t�- C� O E LL O � O m O 0 O N o m 0 00 O O r7. 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O O U F- LL G NIL U N 7 — o 7y M O O N d O N L1 OR c O N ro N E H c 0 V X W • N C) CO - O O O T N U Q N Z n� O O N O C U � mE O U Ca- (1) c O Co U N M (.0r C? N r O It M I- C) M a0 M M t( j Cl) C)N O') � 1 O C t � W O N N N M (O M N f- � 'm O" O w) M�C� I--cM E M T Co C) C (d 91 O 00 M C) V CD Co 0U) L N C) C) (n m �t CO CO O N CD (O - V C) IT o U') CV 't ' N (� E M 00 N w �E O (0 7 0 N C O @ O n L C M C3 L (0 Z Z N - O O n� @ U Q C N o ti C) C E- U Z) 0 M FLH- o p ZV)a� C) s W U p a) U U E is W J 2 J U O w L " `� J c O C) UO '' i- Q' Q O " in O m (n > = in N O a) U >- o wQa (n ) U a v v a��w a —' •�3 (d r- O F O V- - a) d f0 C N U a) in ro U 0 0 c d� X X~ 7 O (D C) O O m ►� fn N O p (a w+ ` C 'p O C m U N (� to O W W ea d t0 1- > �. O c O a) U c N O off$ E> ro = c ~ _ a) O Q O L a) a) @ U co d N U (6 O O W o w m c Q) o O 0 N o n (`o U moo .� nm F- o .U) � o p a`) c � N- OUC�W a) E UJ C O@ N E W O a) F- F- a) "O - tu yQ .wJly- W> EU) U� c o) U 0 0 m UJI O— WE 0 N � O C) Z Q O o U C Am m C IL L LO Q) T C) Q a70i, Y U � Z r' a o' a E W N Cu ra C ro w c 0 Cu en N E c 0 w Vacant City Council Position #4 Applicants Introductions • • Applicants for City Council Position #4 1. Leonard C. Anderson 3. Jerrilea Crawford 4. Gordon L DeKraai . I Y4A i 6. Tom D. Irvin 7. Christine T. Johnson 8. Donald L. Oliver 9. James Simonsen Ll ..� U V ' yn I';':au l� �' l I,a�lllfiNlll�;L? OFFICE OF THE MAYOR RECEIVED2719TH STREET NE * EASr WENATCHEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-9515 * FAX (509) 884-6233 NOVa CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE City of East Wenatchee City Councilmember Application 1. Name: ,L 4FOfi7P, p CH,Ffl1 E5 X'A1V Ff.50Aj 2. Name on Voter Registration (if different): 3. Date of birth: Novkw13,ER -7) /f -6F 4. Telephone: C!!�0f)67i-6Y.97 Email: %n4nder3oh 5. Address of Residence: 90/ /0" /' SiiZtET *V - How long: Vel Yes 6. Prior address: VA/Zia ri, - tJ 5- IV.4 v k How long: a/ Y,eS. 7. Occupation/employer: 1F-1-FC7-XieA4 eFN&1Af�R/00V&4,A5 eOU)NiY PUD 8. Educational background: CkN!9�iAN H16�if 5eN00,4 C/9'>7) UVF-70AVt 9, NAV,4[ Nr/C1fi42 P,&PIli510N dFii«=2 eFR FIFM.4TI�Nlif9,j) L/eCA-4,Fy 9. Have you held other board positions? If so, provide board names and dates: TioN . < ellele eIq (-7aOO - 2 00 2> 00V&I-A-5 Ca01ViY Cii�i'T��, T.�I,�1VoF T- 171NA W/,41- 5vV3 Oc Noy&,AY (20/</- Pi2Es�NT) 10. Community activities: 80Y 6coil-'%5, 3C0VT,4/A.sT eW ®F TIZ002 d Y (/7 ye5) EfOG-E a 7NAe1 V,4? 7- IrINAN0.4/, MS /n1J11 &X,q 515r,-R C /Ty (za07 YOv�/� Ci�rlFac/'ONt) �Vl��il/a2/iYG U�rE/1.41i�5 Signature Date Please attach letter of interest. Applicants are requested to attend the November 22, 2016, Council Meeting where you will be given an opportunity to address the City Council. Please return letter of interest along with this completed application no later than Thursday, November 17, 2016, to the Office of the Mayor, City of East Wenatchee, 271 9th Street NE, East Wenatchee, WA 98802. 801 10th Street N E East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 679-6927 • November 17, 2016 City of East Wenatchee Office of the Mayor 271 91h Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Dear Council Members, I hereby submit my name for consideration in serving East Wenatchee as a member of the East Wenatchee City Council. With strong ties to this city, I am interested in improving and maintaining this community for my children and grandchildren. My six sons grew up here and most of my grandchildren call East Wenatchee home as well. Please consider the following during your selection process. 1. Experienced: Serving 10 years on the Thrivent Financial Board, as Youth Coordinator, Treasurer and President, we funded hundreds of projects with approximately $70,000 of directed funds. Similar to United Way, requested projects had to be evaluated and funded within a set budget and timeframe. As Council President of a fledgling Church at a critical juncture, funds, program, and the desires of the members had to be carefully balanced to ensure survival while building plans were finalized and construction started. 2. Team Player: Having served at very close quarters with others on 5 submarines during my 21 year Navy career, you learn to work with others. In Boy Scouts, I have cultivated working relationships with most of our parents, such that many stay and participate years after their sons have grown and left the troop. 3. Community Involvement: As an Eagle Scout myself, I have always stayed involved wherever I have been. I have been the Scoutmaster of our local Troop 89 for 17 years. In addition to many `projects' in the community, our scouts have supported Ridge 2 River, the MS Walk, Compassionate Friends, Serve Wenatchee, Salvation Army, WS Fish & Wildlife, and countless hours helping individuals. Citizenship is a major focus of our program. I am a strong proponent of cheerful service and goodwill to others. 4. Knowledgeable: In my current position as Distribution Systems Engineer at Douglas County PUD, I am familiar with issues of growth and the infrastructure that must be installed. 5. Integrity: As a Scoutmaster and a former naval officer I am certain my conduct and ethics will fit in well with this position. I will always strive to be a strong ambassador and representative for the City. What this community is and what it will become in the future means a lot to me. I hope you will agree that I can bring knowledge, integrity and dedication to this important position. I look forward to serving the citizens of East Wenatchee. Sincerely, r/ t✓ / Leonard C. Anderson 9 1W 'k • CITY Oh EAST' WENATC1-1EE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 271 9TH Street NE * East Wenatchee, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-9515 * FAX (509) 884-6233 OCR sL201� City of East Wenatchee EAST WENATOOEE City Councilmember Application ct� of 1. Name: Mark Botello 2. Name on Voter Registration (if different): Mark James Botello 3. Date of birth: October 22 1973 4. Telephone: 509/860-5619 Email: Mark. botello(aD-gmail.com 5. Address of Residence: 655 NE 4th Street A102 E. Wenatchee 98802. How long: 13 Years 6. Prior address: How long: 7. Occupation/employer: City of Cashmere 8. Educational background: Bachelor's Interdisciplinary -Urban Planning & Business Management for Arizona State University and completion of 4-year Carpenters Apprenticeship program. . 9. Have you held other board positions? If so, provide board names and dates: Cashmere Chamber of Commerce Board of Director 2014-15. 10. Community activities: Volunteer Cashmere Chamber events such as Founder's Day and Christmas in Cashmere. Volunteer with Cashmere's 911 ceremony in Cashmere. ca Y Ac Signature Date Please attach letter of interest. Applicants are requested to attend the November 22, 2016, Council Meeting where you will be given an opportunity to address the City Council. Please return letter of interest along with this completed application no later than Thursday, November 17, 2016, to the Office of the Mayor, City of East Wenatchee, 271 9th Street NE, EastWenatchee, WA 98802. Mark Botello 655 4`h Street, NE. Apt. A102, East Wenatchee, WA 98802 - (509) 860-5619 - Mark. botelloPmrnail.com • Office of the Mayor Honorable Mayor Steve Lacy City Council Members City of East Wenatchee 271 9T" Street NE East Wenatchee, WA. 98802 Dear Honorable Mayor Lacy; City Council Members; I am writing to express my interest in representing the City of East Wenatchee Council Position No. 4. 1 am interested in serving on the City Council in East Wenatchee because I'm civic -minded and community engaged individual. I also have perspective, relevant abilities and civic experience that I feel could immediately complement the exceptional talents and skills of the current City Council. The characteristics I see as essential for this position are being a good leader, active -listener, exceptional ethics, awareness, understanding, foresight, stewardship and a commitment to the community and the well-being of others. In relation to the specific leadership responsibilities and duties of serving on the council, I have extensive experience and qualifications in the process of reviewing and enacting municipal .plans, understanding of various department and capital budgets and codes and direct experience in the prudent and responsible allocation of public resources for programs, services, and activities. It is my hope that my combination of experience and my dedication combine will demonstrate my qualifications to be an outstanding colleague and a true collaborative partner in moving forward with the goals and objectives of the Council and the community at large. I am confident that I am positioned to meet or exceed your expectations. I would greatly welcome the opportunity to serve the council and the community at large. I appreciate your service and thank you for your time and further consideration Sincerely, Mark Botello 0 r Mark Botello 655 4th Street, NE. Apt. A102, East Wenatchee, WA 98802 ^- (509) 860-5619 — Mark.botellokgmail.com • EDUCATION • Arizona State University, August 2002 Bachelor's of Interdisciplinary Studies with major emphasis in Urban Regional Planning and Business Management. • San Bernardino Valley College, June 1999 Associates of Arts • State of California Department of Industrial Relations -California Apprenticeship Council, January 1997 Certificate of completion of four-year carpenter's apprenticeship program. • United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America -Apprenticeship Council, January 1997 Certificate of completion of four-year carpenter's apprenticeship program. • On -going Continuing Education Units- International Code Council CERTIFICATIONS • Commercial Building Inspector- International Code Council • Residential Building Inspector- International Code Council PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE • City of Cashmere, Cashmere, WA.. June 2006 - Present Director of Planning & Building SEPA Official, Subdivision Administrator, Grant Writer & Administrator, performed all current planning & comprehensive planning duties, Code enforcement, processed annexation requests, Building Inspector, Administrator to the Planning Commission, Tree Committee & Park & Recreation Committee. Prepare and post legal notices, Maintain ArcVew GIS data and develop maps for current and long range planning projects. Coordinate all development activity with various city departments and agencies, Fire & Life Safety Inspector, Public Works projects Coordinator, • • Chelan County Community Development, Chelan County, WA. August 2004 to June 2006 Planner 2-Long Range Planning Process, review and prepare various land use development proposals/applications. Review various environmental documents. Review and process various shoreline permits, Attend and/or present at various commissions/committees such as County Commissioners & Planning Commission. Maintain GIS data and develop maps for current and long range planning projects. • Town of Twisp, Twisp, WA. January 2004 to August 2004 Town Planner -Current & Long Range Planning Duties include current & long range planning, process and manage various land use and environmental applications. • JMS Construction, Okanogan, WA. August 2002- January2004 Carpenter and labor on various residential and commercial projects in Okanogan County. Duties include hanging drywall, metal framing, framing, plumbing, electrical, stucco, painting, landscaping, built and hang cabinets and install fixtures. • Carpenters Union- Local 944 (Various Companies), San Bernardino, CA. June 1992 to January 1998 Journeyman & Apprentice Carpenter Worked on various commercial and residential construction projects as apprentice carpenter, journeyman carpenter, project design, project estimating, and code compliance. SKILLS PC with applications (Wmdows 95/98/00/10, Microsoft Office, WordPerfect, Internet) Knowledge of ESRI ArcView 9.3,10.0 & 10.1 Growth Management Act, State Environmental Policy Act, Shoreline Management Act, RCW, WAC Building Codes, Municipal land use, development codes & fire codes Public Sector bidding and vendor laws and procedures • • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 2719TH STREET NE * EAsT WENATC EE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-9515 * FAX (509) 884-6233 City of East Wenatchee City Councilmember Application 1. Name: Jev"Irl le-C. Cral'jtov-d 2. Name on Voter Registration (if different) 3. Date of birth: 0 ( - )UP - 19 -7 2- 4. Telephone: (502) $W -q'aS q Email h el' q Jn 0 r<2—D r1(,W i • kl e, 5. Address of Residence: ((0 J ��` .S�• NE How long: 1 S r 6. Prior address: 5-10 How long: rs 7. Occupation/employer: k2eV aldylee- 1/6.11eJ G(' &m, e► o-P Cc�ryt✓v,�rce 8. Educational background: Ferris 4S -Sn�v ce, rR4o . CP.r��a( W w LLAIV �SI� —TDLUA C)V\ SusinPcv (fw,►nis-h��-iin✓� 9. Have you held other board positions? If so, provide board names and dates [ dyai'l i 6 b ncW c( ':).000 - Qre&e&'4 P1Lkj ivi NCIA], do1`(-d06 M, ;Q10-1013 10. Community activities: K i wain i s , V of cr k s6c ccac coca l - „ Ol isa'c')C . 1 S C.t tV G1, I M ess 4-A-bh Ssir 4a ,1 ki6f S 1/61u�J Signature Date Please attach letter of interest. Applicants are requested to attend the November 22, 2016, Council Meeting where you will be given an opportunity to address the City Council. Please return letter of interest along with this completed application no later than Thursday, November 17, 2016, to the Office of the Mayor, City of East Wenatchee, 271 9th Street NE, East Wenatchee, WA 98802. November 8, 2016 • Mayor Lacy and East Wenatchee City Council Members RECEIvEr NOV X 9 2016 271 9th St. NE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Dear Mayor Lacy and City Council Members: I am sorry to hear of George Buckner's passing. I worked with him many years ago. He was a kind, smart, and community minded person who will be missed greatly by many. Please accept this cover letter and application for consideration of the open City Council position #4. I've been considering running for City Council during the next election cycle but with George's passing I felt this would be an appropriate time to express my interest. The reason why I am seeking this public office is I am passionate about partnerships, collaboration, and regional thinking. My experience has shown me that we need community leaders that are well connected, understand the complex issues facing our region, and have the desire to work with area partners, businesses, and residents to accomplish common goals. Because this is home to my family and because of my work with the Chamber, I am motivated to actively participate and serve the community utilizing my skills, connections, and willingness to learn. I was born in Wenatchee but raised in Ellensburg and Spokane. I chose to move to Wenatchee and attend Wenatchee Valley College because my parents and grandparents were from here and I always felt that the • Wenatchee Valley is my true home. I attended Central Washington University and focused on Business Administration and decided to make East Wenatchee my permanent residence for the last 15 years. I am • married with 3 kids who attend Eastmont schools. My relationships in the community and my work and volunteer experiences would be of benefit to East Wenatchee. Most of my work experience is with the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce. I've worked for the Chamber in many different roles over the last 18 years and currently serve as the Community Development Director. I develop programs that meet the needs of the local business community. To do that I participate in economic development programs, visioning activities such as Our Valley What's Next, and government affairs discussions. I also coordinate and facilitate the Chamber's Community Leadership program which is designed to give participants a broad knowledge of the valley and key issues facing the region and prepare them for future civic leadership roles. My volunteer efforts are also centered around community. I am a member of Kiwanis and the Misawa Sister City Association, past campaign manager for Friends of Eastmont Pool & Parks, and past board member of Plug-in NCW. I have served as Kenroy PTO president for 3 years and coached youth soccer. I appreciate your consideration of my application. I look forward to attending the November 22"1 City Council Meeting and answering any questions you may have. Sincerely, 6_&� Jerrilea Crawford 1109 101h St. NE, East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 886-4257 or (509) 387-9762 • ::kECE • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 2719TH S FP= NE - EAST WENATCr EE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-9515 * FAX (509) 884-6233 City of East Wenatchee City Councilrnernber Application 1. Name: L,' & 'i br t/ LLt-e k--AA4, 2. Narne on Voter Registration (if different): 5_o¢0,c- 3. Date of birth: - 7-2 19 5e-, 4. Telephone: S, Email: Cler t-4 4,0 �` , -^ ors= ' o 5. Address of Residence:Z.., Vic! 14'V4How long: / _ 6. Prior address:/5—How long:_;�,?s 7. Occupation/employer:/'4 ,6_:u�S��f'�, 8. Educational background: Lo 9. Have you held other board positions? If so, provide board names and dates: -j4:'S 10. Community activities: J Signature Please attach letter of interest. Date Applicants are requested to attend the November 22, 2016, Council Meeting where you will be given an opportunity to address the City Council. Please return letter of interest along with this completed application no later than Thursday, November 17, 2016, to the Office of the Mayor, City of East Wenatchee, 271 9th Street NE, East Wenatchee, WA 98802. A. Gordon DeKraai • 1540 Huntwood Lane East Wenatchee, WA 98802 509-886-4315 decry4@charter.net • Dear Mayor and East Wenatchee City Council, My name is Gordon DeKraai. I am applying for the open position on the city council. I have been impressed over the years with the financial stability of the city and the development of East Wenatchee as a growing city. With my past back ground on serving the community in service and volunteering I feel I would be a good candidate for this position. I realize there is a lot to learn but I am willing to accept the challenge. Gordon DeKraai 509-886-4315 ` GORDON DeKRAA1 1540 Huntwood Lane East Wenatchee, Washington • Phone: (509) 860-0278 Email: decry4gcharter.net EMPLOYMENT HISTORY April 2011 — October 2011 FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Consulting District Manager on District Operations May - 2011 Completed Twenty Hour Family Mediation Training Course Wenatchee Valley Dispute Resolution Center October — 2010 Completed Forty Hour Basic Mediation Training Course Wenatchee Valley Dispute Resolution Center July 2007 — 2008 CAROUSEL INSURANCE Marketing temporary insurance products to auto dealerships. September 2001 — June 2007 FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON District Manager of North Central Washington Responsible for recruiting and training new agents in a rural market area. Supervised and trained 21 full time agents on marketing and new products. District 20 had the highest auto production per full time agent for 5 years. Toppers Club 2 years. May 1998 — August 2001 FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON I worked as a District Managers Training Assistant for District Manager Dennis Rosbarsky. I managed my agency at the same time. May 1978 — August 2001 FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Owned and operated a very successful Farmers Insurance Agency in Vancouver, Washington. EDUCATION High School — Verdi, Minnesota College — General Beadle State Teachers College — 2years Received Insurance Licenses in 1978 Essentials of Management Education in 2000 Received Securities Licenses 6 & 63 in 2002 Received Supervisory Securities License 26 in 2002 0 14 VOLUNTEER Retired Senior Volunteer Program Board 15 years in Vancouver WA. iMember of Lions International for 40 years. Member of Vancouver Lions Club 25 years. Served two terms as President President of Wenatchee Central Lions Club for year 2012 - 2013 Lion of the year twice Melvin Jones Fellow The highest honor you can receive as a Lion Chairman of several committees Current board member of Wenatchee Central Lions 2010 & 2011 Master of Ceremony Apple Blossom Pageant Member of the Kingston Foundation Board Served three years on Board of Directors Wenatchee Golf and Country Club Currently serving on Greens Committee and Golf Services Committee Member of Wenatchee Applarians for three years. Wenatchee Valley Dispute Resolution Center — Mediation Intern is 0 r] r� 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 271 9TH STREET NE * EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 gECfEIVED PHONE (509) 884-9515 * FAX (509) 884-6233 NOV 1, 7 Z016 ;3 TY OF EAST WENATCHEE City of East Wenatchee City Councilmember Application 1. Name: ii1,t vi ew A, �&ee-,- 2. Name on Voter Registration (if different): 3. Date of birth: J--) 0-�> u l 9rsd 4. Telephone: � _ �Y3 " 8 q d Email: Mat-the-OCEw — w,N • c-o6^9 5. Address of Residence: !