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10/10/2016 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda Packet
r= L7 Douglas County Board of Commissioners East Wenatchee City Council P.O. Box 747 271 9th St. NE Waterville, WA 98858-0747 East Wenatchee, WA 98801 Phone: (509) 745-8537 Phone 509.884.9515 Fax: (509) 745-9045 Fax: 509.884.6233 Location: East Wenatchee City Hall Council Chambers 271 91' St. NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 DOUGLAS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL JOINT WORKSHOP AND PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA OCTOBER 10, 2016 4:30 PM — Workshop 1. North End Subarea Plan and Planned Action 2. Loop Trail Overlay 6:00 PM — Public Hearing 1. North End Subarea Plan and Planned Action 2. Loop Trail Overlay 11 East Wenatchee City Council & Douglas County Board of Commissioners Joint Public Hearing • Place: City Hall, Council Chambers, 271 9th Street, East Wenatchee, WA ME 16 Date 10-Oct-16 Do you wish to testify? Print Name Print Mailing Address Yes No �ttiSaM l7. �rP��t- PO f3ex 4 c Ue) 4- 2 3 j �/� ���nl��� s'�A/4Z [ Zr Ie &� ( Pr 5 4 T QJA -I p ` /� 4SI N • L`(LE A\IE, EAST WF . g88o / J 6� I� 7 FAv-A Y-(N e. 13�2 Loop , l.Jr-� K 8 " `R��c7o2 II--''E ► �/ I'�j' vV P14 s Y `) A), � A e i i%,e,C� 10 .. �ot) /�-- 11 Q Z N 0Fig/ i Weef- v,c -G 12 C. ,3 14 P 2�c' " - K 15 S c)-o' s s� 16 v l O �me V%eLOI(% WQ,vL 17 RoapLD 33 ADNJ0je(e-AOU �S6-96 i—vri j zf;,��on, rv�L, 19 7 `fo sB 7A ON. X 20 f-��a �� o s� N %7, e✓e . x ;c 21 , C�r�m Sr / t 1 N , hi St m W 2 22 rW1 \ L //i ! l 0 i /Ge ti Gf ✓, Lt/ 23 tr& �6 �� 24 Qwld 25 b ov, le i(' PC sign W ~ • East Wenatchee City Council & Douglas County Board of Commissioners Joint Public Hearing Place: City Hall, Council Chambers, 271 9th Street, East Wenatchee, WA Date 10-Oct-16 Do you wish to testify? Name Print Mailing Address Yes No rPrint 2. I i n1 E !,, ( z S h to C�1R I �� 1 D " � S' &I E X 3 N (file- (•' 15 Rivt,v,de Jr � 4 ��bell�� 11 !� �l..i�,\ (,� (( V IC�v�LW J /< 5 �,/L. LC(tcf' 1rsezc� 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CC S,n I, s ee: ni, • NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN • r , L August 2016 Draft — Clarifications and Corrections RESPONSE TO COMMENT In a letter sent at the time of the Planning Commission hearing held September 6, 2016, WSDOT requests that the following paragraph be stricken in Chapter 4 of the Master Site Plan prepared in August 2016, page 4-6: ERRATA Correct Exhibit 4.1-2, last row total as follows (other rows are not shown for brevity but will remain): 2016$ Correct Page 4-4 as follows: Exhibit 4.1-6 presents the results of this analysis, which shows that even assuming that 94 90% of the transportation and utility infrastructure costs are added to the land value, the total land cost of land in the area falls within the bounds of other commercial land elsewhere in the area. For example, the $5.61 cost per square foot of land would be substantially lower than land values in downtown Chelan and around the Wenatchee Valley Mall. It would place the site at a slightly higher average land value than the current overall average for land in downtown Wenatchee and substantially more than land in Olds Station. September 30, 2016 • KEN STANTON lsr D�srwcr DALESNYDER ?ND DISTRICT STEVEN D. JENHINS 3RD vmw October 4, 2016 Hon. Steve Lacy, Mayor City of East Wenatchee 270 Ninth Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 DOUGLAS COUNTY RE: October 10 Joint Public Hearings COMMISSIONERS City Councilmembers City of East Wenatchee 270 Ninth Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 The City Council and the Board of Commissioners will be conducting two joint public hearings on Monday, October 10. These hearings are to consider adoption of the North End Subarea Plan and Planned Action ordinance, and the proposed Loop Trail Overlay zoning district. • Both the city and the county planning commissions have recommended that these proposals be adopted. These recommendations were formulated during joint public hearings similar to the hearings we will conduct. Our two planning commissions have an agreed upon protocol when they hold joint hearings, which we believe can be extended to our hearing. The Board of Commissioners also has a standard procedure that has proven to be effective in managing testimony and the decision making process. We propose the following: 1. The Chair of the Board of Commissioners will serve as the presiding officer at the hearings as the two cases involve lands that are either entirely within or mostly within the unincorporated portion of the urban growth area. 2. The hearing order will be: a. Announcement of hearing procedures b. Staff presentation c. Persons wishing to enter testimony will sign -in in advance and will be called to the podium. d. The public comment portion of the hearing will be closed after all who have signed up to speak have done so or have declined. e. Action by the Board of Commissioners f. Action by the City Council g. Public hearing closed. • 3. The Council and the Board can discuss the proposal once the public comment portion of the hearing has been closed. The Board of Commissioners will make 203 RAINIER P.O. BOX 747 WATERVILLE, WA 98858-0747 509/745-8537 509/745-9045 FAX jagwaVq 'uo;ue;S uaq{ ne40 aoin 'JapbuS ale(] ne40 'sun r '(] uana;S -" SH3NOISSIWW00 JO C] lIVOG AINf100 svien0(] 'spie6aa -sjagweg0 l!ouno0 Al!0 eql u! (Wd OO:b le elgel!ene leave 1010 Wd 0£ ti le sul6eq dogsljom aql goeadde lempooaad sly; ssnos!p of 0l jagolo0 uo dogs joM eq;;o buluul6aq eq; le pa;eo!pep eq sa;nulw nna; e;eq; esodad aM •sluawwoo jaq;o;o le;;ngaj jo; jeadde-ai io 'sieNeads jaq;o o; awl; „ani6„ ';uawwoo J01e1 Jo; awl; anuasai ;ouueo sja� eedS -uoiliod;uawwoo o!lgnd aq; ul ja;el o; paija;ap aq Auowgsel j!agl;eq;;s@nb@A ;ou Aew pue palled uagm pjeAuol @woo;snuw Aagl sluawwoo lejo Jo; awg wnwixew sa;nulw (£) aajq; pauolle aq II!^^ suosiad 'Auowgsa; 6u!pje6ad • salpoq 9n1;e!s1601 q;oq;o Ajpofew eq; Aq pagoeai aq ueo;uawaai6e moq pue;! ssnoslp Ilpm p�eo8 aq; pue Ilouno0 aq; uaq; ';ou aie Aaq;;l •jaq;o goee q;!m peouoo w alarm suogoe eql l! 6uueaq ollgnd aq; asolo uaq; 11p memo 6ulp!sajd aql .q .uo!;eol;uelo Maas Aue;l sjauolsslwwoo jo sjagwawl!ounoo eq; Aq uo!ssnos!p leuo!;!ppe molle II!M 'wa-L ad Jolnq jo 'joAeVq aq; 'anssi u!ew aq; uo uo!low aq; of puooas a uod(] -A;llewjo; to Jauew a se 6ulpeaj puooas o; aoueulpIo sl! a;enala II!m Itouno0 aq; ;eq; saled!ol;ue siauolss!wwo0;o pjeog aq-L wall eq; uo uol;oe ao; l!ouno0 aq; wa; suogow to uol;onpoi;ul aq;;senbai uaq; p!M 'veal ad lOAe1N Jo 'JOAefry aql y ;! aao;aq uol;ow aq; uo a;on uaq; p!M S19UOISSIWWOO10 pMog aql •paMolle aq IOU limn Amwgsa; o!lgnd leuo!;!ppy uo!;eol;uelo Maas Aue;! sjauolss!wwoo jo sjagwewl!ounoo aq; Aq uo!ssnoslp leuol;lppe molle II!M jaoi4o bulp!said aq; 'uol;ow aq; of puooas a uodfl papnlouoo seq uo!ssnoslp aouo lesodoid aq; uo uol;ow;sn; eq; 9 0 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON Ordinance No. WHEREAS, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and its implementing regulations authorize counties and cities planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) to designate planned actions that have had their significant impacts adequately addressed in an environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared in conjunction with a comprehensive plan, sub -area plan or a master planned development; and WHEREAS, RCW 43.21C.440 and WAC 197-11-164, -168, and -172 allow and govern the application of a planned action designation; and WHEREAS, the Port of Douglas County collaborated with Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee to develop the North End Master Site Plan; and WHEREAS, Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee have adopted the Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan and North End Master Site Plan that envision an employment center and tourist destination; and WHEREAS, designation of a project as a planned action streamlines subsequent review of the project by eliminating the need for preparation of a threshold determination or EIS; and Is WHEREAS, environmental impacts of the planned action have been identified and adequately addressed in the North End Planned Action Final EIS adopted by Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee on XXXX, 2016, subject to project review under WAC 197-11-172; and WHEREAS, adopting a SEPA planned action for the North End Subarea of the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area (UGA) with appropriate standards and procedures will help achieve permit processing efficiency and promote environmental quality. NOW, THEREFORE, THE [BOARD OF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS / CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE), WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to: A. Combine environmental analysis with land use planning; and B. Set forth a procedure designating certain project actions in the North End Subarea of the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area as "planned actions" consistent with state law including RCW 43.21C.440; and C. Streamline and expedite the land use permit review process by relying on completed and existing environmental analysis for the Planned Action Area. Section II. Findings of Fact. The Douglas County Board of County Commissioners / City Council of the City of East Wenatchee approves the findings in Attachment A — Findings of Fact. Section III. Designated Planned Action Area. The Douglas County Board of County Commissioners / City Council of the City of East Wenatchee designates the North End Subarea shown in Attachment B as a 10 Planned Action Area for purposes of environmental review and permitting of designated Planned Action Projects pursuant RCW 43.21C.440. AePe Se- tember 2016 1 Draft Planned Action Ordinance a3ueuIPJ0 u043V pauueld 14e10 Z 91OZ jaq�is" 0 saun amleuBIS MAa353H •uol3u!4seM'aa4aleuaM lse3 u! 91OZ )000 Aep b( s143 Pale(] Alale!pawwl anllpajja aq pe4s aaueu!pJo s141'ale(] aA1;3ajj3 'IIA uolhaS •aDlyp uolslNa Suluueld luauuleda(] luawdolaea(] A31unwwo(] aayaleuOM 1se310 All(]/a:)WO saalARS puel pue uollelJodsuejl A3uno(] sel9noa aq1 le Su!Adoo pue uolloadsul jo; o!lgnd aq1 o; algel!ene aq Ile4s V9fl aayo;euaM lse3 agl;o eajegnS Pu3 41JoN a41 Jo; uolloe pauueld Vd3S PaAoidde a41;o Adoo V •pag!poo aq lou p!M aoueulpao s141-93ueu!pio 10 o:) •IA uolloaS •loa,ga pue aojo; pn; ui u!ewai lle4s awes aq1 pue aoueu!pio s141 ;o suo!luod Bulu!ewai a41;o Al!p!IeA a411oa}ye lou pegs uo!s!oap Bans ppenu! Jo leuollnl!lsuooun aq of play aje aoueu!pJp s!41;o sa:)ualuas'o'suo!loasgns'suolloas ajow jo auo Aue lI !l!geJanaS •A uo!loa5 • •Ialuoo pegs aoueu!p�p sly;�o suo!slnad ay;'!yl(]/Aluno(] ay;;o uo!;e!n8a� �o aweulpjo Aue pue 'ola�a4; pasodwi sainseaw uo!le8!;!w Aue jo aoueulpio slyl uaamlaq h!guoo e;o Juana agl ul loll;uo� �l uo!loa5 'Ob4.OTZ'£V MJij of luenvnd „shafwd uolpV pauueld„ paleu2!sap aJe'aaueu!pJo slyl;o 3luaw43el4V ul pau!eluoo sainseaw uo!leSil!w aql pue aoueu!pao sl4110 a luaw43euV ul paglnsap splogsaj41 ay; of 1Z)afqns 'd luaw43euV ui pau!eluoo'S13 uo!py pauueld ay; ui paquosap s911!Allje pue sasn puel •a •ssaoad yd3S aql woj; Bede sluawailnbai apoo 4:)/A4unoa algealldde ay; Sullaaw woj; luafwd a ldwaxa lou llegs uo!leu9!sap uolloe pauueld a41-sluawai!nbai Ajoleingaa lejapa; pue alels'leool algeolldde o; loafgns aq p!m sloafoud 'Alleuo!3!ppy •sainseaN uo!le8!3!W SI3 leu!3 34uaw4oellV ul pazAleue pue pa!;lluap! sainseaw Su!le8!1!w algeolldde pa;eaodaoou! aneq plm sloafad asa4;'suolloe pauueld se A;!lenb of japio ul 'JanamoH 'yd3S japun Malnal leanpaooad aagVn} of loafgns aq 1ou II!m s;oafoid uollz)V pauueld 'O •sp1o4saJ411e3uawuoa1Au3 a luawy,3euV 43!m lualslsuoo SI3 uo!l:)V pauueld agl u! palenlena shedwi leluawuoalnua sl! pe4 se4 pue loafad uo!laV pauueld a se paleldwaluoa sem easy uolloV pauueld aq; u!ql! m pasodoid luawdolanap oyloads-al!s e;! au!wialap of pasn aq pegs sp1o4s8J41 -g •sloafoid uolloe pauueld se sloafoid Su!u!wjalap pue Su!lenlena jol e!jal!jo pue sainpaoad su!eluoo O luawyoeuV 'yd3S japun MalnaJ leuoll!ppe ja43o Aue jo leadde Vd35'(S13) luawalels hedwi le;uawuonnua ue'uo!leu!wialap p104saJ41 yd3S a of vafgns aq 1ou (legs loafoid a4l'ZLT-TT-L6T AVM pue'ODb'JTZ'£V M�U 'aoueu!pao slyl of luensind uolloe pauueld a se sa!;llenb eaje uolloe pauueld ag1 u!4;!m lesodoid luawdolanap aql leyl aeug!sap jo le!a!}3o alq!suodsaa yd3S aq; Aq uo!leuSlsap uodn y • •eaJV uo!hV pauueld agl u!41!m loafoad uo!1oV pauueld a anoidde of japio ui sainseaw uolle2!1!w pue saanpaooad uo!he pauueld 8u!mopo; ay1 sldope as i e(laM11,s 3 7f113's go3 All3/S„JauOlSslwwo,Aluno�)oplpog14gn �00*1'oaa41'uo!le lli�lpuesajnpa00.ld'Aluo!30aS • Attachment A - Findings of Fact 1. The Recitals in the ordinance are adopted herein as Findings of the Board of County Commissioners / City Council. 2. The County/City is subject to the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA). 3. The County/City has adopted a Comprehensive Plan complying with the GMA and is amending the Comprehensive Plan and associated Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan with the addition of the North End Master Site Plan considered a Subarea Plan under GMA. The County/City is adopting design guidelines within the North End Master Site Plan to implement said Plans, including this Ordinance. 4. The North End Planned Action EIS, Attachment F, and the environmental thresholds in Attachment D identify the location, type, and amount of development that is contemplated by the Planned Action. The Planned Action EIS adequately identifies and addresses the probable significant environmental impacts associated with the type and amount of development planned to occur in the designated Planned Action Area designated in Attachment B. 5. The mitigation measures identified in the Planned Action EIS, attached to this Ordinance as Attachment E and incorporated herein by reference, together with adopted County/City development regulations are adequate to mitigate significant adverse impacts from development within the Planned Action Area. 6. Future projects that are implemented consistent with the Planned Action will protect the environment, benefit the public, and enhance economic development. 7. The County/City provided several opportunities for meaningful public involvement and review in the North End Master Site Plan and Planned Action EIS processes, including a community meeting consistent with RCW 43.21C.440; has considered all comments received; and, as appropriate, has modified the proposal or mitigation measures in response to comments. 8. Essential public facilities as defined in RCW 36.70A.200 are excluded from the Planned Action as designated herein and are not eligible for review or permitting as Planned Action Projects unless they are accessory to or part of a project that otherwise qualifies as a Planned Action Project. 9. The designated Planned Action Area is located entirely within a UGA. 10. Implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the Planned Action EIS and included in Attachment F will provide for adequate public services and facilities to serve the proposed Planned Action Area. August -September 2016 3 Draft Planned Action ordinance a3ueuipJp UOlhy pauueld )}eJG 9TOZ jagwaldaSjsn�Jny • S[OZ'joss ssy/4,no:) se!9noa:ajrnoS a 91OZ'Isn8nV:aeO )1838 I' %7 VRIV NOWN O3NNdld ONV V3HV Aanis ON3 HIHON 0 'molaq dew aqj ui umogs eaae aql of Aldde llegs uoileugisap „uoil:)y pauueld„ pu3 4jjoN ayl palauGisaQ u0113V pauuald :8 Iuauay3BllV Attachment C - Procedures and Criteria for Evaluating and • Determining Projects as Planned Actions Applications submitted for qualification as a Planned Action Project shall be reviewed pursuant to the following process: A. Planned Action Designation. The planned action designation shall apply to the North End Subarea of the City of East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area (UGA) depicted in Attachment B of this ordinance; B. Environmental Document. A planned action designation for a site -specific application shall be based on the environmental analysis and required mitigation measures contained in the Final Environmental Impact Statement dated XX, 2016, and enclosed as Attachment F. C. Planned Action Qualifications. 1. The project is located within the Planned Action Area in Attachment B. 2. The planned action designation meets the environmental thresholds in Attachment D. 3. Elements of the Environment Analyzed in the Final EIS. A project that would result in a significant change in impacts to any of the elements of the environment identified in environmental document referenced in subsection B above would not qualify as a planned action. 4. Time Horizon. No time horizon has been identified for termination of the planned action designation. The provisions of the planned action shall apply until or unless Douglas County or the City of East • Wenatchee amends or repeals the provisions; or if environmental conditions significantly change from those analyzed in the Final EIS, the SEPA Responsible Official may determine that the planned action designation is no longer applicable unless additional, supplementary environmental review is conducted, regardless of the date. D. Planned Action Review Criteria 1. Uses and activities described in Attachment D may be designated planned actions pursuant to RCW 43.21C.440. 2. The SEPA Responsible Official or designee is authorized to designate a project application as a Planned Action pursuant to RCW 43.21C.440, if the project meets all of the following conditions: a. The project is not otherwise exempt from SEPA; and b. The project is consistent with the Douglas County Countywide Comprehensive Plan, Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan, and the North End Master Site Plan, as applicable; and c. The project falls within the planned action qualifications identified in Section C above; and d. The SEPA Responsible Official or designee has determined that the project's adverse impacts are able to be mitigated through the application and/or inclusion of mitigation measures identified in Attachment E based on the Final EIS as well as other applicable local, state or federal requirements and conditions which together constitute sufficient mitigation for the significant environmental impacts associated with the proposed project; and e. The project complies with all applicable local, state and federal regulations. • E. Planned Action Permit Process. The Responsible SEPA Official or their designee shall review projects and determine whether they meet the criteria as planned actions under applicable local, state and August-kntember 2016 5 Draft Planned Action Ordinance aOueulpJ0 uonDV pauueld 11e10 9Toz agwalaa5�sw�ny •(s)l!wjad laafozd 2uiAlzapun ayl of pail aq Ileys slaafad uollay pauueld pag!lenb jo; mainaJ pue aailou ailgnd "9 'SI3 ayl ul passaippe A!sno!Aajd lou slaedwi leluawuonua pue sanssi asoyl of Ma!AW yd3S ayl;o adorn ayl 1!w11 of asooya Aew lepl:gO alq!suodsaa yd3S ayl'sluawaimbai yd3S Su!laaw ui ls!sse of sluawnaop malnaj leluawualnua jaylo se pam se'uollay pauueld ayl jo; pajedaid SI3 leuii ayl ui sisAleue Ma!AW leluawualnua a4l10 sluawala luenalaJ alejodioauj jo asn Aew uoilae pauueld a se pai;penbsip slaafoud 'S -uoilae pauueld e . se uoileaimenbsip u! l!nsaj leyl uo!leaildde ayl;o sluawala ay1 aq!nsap Ileys luealidde ayl of aa!lou ayl -mel alels pue salnpaaojd yd3S Ai!J/Aluno� oa yl!m lualsisualnpaaad MalnaJ yd3S a aq!rasazd Ileys lep!};O alq!suodsad yd3S ayj 'uo!leulwialap ayl uo paseg -o"-:)T Z'£b MAN of luensind 'laafwd uo!lay pauueld ayl Jano uo!la!psunf yl!m sapuage pue sluawwano8 leq!jl pazluBonaj Allejapa; pue'uo!lea!ldde ayl uo palsy se Alradoid ayl;o jaumo ayl'luea!ldde ay1 of uolleulwialap pies janllap AlgeguaA aslrvuaylo Jo pew pegs pue , Auualsisuouul;o uolleuiwzala0„ a anssi !legs aau8ls9p zo lep!}lO yd3S alq!suodsali ayl'uoilae pauueld a aq of lou pauiwjalap si laafad e;l •q •pannbai aq Him SI3 Jo uolleulwJalap ploysaayl 'Ma!AaJ yd3S leuoll!ppe ou leyl ldaaxa'sainpaaoud 1!wjad aleudadde ayl yl!m aauepioaae ul paaaoud pegs laafoid ayl'uogeu!wzalap ayl Sulmoliol 'Obb'JTZ'£V MAN of luensvnd 'laafad uollay pauueld ayl nano uo!la!psunf yl!m sapuaBe pue sluawwano8leq!jl paziuSoaaj Allejapa; pue'uo!lea!ldde ayl uo palsil se Alzadad ayl;o Jaumo ayl'luenildde ayl of uoileu!wialap pies aanllap Algei;ijaA aSIMJaylo ao pew !legs aauSlsap Jo lePYJO yd3S alq!suodsaa ayl'umpe pauueld e se A;!lenb saop lnafojd ayl;l 'uo!l:)e pauueld a se sagilenb hafad ayl jaylaym'ZLT-TT-L6T :)yM pue anoge p uoilaaS ut pauieluoa sainpaaad pue eual!ja ayl Suizplln 'au!wialap pegs aaudisap jo lenglo alq!suodsay yd3S ayl'uogen!ldde alaidwoa a smalnaJ pue sanlanal A>pj/lllynoa ayl Ja:4y £ '6T 01311JWAM13/OEO! VT MWMD J70 u, pap!Aad se alaidwoa si uoileapdde ayl iaylaym auiwialap Ileys aaugisap jo 1e11b10 yd3S alq!suodsaa ayl •Z •swzo; parinbaj A40/14uno:) uo pap!Aad 'uoileluawnnop Suilioddns pue wlo; lsIX)NJ yd3S a l!wgns pegs slueailddy laafad uo!lay pauueld wnwiuiw a ly'A 1:)/A4unor) ayl Aq papinoid swlo; uo apew aq peys pue apo:) ledpiunyy eaya;euem • M3/epo /4uno:) seigno0 ayl;o sluawaiinbai ayl laaw ll!m uoilvildde luawdol9na0 'T :Su!Mollod agl 10 wnwluiw a le'lsisuoa pegs anpaawd MalnaJ ayl •saaueu!pJo pue sapoa'suoilelnSaj 'smel lejapa; Attachment D - Environmental Thresholds The following thresholds shall be used to determine if a site -specific development proposed within the Planned Action Area was contemplated as a Planned Action Project and has had its environmental impacts evaluated in the Planned Action EIS: A. QUALIFYING LAND USES. 1. Planned Action Categories: The following categories/types of land use are defined in the North End Master Site Plan and can qualify as Planned Actions, when: a. it is within the Planned Action Area as shown in Attachment B of this Ordinance; and b. it is within one or more of the land use categories in the Final EIS: i. Resort/Hospitality ii. Business Park iii. Wine Village iv. Office v. Institutional vi. Retail vii. Commercial Recreation; and • c. it is listed in development regulations applicable to the zoning classifications applied to properties within the Planned Action Area. 2. Stand-alone or Mixed Uses: A Planned Action Project may be a single Planned Action land use or a combination of Planned Action land uses together in a mixed -use development. 3. Accessory Uses: Planned Action land uses may include accessory uses. 4. Essential Public Facilities: A planned action must not include an essential public facility as defined by RCW 36.70A.200, unless the essential public facility is accessory to or part of a development that is designated as a Planned Action Project under this Ordinance. 5. A Planned Action Project is consistent with the general concept of the North End Master Site Plan land use plan and upland of shoreline jurisdiction. B.DEVELOPMENT THRESHOLDS: 1. Land Use: The following new land uses are contemplated by the Planned Action: Table D-1. Com arison of Alternative Growth Levels Preferred i Uses Alternative Dwellings 227 Dwelling Square Feet 327,522 ResorUHospitality Rooms 544 • Resort/Hospitality Square Feet _ 820,012 Business Park or Winery Square Feet 1,437,600 Augwt- eotember 2016 7 Draft Planned Action Ordinance aweu!pio uo!33V pauueld 14RJC 9ioZ jaq�ispow U • jo!jd ped aq of aa1 uo!le !l!w ayl jol mope Aew qnoj ayl wais s UO!jeVOClSUejj a4104 slae wl pue A:)Uecinojo 01 jo!a spo!ja uo!lnnllsuoo w1a -3a uo1 al!n a.f leyl sloa.a joj •auuenss! 1!wja u!ppnq 10 aw!l 541 le alqeAecl aq pegs 551 uo!le !l!w ayj •-molaq e•S•:) uolhaS O luawyoeuv Pawluap! lenuew ayl pue 31uaw4ae14V ul ul L1 aanseay4 uopeOp!Vy 41!m luals!sum uo!lelnoleo dpj jad anoy flea— Wd a uo paseq aq lleys saal yonS •3 luawyaeliv y1!m luals!suoo pled aq lleys Baal uo!lesll!w al elj e 'saaj uo11eslj!W o!geuj'£ •1ua!ogap aq pinom j ao 3 SOl le Sullejado uo!l0asialu! Aue leyl pue'() Sol le las sem ploysa'yl aa!nuas 10 Janal ayl leyl salels osle ueld aA!suayajdwo:) ayj ,; asn luawdolanap 10 sjeaA 9 u!yllm lot pauueld Allepueu!1 jo pue aoeld ui aq lsnw sa!;1aleils pue sluawanoidwi yanS luawdolanap ay1 41!m luajjn3uo3 apew aie luawdolanap 10 shedwi ayl alepowwo»e of sa!2ale13s Jo sluawanadwi uolleliodsuejl ssalun pal!q!yold aq l!!m sluawdolanap Mau 'hV luawaNeuevy ylma9 ayl ul palp3ads se •••„ 1ey1 sai!nbai yalym 'uofd aA�suaya-JdwOD oaJV aayolouaM lso3 Ja4oaJ9 ayl ul paysllgelsa sploysajyl (Sol) ao!AJaS 10 !anal ayl pue sluawar!nbai Aauailmuoo uo!le4jodsuejl ayl laaw lleys sloafad uolhV pauueld HV-Aouaim0uo0 •Z -paleuiwila uaaq aney sdul Aq-ssed aouo sasn puel Mau ay1 of sdul 13afad Ile apnpui sdul Ajewud 1 :saloN 994'4 91OZ dnag odsuejl:aomoS paLalwd — )l!suelul llnd :smollol se sl S£OZ J01 SI3 uolPV pauueld ayl u1 p9MalnaJ pue eajV uo!laV pauueld ayl ul paled!o!lue sdul jnoy dead Wd Mau to jagwnu ayj •sploysa'yj is sasuem duj -1 :SO1OHS3HH j NOI1tl1HOdSNVH j'9 'SI3 uo!PV pauueld ay1 ui s!sAleue pue suo!ldwnsse ayl jalle jo/pue aoueulpj0 s141 ul pagpads sploysajyl luawdolanap ayl speaaxa sloafad uolhV pauueld 10 uolleu!gwoa jo loafad uo!PV pauueld lenpinlpul Aue 1! ':) luawyaellV of luensvnd pai!nbai aq Aew MalnaJ leluawua!Aua iayl-in j '£ -3 luawyaellV yl!m lualslsuoa pale211!w WE SI3 uo!loV pauueld ay1 ul pag!luap! sloedwl luawdolanap ayl'pue :papaaaxa lou aje sploysauyl Al!oedea jamas weallsumop pue sdul alme.11 ayl'SI3 uo!1nV pauueld ayl u! pamalnaJ luawdolanap 10lunowe aleBaMe ayl ueyl ssal sl 1no-ppnq lelol ayl uaym pall!wlad s! 1-9 uo!laasgnS ul pag!luapl ut sasn puel uaamlaq slunowe luawdolanap 2u!ul4S -Z 91OZ 8u!1!nsuo:) xy39'u2!sa0 uegjn pue aJnloal!gojV svaleyy :a3mo5 4I9'660 wsd embs Imol_ Z6d' l44 6unped 6wplInq-ispun t99'L8 — uogsauay ls!ajawwo0 Z9L'69Z lead eienbg II%sH -- E09'9E9 �-- ul hd wenb$ leuol►nlgsul 6E06L9 leaf aenbs wi 11 n LA b. &Rd-Pplanned action project documentation shall be submitted as required in Attachment D, Section CA below. Such project documentation shall consider each development's direct impact on North End Master Site Plan transportation improvements. c. The CouriftLLIV shall earmark mitigation fee receipts and retain them in am interest -bearing account, expending them on projects identified in the North End Master Site Plan Exhibit 4.12. Conceptual Road Network Cost Estimates, 2016$ and listed below in Table D-3. 2 West Bound On Ramp 31 RAB 60 35th Street 4 5- 7 RAB @ 38th Street RAB l® Off Ramp RAB (al On Ramp 38th Street Extension 8 35th Street Extension 9 Empire Ave Goldcrest 38th 10 11 12 Total Empire Ave- 38th - Cascade S 2,347 449 890,800 $1,426,500 i — S845,520 783 920 52.179.600_ 737 016 . _ $ 5 127.570 $5,822,200 RAB 0 SR 28 & 35th �. 1 1 000 100% $1,310,000',. RAB @ SR 28 & 38th $1,310,000 100% $1,310.000 $33,867 000 1 172 075 _ $29 436,326 1 426 500 y _ 51.056 900 j 1 100% -� 80% 979 900 _ 80% iI -- _ .___. $1,939,800 SIJ72075 96% S5,697,300 1 90% $5,822,200 _ 100% Legend: RAB= Roundabout Source, Douglas County, Transoo Group. BERK Consulting 2016 d. The Countv/City shall provide a credit for the value of dedication or improvement to or new construction of any system improvements provided by the developer per subsection C 3 c above The applicant shall be entitled to a credit for the value of the land or actual costs of capital facility construction against the fee that would be chargeable under the formula in Attachment E Mitigation Measure 17. L The dedication improvement or construction shall be conducted at suitable sites and constructed at award of a credit. ii The value of a credit for right of way and easements shall be established on a case -by -case basis by an appraiser selected by, or acceptable to the County/City The appraiser must be licensed in good standing by the State of Washington for the category of the property appraised. The appraisal shall be in accord with the most recent version of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and shall be subject to review and acceptance by County/City. The appraisal and review shall be at the expense of the applicant. AwgwWseptember 2016 Draft Planned Action Ordinance a3ueulpIO uolAV pauueld ueJO OT 9TOZ Jag-wa1 a5;en.9wV r 1 U •sl3edwi a;eS!)!w 01 Jap!Aad a3IAJas ayl;o uOIlaJ3slp ayl le sluawanoJdwi a1!s_4o pun; Aew lue3!Idde ue 1e41 pap!AOJd -sl3afOid uo!pV pauueld Aq Alan!)e!nwn3 Jo Apenp!n!put papaa3xa aq lou I!eys pue'smol; Jno4 plead jo alnu!w Jad suolleS 000'i of 008 Alalew!xaJdde Jo; Al!3ede3 sey walsAs a3ueAanuoJ weaJlsumop a41:JamaS •b •Ja,4nq au!IaJoys ay; ulyl!m JaA!lJ e!gwnlo:) ayl of s!le; lno Jalem-u! Jo saaueAanuoJ JaleMWJols apnpu! 1ou op sl3afoJd uOI13V pauueld '£ •a!ge3!Idde se apo:) led!3!unyy ea43)euaM;se3 pue apo:) Aluno:) sel2no0 ay1 pue'suo!;eln2aJ eaJe le3!lu3 pue au!IaJo4s'spJepuels uS!sap 13!Jls!p Ie!3ads pue 'Al!:)'Aluno:)'saJnseaw uolleS!1!w S13 uo!33V pauueld ayl 41!m luals!suo3 padolanap ua4m saWIpe3 Jepw!s pue 'sl!eJl'slied 'sa!)!I!ln 'speoJ al!suo :aauS!sap J!a41 Jo lecgjO Vd3S alq!suodsab ay1 Aq pau!wJalap se suo!pV pauueld se 14!lenb ue3 sa!)!I!)n pue'aJnl3nJ;seJ;u! 'sa3!AJas J!lgnd 2u!mollol a41'Z • •ueld al!S Ja1seW pu3 41JON ayl;o sued Al!I!ln a41 y1!m AJua;s!suo3 aleJlsuowap 11egs slueogdde 13afoJd uO!13V pauueld S30IA89S ONV S3I111I1n 'O •sl3edwi pailquap! na4l uodn paseq slJafoJd uo!33V pauueld lenp!AIpuI uaam)aq S)uawanoJdw! pannbaJ Jo; Al!I!q!suodsaJ ;o uo!lmolle ay) )snipe 01 u0119J3slp a4l aney pegs aauS!sap J!ay) Jo Ien!MO Vd3S a!q!suodsau ayl 3 •suo!lelnSaJ luawdo!anap Am:)/Aluno:) a41 pue a3ueu!pJ0 uo!l3V pauueld S!4);O suOISIAoJd a43laaw of suo!lemIdde 13afOJd uo!lJV pauueld u011!puo3 01 uoI)aJ3slp aney Ileys aauS!sap J!a41 Jo Ie!J190 Vd3S a!q!suodsaa 941-q •uo!13V pauueld sly; Japun pasodoJd uo!le3!ldde 1!wJad loafoJd 43ea Jo;'uollaJ3slp a!os Jay Jo sly le Jaau! u3 S A1O /S/4uno:) a4l Aq pa1da33e Ienuew aA!leuJalle ue Jo umopleaiq Ia3Jed ueld alS Jalseyy pu3 y;JON l!SUajUI IIn3 'L b'£ 1!q!4x3 S13 14eJ0 u! paluasaJ se (uo!)!pa;salel) lenuevy uo!leJauag dul (311) sJaau!Su3 3!,WeJ1 jo a1n1!lsul ay; 41!m luals!suo3'uo!1eJauaS dul lelol pue IeluawaJ3ul aulwJalap o) uoI1aJJSIp aney pegs aauS!sap may; Jo lep-40 Vd3S alq!suodsaa a41 •e -uollans!0 •S •£•:) uo!l3asgnS 41!m ;uals!suo3 s;3edwi paleS!l!w sey 1JafoJd a411e41 pue'Z•0 spJepuels uo!pasJalu! pue A3uaJJn3uo3 ayl slaaw )3afoJd a411e41'papaa3xa lou aJe i-J ui pa!;!luap! sdu; Ie;ol ay; ley; Su!leJlsuowap sluexIdde 1JafoJd uo!13V pauueld Aq uo!leluawmop aJ!nbaJ Ileys aauS!sap nayl Jo le!3!jjO Vd3S a!q!suodsaa a41 •b • -saaj uope p!w a41 npaqwhoua Jo SuipuadRa Jo; aw!l a4l pualxa of ls!xa suoseaJ u41a wo3 Jo eu!pJoeJlxa ley; Suipuy uall!Jm a apew sey uno:)!:) a41 ssalun Isaaj uo!1e !1!w ;o; !93aJ 10 SJE@A pi u!yl!m paJagwmua Jo popuaclxa uaaq 1ou aney soa; uo!le !1!w a41}! saa; 43ns jo pun;aJ a an!a3aJ ABW p!eci uaaq aney saa; uo!le !;!w J!}1eJl y3!4m uo Aliadoid 10 Jaumo lUaJJnJ ayl •a 11 Attachment E — Final EIS Mitigation Measures The Planned Action EIS has identified significant beneficial and adverse impacts that are anticipated to occur with the future development of the Planned Action Area, together with a number of possible measures to mitigate those significant adverse impacts. Please see Final EIS Chapter 1 Summary for a description of impacts, mitigation measures, and significant unavoidable adverse impacts. The mitigation measures in this Attachment shall apply to Planned Action Project applications that are consistent with the Alternative range reviewed in the Planned Action EIS and which are located within the Planned Action Area (see Attachment B). Where a mitigation measure includes the words "shall" or "will," inclusion of that measure in Planned Action Project application plans is mandatory in order to qualify as a Planned Action Project. Where "should" or "would" appear, the mitigation measure may be considered by the project applicant as a source of additional mitigation, as feasible or necessary, to ensure that a project qualifies as a Planned Action Project. Unless stated specifically otherwise, the mitigation measures that require preparation of plans, conduct of studies, construction of improvements, conduct of maintenance activities, etc., are the responsibility of the applicant or designee to fund and/or perform. Any and all references to decisions to be made or actions to be taken by the Coun*s/CiWs SEPA Responsible Official may also be performed by the County's/City's SEPA Responsible Official's authorized designee. • Table E-1. Matrix of Miti ation Measures Topic Mitigation MeaSUre Natural EmrimmeM 1. Wetlands, Waters of the United -- _-- -- ii To be considered a planned action, proposed development shall leave intact the States, Shoreline, and Critical Areas I riparian corridor, Columbia River, and associated wetlands. Where properties overlap these critical areas and shorelines, such areas may be identified in a conservation covenant or other preservation mechanisms as part of subdivision or binding site plan approval. The unnamed tributary would likely be impacted from a new road extension. Once impacts for construction of the arterial streets and other infrastructure (i.e. utilities) are determined, the remaining riparian corridor may be identified in a conservation covenants or other preservation mechanisms to protect the area in perpetuity. In any case, The County or City shall apply shoreline and critical area standards to protect regulated environmental resources. 2. Plants Upland vegetation removed during construction shall be replaced to the extent feasible. Temporary fencing shall be installed around areas of wetland, intermittent drainage, and riparian habitat. Public landscaped areas, stormwater bio-swales, and other green space areas associated with the development shall generally be planted with native grasses, groundcovers, trees, and shrubs to the extent feasible to maximize wildlife habitat and minimize needed maintenance and excess water use. To avoid the introduction of noxious weeds to the project study area, no plants designated as "noxious weeds" by the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board shall be used for landscaping. Additionally, no mulch with the potential to contain viable seeds from a designated noxious weed shall be used in the study area. 3. Animals I Mitigation measures include the avoidance of critical areas and buffers to the greatest extent practicable. If feasible, vegetation removal activities shall occur outside of the nesting season (approximately March through September) for migratory birds. No active nests shall be disturbed without a permit or other authorization from the U.S. I • Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). I Lighting shall optimize the use of downward directed low-pressure sodium lighting to minimize lighting effects on migratory birds. -No strobe lights shall be used except as Aogwit-September 2016 11 Draft Planned Action Ordinance aoueulpJo uo!3oV pauueld 11eJ0 ZT 9ToZ jagwa a ;snV"v • • Jo Ilaal 09 of aouels!p Jloeglas pJepuels ayl asewoul'auoz Ieguep!sw a singe> oeglas piuA-Jew a ale4M :auoz leguep!sw a singe 1e41 Nepunoq AUadaid Aue 6uole'l46!a4 ul 18819 Mal Ie'aoual Jo Gem 601u80JOs an9eJooap a ap!naid :auoz Ieyueplsw a singe leyl Nepunoq Apedaid Aue 6uole'apoo ledp!uny+1 8840leu8M Ise3 94110 090-iCLI uogoaS Jo apoo Alunoo se16noo a41 Io o£o'04'oz uo!IoaS Aq pou6ap se 'Jaynq 6u!deospuel I adAl a ap!naid aael 9£ of sl46!a4 6ulplmq Ilwp '6u!uoz leyuep!sw 10 leal 09 u!y1!M •spJepuels u61sep uo!UsuBul 6u!molpl sup Io wow Jo oml Aldde Ue4s'8noge p04s6gelsa luaww!nbei Ja11nq Ielwawwoo lweuaE) o41 Aq psumo Wu sl 4o!ym inq'euoz le9uep!sw a singe pe41 Apedaid uo peleool ueld a1!S MINN pu3 WON eyl Japun luawdolanap pe'luawdolanap Allsuelw -Jamol spnge luswdolomp 4,suelu!-Je46!4 sia4m spege Iens!n asranpe aonpw of •luawaoueyue pel!gey Jo uo!loelaid uo!1ele6en angeu 6ulpnl3w'aoeds uado anlssed Jo:spJeyoJo pue'suepie6'sewe Jped Jo umel 6u!pnl3ul'eoeds uado pawweJ6aid :welsAs uo!lelnw!o pezuolow-uou eps-uo ue 10 ped wol Je41 sainleal I!eJl ueupoped pue apAo!s 'selems Jo spuod aoueAanuoo Jo'uogeJliqu!'uoguelep JepemwJolS :swnpeal6ulmollol ayl lo Aue Jol pasn aq Am ewe pedeospuel ayl wo!p!psunl 4Um Aoua6e ayl uo 6u!puedep opoo ledplunyy a0401euaM Ise3 84p 10 080'zL'Ll uolWaS Jo epoo Alunoo sel6noo 841 l0 oeo,o4'oz uo!loes qm lu9ls!suoo'6wUoz Ie9uep!sej singe Ie41 sup Apad(ud Aug 6uole 6u!uawos 6u!deospuel I sdAl apnloui pino4s ewe Jagnq o41-ewe Apnls Bug 10 Nepunoq waylnos ay16uo1e Jeynq uo!Usueq 1001-09 a ap!nwd 6eys ueld ewegns e41 Japun luawdolanap ainlnl'Iemaiawwoo leJaueE) peuoz ewe Apn1s eqj 10 suolpod eqj ul -- — sold!ouud ONO .1-z'E Uq!4x3 ueld al!S JalseyT a41 gllm Al!I!gAedwoo pue uogeogdde 10 owq ayl le loeya w seu6ep!nE) g spiepuelS u6lsaa eaJV ylmwo uegJN aayoleOM Ise3 Jalewo 8414Um Aouals!suoo aleAsuowap Heys suolloV WNW elq!seal luaVe 04101 ewe Apnps 941 ul4pun silos pegmis!p Jot pennbw eq Ueys 6ugueld an!IeN al IMI Wapca ayp of pewoweldwi aq lleys Jalemuuols Jol senb!uyool pue sa!6oluile (0Il) luawdolanap loedw! mol J0410 pue uo6eJWu1 'ai!s-uo pe6euew pue'p83eaJ1'p8l3a6o3 aq IIe49 J83emuuolS •uol6u!yseM walse3 Jol Ienueyl JelmaJolS a41 pue apoo Alunoo sel6nop 44m aouepJ000e w palorulsuoo pue poubsep aq Heys swalsAs JalemwJols Iuaueuued sasew6 pue's6o'sp!los popuedsns lelop opnloul Ueys s!sAleuV ,luawdolanap Ue 10 wewisumop uopeool e PUB luawdolanap pesodaid 11e anoge uo6eool a spnlow Ile4s sells 6u6dwes'wnw!u!w e 1V'uo!lowlsuoo 6uunp ewe Apnls loalaid ayl Waal pue 6uuelue Ja1em aoepns 10 Al!lenb 941 ssesse of paWaweldwi pue pedolenep eq lleys ww6aid 6uuol!uow PUB 6u6dwes e'I!uwd uoyorulsuoo lwauao S30dN 84144m aouepJooOe ul -anoge paw6no se podsueJl Iuaw!pas oz!w!u!w pue uo!saie luanwd of poluaweldw! eq of eje le4l sdlgg 1eJnlorups pue'senb!ugoel uollez!l is 'sao!loeJd uogomisuoo ogposep IIe4s dddMS 841'woe-I ue43 JaleaJ6 si eouegJnls!p el!s uaym A6o1oo3 Aq panwdde pue paJedwd eq Ile4s'(dddMS) ueld uolluanaJd uolln6od Jelemuuols V'(Mopq) A60100310 luawpedao uol6u!4seM to 91e16 a4l wail I!uued uo!Ionilsuoo IeJauao (S30dN) welsAS uoyeu!w!l3 a6Jeyos!o Welnlpd Ieuo4eN e u!elgo Ileys sa!llnuoe uollorulsuoo woe-1 ueyl Jelew6 si ammcpnis!p ells ue4M Nessaoau s1 uogellnsuoo Jaypnl Ja4legm eumalep of (MjoM) a!!lpl!M pue 4s!d 10 luawpedao uol6u!yseM Joipue sAusn ayl loeluoo l!eys sWeo!ldde 139!oid wnin1 a4l'poped uo!lorulsuoo agl6uunp ewe Ioalwd ele!pawwi o4l ui paiuosgo we sel6ee ueplo6 Jo sal6ea pleq 11 Iel!gey 6wisau Isol aoeldw of su!lwoys o416uole pallelsut aq p1no4s selod goJad leuog!ppe 11 eumalap of al!lpl!M PUB ysl j to luawpedao uol6u!4seM ayl pue Alunoo se ftoo Ioeluoo Heys slueolldde poafwd wnlnl'uogoruisuoo 6uunp panowei we sisou pnq NoleJ6iw an9oeu16u9slxa lI 'uopeln6aJ (VVd) uogeJlslulwpV uogelnV leJapaj Aq paJmbei spJepuels uo!11sueJl Jere Ie!aiawwoo IeJauaE) -L •9 seldlouud u61soo uegJn -9 salogod pue asn eu9aJo4s pue puei ssaJnosey Je1eM I 'Y • • 0 Where a property boundary that abuts a residential zone is characterized by significant mature native vegetation, preserve such vegetation and implement a building setback of at least 20 feet. 8. Environmental Health / Agricultural Douglas County or the City of East Wenatchee as appropriate shall require the Use following note on the face of plats or binding site plans on planned action properties with a history of agricultural use: "Based on historical agricultural use of this land, there is a possibility the soil contains residual concentrations of pesticides. The Washington State Department of Ecology recommends that the soils be sampled and analyzed for lead and arsenic and for organochlorne pesticides. If these contaminants are found at concentrations above the MTCA cleanup levels, the Washington State Department of Ecology recommends that potential buyers be notified of their occurrence." This note shall not be required to be placed on the final plat or binding site plan, if the soils are sampled by a professional with adequate credentials to verify that the site does not contain lead and arsenic and organochlonne pesticides at concentrations above the MTCA cleanup levels. 9. 10. Cultural Resources The following mitigation measures shall be implemented to help avoid and manage significant impacts to recorded and as -yet unrecorded cultural resources within the North End Study Area: Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee, as appropriate, shall continue coordination of cultural resource avoidance and mitigation programs for future project - level development through formal government -to -government consultation with the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. During scoping, responses to this proposal were received from representatives of both Tribes. The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation commented that the undertaking was within the traditional territory of the Wenatchi Tribe, one of the twelve tribes of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, and that a cultural resources survey inclusive of subsurface testing be undertaken and incorporated into the related EIS. The Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation commented that the study area is within lands ceded by the Yakama people and is in proximity to traditional food gathering area, hunting and fishing sites, villages, and burials. They also noted the antiquity of archaeology present in the East Wenatchee area and the presence of known archaeological sites within the development area. It was requested that investigation place emphasis on both archaeological sites and traditional cultural properties. Tribes often are able to provide additional information regarding cultural resources not documented in published literature which can help direct cultural resources investigations and support compliance assessments to ensure that cultural resources are not significantly impacted by development activities. Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee, as appropriate, shall identify an approach to project specific actions to ensure that recorded and unrecorded cultural resources are not disturbed by the proposed project plans through the application of mitigation measures 11-14. The preliminary field investigations conducted in this study were based on a conceptual design and provide a general history of the study area and limited insight into the subsurface conditions within tested areas proposed to be f veloped. be considered a planned action, complete avoidance of archaeological site DO173 and the immediate adjacent area shall be accomplished due to the presence of human burials. Planned actions shall document and evaluate historical significance of structures within the study area that are over 50 years old prior to development actions consistent with the State of Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. Douglas County or the City of East Wenatchee may consider partnering with existing businesses or agencies with a strong interest in history, and which likely maintain good historical records of the project location. The following measures to avoid impacts to cultural resources will be required of North End planned actions by Douglas County or the City of East Wenatchee as appropriate. 1. During the project permit review process, all project permit applications under the Planned Action shall be forwarded by the permitting jurisdiction to the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation for August -September 2016 13 Draft Planned Action Ordinance 80ueulplo uo!]oV pauueld geJ(3 bS 9LOZ JBq�wal aS V -o uoiposgns'0luawyoeyV 44!m lueys!suoo sluawanadw! • uo!lepodsueJl Ad ails JOWA 04110 uolleluaweldwi yoddns of uoileo!l a to ewg Bull 'LL yl papa ul seal uo4e6!yw d q uoyeyoasuei !me6le}egl6ed lle4s suoipe peuueld eaa uo!1e6111W uo4ByoAsusJl •painoes s! 6u!punl pue ueld Al9pel lupdeo JeeA-xis e ui papnpui we sluewenadw! 1! sJeaA xis u!4l!m Jo luewdolenep 10 ewq ayl le aoeld u! eq Ile4s spnpuels 93wes;o level peldope le pu3 yyON e4l;o luewdolenep yoddns of AJesseoeu Be 46E uapaS ueld a8S JalsM ul p811!luep! sluewenoJdw uo4epodsuerl )PAWN uo4eyodsueJl '9 L •sluewenadw! patou 41!m 0 aawas 10 level a moleq Ilel lou op Apnls eta ul pazAleue SUo400SJelul IIV'0 Sol anoge aleJado of uo!loasJelu! Aue esneo of o!Neil peonpui y6noua ui llnsa pinom luawdolenep J!e41;! Aouawnouw u!gl!m suoueJedo uolloasielu! 6uuq 1e41 s;uswenoJdw! Aempecu iol elglsuodsaJ aJe siadolanap '9Jo;9J94l luap!lep eq pinom d Jo 3 Sol le 6u4wedo uo!pasJalu! Aue 1e41 pug '0 Sol le 1as sum p10084 aawas to lanai 8411e41 salels osle ueld en!sue4aidwoo ayl, asn luawdolenep 10 sieeA 9 u!ylun Jol peuueld Allepueug Jo pue eoeld u! eq Lsnw so!681e11s pue sluawenwdw! 4onS -luawdolenep 841 yl!m lueunouoo spew ale luewdolanap 10 spedwi s4l slepoww000e of s9!6eleJls Jo sluawanadwi uo4epodsueg sselun pel!ul!uloJd eq IIW sluawdolanap mau'py luaw06BUEN 4ynao e41 w pa!lloads se - -,;egl saimbw ueld anlsuayaJdwoj easy aayoleuoM lse3JaleaJo agl Aouaunowo 9L uo4epodsueJl sampnils pue 'spec 'sapll!ln Ile;o uopeool 9416wleoipu! ueld ails a 1!wgns Lsnw Jadolanap 941'al!s luawdolenep e uo uogeJedo panoJdde Aue Jol Iluued 6u!pllnq a to souenss! e4104 Joud 'L -seuawos!p aanossi lemllno of uan!6 6uuq s! uopeiep!suoo 431.4m ul Jauuew 041 uo uogeluawnoop pue'41dep'uo4eneoxa p lunowe'uogeool 'aJnlorulseJlu!;o edf4 e41 aleo!pui pegs sogou p!sS'sa!lg!In;o luewaoeld Jo/pue uo!lorulsuoo Aue 01 Joud Mep 91 apew eq peys suogeog4ou paimbei enoge 941'9 -anoge Z# Jad AJessaoau pawaap;l se11!ng0e 6ulggru6 pue 6uueelo enJasgo of AI!unyoddo ay; papioge aq 9e4s puuosied lequl io 91BIS vo!py peuueld • e4l Japun papone Alaleldwoo eq Il!m ease luaoelpe ele!powwi ay1 pue ELL0094 ails leotoloseyae legl poolsiopun osle s! 11-A6oloae4ae pepJooaJ pedw! Alp;o!s4d IOU p!m peM Bull pue'uopoV pauueld Bull Japun Neil yoeey AJlooUtdool lel!deo Blddy ayl to lsem pasodcud st luewdolenep ou 1ey1 poolsiopun s! 11 'uwellnswo paseq pefad 6u!pJeft lww peg4Jeo Aq uol6u!yseM 10 Ble1S e4l pue'uO1 INeweJlVA Bull 10 spueg pue sequl paleiapeluoo'sequl peleiepeluoO all!nloo s4l 4gou of iadolanap ayl to Al!6q!suodsai eyl eq lleys 11 'any 9J!dw3 MN 101sea ease Bull u! aoeyns moleq sielew!lueo 0910 41dep a moleq pue'9J!dru3 MN PUB I!BJl yoeall AJlooy/dool lel!deo elddy ueamlaq ewe Byl ui aoeyns molaq sJelew!luao Oq 10 yldap a molaq ewe Rd Bl!S Jalseyy 941 u!yl!m uolprulsuoo Jo'6ulpeJ6'uo1jene3x9 Aue of Joud'sseoad move) llwJed paled 6uunp sequl e4l yllm sm000 1ey1 uo4ellnsuoo e4l of uoll!ppe ul •9 se!yed peuo4uawaJo;e 941 yl!m uogellnsuoo 46noJ4l pedoleAep eq pun sdels uo4e64!w o9!oeds'pwmba si sawnoseu leJnllno of uoge6p!w 1I 1pepuawe J84eaJe4l se Jo ME dHVO) spJepuels u0llumsswd ouols!H pue A6oloeq:UV to luawyedeo ele1S uoOu!yseM Bull PUB'UO4BN vuuu juA e4l;o spueg pue sequi aleJapoluoO eyl'equl paleJapeluoo BII!nlo0 B41 Qm uo4e11nswo ui pelenlena aq pun peg4uep! secunosei ouols!y Jo le3!6oloee4oJe Auy •q (3-3 e1gel eeS) Jn000 AJanoos!p peledpgueun ue pino4s paluawaldwi aq of swnsBew 941 seu!pno legl l000lwd Aranoos!p luayanpeul ue peldope se4 Alunoo sel6noo -990.09.99 PBB'990'44'LZ'9b9'O9'99 sMoy le smel AJawoslp luayanpeu! glen Aldwoo pun slue34ddB luewdolanao AJanoos!p Bull W pa.1.1 Alale!paww! aq osle pegs uo'ILI ewe le Bull to spueg pue sequl polviepaluoO Byl pue saqul pelwepa;uoO BII!MaJ ayl •saanosa e41 paled of ueMel sdals aleudadde pue pegilou ueaq ene4 sa4uo41ne JadoJd ayl I!lun peddols eq Lsnw saanoseu paJanoos!p eyl pane pinom;eyl Jpom Ileuo!prulsuo3l5u!peJ6 6uunp pewoos!p Apuayanpew aq su!ewei uewn4 Jo saomoseJ leo!6oloaeyae Aue pino4S'E ,u01pwlsuo3 pue 'bulpeA'6u!ggnJ6'6uunlo 6uunp says luawdolenep Joliuow of pamolle eq pegs 91e1S Jo/pue oqul ayl wcu; sJanJasgo •Z saanossi • pnnpno plane pue Al4uapl of pagejo level aleudadde ue Alquep! of aqul palseuglu! 841 41un uo4ellnsuoo paseq-paled aleg!ui llugs luewuwd l9ool 94l'uo4ellnswo Jaypnl slsanbei Jo uo!leaildde 1!uued a bu!pJe6ei wwwo sassaJdxa equl Ja4l!o 11 luawwoo • Nonmotorized Connections Note One option accounting for the study area share would be selected by County and City decision makers for the ordinance A range of options is shown below. Whatever the fee is the County City and Port would be committing to find funding for the rest of costs A range of potential fundino sources is addressed in Chapter 4 of the North End Master Site Plan.] FreliminagcperPM Peak Hour Trip Costs — Pending Balance of Public and Private Shares Scenario Cost Basis Per Trip Full Costs 867 000 7 549 Study Area Share Full CostRmpertieaate $29,436,326 $6,562 Study Area Share of Full Cost Minus SR2/97 $18,803,686 1411K Ramps and associated roundabouts Study Area Share W/O ramps — 75% $14,102,765 ILL4 Study Area Share W/O ramps —50% $9,401.843 2 096 544.7i8,,483 $3,281 TFansp� $16,464,840 $3-:668 Full Intensity Trips PM Peak Hour: 4,486 Source: Douglas County, The Transpo Group, BERK Consulting 2016 All public streets shall be designed to incorporate sidewalks consistent with County and City street standards. Some street standards show a range of sidewalk widths. Where pedestrian activity is anticipated to be greatest, wider sidewalks should be implemented. Arterial or collector streets shall accommodate bicycles consistent with adopted County and City road standards and adopted bicycle reginal guidelines. Properties abutting the Apple Capital Loop Trail or Rocky Reach Trail or their spurs shall be consistent with the Douglas County Loop Trail Overlay including standards for fencing, trail access, landscaping, and setbacks from the trail. The following on -site pedestrian walkway standards shall be met by each development: • A comprehensive system of pedestrian walkways shall link together all site entrances, building entries, parking facilities, and common outdoor spaces with the sidewalk system in the public right-of-way. • Pedestrian walkways shall be reinforced with pedestrian -scale lighting, bollard lighting, landscaping, accent lighting, signage, or a combination thereof to aid in pedestrian way -finding. • Each parcel shall provide pedestrian walkways that provide for connections from public rights of way through the subject property to the regional trail system that, when connected with other properties, will facilitate east -west travel to and from the regional trail system. For every 1,320 feet of street frontage, on average, a pathway to the regional trail system shall be provided. The walkway must connect with walkways located on other properties established in accordance with this condition. Distances may vary from exactly 1,320 feet to accommodate linking adjacent developments on a case -by -case basis. IWIC Services 19. Police Protection The County sheriff or City pelisy op Ilce department, as appropriate, shall continue to monitor police services and the Level of Service standard to ensure that staffing levels and equipment needs align with changing demand. Existing Level of Service is based on residential population, but the North End site will have a significant amount of non- residential activity. The County sheriff or City policy department, as appropriate, shall be provided the opportunity to review planned action development applications and consider any specialized needs that may be generated by the proposed mix of uses. 20. Fire Protection Fire and emergency medical services shall be available concurrent with new Aages65eotember 2016 15 Draft Planned Action Ordinance @Dueu1pJ0 uolloy pauueld 11eJ0 91 9T0Z lagwajaSisoMv -pagrnislp iagpni io 'panow 'pagonol aq lou 11!m sulewai • agi elq!ssod jauuew snoilipadxe isow eqj ul luawamolue met leool pup isuaoapeu!wexa leo!pew Alunoo agi of papodm eq ppn sulewai lelelals uewnq;o 6ulpuy agi aouegmislp iegpni wwi paloelad pup pamoas aq p!m puq eqj to ewe agi sumutoi esogi of eoueglnislp iegpnl Own Am legt aseao p!m Apnlloe Ile uagl'uo!lomisuoo 10 asinoa aqt 6uunp su!ewal !eleleAs uewnq ialunooue sa!1!ffloe 6uigmislp punm611 :paianoos!p aie su!pwai lele!eHs uewng 11 sleuelew palanoos!p eqj to uopeneoxa pup uogetiasaid aininl 6u!pie6w saqui paloalle 411m uo!leilnsuoo aleu!pi000 uagl l!!m dHtlo'alq!ssod iauuew snoglpadxa isow eqj u! (dHyo) uogeNaswd ouols!H pup Moloaegmy to luawuedao agi of pue aps aqi iano uopo!psunl 411m Alunoo io Apo aqi of pepodai eq pegs Aimos!p aqi 'pamoas eq I!1m putt agt to eeie aqi pUB'aseao pegs Ieualew paianooslp agi gmis!p jayunl hew 3egl sa tinges uouomisuoo . j pmanooslp we sleualew Ieotboloaegwe uewng-uou 11 olq!ssod Be uoos se uo!leNesey ap!Aloo 84110 saqui p8le18p9tuo0 aqi pue uopeN VIUMMA aqi 10 spueg pue saqui palptepaluoo eqj AI!lou uegl hags 04M'81!s agi JOAO uopolpsunl glue Atom ! io Alp eqj Atpou Alale!pewwi pegs iadolanmp egt'sl000loid butmollol 941 Aq peianoo awnosai Aue 10 Aianons!p luauanpeul aqi 10 JUena Bill ul'sl000loid Amoos!p iuepanpeul 6uunollol eqj I000lad Ajan03s1.0 411m luepdwoo aq of suotloe pauueld uo!llpuoa pegs aagoleuaM Ise310 A110 agi io Alunoo sel6noo luallanpeul seaonosau leingno • • ueld Alenoosl(, juallanpeul saolnosey I81nNoo'L-3 elgoi s6u!punams ilagi uo spedw! IenslA nags az!wlww of sloalwd uolloe pauueld Aq pezppn aq llegs u6!sep glleels pue 6wdeospuel eleudwdde'sailipoel uotImunwwooelel puna6iepun of leotpeld lou at U wegM SZ uogoaS) apoo Atunoo sel6noo pup (9t'Z3laide40) apoo led!o!unw aagoleueM )se3 iod punoi6iopun sa!1!1!ln aneq of pannbm aie suots!A!pgnS'sanBonspun6iapun saminuoeowwwooelai pue jamodg PUB seggpel suopeownwwwalal pup iamod aleool-oo pegs suogoe pauueld l0 6ulpunw6iapun pue uogeool-co bZ veld e11S Jalseyy pu3 ypoN agl ut pappuepl slsoo Aigpn to mugs aleuolpodoid 911 Aed of luawdolanap u01IIPU03 Aew 1e13140 agsuodsali Vd3S agi swelsAs eoueAanuoo pue uollnquis!p eqj to asn pue fggn eqi to uolsuaixa aqi qi!m pale!oosse slsoo suopelado pue eoueuslu!ew leuoq!ppe eqi jot pepualul em selei e6esn 6u!o6uo -sappedeo o6ie4os!p pup'Alddnsroomos to esn jol uoge6p!w peiappuw st seal uogoauuoo pue'sa6iego luawdolanap walsAs to luawAed sall!Alloe luawdolanap Ile Joj sewy 96ep!A eu!M pue'I!elay 'AllleyldsoH ui pasodwd legl se Bons luawdolanap Allwel aldginw pue asn-pamw'lepiewwoo of olgeogdde'saullepino u61sea , von aegoleueM lse3 ieteaJD agi ul peimbei osle si goads uowwoo o!lgnd ails-uo oowas 10 slanal uo!lesiow pue sVud 6u!pie6ai sueld anlsuegaidwo0 Ai!o pue Alunoo aqi pue ueld aoedS uado pue uopeWoall 's)ped puts!o uopeaioay Pup syued ue1!lodmlaVi Iuowlse3 aqi 41!m luais!suoo aq pegs suopoe pauueld pasodold seen eqi ww1 spaau paz!le!oads patedpltue Aue iep!suoo pue sueld tuawdolenep pasodwd agi ma!nm of louls!p loogos aqi iol sa!lwnlioddo ap!nmd lleqs A110 pue Alunoo 941'uogoe pauueld a gllm pasodwd we sasn Iepueppej p'glmm6 of ioud 6u!uueld peoueNle jot mope pings sueld aA1suagajdwo0 A4!0 pue Alunoo eqj to selepdn ieln6w se l!am se'louls!o egl Aq 6uluueld lel!deo ,eps aqi to luawdolanap wwt peleieua6 eq Few 1e41 luewpmue luepnis eminl to >foell doGM pinoqs pue ueld 6u!se4d agi OR 91.4 p113 ypoN to Iuawdolanep lequap!sal agi wog ioiluow IRS qulslo pogoS agi, -posodoid sasn agi wet spaau pezlle!oads patedppue Aue iap!suoo pue sueld luawdolanap pasodwd aqi memi of louts!p ant aqi jol saplunuoddo apinad pegs 14!0 pue Atunoo agl'uog!ppe ul puewep 6ul6ue43 agi Whk 1-161le spaau luewd!nbe pue slanal 6u!1lels legl amsue of piepuels 931Alae 10 Ianal aqi pue saowas uopooloid aill iol!uow of anulluoo pegs wap!nod wimas ail j luawdolanap suogea!unwumalei pue sED 7amod 6Z se!t!I!Ifl S*ed I TZ = ems® • • Comets remains and make a determination of whether those remains are forensic or non -forensic. If the county medical examiner/coroner determines the remains are non -forensic, then they will report that finding to the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) who will then take jurisdiction over the remains. The DAHP will notify any appropriate cemeteries and all affected tribes of the find. The State Physical Anthropologist will make a determination of whether the remains are Indian or Non -Indian and report that finding to any appropriate cemeteries and the affected tribes. The DAHP will then handle all consultation with the affected parties as to the future preservation, excavation, and disposition of the remains. Steven M. Clem, Douglas County Prosecuting Affomey/Coroner Phone: (509) 745-8535 Fax:(509) 745-8670 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 360 Waterville, WA 98858 Physical Address: 203 S. Rainier Street Waterville, WA 98858 sclem@co.douglas.wa.us Douglas County Sheriff's Office 110 N.E. 2nd Street Suite 200 East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509)884-0941 East Wenatchee Police Department 271 9th St. N.E. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509)884.9511 Guy Tess, State Physical Anthropologist, DAHP (360)586.3534 AugasfSeotember 2016 17 Draft Planned Action Ordinance a3ueuiPJO uoluy pauueld ueJO 81 9T02 jaqwaaSismNn • • SI3 Ieul,J - J IU8W43e}}d CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE i 0 M ft COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: Lori Barnett Director CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # #1 A AGENDA DATE: October 10, 2016 DEPARTMENT: Community Development TITLE: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan Policy C-20 in Chapter 3 Land Use and adding the North End Subarea Plan as an element of that comprehensive plan. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: The Port of Douglas County took the lead several years ago to study the north end of the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan in an effort to identify potential uses and capital facilities that would be necessary to support development in this area. The area includes approximately 317 acres of land that is designated as Waterfront Mixed Use and General Commercial. The proposal under consideration is the establishment of a subarea plan that includes a conceptual development framework and capital facilities plan to guide future development within the North End planning area to create a prosperous center for jobs, tourism, and recreation at the North End of East Wenatchee in conjunction with the Planned Action Ordinance for the area. Extensive public outreach has occurred over the past two years leading to the development of this subarea plan EXHIBITS: Ordinance 2016-15 RECOMMENDED ACTION: The East Wenatchee Planning Commission and the Douglas County Planning Commission have transmitted a recommendation of approval of the adoption of the North End Subarea Plan. Staff requests that the ordinance be elevated to second reading and approved. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required $ N/A Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: A ro� 1 4� o,,d. 1 Motion Made By: r�Qe+e.-,r',, Second By: _)olnvisovn Councilmember Sterk upy Councilmember Raab uC r Councilmember Johnson 'T Councilmember Buckner —r Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: ✓ Failed: u Councilmember Detering n case of Page 1 of 1 • City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2016.15 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan Policy C-20 in Chapter 3 Land Use and adding the North End Subarea Plan as an element of that comprehensive plan. Una Ordenanza de Is Ciudad de East Wenatchee se modifies. el Plan de Politics Integral de Greater East Wenatchee zona C-20 en el Capitulo 3 Uso de Is Tierra y anadiendo el Plan Subarea North End como un elemento de ese plan integral. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (espafiol, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), pongase en contacto con el vendedor de Is ciudad al alternatformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884.9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Recitals. 2.1. The City of East Wenatchee ("City") is a non -charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington; and 2.2. The City has adopted the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan (GEWA) pursuant to the Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW Chapter 36.70A, which covers all properties within the City Limits and the unincorporated areas of Douglas County located within the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area, which was found to be consistent with the adopted GMA plans of adjoining jurisdictions. 2.3. The East Wenatchee and Douglas County Planning Commissions conducted a duly advertised public hearing on September 6, 2016. The Planning Commissions entered into the record the files on the proposed amendment, accepted public testimony, and deliberated the merits of the proposal. As a result of the deliberations, the proposal was amended. The vote of the Douglas County Planning Commission was unanimously in favor (6 to 0). The vote of the City Planning Commission was unanimously in favor (5-0). 0 L 3o 9 a2ed 91-91oz 03ueu?Pi0 oaga;suatA;sea;o d3i0 ;Peas 01 us[d anisuagaaduxoo uaaV 99goTeu9M Tsug aa37oai0 ogI;o es fl puu•I — £ aa3dugo ut OZ.o fotlod spuatau I?ounoo f4?0 ouL •Z 3uoutpuaurV •9 aouuutpaO sigl ol V T?q?tlxa ut tl3ao3 jas st, ueld anisuagaadtuoo uaaV 9agogeua,4A IsuH .Topea0 at13;o 3uatuale ue su uuld uaaugnS pua g4joN aqj sPPe ltounoo Al?o aqL •1 3uautpueurV •9 •saau agl ao; eauuutpaO uotlav pauuuld aql qT?m uotlounfuoo ut aago;uuaM p7aa 3o pua gI,toN aql Tu uotluamaa pue 'utstanol 'sgof ao3 aalueo snoaadsoad a aquaao of uaau 21utuut,ld pua g4aoN aq4 utgl?m Tuamdolanap aan4n3 apn S of uuld saiRtltou; lu4!duo put, 3laotAomua; 3uatadol3nap Iunidamoo u gjim uuld uaaugns u gsilquisa •asodmd p :SAAO'I'IOd sv NivaHo OQ aaH0IVNZM JSV3 JO AlIO HH,L ,dO'IIONflOO JUIO alll •suuld anisuagaadutoo puetau ao 1dopu of S4?O otp az?aotRne VOL-9£ AAO2I Puu E9'v9E A DH'Z•E •f4?0 ag;;o;uatauaano2 pool aql of aleudoaddu pus satlejp ludtatunta sjt aluln2aa o4 spu?3[ Uu;o seouuulpao Tdopu o4I?ounoo f4?0 aqj aztaoglnu 06T'ZI'V9£ Ak011 Puu O2;O'TT-V9E A!1O'9•1'£ •Auog3nV '£ •aousu?pao uo13aV pauuuld puu uuld uaaugnS pua glaoN ag13o luouodutoo t, eau sluatupuame ueld amsuagaadutoo pasodoad agL •g•y •uuld uaaugnS pua g4zoN agp;dopu puu uuld anisuagaadtaoo uoxV eagalt,uaAl Tsua aa;uaaO aqj pueute of suaz?1?o s4? puu ,Sjto exp jo s4saaajut Tseq otp ut st IT ptp sPuT3 i?ouno0 841O aq,L •L'Z suopvp:u9aa pue smul leool o4 puu alup gltm eauepa000e ut pagstlgnd uaaq ant,q aalTuta sigh uo souL3aaut otlgnd pue s2utaeeq otlgnd Ilu 3o aoTWX -9-Z •sluatapuautu ueld antsuagaadutoo pasodoad aqT.2utpau2aa 6uouulsol a?Ignd 4daoou pue uotlupuatautooaa ,suotssitutuoo 2utuueld eqI sap?suoa of 2utauoq otlgnd u plaq saauotssimmoo Ajunoo aql put, ltounoo Al?O aql '9TOZ 'OT aago3o0 uO.9'Z •2uta7aaq otlgnd ,suoisstuxutoo 2utuuuld ag4;o paooaa aqj matnaa o3 dogs3laom o?Ignd u ploq (saauotsstuttaoo BTunoo) saauotssituutoo BTunoo;o pauog Ajunoo sul2no(I aq3 pus S(„ ltounoo Ito,,) 9aga4uuaAk pug 3o I?ounoo AI!C) aqI '9TOz `oT aagolao uO •v'Z • C•20 The General Commercial area designated on the upper bench area, east of Empire Street, west of State Route 28 (Sunset Highway) and north of 35th Street NE is intended to develop as a master planned project. a) A total of 80 acres is designated for this general commercial district, uses n 20-aepe area, generally leeated R °long the southern perimeter of the site, is a transition area-th" would incorporate landscaping and open space consistent with the North End Master Site (Subarea) Plan. The purpose of the transition area is to buffer this commercial area from the less intensive development surrounding the area. b) Design features for the master plan for projects in this General Commercial area would include landscaping, transition buffer, linkages to the trail system, open space, design consistency between adjacent buildings, establishment of an interior road network, and orientation of buildings for access from the interior road system. c) Direct access to the SR 28 by individual uses would be prohibited. • 7. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. The City Council adopts the Recitals stated above as well as the findings of fact and conclusion of law as set forth below. 7.1. Findings of Fact: 7.1.1. The City of East Wenatchee is subject to the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA). 7.1.2. The City of East Wenatchee has adopted a Comprehensive Plan complying with the GMA and is amending the Comprehensive Plan and associated Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan with the addition of the North End Master Site Plan considered a Subarea Plan under GMA. 7.1.3. The North End Master Site Plan focuses growth in upland areas east of the Apple Capital Loop Trail and Rocky Reach trails, avoids environmentally and culturally sensitive shoreline areas, and promotes a range of land uses and infrastructure investments intended to enhance the employment and tourism opportunities of the UGA consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and . associated Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016.15 Page 3 of 7 L 3o y aBed 91.91oz 9augulPj0 aagajeuaM 38e83o AID • •aauuu?pzp s?ilT;o suo?s?nozd zagTo agT3o d4?pg8n agT Taau Tou nags uo?TBzslaap Bans `mul oT dzuzTuoa aq oT aausu?pzp s?iIT ui uois?nozd Sus sazelaap uoiTa?ps?zn[ TuaTadmoa 3o Tznoa B 3l BTfigszaeag g •2uizuaq ailgnd paa?Tou Slnp To Tg lusodozd aqT uo Tuammoa oT Aj!unTzoddo agT u9ni2 sum Allunmmoa aqT pus Tam azaM 61 911M, DRUAH Pug 901*VOL'9£ Mp'2I3o sTuamazmbaz legal zadozd 'V9-L 'ugid fa Iod leuo?2ag STunop sel2no(I agT pug usld an?suagazdmop uazV eallaTuuaM Tsua zaTuazf) agT ui sa?ailod pug sluo2 agT Tuamaldmi pus gT?m TuaTs?suoa aze sTuampuamu TxaT pasodozd aqL £'Z'L '0I9'£6 MOU `pV f,3?lod luTuamuozinu ra aTuTB agT;o sTuamazmbaz aApuu4sgns pus luznp000zd agT qT?m aauu?ldmoa u? possaaozd uaaq sBg lusodozd agy •Z•z TOL'9£ Mpg u? VWD agT 3o sTuamazmbaz luznp000zd agT qT?m TuaTs?suoa azs uuld amsuagazdmop uazV aagoTeuaM Tseg zaTuazf) ogT;o TxaT alp oT sTuampuamu posodozd agT TugT spug Bgazag d3?3 aqL T'Z'L ;murl;o suo?snlauop •Z•L •sTuommoo oT asuodsaz ui saznsuam uotTu2?T?m zo weld uazegns agT paUipom suq `apTadozdde su `puu pan?aaaz sTuammoa llg pazapisuoa suq puu Tuamanlonu? ailgnd Igj2u?uuam zo3 sa?TranTzoddo luzanas pap?nozd aneq aagaTuuaM Tsug jo .STip agT pug BTunop ssl2noQ -L'T'L '9TOz `z aunr uo VOL-9£ zaTdegp Mpg zapun ma?naz Aup-ATx?s u paTup= `aagaTeuaM Tsgg 30 AT?p aqT qT?m uo?Teu?pz000 m `Alunop sulbno(I •9•1 'ZLT- Pug `89I- `i19T-TT-LU DVM Pug Oi'%'pTZ'£fi AkOH qT?m TuaTs?suoa aouumpzo uo?TaV pauuuld u g2nozg4 paTuamaldm? aq pinom TBgT saznseam uo?Tu2?T?m pag?Tuop? pug uuld aT?S zaTsuw pug gTzoN aqT 3o sToudmi laTuamuoz?nue lu?TuaTod aqT 2u?zXjuue TuamaTeTS Toudml luTuamuoz?nuH uu pazudazd suq 'aagaTuuaM Tsug;o ST?p agT qT?m uo?Tsu?pzooa u? 'A4unop sul2noQ '9'1'L •uuld uazv aagaTeuaM ISUR zaTsazD paTumossu pus usld an?suagazdmop agT;o sa?agod aqT qT?m • TuaTs?suoa Tuamdolanap alq?Tsdmoo aznsuo oT usld 911g zaTsupq pug gTzorl agT u?qT?m sou?lop?nO u2?sap 2uildope s? aagaTuuaM Tsug V I'L 9. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the City's website. 10. Submittal of Notice of Adoption. In accordance with RCW 36.70A.106, this Ordinance shall be transmitted by the Community Development Director to the Washington State Department of Commerce within 10 days of adoption. 11. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of , 2016. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By • Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Authenticated: Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-15 Page 5 of 7 L 30 9 82Bd 91-91OZ 9ouuuipi0 aagoquuatA 3auZ jo 64i0 • volo fmo 'pauuaug uuuQ '91oz ;o.iup stgl p0173Q Tuoo•aagoluuam_Isua•eeenen lu ajqujtunu st 03uuuipa0 Slg4 Jo lxal lin3 aqJ. •juaBalul uuld aso ap oluomola un ouToo pug glaoN uajugnS uuld la opuaTpuuu S uaaaTJ, uj ap osn g olnlldu0 la ua Oy.p uuoz aagoluuaM Isua aaluaa0 op luaequl uollljod ap uuld la uoT. Tom as aagaluuaM Isua ap pupntp ul ap 7azuuuapa0 uu fl •uuld antsuagaadmoa Iug13o 1uamola uu su uuld uaaugnS pug glaoN aql Juippu pus asn puuj g aaldugp uT OZ-0 Amlocl uul l anTsuagaadtaop uaaV aagoluuaM IsuH aaluaaO ag1 !IutpuaTuu aag'3luuaM I8UH;o AI?0 agl;o 03usutpa0 UFO ;senollo; su a1111 s12 Sq paziJewuans aq Sura gotgm;o Iuiod utuuT aq1 `gl 910ti oN aauuuTpaO panoaddu uo 9utgsuM 'aagaluuaAkIsuH3o SMD ag3 3o ltounop AI?0 aql `91OZ 3o Bup aq1 u0 91-910Z'oN 93uuuipa0 u012ulgsuAk 'aagoluuaAAi IsuR 30 AID 3o UouiuinS • EXHIBIT A Insert Subarea Plan City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-15 Page 7 of 7 r] 0 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # AGENDA ITEM # #1 B PRESENTER: Lori Bamett AGENDA DATE: October 10, 2016 POSITION: Director DEPARTMENT: Community Development TITLE: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee adopting a Planned Action Ordinance for the North End Subarea Plan under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: The proposal under consideration is the establishment of Planned Action for the North End Subarea. Planned Actions are a process under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) to combine environmental analysis with land use planning to streamline and expedite the land use permit review process by relying on completed and existing environmental analysis for proposals within the planned action area. This proposal accompanies the North End Subarea Plan. EXHIBITS: Ordinance 2016-16 RECOMMENDED ACTION: The East Wenatchee Planning Commission and the Douglas County Planning Commission have transmitted a recommendation of approval of the adoption of the North End Planned Action Ordinance. Staff requests that the ordinance be elevated to second reading and FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required $ N/A Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A ACTIONTAKEN: App✓ouc-I 610 "ov-diraNce W;A, J,6toys GS vofee. Motion Made By: apv, Second By: (oLXhsan Councilmember Sterk UP s Councilmember Raab uPr Councilmember Johnson -r Councilmember Buckner Councilmember McCourt '` Councilmember Detering u el Councilmember Barnhart Passed: ✓ Failed: case of Page 1 of 1 • City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2016.16 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee adopting a Planned Action Ordinance for the North End Subarea Plan under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee adopcion de una Ordenanza de Planificacion de la Accion para el Plan Subarea North End en virtud de to dispuesto en la Ley de Politica Ambiental del Estado. 1. Alternate format. 1.1.Para leer este documento en otro formato (espafiol, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), pongase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o a1711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884.9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Recitals. 2.1. The City of East Wenatchee ("City") is a non -charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington; and 2.2. The City has adopted the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan (GEWA) pursuant to the Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW Chapter 36.70A, which covers all properties within the City Limits and the unincorporated areas of Douglas County located within the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area, which was found to be consistent with the adopted GMA plans of adjoining jurisdictions. 2.3. The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21C, and its implementing regulations authorize counties and cities planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) to designate planned actions that have had their significant impacts adequately addressed in an environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared in conjunction with a comprehensive plan, sub- area plan or a master planned development; and 2.4. The Port of Douglas County collaborated with Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee to develop the North End Master Site Plan; and n LA • ZZ 3o Z aead 91-910Z 9ausutpa0 aagaTsuaM tsua;o Apo •uaaegnS pua g3aoN agT aoj aauumpaO uoiloV pauuuld aqT Tdopu oT suazlilm sTi puu ATiD aqT;o sTsaaaTui Tsaq agT ui si Ti TugT spin IiaunoD fiD atU ET'Z suo.pra2aa pue smut luool oT pus aTuTs grim eauupaomu ui pagsilgnd uaaq anuq a044em sigT uo s2utTaam oggnd pua 92utauaq otlgnd Ilu 3o aoiToN 'ZT'Z •sTuampuamu posodoad agT 2uipau2aa AuomiTsaT ailgnd Tdaaau puu uoiTupuammoaaa ,suotssimmoa 2uiuuuld aqT aapisuoa oT 2ui199q ailgnd u plag saauotsstmmop f4unoD aqT puu IiounoD f4!0 aqT 191OZ 'OT aago4oO uO 'TT'Z •2uuuaq atlgnd ,suoisstmmoo Am uuld agT;o paoaaa aqT mainaa oT dogs3pom ailgnd a plag (saauoisaimmoD BTunoD) saauoissimmoD STttnoD;o pmog BTunoD s7al2no(I aqT puu („IiounoD eSmo aagaTuuaM Tsua 3o IiounoD STiD aqT '9TOZ `OT aagoTaO uO '017 •(0-g) a0A183 ui SlsnomTuuun sum uoissimmoD .2uiuuuld ATiD aqT 3o aTon aqy •(0 oT 9) aonu3 ui Blsnounuuun sum uoissimmon 2uiuuuld AjunoD sul2noa fo agT;o aTon aq1, •Iusodoad aqT 3o sipam agT paTuaaggap pus 'AuorapsaT ailgnd poldaaou 'Iusodoad aqT uo solg alp paoaaa aqT olui paaaTua suoissimmoD 2uiuueid aql '91OZ `9 aagmaTdaS uo 2uiauag oilqnd posiTaanpu tlnp u papnpuoo suoissimmoD 2lumuuld f4unoD sul2noQ puu aagaTuuoM Tsug agl,•6•Z •BTilunb leTuamuoainue aTomoad puu Bouaiauja Juissaaoad Timaad anaigoe dloq llim soanp000ad puu spaupuuTs aTuudoaddu grim (VO11) uaaV gTmoaO uugarl aagaTuuaM Tsua aqT 3o eaaegnS pua gTaoN aqT ao; uoiTau pauuuld V IHS u 2uiTdoPV'S'Z Puu `ZLl-ii-L6I OVA, aapun mainaa Toefoad oT Toafgns '9TOZ `01 iago4aO uo aagaTeuaM Tsug 3o BTiD agT pus AjunoD sel2no(I Sq poldope SIH Ieuid uotToV pauuuld pua xpoN aqT ui posseappu SlaTunbepu pus pag.juapi uaaq aneq uoiTau pauuuld agT;o sTaudun luluamuoainuH •L•Z Pue :SIa ao uolleutmaaTap plogsaagT a 3o uotTeaedaad ao; paau agT �u13uuimi19 Aq Taafoad agT;o mainaa Tuanbasgns soutlmuaaTs uopou pauuuld u su Toafoad u jo uoiTuu2isep agj,•9•Z puu !uoiTuuiTsop TsunoT puu aaTuaa TuouiAoldma uu suoisinua Tutp uuld uaaugns u se uuld aT?S aalseN pua gTaoN ogT;o uoildopu • aqT 2uipnl3ui uuld anisuegaadmoD i3oxV aagaTeuaM Tsua aapaaO aqT oT sTuampuamu paTdopu anutl aagaTuuaM Tsea jo AT?D aqT puu 6TunoD sul2no(I •g•Z • 3. Authority. 3. L RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. 3.2.RCW 43.21C.440 and WAC 197.11-164, -168, and -172 authorize and govern the establishment and application of a planned action designation. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to: 4.1. Combine environmental analysis with land use planning; and 4.2. Set forth a procedure designating certain project actions in the North End Subarea of the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area as "planned actions" consistent with state law including RCW 43.21C.440; and 4.3. Streamline and expedite the land use permit review process by relying on completed and existing environmental analysis for the Planned • Action Area. 5. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. The City Council adopts the Recitals stated above as well as the findings of fact and conclusion of law as set forth in Attachment A. 6. Designated Planned Action Area. The City Council designates the North End Subarea shown in Attachment B as a Planned Action Area for purposes of environmental review and permitting of designated Planned Action Projects pursuant RCW 43.21C.440. 7. Procedures and Mitigation. The City Council adopts the following planned action procedures and mitigation measures in order to approve a Planned Action Project within the Planned Action Area. 7.1. Upon designation by the SEPA Responsible Official or designee that the development proposal within the planned action area qualifies as a planned action pursuant to this ordinance, RCW 43.21C.440, and WAC 197.11.172, the project shall not be subject to a SEPA threshold determination, an environmental impact statement (EIS), SEPA appeal or any other additional review under SEPA. Attachment C contains procedures and criteria for evaluating and determining • projects as planned action projects. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-16 Page 3 of 22 zz 3o f, 02ed 91•9102; eoueuipi0 aaganuuatA pea jo A410 • •pagsijgnd si faeuzurns sli alep agI aaije s fup anTj anilaajja sauzoaaq aaueuipao sigy •erpa anilaajjH Ei •uoildope jo situp Oi utg3im aaaauzump jo IuaumiaudaQ alulS uoj2uigseM agl of aolaaaT(1 IuouzdojanaQ Aliunuzump aql Sq pallimsueal aq jjugs eouuuipap Sm `901*VOL•9£ MoH qlitj& aauupaoaae uI •uoildoPV3o aailolQ3o P3 TmgnS Zi •Iuaumlauda(j IuauzdojanaQ Xjjunmumop aagaleuaM isea aql le ..2mxdoa pue uoiloodsui aoj aijgnd agI oI olqupune aq Ilegs VJfl aagaluuaM IseH agi jo eaaugnS Pua giaoN aqI aoj uoTiau pauueld VdaS panoadde aqI jo tdoa pagipoa aq Iou jjim aaueutpio silty eazreuipap;o Adop TT •alisgam sAm alp uo aaueuipap sip jaunop ifaflp agy aaueuipap sigl jo ajlil aql jo Isisuoo jjegs .fasururns aqy •aoueuipao sizll jo GTeuzuzns a gsggnd of 3Iaalp flip agi slaaaip jzaunop flip agy uoileatjgnd OT aaueuipap sigl jo suozsinoad aaglo agi jo ,14iP?Iun aql loajju Iou Ilugs uoileaejaap Bans 'enej of daualuoa aq of aauuuipap sigl m uoisinoad SUB seaujaap uoilaipsunf Iualaduzoo jo ianoo u jj •SltjigeaanaS 6 joaluoo jjegs aouumpap sup jo suoisinoad aql '.flip/Alunop aql jo uoiiejn2aa so aausuipao Auu pue 'olaaagl posoduu saansuam uoile�Tliuz fue ao aaueuipap sigi uoannlaq lail3uoo a jo ivana agi uI •I�T g •OPP•piZ•£i, MDU of luensand „slaafoad uoilaV pauuuld„ paleu2isop aae 'aauuuipao siTjl jo IuauzgaullV ui pauieluoa saanseaur uozle2iliuz aql pue aaueuipao sigl jo Q juazugaellV ui pagiaosap spjogsaagl alp of iaafgns '3 juazugaellV ui pouieluoo SIB uoilaV pauuuld aql ui pagiaasap sailinziaU pue sasn puerl *VL •ssaaoad VdHS agl uroaj laede sluameambaa apoo SIip/Slunop ajgeoijddu aql 2uileauz moaj laefoad a Idumxe lou Ilugs uoileu2isap uoTlae pauuuld aqy •sluameambea faolul"aa juaapaj pue aiels 'juaoj ajquaildde of laafgns aq IIi^s siaafoad 'dlluuoilippV •saansveN u014e214IN SIa jeui,d a IueurgasllV ui pazSleue pue Pagiluapi saansvem 2upuSgxuz olquazjddu paivaodaoout aneq IpA sloafoad asagl 'suoTioe pauueld su ,ijgunb oI aapao ui 'aanamoH •Vd5IS aapun enainaa juanpaaoad aaglanj of laafgns eq iou llim slaafoad uoilaV pauuuld •£•L 'sPjogsaagj, IuluauzuoainUH IuauzgoellV glim lualsisuoa Sja uoiioV pauuuld aql ui paienjena slaudmT jeluazuuoainua sli peq seq pue Iaafoad u0140V pauueld • TO se palejduzaluoo sera eaaV uoilaV pauueld agI uigliM posodoad luouzdojanaP mjpods_ails a ji auiruaalap of pasn aq Ilugs splogsaagy •Z•L • Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of 2016. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Authenticated: Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: 10 Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-16 Page 5 of 22 11 r '9109 zz 3o 9 aeud 91.9TOZ aauemp20 a914o3suOM 3aua 3° AM 3[19i0 f4i0 'pauuzug EUEQ ;o Sup sigj pa;uQ *MOD' 9ag34uu8en-js90-mmm 17a olquliunu si aouuurpa0 siq;3o jxaj lln3 aql, opu�s� lap lu;uaiquaV uajjgod op Marl ul ua olsondsip of op pnWA uo pua g4joN uaaugnS uuld la uzud uoio3V ul op uoiouoUmuld op uzuuuopz0 uun op uoiodopu oagopueM Isua op pupnt0 ul op uzuuuopz0 uun l8jU9UiuoainUH 03u3S 9g33o suoisinoxd aqj aapun uuld uau qnS Pua g4joN atl3 jo3 03u73uipa0 u0143V paUuuld u 2ui4dopu aagajuuaAA, PuH;o 40 01:14,{o aauuu1pa0 UV :smollo3 su a1114 ell Aq paziauuimns eq A1ota goigm;o juiod uiuuc ago '9I-910Z 'oN aoUuuipa0 panoaddu uoj2uigsuAk'aago;uuoM 3s7aa;o A410 ag4;o p3uno0 A3i0 aq3 `9i0z ` 30 AuP 91q4 u0 91-910Z -ON aauuutpaO • UoIBuigsuM 'aagoquuam Isud 3o AI!C) 3o Saumums Attachment A - Findings of Fact 1. The Recitals in the ordinance are adopted herein as Findings of the City Council. 2. The City is subject to the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA). The City has adopted a Comprehensive Plan complying with the GMA and is amending the Comprehensive Plan and associated Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan with the addition of the North End Master Site Plan considered a Subarea Plan under GMA. The City is adopting design guidelines within the North End Master Site Plan to implement said Plans, including this Ordinance. 4. The North End Planned Action EIS, Attachment F, and the environmental thresholds in Attachment D identify the location, type, and amount of development that is contemplated by the Planned Action. The Planned Action EIS adequately identifies and addresses the probable significant environmental impacts associated with the type and amount of development planned to occur in the designated Planned Action Area designated in Attachment B. 5. The mitigation measures identified in the Planned Action EIS, attached to this Ordinance as Attachment E and incorporated herein by reference, together with adopted City development regulations are adequate to mitigate significant adverse impacts from development within the Planned Action Area. 6. Future projects that are implemented consistent with the Planned Action will protect the environment, benefit the public, and enhance economic development. 7. The City provided several opportunities for meaningful public involvement and review in the North End Master Site Plan and Planned Action EIS processes, including a community meeting consistent with RCW 43.21C.440; has considered all comments received; and, as appropriate, has modified the proposal or mitigation measures in response to comments. 8. Essential public facilities as defined in RCW 36.70A.200 are excluded from the Planned Action as designated herein and are not eligible for review or permitting as Planned Action Projects unless they are accessory to or part of a project that otherwise qualifies as a Planned Action Project. 9. The designated Planned Action Area is located entirely within a UGA. 10. Implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the Planned Action EIS and included in Attachment F will provide for adequate public services and facilities to serve the proposed Planned Action Area. • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-16 Page 7 of 22 • • zz 3o s aged 91-910Z aouButpaO aagoluuam Iseg jo xjta 5L0Z'r.v3n ey ALano�se1Hnnd :arno5 Nam &. 9LOZ'LsnHny :aiep lYi 7`7.Yii� V3)JV Noiov a3NNVld ANd V3dV Aanis UN3 HIIJON -molaq dew aqj ui umogs eaae aql o} Aldde llegs uoileu2isap „uoilay pauueld„ pu3 43aoN aul 0 palaufiisaQ U0113V pauusld :8 luauagaalIV Attachment C - Procedures and Criteria for Evaluating and Determining Projects as Planned Actions Applications submitted for qualification as a Planned Action Project shall be reviewed pursuant to the following process: A. Planned Action Designation. The planned action designation shall apply to the North End Subarea of the City of East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area (UGA) depicted in Attachment B of this ordinance; B. Environmental Document. A planned action designation for a site -specific application shall be based on the environmental analysis and required mitigation measures contained in the Final Environmental Impact Statement dated October 10, 2016, and enclosed as Attachment F. C. Planned Action Qualifications. 1. The project is located within the Planned Action Area in Attachment B. 2. The planned action designation meets the environmental thresholds in Attachment D. 3. Elements of the Environment Analyzed in the Final EIS. A project that would result in a significant change in impacts to any of the elements of the environment identified in environmental document referenced in subsection B above would not qualify as a planned action. 4. Time Horizon. No time horizon has been identified for termination of the planned action designation. aThe provisions of the planned action shall apply until or unless the City of East Wenatchee amends or repeals the provisions; or if environmental conditions significantly change from those analyzed in the Final EIS, the SEPA Responsible Official may determine that the planned action designation is no longer applicable unless additional, supplementary environmental review is conducted, regardless of the date. D. Planned Action Review Criteria 1. Uses and activities described in Attachment D may be designated planned actions pursuant to RCW 43.21C.440. 2. The SEPA Responsible Official or designee is authorized to designate a project application as a Planned Action pursuant to RCW 43.21C.440, if the project meets all of the following conditions: a. The project is not otherwise exempt from SEPA; and b. The project is consistent with the Douglas County Countywide Comprehensive Plan, Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan, and the North End Master Site Plan, as applicable; and c. The project falls within the planned action qualifications identified in Section C above; and d. The SEPA Responsible Official or designee has determined that the project's adverse impacts are able to be mitigated through the application and/or inclusion of mitigation measures identified in Attachment E based on the Final EIS as well as other applicable local, state or federal requirements and conditions which together constitute sufficient mitigation for the significant environmental impacts associated with the proposed project; and • e. The project complies with all applicable local, state and federal regulations. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016.16 Page 9 of 22 • ZZ 3o Oi 02Bd 91-9IO2; a3ueutpio aagoluuom ISEH to AI!D -(s)3!wjad loafojd SulApapun ay1 of pail aq peys sl3afad uo!1ay pauueld pallilenb Jo; ma!AaJ pue aa!lou 3!lgnd •9 'SI3 ayl u! passaippe AlsnOlAaJd lou slaedwi leluawualAua pue sanss! asoyl 01 malnaJ yd3S ayl jo adoos a43 3!wg of asooya Aew lep!l40 alq!suodsa,d yd3S a41 "sluawannbai yd3S 8u!laaw ui ls!sse of sluawnaop ma!AaJ leluawuwlAua Jaylo se pam se'uo!loy pauueld ayl jol pajedaid SI3 leu!j a41 ui s!sAleue ma!AaJ leluawuonnua a4110 sluawala luenalaJ alejodio3ui ao asn Aew uo!lae pauueld a se pa!1!lenbs!p sl3afad 'S -uo!loe pauueld e se uo!leo!1!lenbs!p ui llnsai leyl uo!le3!ldde ayl to sluawala a41 aq!josap pegs lueo!ldde a4l of aa!lou a41 •mel alels pue sainpaaojd yd3S A40 yl!m luals!suoa ainpaaojd ma!AW yd3S a aquasajd Ileys len!1;0 alq!suodsaa yd3S ayl'uolleumialap ay1 uo paseq 'o4V':)IZ'£b MJ31 of luensvnd '13afad uo!lay pauueld a41 jano uo!33!ps!jnf yl!m sa!ouaSe pue sluawuJano8 leq!jl paz!usooaj Allejapal pue fuo!lea!ldde a4l uo pals!l se Aliadoid a4310 jaumo ayl'lueo!ldde ay1 of uo!leu!wialap p!es JaA!lap AlgeguaA aslnuaylo Jo I!ew Ile4s pue „Aauals!suooul 10 uo!leumialao, a anssl Ileys aau8!sap jo lei:)WO yd3S alq!suodsab a41 'uo!13e pauueld a aq of lou pau!wjalap s! 13afoid a 11 'b •paj!nbai aq ll!m S13 jo uo!leu!wialap Ploysajyl 'malnaJ yd3S leuo!1!ppe ou le411daaxa'sainpaaojd 1!wjad ale!jdoidde 941 yl!m aauepi000e ul paaoojd Ile4s laafad ay1'uo!leu!wj9lap ayl8u!molloj'oV4'oiZ'£V MAN of luensind'laafwd 1.10W)v pauueld ayl nano uo!lo!ps!jnf y1!m sapuage pue sluawwano8lequl paz!usoaai Alleaapal pue 'uo!le3!ldde a41 uo pals!l se Aliadoid ay110 aaumo ay1'lueo!ldde a41 01 uo!leu!waalap pies Janllap AlgegllaA as!maaylo JO Hew 11eys aau2!sap ao lep!110 yd3S alq!suodsaa ayl'uo!loe pauueld e se A1!lenb saop laafad a4111 'uo!1ae pauueld a se sa!1!lenb loafad ayl jaylaym 'ZLI-II-L6I oyM pue anoge O uo!13a5 ui pau!eluo3 saznpa3ad pue e!3al!n a418u!z!l!ln 'au!wlalap !legs aau8!sap jo lep!go alq!suodsad yd3S ayl'uo!le3!ldde alaldwoa a smalnaJ pue saA!a3aj Al!:) a41ja11y'£ '61 a11!17WM3 ul pap!Aad se alaldwoo si uo!le3!ldde ayl jaylagm aumialap pegs eau8!sap jo lep!110 yd3S alq!suodsay a41 .Z •swaol pannbai Al!:) uo pap!Aoid 'uo!leluawnaop Suipoddns pue wJo11s1113aU yd3S a 1!wgns (legs slueo!lddy 13afoad uolloy pauueld wnw!u!w a IV -AID ayl Aq pap!Aoid swjol uo apew aq peys pue apo:) led!o!unyy aayaleuaM lse3 ay1;o sluawannbai a41 laaw II!m uo!le3!ldde luawdolana0 'I :Su!molloi a4l 10 wnw!u!w a le'ls!suoa pegs ainpaoad ma1AaJ a41 •saoueu!pJo pue sapo3'suo!lelnsai'smel lejapal • pue alels 'leool algea!ldde japun suo!l3e pauueld se eual!j3 a41 laaw Aa43 jaylaym au!wjalap pue sloafoid ma!naa !legs aau8!sap j!ayl jo lep!110 yd3S alq!suodsaa a41 ssa3o�d 1!wlad uo!33y pauueld '3 • Attachment D — Environmental Thresholds The following thresholds shall be used to determine if a site -specific development proposed within the Planned Action Area was contemplated as a Planned Action Project and has had its environmental impacts evaluated in the Planned Action EIS: A. QUALIFYING LAND USES. 1. Planned Action Categories: The following categories/types of land use are defined in the North End Master Site Plan and can qualify as Planned Actions, when: a. it is within the Planned Action Area as shown in Attachment B of this Ordinance; and b. it is within one or more of the land use categories in the Final EIS: i. Resort/Hospitality ii. Business Park iii. Wine Village iv. Office v. Institutional vi. Retail • vii. Commercial Recreation; and c. it is listed in development regulations applicable to the zoning classifications applied to properties within the Planned Action Area. 2. Stand-alone or Mixed Uses: A Planned Action Project may be a single Planned Action land use or a combination of Planned Action land uses together in a mixed -use development. 3. Accessory Uses: Planned Action land uses may include accessory uses. 4. Essential Public Facilities: A planned action must not include an essential public facility as defined by RCW 36.70A.200, unless the essential public facility is accessory to or part of a development that is designated as a Planned Action Project under this Ordinance. 5. A Planned Action Project is consistent with the general concept of the North End Master Site Plan land use plan and upland of shoreline jurisdiction. B. DEVELOPMENT THRESHOLDS: 1. Land Use: The following new land uses are contemplated by the Planned Action: Alternative Growth Levels WA Dwelling Square Peet 327,522 •ResortlFfoepthNty Roome 544 City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016.16 Page 11 of 22 ZZ 3o 2;1 abed 91.910Z aoueucpa0 aagoleuaM lseH to .Clio • aqj of jou»d pled aq of aal uolleSlllw aqj jol mope Aew Ally a4l'walsAs uolleluodsueil a4l of spedwl pue Anuedno of joud spouad uollnnjlsuo:) weal-jaguol annbai 1e41 shafwd joj •aouenssl llwad bulpllnq 10 awll a4l le algeAed aq I1e4s aal uol1e8111w 941'molaq e'S':) uolhaS'CI 1uaw4oe11V pa1111u9p1 lenuew a41 pue 3luaw43el1V ul u1 L1 amseaw uolleBllM 411m lualslsuoo uopelmleo dul dad jn04 dead Ad a uo paseq aq Ile4s saal 4nnS •3 luaw4:)ellV 41!m lualslsuoa pled aq pegs Baal uolleSij!w :)11;ej1 •e •saaj uolle3Ij!A ol}}eJl •£ •luaplbap aq pinom j jo 3 SOl le Sullejado uolpasialul Aue 1e41 pue'(] Sol le las sem plogsai41 a:)lnias 10 lanai aqj 1e41 salels osle ueld anlsua4ajdwo:) a41,,-asn luawdolanap 10 sjeaA 9 ul4llm jot pauueld Apepueull jo pue a3eld ul aq lsnw salgalWls pue sluawanadwl 4onS •luawdolanap a4l gllm 1uajm3uo3 apew aue luawdolanap 10 sloedwl a4l alepowwo»e 01 saig9jeJls Jo sluawanojdwl uollejjodsuejl ssalun pallgl4ad aq Illm sluawdolanap Mau '1OV luawabeueA 41mOJ9 a4l ul pallpads se 1eg1 saimbai 4olgm 'uofd anfsuagajdwoD oaJV aay:)louaM lso3 JaaoaJ9 ayl ul pa4sllgelsa splogsaj41(SOl) a3IAJaS 10 lanai a41 pue sluawalnbau Aauaiinouou uolleliodsuejl aqj laaw pegs slaafad u0113V pauueld IIV •Aouaiinouo:) •Z •paleu!w0a uaaq ane4 sdul Aq-ssed aouo sasn puel mau a41 of sdul 13afad 6e apnpu! sdul Ajew!jd t :sa;oN 9toz dna9 odsuejl:aolnos • :smollol se sl S£OZ Job SI3 uollay pauueld a41 ul paMalnaJ pue eajV uolhV pauueld a41 ul paledpllue sdul ino4 dead Ad mau 10 jagwnu aqj •splogsaj41 V saguea du1.1 :SCIOHS31H1 NOIltl18OdSNVH1'0 -SI3 uoll:)V pauueld a41 ul slsAleue pue suolldwnsse a41 jalle jo/pue a:)ueuipio sl4l ul pallpads splo4sajgl luawdolanap aqj spaaoxa sl:)afoJd uoll:)V pauueld to uolleulgwoo jo 1pafad uolPV pauueld lenpinlpul Aue j! ':) luaw4:)ellV of luensind pailnbai aq Aew malnaj leluawuoJlnua Jagjjnj £ 3luaw4:)el4V 4llm lualslsuo:) pa1eSII!w We SI3 uolloV pauueld a4l ul palllluapl shedwl luawdolanap a4l 'pue 'papaa:)xa 1ou aie splogsai41 Alpede:) jamas weajlsumop pue sdul Z)1}1eil aql 'SI3 u011-3V pauueld aqj ul paMalnaJ luawdolanap 10lunowe alebaiSbe a4l uegl ssal sl lno-plmq lelol agl uaqm paulwjad sl 1-9 uoll:)asgnS ul Palllluapl ul sasn puel uaamlaq slunowe luawdolanap SUI)4!4S -Z 9tOZ Su!llnsuoo xy39'uS!saO uegjn pue a1n33al!gDJV siwlel/W :aomo5 4t9 669 4 -- lief+! emnbs Ispl .1 Z6Z t44 6unpsd 6uipect-mpu0 499 LB uopsaosy 1•!��J Z9L'69Z---- - --- load aenbs llg9jj I, COW969 toed aenbs puolplpul 6EO'6L9 load aenbs sofgo 009'LE4't - lssd 8mbS AJKIIIA to 40d SMMns Zt0'OZ9 feed aenbs AlffelldsotMossy • • • issuance of occupancy permits subject to a construction schedule and supporting information provided to the satisfaction of the City. b. Planned action project documentation shall be submitted as required in Attachment D, Section CA below. Such project documentation shall consider each development's direct impact on North End Master Site Plan transportation improvements. c. The City shall earmark mitigation fee receipts and retain them in an interest -bearing account, expending them on projects identified in the North End Master Site Plan Exhibit 4.12. Conceptual Road Network Cost Estimates, 2016$ and listed below in Table D-3. 2 West Bound On Ramp 3 RAB @ 35th Street 4 RAB @ 38th Street 5 RAB @ Off Ramp 6 RAB @ On Ramp 7 1 38th Street Extension 8 35th Street Extension 9 1 Empire Ave- Goldcrest -38th 10 Empire Ave-38th—Cascade 11 _ rRAB. @ SR 28 & 35th $2,934,300 $890,800 $1,426,500 $1,056,900 $979,900 $2,179,600 $1,939,800 $5,697,300 $5,822,200 $1,310,000 80% 80% 100% 100% 80% 80% 100% $1,172,075 96% 90% 100% 100% $ 6,655,760 i $ 2,347,440 j $ 890,800 $1,426,500 $ 845,520 $783,920 $2,179,600 $737,016 $ 5,127,570 $5,822,200 $1,310,000 12 RAB @ SR 28 & 38th $1,310,000 100% $1,310,000 To[al � ii $33,867,000 $1,172,075 i $29,436,326 Note: 'Share of cost based on percentage of Project Area Trips, Available Funds, Regional Need. Other improvements such as internal circulation within the Wine Village and a roundabout at the intersection of 35th/NW Empire/Wine Village circulation road may be constructed as part of development requirements. Legend: RAB = Roundabout Source: Douglas County, Transpo Group, BERK Consulting 2016 d. The City shall provide a credit for the value of dedication or improvement to or new construction of any system improvements provided by the developer per subsection C.3.c above. The applicant shall be entitled to a credit for the value of the land or actual costs of capital facility construction against the fee that would be chargeable under the formula in Attachment E Mitigation Measure 17. i. The dedication, improvement, or construction shall be conducted at suitable sites and constructed at acceptable quality as determined by the County/City. Such improvement or construction shall be completed, dedicated, or otherwise transferred to the City prior to the determination and award of a credit. ii. The value of a credit for right of way and easements shall be established on a case -by -case basis by an appraiser selected by, or acceptable to the City. The appraiser must be licensed in good standing by the State of Washington for the category of the property appraised. The appraisal shall be in accord with the City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-16 Page 13 of 22 r1 U ZZ 3o f,I asud 91•9I0Z a3uuaipa0 aagoleuam Isug to AliO •sl3edwl a1e211iw of iapinoid a3was ayl to uollai3slp ayl le sivawanoidwi al!sllo pun; Aew iunildde ue leyl pap!nad •sloafoud uoil3V pauueld Aq Alanlielnwn:) io Allenp!nlpu! papaa3xa aq lou Heys pue'smog inoy plead to alnulw lad suolleS 000'I of 008 Alaiewixoidde iol Alpede3 sey walsAs aoueAanuoo weaiisumop ayi :1amaS •b -iallnq aullaioys ayl ulylim ianla eigwnlo:) ayi of silel lno ialem-ul io sa3ueAanuo3 ialemwiols apnpui lou op spafad uolioV Pauueld '£ •alge3ildde se apo:) ledpiunyy aay3leuaM ise3 pue apo0 A1uno:) seignoO ayi pue'suoileingai ease le3ll!io pue aullaioys'spiepuels uSisap loulsip lepads pue 'All:)'Aluno:)'sainseaw uolleElllw S13 uolloV pauueld ayi ylim lualsisuo3 padoianap uaym sailllnel iellwis pue 'sileil 'slied 'sall!I!ln 'spec a1!suo :aauSlsap ilayl io leplbl0 Vd3S alglsuodsaa ayl Aq paulwialap se suOIPV pauueld se Al!lenb ue:) safl!01n pue'ainionilseilul 'sa3inias 3ilgnd Sulmopol ayl •Z •ueld a1!SialseW Pu3 41JON a4l10 sueld Alll!ln ayi yl!m A3ualslsuo3 aleilsuowap pegs slue3ildde 13afad uoll3V pauueld 'I MIAH3S ONV S311111in •Q •sloedwl Pafliivap! ilayl uodn paseq sloafad uolpV pauueld lenp!nlpu! uaamiaq sluawanoidwi paiinbai iol Al!I!q!suodsai to uolle3olle ayl isnfpe of uollai3slp ayl aney pegs aauOisap nayl io lepll40 Vd3S alglsuodsaa ayl 3 •suoijeinSai luawdolanap Al!:) ayi pue aoueuipi0 uoi13V pauueld S14110 suolslnoid ayl laaw of suoileoildde 13afoid uolioV pauueld uoll!puo3 01 uoliaioslp aney lleys aaUSISap ilayi io leDIMO Vd3S alglsuodsaa ayi •q 'uolloV pauueld siyl iapun pasodold uoile3ildde i!wiad 13afad yoea iol'uollai3slp alos lay io sly le JaaulSu3 s,Ali7 ayi Aq palda3oe lenuew anllewalle ue io umopleaig la3led ueld al!S lalseW Pu3 LIVON Allsualul Ilnj -L b'£ 1!q!4x3 S13 i1e10 ul paluasaid se (uoll!Pa isalel) lenueinf uolieiauag dui (311) siaau'Su3:)Ujeiilo ainigsul ayi 141!m lualsisuo3'uolieiaua8 dul leiol pue leivawanul awwialap 01 uollaioslP aney Heys aaUSISap ilayl io lepWO Vd3S alglsuodsaa ayi e uollansi0 •S •£•:) uolloasgnS yl!m lualslsuo3 sl3edwl palegll!w sey Pafoid ayi leyi pue'Z•0 spiepuels uoiloasialui pue Aouaiimuo3 ayi slaaw 13afoid ayl 1eyl'papaa3xa iou We I'J ul paililuap! sdul leiol ayi leyl Sulleilsuowap slueolidde pafoid uoil3V pauueld Aq uoileluawn3op annbai Heys aauSisap ilayi io lepillO Vd3S alq!suodsab ayi •b 'saal uoileSij!w ayi 8uuagwn3ua io Suipuadxa iol awil ayl puaixa of Islxa suoseai gullladwoo io Aieulpioeilxa leyl aulpug uall!im a spew sey AID ayl ssalun 'saal uolle8ll!w to idlaoai to sieaA pI ulyl!m paiagwn3ua io papuadxa uaaq iou aney saal uo!leJl1!w a41}! Baal yons to punlai a anlaoai Aew pled uaaq aney saal uolleSpw 3i4eil 43lym uo Aliadoid to iaumo ivaiirn ayi •a • -luvildde ay1;o asuadxa ayl le aq Heys malnai pue lesieidde ayi'AiIJ Aq aoueldaooe pue malnai of loafgns aq Heys pue aolioeid lesieiddV leuoissalad to spiepueiS wiol!uN ayl to uolsian lua3ai lSOw • Attachment E — Final EIS Mitigation Measures • The Planned Action EIS has identified significant beneficial and adverse impacts that are anticipated to occur with the future development of the Planned Action Area, together with a number of possible measures to mitigate those significant adverse impacts. Please see Final EIS Chapter 1 Summary for a description of impacts, mitigation measures, and significant unavoidable adverse impacts. The mitigation measures in this Attachment shall apply to Planned Action Project applications that are consistent with the Alternative range reviewed in the Planned Action EIS and which are located within the Planned Action Area (see Attachment B). Where a mitigation measure includes the words "shall" or "will," inclusion of that measure in Planned Action Project application plans is mandatory in order to qualify as a Planned Action Project. Where "should" or "would" appear, the mitigation measure may be considered by the project applicant as a source of additional mitigation, as feasible or necessary, to ensure that a project qualifies as a Planned Action Project. Unless stated specifically otherwise, the mitigation measures that require preparation of plans, conduct of studies, construction of improvements, conduct of maintenance activities, etc., are the responsibility of the applicant or designee to fund and/or perform. Any and all references to decisions to be made or actions to be taken by the City's SEPA Responsible Official may also be performed by the City's SEPA Responsible Official's authorized designee. Table E-1. Matrix of Mitigation Measures 1. ! Wetlands, Waters of die United To be considered a planned action, proposed development shall leave intact the Slates, Shoreline, and Cd6cal Areas riparian corridor, Columbia River, and associated wetlands. Where properties overlap these critical areas and shorelines, such areas may be identified in a conservation covenant or other preservation mechanisms as part of subdivision or binding site plan approval. The unnamed fibutary would likely be impacted from a new road extension. Once impacts for construction of the arterial streets and other infrastructure (i.e. utilities) are determined, the remaining riparian corridor may be identified in a conservation covenants or other preservation mechanisms to protect the area in perpetuity. In any case, The County or City shall apply shoreline and critical area standards to protect regulated environmental resources. 2. Plants Upland vegetation removed during construction shall be replaced to the extent feasible. Temporary fencing shall be installed around areas of wetland, intermittent drainage, and riparian habitat. Public landscaped areas, stormwater bio-swales, and other green space areas associated with the development shall generally be planted with native grasses, groundcovers, trees, and shrubs to the extent feasible to maximize wildlife habitat and minimize needed maintenance and excess water use. To avoid the introduction of noxious weeds to the project study area, no plants designated as "noxious weeds" by the Washington Slate Noxious Weed Control Board shall be used for landscaping. Additionally, no mulch with the potential to contain viable seeds from a designated noxious weed shall be used in the study area. 3. Animals Mitigation measures include the avoidance of critical areas and buffers to the greatest extent practicable. If feasible, vegetation removal activities shall occur outside of the nesting season (approximately March through September) for migratory birds. No City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-16 Page 15 of 22 • aeel SE of sWBm. q 6u!pl!nq i!w6 '6uwoz Iepuop!sw to teal 04 ui4.M •spiepuels u61sep uo!l!sueiI 6uumollol ayl to wow Jo ON Aldde peuls'enoge peyspgelsp luaweilnbw Jegnq Ieloiawwoo p3JauaE) e41 Aq PGJanoo lou sl 4314m inq'euoz leguep!sw p singe leyi Auadoid uo Paleool ueld e16 Jalsew Pu3 yuoN ayi ispun iuewdolenap Ile'luawdolenep A1!sualw -iemol singe luawdolanap Apsualu!-ie46!4 weym sloege IenslA osianpe oonpei of luawsoueulua lel!gey Jo uo!loelwd uoge1860A angeu 6ulpnlou!'eoeds uado Missed • Jo !spieyoJo pue'suapie6'sewe Jped Jo umel Bu!pnlou!'eoeds uado powum16cud . 'wels6s uopelrruno pezuolow-uou ails-uo up to ued wiol leull sainleal I!wl ueulsaped pue sloAme selems Jo spuod eoueAanuoo io'uope4Ipw'u01iueiaP JolemuuoiS :sainleal Bu!mopol aull to Aue iol pasn aq Aew ewe padeospuel eyl ,uopolpsunl yl!m Aoue6e ay! uo Bu!puedep apoo led!o!unyy aauloieuaM Ise3 ayi 10 080'ZCCL uogoaS Jo apoo Alunop sel6no0 ayi i0 oso'o4'OZ uogoaS ylua luals!suoo'6uluoz Iequep!saJ singe iegi Bull Auadoid Aue 6uole 6u!uaaJos 6uldeospuel I adAl apnloui pinouls ewe Jagnq aq paie Apnis ayi to Nepunoq waginos ayl6uole Jagnq uog!suwl lool-os a op!nwd pegs ueld ewegns ayi Jepun ivawdolanap wnuq ge!oJewwoo IeJaueE) pouoz ewe Apnis ayi W suo!uod ayi ul •seldmpd u6!se0 - L-Z-e l!q!yx3 ueld eIIS JoweVi eyl 4Am Al!1!g4edwoo pue uogeo1 10 ew.1 ayi ie loaga ul saullapmc� 7 spiepueiS u6!sao ewy y1ma� uegJn aayoleuaM Ise3 Jaleeig ayi yi!m Aoualslsuoo aleilsuowap lleys suopoy pouueld -olglseal luoixe ayi of eaie Apn!s ayi ulyl!m silos pagJnls!p Jol psimbei aq pays 6u!lueld anpeN alq!seal luaixa ayi of peluaweldw! aq peuls ialpmuuols Jol senb!uyoai pup sa!6olwls (011) luawdolanap • loedwi mol iaylo pup uogwll!lul'al!s-uo P86euew puepolewl'paloapoo aq pays JalemuuolS-uo16u14seM w8lse3 Jol lenueyy JalemuuolS ayl pup opoo Aiunoo sel6no0 yl!m 83UBPJ00op ui palorulsuoo pup pau6!sap aq Ilegs swalsAs ialemuuols luoueuuad ssseab pue'sllo'sppos popuedsns le!ol apnloui pegs s!sAleuy luawdolanap pe 10 weaJisumop uogeool e pue luawdolanap pesodcud Ile anoge uo!leool a apnloui pays sells 6updwes'wnww!w e IV wiprulsuoo 6uunp ewe Apnis loeloid ayi 6ulneal pue Buuelue Jalem soepns to AL!lenb ayi ssasse of peluawoldwi pue pedoleAep aq lleys wei6oid 6uuo1!uow pue 6u!IduJes e'I!Lwad uo!loruisuOO 19MOD S30dN eql yl!m aouepJ000e ul anoge peu6ino se uodsueil luew!pas oz!wlulw pue uolsoia lueneid of poluewa!dw! eq of we ieyi sdWS IvinionJis pue'senbluuloal uogezplgeis 'seogoeid uoyonilsuoo aquosep Ileys dddMS Gull •aloe-L ueyl AIM6 s! aoueginlslp Rs uaym A601003 Aq penwdde pue pwedwd aq Ilegs'(dddMS) ueld uoquenwd uopnllod Jelemuuols y (A601003) A601003 to 1uawliedea uoi6u!4sBM to ala1S ayi woil i!uued uogonJlsuoo IwauaO (S30dN) w91sAS uogeu1wp3 96Jeyos!O luelnllOd leuogeN e uleigo 11e4s seq!Alloe uo!lowisuoo woe-L ueyi Jeiew6 si aoumpnis!p ells us4M •Aiessaoau s! uogeynsuoo Jaulunl Jeyleulm ou!uuelep of (Md(3M) al!IPIIM pue ys!j to ivawueda0 uoi6u1yseM Jo/Pue sAusn ayl Loeluoo Ileys siumIdde loelwd wninl ayl'poped uo!ionJisuoo 0416uunp ewe ioaloid ale!Powwl ayi ul patuasgo we sal6ee uaplo6 io sel6ea pleq 11 -leilgey 6u!lsou lsol aoeldej 01 pupaJouls e41 BAB Pellelsul eq pinouls salad yaJad leuoq!ppe g eu!uuelep of el!lPl!M pue ysld to IuaLuuedaO uol6u!yseM pull pue Alunoo sel6no0 geluoo Ileuls slueo!ldde loalcud aininl'uogonJlsuoo 6uunp Panoww we sisau pJlq AioluAw an!Lopul 6ulls1 a 11 uogeln6w (yyj) uogwls!u!wpy uolle!AV IeJeped Aq pwmbei se Ideoxe pasn oq peys s1y66 egwls ON spJ!q AJoILAW uo sloega Bugg6!l az!w!u!w 016ug46p wn!pos einsswd-mol pelow!p piemumop to asn eyl anwlldo lleys 6ug46,rl (smusn) aoweS ampl!M Pup ysld • g(7 Gull uJOJI uogezuoyine Jaylo Jo 1!wiad a inoyllm paginls!p eq pays sisau 8Al10B zz 3o 91 aged 91-9109 a0usutpsp aagogeuaM gsua 3o f4?D Jagne leloiawwoo leJauaO g saldlouud u6!soo uegrn g salollod pup esn eupwoulS PUB PueI saoinosay ioleM q 8. Environmental Health I Agricultural Use Cultural Resources City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-16 Page 17 of 22 • Provide a Type I landscaping butter, as detmed by Section zu.4u.uau dr me Douglas County Code or Section 17.72.080 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, along any property boundary that abuts a residential zone; • Provide a decorative screening wall or fence, at least 6 feet in height, along any property boundary that abuts a residential zone; • Where a rear -yard setback abuts a residential zone, increase the standard setback distance to 50 feet; or • Where a property boundary that abuts a residential zone is characterized by significant mature native vegetation, preserve such vegetation and implement a building setback of at least 20 feet. Douglas County or the City of East Wenatchee as appropriate shall require the following note on the face of plats or binding site plans on planned action properties with a history of agricultural use: "Based on historical agricultural use of this land, there is a possibility the soil contains residual concentrations of pesticides. The Washington State Department of Ecology recommends that the soils be sampled and analyzed for lead and arsenic and for organochlonne pesticides. If these contaminants are found at concentrations above the MTCA cleanup levels, the Washington State Department of Ecology recommends that potential buyers be notified of their occurrence." This note shall not be required to be placed on the final plat or binding site plan, if the soils are sampled by a professional with adequate credentials to verify that the site does not contain lead and arsenic and organochlonne pesticides at concentrations above the MTCA cleanup levels. The following mitigation measures shall be implemented to help avoid and manage significant impacts to recorded and as -yet unrecorded cultural resources within the North End Study Area: Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee, as appropriate, shall continue coordination of cultural resource avoidance and mitigation programs for future project - level development through formal government -to -government consultation with the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. During scoping, responses to this proposal were received from representatives of both Tribes. The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation commented that the undertaking was within the traditional territory of the Wenatchi Tribe, one of the twelve tribes of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, and that a cultural resources survey inclusive of subsurface testing be undertaken and incorporated into the related EIS. The Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation commented that the study area is within lands ceded by the Yakama people and is in proximity to traditional food gathering area, hunting and fishing sites, villages, and burials. They also noted the antiquity of archaeology present in the East Wenatchee area and the presence of known archaeological sites within the development area. It was requested that investigation place emphasis on both archaeological sites and traditional cultural properties. Tribes often are able to provide additional information regarding cultural resources not documented in published literature which can help direct cultural resources investigations and support compliance assessments to ensure that cultural resources are not significantly impacted by development activities. Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee, as appropriate, shall identify an approach to project specific actions to ensure that recorded and unrecorded cultural resources are not disturbed by the proposed project plans through the application of mitigation measures 11-14. The preliminary field investigations conducted in this study were based on a conceptual design and provide a general history of the study area and limited insight into the subsurface conditions within tested areas proposed to be developed. To be considered a planned action, complete avoidance of archaeological site 45DO173 and the immediate adjacent area shall be accomplished due to the presence of human burials. L petwjs pus sluauiandudwi yonSWawdolanap pull ygm luewnouoo spew we pueuudolenep p spedwi e41 alepoww000e of seftimis uo sluawanmduu uogepodsu07 ssa!un pei!q!ymd aq g m s{uawdoianep meu'py luawa6eueyy yima0 ayi ul peg!oeds se - , le4i sennbei ue;d anisusysudwo0 eery aayo;eueM;se3 ialeajE) pull samiomis pus 'spew 'sagggn lie to uogeool 9416u!ieo!pu! ueld ails a 1!wgns isnw uadolanep e41'eps luswdolanap e uo uo!leiedo panwdde Aue uol i!uued 6u!pllnq e;o souenssi aql of uoud 'L sauanoos!p awnoseu lemgno of uan!6 6waq s! uogeuappm 431ym u! uauuew a4l uo uogeiuewnoop pus 41dop'uogeneoxa to lunowe'uogeool 'einionuiseup! to odf4 eyi eieo!pul legs eo!lou p!eS ,saq!I!in;o luewaoeld io/pue uogomisuoo Aue of uoud ship 91 spew aq ge4s suogeog!pu pe gnbeu anogp eul1 •g anoge Lq uad Auesseoau peweap;! se!1!nlpe 6u!ggru6 pus 6uueolo enuesgo of Ai!unpoddo 941 pep oge aq lleys louuosied 1squ1 uo aleiS mil3v Peuueld eqj uapun pop!one Alaleldwoo eq g!m ease lusoefpe OMPOww! a41 pus EL10094 ails 1eo6oloseyme ie4l poolsiepun osle s! 11-A6olo9eulme papioow loedw! A1pro!sA4d lou pun pefad 941 pus'uo!pV pauueld ayl uapun !!eul 4oeeu 4ma/dool lel!de0 elddV e41;o isom posodwd si luawdolanep ou 1e41 pooisuopun si it vogeilnsuoo paseq pefwd 6u!pide; I!ew pag!pao Aq uoi6u!4seM JO 01% 041 Pup'uogeN eweule k 841 to spueg pus soqul peieuapapo0'sequl paleuapa;uo0 all!nl00 eull4.iou of uedoianap a4l;o /gg!q!suodsai 041 aq Ileys 1!'anV widw3 MN to isea eeue a41 ul ooepns molaq suelow!lueo o9;o 41dep a moleq pue'emdw3 MN Pus !!ail uloeau A>loou/dool lel!de0 alddV uaamleq soup 941 ui ooepns moleq sialowguso oq;o 4idap a moloq ease ueld 011S ua3seW 841 uNllm uo!prulsuoo uo'6u!peu6'uo!leneaxe Aue of uoud'ssoowd memau 1!uuad pafad 6uunp saqul aull4Bm sinmo 1e41 uogellnsuoo a4i of uog!ppe ul g sa!ped peuogueweuole ayi 41!m miel!nsuoo 46nmyl pedolanap eq gun sdais uoge6q!w ogpads'peumbeu sl sawnosau Rinllno of uoge6!1!w 11 (pepuawe u0401041 se uo 91OZ dHVO) spuepuels uolieNasaud 0uols!H pus Mo1oeetiwy to luawpedao aleiS uol6u!4seM 841 pue'uogeN ewe>feA a41;o spueg pus sequl elpiepe;uo0 eup'equl peleuapoluo0 a11!n1o0 04141W uoiMnsuoo ui polenlena eq g!m pagquap! seamosai ouols!ul uo lem6oloee4we AuV .b (Z-3 algal OOS) mono Auamos!p paled!ollmn up pinogs peluoweldwi eq of sainseew pull sougino 1ptli l000lmd fumos!p luspenpew up poldope se4 Alunoo se16no0'9so-o9'9g Pue'99o'44'LZ'm-o9'99 sMOH is smpl Auenoos!p luepanpeu! 