HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/27/2015 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda PacketCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JANUARY 27, 2015 6:30 P.M. RnI.I. C"AI.I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPRECIATION AWARDS Joan Sims, Court Administrator — 20 years Stephen Strain, Street Maintenance Worker — 5 years PUBLIC COMMENTS BUDGET ISSUES MAYOR'S REPORT Public Facilities District - update Community Development Block Grant Projects DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) Nick Gerde, Finance Director — Grant Management Policy Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director — Baker Avenue Project CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, January 13, 2015 2. Consideration of Payables RESOLUTIONS) 3. 15-01-09 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington establishing a policy regarding the use of city -owned tablets by elected officials. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney) ORDINANCE(S) 5. 15-01-05 Second reading of an ordinance updating the penalties for committing an unlawful act in park by amending Chapter 12.12 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney) • Continued on next page........ ,r In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please s contact the City Clerk at 509-884-95I5 Notification of 3 working days prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting Pagel of 2 • ORDINANCE(S) Continued 6. 15-01-10 First reading of an Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee revising the way the City regulates business licenses by amending Chapter 5.04 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney) *7j DISCUSSION ITEMS) COUNCIL REPORTS EXECUTIVE SESSION Potential Litigation ADJOURNMENT Z i In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, tf you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 509-884-9515 Notification of 3 working days prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting Page 2 of 2 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2015 • REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 13, 2015 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember George Buckner - Excused Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Tim Determg EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Community Development Director Lori Barnett Finance Director/Treasurer Nick Gerde Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Pezoldt Executive Secretary/Accounting Assistant Teresa Allen Events Coordinator Dan White Clerical Assistant Shawn Munson PRESENTATION(S) Dr. Caren Smith, Veterinarian, Peshastm, WA, Chair of Friends Improving Dog Opportunities (FIDO), gave a presentation regarding the off -leash dog park being constructed in Wenatchee with an estimated completion date of 2016. She said she would like to work with the City of East Wenatchee to find a location for an off -leash park in the East Wenatchee area DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) Dan White, Events Coordinator — LTAC Committee recommendations and update Dan White gave a recap of the Wings N' Wishes event held in December, noting that the event was well received with approximately 400 people in attendance. He stated that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) received an application for funding from the Wenatchee Valley Sports Council, now incorporated with the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce, which have met the required guidelines to receive funds from the East Wenatchee Events Board (EWEB). The LTAC Committee is recommending appropriating $12,500 with a caveat that $10,000 goes to the Sports Council, and $2,500 to ensure that East Wenatchee's events are publicized. He asked Council to accept the LTAC recommendation Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Detering, to appropriate $12,500 to the Wenatchee Valley Sports Council for tourism and promotional purposes The motion carved, 6-0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2015 Dan White updated the Council on a bid process to hire a DJ for the Cities three car show events He said two bids were submitted, one from Dale Roth Entertainment and one from Troy Lucus with T-Bone Entertainment T-Bone Entertainment was selected as the low bidder for all three car show events, which would save the City $600-$700. Dan discussed the need for consistency for use of LTAC dollars, possibly for new event ideas that are relevant to our community. He said with the guidance of the Events Board, they have drafted an advertisement for the purpose of advertising in newspapers or on the radio in an effort to bring forward possible new events to be held in East Wenatchee. Dan stated there may be some funds available for this, but the event idea would have to be presented before the Events Board for approval Nick Gerde, Finance Director — Preliminary 2014 Financial Report Finance Director Nick Gerde distributed and reviewed the Preliminary Financial Results for 2014 He noted that the IRS mileage rate used for employees on City business has changed from 56 cents in 2014, to 57.5 cents in 2015 He added that he has drafted a Grant Billing Management Policy, which will be brought before Council for discussion MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy stated he had met with Douglas County regarding the proposed Joint project for the Baker Street Project He noted that there are some issues of concern, and an update will follow at a future Council meeting Mayor Lacy gave information regarding pros and cons associated with our Community Block Grant Program He said it has been a struggle keeping up with Federal Government requirements relating to spending money in a timely manner. He has decided we should keep the block grant money, and continue to work through the process so we can do a better job identifying means of compliance Mayor Lacy said he has had no response from Mr. Heer regarding the proposed purchase of the 9`h Street property for the Gateway Project, as he is on vacation. Mayor Lacy said he would contact Mr Heer upon his return after January 20, 2015 Mayor Lacy met with principals representing the Wenatchee Valley Museum Foundation, staff, and Mayor Kuntz regarding finding a solution to the problem of valley wide funding for the museum It was determined that the contribution would range around $120,000 annually for East Wenatchee's participation He said he had a discussion with Mr Russell, Interim Manager, and they are going to take the lead on forming a Steering Committee, which Mayor Lacy would serve on. He noted that discussions will be ongoing before anything is finalized. Council Assignments for the 2015 Fiscal Year Mayor Lacy reviewed the 2015 Council Assignments, and made the following Council Assignment changes. • Budget Committee — Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Barnhart, and Councilmember Raab 0 Mayor Pro Tern — Councilmember Barnhart CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2015 • Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Collings, nominating Councilmember Barnhart as Mayor Pro Tern for 2015. The motion carried, 6-0. Regional Events Center Public Facilities District Board of Directors (PFD) — Mayor Lacy was reappointed, without objection. Mayor Lacy stated, without objection, that all other assignments will have no changes, and will remain the same for 2015 as they were in 2014. Mayor Lacy said Legal Counsel has revised the City Policy Manual based upon issues that came up during the course of the year He said Staff and himself have reviewed the manual and submitted their input. The proposed revised Policy Manual will be made available to Council prior to the second Council meeting in February along with a list that delineates proposed changes, so they can discuss concerns or issues prior to adoption CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and were enacted in one motion Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Determg, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the Consent Calendar as presented The motion carried, 6-0 • 1 Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, December 9, 2014 2. Consideration of Payables i 2014 Payables — As of this date, January 13, 2015, Council does approve check numbers 42424, 42576 through 42665, and 10091 through 10093 in the total amount of $413,10294. Payables checks 42378, 42404 through 42407, 42484, and 42486 through 42575 were voided. ii. 2015 Pa_ ay bles — As of this date, January 13, 2015, Council does approve check numbers 42666 through 42681 in the total amount of $56,012 03 No payables checks were voided Agreement with Columbia Valley Community Health for Maintenance and Landscaping of the 9`h Street Garden PUBLIC HEARING 15-01-01 A public hearing to receive comments regarding extending the interim regulations on marijuana businesses. Presented by Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7.35 p m. Jenny Rickel, Business Consultant representing the Schroeder family, gave input regarding the I-502 implementation in the City of East Wenatchee She expressed the Schroeder families concerns about being located in an unincorporated County position, a . general UGA area. She said they have had several people inquiring about renting a space for producing and processing marijuana, and they would like to address this Jenny asked Council to move quickly regarding extending the interim regulations adopted with the CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2015 • passage of Ordinance 2014-01 She added that although they are located in the County, the Counties often adopt the same or similar regulations, and she would like to see this happen. Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:38 p.m. 15-01-02 A public hearing to receive comments regarding the draft 2013 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) The draft 2013 CAPER describes how the City used the Community Development Block Grant Program funds during the 2013 program year Presented by. Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 738 p.m Hearing no comments Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7 39 p.m ORDINANCES 15-01-03 First reading of an Ordinance extending the interim regulations adopted with the passage of Ordinance 2014-01 pursuant to RCW 35A 63 220 and RCW 36 70A 390 or an additional six months; adopting regulations on marijuana related uses for period of six months while the City considers and drafts permanent regulatory controls Presented by- Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Mayor Lacy elevated the Ordinance to a second reading, without objection. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve and adopt a six month extension of the Ordinance to extend the interim regulations as previously written The motion carried, 6-0 ORDINANCE NO. 2015-03 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee extending the interim regulations adopted with the passage of Ordinance 2014-01 pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW 36.70A.390 for an additional six months while the City considers and drafts permanent regulatory controls; prohibiting medical cannabis collective gardens in all zoning districts of the city; permitting the production, processing and/or retailing of marijuana as regulated pursuant to Washington State Initiative No. 502 in certain commercial zoning districts; providing for severability; declaring an emergency; and establishing an effective date. 15-01-04 First reading of an Ordinance redefining the meaning of "civil infraction" by amending Section 1.20 040 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney 0 Mayor Lacy elevated the Ordinance to a second reading, without objection CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2015 • 17� 0 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Collings, to approve the amendment, and to further pass the Ordinance redefining the meaning of "civil infraction" as explained The motion carried, 6-0 ORDINANCE NO. 2015-01 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee redefining the meaning of `civil infraction" by amending Section 1.20.040 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. 15-01-05 First reading of an ordinance updating the penalties for committing an unlawful act in a park by amending Chapter 12.12 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Presented by Devm Poulson, City Attorney Mayor Lacy read the first reading of the Ordinance, no action was taken ACTION ITEM(S) 15-01-06 Approval and adoption of the 2013 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) The 2013 CAPER describes how the City used the Community Development Block Grant program funds during the 2013 program year. Presented by Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Determg, second by Councilmember Collings, to approve and adopt the 2013 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The motion carried, 6-0. RESOLUTION(S) 15-01-07 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a Professional Services Agreement with the Master Gardeners Association of Chelan County for Maintenance and Landscaping of Japanese Garden Presented by- Steven C. Lacy, City Attorney Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember McCourt, to adopt Resolution No 2015-01, and to further authorize the Mayor to sign a Professional Services Agreement with Master Gardener Association of Chelan County The motion carried, 6-0 Resolution No. 2015-01 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the mayor to sign a Professional Services Agreement with the Master Gardener Association of Chelan County. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2015 • 0 15-01-08 Two Resolutions authorizing the establishment of a Health Reimbursement/Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association Plan Presented by: Nick Gerde, Finance Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Determg, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve and adopt Resolutions 2015-02 and 2015-03, authorizing the establishment of a Health Reimbursement/Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association Plan (VEBA) for Law Enforcement and Police Clerical Employees The motion carried, 6-0. A Resolution of establishment of Association Plan. A Resolution of establishment of Association Plan. DISCUSSION ITEM(S) Resolution No. 2015-02 the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the a Health Reimbursement/Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Resolution No. 2015-03 the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the a Health Reim bursement/Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary 15-01-09 A discussion regarding Tablet Computer Use Policy for Elected Officials. Presented by- Devin Poulson, City Attorney Devin said the suggested Use Policy has been drafted to address problems that other Cities have had, and is open for suggestions and discussion Councilmember Detering expressed concerns regarding restrictions on getting different types of apps for the tablets. Devin stated he could set all the tablets up with the same icons and applications, but would prefer not to set up each individual tablet with different icons or apps chosen by Councilmembers. He said he is available to upload the apps that need to be on the tablets, and get them the information they need access to. Mayor Lacy expressed concerns regarding personal use of the tablets, as it opens up issues related to Public Disclosure Laws Mayor Lacy stated he has made Devin the contact person regarding the City websrte, but long term plans are to incorporate this duty as an additional responsibility in the personnel area, so there is somebody more available to do IT functions here at the City He noted that in the future he might consider creating a new position in the City that can deal with IT issues. Devin stated he will present a final draft Policy at the next City Council meeting for . adoption and approval, and asked Council to contact him regarding suggested revisions. 1 6 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2015 • 15-01-10 A discussion regarding revision of the Business License Ordinance. Presented by. Devin Poulson, City Attorney No action was taken. Mayor Lacy advised Council to review the Chapter 5.04 revisions, and if they had any suggestions they can bring them to the next Council meeting. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Johnson expressed dismay with the carpet located in the library at the City Hall, and would like Council to look at the carpet and make a decision to pursue this issue or not. Mayor Lacy asked Council if they would like staff to review costs associated with doing repairs in the library Council agreed. Mayor Lacy asked Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt to research costs for carpet replacement in the library Councilmember Barnhart stated he would not be attending the Council meeting on January 27, 2015. The following reports/minutes were submitted in writing prior to the Citv Council meeting. • Councilmember Collings — Minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District Board of Health • meeting held on November 17, 2014 • Councilmember Barnhart — Minutes from the Rivercom 911 Administrative Board meeting held on December 10, 2014 • Mayor Lacy — Minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting held on December 11, 2014. \J EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Lacy called a five minute executive session regarding potential litigation at 8 13 p.m. At 8 18 p m. Mayor Lacy extended the executive session an additional five minutes Council reconvened at 8 23 p.m Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the Claim for damages of two vehicle tires in the amount of $400 or less, and to further authorize the Mayor to sign the Settlement Agreement The motion failed, 3-3 (Raab, Barnhart, Johnson) ADDITIONAL ITEM(S) • A letter to Mayor Lacy from Kazumasa Taneichi, Mayor of Misawa City ADJOURNMENT 8.25 p.m Dana Barnard City Clerk r� • • OF EAST WENATCHEE CHECK REGISTER 2015 PAYABLES 27-Jan-15 CHECK NUMBERS: 42682-42684 ; 42705-42726 VOIDED CHECKS: NONE DEPARTMENT/FUND AMOUNT CURRENT EXPENSE 001 $40,157 64 STORM WATER UTILITY 050 $0 00 STREET DEPARTMENT 101 $1,356 52 LIBRARY FUND 112 $143 84 EAST WENATCHEE EVENTS 117 $6,542 50 ST IMP BOND REDMPT FUND #3 202 $0 00 STREET IMPROVEMENT 301 $0 00 lGrand Total All Funds 1 $48,200.50 1 • � 0 0000 0000 00 ao 00 00 M M M M 00 co w 00 d9 Ii! 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W H W ¢~ Z LLJ > LU U C uj J R �Q' Z LL H Z y Lu W 0 0 w 7 O uj LU J W W N W O X J K Q W J p C C m O O O O> E ¢ 0 a O O ¢¢ Q 0 > 1- Ii m Q' ¢ L) w a¢ O CO m m M U a w a n fY O O O O O O O C a) O O O O O O O O O O O O wx N E o 0 0 0 0 0 o c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u v a v v a a v H to m to to to to to m m � n ao m w c H Z • Town Toyota Center Dec 01 - Dec 31, 2014 Salary Regular Pay Overtime Pay Total Pay Dec 01 - Dec 31, 2014 Total Pay $43,179.98 $31,103.05 $210.38 • 0 • 9 d' O N 0 C U U -C C E Ln O Ln Q E 0 O O L Q C O O 2 (C z O C f6 +�+ V 1 + a- ccC N Q) f0 (6 � SC L +� N C L O O F— �- Q C a C N U L C 4� N O Q- IN Q 4. 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L.0 O (.0 r- r-I o Om Lr) 00 Ol m G) M � N � N O a-i t4 t/? to to A/)- -Ln IA O O N ct 00 N N 00 U r-I ri r-I 00 Ln U f9 to 41 C N Ch n O N m v cM Ol lD +r L l� d N u u u p L IL a) m oA O a� 41 GJ to O LA .Y 3 N L � In a) m 4A O "0 Y O ) ai vCl c c0 bD '1.- O Ln N 3 rn E to C in E b Ln a 3Ln h0 -D 4- O O Y aJ aJ m C .a C cu io ,C +J c� a.a m 2 2 0 � ■ � E \ E � § � � 3 � v � _§ m 0 2 � 7 2 V) 41) 2 % 0 / ° cr / $ c 0 C 0 0 $ w k (A 7 & 2 § § � ƒ k \ q J R / L g \ q # m m 0 u m $ ° \ c 0 qLn q q co/ § cu PO _ e ° / % o a k4-1 4.A. § / cu / a)§ k 0 / \ Ln 0 § / d k � / � £ � 3 / 0 § / R ui $ 0 / o e a)} 2 u U / c � / u � \ f\ / / E F k k / aj CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 271 91h Street NE * East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Phone 509 884 5396 * Fax 509 886 6113 0 LBarnett@east-wenatchee corn MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Lacy and City Council From: Lori Barnett, Director Date: January 21, 2014 Subject: Strategy for timely use of HUD funds On January 16, 2014, Mayor Lacy, Greg Pezoldt, and I met to discuss a strategy to use Community Development Block Grant funds (HUD funds) on an ongoing basis. There had previously been some discussion regarding whether or not to continue to accept the annual allocation of HUD funds recognizing the administrative requirements for the program and the delays that have been experienced in spending down the funds. It was noted that the city initially accepted the HUD funds in anticipation of using the money for sidewalk projects. The project list that was developed in 2012 was reviewed and discussed. It was noted that most of the projects would require a substantial commitment of city funds to complete The annual allocation has historically been just over $100,000 and the estimated project costs vary from $83,250 to over $1 million There was a discussion of partnering the HUD grant with the Transportation Benefit District (TBD) funds as an additional source of local funding It was discussed that the city has the ability to pay for a project and then reimburse the costs using up to 3 years of the annual allocations There was a discussion of the funds set aside for administration of the program Up to 20% of the funds can be used for administrative activities including salaries and benefits for staff. In 2010 the city allocated and used the 20% for the preparation of the Consolidated Plan ($24,329) In 2012, the city allocated and used the 20%. During the other program years, the city used between 5% and 13% of the annual grant for administration. Lon explained that the update to the Consolidated Plan would likely cost about the same as the original plan that was developed in 2010 and the 20% administrative cap would likely not leave sufficient funds to pay for that project The remainder of the cost would have to be paid for by the city The public involvement process for the program was discussed. Lori explained that HUD requires public involvement including several public hearings at various stages The Citizen Participation Plan currently has the planning commission as the main body for soliciting public comment on the use of the funds. The plan could be amended to use the City Council for all citizen participation activities related to the program Following the discussion, the Mayor suggested the following strategies: 1 Use the administrative funds for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs only and not for staff salaries and benefits. This will increase the amount of funds that could be available for projects • • 0 Memo to Council HUD Fund Spending Strategy January 21, 2014 Page 2 2. Continue using the list of sidewalk projects. Identify 5th Street NE (between Colorado Ave and Eastmont Ave ) as the next project since it connects the residential area to the schools The 2015 Annual Action Plan would Identify that project and Indicate that the city Intends to use the pre -award reimbursement process and utilize 3 years of program funds 3 Amend the 2014 Annual Action Plan to de -obligate some of the funds earmarked for French Avenue and commit them to the City Hall ADA Barrier removal project The city could choose to use TBD revenue to fill in the gap in funding 4 Amend the Citizen Participation Plan to replace the planning commission with the City Council for all meetings and hearings related to the program administration In discussing this strategy and the recommendation to continue accepting the annual grant allocation with Manny Lee at HUD, it was noted that the updated Consolidated Plan is due this year, prior to the acceptance of the 2015 grant allocation. The 2014 Annual Action Plan amendment referenced as item 3 above will also need to include allocating funds for that update project The table below lists the grant allocation by program year and shows the change from year to year. Program Year 2010 2011 2012 1 2013 1 2014 Allocation $124,121 $103,916 $104,275 $118,950 $110,141 Change from Previous Year 1 $ 20,205 $ 359 1 $ 14,675 $ 8,809) A 5-page worksheet summary of the use of the HUD funds is included with this memo • • • O O N .0 C 7 L.L. 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GERDE, FINANCE DIRECTOR 271 91"S'i Ri.,i i NE o EASI Wf NA ['Cl n� i,, WA 98802 ri ►ONI, (509) 886-4507 o i,AX (509) 886-6109 January 21, 2015 To: Mayor and City Council Subject: Review and Discussion of a Draft Grant Management Policy Please see the attached Grant Management Policy and associated attachment of the Grant Application Review Form, in draft form. The purpose of the policy is to provide an orderly framework for use in considering a grant opportunity for the City and the normal/usual processes • to successfully manage the grant. Some or many of the processes included in this draft policy are currently being followed in the day-to-day management of grants at the City. This policy merely provides a roadmap to insure the best level of knowledge and coordination of grant terms, provisions, and management of any and all grants the City chooses to participate in. Upon completion of this review, the final Policy will be presented to the Council for approval via an appropriate resolution. Nick Gerde Finance Director Attachment: as stated 11 r� CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY SUBJECT: Grant Management Policy Synopsis: The City actively seeks grants that will enhance City services, programs and projects. The acquisition and subsequent administration of grants is coordinated through the Finance Department. Approval must be sought from the City's Grants Committee prior to seeking a grant. Policy: 1. The City will actively seek grants from public and private sources that will provide service enhancements, capital asset improvement/development, and/or other forms of benefit to the City of East Wenatchee and its residents. The Treasurer is responsible for coordinating the acquisition of grants. 