>&?; �!f How Ay't- Ion g. 6. prior address: )° y iMc ( _^ "�- C�J `', ~ How long: J- Xc- �s , �h 14, 7. Occupation/employer: �xe'e o ivy- L--c f-d— 0 �'-e'leci r "0 i.v'wre(s O F 8. Educational background: i, i%5mG . P°Kc, Peak jo.=j,;jvi •'jx /lei rvgw t7n: re'3, fy ant (rY.d� F� �✓oc� Ada-ht w"s8 Ftert:.e4 c ,..,c: 9 9. Have you held other board positions? If so, provide board names and dates: ✓t C 6 1 G4- / IR 41,011 f-if � til'o' (11a" C'00° ic, f - C �- �y S If^vSO� ° a1�'e:SL���Q C �61 J��o �O<✓ 1 0� t1f`'S(� 10. Community activities: �cl6z� s a�v ; N�� we•,Pzo L ;'-1iL, E,ZDGr.{ Q�•.p"=-/llbJ�°1,G4 e %J J Signafurd Date Please attach letter of interest. Applicants are requested to attend the November 22, 2016, Council Meeting where you will be given an opportunity to address the City Council. Please return letter of interest along with this completed application no later than Thursday, November 17, 2016, to the Office of the Mayor, City of East Wenatchee, 271 9th Street NE, East Wenatchee, WA 98802. Matthew A. Hepner • 302 Iowa Ave, East Wenatchee, WA 98802 509-393-2840 Matthew @cew-wa. com November, 16, 2016 To the City Council of East Wenatchee: I am writing to express my interest in the vacated city council position by the late George Buckner. I am deeply passionate about local policy making, and I have felt its effects first hand when the data center bill expired (2008) and the recession hit. I was unemployed as an electrical apprentice for 10 months because of it. I understand the seriousness of this position. I know that poor decision making means my friends and my family may suffer. I have felt the dire consequences of legislative and political failure. I will not let my family friends and community down. If you choose me for this position I will work enthusiastically and tirelessly to assure we are prosperous. I have been involved with the local politics since 2006 when I was appointed to the North Central Washington Labor Council as a delegate. Since then I have been elected Vice President of the North Central Washington Labor Council. I was on the data center�oll task force (2014-2015). During the data center bill efforts I was the spokesperson for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) in the media productions produced by Microsoft and Saybe Inc. Currently I am the Executive Director of the Certified Electrical Workers of Washington, where I represent nearly 20,000 electrical workers statewide. I advocate for Economic development, and Apprenticeship opportunities. Looking into the policy issues that are currently facing East Wenatchee I think my youth and energy coupled with my skill set will come in very useful to our community. I feel our community is uniquely positioned to capitalize on rural economic development and feel it is vital since we lost good family wage jobs from Alcoa. I have already researched many of the issues facing the City Council and find the minimum density standards ordinances particularly intricate and engaging and I see it as a case of urban sprawl versus personal freedoms and I am ready to hit the ground running. Besides acquiring legislative experience. I served in the US Marine Corps, and a year in Afghanistan and was honorably discharged (1999-2003). From there I was on the US Judo Team as an Olympic hopeful at the Olympic training center in Colorado Springs (2003-2006) 1 was a foreign exchange student in Japan in 1996 in Yamanshi Prefecture and my cultural experiences will be useful in our relationship with our sister city of Misawa. I still teach judo here in town at Budokan judo. I am currently a trustee on the Interscholastic Judo Association and will be the Vice President beginning in January. In 2006 1 started the Electrical apprenticeship here utilizing the Helmets to Hardhats program and became a journeyman wireman in 2012. 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 271 9TH STREET NE * EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 8849515 * FAx (509) 884-6233 City of East Wenatchee City Councilmember Application 1. Name:�� 2. Name on Voter Registration (if different): 3. Date of birth: l� � Z 4. Telephone: -e- J Emailr�'��-Z 5. Address of Residence: � — Z, C-► How long: 6. Prior address: How long: t' 7. Occupation/employer: 8. Educational background: �-- 9. Have you held other board positions? If so, provide boargames and dates: k 10. Comm pity activities: � ��-�' �<���'� �r� � �"'--�==�s L�"`'--, Signature Da e Please attach letter of interest. Applicants are requested to attend the November 22, 2016, Council Meeting where you will be given an opportunity to address the City Council. Please return letter of interest along with this completed application no later than Thursday, November 17, 2016, to the Office of the Mayor, City of East Wenatchee, 271 9th Street NE, East Wenatchee, WA 98802. r1 • • Northwestern Mutual FNJNANCI�, k�TWORK® ovem er RECEIVE Tom D. Levin 1 5 2016 NOVy tl 1 Financial Representative 18 S Mission St Ste 200 EAST WENATCHEE Wenatchee, WA 98801 CITY OF 509 662 0200 x225 office 509 663 3993 fax Office of the Mayor: tom.irvin@nmfn.com www.nmfn.com/tomirvin As a 43 year resident of the Wenatchee Valley- 20 of those as a merchant of E. Wenatchee and 23 as a financial representative with Northwestern Mutual I have always had local politics as an interest. Given the growth of E. Wenatchee I believe I would be well suited to lend guidance to it's exciting future. I look forward to meeting with the council on November 22 nd. Northwestern Mutual Financial Network is the marketing name for the sales and distribution arm of The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI (NM), and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Tom Irvin is an Insurance Agent of NM (life insurance, annuities and disability income insurance) and Northwestern Long Term Care Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI, a subsidiary of NM (long-term care insurance), and a Registered Representative of Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, LLC, a wholly -owned company of NM, broker -dealer and member FlNRA and SIPC. NM is not a broker -dealer. There may be instances when this agent represents insurance companies in addition to NM or its affiliates. CA License #OE73033 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 271 9TH STREET NE * EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-9515 * FAX (509) 884-6233 City of East Wenatchee City Councilmember Application 1. Name: ( L (sync, h 0,50n 2. Name on Voter Registration (if different): 3. Date of birth: I '1114 /1 9 Co y 4 5 6 Telephone: 3Kq - Li q2q Address of Residence: q614 I Z Prior address: 711 1 J tL . K E • How long: 7. Occupation/employer: 8. 9. 10. Educational background: V/r•&.1• ui • • � - If so, provide board names and dates: Signat D e Please attach letter of interest. Applicants are requested to attend the November 22, 2016, Council Meeting where you will be given an opportunity to address the City Council. Please return letter of interest along with this completed application no later than Thursday, November 17, 2016, to the Office of the Mayor, City of East Wenatchee, 271 9th Street NE, East Wenatchee, WA 98802. CtnW IVA, 1 - RECEIVE® NOV 1 � NIG • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE November 8, 2016 Office of the Mayor City of East Wenatchee 271 91h Street N.E. East Wenatchee, WA. 98802 To the Office of the Mayor, and the City Council, I am very interested in filling the open position of East Wenatchee City Council Member. It has long been an interest of mine to serve the public and be a voice for change and growth, and I believe I could do this as a member of the Council. 1 have many years of public service through my employment in this valley, since moving here in 1993. My experiences have taught me that open, honest communication between government and the public is the best way to accomplish goals that benefit both, and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my past work experience and accomplishments with you. As an applicant for this position, I will be attending the East Wenatchee City Council meeting on November 22n1. I look forward to introducing myself to you at that time. Sincerely, Christine Johnson 904 121h Street NE East Wenatchee, WA. 98802 Ll • �J ( 1. r - - LRY OF EASTWENATCHEE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 2719TH STP= NE * EnSr WENATG EF WA 98802 PHONE (509) 88 -9515 * FAX (509) 884-6233 City of East Wenatchee City Councilmember Application 1. Name: �) a�-i 3\C� L Q C t V e. 2. Name on Voter Registration (if different): 3. Date of birth: 4. Telephone;< 2 - 6,, 2 c --3 3 r) Email �6ij i'ver na a wia z i. r a tC\ 5. Address of Residence: % (d-/ 1-1 a er i dot r/ L Ail How long: 6. Prior address: �� Zit c �r�1 (tYw �� ti 4 - LkA, How long: 16 7. Occupation/employer:�l 8. Educational background: ictrt' 6�v /OR V 4-Pub(re i i.r P(f % cj'i.5 iira t i cx 9. Have you held other board positions? If so, provide board names and dates: 10. Community activities: ��l -C' 5 •v`c l wKi l-eu'r n . Signature Date Please attach letter of interest. Applicants are requested to attend the November 22, 2016, Council Meeting where you will be given an opportunity to address the City Council. Please return letter of interest along with this completed application no later than Thursday, November 17, 2016, to the Office of the Mayor, City of East Wenatchee, 271 9th Street NE, 0 East Wenatchee, WA 98802. RecFINED i 4 IS CITY O` EAST NIENATOHEE Office of the Mayor City of East Wenatchee 271 9"' Street East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Dear Mayor Lacy, Donald L. Oliver 1640 Harrington Lane East Wenatchee, WA 98802 November 12, 2016 Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the City Council Member position for the City of East Wenatchee. I believe I have the skills, experience and qualifications relevant to being an effective council member who will work for the success, growth, and financial stability of our city. I have worked with citizens with diverse perspectives, environmental groups, local businesses, industry groups, elected officials, -tribes, and representatives of local, state and federal agencies to respond to pubic health concerns, form partnerships and find solutions to varied and often complex issues, such as Superfund sites in Tacoma and Pierce county, radiation concerns at Hanford Nuclear Reservation and land use and development issues such as sewage and drinking water. I've also had experience managing people and programs as well as developing and managing budgets within county departments and state agencies. My experience as an Environmental Health Director at several local health departments, Chief Administrator of Environmental Health Programs at Washington State Department of Health, a member of the State Board of Health and the East Wenatchee Planning Commission has provided me with an understanding of the roles of government at various levels. I've also learned the importance of good communication and a willingness to listen, learn, collaborate, negotiate, and engage the public in the process of government. Both my work experience and my sense of responsibility as a citizen contribute to my belief that government should be accountable to the public and should balance anticipated benefits to the public with cost. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my application and interest in serving as a City of East Wenatchee Council Member. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 16'(wa C) X Donald Oliver n U • RECEIVED NOV 2[I1r CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 11 • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 2719TH STREET NE * EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-9515 * FAx (509) 884-6233 City of East Wenatchee City Councilmember Application 1. Name: FCC �7 m o wls 9 n 2. Name on Voter Registration (if different): 3. Date of birth:Y/Y%% 4. Telephone: C����`Z� �` i� ._ 4�`7 Email:�Im N3 & ('X15 ij . Co vii 5. Address of Residence: T 3 "T S How long: 6. Prior address: How long: 7. Occupation/employer: "_ $=+It,,r- L,� /CI4i=- 4104 ekc r 8. -Educational background f .�;,r t> FPt;�r� Chi%$ )-4���r`r �SChcdot_ _ 9. Have you held other board positions? If so, provide board names and dates 10. Community activities: Signature bate Please attach letter of interest. Applicants are requested to attend the November 22, 2016, Council Meeting where you will be given an opportunity to address the City Council. Please return letter of interest along with this completed application no later than Thursday, November 17, 2016, to the Office of the Mayor, City of East Wenatchee, 271 9th Street NE, East Wenatchee, WA 98802. Office of the Mayor • 2719" St. N.E. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 1402 V St. S.E. East Wenatchee, WA 68802 November 8, 2016 Dear Councilmembers of East Wenatchee: My name is Jim Simonsen. I am interested in serving on the East Wenatchee City Council. I believe that the council would benefit from my previous experiences and I would like to be considered for this position. I have been a city councilman in the city of Asotin, WA for 5 years. During that time I experienced many issues that are probably similar to what East Wenatchee is facing. I believe I can add insight into • problems and concerns that this city faces and will face in the future. 1 have also retired from credit unions in Idaho and Washington State. I have been a loan officer and ran credit unions. I feel that my expertise in this field will be invaluable since so much the council has to deal with is distribution of monies for projects. I am presently president of the Apple Valley Kiwanis. There I chair many community projects and look for ways to help our community in both Wenatchee and East Wenatchee. I am acave m parucipaung m my commumty ana ioox rorwara io oemg a part or the cast w enatcnee amity council. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you. I would like an opportunity to share my experiences witn you anu make cast w enawnee a suong community. Sincerely, 9. 1 S Jim Simonsen 0 Department Report(s) • 0 r 0 2016 Construction Projects Status Report -November 2016 Valley Mall Parkway Parking Lot The VMP Parking Lot LID project will redesign the parking lot with a "Low Impact Development" storm water collection and treatment system. This will be accomplished through the use of a "permeable" pavement. The project will also provide for new landscaping, illumination, an enhanced cross walk across VMP, improve the Link Bus Stop, provide a public information kiosk, and install a public car wash facility for civic fund raising activities. Status: Completed This project is completed. The final invoice is being finalized. The only remaining issue is that a series of street lights on Valley Mall Parkway have ceased working. Our investigation on why this occurred is on -going. 11th St NE and 19th St NE Overlay An Arterial Preservation Program grant was awarded to the city through the Transportation Improvement Board for a pavement overlay on 11th St NE from Valley Mall Parkway to Baker Avenue and for 19th St NE*from SR 28 to Eastmont Avenue. Status: Paving Completed The project is completed with regards to paving. The city is still going to have the contractor place additional gravel at locations where the edge of the asphalt created a hazard. The project still has $ 36,985 in remaining funds with estimated remaining work of less than $20,000. • 0 2016 Residential Overlay Program The 2016 Residential Overlay program will repave portions of 2nd St NE, Rolf s Court, Rolf's Place, 41h St NE Colby Court, and Darwood St. In addition, the streets originally scheduled for the 2015 project will also be paved. These streets are portions of 9th St NE, N. Iowa, and N. Grover Streets. These projects will be paved in conjunction with the Transportation Improvement Boards APP project to overlay 11th St NE and 19th St NE to obtain an increased economy of scale. Status: Completed Denis Ct and 7th St NE Stormwater Improvements The Denis Court and 7th St NE Small Stormwater Improvement projects where approved by the city council for 2016 construction. The Denis Court project will collect storm water and covey it to the storm water main sewer line on 11th St NE. The 7th St NE project will collect storm water and convey to the storm system on Colorado Avenue. The project is funded through the Greater East Wenatchee Storm Water Utility (GEWSWU). Status: Finished construction The construction on Denis Ct and 7th St NE is completed. The invoice is being reviewed for payment. It appears to be around $4,000 under the construction bid. 5th Street NE Sidewalks and Storm Sewer Improvements The 51h St NE Sidewalk/Storm Sewer project will construct new sidewalks from Baker Avenue to Eastmont Avenue. The construction of these sidewalks will necessitate the need for a new storm sewer system as well. CDBG and GEWSWU funds will be used to fund this project. Status: Under Design This project continues have with the design. • • Highline Drive The Highline Drive Project will reconstruct the roadway from Grant Road to 3'd St SE. The deteriorated pavement will be completely reconstructed, the remaining sidewalks will be constructed, bike lanes will be added, additional illumination will be added, and the stormwater collection, treatment and conveyance will be enhanced. The project is scheduled for construction in 2017. Status: The consultant was submitted 60% plans. The project will be routing a significant portion of the stormwater to the existing ponds on 3rd St SE. The title reports and appraisals for the necessary right of way are completed and Right of Way will be negotiated soon. Baker Avenue The Baker Avenue project will reconstruct Baker Avenue from 15th St NE to the city limits approximately at Sand Canyon. The project will construct a sidewalk on • the west side of the street, provide bicycle lanes on both sides of the street, install a storm water collection and treatment system, provide turning lanes at 19th St NE, reconstruct the structural base of the roadway and repave. The project is scheduled for construction in 2017. Status: The consultant has submitted 90% plans The design is continuing on the project. Right of Way title reports and the appraisals are completed. The Right of way negotiator has been selected and negotiations should be beginning in late November or early December. 