411m Aldwoo 111m slueolldde luawdolaneo 'Auanoos!p pull to paggou Alale!pawwi aq osle gays uolleN ewe>IeA atil to spueg pus soqul peleuapa;uo0 941 pus saqul paleuapa;uo0 all!nlo0 a41 •sawnosau a41 palwd of ueXei sdois aleudwdde pup pe!Wou uaag ene4 sagua4lne iadoid 9411gun paddois eq isnw seomosw pauanoos!p 941 Pepe pinom leyt>luom lie'uogorulsuoo/6u!peu6 6uunp peuenoos!p Alluopenpeul aq sulpwau uewn4 uo saounosau 1e316010ee40ja Aue pinoulS'E vo!prulsuoo pue'6u!peu6'6u!ggm6'6uueap 6uunp sells luowdolanap uoi!uow of pamoge eq ge4s elelS uo/pue equl 941 woul suanuasgo Z saomosw lemilno plone pus Al!ivap! of pogo to Iane1 aleudwdde us Alguapl of equl pelsaualu! ay; t11!m uogepnsuoo paseq-loolwd elegq ge4s ivawwanoB leool eull'uogegnsuoo ua4pn; sisenbei uo uogeo!ldde i!wuad a 6uIPLAeu uuemoo sessaudxo oqul ua4l!a;l ,Wawwoo uol uolleN ew"u k 04110 spueg pup sequl peleuapoluo0 pull pus saqul peieuape;u00 a11!nlo0 sup of uogo!psunl 6ugyunad a41 Aq popuemuo; aq 11e4s uo!pV pauueld eyl uapun suogeogdde i!uuad pefwd Ile'es000ud mama i!uuod loafwd e416uuno • i 'eieudwdde se 88431euaM lse3;o A110 941 uo Alunoo sel6noo Aq sumps pauueld pu3 tpuoN p peumbeu eq film seounossu leinl!no of spedwi pone of sainseaw 6uueopol 841 vogeool pefwd e41 p spjooej prouois!4 pooB umiu!ew f4s%!l 40!4m pue'kOtm.4 ul lMOR BUal1S a 44m 9e!oue6e to sessoulsnq 64810 41lm Buueuped iap.suoo Few 984oleueM W113 p A80 etq to AWnoO sel6noo •uogenuaswd auols!H pus A6oloes434 to luewpedao uo36ultimm to Dials 041 4pm luois!suoo suolpe luawdolemp of uoud plo sueaA og JDno aue'ie41 ewe Apnis pull u!ylun sampMs to aoueog!u6!s leouois!4 alenlena pup luawnoop ge4s suogoe pauueld • ZZ 30 8T a2va 91-9109 aou=vsO aago4eu81A gsea jo An Aouennouo0 uogepodsueul • • I�L----Ir 16.1 Transportation Network li {II 17. li Transportation Mitigation Fee be in place and or financially planned for within 6 years of development use: The Comprehensive Plan also states that the level of service threshold was set at LOS D. and that any intersection operating'at LOS E or F would be deficient. Therefore, developers are responsible for roadway improvements that bring intersection operations within concurrency if their development would result in enough induced traffic to cause any intersection to operate above LOS D All intersections analyzed in the study do not fall below a level of service D with noted improvements Transportation improvements identified in Master Site Plan Section 3.4 as necessary to support development of the North End at adopted level of service standards shall be in place at the time of development or within six years if improvements are included in a six -year capital facility plan and funding is secured. Planned actions shall pay transportation trip mitigation fees in effect at the time of application to support implementation of the Master Site Plan transportation improvements consistent with Attachment D, subsection C. Unless amended, or replaced with a transportation impact fee, mitigation fees consistent with the proportionate share of costs excluding the interchange shall be applied to planned action applications: [Note: One option accounting for the study area share would be selected by County and City decision makers for the ordinance. A range of options is shown below. Whatever the fee is, the County, City and Port would be committing to find funding for the rest of costs. A range of potential funding sources is addressed in Chapter 4 of the North End Master Site Plan.] PM Peak Hour Trip Costs - Pending Balance of Public and Private Shares Scenario Cost Basis Per Trip Full Costs $33,867,000 $7,549 Study Area Share of Full Cost $29,436,326 $6,562 Study Area Share of Full Cost Minus SR2/97 $18,803,686 $4,192 Ramps and associated roundabouts Study Area Share W/0 ramps -75% $14,102,765 $3,144 Study Area Share W/0 ramps -50% $9,401,843 $2,096 Full Intensity Trips PM Peak Hour: 4,486 Source: Douglas County, The Transpo Group, BERK Consulting 2016 18. Nonmotodzed Connections All public streets shall be designed to incorporate sidewalks consistent with County and City street standards. Some street standards show a range of sidewalk widths. Where pedestrian activity is anticipated to be greatest, wider sidewalks should be implemented. Arterial or collector streets shall accommodate bicycles consistent with adopted County and City road standards and adopted bicycle reginal guidelines. Properties abutting the Apple Capital Loop Trail or Rocky Reach Trail or their spurs shall be consistent with the Douglas County Loop Trail Overlay including standards for fencing, trail access, landscaping, and setbacks from the trail. The following on -site pedestrian walkway standards shall be met by each development: • A comprehensive system of pedestrian walkways shall link together all site entrances, building entries, parking facilities, and common outdoor spaces with the sidewalk system in the public right-of-way. • Pedestrian walkways shall be reinforced with pedestrian -scale lighting, bollard lighting, landscaping, accent lighting, signage, or a combination thereof to aid in pedestrian way -finding. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-16 Page 19 of 22 0 • s6u!punouns jimp uo spedwi lensiA iia4l ez!w!ulw of sloelad uo!1oe pauueld Aq pezg!ln eq 6e4s u6isep 4peals pup 6wdeospuel eleudoidde'9e116pe; uogeo!unwwooe!al punwfuepun of p»gowd 1ou si 1! 8j84m (0'o6o'oe a uo!loaS) apoo Alunoo sel6noo pue (91'Z1 ialde4o) opoo !edpiunyy e9goleu9M lse3 A puna6iapun sagl6ln ane4 of pannbei ale suolslA!pgnS sagilgn yons puna6iepun pue sapipoel suogeownwwwalal pup lamod aleool-oo Ilegs suolloe pauueld weld aeS ialseyy pu3 ypoN aql uI paglluepl slsoo Al!!gn;o ajegs aleumpodad sl! Aed of luawdolanep uogipuoo hew !e!oylo alq!suodsay Vd3S aqj 'swelsAs eoueAanuoo pue uognqulsip a4110 esn pue /g6pn ayl Io uo!suapxa a414w poleposse slsoo suogelado pue aoueueiwew leuoilippe ayl lol pepuelw we selei 96esn 6w06uo sagpedeo o6iegos!p pue'Alddns/amnos 10 esn iol uoge6g!w paiappuo0 si seal uogoauuoo pue'so iego luawdolanep walsAs to luawAed S8111AI1]e luawdolanep IIe ioj rseaiy 06e111A aulM pup 'Iielay'Algelldsoy{ ui pasodad legl se yons luawdolanep Allwel a!dillnw pue asn-pax!w'Ieplewwoo of a1geoildde'sau6apm0 ubisao von 90401euaM M3 ialeaig e4l ui pannbei osie si Goods uowwoo oggnd ells-uo e01/Ues to Slane! uogeaiaw pue sped 6u!ple6ai sueld an!sue4aldwoo f4!0 pue Alunoo aql pue veld aoedS uedo pue uogeQJ3GiJ >ued louls!o uogoaoeu Pug sped uel!lodalelq luowl9e3 a4141im lualsisuoo aq 11e4s SWIM pauueld sasn eqj wa; spesu pezipnoeds peledpque hue lap!suoo pue sueld luawdolanap pasodad aql melnw of louls!p loo4os e4l lot sagiunpoddo ep!nad begs Allo pue Alunoo egl'uogoe pauueld a ql!m pasodad 61e sasn leiluap!sw 11 4gew6 of loud 6uluueld poouenpe lol molls pinoqs Wald 9A!sua4wdwoo Al!o pue Alunoo 941lo selepdn ieln6w se Gam so'loulslo e4l Aq 6uluueld le11doo -al!s 94110 luawdolanep wal polwaua6 eq Aew leyl luaw6aue luepnls einlnl10 )bail deal pinogs pue ue!d 6uise4d e4l olu! sill pu3 ypoN 10 wowdolemp Ieguap!sal 841 mo4 Jol!uow hugs puls!o 10040S 941 'pasodad sasn ayl wal spaau panleloeds poledpgue Aue iap!suoo pue sueld luawdolanep pasodad eql mama of pulsip awg a4l lol sa!llunpoddo ep!Aad 11e4s f4io pue Alunoo 943'uog!ppe ul •puewap 6ui6uogo ag141!m u61le spaau luawdinbe pue slenel 6ug;els le4l amsue of pmpuels aowas 10 !anal 841 pue seowes uogoeiad Guy lol!uow of anuiWoo 11e4s Wepinad aowas mU luawdolanep mou 4Um lueunouoo elgel!eAe aq lle4s seowes lao!pew Aaue6iawe pue Gild •sasn 10 xiw pasodad ayl Aq palejsua6 aq Am legl spesu pazi[opeds Am iap!suoo pue suopealldde luawdolanep uogoe pauueld mama of Apunpoddo oql paplmud aq lietiveleudwdde Go'luewppdep Aoilod Al!o to µpays Alunoo e41 Al!Alloe !e!luep!sal -uou to lunowe lueog!u6!s a BAN lRm BOB pu3 ypoN ay! 1nq'uoge!ndod !ogueplsai uo peseq si ao!NeS;o lanai 6u!ls!x3 •puewap bu16uu43 4l!m u66e spaau luawdinbe PUB s!enal 6u!llels 1e41 amsue of plepuels aoiNeS;o lanai aql pue saowas soilod lol!uow of anuguoo 6egs'9leudwdde se'luawpedep ao!lod f4io uo Upe4s f4unoo 041 s!seq eseo-Aq•aseo a uo sluowdolanap luaoelpe fiw>lug elepoww000e of Joel OZS' 1 Alloexa wa1 AIeA Am saouels!o 'uog!puoo siyl 4lua souepi000e ui pegsilgelse salpedwd ja4lo uo poleool sAe"plm 41!m loeuuoo lsnw Ae"[gm aq j •pap!nad aq hags welsAs ligil puol6ai eql of Aemgled e'06eiene uo'86elual leads 1018e1 Oee'1 /uena iod walsAs l!eil Ieu0168) 041 wa; pue of lemi isam-lsea alelgpel I! m'se pedoid iaglo 41!m peloeuuoo U04M ZZ 30 OZ a2ed 91-910Z OOU18U JO oac(ogsuaM gae:a jo Aq!D sagggn uogeownwwooeial pup jamod to 6u!punoi6japun pue uoileool-oo suogeolunwwooela j pue sell '7emod •a sal8!!U1 slped I •ZZ s10040S 11Z uopoalad GJY waled WIN 1.61 u 0 • Cultural Resources Inadvertent Douglas County or the City of East Wenatchee shall condition planned actions to be compliant with Discovery Protocol the following inadvertent discovery protocols. In the event of the inadvertent discovery of any resource covered by the following protocols, the developer shall immediately notify the city or county with jurisdiction over the site, who shall then notify the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation and the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation as soon as possible. Contacts City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016.16 Page 21 of 22 If nonhuman archaeological materials are discovered: • Construction activities that may further disturb the discovered material shall cease, and the area of the find will be secured. • The discovery shall be reported to the city or county with jurisdiction over the site and to the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) in the most expeditious manner possible. DAHP will then coordinate consultation with affected tribes regarding future preservation and excavation of the discovered materials. If human skeletal remains are discovered: If ground disturbing activities encounter human skeletal remains during the course of construction, then all activity will cease that may cause further disturbance to those remains. The area of the find will be secured and protected from further disturbance. • The finding of human skeletal remains will be reported to the county medical examiner/coroner and local law enforcement in the most expeditious manner possible. The remains will not be touched, moved, or further disturbed. • The county medical examiner/coroner will assume jurisdiction over the human skeletal remains and make a determination of whether those remains are forensic or non -forensic. • If the county medical examiner/coroner determines the remains are non -forensic, then they will report that finding to the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) who will then take jurisdiction over the remains. The DAHP will notify any appropriate cemeteries and all affected tribes of the find. The State Physical Anthropologist will make a determination of whether the remains are Indian or Non -Indian and report that finding to any appropriate cemeteries and the affected tribes. The DAHP will then handle all consultation with the affected parties as to the future preservation, excavation, and disposition of the remains. Steven M. Clem, Douglas County Prosecutino Attomev/Coroner Phone: (509) 745-8535 Fax: (509) 745.8670 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 360 Waterville, WA 98858 Physical Address: 203 S. Rainier Street Waterville, WA 98858 sclem@co.douglas.wa.us Douglas County Sheriff's Office 110 N.E. 2nd Street Suite 200 East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 884-0941 East Wenatchee Police Departmenl 271 9th St. N.E. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509)884-9511 Guy Tess, State Physical Anthropol (360) 586.3534 Guy.Tasa®daho.wayov ZZ 3o ZZ a2ud 9i-91OZ aouuucpap aagoluuam Isus 3o .SI!D • • 0 SI3 leul j - J luaw43BIId 0 C G P'Sco& 1 Or PLANNING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Agenda Packet #1 140 -19th STREET NW, EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 (509) 884-7173 TO: Douglas County Board of Commissioners FROM: Douglas County Planning Commission DATE: September 12, 2016 SUBJECT: Planning Commission Recommendation — Proposed amendments to the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan. On September 6, 2016, the Douglas County Planning Commission and City of East Wenatchee Planning Commission conducted a joint public hearing regarding amendments to the North End Subarea Plan and Planned Action Ordinance. The Planning Commissions unanimously passed motions recommending approval of the proposed amendments. This transmittal includes a copy of the staff report, all public comments, and the draft September 6, 2016 public hearing minutes. Respectfully submitted, DOUGLAS COU TY PLANNING COMMISSION Mark D. Kulaas Executive Secretary www.douglascountywa.net 1 of 127 LZ 6 10 Z P eajegnS pu3 4JoN agi aoueuipJO uolloy Pauueld Pu3 WON e pue easy glmoj0 uegjn s,aagoleuaM lse3 w eaiy ApnlS Pu3 4uoN aql jo; ueld eajegns e japisuoo of play seM 6uueag Rluno(] sel6no(] pue aa4oleuaM lse3 lulof y (y sseulsng maN auoN-ssoulsn8 pl0 auoN-sajnpaooJd anl;eJ;slulwpy FA joloaji(] 'luawdolana(] Apunwwo(] 'llouie8 uol :ivasaJd 481E aa4oleuaM lse3;o ll(] Jauueld a1eioossy'Jal6iaZ Wei jauueld ledlouud 'lapuemgosuanaN uagdalS Joloan(] 'saouuaS pue 'seelnN �jeW :;uasaJd l;elg Alunoo sel no(] jalunH lJago�A 'selOVN euuea(] 'dnssar uear ewJON 'Aelmej8 AlleS 's�liq uneg(] luasaid sjagwaW uolsslwwo(] uluueld aagoleuaM lse310 ll(] Ja6ulllo8 lier 'sine(] eAuei 'opegoeW laegolw 'lulpene(] uewJON '4onoj(] along(] 'salnnouyl uago�j luasaid sjagwaw uolssiwwoO DUIUUEld Ajunoo sel no(] W d 0£ S le JapJo of palleo seen 6ulleaw agi 83GHO Ol ON1133W 3Td(] aa4oleuaM lse3 3N lS vi6 LZZ IIeH fill(] 9940leuaM lse3 Wd 0£:9-9LOZ `9 jagwoldaS AepsaupaM S31nNIW NOIJLOV NOISSIWWOO ONINNIVId 33HOIVN3M 1S`d3 J0 AiIO NOISSIWWOO ONINNVld • encompasses approximately 317 gross acres and is located adjacent to the east approach to the Odabashian Bridge. The North End Subarea Plan would establish and implement a conceptual development framework to guide future construction in the study area. The staff report was presented by Lisa Grueter with BERK consulting. Public testimony was accepted into the record from Jim Huffman, Lisa Parks, and Kurt Treskot. Douglas County Planning Commission member Robert Knowles moved to recommend adoption of the Hearing Draft North End Master Site (Subarea Plan) as an element of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan; and Amendment of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan Policy C-20 to clarify compatibility of land use; and adoption of the North End Planned Action Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Norman Cavadini and passed unanimously. East Wenatchee Planning Commission member Sally Brawley moved to recommend adoption of the Hearing Draft North End Master Site (Subarea Plan) as an element of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan; and Amendment of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan Policy C-20 to clarify compatibility of land use; and adoption of the North End Planned Action Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Robert Hunter and was passed unanimously. • A five-minute break was taken. B) A joint East Wenatchee and Douglas County hearing was held to consider the Loop Trial Overlay. Planning Staff Tara Zeigler provided an overview of the interim official controls and proposed Loop Trail Overlay District amendments to the East Wenatchee and Douglas County codes as presented in the staff report. Public testimony was accepted into the record from Randy Walter, Eliot Scull, Mike Dingle, Emilie Fogle, Cal Fitsimmons, Bonnie Ore, David Haehl. Mr. Macalister, Jack Stagge, and Lisa Morrison. Douglas County Planning Commission member Tanya Davis moved to recommend adoption of the Douglas County Code Title 12 and East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapters 12 and 17 based on the findings of fact and conclusions as presented in the August 26, 2016 Staff Report. Chuck Crouch seconded the motion. Planning Commission member Crouch moved to amend the motion to restrict fences within the Loop Trail Overlay. The amendment was seconded by Planning Commission member Davis. The amendment passed with a 5 to 1 vote; Planning Commission member Knowles voted in opposition. Planning Commission member Bollinger moved to amend the motion to change the width dimension on the loop trail access points at 191 22nd 27'h 32nd and 37Ih to a total of 75 feet (37.5 feet to the north and south of the trail centerline). The amendment was seconded by Planning Commission member Davis. The motion passed with a 5 to 1 vote; Planning Commission member Knowles 3 of 127 LU104 • • 'W'd L£:L ie pawnofpe 6ugeow eqi luawujnofpd 'IA -Alsnowlueun passed uollow eqj `jelunH ljagod wal puooes e Lpm uolsslwwoo 6uluueld Alunoo se16no4 Aq apew uollepuawwooai e4l ldeooe of pauollow Aelmuie AlleS jagwaw uolsslwwoo 6uluueld 0943leueM ISU e41 . 'uolllsoddo ul palon salmou){ aagwew uolsslwwoO 6uluueld 'aloA l of 9 e LUM sessed sluawpuawe eqj pue uollow leul6uo a4l uo aloA 941 •peuwjsge u C� 5 of 127 LZ6109 40 Jo ueld anlsuayaJdwoo pa;dope puawe of papualul;ou sl ueld eaJegns ayl seaJe lelluaplsaJ 6ul;;nqe /lplgpedwoo asn puel ssaJppe of ueld anlsuayaJdwoO aayoleu9M;se3 Ja;eaJO ay; to oZ-O J(ollod o; s;lpa Aoualslsuoo Joules a�eW Z (saJoe laoJed £gZ pue saJoe ssoJ6 LLE 6ulssedwooua) eaJe Apn;s ay; ul uol;onJ;suoo aJnlnl apin6 o; �joMaweJl ;uawdolanap len;daouoo a saysllgelsa pue uolle;uawaldwl uo pasnool sl ueld eaJegns ayl ;uawdolanap sal;ppej of s;uawanoJdwl aJn;onJlseJ;ul tiessaoau weJ6oJd of ueld sal;ppel lelldeo a apnpul pinonn pue 'uOlsln u6lsap;uawdolanap uouJwoo a yspgelse of eaJe ay; Jol ueld eaJegns a aleaJO PnOm uolsslWLUOO 6uluueld ay; aJolaq lesodad ayl awq leyl 6uunp paJJn000 sey y;nnoJ6 api lnq 'sJe@A Auew Jol;uawdolanap asn-paxlw pue 1epJ9wwo3 Jo; pauoz pue pauueld uaaq sey eaJe ayl (y00) eeJV gwoJO uegjn s,aayoleuaM;sea ul eaJy ApnlS pu3 gVON ay; Jol ueld eaJegns a 6uuedaJd sl 'RlunoO sel6no4 to uod ay; pue aayoleuaM;sea to 40 ay; y;Inn dlysJauped ul 'Aluno0 sel6no4 puno.t6)loeg aouaJapi sly; Aq uollow sly; olul paleJodJooul aJe loej;o s6ulpul j V luawyoegV aoueulpJO uogoy pauueld ay; pue lJodaJ yeas 9LOZ'4Z;sn6ny ay; ul palsll s6ulpul; ayl aouewpJO uogoy pauueld pu3 yIJON ayl to uolldopy .£ pue 'asn puel to /411lglledwoo f4!jelo of oz-O Ao!lod ueid anlsuayaJdwoO aayoleuaM lse3 JaleaJO ayl;o luawpuawy .Z pue 'ueid anlsuayaJdwoo aayoleuaM lse3 JaleaJO ay; to;uawala ue se (ueld eaJegnS) al!S Jalseyq pu3 ylJoN lleJO 6uueaH ayl to uolldopy :puaWW0391 uolsslwwOO 6uluueld ayl leyl uogoy a aAew I :NOIlOW 03J S3JJf1S luawa;elS;oedwl le;uauJuOJnnu3 leUld uogoy pauueld Pu3 LWON ayl;o lell!wsueJl pue ueld (eaJegnS) allS Ja;seW pu3 ylJO'N ueJO 6uue9H 103rsns 9LoZ 'SZ;sn6ny :31V0 lle;S SGOVUeS pue IR uollelJodsueJl WO�Jd uolssiwwo0 6uluueld aayo;euaM Ise] ;o Al10 uolsslwwo0 6uluueld Aluno0 sel6noQ :ol lau emAjunoosel6nop_mmm 496E-999/60S :XVd • £LLL-499/609 3NOHd Z0996 VM'33HO1VN3M 1SV3 • V 311ns'MN 13381S H16L Ohl S301MA3S 4Mdl'8 NOUVi80dSNV2ll J.iNnoo sd-lJnoa nnGNVaOW3W • zoning designations in the study area, which would remain Waterfront Mixed Use on the west and General Commercial on the east. 3. Designate a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Planned Action to streamline future environmental review and permitting in the study area. Development that is consistent with the Planned Action Ordinance and Subarea Plan, plus applicable County and City codes would be allowed as planned actions. Description of Subarea Plan vision and Land Use Concept Section 2 of the Subarea Plan states a vision for a "a prosperous center for job -creating industry and a tourist and recreation destination at the North End of East Wenatchee." Growth would occur with the same Comprehensive Plan land use and zoning designations of Waterfront Mixed Use on the west and General Commercial on the east. Within those designations, however, the subarea plan in Section 3.4 offers a flexible guide anticipating a resort and office park on the western lower bench, as well as a mixed -use wine village that would include retail, tasting rooms, and other agriculture tourism. A mix of hospitality, office, business park, institutional uses, retail and commercial recreation would be located on the upper bench. The subarea plan illustrates conceptually how the subarea could develop in a rendered site plan and photos in Section 3.3 and 3.4. Ultimately, site specific development applications will prepare site plans that meet the subarea plan provisions and zoning • code standards, and respond to site conditions. Thus, there could be variation in how development is accomplished within the framework of the plan and regulations as well as mitigation measures in the Planned Action. • Design Guidelines and Standards The subarea plan includes design principles to respect the landscape of the North End and to create a well-connected and well -designed development pattern. In addition to the existing Greater East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area Design Standards & Guidelines, there are two specific types of design standards included in the Subarea Plan A, Protect adjacent residential areas and achieve the vision of the Subarea Plan for the North End as an employment and tourist recreation center: To respond to the need for compatibility of the mixed use and commercial development with residential areas to the south, buffer and transition standards would require additional dense landscaping and requirements where General Commercial abuts residential areas. This would implement the intent of Policy C- 20 in the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, where Waterfront Mixed Use areas abut residential, development would implement at least two measures out of a menu including landscaping, fencing, lowered heights, or increased setbacks. B. Nonmotorized Connections: The plan identifies that adopted County and City street standards require sidewalks on public streets. However, the plan also 7 of 127 M 10 8 • 'SI3 48Ja ay; uo sluawwoo of sasuodsai suie;uoo SI3 IeU13 SUl -uodaa l;e)S s!y; Jo y luewyoellb ui sesuodsai pue sluawwoo ueld eajegnS o!poads aaS •spiepuels sa!;i!!ln pue 'aoinJas;o slanal uolleliodsueil 'Aj!!!ggedwoo asn pue! 'luawua!nua leinleu ssaippe of sanseew uo!;e6ipw ay; sapnpui uolloH pauueld ayl •malnaJ oggnd of loafgns aq ll!m sluawu6lle pue subisap pea ajnln=i •spooyjogy6!au ;ueoefpe uo o!i}eil y6nay; ssed pone pue pu3 WON ay; uiy;!m uo!leliodsuml ale;!l!oeJ of popuslul s! Tom;au peoi ay; pue 'spiepue;s f4!0 pue f4unoo mol!ol II!m u61sop peon{ anoge paquosap se spiepue;s uol;isuei; pue sjal;nq sassaippe ueld eaiegns ayl 'Soldol jaylo pue 's6euleip 'y;nos ay; of seaie le!luap!saj Ul!m Al!I!q!ledwoo 'olyeil pue spec 'sly6!l pue saioads pi!q uo paluawwoo suosjad ;uawdolanap an;nJ jol ssaoad malAQU le;uawua!nua a(4; aullweajis of popua;ul aoueulpjo uoiloe pauueld 4eip ay; poluasaid osle 6u!;aaw slyl 'dd3S 41!m aouepi000e ul 'ueld lJwp ay; ajeys o; 9LOZ ' l l Rlnr play sem 6upaaw Allunwwoo lueoai;sow ayl Mid eaJegng ijeip uo sauawuro:) of sasuodsed oggnd jol salilunpoddo papina-luawwoo d osle pored ma1AGJ ueld eajegns �(ep-Og pue wwoo poued luewwoo Aep-OC SI3 lJeJd 'ssaoad 6uldoos SI3 u0lloV pauueld ayl -ueld ayl malnaJ • pue dolanap of play s6uuay;e6 Jay;o pue 's6ulleaw uo!sslwwo� 6uluueld �l!� �(luno� ;ulof `6u!laaw �lunwwoo 'allaijeyo u6lsap a '6ulpnloul 'ssaoad ueld eajegns ayl 6uunp;uawa6e6ua o!lgnd Jo sa6els Ruew ayl saquosap ueld eajegns ayl Jo g jaldeyo suaLueBeBu3 01lgnd J0 'lOaSM se yons saloua6e ollgnd Aq aA!O Jo Aunoo Wd ay; n;nJ ayl ul painoes aq pinoo leyl spun; o!lgnd le!;ualod ay; of uolIelaj u! lu!od slyl le luawaldwi o; aa1 uo!le6II!W to lanai legm s! aoloyo �(ollod Rail y •seal uolle6l;lw uogoy pauueld y6nayl pa!ldde aq pinom du; jad lsoo ay;'Spun; ollgnd Jo fq!llgellene Jo lanai ayl uo 6ulpuadep aq pinom du; jad sluawanadun pea Jo;soo ay; leym salJ!luap! ueld ayl -eaje sel6noQ-uel9yo ay; ul seaie oldwexe Jaylo of pu3 gPON ayl ul puel panadwl Jo loot ajenbs jad isoo ayl siap!suoo Alpeaq uolloas ayl 'Alleuoll!ppy •suolinq!Auoo a; SAW pue o!ignd Jo uolleu!gwoo a Ul!m popunl aq pinoo s;uawanadwi moy pue asn;onuise4ul pauueld to isoo ay; seleiisnll! b jaldeyo Mgpund 'idaouoo asn puel ueld eajegns pue easy ylmoao uegjn ay; ul pamolle;uawdolanap Jo slanal uegjn ayl analyoe of papeou aq pinom sluawanwdwl lamas pue 'Jelemwjols 'jelem Jo spuiM leym smogs ueld Al!l!ln H -Ulmw6 wsuno; pue;uawAoldwe ejnlnl jol /4!3edeo pue AI!ngoauuoo leuo!llppe salean ley; ueld uogelnalo a sag!luap! ueld eajegnS ay; 'yg uolloaS ul ueld sawlyn Pue uollelnajl3 'walsRs Ilejl leuol6ai • ayl of SUOIl09000O lsom-lsea alowad;ey; sAe"lem ueu;seped el!s-uo sailnbai • Description of Amendments to Policy C-20 Through Policy C-20, the current Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan requires future development in the study area to provide a 20-acre buffer along the southern edge of the General Commercial designation, located north of 35th Street NE and between NW Empire Avenue and SR 28, to protect adjacent residential uses to the south (Ordinance No. 2015-07): C-20 The General Commercial area designated on the upper bench area, east of Empire Street, west of State Route 28 (Sunset Highway) and north of 35th Street NE is intended to develop as a master planned project. a) A total of 60 acres is designated for this general commercial district, of which 60 acres would be specifically for commercial land uses. A 20- acre area, generally located along the southern perimeter of the site, is identified as a transition area that would incorporate landscaping and open space. The purpose of the transition area is to buffer this commercial area from the less intensive development surrounding the area. b) Design features for the master plan for projects in this General Commercial area would include landscaping, transition buffer, linkages to the trail system, open space, design consistency between adjacent • buildings, establishment of an interior road network, and orientation of buildings for access from the interior road system. c) Direct access to the SR 28 by individual uses would be prohibited. The policy does not specify the mechanism for implementing this requirement, how the burden should be divided among property owners, or the precise landscaping characteristics of the buffer zone. The subarea plan includes added landscaping to implement the policy for the General Commercial designation, as well as the Waterfront Mixed Use area when it abuts residential areas. Some minor policy amendments are proposed below to align the policy with the subarea approach to the transition: C-20 The General Commercial area designated on the upper bench area, east of Empire Street, west of State Route 28 (Sunset Highway) and north of 35th Street NE is intended to develop as a master planned project. a) A total of 80 acres is designated for this general commercial district,- _-J A nn V Along the southern perimeter of the site, - is ideati€ied as a transition area44at would incorporate landscaping and open space consistent with the North End Master Site (Subarea) Plan. The purpose of the transition area is to buffer this commercial area from the less intensive development surrounding the area. • 9 of 127 • 'ZL L- PUB '99 L- 'V9L-L L-L6L ob'M PUB OVV•olZ'£V Moa 41!m lualslsuoo aoueu!pJo uolloy pauueld a 46noJyl paluaweldwi aq pfnom leyl saJnseew uo!le6ll!w paylluap! pue ueld al!S Jaiseyy pu3 41JON ayl;o sloedwi leluawuoJ!nua lellualod ayl 6u!zAleue luawalels loedwl lelu9wuoJlnu3 ue paJedaJd sey Alunoo ayl g 'Ue!d easy aayoleuOAA ise3 JaleaJo pale!oosse pue veld an!suayaJdwoo 94110 salo!lod ayl yl!m luals!suoo luawdolanap opledwoo aJnsue of ueld al!S Jalselnl pu3 WON ayi UM!m sau!lap!n6 u6!sep 6ulldope s! Ai!o/Alunoo a41 •V 'ueld eaJy 99y3leU8AA lse3 JaleaJo pale!oosse pue veld an!suayaJdwoo ayl;o sa!o!!od ay; yi!m luals!suoo yob 94110 saipunpoddo wsunol pue luawAo!dwe ay; aoueyua of papuelul sivauJisanul aJnlorulseJ;ui pue sasn puel;o abueJ a salowcud pue 'seaJe oullaJoys anll!suas Alleml!no pue ApeluawuoJ!nua sp!one 's!!eJl yoeaa Apob pue !!eJl door lel!deo alddy ayl;o isea seaJe pueldn ui ylmoJ6 sesnoo; ueld WS Jalseyy pu3 WON a41 -£ -ylNo Japun ueld eaJegnS a paJap!suoo ueld al!S Jaiseyy Pu3 44JON 94110 uo!l!PPe 94141!m ueld eaJy aayoleuaM lse3 JaleaJE) paleposse pue ueld anlsuayaJdwoo ayi 6u!puawe s! pue VVYE) ayl 4i!m 6ulA!dwoo ue!d an!suayaJdwoo a paldope sey Ai!o/Alunoo ayl 'Z (yW loy luawo6eue fry yimao ayl;o sivawannbaJ aq) of loafgns s! Ai!o/Alunoo agi - L • ueld eejegnS pesodoid loed;o s6u!Pu!d 'saJnp000Jd asn puel paldope Apo pue Alunoo of luensJnd pema!naJ aq pfnom pue 'suo!lelnBei pue smel paldope lie yl!m luals!suoo aq of peau @is pfnom sloafoJd yons py •y xlpueddy ueld eaJegnS u! papnloul 'aoueu!pJo uogoy pauueld ayi ui paluawnoop pue SI3 ayi ul pa!pnis saJnseaw uo!le6li!w pue 'suo!idwnsse o!geJi 'luawdo!anap;o adAl ayi yi!m luais!suoo aJe Aayl;! uo!leo!ldde;!uuad;o awll ayl le suolleu!wJalap yd3S eumbaJ lou ll!m uolloy pauueld paleu6!sap ayi Japun 6u!dolanap eaJe Apnis lesodoJd ayl ul sloafoJd amind PZLL-of V9L-LL-L6L OVM pue OVV'OLZ•£V MOH aaS) •96e1s malnaJ l!wJad ayl le ueyl JayleJ a6els 6uluue!d ap!m -eaJe ue 6uunp s!sA!eue !eluawuoJlnua pal!elap aJow sap!noJd uo!loe pauueld y -eaJe Apnis ayl u! 6ullipjad pue malnaJ leluawuoJlnua eunin; ouliuJm'Is of uolloy pauueld yd3S e;o uolleu6lsap ayi sapn!oui osle uolssluJUJoo 6u!uue!d ayl aJo;aq lesodoJd ayl eaueu!pJO uolloy pauueld;o uo!ldlJosep popggoJd aq pfnom sesn lenplAlpgl Aq gZ &3 ayi of ssaooe loaJlo (o -Welds pea Joua;ul ayl woJj ssaooe Joj 96ulpllnq Jo uolle;uauo pue ')IJom;au peoJ Joua;ul ue;o;uawysggelse 's6ulpllnq ;ueoe(pe uaamlaq lfouaisrsuoo u6lsep 'coeds uado 'welsefs lleJl aq; of se5eHug 'jaynq uoglsueJ; `Buldeospuel apnloul pfnom eaJe leloJawwoo leJauao sl4l ul spe.foJd Jo; ueld Ja;sew ay; Jo; saJn;eaj uBlsao (q • • 6. Douglas County, in coordination with the City of East Wenatchee, initiated a sixty- day review under RCW Chapter 36.70A on June 2, 2016. 7. The County/City provided several opportunities for meaningful public involvement and has considered all comments received; and, as appropriate, has modified the subarea plan or mitigation measures in response to comments. Planned Action Ordinance Findings 6, The Recitals in the ordinance are adopted herein as Findings of the Board of County Commissioners / City Council. 9. The County/City is subject to the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA). 10. The County/City has adopted a Comprehensive Plan complying with the GMA and is amending the Comprehensive Plan and associated Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan with the addition of the North End Master Site Plan considered a Subarea Plan under GMA. The County/City is adopting design guidelines within the North End Master Site Plan to implement said Plans, including this Ordinance. 11.The North End Planned Action EIS, Attachment F, and the environmental thresholds in Attachment D identify the location, type, and amount of development that is contemplated by the Planned Action. The Planned Action EIS adequately identifies and addresses the probable significant environmental impacts associated with the • type and amount of development planned to occur in the designated Planned Action Area designated in Attachment B. 12.The mitigation measures identified in the Planned Action EIS, attached to this Ordinance as Attachment E and incorporated herein by reference, together with adopted County/City development regulations are adequate to mitigate significant adverse impacts from development within the Planned Action Area. 13. Future projects that are implemented consistent with the Planned Action will protect the environment, benefit the public, and enhance economic development. 14.The County/City provided several opportunities for meaningful public involvement and review in the North End Master Site Plan and Planned Action EIS processes, including a community meeting consistent with RCW 43.21 C.440, has considered all comments received; and, as appropriate, has modified the proposal or mitigation measures in response to comments. • 15. Essential public facilities as defined in RCW 36.70A.200 are excluded from the Planned Action as designated herein and are not eligible for review or permitting as Planned Action Projects unless they are accessory to or part of a project that otherwise qualifies as a Planned Action Project. 16. The designated Planned Action Area is located entirely within a UGA. 17. implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the Planned Action EIS and included in Attachment F will provide for adequate public services and facilities to serve the proposed Planned Action Area. 11 of 127 M JO U • • sluewwoo ollgnd :y }uawyoe:RV • Vwhskhq#Qhxhgvfkzdgghu#+19896, Iurp= Nhq*hggh-4P rxerp eC krvp dW p A Vbqw= Wxhvgd I Apkght54 ^3491534*P Wr= VvhskhgfQ hxhgvfkz dggh*9696, Vxemhfw= Gid34K fQru*JHggJV dvohl&dq I spoke to someone months ago about this project. It surprises us that anyone would think surrounding a small group of residential property owners with this type of commercial development would not have a drastic effect on our quality of life and property values. I would like to see specific data on assessment values and historic outcomes on properties adjacent to and surrounded by this type of project. I work at Confluence Health/Central Washington Hospital and we frequently get complaints from surrounding residents about parking, traffic, and other types of disturbances. When compared to your plans for this area the hospital is benign activity. Ken Bennett, RN, CRNI, CWO-Eng USCG Retired Judy Bennett 3650 NW Cascade Ave. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 kobjmb@hotmaii.com (509)670-7142 • 13 of 127 LZ6b04L • 11 Z9S£-988-60S any alj M N OZ££ jazleg pleuo8 'slue4i 'SI3 a4l ul passaippe lou sem uoilnllod asiou pue ig811 'S -passaippe aq 01 spaau slaaJls asogl 8ulnadwi 41im paleiaosse slsoa a4l •mol; aiyeil algeiA a aney of pjem43uou lawls 4161 woj j pauapim aq of paau legl slaags leiluaplsai 'maieu we 'slawls ssaa iiagl gllm 8uole'slawls asogl jo py •eaje pauueid a418upowa glnos agl woj; aiyeil Aq pasn slaails aq osle pinom (papualxa;i) any iij pue ajidw3 'apeose3 •slaajis g18£ pue 415E 8uole lasunS wog; 41noS ayi wa; pue andw3 oluo uagl pue L6/Z Aem4g'H uo isam ayi wojl eaje agl 5upalua aijjejl siapisuoa Aluo SI3 Pue ueld a41 al�eil'b 'SI3 agl ul passaippe uaaq lou sey si4i •sapiallsad gllm paleulweluoa aq Aew 1ios ayi flans se pue saeaA a41 nano spieg»o jol pasn uaaq sey ueld a4l uiylim puel eqj jo ganiN •£ 'ueld ayi jo Aiepunoq walse3 a4l uo JaaP alnw suolluaw Aluo SI3 a41 •eaje pauueld a4l ul41lm JaAnd eigwnlo:) a41 pue andw3 uaamlaq 8uinil jaap ainw luaplsaj aae WaU'Z •eaje pauueid a4l ulyllm 8ulnll limo pue slme4 lailswl pue llel paj aje ajagi 'Aajdso a4l pue salRea uaplo8 pue pleq a4l 01 uoilippe ul •luawaiinbai 1e41 salelolA lnoAel ueld luazina a4l laal00£ u1411m s8uippnq jo spea ou saimbai pue slsau 9s041 slaalad lay pj!g AjoleiBlW jejapaj a41 •papualxa ajam il;l ways laasJalul pinom any n j ajagm Alalewixojdde le sauil jamod and agl uaamlaq paleaol si jallel ayi •eaje agepiA aulm a4l ul si japo a4l pue luaj jalem a418uole a8pijq uel4segepo a41 10 43uou 8uiaq auo 41im salod llel uo aue 4108 •eaje pauueid a4l ul41im sisau Aajdso anliae oml ale ajagi -1 'SI3 a4l pue veld a4l uiylim passaippe aq 01 paau swan Sulm01101 041 punol aney pue S13 sM pue ueld pasodad a4l pamalAw aney I 'uagdalS MBbl*bp$pWp dkbbF#Nna 0=n;c(maxA '9686*gEbp z36^hTx7olbiPisW =am df#98=916t,FWE#T4b3Wjp5ba d =AbgA v dz p deax jil#pw6Dpbm MffDPb3n =dani • '9686 +#ngSbpzNjAbgxiO#bgXSLIMA K SL PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 of CHELAN COUNTY P.O. Box 1231, Wenatchee, WA 9880 1231 • 327 N. Wenatchee Ave., Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 663-8121 • Toll Free 1-888-663-8121 • www.chclanpud.org July 1, 2016 Stephen Neuenschwander, Principle Planner Department of Transportation & Land Services Douglas County 140 19th Street NW, Suite A East Wenatchee, WA 98802 RE: Chelan PUD's comments on the Planned Action Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the North End Study Area Subarea Plan Dear Mr. Neuenschwander: • As an adjacent landowner and owner/operator of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensed Rock Island Hydroelectric Project (RI Project), the Public Utility District No. l of Chelan County (PUD) wishes to thank Douglas County, the City of East Wenatchee, and the Port of Douglas County for the opportunity to review and comment on the Planned Action Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS). The Draft EIS offers a qualitative and quantitative analysis of environmental impacts and potential mitigation measures to minimize environmental impacts to proposed actions within the North End Study Area Subarea Plan (Subarea Plan). The Subarea Plan is intended to create a capital facilities plan to guide necessary infrastructure improvements to facilities development, and would focus on establishing a conceptual development framework to guide future construction and implementation of proposed actions within the Subarea Plan action area. The Subarea Plan encompasses approximately 317 acres adjacent to the east approach to the Odabashian Bridge and includes 1.24 miles of frontage on the Columbia River. The geographical area of Subarea Plan encompasses both District owned property and a segment of the RI Project operating boundary upstream and downstream of the Odabashian Bridge. The PUD is currently pursuing the option to acquire approximately 25.4 acres from Washington Department of Transportation immediately downstream of the Odabashian Bridge for conservation and passive recreation purposes. Additionally, the PUD is anticipating submitting a request to FERC to modify the current RI Project operating boundary; adjusting project boundary area downstream of the bridge to encompass land from the Apple Capital Loop Trail to river's edge and removing project boundary land upstream of the bridge to be consistent with the contiguous Exhibit G line for right -to -flood reservoir operating purposes (see attached map for detail). For these reasons, the District has an interest in the proposed action and potential impact to the environment and compatibility with FERC operating requirements under either proposed alternative (Full Intensity, Moderate Intensity). Matters of interest include but are not limited to; shorelines, recreation, cultural resources, plants and animals, wetlands and waters of the U.S., fisheries resources, surface and 0 groundwater and critical habitat cowasscwRs GarryArseneaub, Carrion Bergren, Dennis S Bola, Ann Congdon, RandyStnith Ge*R&mkwzER Steve Wright 15 of 127 LU1096 0 sa8uego pasodwd ZI;!q!gxg}o deyg :sainsoloug a>f saainosag IemUsI1 solaamQ uoasn{L 41!a}I sp�e8all lsag wawalelS;oeduq leluauwoitnug letnd asn4n3 it ui paquosap suotloe ;o;uawaldwoo Ilty ay; 8utpnlaut ueld eamgnS aup;o uopuluawaldwi injss000ns of pmtvo3 slool Qfld a4,I, 'suoyae pauueld 8utlgnlena uagm adeospuol otpjo ialogmgo ay; uotlejap!suoa olu, ayes pinoys glmoig pauueld-llaM Am unnunoW apeoseo pug SIIIq;oo; a41;o smatn ,Geutpsoej;xa pug ssaaoe oggnd panlgn y;tm;g;tgey awlaiogs pug pueldn anbuun ,Clan sluasaidai ueld eamgnS aqy (S •saanosai Igluawuomnuo Jo uotloa;oad uual-8uo13o Ivog a 41!m samsuaw volIs MW �ap!suoo of sletagio alq!suodsaj Vd3S aayo;euaM Iseg;o dlt� us C;uno3 SvISno(I ay; sa8einoava (Md ay,I• •loa(oid uotloe pauueld a se Aj!lvnb of polsanbaa Alaleudo.tdde pug kressaoau aq pinoo sainseaw uolleSiptu leuoptppe '(aldumxa .to; suo!laolad 121em 20eytns pug .IalempunoJS) saouelsw awos uI pa,(oidwa wesuo.109 uotle8tl!w ,Golepugw amsse of slesodoad luawdolanap 8wo8-uo ;o uogvnlena ln3a�ea annba� Iltm uolldo Vd3S uotloV pauueld a 8utluawalduq Q •saie Spn;s oql io; passaippe am: swaauoo aamosas lemylno amsse dla4 ll!^+ uolluN vuumly t pug soq!u,ly paleiapa;uoD all!nloZ) ay; ql!m uotlsutp.t000 . pug uotivilnsuoo to aoua8ytp anp ;nq soamosw IvAoloavgate;o suo!leool pala;unoaua ClaKtl avow Pug umou>f woy Aeme pug uo.lo!psunFoutlajogs alp ap!s;no glmoi8 sasnoo; uuld eamgnS a41 -satnseaw uotlesipm pasodoid pug suot;elaoi aleudoadde f4s!;gs pug wawaldw! 01 luaugtwwoa a41 8utpnlow saanosmd Iem;InJ Io sts,(Ieue SIg Iuja ay; suoddns pus sa;a!oaadde (Md oqI (q 'InauwOmAna aq; uo s)aaJJa an11e8au aztwlulw 0; KIUSSaaau s! s;uawanadwt uotleliodsue.q pug `jamas `aa;emuuozs Jo; sloiluoa leluawuonnua patmbaj 30 uoge;uawa!dw! Iln3 sa;nq!4M a;g;o Aigenb pantgn 8utniasaid Pug ;uawuomnua aq; 8utloalad o; ISoa g Is awon Iou pinoys lgauaq wwouoag •vaje ,(pups ay; 3o alg;s padolanap-japun luaLna ay; so pasuq ;gauaq pug glmoig otwouoaa jol SI!unuoddo ls2leaj8 alp s.10go antlewa;l V ,(;!sualul Ilnd a4,I (S •awes ay) Ioal;at of SIg lem3 aql sa8gmoaua Pug u0lstn s!yl suoddns C[nd a4.I •(Iie1.I gaeag ,6130g pug I!e{I doo•I Iv;!&Z) alddV alp 3o ptg,ty MA) ease antla104S aq; ut Sl!n!Iae JO;uawdolanap lguuo3 p!ong of tgadde san!leu.tallV 41og (q •s ,(pn;s 34; ul 8utlltuw ueutp�p u aala uad pug matnaj Ieluauoatnua anquy outlweaus o; (OV I) aoe Pa�ld (VdgS) loV do!lod le;uawuoilnug alelS a 3o uol;dopg oql opnlout oslu: pinom lesodoad a4.I (£ •smawaimbai 8w;giado Qupunoq loafoid N Pag!pow a4; q;!m 1valSlsuoo aq pinom Ivy ueld vamgnS agl a!q;!m suotloe pauueld jo uo!leatldde oql laoddns sum;gu8tsap au!laaoys pug Swuoz asayy •,(ouen.tas1103 uegjrl pure IVJT4v Q am suot;euBlsaQ au!laiogS aqy •asfl paxryq W04JaleM Pug lel3J2unuo3 IvauagJO uotletagwoo v s! eats Xpm aql u! Sutuoz luomno (Z •eaje dpn;s agl my;tm uo!IeuBlsap 8wuoz of sa8ueg3 Auu apnlaut )on PInom ueld a;!S ialsel/tl atl; 'ael;ewallV Ja4Ua Iptm 1e41 52ai8e pug spuglsjapun QCId a4.L (1 • :SI3 )JesQ aql 0; sluawwoo 8mm0110; atl; sJaJJo QIId aq,I, sao.Wag puo7 31 u671ouods MU Jo juawjlodaQ djunoa sol8no(7 aauunId a/d'ouud •JapuDmyosuanaN uaydaIS -.iyy I N W�E 9 TM n p N pmWd.tl for.Numu�nn.l p.gcu..My nanm. W-ey E LU1086 • 6506-£99 (60S) jo•sel nop-uelaL4:)'W nnn 11JNnO7 NOI1V1)J0dSNVk1j sVlE)nOa-NV13H:) JolaaJla an1lnaax3 'sualllM }}af •sliewai Aw;o uollealluep io uollewjojul leuolllppe paau noA jI Mowl aw lal aseald 'S13 14eia aql uo luawwoa of Allunlioddo aql joj noA luegi •Aiessaaauun pue ueld ayl yl!m lualslsuooul aq of sjeadde £9-£•d uo a2enSuel ayl'laaaaoo si slgl SulwnssV -(uolleluawnoop Aue pull 1ou plp 1 gSnoylle) sllemapls apnpul op leyl salewlls@ lsoo lualuanoidwl Aempeoi sluasaid veld 14eia ayl leyl sl 2ulpuelsiapun Aw weld ayl ul pal}lluapl sAempeoi papualxa pue mau ay1 }o uollanjlsuoa ayl ul papnlaul aq 4ou jym s1leMapls leyl awnsse of jeadde sluawalels asagi „•eaje pauueld jalsew ia2iel slyl ssaae saphiq pue sue1lsapad aol lslxa aslnnuaylo lou pinom 1ey1 suoilaauuon Aaj apinad pinom asayl ••• sAempeoi lewalul mau Suole palonalsuoa aq AIajII Plnonn s1lemapls'Alleu0lllppy„ :puV „•IuawdOlaAap ayl jo lied se sllemapls to uo1lanjlsuoa ayl wojj Bede ease Apnis ay1 uiyl!m pal3lluapl uaaq aney salIMPel pazuolow-uou 01 sluawanojdwl ON :ydej9ejed slyl ul saoualuas lsel pue lsjlj ayl A4uep aseald salllllae3 pazuolow-uoN >9-£ �(anuany a�ldw3;o suolsualxa pa!3!luap! ayllo yloq 2ulpnioul) anuany andw3 Suole AennaiIlq „Z adAl„ a aledlallue osle pinom pue 'eaje Apn1s ayl ul slaaals lelia:pe pue aolaalloa paipssep Allejapal Ile uo s1lennapls aledlallue Plnom ueld uo11e1uodsue.Jl aSuej-Buol ayi'ObOZ uollelaodsuejl ul sp.lepuels Sol leUOiSaj;o uollealidde A13 •aleinaoeul aq pinom luawalels slyl uayl'(luawnaop ayl lnog9noayl pagljasap we Aay1 se) „sa!1!Ilae; pazuolow-uou„ pajaplsuoa a-je sAemajlq laaals-uo pue s1lemapls;l pue 'sueld paauaaajai asoyl 10 auo Si obOZ uolleliodsueal11-paauajajaj Sulaq aje sueld q:)igm Apuep aseald „•eaje Apn1s ay1 ul sueld aSuej Suol oMl Jo Jaylla u1 pal}lluapl uaaq aney salllllaej pazlJolow-uou 01 sluawanoadwl ON. :salels uolloas s14110 aaualuas 1sj1j ayl salllllae j pazuolow-uoN 6S-£ "sluawanoidwl jaylo„ jo aldwexa ue se uollaas slyl woa} panowaJ aq pinoys silemapls leyl sieadde 11 •aldwexa ue se s1lennapls A3lluapl 01 uo saos pue „@pew aq pinoa ••• liomiau Aempeoi ayl 01 sluawanoidwl jayjo„ saglaasap uollaas leyl •AAoiolpejluoa pue Aiessaoauun aq of s-jeadde ydejOeied puoaas ayl ul lxal ayl'(slaajls leualie pue aolaalloa uegjn jol spiepuels 19ails Bullslxa Aq paalnbai aae 1ey1 sainleal Aennpeoa jaylo pue) sjleMapls;o anlsnloul We ueld ay1 ul pal;lluapl slsoa laafoid ajnlonalsealul Aempeoi a411ey1 uolldwnsse Aw uo pase8 qc1eiRied puoaas SI-T :veld Jalsew pu3 y1JON ayl col SI3 WAI 041 uo sluawwoa gulnnollol ag111wsuejl of luas sl Ilewa slyl 'japuemyasuanaN •aw mbg dLt^pAApgps d1Pp,,bu db-zjAbF# jmj3ybp5rq-P d#6bI-#�tna () =re3L>waxA CnXIWCx.z6x.xmzs JP1P4^TnP3#P' (Wt,:86}# T'M[v C#na'ApCx.zE) =33 ' 9686 Hpg6bp z3gAbgxg 0tbLjXsLMA =am d3fE =1#6TEgYt##pMyIPELnI =MbgA V fngnp CxzEpbpq'5g jrrrpi 4p! hgtq 3r =dzn i • '9686)+#nubbpzD{jnbux-qa# uNsuMn Vwhskhq#Qhxhgvfkzdgghu#+{9896, 0 — Iurp= P fJc vkhulAIF IgvkkYifP P fJcrMFC z v9r%& dlj ryA Vhgw= Iu13dI/)W4 W Ab34 9#7�69WP Wr= VQiskhq#Q hxhqvfkz dggh* 98 96 , Ff= Vduhvf.dq#iQFU,�Whu✓fkedfk,4VdYI3W dv',k-gANhLuI4P dq}durX1fkrad%�hga rqw# Fad%rq Vxemhfw= Qr-k4igg#IP VS#3gg4Scdgghg#Uf;&C#13uia#iy Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above referenced document. Sections in the document that reference the State Highway impacts and mitigation are reasonable, but will require further vetting as the site development begins to take shape. At this time WSDOT has no issues with the Draft EIS as written, please advise if you need further clarification. Thanks again, Cynthia McGJothern WSDOT NC Region Transportation Planner (509) 667-2910 l� u • 19 of 127 E wo:)•1iew uoslo 1-88S-O98-6OS uos/od lied •osuodsal anoX o; piennuo3 3lool I -uoi;do;ey;;t31001o; ansy �Csw I paennto3 sanow ueld shy; 3�;nq `uoos awi; ,due Su�now uo Sutuueld l,usen� I •sly; y;inn pJEnvo3 anow o; soppap ,{;unoo ay;3i alq!ss000eui ,Cjgrssod pue poseaaoap aq pinoo amen Suisnoy ,Cw;ey; Sui;m;snaj ;rq a s,;I Zkvadold Xw ;oedwi pinonn siy; nnoy pue;sjopun au dlay pue siis;ap aay;anj ui sit; uieldxa pus;no owoo o; ouoawos ioj alq!ssod aq;! pinoM •onlen pus osn s,,Cuadoid Xw;oedwi (livojS pinonn;i;nq `psoi ay; unnop sjgoA Xusw aq pinoo sly; nnou31 pus sly; y;tnn pa;el;snij;lq a w,I -uo►uldo Xw woi3 algiss000sui aSscsS (w a31ew pinonn fpodotd siy; Suisol `aSeieS ,Cw o1 ,Cennanup daa;s s ansy ,Cpsaile I-uoddsy siy; a�iew o; (,Cann 30 ;ySu s,,C;unoo ay; puo,Caq) ,Claadoad slogggiou ,Cw io ,Cpadoad /Cw jay;la o;ui ,Cl;ue33iuSis ;no ray;ta llrnn sly; pus;no;i poinssaw I Sui;aaw ay; lajd -auul uin; Ja;uoo s apnioui pus sopis y;oq uo silennapls apnloul o; pouapinn aq pinonn aaidwg 3o qlSuol aai;ua ay;;ey; pautsidxa sum ;i `;yStu;ssl Sub;aaw ay;3o uol;oas asnoy undo ay; SuynQ -aouis aiay; Sulnli uaaq aney pus yo.lsW ul and aa�dwg MIDI LOfi£ pasupind ,Cl;uaoaa I -vmS widwg aSusyo pus uaplAn o; ueld posodoid ay; uo pauaaouoo ;tq s ws pus ;uawdolanaCI pug 41JOK ay; Joj ;ySlu ;ssl uoc;B;uosaid ay;;B sum I `uayda;S (aH mbq dsmEpiu E #5bF#3ffu b=M3t.#waxA ' 9686HPtlBbP z39� MbqP{su"%A =,Jm r1##6Y£'SW5if#b)WIp&a M =mbuA V dsgsTp dC Jb-wis V_T &bsozgptP3 =d.zn I • '9686 +#nqb pzSijAbqxqo# T4Xs imA 0 Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation Established by the Treaty of June 9, 1855 Post Office Box 151 Toppenish Washington 98948 Steven Neuenschwander July 8, 2016 Douglas County Transportation and Land Services 140 1911 St. NW Ste. A East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Subject: Draft North End Master Site Plan Dear Mr. Neuensell wander, Thank you for contacting the Yakama Nation Cultural Resource Program (CRP) regarding the East Wenatchee Draft North End Master Site Plan. The project is located within the Ceded Lands of the Yakama Nation, the legal rights to which were established by the Treaty of 1855, between the Yakama Nation and the United States Government. The Treaty set forth that the Yakama Nation shall retain the rights to resources upon these lands and, therefore, it is with the assistance and backing of the United States Federal Government that Yakama Nation claims authority to protect traditional resources. We provided initial comment of the UGA North End Master Site Plan Scoping Notice in a letter dated September 15, 2015. We have reviewed the Draft North End Master Site Plan and have the following comments: We concur with the recommendation that cultural resource investigations are conducted for any specific actions under the proposal (pg. 1-i i ). The Yakama Nation CRP has conducted archaeological investigations and Traditional Cultural Property studies in the project area. Tribal consultation and input from Cultural Specialists can aid the agency in avoiding impacts to sensitive resources. • Under the Mitigation Measures (pg. 1-11) to be "implemented to help avoid and manage signicant impacts", it states "continue formal government -government consultation" with the tribes. It should be clarified that consultation is not mitigation, but may be defined during government -government consultation. Under the Solutions or Mitigations to Cultural Resources (pg. 1-12 and pg. 3-51), it states "ally archaeological or historic resources identified will be evaluated in consultation with the Colville Confederated Tribe and the Washington Stale Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation standards". This statement should be corrected to include the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, as we have indicated in previous correspondence to both the agency and the archaeological consultant this project is within the Ceded Lands of the Yakama Nation. Traditional foods, hunting areas, fishing sites, villages, and burials of the Yakama are within proximity to the project area. Archaeological sites are the physical witnesses of the ancestral use of these areas, and are a component of Yakama Traditional Cultural Properties. 21 of 127 Z 610 ZZ uotlenuasOJd OYO3slH pug Voloaegald jo puawvudaQ `.ralgaex uogouaJE):jj wVAOJd saoJnoso-d lemllno JaSeue JS ` otutualN uos ol• `,ClanoulS -anoge asp Autplu2ai suollsanb ,Cue aneq no,(j! woo-ew-oNLX@v osnweoo J0 9LLb ')xa 1e osnweo out.uoD 1st5ojoaeg3Jy dND Jo L£Lb 'Ixa l Z 19-999-609 TO am pogluoo aseald anoge sluawwoo no sassaJppg golgm ueld aqj jo ,Cdoo pas1n3.1 u ale!oaldde pinom aM 'ueld stgl Jo lxaluoO saoinosaJ 1vinu1no ayl pandaid golgm Jolouiluoo leotSoloougoJe aql oluo sluawwoo asagl pmAuoj aseald -sueld uuawlEa.0 Outs pug luawssosse aSeump leuolssajoJd g1!m pataullud uoiuellnsuoo luawuloAOF-luawuJ3no9 aJtnbaJ Ipm it `uuld stgl jo uotleluawaldun pug ooueldaooe aql lags palondwi/paSewup s! aoJnosaJ lgolSoloaeyolu u9 j! `Xllgog!oadS 'l000loJd ,CJanoostp nnainal-;sod a ueld s1! olui ldope pinogs �unoo aqy •310 `uolleluawaldwi loofoid o1 Joud sail,adoid ouols!q jo uollejuownoop `agtJ1 atp,Cq uotledlollJed/`dulJou!uow `SDIJanoostp 1ualJanpeu! `uotluilnsuoo lu3utulano8-juawuJ2no$ sapnlou! aojlould p mpuuls sigl •,CSolooegole ui aoiloe.td lguolssa}oid pJepugls Jag1eJ aim lnq saoJnosol lgJnllno Jo3 uolpeStptw alnitlsuoo 1ou op loudwf leluawuoJinua Jo3 uotleStprw se paulllno 903010id 'uolpelinsuoo luawuJanoS-luawuJanoB u( sonpels lelapaj pug awls oletadoiddg Japun passolppe oq o1 poau lltnt saolnosoi lgJnllno of sloudw! 1ualJ2npeu1 JOJ uoilu2mw `loedwi leluawuoJinua ljeJano ug algSglw o1 popualut aq ,Cew saJnsvow allgM 1eg1 1xa1 u! ,CJ!Jelo asgald •saaunosaJ leJnllno of patldde uagnn Sulsnjuoo st sosodJnd Sl9 Jo{ pasn uolleStllw uuap aq L •slelJnq smnluoo goltim £L I OQSV al!s lealSoloaegoJe3o aoueptone y1in� Jnouoo ann `(ZS-£ 'Sd) saJnsealN uolle8lutlN pasodoJd JagpO Japun •uotugN ewg3lg k aqu jo spugq pug sogill tiI oqj jo ouo se poluasaadaJ X pua.uno om pug IS SS l w '44gaJJ, 0y1 pauSts X041 uagM sanlaswoyl pag!uuop! 2q!J1 agl nog st slgs uollgnl eweile,t, ag1jo spue8 pug soqul pawlopajuoD aql Xq poluasaadoi aJe wedegsjuuaM atll opnloui of papuawu aq pinogs SILL, -«uorjvnaasad allrn100 ayJ fo sagtat palvaapajiaoD ayj fq pajuasaadaa dvpoJ puv fo sagj v juanjpsuoo sv paztu8oaaa ... wvdvyslnua y ao lyojvuaA1 ayJ fo d'01!aaaj lvuo !pv.0 ayJ tgip mt sail va.w dpnjs aqj,, salgls gdej2ulvd psJg aqp °(S£-£ •Sd) saoJnosa-1 lgJnllnD jo uxajuoO otgdeJSougjg aql Japun •saoJnosw leJnllno Sutp.reSai paJggs uotlguuojut 3o aJnpgu antl!suas 24101 anp si slq L •uollglinsuoo poseq-pofoJd Jol lelaW.lo ,Cjunoo/,Couaft og1,fq uolueogllou lsanbaJ pinont am `Jadolanap ayj Xq uollg3g!1ou 01 uotl!ppe ul •,Jrviu palfywo Xq uojStggsvM fo ajnts ayJ puv •uopo1l vurvJln,C ayJ fo spuvd pun sagra,L pamiapafuoD 'sagra,L p91vaapafu03 a1lrnlo j ayJ dfljou of radola,top ayJfo djyrglsuodsaa ayJ aq llvys jt --•vaw 11171d al!s.taj-IMN ayJ u'ryjtnt 110"MulvUOo ao `&gpva YrotJvnvoxa rfuv of aorad„ saris 1t `(£l-I •Sd) sootnosmd leinllno of suojleSjl!IN Jo suotlnloS Japun •siolsa3ug3o leiingaJ letuowaJao pug luawlgaJl ag1 gp!m papetoosse saotlogad le.tnllno og!oods an woLL •uoj.jEN eum3p k aql gl!nn Jn000 uogeoglpou aletpow w! psanbaJ ant `swgutaa ugwnq jo puawleaJl SutpieSaJ (Z l- l -Sd) saoinosa-1 lginllnD ou suollegip! IN Jo suollnloS Japun • �J Stephen Neuenschwander Principle Planner Department of Transportation and Land Services Douglas County 140191h Street, NW, Suite A East Wenatchee WA. 98802 RE: Draft Plan for North End Development Mr. Neuenschwander, QEC E jUL 2 9 2016 DOUGLAS COUNTY TLS My name is Kirk D. Truscott and I live at 3390 Empire Ave. NW, East Wenatchee WA. I attended the North End Community public meeting on 11 July 2016. As a long-time resident in the North End, I have serious concerns regarding the proposed North End Development Project. Principally, my concerns are associated with converting what is now a relatively rural setting into an urban setting and the impacts of that change on the residents the live in close proximity to the proposed development. Of particular concern are the level of development of high and moderate land uses near existing residential areas and the roads and utility plan that will convert what is currently minor traffic flow on Empire Avenue to a major arterial for commuting traffic north and south from the proposed development area. If high and moderate land use is to be associated in close proximity to existing residential areas, a greater set -back from what appears to be planned should be required to preserve the unique and generally tranquil residential community that exists in this area now. Failure to do so, will undoubtedly adversely affect the real estate values for those residents that currently live in close proximity to the proposed development. Although a greater set -back would reduce the area of development, a considerable land -base would still exist for the planned development. For the residents of the area, it is a small price to pay to preserve the existing real estate values. Conversion of Empire Avenue in to a major north -south arterial is particularly troubling for those residents residing on Empire Avenue. Widening of the road to the specifications of an arterial will require substantial widening of a road where residences are relatively close now, further the existing traffic flow on Empire Avenue is low. Conversion of Empire Avenue to an arterial will put traffic very close to existing residence and vastly increase the level of traffic. Both the increased closeness of the road (major arterial) to residences and increased traffic represents a safety issue to residents ingress and egress to their property (i.e. vehicles leaving residences will be into the traffic flow before one hardly get out of the driveway or garage) and a financial hardship as a major arterial this close to the residences will decrease real estate values and in my opinion may make the properties nearly unsaleable. North -south ingress and egress traffic could access the proposed development area from Hwy 28 (Sunset Highway) or Eastmont Avenue via the proposed revision to 35"' Street or via Cascade Street. These ingress and egress routes would preclude the need to extend or convert Empire Avenue 23 of 127 LZ � 10 VZ • • Z0886 'yM'aay:)leuaM 1se3 MN 'any aJldw3 06£E 'AIIn}vadsaa leuaiJe Jofew e of anuany aJldw3 �o UOIS12A000 apnpui jou Saop leyl ssaJOa pue ssaiSui y1nos-y1JOu aAlleuJalle ue dolanap pue salilunwwo:) lei luaplsaJ 8ulislxa ayi pue ivawdolanap ayi uaamiaq sjoeq-las ayl aseaJ3ul of ueld luawdolanap ayi aslnaJ wnwlulw a le pue ,sluaplsaJ 1uaJJm of spedwl an1ie2au algegoJd ayl aonpaJ of ueld ayi aslnaJ pue iunoo:)e of ul sanssl asayi zi {el lllm Aluno:) ayi leyi sadoy y8ly yilm sl 11 •luawdolanap pasodoJd ayi Jeau sluaplsaJ ivaJJnu ayi s1sp „leaf„ sivasaJdaJ pue A�slJ Allepueug yioq sl Ailleivaw „awo:) lilm Aa41'1l pllnq„ ayi 'sJeaA leJanas ised ayi ul ssaulsnq }o ino auoS aney ivawdolanap pasodoJd ayl woJ; JanlJ ayl ssoJoe) AiunoO uelay� ul sassaulsnq snoJawnu pue isngoJ lou sl Awououa luaim) ayi •sanuanaJ Aiuno:) aseaJuul pue ivawdolanap ssaulsnq aleAud ul ilnsaJ lllm aJnl:)nJiseJjul paseanul ayi ieyi „sadoy„ ayi ul Ile pue algelda»eun sl sluaplsaJ luaJJno jo Alajes pue sanlen aleisa leaf ayi Eull:)aloJd pue sanssl asayi 8ulssaJppe inoyllm ivawdolanap e yons yllm paa:)oJd of Aiuno:) ayi Jo3 •Aiales pue Allepueul; yioq 'ivawdolanap pasodoJd ayi Jeau 8ulnll AlwaJJna sluaplsaJ asayi Jo; s�lslJ leliueisgns sivasaJdaJ 'pasodoJd se ivawdolanap slyl'lseal alp Aes of ivawdolanap asodoJd ayi Jeau salilunwLuo:o lelluaplsaJ ayi of sl:)edwl asJanpe ayi azlWlulw pue luawdolanap slyi JOI leualJe ylnos-yiJou Jofew a of • 0 North End Master Site Plan — Subarea Plan Comments Due 8/1/16 0 • Douglas County Sewer District comments. Pg. 1-6 Sewer Service a) I believe it is a 2006 DCSD General Sewer Plan that planned for sewer north of US2/97 by 2020, but there should be no implied DCSD commitment to this date as this projection is growth dependent. b) The district was unable to utilize the PWTF preconstruction loan for Empire Avenue due to the fact that the County was unable to secure funding for the road reconstruction project during which the sewer extension was planned to occur. The loan was terminated and the funds are no longer available. Also, we were only going to extend as far as the County's road reconstruction project to 351h, not all the way to US 2/97, PG 4-16 Strategies and Recommendations, Mechanisms that Tap Value Increase in Property a) Utility Connection Fees: I feel it is pertinent to add that I discussed this very issue of increased GFC's to fund bond debt service earlier this year with our bond underwriter. Increased GFC revenue was not favorably considered to repay debt, as growth may or may not happen. The rating agency strongly held the same opinion. S:Projects/Port N End Study/N End Master Site Plan Comments List 20160729 25 of 127 LZ � 10 9Z r� U 10 0 •algealesun Alaeau sai7oadoid ayl a4ew Aew pue sanlen alelsa lean aseanap II!m saouap!sal ayl of asolo slyl le!ialae jofew a se d!yspjey le!oueug a pue (aSeje8 jo AemanlJp ayj 10 lno lab Alpjey auo aaolaq moll o!lleal ayj olu! aq Illm saouaplsaJ 2ulneal sahlgaA •a•!) AlJadad mayl of ssai0a pue ssaiSul sluap!saj of anss! Alales a sluasaidal ollleJl paseaaoul pue saouap!saj of (lepalue jofew) pea ayl to ssauasolo paseajou! ayl ylo8 'o!lleil to lanal ayl aseanul Allsen pue aouap!sai 8u!lslxa of asola Aaan o!1leil jnd ipm lepaiie ue of anuany aaldw3 to uols�anuo0 mol s! anuany aa!dw3 uo moll o1lleil Sulls!xa ayl jayl,nl'mou asolo Alanllel@J aae saouap!sai aaaym pea a 10 Suluap!m le!luelsgns aj!nbai II!m lepave ue 10 suopeo!lloads ayj of pea ayllo Bu!uap!M •anuany aJldw3 uo 8u!p!sai sluap!saj asoyl jo12ullgnoil Alielnoll.ied si leualae ylnos-ylJou aofew a of ut anuany aa!dw3 to uo!saanuo0 •sanlen alelsa leaa Sullslxa ayl an,asajd of Aed of aoud Ilews e sl i! 