2. Particular emphasis will be placed on seeking grants that will benefit General Fund, Street Improvements Fund and Storm Water operations. Where possible, grant proposals/applications will seek both direct and indirect administrative costs to maximize the financial benefit. 3. When considering applying for a grant, a potential applicant must complete a "Grant Application Review Form". At a minimum, the review form must describe the proposed application, including all of the following: Purpose of the grant, status application (new, renewal, modification), need for the project, effect on or relationship with other City departments, total cost, match requirement(s), fund account information, reporting requirements, long and short-term effect on City budget, grant program period, completion benchmarks, plans for continuation, if any, following grant termination, and • general benefit to the City. The "Form" is then provided to the Treasurer for consideration by the Grants Committee. 4. The Grants Committee is comprised of the Mayor and the Treasurer. The Grants Committee evaluates a proposal to determine its benefit to the City, long and short-term financial implications, feasibility and compatibility with existing City services and goals. The review may include evaluations of the amount of funds and resources available, regulations, sustainability, assurances, compliance, certifications, eligible activities, reporting and matching requirements. Upon approval by the Grants Committee, the applicant must then present the proposal to the Budget Committee for approval, and if approved, to the City Council for approval to submit the grant to the granting agency. 0 5 The applicant is then responsible to arrange for completion of the grant application, insuring that it conforms to the instructions of the granting agency. 6. The Treasurer works with the applicant to ensure that all appropriate reporting procedures are established at the outset of any grant contract to support compliance with applicable grant requirements. The Finance Department coordinates all financial reporting required by the grantor agency. 7 Unless a grantor agency dictates otherwise, a grant will be billed at least once per month whenever there is expenditure activity in the previous month related to the grant. The Finance Department will provide monthly reports to assist in determination of incurred costs. The department responsible for the grant will work 0 with the Finance Department to insure that paid invoice costs, applicable labor costs • and other evidence of cost can be accumulated for billing The goal for monthly billing is the 10`h of the month following the expenditure(s) When grant reimbursement monthly billing processes require the participation of the grant manager, the Finance Department will participate accordingly. 8 Storm Water activities at the City are akin to a grant, in that costs incurred are subsequently accounted for and a request for reimbursement is sent to the managing entity, the Greater East Wenatchee Storm Water Utility The monthly billing process requirement of paragraph 7 above will extend to the billing development and invoicing of costs of Storm Water activity reimbursement requests, both operational and capital. • 9. The Finance Department will provide periodic reports from the accounting system to assist grant managers in reconciliation of expenditure activity and receipts activity in support of grant billing and administration. The applicant and/or the department managing the grant will coordinate with the Finance Department to insure that materials to support subsequent audits by the granting agency or the Washington State Auditor are accumulated and available for that purpose. Attachment: Grant Application Review Form 0 • • 0 N x D O m 9 m C to K z Gl D Z ti x CZ C tmit Ln tmi+ Un _0m C x _0m m n _ m n Un O D D Z D D m m z -I n O O m m D m m v D v O T z D A C z r .N-. M r- m z tmil n m 3 m = z G1 D p Z O Z a Do G1 < D Z D m Z N ° x A m m 2 n m a a . c n < G) a C m ^ S m = D Z m CC G cu K m T r) S m z O con Z 3 1 c o g to 3 3 D = _0 -0 m - a _s 3 N n c x o a oS r. c s LD N S a.O 0, go C O_ N ♦J O< N 3 d y O n 'O go — 0 rD O 0' LD N 3 tD 3 O M to N � C ,� S x Q < 3 (D d3 fD p< M .N-. < tD �..' N I N m N N n fD - fD n fD N N 0cu C N 3 N m N p 3 O 0' vN+ M H M N Q �^ 0 7 n tU N p 3 N 3 3 S S 3 N - 3 -o Do o- 3 0_ N �. U O< M 0:3 CC G (� s M N y o a m 3 j o .t S M w; O O .. � 0 c 3 3 m � m LD ono ,-n' s oo M � .x.. cm 3p_ .01. w N < 0 '0 " N N 3 N (D mK 3 LD O 3 O DO C 3 v� cu C O O vNi m O go < ., 3 a Do on cr in 3° rD S rD rD m tD m fD ti 3 �. 3 Q `* N ti C N o OQ ni M o 3 to _ N o C n - .3. 3 0 = ? MN N 3 N O N N 0 t1 H N O n C S (D M m 0 m 3 m ry O N 0_ — 3 N ry 3 0_ 3, ^ p j to 'r y Do 3 D 3 an S ro ♦J — m 0 • 1� u v O m LA m m G1 D Z m m A c z m m m 0 O z G1 co m O Z v m m 3 3 v g O fD S N S N O 3 ? < n N CD N A OQ a 'c ro m cu ai N =3 n O x + ry fD N d < O 11 O O 9 m C N D a 01 o 3 m 7 of o 'o 7 a - c a � .�. 3 ru z m n D 6 N 0 o, c 3 0 3 c m 3 OQ N a'O M m 0 N N d d .' S 0 QI � 0 QQ J N J v m n w m rn 2 G1 D Z m P r_ Z m D fD S CD m rD fD n n O s M N a 0 Q m O 3 C d J East Wenatchee City Council Report January 27, 2015 North Baker Avenue Rnrk rrm inrl In 2014, East Wenatchee agreed to submit an application for Baker Avenue to compliment the application made by Douglas County. That application was made and submitted to the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB). The Baker Avenue project was selected for funding by the TIB Board on November 21, 2014. The project was estimated to be $2,927,433 at the time of application. The TIB grant funds are $ 2,488,318 with a 15% match. The city and County proceeded to re -estimate the city portion of the estimate to incorporate the need for additional right of way (ROW), the need for some additional retaining walls, and correct an error in the original estimate calculation. The most current estimate for the city's project is now $3,274,635. The project funding is summarized below: Phase Orig. Est Rev. Est Difference Design $ 319,715 $ 367,756 $ 48,041 ROW $ 50,000 $ 210,000 $ 160,000 Construction $2,131,432 $2,451,708 $ 320,276 Const. Management $ 213,143 $ 245,171 $ 32,028 Contingency $ 213,143 $ 0 $ (213,143) Total $2,927,433 $3,274,635 $ 347,202 Grant Revenue $2,488,318 $2,488,318 $ 0 City Funds $ 439,115 $ 786,317 $ 347,202 Proiect Issues The TIB is looking for a decision from the City of East Wenatchee to accept the grant for the Baker Avenue project in a timely manner. This would most likely need to be determined by the February 10, 2015 Council meeting. In order to make this decision, the City Council will need to fully comprehend several issues associated with the Baker Avenue project. The Baker Avenue project has risks to the city (as do all projects). The most immediate issue would be the probable funding shortfall. Without additional funding, the city could potentially have to fund the project for an additional $ 347,202 (estimated). There are other issues that make this project interesting. To construct a proper intersection at Baker and 19th St NE that will meet future traffic demands, the City will need to acquire new right of way. This right of way will need to be obtained from the Country Club, the landowner opposite the Country Club to the immediate west, or most likely both parties. The acquisition of this particular ROW will most likely be contentious. The possibility strongly exists that the City would need to initiate condemnation proceedings against one or both property owners. This potential action would also result in a delay to the original construction schedule from 2016 to 2017. Other ROW issues exist on the project corridor. The city currently has unused ROW for most of the west side of Baker from 151h St NE. Utilizing this ROW will save the city a tremendous amount of time and money. The use of this ROW also has a potentially adverse impact. It will result in the loss of on -street parking for this portion of Baker Avenue. While on -street parking on urban collector routes is not encouraged, it will be an issue for many of the landowners who currently use it. Lastly, there are always issues that come up with all projects. Major issues could result in the need for even more additional costs to the project. These types of risks are involved in almost every major construction project. 