9th St NE Dual Round-Abouts The Valley Mall Parkway and 91h St NE signal was originally intended to install a 4 way signalized intersection, but a dual Round -About (RAB) including the 9th St NE / SR 28 intersection was considered to be a better alternative. The four corners of the intersection will also be retrofitted with new sidewalk ramps that meet the ADA standards. • 0 Status: Administration of the project has been assigned to the WSDOT WSDOT has assigned a project manager to this project. They will begin the design and contract administration of this project later this year. 2016 costs to the city will be minimal. • • Community Development Department Report Materials November 22, 2016 Council Meeting Contents Chapter 17.73 Open Space page 3 Medical Marijuana page 15 Housing Needs Assessment page 17 2015 CDBG Consolidated Annual Performance Report page 75 • 1 of 87 • • �uelq dal AIleuoijualui a6ed sigi 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 271 91" STREET NE ' EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-5396 . FAX (509) 886-6113 LBarnett@east-wenatchee.com MEMORANDUM To: East Wenatchee City Council and Mayor Lacy From: Lori Barnett, Director Date: November 16, 2016 Subject: Update regarding Planning Commission recommendation for potential amendments to chapter 17.73 Open Space Standards On March 24, 2015, chapter 17.73 EWMC was approved by the City Council and County Commissioners requiring developers to provide on -site open space/recreation areas for certain projects. The City and County have a similar requirement for multi- family projects. Chapter 17.73 EWMC allows a developer an option to pay the city, county or Eastmont Metropolitan Park District (EMPD) an amount equal to what it would cost to construct the open space/recreation facility in lieu of actually providing the on - site facility. The "payment in lieu of provision was included to address a request for an alternative to the development of an on -site open space/recreation facility. Some developers would rather provide the funds to a public entity that would develop and maintain a facility that would be accessible by the residents of their project. • Six applications have been submitted to the County since adoption of chapter 17.73 EWMC. There are two projects where the developers would like to take advantage of the "payment in lieu of provision. • The EMPD Board sent a letter to the city and county on 9/29/2016 indicating that they would not be willing to accept the "payment in lieu of funds. • Douglas County recently sent a letter explaining that the County Commissioners are unwilling to accept the funds and requested that the City consider taking the funds. In discussing this issue with Mayor Lacy and City Attorney Devin Poulson, it was suggested that it would be best if there was some way to amend the text of that chapter to eliminate the reluctance on the part of the EMPD to accept the funds. To address this, staff drafted amendments to chapter 17.73 EWMC. The proposed amendments were provided to Council on November 8, 2016. At the East Wenatchee Planning Commission meeting on November 15, 2016, Park Board members indicated that the proposed amendments satisfied many of their concerns. However, there was still a potential that the Board would not take the funds which would require the developer to install the open space facility on the property. Following the discussion there was a vote of 5-1 (Brawley recused) to initiate a repeal of chapter 17.73 in its entirety. Since this would be a major departure from the goals in the comprehensive plan and expansion of the urban growth area, staff requests direction from Council regarding this recommendation. • A copy of the minutes of that meeting, the draft amendments, and the agenda mailing and e-mail list is provided with this memo. 3 of 87 Le 10 i? • • 0 �uejq :4a1 Alleuoi}ualui afied sigi _I. � - CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 271 9 " STREL'r NE EAST WENATC1ILL, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-5396 - FAX (509) 886-6113 EAST WENATCHEE PLANNING COMMISSION Chair: Chaun Birks, Vice Chair: Robert Everett Sally Brawley, Norma Jean Jessup, Norm Nelson, Deanna Nikolas and Robert Hunter Summary Minutes November 16, 2016 - 5:30 PM Location: East Wenatchee City Hall, Council Chambers 271 9ch Street NE, East Wenatchee, WA Purpose: Workshop CALL TO ORDER Chair Birks called the meeting to order at 5.32 Roll Call: Members present: Norm Nelson, Bob Everett, Chaun Birks, Sally Brawley Deanna Nikolas and Norma Jean Jessup Robert Hunter was absent. Staff present: Lori Barnett, and Marcia Martz • Eastmont Metropolitan Park District Board members present: Emilie Fogle and Brandon Mauseth. II. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES Chair Birks reviewed the planning commission meeting procedures and the agenda for the evening. Ill. CONTINUATIONS AND/OR WITHDRAWALS IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Workshop — Review potential amendments to chapter 17.73 Open Space Standards to address the optional provision for payment in lieu of creating on -site open space/recreation areas for specific development projects. Planner Barnett reviewed the potential amendments to chapter 17.73 Open Space Standards with the Planning Commission. There was discussion regarding the optional provision for payment in lieu of creating on -site open space/recreation areas for specific development projects. Commissioner Nelson presented a Subdivision breakdown for open Space requirements illustrating that it was more cost effective for the developer to provide the payment than lose the land area that would be associated with the on -site open space requirement. Commissioner Brawley explained the Metropolitan Parks Departments issues with the • payment in lieu of creating on -site open space/recreation areas. The proposed amendments cleared up some of the issues the Board had regarding accepting the funds. 5 of 87 L8 l0 9 6upaaw o41 of joud sAep buiNiom E lseal le aoglo si41 loeluoo aseald tugaaw si41 ui aledioilied of aouelsisse leioads paau noA lI lsanbaj uodn papinojd aq llLm suogepoww000e (ypy) lo`d saililigesia 4lLmsueouawy siallew asn puel uo uoisioap jeug a41 anew pun o4m jounoo AlfZ) a41 of suoilepuawwooaj aie A@41 is'suoisioap jeuy lou aje suopoe uoisstwwoo 6uiuueld siallew asn puel uo suogepuawwooai pue aoinpe apinad of joFeyy aq) Aq paluiodde uoissiwwoo tiosinpe uazilio a si uoissiwwoO 6uiuueld aa43leU@AA ise3 a41 lenoaddy jo aleQ J1ego uolsslwwoO 6uluueld aoloaala luawdolanap Allunwwoo llauaeg .0 auieajo-1 `pall!wgnS AIlnlloadsad LVL 1N3WNNno av*llA 3NON - SS3NISf18 N3H1O 'IA 3NON - SS3NISf19 (no 'A -6uillnsuoo Njag Aq polonpuoo Apn4s puewaCl ja)peW -Y 4uaws3a3sy spaaN fu.isnoH easy uegan aauoieuaM agl to slgbllgblq ay} paMainaJ llaweg Jauueld 'ease aagoleuaNA lse3 pue aagoleuaAA aql jol 6ulllnsuoo Naag Aq palonpuoo (9L0Z aagwaldaS) Apnls puewa(j ja)jaeW 12 auawssassy spaaN 6uisnoH to uoissnosip pue uolleluasaad — dogs�joAA -0 • p - g •aJon snowlueun Aq paiijeo uoljow `papuooas dnssap aauolssiwwoo •suollleaado mojB joopui aol ainjonils tiossaooe pue sajnj!jsuoo jegm uo suolllejlwil Buipie6aa soullopinB fqunoo uelego aqj Bulmolloj Aluo moaB joopui molle pue 43 0141 ul saAl;ejad000 I!q!gojd of uoijow a apew;JaJaA3 aau0lsslwwo0 :uo113d -6ulaap!suoo aje suollolpsunf leool jaglo legm pue suolsiAoid tioleln6aa alels uo uoissiwwo:D 6uluueld aql polepdn llauieg aauueld -suoilolpsunf leool jaglo woal sagoeoidde pue suolslnoid Aaolelnbaj @leis 6ulpaebaa euenfijew leoipaw uo alepdn pue uoissnosia — dogs�joM -g -(Aalme.a8 AIIeS) lesnoai l — 9 palaJeo uolllow pue papuooas uoslaN aauolssiwwoo '£L'L6 aaldego aoedS uado eqj leadaj of uoijow a apew s;Mjiq uewalego :uoljod -spunl eql ldaooe of Aoua6e builpm a sajrnbai uolslnoid jo nail ui luawAed aql legl Joel aql 6uipjebej uoissnosip lejaua6 a sem magi -spun] aql ldaooe of builpm si auo ou `AlaleunlJolun -�jed aql ui Ind uegl spun] aql ap!Aojd jaglej pinom aq legl paleolpw aH -aoeds uado al!s-uo eql 6ulp!noid jo nail ui luawAed aql ap!Aoid of uolldo agl asn of Al!l!ge aql palsonbai legl siadolanap oml aql to auo s! aH 'Alluaaano ui palsan s1 aq loafoid e gl!m uollenl!s siq pauieldxa `aoloealuoo leool a `u6lsaa awoH dnssar `dnssar Uelld -spunl aql 6ulldaooe ui saagwaw paeog aql wojl uoll!soddo • aq ll!ls Aew aaagl legl paleolpul aH -seaje uoileajoaj/aoeds uado al!s-uo 6uwleajo to nail ui luawAed aql 6ulldaooe ql!M seoel paeoq aql sanssi aql pauleldxa jagljnl lolalsla Need uelllodoilan luowlse3 aql jo aagwaA paeog paloale ue glasnen uopuejg 9loz 'L aunp salnuiyy ljewwng Planning Commission Agenda E-mail List • 1. 'ablastfromthepast@nwi.net'; 2. 'bcdudek@genext.net" 3. 'Bernita@docosewer.org'; 4. 'Bob Everett'; 5. 'Carlos Cruz'; 6. 'carolk@johnlscott.com'; 7. 'cavanv@cuonlinenow.com'; 8.'cderobles@cashmerevalleybank.com'; 9. 'Chaun Birks'; 10. Chuck Johnson; 11.'chuck.crouch@kraftheinzcompany.co m' ; 12. 'crousejw@crouses.com'; 13. 'd_linv@hotmail.com'; 14. 'danb@erlandsen.com'; 15.'Deanna Nikolas'; 16. 'eksellers@yahoo.com'; 17.'emhollan@charter. net'; 18.'euphonium51 @gmail.com'; 19.'fieldsb@eastmont206.org'; 20. Greg Pezoldt; 21.'Greg Wright'; 22.'hadelp@live.com'; 23.'hank.lewis@co.chelan.wa.us'; 24. Harry Raab; 25.'hemphill@wenatcheeworld.com'; 26.'jack@c-on u rsery. com'; 27.'jay@dadkp.com'; 28.'jeff@agent509.com'; 29.'Jim Nakata'; 30.'jim wonn'; 31.'jimb48@yahoo.com'; 32.'John Compton'; 33. John Sterk; 34.'Krueger, Bryce - NRCS, Waterville, WA ': 35.'1inda.hazIett@dnr.wa.goV 36.'1isa@portofdougIas.org'; 37.'MCGLOTC@wsdot.wa.gov'; 38.'Michael Noyd [Michaeln@noydrmc.com]'; 39.'michael.machado@usbank.com'; 40.'mkulaas@co.douglas.wa.us'; 41. Nick Gerde; 42.'Norm Nelson'; 43.'Norma Jean Jessup'; • 44.'pata@jdsalaw. com'; 45.'pete.palmer@colvilletribes.com'; 46.'rakantor@gmail.com'; 47.'rkarok@robertknowlesarchitects.com'; 48.'Robert Hunter'; 49.'rogerbmiller@charter.net', 50.'rogere@erlandsen.com'; 51.'rosenthal@nwi.net'; 52.'ryanv@northernfruit.com'; 53. Sally Brawley; 54.'sdrozrankin@gmail.com'; 55. Shelly (Greater Wenatchee Irrigation District); 56. Teresa Allen; 57.'thektm@yahoo.com'; 58. Tim Detering; 59.'tim.larson@chelanpud.org'; 60. Verla Janes (verla(a)docosewer.orq); 61. Vince Johnston (Water District); 62. Wayne Barnhart; 63.'wdobbins@dcpud.org'; 64.'zeke.c.johnstone@ftr.com' 7 of 87 L810 9 • 3p,' .-fj� ;�q},l Z ' wd(" aw L to L22 a,�� �o��Mop-�a�•5 i� f�' .A bVA(2 'm--;? 3 N , hs w`�� 1 b o2 -S'lULAO�j; 1, fi� �� 117y►� �11�n ��`� • ma, m . UaM w2P ow%44 � s 1,91 .(M . _� ve V/--Vg ` T V19M h L,S2 vo o 'o -d "d o-Ad --) t -�) 3N Isil $uilltw lepuasv 91OZ-Si-II uoissiWWOD Suluulajd aaYluuaM Isua Exhibit A • E • Proposed Amendments Chapter 17.73 OPEN SPACE STANDARDS Sections: 17.73.010 Purposes. 17.73.020 Applicability. 17.73.030 Exemptions. 17.73.040 Standards for dedfc-atoonOn-Site Open Space. 17.73.050 Implementation. 17.73.060 Improvements. 17.73.070 Stormwater detention facilities. 17.73.080 Rights and duties. 17.73.090 Optional payment in lieu of establishing on -site open space/recreation area. 17.73.010 Purposes. The purposes of this chapter are: A. To ensure the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City East Wenatchee and the residents of Douglas County, living within the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area; B. To establish a means of setting aside areas of land for basic recreation, parks and open space needs created by new subdivisions, short plats, and binding site plans; C. To equitably distribute the cost of providing parks and open space; D. To mitigate any adverse impacts on neighborhoods without adequate parks, open space and recreational facilities when approving new development; E. To ensure compliance with the purposes of chapters 16.16 and 16.18 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code and RCW 58.17.110, as amended, which require that local governments make appropriate provision for the establishment of parks, open space and recreational areas at the time it considers approval of a proposed subdivision; F. To implement the goals and policies regarding open space and recreation in the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan. 17.73.020 Applicability. This chapter applies to every subdivision, short plat or binding site plan of contiguous land where any one of the following conditions is met: A. The land to be divided equals 10 acres or more and is located wholly or in part within the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area; B. Within the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area, residential or mixed -use subdivision or binding site plan creating 10 or more lots. C. Projects meeting the standards provided in this chapter are not required to comply with EWMC 17.72.230, as amended. Open Space & Recreation Standards (11-4-2016) Page 1 9 of 87 L8 J0 0 L Z abed (9LOZ-b-L L) spiepuelS uoijeajoad )R eoedS uado • aziwiuiw of 'Aj!I!q!s!n 'Aj!l!q!ssaooe wnwixew ap!noid of palep!losuoo aq pinogs eaae uoljeaaoaa-t-wd/aoeds uado aql -Al!l!oej aqj of alnoi alq!ssaooe dad 'paned e si aJagl }! jua!uanuoo paaap!suoo s! ssaooy 'luawdolanap ay} Jo saaAoldwa joj pue sIuap!saa Jo} ssaooe }ualuanuoo aneq Isnw eaae uoileaaoaa-y-ed/aoeds uado aql -o -Alpoglne lenoidde aqj Aq panojdde j! Appoel uo!leajoaj anissed aaglo -a `'ola 'weajls 'puod 'u!elunol a se yons sainjeal jalenn punoi-jea), -p `sezeld o!lgnd -o `'ola 'siallags 'salgej o!uold se yons 'sa!l!I!oeJ bu!�o!uo!d -q ` o}a 'segouaq 'sl!ejl se yons 'bu!�lenn jol sa!j!l!oe3 e 'sai}!I!oe3 uo!}eaaoad an!ssed 'Z -Al!joglne lenoidde Aq panoidde j! Al!l!oej uo!leaaoaa anil;oe Jag}o -p `held anlJoe JOI pla!j lleq a se anuas Aew legl eaae unnel uado 'Ielj y -o ` ova 'IlegalNo!d 's!uual 'llegla� seq se yons sa!j!n!l;oe jol Iinoo pjeq paned y -q `sainjonil;s Aeld pue sbu!nns 'sap!ls se yons 'juawd!nbe held s,uajpl!go -e 'sa11!I!oe3 uo!Jeaaoa�j an!Joy 'L -papuawe se `OWM3 Og-g L jaldego gl!nn aouepa000e ui sail!unlioddo uoileaaoaa anissed jo/pue an!}oe JOJ pauB!sap aae }eg} sa!pI!oel ja}ennwjols apnlou! Aew ease sigl 'sa!j!l!oej UOIIEGJ09J angoe Jo Is!I aqj woaj aq Isnw sa!l!l!oej uo!}eaioai paa!nbaa aqj jo L Iseal IV -molaq s1s!l aqj waJ pa10alas 'uo!IeaJoaJ anissed jo/pue • angoe JOJ sa!}!l!oel avow jo Z apnloui jsnw seaae uoijeaj5ar4ied/9oeds uado Ilb' -S -papuawe se 'OWM3 O£-gL aaideyo pue jaldego s!ql gl!m aouepa000e ui seil!unlioddo uoi}eanai anissed ao/pue an!joe COI pau6!sap aae jegj sall!l!oel ialemwiols ao OWM3 3-`dZl,8l pue Z[-qL sialdego ui sluawaa!nbaa ia}}nq seaae leoilpo aq} ll!jlnj of Pannone osle We jegj u011e1aban anileu jo seaae jo Is!suoo Aew aoeds uado paa!nbai ay} jo juaoiad 0g of dn -seaae padeospuel pue 'sNoeq}as 'spJL-A pai!nbai wojj joullslp pue aleiedas aq Ism eaje uoileaJoarNed/aoeds uado aqI 'juawaalnbaj uoi�eaaoa� wed/aoeds uado agar 6u!lelnoleo jo asodind aqj jo3 -y :spiepue}s bu!nnollol aqj laaw Isnw ease uoijeajoaj-Ved/aoeds uado paj!nba�j eaae aps ssIejol aqj jo juaoiad g aq llegs pap!noJ -patea!pap eaae uoiJea OW 4 ed/aoeds uado alqesn wnw!u!w aqj 'sueld al!s bu!pu!q pue sleld :pogs 'suo!sinipgns leuisnpui ao le!oaawwoo jo3 -eaje aps ssoib Iejol aqj jo juaoiad 0L Iseal le aq Isnw suoisinipgns le!luap!sai aol pake9±pa ease uogeaaoaa-{�/aoeds uado alqesn wnwiuiw aql •ooe S uado al!S-uo i�ie9tpap COI spaepue3S 0V0'£L'L 6 -loafoid Ieu!6uo aqj ui pags!lge1sa-paiestpap seaae uoijeaaoaa/aoeds uado aql of 'aaldego sigl Aq paa!nbaj se 'ssaooe aneq s}ol aininj }eql pap!noid .eaae uoljeaaoaa/aoeds uado 51!s-uo ue Eileen of juawaj!n ai ap leuo!l!ppe Aue woaj }dwaxa aae jaldego s!ql ui spiepuels aqj jo uo!ldope aqj �ajje paleaJo sJol 10 uols!nip-a�j •suo!;dwOx3 0£0'£L'L� 'papuawe se 'sauilap!no'8 • spiepuelS u6!saa eaay glnnoao uegan aagoleuaM jse3 jajeajo aqj ui sluawaa!nbai aqj gl!nn palejodjoou! aq Aew aaldeyo s!yl< q}!nn Aldwoo of pa}eajo aoeds uado .4 `d 3!q!4x3 Exhibit A . impacts to residential uses, and ease of maintenance. The requirement that the open space/pa-r-k-recreation area be consolidated may be waived by the approval authority if it finds that the residents of the development would receive a greater benefit if the required open space/pa*-recreation area were provided in another configuration due to the unique topographic conditions or critical areas requirements. D. The open spa ce/paFkrecreation area should be designed and located in consideration of existing and potential open space/pad-recreation areas on adjacent parcels. This would facilitate consolidation with an existing facility or provide future opportunities for consolidation of open space/park-recreation areas that are created on adjacent properties. E. Except where removal is required to meet active recreation requirements in this chapter, existing trees and significant vegetation must be retained in open space/pawrecreation areas. This requirement may be waived if an alternate landscaping plan for such areas is required or approved by the approval authority. 17.73.050 Implementation. The required open space/recreation area must comply with the requirements of EWMC 17.72.250, as amended.- 17.73.060 Improvements. All improvements to the open space and recreation area must be completed or bonded for prior to final approval of the plat, short plat or binding site plan unless the developer elects to utilize the provisions in EWMC 17.73.090.. • 17.73.070 Stormwater detention facilities. Stormwater detention/retention facilities may be allowed as open space subject to the provisions of this chapter and the criteria contained in chapter 13.30 EWMC. The design of such facilities must minimize adverse impacts on the function (e.g., tree preservation, play area, etc.) and quality of the open space. 