HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/14/2016 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda PacketCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JUNE 14, 2016 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPRECIATION AWARD(S) Mike Robins, Police Officer — 10 years of service Ben Fauconnier, Police Sergeant — 10 years of service Devin Poulson, City Attorney — 10 years of service PUBLIC COMMENTS DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director — Construction Report Lori Barnett, Community Development Director — Alcoa Working Group — Medical Marijuana BUDGET ISSUES • Nick Gerde, Finance Director — Financial Report for the month of May MAYOR'S REPORT 2016 AWC Employee Benefit Trust WellCity Awards CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, May 24, 2016 2. Consideration of Payables ACTION ITEM(S) 3. 16-06-01 A recommendation to Award the bid for the Valley Mall Parkway LID Parking Lot Project to Moreno & Nelson Construction in the amount of $531,039.50, and further to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. (Public Works Director, Greg Pezoldt) 4. 16-06-02 A recommendation to approve the selection of Gray & Osborne as the most qualified consultant for the 2016 Overlay Project and approve the two consultant agreements in the "not to exceed" amounts of $50,200 for the TIB agreement and $10,300 for the TBD agreement. (Public Works Director, Greg Pezoldt) In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, fyou need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 509-884-9515 Notification of 3 working days prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION(S) 5. 16-06-03 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee declaring certain personal property owned by the City as surplus to the needs of the City. (City Clerk, Dana Barnard) ORDINANCE(S) 6. 16-06-04 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee adopting a process for being able to exclude an individual from publicly-owned property for engaging in illegal behavior by adding Chapter 9.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney) COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 509-884-9515 Notification of 3 working days prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 2 of 2 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JUNE 14, 2016 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPRECIATION AWARD(S) Mike Robins, Police Officer — 10 years of service Ben Fauconnier, Police Sergeant — 10 years of service Devin Poulson, City Attorney — 10 years of service PUBLIC COMMENTS DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director — Construction Report Lori Barnett, Community Development Director — Alcoa Working Group — Medical Marijuana BUDGET ISSUES Nick Gerde, Finance Director — Financial Report for the month of May MAYOR'S REPORT 2016 AWC Employee Benefit Trust WellCity Awards CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, May 24, 2016 2. Consideration of Payables ACTION ITEM(S) 3. 16-06-01 A recommendation to Award the bid for the Valley Mall Parkway LID Parking Lot Project to Moreno & Nelson Construction in the amount of $531,039.50, and further to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. (Public Works Director, Greg Pezoldt) 4. 16-06-02 A recommendation to approve the selection of Gray & Osborne as the most qualified consultant for the 2016 Overlay Project and approve the two consultant agreements in the "not to exceed" amounts of $50,200 for the TIB agreement and $10,300 for the TBD agreement. (Public Works Director, Greg Pezoldt) In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 509-884-9515 Notification of 3 working days prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 1 of 2 Page 1 of 204 RESOLUTION(S) 5. 16-06-03 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee declaring certain personal property owned by the City as surplus to the needs of the City. (City Clerk, Dana Barnard) ORDINANCE(S) 6. 16-06-04 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee adopting a process for being able to exclude an individual from publicly-owned property for engaging in illegal behavior by adding Chapter 9.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney) COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 509-884-9515 Notification of 3 working days prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 2 of 2 Page 2 of 204 REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MAY 24, 2016 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember John Sterk Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Wayne Barnhart - Excused Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Chuck Johnson EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE Assistant Police Chief Dan Reierson City Clerk Dana Barnard City Attorney Devin Poulson Community Development Director Lori Barnett Finance Director Nick Gerde Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Pezoldt Events Director Dan White Executive Secretary/Accounting Assistant Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Munson PUBLIC COMMENT(S) Bryan Campbell, 1837 Jefferson St., Wenatchee, introduced himself as the Director of Legislative Affairs for the North Central Washington Association of Realtors. He said he has concerns related to density and housing issues that have arisen in Douglas County, and the City of East Wenatchee. Nathan Scott, East Wenatchee resident, thanked the City Council for not banning fireworks in the City of East Wenatchee. He said East Wenatchee needs a safe place to view fireworks that are being displayed across the river, without being told to move by police, if we are not going to be allowed to set them off. Councilmember Detering said he would be meeting tomorrow with County Commissioners and he will bring this up to them, and ask them if they can do anything, because he agrees that we need a safe firework viewing location in East Wenatchee. DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) Events Director Dan White reviewed facts for Classy Chassis, gave a run down to date, and said this year was the highest attendance yet with 424 entries. Mr. White said a sponsor came forward that wished to remain anonymous, who was a huge help in pulling off this event. Events Director Dan White said the Eastside Parkway Pile-Up is coming in June, and this will be the year that will determine if the event will continue or not. He noted that he will keep everyone updated. Mayor Lacy noted that the Applearian Group and the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival office, are interested in starting the Classy Chassis Parade at 6:00 p.m. so that the other Apple Blossom events can go on without interfering with each other. • Finance Director Nick Gerde reviewed the Financial Report for the month of April 2016. He said he completed the 2015 Financial Reports for the State Auditor that are required by law for both the City and the Transportation Benefit District. He noted the Federal single audit requirement was increased from $500,000 to $750,000 in 2015. He said the City dissolved the Transportation Benefit District at the end of 2015, and will be the last year that we have an audit of the TBD, as we will no longer have to report it separately. MAYOR'S REPORT(S) Mayor Lacy gave staff a reminder with respect to compliance of the City Resources Policy. He said he found a need to remind people of the City Resource Policy, particularly adhering to minimal use of electronic devices, computers, and interne. Our current policy allows de minimis use for personal reasons, and the question arises, as to whether or not we should continue with our current policy, or whether the Policy be changed to say it is not necessary to use City owned electronic devises at all for personal use. He asked Council to think about this, and if anybody has the belief the Policy should be changed to let him know. Mayor Lacy appointed Councilmembers McCourt and Johnson as voting delegates for the business meeting at the Association of Washington Cities Conference being held in Everett, Thursday, June 23, 2016, from 4-5:45 p.m. Mayor Lacy noted that he will be gone on Memorial Day, so Councilmember Johnson will be conducting the Memorial Services on behalf of the City. Mayor Lacy said the first Project Team meeting with respect to working on the plans for our Gateway Project will be held Thursday, June 26, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. Mayor Lacy said there has been discussion about the project that is being done by the Water District on 10 th Street. He has received numerous comments, and complaints, regarding the experience people are having in the aesthetics on that Street. He is working with Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt to make sure that it is not left in that condition. Mayor Lacy said the City contributed $5,000 towards the Independence Day Celebration last year. He has received communications asking if the City would be interested in contributing again this year. Finance Director, Nick Gerde asked that an invoice be sent. Community Development Director Lori Barnett reminded everyone of the presentation by Lloyd Pendleton being held tomorrow at the Pybus Market from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. regarding Utah's address to homelessness. Mayor Lacy reviewed the topic being addressed regarding homelessness, said it apparently worked in Utah, and said this will require funding at a Local or State Level to get this off the ground, so policy makers, with respect to funding, are the ones that they would like to have listen to this program. Councilmember McCourt said she will be attending the Housing Authority meeting at 8:30 a.m. where Mr. Pendleton will be speaking. Councilmember Johnson said he will try to attend the presentation at Pybus Market. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. • Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, May 10, 2016 2. Consideration of Payables i. 2016 Payables — As of this date, May 24, 2016, Council does approve check numbers 45764, 45781, 45783 through 45788, and 45870 through 45926, in the total amount of $180,767.49. Payables check 45782 was voided. ii. 2016 April Payroll As of this date, May 24, 2016, Council does approve check numbers 45602 through 45619, 45687, 45688, 45691 through 45724, and direct deposits of $52,255.27 and $54, 480.13, in the total amount of $393,335.83. No payroll checks were voided. 3. WSDOT Change Order for North Dolfay Lane Stormwater Improvements ACTION ITEM(S) 16-05-01 Authorization for the Mayor to sign an Auction Sale Agreement with Booker Auction Co. Presented by: Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Sterk, second by Councilmember McCourt, authorizing the Mayor to sign the Auction Sale Agreement. The motion carried, 6-0. • 16-05-02 Funding Request from Chelan-Douglas Health District for support in purchasing portable air cleaning units. Presented by: Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the funding request, as long as it falls within the legal capabilities of the City, and does not violate the lack of an Interlocal Agreement. The motion carried, 5-1. (Johnson) RESOLUTION(S) 16-05-03 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee Supporting the Continuation of Full Funding for the Municipal Research Services Center. Presented by: Chuck Johnson, Councilmember Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Detering, to adopt Resolution No. 2016-05, supporting the continuation of Full Funding for the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC). The motion carried, 6-0. Resolution No. 2016-05 A Resolution of Support for the Continuation of Full Funding for the • Municipal Research and Services Center. • COUNCIL REPORT(S) Councilmember Detering said the Chamber of Commerce is looking at renegotiating their lease, which is also an opportunity to relocate their facility. They are considering moving to the building across the Street from Bob's Classic, downtown next to the Performing Arts Center (PAC), which is owned by Rory Turner, President of the Chamber. He said there has been significant discussion because the rent could go up, and they are struggling with funding for tenant improvements, which will cost approximately $140,000. He said they are not coming to the City of East Wenatchee for funding, and are looking at trying to go through the City of Wenatchee, and public funding throughout the community. The following reports/minutes were submitted in writing prior to the City Council meeting. • Councilmember Sterk — Minutes from the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health District meeting held on April 18, 2016. • Councilmember Detering — Minutes from the Link Transit Board of Directors meeting held on April 19, 2016. ADJOURNMENT 7:30 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk • • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CHECK REGISTER June 14, 2016 PAYABLES CHECKS: 45868 thru 45869; 45927 thru 45929; 45948; 45964 thru 46062 VOIDED CHECKS: 45808 thru 45864; 45867;45898;45901;45919;45961 DEPARTMENT/FUND AMOUNT General Fund 001 $113,667.53 Street Fund 101 $9,767.60 Community Dev Grants Funds 102 $0.00 Transportation Benefit District Fund 105 $0.00 Debt Reserve Fund 110 $0.00 Library Fund 112 $538.02 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 $9,273.00 Drug Fund 114 $0.00 Criminal Justice Fund 116 $0.00 Events Board Fund 117 $4,317.28 Bond Redemption Fund 202 $0.00 Street Improvements Fund 301 $549,333.99 Storm Water Improvements Fund 308 $3,353.38 Capital Improvements Fund 314 $0.00 Equipment R&R Fund 501 $2,907.91 Transportation Benefit District 630 Grand Total All Funds $693,158.71 > I Fund Transaction Summary Transaction Type: Invoice Fiscal: 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting d Number 001 Current Expense Expense $113,667.53 101 Street Department $9,767.60 112 Library Fund $538.02 113 Stadium Fund $9,273.00 117 East Wenatchee Events Brd Fund $4,317.28 301 Street Improvement Fund $549,333.99 308 Storm Water Capital Improvements Fund $3,353.38 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement $2,907.91 Count: 8 $693,158.71 Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE \tallen on 6/8/2016 11:19:15 AM Page 1 of 1 • East Wenatchee - Fund Transaction Summary o • • Voucher Directory Action Medical, Inc. 45965 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Total 45965 Total Action Medical, Inc. Adela M Valaas 45966 Total 45966 Total Adela M Valaas AG Supply Company INC 45967 DB-60-375 Medcial supplies-first aid kit Shop 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies $34.25 Total DB-60-375 db60-376 $34.25 Medical supplies-first aid kit Police 001-000-180-518-30-49-00 Miscellaneous $74.77 Total db60-376 $74.77 DB60-377 Medical supplies-first aid kit City Hall 001-000-180-518-30-49-00 Miscellaneous $78.23 Total DB60-377 $78.23 $187.25 $187.25 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/26/2016 11:50:31 AM Civil Service 001-000-160-521-10-10-00 Salaries $66 00 Total Invoice -5126/2016 11:50:31 AM $66.00 $66.00 $66.00 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 384077 paint-traffic control 101-000-420-542-64-30-00 Supplies $86.50 Total 384077 $86.50 384140 hose 001-000-180-518-30-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $40.02 Total 384140 $40.02 384451 propane-street 101-000-420-542-30-30-00 Supplies $30 09 Total 384451 $30.09 Execution Time: 17 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 1 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory • • Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 384601 Total 384601 384926 Total 384926 385340 tarp-street 101-000-420-542-30-30-00 rope-shop 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies Supplies $6.48 $6.48 $28.11 $28.11 Total 45967 Total AG Supply Company INC pruners 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Total 385340 385532 marking paint 001-000-180-518-30-49-01 Total 385532 385536 batteries 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Total 385536 Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:09:10 PM Police/Fuel May 001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Total Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:09:10 PM Invoice -6/6/2016 3:11:50 PM Legislative/Allen Training Fuel 001-000-110-511-60-43-00 Total Invoice -6/6/2016 3:11:50 PM Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:12:33 PM Code/Fuel-May 001-000-590-558-50-32-00 Total Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:12:33 PM Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:47:49 PM Street Fuel-May 101-000-313-542-42-30-00 101-000-420-542-30-30-00 101-000-420-542-64-30-00 101-000-420-542-69-30-00 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Total Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:47:49 PM Supplies Landscaping Supplies Fuel Consumed May Travel Fuel Consumed Supplies - SWA Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies $100 60 $100.60 $21.07 $21.07 $7.02 $7.02 $3,434.55 $3,434.55 $20.20 $20.20 $27.13 $27.13 $167.94 $143.86 $87.78 $223.13 $279.80 $902.51 $4,704.28 $4,704.28 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 2 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Account Number Description Vendor Number Reference Allied Plumbing & Pumps • 45968 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Total 45968 Total Allied Plumbing & Pumps Aps Inc 15337925 replace irrigation gate valve 101-000-420-542-75-10-00 Total 15337925 Salaries - City Parks $275.91 $275.91 $275.91 $275.91 45969 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 57690 meter tapes-postage machine 001-000-141-514-20-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $86.48 Total 57690 $86.48 Total 45969 $86.48 Total Aps Inc $86.48 Assoc of Wash Cities 45970 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Total 45970 Total Assoc of Wash Cities Banner Bank Mastercard 45971 43407 McCourt-Conference Registration 001-000-110-511-60-40-00 Training Total 43407 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice -5131/2016 1:43:39 PM footstool-standing desk 001-000-180-518-30-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:43:39 PM Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:44:47 PM street safety tees 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:44:47 PM Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:45:26 PM fuel-Allen training 001-000-110-511-60-43-00 Travel Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:45:26 PM Invoice -5/31/2016 1:45:56 PM fuel-Darnell training 001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:45:56 PM $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $59.91 $59.91 $129.79 $129.79 $2426 $24.26 $23.61 $23.61 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 3 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory • Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Total 45971 Total Banner Bank Mastercard Ben Fauconnier 45928 Total 45928 Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:46:33 PM parts-street dept 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle R&M Supplies Total Invoice -5/31/2016 1:46:33 PM Invoice -5/31/2016 1:47:17 PM Mott-police training registration 001-000-210-521-40-25-00 Training--Officers Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:47:17 PM Invoice -5/31/2016 1:47:56 PM water filter 001-000-180-518-30-31-06 Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies Total Invoice -5/31/2016 1:47:56 PM Invoice -5/31/2016 1:48:29 PM nefflix-wellness room-treadmill 001-000-001-518-91-50-00 Wellness Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:48:29 PM Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:48:54 PM supplies-classy chassis 117-000-300-557-30-49-12 Classy Chassis Miscellaneous Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:48:54 PM Invoice -5/31/2016 1:49:54 PM classy chassis supplies & food for volunteers 117-000-300-557-30-49-12 Classy Chassis Miscellaneous Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 1:49:54 PM Invoice -5/31/2016 1:51:28 PM safety clothes-street dept 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies Total Invoice -5/31/2016 1:51:28 PM Invoice - 6/7/2016 1:20:24 PM supplies/parks 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies Total Invoice -6/7/2016 1:20:24 PM 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/26/2016 12:18:45 PM Travel Reimbursement/Fuel 001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed Total Invoice - 5/26/2016 12:18:45 PM $35.25 $35.25 $275.00 $275.00 $26.39 $26.39 $8.65 $8.65 $17.94 $17.94 $106.39 $106.39 $112.51 $112.51 $108.90 $108.90 $928.60 $928.60 $75.79 $75.79 $75.79 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 4 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Description Reference Account Number 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice -5/26/2016 1:41:48 PM Clothing Allowance 001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies Total Invoice -5/26/2016 1:41:48 PM 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice -6/612016 3:17:25 PM Police/LiveScan Fingerprint Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous Total Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:17:25 PM 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 45972 Total 45972 Total Ben Fauconnier Bi-Mart Corporation 45973 Total 45973 Total Bi-Mart Corporation Capital One Commercial/ Costco 45974 • $71.30 $71.30 $71.30 $147.09 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 Invoice - 618/2016 8:40:35 AM wellness luncheon 001-000-001-518-91-50-00 Total Invoice -6/8/2016 8:40:35 AM Total 45974 Total Capital One Commercial/ Costco Cascade Natural Gas Corp Wellness $91.19 $91.19 $91.19 $91.19 45975 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:25:00 PM shop-utilitities 101 -000 -430 -543 -50 -47 -00 Utilities $10.60 Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:25:00 PM $10.60 Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:25:55 PM garage-utilities 101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities $10.60 Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:25:55 PM $10.60 Total 45975 $21.20 Total Cascade Natural Gas Corp $21.20 Central Washington Asphalt, Inc. 45976 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice -5/31/2016 3:01:09 PM Pay estimate #2-VMP preservation 301-000-000-595-30-50-23 Construction -VMP Grant To 9th Overlay Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 3:01:09 PM Total 45976 Total Central Washington Asphalt, Inc. $473,068.41 $473,068.41 $473,068.41 $473,068.41 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 5 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory • Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Chancey C. Crowell 45964 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/8/2016 10:41:11 AM mileage reimbursement-Chelan Juidge's Conference 001-000-120-512-50-43-00 Travel Total Invoice - 6/8/2016 10:41:11 AM $137.70 $137.70 Total 45964 $137.70 Total Chancey C. Crowell $137.70 Chelan County Treasurer 45977 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 150001-00406 May 2016 Housing of Inmates 001-000-230-523-21-10-00 Housing & Monitoring Prisoners $9,943.75 Total 150001-00406 $9,943.75 150001-00419 May 2016 medical charges for inmates 001-000-230-523-60-20-00 Medical Care For Prisoners $239 04 Total 150001-00419 $239.04 Total 45977 $10,182.79 Total Chelan County Treasurer $10,182.79 Christina L. Patterson 45978 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:06:52 PM cell phone reimbursement 001-000-210-521-10-42-01 Telephone $39.00 Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:06:52 PM $39.00 Total 45978 $39.00 Total Christina L. Patterson $39.00 Cinta's Corporation #607 45979 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 607146840 Blue Mat Services 001-000-180-518-30-41-00 Professional Services $183.94 112-000-000-572-50-41-00 Facilities -- Professional Services $28.71 Total 607146840 $212.65 607146841 Cleaning and Sanitation Supplies 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $73.83 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies $245.79 Total 607146841 $319.62 Total 45979 $532.27 Total Cinta's Corporation #607 $532.27 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 6 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Total 45982 Total Collier Redal PLLC Columbia River Steel dba: Moses Lake Steel Supply, Inc 45983 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 21603113 Street/Shackles and Brackets 101-000-420-542-64-30-00 Supplies Total 21603113 Total 45983 Total Columbia River Steel dba: Moses Lake Steel Supply, Inc Columbia Valley Community Health 45984 3230 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Vendor Classic One East 45980 Total 45980 Total Classic One East Code Publishing CO 45981 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice -5/26/2016 12:31:24 PM Police/Dry Cleaning Services 001-000-210-521-10-49-02 Dry Cleaning Services Total Invoice -5/26/2016 12:31:24 PM 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $73.83 $73.83 $73.83 $73.83 53169 Total 53169 53315 Total 53315 Codification 001-000-140-514-30-25-00 Codification Municipal Code-Web Hosting 001-000-145-594-14-60-10 Website Modernization Total 45981 Total Code Publishing CO Collier Redal PLLC 45982 $173.82 $173.82 $350.00 $350.00 $523.82 $523.82 $60 00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $56 31 $56.31 $56.31 $56.31 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:27:12 PM Conflict CaseNValdorn C10471 001-000-110-511-60-30-00 Public Defender Conflicts Total Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:27:12 PM Total 3230 Total 45984 Total Columbia Valley Community Health Kiwanis Garden per agreement 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $587.88 $587.88 $587.88 $587.88 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 7 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory O Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Community Glass Co, Inc 45985 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Total 45985 Total Community Glass Co, Inc Confluence Health 45986 Total 45986 Total Confluence Health Consolidated Electrical 45987 1137545A Total 1137545A 113788A Total 113788A 9360-660529 $1,516.28 $1,516.28 $504 06 $504.06 $2,020.34 $2,020.34 $23.00 $23.00 $23.00 $23.00 door repair 001-000-180-518-30-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance mirrors-wellness room 001 -000 -001 -518 -91 -50 -00 Wellness 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:26:16 PM Mitchell-pre employment test 101-000-430-543-30-49-00 Miscellaneous Total Invoice -6/7/2016 4:26:16 PM Street/Supplies 001-000-180-518-30-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance Total 9360-660529 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice -5/3112016 2:11:30 PM membership 001-000-110-511-60-49-00 Miscellaneous Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:11:30 PM 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Total 45987 Total Consolidated Electrical Costco Wholesale Mbrshp 45988 Total 45988 Total Costco Wholesale Mbrshp Cross match Technologies, Inc. 45989 $220.62 $220.62 $220.62 $220.62 $165.00 $165.00 $165.00 $165.00 273952 Total 273952 Total 45989 Total Cross match Technologies, Inc. Police/Printer and Printer Tray 001-000-145-594-14-60-27 Capital - Cmptr Equip Police $1,947 60 $1,947.60 $1,947.60 $1,947.60 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 8 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory • Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Danny B Reierson 45990 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/26/2016 11:47:38 AM Police/Cell Phone Reimbursement 001-000-210-521-10-42-01 Telephone Total Invoice - 5/26/2016 11:47:38 AM Total 45990 Total Danny B Reierson Darin Darnell 45991 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:05:42 PM cell phone reimbursement 001-000-210-521-10-42-01 Telephone Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:05:42 PM Total 45991 Total Darin Darnell David Mann DBA Cruzin Magazine 46992 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $3900 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39 00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 Invoice -6/7/2016 1:19:26 PM Events advertising/magazine 117-000-400-557-30-44-11 117-000-450-557-30-44-12 Total Invoice -6/7/2016 1:19:26 PM Total 45992 Total David Mann DBA Cruzin Magazine Department of Labor & Industries Boiler, Pressure Section 45993 270722 Wings & Wheels Advertising PkwyPile-up Car Show Advertising $145.00 $140.00 $285.00 $285.00 $285.00 $43 00 $43.00 $43.00 $43.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting City Hall 001-000-180-518-30-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance Total 270722 Total 45993 Total Department of Labor & Industries Boiler, Pressure Section Department of Motor Vehicles 45927 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/26/2016 12:16:10 PM Legal/DOL Requests 001-000-150-515-20-41-00 Professional Services Total Invoice - 5/26/2016 12:16:10 PM Total 45927 Total Department of Motor Vehicles Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 9 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Account Number Description Amount Vendor Reference Number • S • DeVries Business Records Management Inc 45994 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 0076555 Police/On Site Destruction 001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Total 0076555 Total 45994 Total DeVries Business Records Management Inc Douglas CO Sewer District 45995 Professional Services $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:27:59 PM City Hall- May 2016 101-000-430-543-50-47-00 Utilities 112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities--Utilities Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:27:59 PM Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:28:46 PM Police Annex Building-May 2016 $57.09 $8.91 $66.00 Total 45995 Total Douglas CO Sewer District Doug's Diesel Repair Inc 45996 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $66.00 Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:28:46 PM $66.00 $132.00 $132.00 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 34416 Street/Mechanical Sweeper Repair 101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Miscellaneous Expense - SWA $551.82 Total 45996 Total Doug's Diesel Repair Inc Eagle Intermodal Services 45997 Total 34416 34520 Total 34520 Street-Sweeper repair 101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Miscellaneous Expense - SWA 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $551.82 $140.66 $140.66 $692.48 $692.48 Total 45997 Total Eagle Intermodal Services R2200165700100 Forklift repair 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Total R2200165700100 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $364.15 $364.15 $364.15 $364.15 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 10 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Street Vehicle R&M Supplies Street Equipment R&M Street Vehicle R&M Supplies Miscellaneous Expense - SWA Miscellaneous Expense - SWA Miscellaneous Expense - SWA C C Small Tools & Equipment Supplies $42.25 $42.25 $103.83 $103.83 $14.07 $14.07 $1.80 $1.80 $10.50 $10.50 $0.89 $0.89 $54.20 $54.20 $107.71 $107.71 • Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Emerald Desert Nursery LLC 45998 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 16981 Total 16961 Total 45998 Total Emerald Desert Nursery LLC Fastenal Company 45999 plants-City Hall 001-000-180-518-30-49-01 Landscaping 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $929.71 $929.71 $929.71 $929.71 WAWEN100710 Supplies-street 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Total WAWEN100710 WAWEN101182 Supplies-street 501-000-000-542-90-48-30 Total WAWEN101182 WAWEN101262 Supplies-street 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Total WAWEN101262 WAWEN102087 Supplies-street 101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Total WAWEN102087 WAWEN102138 Supplies-street 101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Total WAWEN102138 WAWEN102155 Supplies-street 101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Total WAWEN102155 WAWEN98844 Events-supplies 117-000-300-557-30-35-12 Total WAWEN98844 WAWEN98869 Supplies-street 101-000-420-542-64-30-00 Total WAWEN98869 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 11 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory • • Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description, Amou WAWEN99268 Total 45999 Total Fastenal Company Foremost Promotions 46000 Events-supplies 117-000-300-557-30-35-12 C C Small Tools & Equipment Total WAWEN99268 WAWEN99618 Supplies-street 101-000-313-542-42-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment Total WAWEN99618 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 346243 $1.90 $1.90 $160.16 $160.16 $497.31 $497.31 Total 46000 Total Foremost Promotions Frontier Total 346243 Police/Crime Prevention Kits 001-000-210-521-30-40-00 Crime Prevention $170.39 $170.39 $170.39 $170.39 46001 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/26/2016 12:09:12 PM Police/Laptops 001-000-210-521-10-42-01 Telephone $638.35 Total Invoice - 5/26/2016 12:09:12 PM $638.35 Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:24:10 PM street modems 101 -000 -420 -542 -64 -47 -00 Utilities $50.19 Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:24:10 PM $50.19 Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:32:24 PM street modems 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities $52.74 Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:32:24 PM $52.74 Total 46001 $741.28 Total Frontier $741.28 Gavins Personalized Attire, INC DBA GPA Embroidery 46002 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 28145 City logo shirts-Council 001-000-110-511-60-49-00 Miscellaneous $85.05 Total 28145 $85.05 Total 46002 $85.05 Total Gavins Personalized Attire, INC DBA GPA Embroidery $85.05 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 12 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Total 46004 Total Haglund's Trophies In-Print 46005 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 9301 Events/Parkway Pile-up Post Cards 117-000-450-557-30-44-12 PkwyPile-up Car Show Advertising Total 9301 Total 46005 Total In-Print In-Print Printing Inc DBA Congdon Mailing Service 46006 9301M 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Events/Parkway Pile Up Post Cards 117-000-450-557-30-44-12 PkwyPile-up Car Show Advertising Total 9301M Total 46006 Total In-Print Printing Inc DBA Congdon Mailing Service Intelligent Products, Inc. 46007 218682A 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Description Amount Reference Account Number Vendor. Number Graybeal Signs, Inc Total 46003 Total Graybeal Signs, Inc Haglund's Trophies 46004 46003 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 33360 Total 33360 40908 Total 40908 Total 46007 Total Intelligent Products, Inc. Signs-City Hall per agreement 001-000-180-518-30-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Events/Classy Chassis Trophies 117-000-300-557-30-41-12 CC Professional Services supplies-Street 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies Total 218682A $3177.83 $3,177.83 $3,177.83 $3,177.83 $179082 $1,790.82 $1,790.82 $1,790.82 $14499 $144.99 $144.99 $144.99 $191.10 $191.10 $191.10 $191.10 $183.08 $183.08 $183.08 $183.08 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 13 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Account Number Description Amount Number Reference' Vendor !fen_ James Brandon Johnson 45929 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/26/2016 12:20:36 PM Travel Reimbursement/Fuel 001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel Total Invoice -5/2612016 12:20:36 PM Total 45929 Total James Brandon Johnson Jeanette S Bryant 46008 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:38:31 PM 2016 Clothing Allowance Reimbursemetn 001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:38:31 PM Total 46008 Total Jeanette S Bryant Kcda Purchasing Cooperative INC 46009 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 300035739 $94 05 $94.05 $94.05 $94.05 $397.69 $397.69 $397.69 $397.69 cleaning supplies 001-000-180-518-30-31-06 112-000-000-572-50-49-00 Total 300035739 Total 46009 Total Kcda Purchasing Cooperative INC Kelly Gregory Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies Facilities--Supplies & Miscellaneous $74.35 $11.61 $85.96 $85.96 $85.96 46010 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:57:61 PM 2016 Clothing Allowance Reimbursement 001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $372.91 Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:57:51 PM Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:58:17 PM $372.91 Mileage reimbursement-training Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:58:17 PM $229 50 001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $229.50 $602.41 $602.41 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting CF22428 sales tax credit from maintenance 001-000-145-514-20-40-00 Network Services ($392.34) Total CF22428 ($392.34) Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 14 of 33 Total 46010 Total Kelly Gregory Key Methods, LLC 46011 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory • • Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description .' CF48978 Computer maintenance-June 2016 001-000-145-514-20-40-00 Network Services Total CF48978 CF49196 Amour! $3,683.13 $3,683.13 Acrobat program-computers 001-000-145-594-14-60-20 Capital - Cmptr Software Admin Total DF49196 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 267558 keys-storm utility 101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Miscellaneous Expense - SWA Total 267558 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:15:14 PM May 2016 Public Defender 001-000-110-511-60-21-50 Public Defender Total Invoice -5/3112016 2:15:14 PM 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice -5/2612016 1:43:31 PM Fuel Reimbursement 001-000-210-521-10-32-00 Fuel Consumed Total Invoice - 5/2612016 1:43:31 PM 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 34300608418 Total 46011 Total Key Methods, LLC Keyhole Security Center Inc 46012 Total 46012 Total Keyhole Security Center Inc Kottkamp & Yedinak, PIlc 46013 Total 46013 Total Kottkamp & Yedinak, PIlc Leeon Leyde 46014 Total 46014 Total Leeon Leyde Les Schwab Tire Center Inc 46015 $355.70 $355.70 $3,646.49 $3,646.49 $38.84 $38.84 $38.84 $38.84 $3,772.00 $3,772.00 $3,772.00 $3,772.00 $35.50 $35.50 $35.50 $35.50 Street/Wheel Balance 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Total 34300608418 34300614421 PoliceNehicle Repairs 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Total 34300614421 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $694.32 $694.32 $64.92 $64.92 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 15 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory • • Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 34300617246 Street/Tire Pressure System 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Total 34300617246 $58.76 $58.76 Total 46015 $818.00 Total Les Schwab Tire Center Inc $818.00 Localtel Communications 46016 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:38:38 PM phones & internet 001-000-001-528-70-51-00 River Corn $48.45 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $1,013.40 Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:38:38 PM $1,061.85 Total 46016 $1,061.85 Total Localtel Communications $1,061.85 Mary Beth Phillips 45869 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/20/2016 3:33:29 PM mileage reimbursement-training Spokane 001-000-120-512-50-43-00 Travel $223.77 Total Invoice - 5/20/2016 3:33:29 PM $223.77 Total 45869 $223.77 Total Mary Beth Phillips $223.77 Master Gardener Foundation of Chelan County 46017 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:46:41 PM April 2016 Japanese Garden Maintenance 101 -000 -420 -542 -80 -48 -00 Maint Agmt - Japanese Gdn $2,000.00 Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:46:41 PM $2,000.00 Total 46017 $2,000.00 Total Master Gardener Foundation of Chelan County $2,000.00 Mobile Fleet Service Inc 46018 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 261100019 Street/Storm Repair 101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Miscellaneous Expense - SWA $918.04 Total 261100019 $918.04 Total 46018 $918.04 Total Mobile Fleet Service Inc $918.04 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 16 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Invoice -617/2016 3:52:26 PM AWC Conference-per diem 001-000-110-511-60-43-00 Travel Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 3:52:26 PM Total 46021 Total Neil Charles Johnson North Cascades Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc 46022 17153 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Account Number Description Amount .Number Reference Moon Security 46019 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 821655 Police/Security Services 001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services Total 821655 Total 46019 Total Moon Security NCW Good Life, LLC 46020 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 5754 $30 00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 Total 5754 Total 46020 Total NCW Good Life, LLC Neil Charles Johnson 46021 Events Ads 117-000-450-557-30-44-12 PkwyPile-up Car Show Advertising 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $465 00 $465.00 $465.00 $465.00 $604.83 $604.83 $604.83 $604.83 2nd quarter 2016 heating/air conditioning contract 001-000-180-518-30-41-00 Professional Services $2,281.33 112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities--Utilities $356.05 Total 17153 $2,637.38 Total 46022 $2,637.38 Total North Cascades Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc $2,637.38 Northwest Geodimensions Inc 46023 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 2229-444921758 PB&J Investments/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW- Highline Drive $379.40 Total 2229-444921758 $379.40 2229-444921759 Paul Ten Doesschate/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW- Highline Drive $379.40 Total 2229-444921759 $379.40 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 17 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 2229-444921760 Peters Street Mgmt/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW- Highline Drive Total 2229-444921760 2229-444921766 Wen Valley Clinic/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921766 2229-444921769 John Logan/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921769 2229-444921772 Additional Mini Storage/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921772 2229-444921774 Three Eagles Holdings/Title Report Highline 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921774 2229-444921775 CostcofTitle Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921775 2229-444921776 Three Eagles Holdings/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921776 2229-444921803 Wen Valley Medical Center/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921803 2229-444921805 William Boyce/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-30-50-10 Roadway-Dcpud-15th/eastmont Total 2229-444921805 2229-444921811 Safeway/Title Report High line Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921811 2229-444921836 Darrel Schmidt, Dana Schmidt/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921836 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 18 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 2229-444921846 Fastener's Properties/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921846 2229-444921850 Wen Valley Clinic/Title Report Highline Drive 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW - Highline Drive Total 2229-444921850 2229-444921851 Kristsea Investments LLC/Title Report Highline Dr 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 ROW- Highline Drive Total 2229-444921851 Total 46023 Total Northwest Geodimensions Inc Office Depot 46024 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 835723569001 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $379.40 $6,070.40 $6,070.40 item returned-events 117-000-115-557-00-31-05 Easter Office Supplies ($7.40) Total 835723569001 ($7.40) 836338894001 toner-planning/street 001-000-580-558-60-31-00 Office Supplies $199.95 001-000-590-558-50-31-00 Office Supplies $411.54 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies $199.95 Total 836338894001 $811.44 836598552001 central stores supplies 001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Total 836598552001 839180465001 legislative-office supplies 001-000-110-511-60-31-00 Total 839180465001 839180510001 central stores-office supplies 001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Total 839180510001 839711452001 legislative office supplies 001-000-110-511-60-31-00 Total 839711452001 Central Stores Office Supplies Central Stores Office Supplies $27.95 $27.95 $6.47 $6.47 $32.69 $32.69 $3.24 $3.24 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE \tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 19 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Amount Vendor Number Reference Account Number , Description Total 46024 Total Office Depot Owen Equipment Company 46025 839711655001 police-office supplies 001-000-210-621-10-31-00 Office Supplies Total 839711655001 840886377001 toner-finance 001-000-142-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies Total 840886377001 841050487001 labels-central stores 001-000-140-514-20-31-01 Central Stores Total 841050487001 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 00079973 $252.08 $252.08 $275.79 $275.79 $24 42 $24.42 $1,426.68 $1,426.68 Total 46025 Total Owen Equipment Company Oxarc, Inc mandrel-street dept 101-000-313-542-42-30-00 Total 00079973 Supplies - SWA $726.53 $726.53 $726.53 $726.53 46026 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting WNT5292 Street/Nozzles and Powermax 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle R&M Supplies $49.87 Total WNT5292 $49.87 WNT5456 Total 46026 Total Oxarc, Inc Pace Engineers Inc. 46027 Street/Lockout Kits 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle R&M Supplies Total WNT5456 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 62421 $350 89 $350.89 $400.76 $400.76 Baker Avenue 15th St 301-000-000-595-10-50-22 Engr Baker Ave 15th to 20th Project $43,023.26 Total 62421 $43,023.26 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 20 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Number Reference Account Number Description _ Amount Vendor 62447 Valley mall Parking LID retrofit 308-000-313-595-40-63-29 SVVA VMP LID Project Engr Total 62447 Total 46027 Total Pace Engineers Inc. Parker Corporation Services, INC DBA Merchant Patrol Security 46028 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 15654 Court/Armed Guard Services 001-000-120-512-50-49-09 Security Total 15654 Total 46028 Total Parker Corporation Services, INC DBA Merchant Patrol Security Patrick McMahon 46029 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:39:45 PM Protem Judge Fees 001-000-120-512-50-49-02 Judge Protems Total Invoice - 6/6/2016 3:39:45 PM Total 46029 Total Patrick McMahon Petty Cash Fund Dana Barnard, Custodian 46030 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $2,832.00 $2,832.00 $45,855.26 $45,855.26 $374 00 $374.00 $374.00 $374.