0 Proiect Mitigation Possibilities There are some potential mitigations to some of these issues. There is the potential for additional funding for this project. The Chelan -Douglas Transportation Council will be selecting projects for STP funding later this year. Those funds could fill in the funding gap if the project was selected. The TIB has executive authority to fund up to 15% additional grant funds for selected projects. This decision is commonly determined after bid opening occurs since the funding needs are more defined at that time. This additional funding is not CERTAIN and carries a risk to the city. If at the time of bid opening necessary additional funding was denied for any reason, the city would either have to fund the shortfall with City Funds, or repay the TIB grant and not build the project. The total of these funds would be for the design and ROW acquisition of the project that lead up to the project bidding (this is estimated to be around $ 577,756). Our TIB engineer feels that additional funding would be approved after the bid opening. The project should realize some economy of scale. The project would most likely be combined into a larger project with the Douglas County Baker Avenue project. This larger project should result in overall cost savings from the contractor compared to the engineering estimates currently used. Additional cost savings by combining the project may be realized from Douglas County. If the city and county's projects are combined into one large project, the county will most likely do the engineering for the entire project (except for the structural design for the Sand Canyon Creek crossing). Engineering cost estimates are made as a percentage of the project total (15% for design and 10% for construction management). Douglas County may be able to save expenses in the design and inspection of the project through economies of scale with their work. Those cost savings are not known at this time however. Additional savings may be made by scaling down the ultimate design of the project. If intersection channelization is eliminated from the design, some of the most contentious ROW issues would be minimized saving ROW acquisition expenses and time. This design change would probably need to be approved by the TIB. The decision that they would make with regard to that design change is unknown. Conclusions The Baker Avenue project is a good project and would provide many benefits to the City of East Wenatchee for our current and future growth needs. The project would complete the entire Baker Avenue corridor from Yd St NE to the new Eastmont Extension. Sidewalks for school children, new bicycle lanes, and a stormwater collection system are also a few additional • benefits that would be offered to our community. L-1 • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: 15-09-09 Devin Poulson City Attorney CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # 3 AGENDA DATE: January27, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Legal Title: A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington establishing a policy regarding the use of city -owned tablets by elected officials. History: The city council has authorized the purchase of tablets for the use of elected officials. The attached policy is in front of the city Council for discussion only. In reviewing use policies from other cities, it becomes apparent that they have experienced problems with the following type of behavior: • elected officials using tablets for personal use, • elected officials using tablets to violate the Open Public Meetings Act • elected officials downloading and using illegal software • elected officials using tablets to violate the Public Records Act • elected officials introducing viruses into a city's computer systems. The attached policy is designed to address and prevent these type of behavior from occurring within the city of East Wenatchee. Exhibits: Resolution 2015-04 Recommended Motion to pass the Resolution as presented. Action: FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $0 $0 $0 Page 1 of 2 n ACTION TAKEN: 1AW QW I WU al 041 Motion Made By: `;UhnSSon Second By: be- (n Councilmember Collings Councilmember Raab Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Buckner Councilmember_McCourt_ _ Councilmember-Detering Councilmember Barnhart Passed: S (7 Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) A Page 2 of 2 0 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2015-04 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington establishing a policy regarding the use of city -owned tablets by elected officials. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (espaiiol, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), pongase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). • 2. Authority. 2.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to organize and regulate its internal affairs and to define the powers, functions and duties of its officers and employees. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 3. Adoption. The City Council adopts the City of East Wenatchee Tablet Computer Use Policy For Elected Officials attached as Exhibit A. 4. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this resolution to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Resolution. 5. Effective date. This Resolution becomes effective immediately. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of )2015. City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2015-04 Page 1 of 2 The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Attest: Dana Barnard, City Clerk • Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Effective Date: City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2015-04 • Page 2 of 2 Resolution 2015-04 Exhibit A 0 City of East Wenatchee Tablet Computer ("Tablet") Use Policy For Elected Officials 1. Purpose. 1.1. The City Council believes that using a city -issued tablet will reduce costs, reduce the use of paper, streamline the business processes of the City, and improve the delivery and exchange of information with citizens. 1.2. This tablet policy sets forth guidelines for the use of a tablet. 2. User Responsibilities. 2.1. Elected officials must adhere to this policy. 2.2. All existing city policies, state law, and federal law apply an elected official's conduct while using a tablet. 2.3. If an elected official believes someone has compromised the security of the tablet, he or she must immediately notify the City • Attorney. 3. Ownership. 3.1. Upon an elected official signing a Tablet Use Agreement, the City will provide an elected official with a tablet to use for city - related business. The tablet remains the property of the City. 3.2. At least 14 days before the end of his or her term, an elected official must return the tablet to the City. If he or she does not return the tablet by the deadline, the City will garnish the elected official's paycheck for the purchase price of the tablet. 3.3. An elected official will use due care and caution in the maintenance and care of the tablet. 3.4. An elected official will keep the tablet password -protected at all time. 3.5. An elected official will not leave the tablet in a place where it could be easily stolen, damaged or accessed. If the tablet is stolen or damaged, the elected official must pay for the cost of replacing it. 3.6. The City will provide routine maintenance of the tablet • issued to an elected official. Tablet Computer ("Tablet") Use Policy For Elected Officials Page 1 of 4 Resolution 2015-04 Exhibit A • 3.7. An elected official may not allow a non -city employee or non - city official to use or access the tablet. 3.8. If the City receives a request for public records related to an elected officials use of a tablet or requesting a record that may be on a tablet, the East Wenatchee Chief of Police of East Wenatchee may enter an elected official's home, without notice and without a warrant, to retrieve a tablet. 4. Appropriate Use. 4.1. An elected official may only use the tablet for official City business. He or she may not use the table for commercial, political, personal, pornographic, illegal or offensive use. 4.2. An elected official may not add or download software, programs, or applications without prior authorization from the City Attorney. 