17.73.080 Rights and duties. The owners of open space have the following rights and duties subject to restrictive covenants or other restrictions: A. The right to locate recreational facilities, such as tennis courts, swimming pools, picnic tables and fireplaces accessory to picnic tables designed to be used exclusively for the use of residents of the development and their guests; B. The right to locate pedestrian paths, bicycle paths and bridle paths; C. The right to cover up to_10 percent of the land dedicated todesignated for the open space/recreation facility with impervious surfaces reasonably necessary to exercise the rights provided in subsections (A) and (B) of this section. An increase in the 10 percent limit may be granted by the administrator if the developer provides justification that the additional impervious surface is needed to create a useable recreation area; D. The right to take whatever measures are reasonably necessary to protect and maintain such land, or land or property adjacent thereto, or to correct a hazardous condition posing a threat to life or limb; is E. The right to regulate access to or entry on the open space land; and Open Space & Recreation Standards (11-4-2016) Page 3 11 of 87 L8joZ6 b @Bed (9LOZ-tb-L L) spiepuelS uoileajoa�j R eoedS uad0 pue .'JuaWaGitie juawAed e 10 uo!lnoaxe ayl 10 s ep 09 ulyl!m aq Ileys les!ea e ayl 10 alep ayl .eaae uolleaJoai/aoe s ua o al!s-uo pa.nn aj ayl jo lunowe a eajoe ay} q pail !llnw laoied aiilua ayl jo anien aaoe Jed ayl Aq pau!wjalap aq Ileys eaae uoileaaoaa/aoe s uado al!s-uo ayl jol paa!n ai aq pinom leyl puel ayl jo amen ayl 'sluawanoJwi AUe uipnloxa AjjadOjC1 jo aaoe yons Jo anien ay} 1551151 of palsn.pe 'lesodoid luaw olanap ayl u!yl!nn JJa oa ayl jo anien aaoe a eaane ay} uo paseq aq lleys puel ayj jo anlen Ia)IJeW AeJ ayl -snlnw!ls anpun Aq paloage lou si aoijci ay} u!wnsse pue algea palmou� lluapni u!aq yoea wallas pue as nq ayl ales iiel a jo suo!l!puoo Ile japun la�jew uado pue an!l!la woo e ui uiaq II!M Apadoid e leyl Aauow 10 swial ul aou ay; sueew „anien laSljew a!ed„ -jesiejdde alelsa leaf pa!l!lenb e Aq pau!waalap se puel ayl jo anlen IG IJEN J!eJ ayl uo n paseq aq Ileys anlen puel ayl -0t70-CZ-L I• ONM3 of luensin l!l!oel uo!lea.aoaa/aoe s Dan al!s-uo ay} u!l!s joj paimbai aq pinom leyl puel ayl jo anien ayl apnlou! jsnw plans Isoo pajewilsa ayl I, = :sauilap!nb u!mollol ayl u!sn jaldeyo s!yl Aq paiinbaa Al!I!oej leuo!leajoa.i/coeds uado ayl bu!leaao Aq inoui pinom aadolanap ayl leyl lsoo palew!lso ayl uodn paseq einwie aq II!M luaw e tre!1etep ayl jo lunowe ayl -lunowe luaw ed '(1 �ua�w Ce�c trer�e-step aye • ldaooe of uolloe lewaoj a� el lsnw eaje uoileaaoaa/aoe s uado al!s-uo ue u!gs!lgelse uE)!jeo+pep jo nail ui luawAed ayl 6UTAIaoaJ uogo!ps!anf ayl jo /(l!joylne an1lels16al ayl -0 lunoo ao l!o ayl Aq posealaj I!lun papjooaj u!aq aaoe all!l u! sjossaoons Ile uo buipuiq aq lleys luawaaie ayl ' d 060U11, OWM3 yl!M aouepJ000e ui luaw a jo aw!l ayl aleln !ls lleys luawaaa a ayl ,luaw a col lajns se uail a pjooaa pue juejb of jueoildoe ayl ajintDaj lleys luawaaa a ayl 'luaw e Ieuoijc10 ayl u!n!aoaa aq ll!M leyl uo!lo!pspni ayl of algel aooe wa01 a ul luawaaa e ue uais lsnw in000 of s1 nl!n!loe luawaolanap ayl yo!ynn uodn nlaaaoaa ayl to saaunno le al ao/pue slueo!I a Ilb' 'puei ayl uo lueuanoo a awooaq pue papaooaa aq II!M leyl luawaaj6e ue ui pez!lewjol aq lsnw suoi� lua�ea ep aql 'q -loefoid ayl col uo!leo!ldde jo aw!l ayl le jadolanap ayl Aq 6u!l!jm ui apew aq lsnw lsanbai ayl .b cal eyo s!yl }o sluawaain as ayl II!llnl of aayoleuaM 1Se3 Jo 40 ayl jo Ajunoo sel6noa `lo!jls!Q Ted uel!IodojlalN luoWlse3 ayl of luaw e map yseo a ap!noid h,,jejuR,eA of loala Aew aadolanap ayl `acid as siyl Aq paj!nbaa Aj!I!oej uo!leajoaj-lied/coeds uado al!s-uo ayl 6ulp!noid to nail ul -eaae uo!jeajoaj/aoe s uado al!s-uo ue buiqsilqelso jo nail u! JUOWAed leu011O 060'£L'L� -uoge!oosse s,iaumoawoy ayl Jo sjaunno lol ayl 10 l!I!q!suo saj ayl aq lleys eaae uoileaaoaa/aoe s uado ayl jo aoueualule" -uo!le!oosse s,iaumoawoy ayl Aq jo loa.oa ayl • ulyl!M saaunno lol ayl Aq uowwoo ui paumo aq lsnw eaae uoileaaoaa/aoe s uaclo ayl -uoil!puoo alqeasn pooh ui eaje uoileajoaj pue aoeds uado ayl u!elu!ew of Ainp ayl -::I d j!q!4X3 Exhibit A • D 2. a44d-The estimated cost of the propesed open space/recreation facilities and access requirements specified in EWMC 17.73.040. Documentation of the estimated costs must be provided by the developer. E. Use of funds. The denated funds must be used for a park and recreation facility meeting the following criteria: 1. The facility must be a public facility accessible to the residents of the new development. 2. The location of the facility must bear a reasonable relationship to the use of the facility by future inhabitants of the development. 3__The park facility must satisfy the adopted level of service standards and planned improvements described in the Eastmont Metropolitan Park District Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan. 4. The funds shall be used solely for the acquisition, development, and expansion or upgrading of park and recreation facilities including the costs of engineering, architectural plans, permitting, and financing. 5. The funds shall not be used for general maintenance or operation. 6. In the event that bonds or similar debt instruments are or have been issued for the provisions of park and recreation improvements, the funds may be used to pay debt service on such bonds or similar debt instruments to the extent that the facilities or improvements provided are consistent with the requirements of this • section. F. Timing of payment. Any payment of funds under this section shall be made in accordance with the following provisions: 1. For residential Droiects the developer has the followina two options for payment of the funds. The agreement must stipulate which option has been selected by the developer. a. Full payment must be made at the time of closing of the sale of the first property. Unless an agreement to the contrary is reached between the buyer and seller, the payment shall be due at closing of a sale and must be made from the seller's proceeds. In the absence of an aareement to the contrarv. the seller bears strict liabilitv for the pavment: or b. Payment must be made in full prior to final approval of the plat or binding site plan. 2. For commercial or industrial protects the payment must be submitted prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 3. Upon receipt of the payment, the jurisdiction must execute a release of the lien for the property. The property owner at the time of the release, at his or her expense, is responsible for the cost of recording the lien release. G. Accounting. The payment provided under this section shall be deposited in an interest -bearing account, clearly identified as reserved for acquisition, development, • Open Space & Recreation Standards (11-4-2016) Page 5 13 of 87 9 a6ed (9Loz-17-I l) spiepuejS uoijeajoa�j R aoedS uado • -saij!l!oej lepcleo alq! !la uo papua xa pue pau!ejai aq (legs poua jea -auo aqj u!gl!M @pew uaaq seq punjai aol uoijeoildde ou go!gM JOI pue suoljej!w!i awlj asagj u!gl!M papua xa IOU aae 1egj sJuaw e uy € -aajel sI aanagolgM U9Aib si ao!jou alep aql ao sasue punjai aqj w!elo of jg a aqj ajep aqj 10 yea auo uigj!m u!l!aM ui juew!elo aqj Aq pajj!wgns aq Isnw punjai e jol Isan as aq l _£ Iuew@aa a aqj u! palj!O@CIS se ao aossassy Ajunoo sei noo aqj jo spjooaa aqI ul paIou se sluew!elo 10 ssaJppe unnou� Isel aqI le aolnuaS lelsod -s-n aqj gj!M pa}!so ap I!ew sseio JsJlj Aq juas aq jsnw sluew!elo leilublod of aoljou aql -papunlai aq AeW spun] aqj jegj -jua—w—a—ajl5e ay} uI paipluap! sluew!elo leljuaJoa Ile 01 aolJou ap!noJa Ilegs Juawnea ay} t)ulnlao@J uogo!psun! aqj -Z -anlen ao azls 101 01 pae as Inogj!M 10a.oiaqj u!gl!M sjol ;o jagwnu aqj Aq pap!n!p Allenba aq llegs sTjaumo juaiino aqj of papunjaj aq o; spunk Aue as!Nuagjo saje}s luawaaa a agj ssalun 'l:uaw e aqj PGP!Aojd Jegj juaw oianap aqj u!gl!M Aliadoid agj 10 piooaj �o s iaunno luaaino aql of papun;aj eq of ao ja olan@p aql of papun;aa aq o} aae spun] ag} JaglagM AJ!oaas llegs anoge 8 uo!joesgns uI peouaaajaj juawaame aql 1, juawAed aqj uo pauaea Isaaalu! bulpnloui pauinjaa aq llegs spun} aqj 'panlaoaa aJaM spun] aqj uagM 10 sJean p 6 Ull lIm spun] aqj aagwnoua jo pua xa 01 sl!ej spun] eqj OUIA1909J uoiIo!ps!an. aqj JI 'spunja�j -I -siseq Ind lsa!j uI lsaij a uo paaagwnoue pajap!suoo aq Ilegs Aaqj paaagwnoua uaaq aneq spun] aqj aaglagm u!u!waalap ul spunj aqj u!ploq uollo!ps!an, aqj jo Ajpua anlIels! al aq} Tq panoa e s u!pu!j uall!aM ul pa!�I�uapl aq Ilegs suoseaj gons Is!xe suosea� u!lla woo Jo aeuipaoej�xa aJagM saseo ul 'SJe@A p 1, uegj as uol plaq aq of spun] aqj jol uoseaa u!lla woo jo AjeuipimIxe ue sis!xa aaagj ssalun I IaoW .191}e SJe@A p L ulgj!M asn elq!ss!waa e jol paaagwnoua jo papua xa aq lleys spun] aql ,spunk u!pua xe aoj au!lpeaQ _H • -punj aq} uI pau!e}ai aq Ilegs spun] gons uo pauaea Jsaaaju! IId 'SG1j!I!oej uo!jeanai pue �Jed jo bu!pejbdn ao uo!sue xa pue d I!q!gx3 y CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 271 9- STREET NE EAJ'r WENATCI IEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-5396' FAx (509) 886-6113 LBamett@east-wenatchee.com MEMORANDUM To: East Wenatchee City Council and Mayor Lacy From: Lori Barnett, Director Date: November 16, 2016 Subject: Update on Planning Commission recommendation regarding medical marijuana East Wenatchee enacted Ordinance 2016-05 establishing a moratorium on medical marijuana cooperatives and providing a work plan to develop permanent control measures. Other local jurisdictions have also been actively working on this topic. There was a workshop at the November 15, 2016 planning commission meeting regarding the regulation of medical marijuana grow operations — specifically cooperatives and individual patient grow operations. The purpose of the meeting was to review the state regulations, discuss the approach that other local jurisdictions are pursuing and obtain direction from the planning commission with regards to a regulatory framework for medical marijuana. • Following the discussion, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended: • Banning cooperatives ■ Individual patient home prows would be allowed subject to the following limitations: o Limited to no more than 15 plants. o Must be grown indoors and concealed from view. o May be in an accessory structure fully enclosed by a roof and walls on all sides and connected to a permanent foundation. Accessory structures shall be completely opaque. Cannot be in cargo containers, recreational vehicles or other similar types of enclosures. Violation will be a civil infraction. The provisions noted above are constent with draft regulatios prepared by Douglas County, Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee. Next Steps: Staff will draft Municipal Code changes consistent with the general provisions noted above and submit for public comment and to state and local agencies. • 15 of 87 L9 jo 9l �J I� U -Nuelq dal AIleuoijualui gibed siyl • • -t y CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 271 911, S'ntnr NE E,x r WENATC1IEE, W-198802 PHONE-. (509) 884-5396 - FAX (509) 886-6113 LBamett@east-wenatchee.com MEMORANDUM To: East Wenatchee City Council and Mayor Lacy From: Lori Barnett, Director Date: November 16, 2016 Subject: Presentation Housing Needs Assessment & Market Demand Study This memo transmits a copy of the recently completed Wenatchee Urban Area Housing Needs Assessment & Market Demand Study (September 2016) conducted by Berk Consulting for the Wenatchee and East Wenatchee area. 17 of 87 L8 10 8 6 r� U .7 lUelq l4al AIleuoilualuw afied siyl =' w Alt Olto] P" n:�•C;!`w:Jri+:.'rk'�F".. .l :y �n'�';)I. k'r4 rie!A•i:. :i11 BERK STRATEGY of ANALYSIS el COMMUNICATIONS L8 Jo OZ T 9ioz'zT aagwaldas • • 6£.................................................................................................... SuisnoH paziplsgnS }o Aaoluanul •:) xlpuaddy L£........................................................ 13afoJd Allwej-lllnW a woaj paleaaua9 xel sales palewlls3 •9 xlpuaddy 9�........................................................................................lanai aOe/N Aq suollaafoad luawAoldw3 -y xlpuaddy .............................................................................................................................................. suollepuawwoaaa £....................... .................................................................................. ........................... puewap lajjeW 2julsnoH 8z........................................................................................ paaN gulsnoH of Allllgelleny 8uisnoH JO uoslaedwo:) LT* .... ................ ....... .......... Allllgepaoj}y 2ulsnoH OZ................................................................................................................................................... AlddnS 2uisnoH ................ uawAoldw3 9...........................................................................................................s:)llsljal:)ejeHD ployasnoH pue uollelndod b.... .................................................................................................. ....................................................... eajy ApnlS tl.......................................................................................................................................................... uollanpoalul .........Aaewwn anlln:)ax3 0 slualuo:);o algel • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rising housing costs in the Wenatchee region are creating affordability challenges for many households. This housing needs assessment and housing market demand study is intended to shed light on these challenges. The Wenatchee region is growing. Demographic and employment projections for the area indicate continued growth in years to come. Housing prices are rising. The Wenatchee area housing market has recovered strongly from the downturn in the housing market during the last economic recession. Since 2012, single family median home sales prices have risen by 5.7% in the cities of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee. The current single family home median sales price of $264,550 is affordable to approximately 58% of households, provided the household can afford a 20% down payment. While condominiums in the City of Wenatchee are more affordable (median sales price: $171,450), prices are also rising rapidly and increased 6.6% annually during the same period. One key reason for rising housing prices is a low vacancy rate among for sale housing (1.4%). An additional 675 for sale units are needed to increase the current vacancy rate to a healthy 5% level. Rents are rising and vacancy rates are low. Zillow estimates median rents have risen by 6.5% annually since 2012. Multifamily survey data indicates rents may be rising as much as 15% annually in recent years. As of June 2016 the median multifamily rent is estimated to be nearly $1,300. This rent is considered affordable to a household earning approximately 90% of area median income. However multifamily vacancy rates are very low at only 1%. Additionally, 10% of rental units are estimated to be overcrowded. This indicates supply is not keeping up with demand and there may continue to be upward pressure on rents in years to come. Production of 252 additional multi -family units is needed to increase the current vacancy rate to a healthy 5% level. More production will be necessary to accommodate continued population and employment growth. • Many households are cost burdened. 31% of Wenatchee area households spent more than 30% of their income towards housing costs between 2010 and 2014. 12% spent more than 50% of their income on housing. These numbers are considerably higher for renter households and those earning less than area median income. One explanation for cost burden among low and moderate income rental households is a lack of market rate rental housing affordable to higher income earners. Estimates for 2014 indicate there was a surplus of rental units affordable to households in the 30 — 50%, 50-80%, and 80- 100% of median household income ranges. However, there was also a deficit of units priced for higher income households. This can result in "down renting" whereby higher income households occupy units that are less expensive than they can afford, effectively reducing the supply of units affordable to lower income households. There is a mismatch between household size and housing stock. Two thirds of housing units in the Wenatchee area have three or more bedrooms, yet nearly 60% of Wenatchee households have only one or two members. One bedroom and studio units are in particularly short supply; they account for only 11% of the current housing supply combined. This finding indicates a significant need for additional smaller housing units. Subsidized units and vouchers are in high demand. There are currently up to 1,715 households receiving some kind of subsidy in order to keep housing costs affordable. Yet, as of 2014 there were an estimated 2,855 households earning 50% of the median household income or less. According to the Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee, income -restricted housing and Section 8 housing choice vouchers are both in very high demand with long waitlists. More senior households are expected. Demographic projections indicate there will be rapid growth in the number of senior households in coming years as baby boomers enter their 60s, 70s, and 80s. Senior households • have unique housing needs that will shape market demand in years to come. September 12, 2016 2 21 of 87 L8 JO ZZ 91OZ 'Zi aagwaidaS • slso3 luawdolanap aullaseq jo ssauaieMe uieluiew • sanllua3ul aaylo ao suoilnquluo:) puel ggnoayl shun algepaojje ppe of sail!unlioddo Mau ap!noad • Al!suap leiluapisai leuoil!ppe ao} sail!unlioddo aleijdoidde JapisuOD • •uollnq!aluoa lelaueu!} ao 'NsiJ -1e Aliadoid 2ulleu2isap 'uoilnquluoD puel a gOnoiy1'aldwexa ao j '1:)afoad anll!ladwoa e of alnquluoa pinoa A1!D ayl Moy puelsiapun of siadolanap le:)ol ql!M (pj wjoj) 2uijois wej2oAd puoq/1!paaa %b) 1!paa:) xel 2ulsnoH awo:)ul Mo-1 s,uolsslwwoD aaueu! j 2ulsnoH ale1S uol2ulyseM ayl Malna�j • sadAl2uisnoq „alpp!w 2ulsslw„ 2uldolanap of saauaeq MalA@d • spiepuels 2ui� jed Malnab • wei2oid (31jw) uolldwax3 xel Allwej!llnw ay1 a2eaanal pue puedx3 • sqns pue siapl!nq of ssa»e puedxa of sapeil pue siadolanap 2ulsnoq of 2ullaNjew pue yaeajlno puedx3 • :2ulpnl:)ui sal2aleils jo aagwnu e 2ulaoldxa spuawwo3ai Apnls s141 •2ulsnoq a:)joj laoM}o Alddns aqj aseaa:)ul osle pue puewap slid laaw of dlaq lllM (shun 2ulllamp Ajossa:):)e pue 'sa2ello:) 'sawoquMol'saxaldlal 'saxaldnp se yens) sadAl 2ulsnoq „alpp!w 2ulsslw„ pue Al!wej!llnw aaow jo luawdolanap ay1 2ul2eano:)u3 • -shun 2ulsnoq jallews joj puewap 2uoils aq of anulluoa rpm pue sl a-jagl alealpul Apnls slyl jo s2ulpul; aqi suoilepuawwo:)aa • INTRODUCTION The City of Wenatchee, working in collaboration with the City of East Wenatchee, Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee (CCWHA), Chelan County, Douglas County, The Women's Resource Center, and Build NCW, has requested an assessment of housing needs and housing market demand. This report presents an analysis of trends with regards to population and household characteristics, employment growth, housing supply and market production, and housing affordability in Wenatchee and surrounding communities. It also assesses the extent to which current housing needs and demands are being met, with an emphasis on four priority household types: Senior/disabled, workforce, farmworker, and those in need of permanent supportive housing. Finally, the report offers recommendations for next steps in developing a strategy to address identified housing challenges. • STUDY AREA This study assesses housing needs and market demand within the Wenatchee Urban Area, which includes the Cities of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee as well as parts of Rock Island and surrounding unincorporated lands. Exhibit 1 shows the Wenatchee Urban Area boundary as well as city and urban growth area boundaries. In many cases urban growth areas extend beyond the Wenatchee Urban Area boundary. Household characteristics and growth trends described in this report describe activity inside the Wenatchee Urban Area unless otherwise specified. Likewise, "Wenatchee" refers to the entire urban area unless otherwise specified. September 12, 2016 4 23 of 87 L8 10 17Z 91OZ 'Zi aagwaldaS • )1839 go: • • £LOZ Teijay) Oui8 40sonlv4 'STOZ 'luaw@Seuew lepuewj;o a:)iJ40 alelS uolSuigseM'9IOZ ')I839 :a:)jnoS eajd uegan aa4:)leuaM 13!q!4x3 • POPULATION AND HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS As of 2015, 69,448 people live in the Wenatchee urban region. Between 2000 and 2015, the population grew by nearly 12,000 or a rate of 1.3% per year on average. Since 2012, the region has been growing at a rate of 0.8%, or about 560 new residents per year. The Washington State Office of Financial Management (OFM) most likely growth projection for Chelan and Douglas Counties combined assumes 1.1% annual growth rate over the next 10 years. Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 show historic population growth and OFM projections for Chelan and Douglas counties. The 2012 GMA Medium projection is considered most likely. Exhibit 2.OFM Population Growth Projections, Chelan County • • 140.000 130,000 Census/ OFM Estimate 120,000 • • .... 2012 GMA Hgh 110,000 100,000 — 2012 GMA McOium 90,000 ....... 2012 GMA Low , - 80,000 _ 19 70,D00 ' 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Source: Washington State Office of Financial Management, 2012. 