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:29:47 PM usps/dol/melcher's small engine 001-000-142-514-20-42-03 Postage $0.49 101-000-420-542-70-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $9.75 501-000-000-594-21-60-00 Capital Outlay - Police Vehicles $95.50 Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:29:47 PM $105.74 Total 46030 $105.74 Total Petty Cash Fund Dana Barnard, Custodian $105.74 Pud #1 of Douglas County 46031 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:26:26 PM utilities 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities $85.00 Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:26:26 PM $85.00 Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:40:22 PM City Hall utility 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 Utilities $768.12 112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities--Utilities $119.88 Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 4:40:22 PM $888.00 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EAST -WENATCHEE \tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 21 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Account Number Description 4:41:12 PM 8th St & 5th st-utility 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 Utilities 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 Utilities 6/7/2016 4:41:12 PM Amount $171.00 $22.00 $193.00 Vendor Number Reference Invoice -6/712016 Total Invoice - Total 46031 $1,166.00 Total Pud #1 of Douglas County $1,166.00 Rh2 Engineering, Inc. 46032 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 65197 Valley Mall Parkway project 301-000-000-595-30-50-40 SDC VMP Grant to 9th Overlay $6,262.54 Total 65197 $6,262.54 65198 Highline Drive Reconstrucion 301-000-000-595-10-50-10 Engr-Design Highline Drive $20,581.11 Total 65198 $20,581.11 Total 46032 $26,843.65 Total Rh2 Engineering, Inc. $26,843.65 Richard Mott 45948 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/1/2016 10:27:53 AM travel per diem/Spokane 001-000-210-521-10-43-00 Travel $203.52 Total Invoice - 6/1/2016 10:27:53 AM $203.52 Total 45948 $203.52 Total Richard Mott $203.52 Rivercom 46033 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:12:49 PM May 2016 per contract 001-000-001-528-70-51-00 River Corn $23,509.50 Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:12:49 PM $23,509.50 Total 46033 $23,509.50 Total Rivercom $23,509.50 S & W Irrigation Supply 46034 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 28126 irrigation supplies 001-000-180-518-30-49-01 Landscaping $916.18 Total 28126 $916.18 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 22 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 327075 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $31.85 Total 327075 $31 .8 5 327277 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $21.85 Total 327277 $21.85 327659 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $71.16 Total 327659 $71.16 327733 irrigation supplies 101-000-430-543-50-30-00 Supplies $49.24 Total 327733 $49.24 329380 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $2656 Total 329380 $26.56 329392 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $92.06 Total 329392 $92.06 329458 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $8.48 Total 329458 $8.48 330684 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $10.96 Total 330684 $10.96 330885 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $2.73 Total 330885 $2.73 330892 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $3252 Total 330892 $32.52 331363 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $11.62 Total 331363 $11.62 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 23 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Amount Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description 331457 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $3.91 Total 331457 $3.91 331558 irrigation supplies 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 Supplies $66.73 Total 331558 $66.73 Total 46034 $1,345.85 Total S & W Irrigation Supply $1,345.85 Sandra McCourt 46035 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice -617/2016 3:54:12 PM AWC Conference-per diem 001-000-110-511-60-43-00 Travel $289 22 Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 3:54:12 PM $289.22 Total 46035 $289.22 Total Sandra McCourt $289.22 Spillman Technologies, Inc 46036 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 31922T Police/Annual License 001-000-145-514-20-40-20 Annual License - Spillman & Net-Motion $10,938.00 Total 31922T $10,938.00 Total 46036 $10,938.00 Total Spillman Technologies, Inc $10,938.00 Stan's Merry Mart 46037 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 085399 Police supplies 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $2,211.34 Total 085399 $2,211.34 085924 Police supplies 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $59.60 Total 085924 $59.60 Invoice - 6/7/2016 1:55:07 PM Credit-returned items 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance ($509.66) Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 1:55:07 PM ($509.66) Total 46037 $1,761.28 Total Stan's Merry Mart $1,761.28 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 24 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory • Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Vendor Staples 46038 25077 Total 25077 Total 46038 Total Staples Staples Contract & Commerical Inc 46039 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting office supplies-legislative 001-000-110-511-60-31-00 Office Supplies 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $43.35 $43.35 $43.35 $43.35 8039530970 Office Supplise 001-000-110-511-60-31-00 001-000-180-518-30-31-06 112-000-000-572-50-49-00 Total 8039530970 Total 46039 Total Staples Contract & Commerical Inc Star Rentals Office Supplies Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies Facilities--Supplies & Miscellaneous $37.00 $82.38 $12.86 $132.24 $132.24 $132.24 46040 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 122574-14 Total 46040 Total Star Rentals Sto-Away Power Cranes, Inc 46041 Street/Supplies for New Temp Crosswalk on Valley Mall 101-000-420-542-30-30-00 Supplies $124 66 Total 122574-14 $124.66 $124.66 $124.66 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 6314 Total 6314 Total 46041 Total Sto-Away Power Cranes, Inc Surplus Ammo & Arms, L.L.C. 46042 parts for crane 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle R&M Supplies 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $81.32 $81.32 $81.32 $81.32 788 Police ammo 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $1,401.19 Total 788 $1,401.19 Total 46042 $1,401.19 Total Surplus Ammo & Arms, L.L.C. $1,401.19 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 25 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Total 3002 3003 Total 3003 3rd Annual Eastmont Parkway Pile-up Poster Art 117-000-450-557-30-49-01 PkwyPile-up Car Show Miscellaneous Total 46045 Total Thomas Wayne Roche DBA Roche Design & Brushworks • • Vendor . Number Reference Account Number Description Amount The Wenatchee World 46043 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Ad #00013569 Classy Chassis Ad 117-000-300-557-30-44-12 Total Ad #00013569 Ad #00013570 2016 overlay program ad 301-000-000-595-10-50-17 Total Ad #00013570 Ad #00014788 VMP Lid Ad 308-000-313-595-40-63-29 Total Ad #00014788 Ad #00015077 Gateway project ad 001-000-140-514-20-44-00 Total Ad #00015077 Ad #00015571 Classy Chassis Advertising EngrDesign- 11th & 19th St NE SVVA VMP LID Project Engr Advertising $500.00 $500.00 $328 27 $328.27 $521 38 $521.38 $36.88 $36.88 Total 46043 Total The Wenatchee World Thomas Rowe, Phd. 46044 6 yr Transportation Improvement Program ad 001-000-580-558-60-44-00 Advertising $138.30 Total Ad #00015571 $138.30 $1,524.83 $1,524.83 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:07:27 PM pre-employment exam/police dept 001-000-210-521-10-41-00 Professional Services Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 2:07:27 PM Total 46044 Total Thomas Rowe, Phd. Thomas Wayne Roche DBA Roche Design & Brushworks 46045 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 3002 Classy Chassis Vehicle Layout 117-000-300-557-30-49-12 Classy Chassis Miscellaneous $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $35230 $352.30 $65.04 $65.04 $417.34 $417.34 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 26 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory • • • Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice -5/19/2016 11:09:21 AM per diem/training in Moses Lake 101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Miscellaneous Expense - SWA Total Invoice -5/1912016 11:09:21 AM 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:15:59 PM May 2016 Public Defender 001-000-110-511-60-21-50 Public Defender Total Invoice -5/31/2016 2:15:59 PM 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 37126 Torn Wachholder 45868 Total 45868 Total Tom Wachholder Tony Ditommaso PS 46046 Total 46046 Total Tony Ditommaso PS Town Ford Inc 46047 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $3772.00 $3,772.00 $3,772.00 $3,772.00 Total 37126 Total 46047 Total Town Ford Inc Troy Lucas DBa T-Bone Entertainment 46048 307784 Total 307784 Total 46048 Total Troy Lucas DBa T-Bone Entertainment United Systems Technology, Inc 46049 88256 filter-explorer-police 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Events/Parkway Pileup DJ 117-000-450-557-30-49-01 PkwyPile-up Car Show Miscellaneous 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $5.92 $5.92 $5.92 $5.92 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 Business License Program upgrade 001-000-145-514-20-49-00 Miscellaneous $295.00 Total 88256 $295.00 Total 46049 $295.00 Total United Systems Technology, Inc $295.00 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 27 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Description Amount Vendor Number Reference Account Number Usps 46050 Total 46050 Total Usps Valley Tractor And 46051 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:57:51 PM postage reimbursement 001-000-141-514-20-42-03 Postage Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:57:51 PM 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 9223243 $1500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting belt-street dept 101-000-420-542-75-48-00 parts-lawn mower 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 parts-street dept 101 -000 -420 -542 -75 -48 -00 Repairs & Maintenance Supplies Repairs & Maintenance $40.95 $40.95 $19.76 $19.76 $110.42 $110.42 $171.13 $171.13 Total 9223243 9223699 Total 9223699 9223763 Total 9223763 Total 46051 Total Valley Tractor And Verizon Wireless 46052 9764803859 Total 46052 Total Verizon Wireless Vita Clean Services Inc. 46053 Police Cell Phones 001-000-210-521-10-42-01 Telephone Total 9764803859 9764803868 Police Cell Phones 001-000-210-521-10-42-01 Telephone Total 9764803868 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $107.00 $107.00 $670.22 $670.22 $777.22 $777.22 Total 46053 Total Vita Clean Services Inc. 19191 Total 19191 Sweeper Vac Exterior Wash 101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Miscellaneous Expense - SWA $65.04 $65.04 $65.04 $65.04 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 28 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Description Amount Number Re erence , Account Number Vendor Wash ST Dept of Licensing 46054 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting EWP000164 Janney Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000164 Janney EWP000167 Thornton Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000167 Thornton EWP000168 Thornton Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000168 Thornton EWP000180 Dauber Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000180 Dauber EWP000181 Evers Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000181 Evers EWP000182 Douglas Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000182 Douglas EWP000183 Lemoine Late Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000183 Lemoine EWP000184 Hernandez Salinas Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000184 Hernandez Salinas EWP000185 Prazer Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000185 Prazer EWP000186 Reeves Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000186 Reeves $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18 00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18 00 $18.00 $21.00 $21.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 29 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory $18.00 State Share of Gun Permits $21.00 $21.00 State Share of Gun Permits $125.00 $125.00 • • Vendor Number Reference Account Number . Description Amount EWP000187 Thompson Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000187 Thompson EWP000188 Lopeman Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000188 Lopeman EWP000189 Lopeman Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000189 Lopeman EWP000192 Kramer Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits Total EWP000192 Kramer EWP000193 Barr Gun Permit 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 Total EWP000193 Barr Invoice - 6/8/2016 9:10:40 AM Dealer's License/Eastside Pawn 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 Total Invoice - 6/8/2016 9:10:40 AM $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 Total 46054 $401.00 Total Wash ST Dept of Licensing $401.00 Wash State Treasurer 46055 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 6/7/2016 3:43:17 PM May 2016 Court Remittance 001-001-000-586-00-05-00 Court Remittances $19,051.86 001-001-000-586-00-06-00 State Surcharge (bldg Code) $24.50 Total Invoice - 6/7/2016 3:43:17 PM $19,076.36 Total 46055 $19,076.36 Total Wash State Treasurer $19,076.36 Washington State Patrol 46056 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 116008477 Total 46056 Total Washington State Patrol Background Checks 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Total 116008477 Street Vehicle R&M Supplies $162.25 $162.25 $162.25 $162.25 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHENallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 30 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory • • Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Amount Washington State Transit Insurance Pool 46057 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 125031 Total 125031 Total 46057 Total Washington State Transit Insurance Pool Wenatchee Valley Humane 46058 street dept-CDL driver monitoring 101-000-430-543-30-49-00 Miscellaneous 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting $9.44 $9.44 $9.44 $9.44 Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:14:34 PM May 2016 animal control services 001-000-001-539-30-51-00 Animal Control Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:14:34 PM Total 46058 Total Wenatchee Valley Humane Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center 46059 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:12:10 PM June 2016 per contract 113-000-000-557-30-41-15 Wenatchee Valley Museum & CC Total Invoice - 5/31/2016 2:12:10 PM Total 46059 Total Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center Wilbur-Ellis Company 46060 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting 9913292 $5813.00 $5,813.00 $5,813.00 $5,813.00 $9,273.00 $9,273.00 $9,273.00 $9,273.00 Total 46060 Total Wilbur-Ellis Company Workland Auto Parts, Inc. 46061 Total 9913292 155351 Street/Sports Turf 001-000-180-518-30-49-01 Landscaping $126.59 $126.59 $126.59 $126.59 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting Total 155351 155569 Total 155569 police supplies 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 sweeper supplies 101-000-313-542-42-30-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $9.94 $9.94 Supplies - SWA $139.61 $139.61 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 31 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Description Amount Vendor Number Reference 155577 Account Number scanner for shop cars 101-000-420-542-30-30-00 Supplies $465 04 Total 155577 $465.04 155916 police supplies 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $155.09 Total 155916 $155.09 155937 police supplies 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $136.73 Total 155937 $136.73 156014 street supplies 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $81.13 Total 156014 $81.13 156015 police supplies 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $1587 Total 156015 $15.87 156504 police supplies 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $30786 Total 156504 $307.86 156548 police supplies 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $16.13 Total 156548 $16.13 156655 street supplies 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $13.66 Total 156655 $13.66 157215 police supplies 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $51.82 Total 157215 $51.82 157222 bulbs returned -street 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance ($3.62) Total 157222 ($3.62) Total 46061 $1,389.26 Total Workland Auto Parts, Inc. $1,389.26 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EAS1INENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 32 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory Vendor Number Reference Account Number Description Xerox Corporation Amount 46062 084489132 2016 - June 2016 - June 1st Council Meeting copier-city hall 001-000-141-514-20-31-01 Office Machine Costs $706.60 Total 084489132 $706.60 084489133 copier-city hall 001-000-141-514-20-31-01 Office Machine Costs $102.27 Total 084489133 $102.27 084848033 copier-police 001-000-210-521-10-31-00 Office Supplies $327 83 Total 084848033 $327.83 084911340 copier-street dept 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 Supplies $106.41 Total 084911340 $106.41 Total 46062 $1,243.11 Total Xerox Corporation $1,243.11 Grand Total Vendor Count 104 $693,158.71 Execution Time: 18 second(s) Printed by EASTVVENATCHEEVallen on 6/8/2016 11:18:25 AM Page 33 of 33 East Wenatchee - Voucher Directory This page intentionally left blank • • • FOR COAIPLErIW 10 YE1I7?S Of DEDIC4TED PUBLIC SERVICE ro TYE CITY OF E74ST I1!EM4ratt---E BEN' VCOMWER FoR c9AipzE77A/6 - 10 YE-74R5 OF VEDIC,47TD PUBLIC SERVICE ro TYE CITY OF E -,4sr WENATCHEE AWA, 0714 004 -41 1001 WII•Os A.0=1"\••n ..0.0.'•'""nn••,%""\,n•••n ;744/ ' • ° 0050"., e`o°00°,cser „i: . t v • ;;;"177X.,°v$,;:z-zrzlviwzr,k;;V:z,:41•;• it4SZ°,0%.146 N•N ta: - ••• Onsi• IMEN Department Report(s) Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director — 2016 Construction Projects Lori Barnett, Community Development Director — Alcoa Working Group — Medical Marijuana • • • S 2016 Construction Projects Status Report-June 2016 Valley Mall Parkway Preservation This project will overlay the existing pavement on Valley Mall Parkway from Grant Road to 9 th St NE. The project will grind the existing pavement to re-establish a normal crown cross section for the roadway. The project will also rebuild over 30 sidewalk ramps to meet the current ADA standard. The project will have a major impact on traffic and businesses along Valley Mall Parkway. It is anticipated that much of the work will occur at night to minimize these impacts, but additional public feedback is desired to validate that decision. Status: Under Construction Work on this project recommenced on March 14 th • All work is completed except II for the replacement of the traffic signal controller and a typical "punch list" of items. The traffic signal controller will be installed later this month. 9th St NE Dual Round -Abouts The Valley Mall Parkway and 9 th St NE signal was originally intended to install a 4 way signalized intersection, but a dual Round-About (RAB) including the 9 th St NE / SR 28 intersection was considered to be a better alternative. The four corners of the intersection will also be retrofitted with new sidewalk ramps that meet the ADA standards. Status: Dual Round-About Grant Award A grant for $886,000 was applied for through the Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council in April. The CDTC approved the project list for funding at the May 12 th meeting. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $1,655,500. The city will be requesting that the WSDOT perform the design and contract administration for this project. • • Highline Drive The Highline Drive Project will reconstruct the roadway from Grant Road to 3 rd St SE. The deteriorated pavement will be completely reconstructed, the remaining sidewalks will be constructed, bike lanes will be added, additional illumination will be added, and the stormwater collection, treatment and conveyance will be enhanced. Status: The consultant has begun design of the project. The preliminary construction estimate is well within the funding amount. Baker Avenue The Baker Avenue project will reconstruct Baker Avenue from 15 th St NE to the city limits approximately at Sand Canyon. The project will construct a sidewalk on the west side of the street, provide bicycle lanes on both sides of the street, install a storm water collection and treatment system, provide turning lanes at 19 th St NE, reconstruct the structural base of the roadway and repave. The II project is scheduled for construction on 2017. Status: The consultant has submitted 30% plans and Public Open House was held. The preliminary alignment was presented to the public on June 1 st at an Open House. All parcel owners that required new right of way have been contacted and most were also at the Open House. The project was well received, but there was a lot of discussion concerning the necessity of bike lanes and the impact it has on right of way. Valley Mall Parkway Parking Lot The VMP Parking Lot LID project will redesign the parking lot with a "Low Impact Development" storm water collection and treatment system. This will be accomplished through the use of a "permeable" pavement. The project will also provide for new landscaping, illumination, an enhanced cross walk across VMP, • e improve the Link Bus Stop, provide a public information kiosk, and install a public car wash facility for civic fund raising activities. Status: Bids were opened on June 2 nd for the modified project. Bids were received and opened on June 2 nd . The low bidder was Nelson (out of Walla Walla). The bid was in several "schedules" that divide the Department of Ecology (DOE) grant eligible portion of the contract and the non-DOE eligible portions. The DOE portion of the low bid was well below the budgeted and funded amount. The non- DOE portion has a budget of $88,000, but the contract bid was for $96,000. The budget includes $41,698 of Douglas County Regional sales and use tax funds, but this was not considered when the council committed the $88,000 city funds. 11th St NE and 19 th St NE Overlay An Arterial Preservation Program grant was awarded to the city through the Transportation Improvement Board for a pavement overlay on n th St NE from Valley Mall Parkway to Baker Avenue and for 19 th St NE from SR 28 to Eastmont Avenue. Status: A consultant has been selected for this project. Consultants were interviewed for this project. Gray & Osborne was selected as the "most qualified". The recommendation has been put before the City Council for the June 14 th meeting for approval. If approved, the consultant agreement will also be considered by the council at the same meeting. This was done to accelerate the project process in order to assure paving can be completed this year. 2016 Residential Overlay Program The 2016 Residential Overlay program will repave portions of 2 nd St NE, Rolf's Court, Rolf's Place, 4 th St NE Colby Court, and Darwood St. In addition, the streets originally scheduled for the 2015 project will also be paved. These streets are portions of 9 th St NE, N. Iowa, and N. Grover Streets. These projects will be paved • 0 in conjunction with the Transportation Improvement Boards APP project to overlay 11 th St NE and 19 th St NE to obtain an increased economy of scale. Status: See "11 th St NE and 19 th NE Overlay" project 5th Street NE Sidewalks and Storm Sewer Improvements The 5 th St NE Sidewalk/Storm Sewer project will construct new sidewalks from Baker Avenue to Eastmont Avenue. The construction of these sidewalks will necessitate the need for a new storm sewer system as well. CDBG and GEWSWU funds will be used to fund this project. Status: RFQ's have reviewed by staff Consultant interviews will be scheduled for mid-June. III Do!fay Lane Small Stormwater Improvement The Dolfay Lane Small Stormwater Improvement project will construct an infiltration trench to collect and infiltrate stormwater. As a part of this project, curb and gutter will be constructed on a portion of the east side of the street to collect the stormwater and drain it to several catch basins. The city will also construct sidewalks for this portion of the street. The project is funded through the Greater East Wenatchee Storm Water Utility (GEWSWU). Status: This project is completed Work on the Dolfay Lane project is completed. It was noticed that a portion of the new sidewalk was damaged by a truck. Replacement of this sidewalk panel is being scheduled. Staff and the inspector are reviewing the construction to determine if poor construction was a reason for the damaged concrete. If so, the contractor will be required to place the concrete at his expense. S Mayor's Report 2016 AWC Employee Benefit Trust WellCity Awards • • ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST TWO THOUSAND SIXTEEN • we*ity Presented to Teresa Allen EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST City of East Wenatchee For contributions to best practices in workplace health promotion ii ) S rlw Glenn Jbhnson Chair, AWC Employee Benefit Trust Board of Trustees • ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST TWO THOUS AND SIX TEEN • we*ity Presented to Marcia Martz City of East Wenatchee RIIP A For contributions to best practices in workplace health promotion EMPLOYEE Glenn Jbhnson BENEFIT TRUST Chair, AWC Employee Benefit Trust Board of Trustees O ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST TWO THOUSAND SIX TEEN • wel(city Presented to Randy Harrison City of East Wenatchee For contributions to best practices in workplace health promotion EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST e Glenn Jbhnson Chair, AWC Employee Benefit Trust Board of Trustees • ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST • TWO O tittl 111 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST THOUS A ND SIX TEEN we*ity Presented to Anelva Thompson City of East Wenatchee For contributions to best practices in workplace health promotion Glenn J131,;rison Chair, AWC Employee Benefit Trust Board of Trustees ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST TWO THOUS AND SIX TEEN • we*ity Presented to Josh Toftness City of East Wenatchee For contributions to best practices in workplace health promotion Glenn ..11;14ison Chair, AWC Employee Benefit Trust Board of Trustees EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST • ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST TWO THOUS AND SIX TEEN • we(city Presented to Harry Raab City of East Wenatchee For contributions to best practices in workplace health promotion , ) )1"1 ; Glenn Jbhnson Chair, AWC Employee Benefit Trust Board of Trustees EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST • • ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST TWO THOUSAND SIXTEEN • we*ity Presented to Sam Hilliard City of East Wenatchee For contributions to best practices in workplace health promotion , , EMPLOYEE Glenn Jbhfison BENEFIT TRUST Chair, AWC Employee Benefit Trust Board of Trustees • • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # 16-06-01 AGENDA ITEM # 3 PRESENTER: Greg Pezoldt AGENDA DATE: June 14,2016 POSITION: City Engineer DEPARTMENT: Public Works TITLE: Valley Mall Parkway LID Parking Lot Project- Bid Decision BACKGROUND/HISTORY: In 2013, the City of East Wenatchee received a $120,000 Stormwater Capacity Grant through the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE). This Stormwater Capacity Grant was specifically for designing a retrofit project to bring an existing City facility up to current water quality standards by utilizing Low Impact Development (LID) techniques. The City chose to retrofit the City owned parking lot on Valley Mall Parkway. In 2015, the City was awarded grant funding through the DOE' Stormwater Water Assistance Program to construct the LID project. The construction grant awarded was in the amount of $540,300, of which $465,000 is budgeted for construction and the remaining $75,300 is budgeted for grant and construction management. The DOE grant amount includes a Greater East Wenatchee Storm Water Utility (GEWSWU) 25% match. In addition to grant eligible items, City Council approved an appropriation of $88,000 to construct additional enhancements. To further assist with the improved pedestrian crosswalk and illumination system, the City submitted a Douglas County Sales and Use Tax Request and received an amount of $41,698 for this project. Funding Source Amount DOE Grant $348,750 GEWSWU 25% Match $116,250 City (Non-Grant Items) $88,000 * Total $553,000 * 2016 budget includes $41,698 in Douglas County Sales and Use Tax funds The initial construction bid opening took place on January 28, 2016; however the low bid was 36% over the Engineer's Estimate forcing a bid rejection. City staff worked with the DOE and the engineering consultant (PACE) to reduce the cost of the project (see exhibit) and re-advertised the project on May 15 & 22, 2016. Bids for the construction of the Valley Mall Parkway LID Parking Lot Project were opened on June 2, 2016. The low bid was $531,039.50 submitted by Moreno & Nelson Construction from Walla Walla, WA. The Engineer's Estimate was $ 609,255. The results of the bid opening are as follows: Page 1 of 2 Contractor Grant Eligible Non-Grant Total Bid Amount Moreno & Nelson Construction $435,039.50 $96,000 $531,039.50 KRCI $465,267.50 $101,300 $566,567.50 Selland Construction $507,215 $119,200 $626,415 Smith Excavation $520,698 $107,080 $627,778 EXHIBITS: - Valley Mall Parkway LID Parking Lot Project City Cost Reduction List - Letter of Recommendation from PACE Engineers - Bid Tabulations RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize Mayor Lacy to sign a contract with Moreno & Nelson Construction for the construction of the Valley Mall Parkway LID Parking Lot Project in the amount of $531,039.50. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted $435,039.50 Grant Eligible $465,000 $96,000 Non-Grant Eligible $88,000 Appropriation Required $0 $8,000 ACTION TAKEN: Ape zatki 01" Motion Made By: Jo\len Sor Second By: cifi,b Councilmember Sterk Councilmember Raab Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Buckner Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Detering Councilmember Barnhart Passed: -1/0 Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) • Page 2 of 2 0 Valley Mall Parkway Low Impact Development (LID) Parking Lot Project City Cost Reduction List Items Removed to Reduce City Cost Notes Drinking Fountain Hillside Landscaping and Irrigation City maintenance staff will complete this in spring 2017 Bike Parking Racks Could be added in the future Pedestrian Plaza Benches Could be added in the future Railing Surrounding Stormwater Basin Modified stormwater basin slope; railing not required • • This page intentionally left blank • • • Engineers I Planners I Surveyors June 8, 2016 Mayor and Council City of East Wenatchee 271 9t h Street NE P.O. Box 287 East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Subject: Valley Mall Parkway LID Improvements — Award PACE Project No. 13524 Dear Mayor and Council: The Valley Mall Parkway LID Improvements extension bids were opened on June 2. This was a rebid of the project originally bid on January 28. Moreno & Nelson Construction, Inc. of Walla Walla submitted the lowest bid in the amount of $531,039.50. The breakdown by bid schedule was as follows: Schedule A $410,039.50 Schedule B 96,000.00 Schedule C 25,000.00 Total $531,039.50 Engineer's estimate: $609,254. The Moreno & Nelson proposal met all conditions of award. The statement of qualifications submitted with the proposal indicated they have the equipment and experience required to complete the work. Moreno & Nelson has no outstanding deficiencies with Labor and Industries. The references provided in the proposals confirmed their qualifications. We recommend the Council formally award the contract to Moreno & Nelson Construction, Inc. The bid terms allow the City to remove Schedule C from the contract amount if desired. Upon Council approval we will proceed with notice of award and execution of the contract. The attached bid tabulations summarize all bids received. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call (509) 662-1762 or email larryc@paceengrs.com . Sincerely, PACE Engineers, Inc: 7K Larry M. Cordes, P.E. Senior Project Manager cc: Greg Pezoldt Tom Wach holder Attachments: Bid Tabulation PACE Engineers, Inc. 104 East Ninth Street Wenatchee, Washington 98801-1505 p 509.662.1762 f 509 662.4324 • www.paceengrs.com This page intentionally left blank • • COEW - VMP LID InuatwementsIDOCS t COST OPINIONStEttd Tabulation a • Smith Excavation I do 888 . In 4108,,c0.000000 1 . . - o• MP 44 441 8$8 9.180 00 1 1728000 4on 164:80w33 000 eof 44 8 888 4n 66000 I 3,54000 V. V, 8888888888 VP on 4. 46 V4 4n VP Vi In 8 88 8888 VP VI 644 VI 183,642555 .00 I $ V, 44 044 44 888888 8 888 64 VI 64 N 44 44 a 1- 0 8 8. R- 0 8 8 . 8 6 8 ci 8 I 1 i E 5 0000000 S tunotuy ...... « 8 8 g 44 44 88 VI 44 gg 44 04 8 g 44 VP 8 g VD 14 44 44 8 g 44 44 36,88080 4,00066 gg IA 4 88 8 8 44 14 5,400 .50 I $ Z24000 I 5 40 OD 44 64 8 8888888 8 4.41 44 4 44 44 44 5 3,240DO $ 1 3,600 00 44 OA ooc, Z8 9 4 44 4.0 444 88 888 88888 8 8 41 4.4 44 44 1,36000 67500 21,600.00 9,450.00 88 gg 44 4 A .17 0`'... 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8888888 8 888888888 Amount $ 0,80000 8 8 8 g ..........»........ 8 8 $ 33,300.00 5 16,20005 8 .. [Ss 17:500 .00 8888 8 888888 ......... .. 7,800 00 S 30,21560 23,760 00 4,920 03 S 22,425 00 S 7,590 00 1,12066 2,200 00 8 . . 8 4•44 44 44 N 44 44 8 , a . IL, 8888 8 88888888888 8 8 88 8 8 8888888 8 888 ..-2-- ,,,- 8888888 8 88 88 8888888 .4 ?Non Construction I ./ ........ 8 40 gg 44 40 44 44 44 44 8 8888888888888888 4 I . 1 • • VI . 41 in I. VP .1 45,510 00 6,120 00 VI 419 8.8. 8§ IA IA . 44 VP .4 64 s g 44 44 61 .64 N 4 6,240 00 10,750 00 N 4 44 15,18090 13,800 00 3,200 00 1,00000 4 644 88 8 88888 g N 44 44 IA 41 44 44 ; i gg g 888888 88 8 8 88888888 8 88888 8 8888888 , S Sg vn 888 88 88888888888888 4 e .".; I Amount 1 8,350 ni?31 E ,,ErgE7'.; 545 273 15,180 7,607 15,679 1,500 ''.-.°'• "g 0 ,,, = 'Z' ‘, E'lm,T,P, S N .'1' < i cl 1 < 66g M tggggggi gg g ". = '202,ty,p2,21 =zz g 5 — 8 '"————R- rtern Description ROADWAY SURVEYING SPCC PLAN UTILITY POTHOLING MOBILIZATION PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL CLEARING 8 GRUBBING REMOVAL CF STRUCTURES 8 OBSTRUCTIONS ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCE HAUL ROCK EXCAVATION SHORING OR EXTRA EXCAVATION CLASS B CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE FOR SEPARATION CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE HMA CL 1/2 PG 64-22 ASPHALT STAMPING AND COLORING CHARITY CAR WASH SNOW STORAGE BASIN PERVIOUS HMA CHOKER COURSE RESERVOIR BASE COURSE PVC STORM SEWER PIPE SIN SIAM PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 6 IN SIAM CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE 12-IN DIAM CATCH BASIN TYPE I LANDSCAPE AREA DRAIN DROP MANHOLE CONNECTION. SANITARY MANHOLE 48 IN. DIAM TYPE 3 - SANITARY MANHOLE 48 IN DAM TYPE 3 - STORM ADJUST MANHOLE ADJUST VALVE BOX HOPE WATER SERVICE PIPE, 1 IN DIAM. FROSTPROOF HYDRANT SERVICE CONNECTION, 110 IN DIAM PVC SANITARY SEWER PIPE, 2 IN DIAM INLET PROTECTION BIODEGRADABLE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TOPSOIL TYPE 81 TOPSOIL, TYPE C CEMENT CONC TRAFFIC CURB CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES ICEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK iCEMENT CONCRETE STAMPING AND COLORING DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE PERMANENT SIGNING PAINT LINE PAINTED YIELD LINE SYMBOL PAINTED BARRIER CENTER LINE 'PAINTED ACCESS PARKING SPACE SYMBOL WITH BACKGROUND ROCK FOR ROCK WALL - EAST ROCK FOR ROCK WALL- SOUTH ROCKERY WALL EAST BUS STOP SHELTER CONCRETE SLAB t d 8 • • • Schedule 0 EngInsav's Esnmata Moreno & Nelson Construction KRC1LLC Selland Construction Smith Excavation 1 8-03.5 CHECK VAWE AND VAULT 1 L.S. 2,5moo 2,500 11,000.03 11,000.00 2,900.00 2,900 00 10,000.00 10,000.00 3,000 00 3.ocaao 2 8-03.5 IRRIGATION CARRIER PIPE, PVC, 6 IN.DIAM 240 LF 10.00 2,403 12.50 300000 35.00 6.40000 80.00 ¶9,20060 17.00 4,08030 3 8-20.5 LLUMINATION SYSTEM 1 L S. 61,250 61,250 60,000.00 80,00000 70,00000 70,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,00000 60,000 00 4 8-20.5 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SIGNAL SYSTEM 1 LS. 34,833 34.833 22,00000 22,00000 20,000.00 20,00000 30,000.00 30,00000 40,00000 40,06050 Subtotal Schedule B 100,983 96,030.00 101,330.00 119.200.00 Sales Tex el 0.0% (Included It. bid Items per Rule 171) Total Schedule B 100,983 96,000.00 101,300.00 $ 119,200.00 Schedule C 1 I 8-02.5 'PLANT SELECTION INCLUDING PLANT ESTABUSHMENT 1 1 I LS I 26,850J 20,850 25,00008 25,000 00 20,000.00 20,000.00 42,560.00 1 4Z500.00l 50,06060 1 Subtotal Schedule C 26,833 25,00000 20,000.00 42,550.03 Sales Tax p0.0% (Included in bid items per Rule 171) Total Schedule C 26,850 25,003.00 20,000.90 42,500.00 Total Schedule A + Schedule Bo Schedule C 509.254 531,039 50 9 558,567 50 826,415.00 The unit prices shown reflect the bid schedules submitted. The amounts have been calculated based on the unit pnces and the Note - Arithmetic error in Moreno & Nelson Schedule A total. bid schedule quantities. Any discrepancies have been corrected Corrected total shown here Bid standing unchanged. as noted and the bid standing revised if necessary 107,080.00 107,080.00 50,00054 1 50,000.00 50,000.00 527,778.00 P \P13\13524 00- COEW - VM. LID Improvements \DODS \COST OPINIONS1810 Tabulation Pape 2 of 2 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # 16 -06 -02 AGENDA ITEM # 4 PRESENTER: Greg Pezoldt AGENDA DATE: June 14, 2016 POSITION: City Engineer DEPARTMENT: Public Works TITLE: 2016 Overlay Project Consultant Selection and Agreement BACKGROUND / HISTORY: In 2015, the city applied for and received a Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant to overlay 11th St NE from Valley Mall Parkway to Baker Avenue and 19th St NE from SR 28 to Eastmont Avenue. As a part of this grant, the city stipulated that it would overlay these streets along with the 2016 Transportation Benefit District (TBD) program to create an increased economy of scale and better bidding climate. The total project estimate is $1,193,365. In May, 2016, the city advertised for Statements of Qualifications from consultants to prepare plans and bidding documents. Interviews were conducted on June 2 nd . The results of these interviews are as follows: SCJ Alliance 158 rating points RH2 Engineers 168 rating points Gray & Osborne 174 rating points Based on the consultant ratings, Gray & Osborne was deemed the "most qualified" consultant. The TIB grant includes funds for the design and preparation of bidding materials. A consultant agreement has been prepared for this work. The TIB grant will not cover costs of any work associated with the TBD portion of the project. Normally the TBD does not incur design and plan preparation costs, but are necessary because they must be included in the complete bidding documents. A second consultant agreement has been prepared for this work so that it can be kept separated from the TIB portion of the project. Ideally, the city will receive value from this work though a less expensive cost from the contractor who will be awarded the contract. EXHIBITS: Consulting Agreement for Gray & Osborne- TIB amount Consulting Agreement for Gray & Osborne- TBD amount RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the selection of Gray & Osborne as the most qualified consultant for the 2016 Overlay Project and approve the two consultant agreements in the "not to exceed" amounts of $50,200 for the TIB agreement and $10,300 for the TBD agreement. Page 1 of 2 Ahrt son Councilmember Sterk Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilme ber Barnhart Second By: bere(lhij Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering CTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Passed: Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required $ 60,500 Amount Budgeted $ 62,660 Appropriation Required $ 9,054 • • • Page 2 of 2 • Professional Services Contract Between The City of East Wenatchee • And Gray and Osborne, Inc For Professional Engineering Services for the Design for 2016 Overlay Program S Professional Services Contract for Engineering Services for 2016 Overlay Program Page 1 of 10 I. • 1. Washington Law governs the interpretation of this Contract. This Contract shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 2. Parties. The Parties to this agreement ("Agreement") are the City of East Wenatchee ("City") and Gray and Osborne, Inc. ("Consultant"). In consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performance of the scope of work contained herein, as attached and made a part hereof, the City and Consultant mutually agree as follows: 3. Scope of work. Consultant shall provide the services specified below. These services shall be termed "work" herein. Consultant shall perform the following services that: a. See Exhibit A 4. Term of Contract. The effective date of this contract begins upon execution. This contract expires on December 31, 2016. The City may terminate this Contract without cause upon written notice. Work in progress will be paid, on a prorated basis to the date ordered to stop. If Contractor terminates this contract without any breach of the contract by the City, Contractor will pay the City $3,000.00 as liquidated damages. 