'eae ayj 10 sluaplsai ayj ao3 -luawdolanap pauueld ayl col is!xa illls pinom aseq-puei algejap!suoo e 'juawdolanap to eaae ayj aonpaa p1nom � Deq-1as jaleajS a gSnoyjly •luawdolanap pasodoad ayl of A1!wlxad asoio ul any Alluaaano leyl sjuapisaa asop jol sanlen alelsa leaf ayj loa11e AlasJanpe Alpalgnopun ll!m'os op of ajnl!ej 'mou eaae slyl uf slslxa m4l Al!unwwoo le!luap!saj I!nbueal Alleaaua8 pue anb!un ayj aruasaid of paj!nbai aq pinoys pauueld aq of sjeadde leym waal 1:)eq-las aaleal8 e 'seaje lelluaplsai'Sulls!xa of Al!w!xoad asolo ul pale!oosse aq of si asn puel alejapow pue y8ly 11 •eaae luawdolanap pasodoad ayj wal ylnos pue yl,ou ollleil 8ullnwwoa aol lepalie aofew a of anuany aj!dw3 uo moll o!llejl aoulw Alluaiino s! leym IJanuoo IIlm leyl ueld Al!l!ln pue spec ayj pue seaje le!luap!sai Su!lslxe jeau sasn puel aleJapow pue 4814 to luawdolanap to lanal ayj aje waouoo aelno!laed 10 •luawdolanap pasodoad ayj of Aj!wlxad aso!o ul anll ayl sluap!sa ayl uo a8ueyo leyllo sloedwi ayl pue 8u!llas uegjn ue olu! Sumas leinj Alanllelai a mou s! legm 8u!:Wanuoo yj!m pajeloosse aae suaaouoo'Alled!oulJd •loafold luawdolanap pu3 41JON pasodoad ayl 8ulpie8ai suaaauoo sno!aas aney am 'pu3 y1JoN ayl ul sluaplsaj sy 8110vuGs pue, T uoRetJodsuej j Awnoo se,6noQ 9101 10 gob 'aapuemyosuanaN •JW luawdolanad pu3 y1aoN jot ueld 11e'0 :32i Z0886 •VN\ aayoleuaM 1se3 v al!nS 'MN 'laajlS 436T obi Aluno:) seiSnoQ saolnaaS puei pue uo!leliodsueallo luawijedao jauueld aldlouud japuempsuanaN uaydalS n rI LJ To say the least, this development as proposed, represents substantial risks for those residents currently living near the proposed development, both financially and safety. For the County to proceed with such a development without addressing these issues and protecting the real estate values and safety of current residents is unacceptable and all in the "hopes" that the increased infrastructure will result in private business development and increase County revenues. The current economy is not robust and numerous businesses in Chelan County (across the river from the proposed development have gone out of business in the past several years. The "build it, they will come" mentality is both financially risky and represents "real" risks the current residents near the proposed development. It is with high hopes that the County will take these issues in to account and revise the Plan to reduce the probable negative impacts to current residents' and at a minimum revise the development plan to increase the set -backs between the development and the existing residential communities and develop an alternative north -south ingress and egress that does not include conversion of Empire Avenue to a major arterial. Respectfully, Name se,-_4 e, Address 3 3 / f N ur. 32-7 ( A)w e/L,/'r2�- 7 �6 1 iG 27 of 127 LU 30 8Z bh S or ssaippd 1 n'-v W4H aweN 'Alinpadsaa •leualJe jofew e of anuand aa!dw3 }o uo!sJanuoO apnl:)ul lou saop leyl ssaisa pue ssaisul glnos-gipou anlleu.Jalle ue dolanap pue sail!unwwo:) lelluaplsai Suwlsma aqi pue luawdolanap aql uaamlaq sNheq-las aql aseanui of ueld luawdolanap aql aslnal wnw!u!w a le pue ,sjuap!saj luajim of shedwi anllegau algegad aql ampal of veld aql aslnaJ pue luno»e of ui sanssi asagl alel ll!m Aluno:) aql legl sadoq q2!q ql!m s! 11 'luawdolanap pasodoid aq1 leau sluaplsaj luallm aql s11s!1 „leaf„ sluasaidw pue ANsu Allepueu!3 gloq s! Al!Ieluaw „awoo ll!m Aag1'1! pl!nq„ aql •s1e8A lelanas lsed aql ul ssau!snq jo lno auoS aneq luawdolanap pasodoid aql wa; Jan!J aql ssojoe) Aluno:) uelaq:) u! sassaulsnq snaawnu pue lsngoa lou s! Awouo:)a luaain:) aql •sanuanaa Aluno:) aseanui pue luawdolanap ssaulsnq alenlid ul llnsaa 1pm ajnlonjlsej}ui paseajoui aql legl „sedoq„.agl ul lle pue algeldaoaeun st sluap!saa luaiano ;o Alajes pue sanlen alelsa leaf aql Eu!loalojd pue sanss! asagl Sulssaippe lnogl!m luawdolanap e q:)ns ql!m paaooad of Aluno:) aql jo3 •Aiales pue Allepueu11 gloq 'luawdolanap pasodoid aql Beau Ru!nll Alluaiina sluap!saj asogl lo; s�s!J le!luelsgns sluasaidai 'pasodoid se luawdolanap s!ql 'iseal aql Aes of • To say the least, this development as proposed, represents substantial risks for those residents currently living near the proposed development, both financially and safety. For the County to proceed with such a development without addressing these issues and protecting the real estate values and safety or current residents is unacceptable and all in the "hopes" that the increased infrastructure will result in private business development and increase County revenues. The current economy is not robust and numerous bu5inesse5 in Chelan County (across the river from the proposed development have gone out of business in the past several years. The "build it, they will come' mentality is both financially risky and represents "real" risks the current residents near the proposed development. It is with high hopes that the County will take these issues in to account and revise the Plan to reduce the probable negative impacts to current residents` and at a minimum revise the development plan to Increase the set -backs between the development and the existing residential communities and develop an alternative north -south ingress and egress that does not include conversion of Empire Avenue to a major arterial. Respectfully, Name Address 1I lZ, �uS �" rL A-AJ �lr - '/ 16 29 of 127 LZ 6 10 0£ 0 LU 10 Z£ 0 • aoueuipap uoiloy pauueld yxipueddy buipnioui ueld (eajegnS) aji0 S aalseW pu3 UPON :8 lu@WgOeIIy • NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN A Subarea Plan Implementing the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan August 2016 Prepared for: Port of Douglas County in collaboration with: Douglas County City of East Wenatchee Prepared by: BERK Consulting BergerABAM Cultural Resource Consultants MAKERS Architecture and Urban Design Transpo Group • 33 of 127 940-, jsn6n , I yeia buileaH 8 5.............................................................................................. Malnad a!Ignd SI3 U0113V pauueld Z'S T5................................................................................................................................ sdo4sjjoM T'S T-5.......................................................................................luawanionul D!Ignd Pue JauMo Ajjadoad O'S 8T-b................................................................................... uo!leuadooD leuo!lez!ue2io panu!luoJ £'b Li-b............................................................................... spJepuelS Pue 2ulll!wjad uo!PV pauueld Z'b £T-b...................................................... .............................................. suollepuawwoaa�j pue sal2ale-I1S 8_b................................................................................................................................suo!ldo 2u!pu n j 8_b..............................................................................................................................................2u!se4d £_b.......................................................................................................... sanieA puel pue ainlonjlseilul Z-b........................................................................................................ Alwin Pue peon ...........................................ueld 2u!punj T'b T-b.......................................................................................................... Ueld uolPV uo!leluawaldwl O'b bZ-£......................................................................................................... suo!ldo 2u!se4d luawdolanap LT-£....................................................................................... suo!ldo WnnlaN Al!I!ln 78 uo!leliodsuejl ...................................................................................................... sa:)edS :)!Ignd ST-£.............................................................................................................. suo!ldo uo!le:)ol ash puel £T-£................................................................................................................................... a2uea gwojg • OT_£............................................................................................................................. ldauuo:) asfl puej OT-£....................................................................................................................... ueld al!S aalsetN b'£ 8£................................................................................................................................ san13euaallV £'£ L£................................................................................................................suoil3auuOD paz!JolowuoN L_ £....................................................................................................................... suo!lrsuejl pue sjajjng £_£........................................................................................................................ saldDu!Jd u2lsaa Z'£ T_£.................................................................................. ................................... s!sAleuV adempuej T'£ T-£.............................................................................................................suo!lOV pue slda:)uoD ueld O'£ ............................................... saldi:)uud 2u!p!n9 Z'Z T-Z................... ..................................................................................................... luawalelS uo!s!A T'Z ...........................sald!nuud Sul p!ng pue uo!siA 0'Z S_T.........................................................................................suolllpuo:) luawuoainu3 llln8 pue leinleN £_T.............................................................................................................................suo!l:)afoJd 4lMoaE) Z-T................................. ................................................................................. Pu3 4laoN a41 lno gV z'i T_T...........................................................................................................................Ueld sl411nogV T'T TT................................................................................................................................... uoilonpoalul O'i is sjualuoo jo algel NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) INTRODUCTION • 5.3 Legislative Hearings....................................................................................................................5-9 6.0 Background....................................................................................................................................6-1 6.1 Market Study..............................................................................................................................6-1 RegionalMarket Analysis....................................................................................................................6-1 LandUse Competitive Assessment.....................................................................................................6-2 6.2 Comparable Development Areas...............................................................................................6-S North End Growth Range and Example Areas....................................................................................6-5 HospitalityRooms...............................................................................................................................6-7 Exhibits Exhibit1.1-1. North End Study Area..........................................................................................................1-1 Exhibit 1.2-1. Region and Study Area Map................................................................................................1-2 Exhibit 1.2-2. 2015-2035 Population Projections......................................................................................1-3 Exhibit 1.2-3. North Central Washington: Industry Employment Projections 2013-2023 ........................1-4 Exhibit 1.2-4. Use Feasibility and Impact...................................................................................................1-5 Exhibit 1.2-5. Existing Conditions Report Summary ..................................................................................1-5 Exhibit 1.2-6. Natural Environment Features............................................................................................1-8 Exhibit1.2-7. Utility Features.....................................................................................................................1-9 Exhibit1.2-8. Existing Land Use...............................................................................................................1-10 Exhibit 1.2-9. Zoning and Shoreline Designations...................................................................................1-11 Exhibit 3.1-1. Site Observation Photos......................................................................................................3-1 Exhibit 3.1-2. Landscape Analysis Overview..............................................................................................3-3 Exhibit3.2-1. Design Principles..................................................................................................................3-4 Exhibit 3.3-1. Rendered Concept Plan.......................................................................................................3-9 Exhibit 3.4-1. Future Land Use by Intensity and Category .......................................................................3-10 Exhibit 3.4-2. Conceptual Land Use Plan.................................................................................................3-11 Exhibit 3.4-3. Examples of Proposed Development by Land Use Concept Plan Category .......................3-12 Exhibit 3.4-4. Preferred Alternative.........................................................................................................3-13 Exhibit 3.4-5. Preferred Alternative.........................................................................................................3-14 Exhibit 3.4-6. Land Use Sub-Options........................................................................................................3-16 Exhibit 3.4-7. Proposed Transportation Improvements — North End......................................................3-18 Exhibit3.4-8. Transportation Costs..........................................................................................................3-19 Exhibit3.4-9. North End Utility Costs. ...................................................................................................... 3-20 Exhibit 3.4-10. Proposed Sewer and Water Plan.....................................................................................3-22 Hearing Draft I 35 of 127 • • 9LOZ Isn6nd 1 4-(3 6uueOH 0:)ueulPJ0 uoll:)d pauueld 14eJa 8ulaeaH xipueddd 8-9— ..... *"*"*"",**"",**"",**,*'** .............. -4....................................................... aayaleuaM lse3 pue aayaleuaM — swooa Al!lel!dsoH 'b-Z'9 1!q!yx3 9-9**--** """"""""' "' •"•'•" sallunoJ sel2no0 pue uelayJ — seajd uos!jedwoJ aldwex3 '£-Z'9 I!q!4x3 S-9.... ...—*.......... "' (Hbj) sollea eajy jooli pue seaad sel8no0-uelayJ .Ia410 PUe Pu3 4PoN 'Z-Z'9 I!q!4x3 S_9......................................................................................... sanlleuaajjV 41nna9 Pu3 WON 'T-Z'9 I!q!4x3 b_4............................................................................................................ algel al!S aauaialaa .£-1.9 I!q!4x3 £-9""""""""""""" xuleW hedwl luawdo ana alwouoa ue SsauaAll!ladwo I 0 3 p D 'Z-T'9 I!q!4x3 £-9............................................................................. xule pedw ue ssauaAil!ladwo ! x '�""" W I P J'i-T'9 I!q y 3 L-5... ................................................................. InopueH uo!lay pauueld 2u!laaW Al!unwwoJ '9-T'S I!q!4x3 9_5......................................................................................... 91OZ Alnf — 2u!laa!Al Al!unwwoJ .S-i'S I!g14x3 S_5.............................................. SIOZ jagwaaa0 — lno ue aAI eu�a A�eulwl a�I!q!4x3 �������� P H .3 litf S13 .I d 'b-T'S b_5...... ...................................................................................... ..... 8u!puel (auols!H) !4aleuaM •8-T'S I!q!4x3 £_5.....................................................................................................agell!A aJo4S uo!leullsa0 'Z-i'S I!q!4x3 Z_5.............................................................. aaluaJ uoi eaj�a ue ssaulsn a A sa i A ea I I x .3 a P 9 1 1 �.l 411 H 'i-T'S 1.q.4 3 8i b....................................................................................uolPV JaployalelS COI IJonnaweJ3 'T-£'b I!q!4x3 LT-b....................................................................................................ssaaoad uo!loy pauueld 'T-Z'b I!q!4x3 £T-b...............................................................................................uollenleA3 sa�jnoS SuI unI!q!4x3 . .p j 6-i'b L-b"""""""""."•eajy ApnlS ui d!gsjaumo uolleliodsueal jo luawlieda0 alels uol8ulyseM '8-T'17 1!glyx3 9-b""""......... easy Apn1S ui puel jo aje4S uo!leliodsueil jo luawliedaa alel5 uo18u!yseM 'L-T'b I!q!4x3 S-b.... .................................................. ............................... $STOZ'looj ajenbSJad anleA PUeI'9-T'bI!q!yx3 b_b............................................................................................ ,s uawanojdw o s so i i x $9TOZ 1 I� 3 J 5-T'b I.q.y 3 £-b....................... sajeyS alenud pue allgnd 30 aauele8 8u!puad — slsoJ d!il jad AJeulwllaJd 'b-T'b I!q!4x3 E_b....................................................................................................................... slsoJ sall!I!ifl '£-T'b 1!q!4x3 Z-b.............................................................. $910Z'salewlls3 IsoJ )JOmlaN peon lenldaauoJ 'Z-T'b I!q!4x3 T-b.......................................................................................... salon pue saljua8y japlogaje1S 'T-T'b I!q!4x3 £Z-£................................................................ .................. Ueld aalemwaolS alenlJd pasodoJd 'TT-b'£ I!q!4x3 NOli:)naoHlNI (Ndld b'3ab9nS) NVId 31lS N31SVW CIN3 HAON • • C� 1.1 About this Plan The North End Master Site Plan presents a unified and flexible blueprint to create a regional job center and tourist recreation destination at the north end of the East Wenatchee LIGA. It serves as a subarea plan under the Growth Management Act. This plan includes a common development and design concept, capital improvement program, funding plan, and other implementation strategies for the 317-acre North End illustrated in Exhibit 1.1-1. The document also profiles the public involvement process, reviews alternatives considered, and summarizes the background information identified in the Existing Conditions Report. A key implementation tool for this Master Site Plan is a Planned Action Ordinance that establishes a streamlined environmental review and permitting process for future development. North End Facts Location: Lands north and south of 0dabashian Bridge along the Columbia River in East Wenatchee's northern Urban Growth Area Area: 317 gross acres (283 parcel acres, 34 acres right-of-way) Columbia River Frontage: 1.24 miles Zoning: Waterfront Mixed Use and General Commercial Highways: US 2/97, SR 28 Major Arterials and Collectors: NW Empire Avenue, NW Cascade Avenue, 35th Street NW, 38th Street NW Recreation Features: Apple Capital Loop Trail, Rocky Reach Trail Development of the North End Master Site Plan has taken place during - -- -- - 2015 and the first half of 2016. The process included multiple stakeholder workshops, creation of land use and transportation options, an environmental scoping process, an Existing Conditions Report, a Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Ordinance, and this Master Site Plan. Exhibit 1.1-1. North End Study Area :+§ BERK Source: Port of Douglas County 2015 Hearing Draft I --1E 37 of 127 0 • L�- -sawoq lelluap!saj pue spjeq:)jo su!eluo7 puel awos gSnoglle'lue:)eA Alluajim s! eaje Apnls aqi jo q:)nW -camas Aiellues pue 'lalemwaols 'uo!lelJodsueal aoj ainonilseilul pal!wll seq eaje Apnis aql 'uRlsap asuegaaalul agl;o uo!laldwo3 uodn sasodind jaglo jol pasnldjns aq Ipm puel lOaSM awos AlaTI S! 11 'L6 SIl siaaw Z Sfi aaagM sluawanoadwi aSuegaialul pauueld jol puel sumo lOOSM 'Aced alelS VOH ulWull of gilou uoll3auuoz) ueiAlsapad pue apA)lq a sap!Aoid pi4m 'l1ejl gaeaa ApoH pauado AlMau aql se 11aM se 'I!eal dool lel!de:) alddy aqi jo luawBas paumo -AlunoD a su!eluo:) eaje Apnis aql .13!alslq JoleM aaPleuaM 1se3 aqi pue '(and) Ppisl(i Ai!nn :)!lgnd Aluno:) uela43 'AlunoO selOnoO '(lOQSM) uolle:podsuejl jo ivawiaedap alelS uolBu14SeM aql apnpul saauMo Alaadoid allgnd %£'Zb Su!u!ewai aqi sas!jdwo:) dlgsiaurnoo!lgnd pue'eaje puel 041 fo (%L'LS);leq nano lsnf jol siunox)e d!gsaaunno aleAlad •sasn anleA 4214 10 aSueJ e molle ga!gnn'lepJawwoD leJauag pue ash paxlW impaleM;o xlw e s! guluoZ -vgn agl ulgilM aaAI'8 elgwnlo0 aql Suole d!gsjaumo la:)jed aSiel sl! ul anb!un sl eaay ApniS pu3 41JON aql r� pP1l Vratl Npot .. peel dw u0r1e0oay le;ide7 alft i craiyuourmnarpup slrtz, V9R aa4)1puaM ise_: V. y� ;atwepunufi Au) 1 eaitl Wis Pu3 voh 4el0 6uueOH UN131A V3Hv Aanis aN3 H1ti0N deVy eajd ApniS pue uo!gaa •t-Z't 3!q!gx3 1!q!4x3 aaS '(VDn) eajy gwoiE) uegaN wagiuou s aagaleuaM ise3 ui aSplAg uelgsegepo agl of peadde lsea aql of lua:)efpe paleool si pue sane LT£ Alalew!xojdde sassedwouua eajy ApniS pu3 giJoN aql NoinnQOalNI (NV-1d v3NvenS) N111d 31lS N31SVW ON3 HAON Pu3 WON e4j jnogd Z' � r, U • NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) INTRODUCTION This plan demonstrates how a coordinated vision and design, capital improvements, and continued cooperation among property owners; utility providers, and the Port, County, and City governments can achieve a thriving job center with tourism and recreation destinations. Growth Projections The Study Area lies within the East Wenatchee UGA, an area slated to take the largest share of population in Douglas County between 2015 and 2035. The increased population would create a demand for commercial businesses and recreation, and may attract future employers and employees in job centers such as the one planned in the North End. Exhibit 1.2-2. 2015-2035 Population Projections 2035 Population Projection, Douglas County Comprehensive 52,257 s Plan 2015 41,196 Population US Census a Other Urban Growth Areas ■ East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area ■ Rural Source: Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance 2015-017, March 2015 The Wenatchee Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), which includes all of Chelan and Douglas Counties, and the larger North Central Washington area, which includes Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan Counties, are both growing faster in terms of employment than the state as a whole, with generally positive growth rates projected in the near term (2013-2023): The Wenatchee MSA's economy has posted year -over -year nonfarm employment increases for 41 months (from June 2012 through October 2015) and the pace of this expansion has been faster locally than statewide for at least the past twelve months. The Employment Security Department's ten-year industry employment projections are for a 1.7 percent average annual growth rate from 2013-2023 for the five -county North Central WDA (i.e., Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan) and for a 1.8 percent growth rate for Washington State. There is one negative economic event on the horizon which could throw a "monkey wrench" into these local employment projections. Chelan County will soon lose one of its highest paying businesses - Alcoa's aluminum smelter in Malaga. Washington State Employment Security Department May 2015 For the North Central Washington Area, projections through 2023 show growth in several industries that are proposed for the North End Master Site Plan: Business services, health services, leisure and hospitality, and retail trade. Hearing Draft 1 39 9 Ll • 9 t0Z lsn6n� l VJG 6uue9H -sasn luaaa}4!p jo pedwi leoos/a!wouoaa pup Al!l!q!sea} aql jo} lionnaweil a sau!lino ti-Z'T i!q!4x3 •sgof alean pup Awouo:)a le:)ol aql ap!slno woil eaae le3ol aql of luawlsanu! Suliq of Al!l!ge iiagl jo swial u! AueA weal-Suol aql nano sasn luaja}}!p;o slaedw! :)!wouoaa agl puno} Apnis bTOZ aql -wsunol-!jSe leuo!Sai wouj 1!jauaq pinoa legs asn leuo!lej!dse'wial-Suol a se pa!;!luap! osle ajaM sassaulsnq flews jay10 pup sdnlaels jol a:)eds ap!Aoid legl saolegn3u! inauaidailua/ssoulsng 'analq:)e of dlgsjaulAed aleAud-:)!lgnd jo lanal jaleajS a winbai pinoM leyl sali!unlioddo leuo!leJ!dse'wial-JaSuol aie sasn asogi inq 'lsaualui palejauag uo!leonpa jagS!q jo uo!lnl!isui ao liosai e;o luawdolanaQ ■ •le!lualod Mogs osle sasn palelaj-wsunol/uollea3:)aj pup lelluap!sai Al!wel-!llnw asn-pax!lN -alq!seaj-lajjew isow aie sasn a:)!jjo pup l!elaj leuolsau 'weal-leau agi ul 0 sasegd laafojd pup sasn ald!llnw snnolle eaae Apnls agi;o az!s aSjel aql •(uo!leaol luoJ}JaleM'sapeaseD ay110 snna!A -S'a) sa!i!uawe leinleu pup 'Al!l!q!s!A 4014 'ssa»e AenngSiq leuo!Sai 2u!pnpu! 'slasse }o A1a!jeA a 01 anp glnnoiS aol pauo!l!sod llaM s! eale Apnis aql 0 :pug y1JON agl }o sa!l!unlioddo pup sglBuajls Su!Mollol aql paipluap! Apnis legl -sliadxa Aiisnpu! pup 'saA!1eluasaidai luawdolaAap :)!wouoaa'siadolanap leaol ql!M sMamialui palanpuoa pue'luawssasse uo!2ai jaad a paiedaid 'uo!Saj sel2noa-uela4D agl ui sgiBuails a!wouoaa pa!pnis oull!nsuOD AH39 Aq pajedaid s!sAleuy laluew 1tiTOZ V STOZ AeN 'luawliedaO Al!jn3aS luawAoldw3 alelS u0l8ul4SEM :a»noS sTOZ-£TOZ >39VV -- EZOZ-sTOZ S9VV w %0,tr %O'E %07 %0'1 %0'0 9NINIW P11e S3:)!lnosgu 1V21n1VN S3111AIlDV 1VIDNVNIj NOI1VVMJNl S3111II1n ONV 9NIsnOH3bVM 'NCUVi lOdSNVsl S3DIA83SM3H10 30V8i IIV13N 9NIani7VjnNVW �• 1N3WNd3AO9 A11IV11dSOH PL1e 3ansm 30Vb131VS310HM S3DIA83S H11V3H PUe NOl1VDn03 S3DIAa3S SS3NISn8 PUe IVNOISS3jMd NOInnalSNOD salea glnnoaE) lenuuV a2eJany suoil:)afoJd juawAo(dw3 Aalsnpul uoi'BuiyseM (ealua:) gaaoN EZOZ-ETOZ suo!l:)afo.'d luawAoldw3 A.Ilsnpul :uolSulgseM leilua:) WPON -E-Z'T i!q!gx3 NoinnaoalNI (NVld V3NvenS) NVId 31lS 831SVW ON3 H18ON • 0 • High a Medium E Low NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) INTRODUCTION Exhibit 1.2-4. Use Feasibility and Impact University Ag Tourism Business Incubator Resort Sports Facility Office Hotel/Accommodations Residential Retail Power Center Challenging Potential Well Positioned Feasibility Source: BERK, 2013 Because of concerns that short-term development may not match the long-term vision, demand, and desired synergy between uses, this Master Site Plan has been created to provide a common vision, investment strategy, and phasing options. See Chapter 6 for additional market summary information. Natural and Built Environment Conditions The 2016 Existing Conditions Report studied the natural and built environment. The report is summarized in Exhibit 1.2-5; selected maps are shown in Exhibit 1.2-6. Much of the North End Study Area is undeveloped or sparsely developed, but the area is served by regional trails and has some transportation access. Fish and wildlife habitat areas include the Columbia River and shrub -steppe habitat, and some steep slopes are found in the study area. The study area is zoned for intensive mixed and commercial uses. Sewer and water plans address the study area, though the planned capital investment requires funding and implementation. Exhibit 1.2-5. Existing Conditions Report Summary Land Use A large percentage of land in the study area (57.7%), located primarily on the western half of Most land is vacant, the site extending to the shoreline of the Columbia River, is undeveloped or recreational. Other recreational, agricultural, predominant land uses within the study area include residential (24.6%) and agricultural use or residential including orchards (17.6%). Zoning According to the Greater East Wenatchee Planning Area Zoning Map, Waterfront Mixed Use There are two zoning (57.8%) and General Commercial (42.2%) are the two zoning designations in the study area. designations in the study area. Natural Environment The study area contains areas of steep slopes in north -south bands, primarily south of US 2/97 Slopes and the Columbia and along the shoreline and publicly -owned land. Riparian habitats are associated with the River shoreline are Columbia River and an unnamed tributary. Riparian vegetation is characterized by cottonwood, prominent natural ash, and willows. A wetland area along the Columbia River may extend into the northern tip of features. Habitats include the study area. Shrub -steppe habitats are present throughout the study area and characterized riparian, wetlands, and by bitterbrush, sagebrush and rabbitbrush. Rock/talus slopes and cliffs are located between the shrub -steppe. recreational trail and the Columbia River. Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife documents regular concentration habitat for bald eagles and mule deer in the study area. Hearing Draft 1 41 of 1; fl L � 9�0Z 1sn6nV I yelp 6uueaH •sluawanwdwi papaau inoge uolleuiiolu! aiow io; q £ u0paS aaS ,poliad 2uluueld a4i 8upnp L6/zsn of anuany andw3 MN 8uole sluawanoidwi anu1luoo of sueld pue 'algepene sl 8wpunj se wial ieau ayi ui loailS 41S£ of laailS 416Z woi} anuany andui3 MN 8uole uolsuaixa ue u81sap 01 spualul louislp •paiin000 sey 2uluueld lamas ayi -poliad 8uluueld eaiegns ayi 8ulinp eaie Apnis ayi ulyl!m L6/ZSf1 }o yliou lamas 48no41 'eaie Apnis 10 uolsuaixa ayi io} ueld a ino p!el ueld aA!sua4aidwoo lolilslo iamaS AlunoD sel8noa ayi ayi of algel!ene Alivasaid eaie Apnis ayi ui lou lnq 'seaie uegm luaDefpe pue aayoleuaM lou St a3lAJas iamaS 1se3 }o AiIJ a4l ul4l!m aowas lamas Aie1!ues sap!Aoid loulsla iamaS Aluno:) sel8noa ayi aolnia5 iama5 -eaie Apnis ayi }o uoiVod !Sea a4l ul sNueq 4ol!p pue sa4o1!P;o walsAs a y8noiyl ialem uo1le81Ji1 siangap loliislO uolieweloay aa4oleuaM 041 uollespil •sluawaAoidwl walsAs ialem paleposse pue luawdolanap lenloe ayi uodn paseq molj aiij pailnbai pue spuewap ialem sin000 oljpads laaw of Aiessaoau aq Aew walsAs uolinq!iislp eool a41 01 sluauianaidun leuoll!Ppv luawdolanap se papaau •spiepuels aolAiaS Jo !anal uegin laaw of sap pel a8eiols pue Alddns anoidwl of pahnilsuoo We sivawanoidwl sem eaie aloe-OOg slyl w walsAs a8eiols pue uolsslwsueil ialem Aiewpd a4i ,oMM3 a4i aininj •pauueld pue Aq OTOZ ui pa4sllgelsa sem 4314m'1ouisla 1AJauianoiduil leool Aiwin slelj iaMeg ayi u! papnpui algel!ene sl a91AIOS ialeM sl eaie Apnis Pu3 41JON a4i v n ailiva ayi saAMS (OMAA3) lolilsla ialeM aa4oleuaM isea a4i 8owa5 ialeM •ssaooe 8upeoq iol Aileuiiojui pasn aie a8ppq ue!ysegePO ayi }o yinos aullaioys eaie Apnis a4l 10 suoluod 1e43 sisa88ns elep •ianli ayi of ssaooe Aia8ewl ailllales ylie3 al800g luaoai }o Mahal 'ianamoH -eaie Apnis ayi u!yl!m sails ssaooe ollgnd lewio; ou sl aiayl ollgnd io sayounel leoq lewtol ou aie aia4i'iaAla elgwnlo:) ayi of Al!wlxoid asop s1! al!dsao ssa»y aullaio45 'and A uno:) uela4:) pue uolieliodsueii }o luawliedaO ams uoi8ulgseM Aq paumo Aliadoid uo paleool s! pue 'eaie Apnis ayi }o 43iou sallw xis Alalewlxoidde 'Ted aleis Voy ulowll of walsAs Ilei1 4341;o uolsuaixa u1a4liou a Sap!Aoid 'STOZ jo iawwns a41 ul pauado 4olym 'peii yoeay Ailoob a41 'odA3 Aq paulelulew sl pei1 ayi 'aayoleuaM 1se3;o AIIO ayi pue AlunoO sel8noa Aq paumo 48no4i -eaie Apnis ayi ui sapw omi inoge iol 8ulpualxa'peii dool lel!de:) alddy ayi syeil leu018ai • s! eaie Apn1s ayi ul4l!m A3!uawe leuolleaioai lue3yu8ls !sow ayi -eaie Apnis ayi of saolAias lue3y!u2ls sey eaie a41 pue sap pej leuolleanai pue Ted saplAoid (adW3) Jolilslo shied uel!lodoilaVy luowlse3 ayi shell pue shied •1o04oS 431H luowlse3 pue 1004oS 481H iolunfluowise3'ale!pawialu! 8ullial5'Aieluawa13 apeose:) puaue pinom eaie Apnis a4l ieau io ul aAll 1e41 uaipl!4:)'i3pisla looyoS luowlse3 ayi u!yi!m s! eaie Apnis ayi saolAiaS 10043S 'sa1:)ua8i9uia 10 Juana ayi u! luwaai2e p!e lenlnw a ulelulew slouislp oml a41 eaie Apnis ayl;o lsam sale S-T Alalewlxoidde'adolsAuunS u! a8ueyaialu! L6 Sfl/Z Sfl a4l le (TT uollelS) uollels ails a su!elulew i 1:)!ilslo ailj AJunoD uela47 -eaie Apnis ay1;o yinos sal!w inoj Alalewlxoidde 'aayoleuaM isea umolumop ui sialienbpea4 ayi s! eaie Apnis ayi 01 uollels aiq Z loliisla isasop ayi TON !obis'(] ailj AJuno:) sel8noa ul4i!m sl eaie Apnis ayi saolnia5 ailj •uollexauue uodn y9n ayi arias pinom adM3 pue'sluaplsai 000'1 lad sia:)WO 6'1 Alaieunxoidde sAoldwa Alluaiino (adM3) luawliedao aoliod 8a4oleuaM isea ayi •sivap!sai 000'T lad siao!j4o pauolssluiwoo £8'0 Alalewlxoidde sAoldwa Alivaiino a3Ujo s,N!iayS ayi •eaie Apnis ayi ui uoipaloid aoliod saasiano ao!}4O s,44!iayS A unoO sel8noa ayi aolAJaS aoliod •isea a4l 01 spualxa pue lama elgwnIOD a4l 01 ivaoefpe paleool lauueyo ayi u!41!m u!eldpooll a 41!m isam of isea suns Aielnq!ii paweuun ayi •4004 auo ueyl ssal syldap 4l!A'm sinoao Juana ieaA-001 ayi 8ulinp 8ulpooll aiaym io 'suleldpooll ieaA-OOS PUe -OOT ayi uaamlaq ease ayi se pauljap sl 4ol4m'g auoZ se of iajai sdew ales 'uleldpooli aoueinsul poolj ayi leym ui paleool s! eaie Apnis ayi iaA!y e!gwnlo3 ayi }o silueq ayi wyl!m ieaA-OOT ayi appin0 paweluoo sl uleldpool; ieaA-OOT ayi'VV43A Aq padolanap sdew ales aoueinsui pooh uo paseg weldpoolj •syldap -lams ayi woi; saleutSpo AIajA pue iaAla elgwnlo0 motleys le punoi aie a4110 slueq ayi 8uole sham woi; sawoo paysialem a4l u, pasn ialem isoVy •syldap molle4s saoinosai ialempunoig le iaAlij elgwnIOD ayl 4l!m'spsodap IelAnlle g2noi4l 'pai3auuoo ale saoinosai ialempunoig ialempunoig •ialem pailedw! (P)£0£ a se pals!1 ale lama elgwnloD ayi;o suolliod ia410 'ianamoH 'lsll •spiepuels AJplenb ialem pailedw! (p)£05 Aue uo pals!l aie eaie Apnis ayi ul sialem a4l 10 auoN -eTOZ-£LT slaaw Al!lenb ialeM 'yM of 8uipi000e 'alels a4i;o sialem 'luapa3x3 — y MID se payssep aie sialem aoepn+,s 11V Al!len'o ialeM aoepnS NouDna0iliNl (NVId d3vam) Ntlld 311S �131S` N aN3 HINON • NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) INTRODUCTION stormwater Service The City of East Wenatchee and Douglas County have each established stormwater utilities, which are administered jointly. The function of the utilities is to plan for flooding within their service areas, and to develop and implement stormwater program elements required to maintain compliance with the Department of Ecology National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. The boundary generally follows that of the Federal Urbanized Area. Stormwater in urban areas is generally managed by private stormwater retention and detention systems in each development and by larger downstream retention systems constructed by the combined Greater East Wenatchee — Storm Water Utility. The study area contains several culverts and drainage channels for conveyance of local stormwater flows. Hearing Draft 43 of 127 • 4eJ0 buueaH VLVO SHA MIOM --oS SSOZ'AeV4 01"0 Y\I v}I jQ jQ S31:)3dS'81V.LISVH A IHOIHd • saanjea3 ;uawuoainu3 lein;eN -9-Z-1 iiq!4x3 NOI1Jf1402l1N1 (NVId tl3Nvan) NVId 311S N31SVW ON3 H18ON • • • PUBLIC UTILITIES BergerABAM Hearing Draft I NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) INTRODUCTION Exhibit 1.2-7. Utility Features t .r,0p 04Ie May, 2015 Scw ir• W.6 . C.-ty GIs L V 9lOZ Isn6ny I yeja 6uueaH .91 ur Im-A'an,j f Nino] 1c BnoQ .onrwS N 83 Y ID 91U7 h;enue� a1eQ 3sn aNVI 9NIISIX3 • asn pue3 Rups!x3 •g-Z•j i!9!4x3 1vo11MaoaiNl (NVId'd32Vem) NVId 311S H31SVVJ ON3 HiNON • • E NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) INTRODUCTION Exhibit 1.2-9. Zoning and Shoreline Designations 7nfd1wr: Amn c41nRFl IMF ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATIONS :ill BERK Ontr -Wy. 205 Sowcc� Onug n> COurrty Lind Srry m, 015 Hearing Draft 1 47 of 127 L20ti h T a9plig uelgsegepo agi -teau ivawdolanap pauueld Jalsew Jo; algellene salliadoid aBjel sanjas liomlau pea pue llejl leuoi2aJ V •smaln anlsuedxa pue Janla elgwnlo:) agl suole aullajogs anlsualxa sey ease Apnis agl pamolle aq Aew (wsljnol Jo a8ellln aulm asn paxiw •8•a) sasn �aglo lioddns legs Ielluaplsai Allwe;lllnw ;o slunowe pews sasn uolleaJjaj pue ivawAoidwa'wsljnol'lel»awwo:) leuoiSai }o aSuej a molle Sumoz pue ueld allS iaiseyy agl ■ ■ ■ uolleullsap wsunol pue jalua� ivawAoldwa ue se pauueld uaaq ■ ■ sey eaje Apnis agl'sallllpel uolleliodsuejl leuolsai of ssa»e pue'salliadoid aBjel 'uolinol luoJ}Jalem sll Sumugooaa •awenpe ul palaldwo:) uaaq seq malnaJ leivawuoalnua agi a:)uls ?ulll!wjad;o awll pue asuadxa agl saonpaj slgl •uolie8lllw pue spiepuels a:)ueulpio gl!m luaislsuoo paaooid of ivawdolanap smolle aoueulpio uoRPV pauueld V Wr L •ajnlunjisej;ul anlioaj4a pue lual:)Wa ainsua of papaau aq lllm AlunoD pue All) agl pue 'sioljlslp lepads 'siaumopuel oIlgnd pue alenud uaamiaq lJojla lulof V •ivawdolanap alwouoaa Jaglin; lioddns of papaau We sluawlsanul uolieliodsueji pue aamaS cq; -z lsn6nv I yelp 6uueaH •a:)eld aAiheJlle'lueJgin a aleaJ:) pue uoile:)ol s,eaJe Apn1s ay;;o ageluenpe 8jel •sadAlluawdo)anap luoJ}Jalem asn-paxiw ;o Alauen ap!m a Jo; sa)liunlJoddo aJo)dx3 ' 4w0JS qof ggnoJyl luawdojanap :)iwouo:)a JndS .,-. •sJadojanap Jo; A1we:pa:) AJoleingai pue nnainaJ Vd3S pauilweails apinoJd of eaJe Apn1s agl Jo; u0113d pauueld a 4silgels3 •Suisegd pue Sumueld aJnl:)nJlseJ;ul apinS of sd)gsJaulaed aleniid/:)ilgnd alean pue eaJe Apnls agl ui luawlsanu( aleniJd alej!pe3 veld alis Jaisew siyl adegs of padlaq legl saldi:)uud gutp)ng Buinno)lo; Aq paui;ap Ja41Jn; sl uoislA aql sald'OuiJd BuipinE) Z'Z •aagJlvuaM lsv310 pu3 WJON agl to u014oul3sap uorloaJ..)aJ puv lsunol v pun tijsnpui 5ujlvaJD-golJolialuaa snoJadsoid o gsggo;s3 :ol si aJnln;lsaq s,pu3 y1J0N aql }uauaaIBIS uoisiA VZ 0 11 3.1 Landscape Analysis A landscape analysis of the North End was conducted based on site visit notes and observances, aerial and site images, and geographic information to identify and describe the natural characteristics of the area. The intent of the landscape analysis was to: ■ Identify defining landscape elements that can be used to help unify future development of the site; ■ Respond to the site opportunities and immediate context, yet allow flexibility for future development; and ■ Provide a stronger sense of identity for this area that is based on the character of the surrounding landscape. Observations include distinct vegetation, topography, and views — see the photo series below. Exhibit 3.1-1. Site Observation Photos VEGETATION PATTERNS -MFI - t - ,ateNow, _ SIGNIFICANT VIEWS PATTERN OF BENCHES AND STEEP SLOPES DOWN TO SHORELINE Hearing Draft 49 of 127 �i • Fj z-e SNOII3V CINV SId3JN03 NVId (NVId V321Vans) NVId 31lS N21SVW ON3 HINON 91,0Z Isn6ny I yeid buueaH SiOZ 'Aisao uegiN pue ajnl:)aliyaaV saa3eyy :a:)inoS 3NI1380HS 9NOIV NOUV1393A ONV b313VIJVH3 lVaf11VN ANS aNV 33VdS N3dO 30 3SN3S 33VdS N3do NI S33N1 IIVI 30 33N3NIWOMd NOIIV!DIUHI 30 33N3nlJNj 30VII83H ivHnlin3i8!)V 0 0 NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) PLAN CONCEPTS AND ACTIONS The results of the landscape analysis show a pattern of benches and steep slopes to the Columbia River, views to the west, extended shoreline natural areas, a continued agricultural context, and heavy traffic and secondary traffic arterials with limited local east -west connections. Exhibit 3.1-2. Landscape Analysis Overview O Source: Makers Architecture and Urban Design, 2015 3.2 Design Principles Agriculhrtel contort (with te prtco rauuahural lend. within pwWpnenl ant., UE—Mi Dwebptnant A— GdticaAnne strpship.. sernndary traft.1tx l 4" twq h4f. art-1 LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS - OVERVIEW Universal urban design principles can be used to ensure development fits the site and advances its opportunities and strengths. The intent of urban design is not to dictate a specific form, but influence development so that it is connected to the site's natural features and generates an authentic sense of place. Though not detailed design standards, the following Urban Design Principles, illustrated in Exhibit 3.2-1, provide a framework for ensuring that future development is consistent with the vision of this plan. Hearing Draft I 51 of 127 LZ � 10 Z9 0 o f n cn --1 rn Z n M O m Z v n > m � Z � C D Co Z D O ;u D m n D v O r Z D L, Z Z N a z J d � a V w a E ❑ m Z � a z Q v tL Z w O F U Z � gW F- cn a 0 Z W w O Z: • 0 Gala W d N 0 Z W J a z m a z m V5 W d Z a m m 0 53 of 127 LZ � 10 179 El, a Q 1 Q } ! c ' It x � zap 3 s ' 15 7 Pf d Crj 7 CL m F m n so y TL_ S H 1p'nJ�gFa • • • �*+ E • • • g 5 T 'R 1Q Q 8 T a S R d `$ N sa. gam- mSCL m N fU N d �D 0 n • z O S m z Q D M z [n n O m Z 'v n r rn D � Z N cn C D co z 0 ;u D m !1 D � • O y z z NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) PLAN CONCEPTS AND ACTIONS Buffers and Transitions • General Commercial (GC) Buffer The current Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan requires future development in the study area to provide a 20-acre buffer along the southern edge of the General Commercial designation, located north of 35th Street NE and between NW Empire Avenue and SR 28, to protect adjacent residential uses to the south (Policy C-20). The policy does not specify the mechanism for implementing this requirement, how the burden should be divided among property owners, or the precise landscaping characteristics of the buffer zone. Accordingly, this Subarea Plan intends to address how this policy can be implemented to protect adjacent residential areas and achieve the vision of this Subarea Plan for the North End as an employment and tourist recreation center. In the portions of the study area zoned General Commercial, future development under the subarea plan shall provide a 50-foot transition buffer along the southern boundary of the study area. The buffer area should include Type I landscaping screening along any property line that abuts residential zoning, consistent with Section 20.40.030 of the Douglas County Code or Section 17.72.080 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code depending on the agency with jurisdiction. The landscaped area may be used for any of the following features: ■ Stormwater detention, infiltration, or conveyance ponds or swales; ■ Bicycle and pedestrian trail features that form part of an on -site non -motorized circulation system; ■ Programmed open space, including lawn or park areas, gardens, and orchards; or ■ Passive open space, including native vegetation protection or habitat enhancement. • Transitional Standards To reduce adverse visual effects where higher -intensity development abuts lower -intensity development, all development under the North End Master Site Plan located on property that abuts a residential zone, but which is not covered by the General Commercial buffer requirement established above, shall apply two or more of the following transition design standards. ■ Within 50 feet of residential zoning, limit building heights to 3S feet; ■ Provide a Type I landscaping buffer, as defined by Section 20.40.030 of the Douglas County Code or Section 17.72.080 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, along any property boundary that abuts a residential zone; ■ Provide a decorative screening wall or fence, at least 6 feet in height, along any property boundary that abuts a residential zone; ■ Where a rear -yard setback abuts a residential zone, increase the standard setback distance to 50 feet; or ■ Where a property boundary that abuts a residential zone is characterized by significant mature native vegetation, preserve such vegetation and implement a building setback of at least 20 feet. Nonmotorized Connections All public streets shall be designed to incorporate sidewalks consistent with County and City street standards. Some street standards show a range of sidewalk widths. Where pedestrian activity is anticipated to be greatest, wider sidewalks should be implemented. Where stormwater management • Hearing Draft � 55 of 127 • • is 9tn7 1>n5^ ; ueJO 6uueaH •sJapioga)lels Aq padolanap sueld pue sdogslaom aql uo sl!elap aaow jo, O•S uo!l3aS aaS -sdoggjom 3llgnd jal;e pau!lai sem ldaauoa slgl -molaq palejlsnll! si sdogsljom aldlllnw wojj seap! jo suo!leu!gwoa Bulluasaidai lda3uoo paiialaid y •saldl3uud Nu!p!nO pue uolSln aql laaw of sasn jo uolle3oj pue saxlw luaja}4!p alealsnlll pue slda3uo3 dolanap ol'sJap!noid aolnuas pue siaumo Aliadoid 2u!pniam 'siaplogajels ql!m sdogsljom pajosuods aagoleuaM 1se310 Al!:) aql pue 'Aluno:) selgnoQ 'AlunOD sel9noa }o lJod aql SaAijeuJajjd £'£ "s!seq ase3-Aq-ase3 a uo sluawdolanap luaoefpe gu!lu!l alepowwo33e of laa} OZ£'l Alloexa wog; AJeA Aew saouelsla •uolllpuo3 s!ql gl!m a3uepioo3e ul pags!lgelsa sapiadoid jaglo uo paleool sAem� lem ql!m loauuoo lsnw Aemllem aql 'pap!noid aq llegs walsAs I!ejl leuolgai aqi of Aemgled a 'aSEJane uo 'aBeluoJJ laaAls Jo laal OZE'l Agana J03 'walsAs I!ejl leuoiSai aql wojj pue of Ianejl lsam-lsea alel!lpel ll!m'sai:padoid Jaglo ql!m pal3auuoo uagm'legl walsAs I!eal leuolSaa aql of Apadoid loafgns aql gSnojgl Aem jo slgOu 3!lgnd woJJ suolloauuoo ao} ap!noid legl sAem� lem ueulsapad ap!noid llegs la3jed goe3 •g •Sulpu!j-Aem ueulsapad ul p!e of joaaagl uolleu!gwo3 a jo'aEeus!s'Su!lgs!l 1ua33e 'Bu!deospuel'Su!lgSil paelloq Tu!lgB!l aleos-ueulsapad ql!m pa3joju!ai aq llegs sAem1lem ueulsapad Z -Aem-lo -lgBu 3!lgnd agl u! walsAs Ilemap!s agl 411m saoeds aoopino uowwoo pue 'sa!1!l!oe} Su!lued 'saulua Su!pllnq 'sa3uejlua al!s Ile aaglagol Mull Ilegs sAemllem ueulsapad }o walsAs anlsu9gajdwo3 y luawdolanap g3ea Aq law aq Ilegs spaepuels Aemilem ueulsapad sulmollol agl -I!ejl aql wojj speglas pue 'Buldempuel 'ssaooe I!ejl'Suloual aol spaepuels 2ulpnlou! AelJano I!ejl doo3 AlunOD seISnoo agl ql!m lualslsuoo aq Ilegs sends j!agl jo I!ejl peat Apod jo I!eil dool jelldeD alddy aq; Su!linge sa!laadoJd •sueld I!ejl jo al3Aolq pue spaepuels lawis Al!J pue Aluno:) paldope ql!m luals!suo3 saloA3lq alepowwo33e llegs slawls Joloalloo Jo leualiy -aSuej glp!m Ilemapls pajlnbai jamol agl gl!m luals!suoo aq of s1lemap!s molle Am Al!0 ao AlunoD agl'pasodoid aje salems ao suapiegu!ej se gins sa!lgpe; luawdolanap loedwi mol pue SNO1i:)V aNV S1d33N07 Mdld (Ndld VEINv8f1S) Nbld 311S N31SVA ON3 H18ON • • NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) PLAN CONCEPTS AND ACTIONS Exhibit 3.3-1. Rendered Concept Plan • GENERAL LAND USE ENVIRONMENTALLY ENHANCED SHORELINE W 1TH TRAIL NEW H GHWAY INTERCHAN RETAIN NA'IVE VEGETATIOP WINE VILLAGE RETAIL WITH SOME RESIDENTIAL & HOSPRALITYABOVE — PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE ACCESS TO RECREATIONAL' LOOPTRAIL e Source: Makers Architecture and Urban Design, 2015 - wsruEssEwuc - IISTITUrOONAL - w+unuu+asvlawEv - gE50FT ® cnwwxcw AW USE VME VILLAGE MME6 USEAIESIpEN7L4 5; o 0013 fl aj BUSINESS PARK i �— NSTITUTIONALCAMPUS (e g EDUCATIONAL, MEDICAL, ETC.) COMMERCIAL SPORTS COMPLEX WITH MINOR LEAGUESTADIUM. AQUATIC CENTER, ETC ms wo� J Hearing Draft 1 —0 57 of 127 • LI 0 • a, Oz Isnbn v I pj(] 6upeaH 9ioZ 8uillnsuoJ xN39 :aojnos asn puel Allsualul-01H z asn puel Allsualul-wnlpaVU w asn puel Allsualul-Mol . Ajogalej pue Allsuajul Aq asO puel ain;n3 •j-t,-E;lgl4x3 -y:)uaq jaddn ayl uo palnol aq pinonn uolleaa:)aj lelajawwoa pue Ilelaj 'sasn Ieuolln;Rsul 'lied ssauisnq 'aaiMo 'Alllelldsoy }o xlw y wsijnol aanllnnuSe jaylo pue 'swooi Sul;sel 'llelai apnpul pinonn leyl a2ellln aulnn asn-paxlw a se Mann se 'yauaq .lannol uialsann ayl uo Ted a:)l}}o pue ljosai a ao} sapinojd ;da:)uon asn puel ayl •uolSln leyl sluawaldwl Z-b•S llgl4x3 pue 1-ti•£ llglyx3 ul palej;snlll;da:)uoa asn puel ayi •uolleanai pue wsljnol jo} Sul;las leinleu aql SUIReJanal pue aaluao luawAoldwa ue uo sasnao} pu3 ylJoN ayl }o uolsln ayl U - 1 .i SNOIDV (INV S1d3JN0:) NVId (NV -Id V3Nv9nS) NVId 311S 1131SVW aN3 HiNON 4daauoZ) asn puel veld 81!S JOISeW VT STOZ Aeyy 1ulllnsuoD>IN38 :a:)inoS of • • • NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) PLAN CONCEPTS AND ACTIONS Exhibit 3.4-2. Conceptual Land Use Plan NORTH END STUDY AREA - CONCEPTUAL LAND USE PLAN Dete May. 2016 ill BERK Wu¢e•BERR. 2016 MA 201 Unropu 2016, Dougas Coun[y Atsesw-01. c 2075 Source: Makers Architecture and Urban Design 2016, BERK Consulting 2016 The land use concept would support a range of building types as illustrated in Exhibit 3.4-3. Hearing Draft I August 2016 • • 59 of 127 0 ,- _ I 4ei0 buueaH 9TOZ sialeLN a»nos A F x m �c X rn mv j � Ln - D m yy O m C. N m f �f • Cw _ -�.. - i . may/ :r -y • 0 MAjo8aie0 ueld jda�uo3 asn puel Aq;uawdolanao pasodoJd JO saldwex3 '£-b'£ 3!q!4x3 • SNOIIIV (INV S1d3:)N0:) NVId (NVId V38v9nS) NVId 311S N31SVLN GN3 HiNON NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) PLAN CONCEPTS AND ACTIONS • Land Use Concept The proposed land use concept for the North End study area, developed jointly by the Port, County, City, and local landowners, would primarily consist of a mix of tourist, hospitality, and recreation uses, anchored by a major public or private institution, such as a hospital, medical research and development facility, or higher education campus. Tourism uses would include a wine village, including retail and tasting rooms, in the southern half of the study area and a resort in the portion of the study area north of the bridge. Commercial recreation, such as a soccer complex or minor league baseball park, would be located at the eastern Gateway to the study area. Office uses would also be included to provide stable, high -paying employment. If development occurred with a similar building intensity as shown in Exhibit 3.3-1. Rendered Concept, and according to the pattern of Exhibit 3.4-2. Conceptual Land Use Plan, the expected intensity could be about 4.5 million square feet of building space. See Exhibit 3.4-4. Growth estimates also reflect the input of stakeholders participating in the charrette. Exhibit 3.4-4. Preferred Alternative Resort 34.2 126,807 2-3 341,123 0.23 • Mixed Use Wine Village 43.6 614,824 1-3 1,291,156 0.68 Office/Business 19.4 314,358 3 943,074 1.11 Hospitality 14.9 77,118 5 385,S89 0.33 Public/Private Institution 43.0 178,934 3 536,803 0.29 Retail/Business Park 11.9 154,236 2-3 385,589 0.33 Business Park 16.9 314,358 2 628,716 0.85 Commercial Recreation 24.3 87,564 1 87,564 0.08 Totals 208.2 11868,199 4,5%,614 Note: Wine Village square footage includes 441,292 square feet of below grade parking. Excluding parking, the square footage estimate for non-residential space is 522,342. Residential space is 327,522 square feet. Source: Makers Architecture and Urban Design 2016, BERK Consulting 2016 With the building space identified above, the Preferred Alternative could accommodate about 4.5 million square feet of building space housing 227 dwellings, 544 hotel units, and 7,490 jobs. See Exhibit 3.4-5. See Chapter 6, Section 6.2 for more comparisons of development intensity in the region. Hearing Draft 61 of 127 LZ I.10 Z9 • • Z L O0 fl ro ro N 7[ N N N n T Or O � N N d d ro 3 " 0 3 w � a N 7 C rn Q o a < o o� a m a m =� o n, a :3 ro ro a. 3 d a a _ � o m < 3 ro ro N — O Q O a ro ro C 3 n N a O 7 � O N ro a �? O OfD a a m ro C a O ro a rrD � ro m o v a C N 3 a N � n d O 3 'n ti 3 s ro o ro - a N ro O p _M 0 3 Ol O cr G N ro ro CL O N � ID C ro fG d lu 3 3 ' a ro a x ro 01 < N 3 ro �a ro O ro O 3 N 3 �o K o � � N r v 3 0 x d E n rc n ro a d O O1 3 a m m :I- 0 N 7 � a a H_ n m ni A < f CO ro Fb' ° o H a � A Oi N W A tD W A .� W lD W a �D A M IV N N V N V N cn V Ln U. Q~ N V �i v NO N V W O V N 3l J y.1 ppp �-+ {pNy� 3 a p 0 0 0 p O O T a D • z O m z 0 3� D M a � z v' n --I O m Z v n r D m .o z � N � C D CO Z D v ;u D m D n • O r Z D vi ? • Land Use Location Options 0 The Land Use Plan identifies a desired land use pattern, but economic development trends and property owner preferences may result in a different pattern. To allow flexibility, land use "sub -options" were studied in the Master Site Plan and Planned Action. These sub -options vary the location of commercial recreation, hospitality, and public/private institutional uses. See Exhibit 3.4-6. Public Spaces The Apple Capital Loop Trail and Rocky Reach Trail are the primary public spaces in the study area. The Columbia River shoreline is under public ownership, but not accessible at this time through formal improvements. Streetscapes with non -motorized access and viewpoints present opportunities to create public spaces. Design Principles address the use of streetscape improvements, integration of agricultural landscape themes, and respect of site topography to create attractive spaces in the public realm. Onsite public or common space is also required in the Greater East Wenatchee UGA Design Guidelines, applicable to commercial, mixed use and multiple family development such as that proposed in Hospitality, Retail, and Wine Village Areas, including: Commercial or Mixed Use Development: Public space shall provide a minimum of two square feet of space per 100 square feet of gross building area. Multiple Family Developments, Over Ten Units: Provide usable common outdoor spaces, with at least four features such as picnic and play areas, sport courts, open lawn and other features. Hearing Draft I 63 of 127 w n�r. 9T-£ Slot 4p,no3w,gnoa 'Slot'SU3AVW .a3moS olot A.enucl .ajya Jul pnr � r N • sash puel Allsualul-mol ■ sasn puei AUsualul-wmpaVy �® sasn puel Allsualul-491H Alisualul asn puei speoll easy Apn1S a a;enlJd o :)Ilgnd Ved 41i, ssaulsn8/Ilexa2! Ted r: ssaulsn8 A4nelldso VOJO BuueaH 910Z '9uijjnsuo:) )IM39 :a»noS 31838 III: iognipsul a;eAlad jo :)Ilgnd uoljew3ab lel:)aawwo: uolleanaa lel3aawwoD V, Ind ssaulsn8/Ile3ab uol3n;lul ai alenlJd in Ilqnd ✓:...mot. - ssaulsn8 Alrlellds0 } SNOIldO-sm NVId 3sn GNdl ivnld3:)NOJ - d3HV AO(lls ON3 HIHON • suopdo-qnS ash puei -9-b'£ 3!q!yx3 • Cl • Transportation & Utility Network Options Transportation Transportation system improvements intended to support the North End Master Site Plan are described in this section. ■ NW Empire Ave Roadway Extension Phase 1— Construct a new roadway to extend NW Empire Ave north from Goldcrest St NW under US2/97 and connect to 38`h Street NW. ■ 35th Street NW Expansion — Construct new segment of 35th Street NW to connect from NW Cascade Ave to NW Empire Ave. ■ 38th Street NW Expansion —Construct new segment of 38th Street NW to connect from NW Cascade Ave to NW Empire Ave. ■ Intersection Upgrades at 35th Street NW / Sunset Highway — Install traffic signal or roundabout. ■ Intersection Upgrades at 38th Street NW / Sunset Highway— Install traffic signal or roundabout. The improvements above were identified in the Chelan -Douglas Transportation Council Long Range Transportation Plan for completion during the period 2016-2027. Alternative Improvements Proposed By This Plan In consultation with partner agencies, the transportation analysis conducted for this Plan resulted in three proposed alternatives to the above Transportation 2040 Plan improvements. ■ Cascade Interchange: A half interchange was analyzed and was found to meet the demands of the North End under either studied alternative, and would be significantly less expensive than a full • interchange. The features of the ramps and interchange would also include a signal or roundabout added at Empire Ave and US 2 ramps. • ■ Intersection Upgrades at 351h Street NW / Sunset Highway: Install a roundabout (instead of the traffic signal) ■ Intersection Upgrades at 381h Street NW / Sunset Highway: Install a roundabout (instead of the traffic signal) Alternatives are intended to restrict left turn traffic movements between the intersections. The roundabouts in the alternative would mitigate the restriction on left -turn movements by accommodating U-turns at the roundabouts. Roundabouts enhance safety by removing left -turning conflicts and reducing accidents. Additionally, improvements internal to the site include roundabouts at intersections along Empire Avenue at both of the Cascade Interchange ramps, and at the intersection of 35th Street NW/NW Empire Avenue. The 35th Street NW/Empire Avenue roundabout could also accommodate access to the proposed Wine Village. As 35th Street crosses the Public or Private Institution property there are several options for the road alignment. See Appendix B for the full range of options. Future improvements could include an extension of Empire Avenue north of 38th Street and connecting back to Sunset Highway. Exhibit 3.4-7 illustrates both the Transportation 2040 Plan improvements and the above alternatives. Hearing Draft I -M 65 of 127 • • L 9 qj OZ �snfin4 ( yela 6uueaH 'g-b'E IRP3 ui um04s si sIuawanoidwi ayj jo isoo ayl 91OZ 9uiajnsuo:) HM39 'dnolg odsueil ayl'slioM ]!19nd AlunoD sel8no4 :a]mo5 5102 ',Ossxsy A1aro] �e9no0'9[Or oawr,l y � :slot'SONVIN,910r xa]9:j+)1A^Cs 38 INF. 910r'AM a1r.0 • S1N3W3AOadWI NOIIVI lOdSNdal Pu3 43JoN — s3u8wanojdw! uo!;el iodsuejl pasodOJd 'L-b'F 3!9!4X3 0 Exhibit 3.4-8. Transportation Costs Transportation Improvement Estimated Cost (Douglas Description County 2016$) 1 East Bound Off Ramp $8,319,700 2 West Bound On Ramp $2,934,300 3* RAB @ 35th Street $890,800 4* RAB @ 38th Street $1,426,500 5 RAB @ Off Ramp $1,056,900 6 RAB @ On Ramp $979,900 7* 38th Street Extension $2,179,600 8* 35th Street Extension $1,939,800 9* Empire Ave- Goldcrest -38th $5,697,300 10 Empire Ave- 38th — Cascade $5,822,200 11* RAB @ SR 28 & 35th $1,310,000 12* RAB @ SR 28 & 38th $1,310,000 Total $33,867,000 Note: * Included in Phase 1 of Regional Transportation Plan for years 2016-2027. Projects 11 and 12 were considered as intersections with signal improvements; in the table above these are proposed as roundabouts. Other projects are unscheduled and considered "vision" projects in the regional plan. Legend: RAB = roundabouts Source: Douglas County 2016 Sewer, Water, and Stormwater Utilities An integrated infrastructure plan is proposed to clarify the scope and sizing of anticipated on -site utilities. The infrastructure plan includes phasing alternatives and planning level concept costs to assist stakeholders in identifying appropriate and required infrastructure extensions. The locations of the infrastructure elements are general in nature and are intended so that site -specific designs can be completed without substantial revision. The preferred sewer and water infrastructure plan is shown in Exhibit 3.4-11 and the stormwater plan in Exhibit 3.4-10. Each major utility is described below: Sanitary Sewer: An extension of sanitary sewer will be required north along Empire as the primary backbone to serve the proposed North End Master Site Plan. The lower tier of the study area, including the Wine Village, will need a local pump station with discharge to the sewer main in Empire Avenue. Gravity sewer service is capable of serving all of the area on the upper tier, including the institutional, commercial recreation, and hospitality areas. The furthest northeast portions of the study area can also be served by gravity sewer, but will require crossing the US2/97 highway. It is recommended that the crossing occur in one of two of the existing grade separated structures. The resort area located on the furthest north portion of the study area will require a pump station for sewer service. However, the size and scope of the pump station can be minimized by extending gravity sewer along Empire Avenue north of US2/97. Stormwater: Management of stormwater from the developed study area, including water quality treatment and on -site detention, will need to occur primarily on each individual parcel. There is an opportunity in the southern portion of the study area to use a regional system of interconnected stormwater features. Exhibit 3.4-11 shows a conceptual regional stormwater facility location; ishowever, the relationship of a regional stormwater facility and sewer and road facilities would be Hearing Draft I Auqusl 2010 67 of 127 1 9 91 n7 jhnbnt' ! IIejO 6uueaH 000'SZI$ Swssoj:) L6/Zsn T anuany 9peose0 6-59 000'LZ9S jl/0£E$ @ ulew AI!AejS „g j1006'T (L6/Zsn of anuany ajidw3 MN)'amas joha1103 pa aSMIS uopelS sPIO 8-59 008'86bS jl/0£E$ @ ulew Allnej8 „g jl 09£'1 (any ape:)se:) MN of anuany ajldw3 MN) jamas J010911W MN IS y6E L-SD 000'S9T$ jl/OEES @ uiew AI!Aejs „g jl OOS (uollels dwnd of peoi ajnln}) jamas jopalloo Ted ssaulsng IseaylnoS 9-59 000'7455 jl/Ob£$ @ uiew AI!Aejs „OT Al 009'T (uollels dwnd of pea ajnlnj) junjl a3eIVA aulM S-S9 000'SZ9$ jl/0£E$ @ ulew AI!Aeag „g jl OOS'T (Ijosab of p8 a8ppq uollels sP1O) � unjl anuany andw3 b-SE) 000'68Z$ jl/Ob£$ @ ulew AIlAeJ2 ,Of j1 OS8 (py a8pljg uollelS sPlo waj ylnos Sulpualxa) junij anuany ajldw3 £-S9 000'TO£S jl/OSE$ @ uiew Allnej8 „Zj jl 098 (MN IS Isanplog ww} yl-jou Swpualxa) junjl anuany andw3 Z-S9 OOZ'£0£'IS 31/09£S @ ulew AI!AejS „ST j1 OZ9'£ (Sullslxa anuany 4,6Z 01 MN 1S Isanplo9) � unjl anuany ajldw3 T-S9 jamas Ajej!ueS 4A W,, 1 s;so:) 1 mim pu3 4WoN '6-b'£ 1!q!4x3 6-VE 1!q!4x3 ui mo!aq aje ajnlanjlsejlui jamas pue jalem jol slsoa palew!ls3 -asn adA1 wn!pels jo p!a!l sljods a se pado!anap l! A))e!aadsa 'uo!leanaj )e!ajawwoa se yans'sasn:)y3adsjol 45!y aq Aew puewap uo!leg!jj( -jajeM uo11e21jj1 jol puewap yanw alejauaO lou p)nom ya!ym'slueld aA11eu sjonel eajy Apn1S pu3 y1j0N ayl u! Bu!deaspuel jol e!jal!ja u2!sap a!l!aadS -jalem uo!1e2luji u!elgo of spaau !enp!A!pu! j!ayl uo aleu!pjooa of pall!wjad aq p!nom sa!ljadojd )enp!A!pu! 