60,000 50,000 40,000 30.000 20.000 Exhibit 3. OFM Population Growth Projections, Douglas County Census I OFM Estmate ••...2012GMAHgh — 2012 GMA Medwm ...... • 2012 GMA Low 10,000 a 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Source: Washington State Office of Financial Management, 2012. September 12, 2016 6 25 of 87 L8 10 9Z L 9TOZ'ZT jagwaidaS • 'sa1ewils3 aeaA-S STOZ-OTOZ AanunS Aliunwwo:) ue3iaawy'snsua0 S-n s 'STOZ 'Ueld aAisuayaadwo:) ajy aaHDIeuaM Ise] JaleaJE) Z '91OZ 'T£ Aew 'sisAieuy Alpede:) puel leiluapisaa aay:)leuaM;o OD, -S liq!yx3 ul umoys se 'sjeaA Ouiwoa ui Alpldej asu of palaafoad si a2eluaaaad siyl •japlo jo S9 ate aq of palewllsa seM sailunoa sel2nod pue uelay0 ui uollelndod pauigwoa ayl;o %LT 'STOZ ul -alelS uol2ulyse/N ssone sallunoa col age Aq suollaafoid uollelndod dolanap ("jo) luawaSeuew lelaueul j jo aaljjp alelS uol2lulyse/N ayl le sjaydej2owaQ 'bTOZ 'salewilsa jeaA-S AaiunS Aliunwwo:) ue:)uawy'snsuaD -S n :aoinoS any 0 4 A A 5 O G F 4 l 1 ti ,p ,y ,p ,ry ,p �. ,p y zR�C` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � oQ �� e� ��}' 1-4-¢.�- Q.�}- ��}- d� ¢.� ��- ¢.�}- 1� e�}- ¢ar ear • 00o'T oon OWE 000'i 000'S 000,9 uoiingialsiQ aSV 'b llgi4x3 -age luawajilaj Ouiyaeoidde aae oynn b9 -OS age aldoad }o aagwnu a9aej a Oulpnlau! 'dnoa2 age Aq uoilnq!jlsip uollelndod ayl snnoys b 3!q!4x3 •sJeaA OZ -OT ixau ayl guunp uollelndod Apapla sl! ui ylnnoAB p!dej Sullaadxa si eaje ayl 'JanannoH -6-S£ }o age ueipaw e pue aaplo jo S9 age uollelndod ayl 10 %S'bT lsnf yl!M uollelndod 2UnoA Alanllelaa a sey aayaleua/V\ Aepol uoileind0d 2u ft ,'S£OZ pue STOZ uaannlaq £96'L }o ylMojO uollelndod 21uilaadxa • aae seaje ylnnojO uegan sl! pue aayaleua/V\ lse3 }o A310 ayl T'L£OZ PUe LTOZ uaannlaq (splogasnoy L6b'Z) uollelndod ui E60'9 Aq anoig of palaadxa aae seaae ylnnojO uegjn Oulpunojjns sli pue aayaleuaM }o Al!J ayl • Exhibit 5. Projected Percentage of Population Age 65 or older, Chelan and Douglas Counties _ 23% 24% 22% 20% 19?c 17% 1596 15% 10% 5'a 2C15 2020 21^,25 2030 2035 Source: Washington State Office of Financial Management, 2012. Individuals age 65 and older are more likely to have one or more disabilities than the population at large. Exhibit 6 shows that 36% of all people age 65 and older have one or more disabilities, compared to only 9% of the population under age 65. • Exhibit 6. Population with a Disability by Age Group Total Population with Percentage of Population Population Disability with Disability All Age Groups 67,719 8,949 13% Population under 5 years 5,233 16 0% Population 5to 17years old 12,620 755 6% Population 18to 64years old 39,947 4,565 11% Population 65 years and older 9,919 3,613 36% Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey, 2010-2014 5-Year Estimates; BERK 2016. • Disabilities within each age group are broken down by disability characteristics that include: hearing difficulty, vision difficulty, cognitive difficulty, ambulatory difficulty, self- care difficulty, and independent -living difficulty. For the population 65 years and older, the breakdown was as follows: 21.9% are living with an ambulatory difficulty, 17.8% are living with a hearing difficulty, 14.0% are living with a cognitive difficulty, 11.3% are living with an independent living difficulty, 9.8% are living with a vision difficulty, and 9.1% are living with a self -care difficulty. September 12, 2016 8 27 of 87 L8 10 8Z 6 91OZ 'ZI jagwaidas • • 171OZ'salewilsa aeaA-I AatunS Al!unwwo:) ueauawy'snsua:) •s•n :aajnoS ouilel Jo 3lueds!H oullel ao 3lueds!H ION ■ uo!i!sodwo> JIU413 'S 1!q!4x3 'VIOZ 'salewilsa leaA-I AanlnS Al!unwwOD ue:)ilawy'snsuDD -s•n :a»noS sa:)ej ajow Jo on%l ■ a3e) Ja4lo awos ■ lapuepi :)ijped la410 pue ue!!eh'eH anileN ■ uetsy . WPM uelseiy to ueipul ue:)uawy ■ ue3uawy ue:)lyy to NXII3 ■ al!4M uo!1!sodwo:) lepea 'L 1!q!4x3 PO all ou!le� jo aiueds!H aje sluap!saa aayaleuaM 10 (%LZ) ia:penb auo ue41 ajoW •saaea aaow ao onnl se sayluap! %ti pue'a:)ej jaylo awos se sa!}!luap! %6'al!gM se salpluap! %S8 eajy paziuegin aa4:)leuaM a41 uigl!M 0 AZisaania uoilelndod • Household Formation The Wenatchee area added 798 households between 2010 and 2015, or about 0.63% per year. The greatest share of household growth has been within cities.° Within the cities of Wenatchee, East Wenatchee, and Rock Island 685 new households were added, or about 0.76% per year. Exhibit 9 shows recent household growth broken down by cities and unincorporated areas. Exhibit 9. Households Growth, Cities and Unincorporated Areas 30,000 25,000 7,520 7,545 7,505 7,521 7,587 7,633 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 • 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ■ Cities of Wenatchee, East Wenatchee, & Rock Island Unincorporated Source: Washington State Office of Financial Management, 2016, BERK 2016. 2015 Nearly 60% of households in Wenatchee have only one or two members. Exhibit 10 shows the percentage share of households by household size. Note that this analysis does not consider growth in nearby unincorporated areas outside of the Wenatchee Urban Area • boundaries. September 12, 2016 1 29 of 87 L8 10 0C Z 9TOZ 'Zi jagwaldas • VTOZ 'sa;eW1jSa aeaA-T AanjnS ATiunwwoD ue:)uawy 'snsuaD -s n :a»noS s 9TOZ Ni138 'bTOZ 'sajewilsa jeaA-T AananS AliunwwoD ue:)uawy 'snsuaD -s-n :aoanoS paldn»o-jauMo ■ paidn»o-jajuaa p1o4asno4 uosiad plo4asno4 p104asno4 p1048sno4 plo49sno4 p1048sno4 p104asno4 avow-.10-L uosiad-9 uosiad-5 uosiad-q uosiad-E uosiad-Z uosiad-i i8T ££T KE 885 SSV 000'T bso'T 81 7'1 9'T 000'Z ZL9'Z ZV9'Z T16'Z 9167 000'E 000'b • 000`S 000'9 000'L b0£'L 000.8 az!S p104asnoH Aq sp104asnoH paid m:)p-aaumo pue ja3ua2! 'TT 1!q!4x3 •saagwaw ajow jo aaj4T aney %Eb pue 'sjagwaw omJ aney sp!oyasnoy jaluaa }o %jZ 'aagwaw auo A!uo aney sployasnoy jaluaa Jo 'pJ!yI-auo aano '%9E •pa!dn:)ao-aaumo aq of A!aj!l aaow yanw aae saagwaw aAi} ao 'ino} 'aaayj 'omj yj!m sployasnoH •ainuaT Aq ployasnoy aad suosiad smo4s TT 1!q!4x3 5•p@idnaao-jajuaj aie aay:)}euaM ui sp!ogasn04 Ile }o NEE) pa!41 aup 9TOZ AH38 'VIN 'sajewi;sa aeaA-T AanunS ATiunwwo:) ue:)uawy 'snsuaD •s-n :a»noS piomasnN uossad-aww-j" plouasnoq uosiad-f pioYasno4 uosiM Z piouasnoy uosiad-T %0 %S %Oi %ST %OZ %SZ %Of %sf %OF • sp!o4asnoH !e;ol}o;ua:)aad'az!S p!o4asnoH 'OT 3!q!4x3 • Exhibit 12 compares housing tenure among senior households 65 and older and households under 65. 65% of the population under 65 own their own homes while 76% of the population 65 and older own their own homes. Exhibit 12. Household Tenure for Overall Population and Seniors 100% 90% 803'0 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Overall Seniors (65+) ■ Chvner Occupied Renter Occupied Note: The number of owner -occupied senior householders is 4,984 and renter -occupied senior householders is 1,571. isSource: U.S. Census, American Community Survey 1-year estimates, 2014; BERK 2016. Household Income In 2016, the median household income for the Wenatchee Urban Area is estimated at $53,700.6 Among renter households, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines income categories relative to AMI, or area median income. For the Wenatchee Metropolitan Area (including Chelan and Douglas counties), AMI for a family of four is estimated to be $63,100. HUD's income categories are as follows: • Very Low Income — Under 30% of AMI • Low Income — 30-50% of AMI • Moderate Income — 50-80% of AMI • Lower Middle Income — 80-100% of AMI • Above Median Income — Above 100% of AMI 6 U.S. Census, American Community Survey 5-year estimates (2010-2014), inflation adjusted for 2016. • September 12, 2016 3 31 of 87 L8 10 Z£ ti 9i0Z'Zi jagwa;daS • eaae uel!lodoalaw Aluno:)-onnl aJilua ayl;o anisnpui lou aae Aagl'IanamOH eaae ueq-jn aqj jo ap!slno puel leini leuoil!ppe apnpui sp:)D aql -easy uegjn aaq:)leuaM aqi ssedwoDua legl (sp:)D) suoislnipgns Alunw paw}ap snsua:) oMl ayl jo; we salewilsa awowi asayl L l� u -(%sE) splogasnoq jajuaa uegj (%OL) IWt/ aqj anoge Buivaea splogasnoq aaunno ajow Aj}ue:)ij!u0is we ajayl •poijad sigl Ouunp sployasnoq aaluai jo %Zg 01 pajedwo:) 'lWd ayl ueyl ssal sawwui pey splogasnoq • Jaunno }o %6Z -- aag2iq aae sployasnoq paidnno-jaunno JOI slanal awo:)ui 'jeaaua2 u) L'£i0Z PUe 600Z uaannlaq poiaad ay; ao} eaae aay:)leuaM ayl ui splogasnoq aaluai pue aaunno ao} sawo:)ui snnoys FT 1igiyx3 • • Exhibit 13. Owner and Renter Households by Income Category I°. Owner Renter ■ Very Low Income ■ Low Income * Moderate Income Lower Middle Income 10% 16°k Total ■ Above Median Income Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Consolidated Housing Affordability Strategy (based on 2009-2013 U.S. Census, American Community Survey 5-year estimates); BERK 2016 Exhibit 14. Households with Senior Householder by Income Category • Above Median Income Lower Middle Income 12% Moderate Income 18% 15% Low Income ■ Very Low Income Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey 5-year estimates, 2010 - 2014; BERK, 2016. Households with seniors tend to have lower incomes. Over one third (35%) of seniors are in the low or very low income categories, and only 36% have incomes above median income (see Exhibit 14). Farmworker Population As of 2014, there were 9,962 agricultural jobs in Chelan and Douglas counties, a count that includes farmworkers and other agricultural industry jobs combined.' Statewide, about 75% of farmworkers are year- round residents in their communities and 25% are migrant farmworkers, who move away from their primary ' Meseck, D. (2016). Wenatchee VISA (Chelan and Douglas Counties) Labor Area Summary May 2016. Washington State Employment Security Department. September 12, 2016 5 33 of 87 L8 Jo bC 9 9TOZ 'ZT jagwaidas • ,alopdn uold uoiljy SIOZ :sa!luno3 sol6no(7 pun uolay,) ur ssaussalauJoH ampaa of uold joaA-ual 'STOZ 'aay:)IeuaM jo Ally 91 910Z 'OT Isn2ny '8uisnoH aaIaomwJej +g lejna }o @:)!:}O;o aol:)aa!(j an11max3 'jall!w AlJew yl!m uoliealunwwo:) leuosAad st „ s@Iew!is3 a2eM pue ivawAoldw3 leuoiledn»o 91OZ,, 'IuampedaO Alumas ivawAoldw3 @leis uoi2ulyseM bt -p!glst -p!ql zL '80OZ Alnf „'Aanans jaliomw-jej alelS uoi2u!yseM ayi 'ainin j lelnlln:)u2y ino ui 2u!Isanul :Alunog algeu!eisnS y„ 'Isnjl 2uisnoH J@� JomwJe j aielS uol8u!gseM tt -9TOZ '6 Isn2ny'2u!snoH j;)Ijomwaej +g lean@ jo ao!}4O jo johaj!0 an!In:)ax3 'jall!w Anew yi!m uolie:)!unwwoD leuosJad of '800Z Aln f ,,'Aanans j;)Ijomwje j aleiS uo32wyseM ayl'ajn;n j lejnllrnu2y ino u! 2ullsanul :Alunog algeu!elsns y„ 'Isnil 2u!snoH jaliomwjej aielS uol2wyseM6 •pau!gwoo sa!iuno:) selOnoa pue uela40 ui paiailaysun pue paaailays yioq slenp!n!pu! ssalawoy }o iunoo ild lenuue ayi ui spuaii smogs ST i!q!yx3 •Ou!snoy ivauewiad jo paau ui paaap!suoo aje sa!l!we} pue slenp!n!pu! ssalawoy pa-lailaysun pue paJailays yiog •Aaenuef ui 149!u algu!s a uo suosiad ssalawoy paJailaysun pue paJailays 10 iunoo lenuue ue sl A2olopo4iaw s!yi 'Qf1H of 2u!pa000y iunoo (ild) awli-ul-iu!od AlaeaA ayi woa} sawoo sa!iunoo selOnop pue uelay0 jo} eiep ssaussalawoH 9i•ueld ssalawoy paaeys saijunoo ayi }o uo!iejis!u!wpe pue ivawdolanap ayi OUIa@SAAO ul Ailiva peal ayi sl A30 ayi •u!eigo of ilnol}}!p uaijo si slunoa leioi pue slenp!A!pu! ssalawoy uo elep @A!suaix3 uoileindod ssalawOH -Iwb' %09 of do uaea pinoo siawea a2em omi yi!m ployasnoy aaliomwie} leo!dAi y •lVyV %OE of jasolo swea aaliom auo yi!m ployasnoy aaliomwie} le:)!dAi ay; awnsse of aieinooe aaow Algegojd si i! sSu!pu!l AaAJns 800Z ayi uo paseq 'aao}aJayi s,-jeaA lln} ayi ao} paAoldwa iou Alleo!dAi aje pue Jnoy ayi Aq pled Alleo!dAi aae sialaomwiel aou!s 4214 aq of Ala>lq si aiew!isa awoou! AlaeaA ayi'janamOH '(91OZ u! OOT'E9$) Iw`d aayoieuaM }o %OS ueyi ssal A114911s s! s!yi,,'sjaljomwjej punoa-aeaA jo} Allenuue ETL'SZ$ pue jnoy aad OS -ET$ si ahem a2ejane ayi aieo!pu! `dSw aayoieuaM ayi jol saiew!isa a0em jaliomwiel 9TOZ £,.sja� jomwjej iuelO!w jo; Allenuue 000'bT$ pue sa!i!unwwoo @!ayi ui sivap!saa punoa-aeaA aae oym sja>ljomwjej jol 96S'LT$ sem SOOZ ui awooui ployasnoy lenuue a2eAne ap!maieis ayi z,-Al!wel yi!m panll %LL paAaAJns asoyi }O tt•E•b sem saaIaomwael JOJ az!s ployasnoy aOejane ap!maieis ayi 'AaAJns SOOZ a wojj s2Julpu!} uo paseq o •2u!seaAou! • si sa!i!unwwoo i!ayi ui sivap!saj punoi-jeaA aae ieyi sialiomwae} }o ageluaoaad ayi '(HddO) Su!snoH Jaliomwje3 )& leant jo aol}TO ayi }o aoioaa!Q an!inoax3 'Jall!w Anew of 2u!pi000y 6•sgo1 @!ayi op 01 aouap!saj • Exhibit 15. Point -in -Time Count, Chelan and Douglas County 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 - - 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Sheltered -t Unsheltered Total Sheltered & Unsheltered -*---Chronic Homeless Individuals Source: 2015 Action Plan Update: Ten -Year Plan to Reduce Homelessness in Chelan and Douglas Counties, 2015; BERK, 2016. The total number of homeless individuals and families (sheltered and unsheltered) counted in Chelan and • Douglas counties in 2016 was 390. This is a small decrease from the total in 1011, and is also a halfway point between the highest recorded annual count in 2010 at 542, and the lowest annual count recorded in 2012 at 198. The number of chronically homeless individuals, defined as a person or family that has been homeless continually for over a year or at least four times in the past three years with a disabling condition, has remained fairly constant over the past ten years. The unsheltered homeless population is also of particular concern. Exhibit 16 provides information on the characteristics of unsheltered individuals and households. • Exhibit 16. Unsheltered Homeless Count 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Households without minors 83 60 30 28 59 55 25 62 46 63 74 Households with minors 75 35 12 3 4 4 12 4 5 48 31 Households with minors only NR NR NR NR 4 0 3 0 0 1 0 Total 158 95 42 31 67 59 40 66 51 112 105 Note: NR indicates Not Reported Source: 2015 Action Plan Update: Ten -Year Plan to Reduce Homelessness in Chelan and Douglas Counties, 2015. The number of unsheltered homeless individuals has increased over the past two years in 2015 and 2016. The unsheltered homeless population more than doubled from 51 individuals in 2014 to 112 unsheltered individuals in 2016. In 2016, approximately two-thirds of unsheltered homeless individuals are in households without minors. September 12, 2016 7 35 of 87 L8 10 99 8 9TOZ'ZT jagwaldaS • -luawliedaa Alun:)aS luawAoldw3 alelS uojVuigseM -91OZ Aew AiewwnS eajy jogel (sailunOD selOno4 pue uela4:)) VAN aa4a;euaM (9TOZ) 'Cl '1:)asaW ct ,t'STOZ Aew ue41 aannol All48lls s! luawAoldwa 910Z AeW 'Alluanbasuo0 -johas Ouljnl:)ejnuew le:)ol ayl u! sgof OOti }o ssol palewilsa ue u! 8u!llnsai 'pasop eOelelN ui jallaws wnu!wnle eo:)lb' ayl '9IOZ Aaenuer ul -SiOZ pUe biOZ uaaMlaq 4lMoag luawAoldwa %L'b 4l!m 'SIN pUe OiOZ uaannlaq 8uisu Appeals uaaq pey (salluno:) selOno0 pue uelagD) ySw aa4aleuaM ayl ul luawAoldw3 1N3WAO1dW3 •saeaA lua,3ai u! Apeals Able} pau!ewai sey sluapnls ssalawoy pajallagsun }o aagwnu ayl • •(slalow/slaloy 'dn-palgnop 'siallays) paiallays aaann sluapnls ssalawoy }o Al!aofew lsen a41 • 'SiOZ-biOZ ui sluapnls ssalawoy i9S }o jelol luaiin:) sl! of iiOZ-OiOZ u! O18 }o lu!od • gSi4 a woj} sjeaA lsed nano paseaJ:)ap sey sla!Jls!p looyas onnl a43 ul sluapnls ssalawoy;o jagwnu a41 • ;uapualuuadns ay3;o a:)ijjo ajejS uolOuigseM :a»noS Ielol —*.-- palalla4sun t paJa;la4S 0 OOT ON OOE OOb 005 009 r.-- ---ti_ OOL 008 006 sV!a3s!p 1004:)s;uOwlse3 pue 9843leuaM';unoj;uapn;S ssalawOH 'LL 1!q!4x3 •paulgwoj sl:)uls!Q Iooy:)S luowlse3 pue aay:)leuaM a43 aol luno:) luapnls isssalawoy lenuue a43 sMoys Molaq algel a41 •p@Aallaysun pue pajallays 4loq sluapnls ssalawoy;o aagwnu a43 uo elep lenuue sl:)a110:) OdSO) uo!lanalsul :)ilgnd 10 luapualuuadnS ayi }o a3l}}O alelS uolBulgseM a41 • 44.0 43.0 a 42.0 0 41.0 c 40.0 is 39.0 E 30 0 6 31.0 36 0 35.0 Exhibit 18. Employment, Wenatchee MSA 2005 2006 2007 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source: Washington State Employment Security Department 2016; Current Employment Statistics (CES), Labor Market and Performance Analysis; 2005-2015. Looking forward, the Washington State Employment Security Department's (ESD) short-term employment projections for North Central region of Washington (including Wenatchee) show 1.1% average annual growth between 2015 and 2017. The long term projections indicate 1.79% annual growth between 2014 and 2019, and 0.87% between 2019 and 2024. These projections indicate the Wenatchee area could benefit from continued job growth in coming years. Appendix A provides additional information about growth projections by wage level. Agricultural Employment • Until April 2014, ESD conducted a monthly Agricultural Employment and Wage Survey to help estimate agricultural workforce across Washington State. However, this survey has been discontinued. Within the Wenatchee MSA (Chelan and Douglas Counties), between 2004 and 2014 the number of agricultural jobs increased from 8,291 to 9,962. This is an increase of 1,671 jobs and an average annual growth rate of 1.85%.18 During this period agricultural jobs also increased as a percentage of the total MSA employment. In 2004 agricultural jobs accounted for 22.8%. In 2014, they accounted for 24.1%.11 Between 2013 and 2014 Chelan and Douglas Counties added nearly 1,000 new agricultural jobs, an 8% increase. • Many agricultural jobs are in rural areas outside of the Wenatchee urban area. However, according to the Census, in 2014 there were 3,667 people working in the Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting industry sector living inside the Wenatchee Urban Area. At the same time there were 3,375 jobs in this sector located inside the urban area. This indicates there are at least 292 workers who live in the urban area and commute to jobs outside of the urban area.20 A significant portion of agricultural jobs in the Wenatchee MSA are seasonal. In 2013, the time of the latest Agricultural Workforce Report from the Washington State Employment Security Department, there were nearly twice as many estimated agricultural workers in the peak summer months compared to the winter 18Ibid. 19Ibid. 20 U.S. Census Bureau. 2016. LODES Data. Longitudinal -Employer Household Dynamics Program. http://lehd.ces.census.gov/data/lodes/ September 12, 2016 9 37 of 87 Z8 10 9c OT 91OZ 'ZI jagwaidas • VTOZ - OTOZ 'salew!lsa jeaA-S AanjnS Al!unwwo:) ue:)uawV 'snsua:) S'n , VTOZ OTOZ 'salew!lsa jeaA-S AanjnS Al!unwwo0 ueDuawV 'snsua0 S,n sniels Aq si!un lueDeA pue pa!dn»o;o s!sA!eue 22138 £z 9TOZ '8 aunf (DV3V) 1!:)unoD Ajos!ApV uo!le:)nP3 ilnpV aieiS uoi2u!yseM of uoileluasajd -aiepdn 3!wouo:)3 uo12u!yseM leJluaD •(9TOZ) •(1 '1:)asaA zz }pd ET0Z-lcodaj-a3jopjom-Iejnil mu2e/spodaj-Ajisnpu!/s op/elepluawAoIdwa/psa/Ao2 eM-ssajljoj//:sdlly -luawljeda(j AlunoaS ivawholdw3 aleiS uol2u!yseM -a:)jojljoM lejniln:)u2V ETOZ STOZ 0S3 iz •2lu!snoq jo paau ui sployasnoq jo azls ayi pue aayjleuaM ui algel!ene savoy }o az!s ayl uaamiaq y:)lews!w le!ivaiod e sale3!pu! s!yl •sjagwaw oml jo auo Aluo aney sployasnoy aay:)leuaM jo %09 Aljeau laA -swoojpaq ajow jo aajyl aney si!un Ou!snoy jo %99 'OZ 1!q!yx3 u! umoys sV '9TOZ '2839 '91OZ 'AlunoO uela4D'STOZ 'ivawa2eueW !epueu!3;o a:)!