4.3. An elected official must limit any postings, blogging, messaging, or social media activity to official City sites and activities and may not use the tablet to post information on a personal site or on personal, social media. 4.4. An elected official must limit his or her use of the tablet during public meetings to accessing information solely related to the business of the meeting. 4.5. An elected official may not use the tablet to communicate with another individual during a meeting. 4.6. An elected official may not use the tablet as to violate the Open Public Meetings Act. 4.7. An elected official may not use a tablet to promote or oppose any political ideals or positions. 5. Records Management. 5.1. All data on a tablet is property of the City. An elected official has no expectation of privacy in data created, received, or maintained on the tablet. An elected official may not delete an original, primary file. The City may access the tablet, saved files, internet logs, email records, metadata, or any other pertinent information without notice. 5.2. An elected official must retain all data as required by the State Attorney General's Local Records Retention Schedule for Local Agency Records. Tablet Computer ("Tablet") Use Policy For Elected Officials Page 2 of 4 Resolution 2015-04 Exhibit A 5.3. All information on a tablet is public. There is no protection, and the City will provide no defense, for private or personal files, data, email, or documents that reside on a tablet. 5.4. The City reserves the right to fully manage and monitor a tablet, including controlling the data services, cellular services, device configurations, applications and policies. 6. Software on Device 6.1. The software and applications installed by the City must remain on the electronic device in usable condition and be readily accessible. From time to time, the City may add or upgrade software applications for use by elected officials, which will require an elected official to return the tablet to the City Attorney for periodic updates and synchronizing. 6.2. Any software on a tablet is the property of the City and may only be used in ways consistent with applicable licenses, trademarks or copyrights. 6.3. If technical difficulties occur or illegal software is discovered, the electronic device will be restored from backup. The City does • not accept responsibility for losing any software or documents deleted due to a re -format and re -image. 6.4. From time to time, the City may add or upgrade software applications for use by an elected official such that an elected official may be required to check in his or her tablet with the City Attorney for periodic updates and synchronizing. Tablet Computer ("Tablet") Use Policy For Elected Officials Page 3 of 4 Resolution 2015-04 Exhibit A CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE TABLET AGREEMENT_FOR=ELECT=ED OFFICIALS The City of East Wenatchee has provided me with a copy of the City's policy regarding an elected official's use of a city -issued tablet. I, , have read the policy, I understand the policy, and I agree to abide by its terms. Mayor/City Council Member Date Tablet Computer ("Tablet") Use Policy For Elected Officials Page 4 of 4 0 COUNCIL AGENDA BILL * 15-01-05 PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM * 5 Devin Poulson AGENDA DATE: City Attorney 1014 d[i1111u1Viil January 27, 2015 Legal Title: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee updating the penalties for committing an unlawful act in a park by amending Chapter 12.12 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. History: As currently written, the city code provides too harsh of penalties for an unlawful act committed in a park. For example, letting your dog run loose is a misdemeanor, playing badminton at a place not designated for playing badminton is a misdemeanor, or littering is a misdemeanor. The proposed amendments seek to make the level of punishment more in line with the level of an unlawful act. Exhibits: Ordinance 2015-02 Recommended Second reading and passage of the Ordinance. Action: FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $0 $0 $0 ACTION TAKEN: �Q S S Motion Made By: j 0 kr\SCn Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: S Failed: 0 r- 'k Y- 0.0-^ M --101 G - Second By: cw lirL Councilmember Raa Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 1 of 1 • City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2015-02 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee updating the penalties for committing an unlawful act in a park by amending Chapter 12.12 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee actualizar las sanciones por la comision de un acto ilicito en un parque por el que se modifica el Capitulo 12.12 del Codigo Municipal de East Wenatchee. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (espanol, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), pongase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, • Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Recitals. 2.1. The City of East Wenatchee ("City") is a non -charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington; and 3. Authority. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4. Amendment. The City Council amends Chapter 12.12 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to read as set forth in Exhibit A. 5. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2015-02 Page 1 of 3 • 6. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the City's website. 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of , 2015. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Authenticated: Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: isCity of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2015-02 Page 2 of 3 Summary of City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2015-02 On the day of , 2015, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2015-02, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee updating the penalties for committing an unlawful act in a park by amending Chapter 12.12 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee actualizar las sanciones por la comision de un acto ilicito en un parque por el que se modifica el Capitulo 12.12 del Codigo Municipal de East Wenatchee. The full text of this Ordinance is available at www.east-wenatchee.com. • Dated this day of , 2015. Dana Barnard, City Clerk • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2015-02 Page 3 of 3 C: is COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 15-01-10 AGENDA ITEM # 6 Devin Poulson City Attorney AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: January 27, 2015 Legal Title: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee revising the way the City regulates business licenses by amending Chapter 5.04 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. History: Because of recent changes regulating use of marijuana, the state's requirement that cities use a state business license service by 2018, and the budget committee's decision to increase business license fees, it has become necessary to amend City's code that regulates business licenses. The first significant change adds language to the City's liability for issuing business licenses to a retail seller of marijuana. The next substantive change increases the business license fee over a period of three years and then ties future increases to a CPI index. Another substantive change allows the City Clerk to issue a business license on an annual basis. Instead of all business licenses expiring at the same time, the business license will expire at year from the date it is issue. The proposed code amendment also changes the penalty structure for businesses do not pay the license fee on time. Finally, the last substantive change requires the City to begin using the state system in 2016. This will require the City to enter into certain agreements with the state in 2015 in anticipation of making the switch. In anticipation of this occurring in 2016, the proposed amendment also Page 1 of 2 • • eliminates business license fees charged on amusement devices, so that the state can know the exact fee is to charge without requiring additional permission. The attached amendment is not an ordinance form. Staff anticipates that members of the City Council will make comments and revisions before it is presented as an Ordinance to be enacted. Exhibits: Ordinance 2015-04 and clean copy of revisions. Recommended First Reading. Action: FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $0 $0 $0 ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: Second By: Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 2 of 2 • City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2015-04 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee revising the way the City regulates business licenses by amending Chapter 5.04 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee revisar la forma en que la Ciudad regula las licencias comerciales por el que se modifica el Capitulo 5.04 del Codigo Municipal de East Wenatchee. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (espanol, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), pongase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Recitals. The City of East Wenatchee ("City") is a non -charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington; and 3. Authority. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to update the City's regulation of business licenses. 5. Amendment. The City Council amends Chapter 5.04 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to read as set forth in Exhibit A. 6. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. Page 79 of 97 7. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a copy of this Ordinance on the City's website. 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of , 2015. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Authenticated: Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: 0 • Page 80 of 97 Summary of City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2015-04 On the day of , 2015, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2015-04, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee revising the way the City regulates business licenses by amending Chapter 5.04 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee revisar la forma en que la Ciudad regula las licencias comerciales por el que se modifica el Capitulo 5.04 del Codigo Municipal de East Wenatchee. The full text of this Ordinance is available at www.east-wenatchee.com. 0 Dated this day of , 2015. Dana Barnard, City Clerk 0 Page 81 of 97 L6 10 Z8 a6ed • • lUelq dal AIleuoi}ua;ui aSed siyl Chapter 5.04 BUSINESS LICENSE FEES Sections: 5.04.010 PurposeDie nse Application Fee-. 5.04.020 Definitions. 5.04.030 Liability for Damages . 5.04.040 Persons subject to tax.Business leeated outside eity hmaks. 5.04.050 Business located outside city Rmits.Exemptie 5.04.060 AExem tions. . 5.04.070 Applicability of other ordinances. . 5.04.080 Basic license fee.Faihwe to pay _ Penalty. 5.04.090 Ter . 5.04.100 Failure to pay — Penalty. 5.04.110 License constitutes debt to city.Deleted. 5.04.120 Review of exempt organization businessTeddlers selici#era. 5.04.130 Peddlers and solicitors. . 5.04.140 Ripht to refuse to issue license. 5.04.150 Issuing official.V49latien Penalty; 5.04.160 Violation — Penalty. 5.04.010 Purposes. By enacting this Chapter, the City is exercising its power to license for regulation and for revenue. 5.04.020 Definitions. In construing the provisions of this chapter, the following definitions apples A. "Business" means all activities, occupations, trades, pursuits or professions located and/or engaged in, within the city, with the object of gain, benefit or advantage to -the taxpayer, or to another person or class of persons, directly or indirectly. Each business location is a separate business. B. "City" means the City of East Wenatchee, its officers, its • employees, and its agents. Page 83 of 97 L6 10 b8 96sd e •aasuaaij u •jo pnpuoo Tactoact aoj ao Mpuaj xacioact aoj X410 ai44 04 aasuaaij aij4 uioaj A4jjjqjsuoctsoi gjiijs astmiaipo opo aasuaDij u ,jo aspaa xa JO Saainaas spoo •jo 4ijun aq4 aa4uuaun 'o45!jqnc1 Jqj 4suiu u tau jnj uoim u aoj aasuaaij ssauisnq u •jjuuzapui O4 A410 ai44 •jo X4np u a4uaaa 4ou saop 4t0 ap aasuaatj u 64 asuaoij ssauisnq -eJBUIn88l Ag •Q 415 aq4 •jo pucl aq4 uo Ja4cluq5 siij4 •jo 4u0uiaoa0•jua ao u01ju4uauiaj uii Oq4 g4jM u011aauu03 ui uoissiuzO ao 4au uu •jo aouan asuoa ui JO uosuaa q ao aapap spp •jo suoisi•AO.z 0114 ggTM j uioo 04 aasuaoij u •jo aanjiuj aip uzoaj auT4lnsa.T a uuiup ao X.Tnfui Xuu aoj X410 atp jo jiuclap uo jijtquij uu aoj sisuq aijl SaPaao JO L'ija SIM ui uiTON D a04upuutu qou puu DeU0149.13sip si aa4utjo Slip ,jo 4uauiaoa0•jua a0 u0qu4uauiaj uii at44 uioijm ao•j 4io aq4 uocin X4np u Sasoctlul 104utja Snj4 JO uOiSiAOa ON •aaSuaaij Oq4 u0 Suiaa4 S41 1141M ui j uioo •jo uopOlilqo ap a5ulct o4 spu04ui jjuoijtaa s a94uijo SiijZ •g •8uaaa4 Sot q papagoacl XII-epactso aq pjnotjs io jjtm oqm suosaa •jo ssuja a-eln5paucl We 54uu asap ao aTuaao 4ou saop 41 -z)ilqnci juaauO oq4 •jo aaujjam puu 45jus ij4juaij atp Sa40uioa puu aoj saptAOa jssaa xa aa4 uijo sitjZ •sou-egiquxjui S,4to oqq ,jo jju 04 uoiIoa40a 9401uioa gp!AOJCI 04 u1041u uu 40u si aa4uija sitjZ saaanosaa ajqujiunu JO asn alqissoct paq aijq a3juui o4 gaojja uu si aq utjo si-p snijL •uopujsi aj g noatp iaiuijo siijq aapun pasuaaij sassouisnq 64 fuqefaa sivajgoa jju anjos 40uuua 41 4Ug4 Saziu ooaa A410 atj,j, •sa 8talap aoj ipgR!rj OEO'f0'q •154utja siij4 Aq poso nii si xu4 ao aaj asuaaij u ijoigm aoj tau Xxu Suiaojaa oijm ao aapunaaaij asuaaij ssauisnq u anutj 64 paain as si oijm ao ssauisnq ui sa u ua oijm uosaacl We Suuauz «aa u xuy„ •g 4tun u su upou sjunptAiput JO cinoiz 1u--u ao Xppos 4sna4 ssauisnq uu uioo -joo4s 4uio gnjo aan4uaA 4uio 94u4sa TsnaI 'Xz)4cLnj3jueq ui 554sna4 aau issu aaniaaaa uolquioossu UopujocLJOD uu uioa itjsaau�au uiaij junptAipui uu suuauz «uosaad„ •Q ,ssauisnq ijons ui4onpuoa Su oijgn atp 64 4no SOAIOSuia114 pjOtj sao4upm ij aij4 uatjM ssauisnq u ui4upm ij Su jjaM Su 'SJE)AXOCt asitjouu.zj ao a4uao aoo •jo asiaaaxa aq4 osju puu ssauisnq uu ui uinupuoo • ao ZUT4Dnpuoa uiauauzuioo suuaui "ssauisnq ui 2umunuall •� • • • A. to tremsaet, > persons, eempany, ition > direetly or > within emermise, the eity engage limits,any m or e trade, on, eithe , first lieense fee, by without proeuring sueh and paying sueh as set B. AW business between July Ut eemmeneing Deeember Mat operation of eaeh year its and of each year sh&R, upon eommeneement and appheatien for business lieense, pay their business heense fee based C. For any business ee x eper-atien en January lot of eaeh year - top Page 85 of 97 L6 30 98 96ed essouisnq ui 2ui2u2ua uosaad4 1Iouo moat �a a� palioo ITIM puu uocin satnal Allo OTIJ, `go s4f •xBj of loafgns uosaaa offo-to'9 1 1 RS�SI�• �lSl p�l��• �SSI�I}1 IILS��,SI SSLS ISLSS ItS ISt �I�lS1�IS S ��nISlSl fll�lS.<SI ��ISl RS1i SIS • i 40 or eemyneFee in the city an annual license fee for the privilege of engaging in business activities within the city limits. a . 99-' `' § 1, • E 5.04.0540 Business located outside city limits. Unless otherwise exempt, this chapter covers and applies to any business located outside the city that engages in some business activity inside the city limits. (Ord. 99-' `' § 1, ' 999; Ord. 305 § 4, , 9 5.04.0650 Exemptions. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to the following` persons, sales, or servicesT-he-provisions Af-thiseh-apter shall not apply to the Ule g, exeeptasother ided here' A. A governmental entity including public and private elementary, secondary, high schools, and universities; B. A person who delivers newspapers or periodicals; C. A person soliciting orders from retail establishments for the delivery and sale of goods, wares and merchandise to retailers for resale unless located within the City; D. A person or organization conducting a nonprofit enterprise when the enterprise is operated without private profit, for a public, charitable, educational, literary, fraternal or religious purpose; E. A person under the age of 18 engaged in babysitting; F. A person selling his or her own produce; G. A person that the City is forbidden to tax by law; and H. A person engayed in the casual sale of items of personal property Page 87 of 97 L6 10 88 96ed • •aaj osaaaq oisug Ot80•-p0•g •AItniIou aujnoipud Imp uo 2uiAaauo aoj ptud ao pasuyind aq o4 paainbaa aaj asuaoij ao xuj aagjo Suu ao 2uijquzu2 `ogaaaul pa4tuzij os 4ou T42noupju `Sjaujnoi4aud `sasuaoij ao saaj `saxu4 o4 2upujaa X413 alp jo saouuutpao aag4-o ,9uu gglm j uzoo gsnux asuaoij ssauisnq u ujuiu4go uzoaj pad uzaxa uosiact •saaIIBmpao aai{4o jorgq�ddV 097L0•ip0•g • 0 •s4lun aamaj ao antJ sumo OTIM paojpuuj V •I • 0 • A. Unless it is otherwise provided by provision in a section providing for the