'aanamoH 'la!jls!p uo!leg!jji ayl wojl sal jadojd !enp!A!pu! to aa!Ajas pue uo!sualxa jol paipjuap! 1ou ajam sajnleal ue)d a!l!aadS :jajeM uo!le8!ii! -walsAs jalem ayllo suo!lejado pue aaueualu!ew asea pue aauegjnls!p puel leuo!l!ppe az!w!u!w 01 sliomlau peoj pasodojd u!yl!m paleao) aq A!!jew!jd !!!m sau!l uo!lnq!jls!p walsAs jaleM •ue!d al!S jalseW pu3 41JON ayl japun pasodajd luawdo!anap anjas 01 sapeAdn aj!nbaj lou !!!m eaje a41 jol aae!d ui walsAs uo!sslwsuejl ayl -sa!ljadojd !enp!A!Pu! ayl 01 aa!Ajas jalem pualxa of Ajessaaau aq !ym sau!l uo!lnq!jls!p aalAjas !eao3 :jajeM SuiNuua a1!s-uo paSeuew aq of paau (!!m jalemwjols 'ajo}ajayl'AlunoD se)2noa gSnojyl paz!joylne aq lou p!nom L6/Zsn to ylnos Ajelnqul paweuun Bu!ls!xa ay1 of sasjeyas!Q •al!s ayl wojl jalemwjols to aSjeyas!p 01 uo!lejodena jo/pue uo!lejlylui aj!nbaj p!nom pasodojd ue!d jalemwjols ayl'suoseaj asayl jo j •suo!lae Bu!ll!wjad pue uo!1en!ena ieu011!ppe aj!nbaj p!nom saaueAanuoa eaje-au!!ajoys yanS •luawalelS laedw! )eluawuoj!Au3 ay1 u! papn!au! 1ou aje jaA1H e!gwn!o:) ay10l s))ellno mau y1!m pale!aosse ssaaojd Sul11!wjad ayl pue slaedw! uo!lanjlsuoa 'ajolajayl 'jaA!8 e!gwn!o:) ay10l saSjeyas!p lalemwjols aleu!w!!a of sr !eos wjal-Suo! s Al!unwwoa )eao) ayl 'saaueAanuoa apew-uew 42nojyl A!aj!1ua paje1!!lael aq p!noa e!gwn!oD aqj of jalemwjols paleajl to sagjeyas!p pue Apoq jalem ldwaxa )ojluoa moll a s1 jaA!H e!gwn!o:) ay1 gSnoyl!y -Aliadojd alenud Aq palejauag jalemwjols wojl A!alejedas 'Aem-lo-sly9!j a!!gnd uiyl!m palejl!!lu! pue 'paleajl 'palaa!)oa aq !!!m saae)d a!!gnd pue speoj y1!m pale!aosse jalemwjols a!lgnd )!d •sjaumo Aljadojd Aq pau!elulew pue pa!!elsui aq of paau p!nom walsAs jalemwjols aleA!jd slyl 'padOianap 11 •Aljadojd 100SM luaaefpe ay1 uo pejl door )el!deD a!ddy ayl jol eaje Su!ljed ay1 ajn9!luoaaj jo aleao!aj of Ajessaaau aq Aew 1! 1nq 'Aljadojd a1eA!jd uo palanjlsuoa Is aq puod jalemwjols )euo!Saj a411ey1 ue!d s!yl to uo!lualui ay1 s! 11 •uB!sap Suunp pau!wjalap • • • 250 LF 8" gravity main @ $500/1-F PS-1 400 gpm Wine Village Pump Station $750,D00 1,300 LF 6" forcemain @ $80/LF $104,000 PS-2 50 gpm Resort Pump Station $350,000 $72,000 1,200 LF 3" forcemain @ $60/LF Sanitary Sewer Subtotal: $5,604,000 Domestic Water WL-1 Wine Village Loop (Empire Avenue to Fir Street) 2,800 LF 12" diameter water main @ $150/1-F $420,000 Construction Cost Subtotal: 6,024,000 State Sales Tax @ 8.2%: 494,000 Recommended Contingency @ 15%: $904,100 Total Subarea Construction costs: $7,422,000 Engineering and Permitting @ 20%: $1,205,000 Total Project Delivery Costs: $8,627,000 Source: BergerABAM 2016 Notes: 1. These are public works costs --10-15% higher than private developer costs. 2. These costs include full asphalt street restoration that may not be applicable depending upon construction sequencing -1S- 20 Hearing Draft I August 2016 69 of 127 LZIIllL WZ IsnF,—. 1 ueJ(l 6uueaH of91OZ WV9VJD3J99 veld Aiwin '91OZ Suillnsuo3 )IN38 'u9isap uegin pue ainl:)al!4:)jy sj;)Ieyy :ash puei :saoinoS 'sueld luawdolanap lenioe uodn paseq aq lym sluawAile pue luaula:)eld !ew; lnq 'sa!l!lpel pale3ol-o:) aq Am swa3sAs aalemwaols pue jamaS :aloN SIq Ajuw),ejV.oa a)i" 41ocArW area �--� y 5t s H ^f� r_ narr-on _ I e Wd9 99 Wd9 L9f % uogeanaa ` uo!lnl!isul �L le!a.lawwoJ alen!jd ju 3tlgnd 4 „OT k, a r 1 t � ••� Wd9 LL i Al!lM!dsoH i Wd9 SZ -.I �'•.� i jVYd9 T9 sseulsng 11 S s ulSnB : 'rcF �� tr, / in � d ivur.� 7)uisip uoiiewepay aay�leua/yt �. easy APniS Pu3 41JON Wd Allsualul-,tiol uolinigsul:Allsualul-481H ..., Allsualul-wnipayj ldawo7 asn puei sla»ed xel VDmIaN PH aininA jamaS luel!ueS pasado,d weyy a:),o3 pasodold 1- i {Jalawel(I „ZT) uleyN laleM pasodwd aHuey:) lalawelp adid sualeiS dwnd y�VqV-i; mq i�owealc ........... Wd9 T6 ssauisng T1 8 Wi .,9 (wd9 OS6) / udneiS dwnd A,eliueS Wd9 TL s / AelVA aut 1 t ,AT l� 0 3 Pe euun r' Wd9 T aa!s-ul uosal a 0 ueld jaleM pue jamaS posodoad •oT-t,-E 1igi4x3 M3S 10 • Exhibit 3.4-11. Proposed Private Stormwater Plan "TnonA%AtATCD Y/ :Y i i 6 stormwater " Managed On -cite - t i VS a `°7 Unna ed ` to a 1 -- rY E YY Potent►at e I Regional Stormwater i Faciflty "r d a a � i i �.....,. _....... ten....., .. _......:> •..+.r.a.es. 6ywmorC i $prtKe 11) BergerABAM North End Study Area 6.0 Future Rd Network ® Dry Creek Bed aasinia Wenatchee ReCamatlon District Canal Land Use Concepts Medium Intensity High -Intensity, Institution Low -Intensity Park US 2/9l 3)tl! � ....... •• o •% a Stormwater "•.• Managed On -Site •; �t 11 N Stormwater� Managed On -Site Date May, 2016 Source Douglas County GIS Note: Sewer and stormwater systems may be co -located facilities, but final placement and alignments will be based upon actual development plans. Sources: Land Use: Makers Architecture and Urban Design, BERK Consulting 2016; Utility Plan BergerABAM 2016 Hearing Draft I August 20 16 —M 71 of 127 • OZ-£ 9LOZ lsn6nt, 14eia 6uueaH •luawdolanap 10 uoli!puoa a se pailnbai aq ll!M walsAs 3!lgnd ayl of uollaauuo:) •welsAs 3!lgnd ayi of palaauuoa aq luawdolanap pue pauopuege aq swaisAs 3!ldas ayi 'algel!ene sawo3aq aa!Ajas Jannas uagm leyl vans papnpul aq sall!yin ;o luawdolanap al!s-14o paa!nbai pue 'Buld!d al!s-uo leyl paalnbai aq pinom 1! 'JanaMOH •swaisAs agemas al!s-uo Ajeuodwal;o asn ayi jol 4!lenb Aew sasn Al!sualu! mol AaaA JO luawdolanap wlaalul •eaje Apnis ayl aAJas o1 jannas Auei!ues }o uo!sualxa lealool isow ayi uo} 2uimolle 'lsel in3ao Allualal}}a isow pinonn L6/Z Sfl;o yijou seaae pue liosaa ayl jo luawdolanad 'anuany aj!dw3 ui papualxa aq of s! ya!ym 'ulew Al!AeJO ayi of Su12jeyaslp uo!pels dwnd umo s1! Aq pa/uas sl yauaq jamol ayi ul jaMas Ajel!ueS •eaje ayl anaas of papuaixa Apsea AlanllelaJ aq pino3 jalenn uol saalAuas Al!l!ln ayl se ueld Su!seyd ayi ui lsal} dolanap osle pinoa palls Alanllelual Si aSelyA aulM ayl Wa4m (lsann) yauaq aamol ayi 'aanannoH -isel Ou!dolanap lsaMol ayi 41!m uo!ldo s!yl ui isi!; dolanap pinom (lsea ayl ul paleaol) yauaq jaddn ayi •yi,ou of ylnos pue 1sam of lsea wojj saseyd ui inaao pinonn luawdolanap ayi leyi Alll!q!ssod ayl sajoldxa ueld Sulseyd a4l'siso3 lel!de3leuolipppe ailnbai pinonn sa!i!1!in Mau jo uollellelsul pue eaae Apnis ayl;o uolliod uaaylnos pue uialsea ayi of pal!wll aie sa!l!l!ln Sullslxa asne3ag 'anliewalld Al!sualul IIn3 ayl luawaldwi of luapiga isow aq pinom 1! 'anlleuaalIV Al!sualul IIn3 jaSiel ay1;o aseyd wualui ue se uaas sl anlleuially Al!sualul alejapoVI 941 J! 'JanamOH •palaalas sl anlleuJaild Ai!sualul alejapoW ayi j! paanpai Alleu!wou aq pino3 S13 uollab' pauueld ayi ul paquasap se sisoa aanlanilsejju! Ai!I!ifl -ainlanaiseilul uollevodsueil awes ayl Allequassa aalnbai pinom anllewallb' Al!sualul alejapoNl ayl'ywojS ayi;ley aney pinom 1! g9n04i 'weiSoid yinnoiS aloynn ayl;o luawanalyae COI Anolle jj!M pallelsul ua4M pue 'anllewaily Al!sualul IIn3 ayl;o luawanalyae ay1 jol Aiessaaau sl sluawanoidwl Al!l!ln pue uolleliodsuejl pauueld ayl;o uoliellelsul •palepowwoa3e aq pino3 walled asn puel pue ylmOJS pailsap ayi leyl Alalllun sl 1! ajnl3nilsea;u! A1!1lln pue uolleluodsuejl ayi ivasgy isuolldp 6ulseud juowdojanaQ • 4.1 Funding Plan As identified in Section 3.4, there are significant infrastructure needs related in particular to road network improvements and sanitary sewer, and a disparate group of Stakeholder Agencies with a stake in that development (and therefore, the development of this infrastructure). Stakeholder Agencies and roles for infrastructure development are shown in Exhibit 4.1-1 below. Exhibit 4.1-1. Stakeholder Agencies and Roles City of East Wenatchee land Use Douglas County Roads Land Use, Roads Douglas County sewer District Sewer Sewer Port of Douglas County Washington Department of Transportation Access Access Chelan Douglas Transportation Council Roads East Wenatchee Water District Water Water Greater East Wenatchee Stormwater Utility Stormwater Stormwater Source: North End Area Market Study, April 2014 The North End Area Market Study: Market Strategy and Implementation Plan, BERK, April 2014 (hereafter referred to as the North End Area Market Study) first articulated the challenges and solutions to developing and funding this infrastructure: Challenges: ■ Each partner jurisdiction has its own responsibilities and policies, which don't always align with other partners. ■ Each organization has different funding sources and challenges, yet many infrastructure improvements need to occur at the same time to realize cost efficiencies. ■ The costs and risks of making the initial infrastructure improvements needed are not distributed equally among the different organizations. ■ There is a risk of development not materializing to justify investment in infrastructure. Solutions: ■ Ensure that development in the study area is sufficiently valuable to justify the level of investment that is required to provide the necessary infrastructure improvements. ■ An integrated approach to funding infrastructure should be pursued. ■ Determine what share of infrastructure improvements might be supportable by private development through the increased value of the land. ■ Consider interlocal agreements to pursue joint funding opportunities. To alleviate these challenges, the North End Area Market Study suggested that Stakeholder Agencies coalesce around one capital strategy for funding the infrastructure required to develop this site. This Hearing Draft 1 73 of 127 L L • 0 • 14BJG 5u1je9H 9T0Z Sullinsuo0 8a38 'dnojg odsueai'Aluno:) sel8noa :a»noS lnogepunoa = gya :pua8al sluawannbai luawdojanap 10 lied se palanilsuoo aq Aew peoi uollelmip a8eplq auiM/aildw3 MN/43S£ }o uolloasialui agl le lnogepunoi a pue a8ell!A au'M agl u!gllm uoilelmnn jewalw se 4:)ns sluawanoidwi jagl0 'paaN leuol8aa 'spun3 algelleny 'sdui eajy luafwd }o a8eluaDjud uo paseq lsoj;o aie4S, :a10N 8LO'006'6Z$ 000'689$ o00'L98'EE$ ieiol 000'01£'T$ %OOT 000'OTE'1$ 438E'8 8Z aS @ 13VH ZT 000'OTE'T$ %00T 000'OTE'T$ 43SE'8 8Z aS @ eya IT 00Z'ZZ8'S$ %OOT OOZ'ZZ8's$ ape3seD — 418£ -any aildw3 OT OLS'LZT'S $ %06 OOE'L69'S$ 438E- isWaplog -any ajldw3 6 89L'00Z"T$ %96 000'689$ 008'6E6'T$ u01sualx3 laajls 43SE 8 009'6LT'Z$ %OOT 009'6LT'Z$ u0lsua4x3 laajlS 438E L OZ6'E8L$ %08 006'6L6$ dwea u0 @ qVH 9 oZs'sb8 $ %08 006'9SO'T$ dwea qo @ SVU s 005'9Z4"T$ %OOT oos'9Ztb'T$ laails 418E NJ 8tla 6 008'068 $ %OOT 008'068$ laails glsE N7 g1Ya £ Qbt'Lb£"Z $ %08 OOE'hE6'Z$ dwea u0 punog 1saM Z 091's59'9 $ %0808} 00L'6T£'8$ dwea go punog lse3 T $9TOZ 'salew!ls3 3so0 WmIaN peon lenlda:)uo:) •Z-T'b 3!q!gx3 -eajegns a4l ul sasn a4l 01 paleaolle uo1111w 6.6Z$10 3soa lau a s! ajay1'luawl!wwo:) Bu!punj alels flews a pue sapepilauaq lejauaO asay1 jol Su!luno0ae jal}y - liomlau Aempeoa Mau a4l10 sluawala asn pinoM 1ey1 sd!Al-49no-jgl ul y1Moj2 jo suoll:)afoad pue suaalled laneJl IleJano 10 Malnaa a uo paseq sl pue alew!1sa an!lenJasuon e aq 01 papualul si ajegs a41 •eaje Apnls ay1 of lsoa 1e1o1 alnolle of padolanap sem luawanadw! AempeOJ Pea Jo ajegs al!s'1!jauaq lejauag asagl jo; lunooae of •eajegns a4l ulyl!m luawdolanap 01 Bu102 jo woj j Su!woa sdul aso4l puoAaq laneJj 011!Iauaq ane4 Il!M sluawanojdw! Aempeoi a4l 10 aw0s 'osIV 'Z-T'b 3!q!4x3 ul umogs aie salew!lsa lso:) liomlau peoj lenlda:)uo:) 'lno spl!nq ease 941 se sluawSas lenp!nlpul se 11!nq aq uea sluawanadw! asagl'JanaMOH -uo!ll!w 13•££5 palew!lsa ue sl al!s ay1 jol aulds laomlau a pue ssaaae ap!nad of papaau sluawanoidwi peoa jo lsoa lelol a41 Sjuauaanoadufj 4mn pue peoN •luawpuawe japun 1ou aje pue sasn }o aguej japeoiq a molle Suluoz Su!luawaldwl pue ueld anlsuagajdwo:) a4l 1e41 uan12'ldaauoa asn puel ueld aPS JalseyY aql 4llm lualslsuoa aq of luawdolanap azlnlluaaul pinom aaueulpio uolhe pauueld ay1 'uoll!ppe ul -walsAS A11111n a4l of 1:)auuo:) of eaje Apn1s a4l ul luawdolanap aanlnl aa!nbaj pinom suo1leln9aj Alfa pue Alunoa ja410 pue aaueulpap uo1lay pauueld agl'ueld ay1 luawaldwl of •Sluawlsanul ajnl:)njlsejjul paleposse pue ASalejis asn puel paleulpaow e SwA}!luap! Aq btiOZ APO4S ja�joW oalb'Pu3 ylJoN a4l 10 uollawlp a4l sil!jIn3 Ueld ally Jalsew s!41 'uozlao4 8uluueld jeaA-01 a u14l!M sluawanoadwt ammilsea;ul asagl gslldwoaae of apnl!uoew lua!0l}jns;o saaanos Sulpunj allslleaj pue san1laafgo weal-Suol palpluapl Apeah 4l!M'Sa1ew11sa 1So0 lanai-g91q uo paseq padolanap aq pinom ASalejls le1!dea NVId NOIiJy N01itfiN3W31dW1 (N'dld V3Nvam) Ndld 311S N31SVW ON3 HINON NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN • As shown in Exhibit 4.1-3, there are more than $8 million in utility infrastructure needs, in addition to projected transportation needs. The largest share of utility costs is related to extension of sanitary sewer improvements through the site, which is estimated to be $8.0 million. This does include the cost of extending a sewer main up Empire Avenue to the south edge of the study area (shown as Project GS-1 in Exhibit 3.4-9), which will be needed before the main can be extended. The table below includes a proportional assignment of contingency and engineering costs detailed in Exhibit 3.4-9. r� Exhibit 4.1-3. Utilities Costs Water $601,500 Sewer $8,025,500 Total $8,627,000 Source: Berger/ARAM 2016 Infrastructure and Land Values Major infrastructure improvements that open up new developable areas present a particularly challenging funding issue for public service providers. The large up -front investments will have long- term benefits if and when the area is developed. Even when the future development potential is expected to generate sufficient tax and fee revenue to support the necessary level of investment, there is still the risk associated with the upfront capital spending and the fact that the new revenues will be generated over many years and subject to the inherent uncertainties of market demand. For the North End Area, development cannot proceed without an estimated $33.8 million over ten years to improve roads and $8.6 million to improve sanitary sewer and domestic water. Based on the value of the uses that might locate in this area and projected demand, it is likely that development will be able to support an as -of -yet unidentified portion of these infrastructure improvements through the Planned Action Ordinance mitigation (e.g. mitigation fees similar to impact fees). Stakeholder Agencies will have to be thoughtful about the share of these infrastructure improvements that could be funded by development and the share that would be covered by public sources, particularly where the improvements would benefit the broader road and sewer system for the community as a whole. For transportation costs, without the balancing of what share would be publicly funded, the per trip amount is illustrated below, and reinforces the need for further evaluation and thoughtfulness on the share that may be covered by public sources and the share that may be the responsibility of private development. Exhibit 4.1-4. Preliminary per Trip Costs — Pending Balance of Public and Private Shares Full Costs $33,867,000 $7,549 Study Area Proportionate Share of Costs, All $29,900,078 $6,665 Study Area Proportionate Share of Costs, Half $14,950,039 $3,333 Study Area Fund Projects unscheduled in Transportation 2040 $16,454,840 $3,668 Full Intensity Trips: 4,486 Source: Douglas County, The Transpo Group, BERK Consulting 2016 Hearing Draft 1 —0 75 of 127 FA • 910Z lsn6n;r I 4ea0 6uueaH •seaJe Jaylo asagl ul paAjas sialiew agl of uollelai ui s4!3 luawdolanap pu3 glaoN anlliadsoid aql aaa4m s! anss! Ai!pq!seal Aal aqi -seaje iaglo ui paoua!jadxa suoll!puoo ialiew lumina aql puoAaq so!wouooa luawdolanap aqi gsnd 1ou saop eaje Apnls ivaiin:) aql ul sanlen puel rnol AaaA aql 01 ainl3ni4seilu! to isoo aql Sulppe legl sr sisaNns slsAleue slgl iegM •uollels splp u, puel uegl aaow Alle!luelsgns pue aaq:)ieuaM umolumop ul puel Jo; aBeJane IleJano ivaiim ay1 uegl anlen puel aSeJane jagSlg Aj149ils a le ails aqi aoeld pinonn 11 'IIeW AalleA aagoieuaM aql punoae pue uela4D unnolunnop ul sanlen puel uegl jamol Allelluelsgns aq pinonn puel to fool ajenbs jad iso:) 99'S$ aql 'aldwexa ao3 -eaje aql ui aJagMasla puel leloJawwoo iaglo to spunoq ay1 ulgl!m sllel eaje aql ul puel to lso:) puel lelol agl'anleA puel aqi of pappe aie siso:) ainianilseilul Al!l!ln pue uollel►odsuejl aglto %b6 legl Su!wnsse uana legl snnogs galgnn's!sAleue slgl;o sllnsai aqi sluasaid 9-T'ti llq!4x3 'uoiSaJ agl ul ajagnnasla sal!s luawdolanap anlleuJaile snsjaA Me Apnis agl ui sasodind luawdolanap col puel aj!nboe 01 lsoo anllelai palldw! aql Aq pawjolut aq uagl ueo anss) Al!l!q!seal aqi •uoi9aj sel2no4-uela4D agl ul seaje ivawdolanap lel»awwoa aaglo jol sanlen puel ql!M pajedwoo aq uagl ue:) anlen puel slseq-lso:) slgi •algel!ene a:)!Aaas Jannas pue uolleliodsueii Ilnl gl!M puel to lso:) „ pauapinq Allnl„ a alean of eaje Apnls aql ui puel to anlen ivaian:) aql of pappe uagl aie siso:) asagi 9T0Z '9uljlnsuOD )qN38 fV4V9VJa8ja8 'odsueil :a»noS 8L0'LZs'8£$ 810'006'6Z$ 000'LZ9'8S eajegns pu3 41JoN 03 j507;0 uol3e2oll`d %L'06 %E'88 %OOT eajegns pu3 41JoN of alge;nq!juy aie4S 000'b6b'Zb$ 0o0'L98'£E$ 000'LZ9'8$ (9TOZ$) siso:) $9T0Z'sluawanoadwj jo slso3 •s-T'b ilq!4x3 'luawanoidwi pea wa; sl!lauaq to ajegs Aliadoid anllelaJ aqi uo paseq isoo to uo!leaolle lenidaouoa a sapnpul pue 's-T'b 1!q!4x3 ui paluasaid s! puel „pauapinq Allnl„ aqi dolanap of pasn slso:) aanl:)nilsejlu! aqi ease laliew japeoaq aql olul W 1421w ease Apnis aql u! puel „pauapinq-Allnl„ anoq aleiisnll! of padolanap seen sanlen pue sisoa puel to slsAleue anllejedwoa aldwls e'suaaauoa asaglaol ixaluoa awns ap!nad of 'luawlsanui to lanal slgl iaoddns uea ialaew aqi pun A31Alhe Aelap Allueu13!uB!s jo alglsealui luawdolanap a� ew pino:) luawdolanap alenlid 01 sluawanoadwi aanl:)njisejlul to iso:) agl to ajegs lelluelsgns a aleaolle of Sulldwalle legs sisaialui ivawdolanap le!lualod pue siaunno Aliadoid Suowe waiuoa sl aaagi • N`dld N011:)V N011b'1N3W31dWl (Ndld V3NvenS) Nb'ld 311S N31SVIN dN3 HAON NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN • Exhibit 4.1-6. Land Value per Square Foot, 2015$ $12.00 $10.93 $10.00 $8.08 $8.00 $6.00 $5.17 $5.66 $4.00 $2.49 $2.00 $1.42 ■ 5 Wenatchee Valley Downtown Chelan Downtown Olds Station North End Current North End Improved Mall Wenatchee (Land + Subarea Share of Infrastructure Costs) Source: Douglas County Assessor's Office, 2016; Chelan County Assessor's Office, 2016; BERK Consulting, 2016. Note: For the purposes of this analysis, the market value of land as determined by the County Assessor is used as the current land value base for the commercial areas evaluated. Individual property values can vary significantly within these areas based on zoning and other property features, such as water access. By using averages for the entire commercial districts, the analysis offers a general comparison across the range of uses allowed. Since the value of land is based on the expected value of the real estate use that might locate on a piece of property, there is a direct relationship between rents or sale prices and what someone is willing to pay to acquire a development site. For example, if average rents, condominium values and hotel rates in the study area were expected to be 75% to 80% of current market conditions in downtown Chelan, then there would appear to be a reasonable market opportunity in the study area. The $5.70 cost of land in the study area would compare roughly to a land value of $8.20 per square foot (75% of downtown Chelan values), leaving a market risk cushion of $2.50 per square foot. Alternatively, if the perception is that the study area rents, condo values and hotel rates were more likely be comparable to the averages for downtown Wenatchee, then under current market conditions, land in the subarea would be at a 12% premium. In this scenario, with newer development it may be possible to support this premium, but there would be no market cushion to mitigate risks. It should be noted that this is a simple threshold analysis of potential market considerations and not a detailed development pro -forma analysis designed to assess specific feasibility of any particular development opportunity in the North End study area. The reality is that different uses will present different economic opportunities. As a result, the potential contribution to infrastructure costs will depend on the development activity that emerges and will not likely be the same for every parcel. However, the analysis does confirm that, while there is a significant investment required, there is also a significant gap between the current value of property in the study and the value of other commercial property in the area. The gap in the current value of the property and other commercial property in the area means there is an opportunity for property owners to be "equity partners" in attracting development opportunities. • Whether a current landowner is considering the option of developing their property or looking to sell at Hearing Draft I 77 of 127 �n7 „nrrn, I uejQ 6wieaH 9TOZ Euillnsuo:) N2138 •SIOZ jossassy Aluno:) sel3no0 :a:)jnoS %iZ if'" lz*soZ Ielol %0 0 wmpaW 98,11 Ved ssau!sngll!elaa %0 0 481H 66711 uo!lnl!;sul a;enlld jo ollgnd %1'0 ZO'0 wnlpaW 16'01 Al!Iel!dsoH %i 9E'o wnlpaW ££'bZ uolleajoab lemawwoo %01 ss'l wnlpaW Sb'61 ssawsn8laoigo %61 91T wnlpaW b6'91 Ved ssoulsng %OE LZ'£i 48!H 8S'£b a6e11!A aulM %SL Z9'SZ Mol 9117E lloseH Y= eaad ApnlS ui pue3;o aaeyS uo!;e:podsuejl;o luawlpeda0 a;e;S uol8u!4seM 'L-i'b 3!q!4x3 •aseanu! pinoo A;Jadoid s,lOOsM }o anleA ay; 'aEueJ slyl gulsn -luawdolanap leloJawwoo luoddns of aoeld ui si ajnlonalseajul ay; aouo ajow Ao lool alenbs aad g$ o; E$ woj} aseanui pinoo loot aienbs jad anleA puel ayl (9-i•17 l!g!yx3 aas) anleA puel aA!loadsoid }o uolssnos!p jayea ayl uo paseg '9-TT 1!q!4x3 pue L-i'b 1!q!4x3 aas'seaae aol}}O pue Ted ssau!sng ayl yl!m pale!oosse sajeys jallews se Ilam se '(%OE) aSell!A au!M ayl;o sane El pue '(%SL) eaje posaa ayl jo sane 9Z lnoge Su!pnlou! 'seaje luawdolanap sno!jeA ayl sasladwoo ley; puel ayl }o %TZ pue eaje gu!uueld wilua a41;o %Eb Alalew!xoidde sumo lOaSM 'luawlsanul o!lgnd le!1!ui ayl jo awos gulJanooaJ 10 sueaw e se anleA puel le;uawajoul ay;;o awos aanldeo of Al!unlioddo anb!un a sa;ean paumo-Alollgnd si puel jo lunowe aSiel a leyl;oel ayi'luawdolanap plaljuaajB jo loadse leo!dAl a si olweuAp anleA puel s!4l al!4M 'uleg le!lualod ayl ja;ea18 ayl 'uaddey ueo slyl leyl jauoos ay; 'luawdolanap ao; Apeaj sl eaje a4; I!lun „paloolun„ AIInj aq ;ouueo Aliadoid mayl;o anleA ayl aou!S •luawdolanap o; pu3 yluoN ay; • do uado ll!m leyl ajnlonjlsei;uw uj sluawlsanul ayl Luoil l!Iauaq of puels Aayl'ajnln} ayl ul;u!od awos NVId NOIIDd NOUVIN3W31dWl (N7ld b321vsn) Nb'ld 311S 831SVW ON3 HiHON • • 0 NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN {SUBAREA PLAN) IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Exhibit 4.1-8. Washington State Department of Transportation Ownership in Study Area NORTH END STUDY AREA - WASHINGTON STATE OWNERSHIP / 0 Study Area I Existing Roads / • • Trait • ♦ O Proposed Roundabout • 0 Future Roundabout • r I 41ST ST NW • Proposed Road Extension � • 1 Future Road Extension i • 1 Development Areas by Land Use Intensity 0 • High -Intensity Land Uses • • . Medium -Intensity Land Uses • ■ Low-Intcnsity Land Uses NW 391H ST ■ Park and Trait Areas • • `�� L® WA State Owned Land in Development Areas • •,.'�' �.• • .vim � � � � NW 39TH ST RO use l...... .. lyr Retail/ — ' — — — y • ; - b52/97 Business - Business k Park Park 1 1 1 Hospitality 1 "- OLDS STATION BRIDGERD 1 1 Wine 1 Village 0- Public or Commercial 1 'Nvate Recreation 1 1 Institution Ni 1 35TH ST NW Office/Business a tiF GOLDCREST ST d' W 3 '✓t a j •` < 34TH ST NW S N !O 'P = 3 _ oI soo1 1000 1 cy r U' ; Z Irrr Dare May. 3016 Al BERK transpo 2SourceVrcB 9tltg:a1AsRS. 3015. 016; Dpus Coun—tyty 4ssese ssor 2015 Source: Douglas County Assessor; BERK Consulting, 2016 Hearing Draft I Augusi 20i6 —W 79 of 127 L g n 1 oz lsn6n,„ I 4eJ0 6uueaH 0 -sluedn33o s,alls aql Aq palejauag Sullllq Allllln lelol aql uo paseq 'paxauue;! `aag3leuaM 1se3;o AID aql aol anuanaJ xel 41l1!ln aleaauaO pinom ajo;aaagl pue 'sapua2v japlogajelS Aq pa/uas aq pinom alls aql uo luawdolanap aql •slueual ain1nj s,alls ay1 Aq paseg3and salllllln;o Allluenb aql gllm uoi:podoid ui sale3s punj leaau@S ay10l smog} legl saxel Allllln woj; anuanaJ pue sanuanaj Allllln lelol lsuleSe paSjeg3 aie saa; aslgauejl pue saxel Allllin 'luawdolanaa uo paleaauag xelA4lllln • -Mal xel Apadoid agl uo de:) aeaA jad %T ay1 puoAaq sanuanaa pue aseq xel Aliadoid s11 aseanui of uollolpsunf a jol Aem Aluo ay1 sl uollonjlsuo3 mau wOJJ AV 'Aem slgl ul •1! uo sanuanaJ 13a1103 pue slloi xel sl! 01 (AV) anleA passasse 1ey1 ppe ue3 AlunoO ay1 '111nq sl uollonjlsuo3 mau uagM -wawdolanaa uo paleaauag xel A:Padoid sanuaABJ xel asn pue sales'BuloSuo lue3lpugis alejauag IIlm luawdolanap laloq pue Ilelaa • •uoipnilsuo3 ul pasn jogel pue'leualew 'sallddns jo lso3 lln; aql jol xel sales alejauag lllm luawdolanap aql jo uollonilsuo3 lell!u! aql • :sAem oml ul palejauas aq 11lm luawdolanap alls lellualod woa} spedwi xel saleS -sapepunoq s,Aluno:) aql ulgllm Buujn33o spoo2;o sales algexel ag1 woaj palejauaS sl xel sales •luawdolanaa uo palejauag xel sales :Bulmollo;ag1 woaj palejauaO aq IIlm sanuanaa xel •suo113unj ledlolunw aaglo Oullioddns Aq pooS jaleajS aql of alnquluo3 1pm AI!Alloe mau agl legl lae; agl uo paseq luawlsanul ollgnd A !lsnf Alpeojq aaow oljo alls aql u! 1uawlsanul 3llgnd agl;o uolliod awos pun; Alloaalp of pasn aq ue3 sll;auaq xel asagl •eaje agl ul awool IIlm legl sasn ay1 woa; AilAll3e SuloSuo wojj pue 2ulpuads uoll3nilsuo3 ay1 Aq palejauaS aq !l!m legl sll;auaq xel IeaauaS 0y1 s! eaJe pu3 gPON agl;o luawdolanap Inlssaoons aql woj} ann3e IIIm legl sl!jauaq Allunwwo3 aapeojq agl;o auO #uawdolana(I MON w04 suognqujuoo ajn;deo of sepiunpoddo jeuo Pppb •pajlnbai Sulpun} aql 01 aA1lelaJ salewllsa apnlluSew;o japio pue Allllgellns 'Alll!glseaj;o luawssasse ue ap!Aoid xlilew a pue epaip:) uollenlena'1e415ulmollo3 -molaq sjeadde suolldo Rulpun; j0lsll b' -sluawaaJ9e Jawooalel pue'slolJlslp luawanojdwl peon jo'sl3ulsla luawanojdwl le3ol Almin'sl3ulsla luawanoidwl le3ol `sp!jlslp Alllloe}Allunwwoo `Suloueulj u01lezllellAaJ Allunwwoo ajll suolldo Bulpunj pazllepads aaplsuo3 osle pinogs sal3ua'BV japlogaJels uo!leS!1!w pue 'suoileoolle anllelslgal pue SIMS anlllladwo3 leaapal pue alels 'sanuanaa lel1de3 le3ol Sullslxa apnpul sa3jnos Sulpun} leuo1llpeil •sluawanoidwl ainlonilseijul ao; Aed of sa3anos Sulpunj pualq 01 aAeg lllm salouaSV aaplogajelS juawjsanulaJ pue ainlde3 anleA pue A3u@Se 3119nd aql of uolllppe ul suolldo GulpunA *slseq oS-noA-se-Aed a uo gse3 y11m papunj aq pinom sluawanoidwi ainlanilsequi asagl legl sawnsse slsAleue slgl'ABaleils slgl10 sasodind aql ao3 •slsoo a3lAias lgap of anp s1so3 IleJano ilagl saseanur s:pafoid Sw3ueul j se 'le131;auaq aq pinom slgl '4se3 w sluawanoadwl asagl punj pino3 'suolingljluo3 uolleSlllw Aq passaillnq 'sapuaEV japlogalels aq1 legl ollslleaa sI 1! lnq 'spun] }o lunowe algeazls a sl slgl •aeaA a uolll!w E$ Alalewlxojdde of lunowe pinom 1! 'sjeaA ual Jano Allenba pasegd aq pino3 luawdolanap slgl;l-uozlaoq Suluueld jeaA-ual a ulgllm pagslldwoo3e aq sluawanojdwi ainlonilsequl asayl legl palsaSgns 1(pnl54aNjDW nary pu3 yVON agl • BUISNd NVId NOI1:)V NO11V1N3LN3IdWl (NV*ld `d32ivenS) Nrld 311S N31SVVJ ON3 HINON NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN • In addition to the general tax benefits described above, there are funding mechanisms that provide opportunities to more directly tap the value increase in the land to support infrastructure development for the North End properties. The following is a brief summary of these options: • ■ Community Facility Districts. Allow jurisdictions (including cities and counties) to finance infrastructure improvement through establishing a special assessment district for a variety of improvements including water, sewer, roads, storm drainage, sidewalks, and other forms of infrastructure. The formation of a district requires 100% of property owners within the district to sign a petition to form the district. ■ Road Improvement Districts (RID). Levy a special assessment on properties that would benefit from roadway improvements to pay for those improvements. This mechanism can be particularly effective when: (1) there are significant and demonstrable benefits to the property values associated with the road improvements; and, (2) there are relatively few large property owners within the assessment area and they see the benefit of participating in the RID. ■ Utility Local Improvement Districts (ULID). Use existing County and special district authority to establish a ULID for the purpose of constructing or reconstructing sewer or water systems and to levy a special assessment to pay in whole the cost of any improvements. Finally, there are mechanisms that provide opportunities to address some of the equity balancing issues associated with allocating some of the funding responsibility to future development. Since the actual ability to support a portion of infrastructure development will vary based on the use, it may be desirable to have options to reduce the cost burden on development. The following is a brief summary of these options: ■ Latecomer Agreements. Funding agreements that allow property owners who have paid for capital improvements to recover a portion of the costs from other property owners in the area who later develop property that will benefit from those improvements. This approach reflects the reality that it is difficult to phase some of these infrastructure investments which can result in the early participants carrying a larger financial burden to get the project off the ground. Latecomers agreements would offer a mechanism for the early commitments to recover some of their investment. ■ Negotiated Development Fee Rebate. Allows jurisdictions to levy relatively higher impact fees with the promise that a portion of those fees will be refunded from the increment of general tax revenues generated by the construction and ongoing activity on the site. Community Contributions As discussed previously, the successful development of the North End area will result in general tax revenue and economic benefits. As a result, there is an appropriate role for public funding to build the infrastructure necessary to generate these broader community benefits. The following is a brief discussion of the mechanisms available to local jurisdictions seeking to generate public funding to support infrastructure development in the area. ■ Property Tax Levy Lid Lift. The Road Levy is a property tax collected by the County specifically for transportation funding and accounts for a large portion of the County's transportation funds. If the transportation needs were of sufficiently high priority, the County could target Road Levy Funds to contribute toward a share of the transportation needs of the area. Hearing Draft I August 20 -M 81 of 127 8 9Lp7 ;sn6ny i ueJO 6uueaH • gTOZ'EZ AeIN :passaaay •xdse•sweJSoJd-leuoll!peJl -92130/saSed/pJeoguo!lez!lel!Aaaa!wouoa3A1!unwwo:)/suo!ss!wwoa/AOR-eM'aoJawwo3•n mm//:dllq :algel!eny 'sweJSOJd Su!pun j gToz aajawwo:) }o luawliedad , •aA1l!ladwo3 AJaA pue'uolleudoJdde ams of laafgns'pal!w!I ale spun}AJeuo11aJ3sIp asayl'slueJd Om sy •lueJO a se sl!}auaq awes ayl aney pinom laSpnq alels ayl 4Snou4l uo!inq!aluoa a 'sa!i!l!ae} uo!lelJodsueJl alels Jo} paJ!nbaJ sluauJlsanul ale aJagl aoulS •ssaaoJd laSpnq alels ayl y2lnoJgl paleaolle s! Bu!pun} ajnlanjlsea}u! awns 'swei0oid luejS ayl of uoil!ppe ul •uo!le3olle an!;els!ga3 0 „•alea Jel!wis AlgeuoseaJ ale algel!ene sI spun} }o aaJnos Alaw!i Jaglo ou legl pue aouelslsse ga30 Jo} paau aql„ aleilsuowap sluea!ldde aJagnA pue „jUawisanw lel!de3 aleAud lue3!}lu2is aleJauaS Jo sgof luauewiad }o Jagwnu luea!}!uSls a }o uolleaJa ayl of peal„ ll!m pafoJd ayl legl saleilsuowap Apnis Al!l!q!sea} a!wouoaa up aJagm spJenne luawdolanaQ anll3adsoJd Jo} alq!S!la ale AlunoO selOnod se vans sa!lunoo leJnJ ul suo113lpslJnf •sJaglo pue'Jalennalsem'JalemwJols'Jalem le!Jlsnpw pue 3llsawop apnl3u! pu3 41JON agl01 luenalaJ slaafoJd alq!Sila 'uo1leluawaldwl OulpJe2ab •lue'O ga30 a Aq 1Jed ul papun} ale uollay pauueld pale!aosse pue ueld al!S Jalsevy s1y1 'uo11e1uawaldwl pue Bu!uueld ssaJppe swBlSOJd -Bu!igweS Jo luawdolanap llelaJ }o uo!idaaxa ayl yl!M 'uolsuedxa pue 41moJS ssau!snq aleA!id sljoddns ga!gM'aJnlanjlseJ}u! 3llgnd Jo} saglJl pazluSoaaJ AlleJapa} pue sluawuJaAOS leool 01 SIMS pue sueol sap!AoJd (9a30) pJeog uo!lezllel!Aaa alwouoa3 Al!unwwo0 aq I •sa3Jnos 3llgnd le3ol pue luawdolanap woJ} awoa 01 spaau 1e41 lunowe aql aonpaJ pinom spun} asagl aouls 'luawdolanap pu3 y1JoN ayl }o Al! I!q!seal olwouoaa pue Sulpun} aq1 anoJdw! Allueo!}!uSls pinonn algel!ene apew aq pino3 leyl Sulpun} lueJo Aue 'Janannoy 'aA11!ladwo3 AlawaJixa ale sweJSoJd asa41 •uo!saJ ay1 ap!slno woJ} gu!pun} awns ap!AoJd pino3 q:)igm'sweJSoJd ueol SUTAlonaJ pue 1uejS leJapa} pue alels ale aJayl •sueol pue slueJg M •sJaAed ale, Su!islxa of pedwl @lei aleSll!w of sJasn a!}!aads 1!}auaq Alleuo1wodoJdslp 4o14nn aJnlonilseJ}ul 10 51S03 Jano3aJ o1 pau2lsap aq uea pue uo!13auuo3 ag1 }0 lsoo ayl y1!N+ aleJnsuawwo3 aq lsnw saa} aso41 •awll 1SJ11 ayl Jo} sa:)"uas JaleM pue Jamas 01 Sulloauuo3 sJaunno AlJadoJd pue sJadolanap of saa} uoll3auuoa Anal of paz!Joylne ale sJap!AoJd aolAUas •saaj u0113auuo:) J03eM pue Jannas N •sJaAed ale, Ile Aq pa:poddns luaWlsanu! lel!deo leJauaS a Jo} uolleai}!lsnf e aq pinonn aJayl ua41 asudJalua Al!l!ln IleJano ayl of sl!}auaq apinoJd pinom spaau aJnpnilseJ}ui agl10 sluawala q:)igm of aaJ2lap ayl seaAe a3IAJas an113adsaJ J!agl ui luawdolanap aJnl3njlseJ}ul iJoddns pue pl!nq of isoa ayl Su!pniau! 'slsoa pun} Alwa!a!}}ns of sale, J!ayl aseaJ3ul of pazuoylne aJe snyl pue 'salauaSe asudJalua aJe 'al!s ayl sulAJas asogl ai!I 'sa!1!I!lfl 'sales Al!l!ifl paseaJ3ui •a1eJ wnwlxew AJolnlels aql of do sale, aseaJ3u! wayl slal i}!I pq Anal y •aseaJ3ul suollenleA A1JadoJd se anuanaJ leuo!llppe %T ue41 aJow 2WAal pone 01 JeaA Jal}e JeaA paonpaJ ale, Anal Jlaql uaas aneq slo!Jis!p asayl }o Auew inq sale, wnw!xew /uolnlels ulelJa3 aney sp!Jis10 •uo!l3!psunf legl Jo} lunowe 1!w!i ale, wnw!xew ayl of dn'lunowe Anal JaySly a 13aIIoa uea l3lJis!p aql os saseaJau! Mal lenuue uo 1!w!i Anal %1 ayl „1}y„ 01 sJajOA sl! s1se Aluno3 a 's!ql op 01 •14!! p!l Mal e s1 s1gl legwo3 of Sulsn 'ale AlBu!seaJ3u! pue 'uea salluno3 leyl 1001 aup •glmois uollelndod Jo'(%E punoJe sJanoy 4:)Igm) uollel}ul ql!M aced daal 1ou saop aseaJ3u! pannolle • T ay1 asneoaq Su!u!l3ap uaaq aney Mal slgl woJ} sanuanaJ a4l'LbL-1 }o aSessed ay1 a3ulS • NVId NO113V N0I1V1N3W31dW1 (Nbld d3bvenS) Ntfld 311S 831SVN 4N3 HlbON NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN • • A variation on the state funding options is to position the project to be eligible for Local Revitalization Financing (LRF). This is a state economic development program designed to provide a tax -increment financing mechanism for local projects which will have measurable fiscal benefits. Under this program, there is a state match for local contributions to fund debt service related to infrastructure development. The match is capped, but provides a meaningful new source of funding. The legislature has not funded any new awards for several years, so this approach would require new budget authority to expand the program beyond the current list of projects that have been awarded. ■ Community Revitalization Financing. A form of tax increment financing from local property taxes generated within the area authorized by Chapter 39.89 RCW. The law authorizes counties, cities, towns, and port districts to create tax increment areas within their boundaries where community revitalization projects and programs are financed by diverting a portion of the regular property taxes imposed by local governments within the tax increment area. The law allows local governments raise revenue to finance public improvements that are designed to "encourage economic growth and development in geographic areas characterized by high levels of unemployment and stagnate employment and income growth." Use of the funds is expected to "encourage private development within the increment area and to increase the fair market value of real property within the increment area." The law requires there be a signed, written agreement among taxing districts, a public hearing, and adoption of an ordinance. The agreement indicates that taxing districts in the aggregate will levy at least 75 percent of the regular property tax within the increment area. ■ Transportation Benefit District (TBD). Funding districts that may be established for the construction and operation of improvements to roadways within their jurisdiction. TBDs have two available funding mechanisms: • Sales and Use Tax (RCW 82.14.0455). TBDs can levy up to a 0.2% local sales and use tax with voter approval. This tax must be authorized by voters, and may not be in effect longer than 10 years unless reauthorized by voters. Motor Vehicle Excise Tax (MVET) (RCWs 81.100 and 81.104). TBDs can levy up to a $100 fee for each new vehicle weighing less than 6,000 pounds registered in its jurisdiction. Initially, $20 of this fee can be leveraged without a public vote. Aftertwo years that amount increases to $40, and later to $SO. Depending on how a TBD is created, this approach could be viewed as a general source of transportation funding or a target source more along the lines of the LID and RID options discussed earlier. A large TBD would be able to fund a range of improvements throughout the area, including potentially contributing toward the transportation needs in the North End area. A smaller, more targeted area could be considered if there was a desire to more closely align the boundaries with a specific geography and target a much narrower list of improvements. In 2013, the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District was created by the City of East Wenatchee and authorized the $20 vehicle license fee. It applies only in the city limits at this time. In 2015, the legislature increased the allowable nonvoted vehicle license fee up to a $50 maximum. However, a TBD may only impose a nonvoted vehicle license fee above $20 as follows: • Up to $40, but only if a $20 fee has been in effect for at least 24 months. • Up to $50, but only if a $40 fee has been in effect for at least 24 months. Any nonvoted Isfee higher than $40 is subject to potential referendum. Hearing Draft 1 83 of 127 L g c isn6n%f I ueja 6uueaH 'papnpui lou si Aaeioilauaq aleudoidde ay1 of aaAed aoinos Suipunl pea to luawuSile punoje eualua 'weal Suol a41 ui luawdolanap woil 1!lauaq ll!m sluap!sai ease asneoaq pue spaau ainlonilseilui asayl to uoiliod a lioddns of uoileS!1!w aiinbai of pualui sa!auaOv jaployaje15 asneaaq -a3e!d ul sa3jnos Suipunl Sullsixo aSeJanal ao'pu3 ylJoN ayl Suinaas saiauase leaol Suowe sdiysiaulied Mau jo panuiluo3 lioddns pinom a3jnos Suipunl ayl luipunj Sul ls!x3 a8eJana3/sd!ysJ9u:Ped aziw!xeyY •paau Suipunl uoill!w F£$ ayl of anllelaA suoildo Suipunl asayl to apnl!uSew 10 japio ayl salewlls3 •apnl!uSew 10 iapip N -s1so3 ainlanilsealui asayl laaw of pawil Swpunl alejauaS pinom aainos Suipunl pea 43iym of lualxa ayl salpluapl •Al!l!gel!nS m •luawanlonu! Aouage jaployajels aelnailJed ajinbai pinom 43iym'Al!i!q!Slla 10 sa nleal anbiun Aue sail!luap! pue si uotldo Suipunl yaea oilsileaj moy salew!ls3 •A4!1!gi9!l3/AI!I!q!seaj M ellalu3 asayl of Su!pjo33e pauaaaas si sa3jnos Suipunl leilualod ayl to 43e3 uopenjen3 „(OOi'SZ'£S M0») sasodind pue sasn leulsnpui aol algellene pue aigel!ns awes ayl ajew of 13ulsip luawdolanap leulsnpul y3ns ulyl!m spuel ayl anoidwi pue dolanap 01„ paMolle sl C]Q ue 'saamod sl! Suowy -sasn leulsnpui-uou l!wil Allauls 1ou Aew mel ayl snyl pue 'aal ayl ulyl!m smel leaauaS Aq 1! of paluejo aamod ayl aspjaxa of pamoile sl 1-10d ayl sa!11n113e uollnqulsp pue uo113npoid aney Aew yalym sauaulm pue Ted ssauisnq Suipnpui 'sasn luawAoidwa 10 x1w a sey ueld eajegns ayl •saeaA xis of do jol amen passasse 10 000'1$ jad St,'O$ of do 10 xel Aliadoid a Anal of Al!joylne ay1 aney osle slJod •sluawlsanu! a3!naas pue aanl3njlseilui ySnojyl puel Su!nouduwi pue puel Suiainb3e se l!am se sluawssasse Suilaallm pue SuiAnal smolle uoilels!Sal ayl 'auole laluew alenud ay1 ySnoiyl luawdolanap o!wouo3a Su!na!43e ui Al!no111!p pue sdiysjaumo aldillnw aie ajay1 ajaym seaje ui sluawanoidw! ainpnilsejlui Suilew pue Alqwasse puel yl!m Sullsisse se vans spuel leuiSiew ul luawlsanu! 3ilgnd gsnojyl luawdolanap pue luawdolanapaa azileaj 01 lJod ayl molle II!m OQI ayl'MJ2i SZ'FS aaldey' ySnojyl (a01) 13!jlsip luawdolanap leulsnpul ue ysilgelsa Aew AlunoO selSnop 10 laod ayl'suoil!puoa leulSaew jaylo Suowe eaje ayl to uo!lezil!ln pue ajnl3njlsejlui to l3el ssa.ippe of •laialsiQ luawdolanap leulsnpul ■ '001$ paaoxa louuea pue slalon 10 Al!aofew aldwis a Aq panojdde aq lsnw asayl 1nq 'pamolle aAe OS$ puoAaq saal asuaaij 'sluaplsaj asayl of leadde pinom leyl sluawanoidwi 10 lsil algel!ns a SuiAl!luap! of aSualley3 a alean Aew pue Alap!m lno peajds si uopelndod siyl jo yonw leyl si aSualleya ayl -seaje asagl ui Aluo aal a asodwi P1noo A1unoO ay1 aaaym pue uoilelndod Aluno3 lelol ayl 11e4 ueyl ajow apnl3ui pinom leyl agl palejodjoou!un ue wjo j •passaippe aq pino3 saiiepunoq SuiddelJano to anssi ayl Agajaym luawaajSe le3olaalul ue ajinbai pinom yoiym'agl ap!mAlunoo a wjo j :apnpui pinoa suoildo'aaolaja41 •saal asuaa!i palonuou ay1 asodwi Aew Aluo seaae palejodiO3ulun ay1 sapnpui 1e4113ulslp a ua4l'aledi3ilied of Suill!mun aie sailp ayl1l •uoilelndod Alp ayl10 %St Bulluasaidai sailp aylto %09 Aq panoidde aq lsnw y3iym luawaaiSe le3oljalui Aq Aluno3 ayl ui Alp pea of sanuanaA ay1 alnqulsip of paau pinoM 11 'aal asua3ll palonuou a asodwi pue agl ap!mAlunoo a Suiwjol jap!suoa of aaam AlunoO selsnoa 11 • Ntfld N011:)d N011tl1N3IN31dWl (Nt/ld'd32 vanS) N'dld 311S 831SVW 4N3 HINON U • NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN There is an inherent tension between funding these projects and funding Stakeholder Agencies' existing, already heavily prioritized Capital and Transportation Improvement Projects. Many of these funding options could be used to fund those other existing projects. Stakeholder Agencies will want to coordinate to ensure all partners are levying funding options that allow them to contribute their fair share to this project. Exhibit 4.1-9. Funding Sources Evaluation Existing Source Additional sales tax generated by development Additional property tax generated by development Additional utility tax generated by development Road Levy Funds Increased Utility Rates Targeted Connection Fees Grant and Loan Programs CERB Grants and Loans Legislative Allocation New Source Community Revitalization Financing Community Facility Districts Local Improvement Districts Late -comer Agreements Impact Fee Rebate Transportation Benefit District (TBD) Industrial Development District (IDD) Legend o t o * * o o * t o t. t o t o i t o * t O Positive ® Neutral 45 Negative Strategies and Recommendations Local governments must balance their budgets. Decreases in revenues must be offset with service cuts or increases in taxes. The limitation on property taxes in 2001 forced Washington State local Hearing Draft 1 85 of 127 L B-- -- g t OZ jsn6n I ueJp buueaH IIs •luawdolanap algejlsap Su!lowojd }o asodind ay; jo} puel llas pue ajlnbay pue '(,:)la 'uo!;eaa3aj 'Ala}es allgnd) sa:)ituas 3llgnd lelluassa Janlla(i N '(•a1a'sale!l!1n'uolleliodsuej;'slied) ajnl3njlsej}ul ul;sanul 'asn puei xel pue'alelneai 'IojluoD :uea Aayl •sluaplsaj Ile }o l!}auaq ay; ao} aseq xel s,uo!2ai ay; Moie pue luawdolanap a3uanl}ui of algellene slool alseq ino} aney Alle!luessa sa!aua2y jaployaje;S ayl uoilod:)!Ignd jol ABo;ej;S •Allunwwoa ay; ul luawlsanul alenlid 2u11joddns o; leiSalui aae salllun:poddo alwouo3a do uado 01 sluaw;sanu! Mau Sullaeiel pue Allaede3 ajnlanjlsea}u! SulSejanal Alan!1aa}}3 'lasse Su!pllnq A;laede3 a ainleu Aq sl ainimilsei}ul •ampnilsei}ul uo suwnla» lua!a!H3 pue 8n!;3npold N -aq as!ivuaylo pinoM Aay1 ue41 jaMol suapinq xel daal uea salllunlioddo luawdolanap anlen-yely pue saalnuas 3llgnd pue asn puel ;ua101}}3 •suaping xel luanl!lsuo:) •saaAoldwa jo suieS aSeM leaa ay; pue salllunljoddo 1uawAoldwa }o aeuej ayl •A;!unluoddo alwouoa3 :Sulpnl3u! 'sa!l!aoljd allgnd lueliodw! }o jagwnu a a3uanl}ui ll!m salllunlaoddo ylMoae u! Su1lsanu1. pue Sul2euew 'Su!A}lluapl •ylleay lelaos pue'leluawuoilnua '3lwouoaa 'lead} s,uo!2ai a41 }0 luauodwoa le!ana3 a sJa}}o luai.uuoalnua ll!nq aso4M 'uo!Saj sel2noQ-uelagD ay; ui qn4 leuolleanai pue le!aJawwoa lue3!}lue!s a sl eaje aa4aleuaAA jaieaiS aql •sa2ualleya asayl alpe; of algellene saaanosai }}els pue lel3ueu!} pa1lw!l ay1 spaa3xa sAemle spaau ;uaw;sanu! a!lgnd }o ls!l a41 •sJaylo 2UOwe 'sal;!1!in pue'Sulsno4 'sgof 'uolleluodsueil'sa:)iAias lelaos 'ylleay IeluawuoJ!nua 'Ala}es allgnd se vans spaau lue:podwl }o aeuej ap!m a aae} sal3ua2y jaployaje;S aql juOg3V oNe! AyM •ainlanalsei}ui pue sl!}auaq a!Ignd a!}l3ads aol suapinq xel palon }o s;unowe jaleaA aeaq 01 sluaplsaj Molle osle suapjnq xel an!laa}}a aannol 'uoll!ppe ul •saalnUas 2uls!wojdwoa lnoyl!m pajaMol aq uea suapinq xel;uanlllsuoa ao -- slsoa ueyl ja1sel SuimoA aje sanuanaJ a3uls -- paluoddns aq uea saalauas allgnd }0 lunowe jaleai2 a aayl!a ley; sl sluaplsaj pue slela!}}o pal3ala ao} uo!1ealldw! ayl •suollalps!jnf le3ol Supe} sa2ualleya Allllgeulelsns leas!} 2ulAliapun ayl}o awos;as}}o of dlay sanuanaJ xe1 le;uawanut ayl se;uawdolanap Mau ay; woj} 1!}auaq ll!m Allunwwoa wilua a41'saauelsu! asayl ui •aone} J!ay; u1 aAina anuanaJ a4l puaq of le!lualod ayl si aja41'aseq xel le3ol 04101 ppe uea 1ey1 luawdolanap Ielluaplsai pue lel3jawwoa anlen-4214 alean o; sa1punlioddo aae aJay; uayM'aanannoH -saauuas led!alunw jo} spuewap paseanu! 10 w1o} ay1 ul slsoa Mau ui ljnsai osle Aew luawdolanap Mau a4l •sanuanaJ 2U102U0 pue aw!l-auo yloq sa;ejauae;! 'suadde4 luawdolanap Mau uayM •panalyae aq 1421w aaueleq s141 Moy uo;aedw! lunipuS!s a aney II!M luawdolanap pue y1Ma2 alowoad pue a2euew sluawwanoe Ie3oI Moy ';uawuoalnua s1y1 ul -suapinq xel Ie3oI ao} aauejalol ay; pue sa3!naas 3ygnd ao} paau ao/pue aj!sap s,A1!unwwo3 ay; Sunueleq :,,;3eiluoa lelaos„ a41;o sluawala a4l s;uap!sai a!a41 y;lM aul}ap isnw sallunm pue sal;la 'aan;any;s xe;Ie3oI Sul2ualleya a y;!M ;uawlsanul ainl3njlsei}ui pue saalnJas ao} 1UawUJan02 Ie3oI uo spuewap SulMoJe ay1 Paw 01 lua!a!}}nsu! uaaq Alieaauae sey Sulpuads aawnsuoa pue A;ln1l3e ssaulsnq 'uo!l3nalsuo3 Aq uanlJp yinnoj2 anuanaa 'apeaap ;sel ay1 aano •Allllgeuleisns leas!} }o slapow Mau a3eagwa of s;uawwanoe 0 NVId NO11:)V N0I1t/1N3W31dW1 (Ndld d3NvenS) NV Id 311S N31SVW ON3 HINON NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN • The North End Subarea provides a significant opportunity to invest in a high value location for the benefit of the entire community. However, bringing this area into a fully productive state will require substantial up -front investments in transportation and sewer capacity to make the property developable to its highest and best use. 0 As discussed previously, the general conclusion of the threshold land value analysis suggests that there is some ability for the property in the subarea to absorb at least a portion of the infrastructure costs necessary to make the area developable. The actual share that could be allocated to the land will depend entirely on the ultimate uses that are developed and how these uses are valued in the market at the time of development. Given this uncertainty, it is proposed that a flexible and multi -pronged approach be taken to address funding for the infrastructure development plan. As with most large-scale infrastructure development plans, the key will be to bring a variety of funding mechanisms into play to avoid over reliance on any one source of funds, reasonably align funding responsibility with project beneficiaries and synch funding with timing of development. The key to moving this program of infrastructure development is to work simultaneously on multiple fronts to put a diverse and equitable funding package together. There are major elements of this approach: (1) attracting non -local funding; (2) using value -capture mechanisms to tap some of the incremental value that will be added to the land in the subarea; and, (3) locally -generated capital funding. Each of these is briefly discussed below: ■ State and/or federal funding. Given the broad community and economic development benefits that will be generated by successful development in the subarea and the multi -jurisdictional nature of the project, there is a good case to be made for attracting some state and federal funding to the area. Funding from external sources, such as state and federal grant programs, is a dollar that does not need to be generated from the value of development or limited local capital funds. Currently there is only a small share of state funding assumed. While these sources of funding are extremely competitive and, in many cases, program funding has been cut back, project stakeholders should still actively pursue state and federal funding. To maximize the potential for success, the following state and federal strategies should be pursued: • State and federal grants. Identify and pursue grant funding opportunities, such as state TIB programs, where project elements are particularly competitive. • Infrastructure loan programs. Loan programs, such as the state Public Works Trust Fund, can be a low cost alternative to leverage expected future increases in local tax revenues from development. • State transportation funding. Continue to work with legislative representatives to try and attract state transportation funding for project elements that will benefit the overall state highway system in the US 2/97 and SR 28 corridors. • Economic development funding. Pursue economic development funding such as Economic Opportunity Grants awarded through the federal Community Development Block Grant program and Community Economic Revitalization Board funding programs administered by the Washington State Department of Commerce. Hearing Draft 1 -0 87 of 127 • MFO 9I b ni n7 I yelp 6uueaH •uolEaJ aql ul aJagMasla 1uauJlsanu1 aJnin; Jol iun000e 133a aql of j:)eq spun; asogl;o awos uJnlaJ ll!m l:)a(oJd aql 1Joddns of Su!pun;133d asn of ABaleJls a aJo;aJag1 'aw11 Jano sanuanaJ AR aleJauaS Alaj!l ll!m 1:)afoJd aqi '(133H) xel as!oxa alelsa lean • •suo!leJado Al!l!in SuioSuo pun; of sJaAedaleJ Sulls!xa uo uapJnq ayi a:)npaJ Jo/pue luawdolanap ainhnJlseJ;u! aJnin;1!;auaq II!M legs sanuana aieJauaB pue sJaAedalei Ai!l!in awooaq ll!m ease aqi ul sasn Mau a4l 'padolanap a:)uo 'iegi aleuo!leJ agl uo eaJegns aqi of pale:)olle aq pinoo Sulpunl aJnl:)nJlseJlu! JaleMwJols pue 'James 'JaleM leJauag -Bu!pun; Al!l!ln leJauag •ainin; aql ul sanuanaJ Anal pea leuoll!ppe SulieJauaB'aseanu! ll!m anjeA passasse ay1 'sdolanap AiJadoJd a4l sy -Anal peoJ Aiunog selBnoQ a4l gSnoJy1 papunl Alale!Jdoidde aq 1491W sluawanoJdwi uo!ie:podsueJi agi;o uollJod y -Mal peoJ A4uno3 :Su!pun; lel!deo leaol;o sa�Jnos SuiMollol ay1 Jap!suo� pinoa sa!ouaSv JaplogajeiS �ulpun; aJnl:)nJlseJlui aJninl iJoddns uea legs sanuanaJ aa; pue xel paseanul ul ilnsaJ ll!m eaJegns aqi to ivawdolanap lnlssaa:)nS •weiSoJd aJnhnJlseJlu! aq1 BullJoddns ui isaJaiu! leool Jeala e sl Wag1'eaJegns agl;o luawdolanap inlssaoons woJl sl!;auaq xel leool ayi uaA!B'JanaMog 'spaau Sulladwoo Auew aJe aiagi pue pal!wll s! Su!pun; lel!deo leaol 'sauJnos leJapal pue alels ayi ql!M sy Bu!Pun3 lei!deo paleJauaS-Alleaol s! lools Bu!pun; agi to Sal pa141 aqi •Bulpun; aJnl milseJ;u! leool ■ •Sulpunl lleJano ayi;o uo!lJod a JanoaaJ of pauSisap pue aJnlonJlseJ;ul ayi Jol paau ayi of uo!lnquluoa aA!ielaJ ay1 uo paseq aq pinoM seal aqi •sluawala aJnianJlseJ;ui u!elJaa;o aJegs J!agl Jo; aal uo!ieB!i!w e passasse aq pinoa ivawdolanap aJnin;'uo!iad pauueld ayi 48noJgi •saa; uo!leB!l!w Jo loedwl •AJeA pinoa pue u!e:paaun sl y1MoJB;o iunowe pue Su!w!l a41 a:)u!s 'igap AedaJ of paJap!suoa AlgeJonel 1ou sl anuanaJ aBJego Al!ihel IeJauaS paseaJou! 