}lp aielS uoi2uigseM :a:)jnoS (algel!ene elep adAl pun ou) palejodio:)u!un ja4i0 ■ Al!wej-!ilnyy AI!wej-al8u!S ■ 000'91 000'V1 00071 000`01 000'8 000`9 000'V 000'z 0 LSZ`8 palejodjo:)u!un zrt',ay,4' pUelsl poll v'iw f91'js 899`i aag3leuaM 1se3 282'V aay:)leuaM AIddnS 8u!snoH '61 1!q!4x3 •swoojpaq jo jagwnu Aq si!un 8u!snoy Ile jo umopleajq ayl smogs OZ i!q!yx3 'STOZ jean ayl u! adAl Aq shun Su!snoy aay:)leuaM;o umop�eajq ayi smogs 6T 1!q!yx3 -eaje uegjn ayi u!yl!m savoy uo!le:)eA jo} ia>Ijew @Ojel a lou sl ajayl saln!pu! siyl ,Z„•asn leuo!se»o jo 'leuo!leanaj 'leuoseas„ joj pasn s! j:)ois Su!snoy ayi jo %E•0 Aluo ley; saiew!lsa snsua0 ayl •A:)uedn:):)o aw!i lln} joj pasn aje si!un Ou!snoy Ile jo Al!jofew 3seA ayl EZ•juaj jo} aje si!un ayi jo %t7E Alaiew!xojddb •eajd uegjH aay:)ieuaM ayi u! sl!un Ou!snoy VOL'LZ aje ajayl saiew!lsa Wj0 'STOZ jo sV Alddns !)NisnOH • ZZ'SjeaA 2ulwo:) u1 y21y u!ewaj of 41moj9 gof leinilmijOe uolOu!yseM lejlua:) sl3adxa 'OS3 le 4s!wouo:)3 jogej leuoloaa '�:)asavq pleuop Tz,Sgjuow • • �J Exhibit 20. Percentage of Total Housing Units by Number of Bedrooms SO% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Studio 1 bedroom 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms 4 bedrooms 5 or more bedrooms Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey 1-year estimates, 2014, BERK, 2016. While the housing supply overall appears to emphasize housing stock with more bedrooms, overcrowding still exists among some households. Exhibit 21 shows occupancy per room among all Wenatchee households. HUD defines overcrowding as greater than one occupant per room. Based on this definition, 10% of renter occupied households are estimated to be overcrowded, while only 2% of owner -occupied households are overcrowded. Overcrowding can result from a lack of affordable housing in the rental market, leading to situations of "doubling -up" where one or more adults lives together in addition to the head of household and partner. Exhibit 21. Percentage of Housing Units that are Overcrowded Renter Occupied Owner Occupied Occupants per room C.50 or less occupants per room 3,491 13,225 0.51 to 1.00 occupants per room 3,699 3,469 1.01 to 1.50 occupants per room 397 317 1.51 to 2.00 occupants per room 440 0 2.01 or more occupants per room 0 67 Number of Overcrowded Units (>1) 837 384 Percentage of Units that are Overcrowded (>1) 10% 2% Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey 1-year estimates, 2014; BERK, 2016. New Home Production The rate of new housing production has varied in recent years. Exhibit 22 shows net new housing production by year from 2011 to 2016. During this period, the Wenatchee area added an average of 203 units per year, or about 0.75% percent annual growth in housing units. This is a slightly faster rate of production than the rate of household growth during the same period. September 12, 2016 11 39 of 87 L81a Ob ZT 9TOZ 'Zi jagwatdas • -p!gl9Z 9TOZ'E lsn2ny'AlunOD ue!a40}o 11 aauueld'!gaew!2eueA 01!1 q11M uo!1ea!unwwoD leuosJad sz • • 2ulsnoq Al!we}!llnw aje %ZE al!gm 8u!snoy Apwel-alOu!s aae eaje uegjn aql ui sawoy Ile jo %89 91OZ ul •sjeaA juaoaj u! Al!wej-!Tlnw spiennol pall! AllgO!ls Aluo seq uoipnpoid Mau oS •sawoy Al!wej!llnw %TE pue sawoy Apwe} alguls %69 }o pals!suo:) >{aols Bu!snoy aweal ay; 'OTOZ ul •pouad slgl 21uunp Al!we}!llnw aaaM padolanap sl!un Mau }o %t�E 1noge eaae uegan aj!iva aql ssoaay •(sawoy allgow pue Ou!snoq paan}aejnuew jo sl!un 2u!llannp Aaossa»e) sadAT Ouisnoq jaglo jo} ajaM sl!wjad Mau ro %ET pue 'sajnl:)nj;s Al!wej!llnw jo; ajaM sl!waad jo %T uegl ssal 'sl!un Allwe}-alOuis jo} ajaM sT!waad 2u!snoy Mau }o %Lg seaae palejodioauiun ui '91OZ-OTOZ woa j -Al!wej al2u!s az!segdwa oT sanu!luoo q:)!qM seaje paTeaodao:)u!un ui ;uawdolanap Aq las}}o seM sailp u! uo!lanpoid 2u!snoq Al!wej-!}lnw spienno; 8u!Ms sigl -(sl!un NO 6ap!sJan1a 'bTOZ ui ll!nq pafoid al2u!s a ui aaam shun Al!wej-!llnw aql jo uo!liod a2ael b -Al!wej!llnw WaM %6b al!gM sawoy Al!we} al2u!s @jam %TS 'pouad s!ql guunp }l!nq sl!un awes; Mau 10 -puelsl 1:)oa pue 'aaq:)IeuaM lse3 'aaq:)IeuaM jo sa!lp aql ul adA; 2ulsnoq Aq uoll:)npoid awog luaaaa smogs ZZ I!q!gx3 9,,a2luega 2uluoz a jo} 1sanbaj e u! lInsaj Aew galgM 'aol!uoVq ui juawdolanap le!;uap!saj Al!suap aag2!q }noge sjadolanap woj} sa!j!nbui panla:)aa osle seq AlunoO ayl S,-eajv uegan aag3leuaM aql jo pua uaaglnos aql sAeljano go!gM 'e9elevq }o eaje paJejodaoau!un ag; ul jeaA jad sT!wTad 2uipl!nq lelluap!sw EE of EZ punoje sanssl Aluno:) agl }eg; alew!lsa saauueld AlunoO uela40 910Z PUe STOZ '3uawa0eueV4 lepueu! j }o aa!}}p alejS uo32u!gseM :a»noS -seaje patejodao:)u!un jo; algel!ene tou seM elep 91OZ 9TOZ 'i !!jdy 45nojy1 SiOZ 'Z pdy uaaMlaq sl!un Mau tau slaal}aJ 9TOZ 'oS 'jeaA juajina aql }o T pdy oT AeaA sno!najd ayl;o Z lady woi} e;ep }o jeaA q:)ea spioaaj W jp :saION pa1e.iodjoau!uf1 puelsi poa aaPleuaM Ise] OOS Osb 00t? OS£ 00£ osZ OR 801 shall MaN laN 'ZZ ;!q!gx3 aope;euaM ■ OST OOT is 6V Z9 OS 0 Ci � 11oz OZ � ZTOZ L� £TOZ CTOZ UT J � STOZ PER 9V ® .9i0Z • Exhibit 23. New Housing Unit Production by Type, Incorporated Areas Only 97 10 2016 3 40 - 16 44 12 2015 o 0 0 2014 60 4 4 0 64 2 2013 o 0 11 2012 39 r64 2 6 60 4 2011 0 0 0 98 2010 6624 10 3 0 50 100 150 200 250 320 300 350 ■ Single Family ■ Duplex ■ 3-4 Units (MF) 5+ Unifs (MF) ■ Mobile Home Note: OFM records each year of data from April 2 of the previous year to April 1 of the current year. So, 2016 reflects production between April 2, 2015 through April 1, 2016. Source: Washington State Office of Financial Management, 2016; BERK, 2016. Unfortunately, data about unit size (number of bedrooms) is not available for all new home production. However, such data is available for the large Riverside9 apartment complex in Wenatchee. 8% of these units are studios, 52% of units are 1-bedroom, 31% are 2-bedroom, and 10% are live/work. Similar multi -family projects would help increase the supply of smaller units and help address the large mismatch between household sizes and unit sizes found in the current housing stock. September 12, 2016 13 41 of 87 Z8 10 Zt, VT 91OZ'ZT jagwaldaS C� • 9TOZ aunf'logsdeuS @leis] lead eajy aag:)leuaM'salepossy s!es!eaddy a!}!aed to -sl!un ajow jo E ql!m sBu!pl!nq se llam se saxaldnp sapnpui s!41 of 91OZ aun( ui paAaAans aaam sl!un A!!wepjjnw TZq'T 3o !elol V -}pd-9TOZaunroZ%IogsdeuS/se0ew!/wog ddeDed mmm//:dllq '9TOZ aunt :logsdeuS @leis] !eaa eajy aay:)leuaM 9TOZ 'salepossy s!es!eaddy jilped 6, }pd 9TOZ-Suuds/b0/9TOZ/speo!dn/lualuo:)-dm/npa-uolBu!gsem-alelsa!ea-j//:dllq :4»easaa alels3 lead J01 JaluaD uolOu!gseM woj} lJodaa lalaelN luawlaedy uolgu!4seM 9TOZ 2u!jdS aqj ui pagsggnd sgu!pu!} ql!m luals!suoa si alej s!gl 8z bTOZ - OTOZ 'salew!lsa je@A-s AaAjnS Al!unwwo:) ueouawy 'snsua:) 's'n cz mol Ieaaua2 341 u! papnpul •salew alOu!s pue 'sanss! Aauapuadap lea!wa4a pue 41lea4 Ieluaw y1!m I!ef Oull!xa slenp!A!puI 'uaJpl!4:) 41!m sp104asno4 'uawom al2u!s aae paAJas suo!lelndod awoaui mol lejauaS a41 ul palasael osly 'sz 1!q!4x3 ul umo4s se 'sao!uas pue sialaomwiel se flans 'suo!lelndod la2ael az!1!ao!ad sl!un paz!p!sgns ayl 10 awoS •aa4:)leuaM lse3 pue aa4aleua/N ui sl!un paz!p!sgns 991'1 pue sJa4:)noA 6-VS 10 lelol e aje Wa41 SuisnoH pazip!sgns •papaau aae sl!un mau SL9 'sawo4 ales jot Suowe ales AJUe3eA %S a ana!4ae of japio ul j£•aeaA snolnaad ayl woj1 %g umop 'ales ao1 sawo4 to 521UIISII aA!lae ZOZ aaam aaa41 '91OZ aun f ul ales jot pue lueaeA yloq @jam 1uai jot algel!ene lou aaam 1e41 sl!un Su!sno4 Ile 10 %b•T Aluo 'AanunS Al!unwwo0 uea!aawy KOZ-010Z a41 woj1 elep of 2u!pjoa:)y sales A:)ue:)eA 2u!snoH ales ao3 9TOZ'sale!possy les!eaddy:)yDed :a»noS r 9 8 Ol easy;alaeVy aa4:)}euaM'alea Aaueaen Al!we}!llnW 'bZ 3!q!4x3 -uo!lelndod lumina a41 of algel!ene saa104a 2u!sno4 10 @2uea @41 puedxa se Ilam se sjeaA Ou!woa ul ylmOJO uollelndod palaadxa alepowwoaae of papaau aq II!m (ZSZ a41 puoAaq) sl!un leuo!llppy •papaau aie sl!un Al!we1-!llnw mau ZSZ 'alej A7ue7eA %S a ana143e of japio ul 'oEeaje uegjn ay1 ul sl!un AI!we1-!llnw 000'9 Alieau Alluaiina aje @Ja41 •laliew „Ay1jea4„ a ale3!pui of pajap!suoa AlleaauaO s! 31ei AaueaeA %S y •slsoa 2u!sno4 uo ainssaid piemdn send s!41 pue puewap 41!m do 2uldaa� lou s! 2lulsno4 AI!we1!llnw 10 Aiddns leyl salealpu! sale] AaueaeA Ou!u!pap s141 6,'%T 01 as op mou aye pue doap of Ou!nu!luoa aae sa!aueaen salealpul algel!ene elep A3ue3eA leluaa Al!we1!llnw lsalel a41 sz'£TOZ u! %S 10 alej a woj1 umop '%Z sem alej a41 'STOZ 10 sy -ease 1aliew aa4aleua/N ay1 u! Ou!sno4 Al!we1!llnw ao1 @lea AaueaeA a41 smo4s bZ 1!q!4x3 .,aa431eua/\A 10 Al!:) ay1 u! sp104asno4 10 %bb pue easy uegjn @a4aleuaM @41 ul splo4asno4 Ile 10 %££ do alew saaluaa sajea A:)ue:)en guisnoH )ieluaa • income housing summary is transitional housing. In general, to be eligible for general low income multifamily housing assistance, a household may only have an income of up to 60% of the AM1, although many households earn far less and some programs have lower AMI cutoffs. Farmworker housing identifies two priority groups, seasonal and year-round farmworkers. The majority of the seasonal farmworker housing was developed in 2008 and 2009 with the use of state and USDA funding. The continuation of State funding for seasonal farmworker housing is uncertain. According to the Chelan County Housing Authority, demand for housing among farmworkers appears to be well -matched with supply, with waitlists remaining short and USDA subsidies typically refinancing ahead of expiration. However, there is concern that changes in federal priorities could impact future funding for this program. Some year-round farmworkers also benefit from general low income multifamily subsidized housing.32 According to the Chelan County Housing Authority, there is high demand for senior housing and the ability to keep up with this demand is a growing concern." Exhibit 25 shows the number of vouchers and subsidized units provided on the market in Wenatchee and East Wenatchee. A more detailed listing of the subsidized housing inventory for Wenatchee and East Wenatchee is available in Appendix C. Exhibit 25. Vouchers and Assisted Households and Units, Wenatchee Urban Area Vouchers and Units Count Total Vouchers 549 Section 8Tenant Based Vouchers 494 HUD - Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Tenant Based Vouchers 55 Total Assisted Households/Units 1,166 General Low Income Multifamily 829 Seasonal Farmworker 59 Year -Round Farmworker 130 Seniors 123 Permanent Supportive Housing 25 Source: National Housing Preservation Database, 2016; HUD Low Income Tax Credit Database, 2016; Multifamily Assistance and Section 8 Contracts Database, 2016; Chelan -Douglas County Community Action Council, 2016; Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee, 2016, BERK, 2016. Exhibit 26 shows the number of units with rental assistance funding and tax credits that are expiring within the next 5 years. In addition, the table shows that all of the 75 Low Income Housing Tax Credit units expiring in the next five years are privately held. While non-profit owners are more likely to assume ownership of LIHTC units after tax credit expiration and manage the units as affordable in perpetuity (as the Housing Authority has identified as a policy), it is less likely that a profit -driven private owner will follow this model. The Chelan County Housing Authority indicated that when tax credits expire on a privately owned property, the Authority generally tries to maintain the affordable stock through evaluating whether it makes sense try and purchase the 32 Personal Communication with Alicia McRae, Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee (CCWHA), August 3, 2016. 33 Ibid. September 12, 2016 15 43 of 87 L8 10 tbb 9T 91OZ 'ZT jagwaidas • 91OZ 'E lsn2ny '(yHMOO) aayaleuaM 10 OD ayi pue AlunoO uela4O }o Aluoylny 2u!snoH 'aea:)w epily ql!M uo!le:)!unwwoO leuosaad ss •P!ql eE 'OSS'8b$ seen VSW aa4:)leuaN\ a43 u! ino; 10 Apwe; awoaul mol a Jo} sl!wll awo:)u! 8 uo!1:)a5 onH a41 '91OZ ul 'VSW aa4:)leuaM a41 aoi sl!w!i awoaul 8 uoll:)aS anH 91OZ a41 sls!l LZ 1!q!4x3 • •Ivgv }o %OE Molaq sawoaui gl!nn sluea!ldde of og lsnw sja4:)noA s,Aaua2e Ou!sno4 :)!lgnd leaol a }o %SL pue ILmv }o %05 paa:)xa louue:) sawoau! plogasn04 'Allejauag -az!s Al!we} pue awoaul ssojS lenuue uo paseq sa!aua8e 8u!sno4 :)!lgnd le:)ol a41 Aq pau!waalap s! saa4:)nOA 8 uo!laas jo} Al!l!q!2!l3 •Al!l!q!O!la japnoA 8 uo!haS Jo} Sl!wll awoaul Sias anH 'az!s Al!wej uo 2u!puadao •siso:) dl4saaunnoawo4 ao sluaa laliew pio}}e louue:) Aa4l ua4M sale:)!}!ljaa 10 sJa4:)noA J0 wJO} a41 uI aauels!sse sa!l!wej awoaul Mol sap!AOjd 1e41 weigoid anH s! 8 uo!laaS Ou!pun} g uo!haS Aq pap!noid aye sjay:)nOA jo Aluofew a41 sF•suado ls!l 1!eM a41 ua4M suo!le:)!ldde Auew aie aiagj pue sjeaA aajgl Aaana 's)aaM oMl jo} uado s! ls!l 3!eM a41 •eaae aa4:)leuaM lse3/aayaleuaM aqj ui saay:)nOA a0} 4214 AjaA S! puewaa '(SZ 3!q!4x3 aas) 91OZ u! sja4anOA 8u!AlaaaJ aje sayweJ 6bS le4l Palea!pu! Al!1o4lny Ou!snOH Alun00 uela4J a41 9TOZ 'aayoleuaM }o Al!:) ayi pue AlunoO uela4O ;o Aluoylny SuisnOH '9TOZ 'IPunoO uo!hy Al!unwwoO AlunoO sel2nop-uela4J '9i0Z 'asegeled slaejluo0 8 uo!liaS pue a3uels!ssy Al!we;!llnW '9TOZ 'asegeleo 1!pa-iO xel awoaul mol anH '9TOZ 'asegelep uo!lenuasaid 2u!snoH leuo!leN :a»nos uo!1:)njlsuoO Aeg 42neA pue 'Oil sivawijedy ue!pe:)seO '2u!A!l Ao!uaS a-inluaneuog Aq paumo sluawdolanap apnpu! sjeaA S lxau a44 ul suo!leJ!dxa yl!AA sl!un O1HIl PIa4 Alale^ud. ZOZ 1y101 ZOT 2u!pun j a:)uels!ssy Ieluaa awoaul mol SL SL (:)1HIl) s1!paJ:) xe12u!snoH awoaul Mol sz sl!paAO xel aaIaomwJe j (TZOZ) sjeaA S lxau (TZOZ) sjeaA ayl u! 2umdxa sl!un Aao2ale0 sa!p!sgnS pue sl!paiD xel J1HIl .paumo-Alalenud S lxau ayl u! 2uu!dx3 sieaA S;xaN a4l u! 2ula!dx3 sl!un pazlp!sgnS }o aaq►unN '9Z 3!q!4x3 • ,£ 8uisn04 algepio}}e 8u!ls!xa aAaasaid of Al!unlaoddo ue s! @Ia41 Janaua4M sa!liadoid 1!paa:) xel paunno Alalenud ase4ajnd of Ou!punj ql!M do Bu!wo:) ui ln}ssa»ns uaaq ual}o se4 AluoglnV a41 -kpadoid • • Exhibit 27. Section 8 Income Limits, Wenatchee MSA Extremely Low Family Size Income Very Low Income Low -Income 1(70% of 4- person) $12,750 $21,250 $34,000 2 (80% of 4-person) $16,020 $24,300 $38,850 3 (90% 0f 4-person) $20,160 $27,350 $43,700 4 $24,300 $30,350 $48,550 5 (108% of 4- person) $28,440 $32,800 $52,450 6 (116% of 4 (person) $32,580 $35,250 $56,350 7 (124% of 4-person) $36,730 $37,650 $60,250 8 (132% of 4-person) $40,100 $40,100 $64,100 Notes: The Very Low Income Limit is established by setting the 4-person family limit at around 50% of AMI. The Low Income Limit is established by setting the 4-person family limit at 1.6 times that of the Very Low Income limit for a 4- person family. The Extremely Low Income Limit for a 4-person family is set at 60% of the 4-person family limit for Very Low Income. The Extremely Low Income Limits for other family sizes are set at a percentage of the 4-person limit. Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Section 8 Income Limits, 2016. HOUSING AFFORDABILITY Affordability Goals and Policies The City of Wenatchee's Comprehensive Plan Housing Affordability Goal states: Encourage the availability of affordable housing to all segments of the population. The goal is supported by policies, including implementing regulations that encourage a diversity of housing types and choice, incentives, residential development of infill sites, and partnership with private and nonprofit developers to provide new rental and ownership units." The City of East Wenatchee's Comprehensive Plan has a Land Use and Housing goal that states: To provide for a variety of housing types and densities to ensure a range of affordable housing options for all segments of the community. This goal is supported by policies, including the promotion of affordable housing that meets the needs of all segments through the use of development incentives.37 36 City of Wenatchee. Planning to Blossom 2025: Wenatchee Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. December 2014. is 37 City of East Wenatchee. Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan. 2014. September 12, 2016 17 45 of 87 L8 10 9b 81 9TOZ'ZT iagwalda5 • wlq yMA:)ejn»yalewilsaZluaaa8eaanoDele4/olmoq/wog moll!z rnmmll:dllq aaS -paseq si alewilsa iiagl gDigm uo azns aldwes mol a of anp Algewnsaid 'jels auo }o 2uilej lsamol aql aniaaaa selSno4 pue uelagD y109 Aluno:) Aq luai ueipaw jol s2uilea A:)ern»e sapinoud nnopiZ as 9TOZ 'Ha38 '9TOZ 'elep xapul luaa 'moll!Z :a:)jnoS (984:4euaM;se3) aeaull ......... (aaq:)IeuaM) aeau!l • aagaIeuaM ;se3 aaq:);euaM b0-91OZ OT-STOZ b0-STOZ OT-bTOZ b0-bTOZ OT-£TOZ b0-£ZOZ 0T-ZT0Z b0-ZZOZ 008$ 006$ 000'T$ OOT'T$ OOZ'T$ 00£'T$ . OOb'T$ OOS'T $ 009'T $ sa;ew! S3 moll!Z'sodAl3!un Ild'luaa A143u0W ue!paw -8Z 3!q!4x3 •A1lenuue %S•9;o alej a le Suisu sluai smogs rv,ol1!Z 'sadAl l!un Ile Buowy •glmojo %8•S smogs moll!Z al!gm %T'ST Aq Allenuue uasu aneq slum a5eaane 'sBu!pu!l Aanans 203DM of 2u!pao»y •sAeaA lua:)aj u! Alp!dea 2uis!a sluai smogs g3ea—AI!wej!llnw jol sluaa ue!paw jag2!q Ou!mogs moll!Z Algelou lsow — elep 2f38DM pue nnoll!Z agl uaamlaq sa!3uals!suo:)ui awos aae aaagl al!gM '('d32fJM) q3Jeasa8 alels3 lean jo} jalua:) uol$u!gseM aql woa} sgu!pu!} Aanans uo paseq si lsel aql B,-moll!Z wojj elep uo paseq aie slaeq:) oml lsiil aql '91OZ pue FTOZ/ZTOZ uaamlaq slso:) Ou!snoq leluai ue!paw ui saSueq:) molts 0£ 1!q!gx3 pue '6Z 1!gi4x3 'gZ l!q!gx3 8u!sn0H le3uaa • sisoj guisnoH • Exhibit 29. Median Monthly Rent for Multifamily Units, Zillow Estimates, City of Wenatchee $1,400 $1,300 $1,200 $1,100 $1,000 I $800 2012-04 2012-10 2013-04 2013-10 2014-04 2014-10 2015-04 2015-10 2016-04 Source: Zillow, Rent Index Data, 2016; BERK, 2016. Exhibit 30. Median Monthly Rent for Multifamily Units, WCRER Survey, City of Wenatchee $1,200 • $1,100 $1,000 $900 $800 $700 $600 $500 2013-09 2014-03 2014-09 2015-03 2015-09 2016-03 Source: Washington Center for Real Estate Research, 2016; BERK, 2016. As a point of comparison, BERK analyzed all Wenatchee Urban Area rental listings available on Craigslist on August 9, 2016.31 The results are shown in Exhibit 31. The findings provide a snapshot of how housing prices vary by unit size. The median rent among just apartment listings (regardless of size) is $1,100. This is just slightly higher than WCRER's survey findings and 17% lower than Zillow's median monthly rent for multifamily units. • 39 BERK used some discretion to remove postings that appeared to be scams in order to improve data reliability. September 12, 2016 19 47 of 87 L8 10 8i7 OZ 9TOZ 'ZT jagwaldaS • „ "ail wollog„ aql jo ueipaw aql uegl jaMol pa:)ud aq of pahadxa aq pinom pots Sulsnoq lelol a41 jo 41x!s Duo A148noi 'ajo}ajagl anleA }o swial ui pols Ouisnoq }o pai41 Duo wolloq a41 se „jail wollog„ ay1 saupp MopiZ or 'aa4:);euaM ;sea u! aannol 4:)nw si sawo4 Al!we; alou!s pue sopuoa uaamlaq le!luaaa}4!p;soa palewllsa a41 o,•aaya;euaM }o A3!D ui sanleA awoy ue!paw „jail wo;;og„ ay; jo} alewllsa s,nnoll!Z 41!m jed uo A14Onoa aje q:)igm 'aayaleuaM }o AID ay1 ul sl!un wn!u!wopuoa si awoy jo Ajo2lalea algepio}}e lsow ay_L '(910Z aunt pue tIOZ aunt uaamlaq 41nnoj9 lenuue aOeaane %TZ Apeau) aayaleuaM lse3 ui unnoys su!eO ;sadaals ay; yl!M 'ETOZ aau!s • uaSIJ AI!peals ane4 sa!ao2alea Ile u! saaud OuisnOH '60OZ-SOOZ }o uolssaaaJ aiwouoaa ay; Ou!Mollo; laliew Juisnoy aql ui uanluMop leaauaO ay; 2u!1aaIjai 'ETOZ pUe 60OZ uaamlaq padd!p sadAl 2lu!sno4 Ile aol sanleA '91OZ aunt 42lnojgl 60OZ 1snOny jo} adAl Ouisno4 Aq sanleA awoy ueipaw palewl;sa s,nnoll!z smogs ZE 1!q!4x3 Su!snoH d!4sa9unnp ;uaa 1a1JeW J!ej anH nnolaq aaud a le pals!l aaam (%g) s2u!ls!l gb jo 1no shun aaj41 Alup •luaa laIJew "ej s,af1H alqnop Alaeau si luaa uelpaw a41 'sle;uaa wooapaq auo }o asea ayl ul •sluab laijm jie3 anH ue41 aa4o!4 aje adA1 1!un Aq s;uaa ue!paw II'd'TE 1!q!4x3 ul uMoys osle aje eajy aa4:)leuaM 1se3-aaya1euaM a4; jol sluad la>Iaew J1p3 anH 9TOZ '71839 "pTOZ '1uawd0Jana0 uegjn pue 8uisnoH }o luawliedaO -S fl '9TOZ '1s1I5s1eJ:) :a:)anoS 001'1$ SZ Aluo sluawyedd £ SD sgullslllelol T %6L 09Z'1$ OSZ'Z$ £ wooipag +p 0 %S£ ZSO'T$ SZV'T$ ZI wooipag £ 0 %8S T6L$ OSZ'T$ TT 41N Z ao S'T'wooJpa8 Z sadAl Z %TT T6L$ SL8$ 6 41eg T 'wooJpag Z 8ulsnoH 11V 0 %S6 T6S$ SST'T$ ZT wooipag T 0 %L8 6ZS$ 066$ T olpnlS luaa iaJJeW 1ua211alievy Wald ilejonHiapunsllun J!ejmolag/anogy lalieVj y3uow/luaa s8u!ls!l pals!lloiagwnN %uelpaLN i!e3onH UelpaW ;ojagwnN • sluaa 3aveW ales (inH of paaeduao� 9i0Z `6;sn2nd';s!!sslea0 uo pa;s!i s;!un ao};uaa A141uOVY uelpaw iE 3!q!4x3 11 Exhibit 32. Median Home Value, Zillow Estimates $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 dV $ 200, 000 $150,000 t_ — --- $100, 000 '1 ti ,y y T, 'V tip ti Wenatchee Single Family ZHVI East Wenatchee All Homes ZHVI Wenatchee Condo ZHVI — — — East Wenatchee Condo ZHVI Wenatchee Bottom Tier ZHVI East Wenatchee Bottom Tier ZHVI Source: Zillow, Home Value Index Data, 2016; BERK, 2016. Exhibit 33 shows median home sales prices for City of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee between 2005 and 2016 year to date. The values and trends are similar to those shown in Zillow data, with one main exception. The rapid increase in value that Zillow shows for East Wenatchee during the past year is not evident in home sales prices. Instead single family sales prices have been fairly consistent with those in Wenatchee. Exhibit 33. Median Home Sales Price $350,000 $300,000 r r $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 (YTD) Wenatchee SF Wenatchee Condo East Wenatchee SF — — — East Wenatchee Condo Source: Pacific Appraisal Associates, 2016; BERK, 2016. September 12, 2016 21 49 of 87 L8 10 05 ZZ 9i0Z 'ZT jagwaldaS • '9TOZ '2213g '9TOZ 'jolelnaleD uoilellul Id7 'sopsllelS aoge3 }o neajng 'bTOZ 'salewllsa aeaA-S AaiunS Allunwwo:) ueauawy 'snsua0 S n '9TOZ 'salepossy lesiejddy al;ped :aa.jnoS anleA sales jo 000'1$ jad 00 S$;o aaueansul lenuue pue 'anleA sales 10 %Z-T }o saxel Aliadoid lenuue 'luawAed umop %OZ e sawnsse uollelnalea jaAngawog slgl -jolelnaleD uollellul Id0 sallsllelS aogel }o neajng agl2uisn 9T0Z of palsnfpe uollellul sem alewllsa jeaA-S SJd bTOZ — OTOZ aql eajy paziuegap aagaleuaM aql ao} sem a2e23aow a pjo}}e of g2noua ajew splogasnoq Auew moq aulwAalap of pasn awoau) plogasnog uelpaw aql 91OZ }o aunf jo} sl gaud 2ulllas uelpaA :saloN %8S aa!jd awo4 uelpaw piolle uea 1e4; splo4asno4 }o alewlls3 09E'SZ splogasnoq lelol TSL'bT ELZ'SS$ < awoau' glinn splogasnoq jo aagwnN splogasnoH 9007$ (slsoa Sulsnoq Y.0£) papaaN awoaul Ajyluow ELZ'SS$ (slsoa Sulsno4 %00 papaaN awoau) lenuud Z8E'T$ s1soD AlgluoW lelol Z8S'9T$ s1soD lenuud lelol EZE'T$ (000'T$ lad 00'S$) aaueansuI SLT'E$ (%Z'T) saxel S80'Z1$ sluawAed a9e2]-1oVq sasuadx3 OulsnoH lenuuy L00'T$ 1uawAed a2e2laow Ajy1uow 09E saeaAOE aano sluawAed %b alea lsaaalul OV9'TTZ$ lunowy 92e2l,ow OT6'ZS$ (%OZ) luawAed unnoa OSS'b9Z$ (eaay aagaleuaMaoj9TOZ aunt) aalad OulllaS uelpaA @Oe2laoW AlgluoW aa!ad Su11s13 uelpaw le awoH Allwej al2ulS a ase4aand 01 papaaN awoau! lenuud •S£ 11g14x3 -uollelnaiea slgl ui pownsse luawAed unnop OZ a4l pao}je pinoa Ile lou 4e4l alq!ssod s! 1! gSnoglle 'awoaui 4anw s141 uaea splogasn0410 %SS Alalewlxojddy '(9TOZ JOI palsnlpe uollelju! 