5. Compensation. • a. Total Compensation. The City shall pay $10,300 for performing the work set forth in Exhibit A. (See Exhibit B for cost breakdown) b. Disputed work: If the City believes in good faith that some portion of work has not been completed satisfactorily; the City may request that Consultant correct the work before the City pays for such work. In such event, the City must reasonably explain to Consultant its concern over the work and the remedy that the City expects from Consultant. The City may withhold from any payment otherwise due an amount that the City in good faith is under dispute, or if the Consultant does not provide a sufficient remedy, the City may retain the amount equal to the cost to the City for otherwise correcting or remedying the work not properly completed. c. Method of Payment. Consultant shall submit a monthly invoice for compensation. The monthly invoice shall contain a detailed description of the work performed during the month, the number of hours spent performing such work, and any reimbursable costs and expenses incurred in connection with such work. d. Invoices. Consultant shall submit invoices to the following address: The City of East Wenatchee 271 Ninth St. NE Professional Services Contract for Engineering Services for 2016 Overlay Program Page 2 of 10 • • • East Wenatchee, WA 98801 Attention: Teresa Allen 6. Representations. Consultant represents and warrants that he/she/it has the requisite training, skill and experience necessary to provide work and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities. 7. Independent Contractor. The parties intend and understand that Consultant shall be an independent contractor. The parties further intend and understand that the City shall be neither liable for, nor obligated to pay: sick leave, vacation pay, social security or other tax that may arise as an incident of employment, or any other benefit of employment. Consultant shall pay all income and other taxes as due. Any industrial or other insurance purchased for the benefit of the Consultant shall not convert this Contract to any type of employment contract. The Parties recognize that Consultant may or will be performing professional work during the term for other parties and that the City is not the exclusive user of the work that Consultant will provide. 8. Property and Confidential Information. Consultant shall not, without the prior written consent of the City, disclose to third parties information that is not otherwise subject to public disclosure unless: a. The information is known to Consultant prior to receiving the same directly or indirectly in connection with the work; b. The information is in the public domain at the time of disclosure by Consultant; or c. The information is received by Consultant from a third party who does not have an obligation to keep the same confidential. 9. Indemnification. Consultant releases and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers for any and all claims, demands, losses, negligent acts or omissions, and liabilities (including costs and all attorney's fees) to or by any and all persons and entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Contract to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of Consultant, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees, or by the Consultant's breach of this Contract. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this shall apply. However, this shall not require Consultant to indemnify the City against any liability for damages arising out of bodily injury or property damages caused by or resulting from negligence of the City. the City shall protect, defend and indemnify and save harmless the Consultant, its representatives and other employees all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of the City, its officers or employees. Further, in the case of concurrent negligence of Professional Services Contract for Engineering Services for 2016 Overlay Program Page 3 of 10 Om • • Consultant on the one hand and the City on the other hand, each party shall be required to indemnify the other only to the extent of the negligence of the party. Consultant releases and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against all claims, cost, liabilities, damages, expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees) and royalties based upon any actual or alleged infringement or misappropriate of any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, or other intellectual property right by any work. Further, if any work infringes or misappropriates any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark or other intellectual property right, Consultant shall either (a) procure for the City the right to use such work; or (b) modify work so that it no longer infringes or misappropriates any such right. 10. Work Product. All work product, including records, files, documents, plans, computer disks, magnetic media or material which may be produced or modified by Consultant while performing work shall belong to the City. At the termination of this Contract, Consultant shall deliver copies of files containing the written record of Consultant's work. Until at least 12 months following final payment, Consultant shall provide the City prompt access to (and the City shall have the right to examine, audit and copy) all of Consultant's books, documents, papers and records related to the work. 11. Evaluation and Monitoring. Consultant shall control and direct the performance of the work of Consultant pursuant to this Contract, subject to oversight by the City. The Mayor, or his designee, will oversee Consultant's work. The City reserves the right to inspect, review and approve the work of Consultant to assure that it has been completed as specified, before payment. Consultant shall cooperate with and freely participate in any monitoring or evaluation activities conducted by the City that are pertinent to the intent of this Agreement. 12. Insurance. Consultant shall provide Professional Errors and Omissions Liability insurance which shall provide coverage for any negligent professional acts, errors or omissions for which Consultant is legally responsible, with limits of not less than $1,000,000.00 each occurrence. Consultantshall furnish a certificate of insurance to the CITY at the time of execution of this agreement. 13. Non -Discrimination. During the performance of this contract, Consultant, for itself, its assigns and successors in interest agree as follows: a. Compliance with Regulations. Consultant shall comply with the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the United States Department of Transportation ("USDOT"), Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time. b. Nondiscrimination. With regard to the work performed by Consultant, Consultant shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment. Consultant shall not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations. Professional Services Contract for Engineering Services for 2016 Overlay Program Page 4 of 10 1,n I A • • • c. Information and Reports. Consultant shall provide all information reports required by the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to his books, records, counts, or other sources of information and its facilities as may be determined by the contracting agency or the appropriate Federal agency to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of Consultant is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, Consultant shall so certify to WSDOT or the USDOT as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts were made to obtain the information. d. Sanctions for noncompliance. In the event of the Consultant's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this contract, the contracting agencies shall impose such contract sanctions as it or the USDOT may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: i. Withholding of payments to Consultant under the contract until Consultant complies, and/or; ii. Cancellation, termination, or suspension of contract, in whole or in part. 14. General Provisions. a. Full Agreement. This Contract and all attachments form all of the covenants, promises, agreements and conditions, between the parties. All attachments and addendum are incorporated herein by this reference, and shall be a part of this contract instrument. In the event of discrepancy between the documents, addendum and attachments shall prevail over the Contract. This entire contract including all attachments specifies the working relationship between the City and Consultant and specific obligations of both parties. b. Full Force and Effect. If any provision of this Contract is declared invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. c. Survivability. The obligation of Consultant under all provisions of this Agreement, which may reasonably be interpreted or construed as surviving the completion, termination, or cancellation of this Contract, shall survive the completion, termination, or cancellation of this Contract. d. Executory Contract. This Contract will be considered valid once signed by both parties. e. No Waiver. If the City fails to or delays in declaring a breach or default, the City does not waive its right to declare a breach or default. If the City fails to declare one breach or default, it is not waiving its right to declare another breach or default. Professional Services Contract for Engineering Services for 2016 Overlay Program Page 5 of 10 I • • f. Authority. Each individual executing this Contract on behalf of the City and Consultant represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Contract on behalf of Consultant or the City. g. Performance. Time is of the essence of this Contract in each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. h. Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Contract are not intended to be exclusive, but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available at the City at law or in equity. i. Titles. The titles to the paragraphs of this Contract are solely for the convenience of the parties and are not an aid in the interpretation of the instrument. .i. Contractor Obligation. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, Consultant shall furnish all that may be required to provide the scope of work as described in the contract and incorporated documents, including any personnel, labor and supervision, technical, professional and other work, equipment and supplies. Details of the any supplies, equipment, or installation or same, that are necessary to carry out the intent of this Contract, but that are not expressly stated, shall be performed or furnished by Consultant as part of the Contract, without any increase in the compensation otherwise payable under this e Contract. k. Binding Effect. The provisions, covenants, and conditions in this Contract apply to bind the parties, their legal heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns 1. No Gifts and Gratuities. Consultant may not offer, nor may City employees accept gifts, gratuities, loans, trips, favors, special discounts, work, or anything of economic value in conjunction with the City business practices. Consultant and the City employees must strictly adhere to the statutes and ordinances for ethics in contracting and purchasing, including the City Ethics Code, RCW 42.23 (Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers) and RCW 42.52 (Ethics in Public Service). This is applicable to any business practice, whether a contract condition, bid practice, or at any activity related to the City business. m. Conflict of Interest. Consultant represents that he does not have a business interest or close family relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in the Consultant selection, negotiation, drafting, signing, administration or evaluation of the Consultant's performance. In addition, Consultant acknowledges that he will adhere to the City's policies regarding conflict of interest, the City Ethics Code, and the RCW as named previous. n. Compliance with Laws. Consultant, at his/her/its sole cost and expense, shall perform and comply with all applicable laws of the United States and the State of • Professional Services Contract for Engineering Services for 2016 Overlay Program Page 6 of 10 • • • Washington; and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, and other requirements, in effect, of any governmental entity (including but not limited to such requirements as may be imposed upon the City and applicable to the Contract). Consultant shall furnish documents as may be required to effect or evidence such compliance. o. Personal Liability. The parties agree that in no event shall any official, officer, employee, or agent of the City be in any way liable or responsible for any covenant or Contract herein contained whether express or implied, nor for any statement of representation made herein or in any connection with this Contract. 15. Modification. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Except with the written consent of both parties, neither party may alter or modify this Agreement. 16. Termination of Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by providing written notice of such termination, specifying the effective date thereof at least thirty days prior to such date. In such event the City shall pay Consultant all amounts due for all work previously authorized and performed prior to the date of termination. In the event of termination, Consultant agrees to cooperate reasonably with any service provider thereafter retained by the City in making available information developed as the result of work previously performed by the Consultant. If no notice of termination is given, all relationships and obligations created by this Agreement, shall terminate at the conclusion of the Agreement period set out in Paragraph 3. 17. Venue. The venue for any legal dispute regarding this Agreement shall be Douglas County Superior Court. 18. Dispute Resolution. The parties mutually intend to establish procedures to facilitate the informal and inexpensive resolution of all disputes arising under this Agreement, by mutual cooperation and without resort to litigation. Accordingly, all disputes involving this transaction, or between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, shall be resolved in a final and binding manner in accordance with the following procedures. Whether or not mediation/arbitration is under way, any party may have full access to the courts to compel compliance with the provisions of this Article and to enforce or confirm an arbitration award. a. Negotiation. The parties shall first attempt to negotiate a mutually-satisfactory resolution to the dispute as follows: i. The complaining party shall notify (in the manner required in this Agreement) the other parties of the alleged dispute, controversy, claim or breach of contract (hereinafter "Dispute') by explaining in writing the nature of the Dispute, and referring to the relevant paragraphs of this Agreement upon which it bases its position regarding the Dispute. The complaining party shall also set forth in such notice a proposed solution to the Dispute; Professional Services Contract for Engineering Services for 2016 Overlay Program Page 7 of 10 I A • • The parties receiving such notice shall respond by notice individually to the complaining party within twenty (20) days of the effective date of the complaining party's notice, with an explanation of its defensive position, if any, including references to the relevant paragraphs of the Agreement and a response to the proposed solution; and Within twenty days following notice of this defensive response, the parties shall meet and discuss options for resolving the Dispute; the complaining party must initiate the scheduling of this resolution meeting. In the event a party fails to cooperate in scheduling the resolution meeting, then the complaining party may elect to skip the negotiation and mediation procedures and immediately proceed with arbitration. b. Mediation. If the parties are unable to satisfactorily resolve the Dispute through such negotiation, mediation must be held within thirty days of an unsuccessful resolution meeting. The mediation will be governed by and under the then- applicable rules of JAMS/Endispute ("JAMS") in Chelan County. The complaining party must contact JAMS to schedule the mediation. The parties may agree on a mediator from the JAMS panel. If they are unable to agree, the parties shall request JAMS to provide a list of three available mediators, and each side shall strike one; the remaining individual shall serve as the mediator. In the event a party fails to cooperate in this mediation process in a timely manner, then the complaining party may elect to skip the mediation procedure and immediately proceed with arbitration. c. Binding Arbitration. If the dispute is not timely settled by mediation as set forth above, then the parties agree to submit the dispute immediately to JAMS for final and binding arbitration as follows: A single arbitrator shall be used. The parties may agree on an arbitrator from the JAMS panel. The complaining party may initiate arbitration by providing notice of intent to arbitrate to all parties and to JAMS: The notice must contain a description of the Dispute, the amount involved, and the remedy sought. If the parties are unable to agree on an arbitrator, the parties shall request JAMS to provide a list of three available panel members and each party may strike one; the remaining individual shall serve as the arbitrator. If the parties agree, the individual that served as the mediator may serve as the arbitrator. If and when such a demand for arbitration is made by any party, the parties agree to promptly conduct the arbitration in accordance with JAMS Rules and Procedures. The parties agree that arbitration must be initiated within one (1) year after the latter of (i) the occurrence of the claimed breach, or (ii) the discovery Professional Services Contract for Engineering Services for 2016 Overlay Program Page 8 of 10 thereof by the complaining party; and that the failure to initiate dispute resolution in accordance with this Section within that one-year period shall constitute an absolute bar to the institution of any adjudicatory proceedings with respect thereto, unless the parties agree otherwise in writing to extend such period of time. iv. Provided, however, that such arbitration shall not apply so as to delay or prevent any judicial or arbitrator's injunctive or other equitable relief hereunder, which shall be effective immediately, subject to the requisite final and binding arbitration with respect thereto which shall be handled concurrently or after such relief is granted. The arbitrator shall not have the power to award exemplary or punitive damages. v. The arbitrator shall have exclusive authority to enter a decision adjudicating the Dispute, or granting other affirmative relief, including an award for damages, other affirmative relief, specific performance and injunctive relief; provided that a party may petition the court for enforcement of confirmation of any award if necessary. vi. Any decision or award entered by the arbitrator may be entered on an ex- parte basis. 19. Attorney's Fees. If any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default, or misrepresentation in connection with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and other costs incurred in that action, arbitration or proceeding. 20. Severability. If a competent court of law determines any section or portion of this Agreement to be unlawful, such determination shall not affect the remaining terms and conditions of the Agreement. 21. Non-waiver. Waiver of any default or breach of this agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other prior or subsequent default or breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this agreement unless stated to be such through written agreement of the signatories hereto. • Professional Services Contract for Engineering Services for 2016 Overlay Program Page 9 of 10 • • • CITY OF EAST WENTCHEE: GRAY AND OSBORNE, INC.: Signature: Signature: Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Mike Johnson Date: ATTEST: Date: Federal Employee ID No.: 91-0890718 By: • Professional Services Contract for Engineering Services for 2016 Overlay Program Page 10 of 10 • EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 2016 OVERLAY PROGRAM The City of East Wenatchee desires to perform street pavement preservation and overlay work at the seven sites listed below. It is expected that the Construction Contract for this project will be combined with the Transportation Improvement Board (TB3) funded "FY 2017 Arterial Preservation" project (on separate bid schedules) which will include similar pavement preservation work at two other sites within the City of East Wenatchee. CITY FUNDED PROJECT SITES: • 9th Street NE (N. Iowa Avenue to N. Jennifer Lane) & N Iowa Avenue (8 th Street NE to 10 th Street NE) • N Grover Avenue (10 th Street NE to France Street NE) • 2" Street NE (Eastmont Avenue to east end of 2" Street NE • Rolf s Court & Rolf s Place (Eastmont Avenue to Eastmont Avenue) • 4th Street NE (Eastmont Avenue to 3r d Street NE) • Colby Court (9 th Street NE to Colorado Street) • Darwood Street (6 th Street NE to 5 th Street NE) The project includes planing of existing pavement surfaces, HMA pavement repair, and HMA overlay for wearing course, adjustment of utilities to final grade, edge restoration. It also may include isolated areas of curb repair, subgrade repair, thickened edge, and HMA pre-level as needed. We understand that the City has previously improved all sidewalk/curb ramp facilities within the project area to be ADA compliant. The scope of work does not include assessment of existing curb ramps, or design for replacement of curb ramps. PRELIMINARY DESIGN • Perform a preliminary project walk-through with City staff to establish guidelines and expectations for the project design. • Survey existing monuments within the project area and as directed by the City. Location of survey monuments will be sufficient to allow for replacement of the monument if it is determined that it be destroyed during construction. This work shall also include completing and filing the "Application for Permit to Remove or Destroy A Survey Monument" with Department of Natural Resources. • Develop preliminary plans utilizing aerial photography from online sources and City sources (if available) as a basemap. Field locate and show on the plans the • following project elements: Page 1 of 3 • o The approximate location and number of utility castings that need to be adjusted to finished grade. o Overlay paving limits, grinding limits, and pavement repair areas. o Minor roadway grading problems and minor drainage issues that are related to roadway grade. Identify grading improvements that can be readily achieved with planning, HMA pre-level, HMA overlay. Identify locations where HMA berms or thickened edges are needed to create a flowline. It is expected that this work will be limited and on an as-needed basis. Improvements to drainage collection or conveyance systems other than adjustment of catch basins to grade are not included in this Scope of Work. • Incorporate available utility record drawing information, plat map (property line) and rights-of-way information from available online assessor's maps and City supplied sources. This Scope of Work does not include any work associated with right-of-way acquisition, appraisals, appraisal reviews, fair cost estimates of market value of properties, deeds, negotiations, and conveyance documents. • Prepare detailed quantity take-offs and Construction Cost Estimate with breakdowns by individual site. • Submit preliminary Plans and Construction Cost Estimate (60 percent review level) to the City. FINAL DESIGN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS • Incorporate all previous comments from the City and submit final Contract Documents and cost estimates to the City (95% review level) for final review and approval. • Conduct a final on-site review with the City. • It is assumed that bidding and award services for this work will be part of the "FY 2017 Arterial Preservation" project. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED (IN ADDITION TO THOSE PREVIOUSLY LISTED IN THIS SCOPE OF WORK) • This Scope of Work does not include any topographical survey work. Include typical section, construction notes, and details. The Plans will utilize Washington • Page 2 of 3 • State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and City design standards, as applicable. Pavement depths will be per City standards • Geotechnical investigation of existing pavement and subgrade, geotechnical reports, and geotechnical recommendations for structural thicknesses. • Any special permits or regulatory approvals not specifically described in this Scope of work. It is assumed that, if a Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) General Stormwater permit is required for this work, it will be covered under the Erosivity Waiver obtained with the "FY 2017 Arterial Preservation" project. • Any work associated with rectifying discrepancies in rights-of-way, record surveys, easements, plat maps, etc. • Any work associated with preparation and filing of easements and/or record surveys. • Any costs associated with the actual purchase of real estate. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES Gray & Osborne, Inc. shall provide construction engineering services as may be further desired • by the City and at the City's option. If the City elects to exercise this option, Gray & Osborne, Inc. shall prepare a scope and fee for this additional work for the City's review and approval. Since the extent of this work cannot be reasonably determined at this time, it will be prepared at the completion of the design phase as a contract supplement. Gray & Osborne, Inc. will also be entitled to subcontract work to a qualified firm as further approved by the City. DOCUMENTS TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CONSULTANT: • Monthly invoices • Preliminary (60%) design plans and construction cost estimate. • Final (95%) Plans and Estimate submittal • Bid Document Plans and Estimate • "Application for Permit to Remove or Destroy A Survey Monument" with Department of Natural Resources. • Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT "B" • ENGINEERING SERVICES SCOPE AND ESTIMATED COST City of East Wenatchee -2016 Arterial Maintenance Program Principal-In- Charge/Project Manager Project Manager/Engineers (Eng. IV, V & VI) E.I.T./Design/Civil Engineers 1,11 & III Technician/Drafter Professional Land Surveyor Survey Crew Hour Estimate: 0 8 24 32 8 12 Estimated Hourly Rates: $55 $40 $34 $31 $38 $55 Direct Labor Cost $0 $320 $816 $992 $304 $660 Subtotal Direct Labor: $3,092 Indirect Costs (180%): $5,566 Total Labor Cost: $8.658 Fee (15%): $1,299 Subtotal Labor & Fees: $9,956 Direct Non-Salary Cost: $344 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $10,300 • • (May 9.2009) Page 1 of / 7*A> Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) TIB PROJECT NUMBER 3-E-161(002)-1 PROJECT PHASE (check one) El Design • Construction PROJECT TITLE & WORK DESCRIPTION FY 2017 Arterial Preservation Project Design services for roadway maintenance and overlay of 19th St NE from SR 28 to Eastmont Ave, 11th St NE from Valley Mall Parkway to Baker Ave. CONSULTANT NAME & ADDRESS Gray & Osborne, Inc. 701 Dexter Avenue North, Suite 200, Seattle, Washington 98109 AGREEMENT TYPE (check one) PROGRESS PAYMENT RATE 180% • LUMP SUM $ A COST PLUS FIXED FEE OVERHEAD OVERHEAD COST METHOD FIXED FEE $6,497 • Actual Cost • Actual Cost Not To Exceed % 51 Fixed Rate 42% • SPECIFIC RATES OF PAY • Negotiated Hourly Rate • Provisional Hourly Rate • COST PER UNIT WORK DBE PARTICIPATION VVBE PARTICIPATION % • Yes M No % 0 Yes M No COMPLETION DATE December 31, 2016 MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE $50.200 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 2016, between the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, hereinafter called the AGENCY, and the above organization hereinafter called the CONSULTANT. The Transportation Improvement Board hereinafter called the TIB, administers the following accounts: Urban Arterial Trust Account funds, Transportation Improvement Account funds, Small City Account funds, and City Hardship Assistance Account funds. WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the AGENCY desires to accomplish the above referenced project, with the aid of TIB funds in conformance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the TIB; and WHEREAS, the AGENCY does not have sufficient staff to meet the required commitment and therefore deems it advisable and desirable to engage the assistance of a CONSULTANT to provide the necessary services for the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that he/she is in compliance with the Washington State Statutes relating to professional registration, if applicable, and has signified a willingness to furnish Consulting services to the AGENCY, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants and performance contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, the parties hereto agree as follows: Consultant Agreement GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work under this AGREEMENT shall consist of the above descnbed work and services as herein defined and necessary to accomplish the completed work for this PROJECT. The CONSULTANT shall furnish all services, labor and related equipment necessary to conduct and complete the work as designated elsewhere in this AGREEMENT. TH3 Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work and project level of effort for this project is detailed in Exhibit B attached hereto, and by this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT. Page 1 of 17 • Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Va Consultant Agreement • III GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All aspects of coordination of the work of this AGREEMENT, with outside agencies, groups or individuals shall receive advance approval by the AGENCY. Necessary contacts and meetings with agencies, groups or individuals shall be coordinated through the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT shall attend coordination, progress and presentation meetings with the AGENCY or such Federal, Community, State, City or County officials, groups or individuals as may be requested by the AGENCY. The AGENCY will provide the CONSULTANT sufficient notice prior to meetings requiring CONSULTANT participation. The minimum number of hours or days notice required shall be agreed to between the AGENCY and the CONSULTANT and shown in Exhibit B attached hereto and made part of this AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall prepare a monthly progress report, in a form approved by the AGENCY, that will outline in written and graphical form the various phases and the order of performance of the work in sufficient detail so that the progress of the work can easily be evaluated. Goals for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), and Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBE) if required shall be shown in the heading of this Agreement. The original copies of all reports, PS&E, and other data furnished to the CONSULTANT by the AGENCY shall be returned. All designs, drawings, specifications, documents, and other work products prepared by the CONSULTANT prior to completion or termination of this AGREEMENT are instruments of service for the PROJECT and are property of the AGENCY. Reuse by the AGENCY or by others acting through or on behalf of the AGENCY of any such instruments of service, not occurring as a part of this PROJECT, shall be without liability of legal exposure to the CONSULTANT. IV TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION The CONSULTANT shall not begin any work under the terms of this AGREEMENT until authorized in writing by the AGENCY. All work under this AGREEMENT shall be completed by the date shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT under completion date. The established completion time shall not be extended because of any delays attributable to the CONSULTANT, but may be extended by the AGENCY, in the event of a delay attributable to the AGENCY, or because of unavoidable delays caused by an act of GOD or governmental actions or other conditions beyond the control of the CONSULTANT. A prior supplemental agreement issued by the AGENCY is required to extend the established completion time. V PAYMENT The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY for completed work and services rendered under this AGREEMENT as provided in Exhibit C attached hereto, and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed or services rendered and for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work specified in Section II, Scope of Work. VI SUBCONTRACTING The AGENCY permits subcontracts for those items of work as shown in Exhibit G to this Agreement. Compensation for this subconsultant work shall be based on the cost factors shown on Exhibit G, attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT. The work of the subconsultant shall not exceed its maximum amount payable unless a prior written approval has been issued by the AGENCY. All reimbursable direct labor, overhead, direct non-salary costs and fixed fee costs for the subconsultant shall be substantiated in the same manner as outlined in Section V. All subcontracts exceeding $10,000 in cost shall contain all applicable provisions of this AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall not subcontract for the performance of any work under this AGREEMENT without prior written permission of the AGENCY. No permission for subcontracting shall create, between the AGENCY and subcontractor, any contract or any other relationship. VII EMPLOYMENT The CONSULTANT warrants that he/she has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this contract, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warrant, the AGENCY shall have the right to annul this AGREEMENT without liability, or in its discretion, to deduct from the AGREEMENT price or consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. Any and all employees of the CONSULTANT or other persons while engaged in the performance of any work or services required of the CONSULTANT under this AGREEMENT, shall be considered employees of the CONSULTANT only and not of the AGENCY, and any and all claims that may or might arise under any Workees Compensation Act on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the CONSULTANTs employees or other persons while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall not engage, on a full or part time basis, or other basis, during the period of the contract, any professional or technical personnel who are, or have been, at any time during the period of the contract, in the employ of the STATE, or the AGENCY, except regularly retired employees, without written consent of the public employer of such person. VIII NONDISCRIMINATION The CONSULTANT agrees not to discriminate against any client, employee or applicant for employment or for services because of race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, sex, age or handicap except for a bona fide occupational qualification with regard to, but not limited to the following: employment upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or any recruitment advertising, layoffs or terminations, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training, rendition of services. The CONSULTANT understands and agrees that if it violates this provision, this AGREEMENT may be terminated by the AGENCY and further that the CONSULTANT shall be barred from performing any services for the AGENCY now or in the future unless a showing is made satisfactory to the AGENCY that discriminatory practices have terminated and that recurrence of such action is unlikely. During the performance of this AGREEMENT, the CONSULTANT, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest agrees as follows: A. COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS: The CONSULTANT shall comply with the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination in the same manner as in TH3 Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 2 of 16 Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) .trrig Consultant Agreement Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time, (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this AGREEMENT. B. NONDISCRIMINATION: The CONSULTANT, with regard to the work performed by it during the AGREEMENT, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, age, marital status, national origin or handicap except for a bona fide occupational qualification in the selection and retention of subconsultants, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The CONSULTANT shall not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix II of the Regulations. C. SOLICITATIONS FOR SUBCONSULTANTS, INCLUDING PROCUREMENTS OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the CONSULTANT for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subc,onsultant or supplier shall be notified by the CONSULTANT of the CONSULTANTs obligations under this AGREEMENT and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, age, marital status, national origin and handicap. D. INFORMATION AND REPORTS: The CONSULTANT shall provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the AGENCY or TIB to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations or directives. Where any information required of the CONSULTANT is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information the CONSULTANT shall so certify to the AGENCY, or the TIB as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. E. SANCTIONS FOR NONCOMPLIANCE: In the event of the CONSULTANTs noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall impose such sanctions as it or the Transportation Improvement Board may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: 1. Withholding of payments to the CONSULTANT under the AGREEMENT until the CONSULTANT complies, and/or 2. Cancellation, termination or suspension of the AGREEMENT, in whole or in part. INCORPORATION OF PROVISIONS: The CONSULTANT shall include the provisions of paragraphs (A) through (G) in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto. The CONSULTANT shall take such action with respect to any subconsultant or procurement as the AGENCY or the Transportation Improvement Board may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance; provided, however, that, in the event a CONSULTANT becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subconsuttant or supplier as a result of such direction, the CONSULTANT may request the AGENCY to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the AGENCY, and in addition, the CONSULTANT may request the TIB to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the TIB. G. UNFAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES: The CONSULTANT shall comply with RCW 49.60.180 prohibiting unfair employment practices and the Executive Orders numbered E.0.70-01 and E.0.66-03 of the Governor of the State of Washington. IX TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The right is reserved by the AGENCY to terminate this AGREEMENT at any time upon ten days written notice to the CONSULTANT. In the event this AGREEMENT is terminated by the AGENCY other than for fault on the part of the CONSULTANT, a final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT as shown in Exhibit F for the type of AGREEMENT used. No payment shall be made for any work completed after ten days following receipt by the CONSULTANT of the Notice of Termination. If the accumulated payment made to the CONSULTANT prior to Notice of Termination exceeds the total amount that would be due computed as set forth herein above, then no final payment shall be due and the CONSULTANT shall immediately reimburse the AGENCY for any excess paid. In the event the services of the CONSULTANT are terminated by the AGENCY for fault on the part of the CONSULTANT, the above formula for payment shall not apply. In such an event, the amount to be paid shall be determined by the AGENCY with consideration given to the actual costs incurred by the CONSULTANT in performing the work to the date of termination, the amount of work originally required which was satisfactorily completed to date of termination, whether that work is in a form or a type which is usable to the AGENCY at the time of termination; the cost to the AGENCY of employing another firm to complete the work required and the time which maybe required to do so, and other factors which affect the value to the AGENCY of the work performed at the time of termination. Under no circumstances shall payment made under this subsection exceed the amount which would have been made using the formula set forth in the previous paragraph. If it is determined for any reason that the CONSULTANT was not in default or that the CONSULTANTs failure to perform is without it or its employees fautt or negligence, the termination shall be deemed to be a termination for the convenience of the AGENCY in accordance with the provision of