'saoJnos Su!pun;;o uo!lenlena ia!J1s!p James uo paseq •weJBoJd lei!dea aqi lJoddns of panssi spuoq anUaAaJ AedaJ of pasn aq pinoa ie4l weaJls awoaul up aleJauaS pinoM pue ivawdolanap Mau;o owll ayi le passasse aq pinoM aal uo!hauuo:) aqi slso3 uolsualxa Jannas aql pun; Alle!lied of padolanap aq pino:) aal uo!i3auuo3 Al!l!ln le!:)ads y •saa; uolloauuoo Al!l!lfl •aJnionJiseJlui ayi to luawdolanap agl woJJ puel a4i of pappe anlen leivawaJoul agi uo paseq passasse s! iegl AAaj le!aads a gSnoJgl ainlanJlseilui agl;o uo!iJod awos pun; of allfl Jo all up aleaJo of aq pinoM Sulpun; leildea palaBJel aieJauaS of ws!ue4:)aw paJ!p isow a4-L -on l/all • •weiSoJd aJnlonJlseJlui aqi lJoddns of algel!ene swsluegoaw aJnldeo-anlen aleudoJdde lsow aqi aq of Alaj!l aJe Sulnnollo; ayi •A1JadoJd eaJegns ui aseanul onleA del leyl swsluegoaw ■ •ssaooJd la3pnq alels ayi gSnoJy1 sali!unlJoddo pJenne Mau aleaJo 01 sanlleluasaJdaJ an!iels!Bal alels ql!M lioM of aq II!M aBualle4:) Aar agl'sJeaA leJanas Jo; papunl uaaq iou se4 weJ0oJd s!q1 aouls •sl!lauaq luawdolanap o!uJouo)a aleis pue leool algeJlsuowap y1!M siaafoJd alq!B!la of slueJB spJenne go!gM weJBoJd pun j uollezllei!naZl leool aqi sl p!oA s!qi llll Allenjed of paieaJo uaaq seq iegi wsluegoaw auo •uol2u!gseM ui ivawdolanap aJnpnJlseJlul Jol Su!oueu!l . luawaJoul xel asn of sluawuJanoB leaol Jol sAeM pal!w!l luaA aJe aJa41'Bu!punl jbl alelS • NVId N011:)V N0l1V1NRN31dWl (Ndld V3NvenS) Ndld 31lS N31SVW ON3 HINON r1 L J CJ NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Transportation Benefit District (TBD). The City -approved TBD applies to the East -Wenatchee city limits at this time. The TBD boundaries may not be changed without further public hearings. A TBD can include territory in another jurisdiction (e.g. county or port district) through an interlocal agreement. Douglas County may establish a TBD as described earlier in this chapter. Alternatively, the City may extend its TBD to the study by interlocal agreement with the County. Last, the City may extend it following a public hearing to the North End if annexed. Industrial Development District. Through Chapter 53.2S RCW the Port can levy and collect assessments as well as acquire and improve land through infrastructure and service investments. See prior discussion. 4.2 Planned Action Permitting and Standards A Planned Action is a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) tool used by local governments throughout Washington State to coordinate development and impact analysis for a designated subarea. A planned action provides more detailed environmental analysis during an area -wide planning stage rather than at the permit review stage. Designating a planned action streamlines environmental review for development proposals consistent with an adopted Planned Action Ordinance and associated Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) mitigation measures. Planned actions would be allowed if they meet or exceed proposed land use and environmental performance standards. In sum, a Planned Action: ■ Defines allowed types and amount of future development (e.g., housing units, vehicle trips) and analyzes potential impacts in an associated EIS. ■ Shifts environmental review to the planning stages to streamline permit review. ■ Means future proposals would not need additional SEPA review when consistent with the Planned Action EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. However, proposals still go through permit review. ■ Can help facilitate private and public investment in the study area. The Planned Action Process is summarized in Exhibit 4.2-1. Exhibit 4.2-1. Planned Action Process Establish Planned EIS Analysis Planned Action Area of Planned Action Action Area Ordinance Adopted i PAO �i • Application Review SEPA Process • Consistent with PAO? Complete. • All impacts addressed Proceed with in EIS? ® local permit process. Development Application The North End EIS studies the application of a Planned Action to the North End. A proposed Planned Action Ordinance is included in the Appendix of this Hearing Draft Master Site Plan. It would be adopted both by Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee. The proposed Planned Action Ordinance (PAO) includes the following sections: ■ Findings of fact Hearing Draft I r gjs-. L, t o —0 89 of 127 • • s. SL•b uoiz3v aaplogajelS Jo; lioMawei j •i-£'b 1!q!4x3 9L0., isn6ny I PJO 6uueaH 'sluawlsanu! ampnJlseilu! Su!oguo pue lell!u! Jol lu!Jdanlq a se sanJas ueld a41 •uSisap lenidauuou se Mann se 'uo!leu!pJ000 Japlogajels pue Sumueld 42noJy1 @gels lJonnpunoJg a41 jo uo!1Jod a II!jIn} of pauSlsap sl ueld al!S JalseIN s!41-lJoddns pue luawanlonul Japl04alels pau!elsns aJlnbaJ legl saSels IeJauaS a4l aaS uoileluawaldwl aJnsua of AJessaoau sl ueld al!S JalseW pu3 4lJoN a44;o uols!A ay1 spJennol uolleJad000 panu!luog -ssauoad Japlo4alels AouaSe-lllnw ay1 jo uolleulpJoo:) pue Jolel!I!oej a4l se panJas se4 Alunog selOnoa }o lJod a41 -eaJe Apnls a4l jo luawdolanap a41 • lJoddns 01 sluawanoJdw! aJnlonJlseJ}ul a4l dolanap of ssauoJd Jap!o4a�lels paleu!pJ000 a Ou!lowoJd ueld uo!leluawaldwl pue ASaleJ1S lalJeV4 a papnpul ASaleJ1S la�jeVq eaJy pu3 41JoN bZOZ a41 uoijeaad000 jeuoileziudio penuiluo:o £•b -paluawalddns pue pasn Alle!lJed aq Aew S13 a41'uo!leSij!w paleposse pue SI3 uollob' pauueld a4l s!sAleue a41 jo spunoq ay1 puoAaq 09 01 sa4s'm Jadolanap a 11 -ssaaoJd Vd3S palel!l!aej a snnolle uo!loy pauueld a41 •saSelool aJenbs luawdolanap uo Su!AIaJ Alalos ue41 Ja4leJ splo4saJ4l Jaylo Jo Al!aeden walsAs Jannas snld ssaooJd AouaJJnouoo pue jueq du1 a Su!sn 'aldwexa Jol — nnalnaJ IeluawuoJlnua a4l u!y11nn 1!1 pue Jn000 ueo luawdolanap le4l ainsua of splogsaJy1 alq!xall sapnpul aoueu!pJo uolloy pauueld a41 •pa4s!Idw000e aq ueo anlleuJallb Al!sualul Iln j a41 ue4l 41nnoJS Jaleajs legl alq!ssod sl 1! 'p!Ien u!ewaJ S13 ay1 jo suolsnpuoo ay1 pue law aq ueo sluawaimbai uolleSil!w uo!lo`d pauueld ay1 pap!noJd •slanal 41nnoJS pa!pnls a4l le sluawaJlnbaJ uo!legil!w ay1 Apeap puelsJapun of sJadolanap pue salouase a41 nnolle of uollesll!w paleposse pue !anal luawdolanap anlle/Uasu03 AlgeuoseaJ a A3!luapl uo!13y pauueld pUe SI3 a41 (palaldwoo ua4nn) SI3 IeUI j uollod pauueld ■ luawdolanap nnau of Aldde legl saJnseaw uolleSll!w SI3 uolPV pauueld ■ splogsaJ4lleivawuoJ!nu3 M sloafoJd uo!lae pauueld se sloafoJd Sulu!wJalap pue Su!lenlena Jo; elJalu:) 0 uo!le2!llw pue sainpa:)oJd • pu3 4PON ayl— eaJe uo!loe pauueld ay1;o AJepuno8 0 N`dld N0I1Jd NOIiVIN3W31dWl (NVId V32Nvam) N`dld 311S N31SVUV ON3 HINON 0 • 5.1 Workshops In May 2015, an interactive design workshop was held with project stakeholders — property owners, utility service providers, County and City planners and engineers, and others. The purpose was to gather project stakeholders for a group discussion regarding potential future development and to identify a range of development options and assess the opportunities and constraints of each. Stakeholders broke up into small groups on alternatives to brainstorm visions for growth. Results of the three group exercises are illustrated below. The schemes were refined and integrated into the proposed land use plan included in Chapter 3. Hearing Draft I 91 of 127 LZ � 10 Z6 Iwo lalmosoum ftw 1 � 1 { / ( { 1 t �. 1 f • • 1 j 0 fill I j I� Z ~ JW a Q > W J (1_ C Q � 00 Z US �J Z J Q m J Z) a a w o H Z � Q z w w f- Z E a O Z z uj w w a c p a z • g g P 2 3 ■J_7 13C3 _3 w mm wM "0 "mom m w . ♦ � noun �,; � w.. ■r W—Hl- ♦ ♦ ~ ♦ ♦ r r r r r .. J!ll I 93 of 127 LZ � 10 V6 40 1 d3 I N O 0 0 rrr rr�rr r� r+ AN H Z i = +m i z 'o • D : En ;m i M CA i m r0 � D Z M C` In fall 2015, the Port sent a stakeholder newsletter to share the results of the design workshop. In December 2015, a joint meeting was held of the Douglas County and East Wenatchee Planning Commissions to present a preliminary land use concept and alternative growth estimates reflecting integration of the May 2015 workshop input and additional site planning work by the technical team. That same day, a stakeholder workshop was held to provide the same concepts for feedback. Exhibit 5.1-4. Preliminary EIS Alternative Handout — December 2015 The Port of Douglas County is conducting a master site plan and planned action environmental impact statement (EIS) process for this area to facilitate private investment and development in the area consistent with County and City planning and zoning regulations. Our goal is to spur economic development and job growth while making the North End a premier destination in the region. What is an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)? An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a document prepared under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) that provides City decision makers with information about the potential effects of a proposed action. The EIS also provides a way for residents, businesses, and other government agencies to comment on the proposal. An EIS describesr • Proposed actions and alternatives: • Existing conditions of the study area; • Impacts that may occur if an alternative were implemented; • Mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate impacts; and • Impacts that are significant, unavoidable, and adverse. What is the Proposed land Use Con:ept? The Port's proposed land use concept for the North End study area would primarily consist of a mix of tourist, hospitality, and recreation uses, anchored by a major public or private institution, such as a hospital, medical research and development facility, or higher education campus. Tourism uses would Include a wine village in the southern half of the study area and a resort in the portion of the study area north of the bridge. Commercial recreation, such as a soccer complex or minor- league baseball park, would be touted at the eastern gateway to the study area. Office uses would also be included to provide stable, high -paying employment. Source: BERK Consulting and Makers 2015 H LAND=PF ANALYSIS -OVERVIEW Again in February 2016, the Port sponsored a meeting with stakeholders to discuss updated growth estimates and infrastructure and site development conditions. Hearing Draft 95 of 127 r� u L?Ijjjf�_ 9LOZ lsnnr,,: I lie'(] 6wAeaH 9i0Z Alnf — 8uliaaW A41unwwo:) •S-j•5 3lgl4x3 9LOZ Su131nsuoD )1i139 :a:)jnoS -spiepue;s sal;lly;n pue'aainJaS 10 Slanal uol;e)jodsuej;'A;lllgl;edwo:) asn puel ';uawuoJlnua lein;eu ssaippe o; sainseaw uol;e2l;lw ay; sapnpul uol;ay pauueld ayl •nnalnaA Dllgnd o;;aafgns aq IIIM s;uawu2lle pue su2lsap peoj ain;n j •spooyjog42lau lua:)efpe uo :)l}}ei; y2noay; ssed Alone pue pu3 y:WoN ay; uly;lnA uol;e�jodsuej; a;e;lil:)e30; papua;ul sl NioM;au peon ay; pue'splepue;s A;13 pue A;uno:) nnollo} ll!m u2lsap peoa •spiepue;s uol;lsuej; pue sjajjnq sassaippe ueld ayl -saldo; aay;o pue 'a2eulejp 'y;nos ay; o; Seam lel;uaplsaj y;lnn A;lilgl;edwoo 'ol}}ej; pue speoi 'sjg0q pue saloads pnq uo pa;uawwoz) suosaad •papua;;e suosiad XX;nogy -;uawdolanap ain;n j jo; ssa:)ojd nnalnaJ Ie;uawuwlAua ay; aullweaa;s o; papua;ul a:)ueulpio uol;ae pauueld:}eip ay; pa;uasaid osle 2ul;aaw sly}'`dd3S isy;lnn aauepioaae ul •ueld;}ejp ay; aaeys o; 9i0Z Alnf ul 2ul;aaA A;lunwwoD a pa;soy A;unoD sel2noCl 1N3W3AIOANI:)nand (INV H3NMO, 1)33dOMd (NHId d32 vend Mdld 31lS N31SVVq ON3 HINON 0 NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) PROPERTY OWNER AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT McPtina Planned Action Handout Planned Action Boundaries Proposed boundary of the Planned Acfion area Exhibit 5.1-6. Commu I Prepare North End Master Site Plan & Planned Action EIS Establish Planned EIS Analysis Planned Action Area of Planned Action Action Area Ordinance Adopted < R a Source: BERK Consulting 2016 Hearing Draft I Application Review SEPA Process • Consistent with Complete. PAC? ® Proceed with • All impacts local permit addressed in EIS? process. Development Application ■u 97 of 127 0 • F-- 9to? isn6nt, I gejp 6uue9H -pouad luawwoa SI3 4eJa ay1 Suljnp panlaaaJ sluawwoa:)ggnd of sasuodsai sapnlaul SI3 leW3 9TOZ JagwaldaS aql '9TOZ 'T Aln f Buipnlauoa poijad luawwoa Aep-0£ e glinn 91OZ 'Z aun f panssl seen SI3 14eja d -uollalpsljnf aullaaogs aql ul salilnllae plone sanllewalle legl pue'aullaaogs a41;o JaPeM43 leluawuoJlnua aql Sululelaj aoj saauajajajd passaadxa osle sluawwo0 'S13 aql ul :)idol a se pappe Senn 1! pue 'saaanosai leinilna passaippe Alljewljd sluawwo0'STOZ'L aagwaldaS uo pasola poljad luawwo:) Suldoas Aep-OE b 'STOZ '9 lsnSny uo aa11oN SuldoaS pue aaue:)yuSiS }o uo1leulwjalaa a panssl A1uno:) sel9nop SI3 l;eja uo sluawwoD olsasuodsaa SI3 leU13 dogs�laoM �aploga�lelS poljad luawwoa Aep-OE 5131;ead �S13 ul paaanoa aq pinogs legm - pouad luawwoa Aep-OE BuldoaS sluawwoa of sasuodsaj y1lM S13 Ieul3 ■ pue'slsAleue agl uo pol.jad luawwoa uall!jm Aep-O>_ a ql!M SI3 1le10 ■ 'S13 aql ul paaanoa aq Plnogs sanllewalle ao saldol legnn uo sluawwoa uallpm lsanbai of polaad OuldoaS w :sluawwoa allgnd jagle2 of pauSisap'sdals aajgl ul pajedaid sl S13 ud •ueld eajegns agl;o uolidope aql se 4ans'uo113e luawwanoS leaol ofaoud sueld anllewalle jo uollenlena pue uollewjojuw sapinoid SI3 uy nnaina� �i�gnd SI3 uoi}�d pauueld Z'S 1N3W3AlORNI JI18fld dNV il3NM0 Alii3dO21d (Nbld V38vem) Ndld 311S N31SVW ON3 HAON 9 5.3 Legislative Hearings 0 • NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) PROPERTY OWNER AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT A Subarea Plan is an optional element under the Growth Management Act intended to clarify, supplement, or implement jurisdiction -wide comprehensive plan policies. The North End Master Site Plan is considered a Subarea Plan implementing the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan. The North End Master Site Plan does not change the designated land use or zoning of Waterfront Mixed Use and General Commercial. Rather it provides a conceptual site plan and capital improvement strategy that give more direction to future development given the wide possibilities of uses in the current zones. The approval process for the Subarea Plan and Planned Action includes: ■ County and City Planning Commission Workshops ■ County and City Planning Commission Hearing ■ Board of County Commissioner/City Council Adoption The meetings are scheduled through September 2016. Project -related meetings and comment periods were advertised on the County and Port's project webpages: ■ Douglas County: http://www.douglascountywa.net/departments/tls/proiects/nemp/. ■ Port of Douglas County: http•//www portofdouglas.org/index.l)hp/proiects/north-end-master-plan- feasibility-study Hearing Draft 1 0 99 of 127 Liw0 6 g�p,- jsn6ny I geJp 6uueaH — S•gu!snog A!!wel-ajgu!s jol uaaq aneg 60OZ aou!s sl!wjad to Al!aofew 1seA aql '9661 aau!s aeaA Aue 10 lsamol agl aaam 110Z PUe 010Z ul sa!lunoo om1 aql ui sl!waad gu!p!!ng !elluap!saA !elol m -Awouoaa paseq ao!nuas ajow a o1:4!gs of sanu!luoo uo!gaa aql se !e!ivalod glmoag molts op lnq 'uo!hnilsuoa mau jol puewap to aoinos agie! a A!luaim) lou aie sao!naas !euo!ssalad !e!ajawwo0 0 .aminl jeau aql u! weds !euo!1!ppe aol gu!looi aq 1ou A!aj!j !i!m pue Al!!!oel 1uaiano s1! papuedxa A!luaoaj !e1!dsoH uolgu!gseM !eiluaD aql •uo!2ai ag1 ui saai!lai pue sio!uas 2uowe Ai!e!oadsa'saseajou! uo!le!ndod of asuodsai a A!aj!j s! pue 'aoloas guimoiS a si aie:) 411eaH 0 'uo12aJ ay101 luawlsanu! pue glmoag !euo!1!ppe 2u!2uuq jol Al!unlioddo lsaq aq1 sluasaidai A!aM!! 1! 'ainl!nou2e sap!sag -Awouooa !eool aql to luauodwoo a!gez!s a A!luajino 1ou 1nq 'lueliodwi ue si uo!leanai pue wsunol 0 -jamol aie saxes sales pue 'a!ge!!ene aje s!aojed aa2ie! aaow 'iadeago si puel aJagm aagoleuaM lse3 o1 aagaleuaM wojl 2u!l4!gs aje sasn !e!aJawwoa pue pelaa -suo!ldo ao!nuas pool pue !euosiad jay10 pue yelaa !eiluaijadxa u! 2u!puads ajow ajnldeo of Al!unlaoddo ue st ajagl'wsunol spiemol uo!lelua!lo s,uo!2ai aq1 uaA!!:) -mojg of sanwluoo uo!le!ndod s,uo!2aj agll! aseanut of anu!luoo A!aM!! !!!M puewap'!!eaano •seaje jaglo of sa!ao2aleo !!elaj u!eljao jol sales !!elaa gu!lea! s! 1! lnq 'jaluao !!elaj !euo!2ai a aje aagaleuaM pue aa4oleuaM;se3 'sauau!m se gons'uo!lonpoid pappe an!eA pue wsunol ajnl!nolj2e 42noayl eaje 41moj2 !e!lualod e sluasaidai amllnou2y •uo!gaj aql u! Ailsnpui uo!lonpoid pool aq1 g2nojgl joloas aped a!esa!ogm aql sljoddns os!e joloas s!gl •sgl2uails o!wouooa Aaewud s,uo!2ai ay1 to auo s! ainl1nougy 0 :apnpui sgu!pu!l jay10 •elep 1!wiad 9u!p!!nq !e!aaawwoa a41 u, paloallai si 4o!gm'suo!1e1ua!ao paseq aolAjas ajow of (Bu!jnloelnuew/!e!alsnpui piemol pajea2 A!aj!!) s2u!ppnq !e!:)Jawwoa gu!ls!xa to asnai pue !apowai ay1 paouauadxa os!e seq 1! 'uo!1!ppe u! •aaeds !lelaj mau to uo!1onilsuoo ay1 ui luawlsanu! luvipug!s uaas seq uolgaj aql se lno s!ql jeaq apeoap lsed aql wojl spuail luawdo!anao -aw!1 nano aoeds ao!l;o pue !!elaj jol puewap paseanui ue aq !!!m samlonils mau ui luawlsanu! jol s!ql to uo!1eo!ldw! agl 'da9 !euo!2a-i to glmoa2 aql ul paloa!lai se 'Awouooa paseq ao!nuas Al2u!seajou! ue of uoll!suejl2uo! a to lsp!w aql ul sl u012ai a41'!!eaan0 s!sAIeuy aamiew Jeu0169a mo!aq paluasaid si luauodwoo goea to Ajewwns d •eaae Apnls pu3 y1JON aql gu!do!anap col (s)uolldo o!ls!leaj pue aiq!seal lsow agl au!waalap of slsA!eue 1aliew aql ui pa!l!luap! sa!1!unluoddo luawdo!anap pue asn puel aA!l to ssauaA!1!ladwoo aql sassassy •luawssassy an!1!ladwoD ash pue *eaae Apnls aql ui sasn puel jol suolleo!!dwi uo sasnool pue 'suo!gai jaad jaglo of aouewjopad o!wouooa s,Aa!!en aagaleuaM agl saiedwoo 'Awouooa !euo!2ai aql to sassauleam pue sgl2uails aql uagl pue eaje Apnls aql to ma!A)ano uy •s!sA!euy laIJe W !euo!gaa ■ :sluauodwoo gu!mo!iol ay1 passaJppe b1oZ 2u!jds u! pala!dwoo Apnls 1ajjew ea'd pu3 y1JoN agl ApnjS jaMieW �'9 •sa!pnls 1aliew pue seaje a!gejedwoo uo uo!lewjolu! Aaewwns sap!Aoid uo!laas s!gj 0 NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) BACKGROUND • ■ Manufacturing is not a large driver of the local economy. Based on a review of peer regions and regional economic strengths, the assessment found that near term opportunities for the North End include tourism and recreation, retail, residential, and office. Longer -term opportunities include tourism/recreation in the form of a destination resort and commercial recreation with a regional sports facility, and educational institution, and live/work or business incubator space. See Exhibit 1.2-4 for a summary of use competitiveness and impact. Some of the concepts in the Hearing Draft North End Master Site Plan are based on these findings by promoting agri-tourism and hospitality such as the Wine Village and Resort. Components such as Office and Public and Private Institution address services. Business Park space can be flexible space for production (food, wine), office, or other businesses. Land Use Competitive Assessment Sites within the study area are well positioned for development due to solid market fundamentals for the region. The area has many natural amenities including a riverfront location, access to recreational trails, and stunning views. The area is well served by regional transportation facilities and is easily visible via the western entrance to the region on US 2/97. The site features many large properties under single ownerships. As a result, property assemblage should pose less of a hurdle to future development. In addition, the Washington Department of Transportation owns a sizable portion of the west part of the study area that it will be surplusing in the future. WSDOT has already transferred a 50-foot corridor around the Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail to Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee. WSDOT is still determining how it will surplus the rest of the property, which could be used for development. Infrastructure issues notwithstanding, the area is mostly a greenfield opportunity and does not face challenges that infill development often faces. The study area is large. Examination of the uses profiled in this section suggests that no one use can use all of the area. This places stronger emphasis on the need for a strong vision for the area that can be codified in a land use strategy in order to enhance complementary uses throughout the area. Certain uses will have strong site preferences on whether they want to orient to the water/views or towards access to the regional transportation facilities. Water and/or shoreline access will bean important aspect for tourism and specialty uses. Some uses, particularly recreation and winery incubation, may require additional levels of public support. Exhibit 6.1-1 shows a comparison of each concept's competitiveness and economic development impact. Hearing Draft I -M 101 of 127 L 06 • 9;,r'7' 1sn6"., 142Jp 6uueaH 9LOZ 8u!llnsuo:) M39 :a»noS •sa!lunoD selBnoQ Jo uelaq:) apnpu! 1ou saop 4314m 'seaJe paAJas-Japun w sasndweo goueJq pue sa!1!l!:)ej mau }o g1moJ8 8u!sn:)oj pue puewap Jeop uo sa!1!poe; 8wls!xa 8u!moi? uo snDol sapilod uo!suedxa papuawwooaJ ale1S luaJJn:) •sleo8 uo!lonpad aaJBap Jolagoeq s uo!8ai ayl laaw of Aipedeo ldaouo:) uo!lnl!lsul pauueld g8noua uegl aJow ane4 uol8u!4seM lseaylnos pue leJivao u! suopnillsu! JeaA-Jnoj uo!le3np3 Ja48!H •pueJq s,uo!8ai a41 pue sa!1!uawe wsunol leool Auew uo pl!nq pino) inq 'sJol!sIA 1oeJl7e pue lnjssaoons aq of ap!malels pue Alleuo!8ai;lash gs!n8u!ls!p 01 aneq pinom ldaouoo 1Josai y 'Alleuo!8aJ'adempuel aA!1!ladwoo aq1 se llam se 'sanss! ssame pue aJnlonilseilui of anp 8u!8uallego aq pinom 1Josai uo!leu!lsaQ 'Janamo4'lsapow aq pinom sa!i!Ipq asagl sloedwi gof''pueJq sl! pue wsunol-u8e 8u!moJB s,uo!8aJ a4l:woddns pinom Jalsnp AJau!m pue Jolegrnul AJau!m a 4log •aouels!sse ollgnd aimbaJ pinom Alal!l inq 'alq!seal Ape} aJe Jalsnp AJau!m a jo luawdolanap Jo Jolegn3ul AJawm y lda3uo:) wsunol -u!elJaoun s! 8u!puads Jol!s!A mau 1oeJile of le!luaiod aqi pue 'sgof punoi-JeaA'aw!1-IIn3 Auew aleaJo lou pinom sa!1!lpe} uo!1eanaa -sasn a4l Jo; puel }o uolslnoJd ay1 Alleoy!:)ads '1Joddns lepueu!; o!lgnd annbaJ Alal!l pinom Aayl inq 'apsea} AlgegoJd aJe sasn uo!1eaJoaJ a4l 'IIeJaAo ida:)uo:) uo!leanaa -glmoiS o!wouooa mau aleJaua8lou pinom lsow pue pax!w si sasn leloJawwoo a41;o uedwi qof ayl •wJal-Jeau a43 ui alq!seal aq Aew D:)Wo pue 'I!elaJ;o sadAl awos'Bu!snOH •apseaj aq pinom sasn aqi;o lsow wJa1-8uol aLp JaAo ida:)uo:) asn paxlw xiileW hedwi luawdolanaa :)IWOuoD3 pue ssauanfl!ladwo:) •Z-i'9 3!g!4x3 -molaq paulllno aJe ldanuon Pea Jo; sBuipull AJewwnS •luawssasse AJewwns leuoll!ppe Jol molaq 1!q!4x3 ayl aaS •uoilnlllsui leuolle:)npa ue Alielmiped pue lJosaJ/wsunol apnpul hedwl ygly inq Al!I!q!seaj;o swJal ul S@SUalley:) aJOW aneq pinom le43 sash wsunol use papnpul sgof }o swJal of pedwf pue Al!l!q!seal wnlpaw paJaplsuoi sasn luawdolanap asn paxlw pue uolleaJ:)aJ papnpul sgof;o swJal ul loedwl aleJapow of mol yl!M inq alq!seal Alysly aJow paJaplsuoa aJe legl sasn Al!I!g!see j 491H wnlPeW mol uolleanaa • wslmol-p2v • luawdolana(3 asn paxiw ziosaa/wspnol • uollnl uope3nP3 J0 JayBIH • xuleW :pedwl pue ssauaAij!ladwo:)•t-T-q 3!g!4x3 anlnoaE)N:)da (NVId V38venS) Nyld 31!S b31S` VJ 17N3 H18ON mol 3 wnIMW 451H NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) BACKGROUND • Example developments referenced in the 2014 Market Study as well as others have been considered in the North End growth alternatives via the project design workshop in 2015 are shown in Exhibit 6.1-3. • Exhibit 6.1-3. Reference Site Table RESORT/HOSPIIALITY eference Site .ocation creoge (approx.) 0 Wish lodge noqualmie, WA 2 aye B Juincy, WA Resort/Lodge osario Resort rcaslsland,WA illowslodge ummi Island, WA Typical Urban Golf Course (18 hole) NIA 115 Typical Resort Golf Course (18hole) NA 180 Golf Course' mall/Medium Hotel ypical/AverageHotelsize A -3(48,000SFforBuilding) WINE VILLAGES/VVINE CENTER Reference Site Location creoge (approx.) Badger Mountain South SouthRichland, WA 0 Potential Mixed-UseWineVillage East Wenatchee 37.52 oodinville Village Woodinville, WA 24.2 ineVllage/ Wine Red Mountain Wine Village. rosser, WA 21 Centers hastaWineVillage edding, WA 10 INSTITUTIONAL eference Site Location eage (approx.) 'WallaWalla Community College MlallaWalla,WA 100 outhSeattleCC Seattle, WA 100 --- ---- — — ampus EdmondsCommunityCollege Edmonds, WA 50 pecialTechnicalCenter ollegeCellars atWalla Walla CC UallaWalla,WA awiineyards (plus 15,000SFIndoor facilities) helanCommunityHospital Chelan, WA 6 Medical' leaceHealthMedicalCenter Vancouver, WA 4 • eference Site Location kwv (approx.) Professional Sports Facility pple Sox (desired facility) NA 10ac(forparking&stadium)` IideWatersWater Park LakeChelan,WA 8 (includes parking) ommunity/Family ecreation Facility KaschPark verett, WA �87' acfor(3)soccerfieldsand19acfor(6) aseball fields. Includes parking facilities.) eneral Note: Proposed development types not shown in table (Office park, hospitality, Light Industrial Business Park) have varying size requirements, not as pecialized as those listed above. olf Course data per www.golfsmith.com and www.asgca.org otential development information per input from local stakeholder zes of regional examples provided as a general guide. However, medical centers and facilities can vary widely in size. otential development information per input from stakeholder. eference information for site in Everett, WA, pending morespecific feedback from local stakeholder. Source: BERK 2013, MAKERS Architecture and Urban Design 2016 Hearing Draft I AuQusi 201r' 103 of 127 b • 9tOZ lsn6nw 14eJd 6uueaH -eaJe 8u!pl!nq u! iaaj aienbs 8u!lied 8u!pllnq-japun sapnlox3 deV4;da:)uoD ash pue3 ainin j uo paseg Z hem jo sig8!a panoidw! sapnl:)x3 -jossassy Aq papo:) se puel padolanapun pue slied sapnl:)x3 T ele0 Jossassy AiunOD uo paseg :saioN 9t,•0 ZZ£'8ST't, TZ•80Z zPu3 41JON 6Z 0 6£0'L96 L6•SL eajV IIeW AallEA ZT•O 908'St7£'T t?Z'8SZ uolieis splo 6£'0 £89'808'Z 881,9T eagoieuaM umolumoo 6Z•O LS£'t790'T 60'£8 JopuJOD 18 umolumo0 uela40 (m) soliea eajv Jool3 pue seajv sejSnoa-uela40 JaylO pue pu3 41JON -Z-Z-9 i!q!4x3 •uouels splo se ganw se wiml lnq 'JopuJoO AemgSIH/umOlumOQ s,uela4D pue eaJe IIeW AalleA a41 ueyl ssal AI34S!Is `HVj SZ-0 inoge sl anlleuJalle Ai!sualul aleJapolN pu3 4lJON aqi -HvA s,aapieuaM umolumoa spaaaxa 11 •weJEoJd ivawdolanap sno1l!gwe ue aq P1nom 11 •sa!1unoD selOnop pue uela4D ul seaJe Apnjs aldwexa aaylo ueyl (ay3) o!lei eaJe Jooll jo swJal u! Jag2iq sl anlleuJalje Allsualul IIn3 Pu3 g7OON a4i 91OZ 8u!ilnsuo:) Xb39 'uE!sa0 uegln pue ajni:)al!g:)Jy sjaMeV� :a:)jnoS 108'66Z'Z OT9'665'V iaaj ajenbs leiol 9t,9'OZZ Z6Z'Ibt, SuhlJed 8u!pl!nq-japun • Z8L'£t7 b9S'L8 uo!ieanay le!oaawwo0 T68't7ET Z8L'69Z iaaj aienbS I1eia)j TOb'89Z £08'9£S iaaj aienbS leuo!ini!isul OZS'6£E 6£0'619 iaaj ajenbS a:)Ujo 008'8TL 009'L£tz'T iaaj ajenbS Ajau!M Jo Ted ssou!snli 900'oTt, ZTO'OZS iaaj aAenbS Ai!lei!dsoHAJosaa ZLZ "S swoon A4!lei!dsoH/1Josa8 19L'£91 ZZS'LZ£ iaaj aienbS 8ulllamO bl i LZZ sau!llama sanlieuJaild 41MOJ9 Pu3 4:WON 'Z-Z-9 i!q!4x3 -siaumo AlJadoid agell!A aulM ayl wojj sweiSoid ivawdolanap umou� se Ilam se 'j•g uoliaaS u! salpnis 1aliew aql ui paquasap sluawdolanap aldwexe aauaJajai '£ Jaide40 ui umo4s sueld ;daauoa Apea uo paseq sem eaJe Sulpl!nq a4i "paJJ@IaJd sl anlleuJalIV Apsualul lln3 a4i salpluap! S13 leU!3 agl'.molaq umo4s se saSelool aJenbs pue sasn jo aSueJ a palsal S13 14eJa pu3 41JON a4i seaay aldwex3 pue 06MI glmOJ0 pu3 4ION •sasn Al!lel!dso4 leuolgaJ 10 aJegs pue 'Al!sualul '41moJS lelol 10 SWJal ul anlpadsiad O1uI sanllewalle y1MOJS ueld al!S Jalsew pu3 41JON a43 saaeld uolpas sl41 • seaad juawdOlOAea algejedwo:) Z•g ONnoa9)IOb'8 (Nd3d V38vanS) NVId 311S 831SdW CIN3 HAON 6-6 L-9 �� � -'� suev i .. „♦ � �`� � � � _ I � - . r� NORTH END MASTER SITE PLAN (SUBAREA PLAN) BACKGROUND Exhibit 6.2-4. Hospitality Rooms — Wenatchee and East Wenatchee Avenue Motel Wenatchee, WA 38 Best Western Chieftain Inn Wenatchee, WA 77 Coast Wenatchee Center Hotel Wenatchee, WA 147 Comfort Inn Wenatchee Wenatchee, WA 81 Comfort Suites Wenatchee Wenatchee, WA 84 Econo Lodge Wenatchee Wenatchee, WA 37 Economy Inn Wenatchee, WA 42 Holiday Inn Express Wenatchee Wenatchee, WA 90 La Quinta Inns & Suites Wenatchee Wenatchee, WA 65 Lyles Motel Wenatchee, WA 22 Motel 6 Wenatchee Wenatchee, WA 58 Red Lion Hotel Wenatchee Wenatchee, WA 149 Springhill Suites Wenatchee Wenatchee, WA 109 Super 8 Wenatchee Wenatchee, WA 104 Travelodge Wenatchee Wenatchee, WA 48 Value Inn Wenatchee, WA 34 Inn @ The River East Wenatchee, WA 55 The Cedars Inn East Wenatchee, WA 94 Total 1,334 North End Proposed Full Intensity 544 (40%) Source: STR, Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce, January 2016 • 0 Hearing Draft -0 107 of 127 to • -a6ed uiew ay; uo uoi108s s}oafad ash pu8I/6uiuueld aqI ui lull „ueld eajegnS puay]JoN„ ayl 6uiloalas Aq jawe junooselnop•nnnnnn a6edgam Ajunoo eqj uo algepene aq ll!m pue gLOZ `6Z 3sn6ny uo Ajuno:D ataa Aq panssi aq Ipm juawa;ejS;oedwl IeIuawuoJinud Jeuid 9t4l juawajejS joedwl JeJuauauoainu3 leuid uoi}Oy pauueId pub uPoN :0 Iuaw140e}Iy BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON Ordinance No. WHEREAS, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and its implementing regulations authorize counties and cities planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) to designate planned actions that have had their significant impacts adequately addressed in an environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared in conjunction with a comprehensive plan, sub -area plan or a master planned development; and WHEREAS, RCW 43.21C.440 and WAC 197-11-164, -168, and -172 allow and govern the application of a planned action designation; and WHEREAS, the Port of Douglas County collaborated with Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee to develop the North End Master Site Plan; and WHEREAS, Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee have adopted the Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan and North End Master Site Plan that envision an employment center and tourist destination; and WHEREAS, designation of a project as a planned action streamlines subsequent review of the project by eliminating the need for preparation of a threshold determination or EIS; and WHEREAS, environmental impacts of the planned action have been identified and adequately addressed in the North End Planned Action Final EIS adopted by Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee on XXXX, 2016, subject to project review under WAC 197-11-172; and WHEREAS, adopting a SEPA planned action for the North End Subarea of the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area (UGA) with appropriate standards and procedures will help achieve permit processing efficiency and promote environmental quality. NOW, THEREFORE, THE [BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS / CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE], WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to: A. Combine environmental analysis with land use planning; and B. Set forth a procedure designating certain project actions in the North End Subarea of the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area as "planned actions" consistent with state law including RCW 43.21C.440; and C. Streamline and expedite the land use permit review process by relying on completed and existing environmental analysis for the Planned Action Area. Section II. Findings of Fact. The Douglas County Board of County Commissioners / City Council of the City of East Wenatchee approves the findings in Attachment A — Findings of Fact. Section III. Designated Planned Action Area. The Douglas County Board of County Commissioners / City Council of the City of East Wenatchee designates the North End Subarea shown in Attachment B as a Planned Action Area for purposes of environmental review and permitting of designated Planned Action Projects pursuant RCW 43.21C.440. August 2016 1 Draft Planned Ac4 V!�rdf127 L 6ef '®V 6;3d pauueld 4e10 Z 9TOZ 3snony • saui l ain;eu8!S :a3M3S3H •uolSul4seM'aay3leuaM 1se3 ul 91OZ XXjo Aep XX s!yl pale4 Alalelpawwi anll3a}}a aq lleys aaueulpio sly; alep an!13a}}3 'lin uo!l3aS •03l}}o uoISIAlp Suluueld 1uaw:pedaQ luawdolanaa 4{unwwo0 aaya;euaM ;sea jo Al!:)/a3l}}o sa3vuaS pue3 pue uo!leliodsuejl 4unoO selSnoo ayl;e SulAdoo pue uol;oadsul jol a!lgnd ay; of algel!ene aq Ile4s y9f1 aay3;euaM lse3 ayl;o eaaegnS Pu3 43JoN 9y1 COI uolpe pauueld yd3S panoidde ayl;o Ado:) y •pail!po3 aq ;ou rpm a3ueulpio sly; a3ueu!pjp }o o:) AA uo!13aS •laaga pue a3aol lln3 ul ulewai lleys awes ay1 pue a3ueulpio sl4l }o suol;Jod Ou!ulewaa ayl;o Al!p!len ayl 1aa}}e lou lleys uo!s!oap vans p!lenul ao leuollnl!lsuoaun aq of play aye aaueu!pJp s!y1;o sa3ualuas ao 'suoll3asgns'suoll3as ajow jo auo Aue lI 1!I!gej5naS •n uollaaS •loiluo3 lleys a3ueulpJp slyl 10 suo!slnoid ay; `A1!0/A;uno� ayl jo uollelnSai jo a3ueulpio Aue pue 'olajayl pasodwl saanseaw uol;eOipw Aue jo a3ueulpio s!yl uaamlaq 1alljuo3 a 10 Juana ay; ul •;all}uOD 'Al uolPaS 'OVb'JTZ'£b MJa of luensind , sPafO.Jd uollay pauueld„ paleuSlsap aae 'a3ueu!pJo s1y110 3 luaw43elld ul pau!eluo3 saanseaw uo11eS111w a41 pue a3ueu!pio sly;;o a lu9w43ellb ul paqu3sap sploysajyl aql of laafgns 'j luawg3eud ul pauleluo3 'SI3 uolPy pauueld ay; ul paglaasap salllnllae pue sasn pue-1 •ssaaoid yd3S ayl wojj 1Jede sluawaalnbai apo3 A11D/A1uno0 alge3lldde ay; 2ullaaw wojl pafoid e;dwaxa 1ou lleys uolleuFlsap uo113e pauueld ayl •sluawa3lnba3 Aaoleln0ai lejapa; pue alels'leaol alge3lldde of 13afgns aq lllm s;3afoid 'Alleuoll!PPy •sainseaVy uooe3ll!W S13 leu!3 3luawy3elly ul pazAleue pue paipluap! saanseaw Bu!leS!l!w algea!ldde palejodio3u! aney Illm sl3afojd asa4l'suoll3e pauueld se Ajllenb of japio ul 'aanamoH 'yd3S japun malnaJ leinpa3ojd aaylanj o113afgns aq ;ou lllm slaafoad uo!l3y pauueld •sploysaJyl leluawuoalnu3 a luaw43elld yl!m lualslsuo3 S13 uol;3y pauueld ayl ul palenlena spedwl le;uawuwlnua sl! pey sey pue 13afoad uoll3d pauueld a se paleldwaluo3 sem eajy uollay pauueld a41 ulyllm pasodoid ;uawdolanap:)y:)ads-a1!s a j! au!wialap of pasn aq lleys sploysajyl '9 sl3afojd uo113e pauueld se sl3afojd Bu!uliwalap pue Ou!lenlena ao; e!lallj3 pue sainpa3oad suleluo3 :) luawy3elld •yd3S aapun malnaJ leuo!l!ppe jaylo Aue jo leadde yd3S'(S13) luawalels laedwl le;uawuoJlnua ue 'uo!leulwialap ploysajyl yd3S a of 13afgns aq 1ou lleys 13afojd a4l'ZLT-11-L6T :)yM PUe 'Obb'JTZ'£b Mail 'a3ueulpio slyl of luensind uo!;3e pauueld a se sal}!lenb eaae uo113e pauueld ay1 ulyl!m lesodoid ;uawdolanap ayl leyl aau2!sap io lel3l}}p alq!suodsa,d yd3S ay; Aq uo!leuS!sap uodp •y •easy uollay pauueld ayl u!y11m l3afoJd uollay pauueld a anojdde of iapio ul saanseaw uo!leS!11w pue sainpa3ojd uo!13e pauueld Bulmolloi ayl s;dope a943leuaM lse3 jo Al!:) ayl jo 1!3uno:) Al!:) / s3auo!ss!wwo' A1uno:) jo p3eo8 AlunoO sel8nop ayl •uolle !l! W pue sainpa3oad 'Al uo113aS . Attachment A— Findings of Fact 1. The Recitals in the ordinance are adopted herein as Findings of the Board of County Commissioners / City Council. 2. The County/City is subject to the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA). 3. The County/City has adopted a Comprehensive Plan complying with the GMA and is amending the Comprehensive Plan and associated Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan with the addition of the North End Master Site Plan considered a Subarea Plan under GMA. The County/City is adopting design guidelines within the North End Master Site Plan to implement said Plans, including this Ordinance. 4. The North End Planned Action EIS, Attachment F, and the environmental thresholds in Attachment D identify the location, type, and amount of development that is contemplated by the Planned Action. The Planned Action EIS adequately identifies and addresses the probable significant environmental impacts associated with the type and amount of development planned to occur in the designated Planned Action Area designated in Attachment B. 5. The mitigation measures identified in the Planned Action EIS, attached to this Ordinance as Attachment E and incorporated herein by reference, together with adopted County/City development regulations are adequate to mitigate significant adverse impacts from development within the Planned Action Area. 6. Future projects that are implemented consistent with the Planned Action will protect the • environment, benefit the public, and enhance economic development. 7. The County/City provided several opportunities for meaningful public involvement and review in the North End Master Site Plan and Planned Action EIS processes, including a community meeting consistent with RCW 43.21C.440; has considered all comments received; and, as appropriate, has • modified the proposal or mitigation measures in response to comments. 8. Essential public facilities as defined in RCW 36.70A.200 are excluded from the Planned Action as designated herein and are not eligible for review or permitting as Planned Action Projects unless they are accessory to or part of a project that otherwise qualifies as a Planned Action Project. 9. The designated Planned Action Area is located entirely within a UGA. 10. Implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the Planned Action EIS and included in Attachment F will provide for adequate public services and facilities to serve the proposed Planned Action Area. August 2016 3 Draft Planned Act1 fr6 aT27 Attachment C — Procedures and Criteria for Evaluating and Determining Projects as Planned Actions Applications submitted for qualification as a Planned Action Project shall be reviewed pursuant tothe following process: A. Planned Action Designation. The planned action designation shall apply to the North End Subarea of the City of East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area (UGA) depicted in Attachment B of this ordinance; B. Environmental Document. A planned action designation for a site -specific application shall be based on the environmental analysis and required mitigation measures contained in the Final Environmental Impact Statement dated XX, 2016, and enclosed as Attachment F. C. Planned Action Qualifications. 1. The project is located within the Planned Action Area in Attachment B. 2. The planned action designation meets the environmental thresholds in Attachment D. 3. Elements of the Environment Analyzed in the Final EIS. A project that would result in a significant change in impacts to any of the elements of the environment identified in environmental document referenced in subsection B above would not qualify as a planned action. 4. Time Horizon. No time horizon has been identified for termination of the planned action designation. The provisions of the planned action shall apply until or unless Douglas County or the City of East Wenatchee amends or repeals the provisions; or if environmental conditions significantly change from those analyzed in the Final EIS, the SEPA Responsible Official may determine that the planned action designation is no longer applicable unless additional, supplementary environmental review is conducted, regardless of the date. D. Planned Action Review Criteria 1. Uses and activities described in Attachment D may be designated planned actions pursuant to RCW 43.21C.440. 2. The SEPA Responsible Official or designee is authorized to designate a project application as a Planned Action pursuant to RCW 43.21C.440, if the project meets all of the following conditions: a. The project is not otherwise exempt from SEPA; and b. The project is consistent with the Douglas County Countywide Comprehensive Plan, Greater East Wenatchee Area Plan, and the North End Master Site Plan, as applicable; and c. The project falls within the planned action qualifications identified in Section C above; and d. The SEPA Responsible Official or designee has determined that the project's adverse impacts are able to be mitigated through the application and/or inclusion of mitigation measures identified in Attachment E based on the Final EIS as well as other applicable local, state or federal requirements and conditions which together constitute sufficient mitigation for the significant environmental impacts associated with the proposed project; and e. The project complies with all applicable local, state and federal regulations. E. Planned Action Permit Process. The Responsible SEPA Official or their designee shall review projects • and determine whether they meet the criteria as planned actions under applicable local, state and August 2016 5 Draft Planned AcITS. r tal27 LWfO y V:" pauueld 1010 9TOZ 1sn8ny • •(s)l!waad laafoad SulAliapun ay1 of pail aq lleys slaafoJd uo1loy pauueld paylenb Jo} Ma1AaJ pue ao!lou allgnd •g 'S13 ayl ul passaippe Alsnolnajd 1ou sloedwl !eluawuoJ!nua pue sanssl aso4101 MalnaJ Vd3S a4110 adoas ay11!w!l o1 asooyo Aew le!a!j4o alq!suodsa�l Vd3S a41 'sluawarinbai Vd3S Sullaaw ul 1slsse of sluawn3op MalnaJ leluawuoJIAua laylo se Hann se 'uo!lay pauueld ay1 jol pajedaid S13 IeUl j ay1 ul sISAleue Malnaj !eluawuoJ!nua a41}o sluawala luenalaJ alejodaooui jo asn Aew uo1lae pauueld a se pallllenbslp slaafoJd 'S -uo!loe pauueld e se uo!le:)yjenbslp ul llnsaj leyl uollealidde ayilo sluawala ay1 aquasap Heys lueolldde ayl of aallou a41 -Mel alels pue sainpaooid Vd3S Al!:)/Aluno:) ql!m lualslsuoa ainpaaojd Ma!naJ Vd3S a aquasaid lle4s lela!110 alq!suodsab Vd3S ayl'uolleulwjalap ayl uo pase9 'Otib'OTZ'£b MA 01 juensind 'laafoad uo!loy pauueld aql nano uo!la!psunf yl!M sa!ouage pue sluawwanoS leq!jl pazwooaai Allejapal pue `uollea!ldde ayl uo pals!l se Al.iedoid ayl to jaunno ayl'luealldde ayi of uo1leulwialap p!es Janllap AlgelllJaA aslnvuaylo Jo pew lleys pue „Ajuals!suoaul 10 uolleulw-jalad„ a anssi lleqs aauSIsap Jo 1e131}l0 Vd3S a1q!suodsaa ay1 'uo!1oe pauueld a aq o11ou paulwialap sl laafad a 31 'b -pajlnbaa aq II!M S13 ao uolleulwialap Ploysaayl 'MalnaJ Vd3S leuollrppe ou leyl ldaaxa'sajnpaoojd 11waad aleudoidde ay1 yl!M aouepJ03oe ui paaaoud lleys loafoad ayl 'uo!leu!wialap aq1 BulMolloj 'Obb'JTZ'£b MJ2i of luensand 'laafoad uo1lay pauueld aq1 nano uo!la!ps!anf y11M salauaSe pue sluawwaAOS leq!jl pazlugoaaj Allejapal pue 'uo11ealldde ay1 uo palsll se Alaadad a4110 aauMo ayl'luea!ldde ay1 of uolleulwialop p!es Janllap Alge1luaA aSIAUaylo 10 I!ew lleys aau2lsap jo le!o!}}0 Vd3S alq!suodsaa ayl'uolloe pauueld e se A4!lenb saop laafoud ay111 -uolloe pauueld a se sa!111enb loafoad ay1 aa44ayM 'ZLT-TT-L61 Jb'M pue anoge Q uolloaS ut pau!eluoo sainpaoojd pue eualua a41 Swz!I!ln 'aulwjalap Heys aaug!sap uo le!o!110 alq!suodsaa Vd3S a43'uolleolldde alaldwoo a snnama.l pue sanlaaaA A11:)/Aluno:) ay1 sally •£ '6T 9P!1 :)WM3/0£0'80'bT jaldeU D:)Q ul pap!Aoid se alaldwoo si uo!lea!ldde ayl jayla4m amwialap llegs aauslsap jo lela!}40 yd3S alq!suodsaa ayl 'Z *swjol paa!nbai A110/A1uno0 uo pap!Aoid 'uolleluawnoop Su1l,oddns pue wJo11s!lVaU Vd3S e 11wgns lleys slueollddy laafoad uollay pauueld wnw!u!w a ly -Al!:)/A1uno' a41 Aq pap!Aoid swjol uo spew aq Ileys pue apo:) led!a!unIN aayaleuaM 1se3/apo:) A1uno:) selOnoa ayllo sluawaa!nbai ayl laaw II!M uo!lea!ldde luawdolana0 'T . :Bulmollol 041 to wnwlu!w a le'lslsuoa llegs ainpaaojd MalnaJ a41 •saoueulpJo pue sapoo'suo!leln2ai 'sMel leaapal Attachment D — Environmental Thresholds The following thresholds shall be used to determine if a site -specific development proposed within the Planned Action Area was contemplated as a Planned Action Project and has had its environmental impacts evaluated in the Planned Action EIS: A. QUALIFYING LAND USES. 1. Planned Action Categories: The following categories/types of land use are defined in the North End Master Site Plan and can qualify as Planned Actions, when: a. it is within the Planned Action Area as shown in Attachment B of this Ordinance; and b. it is within one or more of the land use categories in the Final EIS: i. Resort/Hospitality ii. Business Park iii. Wine Village iv. Office v. Institutional vi. Retail vii. Commercial Recreation; and c. it is listed in development regulations applicable to the zoning classifications applied to properties is within the Planned Action Area. 0 2. Stand-alone or Mixed Uses: A Planned Action Project may be a single Planned Action land use or a combination of Planned Action land uses together in a mixed -use development. 3. Accessory Uses: Planned Action land uses may include accessory uses. 4. Essential Public Facilities: A planned action must not include an essential public facility as defined by RCW 36.70A.200, unless the essential public facility is accessory to or part of a development that is designated as a Planned Action Project under this Ordinance. 5. A Planned Action Project is consistent with the general concept of the North End Master Site Plan land use plan and upland of shoreline jurisdiction. B. DEVELOPMENT THRESHOLDS: 1. Land Use: The following new land uses are contemplated by the Planned Action: Table D-1. Comparison of Altemative Growth Levels AlternativePreferred Uses Dwellings 227 DwelBng Square Feet — 327,522 ResorVHospltallty Rooms 544 ResodMospitality Square Feet 820,012 Business Park or Mnery Square Feet 1,437,600 August 2016 7 Draft Planned Ac"Gr&127 LZ �ui0pR 0';:)V Pauueld 34eja 91OZ3snsny • • •A !:)/Aluno:) ayl to uo1l3el51les ayl of papinoad uollew.folui gullioddns pue alnpaps uopnilsum a of loafgns sllwjad A3uedn33o to aouenssl ayl of aoud pled aq of aal uofle9fllw ayl jol nnolle Aew A !:)/Aluno:) ayl 'walsAs uollelpodsuejl ayl of slaedwl pue Aauedmao olaolad spouad uoilonjlsuo3 weal-jaSuol ajlnbaj leyl spafojd aoj •aouenssl llwjad Sulplfnq to awp ayl le algeAed aq Ileys aal uolle9ll!w ayl •Molaq e•S•D uolloaS 'Q luawyaelly Palllluapl Ienuew ayl pue 3 luawyaelly ul. ul LT ainsealN uolle9ptvy gitm lualslsuoo uolleimlea dial aad anoq dead INd a uo paseq aq 11e4s saal yonS •3 luawyaelly ql!m lualslsum pled aq Ileys Baal uolle9llfw allleJl •e saaj uollesfl!W all}ejl •£ •lualollap aq pinonn j ao 3 Sol le guflejado uollaasialul Aue leyl pue 'tJ Sol le las seen ploysajyl a3lnaas to Ianal ayl leyl salels osle ueld anlsuayajdwoa ayi „ asn luawdolanap to sJeaA 9 ulyl!M jol pauueld Alleloueull jo pue aaeld ul aq Ism salSaMls pue sluawanoadwf yanS •luawdolanap ayl yl!M luannoum apew aje luawdolanap to slaedwf ayl alepoww000e of sal9aleais Jo sluawanoadwl uoflelaodsuejl ssalun pallq!yojd aq Ipm sluawdolanap Mau 'lab luawaSeuew gwojg ayl ul pagpads se leyl sajfnbai PILIm 'uaid aA1suagafdfuoD oaay aayaaouaM lsog is}oalg ayl ul paysllgelsa sploysaJgl (Sol) aolruaS to Ianal ayl pue sluawailnbai A3uaiinouoo uollevodsuejl ayl laaw Ilegs sloafad uolloy pauueld [IV •AouaaanauoD •Z -palewwlla uaaq aneq sdlia Aq-ssed aouo sasn puel Mau ay; of sdul;oafoid Ile apnl:)ul sdlal Ajewpd! i :saION 9TOZ dnaO odsuejl :aajnoS paMl}a-Al11sualul Ilnj :snnollol se sl S£OZ col SO uollad pauueld ayl ul pannalnaJ pue easy uollad pauueld ayl ul paledlallue sdul jnoq dead Wd Mau to aagwnu ayl •splogsajyl'8 saSuea dui •T SCIIOHS38HJ NOIldiWcISNV211 -3 •SI3 uof13V pauueld ayl ul slsAleue pue suolldwnsse ayl Salle Jo/pue aoueulpio slyl ul palllaads sploysajgl luawdolanap ayl spaaoxa sloafoad uoflay pauueld to uolleulgwoa j0 13afoJd uolloy pauueld lenp!Alpul Aue if ':) luawyoelly of luensind paalnbai aq Aew nnalnaJ Ieluawualnua jaylan j •£ •3 luawyaelly ql!m lualslsuoo pale2ll!w we SI3 uollay pauueld ayl u! palllluap! sl3edwi luawdolanap ayl'pue'papaaaxa lou ale splogsajyl Al!3ede3 aannas weailsunnop pue sdljl allleal ayl'S13 uo113y pauueld ayl u! pannalnaa luawdolanap to lunowe alegaiHe ayl ueyl ssal sl lno-plfnq lelol ayl uaynn pau!wiad sf 1•f3 uollaasgnS ul palllluapl uc sasn puel uaannlaq slunowe luawdolanap Sulll!4S •Z 9IOZ Bullinsuo:))ja38'ualsaa uegjn pue ajnjoallyojy sialeyy :aojnoS V1,9'660 p9iwsn j ��, d IPII�q- I�tt asZ'LVV _ 6u . Bu ,a u V95'L9 uopewm Ielataww03 Z9L'69Z — — -- - lw jl wenbg I!vft £OB'9E9 I - - — "@:I wenbg luuoprgp:ul 6E0'6L9 Iasi wenbg 93Wp • b. Planned action project documentation shall be submitted as required in Attachment D, Section C.4 below. Such project documentation shall consider each development's direct impact on North End Master Site Plan transportation improvements. c. The County/City shall earmark mitigation fee receipts and retain them in an interest -bearing account, expending them on projects identified in the North End Master Site Plan Exhibit 4.12. Conceptual Road Network Cost Estimates, 2016$ and listed below in Table D-3. Table D-3. Conceptual Road Network Cost Estimates, 2016$ • n 1 East Bound Off Ramp $8,319,700 80% 1 $ 6,655,760 2 West Bound On Ramp $2,934,300 80% $ 2,347,440 3 RAB @ 35th Street $890,800 100% $ 890,800 4 RAB @ 38th Street $1,426,500 100% $1,426,500 5 RAB @Off Ramp $1,056,900 80%�$845,520 j - t-- - 0% 6 RAB @ On Ramp $979,900 80% $783,920 7 38th Street Extension $2,179,600 100% i $2,179,600 — - - i- 8 35th Street Extension $1,939,800 $1,172,075 96% $737,016 9 Empire Ave- Goldcrest-38th - -_ $5,697,300 - _-90% -$ 5,127,570 10 Empire Ave- 38th - Cascade $5,822,200 100% $5,822,200 11 RAB @ SR 28 & 35th $1,310,000 100% $1,310,000 12 RAB @ SR 28 & 38th $1,310,000 100% $1,310,000 Total_ - --- - _ $33,867,000 $1,172,075 _ - $29,436,326 Note: •Share of cost based on percentage of Project Area Trips, Available Funds, Regional Need. Other improvements such as internal circulation within the Wine village and a roundabout at the intersection of 35th/NW Empire/Wine Village circulation road may be constructed as part of development requirements. Legend: RAB = Roundabout Source: Douglas County, Transpo Group, BERK Consulting 2016 d. The County/City shall provide a credit for the value of dedication or improvement to or new construction of any system improvements provided by the developer per subsection C.3.c above. The applicant shall be entitled to a credit for the value of the land or actual costs of capital facility construction against the fee that would be chargeable under the formula in Attachment E Mitigation Measure 17. i. The dedication, improvement, or construction shall be conducted at suitable sites and constructed at acceptable quality as determined by the County/City. Such improvement or construction shall be completed, dedicated, or otherwise transferred to the County/City prior to the determination and award of a credit. ii. The value of a credit for right of way and easements shall be established on a case -by -case basis by an appraiser selected by, or acceptable to the County/City. The appraiser must be licensed in good standing by the State of Washington for the category of the property appraised. The appraisal shall be in accord with the most recent version of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and shall be subject to review and acceptance by County/City. The appraisal and review shall be at the expense of the applicant. August 2016 Draft Planned Ac!of&127 L ftefpa§ � "pauueld 14pj0 OT 91OZ lsn?ny r1f L J -sloedwi aleSll!w of Jap!Aojd aolAUas ayl 10 uo!1aJoslp a411e sluawanojdwi al!s}jo pun} Aew lueo!ldde ue 1e41 pap!Aojd •slaafoid uolloy pauueld Aq AIaAllelnwno jo Allenp!Alpul papaaoxa aq lou Ile4s pue'smoll jno4 plead jo alnulw jad suolleS 000'T of 008 Alalew!xoidde jol Alpedeo se4 walsAs aoueAanuoo weaalsuMop a41 :JamaS 'b •ja}}nq aullaJOgs ayl u141!m JaAla elgwnjo0 ay10l slle;;no jalem-u! Jo saoueAanuoo aalemwaols apnloul lou op slaafoJd uolloy pauueld -E •algeo!ldde se apo:) Ied!o!unw aa4oleuaM 1se3 pue apo0 A1uno0 sel9noa ay1 pue'suo!leingai eaje 1eo1 p:) pue aullajo4s'spiepuels uSlsap lo!als!p lepads pue'A1!:)'AlunoO 'sainseaw uolle2lllw SI3 uolloy pauueld a4141!m luals!suoo padolanap ua4m sallll17ej 3epw!s pue 'sl!ejl'slied 'sa!1!pIn 'speoi al!suo :aaus!sap a!a41 Jo 1p1ol}40 Vd3S apsuodsaa ay1 Aq paulwJalap se suo!loy pauueld se A;llenb ue:) sall!i!ln pue'aanlonjlseilu! 'saavuas o!lgnd Su!mollol a41 •Z . veld a1!S JalseW Pu3 43aoN a41 jo sueld Al!I!ln ay141!m Aouals!suoo aleilsuowap llegs slueolldde loafoJd uolloy pauueld I S3OIA83S ON7 S3111111(1 -Q -sloedwl paipluap! i!a41 uodn paseq sloafoJd uolloy pauueld lenp!AIpuI uaamlaq sluawanoidwi pailnbai jol Alg!q!suodsaj ;o uo!leoolle ayl lsnfpe of uo!1ans!p a41 ane4 (legs aauO!sap Jlay1 Jo IeP'JJO'dd3S alq!suodsaa a41 0 -suo!leln2aa luawdolanap AllJ/Aluno:) ay1 pue aoueu!pjo uolloy pauueld s14110 suols!Aad a41 laaw of suo!leo!ldde loafoJd uolloy pauueld uo11!puoo 01 uo!1aJas!p ane4 (legs aauRisap j!ayl ao IeP1}lO Vd3S alglsuodsaa a41 -q -uolloy pauueld sigl Aapun pasodoid uolleo!Idde 1!waad loafoad pea ao} 'uo!lanslp alos Ja4 Jo sly le joloajlQ slioM ollgnd s,Al!:) / sAuno0 ay1 Aq paldaooe Ienuew anlleuialle ue jo umopleaag laojed ueld al!S jalsew Pu3 41 ON Allsualu! IIn3'L b'E 1!q!4x3 SI3:geJa ul paluasaid se (uoll!pa lsalel) Ienuew uollejauaO dul Oil) saaaufSu3 o!}}eil }o alnl!lsul ay1411m luals!suoo 'uollejauaE dial lelol pue leluawanul aulwJalap 01 uoliaaoslp ane4 (legs aau8!sap j!ayl jo IePI}JO Vd3S apsuodsaa a41 -e •uo!lajos!Q •S .E.D uo!loasgnS 41!m luals!suoo spedwi pale8lllw seq loafoid ay1 legl pue 'Z.0 spiepuels uolloasialul pue Aouajjnouoo a41 slaaw loafojd a413e41'papaaoxa 1ou aje T•0 ul pa!3!luapl sdul lelol a411e41 Sulleilsuowap slueo!Jdde loafoad uolloy pauueld Aq uo!leluawnoop aa!nbaA (legs aauSisap a!ayl jo IeIoIJ1O Vd3S alglsuodsaa a41 •b -saa; uo11eS!1!w a4; Suuagwnoua jo 8u!puadxa ao; aw!1 ay1 pualxa of 1s!xa suoseaa 8uyladwoo jo Aieulpioealxa 1ey1 Ou!pu!} uallum a apew se4 Aluno:)/AllJ a41 ssalun 'saal uo!1eRpw • }o ldlaoaj }o sjeaA 01 u141!m pajagwnoua jo papuadxa uaaq lou ane4 saal loedwi ay1 j! saa} 4ons 10 pun;ai a anlaoaa Aew pled uaaq ane4 saaj uo11eS!1!w o!}}eil 4o!4m uo Aliadoid }o aaumo luaiano a41 •a 0 • Attachment E — Final EIS Mitigation Measures The Planned Action EIS has identified significant beneficial and adverse impacts that are anticipated to occur with the future development of the Planned Action Area, together with a number of possible measures to mitigate those significant adverse impacts. Please see Final EIS Chapter 1 Summary for a description of impacts, mitigation measures, and significant unavoidable adverse impacts. The mitigation measures in this Attachment shall apply to Planned Action Project applications that are consistent with the Alternative range reviewed in the Planned Action EIS and which are located within the Planned Action Area (see Attachment B). Where a mitigation measure includes the words "shall" or "will," inclusion of that measure in Planned Action Project application plans is mandatory in order to qualify as a Planned Action Project. Where "should" or "would" appear, the mitigation measure may be considered by the project applicant as a source of additional mitigation, as feasible or necessary, to ensure that a project qualifies as a Planned Action Project. Unless stated specifically otherwise, the mitigation measures that require preparation of plans, conduct of studies, construction of improvements, conduct of maintenance activities, etc., are the responsibility of the applicant or designee to fund and/or perform. Any and all references to decisions to be made or actions to be taken by the County's/City's SEPA Responsible Official may also be performed by the County's/City's SEPA Responsible Official's authorized designee. Table E-1. Matrix of Mitigation Measures Natural Environment 1. Wetlands, Waters of the United To be considered a planned action, proposed development shall leave intact the States, Shoreline, and Critical Areas riparian corridor, Columbia River, and associated wetlands. Where properties overlap these critical areas and shorelines, such areas may be identified in a conservation covenant or other preservation mechanisms as part of subdivision or binding site plan approval. The unnamed tributary would likely be impacted from a new road extension. Once impacts for construction of the arterial streets and other infrastructure (i.e. utilities) are determined, the remaining riparian corridor may be identified in a I conservation covenants or other preservation mechanisms to protect the area in j perpetuity. In any case, The County or City shall apply shoreline and critical area standards to protect regulated environmental resources. 2. Plants Upland vegetation removed during construction shall be replaced to the extent feasible. Temporary fencing shall be installed around areas of wetland, intermittent drainage, and riparian habitat. Public landscaped areas, stormwater bio-swales, and other green space areas associated with the development shall generally be planted with native grasses, groundcovers, trees, and shrubs to the extent feasible to maximize wildlife habitat and minimize needed maintenance and excess water use. To avoid the introduction of noxious weeds to the project study area, no plants designated as 'noxious weeds'by the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board shall be used for landscaping. Additionally, no mulch with the potential to contain viable seeds from a designated noxious weed shall be used in the study area. 3. Animals Mitigation measures include the avoidance of critical areas and buffers to the greatest extent practicable. If feasible, vegetation removal activities shall occur outside of the nesting season (approximately March through September) for migratory birds. No active nests shall be disturbed without a permit or other authorization from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). August 2016 11 Draft Planned Ac" §r&r27 d r 3" UG -1v pauueld WIG ZT 9TOZ isn8ny 'auoz lequaplsai a singe le4l Iuepunoq dyadad due 6uole 'ly618y u! lac; 9 lseal le 'a0ua110 pem 6wU83JOS 9n11e100ap a ap!noJd 'auoz lequaplsaj a singe ie4l dlepunoq duadoid due 6uole 'apoo led!o!unyy aayoleuaM lse3 84110 090 ZCLI ucg3aS jo opo3 dlunoo sel6noa a41 to 0£O Ob OZ uolloaS dq paugap se 'japnq 6uideospuel 1 addl a ap!noJd 'Iasi 5£ of s146!ay 6wppnq pwil '6uwoz lequap!sai;o laa; Og uiq • splepuels u61sop uoglsueil bulmopol ayl to aiow jo ON dldde pegs 'anoge pa4sllgelse luawaiinbai japoq le!wawwoo leiauaE) a41 dg paJanaO IOU si y0!4m inq 'auoz leguap!sei a singe leyl dyadoid uo pale001 ueld 811S JOMN pu3 yPoN ayl iapun luawdolanap lie 'luawdolanap !q!sualu! -jemol singe luawdolanap dpsualuFjo4 4 ajaym sloap lens!n asranpe ampaj o1 spiepuelS uolpsuejl •1 jumeouequo lel!gey jo uog0alad uo1jel869n angeu buipnpu! 'coeds uado an!ssed . Jo :spjeyoio pue 'suopie6 'seeie Sued jo umel 6wpnlou! 'aoeds uado powwej6ad . :wa;sds uoilelnojlo pazuolow-uou ails-uo ue;o lied wjol le4l sainlea; Heil ueulsaped pue alod0lg . 