'awoaui plo4asno4 uelpaw palewllsa KOZ-6006 OOL'ES$ lnoge Jo awoau' uelpaw eaae ue4l aJow Aj14211S s! s141 -aaud Suillas uelpaw 9TOZ aq1 le awo4 a paoj4e of awoau! AIjeaA u! ELZ'SS$ )seal le saalnbai plogasn04 a '1uawAed unnop %OZ a alpueq uea plogasn04 a4l 2ulwnssy -aa4aleuam u! awoq Al!we} alSuls a ase4aand of papaau awoaui lenuue a41 snnogs SE 1!q!4x3 9TOZ 'N21313 '9TOZ 'salepossy lesleaddy al}ued :aalnoS %E9' I. %99 9 OPuoJ %ZL 9 %EL'S AIlwe-,l-albuis 00431euaM 1Se3 88431euaM OIA 9TOZ — ZTOZ 'ales ylnno�9 lenuud aSeaany anlen awoH uelpaw 'b£ 1!q!4x3 • alep of TeaA 91OZ of ZTOZ woj j salei glnnoTO lenuue aOeaane snno4s bE 3!q!4x3 • Comparison to Eastern Washington Jurisdictions Housing prices in the Wenatchee metropolitan area (Chelan and Douglas Counties combined) are significantly higher than other Eastern Washington metro areas. Exhibit 36 compares home values in Wenatchee MSA to Yakima, Spokane, and the Tri-Cities. Median value per square foot in Wenatchee is 72% higher than Yakima, 49% higher than Spokane, and 39% higher than the Tri-Cities. Exhibit 37 through Exhibit 39 show historic changes in median home values for all single family residences, the bottom third of all homes, and median value per sq ft. Exhibit 36. Comparison of Median Home Values as of June 2016 Metro Area Single Family Bottom Third of Median Value per Residences Home Values S.F. Wenatchee $275,600 $181,900 $196 Yakima $156,500 $100,200 $114 Spokane $183,300 $119,800 $132 Tri-Cities $216,300 $144,500 $141 Source: BERK, 2016; Zillow, 2016. Exhibit 37. Median Home Value for Single Family Residences, 2010-2016 5300,00u $250,000 • $200,000 _ $150,000 — S 100,000 $ 50,000 $0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 .'01b —Wenatchee Yakima Spokane —Tri-Citie,,, • Source: BERK, 2016; Zillow, 2016. September 12, 2016 23 L8 10 Z5 bZ 9i0Z 'Zi aagwaldas C� guisnoq a41 ui uanlunnop a41 sapnlaui pouad sigl'£ZOZ jagwa:)ao pue 60OZ Aaenuer uaannlaq AaAans AIgluow guilloi a 2uianp sluap!saj aae aaq:)leuaM jo aldwes a Aq paliodai se slsoa 2uisnoq pue awoaui 1aal jaj salewilsa uapinq 1so:) le41 sueaw s!41 '£IOZ-60OZ si algel!ene si elep y:)ignn jo; pouad Aa/uns lsalel a41 salew!lsa aeaA-S AaAjnS Al!unwwo0 ue:)uawy snsuDD 'S'n ay1 wojj elep uo paseq salewilsa uapinq 1so:) saysilgnd anH -pauapinq 1so:) AlaJanas paaap!suo-3 aae slsoa 2uisnoq spiemol sawo:)ui iiagl jo %OS ue41 aaow 2uiAed splogasnOH •slso:) 2uisnoq spiemol awo:)ui jiagl;o %O£ uegl ajow Aed Aagl j! pauapmq lso:) aq of paaap!suo:) aje splogasnOH •(slso:) jaunno Algluow ssoig jo sa!lil!ln aiseq snld luai) s1so:) 2uisnoq uo awoaui aiagl }o %OE ueyl ajow ou spuads plogasno4 a }! algepjoJ4e aq of 2uisnoq swaap anH uapin8 lso:) 9i0Z '-0ll!Z '9TOZ 'A2l38 :a:)anoS sail!0-ul auelods ew!leA— a04:)leuaM- 910Z SIN tGIOZ £IOZ ZiOZ TIN oloz o$ OS$ OOI$ OSiS OOZS OSZS 9TOZ-OTOZ 'loo3 aaenbS aad an!eA ue!paw '6£ 1!q!4x3 9IOZ '-0ll!Z '9i0Z 'M38 :a»nos sa!1!0 ul auelodS— ewlVA aa4a1eua/N 9IOZ SIOZ IrIOZ £IOZ z1oz TTOZ OTOZ O$ 000`0Z $ 000'Ob$ 000'09$ 000'08$ 000,0015 000'0Zi$ 000'0bi $ 000'0915 000'O8I $ • 000'007$ 91OZ-OTOZ 'AaoluanuI auaoH 10 a811 wollog Suouab amen awOH ue!paW '8£ 1!q!4x3 • market during and following the last economic recession. As shown above, housing costs have rapidly increased during the past few years, a fact that should be considered when interpreting cost burden data from HUD. Exhibit 40 shows estimates of cost burden for Wenatchee area renter and owner occupied households for the years 2009 through 2013.41 Nearly 32% of all households were estimated to be either cost burdened or severely cost burdened during this period of analysis. A greater percentage of renter households were cost burdened (42%) than owner households (26%). Exhibit 40. Cost Burdens Estimate, Wenatchee and East Wenatchee CCDs 74% -9% _l Renters 22% All Households 19% ■ Not Burdened * Burdened ■ Severely Burdened ■ Not Calculated* • Note: * "Not Calculated" refers to households with no or negative income. Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Consolidated Housing Affordability Strategy (based on U.S. Census American Community Survey 2009-2013 5-Year Estimates); BERK, 2016. Renter Cost Burden Exhibit 41 breaks down renter cost burden by income level. Not surprisingly, the greatest share of severely cost burdened households and burdened households are in the Very Low Income (82%) and Low Income (91%) categories. Only 8% of renter households with incomes above AMI experience a housing burden. 41 Estimates are for all households in the Wenatchee and East Wenatchee census defined county subdivisions (CCDs), which • collectively are larger than the Wenatchee Urban Area. September 12, 2016 25 53 of 87 L8 to t75 9Z 91OZ'ZI Jagwaldas • 9TOZ 'H839 'bTOZ 'sajewilsa JeaA-S VTOZ - OTOZ AaAJns Al!unwwOD ue:)lJawy 'snsuaD •s•n :a»nos la�jew ayl uo shun leluaJ }o junco aspaJd a aP!AOJd lou pue biOZ ui suoil!puo:) }o aJnl:)ld lleJano ue luasaJdaJ of lueaw si elep sigl 'Jana! awo:)u! Aq sployasnoy Jawmo uo elep AaAJns Al!unwwo0 ueauawy ayl yl!M palei)osse JoJJa;o sui2aew pue salewilsa ayl uaAlq :aloN LSL'9T Ielol %Ob T99'9 000'E9$ Jan0 Jo %OZT %TZ OTS'E 000'E9$ 000'ES$ %OZT - OOT %TT 09L'T 000'ES$ 000'Zt7$ %OOT - 08 %t7T ® 8EE'Z 000'Zb$ 000'9Z$ %08 - OS %6 Tt7b'T 000'9Z$ 000'9T$ %OS - OE %9 9b0'T 000'9T$ 0$ %OE lapun lua»ad sHH palewlls3 431H mol tIZ8'ZS$ sHH aaunn0 palewlls3 ealb pazluegan aay:)leuam ayl jol awoaul plogasnoH sa uea awoaul s000 T papunoa uelpaW VTOZ of 013eH • SOX) aayaleuaM lse3 pue aayaleuaM'AJOSale:) awoaul Aq sployasnoH JaumO 'Zb 3!q!4x3 •saaluaa aJe ajayl uegl sauo2alea awoaui mol aqj Japun Ile} leyl aayaleuaA\ ui sployasnoy Jaumo ssal aJe aiayl pue IWd anoge sawoaui aney (%Tg) sployasnoy paidnaao-Jaumo }o AllJofew ayl -INV bTOZ uo paseq larval awoaul Aq sployasnoy paid naao-Jaumo lie umop sleaJq Zb Ilgl4x3 uaping lso:) ployasnoH paidn:):)0-aaum0 9T0Z 'K139 '(salewlls3 JeaA-S ETOZ-600Z AaAJns Al!unwwoD ue:)uawy snsuaD •s•n uo paseq) A2aleJlS Al!1!gepJo44y SuisnoH pale p!losuo:) 'luawdolana0 uegJn pue 8uisnoH;o luawiJedaa -s-n :aaJnoS (%Os<) pauapJn9ISol AlaJanaS ■ (%OS -Of) pauapmg ISO:) h pauapmg isoD ION ■ awoaul mol WA %Lt7� awoaul mol ® %Eh awowl aleJapo" m %ZE awoaul alppiy4 JarAol 1. %9 awoaul uelpaW anogd 96Z Z sployasnoH Ild • so:):) aayaleuaM lse3 pue aa4aleuaM'alewlls3 AaoSale:) awoaul Aq suapin8 aaluaa •Zb 3!q!4x3 • Exhibit 43 breaks down owner -occupied housing cost burden by income level. The majority of owner -occupied households have incomes above AMI, and only 16% of these household experience housing cost burden or severe cost burden. This percentage goes up considerably for households with incomes below AMI. Only 17% of owner households with very low income (<30% AMI) do not have a cost burden, and 72% are severely cost burdened. Exhibit 43. Owner -Occupied Household Cost Burden, 2009 - 2013 Wenatchee and East Wenatchee CCDs All Households 1 17�0 Above Median Income mm 14% Lower Middle Income 31% Moderate Income 22% Low Income Very Low Income � 10% ■ Not Cost Burdened ■ Cost Burdened ■ Severely Cost Burdened • Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Consolidated Housing Affordability Strategy (based on 2009-2013 U.S. Census American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates); BERK, 2016. • Exhibit 44. Percent of Owner -Occupied Households with a Mortgage by Age Estimate, 2010 - 2014 Wenatchee and East Wenatchee CCDs Householder 15 to 34 years l k 85 % i �a Householder 35 to 44 years 8795 Householder 45 to 54 years Householder 55 to 59 years 71% Householder 60 to 64 years Householder 65 to 74 years Householder 75 years and over All Owner Households ■ Housing units with a mortgage ■ Housing units without a mortgage Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey 5-year estimates, 2014; BERK, 2016. September 12, 2016 27 55 of 87 L9 J0 99 8Z 9TOZ 'ZT jagwaidas is lou si sa!l!l!ln jo lsoa ayl 'Alleu!j •Iwy %OS gu!ujea AI!we} uosiad-S a }o spaau ayl laaw lou AI@j!I pInom sl!un asogl'algel!ene sl!un woojpaq auo algepaojje aq Aew aaayl al!4M -azls alelidoidde ue le sl!un algepio}je pue azls p104asnoq uaannlaq luawuOIle ayl Jap!suoa lou op osle sSulpulJ 9sa41 •sawoJul Jannol gl!nn as041 of algepaoj}e sl!un jo Alddns ayl aJnpai ue:) s!yl „'2u!luaa unnop„ se of paaJa;aa ualJO •sawoJul AmOl ql!M as04l of algepaojje aq as!mjaglo pinonn legl sl!un ayl;o aaeys awos SuiAdnJJO Alaj!I aae spI04asnoq awoJul JayOILI pue alpp!w asayl 'Iwy ayl anoge sawo:)ui yl!nn asoyl aoj paJ!ad shun }o 1p!�ap a sl aaayl aJuls 'lsal j •suo!leueldxa alq!ssod jo jagwnu a aae aaayl 'aanannoH •sa!joSalea awo3ul alpp!w jannol pue 'alejapow 'nnol ayl ul sialuai Aq paJuauadxa uapanq lsoJ jo slanal g514 ayl pue s8ulpul; asayl uaannlaq Aauals!suoaui luaiedde ue s! aaagi '9TOZ 'A838 'salew!ls3 JeaA-S bTOZ - OTOZ 'AananS Al!unwwoD ueJiaawy 'snsuaJ .s.n :aJanoS •laliew ay; uo shun !e;ua„uaiim }o;uno3 aspaid a ap!nojd of lueaw lou si pue poijad bTOZ - OTOZ ay; 8uianp suo!l!puoo }o ajnl:)id peJano ue luasa-idai of lueaw si elep s!y; oS ao)ja }o ulsiew a y;inn paleposse si alew!lsa yJe3 •sianal luau :)i}!Dads le algel!ene sl!un pue lanai awooul Aq sluno:) plogasnoy aaluai }o salewgsa luasajdai elep AananS Al!unwwo:) ue:)uawy 'uoil!ppe ul -sployasnoy awo:)ui alejapow pue jannol of algel!ene Su!snoy ui sde8 jaleaa8 haljai Aew uo!lenps luaaino ayl pue poijad siyl aauis Alp!dej 8wseanut uaaq aney sluaa -Aa"nS Al!unwwo:) ueD'Jawy ayl Aq bTOZ — OTOZ woai suoilipuo:) palew!lsa l:)al}aJ sales leluaa :aloN awo:)ui 40 %OE uo p13se8 Us Sbi'6 17ZE'8 le;ol (T09'1) ZSb %SZ. ZSO'Z SLS'T$ 000'E9$ aaAoJO%OZT (681) ESE %L I US SLS'T$ SZ£'T$ 000'£9$ 000'ES$ %OZT - OOT b9 1901 %ZT ' L66 SZE'T$ OSO'T$ 000'£S$ 000'Zb$ %001 - O8 L90'E ST6'b %ZZ . Lb8'T OSO'T$ OS9$ 000'Zb$ 000'9Z$ %08 - Os L9S 17E8'T %si , 99Z'T 059$ OOb$ 000'9Z$ 000'91$ %os - OE (88O'T) TOS %6T , 68S'T OOb$ 0$ 000'9T$ 0$ %OEjapun �a un nano ( p )/ Pajamashun luaJaad lunoJ ONnnol y21H nnol bZ8'Zs$ e ppd a;ewils3 SJb *_sHH ear anue � v P 9 n Ja;uaa pa;ew!;s3 .;� sJb ,saifueH awoaul aay:);euaM ay; soo0 i papunoa jol awo3ul ployasnoH u!snOH AIt4jUoW ue!PaW bTOZ of ollea aY) aayJIeuaM lse3 pue a:):) aag:);euaM'tTOZ - OTOZ'deg pue awoJul llun Iejuaa -St, l!q!4x3 •algel!ene sl!un jo snldans a seM aaayl legl palewllsa s! l! 'Ile-lanp awoJui plogasnoq ue!paw anoge pue (%OE japun) nnol AaaA ayl ul asoyl ao} algel!ene sl!un }o lu!}ap a osle seen ajayl -salaoSaleJ awoJul (IN`d %OOi - 08) alpp!W aamol pue '(IWV %08 - OS) alejapow '(INV %OS - 0E) mol a43 u! asoyl of algel!ene sl!un jeluai jo snldins e senn ajagl '(bZOZ-OiOZ) algel!ene si elep ya!ynn aol poijad ayl 8u!ana •s;lu!pul; ayl Ou!laidialui uagm paaap!suoJ aq pinogs spe} asayl •slsoa Su!snoy 8u!su Alpldea }o poijad luaJaj aaow ayl sdelaano Alle!lied Aluo pue uo!ssaaaa J!wouoaa lsel aqj 8u!nnollol lay jew Ju!snoq ayl ui uwnlunnop ayl sapnlJui poijad s!yl'bTOZ 04 OTOZ aseJ s!ul ul :poijad aeaA-S a 2uunp suo!l!puoa sazuewwns elep s!yl 'anoge umOLIS elep uapjnq lsoa ayl yl!m sy •sIanal awoJul asoyl le laliew ayl uo pa-jajjo shun 2u!snoq }o aagwnu palew!lsa ayl of aOuea awoJul Aq slunoJ plogasnoq jaluai palew!lsa saiedwoJ St? 3!q!gx3 splogasnoH awO:)ul Mol pue SulsnoH leluaa 033N JNISf10H 01,&llll9VllVAV DNISf10H 30 NOSIHVdWOJ • considered in the count of units offered by affordability level. The vast majority (85%) of renter households are estimated to pay the cost of utilities and fuel separately from rent." As housing costs continue to rise, it is likely that the housing stock will become less affordable to lower and moderate income households. To get a snapshot of the affordability of units currently available for rent, BERK analyzed Wenatchee area listings on Craigslist on August 9, 2016. Exhibit 46 shows these units by affordability to different income levels based on 2016 median household income. The majority of units fall into the 50% - 80% and 80% - 100% income levels. While this analysis only includes 48 units posted on Craigslist on a single day, the findings are roughly consistent with the rental housing gap analysis showed in Exhibit 45 except for the lack of units available to incomes below 50% median household income. Exhibit 46. Rental Units Listed on Craigslist by Affordability Level and Unit Size Income Group (% Median Monthly Housing Units Listed Units Listed By Type Household Rounded (1,000s) Income Ranges (ACS) Budget Affordable to (number of bedrooms) Income) Low High low High Budget Studio 1 2 3 4+ Under30% $0 $16,100 $0 $403 0 0 0 0 0 0 30-50% $16,100 $26,900 $403 $673 0 0 0 0 0 0 50-90% $26,900 $43,000 $673 $1,07S 15 1 3 10 0 1 80-300% $43,000 $53,700 $1,075 $1,343 20 0 9 6 5 0 100-120% $S3,700 $64,400 $1,343 $1,610 7 0 0 3 4 0 120%or Over $64,400 $1,610 6 0 0 1 3 2 Total 48 1 12 20 12 3 Notes: *Based on 30% of income. Source: Craigslist, 2016; U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2014; BERK, 2016 If rents continue to rise, lower -income households will require subsidies to keep housing costs affordable. • There are currently 1,715 households or units receiving some kind of subsidy in order to keep housing costs affordable. Yet, as of 2014, an estimated 2,855 households had incomes of 50% AMI or less. So the current subsidized housing programs can serve the needs of approximately half of the households with incomes less than 50% AMI. This helps to explain why subsidized housing is in such high demand. Workforce Housing Workforce housing can be defined as housing affordable to households with incomes between 80% and 120% of AMI (Lower Middle and Above Median income categories). As shown in Exhibit 45, between 2010 and 2014 there had been sufficient rental units on the market affordable to households in this group due to the large number of units affordable to lower income levels. Yet as shown in Exhibit 41, nearly one third (32%) of renters in the Lower Middle income group are cost burdened and 4% were severely cost burdened during this period. Among owner -occupied housing, an even larger percentage of Lower Middle income households experience cost burden (31%) or severe cost burden (12%). These percentages are likely to rise due to the recent increases in housing costs. One explanation for this cost burden is a lack of market rate rental housing affordable to higher income earners. Exhibit 45 shows a significant deficit of units priced for higher income households. This can result in "down renting" whereby higher income households occupy units that are less expensive than they can afford, effectively reducing the supply of units affordable to middle and lower income households. Therefore increase supply of market rate units would likely help reduce cost pressures among middle -income households. • 42 U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey 2010-2014 5-Year Estimates. September 12, 2016 29 57 of 87 Le 10 85 0£ 910Z 'ZT jagwaidas • uoileindod aqj Suowe Aigigesip lenhe luasa-idaijapun Aew AaA-jnS AliunwwoD ue:)uawy aqj of sailygesip paUodai-Ijas 'DION ov '91OZ/£/S (VHMD7) aaq:)leuaM jo AID aqj pue Aluno:) uelagD }o AluoginV OuisnoH 'aeaow ei3gy 'uoile:)iunwwo:) IeuosJad st -sal}Illae} lealpaw pue sa:)lAaas of aasola seaae algellenA ui suoildo 2ulsnoq aallews aol puewap uo;:)edwl ue aneq pinoa slgl -aauaplsai 2ullslxa ue Appow ueq} aagjea sawoq aiagl azlsunnop 01 asoop Aew Alluapuadapul aAll o; 2u1jaas sJagjo 'sa11l1lae3 2ulAll palslsse jo 2ulsnoq jowas Ino laas Aew sjuaplsaa Apapla awos allgM 'spaau aae Allep gjlM a:)uelslsse }o purl awos jo} paau a412ulle:)lpul 'Allllgeslp ajeo-}las e aney %6 pue 'A;lllgow sjaedwl 1egj A;lllgeslp Ajojeingwe ue aneq %ZZ vo Al!Ilgeslp aaow ao auo 2ulAeq liodai aaga4euaM ul japlo jo Sg ate aldoad }o %9£ :AJeA sjoluas Aq papaau 2ulsnoq }o sadAj aql splogasnoq aoluas jo} suol;nlos 2ulsnoq algepjo}}e ao} puewap aseaJ:)ul aaq}an} IIIM slgl •s08 pue 'sOL 'sOg jla41 aalua siawooq Aqeq s,Aepol se sal;unm sel2noa pue uelagD ul uoljelndod aoluas ul 41Ma2 pldea 13afojd sjagdei2owap a}e}S uoI2u14se/N 'anoge palou sy £,•2ulsnoq algepao}}e 2ullaas splogasnoq aoluas;o spaau aql laaw of juaullinsul pue puewap 4214 AJaA ul aye splogasnoq joluas ao} Alanlsnpxa apse jas sjlun pazlplsgns £ZT aqj 'aagaIeuaM;o Aj10 aqj pue AjunoD uela40 }o AIuoq}ny 2ulsnoH aql o} 2ulpjoaae 'JanaMoH •sjagwaw Allwe; Apapla jo aJe:) aql se lla^A se saOuallega Al!llgepjo}}e 2ulsnoq a2euew o; salllwe} Aq pasn Aluowwoa AO@Iejls a sl splogasnoq leuoljejaua2-ijlnw jo uollewjo; aql -sjuaplsaa aoluas }o Alaaljua lslsuoa splogasnoq asa41Jo Ile ION 8b llglgx3 ul unnogs se 'a2e21jow a aneq %L£ Aluo 'sawoq J1a41 unno 04m sJoluas 2uowy -sialuai aae (TLS'T) splogasnoq aoluas Ile jo %bZ jnogd •awoaui plogasnoq uelpaw %OS uegj ssal s2uluaea plogasnoq lenuue q;lnn aaplo jo Sg ate aagwaw e 41lnn splogasnoq g£g'Z pa}ewllsa ue aae ajagl •Aao2alea awo:)ul Aq (+Sg a2e) japlogasnoq joluas e 41!m splogasnoq jo aagwnu aqj smogs Lb 1lglgx3 isRuisn0H paigesiQ pue aoivaS • • Exhibit 47. Households with Senior Householder by Income Category (Wenatchee and East Wenatchee CCDs) Ratio to 2014 Median Household Rounded (1,000s) Income Ranees ft Estimated HHs with Householder 65 or Income for the Wenatchee Urbanized Area Over $52,824 Low High Estimated HHs Percent Under 30% $0 $16,000 1,385 20% 30 - 50% $16,000 $26,000 1,030 15% 50 - 80% $26,000 $42,000 1,225 . 18% 80 - 100% $42,000 $53,000 804 ■ 12% 100 - 120% $53,000 $63,000 544 , 8% 120%or Over $63,000 1,954 28% Total 6,941 Note: Given the estimates and high margins of error associated with the American Community Survey data on households with senior householders by income level, this data is meant to represent an overall picture of conditions in 2014 and not provide a precise count of rental units on the market. Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey 5-year estimates, 2014; BERK, 2016. Exhibit 48. Percent of Owner -Occupied Households with a Senior Householder that have a Mortgage, (Wenatchee and E. Wenatchee CCDs) Households with Senior Householder All Owner Household 3 7 °' 63% 67'b v Housing units with a mortgage ■ Housing units without a mortgage Note: Senior is defined as 65 years of age and older. Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey, 2010 - 2014 5-Year Estimates, BERK, 2016. Farmworker Housing According to the Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee, farmworker housing demand is mostly met by existing supply based on their understanding of housing demand.45 The Wenatchee area • 45 Personal communication, Alicia McRae, Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee (CCWHA) 8/3/2016. September 12, 2016 31 59 of 87 L8 10 09 Z£ 9TOZ 'ZT aagwaida5 • .aanpdn uo1d uorjay SIOZ :sa!lunoD sn15noa pun uolay,) ui ssaussafawoH aanpay oa unId JnaA-ual -STOZ 'aay3leuaM }o Al!:) 9v • -spaau 2uisnoy anllioddns luauewaad jo alewilsa algellaj ajow e aanpoad of walsAs Ailua paleuipjooa sil ui elep 2ulzAleue Alluaiano si aayaleuaM jo Ally ayl -spaau luaiam ssaippe of paainbai aq Aew shun leuoilippe gZ 'Suisnoy anlljoddns luauewaad jo A:)uapi}jnsul ue sale:)ipui uoilelndod sawoy Alle:)iuoay:) jo a:)uasaad panuilum ayl'algellene laA lou si sadAl ilun inoge elep anlsuayajdwo:) allyM -shun anllaoddns luauewaad SZ Aluo sapnl:)ui liodai siyl aoj padolanap shun Ouisnoy pazipisgns;o Ajoluanul ayl 'bTOZ ui aalu@D aaanosaa s,uewoM ayl Aq Alllhe} Suisnoy anilaoddns luauewaad paq-91 a }o Suivado ayl alldsap 'sjeaA luaaaa ui algels Alalej pauiewai sey lunoa siyl •paulgwoa salluno0 selgnoQ pue uelay:) ui aldoad ssalawoy Alleaiuoaya SZ paipluapl lunoa awil ui luiod isalel ayl •Allunwwo:) ayl ui ssalawoy Alle:)iuojy:) ayl to spaau ayl laaw of peau shun lsjl j BulsnoH alenbape aney lou saop Alluajana uoi2ai ayl'llnsaj sy -il paau oynn slenpinlpul ssalawoy Allealuojya ayl Ile anus of Alhede:) luaial}}nsui gyps si ajayl 'JanaMOH 'uo12JaJ ayl ulyl!m Oulsnoy anllJoddns luauewaad Ouldolanap ul sJeaA luaaaj ui apew uaaq sey ssaAoid 'alepdn ueld uollad STOZ ayl of Oulpio»y 9b•„sleoO a;ll pue ylleay spaennol apew si ssaaSwd allym Allllgels Oulsnoy apinojd of saainaas luawa2euew asea pue aauelslsse leluai weal-Ouol siallo leyl 2ulsnoy„ se Oulsnoy aAllioddns luauewaad saui jap 11-lenpinlpul ssalawoy a jo leoO Aiewlad pue lsal} ayl se 2uisnoy luauewaad 'algels saas leyl yaeoadde „lsai j 2ulsnoH„ e sasn ueld uoilad ayl •sailunoD 5ol6nop pun uolagD ur ssaussalawoH aanpad o; uold JDOA-ual ayl of alepdn ueld uoll:)y STOZ ayl ui Aluolad dol a osle aae uolleIndod ssalawoy Alle:)luojy:) ayl jo spaau ayl sail!we j pue sienpinipuI ao} SuisnoH anijaoddnS luauewJad • -sployasnoy awoaul mol of algellene shun pazlp!sgns aaylo ui aplsaa osle Aew sialiomwiej shun Oulsnoy leuoseas 6S pue Oulsnoy aaliomwie} paziplsgns punoi-aeaA }o shun OFT sapinad Alluaiano • HOUSING MARKET DEMAND Wenatchee has all the fundamentals for a strong housing market: low vacancy rates, population and employment growth, rising rents, and rising home prices. While there has been steady new home production, as much as two thirds of the new homes built in the urban area since 2010 are single family residences 47. Furthermore, most of the multifamily development during this period came in a single project: Riverside9. While rising single family housing prices indicates continued strong demand for single family homes, this housing needs assessment finds the potential for strong demand among other housing types as well. Nearly 60% of all households in the Wenatchee urban area have only 1 or 2 members. Yet 34% of housing units have less than three bedrooms and only 11% have 1 or less bedrooms. This helps explain the steady rise in multifamily housing rents during recent years (between 5.8% and 15.1% growth annually). The anticipated growth in elderly households as baby boomer enter their later years of life will also shape housing demand in years to come. Older residents seeking to downsize their homes or live closer to medical services could increase demand for smaller housing units closer to city centers where it is easier to live independently with less reliance on personal vehicles for access to daily needs. While multifamily home development can play a strong role in meeting these demands, smaller housing units can also be provided through "missing middle' home production, such as duplexes, triplexes, cottage housing, accessory dwelling units, and townhomes. Encouraging more infill housing development in these mid -density housing formats can help to bring more activity to existing urban neighborhoods as well provide sufficient density to support more walkable neighborhood -scale commercial development. • RECOMMENDATIONS Given low vacancy rates and rising housing costs, one key to addressing Wenatchee's housing challenges is increasing the production of market rate housing, including single family as well as multifamily and "missing middle" housing formats that can expand the variety of housing options available to meet the needs of different household sizes and types. Expand Outreach and Marketing to Housing Developers This study finds that homes in Wenatchee are selling for considerably more than other Eastern Washington areas. According to City of Wenatchee staff, few, if any, developers from outside of the local area are building in Wenatchee. This indicates that developers from other areas of the state and country may not have awareness of the potential profitability of building in the Wenatchee area. The region may consider strategies to raise awareness among both local and non -local builders of opportunities for residential development as well as available incentives such as MFTE. Leverage the Multifamily Tax Exemption (METE) Program The City of Wenatchee offers an MFTE program"a in the Urban Center, an area bounded by Seventh Street on the north; Emerson, Delaware, Idaho, Kittitas and Okanogan Streets on the west; Peachey Street on the south; and Wenatchee Avenue and Columbia Street on the east. The program offers an 8-year property tax exemption 07 Data for new home production by housing type for unincorporated areas was not available. This calculation assumes that all new homes in unincorporated areas are single family, which is likely to be an exaggeration. "Details can be found in the City's code. Available at: • http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Wenatchee/html/WenatcheeO5/WenatcheeO588.htmi#5.88.040 September 12, 2016 33 61 of 87 L8 bo Z9 bE gloz 'ZL iagwaldas • o-8u!snoy-a Iq epj oye-u o-Bu!lo!p -11!is-sl-algool/luawdolanap-u8lsap/wo3•anllnoaxaApwejglnw,m //:dllg :aiay passnos!p ale spuail iolsanu! luaoay se Su!snOH @leis uo32ul4seM ay; Aq paleaope ale sl!pai:) xel leiapa; asayl69•wei2oid (311-111) i!pai:) xel2ulsnoH awo:)ul mol ay; 2ulsn paaueuy aiam ley; s40afad Su!snoy algepioj4e leianas sey Apeaile ease aaya;euaM ayl si!paj:) xel 2ulsnoH awo3ul Mot io; Alddy 'sad/4 l!un asa4l10 uollonpoid WOW az!Alluaou! pinoo Al!pq!xag paseanul aiaym A}!luap! of dlay Aew Al!unwwoo Su!plInq ay; of peoilnp •luawdolanap alAls asnoyumol au!l lol aaz pue 'sasnoy 2wW003 's3lun Aouedn0oo wow 912u!s 'sl!un 2u!llamp Aiossame 'sa2eiiw Su!pnpul 'sadAl Sulsnoy „alpp!w Su!sslw„ aiow;o luawdolanap ayl of sialiieq lUaAaid Aew suo!lelneai Su!pllnq pue sapoo 3upsma leyl lseogns suo!lepuawwmai 80iod Asel ayi sadAl 2ulsnOH „81pplyy 2ulsslyy„ Supeai:) of sialiieg io; suopeplall Ma!Aell *sails Allwe;!llnw le puewap Sullied lelluoplsai lenloe wigum of paiaplsuo0 aq pinoys uo!ualloa elep Sullied lelluappai leuo!i!pptl •uoROnpoid Sulsnoy Al!we;!llnw of iauieq a aq Aew sluawannbai Su!lsma ayi Aressaoau aq lou Aew ieyl Sullied leuo!3!ppe 2ulpinad;o slsoo 3uawdolanap p8seai0ul ay; of anO 'ails 6ap!sianlll ayl le puewap paniasgo anoge speis Sullied qg ul ilnsai pinom luawannbai Sullied Sullslxa ayl shun ZTE yllm ails a iod •luawai!nbai pp wnwlu!w ayl ueyl iassal ilun lad sllels LZ'O s! 4014m '1!un Su!llamp paldn000 lad saplyaA EZ•T sem • puewap 2u!llied pa/uasgp •l!elai ioog punaS yl!m silun lelluop!sai ZTE 10 s4slsuo0 ails 6ap!siaA!y 841'9TOZ 10 llidy u! ails AOwe;!llnw 60p!si8A!y ayi le luno:) Sullied a paimpum aayoleuam 10 All:) ayi •puewap Sullied Al!we;!ilnw lenl0e A;uaA of eiep pai!w!l Alivaiim sl ajayl'ianamoH sl!un woolpaq-auo pue olpnis jallews Jo; Apelmived'puewap lenloe ue4li84314 aq Aew llun lad sllels S•T;o ivawailnbai Su!�ied AOwe;!llnw s,A117 ayi •l!elap aiow u! 2u!ulwexa yiiom aq Aew ASaleils s!yl leyl salea!pu! ApnlS Sullied aayaieuaM umoiumop a woi; s2u!pul; Aieulw!laid 'spiepuels Sullied lea!dAl woi; AieA of sl0uls!p Suluoz lepiawwoo ul sloafoid Swsnoy AOwe;!llnw flu!molle papnpui suollepuawwooai ilayi 'aaiod Isel ayi Aq ino palle3 All!o!Idxa lou sem Sullied al!yM 'Aill!gellem pooyiogy2lau aulwiapun ueo 'Aliood pauSlsap A 'pue sails luawdolanap Aasl ul 111 uea leyl shun ;o lunowe ayi sampai siol 2mllied a0epns apse Su!llas 'puey iaylo ayi uo •llels lad oo0'O£$ io wnwlu!w a slsoo Sullied painpnils apeiS molaq'aouelsul iod •slueual Mau io; 2ulsnoy ;o 4so0 ayi Sumei 'sluawdolanap Al!we;!llnw Mau of siso0 algeiap!suoo ppe ue3 Sullied spiepuelg 2ulilied Malnaa •iayynl pale2l4sanul aq pinoys pue Alp ayl ulyl!m Al!l!gepio;je pue aa!oyo Sulsnoy Sulpuedxa iol as!woid aney suollepuawwooai asayl 10 ylog luauodwo0 2ulsnoy algepioge ue yi!m sloafo d apnlou! Aluo of wei2oid ayi;o 4!1!q!S!la ayi 2uR!wll papuawwo0ai osle Aayl •alq!sea;;l Alp aillua ayi pue luoi;ialeM ayl apnpui of ease la2iel weiSoid ayi 2u!puedxa papuawwo0ai aaiod Isel Su!snoH algepio;ly aayoleuam ;o Al!j OTOZ ayi 'aiowiaylind •lepyauaq aq pinoo Al!unwwoo iadolanap ayi of Suliwliew paseaioul paleo!pul Aayl •sluawaimbai slj io wei2oid s!yi 10 a2palmowl pal!w!l pey Apnis slyl iol Sullaaw jjo-j0!j a ui paledplNed oym siappng •iaumold0 pue ssauumea(i :3l4W pasn aney slaafoid ivawliede oml Aluo'uolslA!p Suluueld Al!:) ayl of Sulpi000y •S9S'ZL$ ueyl ssal 2U! Wea asoyl io 'ssal io I Wtl;o • %SST 10 sawooul yllM asoyi of algepioHe si leyl lanai a le sl!un ayi 10 %OZ apinoid leyl sloafoid io; uo!ldwaxa xel Aliadoid ieaA-ZT a ssia,4o osle 11 •sluawannbei lanal Al!I!gepioHe ou yl!m spafoid Allwe;lllnw Mau of • Finance Commission through an annual competitive process that scores proposed projects on a number of dimensions. Of note, one census tract in East Wenatchee (9507) is listed as a Qualified Census Tract, which makes it eligible for additional tax credit equity.50 The City could review the Finance Commission's LIHTC (4% Credit/Bond Program Scoring) Form 10 with local developers to understand how the City could help contribute to a competitive project. Contributions could include land, designating property at -risk, or a financial contribution. Consider Appropriate Opportunities for Additional Residential Density One way to create opportunities for production of multifamily housing is to consider areas that may be appropriate for added residential density. Strategies also supported by the Task Force recommendations include upzoning in residential zones or allowing housing in commercial zones (either through the adaptive reuse of existing buildings or through changing regulations within these zones to allow for more residential uses and mixed uses as appropriate). Given the rising cost of housing in Wenatchee, it is likely that there will be a growing demand for housing that is denser and more affordable than the traditional single family developments. Provide New Opportunities for Adding Affordable Units Awarding density bonuses and height increases to developers in exchange for providing affordable units in their multifamily or mixed use development can help incentivize investment. The Task Force recommendations made in 2010 indicate that the building height increase incentive could be expanded to additional zoning districts and transitional areas that border high density zones. In addition, prioritizing and streamlining the application process or waiving permit fees for certain project types that provide affordable housing was recommended. Also supported by the Task Force was the idea of increasing flexibility for developing infill lots • for affordable housing projects. Data shows that Wenatchee has more households with a need for housing assistance than are receiving it and new affordable units could help close this gap. Maintain Awareness of Baseline Development Costs When incentives for development are implemented, they should target the specific burdens to development that are hindering production of new units. One way to ensure that incentives are in line with development barriers is to maintain an economic analysis of development costs to determine baseline development costs and financial returns for various housing types. As the Task Force recommends, through developing a baseline of development costs and returns and working with developers who have local experience to understand their challenges, the City can make informed decisions about regulatory and policy changes. so Note that projects located outside this census tract are eligible for LIHTC. They just wouldn't benefit from the equity • boost. September 12, 2016 35 63 of 87 L8 bo 179 9E 9TOZ'ZT iagwaldas • sa!luno:) ue8ouejo pue'se!Pno0'ue!ay:) sapnpu! uofti !ellua:) 4PON is 9TOZ'luawlledaO A1uroaS luawAoldw3 a1e15 uol8u!4seM19TOZ )Id38 a»nos %SI'I %89'I %6£1 IWtl%001ue41JaleaJ9 awo:)u!ue!paVYanogy • 9/d00'i %ICI %LO'I IWtl%001Ol%09 awoou!a!pp%uamol 0/606'0 5081 °ASb'i Iwv%o801%os awo3uIalelapoyy %SL'0 %S6'T %Z6'0 Iwv%osol%OE awoou!mol %W'Q 0/000'0 0/000'0 IWtl%oE ueyl ssal awo3uI mol AAA 4ZOZ{10Z 61OZ-VTOZ LTOZ-STOZ a8uea awo�uf A�oBale� awmu! suoiyoafoJd yTmoUg lenuuV a8ejaAV a!ge!!enV ejea a§eM!enuuy VSW aa43leu8M y;!m sadAl uolledn330 jo; a3e3S uo4guf4seM !eilua:) 41JON u! suo!hafojd 41m0Jg !enuuV 9TOZ jo100i'£9$ aq o; sa;ew!lsa 0f1H 4314m'(!Wy) awooul ue!paw eaje of uo!le!aj ui padnoje aie sa!i!T uoiledn»o'ajowaagpnj •suo!13afad ylmoiS 1uawAo!dwe !eloi jo; liodaA u!ew ay1 ut uo!loas luawAo!dul3 ayi aaS •suoilaafojd 41ma8 !enuue a8eJane ay; ul pai3agaJ are sauoEaleo qof lie lou oS •saµ!1 uoiledn»o pe jol a!ge0ene Tou We salew!1sa aEem leyl puiw ui ldal! aq os!e p!noys 1! 'elep osay48u!laidlalu! uayM •mo!aq umoys aje sl!nsal ayl sale] 41ma8 !enuue aBOJane pale!no!eo pue asuej awoaui !enuue Aq ylmoj8 qof paloafoid paziiewwns A139 'elep a8em a!ge!!ene yl!m sa!1!i !euo!ledn»o loj •lodai ayl ui ia!!lea s8u!wea plo4asn04 jaliomwie; of uo!1ejai w passnos!p si lu!od s!y1'a3ueisu! loj •sauo8ale3 luawAo!dwa pe uo; uo!idwnsse ales e aq tau Aew s!yl •leaA jad seam pled Zs pue l!aamiad jiom io sinoy Oq Squinsse'sauo8aleo qof awos iseal le jo; salew!Tsa a8em A!inoy wail pale!odeiln aq of jeadde suo!lelno!eo a5em !enuue 1egj palou aq p!noys 11 '(sapunoo se!2no0 pue ue!a40) ease ySw aayoTeuaM ayi lo; a!ig uo!ledn»o Aq a8em jenuue a8ejane ap!Aad os!e Aayl -,suol8u!yseM;o uo!Eaj !eilua0 ylloN ayiAol AjoSaleo uo!ledn»o Aq suo!loafoid 1uawAo!dwa (leaA • 0i pue S) wlal-8uo! pue (jeaA Z) WJa1-h04s sap!Aoid luawlleda0 Al!unoaS;uawAo!dw3 a3e3S uol8u!yseM 13A31 39VM A9 SNO11:)3roMd 1N3WAO1dW3 'V XION3ddV • APPENDIX B. ESTIMATED SALES TAX GENERATED FROM A MULTI -FAMILY PROJECT The City of Wenatchee requested an estimate of direct and indirect sales tax generated by a single 140-unit multi -family project within the city limits. Direct sales tax revenues are those associated with construction costs. Indirect sales tax revenues are those generated by 1-year of taxable household expenditures from the new residents of the completed building. Both portions use the same basic approach — apply the retail sales tax rates to the total expected retail sales—butfinding the total expected retail sales for each required differing methods, described separately below. Direct: Retail sales tax revenue will be generated by the sale of materials and services used to construct the building; these sales are construction costs from the developers perspective. To find the total sales associated with constructing the building, three scenarios were considered based on different construction cost rates. The construction cost rates ranged from a low of $125 per square foot to a high of $175 per square foot. Each cost rate was multiplied by the total building square footage to produce three estimates for the total costs. Indirect: Using annual household budget expenditure estimates from ESRI, BERK identified those spending categories applicable for retail sales tax, using the Washington Department of Revenue's Tax Manual for reference. Assumptions All numbers in are in 2016 dollars, and no inflation was applied. • The direct sales tax revenue estimates are based on an assumed average unit size of 800 square feet and 140 units, or a total building size of 112,000 square feet.52 A range of average construction casts per square foot were used in this analysis. These costs include all the materials, goods, and services necessaryto build a finished living unit. For the indirect sales tax revenue estimate, BERK estimated the average residential household spending over a year period. This assumes that the average vacancy rate would be 5% (or, 95% of units would be occupied) for the first year of occupancy. Findings The results from these two estimates are included in Exhibit 49 below. The direct revenue from construction costs represent approximately 90% of the total sales tax revenues compared to the annual indirect retail sales tax. However, the direct revenue represents a one-time revenue, versus the on -going revenue stream provided from the indirect retail sales tax revenue. Without accounting for inflation, the indirect benefits will outweigh the direct tax revenue within 7-10 years of occupancy. • "The 800 sq. ft. per unit estimate is assumed to be inclusive of shared and operational space in the building. September 12, 2016 37 65 of 87 L8 10 99 9£ 910Z'ZT jagwaldaS • salewils3 ieaA-S VTOZ - OTOZ'AanmS Al!unwwo7 ue3uawy'snsua:) ,s,n :9i0Z'!tlS3 :9TOZ'x938 :a»noS %£6 SOZ'ZOb $ £96'SL£'T $ 891'8LL'T $ alewilS3 401H %T6 SOO'64E $ £96'£6T'i $ 896'ZtS'T $ alew!lS3PM 0/606 SOS'S6Z $ £96IMI $ 89L'LO£'T $ alewilS3 mOT Siso7 uo!l3ruisuo3 A3!:) aleaS xel sales 1e7o1 wog; 3ua7lad anuanaa xel sales I!e3aa papadx3 1e301 SOS'6Z $ £96'TOT $ 89L'T£T $ 699'89S'T $ xel sales pal3adx3 xel sales A3!) 04e3S xel sales je3ol 11elatlol%3a(gnS sainl!puadx3 Ieyol anuanaa xel sales I!e;aa juap!saa papadx313WIpu! 006'ZL£ $ 000'tt�LZ'T $ 006'9V9'i $ 000'009'6T $ 81ewlls3 y8!H OOZ'6T£ $ 0007601 $ OOZ'iTV'i $ 000'008'91 $ alew!19 MY 000'99Z $ 000'OT6 $ 000'9LT'T $ 000'000't4T $ alew!19 mOI Ally a3e3s xel sales lelol 3so3 uopxulsuo:) anuanaa xel sales I!elaa uol;3nj3suo3 pahadx3 :PaJIQ • -6b sanuanaa xel sales Ile3aa pa3eWNs3 1!q!4x3 • w c y m N O !+ p Jp L C N C 0 `l Z o r m d Y m C L C G E� E u a+ Yo L X m O a m o m o > U y N T c pp c .6 c C rani v o J a c Z W m N Y ° a+ L J r u « m ° N A a a O E m o E o v c w N m m a N u C O O m C - J > a c> N v E E o O W. O y > U a"i N c • y O 3 X U J CL c O O Y u C C O Y H O O r n L Y m Vf f0 E m c u p a d C C J O C 'y. C N N lz v x x m v E m c o m 00 m t m a o v a« p E {n G C= X a>CL n c O C O V N C c W m O O ° U i J A C Y W >. W O L Z '� '� Ju C v L+ o m f0 v E O m m a a d> a :E e U y C Y d ui w E ° a a E o N Z J o .N " o = `o N O E 'Z; o YO 7 C N W >. r+ c O x m G w > o E v .� ` �o m S C C V Y X0 C C w �p C N N J C y c E = m m 0 YO m l°J m N 3 2 0 O C 7 d C Z C Z N W c O ° oa d u ? E 3 70 J E v m J 3 L' E Q a u m in x L J C c C m 0 t • a- x W 6 � N E Jo E v'o U N C S 2 LL � N � N N a f N a =_ c o c c v 6 > H C m o c C m o c m N N H N a W w > Y L L V aU+ m C H m C 3 3 NV1 y m N � c � rl N_ N C W W 3 O J o V S> m N � c m Y Y •N � a a3 U W 7 o = m 3 > 2 � E c 0 w m N S 6 E