this AGREEMENT. In the event of the death of any member, partner or officer of the CONSULTANT or any of its supervisory personnel assigned to the project, or, dissolution of the partnership, termination of the corporation, or disaffiliation of the principally involved employee, the surviving members of the CONSULTANT hereby agree to complete the work under the terms of this AGREEMENT, if requested to do so by the AGENCY. The subsection shall not be a bar to renegotiation of the AGREEMENT between the surviving members of the CONSULTANT and the AGENCY, if the AGENCY so chooses. In the event of the death of any of the parties listed in the previous paragraph, should the surviving members of the CONSULTANT, with the AGENCYs concurrence, desire to terminate this AGREEMENT, payment shall be made as set forth in the second paragraph of this section. In the event this AGREEMENT is terminated prior to completion, the original copies of all reports and other data, PS&E materials furnished to the CONSULTANT by the AGENCY and documents prepared by the CONSULTANT prior to said termination, shall become and remain the property of the AGENCY and may be used by it without restriction. Such unrestricted use, not occurring as a part of this PROJECT, shall be without liability or legal exposure to the CONSULTANT. Payment for any part of the work by the AGENCY shall not constitute a waiver by the AGENCY of any remedies of any type it may have against the CONSULTANT Tuzi Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 3 of 16 Transportation Improvement Board (TI B) IV Consultant Agreement for any breach of this AGREEMENT by the CONSULTANT, or for failure of the CONSULTANT to perform work required of it by the AGENCY. Forbearance of any rights under the AGREEMENT will not constitute waiver of entitlement to exercise those rights with respect to any future act or omission by the CONSULTANT. X CHANGES OF WORK The CONSULTANT shall make such changes and revisions in the complete work of this AGREEMENT as necessary to correct errors appearing therein, when required to do so by the AGENCY, without additional compensation thereof. Should the AGENCY find it desirable for its own purposes to have previously satisfactorily completed won( or parts thereof changed or revised, the CONSULTANT shall make such revisions as directed by the AGENCY. This work shall be considered as Extra Work and will be paid for as herein provided under Section XIV. XI DISPUTES Any dispute concerning questions of fact in connection with the work not disposed of by AGREEMENT between the CONSULTANT and the AGENCY shall be referred for determination to the Director of Public Works or AGENCY Engineer, whose decision in the matter shall be final and binding on the parties of this AGREEMENT, provided however, that if an action is brought challenging the Director of Public Works or AGENCY Engineer's decision, that decision shall be subject to the scope of judicial review provided under Washington Case Law. XII VENUE, APPLICABLE LAW AND PERSONAL JURISDICTION In the event that either party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this AGREEMENT, the parties hereto agree that any such action shall be initiated in the Superior Court of the State of Washington, situated in the county the AGENCY is located in. The parties hereto agree that all questions shall be resolved by application of Washington law and that the parties to such action shall have the right of appeal from such decisions of the Supenor court in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT hereby consents to the personal jurisdiction of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, situated in the county the AGENCY is located in. XIII LEGAL RELATIONS AND INSURANCE The CONSULTANT shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be done under this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT shall be interpreted and construed in accord with the laws of Washington. The CONSULTANT shall indemnify and hold the AGENCY and the STATE of Washington, and their officers and employees harmless from and shall process and defend at its own expense all claims, demands, or suits at law or equity arising in whole or in part from the CONSULTANT's negligence or breach of any of its obligations under this AGREEMENT; provided that nothing herein shall require a CONSULTANT to indemnify the AGENCY and the STATE against and hold harmless the AGENCY and the STATE from claims, demands or suits based solely upon the conduct of the AGENCY and the STATE, their agents, officers and employees and provided further that if the claims or suits are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of (a) the CONSULTANT's agents or employees and (b) the AGENCY and the STATE, their agents, officers and employees, this indemnity provision with respect to (1) claims or suits based upon such negligence, (2) the costs to the AGENCY and the STATE of defending such claims and suits, etc. shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the CONSULTANT's negligence or the negligence of the CONSULTANT's agents or employees. The CONSULTANT's relation to the AGENCY shall be at all times as an independent contractor. The CONSULTANT specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by the CONSULTANT's own employees against the AGENCY and, solely for the purpose of this indemnification and defense, the CONSULTANT specifically waives any immunity under the state industnal insurance law, Title 51 RCW. The CONSULTANT recognizes that this waiver was specifically entered into pursuant to the provisions of RCW 4.24.115 and was the subject of mutual negotiation. Unless otherwise specified in the AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall be responsible for administration of construction contracts, if any, on the project. Subject to the processing of an acceptable, supplemental agreement, the CONSULTANT shall provide on-call assistance to the AGENCY during contract administration. By providing such assistance, the CONSULTANT shall assume no responsibility for: proper construction techniques, job site safety, or any construction contractors failure to perform Its work in accordance with the contract documents. The CONSULTANT shall obtain and keep in force during the terms of the AGREEMENT, or as otherwise required, the following insurance with companies or through sources approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to RCW 48, Insurance Coverage A. Worker's compensation and employers liability insurance as required by the STATE. B. General commercial liability insurance in an amount not less than a single limit of one million and 00/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for bodily injury, including death and properly damage per occurrence. Excepting the Workers Compensation insurance and any professional liability insurance secured by the CONSULTANT, the AGENCY will be named on all certificates of insurance as an additional insured. The CONSULTANT shall furnish the AGENCY with verification of insurance and endorsements required by this AGREEMENT. The AGENCY reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies at any time. All insurance shall be obtained from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT shall submit a verification of insurance as outiined above within 14 days of the execution of this AGREEMENT to the AGENCY. No cancellation of the foregoing policies shall be effective without thirty (30) days prior notice to the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT's professional liability to the AGENCY shall be limited to the amount payable under this AGREEMENT or one million dollars, whichever is the greater unless modified by Exhibit H. In no case shall the CONSULTANT's professional liability to third parties be limited in any way. The AGENCY will pay no progress payments under Section V until the CONSULTANT has fully complied with this section. This remedy is not exclusive; and the AGENCY and the STATE may take such other action as is available to them under other provisions of this AGREEMENT, or otherwise in law. XIV EXTRA WORK A. The AGENCY may at any time, by written order, make changes within the general scope of the AGREEMENT in the services to be performed. Tu3 Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 4 of 16 Transportation Improvement Board (TI B) Consultant Agreement B. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the estimated cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work under this AGREEMENT, whether or not changed by the order, or otherwise affects any other terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall make an equitable adjustment in the (1) maximum amount payable; (2) delivery or completion schedule, or both; and (3) other affected terms and shall modify the AGREEMENT accordingly. C. The CONSULTANT must submit any proposal for adjustment (hereafter referred to as proposal) under this clause within 30 days from the date of receipt of the written order. However, if the AGENCY decides that the facts justify it, the AGENCY may receive and act upon a proposal submitted before final payment of the AGREEMENT. 0. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute under the disputes clause. However nothing in this clause shall excuse the CONSULTANT from proceeding with the AGREEMENT as changed. E. Notwithstanding the terms and condition of paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the maximum amount payable for this AGREEMENT, shall not be increased or considered to be increased except by specific written supplement to this AGREEMENT. XV ENDORSEMENT OF PLANS XVII CERTIFICATION OF THE CONSULTANT AND THE AGENCY Attached hereto as Exhibit A-1, are the Certifications of the Consultant and the Agency. XVIII COMPLETE AGREEMENT This document and referenced attachments contains all covenants, stipulations and provisions agreed upon by the parties. No agent, or representative of either party has authority to make, and the parties shall not be bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth herein. No changes, amendments, or modifications of the terms hereof shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties as an amendment to this AGREEMENT. XIX EXECUTION AND ACCEPTANCE This AGREEMENT may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original having identical legal effect. The CONSULTANT does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements contained in the proposal, and the supporting materials submitted by the CONSULTANT, and does hereby accept the AGREEMENT and agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof. The CONSULTANT shall place his endorsement on all plans, estimates or any other engineering data furnished by him. )NI TIB AND AGENCY REVIEW The AGENCY and TIB shall have the right to participate in the review or examination of the work in progress. In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year first above written. By By Consultant Gray & Osborne, Inc. City of East Wenatchee, Washington TIB Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 5 of 16 Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) CA Consultant Agreement EXHIBIT A-1 Certification of Consultant Project No 3-E-161(002)-1 City City of East Wenatchee I hereby certify that I am a duly authorized representative of the firm of Gray & Osborne, Inc. whose address is 701 Dexter Avenue North, Suite 200, Seattle, Washington 98109, and that neither I nor the above firm I here represent has: (a) Employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee or other consideration, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above CONSULTANT) to solicit or secure this contract. (b) Agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this contract, to employ or retain the services of a firm or person in connection with carrying out the contract. (c) Paid, or agreed to pay, to any firm, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above CONSULTANT) any fee, contribution, donation or consideration of any kind for, or in connection with procuring or carrying out the contract; except as here expressly stated (if any): I further certify that the firm I hereby represent is authorized to do business in the State of Washington and that the firm is in full compliance with requirements of the Board of Professional Registration. I acknowledge that this certificate is to be available to the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB), in connection with this contract involving participation of TIB funds and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. Date Signature Certification of Agency Official I hereby certify that I am the AGENCY Official of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington and that the above consulting firm or his/her representative has not been required, directly or indirectly as an express or implied condition in connection with obtaining or carrying out this contract to: (a) Employ or retain, or agree to employ or retain, any firm or person, or (b) Pay or agree to pay to any firm, person or organization, any fee, contribution, donation or consideration of any kind, except as here expressly stated (if any). I acknowledge that this certificate is to be available to the TIB, in connection with this contract involving participation of TIB funds and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. Date Signature Tig Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 6 of 16 n4- Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Consultant Agreement EXHIBIT B-1 Scope of Work Project No 3-E-164(003)-1 Describe the Scope of Work The City of East Wenatchee desires to perform street pavement preservation and overlay work at the two sites listed below. It is expected that the Construction Contract for this project will be combined with the City funded "2016 Overlay Program" (on separate bid schedules) which will include similar pavement preservation work at various other sites within the City of East Wenatchee. Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) funded project sites: • 19th Avenue NE (SR 28 to Eastmont Avenue) • 11th Street NE (Valley Mall Parkway to Baker Avenue) The project includes planing of existing pavement surfaces, HMA pavement repair, and HMA overlay for wearing course, adjustment of utilities to final grade, edge restoration. It also may include isolated areas of curb repair, subgrade repair, thickened edge, and HMA pre- level as needed. We understand that the City has previously improved all sidewalk/curb ramp facilities within the project area to be ADA compliant, The scope of work does not include assessment of existing curb ramps, or design for replacement of curb ramps. Preliminary Design • Perform a preliminary project walk-through with City staff to establish guidelines and expectations for the project design. • Survey existing monuments within the project area and as directed by the City. Location of survey monuments will be sufficient to allow for replacement of the monument if it is determined that it be destroyed during construction. This work shall also include completing and filing the 'Application for Permit to Remove or Destroy A Survey Monument" with Department of Natural Resources. • Develop preliminary plans utilizing aerial photography as a basemap. Field locate and show on the plans the following project elements: The approximate location and number of utility castings that need to be adjusted to finished grade. O Overlay paving limits, grinding limits, and pavement repair areas. O Minor roadway grading problems and minor drainage issues that are related to roadway grade. Identify grading improvements that can be readily achieved with planing, HMA pre-level, HMA overlay. Identify locations where HMA berms or thickened edges are needed to create a flowline. It expected that this work will be limited to a few locations throughout the project on an as-needed basis. It is also expected that this work will be limited to areas that can be visually identified without any topographic survey of the existing roadway grade. Improvements to drainage collection or conveyance systems other than adjustment of catch basins to grade are not included in this Scope of Work. • Incorporate available utility record drawing information, plat map (property line) and rights-of-way information from available assessor's maps and City supplied sources. This Scope of Work does not include any work associated with right-of-way acquisition, appraisals, appraisal reviews, fair cost estimates of market value of properties, deeds, negotiations, and conveyance documents. TH3 Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 7 of 16 -la:- Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grr)",' Consultant Agreement Prepare detailed quantity take-offs and Construction Cost Estimate with breakdowns by individual site. Submit preliminary Plans and Construction Cost Estimate (60 percent review level) to the City. • Prepare Specifications in City approved format, to include proposals, contracts, and bonding requirements. The Specifications will be prepared with reference to the WSDOT 2016 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge. and Municipal Construction and City design standards, as applicable. Coordinate with WSDOT as needed for the intersection of 19th Street NE and SR 28. It is expected that coordination will be limited to signal loops (if present) and construction traffic control concerns. Submit preliminary Plans to utility providers and incorporate utility comments for utility adjustment details. • Perform an in-house quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) review of all Gray & Osborne generated documents by senior staff members. Final Design Contract Documents • Provide engineering support services and coordination with TIB as directed by the City. • Incorporate all previous comments from the City and submit final Contract Documents and cost estimates to the City and TIB (95% review level) for final review and approval. • Conduct a final on-site review with the City. • Prepare and assist the City in submitting the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) Construction Stormwater Erosivity Waiver if a DOE Construction Stormwater General Permit is required. If a permit is needed, it is assumed that this project will meet the qualifications for an Erosivity Waiver. ▪ Perform a final in-house quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) review of all Gray & Osborne generated documents by senior staff members. BID AND AWARD SERVICES • Provide engineering support services during the bid and award phase of the project to include coordination with TIB as may be desired by the City. • Prepare bid advertisements and distribute to newspapers (does not include publication costs). • Prepare and distribute Contract Documents electronically to Plan Centers, utility companies, the City, and interested bidders. Maintain plan holders list. Answer bid inquiries during the bid phase. Prepare and distribute any bid addenda as required. • Attend bid opening, review bids received, check references, prepare and distribute bid tabulation and prepare letter of recommendation to the City for award of the construction contract. • • • • • • Page 8 of 16 • TIB Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 • • Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) %1TA Consultant Agreement • Services Not Included (In addition to those previously listed in this Scope of Work) • This Scope of Work does not include any topographical survey work. Include typical section, construction notes, and details. The Plans will utilize Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and City design standards, as applicable. Pavement depths will be per City standards • Geotechnical investigation of existing pavement and subgrade, geotechnical reports, and geotechnical recommendations for structural thicknesses. • Any special permits or regulatory approvals not specifically described in this Scope of work. • Any work associated with rectifying discrepancies in rights-of-way, record surveys, easements. plat maps, etc. • Any work associated with preparation and filing of easements and/or record surveys. • Any costs associated with the actual purchase of real estate. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES Gray & Osborne, Inc. shall provide construction engineering services as may be further desired by the City and at the City's option. If the City elects to exercise this option, Gray & Osborne, Inc. shall prepare a scope and fee for this additional work for the City's review and approval. Since the extent of this work cannot be reasonably determined at this time, it will be prepared at the completion of the design phase as a contract supplement. Gray & Osborne, Inc. will also be entitled to subcontract work to a qualified firm as further approved by the City. TH3 Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 9 of 16 Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) VP' Consultant Agreement • • Documents to be Furnished by the Consultant • Monthly invoices • Preliminary (60%) design plans and construction cost estimate. • Final (95%) Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) • "Application for Permit to Remove or Destroy A Survey Monument' with Department of Natural Resources. • Submit PS&E to TIB and make revisions as needed. • Submit Bid Authorization UCE to TIB • Submit Bid Award UCE to TIB • Bid Document Plans, Specs, and Estimate plus any Addenda. • TIE Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 10 of 16 41--.:• Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Consultant Agreement EXHIBIT C-2 Payment (Cost Plus Fixed Fee) The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY for completed work and services rendered under this AGREEMENT as provided hereinafter. Such payment shall be full compensation for all work performed or services rendered and for all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work specified in Section II, "Scope of Work." A. Actual Costs Payment for all consulting services for this project shall be on the basis of the CONSULTANTs actual cost plus a fixed fee. The actual cost shall include direct salary cost, overhead, and direct nonsalary cost. 1. Direct Salary Costs The direct salary cost is the direct salary paid to principals, professional, technical, and clerical personnel for the time they are productively engaged in work necessary to fulfill the terms of this AGREEMENT. 2. Overhead Costs Overhead costs are those costs other than direct costs which are included as such on the books of the CONSULTANT in the normal everyday keeping of its books. Progress payments shall be made at the rate shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT, under "Overhead Progress Payment Rate." Total overhead payment shall be based on the method shown in the heading of the AGREEMENT. The three options are explained as follows: a. Actual Cost: If this method is indicated in the heading of the AGREEMENT, the AGENCY agrees to reimburse the CONSULTANT the actual overhead costs verified by audit, up to maximum amount payable, authorized under this AGREEMENT, when accumulated with all other actual costs. b. Actual Cost Not To Exceed Maximum Percent: If this method is indicated in the heading of this AGREEMENT, the AGENCY agrees to reimburse the CONSULTANT at the actual overhead rate verified by audit up to the maximum percentage shown in the space provided. Final overhead payment when accumulated with all other actual costs shall not exceed the total maximum amount payable shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT. c. Fixed Rate: If this method is indicated in the heading of the AGREEMENT, the AGENCY agrees to reimburse the CONSULTANT for overhead at the percentage rate shown. This rate shall not change during the life of the AGREEMENT. A summary of the CONSULTANTs cost estimate and the overhead computation are attached hereto as Exhibits D and E and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. When an actual cost overhead rate or actual cost not to exceed overhead rate is used, the actual overhead rate determined at the end of each fiscal year shall be used for the computation of progress payments during the following year and for retroactively adjusting the previous year's overhead cost to reflect the actual rate. The CONSULTANT shall advise the AGENCY as soon as possible of the actual overhead rate for each fiscal year and of the actual rate incurred to the date of completion of the work. The AGENCY and/or TIB may perform an audit of the CONSULTANT's books and records at any time during regular business hours to determine the actual overhead rate, if they so desire. 3. Direct Non salary Cost Direct nonsalary costs will be reimbursed at the actual cost to the CONSULTANT applicable to this contract. These charges may include, but are not limited to the following items: travel, printing, long distance telephone, supplies, computer charges, and fees of subconsultants. Air or train travel will only be reimbursed to economy class levels unless otherwise approved by the AGENCY. The billing for nonsalary cost, directly identifiable with the Project, shall be an itemized listing of the charges supported by original bills or legible copies of invoices, expense accounts, and miscellaneous supporting data retained by the CONSULTANT. Copies of the original supporting documents shall be provided to the AGENCY upon request. All of the above charges must be necessary for services to be provided under this AGREEMENT. 4. Fixed Fee The fixed fee, which represents the CONSULTANT's profit, is shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT under Fixed Fee. This fee is based on the scope of work defined in this AGREEMENT and the estimated man-months required to perform the stated scope of work. In the event a supplemental agreement is entered into for additional work by the CONSULTANT, the supplemental agreement may include provision for the added costs and appropriate additional fee. The fixed fee will be prorated and paid monthly in proportion to the percentage of work completed by the CONSULTANT and reported in the monthly progress reports accompanying the invoices. -rig Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 11 of 16 Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) kr,V2 Consultant Agreement Any portion of the fixed fee earned by not previously paid in the progress payments will be cover in the final payment, subject to the provisions of Section IX, Termination of Agreement. 5. Maximum Total Amount Payable The maximum total amount payable, by the AGENCY to the CONSULTANT under this AGREEMENT, shall not exceed the amount shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT as maximum amount payable, which includes the Fixed Fee, unless a supplemental agreement has been negotiated and executed by the AGENCY prior to incurring any costs in excess of the maximum amount payable. B. Monthly Progress Payments The CONSULTANT may submit invoices to the AGENCY for reimbursement of actual costs plus the calculated overhead and fee not more often than once per month during the progress of the work. Such invoices shall be in a format approved by the AGENCY and accompanied by the monthly progress reports required under Section III, General Requirements, of the AGREEMENT. The invoices will be supported by itemized listing and support document for each item including direct salary, direct nonsalary, and allowable overhead costs to which will be added the prorated Fixed Fee. C. Final Payment Final Payment of any balance due the CONSULTANT of the gross amount earned will be made promptly upon its verification by the AGENCY after the completion of the work under this AGREEMENT, contingent upon receipt of all PS&E, plans, maps, notes, reports, and other related documents which are required to be furnished under this AGREEMENT. Acceptance of such final payment by the CONSULTANT shall constitute a release of all claims of any nature which the CONSULTANT may have against the AGENCY unless such claims are specifically reserved in writing and transmitted to the AGENCY by the CONSULTANT prior to its acceptance. Said final payment shall not, however, be a bar to any claims that the AGENCY may have against the CONSULTANT or to any remedies the AGENCY may pursue with respect to such claims that the AGENCY may have against the CONSULTANT or to any remedies the AGENCY may pursue with respect to such claims. D. Inspection of Cost Records The CONSULTANT and his subconsultants shall keep available for inspection by representatives of the AGENCY and/or TIB, for a period of three years after final payment, the cost records and accounts pertaining to this AGREEMENT. If any litigation, claim, or audit arising out of, in connection with, or related to this contract is initiated before the expiration of the three-year period, the cost records and accounts shall be retained until such litigation, claim, or audit involving the records is completed. TH3 Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 12 of 16 L• Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) .(111fii.) Consultant Agreement • • EXHIBIT D-1 Consultant Fee Determination Summary Sheet (Lump Sum, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Cost per Unit of Work) Prepared by Gray & Osborne, Inc. Date June 6, 2016 Project FY 2017 Arterial Preservation Project Direct Salary Cost (DSC) Classification Man Hours Rate cost Principal-In-Charge/Project Manager 6 a $35-$55 = $330 Project Manager/Engineers (Eng. IV, V and VI) 42 x $33-$55 = $1.680 E.I.T./Design/Civil Engineers (Eng. I, II and III) 224 x $24-$36 = $7.616 Technician/Drafter 156 x $15-$36 = $4,836 Professional Land Surveyor 12 x $34-$42 = $456 Survey Crew 10 x $45-$85 = $550 TOTAL DSC $15,486 OVERHEAD (OH Cost including Salary Additives) OH Rate x DSC or 180% x $13,633 $27,842 FIXED FEE (FF) FF Rate x DSC or 42% x $13,633 $6,497 REIMBURSABLES Misc. Expenses, including mileage ($0.54 per mile), per diem, Reproduction, etc. $393 GRAND TOTAL $50,200 • TH3 Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 13 of 16 Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) (rit.31 Consultant Agreement • • EXHIBIT D-2 Consultant Fee Determination Summary Sheet (Specific Rates of Pay) FEE SCHEDULE Discipline or Job Title Hourly Rate Overhead @ 180% Profit @ 42% Rate Per Hour Technician/Drafter $15-$36 $27.00-$64.80 $6.30-$15.12 $48.30-$115.92 E.I.T./Design/Civil Engineers (Eng. I, II and III) $24-$36 $43.20-$64.80 $10.08-$15.12 $77.28-$115.92 Environmental Technician/Specialist $25-$34 $45.00-$61.20 $10.50-$14.28 $80.50-$109.48 Structural/Electrical Engineers $31-$56 $55.804100.80 $13.02-$23.52 $99.82-$180.32 Project Manager/Engineer (Eng. IV, V and VI) $33-$55 $59.40-$99.00 $13.86-$23.10 $106.26-$177.10 Principal-in-Charge/Project Managers $35-$55 $63.00-$99.00 $14.70-$23.10 $112.70-$177.10 Survey Crew $45-$85 $81.00-$153.00 $18.90-$35.70 $144.90-$273.70 Professional Land Surveyor $34442 $61.20-$75.60 $14.28-$17.64 $109.484135.24 Field Inspector/Resident Engineer $23-$52 $41.40-$93.60 $9.66-$21.48 $74.06-$167.44 Secretaryfrypist* N/A N/A N/A N/A *Secretarial and clerical fees are not billed, but are included in the overhead multiplier listed. The same is true for accounting, bookkeeping, in-house printing up to $150, word processing, computer use, computer-aided drafting, and telephone and fax costs. -1-113 Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 14 of 16 , Transportation Improvement Board (T I B) k„,...") Consultant Agreement EXHIBIT E-1 Breakdown of Overhead Cost GRAY & OSBORNE COMPUTATION OF OVERHEAD MULTIPLIER Federal, State, and Local Taxes 23.96% Insurance and Medical 27.07% Professional Development and Education 1.29% Vacations and Holidays 14.65% Administration (Typing, CADD, GIS, Computer)** 41.70% Rent, Utilities, and Depreciation 15.47% Office Expenses, Support and Maintenance 9.32% Travel 1.96% Retirement 8.99% Incentive Program 35.5% Facilities Cost of Capital 0.09% TOTAL: 180.00% PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT ENGINEER'S REPRESENTATIVE PAYROLL RATES THROUGH JUNE 15, 2016* Employee Classification Payroll Rates AutoCAD/GIS Technician/Engineering Intern $15.00 to $28.00 AutoCAD/GIS Manager/Graphic Artist $28.00 to $36.00 Electrical Engineer $32.00 to $56.00 Structural Engineer $31.00 to $52.00 Environmental Technician/Specialist $25.00 to $34.00 Civil Engineer $24.00 to $38.00 Project Engineer $33.00 to $44.00 Project Manager $35.00 to $55.00 Principal-in-Charge $35.00 to $55.00 Resident Engineer $38.00 to $52.00 Field Inspector $23.00 to $44.00 Field Survey Crew (2 Person)** $45.00 to $66.00 Field Survey Crew (3 Person)** $68.00 to $85.00 Professional Land Surveyor $34.00 to $42.00 Secretary/Word Processor** N/A** Updated annually, together with .the overhead. All actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred directly on the project are added to the billing. The billing is based on direct out-of-pocket expenses; meals, lodging, laboratory testing and transportation. The transportation rate is $0.54 per mile or the current maximum IRS rate without receipt IRS Section 162(a). **Administration expenses include secretarial and clerical work; GIS, CADD, and computer equipment; owned survey equipment and tools (stakes, hubs, lath, etc. - Note: mileage billed separately at rate noted); miscellaneous administration tasks; facsimiles; telephone; postage; and printing costs, which are less than $150. Ts Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 15 of 16 --Am.—, Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Consultant Agreement EXHIBIT F-1 Payment Upon Termination of Agreement by the Agency Other than for Fault of the Consultant (Refer to Agreement, Section IX) Lump Sum Contracts A final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT which when added to any payments previously made shall total the same percentage of the Lump Sum Amount as the work completed at the time of termination is to the total work required for the PROJECT. In addition, the CONSULTANT shall be paid for any authorized extra work completed. Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contracts A final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT which when added to any payments previously made, shall total the actual costs plus the same percentage of the fixed fee as the work completed at the time of termination is to the total work required for the PROJECT. In addition, the CONSULTANT shall be paid for any authorized extra work completed. Specific Rates of Pay Contracts A final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT for actual hours charged at the time of termination of this AGREEMENT plus and direct nonsalary costs incurred at the time of termination of this AGREEMENT. Cost Per Unit of Work Contracts A final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT for actual units of work completed at the time of termination of this AGREEMENT. TIB Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 16 of 16 -.n• Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) g.:11 Consultant Agreement • • EXHIBIT G-1 Subcontracted Work The AGENCY permits subcontracts for the following portions of the work of this AGREEMENT: None. • Tig Form 190-016 Revised Oct 2001 Page 17 of 16 ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmem er Barnhart Passed: —1 0 Failed: Second By: Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Rarrhar--1-- FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL • • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # 06 -06 -03 AGENDA ITEM # 5 PRESENTER: Dana Barnard AGENDA DATE: June 14, 2016 POSITION: City Clerk DEPARTMENT: City Clerk TITLE: Resolution No. 2016-06 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, declaring certain personal property owned by the City as surplus to the needs of the City. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: Staff had determined that certain assets of the City are now surplus to the needs of the City. To dispose of surplus property, the majority of the City Council must approve the resolution. State law requires that the City hold a public hearing prior to transferring assets in excess of $50,000, prior to transferring assets to another governmental agency at below market value. In deciding whether to declare certain assets as surplus, the City Council should consider the following: 1. Possible future requirements of the City; 2. Present value of the property; 3. Likelihood of locating a buyer; 4. Intergovernmental cooperation; and 5. The general welfare of the citizens of the City. In disposing of surplus assets, the City may utilize any one of the following methods: public auction, solicitation of bids, sale to a designated buyer for fair market value, transfer to another agency of government at or below reasonable market value, or donation to a charitable or nonprofit organization. EXHIBITS: Resolution with Exhibit A RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the assets be declared surplus. Page 1 of 1 This page intentionally left blank • • e 44 • City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2016-06 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee declaring certain personal property owned by the City as surplus to the needs of the City. 1. Authority„ a. RC W 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to organize and regulate its internal affairs and to define the powers, functions and duties of its officers and employees. b. As required by RCW 35A.11.010, the City Council has a responsibility to dispose of property that has become surplus to the needs of the City. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Purpose. The City Council declares that it is in the public interest for the City to dispose of surplus City assets. • Section 2: Declaration. The City Council declares the assets listed on Exhibit "A" as surplus to the needs of the City. Section 3: Public Hearing. Because the City Council estimates that none of the assets to be sold exceeds $50,000 in value and because it will not transfer any property to another governmental agency at below market value, it will not hold a public hearing. Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Sale of Property. The City Council instructs the Mayor or his designee to sell the assets listed on Exhibit A using such other means of marketing and as the Mayor or his designee reasonably determines to maximize the net return to the City on the sale. Conflict of Interest. The City Council declares that it is a conflict-of-interest for members of the City Council, the Mayor, and any other city employee to purchase the assets listed on Exhibit "A." Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this resolution to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Resolution. City of East Wenatchee • Resolution 2016-06 Page 1 of 2 . . A e Section 7: Effective Date. This Resolution becomes effective immediately. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of ,2016. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor ATTEST: • Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: 06/03/16 Passed by the City Council: Effective Date: City of East Wenatchee III Resolution 2016-06 Page 2 of 2 S CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # 06-06-04 AGENDA ITEM # 6 PRESENTER: Devin Poulson AGENDA DATE: June 14, 2016 POSITION: City Attorney DEPARTMENT: Legal Title: Ordinance No. 2016-04 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee adopting a process for being able to exclude an individual from publicly-owned property for engaging in illegal behavior by adding Chapter 9.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. History: The intent of the proposed ordinance is to exclude individuals from public property who fail to abide by local or state law while on public property. Individuals who receive a trespass warning and subsequently violate conditions of entry may be arrested for criminal trespass. Violators must first be warned that their privilege to be on the property is revoked by a police officer. the Ordinance also sets out an appeal process to make sure that someone who receives a trespass warning is afforded due process. Criminal Trespass remains a misdemeanor (2nd Degree: when outside of a building) and a gross misdemeanor (1st Degree: when inside a building). The Trespass Warning Program does not replace codified law. Officers may still arrest someone for trespassing on private property regardless of the existence of a trespass warning if someone with the authority to revoke privilege has previously admonished the individual from the property and is willing to testify as a witness. Exhibits: None Recommended -First reading only. Schedule for second reading at a Action: subsequent meeting. Page 1 of 2 FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required $ 0 Amount Budgeted $ 0 Appropriation Required so ACTION TAKEN: --t-ctsw Motion Made By: Councilmember Collings Councilmemberjohnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart ReUV SZ On 5 Second By: Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Passed: Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) • • Page 2 of 2 • S City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2016-04 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee adopting a process for being able to exclude an individual from publicly-owned property for engaging in illegal behavior by adding Chapter 9.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee adoptar un proceso para poder excluir a un individuo por bienes de propiedad ptiblica para el ejercicio de una conducta ilegal mediante la adiciOn de 9,42 Capitulo al COdigo Municipal de East Wenatchee. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (espariol, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), pOngase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east-wenatchee.com , al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com , at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Recitals. 2.1. The City of East Wenatchee ("City") is a non-charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington. 2.2. The City Council finds that there is a demonstrated need for the City to adopt a legally sound process for being able to exclude an individual from publicly-owned property for engaging in illegal behavior. 2.3. The City Council recognizes that a member of the public has legitimate interests and rights regarding the use and enjoyment publicly-owned property, as well as certain rights protected by the United States Constitution and the Washington State Constitution and laws, including, but not limited to, the right to petition the government, the right to assembly, and the right to access sources of information. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-04 Page 1 of 5 • 2.4. The City Council desires to provide a specific method for the issuance of trespass notices to an individual who engages in illegal behavior, including placing limitations on trespass notices and providing procedures for such individuals to promptly appeal the issuance of trespass notices. 2.5. The City Council enacts this ordinance as an exercise of the City's authority to protect and preserve the public health, safety and welfare, while recognizing the rights of individuals to engage in legitimate activities that may occur on publicly-owned property. 3. Authority. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. i THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4. Enactment. The City Council enacts Chapter 9.42 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code: Chapter 9.42 TRESSPASS NOTICES 9.24.010 Authorization. 9.42.020 Arrest; Exceptions. 9.42.030 Appeal of trespass notice. 9.42.040 Appeal Hearing. 