'salems jo spuod 00uedanuo0 Jo 'uogeJllgw 'uogualap JalemmolS ■ :sainlea; 6u!mopo; apl ;o Aue jol pasn aq dew ease pedeospuel aq j uo!lo!psunl ylun Aoue6e ayl uo 6u!puadap apo3 ledioiunW 80401e0M lse3 a41 to 090 ZL L 1 uogOaS jo apoo dlunoo sel6nop a4l 40 0£O OV OZ uogOaS 4l!m lualslsuo0 'buwoz leiluap!saj s;nqe leyl awl diiodad due buole 6uluaaios 6wdeospuel 1 addl apnloui pinoys eaje jagnq a4l eaje dpnls 941;o fiepunoq waglnos 941 buole ja}lnq uoq!suen fool-Og a ap!noid Ileys ueld eajegns aLp japun luawdolanap amlry 'le!aawwo3 lejaua j psuoz eam AMs agllo quoglod a4l ul Jayne le!olawwo3 leiauaE) 9 soldl0uud u8!sa4 - I-Z'£ 1!q!4X3 Ueld al!S jalseyl ayl 4l!m dlg!ggedwo0 pue uogeo!Idde;o swq ayl le loaya w soullapmE) q spiepuelS u6!sap eajy ylmwg uegj0 a9y0leuaM lse3 i31e019 ayl ypm douals!suoo aWiMowep lleys suogad pauueld sald!0uud u6!sea uegjn .9 • sal0ilod pue ash euyaiogs pue PUB] alglsea; lualxa ayl of ease dpn;s 041 u!ypm silos pagjnlslp jol paimbei aq peps 6u!lueld angeN alq!seal lualxa ayl of paluawaldwi aq peps aalemwols io; sanb!uyoo; pue sai6ale4s (Qjj) luawdolanap l0edwi mol jaylo pue uogejllqul cps-uo pa6euew puepaleajl'poloallo0 aq Begs ialewwols uo16u14seM walse3 jol lenueVl jalemuliolS ayl pue apoD dlunoo sel6nop yl!m a0uep'o00e ul p010rulsuo0 pue pou6!sap aq peps swa;sds jalemwUols luaueuuad sase016 pue 'silo 'spgos popuadsns lelol apnlow lleys s!sdieuy luawdolanap Ile;o wMlsumop uogmI e PUB luawdolanap pasodad Ile anoge uo11e001 a apnioui pegs sal!s bugdwes 'wnw!ww e 1V uoprulsuoo 6winp eaje dpn;s l0afoid eqj 6u1neal pue 6uualue ielem ooepns ;o 14!lenb a41 ssasse of pe;uawaldwi pue padolanap aq lleys weiboid 6uuopuow PUB 6wldwes a 'pwiad uo!l0rulsuo3 IeM09 S30dN a4141!m a0uepJo00e ul -anoge pou!gno se liodsuejl luaw!pas az!wlww pue uoisoja luanajd of paluawaldwi aq of aje leyl sdW9 leinl0nuls pue 'sanb!up of uogez!i!gels 'soopeid uog0njisuoo aqu0sap 11e4s dddMS a41 -aM-t ueyl jaleai6 si aouegjnlslp cps uaym d6oloo3 dg panadde pue pajedaid aq peps '(dddMS) ueld uoquanajd uo!lnllod jalemunols y (d6oIo03) 4601003 to luawliedad uol6wyseM;o ale1S a4; W04 i imad uog0ni;suo: eM80 (S3adN) welsdS uo!leulw93 Aeyosia luelnllod IeuogeN l e u!elgo Ileys saq!nlloe uo!lorulsuo0 aloe- I, ueyl ialeek si aoueginls!p aps uayM saoinosaa jaleM 4 -kessaoau s! uogellnsual jeylml iaylaym awuualop of (MjoM) a;llpl!M pue 4s! j l0luawpedep u016u!yseM jo/pue SMjSfI a41 l0eluoo lleys slue0lldde joefad ainln; eql 'pound uogorulsuoo ayl 6uunp ease l0afoid alelpawwi ayl ui patiasgo aje sal6ea uaplo6 jo sa16ea pleq 11 le►!ge4 6ugsou lsol ooeldej of aupalops ayl 6uole pollelsw eq pinoys salod yojad leuog!ppe V. auruialap of a;!IPI!M PUB 4s! j;o luawyedao uolbu!yseM ayl pue dlunoo sel6nop loeluo0 lle slue0!ldde j poloid ainln; 'uog0rulsuoo 6uunp panowaJ aJe slsou pnq kolLj61w 8n1j0eu16ugs!xa 11 1 uogelnbaj (yy j) uogeJlslulwpy Uogeiny lejapa j dq pannbei se ldam pasn aq peps sly6!i eqa;s ON spjlq dJolebw uo sloaya 6u1y6ll az!w!u!w • of 6ugy6q wn!pos ainssaid-mol pajawip piemumop;o asn a4l az!w!ldo lleys 6ugy6!-1 . I . 0 • Where a rear -yard setback abuts a residential zone, increase the standard setback distance to 50 feet; or ■ Where a property boundary that abuts a residential zone is characterized by significant mature native vegetation, preserve such vegetation and implement a building setback of at least 20 feet. 8. Environmental Health t Agricultural Douglas County or the City of East Wenatchee as appropriate shall require the Use following note on the face of plats or binding site plans on planned action properties with a history of agricultural use: "Based on historical agricultural use of this land, there is a possibility the soil contains residual concentrations of pesticides. The Washington State Department of Ecology recommends that the soils be sampled and analyzed for lead and arsenic and for organochlorine pesticides. if these contaminants are found at concentrations above the MTCA cleanup levels, the Washington State Department of Ecology recommends that potential buyers be notified of their occurrence.' This note shall not be required to be placed on the final plat or binding site plan, if the soils are sampled by a professional with adequate credentials to verify that the site does not contain lead and arsenic and organochlorine pesticides at concentrations above the MTCA cleanup levels. Cultural Resources The following mitigation measures shall be implemented to help avoid and manage significant impacts to recorded and as -yet unrecorded cultural resources within the North End Study Area: y Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee, as appropriate, shall continue coordination of cultural resource avoidance and mitigation programs for future project - level development through formal government -to -government consultation with the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. During scoping, responses to this proposal were received from representatives of both Tribes. The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation commented that the undertaking was within the traditional territory of the Wenatchi Tribe, one of the twelve tribes of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, and that a cultural resources survey inclusive of subsurface testing be • undertaken and incorporated into the related EIS. The Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation commented that the study area is within lands ceded by the I Yakama people and is in proximity to traditional food gathering area, hunting and j fishing sites, villages, and burials. They also noted the antiquity of archaeology present in the East Wenatchee area and the presence of known archaeological sites within the development area. It was requested that investigation place emphasis on both archaeological sites and traditional cultural properties. Tribes often are able to provide additional information regarding cultural resources not documented in published literature which can help direct cultural resources investigations and support compliance assessments to ensure that cultural resources are not significantly impacted by development activities. 10. { Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee, as appropriate, shall identify an approach to project specific actions to ensure that recorded and unrecorded cultural resources are not disturbed by the proposed project plans through the application of mitigation measures 11-14. The preliminary field investigations conducted in this study were based on a conceptual design and provide a general history of the study area and limited insight into the subsurface conditions within tested areas proposed to be developed. 11. To be considered a planned action, complete avoidance of archaeological site 45DO173 and the immediate adjacent area shall be accomplished due to the presence of human burials. _ 12. Planned actions shall document and evaluate historical significance of structures within the study area that are over 50 years old prior to development actions consistent with the State of Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 13. Douglas County or the City of East Wenatchee may consider partnering with existing businesses or agencies with a strong interest in history, and which likely maintain good historical records of the project location. 14. The following measures to avoid impacts to cultural resources will be required of North End planned actions by Douglas County or the City of East Wenatchee as appropriate. • August 2016 13 Draft Planned Actj 2 ji-bri'27 LL *1ffi I3v Pauueld W10 bi gioz isnony • • �l painaas si Buipun; pue ueld Aloe; lepdeo jean( -xis e ui papnloui aie sluawanadwi }! sjeaA xis u!41!m jo luawdolanap 10 awg 941 le ooeld ul aq peys spJepue;s aauuas to Janal paldope le pu3 40ON a41 }0luawdolanap uoddns 01 tiessaaau se q C UO!109S ueld al!S 1a)sEh ul payiluap! sluawanoidwi uo!lellodsueii s)uawanadw! pa)ou 43!M p aawas 10 Jana] a molaq Ile; lou op 4ms a4) w pazAleue suogaaslalu! Ily .a Sol anoge alejado of uogoesiolw Aue asneo of 341eA poonpul 46noua u! )insal P1nom luawdolanap Jla4J P. AauaJJnauoa u!41!m suogejado uogoasiap buuq ley] sluawanoidwi kempea jol alq!suodsai aie siadolanap -alolelegl lua!ayap aq P1nom d J0 3 Sol le 6ugejado uogaasielui hue ley] pue 'Cl SOl le 19s seM plo4s91gJ ao!,vas to lanaJ ayJ ley] sales osJU ueld 8n!suagajdwo0 ayi ,-asn luawdolanap to sjeaR 9 ui4J!m 1ol pauueld Alle!aueug jo pue aoeld ui eq lsnw sa!6a)e)Js pue sluawanadwi yang JuawdoJanap ayl 11!M Jua,mouoa apew eje luawdolanap to sloedwi ayl alepowwoaae of sa!6alMIS 10 sJuawanoldwi uoileuodsmil ssalun pai!q!yold aq p!m sluawdolanap Mau 'lay Juawa6eueJN 4Jmo10 a4J ul papads se ley] sannbai ueld enisuegejdwo0 easy aayaleueM 1se31alealo a41 'samlonAs pue 'spec 'sag!ign lie to uogeool an 6ugempw ueld aps a 1!wgns Ism jadolanap a41 '81!s JuawdoJanap e uo uogejado panoidde Aue 1ol 1!wlad 6wplmq a to aouenssi ayl 01 loud 'L sauanoos!p aolnosai lemilno 01 uanlb 6u!aq sl uogelapisuoo yo!4m ui jauuew ayl uo uogeluawnoop pue 'yldap 'uogeneoxa to lunowe 'uageaol ainlonulseilui to adAl a41 aleo!pw lleys aogou p!eS sa!lg!in }o luawaaeld iofpue uoganrlsuoo Aue of joud sAep 91 apew eq lleys suogeoggou pannbal anoge ayi •9 anoge Z# lad tiessaaau pawaap J! sa111n!loe 6u!ggru6 pue 6uueal3 atiasgo of /J!unlioddo aqj papolle aq pe4s lauuoslad lequi 10 alelS uogoy pauueld ay) japun pap!one dlejeldwoo aq ll!m ease )uaoefpe 91e!pawwl 841 pue £L1049b aps leo!fioloaeyoie leyl poolslapun osle s! 11 Aboloeeyole papioaai Joedw! AllealsAgd )ou ll!m loafad a41 pue 'uo!Joy pauueld ayl japun I!ejl yoead Apgj/dool Jel!deo alddy aqj jo Jsam pasodold si luawdolanap ou Je41 poolsjapun si 11 uogeilnsuoo paseq foaloid 6u!p1e6ei pew pa!p.11ao Aq uol6u!yseM to a)e1S ayl pue 'uogeN eLUEFA 841 }o spueg pue saqui pa)ejapaluoo 'saqui paleiapaluoo all!nJoo a41 /4!lou of ladolanap ayl }o Alll!q!suodsai aqJ aq pegs i! 'any aj!dw3 MN to ]sea ease 841 ui aoepns molaq sialawgueo 09 to yldap a molaq pue '9ndw3 MN pue I!e114oeaa Alooafdool le1!deo alddy uaamlaq eaje aqj ui aoepns molaq sialawgueo 0q to 4Jdap a molaq eaje ueld OPS JalseJry ayJ u!41!m uogarulsuoo 10 '6u!pek'u01lene3xa Aue of loud 'ssaoold Ma!naJ 3!uuad p efold 6uunp saqu] ay) y)im sin000 le4l uogelInsuoa a4l of uogippe ul 9 sagied pauo!luawaJo}e ayJ 4J!M uogeJlnsuoo y6nwyl padolanap aq Il!m sdals uo!le6g!w opecis 'pai!nbai s! saolnosai !e1n)lno of uo.1 . }] (papuawe �a1}ea�a41 se �0 930Z dHya) splepue)s uoge uasa� ouols!H pue A6olo9egojy to luawpedap 91eJS uolbuigseM aqj pue 'uogeN ewes BA ay) }o spueg pue saqu] alelapaluo0 ayi 'aqui palelapalu00 8JJ!nio0 ay) yl!M uoge)lnsuoo ui palen]ena aq JJ!M pa4guapl saamosai ouo►s!y jo leo!6oloeepie Auy -q (Z-3 algei aaS) ln000 ,Ganoasip paledio!lueun ue pinogs paluawaldwi aq of salnseew a4J seu!llno leyl l000lad tianoos!p JuaJianpeuj ue poldope se4 /4unoo sel6noa '950'09 99 PUB '990'bb'LZ '9D9'OS 99 smog le sMeJ tianws!p Juayanpeu! 4pm Aldwoo ll!m slueo!ldde luawdolan90 luanoaslp ayl to paygou blale!pawwi aq osle pegs uogeN eweleA a41 }o spueg pue saqu] palelapaluoo ayl pue saqui p91eiapa}uo0 ap!nJO3 ayi saoinosal ayl loalad of ua�eJ sdals aleudadde pue pa!p.lou uaaq aney saguo4Jne 1adold ayi I!lun paddols aq )snw saoinom palanoas!p a4J Jaage pinom ley) �J1om lie 'uoilonjjsuoo/6uipej6 6uunp palanoos!p AIJuauanpew aq su!ewai uewn4lo samosas leo!6oloaeyole Aue pino4S £ uogonilsuoo pue'bu!pe16'6ulggnl6'6uuealo 6uunp saps luawdolanap JoJ!uow of pamolle aq peys alelS jo/pue aqui aqj woil sjaNasQO Z 'saoinosai leln)ino pone pue ,gguap! 01 uolla to ]anal aleudadde ue Appap! of oqul palsalalul a43 pm uoge)lnsuoo paseq-laafold aleglul peys luawwano6leool ayi'uo!leJJnsuoo jaylln} slsenbal to uogeo!idde J!uliad a 6ulpieba1 waouoo sassejdxa aqul saga 3] luawwoo Jo} uogeN ewes eA ayl }o spueg pue saqui pa)elapa}uoo ayl pue saqui pelelapaluoo ap!nlo0 a4J 01 uogo!psunf 6uig!wlad aqj Aq papiemiol aq peys uolloy Pauueld 941 japun suopoildde 1!wad Joafoid ile 'ssaaoid ma!naJ J!wlad 130(oad 9416uunp - J, VONON uogeuodsueji 9J Aouaiinouoo gJ uo!leliodsueil L �liisedJ/V uu!1ea!3!W :)!tloi # . 0 . • 0 17. Transportation Mitigation Fee Planned actions shall pay transportation trip mitigation fees in effect at the time of application to support implementation of the Master Site Plan transportation improvements consistent with Attachment D, subsection C. Unless amended or replaced with a transportation impact fee, the following mitigation fees shall be applied to planned action implications: PM Peak Hour Trip Costs — Pending Balance of Public and Private Shares r 3 Study Area Proportionate Share of Costs, All $29,436,326 $6,562 Study Area Proportionate Share of Costs, $14,718,163 $3,281 Half Study Area Fund Projects unscheduled in $16,454,840 $3,668 Transportation 2040 Full Intensity Trips PM Peak Hour. 4,486 18. Nonmotorized Connections Public Services 19. Police Protection 20. Fire Protection Source: Douglas County, The Transpo Group, BERK Consulting 2016 All public streets shall be designed to incorporate sidewalks consistent with County and City street standards. Some street standards show a range of sidewalk widths. Where pedestrian activity is anticipated to be greatest, wider sidewalks should be implemented. Arterial or collector streets shall accommodate bicycles consistent with adopted County and City road standards and adopted bicycle reginal guidelines. Properties abutting the Apple Capital Loop Trail or Rocky Reach Trail or their spurs shall be consistent with the Douglas County Loop Trail Overlay including standards for fencing, trail access, landscaping, and setbacks from the trail. The following on -site pedestrian walkway standards shall be met by each development. ■ A comprehensive system of pedestrian walkways shall link together all site entrances, building entries, parking facilities, and common outdoor spaces with the sidewalk system in the public right-of-way. ■ Pedestrian walkways shall be reinforced with pedestrian -scale lighting, bollard lighting, landscaping, accent lighting, signage, or a combination thereof to aid in pedestrian way -finding. ■ Each parcel shall provide pedestrian walkways that provide for connections from public rights of way through the subject property to the regional trail system that, when connected with other properties, will facilitate east -west travel to and from the regional trail system. For every 1,320 feet of street frontage, on average, a pathway to the regional trail system shall be provided. The walkway must connect with walkways located on other properties established in accordance with this condition. Distances may vary from exactly 1,320 feet to accommodate linking adjacent developments on a case -by -case basis. The County sheriff or City policy department, as appropriate, shall continue to monitor police services and the Level of Service standard to ensure that staffing levels and equipment needs align with changing demand. Existing Level of Service is based on residential population, but the North End site will have a significant amount of non- residential activity. The County sheriff or City policy department, as appropriate, shall be provided the opportunity to review planned action development applications and i consider any specialized needs that may be generated by the proposed mix of uses. Fire and emergency medical services shall be available concurrent with new development. Fire service providers shall continue to monitor fire protection services and the level of service standard to ensure that staffing levels and equipment needs align with the changing demand. In addition, the County and City shall provide opportunities for the fire district to review the proposed development plans and consider any anticipated specialized needs from the uses proposed. The School District shall monitor how the residential development of North End fits into the phasing plan and should keep track of future student enrollment that may be generated from development of the site. Capital planning by the District, as well as Lregular updates of the County and City Comprehensive Plans should allow for advancedplanning�rior to growth. If residential uses are proposed with a planned August 2016 15 Draft Planned ActiggprdOiN17 It fu d vG Y 3v pauueld ijeja 91 91oz lsn8ny • • sulewai aq) to uoq!sods!p pue 'uogeneoxa 'uogemasaid am)nl ay; of se sawed papage ay; gl!m uollellnsuoo Ile alpueg uag; II!m dHV(1 agl saqul paloa;}e agl pue saualawao a;eudoidde Aue of 6ulpug leg; uodaj pue uelpul-uoN Jo uelpul We su!ewai agl Jaglagm;o uogeulwalap e ajew II!m isl6olodojg)uy leolsAgd alelS ayl pug agl;o saqu) pa)oege Ile pue saualawso aleudadde Aue Aplou II!m dHVG agl 'su!ewaJ ag) JOAO uogolpsunf ajel uag; II!m oqm (dHVG) uo!letias9Jd ouolslH pue A6olo9egojy;o luaugredap aql of 6uwpu4 )eyl liodai II!m Aegl uag) blsuajo;-uou aje sulewai ag) sau!ulialap jauojoaljaulwexa leolpaw Alunoo agl ll • 'olsuaJo;-uou to olsMo; OR swewai asog; Jaglagm;o uogeuwwualap a 94ew pue sulewai 1ela195ls uewng agl nano uogo!psunf ownsse II!m jauaoopaulwexa leolpaw Alunoo agl . -pagjnlslp jagunl jo 'panow 'pagonol aq )ou ll!m sulewai agl elglssod iauuew snoll!pedxa )sow qq u! )uawaaio;ua mel leool pue jauaoopaulwexe leolpaw Alunoo agl of palJodaj aq plm sulewai le)elals uewng to bulpug agl . aoueginlslp jagunl wq paloaloid pue pamoas aq II!m pug agl;o eaje agl swewai asog; of souegJnlslp faglun; asneo Aew leg; aseao II!m A;ingoe Ile uag; 'uogoru;suoo ;o asinoo aq) 6uunp swewai lelalals uewng jalunoouo sagingoe 6ulgjn)slp puna611 . :paaanoaslp ale sulewei le)ala� s uewng;I sleualew paIanoos!p aql;o uol)eneaxa pue uoge/uesaid aminl 6ulpidej saqul pa;oa}}e gl!m uogellnsuoo aleu!pi000 uag; II!m dHVG elglssod jauuew snot;lpadxa isow a g ul (dHy(1) uolleru9s9Jd ouolslH pue A6oloae4oiy to luougiedat agl o; pue a;ls agl JOAO uogalpsunf g)lm Alunoo jo Allo ag) of paliodej aq pegs Aianoos!p agl . -peinoas aq II!m pug agl;o eaje agl pue 'aseao ;legs leua;ew paJanooslp agl gjnls!p jaglm; dew ley) sall!ngoe uogorulsuoo . :paJanoos!p OR sleua;ew Ie0l6oloaeg0je uewng-uou ll alglssod se uoos se uolletiasab all!^loo ag) to sequl pa)e)apaluoo agl pue uogeN ew"e k agl to spueg pue saqul paPapa;uoo aql d;gou uag; Ieegs ogm 'ails agl nano uollolpsunf g;lm dlunoo jo lq!o ag) *ou Alelelpawwl Begs jadolanap aql 'sl000loud 6u!mollol agl Aq paJanoo aainosai Aue jo Aanooslp luauanpeul ag) to Juana ag) ul sl000loid ,Uanoaslp lualranpeu! 6ulmopol ag) g;lm;uelldwoo aq of suogoe pauueld uol;lpuoa pegs aagoleuaM lse3;o Al!o aql Jo Alunoo sel6no0 ueld Nanoosip;ualuanpeul saainosaa;einjln3 7-3 aIgel ,dulpuno.uns magi uo sloedwl lensln nag; azlw!u!w o; sloafad uo!loe pauueld Aq pazllgn aq pegs u6lsap gllea;s pue 6u!deospuel aleudoidde 'seq nel uolleownwwoaalal puna6japun of leogoejd lou s! U aiagM 'ant ul uolloaS) apoo Alunoo sel6noO pue (93 Z31aldego) apoo led!olunfnl eaga)euaM lSe3 jad puno16japun s9q!Iq. n aneq of paalnbai aje suoisln!pgnS sa!1!Ign Bons punoi6japun pue saglpoel suogeownuumoala; pue iamod aleooi-oo pegs suolpe pauueld weld al!S JalseW pu3 WON aql ul pagquapl slsoo A)ggn to ajegs a)euo!Uodoud sll Aed of luawdolanap uogipuoo Aew lelogl0 alq!suodsaa Vd3S agl 'swalsds aoueAanuoo pue uognqulslp agl to asn pue Alggn agl;o uo!sualxa agl g)!m paleloosse s)soo suogejado pue aaueualulew leuoglppe ag) Jol papue)w aie sale] 96esn 6wo6uo sall!oedeo 96iegos!p pue 'Alddnslaomos;o asn jol uoge6glw pajaplsuoa sl saa; uogoauuoa pue 'sobjego luawdolanap walsAs to luawAed saglnlPe;uawdolanap Ile Jo j :'seaiy 86eplq aulM pue 'lle;aa 'p4gepcIsoH ul pasodad leg; se Bons )uawdolanap Allwe; aldglnw pue asn-paxlw 'le!oiawwoo of alcImIdde 'sawlapmo u6lsa0 don aagoleuaM ME! J91e919 ag) u! pajlnbaj osle si coeds uowwoo o!lgnd a)!s-uo aoitias to signal uo!leajaw pue sNied bulpJe6aJ sueld anlsuagaidwoo f4!o pue Alunoo ag) pue ueld aoedS uado pue uol)ealoaa 'geed )ouls!O uogeaioaa i pue s)IJed uelgodoilaVy luowlse3 agl gl!m )ualslsuoo aq pegs sualoe pauueld -pesodad sasn slar wa) spaou pazlle!aads pa;edloliue Aue jap!suoo pue sueld luawdolanap pasodad eyl maln9,1 01101 Ioogas agl jo; saglunlioddo ap!nad Ifegs A)lt pue Alunoo agl'uogae 1 )oaolad AUenoaslQ ;uaIJanpeul saaJnoseN lemlino 9L sagggn uo!leoiunwwooalel pue jamod to 6ulpunoi6japun pue uogeaol-oo VZ suogeo!unwwooelel pue seo 'Jamod CZ s-a!1!Inn s5ued *ZZ —� 1 t ■ • 0 • Contacts Steven M. Clem, Douglas County Prosecuting Attorney/Coroner Phone: (509) 745-8535 Fax: (509) 745-8670 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 360 Waterville, WA 98858 Physical Address: 203 S. Rainier Street Waterville, WA 98858 sclem@co.douglas.wa.us Douglas County Sheriffs Office 110 N.E. 2nd Street Suite 200 East Wenatchee, WA 99802 (509) 884-0941 • 0 East Wenatchee Police Department 271 9th St. N.E. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 884-9511 Guy Tasa, State Physical Anthropologist, DANP (360) 586-3534 Guy.TasaQdahp. Wa.gov August 2016 17 Draft Planned AcT29"d'i 127 LTVW'9Z'VV pauueld 34ead 81 9i0Z isn8ny • • S13 IeUI J - J IU@W40e}}d • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: Lori Barnett Director CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # #2 AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: October 10, 2016 Community Development TITLE: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Section 12.53.030 and adding a new Chapter 17.50 to establish a Loop Trail Overlay District. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: The purpose of the Loop Trail Overlay (LT-0) District is to protect and preserve the character of the Apple Capital Loop Trail, parkland, and trail extensions, by ensuring that development within the LT-O district is accomplished in a manner that is compatible with the public's use and enjoyment of the Trail and parkland. On May 10, 2016, the Douglas County Board of Commissioners (Commissioners) adopted Ordinance TLS 16-01-19 establishing a Loop Trail Overlay designation as an interim official control. The Commissioners held a public hearing on July 12, 2016 to accept testimony, enter findings into the record, and re-establish the interim official control for up to six -months. On June 8, 2016 a joint workshop was held with the city and county planning commissions. On June 13, 2016 a public open house was held regarding the proposed amendments. On September 6, 2016 a joint public hearing was held by the city and county planning commissions to accept testimony and formulate a recommendation regarding the proposed amendments. The vote of the Douglas County Planning Commission was in favor (5 to 1-Knowles). The vote of the East Wenatchee Planning Commission was unanimously in favor (5-0). EXHIBITS: 1. Ordinance 2016-17 with Exhibit A 2. Letter received from Washington State Department of Transportation RECOMMENDED ACTION: The East Wenatchee Planning Commission and the Douglas County Planning Commission have transmitted a recommendation of approval regarding amendments to East Wenatchee Municipal Code establishing the Loop Trail Overlay. Staff requests that the ordinance be elevated to second reading and approved. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A t I r $ N/A $ N/A /' Alri+- _t Aeva�f dz� Yto_kv,G t1 ou J0,,1 1UY-t 2� AC ION TAKEN: AcG p4_ d�G ►'Ccor.�.v.�„�plo. wi Giddeol exciv,s� w-a Motion Made By: C it a 1 Second By: d �vHhaV�, Council memberterk YvpS Councilmember Raab Nfe_S 5DO-F Page 1 of 2 Z do Z agL'd G (ail jo asw) ui) tieq joArVy 6uijalaa aagwawli:)unOD jaupn8 jagwawli:)uno:) :palled ,A :passed WNuMS jagwawli:)uno:) lino:):)yy jagwawli:)uno:) uosuyo(jagwawli:)uno] Exhibit 1 • City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2016-17 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Section 12.53.030 and adding a new Chapter 17.50 to establish a Loop Trail Overlay District. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee modifica el C6digo Municipal East Wenatchee Secci6n 12.53.030 y la adici6n de un nuevo capitulo 17.50 para establecer un rastro de superposici6n Loop Distrito. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (espafiol, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), p6ngase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Recitals. 2.1. The City of East Wenatchee ("City") is a non -charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington; and 2.2. The City has adopted a the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan (GEWA) pursuant to the Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW Chapter 36.70A, which covers all properties within the City Limits and the unincorporated areas of Douglas County located within the East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area, which was found to be consistent with the adopted GMA plans of adjoining jurisdictions. 2.3. The East Wenatchee and Douglas County Planning Commissions conducted a duly advertised public hearing on September 6, 2016. The Planning Commissions entered into the record the files on the proposed amendment, accepted public testimony, and deliberated the merits of the proposal. As a result of the deliberations, the proposal was amended. The vote of the Douglas County Planning Commission was in favor (5 to 1-Knowles). The vote of the City Planning Commission was unanimously in favor (5-0). 2.4.On October 10, 2016, the City Council of East Wenatchee ("City Council") and the Douglas County Board of County Commissioners (County Commissioners) held a public workshop to review the record of the planning commissions' public hearing. • Taal g Tg is 3o gTptnn ABAAqjuCI PgAUCI utnuziutuz u gTtmn IenuL-W u isaQ ZOQSM agT jo uopIpa Tuaaano Tsoui aqT 3o spaupuu4s agT oT pajuaaaa aq Tsnui suulci agy •Tuauo oa 155!oact aqT aoj piooai jo iaaui ua agT Xq paau as suul-ejgpim aauupaoaou ui 41tnq puu pau Tsap aq 4snui suoisinip puul nnau PUB Tuaui ojanap asn paxiui puu IuiTuappaa AptaujpInua jumiguamoo gTimn paTeioosse Iteay oorl JU41CIUD OICICtV aqT oT SAUIA1q4UCI ssaooe mnau JIV •a •uoileTaodsuuaT paziaoTouiuou aagTo puu sjteaT `sgTud apSDTq,jo u2isap aoj pameolloj aq Tsnui tttm jenuu-N u.isaQ ZOQSM agT 3o uoiTtpa Tuaaano Isom aqy •suuiaTsonba puu °sueiaTsapad `sTsilaSoiq Sq laneaT sapnjoui uopepodsueaT paziao4ouiuoN •g uujd uoi4e4aodsuui4 paztaoTouiuou aTuaudas io uujd anisuagaidwoo alquoijdde agT ui paUpuapj se paainbaa aq Ilmis sljei4 puu sXemna3jlq 's�unn3lluAel v •slt�a� pine sAUma3jzq `sdum3ljuA& OS0'Sg•2;1 puaa oT 000*097T DMA a spuamu jtounoD .KTt0 aqy •ti 4uamrpuamV •g •aouuuipaO sigT oT V Ttq?gxg ui gTao3 Tas su apoo judpiunW aagoTuuaM Tsug aqT oT ToiaTsi(I (O_,j,-I) SulaanO jteay doorl Oq'LT uopaaS mnau u sppu jpunoa,9410 aqy •T juampuourV •9 •puul3laud puu livay door] agT jo uoiTaaToad aqT aansua oT Taui aau suopipuoa Saussaaau puu alquuosuaa TugT paptnoad `paTTiuraad aq asimnaagTo pinomn TugT saanTanaTs puu Sam asogT Ttuuad oT TuaTui agT si TI •puupjaud puu livay aTp jo Tuau Aofua puu asn spllgnd agT gizmo ajgtTeduioo si TugT aauuuui a ui pagsiIduz000u Si ToiaTsrp O_yrI aqT uitlIpA Tuouidolanap TugT buiansua Sq `suoisuaTxa Iiva4 puu `puul3laud `livay doorl IuTtduO ajddV alp 3o aapuamp aqT anaasaad puu ToaToad oT si ToiaTsi(I (O•yrl) Selaan0 Ituay doorl aqT jo asodand aqy •asodand •:p SV NIVGHO OQ HHHD,LVNHM ISVS 30 AID HHZ 30 rIIDNfIOO AID HHy •STta aqT JO TuauivaanO,'J pooh aqT oT aTuiadoaddu puu saiejju ludioiunui SIT aTuln2aa oT spupi llu jo saoueuipao Tdopu oT pauno0 94TO aqT aziaogTnu 06171*VgC MOO puu 07;0'TT'V(jS MDH 'f4!JoIq3nV 'S •TotaTsiQ XejaanO livay doorl u Tdopu oT suaziTto SIT puu A410 aq4 jo sTsaaaTui Tsaq agT ui si Tt TugT spun paunoo X410 aqy •L'y •suoqulnbaa puu smnul Ieool oT puu a4u4s g4jmn aouupaoaau ui pagsilgnd uaaq anuq aaTTeui sigT uo s.Aupaaui otlgnd puu s2mauag oijgnd Ile jo aoiToN •9•9 •sTuouipuauie pasodoad aqT 2uipiubai AuouiiTsaT oijgnd Tdaoou pue uoiTupuauiuzooaa ,suoissiuiuioo 2uiuuuld aqT aapjsuoo oT 2uiaeaq otlgnd u plaq saauoissiTumoo X4unoo aqT puu ljounoo iCTIO aqT `gjoZ `OT aagopo u0'q'g • l I!q!4x3 Exhibit 1 showing the connection location of the new pathway to the Apple Capital Loop Trail location of existing_ pathways and addressing stopping sight distance. The plans must be approved by the county engineer prior to construction. As -built construction documents must be submitted by the engineer of record upon completion and prior to public use. A non -access agreement for frontages not approved for trail connection may be required to be recorded. 7. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. The City Council adopts the Recitals stated above as well as the findings of fact and conclusion of law as set forth below. 7.1. Findings of Fact: 7.1.1. RCW 36.70A.070(3) Comprehensive Plans Mandatory Elements authorize the development of Land Use and Capital Facilities elements for the planning of Parks and Recreation Facilities. 7.1.2. RCW Chapters 36.70 and 36.70A authorize the adoption of development regulations. 7.1.3. Policy C-6 of the Countywide Regional Policy Plan prescribes a process 40 for joint amendments to implementing development regulations. 7.1.4. Amendments to the development regulations, SEPA threshold determination and supporting documentation were sent to the Washington State Department of Commerce on May 19, 2016. 7.1.5. On May 19, 2016 Douglas County issued a Determination of Non - significance pursuant to WAC 197-11 for amendments to the Douglas County Code. 7.1.6. Written comments were submitted during the review period and were made a part of the official record. 7.1.7. The "More Than a Trail" citizen engagement process in 2009 documented the public support for retaining the natural appearance of the trail and protecting the open and natural ambience of the trail and parkland. 7.1.8. The Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan includes policies that encourage public access to water bodies, park areas and open space through coordinated, safe, and effective pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian linkages. 7.1.9. The Notice of Public Hearing before the Planning Commission was published on August 25, 2016 in the Wenatchee World and Empire Press. ao.fuW `Xauri •0 uanajS Xg uo4.'JutgsuM `aagaIuuaAk 467eH Jo SIt0 aq,y 9jOti ` jo Sup sigi uo joaaagj .2uilaouz aulnbaa u 47e 'aago4uuaM jsuS jo Itaunoo S110 aqj Sq passed •pagsggnd si Saeuzuins sit alup aqj as u sSup IATJ antjaa a sauiooaq aauuuipap srgL -ale([ 9niP9JJ2[ •jj uotjdopu,Io sSep 0i unl1!m aaaamcaoa jo luouilaeda(I alulS uol.2utgsBM aql of aoloaatQ luamdolanaQ tSltunuiutoo aqj Sq palltutsuuaj aq jjegs aoueuipap stg4 `901 BcJH gPim aauupaoaau ui •uotldopV jo aoiloN jo IelliuignS •Oj •agisgam s, Slt0 aql uo aauuuipaO srgj jo Sdoa u gsiignd of 31aalo S110 aqq spamp IlaunoaSilo agy aauuutpaO sigj jo alliq aqj jo lsisuoo Bugs Uutuums aqy •aauuuipaO stgj jo fauuiuzns u gs-qgnd of 5[aala SltO aql sloaatp liaunoo SI1O aqj, •uotleor[gnd -6 aauuurpaO sigI Jo suotstnoad aaglo aqj jo �flrpgen aqj pa L, jou Bugs uotluaulaap cans `mul of faualuoa aq of oauuutpaO snit uT uotstnoad Suu saaulaap uotlatpsianf lualaduioa jo 4anoa u 3I •�f1. geaaA S •g •Itua,L doorl aqj Sq paptnoad sai4junpoddo Iuuotluaaaaa puu satltuamu luanluu asagl 4aagoad of paau aql aziujoaaa Itounoo S410 aaga4uuaAk 4sug jo S4t0 aq4 pub, saauoissitumoo ,fJunoo JO pauog aqy •u0t4eaa0aa aoi puu luauauoatnua luanluu aq4 .JOuTtSo[ua aoj pssu A41untamoa luuag!uJis u si Iluay doors Iulidua ajddy aq L L apoD 0nijea4s1utuipV u01urgsuM aqj puu uoj. luigsum jo apoo pasinaZi jo squauiaatnbaa aq4 glim lualsisuoo aae quaumpuauzu pasodoad aq L •I WL uuld anisuagaaduioD aagaluuaAk Isug aaluaaO aqj puu uuid anisuagaaduzoD aptmSjunoo Xjunoo sel..Nno(I `uuld Xaijod Iuuoi2aH Sjunoo sul.bno(I aq4 ggim lualsisum aau sjuampuauzu pasodoad aq L T7*L 'mim paudwoo uaaq anuq VOL•gC MoUjo squamwinbaa Iuanpaaoad aqy 7.9-L •gjtm pailduioa uaaq anuq JaV Satiod Iujuauiuoatnug alulS 0114,Io s4umaambaa aniluujsgns puu Iuanpamad aqj, •j•2;•L • .muri 3o suoisniauoa 2;'L 6 3!4!4X3 Exhibit 1 • Authenticated: Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: 0 • • 9109 31i0i0 S410 `pauuaua uuuQ ,jo Sup sigi paiuQ •uioa•aago47euam_4sua•nnn .A& iu ajqujtunu si aouuuipaO srgi,jo iXai jjnj aqy -oitaislQ door] uotoisodaadns ap oaisua un aaaajquisa uaud 09-LI ojnitduo onanu un ap uotorpu ui X 0o0'og'gi uoiooaS aagoiuuaM isua judiomnW obipo0 la umppouz aagoiuuaAk isug ap pupni0 uj ap uzuuuapaO uun -iotaisiQ SUjaanO jivay door] u gsijquisa of Oq'Li aa4dug0 nnau u Autppu puu O80'eq-2; uopoas apo0 judmiunW aagoiuuam isuE[ aqi 2uipuauzu aagoiuuaAk isua,jo Xit0 alp Jo aauuuipaO uv ;senojjo3 su ajiii sit Xq paziauuiuins aq fuut goignn jo iuiod utuuz aqi `Li-9109 'oN aouuutpaO panoaddu uoi.�utgseM `aagaiuuaM isug jo K4t0 aqi Jo jtouno0 X410 aqi `9t07; ` jo Xup aqi uO LT-91OZ "ON aousurpaO uo urgsuA& `aagoiuuaA& Isua jo A41a jo AiemwnS 6 3!q!4x3 Exhibit 1 Exhibit A Chapter 17.50 LT-O Loop Trail Overlay District Sections: 17.50.010. Purpose & Intent 17.50.020. Applicability 17.50.030. Where Designated —Area Defined 17.50.040. Setbacks 17.50.040050. Trail Crossings 17.50.970050. Non -motorized Access 17.50.090050. Vehicular Access Ways and Streets 17.50.090080. Landscaping 17.50.010. Purpose & Intent The purpose of the LT-0 district is to protect and preserve the character of the Apple Capital Loop Trail, parkland, and trail extensions, by ensuring that development within the LT-0 district is accomplished in a manner that is compatible with the public's use and enjoyment of the Trail and parkland. It is the intent to permit those uses and structures that would otherwise be permitted, provided that reasonable and necessary conditions are met to ensure the protection of the Loop Trail and parkland. 17.50.020. Applicability A. The LT-0 district standards supplement, and in some cases replace, the standards of the underlying zoning district. B. All regulations of the underlying zoning district or any other applicable overlay district not specifically addressed in this chapter apply to lands in the LT-0 district; provided, however, that in the case of conflict between the provisions of the underlying zoning district, or any other applicable overlay districts, the most stringent regulations shall govern. 40 • -slallags o!uo!d pue `s6uwpl!nq a6eaols 'swooilsai se Bons 'I!eal pue puelNied aql jo sasn agl lao nsagtBt qj-&ddiis pue of tiossaooe aye legl AOuabe leluawwano6 a Aq pau!elu!ew pue paumo s6uipl!n8 :suoildaOx3 -Z ain6! j -O-il aql ulgl!m pal!q!gojd si abeaols luawd!nba 10 'speoa ao slaaals `sheManiap 'sAeM ssaooe 'seaje 6ui�aed a!o!q@A 'sbu!p!!nq tiossaooe 6wpn!oui sainjonils punoa6 anoge IIV -d s)joegjoS '0170*09*LL i WMHO 01 / auil'aluaD woiJ,SL awlialuaD woJJ,SL Aiepuno8 O-ll 'aagoleua/A lSe3 10 43 aql ul 3N laaalS e C , :f5 le pw!i sl! of pieMq}nos spualxa Pue (von) eajy gimoi0 uegan aagoieua/N lSe3 jo Aj!O aql jo tiepunoq Aljagljou aql le su!6eq louls!p O-lq aql jo fuepunoq o!gdej6oa6 aql -8 auil jalueo I!eal aql jo glnos pue glaou laal % LE spualxa gOlgM O-J� e aneq llegs laaals u,LE pue puZC 7u,LZ Vu-e U,6 L le paleOOI suo!lOauuOO se9Ae ssaooe l!eal [ ain6!3 aaS I!ejl aql 10 au!IaaluaO agl Jo AIJalsea laai (5L) anll-Aluanas pue Janl2j e!gwnlod aql io Jew aaleM q6!q /ueu!pio aql uaaMlaq spualxa lo!jis!p O-lq aql _d • paullaa easy — paleu6lsaa aaa4M 'OEO'05'L6 t l!q!gx3 Exhibit 1 • • L' ii. Buildings necessary for the enclosure of irrigation pumping facilities, provided the facilities are the minimum size necessary to accomplish facility protection. B. All other yard requirements shall be determined in accordance with the underlying zoning set ks and other applicable codes. LT-0 Boundary et�,t%e 15 F100 Y 71 Figure 21, Setbacks Single Family Residence 1 To OHWM 1 Accessory Structure I \ / 11 'Parking'--_ Lot / \ Multi -Family Edge of Trail Rightf of Way �{ 5 FrOfi Centerline • -puelNied jo/pue I!ejl ay} ql!m pale!oosse sail!l!oel pue saipuawe oilgnd 6u!ssaooe aaagnn ldeoxe louls!p O-lq aql uipm pal!q!gojd aje speoi pue slaaJls `SAennanup `SAeM ssaooe Jelno!yan shoals pue sAeM sse3od aelno!yan '0100�0'09'L 6 • *(:D)0£0'£5'Z l OOP jo spiepuels aql laaw lsnw ssaooe asn lu!of jol sgled ssaooe I1eal I!ejl aql pue luawdolanap aql uaaNgaq aouegjnls!p punoi6 aziwiuiw of slu!od ssaooe asn lulof ap!noid of pau6!sap aq }snw suoisinip puel mau pue luawdolanap asn pax!w pue `le!luap!sai Al!wel!llnw `Ie!oaawwo:D -9 -siasn I!ejl of piezeq a @sod lou pue `jalenn pue pu!nn Aq uolsoJa luanajd `spaann snoixou anowaJ-pue spaann we,qejd Ioiluoo of se ggns pau!elu!ew aq lsnw I!ejl aql of sa!liadoid alenud w04 sgled V ssaooV paz!ao;ow-uON '0900t0'09'L� pal!q!gojd aye salo!yan pazuolow col s6u!ssOJo I!eJl 9peJ6-IV sCu!ssOJO I1eJl '0900"'09'LL 6 1!q!gx3 Exhibit 1 • 17.50.MO80. Landscaping The intent of this section is to provide adequate landscaping to preserve the character of the Apple Capital Loop Trail. Developments located along the Trail are also generally oriented so as have views of the Columbia River. The requirements of this section are intended to balance the goal of establishing a vegetative buffer between the Trail and adjacent uses while allowing for scenic views of the Columbia River. A. These standards apply only to property that abuts the Trail property, within the LT-0 district, and are supplemental to the landscaping requirements of the underlying zoning district, as specified in EWMC Chapter 17.72. B. New multi -family residential development, commercial development and mixed -use development shall provide landscaping meeting the following standards: a. Plantings are required within a fifteen (15) foot wide landscape area adjacent to the property line abutting the Apple Capital Loop Trail. b. Plantings shall be a minimum spacing of 6 feet on center for shrubs and thirty (30) feet on center for trees. C. Private landscaping areas and plantings shall not extend onto public Apple Capital Loop Trail property. E -I C Exhibit 2 4pAMIk W shington State North Central Region • De ot1551 North Wenatchee Avenue Department of Transprathm �"" Wenatchee, WA 98801-1156 509-667-3000 / FAX: 509-667-2940 TTY:1-800-833-6398 www.w3wt.wa_gov September 26, 2016 Rea*mdby Douglas County Loop Trail Overlay Douglas County Board of Commissioners SEP 2 PO Box 747 Waterville, WA 98858-0747 Board of Commissioners Re: Resolution TLS 16-36A Dear County Commissioners: In response to the proposed Loop Trail Overlay Resolution, WSDOT is concerned with the proposed fencing restriction within this 75' buffer area. • Within this proposed Loop Trail Overlay Limits, WSDOT has retained four separate sites for storm water treatment and/or retention. Enclosed are copies of plans identifying these four sites. The storm water sites currently serve City, County and WSDOT storm water needs and in the future arc intended to be developed to accommodate additional storm water by the City, County and WSDOT. Future development of the storm water sites may require some type of safety/protective fencing within this proposed 75' buffer. WSDOT requests an amendment to this resolution, allowing fencing within the 75' buffer on these publicly owned properties. If you have any questions please contact Dave Bierschbach, Assistant Region Administrator for Engineering, at 509-667-3030. Sincerely, Daniel A. Sar es, r. P Region Administrator Enclosure cc: Nicholas Manzaro, Region Transportation Specialist 40Dave Bierschbach, Assistant Region Administrator for Engineering • Pf# C jAl ff.11 0 Exhibit 2 • WEM TCHU • LEGEND i HECT 1 0N 0 LEGEND SHEET 2 Agenda Item #2 Q _� < r PLANNING COMMISSION • s MEMORANDUM 140 -19th STREET NW, EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 (509) 884-7173 TO: Douglas County Board of Commissioners FROM: Douglas County Planning Commission DATE: September 7, 2016 SUBJECT: Planning Commission Recommendation — Proposed amendments to the Douglas County Code. On September 6, 2015, the Douglas County Planning Commission and City of East Wenatchee Planning Commission conducted a joint public hearing regarding amendments to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The Planning Commissions passed motions recommending approval of the Loop Trial Overlay with the following proposed amendments.- 0 Amend the Loop Trial Overlay width dimension at the trail access areas at 19t'22nd 271n 32nd and 37th to a total of 75 feet (37 '/z foot north and south of the loop trail centerline. • Remove fencing standards to not allow fences in the Loop Trial Overlay. This transmittal includes a copy of the staff report, all public comments, and the draft September 6, 2016 public hearing minutes. Respectfully submitted, DOUGLAS COUNTY NNING COMMISSION Mark D. Kulaas Executive Secretary www.douglascountywa.net 1 of 58 89 10 Z 9 • eaaegnS Pu3 WON agl 'aoueulPJO uolloy Pauueld Pu3 glJoN e pue easy glnnoj!D uegjn s,aagoleuaM }sea ul eaay ApnjS pu3 WON agj jol ueld eajegns e japlsuoo of plaq seen 6uwaeag Alunoo selbnoo pue aagoleuaM }sea lulof y (y ssaulsn8 nnaN auoN-ssaulsn8 PIO auoN-sajnpaooJd anljeajslulWPV 'Al ao}oaala `juawdolanaQ Apunwwoo `llauieg poi :IuasaJd }}elS aagoleuaM lse3 10 jl3 aauueld aleloossy `a9161aZ eel Jauueld ledlouud `japuenngosuanaN uagd@IS jo}oana `saolnuaS puel `seelnyl �jeA :Iuasaad gels lunoo sel noa jajunH jjagod `selo�lN euueaa `dnssar ueap ewJoN `Aalnnei8 AlleS `spq unego :luasaJd saagw;gn uolsslwwoO uiuueld aagoleuaM Jse3 }o llo aa6u!IloB Aer `Shea eAUel `opegoen laegolA `lulpeneo uewaoN `gonojo � ongo `salnnouyl jjago�l :luasaJd sjagwaA uolsslwwoO uluueld Alunoo sel noa A'd 0£:5 le aapJo 01 palleo seen 6uilaaw agl NB(INO Ol ONU33W -1-1VO '1 aago}euaM }sea `3N 'IS 416 LLZ IIeH 43 aayo;euaM Ise3 Wd 0£:9-9LOZ 19 aagwa;daS AepsaupaM sainNIW N0110V NOISSIWWOO ONINNVId 33HDiVN3M 1Sd3 d0 A113 �NOISSIWWOOJ 0NINN`d-ld r encompasses approximately 317 gross acres and is located adjacent to the east approach to the Odabashian Bridge. The North End Subarea Plan would establish and implement a conceptual development framework to guide future construction in the study area. The staff report was presented by Lisa Grueter with BERK consulting. Public testimony was accepted into the record from Jim Huffman, Lisa Parks, and Kurt Treskot. Douglas County Planning Commission member Robert Knowles moved to recommend adoption of the Hearing Draft North End Master Site (Subarea Plan) as an element of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan; and Amendment of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan Policy C-20 to clarify compatibility of land use; and adoption of the North End Planned Action Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Norman Cavadini and passed unanimously. East Wenatchee Planning Commission member Sally Brawley moved to recommend adoption of the Hearing Draft North End Master Site (Subarea Plan) as an element of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan; and Amendment of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan Policy C-20 to clarify compatibility of land use; and adoption of the North End Planned Action Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Robert Hunter and was passed unanimously. • A five-minute break was taken. • B) A joint East Wenatchee and Douglas County hearing was held to consider the Loop Trial Overlay. Planning Staff Tara Zeigler provided an overview of the interim official controls and proposed Loop Trail Overlay District amendments to the East Wenatchee and Douglas County codes as presented in the staff report. Public testimony was accepted into the record from Randy Walter, Eliot Scull, Mike Dingle, Emilie Fogle, Cal Fitsimmons, Bonnie Ore, David Haehl, Mr. Macalister, Jack Stagge, and Lisa Morrison. Douglas County Planning Commission member Tanya Davis moved to recommend adoption of the Douglas County Code Title 12 and East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapters 12 and 17 based on the findings of fact and conclusions as presented in the August 26, 2016 Staff Report. Chuck Crouch seconded the motion. Planning Commission member Crouch moved to amend the motion to restrict fences within the Loop Trail Overlay. The amendment was seconded by Planning Commission member Davis. The amendment passed with a 5 to 1 vote; Planning Commission member Knowles voted in opposition. Planning Commission member Bollinger moved to amend the motion to change the width dimension on the loop trail access points at 19tn 22nd 27tn 32nd and 37tn to a total of 75 feet (37.5 feet to the north and south of the trail centerline). The amendment was seconded by Planning Commission member Davis. The motion passed with a 5 to 1 vote; Planning Commission member Knowles 3 of 58 9910 v • LJ W'd L£:L le pauinofpe 6uilaaw ayl juawuanofpd 'IA -Alsnowiueun passed uoilow ayl `aalunH ljagoa woal puooes e u31M uoissiwu.woo 6uluueld Ajunoo selbnoo Aq apew uoilepuawwooai ay} jdaooe of pauoilow Aalmeig AIIeS jagwaw uoissiwwoo 6uiuueld aagoleuaM jse�3 ayl -uoilisoddo ui paJon salmouyl jagwaw uoissiwwoO 6uluueld'a1on l 01 g e qj!m sassed sluawpuawe ayj pue uolJow leui61Jo ay} uo aIon ayl -paule}sge . PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION r� L LT-O Loop Trail Overlay District Sections: 1. Purpose & Intent 2. Applicability 3. Where Designated — Area Defined 4. Setbacks 5.PensiRg 65. Trail Crossings 76. Non -motorized Access 67. Vehicular Access Ways and Streets 98. Landscaping 1. Purpose & Intent The purpose of the LT-0 district is to protect and preserve the character of the Apple Capital Loop Trail, parkland, and trail extensions, by ensuring that development within the LT-0 district is accomplished in a manner that is compatible with the public's use and enjoyment of the Trail and parkland. It is the intent to permit those uses and structures that would otherwise be permitted, provided that reasonable and necessary conditions are met to ensure the protection of the Loop Trail and parkland. 2. Applicability A. The LT-0 district standards supplement, and in some cases replace, the standards of the underlying zoning district. B. All regulations of the underlying zoning district or any other applicable overlay district not specifically addressed in this chapter apply to lands in the LT-0 district; provided, however, that in the case of conflict between the provisions of the underlying zoning district, or any other applicable overlay districts, the most stringent regulations shall govern. 5 of 58 89109 • • -siallays oiuoid pue `sbuiplinq abeaols `swooilsai se Bons `liejl pue puel�aed aul jo sasn aul poddns pue of tiossaooe aje ley} AOUGbe leluaWUJano6 a Aq pauieluiew pue pauMo sbuippq i :suoilda0x3 —�Z ambij -p-j� aul uigl!m pallq!goad si a6eaols luawdinba jo `speoa ao slaaJls `SAeManup `SAEM ssaooe `seaae burled aloiyan `s6ulpllnq tiossaooe buipnloul sainlonils apea6 anoge Ild 'd sMoegjeS •y aayoleua/A lse3 10 40 aul u! 3N laaalS ya£ L le liwil sli of piemglnos spualxa PUe (ven) eaay ulMoae uegjn aauoleuaM lSe310 43 aul jo /iepunoq Aljaylaou a4l le suibeq loulslp p-ll a4l to fuepunoq oigdej6oa6 ayl '8 ,auil aaluao llejl aul jo ylnosg PUe ylaoutd laaI Z/ L£ spualxa gOlgM 0-1-1 a aneq lleys slaaJls U,L£ PUe 'PuZ£ wZZ pull m6l le paleool suoiloauuooseaje ssaooe lied=l ain6i3 aas llejl aul 10 aullialuao aql to AIJ@lsea 1a91 (9L) anlj-Aluanas pue Jani�l elgwnloo aul jo �jew aaleM gbiq fueuipao aul uaaMlaq spualxa loulsip O-l� aul 'd pau1180 easy — pa}eu6isaa OJayM '£ • ii. Buildings necessary for the enclosure of irrigation pumping facilities, provided the facilities are the minimum size necessary to accomplish facility protection. i++---- B. All other yard requirements shall be determined in accordance with the underlying setbacks and other applicable codes. Figure 21: Setbacks C, 7 of 58 89108 • ,(3)0£0'£S,Z[ 304 jo spiepuels aul laauw lsnw ssaooe asn luiof jol syled ssaooe deal I!ejl aul pue luawdolanap aul uaamlaq eouegjnlsip punoi6 aziwiuiw of sluiod ssaooe asn luiof apinoid of pau6isep aq lsnw suoisinip puel mau pue luawdolanap asn paxiw pue 'leiluepisaj 41!welillnw 'Ieiojawwoo .9 *saasn deal of piezey a asod lou pue 'ialem pue puim Aq uoisoaa luanaad 'speam snoixou pue walgoad joiluoo of se yons pauieluiew aq lsnw Iiejl aul of sailaadoid aleniad woad soled .d ssaooV paziaoIOW-UON -9t paliq!gojd aae saIoiyan paziaolow JOI s6uissoao deal apea6-ld s6uissoJO deal -99 r� • 87. Vehicular Access Ways and Streets Vehicular access ways, driveways, streets and roads are prohibited within the LT-0 district except where accessing public amenities and facilities associated with the trail and/or parkland. 88. Landscaping The intent of this section is to provide adequate landscaping to preserve the character of the Apple Capital Loop Trail. Developments located along the Trail are generally oriented to have views of the Columbia River. The requirements of this section are intended to balance the goal of establishing a vegetative buffer between the Trail and adjacent uses while allowing for scenic views of the Columbia River. A. These standards apply only to property that abuts the Trail property, within the LT-0 district, and are supplemental to the landscaping requirements of the underlying zoning district, as specified in EWMC Chapter 17.72. B. New multi -family residential development, commercial development and mixed -use development shall provide landscaping meeting the following standards: a. Plantings are required within a fifteen (15) foot wide landscape area adjacent to the property line abutting the Apple Capital Loop Trail. b. Plantings shall be a minimum spacing of 6 feet on center for shrubs and thirty (30) feet on center for trees. C. Private landscaping areas and plantings shall not extend onto public Apple Capital Loop Trail property. Amendments to DCC & EWMC 12.53.030 12.53.030 Walkways, bikeways and trails. A. Walkways, bikeways and trails shall be required as identified in the applicable comprehensive plan or separate nonmotorized transportation plan. B. Nonmotorized transportation includes travel by bicyclists, pedestrians, and equestrians. The most current edition of the WSDOT Design Manual Wi44 must be followed for design of bicycle paths, trails and other nonmotorized transportation. C. All new access pathways to the Apple Capital Loop Trail associated with commercial, multifamily residential, and mixed use development and new land divisions must be designed and built in accordance withplans prepared by the engineer of record for the project proponent. The plans must be prepared to the standards of the most current edition of the WSDOT Design Manual with a minimum paved pathway width of eight (8) feet, showing the connection location of the new pathway to the Apple Capital Loop Trail, location of existing pathways 9 of 58 89100� • -papaooaa aq of pa.nnbai aq Aew uoiIoauuoo flea} JOJ panoidde jou sabeluoal aol juawaai6e ssaooe-uou y -asn oilgnd o} joiad pue uoijaldwoo uodn pjooai jo jaauibua ayj Aq palliwgns • aq }snw sluawnoop uoijonilsuoo llinq-sy -uoilonjisuoo of joud aaaui6ua Alunoo a aqj Aq pandde aq I'snw sueld aqi -aouelsip jgbis 6uiddo}s buissaippe pue • STAFF REPORT • TO: DOUGLAS COUNTY AND CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE PLANNING COMMISSIONS FROM: DOUGLAS COUNTY LAND SERVICES STAFF DATE: AUGUST 26, 2016 I. REQUESTED ACTION Adoption of amendments to the Douglas County Code (DCC) and the East Wenatchee Municipal Code (EWMC), enclosed as Exhibit A, to establish a Loop Trail Overlay district. II. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW On May 19, 2014 Douglas County issued a Determination of Non -significance pursuant to WAC 197-11 for amendments to the Douglas County Code. III. PUBLIC PROCESS Notice for the public hearing was e-mailed to the individuals on the interested parties list. Notice for the public hearing was published in the Wenatchee World and Empire Press. The draft amendments to Douglas County Code were made available on the Douglas County Website and at the Douglas County Public Services Building in East Wenatchee. The public review of draft amendments followed the timeline below: • May 10, 2016 - The Interim Official Control Loop Trail Overlay TLS-16-01-09 (included as Exhibit B) was signed by the Board of County Commissioners. • May 19, 2016 Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee submitted the proposed amendments to the Washington State Department of Commerce in accordance with RCW 36.70A.108. • May 19, 2016 Douglas County and East Wenatchee submitted environmental documentation to the Washington State Department of Ecology SEPA register and issued a Determination of Non -significance. • June 8, 2016 - Douglas County and City of East Wenatchee Planning Commissions held a joint workshop. • June 13, 2016 -A public open house was held to solicit further public involvement. • July 12, 2016 -The Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing on the Loop Trail Overlay in accordance with RCW 36.70A.390 and signed Ordinance TLS 16-02-25 (included as Exhibit C. • August 25, 2016- Notice of Public Hearing published in the Wenatchee World and Empire Press. Notice of the hearing was mailed to property owners immediately adjacent to the loop trail and/or the WSDOT property ownership. 11 of 58 8910 Z 6 • 6uipniout dew pue lxel aoueu!pio wualui leu!6uo aql of pasodoad aye suoisinaJ 1eJanaS -sluawdolanap asn pax!w pue luawdolanap IepJawwoo `luawdolanap 1e1luap!saa Al!wel!llnw mau jol I!ejl aql of luaoefpe eaje adeospue-1 -laal lg6!a to Aenngled paned wnwiuiw a gl!nn lenuen u6!saQ lOaSM aql to uo!l!pa luaiano lsow aql to spiepuels aql of pau61sop aq pinonn 1!eal agl of sAenngled ssaooe Mau IId 'suoisIAlpgns puel nnau pue `sluawdolanap asn pax!w `le!luep!sai Al!welillnw 'Ie!oaawwoo lie Aq pap!noid Ilea} dool aql of ssaooe asn lu!or 'sa10!g9n pazuolow jol sbu!ssojo I!ejl apea6-le sl!q!goJd -6uioual ju!l u!ego jo 6uuim uado se Bons 6u!oual jol spiepuelS Aelaano eql u!gl!nn sainlonils punoa6 anoge to uo!lonilsuoo aql sl!q!gojd :6uinnollol aql gs!lgelse pinom AelJan0 I!ejl dooq aql -I!ejl aql to au!lialueo aql to AIJalsea laal anll-Aluanas of Jan!�j e!gwnloo aql to 1aew jalenn q6!q Ajeu!pao aq} woal spualxa AEIJan0 I!ejl dool aql -Jan!�I e!gwnloo aql luaoefpe Aiepunoq eaje glmojO uegjn waglaou agl of 96pu8 uelgsepegO aql to glaoN lsnf of aagoleuaM Ise-3 u! 3N 'IS 141£ L woal algeo!idde auoz AelJan0 I!eal dool a aleajo pinoM sluawpuawe pasodoad aql -Alunoo sel6nop pue aagoleuaM lse3 to 41!0 aql to sa!poq 9n!lels16a1 aql pue suoissiwwoO 6u!uueld aql of suo!lepuawwooaa pue :podai a ajedaid pue sanssi aql Apnls of anu!luoo aagoleuaM lse3 to Aj!O aql pue i(lunoo sel6no4 woal llels aql al!gnn I!ejl dool aql to jaloejego aql loaload pue amasaid of suo!leln6aj tieaodwal gs!lgelse of seen aoueuipio w!aalui aql to asodind aql -I!ejl aql to aaloeaego aql amasaid pue loaload of 9 LOZ `0 L AeW uo Ioiluoo le!o!llo wualui ue paldope saauoiss!wwoO Ajunoo to paeo8 aql 'Alaadoid lOaSM to ales aql to uo!led!o!lue ul -I!ejl dool aql Aq pap!noid sail!unlioddo leuo!leajoaa pue sa!l!uawe leinleu asagl loaload of peau eql az!ubooaa saauoissiwwoO Ajunoo to pjeo8 aql -puel snidins s!ql llas of 6uuedaid to ssaooid aql ui pue peoi a aol papaau aa6uol ou si legl I!ejl dool aql of lueoefpe Alloanp puel to lunowe lueo!l!u6!s a sumo (lOaSM) uoilelJodsueal to luawlaedaa uol6u!gseM to alelS aql -uolleaJoaJ col pue luawuo.ainua leinleu aql 6uiAofua aol lasse Apunwwoo lueoipu6ls a si I!ejl dool 1el!deO alddy aql SISA-lVNblla3f'ONd 'A .a l!q!gxa se pagoelle aje asnoq uado oilgnd 9LOZ `£L aunt aql 6uunp pan!aoaJ sluawwoo oilgnd `pan!aoaJ aJ@M sluawwoo Aouabe ou 'pouad nnainaa oilgnd aql 6uuna -9LOZ 'gl Alnp uo papnlouoo pouad luawwoo aql '9LOZ `61, AeW uo nna!naJ Aep-09 aql pale!l!u! Ajunoo selbnoQ :S1N3WWOO onand aN`d AON30b -AI '6uwJeaH o!lgnd uo!ss!wwoo 6u!uueld — 9LOZ `9 jagwaldeS • • palepdn seen al!sgann I!ejl dool aql -nuaslsll l!ewa sailaed palsajalu! 6u!uueld abuej 6uol Ajunoo sei6noa a of paI!ewa seen aoiloN 0 • Removing Figure 1 and renaming Figures 2 and 3. The information in figure 1 and 2 are redundant and unnecessary. • Revisions in Section 3. Where Designated. The southern boundary of the overlay is proposed to be changed from the pedestrian bridge to 13'h Street NE. The rationale for this change is that the land from 13'h Street NE to the pedestrian bridge is the right-of-way owned by the State of Washington for the Sunset Highway corridor. This land is not proposed to be sold by the WSDOT. • Revisions in Section 4 Setbacks. o The term "grade" is used where the intention is to address "above ground" structures. o Additional clarification that yards and setbacks must be consistent with the underlying zoning standards and other applicable codes such as the Shoreline Master Program. • Revisions in Section 5. Fencing. Clarification that fence heights in the overlay are not to exceed 6 feet. This is the maximum height of a fence in a rear yard. • Revisions in Section 7. Non -motorized Access. Revisions regarding trails connecting from private property and the control of weeds. • Revisions in Section 9. Landscaping. Grammatical revisions to improve readability. • The amendments to DCC 12.53.030 will also be included in the East Wenatchee Municipal Code in 12.53.030. The Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan and the Douglas County Comprehensive Plan both identify the Apple Capital Loop Trail as a recreational resource. Policies of the East Wenatchee and Douglas County Comprehensive Plans promote access to recreation and shorelines which support the adoption of the Loop Trail Overlay. Countywide Comprehensive Plan Policies: Policy G-14 of the Countywide Comprehensive Plan encourages public access to water bodies, such as the Columbia River with trails and scenic overlooks. The Loop Trail Overlay Zone maintains the access and views to the Columbia River for public recreation. G-14 Promote public access to lakes, rivers, creeks and other water bodies through signage, maps, public information programs, trails, scenic overlooks, picnic areas and other mechanisms. Policy G-15 of the Countywide Comprehensive Plan encourages efforts to maintain scenic open space. The Apple Capital Loop Trail provides scenic open space and the Loop Trail Overlay is intended to maintain that scenic open space in as a natural setting. G-15 Encourage efforts to maintain scenic open space, cultural, historic and heritage resources. 