licensing of a special, named, enumerated or specific business or activity, the annual basic license fee is shall be -measured by the number of employees of each business at the time it applies for a license. , based upen the ,.,.,comer of employed individuals virvT'c'crne ist This license fee is a basic fee for doing and conducting business within the city limits. Any other section of this chapter or any ordinance of the city requiring a license or tax for conducting a specific and named activity is shall addition to this basic license fee. There is "ti��no set-off or credit given for this basic license fee unless such ordinance or section of ordinance so allows. The basic license fee rates are as follows: Number of Employees 2015 2016 2017 0-1-2 $30 $40 $50 3-5 $35 $45 $60 6-12 $75 $90 $110 13-25 $135 $145 $155 26-50 $235 $245 $260 51 and over $350 $375 $400 Page 89 of 97 L6 10 06 a6sd ODIAaas ujsuaoTrl ssautsng aju4S auk Aq paqpz)saxct uzaoj atll u1 asuamj ssouisnq jo pmauaa aoj qsan as u jo ssautsnq 5144 uzo.zj 4cllaaal uoctn 410 atl41I41m u014uaa 000 ui @XAaas 2UlSU9Xlj ssautsng a4ulS atp Xq pansst aq IILgs sjumouaa asuaotrl •04up u014uat xo S'la au4 uo Buipuactop po4ua-ojcL aq AMU saad •04u4S auk Aq paam as sasuaotj a91140 llu JO Sa4up uoi4ual xa ao suzaa4 alp g4-Tm paluuipa000 aq II1m o4up uoi4uat xa ao uzaa4 iAaaS BUISuaoirl SS aq4 Aq pouimao4ap su a4up u014uataxa Uu Suu puu Allunuuu panmauaa SI TOqCtUqD S1114 JO SUOISIAO.TCL alp 64 4uunsinci pansst asuaoll ssautsnq V '99I0Z; I aunuuP OA1430jja Ilunuuu pamouaa aq 4snuz puu -laajo 0114 Aq pansst si 41 o4up all4 IUOJJ.IUOA OUO saat xa asuaoil ssautsnq V 'g9IOg i0 aaquzaoaQ I14un OA143ajja UUas — 060't0'g •aTup ausaaAluuu S41 • aaojaq ao uo aa4juaaa-lj Aljunuuu puu `paj4iTugns si uop-emlaau aq4 quip 9111 4u Ilnl ut asuaotl ssautsnq u aoj aaj aq4 A-ed 4snuz luuotj u uV •0 •aujlop alogm gsaauau ally 64 an papunoa sggUO-L z anlann4 ZU!P@900-TCL aq4 aoj not all uugan jsaAk aill aoj szgsipp a5quza4aS 64 aaquzajaS (M-IdD) Sa0'31a0M IuoIJOID puu saauaua a urn uugan jo xapul aoua aauznsuoo S'!1 Oqj JO %00I AqDDJ asuaatl oisuq 0114 asuaaout lltnn 410 Oq4 aua uoua Jo I aunuup uo Slog I aunuvr u1UU1 ag 'U(0861 ` * I nrovidinLy that no change in ownership, character of business or location is indicated. If such change is indicated, a new application shall be submitted and fees paid. 5.04.10090 Failure to pay — Penalty. A. The penalty for failing to pay the business license fee when due is There is established a penalty to be added to e-A e h b usiness keense for - failure to pay sueh business heense within 45 Elays afti-&-p the due date. The due date shall be prior to eammeneing business or any new business havin., --slybeen in operation in the prier year. Sueh „e alt., percent of the basic license fee. B. The penalty for failing to pay the business license fee within 30 days of its due date is 40 percent of the basic license fee. C. The penalty for failing to pay the business license fee within 90 days of its due date is 60 percent of the basic license fee. D. The penalty for failing to the business license fee within 120 days of its due date is 100 percent of the basic license fee. E. The penalty for failing to pay the business license fee within 150 days of its due date is revocation of the business license. F. The City may also impose the penalties set forth in Faibai-e to pay sueh fee and -penalty by Septembeir 15th will Fesult in the impesitiOn Of an additional 1.5 pereent of the tetal due peF month until paid. Fees and assessed penalties not paid in full by Deeember 31st of lie--'.,. year, will be g-Founds for denialef the appheation and/or imposition a penalties as provided in EWMC 5.04.16,50. Ord. 99- 2 § 1, 1999; OFd. 5.04.110 License constitutes debt to city. A license fee due or unpaid under this chapter, and all penalties thereon, constitutes a debt to the city, and may be collected by court proceeding in the same manner as any other debt in like amount. This remedy is in addition to all other existing remedies. * I 5.04.120090 Review of exempt organization business. Page 91 of 97 L6 30 Z6 a6Bd ...--.v law, a. ll-w ...W.- %�Wa�w . FWG 11111 -- - - - . Mamma 1111''If I. LTs� -M�1-1111 11 wu saa��uuu asati� nano uot�otpstanf butnuti `a4u4s aq4 aoj S4unoo sul2noQ jo pnoa aotaadns aTp 04 Iuaddu jo 4g2u aqj of 400fgns `sapaud Ilu uodn 2uipuiq aq Iiutls Itounoo A410 aq4 Aq nnaina.z dons •Itounoo �f�to atiq Aq paivap ao pajd000u ioggla puu Matnaa JOj 2upaatu Itounoo Silo palnpatlos dlaujn�aa 4xau aq4 4u uo j-g2noaq aq llutls aapew dons •nnatna.z aoJ Itounoo S41D atij 0141 bui.zaajal 1n01141 A asuaoti Mons ansst 4ou IluLis ails ao ati `Itounoo Silo aq4 Aq pannatna.z sasuaoti Mons anuti • o4 Milo aql jo aaujam puu 4saaaqut 4s9q atij ut 41 sutaap 3Iaalo Milo ati4 jI •g •04u4S Jo AJUJOLTDOS s,uoquttlsum plm lao a-j IunuuV pain 4sui S41 Jo nctoo u apniout Ijutls u011urtuuM10 gtjoact_uou •uoaa9ti4 paunboa su uopuuuaojui auuus ap butStoods suotjurtu-Oao ssautsnq Tango Ilu aoj su uuaoj auuus aTp ao tuuaoj auituuts u uo aq ilutls uotjuotlddu dons •3Iaalo A410 atiq g2noag4 S410 atp o4 asuaoii ssautsnq u aoj uot4uxjddu a3luuu Ilutis uosaad ao uopmuu&ao bons `sapint4ou 2utstuapunj �utpnlout `S4tnt4ou ssautsnq "u 2utouauuuuoo 04 aotad •V •suotsinipgns luxillod sot jo Auu ao aju4s aip Aq paatnbaa su ao A41a alp jo saouuutpao jo suopoas ao saouuutpao aaipo ut patloads su 4daoxa 4duuaxa-aq-7 oslu ttuqs st uot4urtuu2.io 4duuaxa uu Aq �4tn143u bans uo 2utAaauo aoJ 99J XUV •sa141n140u puu suopurtuu2ao 2utstuapunj puu algupautlo Ilu apnlout o4 apuuu Alluolpoods st 4uauuaatnbaa sail, •sgiuuti A410 ap utpTm AITA14DU ssautsnq-iW-e uo Xaauo o4 uopuotlddu uu aoi 3Iaalo Silo atp o4 AIddu 4snuu ® s&- aaj asuaoti otsuq aq4 tuoaj uot4duuaxa- uu�uiuutulo-ems euosaad-tV Page 93 of 97 L6 30 V6 abed O -Aup aad 00•e$ ,jo wins alp ao `uxnuuu aad 00-gg$ jo oaj asuooTj junuuu uu Aud estu ffu;qs IsnuT aaujd ao oanlonals Sauaodmaj ao puujs `aajTua� `ajaTTjan f.uu moaj asTpuugoaauz ao A41potuwoa Sue 2uTjjas uosaad kuuV -g Aup aad 00•9$ ,jo wins aql ao `uznuuu and 00-gg$ jo aaJ asuaoTj junuuu uu ked jtuija 4snuz ssoappu o4 ssaappu uzoaj ao asnoTj oq asnoTj woaj asTpuelpaom ao Ajipouzuzoa .fuu aoJ saapao 2uploTjos ao 2uTjjas uosaad -f.�V •sao4tDr[os PUU eaalppad Occrv0•q i:. "i"iUmmamaism ifli WE 0 C. The City will not issue a ; provided, that no license shall be issued to any person desiring to sell his wares from a permanent position or location unless the police chief and the community development director approve, in writing the position or location_ shall have -hp—p-n- -fi- - approved in writing bythe e ty r,,i;ee-ehie=-a �'�e-eemmunity development direeter. (Ora oo_, -2 § 1, 1-999; 305 § 13, ,�0 5.04.1430 Right to refuse to issue license. A. The Citv Clerk may refuse to issue a business license to a person if he or she The -issuing effie a may, 4 he deems it best for the welfare of the citizens and inhabitants of the city. If the City Clerk -refuses to issue a license to a person, that person may not and the peFsen so re f, se shall not engage in any business within city limits.f ,, r hie heense as herei teE�uTress been reAtsed. B. If the Citv Clerk refuses to issue a license, the aggrieved person ma teappeal the decision of the city clerk to the city council. The aggrieved person must file the appeal, in writing, with the City Clerk within ten days of receiving notice of the decision not to issue a Sueh appeal shall Of fef4H S--AI telkeense. Thelicense. The city council must preview the appeal within 30 days of filing.applieation and the Teasens- for the to heense within 30 days from the d-Ate of the r-eeeipt of the r tiee „f appeal. C. Upon a hearing of the facts, the city council has Su -All then have the right to either uphold the refusal or accept the application for license upon payment of the basic license fee and any other tax or license imposed upon such business. The council must make its decision within 30 days of the date of their review at a city council meeting. D. The parties are he bound by the decision of the council, subject to the right of appeal to the superior court of the state of Washington, Douglas County. (Ord. 9942 § 1, 1999; Ord. 305 § 14, 1980 Page 95 of 97 L6 10 96 a6ed • eL `'Oi0'0z;'j OWMg ui ugaoj has se aiquusiund aouuauzapsiuz u jo Ajjjn2 ads st aa4d-euo 81114 Jo uotstnoad f.UU44sa4ujotn ounn uosaad4u V .f4luu9cl — IIoiIVIOU 0991•V0•g f0 7paainbaa utaaau sasuaoil ssauisnq -e- 2uinssi jo A4np au4 uginn-pA-AA:-P:Fl;c--1 31a9jo S410 itounoo Ito auy 0 •lvioU;o bumssj OKi•t0•g • Adjournment 0 Page 97 of 97