9.42.010 Authorization. A. A police officer may issue a written trespass notice to an individual who the officer has probable cause to believe has violated a provision of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code (as enacted or amended) or a provision of the Revised Code of Washington (as enacted or amended) while on or within public property. This authorization excludes sidewalks that abut a paved street. The trespass notice must be limited to the specific property where the violation occurred. B. A police officer may issue a written trespass notice based on personal observation, the report of a City employee, or a civilian report that a police officer would ordinarily rely upon to determine probable cause. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-04 Page 1 of 5 • 0 • • • C. For a first violation, a trespass notice may not exceed 60 days. For a second or subsequent violation, a trespass notice may not exceed 365 days. D. When issuing a trespass notice, a police officer must hand deliver a copy of the trespass notice to the individual. The trespass must contain the following information: the date of issuance, a description of the behavior that formed the basis for the trespass notice, the length exclusion, the place of exclusion, how to appeal the trespass notice, where to file an appeal, and the penalty for violating the trespass notice. A police officer must also provide the Police Chief with a copy of the trespass notice within 24 hours of its issuance. 9.42.020 Arrest; Exceptions. A. An individual found on public property in violation of a trespass notice may be arrested for trespassing, except as otherwise provided in this section. B. A City employee or official having control over a City facility, building, or outdoor area, may authorize an individual who has received a trespass notice to enter the property or premises to exercise his or her First Amendment rights if there is no other reasonable alternative location to exercise such rights or to conduct necessary municipal business. Such authorization must be in writing, must specify the duration of the authorization and any conditions thereof, and may not be unreasonably denied. 9.42.030 Appeal of trespass notice. A. An individual who has received a trespass notice has a right of appeal. The individual must file a written notice of appeal within ten days of receiving a trespass notice. The notice must include the individual's name, mailing address, email address, and phone number. The City may not charge a fee for filing an appeal. B. The individual must file the written notice of appeal at the information desk of the East Wenatchee Police Department located at 271 9th St. N.E., East Wenatchee, WA 98802. 9.42.040 Appeal Hearing. A. The Police Chief hears an appeal. B. Within five days of an appeal being filed, the Chief must send notice regarding the time and place of the appeal hearing. The Chief of Police must provide the appellant with notice of the hearing: City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016 -04 Page 1 of 5 e 1. By sending a notice of hearing to the appellant's email address; 2. By sending a text message to the appellant's phone number; 3. By mailing a notice of hearing to the appellant's mailing address; or 4. By posting the notice at the information desk of the East Wenatchee Police Department. If appellant cannot be reached by email, by telephone, or by mail, then notice at the information desk is sufficient. C. The appeal hearing must occur no sooner than seven days after a notice of appeal is filed no later than 30 days after a notice of appeal is filed. Upon written request of the appellant, the Police Chief may hold an appeal hearing after the 30-day time limit. D. Upon request and at no cost, the police department will send the appellant a copy of each document in the City's control which it intends to use at the hearing, and which directly relates to the issuance of the trespass notice to the appellant. E. The appellant and the City have the right to attend the appeal hearing, the right to testify, the right to call witnesses, the right to cross examine witnesses, and the right to present evidence. The appellant has the right to bring an attorney and/or a court reporter to the appeal hearing, at appellant's own expense. F. The appellant need not be charged, tried, or convicted of any crime or infraction for the issued trespass notice to be effective. G. The Police Chief must consider the testimony, reports or other documentary evidence, and any other evidence presented at the hearing. Formal rules of evidence do not apply, but fundamental due process governs the proceedings. H. At the appeal hearing, the City must prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the trespass notice was properly issued. I. Within five days of the hearing, the Police Chief must issue a written decision on the appeal and must deliver the decision to the appellant at the address provided. If no address is provided, the Police Chief must post a copy of the decision at the City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-04 Page 1 of 5 • • • information desk of the East Wenatchee Police Department. If posted, a copy of the decision may be removed after 30 days. J. If the Police Chief finds that the City properly issued the trespass notice, the Police Chief must upheld the terms of the trespass notice. For good cause shown, the Police Chief may shorten the duration of the exclusion. For good cause shown, the Police Chief may reduce the areas covered by the trespass notice. K. If the Police Chief finds that the City did not properly issue the trespass notice, the City may not consider the trespass notice as a prior notice for purposes of EWMC 9.42.010.C. L. The decision of the Police Chief is final and the appellant is deemed to have exhausted all administrative remedies. Such decision may be subject to judicial review in the manner provided by law by the appellant. The City may not appeal a decision of the Chief of Police. M. The trespass notice remains in effect during the appeal and review process, including any judicial review. 5. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect • the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. 6. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the City's website. 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of , 2016. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Authenticated: City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-04 Page 1 of 5 Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-04 Page 1 of 5 • • • Summary of City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2016-04 On the day of , 2016, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2016-04, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee adopting a process for being able to exclude an individual from publicly-owned property for engaging in illegal behavior by adding Chapter 9.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The full text of this Ordinance is available at www.east -wenatchee.com . Dated this day of , 2016. II Dana Barnard, City Clerk • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2016-04 Page 1 of 5 suk41e,i Wa RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD RIVERCOM 911 Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Wenatchee City Council Chambers, 129 South Chelan Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES Board Members Present: Keith Goehner, Commissioner, Chelan County (Chair); Steve Jenkins, Commissioner, Douglas County (substituting for Dale Snyder, Commissioner, Douglas County (Vice- Chair); Keith Huffaker, Councilmember, City of Wenatchee; Wayne Barnhart, Councilmember, City of East Wenatchee (Chair); Karl Jonasson, EMS Director, Chelan County Public Hospital District No. 2 Ex-Officio Members Present: Edgar Reinfeld, Captain, Wenatchee Police Department (substituting for Tom Robbins, Chief, Wenatchee Police Department); Keith Vradenburg, Mayor, City of Entiat RIVERCOM Staff Present: Jim Fosse, Director; Criselia Grupp, Administrative Services Manager; Jerry Corder, IT Manager; Josh Humphrey, Radio Systems Technical Manager; Elizabeth Peterson, Receptionist Guests Present: Dee Gutierrez, RIVERCOM; Mac Fraley, Motorola Solutions I. CALL TO ORDER —Chairman Goehner called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM; Board member 11/ Huffaker led the Pledge of Allegiance. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS — Chairman Goehner welcomed those present and attendees introduced themselves. Chairman Goehner also congratulated Edgar Reinfeld on his promotion to Captain with Wenatchee Police Department effective June 1. III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA — The agenda was approved as presented. IV. STANDING AGENDA A. Consent Agenda a. RIVERCOM Administrative Board Meeting Minutes, April 13, 2016 b. Payroll and Benefits for April 2016 in the amount of $273,988.53 c. May 2016 Vouchers in the amount of $105,607.71 for payment on May 11, 2016: i. Maintenance and Operations Account (Control #0290-0351) $ 61,682.58 ii. General Communications Tax Account (Control #0352-0357) $ 2,805.93 iii. Communications Tax Capital Projects Account (Control #0358-0369) $ 41,119.20 Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented; Barnhart, second by Jonasson. Resolution: Motion carried. 410 V. BOARD CHAIR REPORT — There was no report. RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting — May 11, 2016 Page 1 VI. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Fosse reported on the following items: A. General Items 1. Director Fosse expressed his thanks and commended the service provided by the North Central Washington Chaplaincy program; the chaplain program is designed to primarily support the well-being of fire, emergency medical services, and dispatch personnel and, secondarily, provides service to the public. The Chaplains regularly stop-by RIVERCOM to check in and make themselves available to personnel in times of crisis. Board member Barnhart requested Director Fosse send a letter of appreciation to the Chaplains on behalf of the Board to reflect appreciation for their important contribution of support to RIVERCOM personnel and user agencies. 2. Dr. Lance Jobe forwarded a research article from the Journal of American Medical Academy, cardiology section, about the efficacy of dispatcher assisted CPR. Dr. Jobe commented that the study confirms the current CPR program at RIVERCOM and in our area. The current mid- to upper sixty-percent (60%) percent survival rate is outstanding. Director Fosse said he was very pleased to be working with Dr. Jobe and appreciated his partnership with RIVERCOM. RIVERCOM will continue to meet with Dr. Jobe to review RIVERCOM's emergency medical program. 3. Board member Barnhart addressed emergency incidents on local waterways and discussed the availability of maps showing the names of water-related features, points of interest, rapids, etc. along local waterways. Further discussion followed. Board member Barnhart suggested that RIVERCOM reach-out to local rafting companies to build a current database of locally named waterways and points of interest to more accurately assist ESDs in directing emergency first responders to incidents. RIVERCOM will contact local companies and begin the process of identifying points of interest on local waterways. 4. Director Fosse reported that RIVERCOM has been in contact with Spillman Technologies regarding implementation issues with the automated Zetron paging system and continues to work with Spillman in an effort to get the paging module up and running. Although there is a business relationship between Spillman and Zetron, neither party has communicated with the other about the paging module issues RIVERCOM is experiencing. Director Fosse will facilitate a conference call between RIVERCOM, Spillman, and Zetron in an effort to resolve the issues. Additional issues regarding Spillman CAD system were addressed. Director Fosse reported that a Spillman Fire CAD demonstration will take place at the next Fire Chief's meeting in an effort to better serve local fire agencies. Director Fosse reported that while multiple users are having issues with Spillman, fire agencies are experiencing the greatest disadvantage. RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting — May 11, 2016 Page 2 Chairman Goehner said that he will contact Tyler Holland, Sales Representative at Spillman Technologies, to encourage completion of outstanding tickets in a more efficient manner and to ensure a high quality of customer service. Director Fosse has been informed that the final report resulting from the April site visit by Perry Koger, Sales Support Manager with Spillman Technologies, is in process. Director Fosse will continue to follow up with Spillman until the report is received by RIVERCOM. B. Radio Sites Report RIVERCOM did not receive an agreeable price from Motorola Solutions using NASPO contract pricing for the radio project. Our consultant, Doug Dickerson with Black and Veatch, is working on specifications for a Request for Proposal (RFP) for RIVERCOM. RIVERCOM will be trying to finalize and release the REP to the public for competitive bidding within the next sixty to ninety days. C. Staffing Report Director Fosse reported that, at present, RIVERCOM is fully staffed. If an opening for the position of Emergency Services Dispatcher becomes vacant, RIVERCOM will first contact potential candidates on its hiring eligibility list before moving forward with any hiring process. • VII. MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS The financial reports were provided to the Board. Administrative Services Manager Grupp reported on the following: 2016 Annual Budget, YTD for Month Ending April 30, 2016 Amount Collected Total Expenditures % of Budget Revenue Sources: Agency Assessments 909,359 34.52% Local E911 Excise Tax 355,294 34.35% Site Leases 6,848 41.88% Outside Revenue and Grants 7,938 2.17% Outside Revenue and Grants — Capital Projects 45,022 27.24% E911/NG911 Reserve Account Interest 183 96.45% 1,324,645 31.42% Expenditures: Maintenance and Operations Account 1,191,648 26.46% Capital Projects Account - 0% Equipment Replacement Account 2,920 9.13% 1,194,569 25.41% RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting — May 11, 2016 Page 3 2016 Communications Tax Account, YTD for Month Encrng April 30, 2016 Capital Improvement Project: Radio Site Expansion Amount Collected Total Expenditures % of Budget Revenue Sources: Communications Tax Revenue 930,171.62 38.76% 930,171.62 38.76% Expenditures: Communications Tax Account 277,883 5.96% 277.883 5.96% • Chairman Goehner noted the decrease in Communications Tax revenue and the impact on the current annual budget. Administrative Services Manager Grupp also mentioned that unexpected project delays account for the lower than usual amount of expenditures. VIII. OPERATIONS REPORT A. Director Fosse reported that Operations Manager Viebrock recently organized a Call Processing Committee to regularly review call-dispatch processes and to make recommendations for improvement. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Board member Jonasson reported on the RIVERCOM Operations Group meeting held on May 10, 2016. Meeting discussion primarily centered on Spillman-related issues. X. OLD BUSINESS A. Spillman Administrator Discussion There is nothing new to report. Director Fosse said that Dave HeIvey of Chelan County Sheriff's Office is trying to schedule a meeting to include interested agencies. XI. NEW BUSINESS — There was no new business. XIII. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM. The next Board meeting is scheduled for June 8, 2016. Minutes Respectfully Submitted, Staci Engler Confidential Administrative Assistant RIVERCOM 911 ATTEST: James C. Fosse, Director Date RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting — May 11, 2016 Page 4 RIVERCOM 911 Administrative Board Members: Keith Goehner, Chairman, Commissioner, Chelan County Dale Snyder, Vice-Chairman, Commissioner, Douglas County Keith Huffaker, Council Member, City of Wenatchee Wayne Barnhart, Council Member, City of East Wenatchee Karl Jonasson, EMS Director, Chelan County Public Hospital District No. 2 RIVERCOM 911 Operations Group RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting — May 11, 2016 Page 5 • Our Mission We at RiverCom 911 are the essential link to public safety. We serve with integrity, dedication and professionalism while embracing the support of our family, partners and community. Our Values Integrity • good character followed by good action • doing the right thing when no one is watching • being accountable and taking ownership Dedication • commitment and determination • perseverance and devotion • pride in what we do Professionalism • aspiring to high ideals • selfless, respectful and compassionate • well trained and motivated Our Vision To be a highly regarded communications Center who invests in our employees and community • • • Chelan-Douglas TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL CDTC 2016 Chairman: Steve Lacy, Mayor City of East Wenatchee Jeff Wilkens, Executive Director 11 Spokane Street, Suite 301, Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 663-9059 I chelan-douglas.org May 26, 2016 Steve Lacy, Mayor 271 9 th Street N.E. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 RECEIVED MAY 31 Z016 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE Dear Mayor Lacy: On behalf of the CDTC Governing Board I am pleased to notify you that federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) funding in the amount of $886,000 has been awarded to the City of East Wenatchee for the 9 th Street NE Dual Roundabouts project. These funds have been programmed by CDTC in the 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Program and will be combined with prior federal funds awarded for the 9 th Street NE / Valley Mall Parkway intersection, resulting in a combined total of $1,232,000. The next step towards accessing these funds is for city staff to update the project information in WSDOT's online Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) database. Once this occurs, we can finalize a STIP amendment and make these funds available for expenditure. Please contact David Fletcher (david@chelan-douglas.org ) if you have any questions about updating the STIP records. Please contact Paul Mahre, WSDOT Local Programs Engineer to clarify any questions about modifying your funding agreement, funding obligation, project development and engineering issues, and/or construction administration. Congratulations and thank you for your important work delivering transportation system improvements that strengthen our region. If you have any questions about CDTC's process of selecting and programming federally funded projects, please call me at 663-9059. Jeff Wilkens Executive Director Cc: Greg Pezoldt, City Engineer Paul Mahre, WSDOT • • CJ-TY OF EAST MENATCHEE JUN 0 3 20:5 BY RECENED : 5/31/2016 Mayor Steven Lacy 271 9th Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 & Cmkural Cantor • Dear Mayor Lacy, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for your participation and support of our recent "Fly into the Future" event honoring Karen and Jim Russell! Your presence was a critical element in making this event a great success. This event celebrating the Russell's generous support has now officially kicked off the beginning of our campaign to redesign the permanent exhibit at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. When completed, the exhibit will transform our beloved museum — the pride of our community for nearly 8o years — into a cultural landmark and destination location that will reverberate on a national scale. Our history, our culture, our lives and our stories will be told for all to appreciate and enjoy. On behalf of the Museum staff and Board, I want to thank you for your ongoing support in our growth and vision. We are looking forward to working with you closely on the next stages of our development, which will certainly play a part in our Valley's great future. Sincerely Yours, Sandy Cohen Director Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center 127 South Mission Wenatchee, WA 98801 509-888-6240 www.wvincc.org Google Analytics Pages III 0 Al) Users 100.00% Pageviews East Wenatchee ; WA - http://east-wen ... 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frustration for thousands of bicyclists each year. The same thorns instantly change a dog's riverfront walk into painful limping paws. Now we will begin fighting back. The Mission To gradually convert our riverfront trail system into a "goathead free zone." No more flat tires. No limping paws. No goatheads, period. This multi-year effort will start with a strong step forward in 2016. • The Battle Plan http://goatheadwarriors.com/ 5/26/2016 Goathead Warriors Page 2 of 3 The riverfront trail is divided into four sectors; West Side Loop Trail, East • Side Loop Trail, Rocky Reach Trail and Hydro -Park Trail. Goathead Warrior volunteers will scout, attack and remove goatheads in each sector. "Commandos" can help on a more occasional basis. An assigned Captain will organize the fight in each sector. The core strategy is finding, killing and removing the goathead plants before they drop new seeds. Without new seeds the recurrence will steadily drop until that section becomes a "Goathead Free Zone." Weapons Essential Goathead Warrior weapons: a shovel, 3 mil garbage bags, heavy duty gloves and good footwear. The Key Goatheads are a tough opponent. We believe our warriors are tougher. If you can lend a hand, please send us an email! Schedule The battle will start in June and run through October. (/join-the-fight) © 2016 Goathead Warriors, a Wenatchee Outdoors Affiliate, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED "The only thing we have to fear is..." well Goatheads of course! I Login (/wp-login.php) • • http://goatheadwarriors.com/ 5/26/2016 Mission Statement Our mission is to advance the work of water and sewer districts through education. advocacy. and collaboration. President: Patrick Sorensen, Manager Lake VVhatcorn W & S District Vice-President: Brian Egan, Commissioner East Wenatchee Water District Secretary: Jeff Clarke, Manager Alderwood Water & Wastewater Treasurer: Pamela Martin, Commissioner Coal Creek Utility District Executive Director: Blair B. Burroughs District Admin Office 12720 Gateway Drive, Suite 204 Tukwila, WA 98168-3333 Phone (206) 246-1299 or (800) 244-0124 Fax (206) 246-1323 email: staff@waswd.org online at http:// www.waswd.org Business Hours 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday • Volume 21 Issue 1 May 2016 Washington Association of Sewer & Water Districts ecutive Director's Perspective Preserve the Public Works Trust Fund: Step Off the Flint, Michigan Path I'll wager every reader of this column has heard about the problems caused by lead contaminating Flint, Michigan's drinking water. The task force created to investigate this travesty opened its report with this sentence: The Flint water crisis is a story of government failure, intransigence, unpreparedness, delay, inaction, and environmental injustice. How did this happen? Flint residents paid the highest water rates in the nation. Their water system infrastructure should have been state of the art. Instead it was dangerously substandard. A major reason was that water revenues were being diverted to the city's general fund. Sound familiar? The Washington Legislature marched on the same shortsighted Flint path when it recently adopted its supplemental budget. Rather than providing a long-term solution for education funding, ESHB 2376 expressed an intent to make yet another diversion in the next biennium of infrastructure funds from the Public Works Assistance Account (a.k.a. Public Works Trust Fund) to the general fund. Governor Inslee vetoed this provision of the bill, saying "there is a clear need for future public infrastructure improvement throughout the state." Obviously, there is a significant divergence of opinion in Olympia about the need for the PWTF. This split isn't along party lines. The "Rs" control the Senate and the "Ds" control the House, yet both branches voted for a budget that would have killed the PVVTF. The future of the PVVTF will be hotly debated when the Legislature reconvenes in 2017. So, what are the facts? Do we really need the PVVTF? Is there a workable substitute? Continued on Page 3 See ED 's Perspective Pipeline Page 2 Meeting Notices Board of Directors Meetings June Board of Directors June 27, 2016, 1:00 p.m. WASWD Board Room Tukwila, WA July Board of Directors July 25, 2016, 1:00 p.m. WASWD Board Room Tukwila, WA August Board of Directors August 22, 2016, 1:00 p.m. WASWD Board Room Tukwila, WA .4110- Wilson SURVEY/ENGINEERING Providing efficient, effective and economical solutions to clients since 1967. Civil and Structural Engineering Land and Hydrographic Survey www.wilsonengineering.com ',360.733.6100 I Bellingham, WA Upcoming Conferences 2016 Fall Conference & Trade Show September 21-23, 2016 Davenport Hotel, Spokane, WA 2017 Spring Conference & Trade Show April 12-14, 2017 Yakima Convention Center Yakima, WA 2017 Fall Conference & Trade Show September 27-29, 2017 Wenatchee Convention Center Wenatchee, WA Committee Meetings Government Relations Second Thursday of each month Conference & Training Third Thursday of each month Technology Interest Group Third Friday of each month Emergency Preparedness Second Tuesday of each month Small District Committee First Wednesday of each month Committee meetings are held at: 10:00 a.m. WASWD Board Room Please check the calendar on the WASWD website, occasionally meetings are cancelled. Section Meetings Section I Meeting Date to be determined Section ll Meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. River's Edge Restaurant 4611 Tumwater Valley Dr. SE Olympia, WA 98501 Section III Meets the second Tuesday of the month at 6:15 p.m. Bob's Burger and Brew 8822 Quilceda Parkway Tulalip, WA 98271 Section IV Meets the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. June 20, 2016 - Sammamish Plateau Water & Sewer District July 18, 2016- Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Pipeline Page 3 ED Perspective, continued from page 1 • • Is the PWTF a myth? One of WAS WD's lobbyists testified against the proposed sweep of PVVTF funds during the committee hearing on the budget amendment. Senator John Braun responded to this testimony by first stating: "Let's be honest." He then said that in his time in the Senate that he hadn't seen the PWTF work "as described in myth." The senator's words are absolutely true. Since his election in 2012, the Public Works Board has approved lists of necessary infrastructure projects — but has not issued a single infrastructure loan. The reason, however, has nothing to do with lack of demand. Indeed, 2013 would have been a banner year for the PWTF. The Public Works Board proposed and was prepared to make $350 million in infrastructure loans. But no loans were granted then or since. Despite its name, the PVVTF is not a protected "trust fund." If it has been relegated to mythical status the past four years, it is solely because the Legislature chose to take money out of the account and transfer it to the general fund. Was the PWTF a myth prior to 2013? For almost 30 years Washington's water-sewer districts, cities, counties, and PUDs had access to low-interest loans through the PVVTF. It helped local jurisdictions build bridges, deliver clean drinking water, and provide wastewater services. It created jobs and made Washington attractive to businesses looking to relocate here. It was set up to be fully funded by means of utility and other taxes agreed to by local governments. Since its inception, more than $2.6 billion in loans have been made without a single default. Far from being a myth, the PVVTF became a model program that has been copied in other states. Ironically, Michigan is looking at a similar funding program for the infrastructure needed to remedy the Flint debacle. Until the legislature began raiding the PVVTF it was a sterling example of a government program that actually worked and met real needs. Is the proposal to issue state bonds a viable replacement for the PWTF? The Legislature in the last session considered, but did not pass, a bill (2ESB 5624) that would have authorized the State of Washington to issue bonds and then loan the bond proceeds to local governments to build infrastructure. Testimony on the bill emphasized that this program might serve as an additional tool in the financing toolbox, but should not be considered a replacement for the PWTF. Nonetheless, Senator Andy Hill's report as Chair of the Senate Ways & Means Committee declared that this bond bill would "create an alternative financing mechanism for local government infrastructure projects." There are at least four good reasons why the value of this bond program is marginal at best and not a viable replacement for the PVVTF. 1. Total project costs will escalate. PVVTF loans have carried interest at %°/0 — 1%. State bonds like those proposed currently bear interest at 2.86%. Thus, a $10 million project financed from these bonds would cost nearly 20% more than it would with a PVVTF loan. We should also not forget that we are in a period of abnormally low interest rates. If those rates return to historic average rates of 4.28%, total project costs would balloon. Consider this: the cost to repay the interest component from the $350 million loan list from 2013 would jump from $37,907,204 at 1% to $177,923,437 at 4.28%, which is 470% increase. 2. Double taxation. Citizens in jurisdictions using the bond program will have to pay the additional interest costs through higher taxes and rates. These ratepayers and taxpayers are the same people who already paid for low interest infrastructure loans through the utility taxes, solid waste taxes, and real estate excise taxes that originally funded the PVVTF. Continued on Page 4 See ED's Perspective Pipeline Page 4 • ED Perspective, continued from page 3 3. Funds do not revolve. The PVVTF is a revolving fund. Interest and principal paid into the fund becomes available for relending to other cities and districts. The money stays in Washington. Bond repayments only go to Wall Street. 4. Limited benefit. At first blush, it would seem that the ability to borrow at the state's interest rate would be a good way to save money. However, the bond program would only be cost-effective for lower-rated municipalities. At present, the credit rating grade of a city or district would have to be lower than "A" to achieve any cost savings. For lower rated entities or those without a bond rating, the only savings to be realized would be the nominal difference between the state's bond rate and the rate at which that local government can borrow—on average Yi%. On a $10 million project that is a cost savings of $309,566 on a 20 year loan. Will the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan programs using federal money make up the funding slack if the PWTF is eliminated? Those trying to justify diverting money from the PVVTF suggested last year that the state's SRF loan program would make up the difference. The facts probably explain why that argument hasn't been made this year. The Department of Ecology estimates that it will loan about $100 million during the next several loan cycles, while receiving loan applications for one and a half times that amount. The Department of Health is in much the same situation. It anticipates loan applications totaling $70 million for the next SRF loan cycle and will only be able to loan half that. In addition to this unfunded need, there are millions of dollars of infrastructure projects that don't even qualify for SRF loans. Without the continuance of the PVVTF program, essential funding for infrastructure will fall further and further behind demonstrated need. Does the Legislature's PWTF policy solve any problem? The Legislature has made it plain it means to destroy the PVVTF. It declared in the Supplemental Budget its intent to "continue the policy since 2013 of not authorizing new loans from the account...." Ask yourself: what problem is being solved by adopting this policy? The only reason the Legislature is pursuing it is because it's expedient. Draining the PVVTF doesn't fix anything. It won't satisfy the long-term need to fund education. It won't eliminate a pork barrel program. No evil is being addressed by killing it. Eliminating the PVVTF compounds rather than solves problems, as our local government infrastructure needs will only continue to grow because of lack of funding. When that infrastructure is ultimately built it will cost millions more and there will be no money left in the PVVTF to fund it. No wonder the Seattle Times in its March 31 editorial declared that the money diverted from the Public Works Assistance Account was nothing more than one of several "budget gimmicks" that papers over the Legislature's failure to reform the state's education financing model. This myopic diversion of funds solves nothing. What can each of us do? The Legislature seems unable to face its long-term responsibilities to the residents of this state. We understand that it needs to fully fund education. But, let's be honest. The budget challenge cannot be framed as either education or infrastructure. Washington needs to fund both education and infrastructure. Both are needed for our state to thrive in the future. The PVVTF needs to be preserved. Infrastructure advocates created the PVVTF to address a clear funding need and did so without destroying other successful state programs – education advocates and their legislative champions need to do the same. Tell every candidate for representative and senator running for office this fall that we can't afford to go down the Flint, Michigan path. I'll do my part by sending this column to every current legislator. Please do your part as well. BBB • • Pipeline Page 5 • um- -1110r Water Quality in Washington State How We Avoid the Flint, Michigan Crisis • • By Michael Bowers, General Manager Lake Stevens Sewer District A National Outrage. The current man-made, water quality crisis in Flint, Michigan has been widely covered by the national news media in 2015 and 2016. In Flint, corrosive water from the Flint River degraded older domestic water pipes — ultimately triggering potentially toxic lead levels to reach consumers. Not only has this situation eroded consumer confidence in public water systems, but trust in local and State government in Michigan and throughout America has taken yet another hit. Not surprisingly, average homeowners and businesses in Washington State desire to have a better understanding as to what actions are being taken to prevent a similar Flint, MI water quality issue from cropping up in our beautiful State. Likewise, it is important to point out a few situational lessons from the Michigan example which make the probability of heavy metal poisoning from the actions or inactions of public utility providers extremely remote. Drinking Water in Washington. More than 5.5 million Washington State residents, 85% of the state's population, get their drinking water from public water systems. The remainder of the State gets their water from private wells. Public water systems and their water works operators are the first line of defense against contaminants getting into our public water supply and people getting sick. Fortunately, several factors in Washington State work in concert to ensure that the raw water that is treated prior to delivery to consumers is of much higher quality than that used in the city of Flint, MI. The Rust Belt factor. The Rust Belt is a term for the region straddling the upper Northeastern United States, the Great Lakes, and the Midwest States. referring to economic decline, population loss, and urban decay due to the shrinking of its once powerful industrial sector. The term gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1980s. The Detroit, MI area including Flint, MI which is 30 miles away from Detroit, is part of this "rust belt". Flint has been negatively affected by the loss of automotive manufacturing sector jobs. The population in Flint, for example has declined from a peak of near 140,000 people to, at times in recent decades, a population under 100,000. The loss of jobs and a declining tax base resulted in increasingly poor maintenance of Flint's water infrastructure and non-use of some local water distribution systems during the 50-year period in which the City received its main water supply from Detroit. In 2014, when this old water system was suddenly put to use in Flint when the city cut-off a supply relationship from Detroit, the reliability and the condition of these lines was questionable. Further, stagnant water flow in unused water lines can cause bacteria growth and accelerated deterioration of metal pipes. Unlike the Detroit area and much of the Rust Belt, Washington State has been the beneficiary of a stable economy with consistent growth and a water infrastructure in good shape. Some of the water main pipes in Flint, MI were 100 years old. Corrosive Water and Pipe Age. In addition to the manufacturing sector contributing to pollution and some corrosive qualities in the water supply from the Flint River, heavy use of salts on roads for the purposes of winter deicing caused an extremely corrosive acidity in Flint, Michigan's raw water supply. This highly corrosive quality causes the interior of water pipes to corrode just as salt from streets causes the same rust on the undercarriage of automobiles. Heavy salt use on highways Continued on Page 6 See Water Quality ter Wide uI DRINKING WATER QUALITY REPORT Pipeline Page 6 41M11•111111 Water Quality, continued from page 5 and roads in Washington State, however, does not typically occur — protecting the quality of the fresh water supply from acidic runoff. Pipe corrosion in Flint, MI within residences caused lead solder joints to corrode thus releasing high levels of heavy metals into sinks, tubs, showers, and other basins in homes. Lead is a developmental toxin and a carcinogen which can affect a child's proper brain maturity. Lead products in domestic water pipes since the early 1960s have been eliminated via a variety of Federal and State building codes. Washington State is fortunate as compared to Flint, Michigan in that as a younger state, the age, condition, and use of modern materials in relatively newer commercial, industrial, and pipe supply structures decreases the possibility that lead exists in our buildings. Clean Water Bodies. The final main difference between fresh water used in Flint, MI versus most municipal water supplies in Washington is the size, volume, and location of large water bodies and fresh mountain lakes in our state. Water supplies in Washington for the most part are isolated from industry and protected via a host of natural resource conservation measures. Flint, MI had a goal by 2017 of connecting its water supply to one of the Great Lakes. But, Flint chose a hurried, short-term measure of disconnecting from Detroit and using Flint River water as a local source. The drive behind this decision was to gain 3 years of independence from the deal with Detroit to save money and time until the Great Lakes pipe supply line was finished. Unfortunately, this rapid change of course contributed to insufficient testing of the raw water qualities to determine the appropriate interim treatment system needed. Therefore, the City failed to add anti-corrosion control to its main water treatment plant to protect its own pipes and those of its resident's homes. The estimated cost to now replace damaged public and private pipes in Flint could exceed several hundred million dollars. Due Diligence. The lesson from Flint is that public utility managers, elected officials, and citizen committees must ensure public safety is paramount in all major Water Infrastructure Capital planning and investment decisions. Raw water or sewage must be evaluated, costs and risk calculated, and community growth or shrinkage estimates quantified prior to a major deviation from a City's prior long-range planning and permitting. Professionals involved with industry experience must have the courage to raise a hand if due diligence is not complete. WA Public Utility Provider Responsibility. Shortly after Flint, MI began using its own Flint River water supply in April 2014 to provide its citizens and businesses water, citizens complained of the color, odor and taste of the drinking water. Instead of thoroughly investigating complaints and promptly testing the drinking water, officials denied that problems existed and falsely believed that citizens were over-reacting. Washington Association of Sewer and Water District (WASWD) members as well as other public utility providers in Washington, on the other hand, are deeply committed to producing and delivering safe, high quality domestic water free of contaminants of concern. Each Group A community water system in Washington must provide their customers with a report each year about the quality of water they serve. Group A water systems serve 15 or more connections or at least 25 people. Special Districts or jurisdictions Continued on Page 7 See Water Quality E124VAt -,1141i1P rS 301 Co; Applied P ofessional Sennces. Inc. 43530 SE North Bend Way North Bend, WA 98045 (425)888-2590 Typ,aI al: Wale , vaTature using Ground Penttranns Radar time FREE tikbon otiriitowei Prvernc4r4t4rIg; Radair SoAvion 1Pipeline Page 7 • Water Quality, continued from page 6 post these Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR) on their website. As a compliance measure mandated by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH), public water providers must discuss their source water and explain if an assessment of the raw water source has been conducted. Within such an assessment, the Utility is expected to evaluate how the susceptibility of potential sources of contamination is being addressed. More importantly, CCR reports must quantify how delivered water is within regulated limits for: 4 Microbiological Contaminants, 3 Radioactive contaminants, 16 Inorganic contaminants including heavy metals such as lead, and a big list of Synthetic Organic contaminants or Volatile Organic contaminants commonly found in fuels and industrial products. Contact the Local Agency about Concerns. WASWD members and other Washington State public utility agencies provide customers transparent contact information regarding who to notify in case of a consumer complaints about odors, drinking water quality, sewer service, or storm water runoff issues, as applicable, under the jurisdiction or District's charter. Consumers deserve prompt, and professional response to each and every concern. The Northwest is profoundly blessed with a culture of strong environmental stewardship. As Washingtonians, we can be proud that this outstanding water cycle consciousness has translated into public commitments, regulatory controls, and positive actions to preserve a clean water supply for generations. WASWD Scholarships Available • • The Washington Association of Sewer & Water Districts is pleased to offer scholarships to individuals interested in pursuing a career in the industry represented by our membership. Sewer and water districts across the state provide a valuable service to our communities and we recognize the need for educational advancement at all levels. Whether it is a career in utility management, operator certification or a degree in microbiology, the WASWD scholarship program was established to help students, young and seasoned, get ahead in the water and sewer industry. Funded annually by WASWD's two golf tournaments, the Scholarship Fund is healthy and the committee is looking for eligible students to reward. Applications for scholarships are being accepted now until July 1st for the 2016 awards. This past year, WASWD's Board authorized awarding scholarships totaling $10,000. Any employee, elected official or family member of a WASWD member can qualify for a scholarship, as well as all other Washington state residents that meet the additional minimum requirements. The additional minimum requirements needed are as follows: • Full or part-time student • Attendance at an accredited college, university or technical school Pursuit of a degree; Associates, Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate Pursuit of management or technical training in water or wastewater industry These scholarships encourage rising talent to pursue careers in fields related to the water and sewer industry. Applications are available on the WASWD website at www.waswd.org . gkbtru . ifeci by., ezit 1.1c,tter • N CV/ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MEETING Regular Meeting May 11, 2016 9 a.m. Harvest House, 217 E Ash St, Waterville, WA MINUTES DRAFT • BOARD members Roni Holder-Diefenbach, Economic Alliance Wendy Isenhart, City of Chelan Kurt Danison, multiple Larry Marshall, City of Entiat Chris Branch, City of Oroville Lyle Markhart, City of Wenatchee George Buckner, City of East Wenatchee Keith Soderstrom, Waterville Steve King, City of Wenatchee Janet Conklin, City of Bridgeport Randy Agnew, City of Rock Island John Ajax, City of Wenatchee Ernie Rasmussen, Colville Confederated Tribes Jord Wilson, City of Pateros Royal DeVaney, City of Waterville NCWEDD Staff Michael Guss, Executive Director Amy Massey, staff Guest Loyd Smith, Waterville Main Street Association Meeting called to order by Chris Branch at 9:00 am. Presentation by Main Street Waterville by Loyd Smith, President of Waterville Main Street Association. Their mission is to encourage the economic vitality and preservation of our Historic Downtown District while maintaining our small town quality of life. Goals: painting store fronts, provide grants, share building inventory, attract new business, and promote community involvement. www.historicwaterv i I le.org TOTA Update by Michael Guss, have signed contract with TOTA on Route97.net which promotes tourism in NCW and BC, new map and print guide will be out next week. Chris Branch and Kurt Danison willing to deliver to VIC, reimbursed for mileage. Re-launching the www.Route97.net website. Mr. Guss thanks City of Chelan for $7,000 contribution, and $2,000 from Howards on the River in support of Route 97. Meeting was closed for Executive Session for Annual Evaluation Pursuant to RCW 42.30.100(g) - position Executive Director, Michael Guss. Meeting was opened again at 10:00 am by Chris Branch. 