13 of 58 89 10 14 • -sailmadomd 6uiuiofpe mol I!eml agl of ssaooe mol 6uimolle pue mopumoo I!eml meauil aql bu!u!elu!ew Aq slmolla 1,1!eml a uegl amour„ agl slmoddns Aelmanp I!eml dooq agl '41!n!loauuoo uo s!segdwa ue ql!m pa!l!luap! s! „AeAjnS I!eml a uegl amour„ I!eml dooq lepdeo alddy agl to eouelmodwi agl ueld an!suagamdwo ap mAjunoo aql to ZZ-1 A0110d -Alunoo aql u!gl!m smellop wsunol amnldeo pue loemlle of legl sa!l!l!oel leuo!leamoam pue luawulelmalua to luawdolanap aql alowomd 61-03 -Alunoo selbnop ui luads aq of smellop wsunol mol smolle legl uo!loemlle ls!mnol a pamap!suoo s! I!eml dooq 1el!deo alddy aql -Alunoo aql u!gl!m smellop wsunol amnldeo pue loemlle legl sail!I!oel Ieuo!leamoam salowomd veld anlsuagamdwoo apmAjunoo agll0 66-03 A0110d ,seame lel!q,q agl of pap!nomd aq II!M smallnq alenbape `smn000 asn puel ui abuego e 11 -seame lel!geq agl loedw! A1an!le6au lou Ipm seam, l,l!geq al!lpl!m pue qs!l maglo pue spuellam 6u!mmn000 Allemnleu of lueoefpe sasn puel legl amnsu3 OZ-` O A0110d -luawdolanap pue sasn puel 6u!goeomoua woml seame anil!suas gons loalomd maglmnl pinom �oeglas Aelmanp I!eml dooq aql amolamagl seame lel!geq al!lpl!m pue qs!l maglo pue spuellem bu!mmn000 AIlemnleu ql!M eame 1eo!l!mo a pamap!suoo S! maniy e!gwnloo aql -seame lel!geq loalomd of pap!nomd aq smallnq legl slmasse ueld an!suagamdwoo ap!mAjunoo aql 10 OZ-` O A0110d -Apnwwoo aq} ui uolleamoam pue 'sassauisnq 'sloogos of AI!n!loauuoo 6uilel!l!oel `smop!mmoo aloAo!q pauueld pue sebeNu!l ueulsapad ales pue lua!o!lla ap!nomd 11egs sloafomd luawdolanap alen!md pue o!Ignd 9Z-140110d -Al!unwwoo aql ui uo!leamoam of sabeNu!l ales pue lua!o!l;a abemnooue of I!eml aql of ssaooe lulof ap!nomd of sluawdolanap alen!md awos aminbam pinom Aelmanp I!eml dooq aql -uo!leamow pue AI!n!loauuoo mol smopumoo aloAo!q pue saber u!1 ueulsapad ap!nomd sluawdolanap alenud pue o!lgnd sas!npe ueld an!suagamdwoo ap!mf\lunoo aql to 9Z-1 A0110d 'sauilamogs pue sialuao aoinmas pue luewAoldwe 'slmed 'sloogos of ssaooe 6uizisegdwe `sluawanomdwi Aem ueulsapad pue `ueulsanba `aloAo!q paleu!pm000 alowomd £ �-1 Ao!lod .alels luammno sl! u! I!eml aql buvuasamd Aq sasn puel lueoefpe pue luawdolanap 6u!goeomoua le!lualod woml I!eml dooq 1el!deo alddy aql sloalomd auoZ Aelmanp I!eml dooq aql -sloogos pue 'smalueo ao!nmas 'luawAoldwa 's�med se gons lsamalui to seoeld maglo pue au!lamogs aql of ssaooe gons sap!nomd • I!eml dooq Iel!de3 alddy aql -sau!lamogs of ssaooe mol sAem ueulsapad pue ueulsanba a1oAo!q paleu!pm000 salowomd ueld an!suagamdwoo ap!mf\lunoo aql 10 CI-1 A0110d . T-27. In consideration of the importance of the Apple Capital Loop Trail, as demonstrated in the "More Than a Trail" survey, it is vital to ensure connectivity to the trail from the city and county road systems. • Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan Policies: Policy OS-1 of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan encourages coordination between agencies regarding parks and open space to implement goals of recreation and open space. The Loop Trail Overlay is a joint effort between the City of East Wenatchee and Douglas County to maintain an existing recreation facility. OS-1 Encourage coordination between parks, schools, and other agencies to develop and maintain park and recreation sites that implement the goals of the regional Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan. Policy OS-6 of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan encourages access for pedestrians and vehicles for public recreational areas. The Loop Trail Overlay includes provisions for pedestrian access to the trail and existing trailheads provide vehicles access to the Loop Trail. OS-6 Provide adequate access for vehicles and pedestrians to public recreational areas as appropriate. Policy OS-19 of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan asserts that open space be coordinated and connected throughout the planning area. The Loop Trail provides connected open space through portions of East Wenatchee, Douglas County and other jurisdictions. OS-19 Provide a coordinated and connected system of open space throughout the planning area Policy OS-20 of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan promotes that parks and open space take advantage of natural and unusual landscape features. The Columbia River is a unique landscape feature with associated riparian and wetland areas which provide a variety of outdoor recreation experiences. OS-20 Locate major parks and large open spaces to take advantage of natural processes (e.g. wetlands and drainage) and unusual landscape features (e.g. cliffs and bluffs) and to provide a variety of outdoor activities. Policy OS-21 of the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan seeks to provide public access to shoreline areas. The Loop Trail Overlay protects from the Loop trial down to the ordinary high water mark of the Columbia River which protects the shoreline from further development and allows for public views and access to the shoreline. 15 of 58 8910 96 suoissiwwOO 6uluueld a41 -9 6OZ 'g jagwaldaS uo bulaeaq ollgnd pasilaanpe ue palonpuoo suoissiwwoO 6uluueld Aluno0 selbnoa pue aagoleuaM iSe3 aql Ol -ssaad aaidw3 pue pljoM aagoleuaM aql u! 9lOZ 'SZ isn6ny uo pagsilgnd seen uoissiwwoO 6uluueld eql aaolaq 6uue9H oilgnd 10 aoiloN aql 6 -saft� uil ueulsenbe pue 'aloAolq 'ueulsapad aniloaila pue 'ales 'peleulpa000 g6noagl coeds uado pue seaae �jed 'salpog aalenn of ssaooe oilgnd a6eanooua legl saloilod apnioui sueld anisuagajdwo0 easy aagoleuaM lse3 jaleaaO pue ap mAn unoO aql g -puel�ied pue Beal aql to aoueigwe leinleu pue uado aql builoaloid pue Beal aql to aoueaeadde leinleu aql 6uluielaa col laoddns oilgnd aql paluewnoop 60OZ ul sseooid luawa6e6ue uazllio „I!ejl e uegl ajon„ aql L *9 ligigx3 se pagoelle uaaq aneq pue pouad nnainaa aql buunp palliwgns wane sluawwoo uelluM -9 -apoO AlunoO se16noa aql of sluawpuawe JOl L 6-L61 OVM of luensind aoue3lliu6ls-uoN 10 uolleuiwjalap a ponssi AlunoO selbnoa 9LOZ '6l AeW u0 -9 '9WZ '6[ AeIN uo aoJawwoO to luawliedaa alelS uolbuigseAA eql of luas ajann uoileluawnoop 6uilaoddns pue uoileuiwialap plogsaagl Vd3S 'suoileln6ai luawdolanap aql of sluawpuawy .t7 suoileln6aa luawdolanap builuawaldwl of sluawpuawe luiof col ssaooid a sequosaid Ueld Ao!lod leuoiba�j apimAlunoO aql to g-O Aoilod £ -suoilelnbaj luawdolanap 10 uolidope aql aziaoglne VOL-9£ pUe 0L-9C sialdego MO�1 Z -sallgped uolleajoad pue S� jed • to buiuueld aql jol sluawale saililloed lepdeO pue asfl pue to luawdolanap aql azuoglne sluawal3 tiolepuelN sueld anisuagaadwoO (E)OLO-VOL-9C MO2l 6 :s ulpuid palsa nS :SNOISf1-1ONOD OMd SJNIaNI=l 'IAA -laoda�l .1elS 9lOZ '9Z isn6ny eql ul paluasaad se suoisnlouoo pue Joel to sbuipuil aql uo paseq L L pue Z L sialdegO ul apoO lediolunn aagoleuaM iSe3 aql to uoildope puawuwooaj of anow I :uoisslwwoO bUluuBld aagOleuOM lse3 to li0 aql jol uoilow palsa nS 'poda�j llelS 9 60Z '9Z isn6ny aql ui paluasaad se suoisnlouoo pue Joel to sbulpull aql uo paseq L � jaldegO apoO ledioiunW aagoleuaM iSe3 pue g L pue Z [ all!1 apoO AlunoO sel6noa aql to uolidope puawwooaj of anow I :uoisslwwo0 buluuBld Alunoo set noa aql aol uoilow polsa nS AelJan0 Iiejl dool aql 6uipjebaa apoO AlunoO sel6noa aql pue apoO ledloiunlN aagoleuaM iSe3 aql of sluawpuawe posodoid aql jol Apoq anilels16a1 anlloadsaa magi of Ienoidde 10 uoilepuawwooaa a pJemJOJ suoisslwwoO 6uluueld aql legl spuawwooaj .11elS N0I1`dON3WWO03a 'IA 0 alq!ssod uegnn seaje auilaaogs of ssaooe oilgnd apinOJd �Z-SO • I* entered into the record the files on this amendment, accepted public testimony, and deliberated the merits of the proposal. Suggested Conclusions: 1. The procedural and substantive requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act have been complied with. 2. The procedural requirements of RCW 36.70A have been complied with. 3. The proposed amendments are consistent with the Douglas County Regional Policy Plan, Douglas County Countywide Comprehensive Plan and the Greater East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan. 4. The proposed amendments are consistent with the requirements of Revised Code of Washington and the Washington Administrative Code. 5. The Apple Capital Loop Trail is a significant community asset for enjoying the natural environment and for recreation. The Board of County Commissioners and the City of East Wenatchee City Council recognize the need to protect these natural amenities and recreational opportunities provided by the Loop Trail. 17 of 58 89 10 86 • J@Ali { eigwnloo ag1 nano sassoao deal dool aqj juiod goignn le 'aagoleuaM Ise310 AID agl u! 3N }aaJIS le 1lwll stl of pieMglnos spua}xa pue (von) eajy glnnoj0 uegjn aagoleuaM lse3 Jo AID aql jo tiepunoq Aljagljou aqj le sui6eq 1ou}sip 0-1j aqj to tiepunoq oigdei6oa6 aql '8 L ain6i j 'heal aqj }o auivaIuao ag110 AIJalsea 1991 (gL) anil-Atuanas pue Jani�j eigwnloo aql jo �jeu.w aatenn g6iq Ajeuipjo eqt uaamlaq spualxe 1•outslp 0-1-1 eql -V paulJaa MV — paIeu6isa(3 aaa4M 'E .0 'uJ9no6 Ilegs suoi}eln6ai luabuuts )sow aqj 'sloulsip Aelaano elgeoildde jagjo Aue jo '}oulsip 6uiuoz 6uifpapun aqj Jo suolsinoid aqj uaanNaq 1oilluoo jo aseo aql ui legl 'aanannoq 'papinoid 'toutsip 0-lj eqt ui spuel of Aldde ja}dego sigt ui passaippe Alleoitioads 1ou toutsip AeIJano algeolldde aagto Aue ao 1ouisip 6uiuoz 6uiAlaapun eqj jo suoitelnbaa Ily -8 _}o1lslp 6uiuoz 6uiApapun aqj to spiepuels aqj 'aoeldai saseo awos ui pue 'juawalddns spiepuels joulsip O-1-1 eql .y Al!ligeoilddd •z -puel�aed pue Beal dool aqj jo uoiloaloid a41 ainsua of law aje suoillpuoo kessaoau pue algeuoseaj leg} papinoid 'pattlwjad aq asinruaglo pinom tegt saintonils pue sasn asogj Ilwjad o} }ualui aqj S1 11 -puej�jed pue IleJl aqj jo 1uawAofua pue asn s,oilgnd aqj glinn apledwoo si legl aauuew a ui pagsildw000e si joljlsip 0-ll aqj uiglinn juawdolanap legl 6uunsua Aq 'suoisua}xe Beat pue 'puel�aed 'Beal dool letideo alddy aqj jo jaloejego aqj aniasaid pue loaloid of si toutslp 0-iq aqj jo asodind aqi ;uajul 19 esodind • 6 6uideospue-j -g staaalS pue sAeM ssaooy aelnoigan 'g ssaooy paziaolow-uoN I s6uissaOlied .g 6uloua-� -5 SNoeglaS t7 Puitap eaay — pateu6lsaQ GJ94M -£ A1•lllgeoilddy -Z 1ualul g asodmd :suoijoaS IolaIsla AelJanO Beal door 0-1-1 G V I!q!LIX3 • LT-O Boundary 75' From Centerline 75' FromrCenterline r 1 To OHWM 1 4. Setbacks A. All above gFa round structures including accessory buildings, vehicle parking areas, access ways, driveways, streets or roads, or equipment storage is prohibited within the LT-O. Figure 2. Exceptions: i. Buildings owned and maintained by a governmental agency that are accessory to and ,u{�,po#t P�support the uses of the parkland and trail, such as restrooms, storage buildings, and picnic shelters. ii. Buildings necessary for the enclosure of irrigation pumping facilities, provided the facilities are the minimum size necessary to accomplish facility protection. iii. Fences constructed in compliance with Section 5. B. All other yard requirements shall be determined in accordance with the underlying zoning setbacks -and other applicable codes. 19 of 58 89 10 OZ Ja2uaD wog.1,S\ � I AeM;o;y6ia yeJl;o a6P3 .w Al!wej-!IlnW lol 6uilled sjoeglaS pue sauepuno8 ;oujsip 0-l- :Z ainbi j 1 WMHO of 1 -- � axjapisaa Aliwej al6uis ain;: )nal$ Aaossa»d -- ---- - - Aiepuno8 0-ll 0 5. Fencing • • Fencing in the LT-0 shall be open chain link or open wire fencing not to exceed 6 feet in height. Figure 2: Examples of Permitted Fence Types 6. Trail Crossings At -grade trail crossings for motorized vehicles are prohibited. 7. Non -motorized Access A. Paths from private properties to the trail must be maintained Such as to control preblem weeds, ate -remove noxious weeds, prevent erosion by wind and water, and not pose a hazard to trail users. B. Commercial, multifamily residential, and mixed use development and new land divisions must be designed to provide joint use access points to minimize ground disturbance between the development and the trail. Trail access paths for joint use access must meet the standards of DCC 12.53.030(C). 21 of 58 991a ZZ • uol}al woo uo n paooaj jo jaeui ua aqj Aq pal}Iwgns aq fsnw sluawnoop uoilonilsuoo lllnq-sy -uoilonilsuoo of jo!jd Jaaui ua Alunoo aq} Aq PGAOJdde aq Isnw suel aql -aouelslp lq is bu!dclolS ulssaJppe pue s enngle ullsixa 10 uoileool Ilejl ooTleIl e5 al y aqj ol Aemqled mau aqj jo uoileool uoi�oauuoo aq� uinnogs 1551 g lq is jo glpinn enngle P;9AeCl wnwiulw a gllnn lenuen u lsaQ lO4SM aqj jo uollipa juaiino Isow aq} jo spiepue}s aqj of pajeclaid aq }snw sueld aqj 'IUGUoaojd joevoid ay} col piooai 10 jaaui ua aqj Aq paje as suel �)jgjiM eouepa000e ui llinq pue pau isap aq Isnw suoisinip puel nnau pue Iuaw olanap asn paxii.0 pue lelIuaplsaa llwejillnw leiojawwoo pm pa}eloosse lied oo� lel!deo;alddV aqj o} sAemqjed ssaooe nnau Ild O -uollepodsuejl pezuolowuou aaglo pue sliejl 'sgled aloAoiq jo u6isap jol pannollol aq Isnw H+nn lenuew ubisap lOOSM aqj Jo uolllpa juaiino Isow aql -sueialsanbe pue 'sueulsepad 'slsiloAoiq Aq laneal sapnloui uolleliodsuej} pazuolowuoN .8 -ueld uoileliodsuejl pazuolowuou ajejedas ao ueld anisuagajdwoo algeoildde aqj ui payluapi se pannbai aq Ilegs sliejl pue sAenna�!q 'sAemn IeM y slleal pue sAenna){iq `sAemlleM 0£0'£9'ZI 0£0'£9'Z � OWM3 PUe 0£0'£9'U 000 01 sluawpuawd wiJaIul -A�jadojd Beal door lejide0 alddy ollgnd oluo puaixa }ou Ilegs s6upueld pue seaie 6uideospuel aIenlJd '0 -saaal aol aajuao uo }aal (p£) Ap!gl pue sgnags ao; jaluao uo laal g to buioeds wnwiuiw a aq llegs s6uilueld -q -Iiejl door Iej!deo alddy aqj builinge aull A4jadoid aqj of }uaoefpe ease edeospuel apron loo; (S 1) uaa:gl} a ulgllnn paalnbaa aae sbuilueld -e :spiepue}s buiMolloj aqj bullaaw buideospuel apinoid llegs juawdolanap asn -paxiw pue Juawdolanap leloaawwoo 'juawdolanap lelluapisaJ Aliwej-!Ilnw n^aN -8 *ZL,LL jaldego OINM3 ui paipoads se 'lou}slp 6uiuoz buiAlaapun aql;o sluawaalnbai 6uideospuel aqf of lejuawalddns aje pue 'Ioulslp O-l� aqj uigjinn 'Ajjadojd lied aqj singe jegj A(jadoad of Aluo Aldde spiepuels asagl -V ALAI l eigwnloo aqj 10 snnain oivaos COI buinnolle allgnn sasn juaoefpe pue Ilejl aqj uaamlaq aa}}nq ani}e}a6an a 6ulgsllgelsa jo leo6 aqj aoueleq of papualui aae uoiloas sigl jo sjuawajinbw aql -J9nl2i elqu.wnloo aqj 10 snnain aneq 01 paluauo AIleaauab-o�st-e we lied aqj 6uole paleool sluawdolanaQ -Iiejl door Iejide0 alddy aq} jo aajoejego aql anaasaid of 6uideospuel alenbape apinoid o} si uoi}oas slgl jo jualul aql Buideospue-1 •6 -puel�aed ao/pue lief} aqj pm paleposse saililioel pue saljivawe oilgnd buissaooe aaagnn jdaoxe jouisip O-l-j aqj uiglinn paligigoad aae speoi pue s199a}s 'SAennanup 'sAenn ssaooe jelnoigan 0 slaaa;s pue sAeM ssaoob aelnol4aA •g • and prior to public use. A non -access agreement for frontages not approved for trail connection may be required to be recorded. 1-1 • 23 of 58 89 10 vZ • pue'6uluoz pue sloaluoo leio go wua}ui jo uoi}dope aqj sezuogl.ne OL-9E aaldeg0 MO2J 'Sd3�J3HM pue'�ionn s}l palaldwoo seq saomiaS pueq pue uoll.elaodsueal 10 juawliedea agl se awil Bons pun sloaluoo leallo wuajul jo luawloeue aqj gbnoagl pagslidw000e aq ueo Ajunoo sel6noQ jo suazipo aqj }o aaejlam leaaua6 pue Alojes 'glleaq oilgnd aqj jo uol}ool.oid agj leq} spul} sJauolsslwwo3 Jo paeo8 aql 'SV32:13HM pue'uoll.epuawwooaa pue laodai e saauolssiwwoo jo paeo8 agl o} wnlaa Minn pue aapew slgl. jo Apnl.s a 6ullonpuoo sI saolnaaS pue-1 pue uolleliodsueal jo juawliedaa Alunoo sel6noQ eql 'Sd3�:13HM pue'spuel 6ulaogg6lau jo juawdoianap 6ull<epowwo00e IpIs allgm puel�aed pue heal aqj jo aoualgwe aqj joa}oid o} aalsap s,ollgnd aqj joadsai legl suollelnbai juawdolanap s,Ajunoo aqj of sluawpuawe 14eap paeo8 agl of }uasaad of seolnaaS pue-1 pue uollepodsueal }o }uawlaedaa s,Ajunoo agp palonalsul seq paeo8 slgl 'S`d3�:13HM pue' suoll,einbai luawdolanap t4l!m eouewjojuoo ul luawdOianap JOI elgellene aq IIIM spuel asagl pue Ilea} aqj pue spuelMied aqj of Al!wlxoad asolo ul pue 6uluio(pe spuel leuoll,lppe snldans se 6ulaeloap asodoid IIIM uol.6ulgs8AA 10 aIelS aql 'Sd3�:13HM pue °heal door lepde0 alddy aql apnloul legl spuel�aed aqj jo suolliod ol, 911I1 paluea6 seq 'uogeliodsueal jo juawliedaa s j! g6noagl 'uoI6ulgseM 10 GWIS aq1 'Sb3b3HM pue'puellied pue heaj aqj jo aoualgwe leinjeu pue uado aqj 6ulloaload pue heal aqj jo aoueaeadde leinjeu aq} 6ululejaa aol laoddns ollgnd aqj pa}uawnoop ssaooid juawabebue uazll.lo „deal e uegi aaon,, ag1 'Sd3�:13HM pue'aouauadxo Mied pue heal aqj of All<eai6 a}nquluoo jegp salpowe leinjeu ql!m Ted ollgnd aoplaaoo aeaull e ulgllnn sl J9AIH elgwnloo aql }o � ueq Isea aqj 6uole heal door lelldeo alddy aqj jo uoi:pod agP 'Sd32AHM pue `lasse Apunwwoo jueoipu6ls a se pezlubooaa si heal doo-I lelldeo alddy eq} 'SVA3 AHM 61-10-91 Sal "oN aoueulpaO AelJanO heal dool sloaluoO lelol:}O wijalul • NOlJNIHSVM 'AiNnoo swio oci S�I3NOISSIAVM AiNnoo 30 a2ivoe 9 1!q!uX3 • WHEREAS, this Board enters the above declarations as findings in support of this resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED that: 1. The interim official controls in the attached Exhibit A are hereby adopted for application to the unincorporated area of Douglas County. 2. The Board directs the Douglas County Department of Transportation and Land Services to continue its examination of this matter and prepare a report and recommendation for consideration by the Board of Commissioners. 3. This interim official control shall be effective immediately. Dated at Waterville, Washington this day of May 2016. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON oo�M`,� ioN`9Sco Steven D. Jen , Chair OO L Dale Snyder, Vic hair rvsAr�o c� . 4VP`�N\� K6'nSta/rdon, Commissioner ATTEST: Dayn� Pkewitt, Clerk of the Board 40 25 3f 58 C7 85 t0 9Z 'uaano6 llegs suo!lelnbei 1uabuuls lsow aql `slo!als!p Aelaano algeolldde aaglo Aue ao `louls!p fuluoz 6uiAlaapun aql 10 suolSlnoid ag1 uaaNeq lo!1luoo 10 aseo aql ul legl 'aanannoq 'pap!noid `lolals!p 0-1-I agl ui spuel of A(Idde aaldego s!ql u! passaippe Alleoll!oads lou lolalslp Aeiaano algeolldde aaglo Aue ao lo!ais!p 6u!uoz buiAliapun agl 10 suo!1einbai IIy .9 .louls!p bu!uoz buiAliapun ag110 spiepuels ag1 'aoeldaa saseo awos uw pue 'luewalddns spiepuels louls!p O-lj eql '`d Al!l!geo!lddy •Z -puej�jed pue 1leal door agl 10 uolloaloid aql ainsua of law aie suoll!puoo tiessaoau pue algeuoseaa legl pap!noad `p@4!waad aq as!Nuaglo pinom legl sainlonals pue sesn esogl 1!waad of lualui a41 s! 11 'puelAied pue 1!eal aql 10 luawAofue pue asn s,o!lgnd eq1 ql!M alq!ledwoo si legl jauuew e ui pags!idw000e si lo!alslp 0-1-I aql u!gl►nn luawdoianap legl buunsua Aq 'suolsuelxa I!ejl pue 'pue1�{aed 'I!eal dooq lel!deo alddy agl 10 aaloeaego aq1 amasaid pue 1oaload of si lo!als!p 0-l-1 agl 10 asodind aql jualul *g asodind • I, bu!deospueq -g slaaalS pue sAeM ssaood aelno!gan -9 ssaooy paz!aolow-uoN -L Sbu!ssoao I1ejl '9 bu!oua j .g SmoeglaS 't7 pau1laa eaay — paleubisa4 aaagM .0 Al!l!geo!lddy Z lualul '8 asodind t :suo!loaS 1o!a1s!Q Aeiaanp I!eal dool O-ll 0 sloaluoo w!aa;ul - V }!q!4X3 i3. Where Designated — Area Defined LI n �J A. The LT-0 district extends between the ordinary high water mark of the Columbia River and seventy-five (75) feet easterly of the centerline of the trail. Figure 1. B. The geographic boundary of the LT-0 district begins at the northerly boundary of the City of East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area (UGA) and extends southward to its limit at 9th Street NE in the City of East Wenatchee, at which point the Loop Trail crosses over the Columbia River. LT-0 Boundary 75' from Centerline 75' From Centerline 1 To OHWM 1 Figure 1: LT-0 District Boundaries 4. Setbacks A. All above grade structures including accessory buildings, vehicle parking areas, access ways, driveways, streets or roads, or equipment storage is prohibited within the LT-O. Figure 2. Exceptions: i. Buildings owned and maintained by a governmental agency that are accessory to and supporting the uses of the parkland and trail, such as restrooms, storage buildings, and picnic shelters. 27 of 58 • 1 140 89 IS 8Z WMHO 01 aup,alua y� f AeM;o 1461a !!ei1jo a6p3 rt!iwe3 lllnW lol / `� �M�I1ed/ a�uapisaa Al!we3 a!6u!s ainhnils Ajossa»y — sloeglaS :Z ainGij yo►� Sl a J`\�az�a7 Aiepunog O-il -6u!uoz buiApapun eqj ql!m eouepa000e ui paupialap aq llegs sluawaiinbaa paeA aagjo IId ,8 -5 uoiloaS ql!m eoueildwoo ui palonalsuoo saoueA ,uoiloalojd Al!l!oej gsildw000e o} fuessaoau azis wnwiu!w aq1 aae SGII!Iioel aql papinoid `sa!lilioej bu!dwnd uoilebia.!i jo ainsoloue agl aol rJessaoau sbu!ppq ii • 5. Fencing • Fencing in the LT-0 shall be open chain link or open wire fencing. 14 WE I ftb.- rm__ i I N Figure 3: Examples of Permitted Fence Types 6. Trail Crossings At -grade trail crossings for motorized vehicles are prohibited. 7. Non -motorized Access A. Paths from private properties to the trail must be maintained such as to control problem and noxious weeds, prevent erosion by wind and water, and not pose a hazard to trail users. B. Commercial, multifamily residential, and mixed use development and new land divisions must be designed to provide joint use access points to minimize ground disturbance between the development and the trail. Trail access paths for joint use access must meet the standards of DCC 12.53.030(C). 6 29 of 58 89 11 0£ • SAemLijecl DUIISIX9 10 uolleool heal doo-1 lell eo 9jddV aql of Aemi4led mau agl jo uolleool uolloauuoo aql ulnnogs laal g lq la jo glp!m enngle pane u.wnwluiw e gllM lenuen u lsaa loOSM aql jo uoillpa luaarno lsow agl }o spiepuels aq} of paiedaid aq lsnw suel aql -Iuauocloid joeFoid aql aol paooaa jo jaeuilDuG agl Aq pajedaid sueld of aouepa000e ui lilnq pue pau lsap aq lsnw suolslnip puel mou pue luaw olanap asn paxlw pue lelluaplsaa llwejlllnw ielojewwoo gl!m paleloosse heal ooq lell eo @jddV agl of sAemqjed ssaooe mau Iid -uolleliodsuejl pazlaolowuou aaglo pue slleal 'sgled aloAolq jo u6lsap aol pamollol aq lsnw It n lenuelN u6lsap loOSM agl to uolllpa luaaano lsow eql -suelalsanbe pue 'suelilsoped 'slslloAolq Aq laneal sapnloul uollepodsueal pazlaolowuoN .g ueld uolleliodsueil pazlaolowuou aleaedas ao ueld anisuagaidwoo apeolldde aql ul palpluapl se paalnbaa aq llegs slleal pue sAennaMlq 'sAemn ju-M `d •slleal pue sAemeM!q `sAemMleM 0£0'£5'Zl 0£0'£5 u ooa o} s;uawpuawv wiaam -A:padoid heal doo-i lelideo olddy olignd oluo pualxe lou llegs s6ullueld pue sewe 6uldeospuel alenud -o -saaal aol aalueo uo loal (0c) Ap!gl pue is sgnags ao} aalueo uo laal g jo 6uloeds wnwluiw e aq llegs s6ullueld -q -ileal door Ielldeo alddy eql 6ullinge cull Apedoid aql of luaoefpe eaae adeospuel op!m loot (g L) uaa14y e ulgl!m paalnbaa aae s6ullueld -e :spiepuels buimollol aql bullaaw 6uldeospuel apinoid pegs luawdolanap asn-paxlw pue luawdolanap Ieloaawwoo 'luawdolanap Ielluaplsaa Ailwej-Ilinw MON '8 'ZLI � jaldego oWM3 ul payloads se 'lolalslp 6uluoz buu(laapun aql jo sluauwaalnbaa 6uldeospuel aql of leluawalddns aae pue 'lolalslp o-ll agl ulgllnn 'Alaadoad heal aql singe legl kpadoid of Aluo Aldde spiepuels asegl .d 'a9nl2j elgwnloo agl 10 snnaln oluaos aol 6uimolle allgnn sasn lueoelpe pue heal aql uaannleq aagnq 9nllela6an e bulgsllgelsa jo leob eql eoueleq of papualul aje uolloas slgl jo sluawaalnbai aql 'aanl2j elgwnloo aql 10 SM81A aneq of se os paluauo Alleaauab osle aae IleJi aql buole poleool sluawdolanaQ -heal dool lelldeo alddd agl jo aaloeiego aql anjasaad of 6uldeospuel alenbape apinoid of sl uolloas slgl }o lualul aql 6ulde3spuel •g -puel�aed ao/pue heal aql ql!m paleloosse sallllloej pue sallluawe oilgnd bulsseooe aaagnn ldeoxe lolalslp p-ll aql ulgl!m pallglgoad aae speoi pue Slaaals `SAeManlap 'sAeM ssaooe aelnolgan 0 slaailS pue sAeM ssaooV aelnolyan '8 . and addressing stopping sight distance The plans must be approved by the county engineer prior to construction. As -built construction documents must be submitted by the engineer of record upon completion and prior to public use. A non -access agreement for frontages not approved for trail connection may be required to be recorded. 40 n LJ 31 of 58 U 8910 ZE 1, pue 'buluoz pue sloaluoo poigo wijalui to uoildope aql sazuoglne 0/ -qC aaldeg0 AAMA `SVEIH3HM pue'�jom sli palaldwoo seq saoiniaS pue-1 pue uollepodsueal jo luawlaedaa aql se awil qons pun sloiluoo leiol}}o wlaalui jo luawloeue aql gbnoagl pagsildw000e aq ueo Ajuno0 sel6noQ to suazlllo @ql jo aaejlam leaaua6 pue Ajejes 'glleaq oilgnd aql jo uoiloaloid aql legl spun sjauolssiwwo0 to pjeo8 aql 'Sd3H3HM pue 'uoilepuawwoo@a pue laod@a e saauoissiwwo0 to paeo8 aql of uanlaa llinn pue aallew slgl to Apnls of senuiluoo saoinaaS puel pue uoilelaodsueal to luawpeda4 Aluno0 sel6noQ aql `SV1 I�j3HM pue 'spuel 6uuoggbiau to luawdolanap 6uilepoww000e lllls eligm puelAied pue lied aql }o aouaigwe aql loaloid of aalsap s,oilgnd eql loadsai legl suolleln6ai luawdolanap s,Ajunoo eql of sluawpuawe llejp paeo8 aql of luesaid of seolniaS puel pue uogelaodsueal to luawlaedaa s,Ajunoo eql palonilsut seq paeo8 s!ql 'SH32i31-IM pue' suollelnEei luawdolanap glinn eouewjoluoo ui luawdolanap aol elgellene aq lllM spuel asegl pue lied aql pue spuel�jed aql of Allwlxoad @solo ul pue 6uiuiofpe spuel leuoilippe snldans se 6uueloap asodoid IIlM uol6ulgseM to alelS @ql 'Sd32E3HM pue'I!eal dool lelide0 alddy aql apnloui legl spuel�jed aql to suoiliod of 911!1 paluea6 seq 'uoileliodsueal to luawliedaQ s,li g6noagl 'uol6uigseM to alelS eql 'SVD3 JAHM pue 'puel�jed pue heal aql to eoualgwe leanleu pue uado aql 6upaloid pue Beal @ql to eoueaeadde leanleu eql 6uiuielaa aol laoddns oilgnd eql paluawnoop sseooid luawabe6ue uazilio „deal a uegl aaol/V„ aql 'SV32:13HM pue'aou@iaadxa �aed pue lied aql of Alleaa6 eingialuoo legl saipewe leanleu gllnn died oilgnd iopiaaoo aeauil e uiglinn si aaniy eigwnloO aql to jueq lsee @ql 6uole Beal dool lellde0 alddy eql to uollaod Oql 'Sd3�13HM pue'lasse Aliunwwoo lueoipu6is a se pazlu600ai si lied dool lelide0 alddy aql `Sb3213HM 9Z-ZO-91, Sll 'ON aoueulpaO 6L-60-91- Sll *PJO :a�] AelaanO heal dool sloaluo0 lelogo wiaalul • NOlJNIHSVM 'I\1Nf1O0 S`dlJflOa S213NOISSIWWOO AiNf1O0 30 u�jvo8 0 I!q!4x3 WHEREAS, this Board adopted Ordinance TLS 16-01-19 establishing an interim official control creating a Loop Trail Overlay zoning district; and WHEREAS, this Board has held a public hearing on this date for the purpose of accepting testimony, entering findings into the record and re-establishing the interim official control for up to a six month period of time; and WHEREAS, this Board enters the above declarations as findings in support of this ordinance. NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDAINED that- 1. The interim official controls in the attached Exhibit A are hereby adopted for application to the unincorporated area of Douglas County. 2. The Board directs the Douglas County Department of Transportation and Land Services to continue its examination of this matter and prepare a report and recommendation for consideration by the Board of Commissioners. 3. This interim official control shall be effective immediately for six months from this date. Dated at Waterville, Washington this 12'h day of July 2016. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ABSENT Steven D. Jenkins, Chair o° co * ? Dale Snyder, e Chair � / 0 J, �Sy�NGTON Ken Stanton, ommissioner ATTEST: cj, " /, /).. 2 /w DayrVa Prewitt, Clerk of thd Board I-1 LJ 2 33 of 58 • 89 10 V£ E 'uaano6 (legs suoileln6aa juabuiais Isow aqj 'sIouIsip Aelaano algeoildde aaglo Aue ao 'joulsip 6uiuoz 6uiApapun aqj jo suoislnoid aqj uaamlaq }oilluoo jo eseo ayj ui legl 'aanan Oq 'papinoad `joul;slp 0-l-I au} ui spuel of Aldde aaldego sigl ui passaippe Alleoilpads jou loulsip Aelaano algeoildde aagjo Aue ao joulsip 6uiuoz 6uiAlaapun aqj jo suoileln6ai II`d -8 -}oia}sip 6uiuoz 6uiAlaapun aqj jo spiepuels aql 'aoeldaa saseo awos ui pue 'juawalddns spiepuels joia}sip O-l� aul -y Al!l!geollddd *z -puel�aed pue Beal doo-1 aqj jo uoiloaloid aqj ainsue of law aae suoilipuoo tiessaoau pue algeuoseaa leyl papinoad 'pepwaad aq esimjaglo pinom legl sainjona}s pue sasn asogj Iiwaad of jualui aqj si 11 -puel�aed pue Beal eqj jo juawAolua pue asn s,oilgnd aql ql!m apledwoo si legl jauuew e ui pagsildw000e si loulslp 0-_Lj aqj uiLpm juawdolanap Jegj . 6uiansue Aq 'suoisualxe Beal pue 'puej�jed 'Beal dool lejideo elddy aqj }o aaloeaego ay} anaasaad pue pajoid o} si jaijIsip 0-_L� aqj jo asodand aul luajul T asodand • 1, 6uideospuel '6 slraaa}S pue SAW ssaooy aelnoiyan -8 ssaooy paziao}ow-uoN V sbuissoao heal .g 6uiouaj .g s�oegjaS t7 paulJaa easy — paWu6isaa aaayM -£ A1•ll!geoilddy Z jualul '8 asodand :suol}oaS Joia;sip ABIJan0 heal door 0-1-1 sloa;uoo wlaa3ul - V I!q!ux3 • 3. Where Designated — Area Defined LI • A. The LT-0 district extends between the ordinary high water mark of the Columbia River and seventy-five (75) feet easterly of the centerline of the trail. Figure 1. B. The geographic boundary of the LT-0 district begins at the northerly boundary of the City of East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area (UGA) and extends southward to its limit at 9tn Street NE in the City of East Wenatchee, at which point the Loop Trail crosses over the Columbia River. LT-O Boundary 75' From Centerline 75' From Centerline To OHWM Figure 1: LT-0 District Boundaries 4. Setbacks A. All above grade structures including accessory buildings, vehicle parking areas, access ways, driveways, streets or roads, or equipment storage is prohibited within the LT-O. Figure 2. Exceptions: i. Buildings owned and maintained by a governmental agency that are accessory to and supporting the uses of the parkland and trail, such as restrooms, storage buildings, and picnic shelters. 4 35 of 58 • • • 8910 9E 9 WMHO of aui/aajua , woaj,S� s�oegjag :Z ainOij yo>� 5l aV\\la"'.a7\ 1 -6uiuoz bulAlaapun aqj ylInn eouepa000e ui poulwaalap ag hugs sluawaiinbaa paeA aay}o IIV -5 uoi}oag u3IM eoueildwoo ui pajonalsuoo saouaj III -uoi}oaloid Al!lioel gsildw000e of Aaessaoau ezis wnwiuiw ayj aae sa11I1loej aul paplAoid 'sei}Illoel 6uidwnd uoge6ual jo ainsoloue aqj ao4 Aaessaoau s6uiplln8 I! 0 5. Fencing 0 Fencing in the LT-0 shall be open chain link or open wire fencing. Figure 3: Examples of Permitted Fence Types 6. Trail Crossings At -grade trail crossings for motorized vehicles are prohibited. 7. Non -motorized Access A. Paths from private properties to the trail must be maintained such as to control problem and noxious weeds, prevent erosion by wind and water, and not pose a hazard to trail users. B. Commercial, multifamily residential, and mixed use development and new land divisions must be designed to provide joint use access points to minimize ground disturbance between the development and the trail. Trail access paths for joint use access must meet the standards of DCC 12.53.030(C). 6 37 of 58 s eMgje u!Is!xa 10 uo!leool I1eal dool lel! eO ajdCIV agj ol Aemqjed Mau agj To uogeool uo!Joauuoo aqj u!Mogs Jaal g lg !a 10 glp!nn Aemqled PeAed wnwiuiw e gl!m lenueW u !saa lOOSM aqj Jo uoi}!pa juaaano Isow agp jo spiepuels aqj of paje as aq Ism sueld aqj -It uodoid jobloid ay} jo} paooaa jo aaau! ua aqj Aq pajedaid sueld o} eouepj000e ui jl!nq pue pau !sap aq }snw suoisinip puel Mau pue juaw olanap ash pax!w pue le!juap!saa l!wel!llnw Ie!oaawwoo g}!m paleloosse I!eal dool lel! eO olddV aqj of SAemqled ssaooe Mau Ild 'O -uoileliodsueal pazlao}owuou aagjo pue sl!eal 'sgled aloAo!q jo u6lsap aoj paMollol aq Isnw "fm lenueVq u6!saa lOGSM ay} jo uo!l!pa luajjno isow aqj -sueialsanbe pue 'sueulsapad 'sis!loAo!q Aq laneJl sapnloui uoijeljodsuej} paz!aoIowuoN .8 ueld uo!l.eliodsueal pazuolowuou ajejedas jo ueld an!suagaadwoo algeo!idde agI ui paipluep! se paa!nbaa aq llegs sl!eal pue sAeme� !q 'sAemNleM -V sl!eal pue sAenna)l!q `sAenn)lleM 0£0'£S-Z L 0£0'£9'Z 1. 000 0; squawpuawy w!aajul -Alaadoid 1!eal doo-I lel.!deO alddy o!ignd oluo pual.xe jou llegs sbullueld pue seaje 6uideospuel ajeAlJd -O 'saaal ioj aa}ueo uo jaal (OE) Ala!gl pue sgnags ao} aal.uao uo laal g }o 6u!oeds wnwiuiw e aq llegs s6u!lueld -q -I!eal dool lepdeO alddy aqj 6u!linge au!l Aljadoid aqj of juaoe[pe eaae adeospuel ap!nn loot (g �) uaa4!j e u!gl!M paa!nbaa aae s6uqueld -e :spiepuels buimollol aqj 6upeaw 6uideospuel ap!noid llegs juawdolanap asn-pex!w pue luawdolanap Ieloaawwoo 'juawdolanap le!}uep!sai Al!wel-!Ilnw mGN '8 ,ZL,Lt aaIdego OINMd ui pailpads se 'Io!jlslp 6u!uoz 6uiAlaapun aqj jo sluawaalnbai 6uideospuel aqj of le}uawalddns aae pue 'joul:slp O-il NI uigj!m 'Ap@dojd 1!eal agl sl;nge legl Atjadoad of Aluo Aldde spiepuels esagl .d -Jani�j elgwnloO eql }o SMain oivaos aol buimolle al!gm sasn jueoe(pe pue I!eal aqj ua@N\Iaq aagnq anljeja6an e buigs!lgelsa jo Ieo6 agl, eoueleq of popualui we uo!joas s!ql jo sl;uau.waimbaa agl AGAI l elgwnloO aql 10 snna!n aneg of se os pa}ua!ao Allejau96 osle aje I!eal aqj 6uole pal.eool sluawdolana4 'I!eal door lej!deO elddy aqj }o aajoeaego aq} anaasaad o} bu!deospuel a}enbape ap!noid ol si uo!loas slgI jo jua}u! aql 6u!deospue-1 •g -puej�jed jo/pue I!ejl aqj gl!m pale!oosse sail!l!oel pue sa!j!uawe oilgnd 6u!ssaooe ajagm Ideoxe jo!als!p O-lq aql uigl.!m pal,!q!goad aae speoi pue slaaals 'sAennanup 'sAem ssaooe aelno!gan is sleejIS pue sAeM ss000d aelno!yaA •8 • and addressing stopping sight distance The plans must be approved by the county engineer prior to construction As -built construction documents must be submitted by the engineer of record upon completion and prior to public use A non -access agreement for frontages not approved for trail connection may be required to be recorded. 0 8 39 of 58 r LI 9910017 n ' x� /%; ; .uoije .ia!jued moA lob noA Hueyl •asnoy uado siy> >noge pjeay noA ,Hoy sn paj oa Aanins ino ino pg osle aseald :squewwoo Zov&�G -V( "' I Vvl vl -,(-L>v :1 L71�9-2 V Q1-2/ �9 5 ZL ssaJPPV @WEN;uiJd 1614-Z0886 VM'aayoleuaM ise3 V al!nS MN 399JIS 41 OVl saoimaS pue-1 R -suejl -oo sel6noo sIuawpuawy apo0-Ae119np 1iejl door :o; flew Aq peuinaa-i jo jagwew_4e;s Alunoo se(6noo e of papueq eq ueo swjoj paaa(dwoo suoge(n6ai yelp eqa uo auawwoo of selnuiw maj a a)Ie1 aseald se5uego yelp eqa Jap(suoo'(agj se siauoiss*/wwoj jo pleoo aqa of pue uoissiwwoJ 6uluueid a41 q auepodwi a-je sauawwoo in% -.flunoo se(6noo w /fe(./ano pe-1l dooq posodwd sqa 01 angelaJ 34uawpuawe ye-jp aqa uo asnoy uado uogewjojur aLp 6uipuege joj no/( )fue41 9�OZ `£6 aunt hays Jumuioa ABIJOnp deal door }leaa 0 j q!4xzj APO /7- "b&A)60 7H?17- 7HES • OF- t�e6p,to�DA-V Tie, V I e" 1a DOS 41 of 58 0 84 10 Z4 ZYA .inoAjoj noANueyl •asnoy undo slyj Inge pjeey OoA moy sn its; of AaANns ino ono ity osie eseaid ON� 7 r r��/�� WiAl MwMPAN tvwq/�/:Sluawwoo ssaippy aweN luud W6 V-Z0886 VW90401euaM;se3 y apS MN 199JIS w6l Ovl saoiniaS pue-1 ig -suejl -oo sel6noa sluawpusuiy apoo-Ae[JanO Iiejl doo-I :oa yew Aq pewnlai jo jagwewyeas AjunoO se!Bnop a of papuey eq ueo suuo! pale!dwoO 'suolae!nBai yelp er!; uo auawwoo of salnulw Maj a a)/el asea!d -sa6ueyo yelp ayl japlsuoo stay! se vauolsslwwoO jo preo8 eyl o! pue u0!sslrur.uo0 Buruue!d ayj ol auepodw! aie sluawwoo inpA -Alunoj se!Bnoa u! AeuanO !!wl door pasodard ayl of aA!!e!ar sluawpuawe yelp mil uo asnoy undo uo!leuuoju! ay! Bulpuelle joj nog( )!ueq_L 96oZ `£� aunt 40ayg Juauawoa AeIaanp Iiejl doo-1}}eaa Draft Loop Trail Overlay Comment Sheet June 13, 2016 Thank you for attending the information open house on the draft amendments relative to the proposed Loop Trail Overlay in Douglas County. Your comments are important to the Planning Commission and to the Board of Commissioners as they consider the draft changes. Please take a few minutes to comment on the draft regulations. Completed forms can be handed to a Douglas County staff member or returned by mail to: Loop Trail Overlay- Code Amendments Douglas Co. Trans. & Land Services 140 19'^ Street NW Suite A East Wenatchee, WA 98802-4191 Print Name /G „0a � Address �Z5%S-2 �D/a. d%a. f/ie //�Li/-?3 ��{/kJ rw�~ c•'��w`> • Comments: , /.% .a h v-C e- -�O Ziz -C,. �" eX --- s ' Please also fill out our survey to tell us how you heard about this open house. Thank you for your participation. 43 of 58 8910 44 • 'uoiledopied moAiol noA yuegl -asnog uado slgl lnoge pieaq noA moq sn llal of Aanjns ino lno /W osle aseald �n I 1 �l . :sluewwoo 00 tr 7gr�'�S (� L �L ssajppv -2. ro// aweN luud l6lb-Z0886VWGG oleuaMlse3 y al!nS MN laaJ1S u16L OtiL saoinlaS pue-1 g 'sued oo sel6nop sluawpuawy apoO-Aell9n0 I1eJl dool :ol pew Aq pawnlai jo jagwew yeas A4uno0 sel6noQ e of popueg aq ueo swjoj paleldwo0 suopeln6aj yelp agl uo luawwoo of solnulw Maj a wiel eseald seBuego heap eql japlsuoo Aggl se sjauolsslwwo0 jo pjeo8 sql of pue uolsslwwo0 6uluueld eql of lueuodwl aie sluawwoo jnoA Alunoj sel6noQ w I(e1jan0 lrejl dool posodoid eql of anlleleJ sluawpuawe help eql uo asnog uado uopewio{ul aql 6uipuelle !oj noA>luegl 9�oZ `£� aunt JaayS juawwoo AeIaanp deal doo-1 ijeaa Draft Loop Trail Overlay Comment Sheet June 13, 2016 Thank you for attending the information open house on the draft amendments relative to the proposed Loop Trail Overlay in Douglas County. Your comments are important to the Planning Commission and to the Board of Commissioners as they consider the draft changes. Please take a few minutes to commnnt on the draft regulations. Completed forms can be handed to a Douglas County staff member or returned by mail to: Loop Trail Overlay- Ccde Amendments Douglas Co. Trans. & _and Services 140 lVh Street NW Suite A East Wenatchee, WA 98802-4191 Print Name e C"o Address Soh /V�'j �. lvt. . Comments: Please also fill out our survey to tell us how you heard about this open house. Thank you for your participation. 45 of 58 8910917 • • uogedlolped.noAiol not Huegl •asnoq uado sly) lnoge pteaq noA moq sn llal of AeAlns ino lno ❑y osle aseald �4UOW WUJ wa,M ¢yJ�o 3 ssaippv aweN luud L6 L17-Z0886 VAA `aayoleualN lse3 H ol!nS MN 199JIS t4L OVL saoinuaS pue- R suejl oo sel6nop sluawpuawy apoo-/elIanp pejl dool :ol pew Aq pawnlaj jo jagwaw gels 1flunoj sel6no(j a of papue4 aq ueo suuoj palaldwoj suolle1n6aj yelp agl uo luawwoo of salnuiw maj a a)lel aseaid -sa6uego l)e.jp aql .iapisuoo Aetil se s-jauolsslwwoo jo p-jeo8 eqj of pue uoisslwwoo 6uluueld a4l of luepodwl aie sluawwoo -inoA da u lunoo sel6nol AOIJan p liejl doo-7 pasodoid eql of an!lelaj sluawpuawe yelp aql uo asnoq uado ualewjojui agl 6uipualle jol noif Huegl 9�oZ `£4 ounr 1004S IuawwOO AeIaanp I!eal door l}eaa Draft Loop Trail Overlay Comment Sheet June 13, 2016 Thank you for attending the information open house on the draft amendments relative to the proposed Loop Trail Overlay in Douglas County. Your comments are important to the Planning Commission and to the Board of Commissioners as they consider the draft changes. Please take a few minutes to comment on the draft regulations. Completed forms can be handed to a Douglas County staff member or returned by mail to: Loop Trail Overlay- Code Amendments Douglas Co. Trans. & Land Services 140 19t" Street NW Suite A East Wenatchee, WA 98802-4191 PrintName Address Please also flit out our survey to tell us how you heard about this open house. I Thank you for your participation. 47 of 58 a„'y aw+C A q ir" w hC oak� �Lv1D �Y� v lwb �a� ?v rro 1 s vopedlolyed jnoA joj noA Huegl J, h "asnoq uado sigj jnoge pjeeq noA moq sn ljaj of Aanrns ino ino lllj osle aseald 4g aaS � s ar,W S/ rawLf // Vawws� SNau )am,; Pz6 rdaH Q vo,�Qd l6 67-Z0886 HM 'aayoleuaM lse3 y olinS MN laaJlS 4 046 saowaS pue-1 v suejl oo sel6noa sluawpuawy apoo-AeIJanp Iiejl door :s}uewwVoo ssaippy aweN luud : of pew Aq pownlaj jo jagwaw yels Ajunoo sel5no(7 a of pepueq aq ueo suuoj palaldwoo •suogelnBej l; ejp aql uo luawwoo of selnww maj a a)iel aseald sa6uego ueJp aql Japlsuoo Aagl se sJauolsslwwoD 10 pJeo8 eql of pue uolsslwwoO 6uiuueld aqj of luepodwl a u aie sluawwoo inoA Alunoq sel5nol AelJanp lied doog pasodoid aql of angelai sluewpuawe yejp aql uo asnog uado uogew-jojul aql 6glpualle joj noA )iuegl Sll AJ Nno? sv"OnOG Ae cw- 91 oZ `£G aunt jaayS juawwoo anp deal door jjw(3 c I wt h� s'4,,4cl, o-- rnss (At ►MJR-, fwc�p- Q-rA �mQ 4�� � - cz,. • '�►`�e_S . ik� Q-tic �r�r �� c�+'ec� ,.. �aSS �� na,,.1 w��l� �aT�f rS AA AA , r� SS to s c- jot ) A),W / P`� �F Cc Q I J : �c� PEA / {p add�,�nAC/ gt��a�T Oc� {�� p5 � 44< I�_ ac ca S 1'1 t if-� r r a ✓_, yra.i S a' rs uc h / ciddCni n_y a blG ro clF r—If C Lv�l, � (v�l S ✓LQ}Cl ilQ,n es� res t o S �md Vm orQ Pan' k, n S V 'h e o Pa ✓f .rew.� s ? %r�x 1 e 4-c //�, va-nvxS �er-c T'3 PalS ekc4 o7�w y Fe�l{ 71 j0e I�Nk 'b wn S 141 C� r/, r(ul / 6� Crs^�S n/rM ^i 4_Ke ^ `/�+u�t M a rei4ve c a ^ � meµ++ ' .� o -, /f w+h ct-vi,4 Ob-� 17t �e r r f a r r,S b VI c� cCIr-�e (Jm.n�lat cr nn�y S aQQ ©/�oine_ be. ^j �^� `T irl�u Fe `°n _)ks4- rm7►� •p�— fit (J�upaSk,av� �r;cvt.Q-- wk�c.k 1 4n I m�.r✓� S Ilea..) Rock Aac� -- w—PA -, iw>o �I c�rr.a,rs 6od� c ,;l dJ01�0+1 lor�q L �(S ulrT`� an r4e.�tciu2 be,►,u�eh4Cc. nai c%-i�( bKs�eS I '7� a rs f uv�y L,)OOJQ_v\ �r. dGQ a Y-�w rvae-c �m! �) Sov� o� �4 ; ska�e b 1,1'.4 4,t.,-,, cG ,-, y oAL- (c'y'0- 01� 4r'ac(/ flee -,re- Jav�[ LT acrosC ' I� `( 2lnceS aM� �JuL 4 nSS� �5.110� `}�"� W�aCQ,Qaasn Ija_ v ��J a,d 49 of 58 -uopediaPyedinoAjoj noAVueyl '8=0 j uedo siw jnoge juaay nM nwy sn JW Oj AaAMS:na jno jjd asje aswid :squewuwj -,Ep-A -Vr'1 M eweN;uud �6 H -ZO886 NM 'aa4o3euaM lse3 y apS MN 39aJiS to6 � OV l s"niaS pue7 g -suejl -oo sgBnoo sauawpuawy apoO-AeNano peel doo7 :ol /dew Aq pawnjaj Jo jagwaw yajs,f unoo sulDnoo a q pepueq aq ueo swoj palaldwoo -suQgejn6aj ywp ayJ uo )uawwoo of saanuiw ma} a a-yel aseald seBueyo deep aye Japisuoa Maya se srauorssrwwoo jo pieog ay) of pue uoIssiwwo0 6u!uueid 841 04 luepodwt ate sivawwoo mo,� -Alunoo sel6naQ ui ,4eNanp yell doo7 pasodoid aya Ean�awpuawe McJp aya uo asnoq undo uogewjolui eya 6urpuape jol no t Hueyl S11.l1Nnoo sHl•Jnoo L3AGOE]d noZ `£� aunt 1004S IuOwwoa Iiejl doo-I ueaa I have a fundamental issue with the county's "interim official controls" that were established to "protect and preserve" the character of the northeast section of the Apple Capital Loop Trail. The controls would neither protect nor preserve this unique portion of the trail; instead, they would urbanize this mostly "wild" section and turn the trail into nothing more than a large sidewalk through a residential area. My family has lived along the loop trail, off of 30th Street Northwest, for nearly six years. I have watched activity on the loop increase from year to year. The trail is used daily -- and especially on weekends -- by everyone from families to biking clubs. Off trail, the horse trails get much use by trail runners, people walking their dogs and, of course, horse riders. Most recently, the addition of the public access area at 27th Street has been a positive step forward to increasing traffic on this section of the loop trail. You would be hard pressed to find that access area empty during the day on a summer weekend. However, the Loop Trail Overlay would limit people's access to this section of the loop trail by opening the door to developers who would build homes and condos as well as fence lines up and down this stretch of the trail. I see that as a major step backwards. While the northeast section of the loop trail may appear as only scrublands to some, it is so much more than that. I walk this section of the loop trail several times a week, not just . because I live near it but because I appreciate the natural setting and what it has to offer year round, from the arrival of the balsammot and lupine every spring to the beautiful fall colors in the autumn. The area also is home to many species of birds, both migratory and permanent residents. Come fall and winter, the eagles and geese settle into that area. In the summer, the osprey make their homes along the river. The rock outcroppings are home to the marmots, and it is not unique to see a deer walking through the area. What's to become of the wildlife if you open the door to the development of this area? What's to become of their natural habitat? No other section of the 11-mile loop trail has been left relatively untouched as the northeast section has. We would be losing, in my opinion, the best section of the loop trail if development is allowed within 75 feet of the center of the trail. This one -of -a -kind stretch along the loop trail would look just like any other section on the west side. Perhaps worse, with the minimal setbacks established by your Loop Trail Overlay. While it must be attractive to the county to see this land developed and turned into a revenue source, I urge the county commissioners to see the value in the land as it is, in its natural state. When the loop trail was established, this community supported and embraced that vision. Why go against that vision now? Jill FitzSimmons, 430 30th St. NW 51 of 58 8910 Z9 UORedpryed rno f ssnay uedo nor not yueyl srtp +rJage p:ea — 4 fDO ,AtGW sn IM of .fauns ina;no !!rJ osie aseald :sluawwo:) sswppv S 71 ) aweN luud l6lb-Z%96 VM IGayojeuem jse3 scow d acing MN laarjg w6l Otil St PUB-1T -SUP-i j Q -03 SelSno WV aPOD -AeNanO PeJ I doo Pa1aldr - 0 1 rew X q Pawniar �o �agwaw e s l 0-suOgeln6ar ,ye p a ! �/ 1 �iuno0 sej6noCl a o1 Papue4 ay ueo suuo� Uerp Gin PJ�wr are sluaww auassiww �o 0 01 as noau ma e a ld 'so ue o 011ue od ! ! Het asea y 01 anilelar sluawpuaW'e O0 JnOA �fluno0 Sel6n u1 �fe an uolssiwwo0 6uruu% ay1 !!�P ayl uo annoy uado u u �u O # GW p �00 P od � e�W UO `C� aunt ;aa4S luawwoc) Aelianp PeJ1 doo-1 ;jejQ Here are some key points we'd like the make about future plans for the Apple Capital Loop Trail in Douglas County. ® As currently zoned, the property about to be sold as surplus by the state DOT will almost certainly be developed as residential. Some high density, but most low density. • That state property sits directly along the trail and if it is developed as residential the unique geological features and feel of the trail will be lost forever. It will more closely resemble the Wenatchee side of the trail, similar to where a recent apartment complex was built on Ninth Street, in some cases. • The Douglas County portion of the trail is special. To some it is arid, desert. looking landscape with little appeal. To regular users of the trail it is a rich ecosystem with a rural and remote feel that contributes greatly to the overall appeal of the Apple Capital Loop Trail. • The proposed setback as measured from the center of trail is meaningless in protecting the trail experience. • The nature of the property has changed dramatically since it was zoned. It needs to be rezoned to reflect that. • A study commissioned by Douglas County and the city of East Wenatchee, "More Than a Trail" in 2009 clearly showed the majority of residents and trail users want this property preserved, not developed. • County commissioners and staff should begin work immediately with DOT to delay the surplus sale of the property while a rezoning can be considered. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. 53 of 58 8910 V9 • :Su!mollq{ oql pu!w ui daall aseald `l!eil doo-I aql Suole spuel snldms .LOQSM aql Bucdolanap laplsuos aaysleuaM lsug 3o 43 pug uolss!wwoD Suruueld AlunoO selBno(I agl sv •spuel uo!lgalsai/uo!lemasuoo jaq)o pug 'sl!rn sll!yloo3 I!wl doo-I ayi analyse padlay legl suo!lg!sosse Allununuos pue `sa!1!j!jn `s)uauma3no2 `sassau!snq'soDN Islu!oUjo pa)sala'slenp!Aipu! Aq 31iom pmq pug lg8!salo•I sum l! - )Isnl lou s! 1! laA •s!lgnd ag) Aq possamu Al!sea sadesspuel Iummu Augw os angy o) aJu am A)Isnl moy July) I sall!s/satl!ununuos iaSlel u! saouauadxa Aw lnoqu 3Iu!y) I uogM •)saSSns I XpA!lse lsm3 aql si sounp ay) Jeau dols a yl!m dool aql punom apu a `)!sIA 01 awos AI!wg3/spuau3 u34M •unms a pug pues Aofua of e!gwnloO ag)3o sTmq aq) of amluaA I )W aiaq si 11-sumunoW apeose0 aq)3o s3lead iayS!q PUB slM003 alp malA pug 1!s of un1 io app a)I!q o Sump asned of AIa4q lsow um 11uy1 aiaq sI 1l •a3!Ipl!m aAlleu aas uago )sow I leq) I!eu ag13o uo!)oas s!q) gBnonll s! 11 •ap!s )sea ayl uo l!eil aq);o )sow siapioq ley) adt,sspugl ueuudu Pug'addals gnmis'aunp Iemleu ay) s! Supsaialu! )sow ay) sdugiad `sam)ea3 aslu Auuw seq lri.L doo-I ay) allgM •sacuadoid snldins lo(]SM ay) )o luawdolanap lnogt, pawamos um I I!ujl doo-I ag13o iasn luanbai3 t, se )ng TOM tpMojo uuq.in ue io 1!w!l Alp u jo siapjoq Su!puma ugyl slsadsai awos ui algw!sop avow aq Am ll9ui mp puawapun I pub' •(sluap!sai anlloadsoid pug luarJns qloq) sall!we3 awoaui alpp!w put, iamol o) algepjojjt, Sulsnoq ao3 paou aql azluSoaai I •sallunos selSnoQ pug uelagD ui luawdolanap pauueld-Ilam )aoddns I 'lelauaB ul •I!uiy doo-I ayl Suole saivadoid • jo ales wou!unut pug uo!lsu snldms .LOQSM ayl jage ssaom oggnd poo8 ql!m asuld ui sulewaj pelf doo-I aql ainsuo of suoga mauns pug )sed anoA joj Injolui8 apt, AalleA aagsleuaM agl3o suaz!)!J -s)safoid lauaq a)t,)!I!se3 pinoys ueld ayl 2u!mollo3 •olq!suas s! uel(i As!lod uopedlslut,d oggnd s,uo!ss!unuoa oq l Jauuew s!lgnd pug luomdstmq e m sassasoid Suluugld gBnoml) Suppom joj uo!ssnuwos aql of vIugyl Auuw'lsi!3 •AeljaAO I!uj L doo l aql Su!pm;Saj sapos AlunoD selSno(I pug aags)euaM )seg of sa8uugs pasodoid Jap!suos of Suimq aays)euaM lsug-AlunoZ) selBno(I lu!of g of s.Iajaj g wa)! epuaSy '9IOZ `91agwaldaS `Aepsans vo wd0£ S lg play aq o) Supaw aql l03 g Lual! epuaft uo!ss!wwoO SuRRmld AlunoO selOno(I o) asuaiajoi ut we sluawwos asaq L •aags)euaM lseg;o AuJ aq) wot3 •{•Isis )uouluad Pug siauolsslwwoD Suluuuld Alunoo selBnoCI ag10) s)uawwos 2u!mollo3 aq) Suole Su!ssgd col s3luuq L 'ana1S !H bT/9/6 sluawwos uoissiwwos 8uluueld selSnop :mfgns <sn•em•sel8nop•o:)@japuem4ssuanaus> (£gsgx) japuemyssuonaN uagdals :ol INd t V:Z 9TOZ '9 jagwaldas 'Aepsonl :lugs IwosrllewV ulpl8•Aporolllewl ugp9 Apo :wojd VL/9/6 sluawwos uolssiwwoa 6uluueld sel6nop :Md :pafgns (YVS9x) ja ftaZ ejel :ol WV OV6 9LOZ'L jagwaldaS'AepsaupaM :lugs • (E9S9x) JapuemPsuanaN uagdalS :wojd (VVS9x) JOIBIOZ eael 1. The "more than a trail" public survey demonstrated overwhelming support of maintaining the current character and natural landscape of the Loop Trail. My conversations with friends, family, colleagues, and community members indicate the survey was representative of the general public. Changes to • setbacks, codes, regulations, and access should reflect values of trail users, local residents, and the community at large. 2. The rental/housing shortage in the area is primarily a problem for lower and middle income residents. High value homes typical of those commonly built along the Columbia River are unlikely to address the current lack of affordable housing. 3. When considering code changes and development options, please think about the impacts/benefits to future generations. Easily accessed natural landscapes within urban areas are uncommon at best, and unlikely to become more commonplace. 4. The Wenatchee Valley continues establishing itself as a top destination for recreation and both the Loop Trail and WSDOT surplus lands are increasingly used by a diverse population of residents and visitors. 5. There are many characters of the Loop Trail, including old industrial, urban markets, grassy parks, agriculture, critical infrastructure, and natural landscapes, which together serve as a microcosm for the Wenatchee Valley. In a single 60 minute bike ride one can experience most of what makes our community tick. These comments are not intended to communicate staunch opposition to development along the Loop Trail. Rather, they are aimed at informing the Douglas County Planning Commission/City of East Wenatchee that the natural landscape character of the WSDOT surplus lands is important to Loop Trail users as well as current and future residents/visitors. Please consider other development locations and/or ensure any development of WSDOT surplus lands does not alter the character of, access to, and greatest long-term benefits to the residents/visitors of the Wenatchee Valley. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. ,Best regards, Cody Gillin 56 of 58 891099 1 sigl lnoge of sjle) I HNOANHAH `sxlem ,(prp ,(w uO 'snopnotpu st 1aa3 ang-A)uanaS •1203 OOS 0100b aTl 010w 1a-J SL ueq) jaltaig AllseA aq pings s>lotq-ps Sutppnq 'doo l apis ;sea aql lnoge anol aldoad legm utelumu o) luem Xjtui no,i}l •ialoeJtgo slt )t DAIS iegi a3il P[IM put u0112)480A ant)su `smatA pue saaeds undo aql ut air waut8as stgl 8utltq jo 8ut:jjemp aatad pue r(lneaq otLL •lteil oilgnd stgi}o awassa aql uuojsuen Slalnjosge lltm pus `8utpeddt st a8pa s,Aemq;ed ag) wojj laa3 0S sosnoq;o lg8nog1 atu •aoue)stp pinsge sty) of uotlaafgo ALU aotoA of luem I •samlatuls io3 Dug laluaa p[en aql woi3:lasq-las loo3 -SL r3o aauempao pasodoid aqi inoge swaouoo ansA aneg I '(lpanrd sem It a.tojoq uana) jitn}o uopoas stgl jo jasn awtl Suol s sd •ItetZ doo-1 apts )sea at{) Suole slap ed 10(]SM 3o luawdolanap pus ales atp inogs suotssnostp ut wMirsd of alil Plnom I `selnotlasd ul •puans o) algtun ws inq 19I OZ 19 jagwa)daS ',iepsans uo aoeld Outslel suotsstwwoD 8utuueld AmnoD su[gno(I pue aagoleuaM lstg agl;o 8utlaaw luiof aql ut palsaia)ul we I -ollaH uesns- IBnoQ s)juegZ •luawnoop Itew-lteus junior ue q)lm do mollo3 Ilim )nq 'aotlou hogs guns it op of aslo legm mou)l pop 1 •9 jagwaldaS `,(epsans uo 8utpaaw jtpa.l, doo-I aql swaauoo 11 •aldoad jadotd aqi of uo 1t ssed pinoo no,( Sutdoq `noX of oiou ,(w puas p,l )gSnogi I os `uolsstwwoO Sutuuejd ,fluno:) sel8no4 aql uo auo Cue putua o) moq )no am8g louueo I • - sno(I tH 9 •ldaS 8utlaaw saotssimmoO 8muueld :laafgnS <sn•tm•sel nop-oo anajweigp> :o L .LQd Wd I0:8I:6 It 91 OZ `b iagwa)daS :ale(j <woa•ienaja; .juesns>3uesns:tuoag :aSessaw papJtAUo; ut8af3 auogdt Am woi} luas uesnS woi; jtrwa aaS 9 •ldas 6ullaaw suolsslwwoO 6uluueld :pNy :pafgnS (LLS9x) seeln)l )peW :ol WV 9£:6 91 OZ 'SO jagwaldas ',(epuoW queS ([8S9x) allalweig sel6no(3 :ww:l 9 -idaS 6ullaaw suoisslwwo:) 6uiuueld :/VU :laafgnS (£9S9x) japumpsuanaW uaydals !(09S9x) Jal61aZ ejel :oj WV LZ:9 9 LOZ '9 jagwaldas 'Aepsan_L :lugs • (LLS9x) seeln)l >Iie1q :wwa (YVsgx) jolGieZ ejel number is shocked. That number has to change. I wish I could take part, but at least I will send my protest in writing. • Thank you. Susan D. Freiberg 0 • 57 of 58 89;0 89 ••8utlum ut )salad ,(w puas ptm 11Seal it, inq 'In?d rile) pinoa I ystm I -oStmga o) sell iagwnu ieyZ •po3looys st iaqumu styl inoge of slim I HNOA-d2lAH 'sllum'(I!ep Aw uO -snolnaipu st )ao3 ang-AinaAaS 'iaa3 005 0100b ONH aiow 13a3 SL ueyl 1a)eaA ,(I)SeA aq pinogs siloeq-)as 8utpltnq 'doo-I opts )sea ayi Inge anol aldoad ieym utelutew o1 iuem Altus noA 31 uppemp sit it aAIS IMP a3!l Pl!AA PtM uotlel 23A anileu 'smalA pue sands uado aqi ut ate 1uaw8as stye Butil!q io Sutllem jo aaead pue Xlneaq otU • [!en mIgnd styl;o aouosso ay) two}suei) KpInlosge Iltm pue'8ugledde st oSpa s,Aemyled ayl wog laa; OS sasnoy3o )y$noy) aq L •aaueistp pmsge stgl of uotiaafgo Aw omOA o) JUBM I -samlaruis io3 outl laivaa pwl otp woa3 3laeq-las iooJ-SL u jo aauempio posodad otp lnoge swaauoa ane.t8 aneq I '(jpaned sem 1! atojaq uana) I!en 3o uotlaas styi3o iasn owtl 8uol a sd • I!et1, dw-j opts 3sea aq) 8uole sloond 10(ISM 3o )uowdolanap pue ales ay) inoge suotssnostp ut orged of olq PlnotA I 'lelmimud ul •puone of algeun ute )nq 191OZ 191agwaldaS 'AepsonZ uo aaeld Buplei suotssiwwoj 8utuueld Aunoa selBnoQ pue aopmaAl iseg atp;o 8ugaaw lutof ayl ut paisaialul we I -01I0H /=lstlsl5egL8l/£SbZ/►uanHpepualeD/Sivau woD/awol-I/woo•oayoleuam-)sea//: iiy :abed 8uimoll03 ay) io3 < woa•Mnala)MU ns > 8iagtai3 •Q uesnS woi3 3laegpaa3 sill) pantaaal aney no t [Palle; uolleplleA jdS :9NININM] aayoieua/yt )sea;o Al!J io; j:)egpaaj :i<aa[gnS <woraay:)leuam-)sea ialsewgam> ialsew qam :ol W d 60:6 91 OZ 'V i aq w aid aS 'AepunS :luas woD-aaq:)l uam-is a 1 ewgam:olllew a043leuaM lse3;o Ally :was �� [Palle; uolleplleA jdS :9NINl1VMI aaya)euapA lse3;o A3!0 io; ilaegpaaj :Mj :l>a[gns <woraay:))euam-lseaQo llauiegl> 3lauieg lio7 :ol Ad bO:Z 9i0Z '60 iagwaidaS'Aepli j :luas Jolsew qam :woj j 'Abed leuia3xa ue Aq paiiasse agallnud io Ailleguap luo:);o wlep Aue;o ssalpie3ai'9S'Z4 M:)3I o3 3uensmd ainsoloslp o3 33afgns aq Aew'iied ul io alogm uI'Ilew-a s!43'AjSulpio3:)V •pious :)llgnd e aq Aew iuno»e Ilew-a slg3 o3 io woi; a3uapuodsaj3o> AuV •ulewop Dllgnd sl 3uno»e flew -a slgl :38nsol:)SlO :)Ilend AO DIION £EZ9'Y88'60S X04 96ES'Y88'60S aU04d Z0896 b'M 'aay14ouaM )so3 3N 7S w6 LLZ auawtJodap;uauido)ana<7 lj!unwwoD aay-I3ouaM lso3 JO 4D JOPanp J.iauJo8 uo7 -loam )sel aweD sl41 ivawwo> >llgnd lesodoid AelianO I!eil doo7 gaa(gns (LL59x) seeln)l :lieW :(MV) 3apuem4osuanaN ua4da3S :("Sgx) ial6laZ eiel :Oj Wd 6E:ZL 9LOZ'ZL iagwa3daS'AepuoW ques • <woa•aay>leuam-)sea@uauieg7> llauieg uol :woij ("Sqx) J8161az ejel