1110 Discussion and Possible Approval of Changes To and Renewal Of Executive Director's Annual Contract pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4). MOTION by Roni Holder-Diefenbach to • • renew Michael Guss' annual contract to reflect a change from 5 hrs to 6 hrs earned-leave per month, and with a cap for close-out at 2 weeks and to authorize staff to prepare contract for signing in June. Seconded by Larry Marshall. All in favor, Motion passes. Adoption of Minutes From April 2016 Meeting Approval of March 2016 Minutes made by Ken Stanton, seconded by Wendy Isenhart. All in favor, motion passes. Adoption of Financial Report Mr. Guss presented Financial Overview July 1,2015 through April 30, 2016. Moved to approve made by Wendy, seconded by George Buckner Authorize Travel of Bookkeeper for Audit Mr. Guss presented the suggestion from Stacy Luckensmeyer to have the contracted bookkeeper, Patti Romanelli to travel to the July board meeting to meet the board in person, cost would not exceed $750.00. MOTION to approve made by Kurt Danison, seconded by Ken Stanton. All in favor, motion passes. Discussion and Update on City of Oroville EDA Public Works Application Mr. Guss presented the status of the grant application. Mr. Guss acknowledged the primary role of the Economic Alliance of Okanogan county, and the October tour of Reman and Reload, and also emphasized that the NCWEDD will maintain a low-key PR approach. Mr. Guss explained the background on the need for this transportation project, and its regional benefits outside of Oroville. Discussion and Update on NCWEDD USDA Application for Charging Stations in Small Towns Mr Guss presented his visit to USDA in Spokane. Status of the application is unknown at this time. $16,000 with $6,000 in match ($4,000 from Okanogan Trails funds, and $2,000 in kind equipment from Plug-In NCW). Wendy Isenhart presented on the Plug-In NCW meeting, and willingness of PUDs to install charging station, with the issue that PUDs cannot give away public power. Mr. Guss declares that any funds raised by Plug-In needs to be put on the June 2016 BOD agenda for approval by full board. Discussion and Update on NCWEDD Financial Review by SMDSolutions Mr. Guss presented that some findings in the audit will highlight some concerns and issues. Mr. Guss shares that EDA has invited EDD to apply for a 10 month, prorated grant in the amount of $62,500 in order to get EDD back on the correct fiscal cycle. EDA drawdown processing will be improved. A list of 20 questions will be presented to the board for comment. Mr. Guss suggests the Executive Committee to address those questions. Board consents. Discussion and Update on Fire Recovery Grant Mr. Guss shared on the presentation of $3,000 contribution from Umpqua bank. CAI is launching the website shortly, with adjustment for more local data, with focus groups and SWAT assessment. Website will be sent to board as soon as it's launched. CAI will be back in early June for focus groups. Mr. Guss is very favorable about the quality Discussion and Update on Chelan Douglas Trends Project Mr. Guss thanks United Way, Port of Chelan, City of East Wenatchee, Confluence Health for contribution, total of $ 21250 raised. • Will expand project in September. • Discussion and Update on Leavenworth Earth Day Fair Amy Massey thanked the board for serving as fiscal agent. The event was a success. $2100 was raised from 7 sponsors. An RFP for fiscal agent for 2017 will be issued by the committee in September. Mr. Guss said the EDD benefitted with $400, and would consider this again, unless a more appropriate local entity wishes to serve as fiscal agent. • Discussion of Interiurisdictional Issues • Steve King, City of Wenatchee, presented on housing, homelessness and its limiting impact on economic development, tax opportunities to fund infrastructure, subsidies, to incentivize development of housing. Mr. Guss shared USDA multi-family housing direct loan program. Board discussion on CEDS, needs assessments, dearth of single family housing, new growth will be in multi-family housing, need for builders. Mr. King shared about code enforcement under an RCW 35 and city's role with delinquent property. Also, he reported on water rights issues as an economic development strategy. • Mr. Guss shared EDA's invitation to apply for FY2017 funding is due June 4t h • Michael will email the board with the budget asap. Date for special phone conference to review the application is 10 AM Friday, May 20 th for the full board. If you can't make the call, get your comments to Mr. Guss in advance. • Mr. Guss discussed the CEDS — Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, which identifies projects to be implemented, and the Quest Loan Fund status. • Ernie Rasmussen discussed housing in terms of the Colville Confederated Tribes. MOTION to adjourn meeting at 11:00 was made by Ken Stanton, seconded by Chris Branch. Board enjoyed lunch at Harvest House and a tour of Bainbridge Manufacturing in Waterville hosted by Keith Soderstrom. Thank you Keith! Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Massey • • Skbrraited Si-e,oe Lacy, Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council Confluence Technology Center 285 Technology Center Way, Wenatchee May 12 th , 2016 — 9:00 A.M. to 10:50 A.M. MEETING MINUTES ATTENDEES: Steve Lacy, City of East Wenatchee Keith Goehner, Chelan County Dan Sarles, WSDOT Randy Agnew, City of Rock Island Frank Kuntz, City of Wenatchee Cheri Farivar, City of Leavenworth Richard DeRock, Link Transit STAFF: Jeff Wilkens, Executive Director Kathy Bruno, Clerk of the Board David Fletcher, Transportation Planner • GUESTS: Eric Pierson, Chelan County Joel Walinski, City of Leavenworth Dave Bierschbach, WSDOT Matt Leonard, City of Wenatchee Dave Schettler, PACE Engineers Christine Johnson, Aging & Adult Care Greg Pezoldt, City of East Wenatchee Nick Manzaro, WSDOT Doug Bramlette, Douglas County Mike Cooney, City of Chelan Larry Cordes, PACE Engineers 1) Call to Order, Agenda Review & Introductions The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chair Steve Lacy. The agenda was approved with changes to add Item #5 (b) Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) amendments #4 and delay Item #6(d) until next month. The motion was made by Keith Goehner with a 2 nd by Frank Kuntz. 2) Consent Agenda The following consent agenda was unanimously approved on a motion by Frank Kuntz and 2 nd by Cheri Farivar. • April 14 th , 2016 Minutes 1 • • • Monthly Financial Report (through March 2016) • April Payroll in the amount of $22,137 • Checks numbered 293276-293288 in the amount of $6,095.57 for May 2016. 3) Public Comment Period There were no public comments. 4) Executive Session — Approximately 20 minutes (Personnel Matter) There was consensus to move this item to the very end of the meeting. 5) Business Items a. Surface Transportation Program (STP) Selection of Projects: After discussion, there was a motion by Richard DeRock and 2 nd by Keith Goehner to ratify the rankings and to approve funding through the scoring of the first 11 projects. After more discussion, the motion was withdrawn. A new motion was made by Richard DeRock with a 2 nd by Keith Goehner to allocate all of the available funding in the amount of $4,795,213. The motion passed with Dan Sarles and Randy Agnew abstaining. Another motion was made by Frank Kuntz with a 2 nd by Richard DeRock to fund the projects in the rank order resulting from the project scoring exercise through the West Malaga Intersection Improvements project ranked number 11 (this project will be partially funded). Motion passed unanimously. Upon further discussion it was determined by consensus that any money that is turned back at a later date will be brought back to the Governing Board for a future decision as to how allocate the funds. Funding awards are listed below: Title Agency 9th Street Dual Roundabouts East Wenatchee N. Wenatchee Ave. Sidewalks & Medians Wenatchee Pine Street Reconstruction Leavenworth School Street Mid-Block Crosswalk Chelan County US 2/97 Shared Use Trail: Easy St.-Euclid WSDOT Woodin Ave Bridge Rehabilitation City of Chelan Center Street Sidewalks Rock Island Western/Springwater Ave Roundabout Wenatchee Cammack/Olin Reconstruction Entiat 35th Street Extension Douglas County West Malaga Intersection Improvements Chelan County Amount of Allocated Funding $886,000 $744,985 $705,600 $34,180 $264,690 $270,000 $373,222 $230,000 $260,000 (pedestrian improvements) $483,075 $543,461 • 2 TOTAL $4,795,213 • b. Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment #4: Staff requested a motion to amend the 2016 Regional TIP to include four of the projects just awarded STP funds to allow the projects to begin and help meet the STP obligation target amount deadline by August 15, 2016. These projects include: • 9th Street Dual Roundabouts, • North Wenatchee Avenue Sidewalks & Medians • Pine Street Reconstruction, and • Cammack/Olin Sidewalks A motion by Richard DeRock and 2 nd by Frank Kuntz to amend the four projects into the 2016 Regional TIP was passed unanimously. 6) Reports & Discussion Items a. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Report: Greg Pezoldt gave a verbal report on the May 2016 TAC meeting. • b. Preliminary FY 2017 Budget Jeff Wilkens explained that the upcoming budget is based on the draft SFY 2017 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The Executive Committee has reviewed the preliminary budget, and their comments are included. The budget includes a 2% increase in member dues ($250 for each), based on board policy to apply a CPI-based increase unless explicitly waived. After review of the preliminary budget, there was consensus not to make any changes. Mr. Wilkens explained that the budget will be on next month's agenda for adoption. c. Regional Bicycle Advisory Committee Charter Jeff passed around a handout with excerpts from the Best Practices for Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committees from the League of American Bicyclists. The Governing Board gave feedback to Jeff for updating the Bicycle Committee Charter. d. Regional Origin-Destination Study This presentation was postponed until the June meeting. e. Director's Report • 3 The Executive Director reported that the Request for Qualifications process on the Regional 0 Pavement Study is underway. The Governing Board went into Executive Session at 10:18 a.m. for a formal performance review of the Executive Director, on a motion by Keith Goehner and 2 nd by Randy Agnew. They returned • • • to regular open session at 10:48 a.m. There was a motion by Frank Kuntz and 2' by Keith Goehner to raise Jeff Wilkens salary by 31/2 percent to begin in the next fiscal year. Kathy was asked to conduct another salary comparison with other MPO Directors in the state and report back to the board within 2-3 months. c. New Business/Adjourn Meeting The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m. by Chair Steve Lacy. APPROVED ON June 9 th , 2016 ATTEST: Steve Lacy, Chairman Jeff Wilkens, Executive Director • Title VI and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice to Public It is the Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council's (CDTC) policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any federally funded programs and activities. All meeting sites are accessible to persons with disabilities. Accommodations for people with disabilities can be arranged with advance notice. Any person, who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with the CDTC Title VI Coordinator at (509) 663-9059. • • • Ja net' W. Crouse, Ph.D. 2124 Valley View Blvd. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 May 26, 2016 RECEIVED Major Steven C. Lacy and City Council 271 9t h St. N.E. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Dear Mayor Lacey and City Council Members: MAY 3 1 2016 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE On May 12, 2016, the Wenatchee City Council set an example for our valley by banning private fireworks year-round. Please follow Wenatchee's example and adopt a fireworks ban in East Wenatchee. In Wenatchee public fireworks that provide July 4 entertainment will still be permitted. Other cities and counties in Washington have taken similar action. Before Spokane banned fireworks they averaged 100 fires per year during the July 4 week, and after the ban the total dropped to about 4.5. Very truly yours, LL elte-f-4,24__ Ja net' W. Crouse • z, Power • Youth Club President , nrvnic Gerardo Bustos, ower of Youth Club Member • May 25, 2016 • TO: East Wenatchee City Council Members RE: Preventing Underage Tobacco and Alcohol Use Dear East Wenatchee City Council Members, CI-TY OF EA ! WENATCHEE JUN 06 2016 RECAnBy: We are Eastmont High School Students, and members of EHS Power of Youth, a club that focuses on preventing underage tobacco and alcohol use. This school year we partnered with Together For Youth to host Kick Butts Day and to conduct Community Assessment of Neighborhood Stores (CANS) survey's. We would like to share with you a little bit about what we have learned and our findings. National Kick Butts Day was on March 16, 2016. Our club picked up cigarette butts at Eastmont Community Park for one hour after school. In just one hour, we were able to pick up over 100 cigarette butts! This is very concerning to us, not only because we care about the environment, but because this park is directly across from Eastmont High School, a tobacco free zone. • Throughout the months of April and May we completed 10 CANS Survey's at tobacco and alcohol retailers throughout Douglas County. Completing these surveys taught us a lot about current product placement and advertising practices for tobacco and alcohol products. What we found was convenient stores, a common place where teens shop, have a lot of advertisements for these products, most of which are unavoidable to see, even prior to entering the store. We also saw very few advertisements for healthy options, such as fruit, vegetables and dairy products. This is important to us, because we believe our neighborhood stores provide an important role in providing healthy options to community members and teenagers. We hope that as leaders in our community you can use this information to encourage businesses to limit tobacco and alcohol advertising, to help create tobacco free zones in our community and to help make Douglas County a healthier community for all. Thank you for your time and for allowing us to share what we have learned from these experiences. If you have questions, please contact our club adviser, Kelsy Bendtsen, at bendtsenkeeastmont206.org . Monica Morales, Power of Youth Club Member 1.2. Building Analysis . Conduct a building analysis to evaluate the existing buildings to determine any issues or deficiencies such as structural, mechanical and plumbing systems conditions, health/environmental concerns, and available interior spaces to determine whether the building(s) can reasonably be renovated to accommodate future uses. Review the Underground Storage Tank Site Assessment/UST Closure report dated May 13, 2002. 1.3. Presentation to Council. 1.4. Preliminary City Contribution Limit. • Gateway Project Scope of Work DRAFT 5/26/2016 Description: Location: 88 9 th St. NE, APN 03700002003 Property Owner: City of East Wenatchee Site Area: 20,473 sq. ft. Existing Buildings (circa 1980): Service Station: 29'x43' = 1,247 sq. ft. Canopy: 23'x20' = 460 sq. ft. Pole Building: 32'x48' = 1,536 sq. ft. Current Use: Automobile repair and sales City Project Team. The members of the team are Mayor Lacy, Councilmember Raab, Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Sterk, Greg Pezoldt, Jeff Morrison, and Lori Barnett. TASK 1. Evaluation of Site and Buildings — City Staff (May need inspections by outside parties) . Conduct field measurements of all facilities to create rough background drawings including floor plans and exterior elevations. 1.1. Background Drawing Preparation • Staff report to Council regarding building analysis and recommendation regarding the feasibility and potential costs for conversion of the buildings to another use as well as the costs for demolition and removal of all improvements. City contribution to the Gateway project is limited to $350,000. If additional funding partners and sources are secured for the overall project, the project cost may exceed that amount. 1.5. Council Decision for future project related actions. This action will define and narrow the scope of work for future phases. • Potential Future Phases: TASK 2. Planning Phase - Identify Use of the Property & Develop Preliminary Concept Design Sketch - Consultant City Project Team to finalize Scope of Work and budget for Task 2. Once the scope of work and budget for this phase is approved by Council, a Request for Proposals would be issued with a set limit on the cost for the work. City Project Team will evaluate the consultants and make a recommendation to Council. Council to approve consultant selection and budget for the project. 2.1. Project Orientation Meeting Project Team to meet with Consultant to confirm project scope, schedule, and work plan. 2.2. Request/Review Background Data Compile and review existing work including the Rediscover Historic Downtown Plan public involvement process summary and implementation recommendations and the plans for the Pedestrian Bridge Plaza. 2.3. Identify Preferred Uses . Facilitate a process with the City Council, staff, Downtown business community, and the general public to identify potential uses of the property and building(s) as well as potential partners. It is anticipated that this will involve individual interviews of various stakeholders as well as one facilitated community meeting. 2.4. Preliminary Design Concepts and Planning Level Cost Estimates. Develop preliminary design concepts for conversion of the building(s) and/or site based upon the identified uses for the property. Deliverables. Up to 3 concepts for design of the property 1 electronic copy in PDF format with a planning level cost estimate for each and graphic materials for display at a public open house. 2.5. Public Open House. Facilitate a public outreach event to display the preliminary design concept and obtain comments regarding the draft alternatives. 2.6. Revise Design Concept and Prepare Preliminary Cost Estimate Revise, if necessary, the concept plans and provide a preliminary cost estimate for the project. Deliverables: 10 paper copies and one electronic copy in PDF format of a written report outlining all information, analysis, cost estimates, and recommendations developed as part of this effort. Graphic materials for public meeting. 2.7. Presentation to Council and Public. Present the material to the Council at a public meeting. Council to take action to define the design concept. Based upon Council direction and approval regarding the concept and budget - proceed to full design. Gateway Project Scope of Work Revised 5-26-2016 Page 2 of 3 TASK 3. Design Phase 3.1. General Project Administration. Meet with City Project Team to • confirm design scope, and schedule. Coordinate with permitting agencies. 3.2. Design Drawings Develop design drawings for approved repairs and improvements. Drawings to include floor plans, elevations, wall sections (if needed) and landscaping and other site improvements. 3.3. Outline Specification. Develop outline specification to generally describe the products and materials intended for the scope of repairs and improvements required for design concept. 3.4. Refine Cost Estimate . Update cost estimate to reflect development of • design concepts. 3.5. City Project Team Meetings. Meet with City Project Team up to 2 times for review and approval of design drawings. Meetings to occur at 30% and 60% design. Deliverables. a. 30% and 60% Design Drawings b. Draft of specifications for project manual. c. Refine cost estimate. 3.6. Project Team Presentation to Council Confirm approval by Council to proceed with final design and specifications. 3.7. Contract Drawings. Develop the necessary plans, elevations, sections and details to describe the scope of repairs and improvements. Submit 90% drawings for City Project Team review and approval. 3.8. Specifications. Develop specifications necessary to describe the scope of work in detail for the scope of repairs and improvements. Submit 90% specifications for City Project Team review and approval. 3.9. Refine Cost Estimate. Finalize cost estimate to reflect development of design concepts. Identify alternates as necessary to align scope of repairs and improvements with the construction budget. 3.10. Presentation to Council. Obtain authorization from Council to proceed to bidding process. Deliverables. a. 90% and 100% Contract Drawings. b. 90% and 100% Specifications. • Gateway Project Scope of Work Revised 5-26-2016 Page 3 of 3 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 271 9th Street NE * East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Phone 509.884.5396 * Fax 509.886.6113 LBarnett@east-wenatchee.com MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Lacy and City Council From: Lori Barnett, Director Date: June 13, 2016 Subject: Alcoa Working Group update On December 9, 2015, the Tr-Commission held a public meeting to address the Alcoa plant curtailment. The Tr-Commission includes the Commissioners from Chelan County, the Port of Chelan County, and the Chelan County PUD. Councilmembers Detering and Barnhart attended on behalf of the City of East Wenatchee. • As a result of that meeting, a staff level committee was created including: Sara Rolfs Chelan Co. PUD Steve Wright Tracy Yount Andrew Grassell Port of Chelan Co. Mark Urdahl Craig Larsen Port of Douglas Co Lisa Parks Chelan County Community Development Hank Lewis City of Wenatchee: Allison Williams Steve King City of East Wenatchee Lori Barnett NCW Economic Development District Michael Cuss Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Shiloh Schauer Wenatchee Valley College Stacy Lukensmeyer Skillsource Lisa Romine Susan Adams WA State Department of Commerce Terry Lawhead Governor's office Melissa Carpenter; • This committee has been meeting several times a month since December. The focus of the group can be divided into 3 categories: People, Plant, and Future. On the People side: Extensive efforts by the Rapid Response team helped impacted workers connect with available resources (benefits, employment options, counseling, and retraining) The committee drafted a letter to Governor Inslee that was signed by all of the agencies involved in this project, requesting several actions from his office. One of those actions was to work directly with the federal Office of Trade Act Assistance to expedite the petition for Trade Assistance for the workers. The effort was successful and the petition was granted in late January. On the Plant side: The committee has talked with representatives from other communities impacted by similar closures: Ferndale, Longview the DaIles as well as talking with Alcoa directly. Longview and the DaIles both had their plants close. The DaIles had Google come in and set up their first server farm. Longview is still struggling. On the Future side: The committee drafted a preliminary scope of work for developing a Targeted Five-Year Regional Economic Development Growth Strategy aimed at diversifying and stabilizing the regional economy: • Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the Valley's business sector. • • Identify strategies for development and/or redevelopment, business retention and expansion efforts, and • Evaluate local workforce and make recommendations on how best to ensure there is a skilled workforce to meet the needs of new and existing businesses. • Provide an implementation action plan to guide economic development effort. Funding for the study could be part of the request to the Governor. What's Next? What is the level of interest of having another broad based community meeting to review what has been accomplished? City Council Memo Alcoa Working Group Page 2 of 2 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 271 9th Street NE* East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Phone 509.884.5396 * Fax 509.886.6113 LBarnett@east -wenatchee.com MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Lacy and City Council From: Lori Barnett, Director Date: June 13, 2016 Subject: Gateway Project — Transmittal of report from Planning Commission from their May 6, 2014 workshop At the May 26, 2016 meeting of the Gateway Project Team, staff reviewed the previous work completed by the Planning Commission regarding potential uses of the property. Mayor Lacy suggested that the materials be provided to all Councilmembers. Included with this memo is the packet provided to the Planning Commission prior to their May 6, 2014 workshop (dated April 29, 2014) and the report submitted to the City Council following the workshop (dated May 9, 2014). • Enclosures: 2 This page intentionally left blank. • 6 • • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 271 91,, STREET NE EAsT WENATCI IEE, WA 98802 PI IONE (509) 884-5396 FAx (509) 886-6113 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Lacy and City Council From: Lori Barnett, Director Date: May 9, 2014 Subject: Report from Planning Commission Workshop regarding the potential "Gateway" project The City Planning Commission held a public workshop on May 6, 2014 to discuss the potential uses for the property located on the southwest corner of Valley Mall Parkway and 9 th St. NE to establish a proposed "Gateway" to the City. In addition to all of the members of the Planning Commission, the Mayor, Councilmember Raab, and Councilmember Detering also attended the workshop. There were ten citizens and one member of the local media in attendance. The comments are summarized below: • Use the existing buildings on the site for a library, City offices, Post Office or Civic center, the outdoor space could be a band stand area for multi-purpose use, or an area for a public market • Establish a public gathering space, a place for public events • Convert the existing buildings into a meeting space, public restrooms, bicyclist service area, and maybe a place for vendors • Making that property more attractive might entice other businesses to keep their properties up • To attract people, the proposed area needs to be green • It would be a good place for signage, maybe a list of businesses on Valley Mall Pkwy • This would be a good location for signage to welcome people to East Wenatchee and downtown • Provide something visual to attract the people from the Loop Trail to the downtown area • A community gathering place — there is no place for a small business to have a meeting. The facility could also be used for private parties. The city needs a facility to accommodate 50 people or more. There may be an opportunity to expand the gas station building to add more indoor space • Use the rest of the property for outdoor gathering space — something the city does not have now — a plaza with benches — either remove or use the canopy. • Improving this property could complement the planned improvements to the parking lot • Page 2 May 9, 2014 • Use the facility for a farmer's market • Use the outdoor area for an art in the park concept • Would be a good location for food carts during festivals and events • The slope could be used to separate the uses by having an upper area and a lower area with a multi-functioning design • Look at spending the money somewhere else o Put the money into streetscape plans for the area o Buy Cedar's Inn property for a parking lot for downtown o They recognized that the subject property is an eyesore, but suggested that the City leave it to the private sector to fix the issue o The WSDOT right-of-way between the Cedars Inn and the highway could be improved with an extension of the hardscape plaza concept similar to Pedestrian Plaza along the trail at the pedestrian bridge. Extending that look would provide some continuity and maybe bring people across the street and into downtown o Or do a combination with crossing the street with the plaza concept and use the lower building for a food court. Set up a stage facing Valley Mall Pkwy. There are bathrooms already in the building that could be accessible to trail users. The WSDOT property and lower area of the subject property could be linked together o The proposed property could have a higher commercial use Included with this memo: • Planning Commission Summary Minutes, 5-6-2014 • An aerial photo of the subject property • Photos of the subject property • Photos of the Pedestrian Bridge Plaza • Example of Public Use Garage Conversion from Powell, Wyoming, • • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 271 911, STREET NE • EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-5396 FAX (509) 886-6113 EAST WENATCHEE PLANNING COMMISSION Chair: Norm Nelson, Vice Chair: Chaun Birks Robert Hunter Sally Brawley Robert Everett, Courtney Hill, and Kyle Mott MINUTES May 6, 2014— 5:30 PM Location: East Wenatchee City Hall, Council Chambers 271 9 th Street NE, East Wenatchee, WA Purpose: Public Workshop I. CALL TO ORDER - Chair Nelson called the meeting to order at 5:35 Roll Call: Members present: Norm Nelson, Courtney Hill, Kyle Mott, Bob Everett, Chaun Birks, Robert Hunter, and Sally Brawley. Staff present: Lori Barnett, Brandon Mauseth & Marcia Martz Elected Officials present: Mayor Lacy, Councilmember Detering, and Councilmember Raab II. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES A. Consideration of summary minutes from the April 1, 2014 joint city/county planning commission meeting. Motion: Motion by Commissioner Brawley, seconded by Commissioner Everett to approve the minutes from April 1, 2014. The motion passed 6/0. III. CONTINUATIONS AND/OR WITHDRAWALS (none) IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Presentation by Brandon Mauseth, Manager City of East Wenatchee Land & Water Resource Program, regarding the preliminary design for the low-impact development retrofit of the City's parking lot on Valley Mall Parkway. The design component for the storm water retrofit is being funded by a grant from the Department of Ecology. Brandon Mauseth, Land & Water Resource Program Manager, gave a presentation to the Planning Commission on a project to retrofit the City owned parking lot downtown on Valley Mall Parkway. He used a PowerPoint presentation to describe the process on the design and planning of the City parking lot for the low-impact development stormwater retrofit. He indicated that all the information and drawings are based upon a 30% design estimate. He explained this project is mostly geared towards improvements to the parking lot relating to stormwater since there is currently no stormwater system in the lot. The design combines the stormwater needs with aesthetic improvements to the parking lot. He described each element of the design. The design phase of the project is being funded by a $120,000 grant from the Department of Ecology (DOE). He explained that some of the components of the project will not fall under the grant guidelines (i.e. mid-block crossing, additional lighting, bike rack, benches, Kiosk, and some Valley Mall Parkway paving) and will need to be funded by the City. The estimated cost of those extra items ranges from $84,000 to $96,000. Brandon indicated that an open house will be planned for the week of May 19, 2014. He mentioned that he will be approaching Council at their May 27, 2014 meeting with a request to fund the components that DOE will not cover. He indicated that the preliminary estimate for the construction ranged from $285,000 to $460,000. He explained that it is a wide range because they are still only at 30% design. Brandon explained that the current grant only covers the design but DOE has been very complimentary regarding the project and it should have a good chance of being funded for construction in the next round of grants scheduled for September. The deadline for submittal of the final design and planning component is August 1, 2014. B. Workshop regarding the "Gateway" project for the Historic Downtown planning area. The purpose of this workshop will be to develop a concept for potential uses of the property located on the southwest corner of Valley Mall Parkway and 9 th St. NE to establish a "Gateway" to the City through this access corridor and into Downtown. Planner Barnett welcomed everyone to the workshop. She explained that the idea to use this property for a "Gateway" to the downtown was one of the suggestions that came out of the Rediscover Historic Downtown East Wenatchee public involvement process conducted in 2012. She indicated that the Mayor and Council budgeted for a potential project but would like to have a plan for the use of the property before starting any process to potentially buy the property. Mayor Lacy addressed the group explaining that the purchase of this property for a "Gateway" to the City was a concept that he and the Council wanted to explore. He thought it was important to have the planning commission come up with potential uses for the property. The Council would like to have a plan for the use of the property before entertaining the purchase of the land. This is something he believes can be a great benefit to the downtown and the community as a whole since this is such a busy intersection. Planner Barnett explained that there were photos mounted on boards and on the tables showing examples of commercial and public conversions of gas stations just to get an idea of what can be done. She indicated that the subject property is 20,500 sq. ft., the canopy is 460 sq. ft., the gas station is 1,247 sq. ft. and the repair shop, on the lower level, is 1,536 sq. ft. The gas tanks have been removed but there is an underground oil storage tank that has been filled and left in place. She described an example of a project in Powell, Wyoming, Plaza Diane, where the City bought a former gas station and converted it to a public plaza and meeting space that they rent out for parties and events. That property is smaller than this site at 12,460 sq. ft. There were example photos and an aerial photo of that project on each of the tables. There were also photos of the subject property and the Pedestrian Bridge Plaza on each table. • • EW PC Minutes 5/9/2014 Page I 2 • • • Planner Barnett instructed the groups to use the site plans on the table to write on for suggestions on how to use the property. She indicated that they should consider the community and the downtown and write down what they would like to see the property used for as well as any facilities or features they would like to see on the property. She indicated that it would best to concentrate on public uses rather than conversions to some other commercial use due to potential limitations that may result from the funds or process used by the City to purchase the property. She indicated that there should be one spokesperson for each group and gave them 20 minutes to work together. • Commissioner Nelson reported for his group explaining they had other options rather than purchasing the property. They recommended putting the money into streetscape plans for the area. Buy Cedar's Inn property for parking lot for downtown. They would like to see a cohesive design or theme for downtown that all the building owners must comply with. They recognized that the subject property is an eyesore, but suggested that the City leave it to the private sector to fix the issue. • Commissioner Hunter explained that he worked with the other group and with Dan Feil and would like to add a desire to see the existing buildings on the proposed property used for a library, City offices, Post Office or Civic center, a band stand area for multi-purpose use, or an area for a public market. • Commissioner Hill reported for his group explaining that they have a vision of a public gathering space, a place for public events. Convert the existing buildings into a meeting space, public restrooms, bicyclist service area, and maybe a place for vendors. They indicated that in order to revitalize you need to get the people downtown. Making that property more attractive might entice other businesses to keep their properties up. To attract people, the proposed area needs to be green. It would also be a good place for signage, maybe a list of business on Valley Mall Pkwy. This would be a good location for signage to welcome people to downtown East Wenatchee. Provide something visual to attract the people from the Loop Trail to the downtown area. He mentioned that crossing Sunset Highway is difficult now and there are several conflicts with vehicles due to the coffee business and 7-11 traffic. • Commissioner Everett reported for his group. They would like to see a community gathering place — there is no place for a small business to have a meeting. The facility could also be used for private parties. The city needs a facility to accommodate 50 people or more. There may be an opportunity to expand the gas station building to add more indoor space. Use the rest of the property for outdoor gathering space — something the city does not have now — a plaza with benches — either remove or use the canopy. This property could complement the improvements to the parking lot. • Commissioner Birks reported for his group stating they had visions of using the facility for a farmer's market, maybe art in the park, and food carts for festivals. The slope could be used to separate the uses by having an upper area and a lower area with a multi-functioning design. He indicated that he had worked on several potential sales for the property and the property owner is not a willing seller. He suggested that the City should look at spending the money EW PC Minutes 5/9/2014 Page I 3 somewhere else. Their group looked at the WSDOT land between the Cedars and the highway for extension of the plaza along the trail that would provide some continuity and maybe bring people across the street and into downtown. The proposed property could have a higher commercial use. Or do a combination with crossing the street with the plaza concept and use the lower building for a food court. Set up a stage facing Valley Mall Pkwy. There are bathrooms already in the building that could be accessible to trail users. The WSDOT property and lower area of the subject property could be linked together. Planner Barnett explained that even though the Downtown Plan document is not finished yet, the City has completed or initiated several projects that resulted from that process: • Valley Mall Parkway has been restriped to create more on-street parking and an on-street loading zone • The City has been awarded a grant to repave Valley Mall Parkway • The City also has a 9rant to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Valley Mall Parkway and 9 tn St. NE — the city engineer will be reviewing that proposal to determine if that is the best approach to intersection traffic control • The City will be looking at potential replacement of the Valley Mall Parkway street lights with LED lights to increase the level of lighting and decrease the energy consumed — a grant cycle starts in September • Installation of a sidewalk on Standerfer Street is on the city's list of sidewalk projects. That will provide better access to the parking lot north of the Mall. The City has an easement for the use of that parking lot to support downtown • French Avenue will be repaved and sidewalks installed next year. She explained that this project replaced the planned Hamilton Avenue sidewalk project as the highest priority since the City was able to get additional federal funding for the project and it is a major route to the Mall • Hamilton Avenue is still on the sidewalk improvement list Planner Barnett thanked everyone for attending and contributing to the discussion. VI. OTHER BUSINESS VII. ADJOURNMENT — 7:40 PM • Respectfully Submitted, Lorraine C. Barnett Community Development Director Planning Commission Chair Date of Approval • EW PC Minutes 5/9/2014 Page 4 City of East Wenatchee Property Area 20,500 sq. ft_ Aerial of Proposed Gateway Property Canopy 460 sq. ft. Gas Station 1,247 sq. ft. Repair Shop 1.536 sq. ft. 2010 Aerial Photo p 12 525 50 Feel 5-9-2014 This map is intended for general purposes only. The City of East Wenatchee makes no representation as to the accuraoi or ctirrent condition of the data shown on th6 map • • Photos of Subject Property -viememoinar 1,4 ta .1-'7*v QmPi ti.-vg , ,..4.A..,:, ,.. „ ; - . :,,. ,_,_ .. • `,., „ 4 , _ , - „_ _ Poprimm • Photos of Pedestrian Bridge Plaza Before t After ,I, EXAMPLE OF PUBLIC USE GARAGE CONVERSION Powell, Wyoming is a city with a population of 6.314 persons. The City was incorporated in 1909. The property and old service station were purchased by the City in 2000. The building is just over 1,000 sq. ft. and was originally built in 1945 (see photo below). The total land area is 10,454 sq. ft. The garage was converted to a meeting space and art gallery. The site includes an outdoor plaza with a Splash Pad water feature, large planters with seating, and pergolas. There are regular workshops and classes, Saturday markets, concerts, and gallery shows at the facility. It is also rented out for parties and other events. The interior capacity is 40 persons seated or 60 people standing. The following is a description of the facility from their webpage: Plaza Diane promotes an appreciation of, and active participation in, the arts and humanities in Powell. Through a variety of programs—art and photography exhibits, literary presentations, art classes for all ages, and musical entertainment—the facility opens a colorful world to visitors. Plaza Diane is a gateway to creative exchange as well as a gateway to the community. With workshops, Saturday markets, concerts and gallery shows, and the Splash Pad water feature, Plaza Diane functions as a gathering spot in the heart of downtown Powell, Wyoming Plaza Diane Community Center for the Arts, Powell, Wyoming Page 1 Street side of seating area shown above Converted garage structure and sail style covering over north end of Plaza View of northwest corner of the Plaza showing planter box seating and pavement treatment with pergola style covering East side of Plaza water feature Plaza Diane Community Center for the Arts, Powell, Wyoming Page 2 • A gallery event Interio Photos showing a party or meeting • Architectural design lookin west ' • le Earth aerial hoto of the Plaza Plaza Diane Community Center for the Arts, Powell, Wyoming Page 3 This page intentionally left blank. • • • • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 271 9Th STREET NE ' EAST WENATCI LEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-5396 ' FAX (509) 886-6113 LBarnett east-wenatchee.com • • MEMORANDUM To: East Wenatchee Planning Commission From: Lori Barnett, Director Date: April 29, 2014 Subject: May 6, 2014 Workshop regarding "Gateway" project One of the recommendations that came out of the Rediscover Historic Downtown Planning process was to create a "Gateway" to the City at the intersection of 9 1h St. NE and Valley Mall Parkway. The City Council has budgeted this year for the potential purchase and development of this Gateway. Before pursuing purchase of the property, the Council would like to have recommendations from the Planning Commission regarding potential uses of the property. The purpose of this workshop will be to brainstorm ideas for the property. The following is the Vision Statement that was developed for the Downtown: Historic Downtown East Wenatchee will be: * The historic, civic, cultural, and commercial center of the community. * A place that is accessible by all modes of transportation with plenty of opportunities for automobile and bicycle parking. * An active, family-friendly, social place with attractive store fronts and inviting, green public open spaces where people want to shop, dine, enjoy entertainment or just relax. * An economically strong commercial area fostering a healthy business community. * A convenient and safe place for pedestrians and bicyclists. * A mixture of old and new that reflects the history of the city through art and architecture. * A clean, vibrant, safe, interesting, and visually attractive place where tourists and residents feel welcome. Attachments: • Aerial Photo of SW Corner of Valley Mall Parkway & 9th St. NE • Photos of Proposed Gateway Property • Richland Gateway Image • What People Want to See • Results of Interviews with Downtown Stakeholders • Rediscover East Wenatchee Downtown — Business Owner Questionnaire results City of East Wenatchee Gateway Project Aerial Photo of SW Corner of Valley Mall Parkway & 9th St. NE Photo Date 2010 • 10 10 20 40 Feel 111 1_111_111 4-20-2014 This map is intended for general purposes only. The City of East Wenatchee makes no representation as to the accuracy or current condition of the data shown on this map. • Photos of Proposed Gateway Property View looking directly east up 9 11 St. NE from SR — subject property is to the right 2012 Photo looking southeast at subject property from SR 28 Page 1 Photos of Proposed Gateway Property View looking east at subject property from Valley Mall Parkway Existing building on 9 th Street with canopy — Building 43'x29'=1,247 sq. ft. Canopy 23'x20'=460 sq. ft. Page 2 Photos of Proposed Gateway Property Lower building - 48'x32=1,536 sq. ft. • • Page 3 Richland Gateway Innage What People Want To See Downtown • • Green space, a park area • Benches • Outdoor dining • Trash receptacles • Street trees and planters • Better lighting — decorative fixture styles • Weather protected sidewalks • Bike racks • More parking • More on-street parking (support angle parking) • • Clean up and landscape the city parking lot (expand if possible into the vacant lot) • Art work (maybe a water feature) • Better signage (directional and wayfinding signs to link the Downtown to the Mall and to the Loop Trail) • Accent the history of the Downtown and the city theme • Improve the look of the storefronts • Enforce "no smoking" within 25 feet of building entrances • More community activities in the Downtown • Sewer plant odor problem fixed • Improve 9 t h and Valley Mall Parkway traffic control IP • General clean up of the area • Results of Interviews with Downtown Stakeholders To assist in developing a vision of Downtown this survey seeks information from you. This survey is intended for employers, community leaders, and other stakeholders. Please answer the following questions: 1. Are there things about Downtown East Wenatchee that you like? Are there elements or features you think are successful? In the space below tell us the three things you like about Downtown East Wenatchee People are friendly; other business people; sidewalks; entrance at northend with the sign & gazebo; PUD area Easy access to Loop Trail; generally - adequate parking, street lighting Nice mix of businesses; convenient access; non-motorized access Easy to get around; four lanes; access to community; ingress & egress Access to businesses are easy to find, history of the area, father first police chief. Attractiveness of the river; the businesses are locally owned and the businesses are not major chain stores. Old town center, Uniqueness, it's a "District" Old town look, Clearwater, Cedar Motel, lot overrun with chain stores 2. Do you have issues or concerns about Downtown East Wenatchee? Are there elements or features you would like to see improved? In the space below tell us the three things you like least about Downtown East Wenatchee More attractive store frontages; would like flower baskets, statues, improvements to landscaping around parking lot; bank; attractive street lights; improve pedestrian access to the trail; auto repair shop Odor from Sewage Treatment Plant; 4-way stop at 9 th & VMP; overall "rag tag" appearance. Parking-perceived issue; safety-rowdiness issue in that area; identity of focus would help; not perceived as family friendly More dislikes than likes; 9 1h Street intersection is a concern; parking — employees fill up parking or the lots of other businesses; would like Classy Chassis to go to 11 th Street or the Hwy. Clean it up; more parking; the business owners need to update the buildings Needs continuity, total start over • 1 More diversity of shops, lack of pedestrian linkage to motel 3. Which elements should the City invest in? Parking lot; street lighting; help store owners with concepts for frontages; pedestrian link to trail; more street cleaning; store owners sweep sidewalks Land, streetscape; possible rezoning to make area more consistent i.e. daycare next to construction yard next to mini storage?!? Directional signage; welcome, shopping, etc.; crosswalks; 9 th & Sunset Hwy; throughout downtown, benches, flowers, lighting, and more; pedestrian friendly & safe Would like to see the Mayor & Council bring thins to downtown; block off streets for festivals ( like Odessa & Winthrop); Beautification — trees/streetscape; traffic light Parking; cleanup of the parking lot, street, sidewalks, organize a cleanup; provide planters etc. None Parking Lot, Bank, spare lot acquisition by city Permit process, streetscape, standardized plans for landscape, 9 th traffic circle 4. What type of place do you see Downtown East Wenatchee becoming? What would you like Downtown East Wenatchee to be like in the next 10 years? 20 years? What things, activities or uses should be in the Downtown in the future? In the spaces below tell us the three things you would most like to see in the Downtown or would like Downtown to be in the future More family oriented businesses and park areas (ice-cream shop) - Attractive & clean - Landscaping in a desert style with colors evergreen areas that are pretty all year with fountains and statues Access to river; possible boat dock/marina; Parkway look & feel for VMP Entertainment, restaurants, shops; old buildings re-done; prime shopping like Mall & grant Road; Entertainment is key Shops; park & walk; families; Inviting to come through; reason to stop Incubation for startup businesses; a place that people will talk about and be proud of; take advantage of the river. Full of business Slow traffic down, linkage community • • • 2 5. Would you consider reconfiguring the parking and traffic flow on Valley • Mall Parkway? 7 Yes No Any comments: Not sure what difference it will make to change parking on street; better access to parking lot would help if enough room Angle parking worth considering the options; best chance for pedestrian friendly place in EW Need more parking; parking lots Parking lot bank clean-up, Dumpster enclosures, sidewalk litter/sales/flea market, Texco lot Like idea of traffic circle, angle parking (back in), bike lanes Golf cart/4 wheelers zone/electric vehicle look at utility corridors, traffic circle 6. In one sentence, please provide a statement for your vision of the Downtown. An area that matters, a nice place to walk, a place we care about • Have the area look and be inviting to a passerby from Sunset Hwy. Downtown East Wenatchee could be the vibrant heart of the City Welcome people to downtown and give them a reason to be there Apples, airplanes & rivers, come enjoy our river. Every building full no flea markets, a homey downtown Community 7. Feel free to add any additional comments you may have regarding the Downtown and your expectations from this planning process. Would like to see property owners get together to maintain that alley behind the properties. There are lots of pot holes in the asphalt. Appreciate being included in the interviews; mall is going to grow; good planning can provide complimentary opportunities. City Council needs to be more involved in community; listen to people Mural downtown with Japanese & East Wenatchee landing sites telling the story of the flight, a partnership between businesses and city. • 3 Rediscover East Wenatchee Downtown Business Owner Questionnaire 1. What year was your business established at this location? /1997, 2005; 1996: 1994. 2/1988: 2/2007: 2008, 2005,2/2011,2009: 2010,1999 2. What type of business do you operate? 31 a. Service business (Personal and Professional Services) 17(54%) b. Retail sales 2 (6%) c. Eating and drinking establishment 2 (6%) d. Vehicle repair and service 3 (9%) e. Other 4 Software Development: Manage rentals but not currently doing business from this location Commercial printer Storage 3. Do you own or rent at this location? 27 Rent 21(78%) Own 6 4. Where do your customers/clients primarily park? 4/On street parking; 9/In our parking lot; 10/parking lot; 2 street or parking lot 5. If your business receives regular deliveries of products, what type of vehicle usually brings the products: 22 11 Cube style delivery van (50%) 8 Semi-truck & trailer (36%) 3/Personal Vehicle (14%) 6. What days of the week and time of day does your business receive deliveries? Tuesday & Thursday, but could be everyday usually in the AM. Monday & Thursday 10am to 2 pm; anytime between 9 to 5; 3/M — F Mornings; 8 to 5:30; 3/Everyday mornings varies; M - F am drop-offs/ PM pick ups; 7 days a week between 9 and 7; Monday thru Friday business hours normal UPS or FEDEX schedules; 7. Where does the delivery vehicle park to make deliveries to your business? • 3/In front of the building. 5/in the parking lot; June 14 2012 Page 0 Rediscover East Wenatchee Downtown Business Owner Questionnaire In front or back alley; 2/parking lot in front of Office, double park in front of business; behind business; on the lot; In thru-way in front of premises; How many employees do you have and what are their typical shifts? 15/ M — F 8 to 5; 3/9 to 5; 10 - Noon to 11 weekdays, and to 2am on weekends; 2/part-time 9 to 5 5 days a week; 1/part time; 2 - 8 to 5; 28 to 5:30; One part-time receptionist 9 to 3 M —F 3/independent stylists; 20/between 7 to 5; 10 / 6:00am to 2;00am; 2/ 6 M-F 9 to 5/ 1 — 9 to 5; 2 flues thru Sat from 10 to 7;2 / 9 to 6; 7/ Mon thru Fri 9 to 7 Sat 9 to 5; 1/ day shift 8. Where do your employees usually park? 2/Public parking next to Eastside Pawn; In our parking lot; 3/on the street; 4/parking lot; 3/In front of office, in alley: 636 building lot; on the lot; parking lot between 610 building and liquor store 9. What best describes your customer traffic in the last 12 months? (Please circle one.) a. Stayed about the same '.=1 b. Increased 2 c. Decreased 1 10. Do you plan to make any changes to your business in the next 24 months? If so, please select the activity that best describes your plans or explain below. (Please circle.) a. Improve or change building store front/facade 4 b. Add additional space to the business c. Remodel the interior 2 d. Move out of downtown e. Sell the business Can't sell f. Other No Changes: Relocate, either E. Wen or Wen. increase sales 11 Would you consider and support reconfiguring the on-street parking and traffic flow on Valley Mall Parkway? 10 Yes 3 No Any comments: Absolutely, more parking means room for more customers; possibly would depend on what they are love the back in diagonal parking plan and roundabout at 9 t1 Street intersection or regular Street lights; June 14, 2012 Pagel Rediscover East Wenatchee Downtown Business Owner Questionnaire • • Unsure; Traffic light at 9 th & VMP, we get a lot of complaints about parking and pulling out into traffic; We are not using the parking on Valley Mall Pkwy; Not needed in our location 12 If the City provided sidewalk amenities such as planter boxes (hanging or fixed to the ground), benches, and waste receptacles, would you be willing to help maintain them? (i.e. empty garbage, water plants etc.) 11 Yes 4 No Maybe 1 Comments: They are maintained from the City budget, if managed successfully the long term growth in tax base should cover adequately to be considered a wise investment for municipal funds; I will do whatever I can; possibly it would be great for East Wenatchee to finally show some interest in the downtown. Then slowly but surely watch consumers come. Please ask corner car garage —car lot to clean up weeds and reduce clutter. Not an appealing vision to E. Wen business district. Also, for quest of Cedars Inn, they have to drive past that junk on 9 th Street. Definitely devalues businesses and property. Don't own the property ask property owner or manager Sidewalk amenities would be nice, but I already do a substantial amount of street gutter and sidewalk cleaning due to my proximity to the Clearwater, so if sidewalk amenities mean having a larger outdoor lounge in front of my building that I have to maintain I would not support that. No Smoking" signs! This is a big problem Let us know how we can help 13.What three types of business would you like to see Downtown? (Please circle three.) a. Restaurant b. Dry Cleaning c. Book store 3 d. Art Gallery e. Grocery f. Copying and Printing 2 g. Coffee Shop 1; h. Bakery i. Banking j. Hair Salon/Barber Shop k. Hardware I. Resale/Antiques and collectibles m. Pharmacy n. Craft Store o. Theatre p. Clothing Store q. Furniture and Home Furnishings Store r. Other: s. Professional offices (medical, dental, t. Other: attorney, ect.) 14. How would you rate Downtown for: (Please circle Fair, Poor or Good.) Fair Poor Good a. Attractive building facades: 4 12 b. Attractive store/business displays: 5 10 c. Number of eating places: 6 8 2 d. Cleanliness of streets and sidewalks: 6 5 5 e. Convenience of parking: 8 5 3 f. Safety from crime and vandalism: 6 4 4 g. Variety of goods and services offered: 5 9 1 h. Traffic conditions: 11 2 3 i. Pedestrian access: 8 1 7 June 14 2012 Page 2 Rediscover East Wenatchee Downtown Business Owner Questionnaire 15. What is the number one most needed physical improvement/change you would like to see for Downtown? (Please circle one.) a. Improve the condition and appearance of buildings. 8 Maintain the existing parking lot and maintain the general cleanliness of the area. b. Provide for more convenient parking. 3 c. Develop parks and/or public spaces 4 d. Improve the traffic flow. e Improve pedestrian access facilities f. Add streetscape improvements. 3 16. What two other physical improvements would you like to see completed? (Please circle two.) a. Improve the condition and appearance of buildings. b. Provide for more convenient parking. 3 c. Develop parks and/or public spaces 5 d. Improve the traffic flow. e. Improve pedestrian access facilities 3 f. Add streetscape improvements. 7 17. In one or two sentences, please provide a statement describing your vision for the Downtown. I do not think that downtown is an inviting place currently. There is not enough variety to bring people downtown. It almost feels like it is drying up and dying. Existing property owners, tenants, and patronage will work itself out overtime if public spaces are created and accessible, private investment will follow. Create a "place" that has purpose, incorporate City properties and facilities into the downtown when opportunities arise. Family friendly with outside dining, pedestrian and bike paths and green spaces, easy traffic flow with parking areas to provide access for the families and pedestrians. Need a City Hall that will promote this. Take out adult store. Come up with theme for all buildings on both sides regarding look, paint color, signage etc. Then add flowers (hanging baskets etc). In 5t's a Wok about Grill or where the adult arcade is, then slowly but surely watch consumers with money show interest. It would be wonderful to see it as a destination area for loop trail users and more family friendly use. Create a more unified space that is pedestrian friendly and encourages citizens to come to this are as a 'destination' not just to the mall. A pedestrian oriented heart of the city where people are compelled to visit businesses. It all starts with the attractiveness of the parking areas, street and sidewalks just dolling things up without continual maintenance won't solve anything. Plenty of parking for people to park when they go shopping, and a little park across the street where people can go and relax. More professional businesses (ie doctors, clinics etc.) clean up buildings. City should purchase vacant lot by Minn's and make that parking, then we wouldn't need any street parking. Easy to identify downtown with parking area and walking access June 14, 2012 Page 3 Rediscover East Wenatchee Downtown Business Owner Questionnaire Visually appealing/inviting. Continued ease of parking and easy access to businesses-unlike downtown Wenatchee. • Use the historic charm of the area to create a corridor attracting pedestrians from the mall/starbucks through downtown to a park o the river by the historic bridge. Update, cleanup and enforce the no smoking within 25 ft.: Clean family-friendly location with a variety of businesses whom have pride in the services they provide. To see a common theme to the parkway. To make it more visually appealing. Anything is better than what it is. Needs to be legitimate business that doesn't cater to 1 group, ie Hispanic the Discount Tobacco store is a real problem in the area. If business can make profits then the area will attract a variety of desirable businesses and services. If a golf cart, 4 wheel, electric 4 wheel, bicycle, pedestrian friendly area is created many business could develop to accommodate those shoppers and it would be something distractive to East Wenatchee. Clean Convenient attractive but functional so real businesses can proper for the long term. Note — cute pretty dysfunctional with constant turnover and high vacancy rates. The City of East Wenatchee has been very pro-business and a great place to have a business lets continue to build on that with the approach on this project. It would be nice to see trees and planter boxes on the north side of valley Mall Pkwy, but I 411 don't want to pay for them since I'm not located on the street. • June 14. 2012 Page 4 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE NICK A. GERDE, FINANCE DIRECTOR 271 9Th STREET NE • EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 886-4507 • FAX (509) 886-6109 June 14, 2016 To: Mayor, Councilmembers & Department Heads Subject: Financial Report for May 2016 Please find the attached financial schedules that represent my report for the month and five months ending May 2016. Five months represents 41.67% of the year, so consider that factor as you review revenue and expenditures. The attached report includes: 1. Brief narrative of financial results for the month and five months • ending May 2016. 2. Financial Schedules of Revenue, Expense and Changes in Fund Balances for the month and five months ending May 2016. 3. Revenue Report for May 2016, including actual to estimated revenue by line item. 4. Expenditure Report for May 2016, including actual to budgeted expenditures by line item. If you should have questions, please contact me directly at 886-4507 or e -mail at ngerdeeast-wenatchee.com . Nick A. Gerde Finance Director Attachments: as stated City of East Wenatchee, Washington Monthly Financial Report - May 2016 Cash Flow, Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances - Fluctuation Comments Revenue: Operational revenue for the month of May was behind projections by nearly $153,000, due primarily to timing of revenue receipts. Gambling tax receipts for the month were lower than expected, but higher than projected on a year-to-date basis. The remainder was spread over a number of sources, none significant. Capital revenue of $316,300 represented a reimbursement from costs incurred in 2015 on the Valley Mall Parkway Overlay project. No other capital revenue was received, in comparison to a forecast of $500,000. Operational revenue for the five months exceeded projections by nearly $32,500 ($3,714,264 actual versus $3,681,765 forecast). Capital revenue continues behind schedule, as reflected by capital spending. Costs and Expenses: Costs and expenses for the month of May were generally in line with expectations, and consideration of the budget amendment approved in late April. The primary reason for the positive variance for the four months is the delay in spending for capital projects. As noted last month, nearly all other significant costs centers are within percentage guidelines for the first five months of the year, including payroll, payroll tax and benefit costs. Cash Balances - End of May 2016: $ 5,450,366.60 Cash balances have increased over $600,000 for the five months, primarily related to the timing of receipts and no significant capital spending for the five months. Nick A. Gerde, Finance Director June 14, 2016 • 358,750.38 66,344.43 459,833.06 4,610.48 61,671.63 4,083.71 26,739.06 38,646.55 547.46 478,442.18 97,122.45 623,360.32 64,587.25 $ 5,450,366.60 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Monthly Financial Report - May 2016 Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances MONTH OF MAY 2016 Cash Cash Beg Balance Add: Add: Resources Less: Less: End Balance Fund 5/1/2016 Revenue Non-Revenue Available Expenditures Non-Expends 5/31/2016 $ 3,165,627.64 General Fund 001 $ 2,963,478.33 665,464.92 19,968.41 3,648,911.66 461,878.03 21,405.99 Street Fund 101 42,550.57 396,946.87 439,497.44 80,747.06 Comm Dev Grants Fund 102 66,344.43 66,344.43 Trans Benefit District Fund 105 436,073.06 23,760.00 459,833.06 Debt Reserve Fund 110 Library Fund 112 4,689.96 4,689.96 79.48 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 69,944.63 1,000.00 70,944.63 9,273.00 Drug Fund 114 4,078.14 5.57 4,083.71 Criminal Justice Fund 116 26,739.06 26,739.06 Events Board Fund 117 41,427.36 18,576.32 60,003.68 21,357.13 Bond Redemption Fund 202 9,745.55 22,000.00 31,745.55 31,198.09 Street Improvements Fund 301 229,476.11 320,796.29 550,272.40 71,830.22 Storm Water Improvements Fund 308 101,792.18 1,572.88 103,365.06 6,242.61 Capital Improvements Fund 314 597,399.00 25,961.32 623,360.32 Equipment R& R Fund 501 89,210.73 20,000.00 109,210.73 44,623.48 Total for All City Operations $ 4,682,949.11 $ 1,496,084.17 $ 19,968.41 $ 6,199,001.69 $ 727,229.10 $ 21,405.99 Total Budgets $ 1,811,050.00 $ 17,000.00 $ 1,374,300.00 $ 18,200.00 • • • City of East Wenatchee, Washington Monthly Financial Report Revenue, Expenses and Chanqes in Fund Balances Cash Beg Balance Fund 1/1/2016 FIVE MONTHS THRU MAY 2016 Add: Resources Less: Less: Non-Revenue Available Expenditures Non-Expends Add: Revenue Cash End Balance 5/31/2016 General Fund 001 $ 3,307,823.24 2,164,769.79 113,815.74 $ 5,586,408 77 2,328,723.69 92,057 44 Street Fund 101 89,638.17 878,024.41 967,662.58 608,912.20 Comm Dev Grants Fund 102 68,461.68 68,461.68 2,117.25 Trans Benefit District Fund 105 359,230.26 100,602 80 459,833.06 Debt Reserve Fund 110 Library Fund 112 4,418.88 2,000 00 6,418.88 1,808.40 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 87,717.63 5,000.00 92,717.63 31,046.00 Drug Fund 114 3,219.33 864.38 4,083.71 Criminal Justice Fund 116 18,361.37 8,377.69 26,739.06 Events Board Fund 117 35,887.86 63,683.30 99,571.16 60,924.61 Bond Redemption Fund 202 9,745.55 22,000.00 31,745.55 31,198.09 Street Improvements Fund 301 189,123.46 390,496.29 579,619.75 101,177.57 Storm Water Improvements Fund 308 102,154.61 19,267 71 121,422.32 24,299.87 Capital Improvements Fund 314 519,200.28 104,160.04 623,360.32 Equipment R&R Fund 501 38,861.26 271,317.61 310,178.87 245,591.62 Total for All City Operations $ 4,833,843.58 $ 4,030,564.02 $ 113,815.74 $ 8,978,223.34 $ 3,435,799.30 $ 92,057.44 Total Budgets $ 3,579,765.00 $ 102,000.00 $ 4,806,000.00 $ 89,700.00 $ 3,165,627.64 358,750.38 66,344.43 459,833.06 4,610.48 61,671.63 4,083.71 26,739.06 38,646.55 547.46 478,442.18 97,122.45 623,360.32 64,587.25 $ 5,450,366.60 • • • REVENUE SUMMARY 2016 - MAY - CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 41.67% Account Number GENERAL FUND REVENUE Period Fiscal Budget °A of Total Balance Description TAXES 001-000-000-311-10-00-00 Real & Personal Property Tax $222,233.44 $375,971.91 $873,500.00 43.04% $497,528.09 001-000-000-313-11-00-00 Local Retail Sales & Use Tax $277,632.08 $830,731.43 $2,689,200.00 30.89% $1,858,468.57 001-000-000-313-71-00-00 1/10 Sales Tax-Criminal Just $25,254.42 $116,943.74 $245,000.00 47.73% $128,056.26 001-000-000-316-40-00-00 Electric Utility Tax $41,621.44 $179,399.66 $330,000.00 54.36% $150,600.34 001-000-000-316-45-00-00 Natural Gas Utility Tax $2,302.19 $18,330.26 $37,000.00 49.54% $18,669.74 001-000-000-316-49-00-00 Phone/cellular Utility Tax $28,591.83 $159,575.33 $385,000.00 41.45% $225,424.67 001-000-000-316-84-00-00 Gambling Tax $0.00 $147,557.80 $270,000.00 54.65% $122,442.20 Total $597,635.40 $1,828,510.13 $4,829,700.00 37.86% $3,001,189.87 LICENSES & PERMITS 001-000-000-321-30-01-00 Fireworks Permits $0.00 $300.00 $550.00 54.55% $250.00 001-000-000-321-60-00-00 Taxicab Licenses & Permits $0.00 $75.00 $500.00 15.00% $425.00 001-000-000-321-91-00-00 Franchise Fees $24,605.97 $49,430.28 $98,400.00 50.23% $48,969.72 001-000-000-321-99-00-00 Business Licenses & Permits $1,140.00 $4,760.00 $80,000.00 5.95% $75,240.00 001-000-000-321-99-01-00 Penalties ON Business Licenses $27.00 $35.00 $2,500.00 1.40% $2,465.00 001-000-000-322-10-00-00 Building & Structure Permits $5,843.51 $14,280.70 $50,000.00 28.56% $35,719.30 001-000-000-322-90-01-00 Gun Permits $298.00 $2,879.00 $5,000.00 57.58% $2,121.00 Total $31,914.48 $71,759.98 $236,950.00 30.28% $165,190.02 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 001-000-000-334-03-51-03 Tsc - Night Time Seatbelt Emp $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00% $1,500.00 001-000-000-334-03-51-10 Distracted Driving Enforcement Patrol $0.00 $1,071.90 $2,500.00 42.88% $1,428.10 001-000-000-334-03-51-12 Tsc - DUI Emphasis Patrol $0.00 $1,788.49 $4,000.00 44.71% $2,211.51 001-000-000-334-04-20-10 Comm Dev Block Grant Reimb $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 0.00% $5,000.00 001-000-000-334-06-91-00 WA ST Office of Public Defense $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 0.00% $10,000.00 001-000-000-335-00-91-00 Pud Privilege Tax $0.00 $0.00 $42,500.00 0.00% $42,500.00 001-000-000-336-06-41-00 Marijuana Enforcement $0.00 $5,056.35 $20,000.00 25.28% $14,943.65 001-000-000-336-06-51-00 DUI - Cities Allocation $0.00 $1,047.06 $2,500.00 41.88% $1,452.94 001-000-000-336-06-94-00 Liquor Excise Tax $0.00 $31,953.75 $26,500.00 120.58% ($5,453.75) 001-000-000-336-06-95-00 Liquor Board Profits $0.00 $28,905.90 $120,000.00 24.09% $91,094.10 Total $0.00 $69,823.45 $234,500.00 29.78% $164,676.55 East Wenatchee -R venue Summary li PIO of 1 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 12:25:53 PM • • • Account Number Description • Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance CHARGES FOR SERVICES 001-000-000-341-33-10-00 Background Check Fees $0.00 $24.00 $100.00 24.00% $76.00 001-000-000-341-35-30-00 Duplicating Services - Court & Police $95.00 $575.54 $1,000.00 57.55% $424.46 001-000-000-341-35-31-00 Copy and Duplication Fees - Admin $0.00 $554.60 $50.00 1,109.20% ($504.60) 001-000-000-341-35-33-00 Recording and Filing Fees $0.00 $91.00 $0.00 ($91.00) 001-000-000-341-35-35-00 Annual Admin Fee - VVM $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 100.00% $0.00 001-000-000-342-33-00-00 Adult Probation Services $6,908.83 $37,112.48 $90,000.00 41.24% $52,887.52 001-000-000-342-36-00-00 Housing of Prisoners $2,626.18 $15,332.41 $42,000.00 36.51% $26,667.59 001-000-000-342-40-00-01 Fire Marshall Inspection Ser $89.00 $1,564.00 $4,000.00 39.10% $2,436.00 001-000-000-345-83-00-00 Plan Checking Fees $2,980.12 $7,413.73 $24,900.00 29.77% $17,486.27 001-000-000-345-83-41-00 Engineering Review Fees $0.00 $529.50 $1,600.00 33.09% $1,070.50 001-000-000-345-86-00-00 Sepa Permits $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% $500.00 001-000-000-345-89-00-00 Planning & Development Fees $0.00 $678.00 $3,000.00 22.60% $2,322.00 Total $12,699.13 $68,875.26 $172,150.00 40.01% $103,274.74 FINES & PENALTIES 001-000-000-356-50-00-00 Fines And Penatlies $17,602.05 $96,685.02 $205,000.00 47.16% $108,314.98 001-000-000-357-33-00-00 Public Defender Costs $2,143.11 $11,833.09 $28,000.00 42.26% $16,166.91 Total $19,745.16 $108,518.11 $233,000.00 46.57% $124,481.89 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 001-000-000-361-11-00-00 Interest Earnings $1,659.49 $8,010.30 $5,600.00 143.04% ($2,410.30) 001-000-000-361-40-00-00 Sales Tax Interest $211.26 $742.56 $1,600.00 46.41% $857.44 001-000-000-362-40-00-05 Rent Income 88 9th St. NE $1,600.00 $8,000.00 $0.00 ($8,000.00) 001-000-000-369-91-50-00 Miscellaneous Revenue $0.00 $530.00 $1,000.00 53.00% $470.00 Total $3,470.75 $17,282.86 $8,200.00 210.77% ($9,082.86) NON-REVENUE 001-000-000-386-12-00-00 Crime Victim Assessment $319.05 $1,778.19 $4,000.00 44.45% $2,221.81 001-000-000-386-89-50-00 ST WA Surcharge/bid Code Fee $24.50 $105.50 $300.00 35.17% $194.50 001-000-000-386-89-55-00 State Share Weapons Permit Fee $573.00 $4,913.50 $6,500.00 75.59% $1,586.50 001-000-000-386-91-00-00 Court Remittance--State $19,051.86 $104,818.55 $212,000.00 49.44% $107,181.45 001-000-000-389-20-00-00 Fireworks - Dcfd Remittance $0.00 $200.00 $250.00 80.00% $50.00 001-000-000-389-30-00-00 Fireworks - Cleaning Deposit $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,500.00 80.00% $500.00 Total $19,968.41 $113,815.74 $225,550.00 50.46% $111,734.26 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $685,433.33 $2,278,585.53 $5,940,050.00 38.36% $3,661,464.47 STREET AND STORM WATER MAINTENANCE FUND 101-000-000-311-10-00-00 Property Taxes - Street Dept $350,000.00 $350,000.00 $475,000.00 73.68% $125,000.00 101-000-000-31 3-1 1-00-00 Sales And Use Tax $0.00 $326,000.00 $290,000.00 112.41% ($36,000.00) 101-000-000-322-40-00-00 Street Permits $785.00 $5,405.00 $3,000.00 180.17% ($2,405.00) 101-000-000-336-00-71-00 Multimodal Transpo City $0.00 $6,850.72 $0.00 ($6,850.72) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 12:25:53 PM East Wenatchee - Revenue Summary Page 1 of 1 Account Number Description Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance 101-000-000-336-00-87-00 Street Fuel Excise Tax $24,000.37 $111,795.51 $285,000.00 39.23% $173,204.49 101-000-000-336-00-87-05 MVA Transport Cities $0.00 $2,004.56 $8,000.00 25.06% $5,995.44 101-000-000-336-00-87-10 DOE Capacity Grant - SWU $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 0.00% $50,000.00 101-000-000-341-70-00-00 Sales of Scrap $0.00 $6.50 $0.00 ($6.50) 101-000-000-343-13-00-00 SWA Administrative Services $7,069.23 $10,154.35 $21,500.00 47.23% $11,345.65 101-000-000-343-13-00-90 SWA NPDES Reimbursement $15,092.27 $65,807.77 $186,400.00 35.30% $120,592.23 Fund Total $396,946.87 $878,024.41 $1,318,900.00 66.57% $440,875.59 COMMUNITY DEVELOMENT GRANT FUND 102-000-000-331-14-00-00 HUD CD Block Grant $0.00 $0.00 $18,074.00 0.00% $18,074.00 Fund Total $0.00 $0.00 $18,074.00 0.00% $18,074.00 TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT FUND 105-000-000-317-60-00-00 Car Tab Fee Revenue $23,760.00 $100,602.80 $220,500.00 45.62% $119,897.20 Fund Total $23,760.00 $100,602.80 $220,500.00 45.62% $119,897.20 DEBT RESERVE FUND 110-000-000-311-10-00-00 Property Tax $0.00 $0.00 $165,000.00 0.00% $165,000.00 Fund Total $0.00 $0.00 $165,000.00 0.00% $165,000.00 LIBRARY FUND 112-000-000-313-11-00-00 Sales and Use Tax $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 100.00% $0.00 112-000-000-347-20-00-00 Library Services $0.00 $0.00 $6,500.00 0,00% $6,500.00 Fund Total $0.00 $2,000.00 $8,500.00 23.53% $6,500.00 HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND 113-000-000-313-31-02-00 32% of 2% Special Tax $500.00 $2,500.00 $6,000.00 41.67% $3,500.00 113-000-000-313-31-03-00 64% of Third 2% H/M Tax $500.00 $2,500.00 $6,000.00 41.67% $3,500.00 Fund Total $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $12,000.00 41.67% $7,000.00 DRUG INVESTIGATION FUND 114-000-000-356-50-03-00 Drug Investigation $5.57 $743.12 $50.00 1,486.24% ($693.12) 114-000-000-369-30-00-00 Confiscated/forfeited Property $0.00 $121.26 $0.00 ($121.26) Fund Total $5.57 $864.38 $50.00 1,728.76% ($814.38) CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUND 116-000-000-336-06-21-00 Crim Justice - Population $0.00 $1,799.21 $3,600.00 49.98% $1,800.79 116-000-000-336-06-26-00 Crim Just - Special Programs $0.00 $6,578.48 $13,000.00 50.60% $6,421.52 Fund Total $0.00 $8,377.69 $16,600.00 50.47% $8,222.31 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 12:25:53 PM East Wenatchee - Revenue Summary of 1 1111 Account Num er 117-000-100-313-31-00-00 117-000-100-313-31-00-03 117-000-100-313-31-00-04 117-000-200-347-40-00-05 117-000-200-347-40-02-01 117-000-300-347-40-12-02 117-000-300-347-40-12-03 117-000-300-347-90-00-12 117-000-300-347-90-12-00 117-000-400-347-40-11-03 117-000-400-347-40-11-04 117-000-400-347-40-11-07 117-000-400-347-90-00-01 117-000-400-347-90-00-11 117-000-400-347-90-00-13 117-000-400-347-90-11-00 117-000-450-347-90-00-12 117-000-450-347-90-00-15 202-000-000-311-10-00-00 202-000-000-337-19-00-00 301-000-000-311-10-00-00 301-000-000-333-20-00-11 301-000-000-333-20-00-18 301-000-000-333-20-00-20 301-000-000-333-20-10-05 301-000-000-334-03-80-02 301-000-000-334-03-80-06 301-000-000-334-03-80-22 301-000-000-338-95-00-12 301-000-000-344-10-95-16 301-000-000-344-10-95-18 301-000-000-344-10-95-40 301-000-000-397-95-00-20 Description Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance EVENTS FUND H/M Tax - 100% of 1st 2% $9,603.32 $45,275.20 $45,500.00 99.51% $224.80 H/M Tax - 68% of 2nd 2% $0.00 $0.00 $39,500.00 0.00% $39,500.00 H/M Tax - 36% of 3rd 2% $0.00 $0.00 $39,500.00 0.00% $39,500.00 Easter Vendor Fee $0.00 $25.00 $0.00 ($25.00) Easter Egg Hunt Admission Fees $0.00 $1,545.10 $1,600.00 96.57% $54.90 Classy Chassis Parade/car Show $5,285.00 $10,755.00 $11,000.00 97.77% $245.00 Classy Chassis Vendor Fees $0.00 $324.00 $600.00 54.00% $276.00 Classy Chassis Sponsorships $1,850.00 $1,850.00 $9,000.00 20.56% $7,150.00 CC Merchandise Sales $1,588.00 $1,959.00 $1,000.00 195.90% ($959.00) VVings & VVheels Car Show $0.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 0.00% $4,500.00 W & W Carnival $0.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 0.00% $3,500.00 VVings & VVheels Vendor Fees $0.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 10.00% $900.00 Wings & Wheels Donations $250.00 $350.00 $0.00 ($350.00) Wings & Wheels Sponsorships $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 0.00% $5,000.00 Schedule of Events Brochure $0.00 $1,500.00 $6,500.00 23.08% $5,000.00 W & W Merchandise Sales $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00% $1,500.00 PkwyPile-up Car Show Sponsorship $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% $500.00 PkwyPile-up Car Show Misc Revenue $0.00 $0.00 _ $250.00 0.00% $250.00 Fund Total $18,576.32 $63,683.30 $170,450.00 37.36% $106,766.70 BOND/DEBT REDEMPTION FUND Property Tax $22,000.00 $22,000.00 $20,000.00 110.00% ($2,000.00) GEWSWU PVVTFL Revenue $0.00 $0.00 $12,175.00 0.00% $12,175.00 Fund Total $22,000.00 $22,000.00 $32,175.00 68.38% $10,175.00 STREET IMPROVEMENTS FUND Property Tax $4,500.00 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 100.00% $0.00 STP - Highline Drive $0.00 $0.00 $91,161.00 0.00% $91,161.00 STP VMP Grant to 9th Overlay $316,296.29 $316,296.29 $578,685.00 54.66% $262,388.71 STP Tric Signal 9th & VMP $0.00 $0.00 $346,000.00 0.00% $346,000.00 TBD Fund 630 Transfer $0.00 $0.00 $397,365.00 0.00% $397,365.00 TIB - 11th and 19th ST NE $0.00 $0.00 $569,250.00 0.00% $569,250.00 TIB Baker Ave 15th to 20th Project $0.00 $0.00 $295,758.00 0.00% $295,758.00 TIB - Highline Drive $0.00 $0.00 $337,316.00 0.00% $337,316.00 CDBG 5th St. Sidewalks & SVVU $0.00 $0.00 $47,000.00 0.00% $47,000.00 GEWSWU Baker Ave 15th to 20th $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 0.00% $10,000.00 5th St. Sidewalks & SWU $0.00 $0.00 $23,000.00 0.00% $23,000.00 DC Regional Share -French Ave Construc $0.00 $69,700.00 $0.00 ($69,700.00) Transfer In - From Fund 314 $0.00 $0.00 $300,000.00 0.00% $300,000.00 Fund Total $320,796.29 $390,496.29 $3,000,035.00 13.02% $2,609,538.71 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 12:25:53 PM East Wenatchee - Revenue Summary Page 1 of 1 Account Number Description Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance STORM WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 308-000-000-343-13-00-30 SWA Small Improvement Projects $1,187.71 $4,505.62 $33,556.00 13.43% $29,050.38 308-000-000-343-13-00-69 GEWSWU Dolfay Lane Project $261.42 $2,785.90 $167,044.00 1.67% $164,258.10 308-000-000-343-13-00-83 DOE Grant 19th St. NW Design $0.00 $0.00 $125,000.00 0.00% $125,000.00 308-000-000-343-13-00-86 DOE Grant SWA VMP LID Project $0.00 $6,061.83 $397,725.00 1.52% $391,663.17 308-000-000-343-13-00-88 GEWSWU VMP LID Project $123.75 $5,914.36 $132,575.00 4.46% $126,660.64 308-000-000-343-13-00-92 DC Regional Share-VMPLID SWA Project $0.00 $0.00 $41,698.00 0.00% $41,698.00 Fund Total $1,572.88 $19,267.71 $897,598.00 2.15% $878,330.29 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 314-000-000-311-10-00-00 Real and Personal Property Taxes $0.00 $0.00 $75,000.00 0.00% $75,000.00 314-000-000-318-34-00-00 Real Estate Excise Tax $25,961.32 $104,150.86 $200,000.00 52.08% $95,849.14 314-000-000-361-11-00-00 Interest Earnings $0.00 $9.18 $0.00 ($9.18) Fund Total $25,961.32 $104,160.04 $275,000.00 37.88% $170,839.96 EQUIPMENT PURCHASE, MAINTANANCE & REPLACEMENT FUND 501-000-000-313-11-00-10 Sales & Use Tax - Police $10,000.00 $170,000.00 $200,000.00 85.00% $30,000.00 501-000-000-313-11-00-20 Sales & Use Tax - Streets $10,000.00 $72,700.00 $207,000.00 35.12% $134,300.00 501-000-000-313-11-00-30 Sales & Use Tax - Admin $0.00 $27,300.00 $27,300.00 100.00% $0.00 501-000-000-369-90-50-00 Miscellaneous Revenue $0.00 $1,317.61 $0.00 ($1,317.61) Fund Total $20,000.00 $271,317.61 $434,300.00 62.47% $162,982.39 GRAND TOTAL CITY REVENUE $1,516,052.58 $4,144,379.76 $12,509,232.00 33.13% $8,364,852.24 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 12:25:53 PM • East Wenatchee - Revenue Summary • Paiiof 1 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 2016 - MAY - CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 41.67% Account GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance Description GENERAL GOVERNMENT 001-000-001-518-91-50-00 Wellness $0.00 $851.70 $1,750.00 48.67% $898.30 001-000-001-518-93-49-00 City Theme $0.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 0.00% $15,000.00 001-000-001-521-10-29-00 Leoff 1 Ins Prenniums/misc $3,054.15 $10,957.45 $38,400.00 28.54% $27,442.55 001-000-001-521-10-29-01 Leoff 1 Ltc Insurance Premiums $0.00 $3,102.41 $0.00 ($3,102.41) 001-000-001-528-70-51-00 River Corn $23,509.50 $117,741.46 $282,114.00 41.74% $164,372.54 001-000-001-539-30-51-00 Animal Control $5,813.00 $29,065.00 $69,756.00 41.67% $40,691.00 001-000-001-558-60-41-00 Wenatchee Valley Transportation Cncl $0.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 100.00% $0.00 001-000-001-558-70-41-00 Ncw Economic Development Dist $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 100.00% $0.00 001-000-001-558-70-41-05 NCWEDD Chelan/Douglas Trends $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 100.00% $0.00 001-000-001-558-70-41-10 Spirit of Wenatchee Miss Veedol $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 100.00% $0.00 001-000-001-558-70-41-15 Wenatchee Valley Museum & CC $0.00 $27,819.00 $27,819.00 100.00% $0.00 001-000-001-558-70-55-00 Contributions - Region $0.00 $5,000.00 $8,000.00 62.50% $3,000.00 001-000-001-564-00-52-00 Comm Mental Health (2% Liquor) $0.00 $1,753.20 $3,000.00 58.44% $1,246.80 Total $33,876.65 $214,290.22 $463,839.00 46.20% $249,548.78 LEGISLATIVE 001-000-1 10-51 1-60-1 0-00 Salaries $12,007.11 $61,137.55 $144,200.00 42.40% $83,062.45 001-000-1 10-51 1-60-20-00 Benefits $2,871.08 $13,992.03 $33,000.00 42.40% $19,007.97 001-000-110-511-60-21-50 Public Defender $7,544.00 $40,719.66 $91,000.00 44.75% $50,280.34 001-000-110-511-60-30-00 Public Defender Conflicts $202.50 $2,092.50 $5,000.00 41.85% $2,907.50 001-000-1 10-51 1-60-31-00 Office Supplies $0.00 ($21.63) $125.00 -17.30% $146.63 001-000-110-511-60-31-05 Newsletter Printing & Mailing $0.00 $4,293.22 $9,250.00 46.41% $4,956.78 001-000-110-511-60-40-00 Training $0.00 $1,514.19 $3,000.00 50.47% $1,485.81 001-000-110-511-60-41-00 Professional Services $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 001-000-110-511-60-41-20 Awc Annual Membership Fee $0.00 $8,444.00 $8,500.00 99.34% $56.00 001-000-110-511-60-41-50 Interpretation Services (ADA) $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00% $100.00 001-000-110-511-60-43-00 Travel $0.00 $526.10 $2,500.00 21.04% $1,973.90 001-000-110-511-60-43-01 Travel - Misawa $0.00 $1,586.70 $7,500.00 21.16% $5,913.30 001-000-110-511-60-45-00 Election Costs - Registered Voters $0.00 $21,594.11 $23,000.00 93.89% $1,405.89 001-000-110-511-60-46-00 Insurance $36.16 $92.21 $6,300.00 1.46% $6,207.79 001 -000-1 10-51 1-60-47-00 Background Check Costs $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 0.00% $50.00 001-000-110-511-60-49-00 Miscellaneous $80.10 $2,670.95 $5,500.00 48.56% $2,829.05 Total $22,740.95 $158,641.59 $340,025.00 46.66% $181,383.41 Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM • East Wenatchee - Ex nditure Summary 41) Paoli of 1 • 001-000-140-514-20-10-00 001-000-140-514-20-20-00 001-000-140-514-20-31-00 001-000-140-514-20-31-01 001-000-140-514-20-43-00 001-000-140-514-20-44-00 001-000-140-514-20-46-00 001-000-140-514-20-48-00 001-000-140-514-20-49-00 001-000-140-514-20-50-00 001-000-140-514-30-20-00 001-000-140-514-30-25-00 001-000-141-514-20-31-00 001-000-141-514-20-31-01 001-000-141-514-20-42-01 001-000-141-514-20-42-03 001-000-141-514-20-48-00 001-000-141-594-14-60-00 Description MUNICIPAL COURT Salaries Salaries - Probation Svcs Benefits Benefits - Probation Svcs Office Supplies Training Travel Insurance Miscellaneous Interpreting Judge Protems Witness Fees Juror Fees Security Capital Outlay Total CITY CLERK Salaries Benefits Office Supplies Central Stores Travel Advertising Insurance Repairs & Maintenance Miscellaneous Training Records Services Codification Total INTERNAL SERVICES Central Stores Office Supplies Office Machine Costs Telephone Line Charges Postage Repairs & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance $15,672.42 $76,226.37 $183,200.00 41.61% $106,973.63 $4,024.50 $18,942.61 $43,900.00 43.15% $24,957.39 $4,767.79 $23,970.59 $50,200.00 47.75% $26,229.41 $2,700.92 $13,270.19 $32,700.00 40.58% $19,429.81 $589.52 $1,606.01 $2,500.00 64.24% $893.99 $0.00 $490.00 $1,500.00 32.67% $1,010.00 $1,191.94 $2,323.13 $4,000.00 58.08% $1,676.87 $72.31 $184.42 $7,550.00 2.44% $7,365.58 $0.00 $675.00 $1,200.00 56.25% $525.00 $650.00 $2,835.00 $6,000.00 47.25% $3,165.00 $0.00 $75.00 $4,000.00 1.88% $3,925.00 $0.00 $0.00 $650.00 0.00% $650.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 0.00% $4,000.00 $440.00 $1,782.00 $5,000.00 35.64% $3,218.00 $0.00 $924.86 $5,000.00 18.50% $4,075.14 $30,109.40 $143,305.18 $351,400.00 40.78% $208,094.82 $7,891.21 $39,232.11 $94,200.00 41.65% $54,967.89 $3,282.84 $16,362.67 $40,300.00 40.60% $23,937.33 $95.42 $1,638.44 $3,000.00 54.61% $1,361.56 $83.03 $1,366.83 $5,000.00 27.34% $3,633.17 $0.00 $932.03 $600.00 155.34% ($332.03) $214.24 $242.77 $1,800.00 13.49% $1,557.23 $36.16 $92.21 $3,900.00 2.36% $3,807.79 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 $276.10 $750.00 36.81% $473.90 ($425.00) $425.00 $2,000.00 21.25% $1,575.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 0.00% $200.00 $0.00 $654.93 $2,500.00 26.20% $1,845.07 $11,177.90 $61,223.09 $154,750.00 39.56% $93,526.91 $1,018.80 $1,176.02 $0.00 ($1,176.02) $46.82 $2,807.14 $11,000.00 25.52% $8,192.86 $0.00 $0.00 $12,600.00 0.00% $12,600.00 $0.00 $2,507.30 $8,500.00 29.50% $5,992.70 $0.00 $1,286.40 $2,000.00 64.32% $713.60 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% $500.00 $1,065.62 $7,776.86 $34,600.00 22.48% $26,823.14 4111PAccount Num er 001 -000-1 20-512-50-10-00 001-000-120-512-50-12-00 001-000-120-512-50-20-00 001-000-120-512-50-22-00 001-000-120-512-50-31-00 001-000-120-512-50-40-00 001-000-120-512-50-43-00 001-000-120-512-50-46-00 001-000-120-512-50-49-00 001-000-120-512-50-49-01 001-000-120-512-50-49-02 001-000-120-512-50-49-03 001-000-120-512-50-49-04 001-000-120-512-50-49-09 001-000-120-594-12-60-00 Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM East Wenatchee - Expenditure Summary Page 1 of 1 Account Number Description Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance FINANCE 001 -000 -142 -514 -20 -10 -00 Salaries $11,696.30 $58,350.52 $148,000.00 39.43% $89,649.48 001 -000 -142 -514 -20 -20 -00 Benefits $4,881.04 $24,254.28 $63,000.00 38.50% $38,745.72 001-000-142-514-20-31-00 Office Supplies $0.00 $1,281.56 $1,250.00 102.52% ($31.56) 001-000-142-514-20-42-03 Postage $0.00 $0.98 $0.00 ($0.98) 001-000-142-514-20-43-00 Travel $108.54 $108.54 $300.00 36.18% $191.46 001-000-142-514-20-46-00 Insurance $36.16 $92.21 $3,700.00 2.49% $3,607.79 001-000-142-514-20-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% $500.00 001-000-142-514-23-20-00 Budgeting, Accting, & Auditing $0.00 $1,027.76 $5,000.00 20.56% $3,972.24 001-000-142-514-25-30-00 Bank Charges & Fees $466.13 $1,170.69 $3,000.00 39.02% $1,829.31 001-000-142-514-40-20-00 Training $39.96 $39.96 $1,000.00 4.00% $960.04 Total $17,228.13 $86,326.50 $225,750.00 38.24% $139,423.50 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 001-000-145-514-20-40-00 Network Services $3,683.13 $15,076.88 $47,500.00 31.74% $32,423.12 001-000-145-514-20-40-10 Annual Fee - ESRI GIS System Licensi $0.00 $0.00 $2,150.00 0.00% $2,150.00 001-000-145-514-20-40-15 Annual Fee - Business License Softwai $0.00 $0.00 $740.00 0.00% $740.00 001-000-145-514-20-40-20 Annual License - Spillman & Net-Motioi $0.00 $90.19 $13,500.00 0.67% $13,409.81 001-000-145-514-20-40-25 Annual License - Municipal Court $0.00 $862.35 $900.00 95.82% $37.65 001-000-145-514-20-40-30 Annual Fee - Vision Financial Software $0.00 $3,063.08 $3,000.00 102.10% ($63.08) 001-000-145-514-20-40-35 Annual License Fee - Evidence.com $0.00 $3,249.26 $3,800.00 85.51% $550.74 001-000-145-514-20-40-40 Annual Subscription - Vision Website $0.00 $6,365.40 $6,400.00 99.46% $34.60 001-000-145-514-20-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00% $2,000.00 001-000-145-594-14-60-15 Capital - Cmptr Licenses Admin $0.00 $0.00 $350.00 0.00% $350.00 001-000-145-594-14-60-20 Capital - Cmptr Software Admin $946.42 $946.42 $3,000.00 31.55% $2,053.58 001-000-145-594-14-60-25 Capital - Cmptr Hdwe Admin $20,110.59 $20,110.59 $30,000.00 67.04% $9,889.41 001-000-145-594-14-60-27 Capital - Cmptr Equip Police $0.00 $10,991.90 $25,000.00 43.97% $14,008.10 001-000-145-594-14-60-35 Capital - Cmptr Equip Admin $0.00 $145.49 $5,750.00 2.53% $5,604.51 Total $24,740.14 $60,901.56 $144,090.00 42.27% $83,188.44 LEGAL 001-000-151-515-30-10-00 Salaries $10,216.66 $52,137.41 $125,000.00 41.71% $72,862.59 001-000-151-515-30-20-00 Benefits $3,963.29 $20,000.71 $47,000.00 42.55% $26,999.29 001-000-151-515-30-20-10 Training $61.00 $61.00 $0.00 ($61.00) 001-000-151-515-30-25-05 Litigation Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% $500.00 001-000-151-515-30-31-00 Office Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 0.00% $200.00 001-000-151-515-30-43-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $350.00 0.00% $350.00 001-000-151-515-30-46-00 Insurance $18.08 $46.11 $6,200.00 0.74% $6,153.89 001-000-1 51-51 5-30-49-00 Miscellaneous $5.00 $2,850.04 $100.00 2,850.04% ($2,750.04) 001-000-151-594-15-60-00 Capital Outlay $0.00 $135.24 $0.00 ($135.24) Total $14,264.03 $75,230.51 $179,350.00 41.95% $104,119.49 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM East Wenatchee - Ex nditure Summary of 1 • PAccount NuI er 001-000-160-521-10-10-00 001-000-160-521-10-46-00 001-000-160-521-10-49-00 001-000-180-518-30-31-00 001-000-180-518-30-31-06 001-000-180-518-30-35-00 001-000-180-518-30-41-00 001-000-180-518-30-41-01 001-000-180-518-30-46-00 001-000-180-518-30-47-00 001-000-180-518-30-48-00 001-000-180-518-30-49-00 001-000-180-518-30-49-01 001-000-180-518-61-41-00 001-000-180-518-92-20-00 001-000-180-594-18-60-00 001-000-210-521-10-10-00 001-000-210-521-10-10-02 001-000-210-521-10-10-03 001-000-210-521-10-20-00 001-000-210-521-10-20-01 001-000-210-521-10-31-00 001-000-210-521-10-31-05 001-000-210-521-10-32-00 001-000-210-521-10-35-00 001-000-210-521-10-35-02 001-000-210-521-10-35-05 001-000-210-521-10-35-06 001-000-210-521-10-41-00 001-000-210-521-10-42-00 001-000-210-521-10-42-01 001-000-210-521-10-42-03 001-000-210-521-10-43-00 001-000-210-521-10-46-00 001-000-210-521-10-48-00 Description CIVIL SERVICE Salaries Insurance Miscellaneous Total CENTRAL SERVICES Office Supplies Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies Small Tools & Equipment Professional Services Contracted Custodial Services Insurance Utilities Repairs & Maintenance Miscellaneous Landscaping Judgements & Settlements Ancillary (interfund maintenance) Capital Outlay Total LAW ENFORCEMENT Salaries Overtime Salaries Overtime Salaries-Traf Control Benefits Clothing Allowance Office Supplies Office Machine Costs Fuel Consumed Small Tools & Equipment Waspc Traffic Safety Grant Bulletproof Vest Grant US Marshall Fugitive Task Force Professional Services Communications--Dispatch Telephone Postage Travel Insurance Repairs & Maintenance Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance $148.50 $346.50 $1,500.00 23.10% $1,153.50 $18.08 $46.11 $2,400.00 1.92% $2,353.89 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 0.00% $200.00 $166.58 $392.61 $4,100.00 9.58% $3,707.39 $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 0.00% $300.00 $200.70 $375.60 $1,600.00 23.48% $1,224.40 $458.40 $14,804.42 $20,000.00 74.02% $5,195.58 $431.49 $1,012.02 $14,000.00 7.23% $12,987.98 $2,081.25 $8,390.94 $23,000.00 36.48% $14,609.06 $0.00 $0.00 $27,700.00 0.00% $27,700.00 $316.81 $13,217.20 $20,000.00 66.09% $6,782.80 $532.36 $7,182.73 $10,500.00 68.41% $3,317.27 $170.15 $364.67 $2,500.00 14.59% $2,135.33 $6.04 $629.15 $10,000.00 6.29% $9,370.85 $16,829.00 $37,329.00 $0.00 ($37,329.00) $79.77 $2,071.75 $12,000.00 17.26% $9,928.25 $0.00 $8,899.65 $21,700.00 41.01% $12,800.35 $21,105.97 $94,277.13 $163,300.00 57.73% $69,022.87 $151,440.98 $763,015.39 $1,955,000.00 39.03% $1,191,984.61 $9,230.03 $39,906.11 $69,000.00 57.83% $29,093.89 $973.05 $3,156.21 $6,900.00 45.74% $3,743.79 $59,860.88 $297,017.93 $745,000.00 39.87% $447,982.07 $600.00 $1,555.65 $14,400.00 10.80% $12,844.35 $368.14 $5,673.86 $6,000.00 94.56% $326.14 $305.62 $932.57 $4,000.00 23.31% $3,067.43 $3,295.33 $12,224.50 $58,000.00 21.08% $45,775.50 $68.14 $4,951.60 $8,000.00 61.90% $3,048.40 $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 0.00% $4,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00% $1,500.00 $390.00 $1,822.29 $8,500.00 21.44% $6,677.71 $39.00 $39.00 $0.00 ($39.00) $0.00 $6,433.81 $18,500.00 34.78% $12,066.19 $99.38 $471.92 $750.00 62.92% $278.08 $3,761.10 $7,132.24 $10,000.00 71.32% $2,867.76 $433.87 $4,897.43 $53,400.00 9.17% $48,502.57 $152.99 $799.69 $6,000.00 13.33% $5,200.31 Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM East Wenatchee - Expenditure Summary Page 1 of 1 Account Number Description Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance 001-000-210-521-10-49-00 Miscellaneous $525.14 $1,948.36 $4,500.00 43.30% $2,551.64 001-000-210-521-10-49-01 Reserves $0.00 $461.63 $1,500.00 30.78% $1,038.37 001-000-210-521-10-49-02 Dry Cleaning Services $0.00 $635.37 $1,000.00 63.54% $364.63 001-000-210-521-30-40-00 Crime Prevention $0.00 $339.99 $500.00 68.00% $160.01 001-000-210-521-40-22-00 Training-Police Chief $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 001-000-210-521-40-25-00 Training-Officers $225.00 $1,542.00 $3,000.00 51.40% $1,458.00 001-000-210-521-40-27-00 Training-Office Staff $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% $500.00 001-000-210-521-50-10-00 Ancillary (interfund vehicle maintenanci $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00% $2,000.00 001-000-210-521-50-49-00 Other Services $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00% $1,500.00 001-000-210-594-21-60-00 Capital Outlay $81.75 $6,391.50 $11,000.00 58.10% $4,608.50 Total $231,850.40 $1,161,349.05 $2,998,450.00 38.73% $1,837,100.95 JAIL SERVICES 001-000-230-523-21-10-00 Housing & Monitoring Prisoners $20,483.67 $90,133.09 $315,000.00 28.61% $224,866.91 001-000-230-523-60-20-00 Medical Care For Prisoners $0.00 $4,685.48 $19,000.00 24.66% $14,314.52 001-000-230-527-60-30-00 Juvenile Detention $0.00 $0.00 $9,000.00 0.00% $9,000.00 Total $20,483.67 $94,818.57 $343,000.00 27.64% $248,181.43 CITY ENGINEER 001-000-315-542-10-10-00 Salaries $7,674.32 $38,371.60 $92,100.00 41.66% $53,728.40 001-000-315-542-10-20-00 Benefits $2,307.02 $11,536.63 $28,000.00 41.20% $16,463.37 001-000-315-542-10-46-00 Insurance $18.08 $46.11 $5,500.00 0.84% $5,453.89 001-000-315-594-42-60-00 Capital Outlay $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 0.00% $300.00 Total $9,999.42 $49,954.34 $125,900.00 39.68% $75,945.66 PLANNING 001-000-580-558-60-10-00 Salaries $8,199.05 $40,995.25 $99,600.00 41.16% $58,604.75 001-000-580-558-60-20-00 Benefits $2,788.79 $13,968.05 $34,400.00 40.60% $20,431.95 001-000-580-558-60-31-00 Office Supplies $0.00 $80.06 $1,000.00 8.01% $919.94 001-000-580-558-60-32-00 Fuel Consumed $0.00 $25.48 $250.00 10.19% $224.52 001-000-580-558-60-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $0.00 $46.24 $100.00 46.24% $53.76 001-000-580-558-60-40-00 Training $0.00 $0.00 $800.00 0.00% $800.00 001-000-580-558-60-41-00 Professional Services $0.00 $0.00 $22,750.00 0.00% $22,750.00 001-000-580-558-60-41-01 Hearings Examiner $0.00 $0.00 $900.00 0.00% $900.00 001-000-580-558-60-41-02 Engineer/architect Services $0.00 $362.50 $0.00 ($362.50) 001-000-580-558-60-43-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00% $1,500.00 001-000-580-558-60-44-00 Advertising $442.56 $442.56 $2,000.00 22.13% $1,557.44 001-000-580-558-60-46-00 Insurance $36.16 $92.21 $5,700.00 1.62% $5,607.79 001-000-580-558-60-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 0.00% $400.00 001-000-580-558-60-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $836.76 $1,000.00 83.68% $163.24 Total $11,466.56 $56,849.11 $170,400.00 33.36% $113,550.89 Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM East Wenatchee - Expenditure Summary Pao. of 1 • • • Account Number Description Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance CODE COMPLIANCE 001-000-590-558-50-10-00 Salaries $7,722.78 $38,686.54 $93,000.00 41.60% $54,313.46 001-000-590-558-50-20-00 Benefits $3,861.75 $19,287.38 $48,000.00 40.18% $28,712.62 001-000-590-558-50-31-00 Office Supplies $0.00 $83.18 $2,100.00 3.96% $2,016.82 001-000-590-558-50-32-00 Fuel Consumed $0.00 $44.55 $500.00 8.91% $455.45 001-000-590-558-50-40-00 Training $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00% $250.00 001-000-590-558-50-41-01 Fire Marshal Services $0.00 $4,859.61 $19,615.00 24.77% $14,755.39 001-000-590-558-50-43-00 Travel $0.00 $0.00 $360.00 0.00% $360.00 001-000-590-558-50-44-00 Advertising $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00% $250.00 001-000-590-558-50-46-00 Insurance $18.08 $46.11 $3,850.00 1.20% $3,803.89 001-000-590-558-50-48-00 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 0.00% $200.00 001-000-590-558-50-49-00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $380.00 $350.00 108.57% ($30.00) Total $11,602.61 $63,387.37 $168,475.00 37.62% $105,087.63 NON-EXPENDITURES 001-001-000-586-00-03-00 State Share of Gun Permits $1,010.50 $4,136.50 $6,800.00 60.83% $2,663.50 001-001-000-586-00-05-00 Court Remittances $20,363.99 $85,771.19 $210,000.00 40.84% $124,228.81 001-001-000-586-00-06-00 State Surcharge (bldg Code) $31.50 $58.50 $350.00 16.71% $291.50 001-001-000-586-00-08-00 County Share of Crime Victims $0.00 $2,091.25 $4,200.00 49.79% $2,108.75 001-001-000-586-51-00-05 Fireworks-Cleaning Deposit Ref $0.00 $0.00 $800.00 0.00% $800.00 001-001-000-586-51-00-10 Fireworks - Dcfd Remittance $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00% $250.00 001-001-000-586-51-00-20 Contingency $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00% $2,000.00 Total $21,405.99 $92,057.44 $224,400.00 41.02% $132,342.56 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $483,284.02 $2,420,781.13 $6,091,829.00 39.74% $3,671,047.87 STREET & STORM WATER MAINTENANCE FUND Storm Water Activities 101-000-311-542-42-10-00 Salaries-SWA Admin $255.36 $2,661.12 $14,000.00 19.01% $11,338.88 101-000-311-542-42-20-00 Benefits - SWA Admin $98.64 $921.05 $7,500.00 12.28% $6,578.95 101-000-311-542-42-31-00 SWA Annual Billing Fee - DC $0.00 $6,333.53 $0.00 ($6,333.53) 101-000-313-542-42-10-00 Salaries - SWA Maintenance $4,528.97 $16,840.40 $70,000.00 24.06% $53,159.60 101-000-313-542-42-10-10 Salaries - SWA Sweeping $837.30 $4,650.11 $17,000.00 27.35% $12,349.89 101-000-313-542-42-20-00 Benefits - SWA Maintenance $2,932.62 $8,930.63 $39,000.00 22.90% $30,069.37 101-000-313-542-42-20-10 Benefits - SWA Sweeping $201.29 $2,467.27 $9,000.00 27.41% $6,532.73 101-000-313-542-42-30-00 Supplies - SWA $5,231.92 $15,460.15 $55,000.00 28.11% $39,539.85 101-000-313-542-42-35-00 Small Tools & Equipment $53.78 $53.78 $100.00 53.78% $46.22 101-000-313-542-42-40-00 Training $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 101-000-313-542-42-47-00 Utilities $0.00 $745.32 $0.00 ($745.32) 101-000-313-542-42-49-00 Miscellaneous Expense - SWA $918.04 $6,301.49 $4,000.00 157.54% ($2,301.49) 101-000-313-542-42-51-01 DOE Annual Permit $0.00 $3,988.50 $6,300.00 63.31% $2,311.50 Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM East Wenatchee - Expenditure Summary Page 1 of 1 Account Number 101-000-313-542-42-53-01 10i -000-313-542-42-53-11 101-000-315-542-41-47-00 101-000-315-594-31-60-00 101-000-420-542-30-10-00 101-000-420-542-30-20-00 101-000-420-542-30-30-00 101-000-420-542-30-48-00 101-000-420-542-30-49-00 101-000-420-542-61-10-00 101-000-420-542-61-20-00 101-000-420-542-61-30-00 101-000-420-542-61-48-00 101-000-420-542-62-10-00 101-000-420-542-62-20-00 101-000-420-542-62-30-00 101-000-420-542-62-45-00 101-000-420-542-63-10-00 101-000-420-542-63-20-00 101-000-420-542-63-30-00 101-000-420-542-63-47-00 101-000-420-542-63-48-00 101-000-420-542-64-10-00 101-000-420-542-64-20-00 101-000-420-542-64-30-00 101-000-420-542-64-47-00 101-000-420-542-64-48-00 101-000-420-542-64-49-00 101-000-420-542-65-10-00 101-000-420-542-65-20-00 101-000-420-542-65-30-00 101-000-420-542-65-47-00 101-000-420-542-66-10-00 101-000-420-542-66-20-00 101-000-420-542-66-30-00 101-000-420-542-66-48-00 101-000-420-542-69-10-00 101-000-420-542-69-20-00 Description Equipment Rental - SWA InterGovt Services Annual GEWSWU Utility Charge Equipment - SWA Spraying Total Street Maintenance Activities Salaries -Roadway Benefits Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Miscellaneous Salaries - Sidewalks Benefits Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Salaries - Special Purpose Paths Benefits Supplies Annual Fee - Loop Trail Services Salaries - Street Lighting Benefits Supplies Utilities Repairs & Maintenance Salaries - Traffic Control Devices Benefits Supplies Utilities Repairs & Maintenance Miscellaneous Salaries - Parking Facilities Benefits Supplies Utilities Salaries - Snow & Ice Control Benefits Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Salaries - Flags/Banners Benefits Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 0.00% $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 0.00% $10,000.00 $0.00 $146,700.00 $147,000.00 99.80% $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 0.00% $25,000.00 $15,057.92 $216,053.35 $414,900.00 52.07% $198,846.65 $425.21 $8,801.43 $25,000.00 35.21% $16,198.57 $230.81 $3,765.32 $14,000.00 26.90% $10,234.68 $758.71 $7,517.31 $10,000.00 75.17% $2,482.69 $0.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 0.00% $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00% $100.00 $0.00 $291.73 $1,600.00 18.23% $1,308.27 $0.00 $130.41 $900.00 14.49% $769.59 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 0.00% $200.00 $0.00 $145.87 $5,000.00 2.92% $4,854.13 $0.00 $66.68 $2,600.00 2.56% $2,533.32 $32.44 $288.88 $500.00 57.78% $211.12 $0.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $110.13 $1,346.75 $4,000.00 33.67% $2,653.25 $76.98 $639.51 $2,200.00 29.07% $1,560.49 $0.00 $190.35 $1,500.00 12.69% $1,309.65 $744.00 $15,074.00 $39,000.00 38.65% $23,926.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00% $2,000.00 $5,945.39 $19,965.88 $40,000.00 49.91% $20,034.12 $3,947.24 $12,917.30 $22,000.00 58.72% $9,082.70 $9,920.51 $27,635.16 $50,000.00 55.27% $22,364.84 $508.77 $2,895.73 $8,000.00 36.20% $5,104.27 $1,955.16 $3,852.75 $30,000.00 12.84% $26,147.25 $0.00 $289.66 $1,000.00 28.97% $710.34 $0.00 $1,623.45 $3,500.00 46.38% $1,876.55 $0.00 $712.99 $1,900.00 37.53% $1,187.01 $0.00 $65.00 $100.00 65.00% $35.00 $0.00 $388.00 $500.00 77.60% $112.00 $0.00 $22,682.94 $44,200.00 51.32% $21,517.06 $0.00 $9,665.74 $21,200.00 45.59% $11,534.26 $108.43 $52,684.04 $82,600.00 63.78% $29,915.96 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $1,050.00 $4,565.56 $15,000.00 30.44% $10,434.44 $375.48 $2,293.02 $8,000.00 28.66% $5,706.98 East Wenatchee - E6diture Summary Pae of 1 Printed by EASTVVENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM • 102-000-000-558-70-41-00 102-000-000-558-70-44-00 102-000-000-558-70-49-00 Description Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance Supplies $137.31 $152.98 $1,000.00 15.30% $847.02 Salaries - Roadside $14,343.37 $68,758.49 $90,000.00 76.40% $21,241.51 Benefits $7,726.90 $33,656.35 $50,000.00 67.31% $16,343.65 Supplies $104.19 $321.43 $5,000.00 6.43% $4,678.57 Utilities $0.00 $663.20 $1,000.00 66.32% $336.80 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 Miscellaneous $101.90 $134.90 $1,000.00 13.49% $865.10 Salaries - City Parks $5,308.34 $22,413.01 $50,000.00 44.83% $27,586.99 Benefits $2,786.70 $12,506.93 $28,000.00 44.67% $15,493.07 Supplies $787.83 $4,717.23 $17,000.00 27.75% $12,282.77 Utilities $144.55 $930.46 $3,700.00 25.15% $2,769.54 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $539.08 $4,000.00 13.48% $3,460.92 Maint Agmt - Japanese Gdn $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $18,000.00 11.11% $16,000.00 Salaries - Maintenance Admin $0.00 $1,662.71 $16,000.00 10.39% $14,337.29 Benefits $0.00 $677.87 $8,800.00 7.70% $8,122.13 Total Street Maintenance $59,630.35 $355,630.10 $764,100.00 46.54% $408,469.90 Salaries $3,070.40 $13,520.34 $20,000.00 67.60% $6,479.66 Benefits $1,485.47 $7,156.49 $11,000.00 65.06% $3,843.51 Supplies $614.05 $2,387.12 $3,000.00 79.57% $612.88 Insurance $170.96 $2,263.74 $35,900.00 6.31% $33,636.26 Miscellaneous $322.01 $1,987.51 $3,000.00 66.25% $1,012.49 Salaries - Facilities $0.00 $2,293.98 $10,000.00 22.94% $7,706.02 Benefits $0.00 $926.79 $6,000.00 15.45% $5,073.21 Supplies $0.00 $195.41 $2,000.00 9.77% $1,804.59 Utilities $375.90 $2,569.78 $6,000.00 42.83% $3,430.22 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $513.95 $1,000.00 51.40% $486.05 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% $500.00 Salaries - Training $0.00 $1,578.53 $2,000.00 78.93% $421.47 Benefits $0.00 $802.11 $1,100.00 72.92% $297.89 Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 Travel - Training $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 Training Miscellaneous $20.00 $1,033.00 $1,000.00 103.30% ($33.00) Admin Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% $500.00 Total Street Maintenance Admin $6,058.79 $37,228.75 $105,000.00 35.46% $67,771.25 Fund Total $80,747.06 $608,912.20 $1,284,000.00 47.42% $675,087.80 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUND CDBG Professional Services $0.00 $0.00 $18,074.00 0.00% $18,074.00 CDBG Advertising $0.00 $225.42 $0.00 ($225.42) CDBG Miscellaneous $0.00 $1,891.83 $0.00 ($1,891.83) Fund Total $0.00 $2,117.25 $18,074.00 11.71% $15,956.75 eAccount Num er 101-000-420-542-69-30-00 101-000-420-542-70-10-00 101-000-420-542-70-20-00 101-000-420-542-70-30-00 101-000-420-542-70-47-00 101-000-420-542-70-48-00 101-000-420-542-70-49-00 101-000-420-542-75-10-00 101-000-420-542-75-20-00 101-000-420-542-75-30-00 101-000-420-542-75-47-00 101-000-420-542-75-48-00 101-000-420-542-80-48-00 101-000-420-542-90-10-00 101-000-420-542-90-20-00 101-000-430-543-30-10-00 101-000-430-543-30-20-00 101-000-430-543-30-30-00 101-000-430-543-30-46-00 101 -000 -430-543-30 -49-00 101-000-430-543-50-10-00 101-000-430-543-50-20-00 101-000-430-543-50-30-00 101-000-430-543-50-47-00 101-000-430-543-50-48-00 101-000-430-543-50-49-00 101-000-430-544-90-10-00 101-000-430-544-90-20-00 101-000-430-544-90-30-00 101-000-430-544-90-35-00 101-000-430-544-90-49-01 101-000-430-544-90-49-30 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM East Wenatchee - Expenditure Summary Page 1 of 1 Account Number Description Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT FUND 105-000-000-542-63-48-25 Residential Street Improvements $0.00 $0.00 $397,365.00 0.00% $397,365.00 Fund Total $0.00 $0.00 $397,365.00 0.00% $397,365.00 LIBRARY FUND 112-000-000-572-50-41-00 Facilities -- Professional Services $67.34 $995.35 $6,500.00 15.31% $5,504.65 112-000-000-572-50-47-00 Facilities--Utilities $12.14 $813.05 $2,100.00 38.72% $1,286.95 112-000-000-572-50-48-00 Facilities--Repairs & Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00% $100.00 112-000-000-572-50-49-00 Facilities--Supplies & Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 0.00% $20.00 Fund Total $79.48 $1,808.40 $8,720.00 20.74% $6,911.60 HOTELJMOTEL TAX FUND 113-000-000-557-30-41-10 Contributions to Other Entities $0.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 100.00% $0.00 113-000-000-557-30-41-15 Wenatchee Valley Museum & CC $9,273.00 $18,546.00 $83,457.00 22.22% $64,911.00 Fund Total $9,273.00 $31,046.00 $95,957.00 32.35% $64,911.00 EVENTS FUND 117-000-050-557-30-10-00 Eweb Salaries $4,093.27 $6,691.72 $12,000.00 55.76% $5,308.28 117-000-050-557-30-20-00 Eweb Benefits $1,006.47 $2,721 06 $6,000.00 45.35% $3,278.94 117-000-050-557-30-30-00 Contract Services $6,634.06 $34,854.30 $79,460.00 43.86% $44,605.70 Wages and Benefits $11,733.80 $44,267.08 $97,460.00 45.42% $53,192.92 117-000-100-557-30-25-00 Marketing - Regional Tourism $0.00 $1,050.00 $2,000.00 52.50% $950.00 117-000-100-557-30-31-00 Eweb Office Supplies $11.08 $25.83 $500.00 5.17% $474.17 117-000-100-557-30-35-00 Eweb Small Tools & Equipment $12.79 $12.79 $0.00 ($12.79) 117-000-100-557-30-40-00 Eweb Training $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% $500.00 117-000-100-557-30-41-00 EWEB Professional Services $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 0.00% $300.00 117-000-100-557-30-43-00 Eweb Travel $0.00 $30.04 $500.00 6.01% $469.96 117-000-100-557-30-49-00 Eweb Miscellaneous $0.00 $40.57 $500.00 8.11% $459.43 117-000-100-594-58-64-00 EWEB Capital Outlay $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 117-000-105-557-30-50-00 Eweb Insurance $18.08 $46.11 $3,300.00 1.40% $3,253.89 Events Fund General Expenses $41.95 $1,205.34 $8,600.00 14.02% $7,394.66 117-000-115-557-00-31-05 Easter Office Supplies $0.00 $20.95 $0.00 ($20.95) 117-000-200-557-30-35-02 Easter Small Tools & Equipmen $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 0.00% $50.00 117-000-200-557-30-44-02 Easter Advertising $0.00 $94.26 $500.00 18.85% $405.74 117-000-200-557-30-49-02 Easter Miscellaneous $206.62 $1,178.80 $1,500.00 78.59% $321.20 Easter Event Expenses $206.62 $1,273.06 $2,050.00 62.10% $776.94 117-000-300-557-30-34-11 CC Event Merch For Resale $4,482.12 $4,482.12 $4,300.00 104.24% ($182.12) 117-000-300-557-30-35-12 C C Small Tools & Equipment $649.20 $649.20 $2,750.00 23.61% $2,100.80 117-000-300-557-30-41-12 CC Professional Services $550.00 $550.00 $900.00 61.11% $350.00 117-000-300-557-30-42-14 Classy Chassis Postage $120.06 $1,150.89 $1,200.00 95.91% $49.11 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM • East Wenatchee - Ex enditure Summary Pao of 1 Account Num er 117-000-300-557-30-43-12 117-000-300-557-30-44-12 117-000-300-557-30-49-12 117-000-400-557-30-32-11 117-000-400-557-30-34-11 117-000-400-557-30-35-11 117-000-400-557-30-42-13 117-000-400-557-30-43-12 117-000-400-557-30-44-11 117-000-400-557-30-44-15 117-000-400-557-30-49-11 117-000-400-557-30-49-13 117-000-450-557-30-44-12 117-000-450-557-30-49-01 117-000-500-557-30-35-01 117-000-500-557-30-40-05 117-000-500-557-30-44-01 117-000-500-557-30-49-01 202-000-000-591-95-71-05 202-000-000-592-95-89-05 301-000-000-595-10-50-10 301-000-000-595-10-50-15 301-000-000-595-10-50-17 301-000-000-595-10-50-22 301-000-000-595-20-50-10 301-000-000-595-20-50-16 301-000-000-595-30-50-02 301-000-000-595-30-50-23 301-000-000-595-30-50-24 301-000-000-595-30-50-26 Description Period Fiscal Budget °A) of Total Balance CC EMPD Facility Fee $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,035.00 96.62% $35.00 Classy Chassis Advertising $1,546.00 $3,093.20 $5,000.00 61.86% $1,906.80 Classy Chassis Miscellaneous $372.80 $1,520.59 $1,500.00 101.37% ($20.59) Classy Chassis Event Expenses $8,720.18 $12,446.00 $16,685.00 74.59% $4,239.00 Wings & Wheels Fuel Consumed $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 0.00% $50.00 W&W Event Merch For Resale $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00% $3,000.00 W & W Small Tools & Equipment $649.20 $649.20 $3,000.00 21.64% $2,350.80 Wings & Wheels Postage $0.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 0.00% $1,200.00 W&W EMPD Facility Fee $0.00 $0.00 $1,035.00 0.00% $1,035.00 Wings & Wheels Advertising $0.00 $195.00 $7,800.00 2.50% $7,605.00 W&W Sponsored Car Show Prizes $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 Wings & Wheels Miscellaneous $0.00 $656.57 $3,000.00 21.89% $2,343.43 W&W Schedule of Events Brochur $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00% $3,000.00 Wings & Wheels Event Expenses $649.20 $1,500.77 $23,085.00 6.50% $21,584.23 PkwyPile-up Car Show Advertising $0.00 $165.00 $1,000.00 16.50% $835.00 PkwyPile-up Car Show Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% $1,000.00 Parkway Pile-up Event Expenses $0.00 $165.00 $2,000.00 8.25% $1,835.00 Christmas Small Tools & Equip $0.00 $20.50 $500.00 4.10% $479.50 Christmas Events & Decorations $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 0.00% $2,500.00 Christmas Advertising $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00% $1,500.00 Christmas Miscellaneous $0.00 $25.91 $600.00 4.32% $574.09 Christmas Event Expenses $0.00 $46.41 $5,100.00 0.91% $5,053.59 Fund Total $21,357.13 $60,924.61 $154,980.00 39.31% $94,055.39 BOND/DEBT REDEMPTION FUND Redemption of PVVTFL Debt $29,712.47 $29,712.47 $29,712.00 100.00% ($0.47) Interest Exp PVVTFL Debt $1,485.62 $1,485.62 $1,486.00 99.97% $0.38 Fund Total $31,198.09 $31,198.09 $31,198.00 100.00% ($0.09) STREET IMPROVEMENTS FUND Engr-Design Highline Drive $0.00 $2,977.29 $308,477.00 0.97% $305,499.71 Engr-Design TfcSign 9th & VMP $0.00 $0.00 $48,000.00 0.00% $48,000.00 EngrDesign- 11th & 19th St NE $0.00 $0.00 $62,660.00 0.00% $62,660.00 Engr Baker Ave 15th to 20th Project $30,381.69 $32,311.92 $357,756.00 9.03% $325,444.08 ROW- Highline Drive $0.00 $0.00 $120,000.00 0.00% $120,000.00 ROW - Baker Ave 15th to 20th Project $0.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 0.00% $200,000.00 Roadway - TIB - 11th & 19th Streets NI $0.00 $0.00 $512,000.00 0.00% $512,000.00 Construction -VMP Grant To 9th Over12 $0.00 $0.00 $613,000.00 0.00% $613,000.00 Construct - Tfc Signal 9th & VMP $0.00 $0.00 $322,000.00 0.00% $322,000.00 Roadway Construction - French Avent. $23,525.43 $23,525.43 $0.00 ($23,525.43) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM East Wenatchee - Expenditure Summary Page 1 of 1 Account Number Description Period Fiscal Budget °A of Total Balance 301-000-000-595-30-50-27 TBD Residential Project $0.00 $0.00 $397,365.00 0.00% $397,365.00 30j -000-000-595-30-50-40 SDC VMP Grant 109th Overlay $17,285.86 $41,219.47 $56,000.00 73.61% $14,780.53 301-000-000-595-30-50-41 SDC - Tfc Signal - 9th & VMP $0.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 0.00% $30,000.00 301-000-000-595-30-51-04 5th Street Sidewalks & SWU $637.24 $637.24 $70,000.00 0.91% $69,362.76 301-000-000-595-30-52-05 SDC French Avenue $0.00 $506.22 $0.00 ($506.22) 301-000-000-595-30-52-17 SDC - 11th & 19th St. NE $0.00 $0.00 $57,840.00 0.00% $57,840.00 Fund Total $71,830.22 $101,177.57 $3,155,098.00 3.21% $3,053,920.43 STORM WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 308-000-000-595-40-63-00 SWA Small Improvement Projects $2,969.01 $7,343.92 $20,956.00 35.04% $13,612.08 308-000-000-595-40-63-39 19th St. NW Design SWU DOE $0.00 $0.00 $125,000.00 0.00% $125,000.00 308-000-312-595-40-10-00 Salaries - SWA Improvement Projects $226.30 $306.95 $8,000.00 3.84% $7,693.05 308-000-312-595-40-20-00 Benefits - SWA Improvement Projects $216.35 $286.54 $4,600.00 6.23% $4,313.46 308-000-313-595-40-10-00 Salaries - SWA VMP LID Project Admir $80.65 $456.98 $0.00 ($456.98) 308-000-313-595-40-20-00 Benefits - SWA VMP LID Project Admir $48.09 $317.99 $0.00 ($317.99) 308-000-313-595-40-63-29 SWA VMP LID Project Engr $0.00 $5,245.24 $0.00 ($5,245.24) 308-000-313-595-40-63-33 SWA VMP LID Project SDC $2,396.50 $8,659.74 $65,300.00 13.26% $56,640.26 308-000-313-595-40-63-35 SWA VMP LID Project Construction $0.00 $0.00 $553,000.00 0.00% $553,000.00 308-000-314-595-40-10-00 Salaries - Dolfay Lane Project $201.57 $806.32 $1,700.00 47.43% $893.68 308-000-314-595-40-20-00 Benefits - Dolfay Lane Project $104.14 $500.19 $800.00 62.52% $299.81 308-000-314-595-40-63-00 ROW - Dolfay Lane Project $0.00 $376.00 $380.00 98.95% $4.00 308-000-314-595-40-63-10 SDC - Dolfay Lane Project $0.00 $0.00 $7,800.00 0.00% $7,800.00 308-000-314-595-40-63-15 Construction - Dolfay Lane Project $0.00 $0.00 $156,364.00 0.00% $156,364.00 Fund Total $6,242.61 $24,299.87 $943,900.00 2.57% $919,600.13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 314-000-000-594-22-60-40 Purchase-Improve Gateway Property $0.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 0.00% $100,000.00 314-000-000-594-22-60-45 Street Dept Storage Building $0.00 $0.00 $175,000.00 0.00% $175,000.00 314-000-000-597-95-00-20 Transfer Out - Street Improvements $0.00 $0.00 $300,000.00 0.00% $300,000.00 Fund Total $0.00 $0.00 $575,000.00 0.00% $575,000.00 EQUIPMENT PURCHASE,MAINTENANCE & REPLA CEMENT FUND 501-000-000-521-10-10-00 Police Vehicles R&M Labor $232.33 $1,029.69 $12,000.00 8.58% $10,970.31 501-000-000-521-10-20-00 Police Vehicle R&M Benefits $125.42 $781.52 $6,000.00 13.03% $5,218.48 501-000-000-521-10-48-00 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $2,173.29 $13,901.41 $25,000.00 55.61% $11,098.59 Police Vehicle Repairs & Maint $2,531.04 $15,712.62 $43,000.00 36.54% $27,287.38 501-000-000-542-90-10-00 Street Vehicle R&M Labor $359.04 $3,324.89 $22,000.00 15.11% $18,675.11 501-000-000-542-90-20-00 Street Vehicle R&M Benefits $84.69 $1,359.91 $14,000.00 9.71% $12,640.09 501-000-000-542-90-48-20 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $25.97 $13,047.33 $9,000.00 144.00% ($4,047.33) 501-000-000-542-90-48-25 Street Vehicle R&M Supplies $183.95 $1,002.83 $6,000.00 16.71% $4,997.17 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM East Wenatchee - Expenditure Summary Page 1 of 1 • • • • Account Number Description Period Fiscal Budget % of Total Balance 501-000-000-542-90-48-30 Street Equipment R&M $233.43 $233.43 $5,000.00 4.67% $4,766.57 Street Vehicle Repairs & Maint $887.08 $18,968.39 $56,000.00 33.87% $37,031.61 501-000-000-558-10-48-00 Admin Vehicle R&M $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 0.00% $2,500.00 Admin Vehicle Repairs & Maint $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 0.00% $2,500.00 501-000-000-594-21-60-00 Capital Outlay - Police Vehicles $41,205.36 $167,001.56 $168,000.00 99.41% $998.44 501-000-000-594-42-60-20 Capital Outlay - Street Vehicles $0.00 $19,151.40 $95,000.00 20.16% $75,848.60 501-000-000-594-42-60-30 Capital - Street Equipment $0.00 $163.45 $45,000.00 0.36% $44,836.55 501-000-000-594-44-60-20 Capital Outlay - Admin Vehicles $0.00 $24,594.20 $24,800.00 99.17% $205.80 Capital Expenditures $41,205.36 $210,910.61 $332,800.00 63.37% $121,889.39 Fund Total $44,623.48 $245,591.62 $434,300.00 56.55% $188,708.38 GRAND TOTAL CITY EXPENDITURE $748,635.09 $3,527,856.74 $13,190,421.00 26.75% $9,662,564.26 Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\\NGerde on 6/10/2016 2:45:38 PM East Wenatchee - Expenditure Summary Page 1 of 1 1111111 T W 0 THOUS AND SIX TEEN w(cmity Recognized for a commitment to employee health. • EMPLOYE BENEFIT TRUST cit MAIN Ha A EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST Healthy leadershi makes a difference The City Supervisor explained the Our Deputy Public Works Director WellCity rewards At the AWC Trust, we stand behind our belief that wellness matters. We're putting real dollars out there for cities that earn the WellCity Award. WellCity Award recipients receive a 2 0/0 discount on medical premiums. In today's economy, a 2% discount is significant. ng nearly $3 millio WellCities also bene t ram: Reduced costs, saving you health care dollars, sick days, disability and workers' compensation claims. • Improved employee health, engagement, productivity, morale and retention. • A culture of health, where the healthy choice is the easy choice. Recognition as a leader in Washington State and in our nation, with a commitment to sustainable, quality government. Employees at WellCities have: Stress, Cholesterol, Tobacco Use, Emotional Health Risk, Blood Pressure More people who Eat Right, Sleep Well, Exercise, Complete HQ, Access Health Management Tools Congratulations 2016 WellCities! Reap the rewards 2% premium discount and reduced costs Utilize the support Personalized hands-on resources See the health Engaged employees, healthy workplaces, healthy cities benefits of employee wellness to the city council, obtained funding for the program and shared his "let's make it happen" attitude. JJ Joann Lazaron, Sedro-Woolley Permit Technician combined city funds with AWC mini- grant funds and reclaimed an unused storage area to create a workout room for the Street Department. Our employees can combine two 15-minute ibreaks for 30-minutes of exercise. Debbie Lund, Aberdeen HR Director Aberdeen Airway Heights Algona Anacortes Arlington Auburn Bainbridge Island Battle Ground Bellingham Benton Franklin Council of Governments Bonney Lake Bothell Buckley Burien Burlington Camas Chehalis Chelan Cheney Clyde Hill Colfax College Place Colville Concrete Coulee Dam Covington Des Moines DuPont Duvall East Wenatchee Eatonville Enumclaw Ferndale Fife Firc rest Friday Harbor Gig Harbor Goldendale Hoquiam Kelso Kenmore Kennewick Kitsap Transit Lacey Lake Forest Park Lake Stevens Lakewood Liberty Lake Long Beach Longview LOU Clean Water Alliance Lynden Lynnwood MACECOM Maple Valley Marysville Medical Lake Medina Mercer Island Mill Creek Milton Montesano Moses Lake Mukilteo Mukilteo Water &Wastewater District Newcastle NORCOM 911 Normandy Park North Bend Northwest Clean Air Agency Oak Harbor Okanogan Olympia Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Orting Pierce County Library System Port Angeles Port Orchard Port Townsend Pullman RiverCom 911 Riverside Fire Authority Sammamish SeaTac Sedro-Woolley Shelton Shoreline Skagit Transit Snohomish South Sound 911 Spokane Valley Stanwood Steilacoom Sumner Tacoma Pierce County Health Department Thurston 9-1-1 Communications Toledo Toppenish Tumwater Union Gap University Place Valley View Sewer District Walla Walla Washington Cities Insurance Authority Washougal Wenatchee West Richland Whatcom Council of Governments Wilbur Woodinville Water District Woodland Yacolt Association of Washington Cities 1076 Franklin Street SE Olympia, WA 98501-1346 360.753.4137, 1.800.562.8981 awcnet.orc /WellOtyAwards awcnet.org/WellCityAwards A message from Peter B. King, AWC CEO Employers play a vital role in building a workplace that supports healthy behaviors. Earning the WellCity Award takes a commitment by elected officials, management, and staff. Employers that place employee health among their core values, and demonstrate that belief through healthy workplace policies, environments, and wellness programs, empower their employees to value and maintain good health. Both the city and the community benefit from more productive, engaged employees, and it's a win for everyone. Along with a 2% discount on medical premiums, the AWC Trust provides the support you need to succeed in earning the WellCity Award. With a true commitment to health, any Trust member, large or small, can earn this award. Our comprehensive WellCity requirements reflect a broad-based strategy supporting employee health and productivity, which results in reduced health care costs. Congratulations to the record-breaking 112 employers that earned this year's WellCity Award! Your dedication and commitment to health is commendable. Keep up the outstanding work. If you aren't a current WellCity, give our staff a call and get started on your journey to health and productivity today. Peter B. King, AWC Chief Executive Officer The AWC Trust's health promotion efforts are focused on • Trust-insured employees, spouses, retirees Year 1 Plan your wellness program (fall). Year 2 Implement a program that meets the WellCity Standards (Jan - Dec). Year 3 Apply annually for the WellCity Award February 1 application deadline. Year 4 Receive a 2% discount on all medical premiums (Jan - Dec). Keep the momentum going! Steps to WellCity success • WellCity Award timeline Coordinator Training Program Planning Tools & Services Your tool kit for the journey - awctrust.org The WellCity Standards create the framework for a successful program. And the Trust provides you support throughout the journey, including many no-cost campaigns, materials, consultation, tools and more. Contact our helpful staff or visit awctrust.org for more information. For Employers For Employees • Onsite training & consultations • Management & supervisor training • Live & on-demand webinars • Regional Planning Forums • Healthy Worksite Summit • WellCity Academy • For Your Health e-newsletter • Mentoring opportunities • WellCity Standards & Award • Wellness planning guide • HQ Management Report • Behavior change campaigns • Healthy Decisions consumerism campaign ts AWC Connection - wellness networking site • Planning tools & templates • Lending library • eWellCity - online tool • Health Central - awctrust.org • Health Questionnaire (HQ) • Onsite health screenings • Health coaching • Weight management coaching • Condition management • Nurse advice line Employee Assistance Program • Tobacco cessation • Wellness Newsletter • Peace of Mind Newsletter Trust members who work at WellCities have greater success at reducing risk factors over time. Navigatinc your way to WellCity Becoming a WellCity takes commitment. The AWC Trust helps you get started by providing a roadmap with the WellCity Standards. These standards are your guide to developing a successful program. And the AWC Trust offers tools and support every step of the way. We know every city and town is different. The WellCity standards allow you to personalize a plan that is just right for your workplace. It doesn't matter how large or small—all Trust members can earn the award. WellCity Standards at-a-glance 1. Policies & Procedures - Create a strong foundation for employee health with your council-adopted wellness program and budget allocations. 2. Management Support - Demonstrate support among elected officials and all levels of management. 3. Wellness Committee - Establish committee guidelines with broad employee representation. 4. Wellness Network - Leverage resources like internal champions and external partners. 5. Needs Assessment - Use data to drive program goals and maximize effectiveness. 6. Worksite Environment - Make the healthy choice the easy choice with an environment that supports health and contributes to a healthy work culture. 7. Operating Plan - Develop an annual plan with goals, objectives, timeline, communications, budget & evaluation. 8. Activities & Interventions - Align activities with the outcome of the needs assessment. 9. Evaluation - Tie measurements to goals and objectives. Trust members who engaged with a health coach reduced risks in 7 of 11 categories. Those who didn't engage with a coach Increased risks in 7 of 11 categories. 410